03-06-2007, 11:24 PM
I was wondering how to create a Durandal.....i pretty sure i gave all of the materials......and ......oh yeah....where is a creature that can give me an Orichalcum? and can someone please tell me how to find a Lv. 99 Red Chocobo?

03-07-2007, 12:05 AM
Well, it doesn't sound stupid in itself, but it does sound stupidly like you didn't read the forum charter (Thread 35944). It also sounds suspiciously like you're unfamiliar with the use of the Q+A thread (Thread 33821).

03-07-2007, 12:45 AM

Leschach Halcyon--Leschach Entite in Paramina rift during snowstorms; use Theif's Cuffs.

2 Emporer Scales--Archaeoaevis in Zertinan Caverns. It's a monograph drop, don't bother chaining.

3 Lifewicks--Necrofiend in Henne mines, and in the Pharos. You can steal 'em or let 'em drop.


Deidar in the Pharos; Vishno in the Pharos as well, but he's rare game.

Straight from the guidemaker's mouth (Sephirosuy): "Kill over 10 Deidars any area that you found, it will appear in 48F where the Aeronite is."

I'd use Theif's Cuffs if you want Orichalcums instead of Damascus Steels, based on their positions in the entry in the FAQ.

03-16-2007, 02:40 PM
and what are you trying to imply here Knegative? that you're some sorta dimwit fer figuring out somethin as scuse my french shitty as that?

03-16-2007, 04:53 PM
You are getting mad over nothing. All of these things are Loot that monsters can drop and where and how. Nothing more nor less so cool it he was just helping out in the making of Durandal is all.
The guy who started this asked for the list K- supplied so I can't understand why you are getting mad and offensive like this.

03-16-2007, 05:06 PM
and what are you trying to imply here Knegative? that you're some sorta dimwit fer figuring out somethin as scuse my french shitty as that?

Who the hell are you, are what do you have to do with this thread?

03-16-2007, 11:10 PM
Durandal? hehe...I got the Ragnarok!! Woot!

buster blade
03-18-2007, 09:28 PM
so what i have it too