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05-20-2015, 06:09 AM
I'm just saying that other sites I know of that I can't name have done away with range rips a while ago. If he wants to share a range rip that is up to him but then in that instance you don't tag the individual files, the information gets saved in the CUE sheet. So Ivalice2 would want to search how to add album information to a cue sheet if he wants to make sure it is tagged how he wants it. I don't care about tags... I just want it to work like how my other music works. Usually on Foobar I have a "Edit cuesheet" or "Load from blah blah" options. On these particular files though, I'm not given the options. Just take a look:!IIY2wAoR!2T4b3B1o18uW_8t-rpgEo1sdgh414F8ASX3QhmnBLAA
No one has to fix it for me, but in the very least can someone alteast TELL me what to do?

05-20-2015, 09:48 AM
I don't care about tags... I just want it to work like how my other music works. Usually on Foobar I have a "Edit cuesheet" or "Load from blah blah" options. On these particular files though, I'm not given the options. Just take a look:!IIY2wAoR!2T4b3B1o18uW_8t-rpgEo1sdgh414F8ASX3QhmnBLAA
No one has to fix it for me, but in the very least can someone alteast TELL me what to do?

I did offer to take a look at it earlier man. I checked your posts, but I didn't actually see a cue sheet paste or file format mentioned.
Is it just the cue sheet that's giving you problems? Is it a .tta/.ape/.tak/.wav format? Do you know if it was ripped properly?
I mean, I can download this huge file that you hosted, but it'd probably be faster to attack it with information. >_<

05-20-2015, 02:38 PM
Hi, people. I search for soundtrack from Duck Tales 1/2 and beta 1st game from NES.

05-20-2015, 03:27 PM
Hi, people. I search for soundtrack from Duck Tales 1/2 and beta 1st game from NES.Link. (

You'll need a plugin for your media player of choice.

05-20-2015, 05:41 PM
Thanks, but I want mp3.

05-20-2015, 05:49 PM
Thanks, but I want mp3.

Convert it...?

05-20-2015, 06:04 PM
Convert it...?

which program need for that?

05-20-2015, 06:13 PM
A Ressha de Ikou 3D Original Soundtrack CD (
A列車で行こう3D オリジナルサウンドトラックCD
A-Train 3D: City Simulator Original Soundtrack CD



FLAC (!REAlxBxC!Fol-GgZ0iXE77Vilof5qiI9Jftgztf_QFnpytAZ34-M)

Son of Kalas
05-20-2015, 07:37 PM
Thanks, but I want mp3.

um. you're in the wrong thread then
this is a LOSSLESS music thread
mp3 is NOT lossless
therefore it doesn't belong here

05-20-2015, 08:10 PM
I did offer to take a look at it earlier man. I checked your posts, but I didn't actually see a cue sheet paste or file format mentioned.
Is it just the cue sheet that's giving you problems? Is it a .tta/.ape/.tak/.wav format? Do you know if it was ripped properly?
I mean, I can download this huge file that you hosted, but it'd probably be faster to attack it with information. >_<I know you offered to help, I posted the same link days ago and no one responded. I don't know if its the cue sheet, or if its because the files are WAV, and if they weren't ripped properly, I wouldn't know how to check. If the file was FLAC or APE, I usually don't have a problem, but if I convert to FLAC, I'm sure I'll mess it all up.

05-20-2015, 08:18 PM
I wouldn't know how to check.

Gotcha. I'll get back to you this afternoon.

05-20-2015, 08:55 PM
I know you offered to help, I posted the same link days ago and no one responded. I don't know if its the cue sheet, or if its because the files are WAV, and if they weren't ripped properly, I wouldn't know how to check. If the file was FLAC or APE, I usually don't have a problem, but if I convert to FLAC, I'm sure I'll mess it all up.
The file(s?) are wave? Does the cuesheet say wave? I find cuesheets every once in awhile to have the wrong format listed for the files, so it doesn't work.

05-20-2015, 09:34 PM
K I fixed the problem. It's a cue sheet problem, specifically with their file association.
Here's what I did to get the files to play properly:

Lesson 1 - File Association

K, so first off this is a range rip (image rip) so a media player is usually dependent on a cue sheet to display the individual tracks within the image as well as additional information (artist, title, etc). So first let's grab our disc 1 cue sheet:

Now let's throw it in foobar and see what happens:

Mmmm. Right away you can see something's up. IGNORING the fact that the text is all jumble (will happen time to time with foreign text files) you can see that the last track on the disc has a "?" in the duration column. This USUALLY suggests that the cue sheet, while the syntax seems to be okay as it displays individual track info, IS NOT ACTUALLY ASSOCIATED WITH AN AUDIO FILE.
Here's how we can check and fix the problem. Return to our problematic cue sheet, right click it, "open with > notepad":

Okay, this is an easy fix. The field near the top that says FILE, that is the section of a cue sheet that tells it which file to apply it's information to... But if we look at our cue sheet what's there?

Oh god what the heck is that? (Don't worry it's a problem that comes along with jumbled asian text sometimes).
But Mint, what do I do? How can I get my music to play properly?

Have no fear citizen, for I will demonstrate skills beyond that of human comprehension!

Copy title of the AUDIO file that we want our cue sheet to be responsible for:

Paste that exact thing into the FILE field of our cue sheet:

SAVE the cue sheet and import it back into foobar:

BOOM! Immediately you'll notice that you did something right because the final track actually has a duration. You'll also note the tracks now play perfectly. Converting them should also go smoothly.

Hopefully this makes as much sense as I intended.

Please see Lesson 2 in order to proceed to deal with the syntax issue present in your 2nd folder

05-21-2015, 12:12 AM
I see at least two with real pictures at the moment. Yahoo Japan ( 3%89%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B5%E3%82%A6%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89% E3%82%BB%E3%83%AC%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A7%E3%83 %B3+%E3%82%A8%E3%83%B3%E3%83%87%E3%82%A3%E3%83%B3% E3%82%B0%EF%BC%86%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%83%83%E3%83 %95%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB&aq=-1&oq=&x=0&y=0&ei=UTF-8&slider=0&tab_ex=commerce&auccat=22152)

I don't have enough interest in the arrange album to purchase it, so I only have it downloaded as FLAC from somewhere.

4500 yen + middle man prices + shipping seems a bit much still (and thats only for used).. I know I can get that for probably 2800 yen or less little bit later on (for new). It seems people are barely just getting them.

05-21-2015, 12:37 AM
Lesson 2 - Syntax

Okay, so the albums you forwarded turned out to be great example material. The 2nd folder contains another cue sheet with 2 problems to fix. The 1st problem is exactly what I covered in Lesson 1, and is a problem with file association. The 2nd problem is something I've yet to cover and I will refer to is as a "syntax" related problem. Here's how I identified and dealt with the issues I encountered:

First things first. Vanilla file right here, our lovely cue sheet:

Throw that puppy (don't throw real puppies) into foobar:

Huh? That's strange, we expected for something to be wrong, but this looks different than what I expect? There aren't even separate tracks this time, it's just the one track. In fact this looks more similar to me throwing the .wav into foobar by itself, except once again the duration is missing... Hmmm. Okay well let's look at our cue sheet:

Ahhh, here's a familiar issue. File association is all messed up. Well I'm sure glad I paid attention in Lesson 1 and know how to fix this, let's do that now. Copy our desired file name:

Paste it into the cue sheet's FILE field:

And let's see the reward for our efforts! Import the cue sheet back into foobar:

Ok ok ok, stay calm, this just tells us that the cue sheet's file association wasn't the ONLY problem. Let's pop the hood on our cue sheet again and see if we can't find anything else that looks strange. Hmmmm. Well I notice an inconsistency. Look at track 8:

It seems that information is sandwiched between a set of quotation marks (") for each new entry of data. But look at track 9:

The TITLE and INDEX fields look okay, but what about that PERFORMER field? There's only a set of quotation marks on the front of the field, but none on the end. A cue sheet is extremely strict about it's formatting. If there's something out of place, or distorted/missing information, it VERY possible it won't work at all.

Well, that doesn't seem right, so let's be a shining member of society and fix the irregularity. Let's add the set of quotes (") on the end of the performer name:

Great, now let's find any other tracks in the rest of the cue sheet that also have a syntax issue.
For those too lazy to look themselves, I had to repeat the same process on tracks: 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 23, 28, 36, 38, 40
Remember to SAVE the cue sheet when your done editing it.

Okay then. We're feeling confident with how the sheet looks now. Let's import it back to foobar to see if we did everything right:

Awww shucks, I'd try to explain how I got so smart, but you probably don't have the mental capacity to grasp such an arcane concept. But fret not dear plebeian. Logic is on your side. And logic would tell you to offer me a substantial cash reward and your daughter's hand in marriage.

So that about does it. These problems are exceedingly common when you go around foreign boards and it would be in your best interest to at least know how to conquer these basic issues.

Till next time.

05-21-2015, 01:58 AM
4500 yen + middle man prices + shipping seems a bit much still (and thats only for used).. I know I can get that for probably 2800 yen or less little bit later on (for new). It seems people are barely just getting them.

Its nice that these soundtracks are popping up on Yahoo Japan before they are even released.

05-21-2015, 03:14 AM
These just showed up here for a reasonable price. Not familiar with any of them, and don't know if a lossless rip of any of them is rare and searched. Does it interest anyone? I'm willing to buy some, but I need the answer fast.

Son of Kalas
05-21-2015, 03:30 AM
dont bother buying the tales of the abyss anime ost
ive got it so if anyone wants it ripped let me know and i'll save you the trouble of buying it

05-21-2015, 08:53 AM
K I fixed the problem. It's a cue sheet problem, specifically with their file association.
Here's what I did to get the files to play properly:

Lesson 1 - File Association

Hopefully this makes as much sense as I intended.

Please see Lesson 2 in order to proceed to deal with the syntax issue present in your 2nd folder

Lesson 2 - Syntax

Nice Mint, if you want you can copy this on gravitrek ( too. (did a forum specially for Tuts) :p

05-21-2015, 09:25 AM
Its nice that these soundtracks are popping up on Yahoo Japan before they are even released.

Well honestly vgmdb only said May 2015 for that particular album, so its pretty accurate.

05-21-2015, 07:18 PM
Well honestly vgmdb only said May 2015 for that particular album, so its pretty accurate.

Well I guess I mean situations like A Link Between Worlds where vgmdb said the release date was November and I remember seeing listings for actual copies in October.

05-22-2015, 01:34 PM
Help me find

EXIT "The First" Game Sound Tracks

05-22-2015, 11:01 PM
Help me find

EXIT "The First" Game Sound Tracks

That soundtrack was only released on iTunes, so I'm afraid there is no lossless version available. You should look for a gamerip.

