02-25-2007, 03:20 AM
ok well i thought this wud have been at least better then ff8 or ff10 but da graphic ain't all there, the look and feel is like The Lord Of The Rings with a pinch of Star Wars >:O

doesnt realy feel like a ff game.

wat are your opinions?

02-25-2007, 03:28 AM
That complain about FF looking too much like star wars is abit annoying to me. Since there has been many references to star wars in most of them. Biggs and Wedge, the Necron speach at the end of IX, The Returners against the Empire in FFVI, the many airships in FFXII. You may think FFXII ressembles to Star Wars when you see the game's intro, because of the many airships, but there has always been airships in FFs, so I think complaining about the fact that there's way more airships in FFXII is a bit like nit-picking. It's not like the story is the same at all. Yeah sure, it's a resistence against the Empire story, with many different themes such as acceptence and tolerance, but I don't think it's that much different than FFVI which included most of the same themes and plot points.

02-25-2007, 03:34 AM
ok well its more 85% The lord of the rings and 15% Star wars

it doesnt seem rite...nuffin like the ff worlds

02-25-2007, 03:38 AM
What is the FF world then? People toss this around but I have yet to see an actual list to match it up aganist. Lets throw in my list just for show.
World In danger Check
Advanced tech Check
People using Magic Check
People using swords like it is normal Check
Varied group Check
Good Music Check
Decent plot Check

Anything else people want to add?

02-25-2007, 03:41 AM
Norse and other mythologies. Check.
Cid. Check. Double Check :-D

02-25-2007, 04:04 AM
A system to summon monsters to your side CHECK
Lots of sidequests CHECK
Hot Ladies hack and slashing DOUBLE CHEEK AND ARMOR THONG

J. Peterman
02-25-2007, 07:44 AM
A game that sucks CHECK PLUS

though really i thought it was at least decent

02-25-2007, 07:50 AM
how can it suck as a whole and be decent at the same time?

02-25-2007, 07:51 AM
A game that is too complex for most pea brains to understand CHECK PLUS


We are not trying to say what we prefer here just what makes a Final Fantasy a Final Fantasy. People keep on saying its not a FF well we decided to fix that and see what people think is a FF.

02-25-2007, 08:02 AM
The Prelude Theme CHECK
The Prologue Theme CHECK
Crystals CHECK
Moogles CHECK
Ultima Blade CHECK
all the commun FF magics CHECK
Airships CHECK
Omega Weapon (Omega Mark XII) CHECK
Ribbon CHECK
Cid (but the first time working AGAINST the party) CHECK
The Genji Suit (4 pieces) CHECK
Alexander, Bahamut, Ifrit, Shiva, Leviathan (I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot here) CHECK
Chocobos CHECK

I could go on and on.

02-25-2007, 10:04 AM
im enjoying the game so far,im up to the part where you have to free ashe then escape,though i see what you mean by the game not having the final fantasy feel,though i disgree what danj said about the graphics,there fantastic and very detailed.

02-25-2007, 10:15 AM
maybe the story is too matured for some fan

but i love ffxii

i enjoy playing it

02-25-2007, 10:55 AM
I can understand why people compare it with Star Wars. The airship fights in the very beggining look a lot like space ships attacigng each other.

At the start I was annoyed about the new fighting system. Now that Im used to it, I enjoy it a lot. The cities are huge, the voice acting and the expresions of the characters are excellent, and the moogles are cute :)

The story hasnt been developed a lot in 3 hours, but ive heard that the game can reach 100 hours, so im not worried.

02-25-2007, 11:01 AM
I can understand why people compare it with Star Wars. The airship fights in the very beggining look a lot like space ships attacigng each other.

At the start I was annoyed about the new fighting system. Now that Im used to it, I enjoy it a lot. The cities are huge, the voice acting and the expresions of the characters are excellent, and the moogles are cute :)

The story hasnt been developed a lot in 3 hours, but ive heard that the game can reach 100 hours, so im not worried.

100 hours? If you want everything in the game, level each characters to 99, complete the bestiary, finish all the side quest, it can take you more than 150 hours to beat it!!! FFXII is by far the longest Final Fantasy to complete 100%!

02-25-2007, 12:14 PM
Thats even better :)

02-25-2007, 05:36 PM
I admit first off I thought hey this looks like Star Wars, but I think it is more to do with the way the game is presented and that feeling has now left. In my humble opinion, this FF game is the best I've played. For me it is the first time I really have felt like I'm in a different world etc. I think this is purely down to the rolling type of graphics. In Rabanastre for example, first playing it how excited I was that this felt like a city, (the only example i can give is of say Bevelle or Luca in FFX, they showed us this city in the cut scene but unable to explore the city as a whole with perhaps ten screen at best).

I am loving this game, it is beautifully presented and amazes me to how far gaming has come. (Memories of me first playing my C64 in 1984 spring to mind).

02-25-2007, 07:55 PM
This whole "not like an FF game" thing seems to be essentially a continuation of this (Thread 37065). We've already got that discussion, plus the old "real criticism" thread, so this thread seems sorta unnecessary. Closing.