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Exar Xan
03-17-2011, 11:26 PM
Wellwell, it has finally landed :D thanks for sharing it with us babydoll, even if the original uploader did most of the work, we still should thank you also for giving it to us. Seeing the familar password of BOB, it seems it is your regular source that helped me a lot also with Survivor scores, so I really owe him/her :).

And ofcourse the first post has been updated with the latest supplied links here.

03-18-2011, 12:30 AM
Well, actually, no. THAT member, deepscores, disappeared around the time the original Hunt thread was closed, and I have not heard from him since, and all the links in his list are dead. I use Bob as the pass for anything I do. It's kind of a private joke. I love the comedian Richard Jeni, and he did this routine with football announcers...oooo, what a hit. What do you think, Jim? Well, that's gotta hurt, Bob...things like that. He used the phrase throughout his stand up, and I always laughed. So, Bob it is.....

03-18-2011, 02:57 AM
Thank you all for sharing these scores! I first starting listening to DW the last year or two, starting with Murray Gold's entrance to the series. I absolutely love his scores, a mix of rich orchestral/thematic beauty, with lots of fun modern sounds, and a bit of the zany thrown in, all with such enthusiasm and style.

Anyways, unfortunately I have never seen any of the series so I have no context to what I'm listening, nor any idea how the series has grown musically, or where else to start listening (previous to Gold).
Thanks again!

03-18-2011, 10:09 AM
The guy that made the supah awesome I Am The Doctor Remix has put up a link in the description to download. BEWARE! It's a 64 MB WAV file xD Link to youtube again: YouTube - I Am The Doctor Remix (

Has anyone managed to download the WAV version of this megamix? I seem to be having difficulties in the download. JDownloader keeps saying "Connection Lost". If I use standard IE download it just stops. I would be grateful if someone with the WAV file can upload to Rapidshare or similar?


03-18-2011, 11:09 AM
Ok, here is a .rar for it. I dl'ed it, threw into a couple of folders, and re-upped. I think it ought to work the same as any dl now. I hope.

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (
no pass

03-18-2011, 11:16 AM
Download I Am The Doctor from - send big files the easy way (

here ya go, 2 versions wave and 320k

---------- Post added at 04:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 AM ----------

I think everyone should be happy now :)

03-18-2011, 11:18 AM
See, media player still will not archive the wave for me, I will have to convert to 320. I just never can quite figure the damn media player's rules out, they keep a changin'.

Heya, Moonie!! I don't know if you know, but the new Who album is out, check it out!! ;D ;D

03-18-2011, 11:26 AM
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

03-18-2011, 11:27 AM

Exar Xan
03-18-2011, 11:28 AM
I DO :D OMG *is listening to it now*

03-18-2011, 11:31 AM

He does :) Im glad eveyone is happy but I really do hope most of us will order the cd, Murray Gold is the Best , and Murray if your watching, We Love Ya!!

---------- Post added at 04:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 AM ----------

I DO :D OMG *is listening to it now*

Its amazing to me how he just keeps getting better and better and he already is Tops in my book.
I cant wait for Series 6 , 2 cds again Murray.

Exar Xan
03-18-2011, 11:40 AM
I dont know if I call him tops...that is still John Williams for me. But when it comes to tv scores then I think Gold is great, but I am rather fond of the Lost scores by Giacchino (heck scores were better for me then the last 3 seasons) and the Battlestar Galactica scores of Bear McCreary also.

But hey I am still all in for expanded 2 CD releases :D

03-18-2011, 11:43 AM
I find it more and more difficult these days to have a "list" of favorite composers, so many are so good.
actually for me its Goldsmith (he Tops them all) , then Williams , but Murray is up there for sure and Michael G. better stop hehe.

I do it this way , Golden Age: Herrmann, Waxman, Steiner, etc.
Silver Age: Goldsmith, Williams, and so on. then Now [not sure what to call it Age ] Giacchino, Gold , and so on and on and on, hehe.

03-18-2011, 12:32 PM
Thanks to Babydoll & Moontrekker - downloaded both with no problems.

03-18-2011, 09:42 PM
OK - here's 'Kinda' - hopefully the final version (just without excerpts, cover art and track titles).

It wasn't me being lazy asking for people to 'proof-listen', it's just that I was recently diagnosed with a rare and very painful condition (trigeminal neuralgia) and unfortunately, listening to certain high pitched sounds (of which there are many in 'Kinda' - all those snake screeches...) induces very severe headaches. The amount of painkillers I got though putting this together will leave me constipated for days lol! I usually give my mixes a couple of proof-listens before posting, but I'd rather avoid that with this score (and most likely 'Snakedance') if at all possible.

So if anyone wants to give it a go, just be listening out for anything that doesn't sound right (except the crackles towards the end of one of the tracks which proved impossible to remove) and any repeated cues I may have missed.

Many thanks to anyone who takes up the challenge.

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

03-19-2011, 04:57 AM
DrMatt, i will give it a listen. if there are any future iso score tracks that give you trouble like this, i can try to help with the limited time i have. big fan of your previous releases.

03-19-2011, 06:04 AM
Murray should never, ever leave this show and if The Moff is smart he'll retain him for as long as possible. The comic relief sketch was brilliant by the way. Double Amy's *Droooool*

03-19-2011, 06:20 AM
Does anyone know if there's an "All The Strange Strange Creatures" megamix out there like that "I Am The Doctor" one posted above?

03-19-2011, 12:04 PM
Well, I certainly chose the right time to find my way back to the thread didn't I :D A full twenty pages of gossip, news and links later - I fear that listening to the stuff now is probably not such a good idea being as ridiculously tired as I am. Thank you very much for the Xmas Soundtrack links, very grateful to you and your sources! Shall listen later after a nice sleep.

And it's nice to finally see the almighty Dr Matt here too - it used to be just a name but now it's a name with associated posts! :D - Keep up the very good work!

What did everyone think to the Comic Relief double? Moffat really likes writing in the more confusing aspects of time travel doesn't he :)

EDIT - To Exar Xan: I previously downloaded the 25th Anniversary Album and the Movie Soundtrack from here, neither of which I see in original post :/

03-19-2011, 06:20 PM
The link to 85 (4M) - The Seeds of Doom
Adapted from a BBC album release (DrMatt)
Free large file hosting. Send big files the easy way! (

Is not up any more....Any chance to have it re-uped?

03-19-2011, 06:24 PM
What did everyone think to the Comic Relief double? Moffat really likes writing in the more confusing aspects of time travel doesn't he :)

I actually enjoyed the small two parter.

Didn't put myself therough the whole red nose day show, but caught it this morning on the Dr Who News Page.

Exar Xan
03-19-2011, 06:32 PM
To Exar Xan: I previously downloaded the 25th Anniversary Album and the Movie Soundtrack from here, neither of which I see in original post :/

Let's have a look...I did found the 8th Doctor still in its place:

156 (8A) - Doctor Who (TV Movie)
Adapted from an album release combined with DVD Rip clean score (DrMatt)
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

The 25th Anniversary Album does seem to be missing weirdly enough - if needed I can re-upload it for you?

The link to 85 (4M) - The Seeds of Doom
Adapted from a BBC album release (DrMatt)
Free large file hosting. Send big files the easy way! (

Is not up any more....Any chance to have it re-uped?

Ofcourse I can! But I hope you dont mind if we check with Dr Matt first if the version i have is the latest version?

Dr Matt: The version I have is 27 tracks long, features 3 back covers, 2 front covers, cd inlay, label, lightscribe label and is 121mb large.

