11-04-2006, 05:42 AM
Do you farm LP? If so.. how do you go about doing it? How do you feel about grinding LP? Do you feel there is a better benefit to spending hours doing so instead of continuing on with the story?

Obviously character development is important and you don't need lvl 99 to get every single liscense on the board. Since every monster gives the same amount of LP (for the most part) how do you prefer to go about doing it if you do it at all?

When I first started the game I was farming LP as much as I possibly could. Going into lower lvl areas and just trying to kill everything I can set my sights on. After a few hours of doing this, I realized... no one has lvled.. and .. well.. the reason for it was because of CRAP xp. Sure loot was good and the kills were generally quick, but...sometimes I killed TOO quickly and didn't give time for mobs to respawn. Before this I had thought it was a good idea to farm LP on much lower lvl mobs.

Well.. when the time comes, here are some suggestions to not only get quick LP, but quick XP and even high priced loot!

The first place that I noticed a major increase in LP acquirement was in Estersand. The wolves travel in packs and spawn quickly! There are many zones that you can farm for quick and easy LP. You can clear one area, go to another zone, clear that one and then return again for very fast LP. Depending on which level you actually go here to do so, you'll find that the wolves will go down fast and drop wolf pelts that generally are worth a pretty penny.

Giza plains was too spread out for me so I never farmed there.

Next stop was the Sand-Sea. One of the best places. Those little beastmen go down very quicly, give excellent loot (especially when you poach and steal) and you can rack up 100's of chains easly to get the best loot possible. At this time you might be in your mid to high teens, so XP will also be great, and you should be able to get 3-4 levels quickly (within 1-2 hours).

Ozmone Plains is a place that can be good, if you know where to hunt. Chocobo's travel in packs as do the Slepnirs. So LP can be quite fast, but if you don't have the proper level behind the sword, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Black Chocobo's, red chocobos and Zhangals are EXCELLENT for xp as the Zhangals give 2 LP per kill. They also travel in packs and are a bit tougher to bring down. That's the downside. (Nothing a little disable, immobilize or Blind can't fix though)

Since I got to Golmore Jungle, I've noticed that Coeurls go down rather quickly and generally travel in packs as well of up to 6. They have some crappy status ailments, but the best thing about these is that they spawn back VERY quicly. You can do one of two things. Since Coeurl Pelts are worth a bit of gold (430+ per) the higher chains will get you 2 pelts per loot bag. Or you can also take out the malboro for continuous LP and XP but sacrafice the better loot. Regardless, so far I've managed to get roughly 3 levels and hundreds of LP within an hour of farming without even stopping. If you then take the pelts to the moogle in the Viera village, you'll see that there is a neat accessory being sold by the little furry merchant. From the moogle, purchase a Gold Amulet which doubles LP and go to town. Better get the proper license for it though!

J. Peterman
11-04-2006, 07:52 AM
all i do is equip that thingie for 2x lp stuff and then go wherever

11-04-2006, 08:16 AM
how do u chain exactly???? well i think i know how to chain, by having each of ur party members attack roughly at the same time, just alittle bit apart? if not how plz..

11-04-2006, 11:19 AM
No. Chaining is done by killing the same type of monsters again and again without killing other type of monsters.
Example: Killing Wolf in a row without killing Cactoid.

Another place to earn good LP is in Zertinan Cave where you fight Adrammach.
That place has alot of undead which spawn very fast.
And you can earn nice loot too by getting Blood-Stained Necklace.

11-04-2006, 06:33 PM
dang.. you already got to fight Adramelech?

11-05-2006, 07:10 AM
Lol. Yup ^^
I already got all the Espers.

11-05-2006, 07:19 AM
I spent way to much time in the damn Sand-Sea but got lots of good shit and 500+ chains which is not bad at all.

But once the EXP became too low I just moved to the Ozmone Plains because some monsters are like 300 EXP and they travel in groups.

11-05-2006, 07:35 AM
I accidentally farm LP. I go 1 direction and then it ends up being wrong and just fight my way back. But I don't really mind, it benefits me and it's not always too incredibly boring to run around and kill shit. Thank god for no more random battles.

J. Peterman
11-05-2006, 10:20 AM
dang man they need like to give u free money

11-05-2006, 10:30 AM
whats the item that give u 2xs lp? Where can i buy in? Early part of the game?

