04-06-2007, 06:11 AM
theres a way to get the spear w/o doin the treasure thing. its in the henne mines. i just wanted to know if there is a certain chance of the chest being there in the mines or not.

04-06-2007, 06:46 PM
Yeah, the chance is pretty low, but it isn't a one time chest. If it's not there the first time, just go out and go back in.

04-06-2007, 09:22 PM
Reading the Forum Charter before posting in here is highly recommended. It has this (Thread 35637) thread linked in it.

I've heard it taking as many as 80 or 90 runs to pull it off. Remember though that probability doesn't change with repeated attempts, that's the gambler's fallacy :smrt: You just have to keep trying.