03-19-2011, 08:26 PM
Re: Seeds of Doom - I was working a new mixed/unmixed version, but (as you may have read from my comment somewhere above) the CD release contains a cue not on the iso-score, and I don't have the CD to sort this or post a FLAC version, so that's on hold. Also, the intro excerpt from the version you refer to was sourced from a poor quality avi file. I'm happy to fix this excerpt now we have an official DVD release and re-up - so leave that one to me.

Exar Xan
03-19-2011, 08:28 PM
Thanks Dr Matt!

And I just checked: It seems that The 25th Anniversary Album has slipped completely trough the cracks of time...since I don't have it on my pc eithe. So I thiinking Recons or Dr Matt can also reupload those?

03-19-2011, 09:15 PM
Or me, perhaps. I have to check. The exact title?

03-19-2011, 10:28 PM
Let's have a look...I did found the 8th Doctor still in its place:

156 (8A) - Doctor Who (TV Movie)
Adapted from an album release combined with DVD Rip clean score (DrMatt)
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

The 25th Anniversary Album does seem to be missing weirdly enough - if needed I can re-upload it for you?

I'll have a quick look through the pages for those links :)

Exar Xan
03-19-2011, 10:30 PM
Well for The Movie you dont need to search atleast :) saves some trouble

03-19-2011, 10:45 PM
That one for the Movie is adapted though. I think there's a link somewhere here for the soundtrack itself - I've just misplaced the link :) [EDIT - Perhaps I was wrong]

Alternate link for adapted version:

As for the 25th Album:

Other links I found not in the first post include (by Recons):
Doctor In Distress (includes video)
KLF Doctorin' TARDIS
Collection of Theme Music

And finally My Life as a Dalek:

Could you add these to the original post? :)

03-20-2011, 06:25 AM
So now we're waiting for Kinda and Snakedance.

---------- Post added at 11:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 PM ----------

and the Battlestar Galactica scores of Bear McCreary also.

But hey I am still all in for expanded 2 CD releases :D

What? Bear McCreary over Stu Phillips? What?

Exar Xan
03-20-2011, 09:34 AM
wayney2507: THanks, I will add these later!

What? Bear McCreary over Stu Phillips? What?

I never saw the old series of Battlestar Galactica, so I never heard anything of Stu Philips. But it is on the To-Watch list. Still, I really love McCreary's music (also in other things then BSG), so it might still be that I will prefer him above Stu Philips.

03-20-2011, 01:16 PM
Re: The TV Movie - as I recall when putting together my version from the iso-score on the DVD - the main reason I did it was because there were several tracks missing from the official release, albeit some of these tracks having sound effects overlaid upon them, so my release is the more 'complete' version (as well as having somewhat better CD art even if I do say so myself lol!).

My draft version of 'Kinda' has now had over 20 downloads, so I'm assuming a few people must have listened to it by now - did anything jar? If not I'll aim to get that completed today, with mixed/unmixed versions in MP3 & FLAC with full CD art. I'm still not decided on the introductory excerpt - so many to choose from (so there may be several!)

I'll try and get 'Seeds of Doom' fixed with a higher quality intro sorted, as well as 'The Mutants' (with track titles - unlike the official CD release lol!) and get MP3 & FLAC versions of that, 'The Daleks' and their '...Master Plan' up soon.

Is there anything else I can help with? I've just found WAV rips of 'The Tenth Planet' and 'Tomb of the Cybermen' soundtrack CDs I was sent a while back (no scans unfortunately) which I could post in FLAC (and MP3 if not available).

P.S. I'll apologise in advance for any delay in the above plan - got a new kitchen being fitted this week, so got a lot of sorting to do today...

03-20-2011, 06:07 PM
Re: The TV Movie - as I recall when putting together my version from the iso-score on the DVD - the main reason I did it was because there were several tracks missing from the official release, albeit some of these tracks having sound effects overlaid upon them, so my release is the more 'complete' version (as well as having somewhat better CD art even if I do say so myself lol!).

Fantastic work as always :) Would you happen to have a link for the official release aswell?

Also, can I ask what material any of you have in terms of interviews with the classic who cast? - video or audio

03-21-2011, 10:47 AM
@DrMatt : Thanks for the latest soundtracks! I look forward to listening to these when I get my Ipod back. Happy to do test listening.

Re: 25th Anniversary album - Uploading now. Will provide link when done.


03-21-2011, 02:31 PM
@DrMatt : Thanks for the latest soundtracks! I look forward to listening to these when I get my Ipod back. Happy to do test listening.

Re: 25th Anniversary album - Uploading now. Will provide link when done.

Here we go:

Download Doctor Who - The 25th Anniversary Album (Music by Keff McCulloch).rar from - send big files the easy way (


Light Fantasic
03-21-2011, 04:58 PM
My draft version of 'Kinda' has now had over 20 downloads, so I'm assuming a few people must have listened to it by now - did anything jar? If not I'll aim to get that completed today, with mixed/unmixed versions in MP3 & FLAC with full CD art. I'm still not decided on the introductory excerpt - so many to choose from (so there may be several!)

Had a listen through, everything sounded fine. Not very helpful I know, but I thought I best feed this back to you after all the effort you put into compiling these scores.

03-22-2011, 12:09 AM
Fantastic work as always :) Would you happen to have a link for the official release aswell?

Also, can I ask what material any of you have in terms of interviews with the classic who cast? - video or audio

I have an an hour long stand up show for the BBC Jon P. did it's neat, but I don't have an on line share service, I use YouSendIt for temp file transfers....If I upload it, will someone else find a place for it?

---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

Many thanks!!!!!

03-22-2011, 01:41 AM
@radionaut - You could upload to mirrorcreator or uploadmirrors ? If not, just upload somewhere and one of us will re-up if need be :)

I came across a Who song yesterday that I hadn't heard before: Blood Donor - Doctor Who (sometimes referred to as: Doctor..?) Anyone have this?


03-22-2011, 08:24 AM
@radionaut - You could upload to mirrorcreator or uploadmirrors ? If not, just upload somewhere and one of us will re-up if need be :)

I came across a Who song yesterday that I hadn't heard before: Blood Donor - Doctor Who (sometimes referred to as: Doctor..?) Anyone have this?

See: Safari Records Online Store (

It should be on the first page of the thread. If not, let us know!


---------- Post added at 07:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 AM ----------

I have an an hour long stand up show for the BBC Jon P. did it's neat, but I don't have an on line share service, I use YouSendIt for temp file transfers....If I upload it, will someone else find a place for it?

---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

Many thanks!!!!!

An Hour With Jon Pertwee is very entertaining. I have no problem with it being posted here, but I believe there is a DW spoken word thread somewhere.

I use for file transfers, if that's any help. You don't have to register with them , they'll handle files up to 300 mb, and they have a multiple file uploader.


03-22-2011, 12:08 PM
It should be on the first page of the thread. If not, let us know!


---------- Post added at 07:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 AM ----------

An Hour With Jon Pertwee is very entertaining. I have no problem with it being posted here, but I believe there is a DW spoken word thread somewhere.

I use for file transfers, if that's any help. You don't have to register with them , they'll handle files up to 300 mb, and they have a multiple file uploader.


Where's the spoken word thread?

03-22-2011, 12:24 PM
It should be on the first page of the thread. If not, let us know!


I don't think it is. Still have the link? Or could re-up? Would be much appreciated.

03-22-2011, 01:32 PM
So now we're waiting for Kinda and Snakedance.

---------- Post added at 11:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 PM ----------

What? Bear McCreary over Stu Phillips? What?

Oh I agree, Bear McCreary is utterly stunning. His scores for BSG are just superb!