11-05-2006, 10:37 AM
Golden Amulet.
You can get it from the merchant in Mosphoran Highwaste.

11-05-2006, 10:50 AM
Oic, ok ty!

11-07-2006, 03:59 AM
Golden Amulet rocks.. now that's all I use... at least until I get something that actually is worth my while.

11-08-2006, 03:22 AM
Yea, I havn't seen too many worthwhile accessories yet, at least not as much as the Golden Amulet. I forgot the name, but the one that blocks with your sheild more often is a great one for your characters with sheilds

11-08-2006, 04:03 AM
The Bangle. Yeah that is a nice one... Thief's Cuffs is nice too. Although, I still have golden amulet equipped unless I know I need to be protected from a certain ailment.

11-08-2006, 06:46 AM
Erm... Its actually the Gaunlet.
Bangle is to equip Libra.

Here is a trick though.
I usually equipped my usual accessories with my characters such as Vaan with Thief Cuffs.
I will only changed to Golden Amulet when my boss is going to die.

11-10-2006, 07:01 PM
all day yesterday i spent time farming the Ozmone plains and got all my characters about 8+ levels, the lp is nice, the loot sell is amazing from certain monsters, and i constantly steal so im always getting something

a great place in ozmone is where the Ku are they respawn rather fast and the drop a katana that sells for 2800gil i got 9 of those in one run, but i also have all but one Grimoire

the Sleipner they drop pretty good loot items, the steal is good, and they respawn fast too

11-11-2006, 01:51 AM
I need to grind some more so that I can fight Adrammelch again. Damn that guy is tough.

11-11-2006, 02:53 AM
I actually havent had the time to play the game too much, but what I was left off doing was leveling in the mines. I just run around kill everything wash, rinse and repeat. Theres a certain point where you come across a bridge. I was able to stand there get a decent 50 chain and get good lp and xp at the same time. Im going to do this and go on in a bit cause I always obsess over xp and never finish the damn games I play. It does seem like it will take a while to level in FF12, for me atleast.

Example FF8, I was on 2nd disc level 99 and I stopped playing.

FF9 I learned my lesson a little, 3rd disc level 70 and stopped playing lol.

11-11-2006, 03:03 AM
I actually havent had the time to play the game too much, but what I was left off doing was leveling in the mines. I just run around kill everything wash, rinse and repeat. Theres a certain point where you come across a bridge. I was able to stand there get a decent 50 chain and get good lp and xp at the same time. Im going to do this and go on in a bit cause I always obsess over xp and never finish the damn games I play. It does seem like it will take a while to level in FF12, for me atleast.

Example FF8, I was on 2nd disc level 99 and I stopped playing.

FF9 I learned my lesson a little, 3rd disc level 70 and stopped playing lol.

LoL... i know what you mean.. I'm a grinder type, especially after playing a few MMO's.

11-11-2006, 03:12 AM
LoL... i know what you mean.. I'm a grinder type, especially after playing a few MMO's.

Yup warcraft and FF11 for me. I recently canceld my FF11 account. In wow Im a level 60 druid.

Anyway, I really hate this time of year because there are so many games coming out and it really doesnt give me enough time to play them all. FF12 is going to take a shitload of time because I want every license on that damn board for each character lol.

11-11-2006, 03:23 AM
I played FFXI for awhile too. Paladin and Dark Knight up past 70.. just never did cap out. Got tired of WAITING for parties and hated the fact that I couldn't do anything alone.

WoW I had a 46 Rogue and just gave up cause...I got tired of grinding and the lag on the servers.

Right now I'm playing CoH/CoV (city of heroes) because I can get on and off quickly and still get something done. Can do stuff alone and no two characters are alike. Sure it's repetitious and has it's own share of issues, but I like it.

FFXII is a soul sucker, but I love every minute of it. I haven't been on in a couple days cause i'm flustered with Adrammelch.

11-11-2006, 03:40 AM
i played WoW had a few chars in the 40s my fav is rogue tho but i cant play it on this comp because somewhere its blocking the ports even when i open them through the firewall so iunno

i never played FFXI tho im not sure why

i usually am not the grinding type of person but now that im playing FFXII im grinding alot i think its because i spent so much time on WoW.. like right now im grinding

11-11-2006, 05:03 AM
If you haven't played FFXI.. don't start now. It's really not all that much worth it IMHO. It's great at first, but the game is driven by greed and that makes the economy suck and it makes the overal gaming experience suck because you will probably never get some of the items that you wish you COULD get.

