01-31-2007, 11:26 PM
Now alot of us have seen the Judges so I am curious as to who was whose favorite Judge and Why?

My favorite is Gabranth of 2nd Fleet. I love his armor design which was reminacent of the Judges from FFTA while still being unique on to its own. His character personality also caught my intrest from his past to his actions to his relations to the other Judges. Out of them all I felt Gabranth was the most human of the judges from how he gets angry on the Pharos at Basche if you have Basche in the party Gabranth and him exchange words that are very pointed and subtle in their meaning. So in short I found Gabranth a VERY well designed character.

So who was your favorite and please try to keep the spoilers to a min.

02-01-2007, 02:14 AM
I don't know how to explain this without spoilers...

I like Drace - she's feisty, moralistic, and concerned with protecting Larsa. She's not insufferably militaristic and absolutist like Bergan, nor is she greedy like Ghis. She's flawed and when she draws her sword on Vayne it was just the wrong choice to make, even though she is justified. It sealed her very tragic fate.

Drace's relationship with Gabranth is one of my favorites in the entire game. The sense of cameraderie and friendship they share is very special; I'd say only Fran and Balthier rival it. Her passing was very calm and she didn't fight it, knowing it was him dealing death to her and that he'd carry on her will to protect Larsa.

02-01-2007, 04:04 AM
Judge Gabranth --- easily the most memorable. Very key to the plot and interesting and well-developed story.

I too enjoyed Drace and agree with mary_sonnie's points in general.

02-01-2007, 10:34 AM
Gabranth as you all said, same reasons.

02-01-2007, 11:18 PM
I'm going to have to say somebody different here. Judge Zecht. Not going to say why because I do not want to give any spoilers, but he is clearly one of the tragic heroes in this story.

02-02-2007, 12:17 AM
Give spoilers --- I'll spoiler-tag this thread --- the title implies them anyway...

02-02-2007, 12:51 AM
Ah, you're right I did not see that. I really liked Judge Zecht, or Reddas as you know him more commonly, is the most likeable judge at the very least. He rebelled against his corrup peers and superiors, and helped your group take down Cid and Gabranth. Overall he's just a well developed part of the story, and I mean come on, he gave his life so you could get out of the Pharos. Gotta love that.

02-02-2007, 04:20 AM
Thanks Agent I didn't think to do that so thanks.

I am with you on this forevercloud Reddas is my second favorite character the first being obviously gabranth, he has such conflict and morals that it is quite honest to say he is probably the only true Judge along side drace who we have such little info on so it is hard to say with her. I wish they gave her more screen time and a little more backstory with her. But yeah Reddas was a great character.

02-02-2007, 04:37 AM
What about Balthier? He mentions in passing to Ashe that he was made a judge, but he decided to leave that life and take to the skies. I always wondered what, if anything, he did in his time as a judge. Since it's something that would most likely be a huge motivator for Balthier's character, I always felt we were robbed of a great story.

02-02-2007, 04:47 AM
Balthier was a judge at an extremely young age, considering he's only twenty two when the game unfolds. He wasn't a Judge Magister like Drace, Gabranth, Ghis, Bergan, Zargabeth, and Zecht (I'm certain he wasn't), so his role was brief and limited. Since he fled the responsibility, I'm not sure he counts as much of one. I would like to know exactly how he left, though.

02-02-2007, 04:56 AM
I think he more or less went rogue. He got tired of his father talking with people he thought were imaginary and going all crazy for power, so he escaped and sought out the sky pirate life.

02-02-2007, 05:16 AM
I agree with Agent on that and I think Balither was 18 or so when he quit it would fit the amount of time to wrack up a huge bounty like he very obviously has. I also think he was a Lesser Judge like the Nameless judges you fight on the Leviathan and Draklor.

Judge Bergan
02-02-2007, 10:49 AM
Judge Bergan/Judge Ghis - Don't get me wrong, I do like the other judges, just these two more - Bergan was sadistic, he was scary.
Judge Ghis - He had such an awesome helm, and his character was pretty awesome.
He and Bergan had awesome VA's!

02-02-2007, 03:30 PM
I agree with Agent on that and I think Balither was 18 or so when he quit it would fit the amount of time to wrack up a huge bounty like he very obviously has. I also think he was a Lesser Judge like the Nameless judges you fight on the Leviathan and Draklor.

You're right, he probably was a lesser judge. Even though he probably did next to nothing, I was still curious. It seriously vexed me when Balthier casually mentioned that he was a judge and then never said anything else about it. It was one of those FF moments that should've come as a shock, but they just kinda let it die.

Oh well...anyway, my favorite judge was Gabranth, for all the reasons listed by everyone else.

02-02-2007, 06:57 PM
He said his father Cid made him a judge. He didn't really care for the post, so he didn't talk about it much. I believe he indicated that was a sort of bribery attempt by his father to keep him interested and in line, but it didn't work.