01-09-2007, 06:09 PM
My characters have -almost- all of the liscenses so theyre flexible...but these are the roles my characters have played in my group.

Team 1
Vaan- Spear and Greatsword Tank/Buffer(Primary Tank) - lvl 66

Balthier- Gun and Pole Tank/Buffer(Secondary Tank/Support) - lvl 66

Fran- Bow and Handbomb Black/White Mage(Healer/Caster) - lvl 66

Team 2
Basch- Greatsword and Axe-Hammer-Shield Tank/Buffer(Primary Tank) - lvl 67

Ashe- Sword and Shield Tank/White and Black Mage(Primary Healer) - lvl 67

Penelo- Gun Mage(All Magicks) - lvl 67

I do pretty well with this set-up, but I'm still refininf it as I unlock all the liscenses.

01-09-2007, 06:14 PM
Team Name: Bruisers

Vaan- mixed melee 1h sword & shield casts a lot of magic lvl 37

Basche- Tank, heavy armor, axes, hammers, non magic lvl 33

Penelo- Healer/Buffer mystic armor, rods, lvl 34

Team Name: Flying Homocide

I only use Fran, Balthier, And Ashe on flying creatures

Fran- Bows, Magic, lvl 30

Balthier- Guns & Bombs, lvl 29

Ashe- Total Liability, lvl 25, Squishes easily

01-09-2007, 07:01 PM
i like to keep all my characters even levels because then my "secondary" team wont get slaughtered once my "starters" are all dead...which happens often as you start to fight the high end monsters that dish out mad amounts of damage.

01-09-2007, 07:24 PM
Currently? Balthier, Basch and Penelo are the A-Team. Vaan, Ashe and Fran sit in the background and waste space, unless I need to call them up to run some fast Quickenings.

01-09-2007, 09:17 PM
My strong party is Vaan, Fran, and Ashe. My weaker party is Balthier, Basch, and Penelo, however, I give my weaker party the stronger equipment, (Penelo has the Zodiac Spear and Basch uses the Masamune + Genji Glove) so my two parties are actually about equal in strength.

01-17-2007, 02:40 AM
Here are mine. All of my characters have all of the licenses so it varies from time to time:

Team 1
Vaan: 2h Sword/Main tank and physical damage dealer

Ashe: 1h sword and shield/Black mage and backup white mage

Penelo: Staff/White mage and buffer

Team 2
Basch: Hammers and Shields/Tank

Balthier: Guns, bows, spears/Damage dealer

Fran: Bows/All kinds of magic (Mostly white)

01-17-2007, 04:57 AM
I just got tired of doing the two-team thing and having to switch characters out and in all the time. There's never any situation in the game where you're required to use any particular character. So on my current savefile, I'm just building a single A-Team for the time being. With the License system and Bubble magick, a character on Level 10 or so can have like 3000 HP. Thank about it --- there are Licenses on the board that add around 800 HP, so if that gets them up to around 1500, then you double that with bubble and voila, you've got an underleveled character with an amazingly high enough amount of HP. Generally enough to survive for a bit if all you need to do is run Quickenings quickly.

01-17-2007, 05:05 AM
I use Vaan, Balthier and Fran, all at about 65 and Vaan at 73.
They all use Swords and Shield Combos.
They have every spell,teknik,augment and Accessorie.
They also each have 3 summons, the best possible, and Vaan has one extra.(Zodiark)

01-17-2007, 01:50 PM
All my characters have all licenses opened except most of the espers.
Team A:
Vaan - Axes(main), Shield, Main Tank - lvl 60
Balthier - Poles(main), Guns(secondary), De-Buffer/Nuker - lvl 60
Fran - Bow(main), Healer/Buffer - lvl 60
Team B:
Basch - See Vaan
Ashe - See Balthier
Penelo - See Fran (She currently has less MP's than Ashe, I know not a smart move, but it's working out good now)

I changed Ashe from secondary healer to De-Buffer/Nuker and Balthier from secondary tank(he still plays a lil of that role in regular battles but in Boss battles he will be be nuker, haven't tried him in this role yet.)

