01-04-2007, 03:03 AM
-clan primer-
45/45 Hunts complete
Clan Rank | Knight of the Round
Points | 04899788

doing the fishing mini game-- (for that sword')

13 espers

level 99-across lp just adding up
hunts 67-80

Just Whatever
01-04-2007, 07:07 AM
Where'd you score Excalibur? Is is better than Ragnarok?

01-04-2007, 08:54 PM
Well, I have:

44/45 Hunts
Missing: Yiazmat

Clan Rank: Knight of the Round

12/13 Summons
Missing: Zodiark

Full License Boards for All

01-06-2007, 01:34 AM
Where'd you score Excalibur? Is is better than Ragnarok?

(Greatsword type weapon)

Location - Ancient City of Giruvegan, upper layer of Crystal Grande.

The road to Ultima esper fight under "Esper / Summon" section has already
mentioned it. You can try search it with the map below as well, it's located in
Map 2, second treasure from right side. You might get few gils or Sage Ring
if Excalibur doesn't exist

and yes.