03-15-2007, 12:08 PM
I have a little problem. My character Vaan has no MP. Or should I say (MP 0/51) What have I done wrong and how do I correct this? If I remember correctly this did not occur in the beginning. Have I bought or done something to get this status?

I really want to use his abilities.

Thanks in advance.


Neo Xzhan
03-15-2007, 01:21 PM
Check your accessorie. Sorry I forgot the name (I think it was the Dawn Shard?). It boosts your Magick Defense but lowers your MP to 0. So switch accessories. Also, this should have gone into the Q & A thread.

Mr Jack
03-15-2007, 02:32 PM
i came across a few of these problems before i noticed what was wrong...

e..g, Basch has silence on him for ages and i kept casting vox and giving him remedies and it still wouldnt work...then after about 6 hours of gameplay, i decided to change his accessory and all of a sudden, it dissappeared..

...its a mystery!

03-15-2007, 03:48 PM
These MP Bugs are detailed in the forum charter (Thread 35944). Please read that before posting in this forum.

Mr. Jack, you had Basch equipped with the Manufactured Nethicite.
Neo, yes it is either the Dawn Shard, or the Goddess's Magicite (aka the Dusk Shard).

03-15-2007, 06:44 PM
What Knegative said. Forum charter, folks. You'd be amazed how much good info is there.