04-11-2007, 05:54 AM
Hey guys, just thought I'd share an awesome Gil and License Point strategy I found. It's mainly for LP, but you can get quite a lot of Gil if you're persistent.

- Level 20+ ( the higher the better )
- Strong Weapons ( ATK 50+, again, the higher the better )
- 'Golden Amulet' ( doubles LP gained, equip as many as possible )
- Access to the Ozmone Plains, reached Jahara

Ok, what you do is teleport to Jahara. ( its the place with those weird warrior things that look like Tauren's from World of Warcraft. )
Exit one screen away from the village, and just kill your way through to the top exit on the screen. Then kill your way to the very next screen to the right. This will bring you to the area with a punt-load of those Wu creatures. Kill them, and head up the hill to the north. In this screen, ( if using Libra you will see a trap right in front of you ) kill the Chocobo's first, then focus on the Zaghnal. After killing the three that are there, continue across the top of the plains.

The next screen is that massive plain. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT HAVE RANGED WEAPONS EQUIPPED!! Walk over to the Zaghnal's and kill them, ignoring the Zu's ( they shouldn't be too much of a hassle anyway ). You should have a chain of about 7 by now. Holding R2, run around the map until the Zu's stop chasing you, or until you find more Zaghnal's. There are 7/8 on that map. Once you are done, move one map North.

In this map, there are three more Zaghnal further down ( if using Libra, they are just near the trap ). Kill them, and then go back into the previous map. Hold R2 so that you aren't distracted by the Zu's, ( if you're lucky, there'll be 1 or 2 Zaghnal in this map again ) and run to the previous map ( the one with the Zaghnal and the Chocobos ). Kill the three there, then hold R2 so you don't lose your chain on the Chocobos. Run down one map south.

Turn around and go again. The Zaghnal won't be in the first map, but once you come back again, they will. Do this as many times as you wish.

Each Zaghnal gives you 2LP. Golden Amulet makes that 4LP per Zaghnal! Kill 100 or so and you'll be set for a while!

Now, the Gil side of things, as you chain level, the Zaghnal will drop items called 'Earth Magicite' and 'Quality Hide/Pelt'. The Magicite doesnt sell that well but they drop a lot of them. The Quality Hide/Pelt however, they sell for about 300 each! When you've got 99 of each, just kill your way back to Jahara and sell it all. Purely selling 99 Earth Magicite and 99 Quality Hide/Pelt's will earn you nearly 40,000 gil. Not to mention you can get Gyshal Greens from the Chocobos ( KEEP THEM! )

Of course, if you're not interested in Gil, only LP, then equip a ranged weapon and kill the Zu's too, as they also give you 2LP each ( 4LP each with the Golden Amulet ) and don't put up as much of a fight.

I hope you use this strategy wisely, I am only level 45, 35, 35, 35, 34, 34 and each of them have 90% if not more of their License Board complete, not to mention well over 2 million Gil!

Any other more efficient methods and/or criticism are more than welcome!


04-11-2007, 06:23 AM
A much better stragety is just do Hunts I was level 40 by the time I got to Gariff village doing Hunts with over Half my board mastered. Better equip too.

Plus the Rare hunts that show up in the Cliff area called the Shred. A gator and Air dragon type just get rid of the Zuus to get them to show up. While they are not always there they show up alot and are none trophy so they respawn. A bit tough to kill depending on level but Exp and Lp are worth it espically since there is an easy to get to Save cyrstal near by so Healing and Mp are no problem really. But this isn't the best for this time frame.

No a Better choice is to go to Zetriana cavern or however it is spelled its easiest openning are in Dalmsca Westersands Far left as you can go and it slopes down. Go in kill as much as you can handle safely which at first is little but as you go not only good Exp and Lp but some rare items and Loot as well. Then go out depending on where you come out there will be a save cyrstal near by except for one exit and that one you have to be trying to get to for the most part Handle the monsters on the path no prob if you can handle the Cavern monsters you will find one or 2 hits is all it takes to clear the surface monsters. Plus if you are roughly level 40ish or a little less you can get an esper just be prepared a lot of Zombies show up that have no Cap to spawning. After you get the Esper and are level 45 or higher very good place to level easily enough on Auto. Just Gambit Enemy Zombie attack under Ally any Phoenix down and Ally 50% less hp with your highest cure and leave it for an hour or so ALOT of loot, EXP, and LP very easy and with little to no work.

Also you should be level 20 and higher by the time you get to Raithwall's tomb so you can get the Demon slayer sword by killing the first Demon wall.

04-13-2007, 12:28 AM
Once you get lente's tear, go to the part of golmore jungle just before you get to the Feywood. Clear the area of monsters and Dark Skeletons will appear, a lot of them. They give great exp as they are around lvl37 and its very easy to get a high chain. They drop plenty of sturdy bones and once the chain gets high enough they start dropping death heads too, so lots of easy gil. Easy lp with golden amulet just because you dont have to walk far for foes to appear.

Once you kill all the Dark Skeletons, there's about 35ish of them, a rare game appears, Grave Lord, just chuck a Phoenix Down at it and you get a lot of exp and lp. You have to exit 2 screens and come back and start over as dark skeletons will stop spawning once you activate Grave Lord.

Also you should be level 20 and higher by the time you get to Raithwall's tomb so you can get the Demon slayer sword by killing the first Demon wall.

I was lvl23 and I found it very difficult. I only won by getting my characters to quickenings on the licence board and chain quickening twice, but its definately worth it to get the demonsbane.

04-13-2007, 04:27 AM
That Demonsbane, I have no idea where it is! I've gone down that 'Royal Passage' but there is absolutely nothing there! Where is it?

04-13-2007, 06:43 AM
Okay first Kill both Demon's walls inside Raithwall's tomb. The first is a PAIN while the second if you can kill the first is easy. Now after you kill the first you should have seen a cyrstal don't touch it until after you kill the second wall. When you touch the cyrstal a path to the doors on the Left and right will open. Go down the right continue into the next area where there will be stairs going down. Go down until you reach an area where the other set of stairs connects to the platform. In the center of the Platform should be a block with a sword on top of it that is the Demon's bane sword very useful sword up until you reach the Stilshrine. If the sword and block are not there go back outside to the cyrstal and then try again or soft reset your choice. The sword will respawn endlessly so if you want Demon's bane for every one you can it just takes a bit of time is all.

04-13-2007, 10:07 AM
Oh ok, I probably dont need it coz im like lvl 50 and yeah but im trying to get at least one of each weapon, just for my own personal satisfaction... its probably just a HUGE waste of time. It took me a shit-long time to get the Ensanguined Shield coz I had to keep walking back and forth from the Edge of Reason to White Magicks Embrace and back.

04-13-2007, 06:03 PM
Well by now you probably already Bought it. It comes up for sale sometime before I forget when check rabanastre it probably has it for sale.

The raithwall trick just lets you get a REALLY powerful sword long before you should is all same Goes for the Deathbringer trick.

04-13-2007, 11:55 PM
Demonsbane becomes available to buy when you get to Mt. Bur-Omisace. SO you're getting a really good sword which is better than anything in the shops up until Mt.Bur.

04-28-2007, 08:20 PM
I didnt get the demonsbane, i simply got to level 30, then got the barheim passage key, and using the rare game ithuno i stole 6 deathbringers (90 atk), this was was before Mt.Bur.