04-15-2007, 12:11 PM
anyone managed to anihilate this giant mimic looking thing?

04-15-2007, 07:15 PM
Yes several people like Hynad and Agent I haven't though I could just really haven't felt like doing it.

Best thing is to be at level 99 I hear and have the Best equips you can and Espers are useless in this fight. That is about all I know sorry.

04-15-2007, 07:36 PM
While we're on the subject, anyone know how big your chain has to be to have Omega drop that Mythril Sword?

04-15-2007, 10:43 PM
yup u need to have a level 4 chain to increase the chance by 5% but what i want to know is why its so significant?

04-15-2007, 10:45 PM
I want every piece of equipment and I sold the Mythril sword. Simple enough, but certainly OCD to the max ;)

04-15-2007, 11:55 PM
oh right fair enough lol
thats the only thing left in FFXII for me to fight i know its stronger than yiazmat but its health goes so fast until it goes hp critical then its defence = hell lol
oh yh and do yopu think omega mark XII is just some uber mimic because it certainly looks like one ?? ....

04-16-2007, 08:17 PM
Yeah maybe, it is some kind of ancient mech anyway, though in the bestiary under humanoids (uratan yensa) theirs a letter to the wayfarer that describes some things sounding like the mimic queen, and definatley MK XII.

Letter to the wayfarer 1 of 5

My Dearest Pulania

My close examination and painstaking translation of the text you sent me a fortnight since is finished. I send you the results with all haste. The text in question was written in an ancient time, yet it offered only nominal resistance to my keen interpretive eye.
It is nothing other than the memoranda of an ancient crafter of weaponry, as to weather what it records is a truth, or merely a fiction, i must confess i suspect the latter.
I await your return with baited breath, and ask you bring something offering a modicum more challenge, though my expectations remain, as always, humble.
Farrister, Archaeist

2 of 5

Project Memorandom - 1

Request from said patron, wanting a device for felling beasts, freinds & c., and i not thnking to ask what sort of creature he hunted, but it matters not. Whatever it may be, it will have wants, and i need only fashion an appropriate lure to whet its greed. Perhaps something in the shape of a coffer.
Prototypr complete. When placed surreptitiously amongst my assistants belongings he reached for 't with a swiftness and lo, his shock and dismay at being caught! Now i need only fashion for it a means of attack.

3 of 5

Project Memorandom 2

Delivery Complete

Received Complaint. The target was in fact a dragon of some power. Tell me these things sooner! Yet one must not complain to ones patron. On bende knee and with head hung low, submitted i a tally of additional costs and fees, for which i was only rembursted after much hemming and hawing.
I will not forget this.

How to defeat that which can not be defeated? Nightly, i ponder....

4 of 5

Project memorandom - 3

'Tis hot. Unbearably so. I find this section most unpalatable. Be that as it may, i have devised a plan for this project. When one does not know the strength of ones foe, one must observe. Then, one must attain the necessary strength to defeat the enemy. My weapon will be a learning growing entity!

Growth Lattice in place. Had i not made it myself, indeed, i would say it lived, yet all that lives must have a mother, and so that is what i shall make next.

The mother is completed, and continues her growth. So to grows her brood, for daily she gives birth to small larvel weapons. Like their mother, they to have the appearence of small coffers. Tis much like the laying of eggs one might witness in the wilds, and as such is quite fascinating, yet at this rate my laberatory will be soon filled with coffers. Returning current stock to storage.

5 of 5

Project memorandom 4

Delivery. Via veiwing crystal concealed in one of the coffers, i watch the fray. Tis a dragon of incredible size, indeed! My creations attacks appear to strike true, yet the creature is nary the worse for it. I shudder to think on how much further growth will be needed before real results can be seen in this deadly contest.

Received complaint. 'How dare you allow the fell beast to escape?' or some such.I essayed to explain that time was required for the learning to take root, yet my dear patrons ill humors did rise, setting his face to shine bright red, and there was no reasoning with him. A pestilance take him! finding the whole affair to have left a bitter taste upon my tongue, i departed, but only after creeping down to the patrons well-apportioned cellars, their releasing a very young mother. That should give him a surprise in a few years.