03-22-2011, 02:21 PM
Thanks, recons and wayney2507, for the ideas. I will post it tonight, and I'll dig around for more.

---------- Post added at 07:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 AM ----------

Re: Seeds of Doom - I was working a new mixed/unmixed version, but (as you may have read from my comment somewhere above) the CD release contains a cue not on the iso-score, and I don't have the CD to sort this or post a FLAC version, so that's on hold. Also, the intro excerpt from the version you refer to was sourced from a poor quality avi file. I'm happy to fix this excerpt now we have an official DVD release and re-up - so leave that one to me.

Cool! I look forward to the 'seeds' of your labor. Thank you for taking the time to do this type of work.

03-22-2011, 04:22 PM
What about:
Doctor Who: Christmas Special 2010 OST?

Exar Xan
03-22-2011, 04:25 PM
If it's not in the first post, then it doesnt excist. The Matt Smith Christmas Special is in it.

03-22-2011, 04:27 PM
Oh I agree, Bear McCreary is utterly stunning. His scores for BSG are just superb!

The only exposure I've had to Bear McCreary is his music for "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" and I really didn't like it at all. A lot like Brad Fiedel, who at least has some melody in there somewhere.

03-22-2011, 04:30 PM
The only exposure I've had to Bear McCreary is his music for "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" and I really didn't like it at all. A lot like Brad Fiedel, who at least has some melody in there somewhere.

If you want Bear doing melody check out "Human Target".

03-22-2011, 04:39 PM
Where's the spoken word thread?

Thread 85235


03-22-2011, 04:59 PM
If it's not in the first post, then it doesnt excist. The Matt Smith Christmas Special is in it.

i cant find it anywhere but '213 - A Christmas Carol'.

Don't know about this version but the official release came out yesterday. ;)

nvm, thanks for the great release...i was deceived by the naming of the OST, it seemed more like a tv rip version ;)

03-22-2011, 05:15 PM
The link you posted is for the Christmas carol, which is technically the 2010 special. There are no other officially released Christmas albums, though several of the Series cd's do cantain tracks from various specials. Also, the release you posted above has been openly posted on this site for over a week now.

03-23-2011, 12:59 AM
My draft version of 'Kinda' has now had over 20 downloads, so I'm assuming a few people must have listened to it by now - did anything jar? If not I'll aim to get that completed today, with mixed/unmixed versions in MP3 & FLAC with full CD art. I'm still not decided on the introductory excerpt - so many to choose from (so there may be several!)

i gave kinda a listen - good, very weird stuff. i can see where you might not have wanted to listen to it again, it's almost like the composer was doing music + sound design, but as it was the radiophonic workshop doing both at that period, that may have been exactly the intention. as far as quotes go... you can't go wrong with "you can't mend people!!"

03-23-2011, 03:21 PM
i gave kinda a listen - good, very weird stuff. i can see where you might not have wanted to listen to it again, it's almost like the composer was doing music + sound design, but as it was the radiophonic workshop doing both at that period, that may have been exactly the intention. as far as quotes go... you can't go wrong with "you can't mend people!!"

Funny - it was either that or 'An apple a day keeps mind' - we shall see. Thanks for the proof-listens - didn't want to post final version until I'd had some feedback.

Work is progressing - slower than I intended (didn't help that the electricity was off all day yesterday as the kitchen started it's grand overhaul).

'Seeds of Doom' now available: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

'Kinda', 'The Daleks/Master Plan' and 'The Mutants' should be up later tonight or tomorrow. Given the number of people who have downloaded 'Kinda: Draft Version' so far (35) I'll upload a fix as well as the full final version. Fix will only include intro excerpt and CD art - you need to name the music tracks, but will save a big download. Then work on 'Snakedance' will proceed.

BTW - any 'Being Human' fans out there?...

03-23-2011, 04:14 PM
I don't think it is. Still have the link? Or could re-up? Would be much appreciated.

Blimey. I thought the album "Who Is Dr Who?", which contains this track, was up there. Apologies! I have this album and will up it as soon as I can.

---------- Post added at 03:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:13 PM ----------

Funny - it was either that or 'An apple a day keeps mind' - we shall see. Thanks for the proof-listens - didn't want to post final version until I'd had some feedback.

Work is progressing - slower than I intended (didn't help that the electricity was off all day yesterday as the kitchen started it's grand overhaul).

'Seeds of Doom' now available: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

'Kinda', 'The Daleks/Master Plan' and 'The Mutants' should be up later tonight or tomorrow. Given the number of people who have downloaded 'Kinda: Draft Version' so far (35) I'll upload a fix as well as the full final version. Fix will only include intro excerpt and CD art - you need to name the music tracks, but will save a big download. Then work on 'Snakedance' will proceed.

BTW - any 'Being Human' fans out there?...

Apologies for the late reply, DrMatt, but I've just had the opportunity to listen to Kinda, and it sounds fine to me. Didn't half scare the cat, though.


03-23-2011, 05:42 PM
Blimey. I thought the album "Who Is Dr Who?", which contains this track, was up there. Apologies! I have this album and will up it as soon as I can.

That album is indeed up there but it doesn't have Blood Donor on it. Does it? :/ Well anyway, I found a couple of albums not posted here (one has this track on it) and am uploading now.

---------- Post added at 04:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------

Here we go: Doctor Who - Associations CD and Doctor Who - Variations CD

Doctor Who - Associations
Horseradish For Everyone! Records
20081. The Fourth Doctor - Mayday! Mayday! (0:52)
2. The Art Attacks - I Am A Dalek (2:47)
3. Blood Donor - Doctor...? (4:36)
4. The Human League - Tom Baker (4:01)
5. Ian Levine & Fiachra Trench - K9 and Company (2:21)
6. Bullamakanka - Dr Who Is Gonna Fix It (3:14)
7. Slaves of Kane - Abslom Daak, Dalek Killer (2:11)
8. The Timelords - Gary Joins The JAMS (3:26)
9. Who Cares? - Doctor In Distress (6:00)
10. Cybertech - Cybertech [Voc Mix] (4:32)
11. The First Doctor - One Day, I Shall Come Back! (0:20)
Doctor Who - Variations
Horseradish For Everyone! Records
20081. Fourplay - Doctor Who (2:56)
2. Bill Bailey - Dr. Qui (3:36)
3. Geoff Love & His Orchestra - Doctor Who (2:19)
4. Dub Syndicate - Doctor Who (4:57)
5. Mankind - Dr. Who (7:00)
6. Ron Grainer - Doctor Who [Disco Version] (3:42)
7. Astralasia - Doctor Who (5:01)
8. Orbital - Doctor Who (5:30)
These are of course fan compilations - why he decided to name his label "Horseradish for everyone" I have no idea :)

---------- Post added at 04:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 PM ----------

BTW - any 'Being Human' fans out there?...

Yes! Why? You have some more of your wonderful work on that too? :) *hopes*

03-23-2011, 07:06 PM
A big thanks Wayney. It's that kind of spirit that makes this a great thread to be a part of.


03-23-2011, 07:29 PM
Just trying to do my bit :) You guys have done such a fantastic job here!

I've just found quite a nice linklist on a fansite... Some stuff we already have here, some we don't, and some fan-made material too.
Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire ( I'll be downloading a few of these now :)

03-23-2011, 07:33 PM
Yes! Why? You have some more of your wonderful work on that too? :) *hopes*

Check your inbox ;)

03-23-2011, 08:17 PM
Is the "Doctor Who: A Celebration" (the 2006 Cardiff concert) in the list? I can't find if for the life of me. Directions?