05-24-2015, 12:09 AM
Sega Multimedia Studio - Music from the Sega CD Games: Jurassic Park, Batman Returns
David Javelosa, Brian Coburn, Spencer Nilsen


Info (

Download (!6cNgnTzB!nCt6QFkjlM7jVgQxnysR6hHJbFSoF1wEUa3XjDB CWiU)

Very rare CD here.

05-24-2015, 11:14 AM
thx Jessie, yes, very rare

05-24-2015, 12:09 PM
Thank you for the lesson. I'll work on it when I get time off

Cold Blizzard
05-24-2015, 10:20 PM
海腹川背 攻略映像特典 DVD

海腹川背 攻略映像特典 DVD
Umihara Kawase Soundtrack Extra Disc

Ripped by Personal
Album Release Date: Apr 30. 2015
Record Label: SuperSweep
Catalog No.: SREX-0022
Music Formats: Iso/Mds

03.PS版「海腹川背・旬」「海腹川背・旬 ~セカンドエディション~」タイムアタック
04.PS版「海腹川背・旬」「海腹川背・旬 ~セカンドエディション~」大道芸映像

Oh god, it's already offline.

Does anyone care to re-up?

05-25-2015, 03:38 AM
Baidu Cloud

Download (

password : r2rb

---------- Post added at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------

Oh god, it's already offline.

Does anyone care to re-up?

05-25-2015, 03:53 AM
Added CDGM-10027 | SUPER Rom Cassette Disc In JALECO - VGMdb ( to my collection, and an ordered has been placed for this album. Although BoneSatyr's rip will be is in the S folder for my subscribers shortly (maybe 30 mins or so, MEGA going slow :( )

I just realized this album has music from The Peace Keepers, which I've been looking for, for a while now -_-

05-25-2015, 05:39 AM
Too bad, I was hoping for new ones.
The cover for the Mega Man Soundtrack ROCKCAN Sound E Can I have changed for me.
Okay, it's not the best, but I like it.


Don't suppose you've posted that custom art anywhere, perhaps?

Chrono Meridian
05-25-2015, 10:38 AM
Don't suppose you've posted that custom art anywhere, perhaps?
Oh, I have these scans no longer, sorry. ^^'
I've used and changed the scans from this: CPCA-10352~61 | Rockman Sound Box - VGMdb (

05-25-2015, 01:02 PM
So does anyone have a copy of the Xenoblade X OST ( and would mind sharing? Thanks!

05-25-2015, 01:27 PM
BlazBlue -Calamity Trigger- Limited Edition Soundtrack (

~FLAC|LOG|CUE|RIP'D by me / 768.7 MB~!aBIwGT5b!uK-WACULFdh_sk3X_Q728MCwUjQkaj2J2f59uHqm_vk

Making a lossless rip from a CD is something I've been wanting to do for some time. Luckily, I happen to own the limited edition box set of BlazBlue -Calamity Trigger-, which comes with two audio discs and a bonus disc (containing free stuff). Using the EAC guide (Thread 91868) that Vegeta put together, I went through the painstaking process of setting everything up and ripped both CDs. Seriously, I would have been completely lose without his guidance. Gotta give him props.

Some general highlights:
-The tags differ from the VGMdb page and my rip because they were retrieved from freedb
-Disc 2 has artists in the filenames because that's how EAC wanted it done
-Virtually no info was changed in the FLAC rip, apart from directory names in the logs (as Vegeta recommends)
-The package comes with the front and back covers from the VGMdb page; I don't plan on getting a scanner as it's personally not needed

"Proof" of purchase:
Pay the annoying store tag no mind.

Finally, please let me know if there's anything that can be improved. This is my first time ripping in lossless and I'm a little anxious to see how it turned out. The true critic is not the merchant, but the customer, so to speak.

05-25-2015, 02:07 PM
Baidu Cloud

Download (

password : r2rb[COLOR="Silver"]

Could someone upload this to Mega, I don't wanna run the downloader it always prompts me to, I could get a virus or something, my antivirus blocked it when I tried anyway.

05-25-2015, 02:46 PM
These just showed up here for a reasonable price. Not familiar with any of them, and don't know if a lossless rip of any of them is rare and searched. Does it interest anyone? I'm willing to buy some, but I need the answer fast.

The tales of abyss one please! :D

05-25-2015, 06:45 PM
Oh god, it's already offline.

Does anyone care to re-up?Another backup link here:!BlZVzb4b!wmyBxs5VEsTvzPtK2e8aLE_sD0H-8xE5vcDupBR2Oc0

(Also a word of advice, MPC-HC failed to play the content correctly so I extracted the ISO and played the VOB files individually.)

海腹川背 攻略映像特典 DVD
Umihara Kawase Soundtrack Extra Disc

Ripped by 開陽
Album Release Date: Apr 30. 2015
Record Label: SuperSweep
Catalog No.: SREX-0022

05-25-2015, 08:02 PM
The tales of abyss one please! :D

Sorry, Arceles, but I've got a little low on money, and I can't buy it for ME, because I'm saving money for releases I really want in my collection. I just found a torrent ( with it in lossless (no CUE/LOG), hope that it's useful for you.

If you want the album, I can reach the seller for you and be the middleman. Just send me a PM, okay? :)

05-25-2015, 09:44 PM
Higurashi Daybreak oRigiNAL SouND TRACK (
(FLAC + Embedded CUE)!DNt3hTwZ!URLbTumXT_lvwtpVu6LgZ-Vts594jPjGdXUtJnU3FMQ

Not my rip.

Son of Kalas
05-26-2015, 06:37 AM
Sorry, Arceles, but I've got a little low on money, and I can't buy it for ME, because I'm saving money for releases I really want in my collection. I just found a torrent ( with it in lossless (no CUE/LOG), hope that it's useful for you.

If you want the album, I can reach the seller for you and be the middleman. Just send me a PM, okay? :)

Ive got it
ill rip it
Just give me some time
heads up tho
its the anime ost not the game ost

05-27-2015, 12:27 AM
Ive got it
ill rip it
Just give me some time
heads up tho
its the anime ost not the game ost

Nope, the one in the photo is TALES OF THE ABYSS Original Soundtrack (, the PS2 game soundtrack. The anine soundrack is another one.

Son of Kalas
05-27-2015, 03:23 AM
oh oops my mistake, I always get those 2 confused
nvm the rip then
don't got it

05-27-2015, 04:42 AM
Thank you!!

05-27-2015, 10:06 AM
I forgot to share this!!! I know this more of a collection kinda subject but I'm real jazzed about it...

I got my copy of the Chulip soundtrack signed by the composer + game director!!

I like how the composer signed his name real big on the CD, hehe...

Anyway, glad to see this thread still active! My last soundtrack acquisition was the Smash soundtrack but I figured someone probably already uploaded a rip of it by the time I got it. I'm thinking of snatching either Pikmin World or the Opoona soundtrack next.

Keep up the good work, everyone!

05-27-2015, 10:09 AM
The Japanese version was already shared, but I figured I'd share the U.S. one like usual.



FLAC/Log/Cue/Personal Rip


Password: Pursuing My True Self

05-28-2015, 06:00 AM
thanks, OmegaBlade ~

05-28-2015, 04:49 PM
Hi all , i'm looking for Luigi's Mansion & Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Gamerip in flac
Please not you tube rips.

Can you help me ? please

05-29-2015, 06:23 PM

The issue with the "missing" quotes is because you are using the wrong character set. You need to try decoding it with a different character set, eg Shift-JIS, GB2312, Big5, etc. Just appending a quote doesn't fix the actual problem, just sweeps it under the rug.

05-30-2015, 07:47 AM
Thanks for everything :)

05-30-2015, 08:26 AM
If anyone is interested, Streets of Rage and Shenmue is being released on vinyl this fall.

The website opened just this morning for pre-orders for the people on the mailing list, so it might be a day or two before it's open to the public.
Edit: Quicker than expected, it's already open for everyone: Data Discs ? DATA DISCS LTD (

05-31-2015, 03:57 PM
Dark Souls with Artorias of the Abyss Edition Original Soundtrack [Flac + Cue + Log]
Personal rip.

Scans can now be found here: Download! (


Track List:

01 - Prologue
02 - Firelink Shrine
03 - Taurus Demon
04 - Bell Gargoyle
05 - Pinwheel
06 - Gaping Dragon
07 - Chaos Witch Quelaag
08 - Daughters of Chaos
09 - Iron Golem
10 - Ornstein & Smough
11 - Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight
12 - Great Grey Wolf Sif
13 - Ceaseless Discharge
14 - Centipede Demon
15 - Four Kings
16 - Seath the Scaleless
17 - Gravelord Nito
18 - Bed of Chaos
19 - The Ancient Dragon
20 - Crossbreed Priscilla
21 - Dark Sun Gwyndolin
22 - Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
23 - Nameless Song
24 - Sanctuary Guardian
25 - Knight Artorias
26 - Battle of Stoicism
27 - Manus, Father of the Abyss
28 - Kalameet

Download:Download! (

Enjoy :)

Small note, I have no idea what happened on track 24. Doesn't match the accurip database, but audibly it sounded fine to me. I can verify it's the original CD by the catalog number on the bottom of the CD, so I dunno what happened. If it's a problem, I can try re-ripping it and see what happens.

Is there any chance that you could provide this soundtrack with an MP3 edition as well?

05-31-2015, 05:36 PM
Is there any chance that you could provide this soundtrack with an MP3 edition as well?

Guys, this is a LOSSLESS MUSIC THREAD. Don't ask for lossy versions, as it can't be posted here. Ask via PM, or convert it as you wish. Man, I really can't believe that a person know how to google "FFShrine", but can't google "how to convert audio to MP3".

05-31-2015, 06:07 PM
Chill. 12 Posts don't facilitate universal knowledge for me, mp3 is more convinient for the casual user,
and the lossless thread has got the fucking goods for sure, i guess i will start to provide
V0 (245 kbps) with all my uploads from now on, it's better that way imho.

05-31-2015, 08:35 PM
Chill. 12 Posts don't facilitate universal knowledge for me, mp3 is more convinient for the casual user,
and the lossless thread has got the fucking goods for sure, i guess i will start to provide
V0 (245 kbps) with all my uploads from now on, it's better that way imho.

I'm not nervous. I also use MP3 in my smartphone, so I'm not complaining about the format, but for the lossy request in a lossless thread. It doesn't hurt to google how to convert any format to MP3, it's such a simple process. If I wanted to know if the uploader could provide a MP3 version, I would have asked him through PM, and if I didn't know how to convert something to MP3, I would have search how to do it before asking here. It don't hurt to search before asking, IMHO.

05-31-2015, 10:54 PM
Is there any chance that you could provide this soundtrack with an MP3 edition as well?
Sorry, but it's kind of not worth it to upload it in mp3 because it's incredibly easy to convert it. There's a ton of software that can do it out there.

If you use something like foobar2000 you can set up the lame mp3 encoder and just convert it straight from the playlist.

06-01-2015, 12:12 AM
convert it.