11-11-2006, 07:52 AM
well i probably wont then, thats one reason i liked WoW because you can always find help. sure at higher levels parties are lookin for certain classes but if you party with alot of people earlier on you wont have trouble finding people who will want you to come, but then again i think it depends on if you kno how to use ur class correctly which most people dont

11-11-2006, 11:31 AM
a great place in ozmone is where the Ku are they respawn rather fast and the drop a katana that sells for 2800gil i got 9 of those in one run, but i also have all but one Grimoire

the Sleipner they drop pretty good loot items, the steal is good, and they respawn fast too

Wow sounds like a good place. Can u give me abit more info which stage of the game will i be passing by that area? I want to farm some nice stuffs too.

11-11-2006, 04:18 PM
I played FFXI for awhile too. Paladin and Dark Knight up past 70.. just never did cap out. Got tired of WAITING for parties and hated the fact that I couldn't do anything alone.

WoW I had a 46 Rogue and just gave up cause...I got tired of grinding and the lag on the servers.

Right now I'm playing CoH/CoV (city of heroes) because I can get on and off quickly and still get something done. Can do stuff alone and no two characters are alike. Sure it's repetitious and has it's own share of issues, but I like it.

FFXII is a soul sucker, but I love every minute of it. I haven't been on in a couple days cause i'm flustered with Adrammelch.

FF11 I had a level 18 warrior and stopped lol. Wow I have the 60 druid and a level 42 nightelf rogue. Im on the hellscream server by the way.

300zxJ, is you computer hooked up to a router? If so that might be the problem as router do have their own firewalls. Check that it might work.

11-11-2006, 05:51 PM
Wow sounds like a good place. Can u give me abit more info which stage of the game will i be passing by that area? I want to farm some nice stuffs too.

yeah man when you go to the Giza Plains (the second time in the game) right after that is the ozmone plains

11-11-2006, 06:48 PM
I found bhujerba mines as a good farming place, right over the bridges.

11-11-2006, 06:51 PM
I found bhujerba mines as a good farming place, right over the bridges.

Same here. Great xp and good lp. Also a good place for chaining.

11-11-2006, 08:07 PM
the golmore jungle and the paramina rift are great for grinding, i just got 3 characters 8 lvls there last night within a few hours

11-11-2006, 09:47 PM
I went to the area before the Phon Coast, completely forgot the name. But I kept chaining all the wolves in the area and they dropped quality pelts or something that sold for some good money.

11-12-2006, 03:52 AM
yeah man when you go to the Giza Plains (the second time in the game) right after that is the ozmone plains

Oh, u mean during the rainy season, in ozmone plains, thats where i can get katana?

11-12-2006, 05:40 AM
yeah during the rainy season and yes the big bird creatures drop katanas

11-12-2006, 05:52 AM
Any insights on how often they drop? I've been killing for 30 mins now, no luck still, normal? Or did i miss something

11-12-2006, 05:53 AM
well they dropped quite often for me so im not sure maybe its just a luck thing im not sure

11-13-2006, 12:32 AM
The birds in Ozmone Plains. Not Giza Plains, if that is what you are thinking of.

11-13-2006, 12:34 AM
it is birds in ozmone plains... i was saying you get there after the giza plains is in rainy season

11-18-2006, 07:17 AM
Hmm, those big birds on the ground? I'll have to steal from them and its totally random? If i didnt recall wrongly, they only seem to drop big feather which sells for crap.

Another big bird u might be referring to is the one in the air.

11-18-2006, 07:35 AM
Go back to the Barheim Passage and steal from the monsters in there.

You can get some excellent armor. Like level 10 Mystic Armor.

No joke.

11-18-2006, 10:02 AM
Any type of monsters in there?

11-19-2006, 04:55 AM
I am not sure of names exactly.

But it is there.

11-19-2006, 04:57 AM
ok np ;)

Mike M
11-20-2006, 10:25 PM
I'm a little confused about the chaining. From what I understand the higher the chain the more loot the enemies will give out. Once you get to 99 items of the loot isn't it pointless to keep chaining?