03-23-2011, 08:34 PM
Is the "Doctor Who: A Celebration" (the 2006 Cardiff concert) in the list? I can't find if for the life of me. Directions?

I have links to the concert itself if that's of any use to you, but if you're looking for a rip of the tracks - perhaps recons or DrMatt could help with that?

03-23-2011, 08:51 PM
Tracks thanks. I've got in in FLAC. But I'd prefer good quality MP3. Someone had mentioned it earlier on, and the reply said it was on the list, but I can't see it.

03-23-2011, 10:13 PM
Fresh rips in MP3 & FLAC of 'The Daleks' and 'The Daleks' Master Plan' taken from the now very rare 'Devils Planets' CD, with introductory excerpts and sound effects from 'Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop: Volume 1' and 'The Daleks' DVD.

The Daleks [MP3]: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (
The Daleks [FLAC]: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

The Daleks' Master Plan [MP3]: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (
The Daleks' Master Plan [FLAC]: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

03-24-2011, 05:31 AM
I have an an hour long stand up show for the BBC Jon P. did it's neat, but I don't have an on line share service, I use YouSendIt for temp file transfers....If I upload it, will someone else find a place for it?

---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

Many thanks!!!!!

I also put this temp link on the AD page (thanks babydoll)

Description: An Hour with Jon Pertwee

You can use the following link to retrieve your file:

Download An_Hour_With_Jon_Pertwee_-_BBC_-_080517.mp3 from - send big files the easy way (

The file may be available for a limited time only. If you have any questions, please visit the sendspace FAQ at Free large file hosting. Send big files the easy way! (

03-24-2011, 10:20 AM
Thanks for that, radionaut! It'll go nicely with Tom Baker's autobiography audiobook read by the legend himself :)

Does anyone have the two Cybertech albums?

03-24-2011, 10:47 AM
Fantastic, radionaut! Thanks very much!

03-24-2011, 11:00 AM
Is the "Doctor Who: A Celebration" (the 2006 Cardiff concert) in the list? I can't find if for the life of me. Directions?

ripped from youtube :)

I believe part 5 (which is missing) is the comments/interviews.

03-24-2011, 12:14 PM
YouTube - DWFA Soundtrack - This Is The Plan (I Am The Doctor Variation) (

YouTube - I Am The Doctor's Medley (

more I Am The Doctor Mixes from youtube

03-24-2011, 12:31 PM
Always a pleasure, Doc.

Here is a little treat in return. The OP wanted to keep it low key, but I have had a **ton** of pm's, and he has given me permission to post. Though I will flaunt forum rules, and not make a pretty, separate thread. :D

Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol @ 320:

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (
password: BOB

My link, but not my rip. Thanks to the OP, who wants his name kept more or less out of it...:D

So... is this link the new official release of the soundtrack, or the fan-rip that's been out since the episode originally aired (and which I already have)?

03-24-2011, 03:38 PM
It is the official release

03-24-2011, 05:45 PM
Thank you very much babydoll.

03-24-2011, 08:32 PM
An Hour with Jon Pertwee

Thank you for this.

Even in death, Jon Pertwee is still entertaining, and this recording is new to me.

Now has any of the other doctors done interviews like this.

balboa 007
03-26-2011, 03:23 PM
is there any chance of a rip of the other two "i am the doctor "remix's
the first one was fantastic

03-26-2011, 06:36 PM
is there any chance of a rip of the other two "i am the doctor "remix's
the first one was fantastic

all three, two are low bit rate , best I can do :)

balboa 007
03-26-2011, 08:19 PM
perfect, thanks it's just what the doctor ordered :) :) :)

03-27-2011, 03:15 AM
Hello Everyone. Im New To This Site And I Love Doctor Who And Its Music. Im Also A BIG Fan Of I Am The Doctor. I Have Made Remade Many Variations Of It And Im Willing To Share It With You All And Also Give Download Links.
Here Is A Link To One Of My Videos Which Is A Big Suite Of Variations On I Am The Doctor.
Heres Another Of My Videos Which Is The Variations Used In The Big Bang Previously Scene & The Vampires Of Venice Next Time Trailer. [URL=""]

I Will Be Doing More Remixes And Variations On I Am The Doctor Soon

Carmine Seepage
03-28-2011, 04:02 PM
I've listened to Kinda several times already.

Sounds awesome.

Frontios Paddy Kingsland's last score is also iso on the forthcoming DVD I see.

03-29-2011, 01:55 AM
Thanks for the recent shares ladies & gents. :)

Everan Shepard
03-29-2011, 04:50 AM
I love the Christmas Carol soundtrack! Will there be a Flac rip soon?

Also, in the last track, do I hear the 11th Doctor's new theme? (not I Am The Doctor)

03-29-2011, 09:26 PM
I love the Christmas Carol soundtrack! Will there be a Flac rip soon?

Also, in the last track, do I hear the 11th Doctor's new theme? (not I Am The Doctor)

The 11th Doctor's new theme? What do you mean?

03-29-2011, 09:29 PM
I love the Christmas Carol soundtrack! Will there be a Flac rip soon?

Also, in the last track, do I hear the 11th Doctor's new theme? (not I Am The Doctor)

Every Bit Of "Everything Has To End Sometime" Is A Variation of I Am The Doctor. Only The Ending Is Not A Variation of IATD. And The Middle Bit Sounds Like A Variation Of "The Suns Gone Wibbly"

03-29-2011, 10:22 PM
Every Bit Of "Everything Has To End Sometime" Is A Variation of I Am The Doctor. Only The Ending Is Not A Variation of IATD. And The Middle Bit Sounds Like A Variation Of "The Suns Gone Wibbly"

Well actually, not every bit. The bit starting at 00:26 is an entirely new piece, which then goes onto a short version of I Am the Doctor again for 8 seconds and then starts up into a new piece again. Essentially about 33 seconds of it is I Am the Doctor.

03-29-2011, 11:37 PM
I Have Created An Account On Bandcamp Where You Can Download Music From Doctor Who And Other Peices. The I Am The Doctor Unreleased Suite Can Be Downloaded Now. Its 10:07 Seconds Long And Has Variations From Nearly all Episodes.

Doctor Who Unreleased Music - Composed By Murray Gold | SpiderDalek94 (

03-30-2011, 01:35 AM
Thank you Chris666eden for that awesome remix of the Live theme on that bandcamp of yours!

03-30-2011, 03:22 PM
I found this digging around , its the Doctor Who Celebration Cardiff Concert, 320k seperate tracks , thanks to the original uploader.

03-30-2011, 05:29 PM
YouTube - Doctor Who - Full Length Trailer for New Series 2011 - BBC One (

check this out, this is great, and is that Murrays music, WOW!!

03-30-2011, 05:34 PM
YouTube - Doctor Who - Full Length Trailer for New Series 2011 - BBC One (

check this out, this is great, and is that Murrays music, WOW!!

The Music Used In The Trailer Is Not Composed By Murray Gold It Is Infact A Two Steps From Hell Track Called Tristan.
But The Series Looks Great Kinda Confirms That The Lodger Tardis Belongs To The Silence And Also The 9th Doctor & 10th Doctor Console Room Was In The Trailer Too With Someone Regenerating And Amy And Rory Watching :D Looks Like A Great Series Is On Its Way :D

balboa 007
03-30-2011, 05:37 PM
I Have Created An Account On Bandcamp Where You Can Download Music From Doctor Who And Other Peices. The I Am The Doctor Unreleased Suite Can Be Downloaded Now. Its 10:07 Seconds Long And Has Variations From Nearly all Episodes.

