12-22-2006, 06:32 PM
does anyone use espers? i find them pointless. i wish they were like the old ways, you summoned them, they did their thing, they left. it sucks to have them walk with you cause your other characters miss exp points. plus you can't even control what they are doing.

12-22-2006, 06:59 PM
I wasn't a big fan of the espers in this game. I prefered to use mist levels for quickenings. I like how they hang around for a while in order to utilize a few different attacks, like they did in FFX. Unfortunately I felt these espers were generally weaker than the FFX aeons. Plus, it proved difficult to trigger certain espers' final attacks.

Though, being able to still control the character that summoned the esper (as opposed to Yuna just standing on the side) is a pretty nice change. It allowed me to keep them on the battlefield longer by healing them, rather than do nothing but watch their HP bar deplete.

12-22-2006, 07:18 PM
my beef is the fact that all the EXP goes to who summoned them, i like to keep my characters equal. and i used to love the fact that you could call them up and sorta take a break, i remember running knights of the round in FF7 back to back and it would take about a half hour. i could go out, get a cup of coffee, have a couple of smokes, and come back to see the boss gone.

01-05-2007, 04:46 PM
I was a little disapointed of the Espers. They look like mutated aeons, yet with their own look of cool. Nevertheless they come in handy.

01-05-2007, 05:04 PM
I never use espers, everytime i summoned 1 it gets smoked by an enemy id consider to be on the same level as the esper. It feels more like a waste of MP, if you could control the espers like the other characters they would be alot better.

01-05-2007, 05:11 PM
they are not handy at all, they are just something for me to get in order to get everything. they suck and i don't like them. why can't the makers of the game get everything right: 1. EXP to all characters (i'll compromise with reserves getting only half, no less than a third of EXP) 2. One time summoning of Espers, like in FFX (cause having an Esper out, only that summoner gets EXP and if you encounter different enemies who can absorb the espers power then you're screwed) 3. Getting gil after defeating enemies and not having to steal or farm for hours, ugghhhh! 4. Having an earth based spell (why are so many enemies weak to earth element, but there is no earth based spell unless you use and esper and then you run into problem #2) 5. get rid of dumb/pointless characters i.e. pinelo 6. Have a better mini game, i liked blitzball (i'm probably in the minority) and i liked the card game, both mattered cause you got upgrades and didn't have to worry about trying to steal a rare item from a rare game-talk about poor odds, vegas would LOVE to have this game on their betting boards. did i miss anything else? oh, tighter story, but in the grand scheme of things FF series are tighter than most other games out there.

01-05-2007, 11:51 PM
It's Penelo and I wish you would quit saying she's dumb/useless without posting any comprehensible or respectable reasons to back it up. As for your other points, I'm not even going to deign to respond, because A.) Most of them are crap and B.) This thread isn't about all this other shit you're trying to bring up. Oh, and C.) They're poorly formatted.

01-06-2007, 05:41 AM
3. Getting gil after defeating enemies and not having to steal or farm for hours, ugghhhh!

4. Having an earth based spell (why are so many enemies weak to earth element, but there is no earth based spell unless you use and esper and then you run into problem #2)

5. get rid of dumb/pointless characters i.e. pinelo

6. Have a better mini game, i liked blitzball (i'm probably in the minority) and i liked the card game, both mattered cause you got upgrades and didn't have to worry about trying to steal a rare item from a rare game...

3. If you spend adequate time leveling up, you don't have to farm anything.

4. I agree - too many enemies weak against Earth element, but no direct Earth element spell - not that it's a big deal, but if you're going to make that many enemies weak to it, make spells that attack it, not just a couple of weapons that have that element attached.

5. Penelo's not pointless - as I mentioned in a couple of other threads, her MP and magic power increases at such a rate that she becomes a key spellcaster early on - and continues that way for most of the game.

6. Blitzball was a waste of space (just like FFX and FFX-2 in general), however I did like the concept of the card game - perhaps incorporating a more intuitive reward system associated with it would increase its' value.

It's Penelo and I wish you would quit saying she's dumb/useless without posting any comprehensible or respectable reasons to back it up...

Agreed - see point # 5 above.