01-18-2007, 03:10 AM
i use vaan-72 greatsword, heavy armor secondary healer
basch- 75 sword, shield(ensanguined =) and heavy armor
fran - mystic armor, bow, healer, warmage

seems to work really well i also have basically every thing on the license board, my other party members are pretty damn low though so hopefully this doesnt hurt me later

01-22-2007, 07:57 PM
(Main Party)
Vaan- Katana/Greatswords-Heavy Armour-Healing/Status Gambits
Balthier-Guns/Bullets-Heavy Armour-Status/Revive Gambits
Ashe-Bows/Arrrows-Heavy Armour-Healing/Revive Gambits

Safer Roco
01-25-2007, 05:03 AM
Vann-level 59/save the queen/black and time mage and tank

Balthier-level 59/ grand mace and a shield/green and arcane mage

Penelo-level 59/ platinum dagger/ white mage and theif

ashe/basch and fran-level 15 they're my flunkies that I dont use

01-25-2007, 05:19 AM
You know, I've decided that it's actually kinda smart to have at least one character at a really low level. Think about it --- they're like Level 10 or something, you toss them one Ether and that's enough to start a Quickening chain.

01-26-2007, 06:15 PM
LOL Agent, that is actually a VERY good idea. Damn wish I would have thought about that earlier.

01-30-2007, 01:45 AM
Main Party (lvl 40)

Penelo, leader--THF/WHM, Daggers (Gladius), Katanas (Kotetsu)
Ashe--WAR, Swords (Demonsbane)
Vaan--WAR, Katanas, Axes (Broad Axe), Hammers (Iron Hammer)

Second Party (lvl 40)

Balthier, leader--Guns (Sirius), Hand Bombs (Fumarole)
Basch--Swords, Axes, Hammers
Fran--Bows (Loxley Bow)

I like to hang back (after I steal) and heal and treat Status effects, since I don't have a full set of status gambits yet. As Penelo, though, I can't resist getting my hands dirty when I have the chance. I haven't really had to employ any unique strategies yet since I'm pretty well over-leveled, have gotten lucky drops (Kotetsu off the Werewolves in Giza), and take the time to steal from rare game (Loxley Bow from Cultsworn Lich; Gladius from Lindbur Wolf).

01-30-2007, 02:03 AM
My characters hit things with weapons.

Mainly Vaan, Basch and Ashe.

01-31-2007, 06:13 AM
Main team
Vaan Knight Heavy armor and great sword
Fran Archer/Healer/Mage Mix of Heavy and mystic armor and Bow plus assasin arrows
Ashe Mage Knight Heavy armor with Aegis shield sword combo
Spare Team
Balither Gunner Light armor Guns plus wyrmshot
Penelo Slasher Light Armor Ninja blades or Daggers
Basche Lancer/Mage knight Heavy armor Lance
I use telekensis to handle flying though I had Vaan equip a bow before it.
Greatest Gambit ever that I have Balither and Fran equip Self:Libra at the bottom of the list that way I can see traps and enemy data but they wont do it unless we are out of combat and no healing needs to be done.
Fran hangs back out of range usually unless if a back attack like has happened a few times while Ashe and Vaan go in. Vaan hacks and steals, Ashe handles status, magic and attack while a backup healer. Fran is the dedicated healer with cujra heals everyone for the cost of one. The aegis shield on Ashe usually protects her from magic so aganist magic heavy oppenets she is ideal. I have had little problem with this and the Gambit setup only Status and instant Death are the major weak points Since if the person with the status heal gambit goes down or infected with said gambit while the others are as well like confouse it wreaks havoc. But since I got the sash no prob just the Death but I can't fix that beyond Phoenix down any ally gambit.

01-31-2007, 07:55 PM
Everyone is either level 69 or 69 I believe. I have all the licenses, too.

Team 1

Vaan - does good damage with a katana and he's pretty fast, too. Party leader.

Basch - tank.

Penelo - healing, though she does a fair amount of damage.

Team 2

Balthier - whatever I feel like...he usually just attacks. I favor melee.

Fran - healing/magic.

Ashe - Fulfills my "tank" role, one could say. She's party leader and I always make sure she's got a nice shield.