07-18-2007, 03:36 PM
hey new here
just thought id like to talk about FF12 bosses because i just slaughtered the TYRANT boss
i dnt see the big deal about it, everyone says how hard it is, i killed it in like 5 maybe 6 mins max
it was easy but i mean really easy, only Basch died, only once, because he was taking all the hits and then it used the peircing Gravija thing
my characters (which i use right now) are Vaan Ashe and Basch all like levels 45 or 44 something like that
anybody else find it easy or any other bosses or think anything about the bosses in general

Safer Roco
07-18-2007, 08:23 PM
there are a lot of tyrant bosses which one specificly

Neo Xzhan
07-19-2007, 03:43 PM
Probably the Earth Tyrant, if I could take a guess. But he's meant to be done around level 25ish for a challenge andup to 28~30 for a normal battle.

07-19-2007, 03:49 PM
i think he/she means the boss called "Tyrant" cus of piercing Gravija. I found him and the esper before/after (the horse/woman) easy. it dosn't take that much leveling up to pwn them.

07-19-2007, 04:42 PM
I was surprised at how not-difficult HellWyrm was. Yeah, the battle was maybe 20+minutes, but he went down like a little bitch. ;)

07-19-2007, 11:52 PM
I havnt found any boss difficult yet and i just took out gilgamesh, i knocked him the **ck out!!!! NAbbed all his genji gear aswell, earlier on i was expecting tiamat to be really hard because thats wat everyone said but i whopped his ass

Fatalis Prime
07-20-2007, 06:16 AM
Call me crazy, but for me Gilgamesh was the hardest boss in the game, for no other reason than I was preoccupied with stealing from him whenever he changed weapons. FFXII's capacity for steal gambits is teh suck. I also had a hard time with Fafnir and the Behemoth King until I learned their patterns. Ultima gets an honorable mention just because she would actually react to the tactics I used.

Hellwyrm and Yiazmat aren't really difficult so much as they are tedious, what with their endless amounts of HP. Yiazmat does get really hard when he's in the red though. Omega Mk. XII is cheap, and a cheap boss requires cheap tactics. Once you have a consistent Reverse/Lure tank, you'll soon have a dead Omega.

Neo Xzhan
07-20-2007, 12:37 PM
I was surprised at how not-difficult HellWyrm was. Yeah, the battle was maybe 20+minutes, but he went down like a little bitch. ;)

Eh try about an hour+

No one downs Hell Wyrm in 25ish minutes.

07-20-2007, 12:53 PM
yeah, hellwyrm in under 20 minutes is just not beleivable!! Wat gear did you have and wat levels were u???

07-20-2007, 08:42 PM
how do you get genji gear??!! i'm 77hours in and i havnt bothered getting any of the ultimate weapons or armour yet....

Fatalis Prime
07-20-2007, 09:25 PM
As in FFV, the genji gear can only be stolen from Gilgamesh. You encounter him in the Battle on the Big Bridge hunt, twice in the Lushu Mines. Every time he changes weapons, you can steal from him again. There is no other source of genji equipment in the game.

07-20-2007, 09:39 PM
thanks! :D any other ultimate stuff I should know about by now?? i'm in the Lighthouse tower place, second assent

Fatalis Prime
07-20-2007, 10:07 PM
While climbing the Pharos, DO NOT wear diamond armlets. While you get better treasure everywhere else, you'll miss out on some pretty good stuff at Ridorana. After you clear the Pharos, you're in the endgame and will have access to every area in the game. If you have the Zodiac Spear, most of the "ultimate" weapons really aren't worth the trouble. Seriously, like the danjuro? Saggitarius? Just forget it. There are a few exceptions, though.

Masamune: While not the most powerful weapon on its own, it *is* the most powerful weapon with such an insane combo rate (or maybe the whale whisker). You get it for beating Gilgamesh. Masamune + genji gloves really make a difference during Yiazmat and Omega Mk. XII. Plus, it's the Masamune! ^_^

Excalibur: Really good greatsword. Not as good as the tournesol or Wyrmhero Blade, but *much* easier to acquire. Treasure in the Great Crystal. Problem is, it does holy damage, so that makes it less than useless against the toughest bosses.

Endgame my party almost always uses the Zodiac Spear, Masamune and Excalibur (Ragnarok when I can't and Wyrmhero Blade when I get it). The only reason I don't mention the Wyrmhero Blade is that you get it *after* you've defeated everything you could possibly need it for. You could use it on Vayne for the lulz, I guess.

07-20-2007, 10:28 PM
Thanx a mil!! :)

07-20-2007, 11:15 PM
I think if your gonna do ff 12 properlly then you should go all out, go for the tournesol, and the whyrmhero blade, once you have these two it proves that you really did the game proprelly, but do the big bosses at round level 80, if you leave it untill lv 99, ur just ruining the game for yourself, and if you really want a challenge try the 122333 challenge, look up my vids on youtube (just search 122333 ff 12). its when you beat the game (including all the big optional bosses) with characters levels 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3. Now thats a challenge.....

Trance Moogle
07-27-2007, 06:36 PM
Do you mean Tyrant from Giruvegan, I just faced him today and he really was incredibly easy, I had haste on my party so they took him out even faster then I expected. Tyrant seemed just as easy as Daedlus even though he has about twice as much hp.

07-28-2007, 03:27 PM
Ive never heard tyrant being called a difficult boss, where did you get that information????

Ive beaten every big boss in the game by this stage and only one ever gave me any serious difficulty, and that was ixion (I wasnt prepared)
This was the only boss who almost gave me a game over.
Did anyone else have this experience??

Danjuro Storm
07-30-2007, 02:51 AM
If you spend a lot of time on leveling up your characters like I do, the bosses gets easier. I'm at 60-61 before Ridorana Cataract xDDDDD

07-30-2007, 04:33 PM
The ridorana is one of the most boring parts of the game.....
Just make sure that if you come face to face with the rare game Tower make sure to steal from him because there is a chance you will get grand armour.