Sorry, but it's kind of not worth it to upload it in mp3 because it's incredibly easy to convert it. There's a ton of software that can do it out there.

If you use something like foobar2000 you can set up the lame mp3 encoder and just convert it straight from the playlist.

He may have slow/capped Internet, and so wants the lossy version which is 2~4 times smaller. It doesn't make any sense to tell him to convert it in that case.

But yeah, I agree, this is the Lossless thread. Look somewhere else or PM the guy if you want MP3.

Son of Kalas
06-01-2015, 12:32 AM
is it just me or do lossy requests on this thread come in waves?

06-01-2015, 04:56 AM
let me get this wave going.

im trying to find the Falcom special boxes '90 and '92 the ones on this thread are in .tak format and are unreadable by any of the programs i use.

06-01-2015, 05:06 AM
let me get this wave going.

im trying to find the Falcom special boxes '90 and '92 the ones on this thread are in .tak format and are unreadable by any of the programs i use.

Try foobar2000: Components Repository - TAK Decoder (

06-01-2015, 05:13 AM
i use mac

06-01-2015, 07:52 AM
i use mac

06-01-2015, 09:11 AM
mac .tak converter (

06-01-2015, 09:28 AM
Testing new signature... :D

06-01-2015, 11:02 AM
No need to be that complicated. FFmpeg supports TAK decoding already.

06-01-2015, 08:26 PM
He may have slow/capped Internet, and so wants the lossy version which is 2~4 times smaller. It doesn't make any sense to tell him to convert it in that case.
I suppose that could be the case as well.

Moving away from that, does anyone happen to know if decent scans exist for the F-Zero X Guitar arrange album?

06-02-2015, 02:54 AM
VGMdb ones seems fine for me. Did you see them?

06-02-2015, 05:38 PM
Company Of Heros 2 OST (FLAC) from HumbleBundle!LMFHmSQR!WruOGJx1K7g1uuRVEFNmdt7J1kX5iwyQgPGziO4 Ostc

06-02-2015, 06:14 PM
VGMdb ones seems fine for me. Did you see them?

Yeah, I mean they're okay but quite small. Mainly I just wanted a high quality cover art image, like 1000x1000 or something close to that. I've been adding high resolution cover art to my collection recently and I was unable to find anything decent for the guitar arrange album.

06-02-2015, 08:43 PM
Talking about scans, I would love to have a high quality scan of Perfect Selection Dracula Battle II (

06-02-2015, 09:52 PM

Just asking two things:

- Any Halo 2 Anniversary Soundtrack in lossless??

- Crypt of the Necrodancer Metal Soundtrack Aria's Ascent (the 28 track version)

Manray kindly posted all CotN soundtrack, but his Aria's Ascent album lacks some tracks according to VGMDB, so I am looking for them as well, can't get enough of that musical masterpieces.


EDIT: Actually there is a lot of difference between the CotN in bandcamp, the one in VGMDB, and the one provided by Steam. Can anyone explain me this mess so I can organize the music properly???

06-03-2015, 05:28 AM
Got the Bomberman Generation soundtrack here in FLAC.


Used the .adp (chip) files from emuparadise, converted them to .WAV with winamp, then to FLAC (-8, 16bit, 48000). Titled them using the listing from Galbadia Hotel, then named some of the 9 unknowns (any help with the others?). Anyway, great soundtrack!

EDIT: I don't know why some of the songs loop for a REALLY long time (6 minute settings theme, really?). I guess in a future update, I'll trim them appropriately.

06-03-2015, 07:47 AM
This is an extremely odd request but does anyone have a high quality recording of the menu theme of Re-Volt for N64? I know versions exist for like the dreamcast and the PC version, but I couldn't find a USF rip of the n64 version or any recordings in flac.
This is the song in question:

I have no idea if one exists though.

Argus Zephyrus
06-03-2015, 10:23 AM
Anyone ripped this Mario Kart 8 ( album yet?

06-03-2015, 01:29 PM
I can't find the usf for it in any of the normal spots, unfortunately. :/

06-03-2015, 01:55 PM
Anyone ripped this Mario Kart 8 ( album yet?

I don't think it comes out until later this month.

06-04-2015, 06:52 AM
Fixed up my earlier upload of Bomberman Generations. Trimmed some of the song that looped for like, 9 minutes instead of just 3 or 4. File size went from 1.22Gb to 772Mb.

06-04-2015, 11:32 AM
Any chance of some more Dynasty Warriors OST's?

06-05-2015, 03:44 AM
I can't find the usf for it in any of the normal spots, unfortunately. :/
Thanks for looking anyway :)

I ran into the same problem a while ago looking for a rip of Robotron 64, doesn't seem like anyone cared enough to make a rip of any kind. Oh well.

06-05-2015, 11:54 AM
Hello guys,

searching the Music Soundtracks from the Video Game Serie Breath of Fire in FLAC.

2. Breath of Fire III Original Sound Track (
3. Breath of Fire III Drama Album (
4. Breath of Fire IV Original Soundtrack (
5. Breath of Fire IV Original Soundtrack (
6. Breath of Fire V Dragon Quarter Mini Image Soundtrack (
7. Breath of Fire V Dragon Quarter Original Soundtrack (
8. Breath of Fire Original Soundtrack Special Box (
9. Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter Original Soundtrack (
10. Capcom Special Selection: Breath of Fire (

Best wishes and thanks for the help

06-05-2015, 04:31 PM

Album Information (

Download (FLAC+CUE+LOG) (!phRFUJ5D!3sTM1QW9eLlu-886lf_J9wVMsAIuHKN89ptNk0e6kRQ)

Long time coming, this one. My rip.

06-05-2015, 05:19 PM

Album Information (

Download (FLAC+CUE+LOG) (!phRFUJ5D!3sTM1QW9eLlu-886lf_J9wVMsAIuHKN89ptNk0e6kRQ)

Long time coming, this one. My rip.

VGMdb is in need of information for this for a long time now. Could you provide scans for this, so we can provide it information?

06-05-2015, 05:44 PM
Scans are included (it's just a double sided printout in a slim jewel case).

06-05-2015, 11:00 PM
Does anyone has Dragon Ball Z – Game Music: Kakusei-Hen (1995) in FLAC? Thanks for any helps.

06-06-2015, 02:39 AM
Someone have these? :ashine:

CPCA-10346 | Street Fighter Compilation "RE:"MIX Chiptune (

06-06-2015, 07:33 AM
TKCA-30097 | Devil Crash / Alien Crush (

FLAC | Log | Cue | Scan | Personal rip

Link (!T81GwKZT!tB1pRb4A1YUfLcsu2BPpqiqq-U-4DJjHwlwYbyzRV1g)
Pwd : the catalog number of this CD

06-06-2015, 09:12 AM
That's that Genesis Pinball Game, right ? I heard it has an awesome Soundtrack.

06-06-2015, 11:13 AM
Mind if I ask where you found your copy of that, parodius? It's a tough one to track down.

Thanks for sharing it, anyway.

06-06-2015, 11:23 AM
Yahoo Japan Auctions

06-06-2015, 11:56 AM
[MJCD-23041] Unlimited World / KΛNΛ (

Luminous Arc 2 Opening Album

Flac | Cue | Log


06-06-2015, 12:11 PM
Yahoo Japan AuctionsFigured as much. Thanks.

06-06-2015, 01:06 PM
TKCA-30097 | Devil Crash / Alien Crush (

FLAC | Log | Cue | Scan | Personal rip

Link (!ew8nmIJD!0fGHvfQfzV5dY7VJKHVG5xN5vdltpdsVAX4bdbH W1kk)
Pwd : the catalog number of this CD

amazing soundtrack, thx so much for it

06-06-2015, 01:21 PM
I'm after having a hard drive die on me and all my lossless music was stored on it, so it's all pretty much gone. I'm slowly getting it back by re-downloading it, thanks to it still being visible in my foobar library. I'm looking for someone that has a account that can send me an invite, i know i got something from there before, a lossless collection of Amiga and C64 albums, but i stopped using the account due to not having a good upload speed to seed enough to keep downloading anything.

06-06-2015, 03:49 PM
I'm after having a hard drive die on me and all my lossless music was stored on it, so it's all pretty much gone. I'm slowly getting it back by re-downloading it, thanks to it still being visible in my foobar library. I'm looking for someone that has a account that can send me an invite, i know i got something from there before, a lossless collection of Amiga and C64 albums, but i stopped using the account due to not having a good upload speed to seed enough to keep downloading anything.

You should make a backup of your collection to DVD-Rs/BD-Rs this time around.

06-06-2015, 05:26 PM
You have to get on the disabled-users channel on the irc to reactive your old account, if you try to register an second account you'll get banned immediately.

06-06-2015, 05:58 PM
Was waiting there for a very long time with no response, as were lots of other people.

06-06-2015, 06:24 PM
ALL ABOUT TOSHIAKI OTSUBO (1) Peace of Mind (2) Triangle Again Sound Track Vol.1 (
ALL ABOUT 大坪稔明 ① Peace of Mind ② トライアングル・アゲイン ~ サウンドトラック Vol.1



FLAC (!tMZHxYTB!VF6DSlNN1d3QkceFS3OwUlm4HRa535oRM0N1fV9 oFPE)

La Grenouille
06-06-2015, 06:30 PM
TKCA-30097 | Devil Crash / Alien Crush (

FLAC | Log | Cue | Scan | Personal rip

Link (!ew8nmIJD!0fGHvfQfzV5dY7VJKHVG5xN5vdltpdsVAX4bdbH W1kk)
Pwd : the catalog number of this CD

Thanks a lot for this share !
Devil Crush soundtrack is amazing !

06-06-2015, 06:47 PM
it is Devil Crash and Alien Crush xddd

06-06-2015, 07:38 PM
It's "Devil's Crush" outside of Japan.

06-07-2015, 12:53 AM
ALL ABOUT TOSHIAKI OTSUBO (1) Peace of Mind (2) Triangle Again Sound Track Vol.1 (
ALL ABOUT 大坪稔明 ① Peace of Mind ② トライアングル・アゲイン ~ サウンドトラック Vol.1



FLAC (!tMZHxYTB!VF6DSlNN1d3QkceFS3OwUlm4HRa535oRM0N1fV9 oFPE)

wanted a smooth soprano sax solo like "night in the white"

06-07-2015, 04:34 AM
Someone can recommend me a good Android player that can show all the ID3 tags of the songs and can still offer some nice view of the cover (not at the same time, obviously)? I like the standart one and its free equalization option, but it almost don't show any ID3 tags, and it's kind of unfair, considering the work I have to tag all the songs to perfection.

Any opinion is welcome.

06-07-2015, 09:22 AM
Someone can recommend me a good Android player that can show all the ID3 tags of the songs and can still offer some nice view of the cover (not at the same time, obviously)? I like the standart one and its free equalization option, but it almost don't show any ID3 tags, and it's kind of unfair, considering the work I have to tag all the songs to perfection.

