the guy watching you
02-05-2007, 08:16 AM
so can anyone tell me what lvl they were when they killed him,and what they did to kill him?
(also it would be nice to tell me what your equipment was)

02-05-2007, 08:50 AM
Level 71 I had Black masks on everyone and a mixture of light, heavy, and mystic armor. Ashe was equipped with Aegis shield.

I went in and started hacking and gil tossing to whittle his health down. And did so until I got him down to Pailing use about 30 to 40% health. Then I gambited Reflect Brave and faith removal, Magic mayhem, and ethers. And that really was about it.

I also equiped my other memebers with Aegis shields and or mirror armor. They came into play several times to act as the resuractors for my Main party.

Zodiark's main attack is a dark Based attack thats why the black masks to absorb it with a random death spell thrown in. You don't know who will get hit sometimes one, 2, All, or none you will have no clue at all. So have a healthy supply of phoenix downs since they are faster then Life spells and easier to use.

Just Hack and slash while staying aliveuntil his pereament Pailing comes up then Magic his kester to doom and beyond. Rememeber to remove Reflect Brave and faith as soon as possible as quickly as possible. Don't use Espers in this fight waste of time and MP with the darkja. Also when you first start off have only one person out to since Zodiark starts the fight with Darkja and it would suck big time to have to Phoenix down your main party right from the start. The Lag problem will both be your ally and foe in this fight. At ffirst Zodiark will be kept stalled if done right on the order of attacks while his pailing is not up since only special attacks get stalled in graphic heavy attacks regualer attacks go just fine. After he brings the Pailing up it becomes your foe since he keeps it up with only a few seconds of down time which makes Magic your only option.


02-05-2007, 06:54 PM
I just bought the game and can't stop is this a bad thing!Well considering it is a final fantasy gaem it is never a bad thing!

the guy watching you
02-05-2007, 11:35 PM
where or how do you get black masks?

also,do quickenings count as physical or magic damage?

02-05-2007, 11:47 PM

And Black Mask are an item drop from enemies, Bazaar goods, and I think the port sells them at the end of the game not sure about the last one.

the guy watching you
02-06-2007, 12:23 AM
thanks for the info.

Cloud, Aeris or Tifa
02-15-2007, 10:45 PM
Lv. 44 for all, used Black Masks, Excalibur and Holy Lance for some efficient damage.
Holy works a lot

02-16-2007, 12:03 AM
80-something for my main crew, but only because I didn't really know where to find him until recently. One of the hardest Final Fantasy fights I have ever done, to be sure. Even with the Black Mask, that Darkja can easily cause death to all three characters in your active party and this sucker really moves fast. If you're not just as quick and sharp-witted, Zodiark will eat you for breakfast.

02-16-2007, 12:58 AM
Amen to that Brother. And people say there are no challaning bosses in FFXII.

02-16-2007, 05:43 AM
His speed, defense, and magic defense increase as he takes damage. It got to the point where the game wouldn't accept my button commands because he was taking multiple turns simultaneously. I had to spam Nihopalaoa item bombs and Thousand Needles in order to knock him out. I'm not so sure about the wits part; basically you have to hope the PS2 doesn't spam Darkja since you can't stop its instant death effect. The party level average was in the mid 60's when I did this.

02-16-2007, 05:46 AM
I never thought of using 1000 Needles. I just physically attacked him until he put up his Paling and then switched to casting Scathe.

02-16-2007, 06:01 AM
Yeah 1000 needles at that time was well weak for me. I spamed Gil toss I had tons of Gil in fact Max Gil so using it seemed like the best option espically sense I got either 6999 or 9999 Damage in a single hit in exchange for something that as soon as I returned to town I could fill up again.

Pailing is also a B**** end of story I forgot to steal the Snake stone from him until he pulled it up and steal is considered Physical so well Blocked.

Now if you want to make Killing Zodiark easier Gambit Magic attacks in place of fight when he pulls up Pailing and turn off those Gambits when he pulls up Magic shield it helps fight the Lag and lets automatic action take place that breaks up Zodiark Darkja spamming. Also Why is it that Fight gets through Fine in fact you can Fight many times before a single special action Like Item or spells go through? I would have thought everything would get Lagged.

02-16-2007, 06:01 PM
Also Why is it that Fight gets through Fine in fact you can Fight many times before a single special action Like Item or spells go through? I would have thought everything would get Lagged.
It's simple really. I think some people have an idea that that stuff gets lagged because of the slowness of the PS2. To some degree that's true, but I think a larger reason is because the game was designed that way, to add more challenge. Items lag a bit and magicks especially lag a lot. Other Final Fantasy games have had spell-casting delays as well. I think it's just a function of the game --- it's trying to amp up the difficulty level.

Anyway, yeah. Zodiark --- hard. Because you have to think on your feet. As opposed to something like Hell Wyrm (or perhaps even Yiazmat) which is really just giant HP monsters and with a nice strong party, you can really just set Gambits and read a book or something while they run.