03-14-2007, 12:29 PM
Hey folks.

I'm a huge FF fan and a longtime player of the series. I'm failry enjoying their latest installment actually. I know it's recieved much criticism but I always applaud the chaps at square-enix for innovating. I didn't especially like X-2 and thought the characters pretty much sucked......and I hated the way they turned Yuna from being a shy, quiet, emotional person into, what seemed to be, Britney Spears upon starting the game. But still, I had to hand it them for bringing ATB back after the turn-based system was such a hit - they still innovated and tried something new. And that's what they've done with XII. It's awesome.

But onto the problem at hand. Gil. Anybody know any quick ways to make Gil? I'm not very far in the game (just left Bujherba) but I'm already finding it hard to earn enough Gil to buy the magick and tecknics I unlock on the license grid. I'm blitzing around the license grid and have some amazing skills but I can't seem to find enough Gil to buy the abilities. Loot just doesn't cut it. It's not enough. Does it get easier to make gil later in the game or am I doomed to wander dungeons and mines for hours on end to buy the next Technick on the license grid?

03-14-2007, 05:29 PM
Hunts are a good way to go. By now you should have been introduced to the clan. After every hunt you usually get a Cash reward as well as an Item. Also some bosses and Hunts will make Montblanc give you Rewards and that too is also cash.

Loot is also a good way try to chain the same type of monster as much as you can. The higher the Kill chain the higher the Loot drop and some times depending on type of loot more. Also the harder to kill monsters such as Saurian in Eastersands I think it is will give more expensive loot then the easier to kill monsters. Also try to steal from monsters since you don't always get a drop stealing might take longer but it can be more rewarding.

Another good way is to get the Monographs see the Q&A thread I know I posted it there you will have to look though. Monographs are recived from the Bazaar after talking to a type of Merchant so many times usually 30 or so as well as checking the Hunt board 50 times. They are a little pricey but what they do is increase Loot drop rates so they pay off in the long run.

03-21-2007, 03:01 AM
Monographs are a good call, Revaninja.

I actually like leveling up, but I found this game cuts you off in some ways because I had way more licenses than technicks/magic available at that stage in the game. I occasionally ran into money difficulties, but not to the extent that you're mentioning. I know it's tedious, but stealing really racks up the dough. Chaining also helps a lot.

03-22-2007, 03:31 PM
yeah, I've now set up a gambit that has my designated thief (Vaan) constantly stealing instead of attacking. I'm starting to rake it in now slowly but surely. I've conquered just about half of the license grid - license points are a doddle, It's buying technicks thats the pain in the ass. Loving the game though :-)

03-23-2007, 01:11 AM
yeah, I've now set up a gambit that has my designated thief (Vaan) constantly stealing instead of attacking. I'm starting to rake it in now slowly but surely. I've conquered just about half of the license grid - license points are a doddle, It's buying technicks thats the pain in the ass. Loving the game though :-)

I've been playing it for about 60 hours, I had a hard time earning money at the start probably since I never could find the second hunt monster haha. But I would buy thief cuffs for vaan and you get superior loot. And also find monsters that their loot sells for more. Possibly such as the Marlboro monsters and such their loot sells around 1k. And you steal and kill that's 2k right there. Also some advise upgrade your weapons and armor before magicks and skills because you can sell your left over armor and use that to help buy magicks and such.

Judge Bergan
03-28-2007, 06:59 PM
Just some tips on later loot collecting - Lhusu Mines, keep fighting the skeletons, and stockpile up on their bones. Sochen cave palace - Maggoty Flesh. I once collected 33 of them, 741 gil a piece I believe, and when I sold em, I got well over 20K

04-07-2007, 08:05 PM
Yeah, I found the Maggoty Flesh are the most valuable piece of Loot I've come across so far. Thats how I make my money. Also, I don't know if you guys have mentioned this, but after defeating a load of major monsters/bosses, head on down to the Clan hall in Rabanastre, and speak to the Moogle sitting on banister at the top of the stairs, he'll give you items & cash after you've efeated specific bosses/monsters. Of course, the items gradually rise in rarity/value. Same with Gil. Hope that helps!

04-07-2007, 11:43 PM
I know your problem. I'm always low on gill too, but have not gotten to far in the game yet. Still saving for that first monograph. Any opinions on what one to by first?

04-08-2007, 07:24 AM
I know your problem. I'm always low on gill too, but have not gotten to far in the game yet. Still saving for that first monograph. Any opinions on what one to by first?