Any opinion is welcome.

I'm not entirely sure if this does what you're looking to do, but try poweramp's free 30-day trial. It's the best music player on the Google Play Store as far as I'm aware. Very battery efficient, too!

Son of Kalas
06-07-2015, 09:47 AM
Someone can recommend me a good Android player that can show all the ID3 tags of the songs and can still offer some nice view of the cover (not at the same time, obviously)? I like the standart one and its free equalization option, but it almost don't show any ID3 tags, and it's kind of unfair, considering the work I have to tag all the songs to perfection.

Any opinion is welcome.

I like GoneMAD media player
you can configure album cover display, and choose exactly which tags are displayed and in which order, you can also custom make your own themes. in fact you can configure/customize just about everything.

06-07-2015, 12:50 PM

[COCX-36235] Blaze Union Original Sound Track (

Flac | Cue | Log
MEGA (!RF8gCYzA!5a70QTnN-xqGPN2SGN5yhpeYv-RqgVSMylPL3bAuRog)

[VGCD-0147] Knights in the Nightmare Perfect Audio Collection (

Flac | Cue
MEGA (!gcM23JoQ!4PluoNP3klMvzuarshF96YCKG7C7C2ZuYBSgPnu wTQE)

[COCX-36233~4] Knights in the Nightmare ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK (

Flac | Log
MEGA (!lE9D3SIS!Bfmh6kupJH1QCUjksQjf6YpEHUxGuGyrcTdplSP f1XI)

[BJCA-0018] Riviera ~The Promised Land~ Full Arrange Soundtrack (

Flac | Scans
MEGA (!5dMzVJTR!ZEutjnPLLaeADsmCg6l3HFRNx3qxZ7p1A_WaWX2 lzfQ)

[VGCD-0028] Yggdra Union ~WE'LL NEVER FIGHT ALONE~ Perfect Audio Collection PLUS (

Flac | Cue | Log | Scans

MEGA (!FdUVGDBb!TOkweLzSi5S0B67W7fmCL5ZHRE60KvaFb9CglRH obM8)

This upload isn't new, it uses earlier posted version from torrents as a base. I think, it's good to have a non-torrent mirror of it.


Flac | Cue | Scans

06-07-2015, 06:27 PM
I can't find this on VGMdb.

Ryusei no Rockman 1&2 Original Soundtrack
Personal RIP | FLAC | SCAN | 779.4 MB

06-07-2015, 06:53 PM
I can't find this on VGMdb.

Isn't it this (

06-07-2015, 06:57 PM
aw, now thats why, I lack 1 "u" in the title.

06-07-2015, 07:13 PM
Does anyone has Dragon Ball Z � Game Music: Kakusei-Hen (1995) in FLAC? Thanks for any helps.

Is it this one? COCC-13062 | Dragon Ball Z Game Music Kakusei-hen - VGMdb (

I can get it..

06-08-2015, 08:56 PM
Someone can recommend me a good Android player that can show all the ID3 tags of the songs and can still offer some nice view of the cover (not at the same time, obviously)? I like the standart one and its free equalization option, but it almost don't show any ID3 tags, and it's kind of unfair, considering the work I have to tag all the songs to perfection.

Any opinion is welcome.

DeaDBeeF Player Pro is by far the best player I've ever tried. It supports single image FLAC files with cue sheets so it's all I need to be a happy camper.

It also has a clean simple interface and you can directly pick files, just like the old days. I hate automatically built libraries/databases. They always screw up albums with multiple artists in one album.

06-08-2015, 10:29 PM
Does anyone has Dragon Ball Z � Game Music: Kakusei-Hen (1995) in FLAC? Thanks for any helps.

the lack of Flac DBZ ost's though, talking about the ones from 1995 to 1996 AKA 2 arranged ost of SNES butoden games + Ultimate Battle 22 if anyone got these would be great thanks

06-10-2015, 08:51 AM
I had posted this over on reddit. It has to do with MEGA and IDM

IDM Refuses to support MEGA : MEGA (

06-10-2015, 11:29 AM
So use jdownloader instead.

Dragoon Knight
06-10-2015, 03:36 PM
I haven't had any problems in the last nine months with IDM downloading with MEGA....nvm I just had to say something.

06-10-2015, 08:11 PM
Wut da heck is IDM? I feel like I'm a noob for not knowing..

06-10-2015, 08:26 PM
Wut da heck is IDM? I feel like I'm a noob for not knowing..

Internet Download Manager is accelerator downloader :)

06-10-2015, 09:33 PM
Internet Download Manager is accelerator downloader :)

Oh, I see. How do download managers work exactly? What do they do? They certainly don't increase your download speeds because that's determined by your ISP.

06-10-2015, 10:38 PM
They certainly don't increase your download speeds because that's determined by your ISP.You're kinda wrong on a few counts there. Most free file hosts limit download speeds, some download managers can work around those limitations (such as downloading multiple files at once, or splitting single files into multiple segments to be downloaded concurrently), and your ISP probably has nothing to do with how fast e.g. Mega works for you - unless Mega manages to hit your bandwidth cap.

06-10-2015, 10:56 PM
You're kinda wrong on a few counts there. Most free file hosts limit download speeds, some download managers can work around those limitations (such as downloading multiple files at once, or splitting single files into multiple segments to be downloaded concurrently), and your ISP probably has nothing to do with how fast e.g. Mega works for you - unless Mega manages to hit your bandwidth cap.

Ohhh, I see! Yeah, I've never known MEGA to have download limits. My download speed is 2.3 MB/s and at uni I get about 6 MB/s, so MEGA's download speed must be like 10 MB/s for me to not have noticed dl speeds under my bandwidth cap.

But this would sure come in handy for other sites which have like 100 KB/s download speed limits. Thanks for the info, I'll definitely look into one of these next time I encounter such a site.

06-11-2015, 12:24 AM
Yeah. You don't always get an increase in speed, but Jdownloader makes downloading from free file hosts a lot less hassle in general, since you can queue them up, and sometimes skip the captcha.

06-11-2015, 02:23 AM
I haven't had any problems in the last nine months with IDM downloading with MEGA....nvm I just had to say something.

You need to teach me how to download from MEGA using IDM. Whenever I try i get a stupid .html file lol

06-11-2015, 02:37 AM
Idk if there's any interest, but if anyone wants a visualizer to be part of their desktop background, this is for you

I've been looking for this for a while now but never managed to find that in a google search. Maybe I looked before it was uploaded or maybe I just used bad search terms ("desktop visualizer winamp") but I finally found this and it works goooooooood!

06-11-2015, 05:57 AM
Found one more Sting album - Riviera ~The Promised Land~ Full Arrange Soundtrack ( - as well as managed to get second disc for Knights in the Nightmare Perfect Audio Collection ( so now it has both discs, yay!

I decided to add them to my previous post ( so it would assemble all new Sting's D.H.E. related albums in one place (and probably mirrors of already posted ones if their links go down at some point and I am still around to reupload them). Hopefully it's not the last time I update it and find more albums :)

06-11-2015, 01:16 PM
EDIT: Somehow ALL my MEGA account files got deleted, so these will stay down for a little bit until I receive the answer from the MEGA staff and try to recover things.

"The Blue Bomber Post"

Okay, let's put this thread on fire again. I'm making this permanent post here, and I'll add more albums as soon as I got and organize them. Perfectionists, please read all the following text.

I personally downloaded (and ripped some), splitted (most of them) and TAGGED TO PERFECTION all of this rips. I made searches for information about each of them while ripping, and even made minor/major changes to at least half of their VGMdb data. Most of them were a single FLAC file with CUE, so I used CUETools to split those, generating a LOG and a M3U files. They follow a organization and tagging standart that I've been developing for one or two months, and I'm using this for my personal rips as well from now on. Note that I've only posted the albums that weren't posted yet (except Mega Man 8 and 9), or that were posted by me (I've redirected my old posts to this one).

I spent a month or two doing this, stent much of my free time mostly tagging, searching and uploading. I was improving my tagging system in the whole process, so unfortunately some of this albums were uploaded with minor errors, which I've fixed in my collection but didn't uploaded again, and I'm not willing to do it, because like I said, they were minor errors. Mostly the LOG files, that are with a ".txt" extension, which I noted later in the process. Just rename it yourself, if you want.

For Zodiacmaster ( I've redirected my old posts here, so you can just point "Chiptuned Rockman", "Rockman 10: Uchuu Kara no Kyoui!! Original Soundtrack", "20th Anniversary Rockman 1~6 Rock Arrange Ver.", "25th Anniversary Rockman Rock Arrange Ver." and "Rockman 7: Shukumei no Taiketsu! Original Soundtrack", since I was the original uploader of them. Mega Man 8 and 9 are "mirrors". Hope it can make your job easier.

All credit goes to the original uploaders.

"But enough talk. HAVE AT YOU!!!"

Capcom Music Generation Famicom Music Complete Works Rockman 1~6 [CPCA-1064~6]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | 977.3 MB

MEGA (!E8ljHRTS!LaorAWEzejpbX0mz10ZzW3nYhxio_g2qX2cEEb-rUbA)

Credits to Winged Cat

Rockman 7: Shukumei no Taiketsu! Original Soundtrack [KDSD-00171]
VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | 348.8 MB

MEGA (!IsNj2RQb!8hLCT72FFWvhsah44v1e8obbaSD3PGck9tm7fzKXusQ)

Rockman 8: Metal Heroes Original Soundtrack [KDSD-00172]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 310.1 MB

MEGA (!49s10aTB!Jyo_cuQG-9P8DTrF4i_hXVE3bhnLZSvZtGIKwxkwB90)

Credits to bandai3的分享

Rockman 9: The Ambition's Revival!! Original Soundtrack [INTIR-013]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 160.5 MB

MEGA (!d0FUWTLT!bXtRkvTvUa1rS9kt8VUahF-kt_C2aIRh2Ld2GjLCRMs)

Credits to bandai3的分享

Rockman 9 Arrange Soundtrack [INTIR-014]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 463.7 MB

MEGA (!o1Eh1aIC!VbDSrsoa91lWGpWRfhpD26vl11uDUkXzakSOQIZONwM)

Credits to bandai3的分享

Rockman 10: Uchuu Kara no Kyoui!! Original Soundtrack [INTIR-016]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 359.2 MB

MEGA (!VkMxAR5J!HY4CYy8mrWdaKnuNTgdBMJoS517yuVXxI4gtqeSpZ1c)

Credits to bandai3的分享

Rockman 10 Image Soundtrack [INTIR-017]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 579.3 MB

MEGA (!U8VBzSpY!LOe3W0aJn9WZSNYSW3QghScd4dS6-L0X1w2G198v3dU)

Credits to bandai3的分享

Chiptuned Rockman [INTIR-015]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | - MB

Wait for it...