11-20-2006, 10:30 PM
yeah but only if you have the rare loot

Mike M
11-20-2006, 10:41 PM
yeah but only if you have the rare loot

ok so for the Lhusu (sp) mines the skeletons give out bone fragments a lot, and iron helmets on occassion. Would the higher the chain the more iron helmets?

11-20-2006, 10:46 PM
i think the iron helm sells for should just go unload and start the chain all over again though....that is where i did all my lp,xp,loot farming also

11-20-2006, 10:47 PM
Lol. Yup ^^
I already got all the Espers.where are location of all the espers?

Mike M
11-20-2006, 10:48 PM
i think the iron helm sells for should just go unload and start the chain all over again though....that is where i did all my lp,xp,loot farming also

That's what I thought. It's just because i saw a video online of farming there, and he had like a 500 chain..I wasn't sure if there was something special or not when you chained that high.

11-20-2006, 11:06 PM
not really once the chain gets so high the items are the same...

Mike M
12-01-2006, 10:05 PM
I just found a great place to farm. It's the Mirrorknights in the Feywood. If you go to the blue save crystal in the middle of the feywood, go north west. the next screen you will see 3 knights right off the follow the path to the left, until you reach the end of the knights (you will find the knights end at around midway through the go back down, but through the middle of the screen this time, and you will find a swamp area with more knights, and this will lead you to the entrance again. Go to 2 screens over, and repeat :) You can make about 150k gil in 20 minutes, from the loot and armor that they drop. It's also pretty nice exp. around 800-950 per kill.

soul ring
12-02-2006, 06:56 AM
The first time i played this game I grinded early on in the dreadnaught leviathan. I don't know why, I guess i really wanted to know what the hidden lp grid had to offer. Right before getting ashe, there's a place where you can get about 50 lp every 8 minutes before reload - not the bestest but it's good enough to get all the hp augments in about an hour and a half. Also, the soldiers drop no loot so it's probably the worst place to grind, but I didnt know that.

Chaining Mirrorknights rules, i couldnt believe my eyes when i saw "You obtained 4x Mirror Armors (or whatever its called)" around chain 45.

12-02-2006, 02:11 PM
The sandsea right before going into the kings tomb is a great place for LP. There is a shitload of enemies there and they keep spawning.

matt damon
12-02-2006, 11:02 PM
Golden Amulet.
You can get it from the merchant in Mosphoran Highwaste.
that's not where you get it. i'm sure it's sold there, but it's first available on Mt. Bhur-Omisace.

when you buy these amulets, you're gonna have to buy one for each character if you want all of them to get double Lp. it's should cost about 20, 000

i farmed LP in the Estersands. i went back when i was like, level 33 and just ran through the areas, killing all the monsters in one hit (except the wild saurian. he took about 3 hits to go down. but what a nice reward. 1000-something experience and 2 LP (4 for me))

The sandsea right before going into the kings tomb is a great place for LP. There is a shitload of enemies there and they keep spawning.
and for experience too. i leveled everyone up there to level 25, cause i wanted to beat the optional demon wall (i love being stronger than necessary. i went through the tomb and the areas after like they were nothing). by the end of it, i had well over 1000-2000 LP. needless to say, my liscence board became pretty full.

12-03-2006, 03:41 AM
that's not where you get it. i'm sure it's sold there, but it's first available on Mt. Bhur-Omisace.

when you buy these amulets, you're gonna have to buy one for each character if you want all of them to get double Lp. it's should cost about 20, 000

i farmed LP in the Estersands. i went back when i was like, level 33 and just ran through the areas, killing all the monsters in one hit (except the wild saurian. he took about 3 hits to go down. but what a nice reward. 1000-something experience and 2 LP (4 for me))

and for experience too. i leveled everyone up there to level 25, cause i wanted to beat the optional demon wall (i love being stronger than necessary. i went through the tomb and the areas after like they were nothing). by the end of it, i had well over 1000-2000 LP. needless to say, my liscence board became pretty full.

Yup being stronger that whats actually needed is a great way to stay ahead of the game.

12-03-2006, 07:35 AM
Yeah but it made it TOO easy.

By the time I got to Giruvegan I was level 68. The final parts of the game such as the espers and optional boss were very easy.

Almost disappointing.

J. Peterman
12-03-2006, 09:11 AM
That's because you were level 68.

And because it's Final Fantasy.

