03-12-2007, 09:26 PM
Hi, seeing as my only motivation for signing up is because of my need for advice, I will spare the introduction (probably won't be hanging around too long).

Anyway, I know that sounded a bit of a rude start, but hey, to the point. I am fighting the boss "tyrant". Now, this guy is fairly straightforward but has a beastly quantity of HP.

Quickenings are obviously pretty obsolete here due to his obscene 180,000 HP. My main 2 strategies are to keep hitting him with blizzaga and set up curing gambits as necessary, or to just attack and cure, which takes longer. I also go in to the battle with protect and regen.

My main party are levels 44,44 and 43, and after reading most guides I have come to realise that it is probably not low levels that is affecting my problem.

No, the main problem I encounter is when he is about 2/3 of the way down, I run out of MP. Without being able to use techniks, "charge" is not an option, and I have no ethers. Ethers cannot be bought, so I either need to find a few hi-ethers somewhere or I am essentially screwed.

Advice, anyone?

03-12-2007, 09:32 PM
If you have any self improving spells such as Haste, Protect, Shell, then i'd suggest setting up gambits so that each character has accest to use one of these spells. Also if you can't set up the gambits then switch the battle mode to wait so you can pick out what moves you want to use without the threat of being attacked while selecting moves.

03-12-2007, 09:36 PM
Thanks for the help, but unfortunately the problem isn't my lack of defense, it is my MP. I have tried minimising my spellcasting but I still run out of MP way too early and as a result get obliterated, my only other option is to heal with x-potions which would be VERY costly. Oh, and by the way, I have 3 mist charges for all of the characters so I have essentially maxed out my MP for this stage of the game unless I level up religiously beyond my means.

03-12-2007, 09:57 PM
Musisz się wysrać i potem 2 razy zajebać pustym łbem w ścianę pedale

03-12-2007, 10:49 PM
timber --- Ethers cannot be bought is a misconception --- you can buy an unlimited supply from a secret merchant in the Necrohol of Nabudis. He's in the very first area, heading in from the entrance from the Salikawood, I believe. (I'm not 100% certain on that, so someone else can confirm it.) He's at the far end from there, you'll find a secret path that isn't marked on the map and there's a trick treasure chest there. Nearby is the secret merchant, the icon indicating a selection available will pop up and a secret Baknamy will come out and he has a bunch of goodies for sale, including Ethers.

Oh, and I seem to recall that magicks isn't a good choice for that boss. Unless your weapons really suck, why not just pound him with those? That way, you have your magicks for defense and curing.

03-13-2007, 08:07 PM
I don't know if being around the mid 40's is going to be tough enough for the Nechrol of Nabudis though. I remember playing there around the mid 50's and i was having to compltely heal after defeating only one monster because i was that overwhelmed, especially by the Bakanmy enemies.

But yea as i said, your best bet is to concentrate on building up your defense and strengthening yourself. Maybe you should level up a little more like 2 or 3 levels and then try again.

03-13-2007, 09:18 PM
My main party was level 55-57 ish at this point, but I was probably slightly overleveled. ^^
Just hack away at him? Dispel its positive statuses first and then save your MP for improvement spells like Haste, Protect and Shell, whichever you need (use Bubble if you have it, you won't have to heal yourself as much), and Cura/Curaga. There is an Augment on the Liscence board which will give you MP everytime you damage an enemy, which is pretty damn useful overall.

03-13-2007, 11:07 PM
I forgot about Dispel --- very useful for bosses, make sure to use it when they have a positive status up.

03-14-2007, 08:53 PM
Yea I completely forgot about dispel. Use that and the tips that have been provided to you and see if you have any luck.