Doctor Who Unreleased Music - Composed By Murray Gold | SpiderDalek94 (

many thanks for this one.... :)

04-01-2011, 06:04 AM
Any of you from the UK applying for those tickets to the initial screening of The Impossible Astronaut ? :D

04-01-2011, 06:39 AM
Any of you from the UK applying for those tickets to the initial screening of The Impossible Planet ? :D

Sadly not, as I work till 5pm and am a good 45 minutes from London, by Train + Travelling time to the Train Station + Travelling time to get to the venue for the screening.

As much as I would like to try and apply, I think having showings on a weekday evening is not a great thing to do and it would suit best for either a Saturday or maybe a Sunday showing.

tippy wooder
04-01-2011, 12:37 PM
Hi there

Could someone re-upload THIS Thread 81869

Link is dead. :o(

Many thanks!

04-01-2011, 03:46 PM
Any of you from the UK applying for those tickets to the initial screening of The Impossible Planet ? :D
Didn't that episode air already, like 5 years ago?

04-01-2011, 06:41 PM
Didn't that episode air already, like 5 years ago?

Ya.. I meant The Impossible Astronaut, obviously.. :/ "Planet" just sort of typed itself 'cause it's one of my fav episodes :)

04-01-2011, 08:12 PM
Ya.. I meant The Impossible Astronaut, obviously.. :/ "Planet" just sort of typed itself 'cause it's one of my fav episodes :)

my fingers do it too common mistake :) I really cant wait to see this.

04-02-2011, 06:25 PM
Here's the TV Movie Soundtrack to go with DrMatt's adapted version:

04-02-2011, 10:19 PM
Not been Here for a while, hope no one missed me :)

Just thought I'd upload a couple of things I've been working on:

Doctor Who The Waters Of Mars Soundtrack:
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

Doctor Who The Invasion Soundtrack:
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

I've almost finished the complete iso score from the DVD for Silver Nemesis, so that should be up soon. Hopefully I'll start posting more when season 6 starts.

Exar Xan
04-02-2011, 10:22 PM
Welcome back! We sure missed you :) I do have to ask for the main post: which of these have sfx? I figure only the The Waters Of Mars Soundtrack?

04-03-2011, 12:26 AM
Waters of Mars does yes and The Invasion has some SFX tracks but there are no SFX within the music just on the separate tracks (if that makes sense :P).The trailer music doesn't have any. :)

04-05-2011, 12:10 AM
Have you seen the 2 minute prequel, writen by Steven Moffat? That's some spooky stuff. Can't wait for Easter to arrive. (Never thought i'd ear myself say that XD)

Favorite line from the new trailer
Unknown character -"Fear me. I've killed hundreds of Time Lords".
The Doctor -"Fear ME. I've killed all of them".

This is shapping up to be even better than season 5. The idea of being left hanging during the summer 'till the second half airs is looking bad. Waiting for this to start has been torture. I can imagine what the announced cliff-hanger will do to my nerves. XD

04-05-2011, 09:23 AM
@Dalekdude: We certainly did miss you, mate. Welcome back. Happy and healthy I hope. Thanks for the uploads. Can't wait to hear them.


04-06-2011, 07:02 AM
Doctor Who Series Six Trailer Music:
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

Doctor Who The Invasion Soundtrack:
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

THank you for these.

The music used for the Trailer is so nice and sounds like it come from a source which film makers use for their own trailer. Truly epic.

As for "Invasion". This again is nice to hear with minimal SFX. Would be nice to see if DrMatt could add to your score.

Once again, Thanks

04-06-2011, 07:24 AM
Have you got the music for Time-Flight and Four to doomsday from the fifth doctor series??? - can't find them anywhere :(

04-06-2011, 06:34 PM
I think Dr Matt did a 4 to doomsday with his Castolvalva release.

Not sure about Time-Flight as I don't have it in my collection nor do I have not the DVD so I cannot confirm if an Isolated score was issued.

04-06-2011, 08:37 PM
Dalek Dude - you are wondrous. Big thanks!

04-07-2011, 03:42 PM
THank you for these.

The music used for the Trailer is so nice and sounds like it come from a source which film makers use for their own trailer. Truly epic.

The track is called Tristan, by Two Steps from Hell, (from Invincible album) who also supplied the trailer music fom Series 5 (2010) - that one was called Destiny of Mankind.

04-07-2011, 09:23 PM
In case anyone's interested:

Into the Music Library

Next on:

Tuesday, 13:30 on BBC Radio 4

It's the music which has surrounded us our whole lives, but which most of us have never quite heard let alone listened to... and nearly all of it made in the UK.

Sometimes called 'Source music', 'Mood Music' or as it's best known, 'Library music': a hugely important part of British sonic history. Its use and purpose is simple: it's well produced, economic music for film, TV, advertising and radio. Never commercially available to the general public, this music was pressed onto vinyl from the 1950s onwards in short, limited quantities and then sent directly to TV production houses and radio stations for use when necessary.

From the mid 1960s onwards, as TV and radio productions expanded, so did library music usage. As a result the golden age of TV (and our memories of it) is not only punctuated but dominated by classic library music.

Sports themes, situation comedies, game shows, cartoons, talk shows, classic children's tv, the testcards and even Farmhouse Kitchen was brought to us all with the help of library music. Themes for Terry And June, Grange Hill, Mastermind, Match Of The Day and of course that gallery tune from Vision On are all well placed library cues. But there are reels (and reels) of gorgeously crafted, equally great stuff that never made it past the elevator door! We have been surrounded by it forever, but we know so little about it.... Where does it comes from? Who actually makes it? And how do you actually set about making music for the inside of a waiting area, a lift or for a plane before it takes off?

In this first ever documentary about library music we'll look into its history (starting in 1909), speak with the dynastic library owners (de Wolfe, KPM, John Gale), We find out what's it's like to make music to imaginary pictures by speaking to the library music makers (which could include Jimmy Page and Brian Eno), and even have a word with the Musicians Union who banned UK recording of library music throughout the late 60s.

We also talk to the modern day enthusiasts, the collectors (Jerry Dammers) and explore the contemporary influences of this extraordinary musical genre. And of course re-acquaint ourselves with some of the most familiar music we've never listened to!

Presented by collector and archivist Jonny Trunk.

Producer: Simon Hollis
A Brook Lapping production for BBC Radio 4.

Tue 12 Apr 2011
BBC Radio 4

04-08-2011, 01:08 AM
Dr Who & the Daleks - 2011 release Dr. Who & the Daleks (soundtrack) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( ay_EP)

04-08-2011, 09:06 AM
Dr Who & the Daleks - 2011 release Dr. Who & the Daleks (soundtrack) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( ay_EP)

This release is limited to 500 copies and the particpating record store near me were expressing doubts that they could get hold of a copy. If anyone does manage to get hold of one, an upload would be very very appreciated.


04-08-2011, 10:11 AM
This release is limited to 500 copies and the particpating record store near me were expressing doubts that they could get hold of a copy. If anyone does manage to get hold of one, an upload would be very very appreciated.

What would the price be for this sort of thing? I'll email our two participating stores and see if they'll (try to) get some in.

Also, looking down the list of releases for record store day, I see: "Smerins Anti-Social Club - Dr Who featuring Tenor Fly - 7" vinyl - Label: Tru Thoughts"

04-08-2011, 10:59 AM
This release is limited to 500 copies and the particpating record store near me were expressing doubts that they could get hold of a copy. If anyone does manage to get hold of one, an upload would be very very appreciated.


