02-19-2007, 07:29 PM
Im having problems getting anywhere.

When I walk in there is a pedestol and everytime I hit it the dead raise up, the other alter isnt activated.
I got a chain of 100 for the undead there.

what do I have to do to get the teleport alter to activate?


I found that I need to equip the dawn shard to be able to get it to work.

02-19-2007, 10:39 PM
Stilshrine of Miriam map ()

Look at the map I linked you. When you first enter the area, equip the Dawn Shard to your party leader(his/her MP would go down to 0), and then touch the Pedestal of the Dawn. Then you would be teleported to an area called "Ward of Vetilation". There would be monsters appearing so watch out for that!

Then go to the next area called "Walk of Torn Illusion". Climb the first staircase then defeat the Miriam Facer at the top. Then just go either side of the side stairs and fight through the Miriam Guardians to another Pedestal of the Dawn. Equip the Dawn Shard(if you removed it) then activate the pedestal to unlock two hidden staircases back in the Ward of Velitation. Go either side of the unlocked stairs which will lead you to an area called "Walk of Revelation".

This room has a green save crystal, which is actually an enemy. Touch it, and then defeat it and then a real blue save crystal will appear. Save here if you want.

Go to the next area called "Ward of the Sword King". Some more monsters appear so watch out for them. Go south and examine the massive stone Sword of Judgment that is blocking your path. That will unlock the door to the north side which leads to a way stone. Touch the way stone and teleport back to where you started. You can remove the Dawn Shard now if you want.

See the stairways on either side of the area where you began? Those are unlocked now. Go to either side of them. Look at the linked map above. See those yellow arrows? That's the way you need the three statues to be facing. If you go to the east side statue, there's going to be a boss battle there. So be ready for that. The other way are pretty linear. Hack your way through monsters and find the statue and make sure they're all facing the right way(facing the massive statue in the middle of the first area).

After that, teleport again to the Ward of Sword King, and you can go to the area that big sword was blocking before, and make your way to there and be ready to fight the esper Mateus.

02-19-2007, 11:17 PM
Original poster forgot to equip the Dawn Shard, that's all. Not the first time somebody has posted a thread like this after making this mistake.

Oh, and please don't start thread titles in all caps.

02-19-2007, 11:21 PM
Oh, bummer. I worked so hard to type all that. Oh well. =(

01-13-2008, 04:32 PM
Oh, bummer. I worked so hard to type all that. Oh well. =(

Hi mate, well i�v bin following you intructions and they worked very well. you see, right now im in a fight with mateus and his guardiens. now i just ask of you, the most easy way to defeat him. i have some problems doing this. i dont know if i shall kill his guards first or him. my level is like 29 if that have anything to say. i just need a kinda tactic if you can give me one thats usefull^^ thx

01-13-2008, 10:48 PM
Mateus is a pretty easy fight if you have high-level quickenings and at least one damage-dealer with a Thunder Spear (buy at Bur-Omisace). Simply use your reserve team to pull off the best quickening chain you can on Mateus, as the concurrence will kill off all the Ice Azers (his guardians) and damage him pretty bad. Then switch in your other team, cast Berserk on the damage-dealer with the spear, and heal him or her til Mateus goes down. If you get the concurrence right Mateus will be down in a matter of minutes.

01-14-2008, 01:29 AM
Mateus is a pretty easy fight if you have high-level quickenings and at least one damage-dealer with a Thunder Spear (buy at Bur-Omisace). Simply use your reserve team to pull off the best quickening chain you can on Mateus, as the concurrence will kill off all the Ice Azers (his guardians) and damage him pretty bad. Then switch in your other team, cast Berserk on the damage-dealer with the spear, and heal him or her til Mateus goes down. If you get the concurrence right Mateus will be down in a matter of minutes.

Thanks mate. that helped. but still i geuss im pretty bad at building the "right" team, if i can explain. ehm, well, i have 3 damage dealers (the 3 boys) and then spell casters. very well, i guess its bad cuz i play mostly with only the 3 damage dealers. i know its bad but how to biuld up the team i could need some help at. i would be honored if you would add me to your msn. [email protected] - i hope ill here from ya mate

01-18-2008, 08:55 PM
About building up your team: Basically, you want at least one damage dealer, one tank (who should probably be able help with healing - think Vaan) and a spell-caster. Equip the tank and damage-dealer with close-range weapons, and the spell-caster with a ranged weapon. With two healers you are unlikely to die, and you will always have someone (ie. the damage-dealer) doing damage.

You'll probably want equal teams too, as they can save you if your fighting team dies.

Just for the record, my teams are: Vaan, Balthier, Fran/Basch, Ashe, Penelo
The second team is better cos' they're faster

01-21-2008, 06:40 AM
It's amazing how the human brain works while necroposting.