pagan pride
01-10-2007, 03:35 AM
i've followed & beat every ff since the 1st one on n.e.s. (except 11 which i own,& have never played,cuz of the separate ps2 online connection required,.& english versions that is) & for the first time,i'm stuck..

in the fey wood,i gotta find some summoner,or something,maybe it's me,whatever,but i beat the boss on the way to gervino (i think that's what it's called) & activated all the shrines (that it would let me),.still the gate is "held tightly shut by strong magicks,& need the summoner to open it",so after much frustration,.i found that if u kill all the foes in both areas where the shrines are,then come back,all the foes stay dead,except that now there's these little pissed off fruit dudes,that lay a whoopin upon my ass (finally beat all those punks) went to the gate,still no luck,.went to all inactivated shrines,still won't open,.gate still shut,..

my people are almost at level 60,& i completed every single hunt,except i can't get into the barleheim passage (it's barracaded,& the other side's locked,the key's inside on this dude)

& one in the nebrius deadlands,.some giant robot or something,.

& in rabanastre (finding the medallion pieces,i got 2,i already got one from somewhere,& the other from the gramscythe water way entrance..but i can't locate the 3rd anywhere..

& the dude with the other medallion, in archades,..i guess he hocked it cuz he was broke,now i gotta find otto,.but where? (trust i've torn archades,& rabanastre's every last corner apart..not to mention the rest of the planet thus far)

any tips on any of this,would be much obliged,& apreciated greatly,.thank you

01-10-2007, 05:02 AM
Well, u gave someone Belias right?
Use him, and then talk to the gate :)

pagan pride
01-10-2007, 05:06 AM
Well, u gave someone Belias right?
Use him, and then talk to the gate :)

well i never gave anybody belias,.but omfg dude!!! it was under my cape the whole damn time!!

thank you so0O very much!! now i can play again,..

^^^^if anybody else has any other answers to my other problems,.i would much appreciate it,thanks again man,...^^^^^^

01-10-2007, 05:08 AM
Lol, sure!

And to get the Barhiem Key, to get back into the passage, head to the Village in the Westersand and talk to the woman for whom you gave the cactus blossom to. (from the Cactuar Hunt)
her little quests earn you the key

As for Medalion pieces...wait till ur way stronger, they lead to a new summon who is very strong.

pagan pride
01-10-2007, 05:14 AM
oh-u mean to find the dude that left on a ship to the village on the other bank?
found him in that little village in the easterlands,..he was in no hurry to get home,.he said something about,his ride ditched him,or ran out of gas,or something...:)

01-10-2007, 05:15 AM
Well, not quite him...
His wife, the one you had to actually give the cactus to.
She offers sidequests for the key.

01-10-2007, 05:17 AM
Joey has a pretty good explanation of how to get the Barheim Key on the page of this thread (Thread 33821).

pagan pride
01-10-2007, 05:18 AM
dude,u r god!!

now i can continue with the story line,..

anybody else got the other answers??

01-10-2007, 05:20 AM
Thank you :)
But whats the other question?

01-10-2007, 05:23 AM
...& the dude with the other medallion, in archades,..i guess he hocked it cuz he was broke,now i gotta find otto,.but where? (trust i've torn archades,& rabanastre's every last corner apart..not to mention the rest of the planet thus far)...

Not sure about this one, but I believe there's an Otto in Old Archades.

pagan pride
01-10-2007, 05:24 AM
about the dude in the nebreus deadlands,waiting for his other 2 guys to help him,i think that's what the whole "finding medallions" side quest is all about,.

i think one's in archades,said he sold his to "OTTO" (can't find otto anywhere on the planet,been everywhere (just about),.

the hunt in the deadlands (i think i gotta find that one guy's 2 helpers first,get their medallions back,then they open up the shaded area of the deadlands,hopefully he's there,..

pagan pride
01-10-2007, 05:27 AM
i've torn every corner apart,in archades,old archades,& the high class place u need sandalwood chops to get in,.talked to everybody,.went in all the shops,.no stone unturned,.. (i missed something somewhere tho apparently)