DR. WHO AND THE DALEKS - Original Soundtrack by Malcom Lockyer and Bill McGuffie (

and its on sale :)

04-08-2011, 05:16 PM
DR. WHO AND THE DALEKS - Original Soundtrack by Malcom Lockyer and Bill McGuffie (

and its on sale :)

Hmmm, isn't that the CD we already have? :P This new vinyl coming out has a couple of tracks and a mini-adventure with Peter Cushing.

the particpating record store near me were expressing doubts that they could get hold of a copy.
I have the same response from one of our stores - "I have ordered this item but cannot guarentee its arrival as it is a new company for me to order from & I'm not sure that we will get all that we ordered"

04-08-2011, 05:45 PM
Malcolm Lockyear - Dr. Who & The Daleks / Invasion Earth / Music On Vinyl from Piccadilly Records (

I found this

Carmine Seepage
04-08-2011, 10:48 PM
Not sure about Time-Flight as I don't have it in my collection nor do I have not the DVD so I cannot confirm if an Isolated score was issued.

The following were not given iso-scores:

Four to Doomsday, Black Orchid, Time-Flight, The Twin Dilemma, Vengeance on Varos, Timelash, The Trial of a Time Lord, Time and the Rani, Paradise Towers, Delta and the Bannermen.

Most of the above were done as budget releases so no finances were made to fund iso scores while Varos had so little music it was deemed not worthwhile. Trial was extra packed so I guess they didn't make room for them (Mindwarp's music is lost) and Timelash's entire score is like 10 minutes or so and was released on CD on a previous release.

The upcoming Frontios and The Awakening will have iso scores while Paradise Towers will not but will have the rejected score available to watch with the story. No news but hopefully the final 3 McCoy's Dragonfire and The Happiness Patrol by Dominic Glynn and Greatest Show by Mark Ayres will have them. They are all excellent scores.

Herbert West
04-08-2011, 11:12 PM
I Have Created An Account On Bandcamp Where You Can Download Music From Doctor Who And Other Peices. The I Am The Doctor Unreleased Suite Can Be Downloaded Now. Its 10:07 Seconds Long And Has Variations From Nearly all Episodes.

Doctor Who Unreleased Music - Composed By Murray Gold | SpiderDalek94 (

Many thanks!

04-09-2011, 11:44 AM
Does anyone know were i could find the new doctor who series 6 trailler without music just with voices :)

04-09-2011, 04:08 PM
Just to add a bit of info re 'Four to Doomsday', 'Time-Flight' and 'Timelash'...

A selection of music from all three was used on the DVD gallery tracks - and the music on 'Timelash' was different than that included on the CD '30 Years at the Radiophonic Workshop' albeit with slight distortion on one of the channels.

I included all of these on my editions of 'Castrovalva', 'Arc of Infinity' and 'Revelation of the Daleks' respectively, the first two slightly rearranged to present the music in story order. The music from 'Timelash' is true stereo.

Hope this helps.

Delay on my 'Mara Tales' soundtracks due to having to go away for a few weeks unexpectedly. May be another week or two. Apologies.

Night Terror
04-09-2011, 05:46 PM
Does anyone know were i could find the new doctor who series 6 trailler without music just with voices :)

It doesn't exist. Again, the song is by Two Steps From Hell so we can't distribute their music. Also, the version used is Tristan (Less Intensity). The only variation of this is a choirless version, not the other way around.

04-09-2011, 05:50 PM
ok i just thought someone by now would of maded a version of the trailler without music to make rescores or to make fan made traillers

04-09-2011, 06:06 PM
ok i just thought someone by now would of maded a version of the trailler without music to make rescores or to make fan made traillers

I have a high quality version of tristan both with choir and without. i'll add it on my Bandcamp site along with some other remixes and stuff ive ripped :)

04-09-2011, 06:09 PM
I have a high quality version of tristan both with choir and without. i'll add it on my Bandcamp site along with some other remixes and stuff ive ripped :)

Cool :) Thanks Are You Spiderdalek94 on youtube by the way if so love your videos

04-09-2011, 10:04 PM
Cool :) Thanks Are You Spiderdalek94 on youtube by the way if so love your videos

Yes I Am :) Thanks And I'll be Extracting The Music From The Series 6 Episodes And Instead Of Uploading Them To Youtube I'll Put Them On My Bandcamp Site :) i might upload a few on youtube :)

04-10-2011, 11:02 AM
Yes I Am :) Thanks And I'll be Extracting The Music From The Series 6 Episodes And Instead Of Uploading Them To Youtube I'll Put Them On My Bandcamp Site :) i might upload a few on youtube :)
Cool :)

04-17-2011, 03:50 AM
a few notes if you guys want this thing to survive.
feel free to posts requests here but keep in mind we also have a requests forum.
don't shit up the thread: don't troll, don't feed the trolls. if someone is being an asshole or breaking rules, contact a mod, don't whine about it in the thread.
please create new topics for each upload in addition to posting them here: i know it takes an extra second of your time, but it's much appreciated.
keep off-topic discussion to a minimum: this thread is for offtopic chitchat with fellow film score hunt thread fans. go nuts over there.
the usual stuff: include as much info for releases as possible, including source material, how it was ripped/encoded, tracklist, etc. it helps people out a lot."
Them's the rules :P
Luckily we don't seem to have a lot of trolling on here.
PS: Also, the off topic thing applies to the FSM thread, I'm guessing.LOL. No wonder this thread is so hard to follow.
Thanks. This is a h'll of a Doctor Who thread - in a Final Fantasy forum?
And soundtracks, the music, is what I'm missing in my link collection of 600+ Doctor Who-related audios. Groovy, oh - no grooves anymore - d'mn. I'll be back to lurker this monster. I going to start at the beginning (Delia Derbyshire's compositions and her video biography). In the meantime, I'll go figure out where my RNIB Doctor Who readings should be posted.
Looking forward to some good times here.

<table><tbody><tr><td valign=top></td><td>
Releases 16 April 2011
Dr. Who, OST
Dr. Who & The Daleks/Invasion Earth
7" ltd to 500 copies blue vinyl worldwide. A glorious 7" 33rpm EP taken from the Soundtracks of the two 1960's Dr Who films : Dr. Who And The Daleks and Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150!! Featuring two tracks from the Malcolm Lockyear score to Dr. Who And The Daleks, "Main Theme" and "Mountain" - two slabs of groovy 60's beat music, lush strings and twangy guitars all round! - PLUS an EXCLUSIVE mini adventure story version of the Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 movie that has been especially created just for this EP- it stars the voice of Peter Cushing and of course The Daleks can be heard exterminating everything in their path!!
Label: Music On Vinyl</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2> source: </td></tr></tbody></table>

04-17-2011, 02:23 PM
<table><tbody><tr><td valign=top></td><td>
Releases 16 April 2011
Dr. Who, OST
Dr. Who & The Daleks/Invasion Earth
7" ltd to 500 copies blue vinyl worldwide. A glorious 7" 33rpm EP taken from the Soundtracks of the two 1960's Dr Who films : Dr. Who And The Daleks and Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150!! Featuring two tracks from the Malcolm Lockyear score to Dr. Who And The Daleks, "Main Theme" and "Mountain" - two slabs of groovy 60's beat music, lush strings and twangy guitars all round! - PLUS an EXCLUSIVE mini adventure story version of the Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 movie that has been especially created just for this EP- it stars the voice of Peter Cushing and of course The Daleks can be heard exterminating everything in their path!!
Label: Music On Vinyl</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2> source: Record Store Day - Exclusive Product ( </td></tr></tbody></table>

So did anyone end up getting this? :)

04-18-2011, 04:16 PM
So did anyone end up getting this? :)

Not me. One shop practically told me where to go when I asked earlier in the week ("we get our stock exclusively via Warner. I'm sick of you people trying to ask for things. We're not getting it."); the other (where I queued for 2 hours because the owner would not confirm whether he had ordered it or not) didn't get it in. The hint was made on Saturday that I was not in the shop buying vinyl every week, and therefore they wouldn't make an effort on my behalf. Oh well, can't be helped.