I wonder where mark XII could have gotten to? Both veiwing crystal and transmitter were crushed in the fray. I can only surmise it found some place rich in mist whereby to foster it continued growth. I wish it the best of luck.

In project memorandom 1, it says he placed a prototype in the assistants belongings, he reached for it and got caught. The very first mimic?

In project memorandom 3, it says my weapon will be a learning growing entity. Omega Mk XII?

In 3 again, it says all that lives must have a mother, that is what i will make next. The mother is completed and giving birth o small larvel weapons. Mimic Queen?

In project memorandom 4, it says Via veiwing crystal i watched the fray 'tis a dragon of incredible size, indeed! Yiazmat?

In 4 again, it says 'received complaint' how dare you let the beast escape? I thought this could be the moogles master, montblanc speaks of before the yiazmat hunt, but im also thinkin it could be The moogle masters project memorandoms? Also, finding the whole affair to have left a bitter taste upon my tongue, i departed, but only after creeping down to the patrons well-apportioned cellars, their releasing a very young mother. Not to sure about this one, but sounds like the mimic queen being released in nalbina dungeons, they lead to barheim passage right? anyway...

In 4 again it says, I wonder where mark XII could have gotten to? Both veiwing crystal and transmitter were crushed in the fray. So i think mark XII was made for the sole purpose of defeating Yiazmat, and maybe even made by the moogles master, seeings as he is a master and all.?

But id say Omega Mk XII is definatley a Mimic, or Uber Mimic by the sounds of it.

04-16-2007, 09:36 PM
yh i've read that too, oddly enough i read everything in the bestiary lol
what i've heard about omega is that theres some story in the bestiary behind it aswell so thats pretty cool i guess,
i tried fighting it again today i got raped lmao the furthest i've got is omega to hp critical then its defence augments kick in :-(
end of story.
and what i've heard about it that it is: unclassied/ancient warmech.

Time assasin
04-17-2007, 02:14 PM
I too have beaten him and let me say he wasn't as difficult as Zodiark. I don't think he had that many HP. I used a combination of Reverse decoy and berserk on my hardest hitter while the other two were in support. Don't bother doing any healing...just reverse, decoy, and whack away.

04-17-2007, 02:50 PM
ok cheers time assasin for that strategy but what i dont like doin is maintaining reverse it goes strait away but i'll give it a go,
and does it have any other attacks besides that laser?

Time assasin
04-17-2007, 03:25 PM
That's pretty much it. There is no instant death attack like Zodiark or cyclone like Yiazmat. He just blasts lazer at you that knocks you out for 7-9K so it's not worth it to heal. Just keep reverse on and hack at him. As he gets near death his attack speeds up but if you have two magic casters whose's only purpose is to cast reverse, decoy, and berserk you should do fine. I thought he was a pushover.

04-17-2007, 05:49 PM
I did the same as time assasin said beat him on the second fight. He is the real hard hitter, I wish I could beat him with another strategy but at lvl 70 I see no other way.

04-17-2007, 07:03 PM
cheers time assasin i just beat this thing...
got the omega badge, and now i have the most disapointing weapon in the game the wyrm hero blade which is pathetic it makes stupid sounds...
im so ashamed

Time assasin
04-17-2007, 08:53 PM
You're kidding! It should be a great weapon comprareable to the Tournesol. I can't get it yet since I don't have Lu Shang's Badge. I'm not really that interested since I have most of the ultimate weapons in each categories. Only two I don't have is that and the Zodiac spear...I kinda got overzealous with treasure chests. I see it I open it.

