02-23-2007, 04:50 AM
Okay, I got so caught up in the fact that I lost that I completely forgot about this glitch until just now, but I've been meaning to bring it up.

Fairly early on in the fight (maybe about a half hour in?) I, for no particular reason, decided to have Penelo summon Zodiark. The way things worked out, Yiazmat used Cyclone and then immediately after that, the summon went through. Then, something went really weird. I couldn't seem to do anything, so I dismissed Zodiark.

When Yiazmat was dismissed, Penelo was completely alone, Yiazmat nowhere in sight. Penelo seemed to be completely rooted to where she was, I couldn't do anything. Not only that, but the graphics all around her were really glitchy and blocky and weird. I couldn't figure out what to do. My other characters didn't seem to be anywhere in range and weren't accepting commands. And I think they had been poisoned or petrified or something. So anyway, I eventually decided to just kill off Penelo and then switched in some other party members. I don't know how, but that worked. Yiazmat was back and there were ultimately no more weird glitches.

Has anyone else here ever experienced anything like this while playing FFXII?

02-23-2007, 05:38 AM
No nothing like that but I have seen some werid slow downs before maybe the glitch was from the Graphic heavy area. I know Yizmat requires alot of graphic data so throw in Zodiark summon and material it could result in too much data and force a glitch in the system where it was so busy trying to do something that it takes awhile for it to do a normal standard procedure. Normal in computers its a Hangup from a partially closed file that is still running.
That is my only idea since as I said I have NEVER even heard of this before.

02-23-2007, 06:00 AM
Yeah, that's a very sensible theory, although I'd be curious to hear if others have had this experience.

BTW, when I said in my post above "I couldn't do anything," that was a bit of an exaggeration. I could still access the battle menu and game menu. Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to kill off Penelo or switch in other characters. What I couldn't do is move anywhere (Penelo was completely glued to the spot, like something out of Rocky Horror Picture Show) or target / use commands for any other active character.

02-23-2007, 07:43 AM
Now the target use commands for the other actives not working I have had before. Now I know that at a ceratin distance you can't give commands to the others but on the Behemoth King fight Fran was near Vaan who was leader she got pushed by Behemoth's leg who had activated his pailing so I went in to give Fran a command and she wasn't avabile. I think what happened there is the push may have made the game think she was being moved out of range since king's size is huge and a simple turn would do it. Maybe with Yizmat the same thing to close and a little nudge and the game thought big move.
Also about the Penelo movement did you check to see if she was Immoblized? I know seems silly to ask but I have had someone before run into something similar in another game and it was simiply them not paying attention to their status. And a big fight like that espically since it drags on you might not notice it happening though it still doesn't explain the graphic flaw you reportred.

02-23-2007, 07:59 PM
Immobilized? I'm almost certain that she wasn't. If she had had any negative status effects on her, I'm pretty sure I would have noticed it and tried to use a Remedy right away. But more important than that --- I don't recall Yiazmat ever using that status effect. The only ones I recall him using are Stop and Petrify. Stop would cease movement sure, but it would also deny access to the battle menu. Same with Petrify, but only if the counter reached zero in that case.

02-23-2007, 08:14 PM
As I said stupid question just making sure to cover all bases.

02-25-2007, 01:40 AM
wow interesting i hope that doesnt happen to me but i am afraid to fight yiazmat until im lv99 and equipped properly