01-19-2007, 06:41 PM
Welcome to the Final Fantasy XII section at Final Fantasy Shrine.

"Discover the secret that will unravel an empire."

Final Fantasy XII is the newest installment of the Final Fantasy series, now available in the U.S., Japan and generally worldwide, now in the U.K. as well. Final Fantasy XII features a new "Active Dimension Battle" system and is available in both a regular and collector's editions, both retailing for around $50 U.S. Final Fantasy XII is rated T for Teen for violence, partial nudity, alcohol references, some suggestive themes and other content.

As Final Fantasy XII is still fairly new, you will probably find a fair number of people asking questions about gameplay, boss strategy, etc. Do feel free to jump in and offer your advice, but as with any section, try to make sure it's helpful and easy to follow. References to outside sites are welcome, but please do not more than briefly quote content from outside guides without their permission. Additionally, direct-links to documents at GameFAQs do not work. Please reference the name of the document you're referring to and provide a link to the Final Fantasy XII section at GameFAQs (

Because Final Fantasy XII is still a fairly new game, the rules here are a little bit different. Normally, at the Shrine, we ask that you not "revive" old topics, generally anything that isn't on the first page. However, here, you're welcome to respond to any thread that's had activity within the past month. All that's asked is that you contribute something meaningful and useful to the discussion. Do not revive a topic simply to state something that has already been said. Do not revive a topic simply to answer a gameplay question if it seems like it's already been answered, or if it seems like the original poster is a n00b who is probably long gone. Do read carefully through any topic before you respond to it. And don't revive a topic if there's already another recent one discussing the same thing.

Spoilers --- Don't post them without warning in threads not tagged in the title as containing spoiler content. The "spoiler" BBCode on this board does not work properly. So simply put SPOILERS and leave some blank lines, that should generally work all right.

Notable Threads - A Sampling of Interesting and Popular Discussions

<ul><li>FFXII: Q and A (Thread 33821) --- Your first place to look for information on general strategy, gameplay secrets, and other useful advice. A good first thread to read through to see if you can find answers to your questions. Also, a good general-purpose area to ask questions you don't feel like starting a new thread for. Really, chances are, if you've wondered about something related to gameplay issues, there's a good chance it's been talked about it here. Definitely give this thread a thorough read-through if you'd like to learn some good information about the game and maybe answer any question or questions you might have.
<li>Some Thoughts on Espers (Thread 35604) --- Comments and criticisms on the game's summon system, with advice on how to get the most out of it.
<li>FFXII LP Farming (Thread 32855) --- Soup up your characters by gaining valuable Licenses through easy LP farming. Discusses the best locations and strategies.
<li>The Quickenings Thread (Thread 34683) --- Useful advice on using this game's limit system --- Quickenings --- and links to other useful advice as well.
<li>Getting Zodiac Spear (Thread 35637) --- Having trouble getting this amazing weapon? Find out here what the deal is when it comes to getting it in the Necrohol of Nabudis and your chance at a second (or perhaps better) shot.</ul><li>FF XII Trivia ( long-running game thread dedicated to picking your brain on all things XII</ul><li>Official Final Fantasy XII Rumble ( --- a "rumble" game covering various facets of XII. Currently it is in between editions and its future is up in the air. If anyone is interested they may contact Agent0042 or Neg via PM. It should be noted that anyone wishing to take up the mantle will be asked to provide at least part of the completed first round of a rumble before approval will be given. Such responsibilities will not be given lightly and honest intent will have to be shown in this manner.</ul>

The MP Loss / Constant Negative Status "Bug":

Before starting a thread to complain that one of your characters MP has dropped to zero and won't change from that no matter what --- check this. Check your character's accessory and make sure you don't have either the Goddess's Nethicite or the Dawn Shard equipped. If you do, switch it out for some other accessory. (And make sure to read the description of an accessory a little better next time before using it.) If your character has constant Silence status, check to make sure the accessory Manufacted Nethicite is not equipped. In short, read the description on the accessory before equipping it --- it will save you a lot of hassle.

Have questions or concerns or would like to have a thread added to this list? Please PM Agent0042.

01-20-2007, 04:41 AM
Agent <3

02-10-2007, 09:54 PM
hey agent, i was wandering if you could get a higher rank than a "knight of the round"

02-11-2007, 01:14 AM
Oh, and this thread isn't for general gameplay questions. Don't ask anymore here, or I'll close it. If you had read the first post, you would have seen the Q+A thread mentioned.

02-11-2007, 03:54 PM
Oh, and this thread isn't for general gameplay questions. Don't ask anymore here, or I'll close it. If you had read the first post, you would have seen the Q+A thread what this page for and i thought the game was good?

02-11-2007, 07:09 PM
Gawd. What is it about this section that you guys don't get it? This doesn't happen in the charters in the other sections, that I know of. Isn't it obvious? The first post in this thread is your guidelines for using this section and links to notable threads. Why don't you read them?!

05-10-2007, 02:52 AM
Q: CAN YA EDIT POLLS???????????????????

05-10-2007, 08:40 PM
No, I'm afraid that isn't possible.

07-24-2007, 05:45 PM
How did you become an admin???
Not meant in a derogatory way just asking..

07-25-2007, 03:42 AM
I'm not an admin, I'm only a mod. And mods / admins are assigned based on a number of factors, such as showing responsibility, etc...

07-25-2007, 11:56 AM
I'm not an admin, I'm only a mod. And mods / admins are assigned based on a number of factors, such as showing responsibility, etc...

Was that a shot at me, if so i dont mind as long as you make me a mod.....
Only joshin with ya, is dere any "ask agent" threads so ill stop annoyin u on your charter thingy

07-26-2007, 01:34 AM
There's a private message system --- you could always use that. Just please don't post here anymore, this isn't a discussion thread.