06-02-2007, 01:23 AM
Hi (I'm new and all that, but may as well jump straight in), anyway, been playing a lot of FF12 recently, just reached Archades for the first time. I have a few gambit questions.

The only SELF gambit I have is... well... Self. I have no idea of what other kinds of SELF type gambits there are, but there appears to be an entire "page" of them. What would be nice is a SELF: Status = Confuse/Blind/Whatever. Do they exist, and where can I find these SELF gambits?

Also, there appear to be another two pages after the orange SELF page, but they are both empty, what are they and are they worth getting?

A couple of other questions I have too! What places are best for farming gil? so far I am killing/stealing from stuff on Tchita upland (quality hides/pelts and embroidered tippets sell for a nice profit). Also, any other things worth persuing for loot/stealge at my point in the game?

Most FAQs aren't all that enlightening for these specific things I've found, so I'd appreciate any answers you can all give, thanks!

06-02-2007, 01:30 AM
You get to buy the SELF gambits in Balfonheim after Draklor Laboratories. Believe me, you'll be buying like 30 or so gambits. Not sure on that count, but it is ALOT that become available at that point. They're all like 50-couple hundred gil. They're worth getting just to have, I guess. I've been using the same set of gambits FOREVER, but I don't like having blank spaces in lists ;)

As far as Loot check out Sephirosuy's Bazaar/Loot guide on gamefaqs. Beautifully done.

06-02-2007, 12:16 PM
You can get forbidden and festering fleshes in the sochen cave palace not far from the gate crystal. One of those sell for a nice profit and its better exp.

All orange pages are for self gambits. Loads of gambits become available when you reach Balfonheim, I spent about 10 minutes going through buying every one. There was still some left to buy I think but they become available later in the game.

Nice one is self: mp<10%, set Charge to that and you won't have a problem with mp.

06-02-2007, 07:42 PM
I love Self: MP<10% set charge.

And I believe there's no gambit for Self: Confuse, Berserk, and other uncontrollable status effects because what's the point of having these gambits if you can't cure them?

06-02-2007, 08:18 PM
Well yes, but blind/oil/etc would be useful is what I meant. I prefer my characters to be a little self-sufficient, and relying on esuna for those kinda statuses is a waste (not to mention spells take too long to cast, I prefer using items, it's quicker).

Anyway, thanks for the Charge tip, I'll definately set that one up. I was of two minds to bother with it at all really, as I don't know how realiable it is, been using ethers at the moment.

Also, I'll go terrorise Sochen Palace for a bit!

06-02-2007, 08:55 PM
You cant set a gambit for charge until you get self: mp<10% because you'll lose a hell of a lot of mp. If you're low on mp, it works well but the higher mp you have as a percentage of your max mp, the more likely charge will miss, and that means mp=0. I hardly ever use items, its constantly charge, cure and esuna for me. Apart from oil and stop, that is.