01-31-2007, 06:37 AM
Okay I know Reddas's sword in his left Hand is a Falcata but I can't find the type of sword his right is. It is like FFX Tidus's Ascalon and the Headhunter from Blade of the Immortal so there must at least be a base sword design which is unique. I have looked and I can't find it under Forward edge Recurve Curve back forward or any of them. So some help please because this is bugging me.

Edit-Right after I posted this I accidentally came across a Kukri link on Wiki when I took a look at the pic on the articile it made me think this may be it so I pasted it into images and googled and low and behold there it was.
The type of sword is a Nepal sword by the type known as a Kora. While Reddas's Kora is more heavily fashioned up in the scrollwork and the different hilt it is defiently a Kora I doubled checked with a few images of him with his swords I have. The Kora usually has no decroation and a guard top and bottom of the hilt in circular plates. The Blade is swept forward like it is and is a Heavy sword meaning it is used very much like an axe to crush and rend its targets not cut like most swords that is what the unique tip is designed for to gather weight and speed on it to better aid in the crushing making steel plate armor less effective while it might turn the edge it won't turn the strike which will dent it . A Falcata has the a similar design of serving as an Anti-shield weapon that can crush as well. A Falcata's swept forward design lets it skirt a shield then be turned and plunged in while its thicker frame lets more powerful strikes be implimented with little trouble unlike some swords such as a rapier which would snap if used like that.
So in short Reddas has Anti-armor weapons at his disposal that make Light and Heavy armor useless considering Reddas's past Job that makes alot of sense.