03-30-2007, 05:42 PM
Ok so my main characters are: Balthier lvl 41, Basch lvl 41, and Vaan lvl 41
all my other characters vary from about lvl 11-14, And I just got into Draklor Laboratory. Is this a bad thing? Should I have trained more or should I just keep going?

Neo Xzhan
03-30-2007, 06:41 PM
your characters are a little overleveled for the Laboratory to be honest. You needn't worry about your others. Aslong as you use your strongest ones you should encounter no problems ahead.

Judge Bergan
03-30-2007, 09:04 PM
Wouldn't say overlevelled. It isn't exactly easy trying to dodge the Imperials, surviving their onslaught, and then to take on Dr. Cid and his Rooks. His rooks are a pain in the arse. You'll find Feywood much worser. Trust me.

03-30-2007, 10:32 PM
Ok so my main characters are: Balthier lvl 41, Basch lvl 41, and Vaan lvl 41
all my other characters vary from about lvl 11-14, And I just got into Draklor Laboratory. Is this a bad thing? Should I have trained more or should I just keep going?
It's not bad right now. But you might want to level up your other characters too, because later on, the bosses are going to be a lot tougher and there's a chance that you might need to switch your characters around during a battle. So it's best to keep them all around the same level in case something like that ever happens.

04-02-2007, 01:24 AM
Alright thanks for the help but leveling them up is going to be:

Paladin Cecil
04-03-2007, 06:11 AM
I got really discouraged when i got to draklor labs too.. i dont rememebr what lvl i was but what i did was just look at a guide of where to go and just ran past all the guards straight to the save point before the boss. then it took me like 20 tries but i killed the boss by constantly practicing quickening chains on him then if it didnt takelike 90% of his health id restart the game and try again.. if u dont have 3 chars with all their quickenings then idk what to tell u lol.. but after draklor it gets a lot easier so dont worry about like "if i dont train here im gonna suck after i kill the boss here"

04-03-2007, 05:37 PM
Sweet I have all my quickens for everyone so if my first 3 characters don't kill him I'll just switch out

Paladin Cecil
04-03-2007, 09:43 PM
All your quickenings for everyone, that owns. You should have no problem if you do it the way I just said then

04-03-2007, 10:02 PM
All your quickenings for everyone, that owns.

Is it really that uncommon to have all quickenings by Draklor? I would think everyone would make them their first priority on the license board, seeing as they become less effective as you move along in the game.

I really suggest evening up your other characters, Sil'fur. I'm finding that I switch in and out constantly in tougher battles. It makes me much more flexible. I finished off Gilgamesh and it took all six characters working in tandem.

This is all of course if you're going after all the extras the game has to offer. Otherwise, Neo is right, you'll be fine for the main game.

Paladin Cecil
04-03-2007, 10:07 PM
Is it really that uncommon to have all quickenings by Draklor? I would think everyone would make them their first priority on the license board, seeing as they become less effective as you move along in the game.

I really suggest evening up your other characters, Sil'fur. I'm finding that I switch in and out constantly in tougher battles. It makes me much more flexible. I finished off Gilgamesh and it took all six characters working in tandem.

This is all of course if you're going after all the extras the game has to offer. Otherwise, Neo is right, you'll be fine for the main game.

idk, but at that part I only had my 3 non-main characters with all their quickenings, i used all the LP for my real chars for other stuff like equipment and better stats and spells and crap