Credits to Spybionic

20th Anniversary Rockman 1~6 Rock Arrange Ver. [KDSD-00173]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 364.3 MB

MEGA (!pxsFUbSA!5K6SGp7Nkvp4IWusFPXQxt0fngIZ1-Z5cCj_9gzLrxo)

Credits to bandai3的分享

20th Anniversary Rockman 1~6 Techno Arrange Ver. [KDSD-00174]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 383.3 MB

MEGA (!Nk0GmbLY!DKrn3rcTlkQtXNeKxHcyv6AW3NE-hSO2cXZ6n3HknmI)

Credits to bandai3的分享

25th Anniversary Rockman Rock Arrange Ver. [KDSD-00580]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 505.3 MB

MEGA (!wg1AnCAD!TOlK8R0Mk3tWAYxllV75EApsSCXFd2oSUjD9iXjLsio)

Credits to bandai3的分享

25th Anniversary Rockman Techno Arrange Ver. [KDSD-00581]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 499.5 MB

MEGA (!JldQlJZA!7h9q2bxf0WUhgQVE5O8YG7pl8L1xYHPNfZiLuR0gEUk)

Credits to bandai3的分享

Rockman Famicom Series Arrange Album ROCKMAN Kai Arrange shitemita!! [CPCA-10221]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 397.8 MB

MEGA (!s5VHUSxY!iKECFm0itBpmtXaZPA0oqiAw3NDVonmKZ8pzawIxYGI)

Credits to bandai3的分享

Rockman Theme Song Collection [CPCA-1056]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 386.6 MB

MEGA (!I0kU3RhB!sgjcxFbwXla1pkIQHL2jbExJFLzbrW2iXUQaYQdtroY)

Credits to bandai3的分享

Rockman in the Nick of Time [SRCL-3127]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 269.5 MB

MEGA (!E58AyCob!F1vofbfzZ9ZKLkHSvDFu-LV6aAiwR7pJhsfp19l8--o)

Credits to bandai3的分享

VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 401.2 MB


Credits to bandai3的分享

Rockman Battle & Chase [VICL-60065]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 764.5 MB

MEGA (!Eo8GXSzC!ru1wgSSotpSlhv0wWddPe3ca66EXOBVDVRaEmIXbewA)

Credits to bandai3的分享

Rockman: The Power Battle Arcade Gametrack [SRCL-3451]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | - MB

Wait for it...

Credits to Fuujinryu

Rockman 2: The Power Fighters [VICL-2173]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 426.1 MB

MEGA (!x8lExS6T!-1V5ceP_RGkM3VEJW_1IqNJufJCro_0jvsxgtyEe1sw)

Credits to bandai3的分享

We are ROCK-MEN! [CPCA-10248]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | CUE | CUETools LOG | M3U | SCANS | 348.3 MB

MEGA (!YoN10QoY!dSE2CgFHAyCVIJdFynE1VVAduu9HdKuhxr0OX9NLy9s)

Credits to bandai3的分享

We are ROCK-MEN!2 [CPCA-10283]
VGMdb ( | FLAC | M3U | SCANS | - MB

Wait for it...

Credits to the original ripper, shared by ManRay

Still searching:

Rockman Famicom Series Arrange Album ROCKMAN Kai Arrange shitemita!! (' DVD

Dragoon Knight
06-11-2015, 04:45 PM
You need to teach me how to download from MEGA using IDM. Whenever I try i get a stupid .html file lol

well nvm the only thing it does was save the file to the directory but not downloading it, But now that you mention it mega changed and idm just had a update :( NOOOOOOO!! wish I could have taken a picture.

06-12-2015, 04:27 AM
well nvm the only thing it does was save the file to the directory but not downloading it, But now that you mention it mega changed and idm just had a update :( NOOOOOOO!! wish I could have taken a picture.

I contacted IDM, said MEGA is in the top 500 for rank when it comes to sites. Far surpassing rapidshare, by almost 15 times. It is one of the top 5 file hosts used by people today. LOL dumb fucks were using to check statistics which is a newer site they released. Guy said "It doesn't look to be that popular." ... I gave him the link to the real site with the statistics. He STFU real quick.

Dragoon Knight
06-12-2015, 03:56 PM
I hope they do work on this very soon, >.> I cant believe they said that out of all hosts. Vegeta isnt mega alreeady fast enough?

06-12-2015, 05:47 PM
Far surpassing rapidshare, by almost 15 times.You're aware Rapidshare closed in March, right?

06-12-2015, 06:29 PM
You're aware Rapidshare closed in March, right?

It cannot be :O

06-13-2015, 02:46 AM
You're aware Rapidshare closed in March, right?

No because I don't use POS sites.

---------- Post added at 08:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------

I hope they do work on this very soon, >.> I cant believe they said that out of all hosts. Vegeta isnt mega alreeady fast enough?

I did get in contact with jDownloader support, and they pushed a new build that corrected some issues with downloading with multiple chunks, where if say you try to stop the file from downloading it would take forever. After they seen my youtube video, they fixed the problem within a few hours lol.. So if you like MEGA, but have slower downloads.. try using jDownloader 2 .. works great now lol

06-13-2015, 03:29 AM

06-13-2015, 10:06 AM
No because I don't use POS sites.

Goddamnit, i spewed my juice !!

You are one funny individual, Vegeta ! ^^

06-13-2015, 10:39 AM
Kholat Original Soundtrack (GoG)
Arkadiusz Reikowski


Info (

Download (!rARFAYxY!_dknrVQzn-dAr73DuF2GiiOajLFvizhzSqPDqcEzeuU)

06-13-2015, 11:53 AM
"The Blue Bomber Post"

Still searching:
Rockman: The Power Battle Arcade Gametrack

Download (!3k4EWJ5K!9bGpKbBxu95f0Vyocf43vNGCfd7pqRRSzM9uFLa IZSg)

Rockman: The Power Battle Arcade Gametrack

Catalog Number: SRCL-3451
Release Date: December 1, 1995
Track Count: 33
Format: FLAC
Duration: 52:05
Auxiliary Files: CUE
Archive Details: 320.2 MB RAR
Notes: Cue file from my original rip. Files have since been retagged and renamed.
VGMdb (

P.S. X wept.

06-13-2015, 12:38 PM
Thanks, man. I'll organize it like the others and put in the post giving you the credit, if you don't mind.

Also, if you still have the album, please scan it, VGMdb is lacking them, and it would surely help the community :)

06-13-2015, 01:08 PM
Still searching:

We are ROCK-MEN!2 (

Will upload later tonight, playing Skullgirls with my buddies atm... Eliza ftw.

06-13-2015, 01:25 PM

Will upload later tonight, playing Skullgirls with my buddies atm... Eliza ftw.

You're the boss ;)
I've noted that it hasn't CUE/LOG... :(
But thanks anyway, I've searched this one everywhere, and just found MP3 rips. This rip should stay in the post until we get a more complete one. Thanks, ManRay :)

06-13-2015, 01:29 PM
You're the boss ;)
I've noted that it hasn't CUE/LOG... :(
But thanks anyway, I've searched this one everywhere, and just found MP3 rips. This rip should stay in the post until we get a more complete one. Thanks, ManRay :)

Yeah, not a personal Rip, or it would have those, should be true properly ripped lossless tho, spectrals look good.

Awesome Collection on your part tho, forgot to mention, thanks a lot ! ;)

06-13-2015, 01:46 PM
EDIT: Somehow ALL my MEGA account files got deleted, so these will stay down for a little bit until I receive the answer from the MEGA staff and try to recover things.

These are my collection's personal rips. I'm not finished with them all yet, but I'll adding the links as I'm finishing, and adding more albuns as I get them. Also, I redirected my old personal rip posts to this one, re-ripped and reorganized.

Let's keep this spirit going.

30th ANNIVERSARY CAPCOM Music Best:Original & Arrange [CPCA-10315~6]
VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | Personal scans | - MB

Wait for it...

Akumajo Dracula Best [KICA-7901]
VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | 430.9 MB

MEGA (!MpVnQBgA!3250RpVLv-B0F_zmiif-M2XO_TTu1ywLCvDCCvOcARw)

Dairantou Smash Brothers for Nintendo 3DS / for Wii U Special Sound Test [NTDT-17294]
VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | - MB

Wait for it...

Killer Cuts [1550-Winter96]
VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | 339.2 MB

MEGA (!olkFxBbL!BJuWU-_0uGr3epoD92v4yCt0yE4cPPMfIYnllKQosxM)

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest The Original Donkey Kong Country2 Soundtrack
VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | - MB

Wait for it...

VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | 378.5 MB

MEGA (!d9dRgADa!HNYlmDIvHlmlVglUMnsvivy8Pe5Xe8Jex8yp3BZKQpU)

Nintendo Sound History Series: Zelda the Music [SCDC-00395]
VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | 354.8 MB


VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | 976.2 MB

MEGA (!0gl1iZQJ!SUTRebpTcKwFFm_KfY13VVnAt7AmzxclyZfKFnuQLGo)

VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | 699.3 MB

MEGA (!0o9VUYgI!dHbx7gi5k22najcX6fMp_2xo9A2dyT0wyblz_b5MQcQ)

VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | 381.8 MB

MEGA (!R18EWbiZ!65x8eOw3dIQsbxyT0gt8LVH7XP-T16NoQ4s00W2FyFY)

The King of Fighters '96 Arrange Sound Trax [PCCB-00225]
VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | 514.7 MB

MEGA (!o9cFiTLT!ZKZtju2I9t7uLKrqXS-cyTA7o830EJcIk5mVntk27js)

The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Special Orchestra CD [RVL-ZSCD-0A-0 USA S0]
VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | 224.5 MB

MEGA (!8tNzyKbQ!IDQQUZe-83-ja2PGnjzYw7aR-IpBNsk_LlNVVVvtagY)

VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | - MB

Wait for it...

Pok�mon the First Movie: Music From and Inspired By the Motion Picture [756783261-2]
VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | Personal scans | - MB

PM me for this, as it's not a game soundtrack. If anyone have interest in this shit, though...

06-13-2015, 08:23 PM
Any chance I can get a re-up on both of the Otomedius soundtracks?


06-14-2015, 12:36 AM
30th ANNIVERSARY CAPCOM Music Best:Original & Arrange [CPCA-10315~6]
VGMdb | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | Personal scans | - MB

Wait for it...

yes, waiting for it

06-14-2015, 01:09 AM
R.C.S.B. , yeah, not to be impatient, but how much should be wait for this and the Rockman one? :D

06-14-2015, 01:16 AM

God knows what the Upload speed for Brazilian people is, but it can't be good...

---------- Post added at 06:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:15 PM ----------

Any chance I can get a re-up on both of the Otomedius soundtracks?


Mixi is slowly re-uploading all of her/his stuff, shouldn't be long...

06-14-2015, 01:35 AM

Will upload later tonight, playing Skullgirls with my buddies atm... Eliza ftw.