Moving on, to celebrate the release of Planet of the Spiders on DVD, here are the three library tracks used in the theatre sequence at the beginning:



04-19-2011, 01:24 AM
LOL. No wonder this thread is so hard to follow.
Thanks. This is a h'll of a Doctor Who thread - in a Final Fantasy forum?
And soundtracks, the music, is what I'm missing in my link collection of 600+ Doctor Who-related audios. Groovy, oh - no grooves anymore - d'mn. I'll be back to lurker this monster. I going to start at the beginning (Delia Derbyshire's compositions and her video biography). In the meantime, I'll go figure out where my RNIB Doctor Who readings should be posted.
Looking forward to some good times here.

<table><tbody><tr><td valign=top></td><td>
Releases 16 April 2011
Dr. Who, OST
Dr. Who & The Daleks/Invasion Earth
7" ltd to 500 copies blue vinyl worldwide. A glorious 7" 33rpm EP taken from the Soundtracks of the two 1960's Dr Who films : Dr. Who And The Daleks and Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150!! Featuring two tracks from the Malcolm Lockyear score to Dr. Who And The Daleks, "Main Theme" and "Mountain" - two slabs of groovy 60's beat music, lush strings and twangy guitars all round! - PLUS an EXCLUSIVE mini adventure story version of the Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 movie that has been especially created just for this EP- it stars the voice of Peter Cushing and of course The Daleks can be heard exterminating everything in their path!!
Label: Music On Vinyl</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2> source: Record Store Day - Exclusive Product ( </td></tr></tbody></table>

What RNIB readins do you have? I'm very keen to listen to these... the ones that are impossible to find are Frontios, Face of evil, Ultimate Evil, Cybermen, clockwise Man, Making of a television show... I think that's it! Any of these added would be of great benefit, and if you need the others I can repost here (though a torrent search will also find them)...

04-19-2011, 01:55 AM
What RNIB readins do you have? I'm very keen to listen to these... the ones that are impossible to find are Frontios, Face of evil, Ultimate Evil, Cybermen, clockwise Man, Making of a television show... I think that's it! Any of these added would be of great benefit, and if you need the others I can repost here (though a torrent search will also find them)...Posted in the Doctor Who Audio DramaThread ( see the: RNIB post (, I know - they are "book readings", not true "audio dramas." But, that's the Doctor Who "spoken word" thread at ffshrine.) no longer listed. I have access to all(?) of them. Send PM.

Exar Xan
04-19-2011, 09:21 AM
Not me. One shop practically told me where to go when I asked earlier in the week ("we get our stock exclusively via Warner. I'm sick of you people trying to ask for things. We're not getting it."); the other (where I queued for 2 hours because the owner would not confirm whether he had ordered it or not) didn't get it in. The hint was made on Saturday that I was not in the shop buying vinyl every week, and therefore they wouldn't make an effort on my behalf. Oh well, can't be helped.

Moving on, to celebrate the release of Planet of the Spiders on DVD, here are the three library tracks used in the theatre sequence at the beginning:



Wow, that is some poor salesmanship if you ask me. But is this new OST really that interesting? I never saw those Cushing movies (altho I loved Cushing as Tarkin in SW) and as I understand it they arent canon so I dont think I will see them for atleast a very long time.

*returns to watching The Evil of the Daleks with the Second Doctor* Oh and the 11th Doctor is almost back :D

04-19-2011, 12:34 PM
What RNIB readins do you have? I'm very keen to listen to these... the ones that are impossible to find are Frontios, Face of evil, Ultimate Evil, Cybermen, clockwise Man, Making of a television show... I think that's it! Any of these added would be of great benefit, and if you need the others I can repost here (though a torrent search will also find them)...

The Ultimate Evil was not recorded. Although it is listed on the RNIB website and paperwork, subsequent investigations have revealed that Waly K Daly withdrew his permission for the use of his story just before recording. I understand there was some financial disagreement, and this may have lead on to Big Finish's inability to record the story as part of their (excellent) Lost Stories 6th Doctor season.


---------- Post added at 12:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------

But is this new OST really that interesting? ... I understand it they arent canon ...

No they aren't canon. Silva Screen have deliberately created a collectable curio using their own rights to the soundtrack to create a condensed recording that echoes Century 21's similar 7" recording of the final episode of The Chase.

File:Daleks (audio).jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (


04-19-2011, 05:26 PM
The Ultimate Evil was not recorded. Although it is listed on the RNIB website and paperwork, subsequent investigations have revealed that Waly K Daly withdrew his permission for the use of his story just before recording. I understand there was some financial disagreement, and this may have lead on to Big Finish's inability to record the story as part of their (excellent) Lost Stories 6th Doctor season.
R---------- Post added at 12:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------
No they aren't canon. Silva Screen have deliberately created a collectable curio using their own rights to the soundtrack to create a condensed recording that echoes Century 21's similar 7" recording of the final episode of The Chase.

post#1 recons, your memory is fading. "The Ultimate Evil" was recorded. A RNIB talking book "The Ultimate Evil" is floating around the community. Not being familiar with Waly's voice...
See recons post:


Some info regarding the RNIB talking book of The Ultimate Evil by Wally K. Daly from Ian Turner at RNIB:

We made the recording with Wally but unfortunately the BBC gave too many restrictors on how we could market the audio book commercially for us to progress it. It was, therefore, highly unlikely that neither RNIB or the charity Wally wanted to help, Polio, would make any money from the project, in fact it would cost us a lot more than we would make. We had, therefore, no other alternative but to cancel the project.

We are waiting to hear from Wally to hear if he will allow us to add the book to the Talking Book Library - at the moment we can't. If this changes I will let you know.

If you can inform anyone who was interested in buying this audio book I would be grateful.


post#2 Since the invention of alternate timelines, nothing is canon, nothing will ever be canon, nothing ever was canon.

IMAGE:insert thumbs in ears, wiggle fingers, and give Dr Who a raspberry:/IMAGE

Non-canon note: 8th Doctor exists in a TV movie, books, audiobooks, and comics - each with its own timeline. And if that doesn't confuse you, the 8th Doctor trips off and gets lost in dimension where time does not exist.
Unanswered canon note: How did the 8th Doctor die?

04-19-2011, 05:33 PM
Apparently, I think we are meant to assume he died in the finale to the Time War. Certainly, the 9th Doc seems to be newly regenerated when we ans Rose meet him...

There is "canon", and there is canon. the Doc Who movies do not jibe with any established on-screen info. Granted, a lot waas not known when they were made. Had there even BEEN a regeneration at the time? Until then, the Doc as Timelord hadn't been clearly established? Although, the fact that he was alien, and not some crazy-assed inventor was...

04-19-2011, 06:21 PM
Talk about an overwhelming thread (in a good way!) :p

Any chance anyone still has the FLAC version of Series 5 that they'd be willing to re-upload? The links posted in this thread (Thread 82989) are now dead....

balboa 007
04-19-2011, 09:53 PM

Exar Xan
04-19-2011, 10:01 PM
I actually couldnt believe, but I checked and it is indeed true and comfirmed. Apparently from cancer that not many people knew she was suffering from. I never saw this coming with her return to Doctor Who and the Sarah Jane Adventures.