04-17-2007, 09:11 PM
well its a great weapon i just dont like the pathetic sounds it makes,
it has a 56 % chace of scoring multiple hits and theres another downside is that it's imbued with an element which sucks because it wont be effective against some monters, as for the zodiac spear theres a slim chance of getting it but if u equip the diamond armlet and go in to the henne mines(the part that the garif open for you) in that zone theres a coffer that contains it but i think theres a 7.5% chance of getting it and also theres the chance the coffer wont even appear, and even so i dont like the idea of the strongest weapon being a spear, thts why i only use the tournesol because that weapon has an appearanc every appealing to me and its very powerful took me all day to get lol
and i take that back about the wyrmhero blade im actually really disapointed about the measures, its just a waste of disk space lol the only ultimate weapons left for me to get are the yagyu darkblade the whale whisker and ofcourse the zodiac spear i guess i get crazy too when i see coffers like u say: i see it i get :)

04-17-2007, 09:14 PM
i think theres a 7.5% chance of getting it and also theres the chance the coffer wont even appear

10% that the coffer shows up * 10% the spear is in it = 1%

Discussed in this (Thread 35637) thread.

04-17-2007, 09:20 PM
ooooo thats harsh lol 1%
no problem i'll get it eventually i most probably wont even use it im more interested as tournesol as the best weapon lol

04-17-2007, 09:25 PM
Sure about that? I mean you're coming at it from an aesthetic point of view, and that's fine, you can have any opinion you like, but as far as brute strength the spear IS where it is at. I'll have my Tournesol in short order, but right now it is all about Masamune + Genji Gloves (minimum 2 hits per attack @ minimum 6000 damage = 12,000 per attack) :D

Also, I think having a spear be the strongest is actually a nice break from type, and if you think about, say, the Spear of Destiny, it makes a nice bit of sense. It does to me, anyway.

04-17-2007, 09:35 PM
Sure about that? I mean you're coming at it from an aesthetic point of view, and that's fine, you can have any opinion you like, but as far as brute strength the spear IS where it is at. I'll have my Tournesol in short order, but right now it is all about Masamune + Genji Gloves (minimum 2 hits per attack @ minimum 6000 damage = 12,000 per attack) :D

Also, I think having a spear be the strongest is actually a nice break from type, and if you think about, say, the Spear of Destiny, it makes a nice bit of sense. It does to me, anyway.

ahhhhh good point but the zodiac spear and tournesol dont really differ much i mean zodiac spear has 150 atk points and +8 evasion while the tournesol has 140 atk power and +25 evasion
then when the masamune comes to mind thats a quality weapon its atk power i would say is just a bit too weak for my liking but with the genji gloves it does give you a minimum of two hits per turn,
and another question what weapon does the genji equipment go with because if i can remember in ff9 all the genji equipment went with the bloodsword )it apparently makes it stronger) i tried that on ff12 but nothing happened so i was thinkin if you knew... maybe it isnt even true :(

04-17-2007, 09:38 PM
I think it works better with Katanas and Ninja swords. Hence me using the Masamune. I don't have a Yagyu yet--I'm putting off chaining Bombshell (Darkblade), Helvinek (Grand Armor), Tower (Grand Helm), and Larva Eater (Danjuro) til I'm lvl 99.

I'm not a 100% certain, Reva should know, though.

04-17-2007, 09:50 PM
oh yh sweet, i cant really be bothered with getting those pieces of equipment yet, i just stick with maximillian circlets golden skullcaps (seeing how there is only 2 circlets in the game) and bubble belts and then theres the exception of thieves cuffs diamond armlets and sages rings lol
and sometimes even that cat eared hood seeing how the damge for ninja swords bows and daggers is calculated by speed and the cat eared hood raise your speed by 50 and maximillian raises your speed by 6 and my level 99 vaan can get his speed up to 96 with this equipment (yay!)

but the main weapons i use are the tournesol ultima blade, wyrmhero blade
with my main party if i ever use them seein how vaan's my only leel 99 character at this moment in time lol