Accurately ripped. Too bad this is a private release so you can upload yours :P

06-14-2015, 01:37 AM
Accurately ripped. Too bad this is a private release so you can upload yours :P

Not a problem... Care to evaluate mine ? I am not that good with verifying the Quality of Rips.

06-14-2015, 01:41 AM
@arfgh, I've already uploaded ( it before, and it's still working. I'll repost it here only when I re-rip/reorganize, so then I'll redirect this post to this one. If you're in just for the music, go for it :)

@AFMG, which albums are you referring to? I'm waiting the upload of Rock-Men 2 from ManRay, and The Power Fighters was already there. For my personal rips, I uploaded Sonic 1&2, will link to the post when I get home. I'll upload DKC2 today, but SSB and LBW are still unorganized, too much tagging. You'll have to wait some more :/

@ManRay, I laughed hard on this. You're absolutely right, it's a piece of shit. I do what I can under my conditions, though.

Have any of you already downloaded any of my uploads, of the last two posts? What did you think of my tagging system? Please, let me know what you guys think :)

06-14-2015, 01:50 AM
@AFMG, which albums are you referring to? I'm waiting the upload of Rock-Men 2 from ManRay, and The Power Fighters was already there. For my personal rips, I uploaded Sonic 1&2, will link to the post when I get home. I'll upload DKC2 today, but SSB and LBW are still unorganized, too much tagging. You'll have to wait some more :/

Chiptuned Rockman and the Capcom 30th Anniversary. I'll wait, of that you can be sure. Will check the tags, I've been busy. Thanks!

06-14-2015, 02:18 AM
Various Artists - We are ROCK-MEN!2[Flac][Mega]

CPCA-10283 | We are ROCK-MEN!2 - VGMdb (

Disc 1

01 Original METAMORPHOSE 2:55
02 Rockman Xover THEME OF ROCKMAN Xover 2:04
03 Rockman5 NAPALMMAN STAGE 1:56
04 Rockman4 SKULLMAN STAGE 2:32
05 Rockman3 Dr. WILY STAGE 2 3:27
07 RockmanX3 DOPPLER STAGE 1 3:14
08 RockmanX5 X vs ZERO 2:53
09 Rockman2 Dr. WILY STAGE 1 -OMEGAMAN MIX- 3:53
10 Rockman3 SNAKEMAN STAGE 3:46
12 Ryuusei no Rockman2 SKY WAVE 3:53
14 Original TIME AGAIN feat. DIMENSION 3:13
15 Original TIME AGAIN ROCK ver. 3:10
16 Original METAMORPHOSE feat. DIMENSION 3:48

Disc Length 50:55
Link & PasswordMEGA (!kJ90lDCA!VAFWw43umVCnb14M08P4eFGqYfHwFIPHltMlVgP 3trM)

PW = SquiGly_OP

*Notes : As Promised... Enjoy !

06-14-2015, 02:58 AM
Not a problem... Care to evaluate mine ? I am not that good with verifying the Quality of Rips.

Hard to evaluate them without the .log file :p Sure you can do spectral analysis but that doesn't tell you if it was accurately ripped with the right settings like test & copy, detected gaps, and all that.

06-15-2015, 03:42 AM
VGMdb ( | Personal rip | FLAC | CUE | LOG | M3U | SCANS | 976.2 MB


Sonic 1&2 is up in my personal rips post (

06-15-2015, 05:09 AM
Another personal rip. Converted from the chip, we have Super Monkey Ball in FLAC. I have a few tracks towards then end that I don't know what they are. They have 3 or 4 letter code names, and I'm pretty sure they're NOT unused, so if anyone could tell me what songs they are, I'll update the archive!


06-15-2015, 06:45 AM
Another personal rip. Converted from the chip, we have Super Monkey Ball in FLAC. I have a few tracks towards then end that I don't know what they are. They have 3 or 4 letter code names, and I'm pretty sure they're NOT unused, so if anyone could tell me what songs they are, I'll update the archive!


Awesome, downloading! Can you also do Super Monkey Ball 2? I've ripped it myself but I don't have time to tag them all :/

06-15-2015, 08:59 AM
Are there Pokemon albums that doesn't have that weird gameboy sound (don't know how to describe it, but hurts ones ears when listening to it)
I get why you have to compromise quality when you're restricted to those sound cards or whatever the case is, but why release that sound on cd?

06-15-2015, 11:50 AM
Are there Pokemon albums that doesn't have that weird gameboy sound (don't know how to describe it, but hurts ones ears when listening to it)
I get why you have to compromise quality when you're restricted to those sound cards or whatever the case is, but why release that sound on cd?

* kill...*

Because that's what an "Original Soundtrack" or "Original Sound Version" is. The original game music. Some of us actually have deep love and respect for old (and new) chiptune-y sounds. It's just too bad that about half of the old classic chiptune music put on official CD releases has a bunch of effects and alterations that make it sound nothing like when you are actually playing the game. Like the official Pokemon Red and Green CD. With all that echo-y nonsense, it sounds like it's being played in some vast cave. Seems they have a thing about ruining NES and Game Boy music in particular with that shitty reverb crap. Or adding a bad half-baked stereo effect to NES music. *shudder* Thankfully there are at least a few heroes out there that actually make faithful, high quality line-out recordings from their console hardware, like one of the users of this forum known as "The Iron Goat".

06-15-2015, 02:38 PM
Hello please link mega Dragon Ball BGM, flac?

06-15-2015, 03:36 PM
Awesome, downloading! Can you also do Super Monkey Ball 2? I've ripped it myself but I don't have time to tag them all :/

Question for you or anyone, how do I join the L and R DSPs? I can't figure that out.. I read the support forums on hcs, but found nothing...

Dragoon Knight
06-15-2015, 04:33 PM
Question for you or anyone, how do I join the L and R DSPs? I can't figure that out.. I read the support forums on hcs, but found nothing...

When I use foobar, they came out as stereo idk why but I dont think that it really matters I mean even you get both of them together I would not imagine the sound difference. As long as music comes out through both speakers/headphones.

06-15-2015, 05:46 PM
This thread is ABSOLUTELY the best, I've got a question besides.
Any chance to find some Looseless KOF collections on FLAC format guys ?

06-15-2015, 10:12 PM
Question for you or anyone, how do I join the L and R DSPs? I can't figure that out.. I read the support forums on hcs, but found nothing...

Winamp does it automatically for me.

06-16-2015, 03:52 AM
Kholat OST (GoG)
Arkadiusz Reikowski

Download (!rARFAYxY!_dknrVQzn-dAr73DuF2GiiOajLFvizhzSqPDqcEzeuU)

Hey, sorry to be that guy, but track 8, Ghost Run, at the 33 second mark has an audio glitch.

06-16-2015, 05:48 AM
When I use foobar, they came out as stereo idk why but I dont think that it really matters I mean even you get both of them together I would not imagine the sound difference. As long as music comes out through both speakers/headphones.

Being that this is a lossless thread and I'm a meticulous person, it rather matters to me. Also, unfortunately, looking at the L and R in Audacity, it DOES show minor variations..

Winamp does it automatically for me.

I add the whole soundtrack and it adds both the L and R as separate files.. Maybe it's the nomenclature?
File name examples are as follows:

So same name, followed by an underscore and the speaker.

06-16-2015, 05:51 AM
Can anyone reup the Rance music collection (bunch of Alicesoft Sound Albums)
all links for them are down

06-16-2015, 10:26 AM

Shinobi & Kunoichi


Shinobi Original Soundtrack

Ripped by Personal
Album Release Date: Dec 05. 2002
Record Label: Sten och Flod / ULF Records
Catalog No.: STF-0010
Music Formats: Flac⁄Cue⁄Log⁄Booklet

Disc I


Kunoichi Original Soundtrack

Ripped by Personal
Album Release Date: Jul 23. 2014
Record Label: Sega
Catalog No.: N/A
Music Formats: M4a

Disc I

01.Shinobi Tale
02.Conspiracy Bottomless
03.Heart Settle
04.Overcome Speed
05.Iron Soldier
06.Great Mission
07.Skyscraper Tokyo
08.Mechanised Specter
09.Dark Kingdom
10.Wet Crow
11.Shady Servant
12.Impossible Maze
13.Good Forward
14.Bad Return
16.Monochrome Arch
17.Jade Water
18.Sad Servant
20.Anger Infinite
21.Apparition Sovereign
22.Iron Will
23.Iron Shogun
24.It's My Day
25.Flowers Fall
26.Ascetic Practice
27.Kan-Ei-Ji Neo
28.Sweet Trap
DownloadDownload:Shinobi & Kunoichi (!gFU3XKjQ!ThSm4OezmAmoR-qpxZNQoA)

Shenmue 3 Announced !!!

Shenmue (
I've Rearranged.Please Re-download~

06-16-2015, 09:00 PM
Being that this is a lossless thread and I'm a meticulous person, it rather matters to me. Also, unfortunately, looking at the L and R in Audacity, it DOES show minor variations..

I add the whole soundtrack and it adds both the L and R as separate files.. Maybe it's the nomenclature?
File name examples are as follows:

So same name, followed by an underscore and the speaker.

Yes, I believe when it outputs the avlogo_L and avlogo_R tracks, they're both identical and stereo. However the source avlogo_L and avlogo_R files are indeed left and right speaker only.

06-16-2015, 11:18 PM
Am I the only one that hopes Super Mario Maker gets its own soundtrack? :D

06-17-2015, 01:28 AM
Came out of temporary retirement again to top off the best day of videogame related news I've heard. Nier 2 with Platinum helping out Yoko Taro and crew The Last Guardian? SHENMUE 3? FF7 remake? What the FUCK is going on?

The Evolution remake's soundtrack of Trails in the Sky FC, aka Sora no Kiseki First Chapter.

[ Hi-Res release] Falcom Sound Team jdk - 英雄伝説 空の軌跡FC (Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky) Evolution OST (FLAC 96kHz/24bit) or (FLAC 44kHz/16bit)
英雄伝説 空の軌跡FC Evolution オリジナルサウンドトラック
3.92GB or 811MB

Since this is a release, no log.


Hi-Res (24bit/96kHz)(3.92GB)!5tM3RR7J!ENYjFFAHPOx7-s7OTn0zGHUrT-C4T-T0Ztury574Ob4
Regular FLAC (16bit/44kHz)(811MB)!111z2JqT!a86ew_nOoeX1pMQVcBKCkYCNW4di6Tte2rKN9Cv ee3g

06-17-2015, 07:01 AM
Plz Nintendo.. Yoshi's Wolly World Soundtrack.. NAO!!!

06-17-2015, 07:30 AM
Shinobi & Kunoichi

Thank you !!! I wasn't aware SEGA did a release of this OST in 2014 !!! 0_0

06-17-2015, 07:42 AM
I wonder... Is there a lossless ost or gamerip of the Sonic Boom games?

