01-13-2007, 10:51 PM
Ok so i now you have to farm to get lp and exp but is there any like side quests that i can do for big amounts of money??? And again i have gooten all of the hidden forgotten grimores and i would like to get them all now any suggestions???

Safer Roco
01-14-2007, 12:18 AM
well the item dropped by monster are what you sell to earn money

Time assasin
01-21-2007, 10:02 AM
I found an easy way to earn Gil and leveling up at the place where you fought Zeromus the Condemer. After he's out of the way (Sometimes later in the game off course) come back to the same place in the Shrine and Lv47 darklords showing up in droves. Kill lots of them and run your battle chain high...I got as high as 150. They drop Blood-darkened bones that sell for 1400+ gil. You may need to leave and enter a few times to get 99 bones as they do run out. But it takes about ten minutes to max out and get 140K easily.

01-21-2007, 05:54 PM
thanks for the hint as a matter of fact i justr got him and i was gonna go back just to look around but ithink i will put that off for awhile now that i know what is in there and that it could beat me soundly

Time assasin
01-22-2007, 06:42 AM
No prob...you may also want a couple of black masks or demon shields as these guys like to throw darkja at you.