12-03-2006, 09:13 AM
Ahh yes too true.

I am just about to give up on the series after FFXIII maybe.

J. Peterman
12-03-2006, 09:14 AM
Go play Suikoden. It is the best.

12-04-2006, 12:12 AM
I do a little farming sometimes. But I'm not really all that far in the game yet, at least, I don't think I am. I've only just reached Mt. Bur-Omisace. Still, I'm not doing too bad on the License Points. I have either two or three Quickenings for all of my characters and they all know most of the decent magic to this point and abilities / equipment. Most of them have learned a fair amount of decent Support abilities as well.

J. Peterman
12-04-2006, 09:52 AM

12-04-2006, 03:59 PM
LOL, you're funny, Garamond. And I'm not surprised --- I got the game a bit late and I haven't had an especially large amount of time to play.

12-12-2006, 06:12 PM
I actually Played FFXI and I agree with Gilthanos, in the beginning it was awesome, now no fun at all. I recently cancelled my account after over 3 years of playtime. Had BLM capped at 75, WHM, at 72 and a slew of others at all different levels.

12-12-2006, 06:23 PM
Another good place to grind for XP is in Gor. Jungle in the Chapel area where you hunt Vorpal Bunny, Stoopid little cute thing that I spent hours trying to kill. I do believe you either need to stay in there for awhile and/or kill everything in there to get the Dark Skellies to come out. Only 5 will spawn at a given time, but if you have 99 PD's, you can use one on each Skellie and I do believe that with a party of 3, they give aout just over 900 exp each and 1 lp. So with 99 PD's, you can walk out with about 90k exp.

12-15-2006, 03:26 PM

12-15-2006, 03:44 PM
I like the Estersands too --- the enemies there are weak so you get LP really fast. Of course, it depends to some degree on what you're trying to accomplish. If you're trying to build up some expensive and rare Loot to sell as well, some other area would probably be better.

01-03-2007, 04:58 AM
Gotta love the caves with the Skeletons! Earlier, they would wipe my party if I stopped to fight on one particular bridge. A little later, I just left my characters in there in the center of that bridge with some clever use of equipping Balthier with the Silence shots and everyone all planned out in their attacks and recoveries.

Then I just go grab some vittles, watch a little tele, and I find they've cleaned up nicely when I get back. Lazy? Maybe. I prefer to call it 'industrious'.

01-05-2007, 06:05 PM
that's not where you get it. i'm sure it's sold there, but it's first available on Mt. Bhur-Omisace.

actually the very first place you can get golden amulets is from Tetran, a moogle merchant, in Eruyt Village.

01-05-2007, 06:24 PM
Right. But only after you finish the Henne Mines.

01-06-2007, 04:42 AM
Yeah, I remember getting a golden amulet before Eryut Village from a chest or something and thinking "this is the shit". Once I could buy them when I got to the Viera village it really helped moved my character development along. Comes in handy early-on, but once you get to bubble belts and embroidered tippets I found I rarely used them anymore.

01-06-2007, 04:53 AM
Well, the further on you go, the less useful farming gets to be and the more useful EXP building gets. Because you've already built up so much stuff on the License Board, the only place left to spend points is on stupid stuff or stuff that you don't even really need or even have yet.

01-06-2007, 05:43 AM
Exactly! It gets to the point where the only reason you have to spend LP is when you get new equipment/spells (which isn't that expensive LP-wise) and even that dies out over time.

01-06-2007, 05:59 AM
It would have been cool if there had been stat bonuses on the board, like in FFX. Other than just the HP bonuses. And I haven't discovered any sort of "Source" items in this game --- you know, like FFVII's Mind Source, Power Source, etc. There aren't any, are there?

04-06-2007, 10:39 PM
I realise no one has posted for ages but anyway, I found a briliant place to lp farm is starting in Fields of Light (or whatever its called) in Ozmone, go back into ozmone (not Golmore) and kill the Sleipners, then go through to that next section with the Zagnhal's and Zu's. Each monster in that part gives 2lp and you can loop round to kill mesmenners and wu's as well, which allows the monsters in each part to respawn as you move 2 sections away. Just keep looping, amazing lp espescially with golden amulets.

In half an hour I got 300lp for those wearing golden amulets. Not bad, eh?