06-17-2015, 11:12 AM
I wonder... Is there a lossless ost or gamerip of the Sonic Boom games?

You might have to link some covers or something.. (maybe ur talking about the new games?).. I would say no in that case.. lol

06-17-2015, 02:15 PM
Shinobi and Kunoichi, what plataforms and games represent ?


Dragoon Knight
06-17-2015, 05:54 PM
FF7 REMAKE Cant Freaking wait!!!

06-17-2015, 06:19 PM
Shinobi and Kunoichi, what plataforms and games represent ?


PS2 games of the same name.

Chrono Meridian
06-17-2015, 06:42 PM
FF7 REMAKE Cant Freaking wait!!!
And the Soundtrack, I mean, a Remake FF7 Soundtrack! I'm hyped now! :D

Dragoon Knight
06-17-2015, 07:07 PM
Sweet I was wondering would it be dvd quality 96kHz 24bit or higher?

06-17-2015, 07:33 PM
And the Soundtrack, I mean, a Remake FF7 Soundtrack! I'm hyped now! :D

Hopefully it'll be better than the FFX and KH ones

Sweet I was wondering would it be dvd quality 96kHz 24bit or higher?

Wasn't the FFX remaster just upsampled to 96KHz?

06-17-2015, 08:58 PM
Honestly I'm more hyped for a new Nier OST than anything ;)

06-17-2015, 09:12 PM
You might have to link some covers or something.. (maybe ur talking about the new games?).. I would say no in that case.. lol

Yeah, I'm talking about the new games. Unless the TV show also has a soundtrack?
I honestly don't think they made ost's for the games so yeah, are there any gamerips of them anywhere?

Dragoon Knight
06-17-2015, 09:46 PM
Hopefully it'll be better than the FFX and KH ones

Wasn't the FFX remaster just upsampled to 96KHz?

>:s speaking of that.. It better be I mean pure sound not clippings and marks and remixes, Just the got damn original soundtrack with Higher Quality and some new tracks.

06-17-2015, 10:34 PM
requesting The Last Guardian trailer music. Is it possible ?

06-17-2015, 11:11 PM
Requesting Gamechop's Spindash album if anyone has it.

06-17-2015, 11:33 PM
Yeah, I'm talking about the new games. Unless the TV show also has a soundtrack?
I honestly don't think they made ost's for the games so yeah, are there any gamerips of them anywhere?

I don't think the game is released yet?

06-17-2015, 11:41 PM
I don't think the game is released yet?

Yeah, they've been released for a while now. Worse than Sonic '06. Don't tell me you simply haven't heard anything at all about how horrible they were? :P

06-18-2015, 12:57 AM
>:s speaking of that.. It better be I mean pure sound not clippings and marks and remixes, Just the got damn original soundtrack with Higher Quality and some new tracks.

Oh thank the maker someone who understands

Don't tell me you simply haven't heard anything at all about how horrible they were? :P

He was too busy achieving super saiyan 9001 give the man saiyan a break

06-18-2015, 04:39 AM
Ok, I'm getting to work on making that Monkey Ball 2 FLAC rip. Any outline I can follow as far as track listing/names? Only thing I can find is the 29 track MP3 download from GH, and this rip has 160+ tracks...

EDIT: If there isn't a standard and I do this from scratch, is it more preferable to group all of the similar sounds in encounter order, or group them by style? For example, Monkey Billiards also has like, 5 sound effects (winning, losing, scratch, etc.). Should those be right after the Monkey Billiards track, or should I put all of the "main" tracks at the beginning and the host of sound effects at the end of the "album?"

06-18-2015, 04:53 AM
Ok, I'm getting to work on making that Monkey Ball 2 FLAC rip. Any outline I can follow as far as track listing/names? Only thing I can find is the 29 track MP3 download from GH, and this rip has 160+ tracks...

EDIT: If there isn't a standard and I do this from scratch, is it more preferable to group all of the similar sounds in encounter order, or group them by style? For example, Monkey Billiards also has like, 5 sound effects (winning, losing, scratch, etc.). Should those be right after the Monkey Billiards track, or should I put all of the "main" tracks at the beginning and the host of sound effects at the end of the "album?"

I personally would greatly prefer all the main tracks to be at the beginning and all the jingles and whatnot to be at the end, or in a separate folder altogether which is what I'll do if you decide to put them all at the end.

06-18-2015, 07:16 AM
Man, I can't get enough of these remixes! Especially this ( one (feel free to enjoy the rest of the album in the provided playlist if this is your jam). It's a remix of an older remix which I found a year ago on OCReMix (and loved to death). I'm really hoping someone can upload these tracks here. I downloaded the Youtube videos and converted to MP3, but they're cutoff at only 16kHz..

06-18-2015, 10:10 AM
all the main tracks to be at the beginning and all the jingles and whatnot to be at the endThat's the "traditional" way, with Japanese OSTs, though I've never understood the appeal of S.E. collections to be honest. I guess it's a completionist thing, but personally I change the file extension on those tracks so they don't get played.

06-18-2015, 10:55 AM
Requesting this theme, if exist lossless of it. Sounds amazing !

Cant wait for the game !

06-18-2015, 12:11 PM
Requesting this theme, if exist lossless of it. Sounds amazing !

Cant wait for the game !
That's "End Titles" from the "Miller's Crossing" soundtrack (as one of the youtube commenters also pointed out).

06-18-2015, 12:57 PM
ok, i have also found that information, but unfortunatelly not the lossless soundtrack of it......

Dragoon Knight
06-19-2015, 12:00 AM
Oh thank the maker someone who understands

He was too busy achieving super saiyan 9001 give the man saiyan a break

I wonder would they start using 96 hz and 24 bits on almost all there sound tracks now :).

06-19-2015, 02:00 AM

06-19-2015, 05:22 AM
Does anyone have a What.CD account? Anyone part of other music torrent sites who may host the Spindash album I requested earlier? Would be great if you could reup it here if possible.

Or better yet, can someone invite me to What.CD?

06-19-2015, 06:05 AM
Or better yet, can someone invite me to What.CD?

Isn't What.CD the one where you just join their IRC channel and pass their personality quiz and you're in?

06-19-2015, 06:12 AM
Isn't What.CD the one where you just join their IRC channel and pass their personality quiz and you're in?

I wish. You have to study about audio and whatnot and then take a quiz. Now don't get me wrong, I'd totally go for it, but I barely even have time to study for my summer course (midterm coming up) so this is something I just can't do at the moment. If anyone has an invite it would be super cool.

Edit: Yay 222nd post!

06-19-2015, 06:37 AM
I wish. You have to study about audio and whatnot and then take a quiz. Now don't get me wrong, I'd totally go for it, but I barely even have time to study for my summer course (midterm coming up) so this is something I just can't do at the moment. If anyone has an invite it would be super cool.

Edit: Yay 200th post!

It's not that hard, I got in.. and I didn't really study for shit. I think I had easy questions like put the quality in order from like v9 - flac, but had to list them all. And also had to tell them what a bad transcode was, and what a good transcode was, although your questions might be different.

06-19-2015, 06:41 AM
It's not that hard, I got in.. and I didn't really study for shit. I think I had easy questions like put the quality in order from like v9 - flac, but had to list them all. And also had to tell them what a bad transcode was, and what a good transcode was, although your questions might be different.

I'm just worried of failing. You only get 3 attempts at the quiz then you're done. Can you send me an invite? Or at the very least look for Spindash ( Gamechops? I'd really appreciate it :)

06-19-2015, 06:44 AM
I'm just worried of failing. You only get 3 tries then you're done. Can you send me an invite? Or at the very least look for Spindash ( Gamechops? I'd really appreciate it :)

They only have a 320 atm :( .. in other news

Added Guild Wars 2 Original Game Soundtrack - VGMdb ( to my collection, and is available under the G folder for my subscribers.. thanks to Bizargh ( for the Rip !

06-19-2015, 06:49 AM
They only have a 320 atm :( .. in other news

Added Guild Wars 2 Original Game Soundtrack - VGMdb ( to my collection, and is available under the G folder for my subscribers.. thanks to Bizargh ( for the Rip !

I'm happy with 320. Would it be possible for you to download the album and upload it to mega or something and link it to me in a PM? :)

Chrono Meridian
06-19-2015, 08:50 AM
Added Guild Wars 2 Original Game Soundtrack - VGMdb ( to my collection, and is available under the G folder for my subscribers.. thanks to Bizargh ( for the Rip !
Hmm.... Jeremy Soule & Julian Soule ? ...oh! Secret of Evermore composers. Should be interesting.

06-19-2015, 09:46 AM
So I passed the What.CD interview. Gotta say I'm super stoaked! :D

06-19-2015, 03:01 PM
So I passed the What.CD interview. Gotta say I'm super stoaked! :D

Ok, just don't start mass downloading everything you see, thats how you get banned lol.. Stick with Freeleech content for a good while. Also if you decide to upload something, make sure there isn't a copy of it first. Also keep in mind when you search something that you might need to use other languages too, to search it. For example, the north american version is Mystical Ninja 64, but the translation from the Japan version to english is Ganbare Goemon. Not sure if rank 1 can search by track listing yet, but once you earn advanced search then it would make things easier for you.

Dragoon Knight
06-19-2015, 03:55 PM
>_> A invite to hmmmmmm..hmmmmmm Im with sonicrings4 on this one Invite would be nice and speaking of that I know another wed site that does this :s.

06-20-2015, 04:53 AM
Man I don't know if I will ever get on there.

06-20-2015, 07:17 AM
I met this cool dude in the irc and he invited me to gaxxellegames, this is awesome! :D

06-20-2015, 08:01 AM
I met this cool dude in the irc and he invited me to gaxxellegames, this is awesome! :D

You can get invites easier if you reach Power User, this would of course require you to upload things.

---------- Post added at 02:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 AM ----------

>_> A invite to hmmmmmm..hmmmmmm Im with sonicrings4 on this one Invite would be nice and speaking of that I know another wed site that does this :s.

The interview isn't that difficult. Hell sonicrings4 got in like that. So anyone can right? :D

06-20-2015, 09:23 AM
Ha, I'd like to say that's true, but despite not being the best at finding music, I already knew pretty much everything minus the stuff on torrents and the site rules. :P

Dragoon Knight
06-20-2015, 06:36 PM
You can get invites easier if you reach Power User, this would of course require you to upload things.

---------- Post added at 02:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 AM ----------

The interview isn't that difficult. Hell sonicrings4 got in like that. So anyone can right? :D

LMAO! *head hurts*

06-21-2015, 05:51 AM
Has the Mario Kart 8 OST from Club Nintendo been uploaded yet?

06-21-2015, 09:10 AM
Bump ^

06-21-2015, 09:36 AM
Has the Mario Kart 8 OST from Club Nintendo been uploaded yet?

Not yet, I've been trying to find a copy cheaper than $100 USD (which is retarded for a price).

