01-04-2007, 08:58 PM
So, I've been very curious about Zodiark, and I decided to go into the Mines and try to get him.
There is only one Save Point before you enter that section in the mines, and no more in the area at all!
I've come so close to his room, but I keep getting Massacared by the horrifcilly strong creatures.
My Levels are
Vann: 73
Fran: 63

They have full lisence grids and I figured i would have a good chance, but wow...its hard.

Any thoughts or tips on this subject?

01-04-2007, 09:11 PM
i've not been there yet, so this may be a dumb piece of advice, but why don't you just flee? i found the best thing to do is to use one party member when you flee, that way enemies can't target the laggers of the party and it also helps you avoid tricky traps. plus if you die, you're in front of the enemies and can't get trapped in a corner.

01-05-2007, 05:57 AM
Lol, thats actually a good plan!
However, I tried that as well.
Unfortuneatly, I thought I could out run them until Zodiark, but they dont go away like most enemies...they follow you till EVERYONE dies!
Thank you tho, it was a good thought. :)

01-05-2007, 02:57 PM
ok, so what if you took one character and did the above, but use VANISH on them? i don't think i've ever needed or used that spell, but it may work. don't forget bubble to give you more HP (bubble belts are great)

01-05-2007, 04:32 PM
What levels are the other 3 characters at? i was very close to defeating zodiark at levels 65 on all characters. Getting to zodiark wasnt a problem it was more zodiark himself.

Best thing to do is cast bubble, haste, protect, shell, bravery and faith on every character, use protecta hastega shellga or you will be forever casting spells. Do this on the characters that are not active on screen so if you get your ass kicked the characters switched in will be ready. Obviously you will have to switch in your characters on screen to cast the spells, switch them back and when they are not active the spells wont wear off. Another thing i do is try to keep every1 alive, as soon as some1 is KO-ed bring them back ASAP. When the spells wear off on the active characters cast them again, just make sure the spells are always on, bubble and haste probably most important if you run out of MP.

Zodiark was a bitch (for me) at them levels i just could'nt be botherd having to go through the henne mines to reach him, it is hard at levels 65. When fighting him he will probably wipe out your three on screen characters with his first attack, darkga or whatever it is, so it might be wise to enter with the 1 character active so you dont have to revive three chracters. You might get lucky and he will just do a normal attack.

Make sure you dispel his spells ASAP, and keep doing so if he casts them again - keep watch of the battle log as soon as he casts a protective spell dispel it even if its not been completed your turn will go after his anyway. When his HP reaches around 1/4 he will become immune to physical and magic attacks, even quickening wont touch him and he will keep casting the spell once it wears off so you will probably not be able to last if it gets to that point. You will be better off with some good weapons as well, save the queen, ragnarok, masamune and maybe sagitarius and the obvious zodiac spear which i do not have :(

The best and probably only thing to do is quickenings, but you will most likely not have much MP so before this point use a megaelixer or elixer on a few characters. Finish off with a good string of quickenings and jobs a good un. Or you could level up to 80 it will be alot easier to defeat zodiark at those levels, not as tricky, tight or half as annoying.

01-06-2007, 04:01 AM
What levels are the other 3 characters at?...Getting to zodiark wasnt a problem it was more zodiark himself.

Best thing to do is cast bubble, haste, protect, shell, bravery and faith on every character, use protecta hastega shellga or you will be forever casting spells. Do this on the characters that are not active on screen so if you get your ass kicked the characters switched in will be ready. Obviously you will have to switch in your characters on screen to cast the spells, switch them back and when they are not active the spells wont wear off. Another thing i do is try to keep every1 alive, as soon as some1 is KO-ed bring them back ASAP. When the spells wear off on the active characters cast them again, just make sure the spells are always on, bubble and haste probably most important if you run out of MP.

Zodiark was a bitch (for me) at them levels i just could'nt be botherd having to go through the henne mines to reach him, it is hard at levels 65. When fighting him he will probably wipe out your three on screen characters with his first attack, darkga or whatever it is, so it might be wise to enter with the 1 character active so you dont have to revive three chracters. You might get lucky and he will just do a normal attack.

Make sure you dispel his spells ASAP, and keep doing so if he casts them again - keep watch of the battle log as soon as he casts a protective spell dispel it even if its not been completed your turn will go after his anyway. When his HP reaches around 1/4 he will become immune to physical and magic attacks, even quickening wont touch him and he will keep casting the spell once it wears off so you will probably not be able to last if it gets to that point. You will be better off with some good weapons as well, save the queen, ragnarok, masamune and maybe sagitarius and the obvious zodiac spear which i do not have :(

The best and probably only thing to do is quickenings, but you will most likely not have much MP so before this point use a megaelixer or elixer on a few characters. Finish off with a good string of quickenings and jobs a good un. Or you could level up to 80 it will be alot easier to defeat zodiark at those levels, not as tricky, tight or half as annoying.

This comes from someone that hasn't even been there yet, but: One friend that already has Zodiark defeated recommended Bubble Belts on everyone (dawn shard might be useful too). Cast all protective/augment spells before saving so the crystal restores your MP after doing-so, have one character in your party on the way there and flee from everything. Also, if you don't have the Zodiak spear it's something you can acquire on your way to fighting Zodiark (I outlined this in another thread based on advice from the same friend, sorry I don't have the info/link now - must be handy).

Also, as hinted towards above, there are many things that should be automitized (i.e. - gambits), such as "ally any -> pheonix down" (don't use Rise or Arise), etc. If I get there I'll chime in again, but one very important aspect from what I'm told is that you must get the Zodiac Spear on your way there if you don't already have it.

01-06-2007, 05:22 AM
I have already beaten him and above anything else, I recommend Black Masks because that way Zodiark will actually heal you. I used Bubble Belts too. My main party had levels at about 73, secondary party had levels around 69. Behemoth King and Fafnir were more difficult in my opinion, though.

01-06-2007, 05:20 PM
Ah, well, the fight doesnt sound that bad.
I beat Fafnir and Behemoth, they werent hard, they just took a while.
Thank you for the stratedgies and ideas! :)

01-06-2007, 05:46 PM
Another option is to equip at least one character with a Demon absorbs dark damage and leaves your accessory slot open for a Bubble Belt. But that still won't prevent the possibility of instant death that Darkja also hits you with.

All my characters are level 66 and I have no problem getting through the Henne Mines Phase 2 to Zodiark, but Zodiark himself is still extremely hard and I haven't defeated him yet.