12-27-2006, 11:40 AM
Try to be spoiler free ^_^.

I reckon the most dissapointing thing is that they replaced the awesome looking chimeras with fricken piss weak birds.

12-29-2006, 04:14 AM
Most disappointing? The still overly-complex character/stat building system --- where's the ability to do auto-assignments. And the Gambit system that probably could have used a bit more work --- how about Foe:Has Item to Steal ---> Steal or Character Not Under Protective Status X ---> Protective Status X.

12-29-2006, 03:12 PM
Most disappointing? The still overly-complex character/stat building system...

I must say, I like the flexibility provided by the current setup with LP. Aside from some of the weapon classes the board has a fairly logical flow as your characters progress. It's certainly an improvement over that bloody grid-sphere thing - I still have nightmares about working with that monstrosity.

I'm not sure what my biggest disappointment is yet, too soon to tell, but here is one thing that I think I'd like to see:
When you equip new armor, it should be visible on the characters (as opposed to just weapons and shields). Some of the armor sounds pretty cool (Genji Armor, Dragon Mail, Bone Mail, etc.) and I'd like to actually see the characters wearing this stuff. Now the downsides of course are that the developers would have to customize each set of armor for each character, and in some cases you'd lose sight of the characters themselves beneath all that armor.

The reason I say that I "think" I'd like to see this is that I'm afraid the games' value may decrease a bit since Fran's ass wouldn't be visible all the time ;-)

12-29-2006, 04:02 PM
Chocobos --- I like FF games with fun chocobo systems. This game has chocobos and they're not bad. But they're not the battle chocobos I thought I heard about in the hype for this game and you only get to ride them for three minutes and then they disappear. And you can only sprint three times. I want the ability to reboard my chocobo and I want my chocobo minigames.

12-29-2006, 04:14 PM
Cold.. warmer, warm,er... WARMER!!!! OOOh very hot!!! Very hot!!!! FUCK!! You fucken froze dude.... frozen stiff. You fucken froze... what happened?

Oh FFIX <3

12-29-2006, 04:39 PM
LOL. What the?

12-29-2006, 04:53 PM
the espers sucked in this one. i liked when you could call them up and they would do their thing. it sucks that they only do their best moves if certain requirements are filled. and your character is all alone taking the majority of hits. they need to go back to the old way.

12-29-2006, 05:00 PM
The espers aren't so bad if you cast support spells on them. The problem is when you get gang-banged by a whole bunch of enemies. They're better if you summon them for a Mark or something and there aren't a whole bunch of other enemies around to pester you.

12-29-2006, 05:29 PM
maybe your right, but i can create my own esper which kicks way more butt. he's called "meth addict" take your best fighter (hopefully you have the zodiac spear) and cast haste and berzerk on him. better yet, if you have a guest member, do the same spells on both and have a pair of meth addicts going to town.

12-29-2006, 05:40 PM
Heh heh. I like the Meth Addict idea. I think may try that shit on Gilgamesh.

12-30-2006, 03:06 AM
LOL. What the?

The hot and cold chocobo game. I think it was in FFIx..

12-30-2006, 03:11 AM
Chocobos - ugh. I think of myself as a true FF fan, but if there's one thing that could do with less attention it's those damn Chocobos. Don't get me wrong, they're a staple and they have their place in some of the games, but I think XII hit it just fine - either make their involvement minimal or go all out - minimal works for me at this point in time.

12-30-2006, 03:43 AM
Oh yeah, the Hot and Cold. I get the joke now.

And to each their own, I guess. I guess FFXII's chocobo system was rather like FFVI's, although that one was even more minimalist. Personally, I like the ones that go all-out. Worst, based on these criteria? FFVIII's.

Let's see. Additional gripes... Square-Enix really needs to understand the idea of doing things quickly and in batch. While you could use the L/R buttons to scroll quickly through some lists, for others, they just don't work in this game. And there are any of a number of other instances where more work on this would have been helpful.

Don't get me wrong. FFXII made a number of improvements in basic game mechanics for which I am extremely happy. But there's still more that they could do that should be obvious.

12-30-2006, 04:10 AM
The fact that PAL doesn't get this game until February is probably the most disappointing thing about it so far.

If I had to guess though, I could see myself being turned off by the length of the game. Now days I only have the patience for 20-30 hour RPGs. I do not find reports of 60-100 hours play times amusing. Also, optional bosses that take hours to kill doesn't thrill me either. What happened to the days of Omega and Ozma, who were about 5 minutes of pure insanity? None of this 50 million+ HP BS.

12-30-2006, 04:16 AM
Throne --- have you seen my FFXII Speed Run thread?

12-30-2006, 05:47 AM
The fact that PAL doesn't get this game until February is probably the most disappointing thing about it so far.

I got mine off eBay, from someguy who lived near Melbourne, just like me :D

12-30-2006, 09:21 AM
Throne --- have you seen my FFXII Speed Run thread?
I have, although when I play through I will not be going out of my way to do things at an insane pace so it doesn't really effect my opinion at all.

the guy watching you
12-31-2006, 10:35 AM
the only thing i really dont like is having to get loot from enemies in order to get gil.i have the worst luck in FF games,so i always end up getting cheap little things,thus no armor or weapon upgrades :'(

01-02-2007, 06:02 AM
What disappointed me the most was that you really didn't do anything important during battle. Just set the gambits and abuse the 'steal' command. FF XII should have been a pure action RPG where you have to press a button to make a weapon swing.(Zelda, .hack)

Another thing that annoyed me is that non-active party members don't gain any experience points. Kind of sucked when going through something huge(Western desert anyone?) using the same three characters.

01-02-2007, 06:25 AM
Yeah. At least in most other FF games, non-active party gains like a quarter of the normal EXP. And in FFX, you could switch characters and any that participated in the battle would get EXP. In this game? Doodum.