---------- Post added at 03:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 AM ----------

The following has been ripped and added to my Collection and is now available for subscribers..

WM-0516 | SONIC RUSH Original Groove Rush. - VGMdb ( (S Folder)

---------- Post added at 03:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 AM ----------

Also an order has been placed for Nintendo Sound Selection: Ending & Staff Roll - VGMdb ( .. I am still waiting on someone to post a legit copy of Mario Kart 8 (all I've seen is the same image being used from Nintendo).

06-21-2015, 09:44 AM
Thanks for Sonic Rush Original Groove Rush, Vegeta! Mind if I ask how much this cost you?

06-21-2015, 10:31 AM
Great stuff, this might come in handy for me.

06-21-2015, 02:44 PM
SONIC RUSH Original Groove Rush

I'm posting this ( bonus track again to make the album complete. Too bad it's only released on SoundCloud and YouTube.

06-21-2015, 02:54 PM
Thanks for Sonic Rush Original Groove Rush, Vegeta! Mind if I ask how much this cost you?

It was pretty cheap, like $40.

Edit: So I just reached 2400 likes.. only other person that I've seen pass me (that isn't a mod), is MiL� .. although I didnt check everyone.. still pretty interesting lol

06-21-2015, 03:25 PM
Has the Mario Kart 8 OST from Club Nintendo been uploaded yet?


And I'm still looking for an upload of the Nintendo Sound Selection: Ending & Staff Roll ( album too, if anyone has it?

EDIT: Vegeta, now I've put you up to 2401 likes. :P

06-21-2015, 03:42 PM
Wonder if he could reach 9001 likes. :V

06-21-2015, 04:54 PM
I'm posting this ( bonus track again to make the album complete. Too bad it's only released on SoundCloud and YouTube.

Where are you posting this? I was never aware of this, always found it odd they didn't remake Ethno Circus.

06-21-2015, 08:42 PM
The Resogun soundtrack was finally released... the Sony Playstation Store...


RESOGUN Soundtrack - VGMdb (

06-22-2015, 03:06 AM
Where are you posting this? I was never aware of this, always found it odd they didn't remake Ethno Circus.

What? It's just right there.

06-22-2015, 07:16 AM
What? It's just right there.

There's no download link :P

06-22-2015, 11:45 AM
There's no download link :PUse jdownloader...

06-22-2015, 07:23 PM
Anyone seen Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition Premium Music Selection - VGMdb ( pop up yet? Just looking for the new music specifically.

06-22-2015, 07:43 PM
Use jdownloader...

Oh, as if the quality wouldn't have been bad enough? 16kHz cutoff sounds too bad for me, thanks. :P

06-22-2015, 08:06 PM
You're the one who asked for a download link from Soundcloud, so..?

06-22-2015, 10:45 PM
You're the one who asked for a download link from Soundcloud, so..?

No, I noticed soundcloud didn't have a download link and I thought they had it from a different source and just linked the one on soundcloud so we can easily listen to it. Soundcloud downloads aren't all cutoff at 16khz. :P

06-23-2015, 07:23 AM
It was pretty cheap, like $40.

Edit: So I just reached 2400 likes.. only other person that I've seen pass me (that isn't a mod), is MiL� .. although I didnt check everyone.. still pretty interesting lol

Oh and !!!!! is higher than me as well LOL

06-24-2015, 01:22 AM

06-24-2015, 02:24 AM

Yes, I have it. I will try to upload it by Friday.

06-24-2015, 02:30 AM
Yes, I have it. I will try to upload it by Friday.

Awesome, thanks in advance! Would you be able to upload a log and scans as well? :)

06-24-2015, 02:44 AM

Download (!lVgTGZIK!WIB4iqAHmlSeVeokfHwutf_saSw15Y6o-Gto4d8Erow)
The picture is to show I have the CD. I bought this off the Gamechops website. Cue + Log Enjoy!

If the link dies please let me know so I can re upload it.

---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 PM ----------

Awesome, thanks in advance! Would you be able to upload a log and scans as well? :)

All my rips will have a cue and log. I'm not sure about scans though, I'll see if I can, I don't have the best scanner.

06-24-2015, 02:47 AM

Download (!1BwWXYhQ!WemuiwJAl8Gr-MmWhtKccCyQbAMwR4q41eDWqEAp5wk)
The picture is to show I have the CD. I bought this off the Gamechops website. Cue + Log Enjoy!

If the link dies please let me know so I can re upload it.

---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 PM ----------

All my rips will have a cue and log. I'm not sure about scans though, I'll see if I can, I don't have the best scanner.

HOLY SHIT THE SPINDASH CD!!!!! I FUCKING LOVE YOU, MAN! THIS IS THE BEST SONIC ANNIVERSARY EVER!! (It's Sonic's 24th anniversary today btw for anyone who doesn't know).

06-24-2015, 03:01 AM
HOLY SHIT THE SPINDASH CD!!!!! I FUCKING LOVE YOU, MAN! THIS IS THE BEST SONIC ANNIVERSARY EVER!! (It's Sonic's 24th anniversary today btw for anyone who doesn't know).

You're more than welcome, I'm surprised nobody else uploaded this.

The Ultimate Koopa
06-24-2015, 05:03 AM
I don't even think the Mario Kart 8 OST is actually available yet. The Japanese Club Nintendo said "June OR July". And I have no idea when the English (European) release is.

06-24-2015, 07:06 AM
Download (!lVgTGZIK!WIB4iqAHmlSeVeokfHwutf_saSw15Y6o-Gto4d8Erow)
The picture is to show I have the CD. I bought this off the Gamechops website. Cue + Log Enjoy!

If the link dies please let me know so I can re upload it.

---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 PM ----------

All my rips will have a cue and log. I'm not sure about scans though, I'll see if I can, I don't have the best scanner.

Link is dead, re-up please?

06-24-2015, 07:24 AM
Link is dead, re-up please?

It's not dead, it works for me. Try again?

06-24-2015, 07:38 AM
Link is dead, re-up please?

I just tried it and it worked for me. Keep trying.

Hosok PI
06-24-2015, 08:55 AM

Download (!lVgTGZIK!WIB4iqAHmlSeVeokfHwutf_saSw15Y6o-Gto4d8Erow)
The picture is to show I have the CD. I bought this off the Gamechops website. Cue + Log Enjoy!

If the link dies please let me know so I can re upload it.

---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 PM ----------

All my rips will have a cue and log. I'm not sure about scans though, I'll see if I can, I don't have the best scanner.

Some great remixes with dumb names. Easily tramples over every OverClocked Remix effort. Thanks for the rip, man.

06-24-2015, 09:03 AM
Some great remixes with dumb names. Easily tramples over every OverClocked Remix effort. Thanks for the rip, man.

Funny you mention OverClocked ReMix. Track 2, Chemixtrixx, is a remix of another remix, also called Chemixtrixx, from a few years ago on OverClocked ReMix. ( Maybe there are more remixes in this album which are based on older remixes? :P

..Holy shit, I just found a flac of that. Wow. Didn't think it would be in flac. Here it is, track #8!

06-24-2015, 10:49 PM
Hard Reset Official Soundtrack
Wojciech Blazejczyk

Info (

Download (!DcMjCSiA!zBjcCN5MbMW5xUyzGDwJpC5OGd_wV2ZHscAJCzN 6Kt4)

I posted that Spindash album a while ago but it was only lossy, it's a very good listen.

Chris H�lsbeck's Sound Factory - Digital Audio Collection I
Chris H�lsbeck


Info (

Download (!iY0wiBqZ!KxaOhAXn5OeZloA5dnJ1W1v8XxW0TKohxFEwLoF sm94)

Purchase (

06-25-2015, 02:19 AM
Hey there CursedGenesis,

Seems the Sonic Dash link is dead already. Very odd for Mega. Can we get a re-up at your convenience? Thanks in advance!

06-25-2015, 02:45 AM
Hey there CursedGenesis,

Seems the Sonic Dash link is dead already. Very odd for Mega. Can we get a re-up at your convenience? Thanks in advance!

Hello, I just tried the download link I posted and it worked. Try accessing the link from my original post on the last page.

06-25-2015, 02:53 AM
Hello, I just tried the download link I posted and it worked. Try accessing the link from my original post on the last page.

That's Spindash, not Sonic Dash. :P I don't recall you ever uploading Sonic Dash, though.. Someone else did, right?

06-25-2015, 03:11 AM
That's Spindash, not Sonic Dash. :P I don't recall you ever uploading Sonic Dash, though.. Someone else did, right?


Thanks CursedGenesis. A part of me thought to click your link in the original post, but my lazy side kicked in and clicked one of the quoted post links.

06-25-2015, 03:30 AM

Thanks CursedGenesis. A part of me thought to click your link in the original post, but my lazy side kicked in and clicked one of the quoted post links.

No problem! Enjoy the CD.

---------- Post added at 08:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 PM ----------

---------- Post added at 08:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------

---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------

That's Spindash, not Sonic Dash. :P I don't recall you ever uploading Sonic Dash, though.. Someone else did, right?

Did you buy the sonic runners soundtrack on Itunes/Amazon yet? I'm so happy they put it on those sites!

06-25-2015, 03:32 AM
No problem! Enjoy the CD.

---------- Post added at 08:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 PM ----------

---------- Post added at 08:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------

Did you buy the sonic runners soundtrack on Itunes/Amazon yet? I'm so happy they put it on those sites!

---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------

Did you buy the sonic runners soundtrack on Itunes/Amazon yet? I'm so happy they put it on those sites!

I have not. Are they going to release the soundtrack in FLAC?

EDIT: ....Are they supposed to sound cutoff at freaking 15 kHz? The previews sound horrible! XD

06-25-2015, 03:39 AM
I have not. Are they going to release the soundtrack in FLAC?
I'm not sure, I hope once they release all of the volumes they release a CD. Do you want me to pm you a download link?

---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 PM ----------

I have not. Are they going to release the soundtrack in FLAC?

EDIT: ....Are they supposed to sound cutoff at freaking 15 kHz? The previews sound horrible! XD

EWW not the previews lol. Here is an image of one of the tracks using spek.

06-25-2015, 03:41 AM
I'm not sure, I hope once they release all of the volumes they release a CD. Do you want me to pm you a download link?

---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 PM ----------

EWW not the previews lol. Here is an image of one of the tracks using spek.

Thank goodness they aren't as bad as the previews lmao. Sure, I'd love a download link! :D

06-25-2015, 03:50 AM
Thank goodness they aren't as bad as the previews lmao. Sure, I'd love a download link! :D


06-25-2015, 04:41 AM

Thanks man!

Anyone have this? WWCE-31249 | SONIC ADVENTURE 2 Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary... - VGMdb (

06-26-2015, 02:51 AM
Thank you so much for this Maxwill, TLJ is one of my favorite games and it's sequel was really good too albeit had a terrible ending.