12-11-2006, 04:08 PM
Who does everyone think Vaan most resembles as a "main"/"hero" character? I know ti's a subject of debate, but assume, just for the purposes of this discussion, that he is the "main" character in FFXII.

I think he's kinda like Butz/Bartz from FFV. Because Butz/Bartz was just sort of out on an adventure and got swept up for the ride. And Tidus too I think is kind of a match, although Vaan is rather less emotional and rather less talkative, although he does have the same tendency to sort of blurt out stuff that Tidus does.

Cloud, Squall, Zidane --- all not good matches. Cloud is a mercenary type and sort of at odds with the world and stuff. Squall is an even more dark/brooding type. And then Zidane is generally a total fun-lover and kinda rascally in a way.

12-11-2006, 04:49 PM
I havent played the earlier FF's so i cant comment on bartz or cecil, but I mistake Vaan for Tidus all the time. I think its the clothes. o_O

12-11-2006, 06:45 PM
I havent played the earlier FF's so i cant comment on bartz or cecil, but I mistake Vaan for Tidus all the time. I think its the clothes. o_O

Ditto for me. With the blonde hair being around the same length, the tan skin, and the weird, cropped shirt garments that they wear, I found myself calling Vaan, "Tidus" on occassion too.

12-12-2006, 01:41 AM
I think it may also be because the voice, at least to me sounds kind of like Tidus's (at least, when Tidus isn't being whiny.) It isn't the same voice actor, though, I checked.

12-12-2006, 04:06 AM
Same here - not so much the clothes but his voice and how he acts. I felt like I was playing FFX again.

Van Finel
12-12-2006, 05:08 AM
Same here - not so much the clothes but his voice and how he acts. I felt like I was playing FFX again.

Agreed. I did think he was alot more likeable then Tidus was though.

12-12-2006, 05:18 AM
I think that has to do in part with the origins of the characters. From what I've seen of Vaan so far (and don't spoil me if I missed something), he lost his brother at an early age. He's an orphan, but I suppose he probably had nice parents.

Tidus, on the other hand, lived in a dysfunctional family. His father was a drunkard and a jerk (at least until he wised up and got sober) and his mother didn't know how to cope with it. And Tidus, too, suffered great loss. All things considered, I think Tidus actually turned out pretty well.

12-12-2006, 05:28 AM
And Tidus, too, suffered great loss. All things considered, I think Tidus actually turned out pretty well.

Yay for standing up for Tidus. I hate all the Tidus bashing I read :(

But I suppose that Vaan and Tidus do have more in common than just their appearance. Both start with the most positive, carefree attitude in the group. And they both care strongly about being there for their friends no matter what.

12-12-2006, 03:01 PM
I think he's most like Zidane.

I really don't know why you put the choices you did. He's nothing like Cecil or Bartz... The debate should really be between Locke, Zidane, and Tidus - the "lighter, happier" FF heroes.