01-10-2007, 05:27 AM
Oh man...I can get back to you on that tomorrow, I g2g to bed.
But I'll find out and repost tomorrow, sorry about the delay there.
You can PM me and I can give you specific help there too

pagan pride
01-10-2007, 05:34 AM
i'll meet up with anyone here tommorrow night around 10 (central time)

i greatly appreciate all the help tho guys,.now i can continue on with the storyline,..


bed time,.work tommorow morn. early,. c-yall tommorrow night (proly drunk :)

01-10-2007, 08:41 PM
Otto is in Old Archades, northeast corner of the Alley of Muted Sighs.

pagan pride
01-11-2007, 12:17 AM
much appreciated mr. irinicus,...thank you,...

we're almost there,..any takers?

about the hunt in the deadlands,some giant robot guy,.& where the last piece of the medallion in rabanastre is?

(i already got 1 piece from somewhere,& found the second in the entrace to the gramsythe waterways)

you all have been awsome by the way,& i'm glad i stumbled on this site,.. by the way,. the description of this site said that there's walkthroughs?? what thread?

01-11-2007, 05:56 PM
what pieces of the medallion do you have already?

01-11-2007, 08:34 PM
Old dalan has a peice, you get 1 peice from a hunt via montblanc, another in the waterway and another from a woman who lost her memory, i think its the woman you need the peice from.

Go find filo in lowtown, shes in a corner somewhere speak with her. after speaking with her go find some woman looking at something in the fountain in the centre of rabanastre. Go to muthru bazaar and speak with the merchants who you cant buy anything of they say something about selling a necklace to an imperial. Go to yugri's magiks and speak with the lazy imperial, tell him about the woman but she is'nt at the fountain. go find kytes near warehouse 5 lowtown, go find filo and ask about the woman then return to yugri's magiks. Get the peice from her.

The acolytes are in archades if you cant find them when you need to, their in charlottes magiks.

pagan pride
01-15-2007, 03:10 AM
thanks alot deathshinning,.i'll be sure to check that out about the last medallion piece,.

about the acolytes,yes i saw them,& spoke with the one who says that he sold it to "OTTO" i searched high & low for his ass,..but a couple people in this thread swear he's in old archades,.i'll check again when i get time,.

right now i'm inside the shrine at the feywood,& my people are all at level 60,so it should be a breeze,..

pagan pride
01-15-2007, 07:53 PM
well,i tried the whole talkin to the woman thing,tryed all that,i guess i already did it,because when i went back the last time to get the piece from her,& tell her to go to magicks,.she wasn't there,i also checked the fountain in low town too,.i'm guessin,the piece i need's somewhere else..

i got the 1 from the waterway,& i've spoken to montblanc,i hunted everything except the 1 in the deadlands (can't find him anywhere) even the huner-hunt guys, i'm sure he would've givin it to me by now,..

01-16-2007, 12:57 AM
Its most probably to do with the hunt that has'nt been completed in the deadlands, i think its the roblon. their's a shrine behind that which 1 of the acolyte's takes a medallion (or something) from and gives it to you. Its located in the part of the map that you cant find easily, behind some long grass or something. Just search around the edge of the area thats in the centre of the map, i think its to the west, you should come accross a secret path their that leads to it. I hope the pm helped anyway.

pagan pride
01-16-2007, 08:57 PM
damn,..right on,..yea i was wondering about the only shaded area,that's why i've been so frantic about finding those medallions/pieces of so i can get those acolytes back to the deadlands to help the other,build that bridge,or cast a spell or whatever,so i could get across & kill the roblon,.

so i could walk there all along?? fuck!!, though,thanks alot man,you saved me a bunch of work,..

pagan pride
01-16-2007, 09:35 PM
i'm currently hunting a wyrm in the silverflow's end,in the parama rift,it's supposed to be in a blizzard,.i've been to both sides,nothin,.i spent over an hour,.just walking from one side,to the other,waiting & praying for a blizzard,.but nothin more than flurries,or clear,.

so how long does the "real time" take to change?

any tips?

pagan pride
01-16-2007, 09:46 PM
also hunting the wyrm on the airship,kid said he'd give me 99 black chocobos,

i've rode every one,checked out every deck,& i found one with a black chocobo,.but nothin of it,.any suggesdtions??

