03-27-2007, 09:49 PM
Hi everyone- I've been playing (and greatly enjoying thus far) the game for a fair few hours now and have done a little browsing around on the web- having played previous FF games I'm fairly sure that I'm in for quite a long ride, but glancing at some 'chapter summaries' (I think there was one on this site, but I'm unable to find the page) it seems to me that I might not be so early on in the game as I first thought. I'm currently at King Raithwell's tomb- from what I've seen in guides it looks to be about 30-40% through the game, however I appreciate that later sections in the game may take far longer to reach the 60 hours or whatever it would do to do a straight run.

This leads me to my next question; is there any 'post main quest' content of sorts before the final fights like there was in previous installments? I'm thinking about fights along the line of the Dark Aeons in FFX.

Thanks for reading; answers would be greatly appreciated.


03-27-2007, 11:07 PM
You are not 30-40% you are 10% roughly as far as everything goes from Raithwall you go to Garif, eyrut, Hene, Mt-bur-omasice, Stilshrine, Highwaste, Salikwoods, Phon coast, uplands, archadia, Port(I forget its name), Pharos, Sky fortress. See you have a WHILE to go before you are even close to 40%. What ever lead you to belive you were at 40% lied. 40% is roughly Mt-bur-omasice after Stilshrine.

And there are no Post Main quest side quest since there is no New game plus like in FFX-2. You have to go through hurdles of ever increasing challanges for the Side quest Hunts it won't allow you to take on Yizmat for example where you are now its just not happening. Now some of the side quests become avabile after ceratin points in the Game like Barheim Passage key quest and a few others but basically by the end of the game you can have all sidequests with no extras.

03-27-2007, 11:28 PM
Brilliant! I'm really enjoying myself so far and to hear that I'm only 10% is great news :) Thanks very much for your help!

03-27-2007, 11:34 PM
Always glad to be of help but yeah you have ALOT of game play ahead of you espically if you want sidequests which the average is over 100 hours after completion myself I have 97 or so hours and I still have several things to do Sidequest wise Main plot I finished but I expect that when I get around to finishing up everything I am looking at 120 or so hours roughly maybe more in all honesty.
The 60 hours is a rough guess for the Main plot without a sinigle Side quest since most people will have done a side quest or 2 its a little hard to get an exact count for an average.