05-24-2007, 03:43 PM
Just a question for you FF players, do you play tactically? As in using roles, healer, tank etc. I didn't, just train and use the attack command really, and a few simple healing gambits, but I've just fought Hell Wyrm. Thought I'd try and play tactically, and I loved it. Perhaps it was just fighting Hell Wyrm that did it but it just felt so much better, less boring. Just interested to see if you guys play tactically or not. I will now when I start a new game.

05-24-2007, 04:46 PM
Only for Hell Wyrm and when I initially tried to chain Bombshells. Probably will have to for Yiazmat as well.

Otherwise, yeah I'm hack n' slash & heal.

05-25-2007, 04:05 AM
Yeah, I'd have to say I'm like you guys. I don't really play all that "tactically" either in terms of setting up "roles" or anything.

05-25-2007, 05:11 AM
I've wanted to try out roles for each character, but never really bothered. I have the exact same gambit setup for each character, and it works out great. I don't get bored with it, either.

05-25-2007, 05:27 AM
I don't do roles.

Neo Xzhan
05-25-2007, 11:26 AM
Oh I use roles all the time. Not just boss fights or so.

I have one "tank" character, he mostly has Lure on him and uses curative and green magicks (even more so in Boss Battles!), I have one damage dealer (got my Zodiac Spear on level 29!), so he lacks a shield (an thus proper evasion/magick evasion), and one all purpose spellcaster equiped with a bow. Mainly casting offensive magicks and secondly support/curative magicks.

I really do prefer playing this way, I just love to focus on characters to take specifc roles, and I develop them this way (licenses). But I keep playing this way all the time, also when everyone has completed their respective license boards.

05-25-2007, 01:35 PM
That's the way I'm gonna start playing now. It makes it more interesting, for me anyway seen as I've played it twice through where they all have the same gambits and do everything. Did you hear about the international version of XII coming out in Japan, where they are implementing a job system with 12 different licence boards and each player only chooses one throughout the course of the game. That would be much better that the one we have now.

Neo Xzhan
05-25-2007, 01:59 PM
That's the way I'm gonna start playing now. It makes it more interesting, for me anyway seen as I've played it twice through where they all have the same gambits and do everything. Did you hear about the international version of XII coming out in Japan, where they are implementing a job system with 12 different licence boards and each player only chooses one throughout the course of the game. That would be much better that the one we have now.

You can actually limit your characters to a certain job. For example: White Mage.

Learns all White Magicks, All Mystic Armours, All Rods/Staves. No Health Augments, certain Mage specific asseccories (like Rose Corsage, Sage's Ring).

With a little creativity, you can make your own specific classes. Just be sure you don't get tempted to learn the other licenses.

05-25-2007, 02:03 PM
Yea, I saw a list somewhere, where they explained different roles, knight, white mage etc, with descriptions of licences they are allowed to use etc. I forget which site it was on. It'll be a while before I start a new game anyway so I'm sure I'll find it by then.

Metal Maniac
05-25-2007, 07:32 PM
That's the way I'm gonna start playing now. It makes it more interesting, for me anyway seen as I've played it twice through where they all have the same gambits and do everything. Did you hear about the international version of XII coming out in Japan, where they are implementing a job system with 12 different licence boards and each player only chooses one throughout the course of the game. That would be much better that the one we have now.

I would definatly like this better. I play the game little enough but when I do I realy don't like how everyone can be a god. If they made you choose specific license bords that would be awesome. Or they could set it up like ffV and let you change jobs.

05-25-2007, 07:37 PM
I hate job systems, I love XII. Do the math on my opinion yourself :p

05-25-2007, 07:47 PM
Ideallky, something like the sphere grid in X would work, because you get both. You start off with a push towards a certain role for each character, but you can go anywhere you want, and ultimately you can get them all the same at the end. The licence board is a bit too open, and you all start off at the same place. They could have had all the offensive magics and magic powerups in one corner, attack and hp powrups in a different part etc, and start chars off in different places.