04-17-2007, 09:55 PM
I should be using the Cat-Ear hood, but I think I'm better off just keeping the Masamune and gloves on Penelo. She's fastest anyway, and my highlest level character (79). Right now I'm using Masamune, Zodiac Spear, and Ultima Blade. I now I shouldn't, I have the Scorpian Tail, but I just like the Ultima Blade. Haha, looks like I'm guilty of favoring aesthetics over strength after all :D

04-17-2007, 10:04 PM
thats pretty good your at an ass kicking level hehe
and you have some mean weapons, nd yh i'd rather use the ultima blade as well sein how the scorpion tail's damage is drastically random
lol but like you said, i also prefer aesthetics over strength i mean it doesnt matter at all as long as you get the job done ;-)

Time assasin
04-23-2007, 11:16 AM
From reading all your posts I take it no one's really interested in one-handed swords? My Vaan's still using the stone blade and Zodiac Shield.

04-23-2007, 11:30 AM
Not really. Considering I have to wait til I climb the Pharos to get Orichalcum for my Durandal :(

Never was a big fan of one-handed swords. Katanas, Ninja blades, and ultimate weapons ftw.

04-23-2007, 05:45 PM
I thought the masamune sucked until now. I know its a katana/ninja sword whatever it is, but if you wear all of the genji armour do you get really good stat boosts? Obviously you cant wear the shield though with masamune.

04-24-2007, 12:45 AM
If you use the Genji Gloves with it, you have the ideal situation on your hands for multiple hits. Like I said, I've yet to get less than 2 hits per attack, and if I'm facing a mark or a boss I'm usually getting 4 or 5 at a time.

As far as the armor, right now it is just slightly weaker (by a point or so) to the other armor I am wearing, so I do have Penelo in the full get up. That'll change when I get stronger armor, I suppose. I haven't actively noticed if there is a benefit for wearing all of it. And yeah, I don't have anyone equipped with the shield.

04-24-2007, 09:33 PM
I noticed that you do get multiple hits more often with genji gloves, but its not always 2 or more. Quite a few times its only one hit. But the times it does do multiple hits makes up for it being a weaker weapon. I never got it in my first run through but whats the Yagyu darkblade like with the genji stuff? Surely that'd b gd?

04-24-2007, 11:43 PM
It is good, especially against Yiazmat, but I don't have it yet. I'll get one hit if the enemy can die in one hit, but other than that I haven't had anything less than two. Luck maybe.

04-25-2007, 01:51 PM
With the Masamune you should where that thing that doubles exp on the party members training but the golden amulet on the people not training for double LP. Where the genji gloves or cat ear hood thing only when fighitng bosses because you dont get exp and at the end switch with the golden amulet if you want to. Don't keep the gloves on at all times...This tactic also goes good with hasting and berserking Vaan because that increases his aspd 3x so his combos will heighten incredibly. Even without the genji gloves doing that helps A LOT. Masamune is the ideal weapon even with its lower attack because it can combo. The zodiac spear combos, but not as often as the masamune. If it did then that would be extremely powerful...I never got any special weapons except the zodiac spear.

04-25-2007, 02:04 PM
I agree, if your characters don't have full boards or are in severe need of leveling you should go with Golden Amulets and Embroidered Tippets. But, as I said, Penelo is way ahead of everyone and I'm letting them catch up. Also, I have full boards for all.

But yes, Claude, in general you are correct.

04-25-2007, 04:30 PM
I'm in no trouble with exp and lp but Id still like vaan and fran to catch up with ashe. They both wear embroidered tippets.

And I must admit, Vaan+Masamune+GenjiGloves+Berserk+Haste = Wow.

Time assasin
04-29-2007, 02:35 PM
On the same token Dog...Basch + Oroichi + Genji Gloves + Berserk + Haste + reverse + Decoy = Wow against Yiazmat. Replace Oroichi with Yagyo and it's Wow Squared. Replace Oroichi with Tournesol against Omega Mark XII and it's "Wow I stand a chance against this guy."

12-29-2007, 08:11 PM

12-29-2007, 10:17 PM