That depends on where you're going. If you intend to stay around Rabanastre/Bhujerba for a little while, I suggest getting the Monograph that increases loot from beasts/avions (available after completing the Thextera hunt and talking to the petitioner in the Sandsea) as the majority of monsters around Rabanastre are either beasts or avions (wolves, hyenas, cockatrices etc)

I'm currently saving up for this Monograph, oh and the Assassin's Dagger works a treat at dispatching enemies that aren't immune to death. So far, 9/10 enemies I've encountered have died with one blow.

04-08-2007, 11:47 AM
That depends on where you're going. If you intend to stay around Rabanastre/Bhujerba for a little while, I suggest getting the Monograph that increases loot from beasts/avions

I suppose ozmone plains goes under this category to?

And i tried the "Paradise Risen" hunt for the Gil Snapper, but i'm way to low level to have a shot. Still, its amazing how much gil you can steal from it!

04-08-2007, 06:40 PM
I suppose ozmone plains goes under this category to?

And i tried the "Paradise Risen" hunt for the Gil Snapper, but i'm way to low level to have a shot. Still, its amazing how much gil you can steal from it!

Nihopalaoa + Elixer, Norwigi dude. If you ever feel like being cheap about it. Also, his HP bar doesn't seem to register damage.

04-08-2007, 08:49 PM
Nihopalaoa....?:confused: I should probably know what you mean, but, :-[

And yeah, it doesn't seem like I can hurt him at all. Just figured I'd wait till later.

04-08-2007, 09:07 PM
They should be on sale in the clan store in Muthru Bazaar if you have access to Gil Snapper. If not, take out all the normal and elite marks, save Gil Snapper and you should have access to them.

Nihopalaoa reverse the effects of items. If you toss a remedy on Gil Snapper he will be inflicted with a number of status effects. Niho + Remedy is a good way to tame an enemy. With most normal enemies you can Niho + Phoenix Down for instant victory.

Just remember to unequip it after you toss, cause you'll start keeping your team dead once someone drops ;)

You are hurting him, you just can't gauge it. I haven't encountered any other enemies that have an unresponsive HP bar.

04-09-2007, 04:59 PM
They should be on sale in the clan store in Muthru Bazaar if you have access to Gil Snapper. If not, take out all the normal and elite marks, save Gil Snapper and you should have access to them.

Nihopalaoa reverse the effects of items. If you toss a remedy on Gil Snapper he will be inflicted with a number of status effects. Niho + Remedy is a good way to tame an enemy. With most normal enemies you can Niho + Phoenix Down for instant victory.

Thanks. Ill try that when I get that last mark. (Ring wyrm)
Just have to level up a bit.
I missed out on the Chickatrice, because I didn't know it would dissapear when the weather changed, so I'm one behind.

04-09-2007, 05:04 PM
Well after you visit the Gariff village the weather will start turning every Hour of gameplay roughly so you can go back and get the Chickatrice hunt no prob. It will only stay on Rain season the until you get to Gariff the best time really to get the Gil snapper hunt.

As for not hurting a Hunt it might be you have too weak of weapons to hurt it. If you have more powerful weapons try equiping them to get better results.

04-09-2007, 05:30 PM
I just started Henne Mines, and the weather hasn't changed once after it began raining, so it has to be later.

And, yeah, the weapons might be the problem. Never been any good at changing those, no matter what game i'm playing....

04-09-2007, 09:54 PM
No it should be changing you are probably just always being there when the rains are on. When in Rabanstare talk to one of the Seeq wandering around near the stables in the gate area for Giza he should say he is the Weather Eye after you talk to him. He will give you a rough estimate when it will change.
And I know the Rain season will change after Gariff because I went after the Gil snapper reward then and I had to wait for the change based on Eye's report so I know it is the time.

04-09-2007, 10:16 PM
When I fought Gil Snapper his hp bar was responsive. Hmm, strange. ANd you can steal a fair bit of Gil from him but I think its pointless, for me anyway, I got the grimoires as soon as I could and I steal a lot, so my loot keeps my gil nice and high. Not run into money problems yet, I havent even gone into golmore yet and I've got 60k, and its not like I dont buy anything either.

04-09-2007, 10:23 PM
When I fought Gil Snapper his hp bar was responsive. Hmm, strange.

This could be more region shenanigans. Just a thought.