01-12-2007, 03:13 PM
I can't get this mark to come out. The stategy guides says to keep visiting the area until there is a blizzard. I've been in and out of the where he should show up, but no blizzard. It's getting very annoying having to leave and enter the area over and over again is driving me mad (for the love of god, with all the technology out there why do we still have to wait for screens to load). Anyways, maybe I'm doing something wrong?

01-12-2007, 03:59 PM
Some marks require that all the enemies, in the area where the mark is supposed to show, to be dead. Along with weather conditions...

01-12-2007, 04:04 PM
Hmmm...that might be difficult to do in this particular area. It is actually split in half by water, but to get to the different sides of the area, you have to go through 2+ screens, which respawns the enemies. So I'm not sure if this applies and if it does, then how do you kill everything?

01-12-2007, 04:13 PM
Oh, I know exactly where you are in the area right next to the temple with Mateas in it... But from what it sounds your hunting a strong mark or just one I can't think of, but I've just now started trying to fight the antltion. I don't know, but if your supposed two try some archery or marksmanship stuff.

01-12-2007, 04:29 PM
Fafnir is WAYYYYYYYYYYYY past the Antlion. Oh and btw, be careful with the Antlion, he is surrounded by other mobs and will join the fight if you cannot safely seperate them. Be careful when they start to cannibalize each other as this makes them stronger and tougher to beat and also increases their damage. In the room where he spaws too, there is a chest that you can get the Fomolhaut in as well. That is the best gun in the game.

01-12-2007, 04:52 PM
fafnir is my last basic mark to get and i can't get him to spawn, arrrggghhh! antlion was a bitch, maybe i wasn't leveled enough, but it took two parties since my first needed to run a quickening chain to kill all the mantis around him.

Just Whatever
01-12-2007, 10:32 PM
I had the same trouble with this one... I can't remember who helped me, but to get to him you need to take the long way around south starting at Bur-Omisace. So talk to the guy right before you leave Bur-Omisace (he's right by the blue dotted area line). You're now in freezing gorge. Head out the west exit into head of the silverflow. From there go south to icebound flow. Take the southeast exit and once you reach Kardine Glacier head to the exit just south of you. The northwest sliver of solverflow's end is where he'll be. Now having said all that, I hope you're ready. This guy won't lay down for you even at higher levels. He hits hard and has a lot of Hp.

Time assasin
01-22-2007, 07:04 AM
"You're now in freezing gorge. Head out the west exit into head of the silverflow. From there go south to icebound flow."

From what you're saying your two sides of Silverflow are joined together. I thought they would but they haven't. On my game the silverflow are two pieces...east and west. It'd be blizzarding on the east but by the time I get to the west (the long) way it's nice clear and sunny. I followed your instruction but he didn't come out. I've spent well over 10 hours trying to get him to come out.

Any thoughts?

01-22-2007, 01:46 PM
Don't you talk to a Viera in Bur-Omisace to make it blizzard?

Time assasin
01-22-2007, 09:51 PM
Both of you boys/girls were right...I had to do a combination of what you two said. Once I found him he was a pushover...kicked his arse handedly.

01-23-2007, 04:52 PM
Yeah, I never took down this Mark in my original playthrough, but I agree with that. This is one of those special marks where you have to trigger something first --- and that's the blizzard. And you have to be in just the right place.

02-08-2007, 07:28 PM
ok it seems you all cant get fafnir to come out... Its actually really simple, however to keep a snowstorm moving, you must make sure to enter the area where Fafnir is by not Entering or touching the Frozen Brook as the weather changes when you hit the frozen brook (the area where you trickster)

*Talk to the Viera Petitioner In Bur Omisace and doing so will trigger a snowstorm

*I like to use a Chocobo but you can walk too but you must reach fafnir from Bur Omisace traveling down to him in the Paramina Rift, if you enter through the Stilshrine of Miriam you already screwed yourself out of it until you climb back to Bur Omisace and speak with the viera petitioner

*Once the Snowstorm is triggered, Make your way down the Paramina Rift and there is only really onew way to go to the area Fafnir is without touching the frozen brook, meaning the pathway is already laid out for you. Look at your map of the Paramina rift and determine the easiest way to get to the next area without having to cross through the frozen brook.

*When you reach the next area, look for the next area you can cross into without entering the frozen brook... the snowstorm should still be moving rapidly.

*Once you make it to where Fafnir is you can fight him and claim your hunt...

*Beware though because Fafnir could easily pass as an Elite mark...I actually found him pretty difficult and was almost destraoyed by him even with all my characters having bubble belts on.

*Once Fafnir is defeated, speak to the petitioner and claim your bounty

*Since you defeated Fafnir another elite hunt opens up and The Behemoth King hunt is now listed in the Clan Hall. This is hunt is crazy too, and was just about as difficult if not more difficult than Fafnir! Even getting him to come out is very difficult! But the battle is almost the same, just that Behemoth King is larger and forces you to switch between physical attacks and magic!

02-08-2007, 08:36 PM
Agreed --- I used the exact same method to draw Fafnir out. I just headed straight down from Mt. Bur-Omisace, did not hit the Frozen Brook, as that seemed to screw me before, and made it in with the snowstorm still going and took the sucker down.

02-08-2007, 11:20 PM
Agreed same thing for me as well.