01-17-2007, 01:55 PM
The Wrym in Rift, is the name Fafnir? If so, be careful with him I heard he was a handful.

pagan pride
01-18-2007, 03:03 AM
no he's supposed to be on an airship

01-18-2007, 03:06 AM
best idea to find fafnir is walk in and out for a while then just come back later and make sure ur walkin a couple maps away and all. as for that card im not really sure what ur talking about sorry

01-18-2007, 03:13 AM
sorry dont know why i said card i meant mark. woops

01-18-2007, 05:26 PM
About the mark on the ship, just take every ship you can in every direction and keep doing so until he turns up, theirs only 6 possible routes anyway so it shouldnt take long. If you've already taken every route keep doing so until he turns up. Achades-Nalbina, Nalbina-Rabanastre, Rabanastre-Archades then back the way you came. You will know when its their because theirs a cutscene instead of just appearing on the ship's main deck where you usually do.

pagan pride
01-18-2007, 06:08 PM
what about changing it up,.like rabanastre-archades,.balfonhiem port-nalbina,.. shit the possiblities just keep going,..

but i get the drift,. i was just looking for a shortcut,..

thanx tho

pagan pride
01-18-2007, 06:11 PM
does anybody know the deal with this hunt? the dude said he'd give me 99 black chocobo's if i hunted it,..

is this even usefull? do they like join my party,to use as needed,without greens,.unlimited turbos,..etc...???

01-19-2007, 01:51 AM
does anybody know the deal with this hunt? the dude said he'd give me 99 black chocobo's if i hunted it,..

is this even usefull? do they like join my party,to use as needed,without greens,.unlimited turbos,..etc...???

No, you don't get 99 black chocobos. That was just an extra part of the bet on the Archadians' end.

pagan pride
01-19-2007, 05:18 AM
so what,.u get a handshake & a smile??

that's crap!! i want chocobos,.99 black one's,.& i wantem now :) :)

thanx for the heads up homie,..

pagan pride
01-22-2007, 03:42 AM
m-k,.i got all the hunts thus far (after i hunted the ones i was stuck on,it opened up an assload more)

& yea,the one on the airship,reward was weak as hell for a rich family, like nten bucks & a beer or whatever,..

& thanx by the way,the guy that advised me about the rolblon in the deadlands,.much obliged,.

but what about this wyrm in the 'silver flows end' in the paramia rift,. i been goin back & forth,from one side to the other,for days now,waiting for this hunt within a blizzard,but no luck on blizzard or hunt,.. any suggestions anybody?

by the way,.how many hunts are there? i mean they quit giving me ranks,like ten hunts ago,. & i'm still catching trophies (i'm guessing there can't be that damn many)

01-22-2007, 04:26 AM
but what about this wyrm in the 'silver flows end' in the paramia rift,. i been goin back & forth,from one side to the other,for days now,waiting for this hunt within a blizzard,but no luck on blizzard or hunt,.. any suggestions anybody?

To get the blizzard in the silver flows end, you have to go from Mt. Bur-Omisasce (or however it's spelled) WEST and then SOUTH, I forget the names of the actual areas. You'll know you've gone into a wrong area if the blizzard stops. As long as it continues, you're going the right way. And if the blizzard does stop, you have to go back to Mt. Bur-Omisasce and start over from there again.

Anyway, you should see the mark immediately when you enter from the north side of the silver flows end. Hope that was of any help.

01-22-2007, 05:49 AM
theres 46 hunts for the clan including elites, and theres 30 for the hunters club on phon coast.

pagan pride
01-24-2007, 09:55 PM
thank you both,.

i got a hunt to kill now,.

Time assasin
01-25-2007, 03:01 PM
Fafnir is vulnerable to slow and Sap so sap and slow away.

pagan pride
01-25-2007, 09:09 PM
i found out the hard way,this is a bad ass dude,but i did find slow worked