01-31-2007, 12:13 PM
Hey what's up,
Just took out the Wyrm,8 million HP is just a little insane.Vaan lvl.60,Balthier lvl.58 & Fran lvl.57.And yes the Zodiac Spear was in the building,without it i doubt i had a chance.It took just about 2 hours to get it done,wish i noticed he had that many HP before i got to his door.No reward kinda sucks,i'm on the way back to Montblanc now this had better be some serious gil.

02-08-2007, 07:15 PM
Good for you.... although its only a taste of things to come... Wait until you get to Yiazmat... it is like an exact copy of Hell Wyrm except white and you fight him in the colloseum at Ridorana... and He can cast instant death, White Breath, Cyclone (which may casuse death), not to mention sten needle traps all over the arena and stone breath... Think of it as a comparision to Ultima Weapon and Omega Weapon in Final Fantasy VIII... Yiazmat has 50 million HP and just like Hell Wyrm has a main boss bar and that small one below with all the little fractions on it.... and there are 50 small bars on it... Each one representing 1 million HP... And dont expect to win the battle anytime soon either, Montblanc is right when he tells you that the battle took his master a week to fight, and its literally taken me a week and im at Half damage! unfortunately to open the battle against Yiazmat, you need to defeat hell Wyrm and clear all the 44 clan hunts before it opens up!

02-08-2007, 11:59 PM
This game sure likes its Wyrms...

02-09-2007, 12:35 AM
Does anybody know exactly what a wyrm is? I have gathered that it is a dragon type creature, but can anybody elaborate further on the existence of wyrms in other tales or real life myths.

02-09-2007, 12:50 AM
"This is the Home Page for Wyrm, a Fire Drake of ancient origins."

First hit on Google.

"The Wyrm is frequently depicted as a snake as large as the planet with multiple heads; these heads representing the Triatic Wyrms..."

02-09-2007, 11:55 PM
Much appreciate. I guess I should have just searched google in the first place...

02-10-2007, 12:40 AM
Here's an interesting bit:

"Lindworms are monstrous serpents of Germanic myth and lore, often interchangeable with dragons."

Guess that explains the Lindwyrm.

02-10-2007, 06:47 AM
Yes, everything I read seemed to imply they were more or less the same thing as dragons. Another word for them mostly, but sometimes a different species of similar beast to dragons. Very interesting.

Cloud, Aeris or Tifa
02-14-2007, 11:37 PM
Hell Wyrm was easy Lv. 30 and he died

02-15-2007, 03:23 AM
Wyrm means DRAGON in Latin I belive though I could be wrong on that. But Wyrm is interchangable with Dragon for the most Part.