04-20-2011, 02:33 AM
Good Bye Sarah Jane :( you were my favorite

04-20-2011, 02:40 AM
Yeah.. total shock! So unexpected, such a strong woman, you'd never think she had cancer. Nor would you think she was 63. She's gonna be greatly missed in the Whoniverse! I hope there will at least be a tribute in the opening episode this week like there was with Verity Lambert. RIP Sarah! I still have to call you Sarah.. :/

04-20-2011, 03:06 AM
Sarah Jane was my absolute Fave companion. I just saw about this on facebook, like two minutes ago. :( :(

04-20-2011, 09:31 AM
recons, your memory is fading. "The Ultimate Evil" was recorded. A RNIB talking book "The Ultimate Evil" is floating around the community. Not being familiar with Waly's voice...

Since I made that post, I've had conflicting information from the RNIB upon further enquiries. However, I would be very happy to be wrong about this. :-) Could you post a link to The Ultimate Evil as I can't seem to find it despite searching? I think many people on here would appreciate it.



EDIT: I was clearly misinformed. The Ultimate Evil was recorded and read by the author for the RNIB, but he still refuses permission for it to be released or recorded elsewhere. What a pity.

Night Terror
04-20-2011, 10:39 AM
OH MY GODNESS! Out of all companions, why Sarah Jane? I can't believe it still...

04-20-2011, 11:10 AM
Over on Roobarbs, there's a discussion on continuing the Sarah Jane Adventures without her. Can't see this happening, personally. Totally folly if it did, in my view. I do think they should show the three stories (i.e. 6 eps) that she did manage to record before she died, and then end it there out of respect for a much loved , very missed, respected and talented actress. I wouldn't be averse to the remaining stories being read on audiobooks by members of the cast as a coda, much as what happens in the Doctor Who ranges from Big Finish and AudioGo.


04-20-2011, 12:42 PM
Elizabeth Sladen, I miss you.

Ever since Sarah Jane Smith first appeared in 1973 on Doctor Who, she was portrayed by Elisabeth Sladen ( She (Sarah/Lis) also starred in the Doctor Who spin-offs: K-9 and Company (pilot), Downtime (movie), and The Sarah Jane Adventures (tv series). Sarah Jane starred with 9 of the 11 Doctor Who incarnations.

"Bye, Doctor. You know, travel really does broaden the mind." </dd><dd>―Sarah Jane Smith (</dd></dl>

<table bordercolor=black border="30" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td>
Sarah Jane leaves the tardis
() ()

() ()
Her last appearance as the Doctor's regular traveling companion.
23 October 1976

04-20-2011, 04:23 PM
Lis Sladen also starred as Sarah Jane in two series of audio adventures for Big Finish prior to her re-entry into the TV series in School Reunion. They're worth tracking down. No K9 or kids though, but a cracking cliffhanger at the end of series two. I wonder how it would have been resolved if RTD hadn't come along and snapped the character up. Needless to say, Lis Sladen gives an authentic and flawless performance.


04-20-2011, 05:11 PM
Co-stars' grief

CELEBRITY friends and Doctor Who co-stars joined tens of thousands of fans in taking to Twitter, the internet and the airwaves to express sadness at Liz's death.

Current Time Lord MATT SMITH said: "What struck me about Liz was her grace. She welcomed me, educated me and delighted me. She also seemed to have a quality of youth that not many people retain as they go through life. Her grace and kindness will stay with me."

Doctor Who executive producer STEVEN MOFFAT said: "There are a blessed few who can carry a whole television show on their talent and charisma - but I can't think of one other who has done it quite so politely."

Tenth Doctor DAVID TENNANT said: "I can't believe Liz is gone - the woman who enchanted my childhood, my time on Doctor Who and generations who have fallen in love with her just like I did. She was extraordinary."

JOHN BARROWMAN, a.k.a. Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who and spin-off series Torchwood, said: "I loved my time on the Tardis with Liz. I am proud to have worked with such an icon of the sci-fi world. Your Doctor Who family are very sad, Liz, and will miss you and your beautiful smile."

League Of Gentlemen funnyman MARK GATISS, who has written for and starred in Doctor Who, said: "Farewell to the wonderful, irreplaceable Liz Sladen. The best."

Actor NOEL CLARKE, Mickey Smith in Doctor Who, said: "Sarah Jane Smith lives because Elisabeth Sladen made her great. Liz, you were awesome."

Comic ALEXANDER ARMSTRONG, the voice of extra-terrestrial computer Mr Smith in The Sarah Jane Adventures, said: "A wonderful actress - devastating news for all Doctor Who and Sarah Jane fans. Sad for Mr Smith, too."

Actress NICOLA BRYANT, who plays Doctor Who companion Perpugilliam "Peri" Brown, said: "It's too much to take in, but it's true. How tragically young."

Dr Who writer PAUL CORNELL said: "A great actor, special to everyone of my generation - and a whole new one."

Former EastEnder and Doctor Who star TRACY-ANN OBERMAN said: "Oh no! RIP Sarah Jane. You were THE assistant."

04-20-2011, 05:11 PM
Elisabeth Claira Heath Sladen known to Doctor Who fans worldwide as Sarah Jane Smith passed away 19 April 2011 after a very private battle with cancer.
Tenth Doctor DAVID TENNANT said: "I can't believe Liz is gone - the woman who enchanted my childhood, my time on Doctor Who and generations who have fallen in love with her just like I did. She was extraordinary." (2002 audio CD cover)

A quick listing of appearances by Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith in audio stories.

Glorious Goodwood (Glorious Goodwood - TARDIS Index File, the Doctor Who Wiki (
In 1974, Jon Pertwee and Elisabeth Sladen reprised their roles of the Third Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith, respectively, for a 10-minute mini-episode, which also included an appearance by the Daleks. Untitled, never broadcast, hidden in the BBC Archives until 2005 when it was included on Doctor Who at the BBC Volume 3,
anyone have an excerpt link?

Doctor Who and The Pescatons (1976 LP, 1991 CD)
by Victor Pemberton (48 minutes + extras) full cast audio drama
Tom Baker (the Fourth Doctor), Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith), Bill Mitchell (Zor)
The very first audio drama based upon Doctor Who. First release was on vinyl - a LP record album.This is the story of a dying Planet, of a Deadly Weed, and the merciless Creatures themselves. It is a Challenge to the Doctor -- a frightening race against time...
YouTube (

The Time Machine: Exploration Earth (1976 radio)
by Bernard Venables (20 minutes) documentary
Tom Baker and Elisabeth Sladen reprise their regular Doctor Who roles for a special radio episode of Exploration Earth, a BBC Schools geography programme.
Megaupload (

The Paradise of Death (The Paradise of Death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
The Third Doctor, Sarah and the Brigadier investigate the shadowy machinations of the Parakon Corporation and their new theme park Space World.

The Ghosts of N-Space (1995 novel, 1996 radio) wikipedia
by Barry Letts (180 minutes) full cast audio drama
Jon Pertwee's final appearance as the Doctor. Sarah Jane Smith is on holiday in Sicily. The Brigadier is trying to help Uncle Mario, who is being threatened by a mobster and ghosts.

Sarah Jane Smith (2002 & 2006)
| SJ01 | Comeback: Sarah Jane Smith | Sarah Jane
| SJ02 | The TAO Connection: Sarah Jane Smith | Sarah Jane
| SJ03 | Test of Nerve: Sarah Jane Smith | Sarah Jane
| SJ04 | Ghost Town: Sarah Jane Smith | Sarah Jane
| SJ05 | Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre: Sarah Jane Smith | Sarah Jane

SJ01. Megaupload (
SJ02. Megaupload (
SJ03. Megaupload (
SJ04. Megaupload (
SJ05. Megaupload (
SJ06. Megaupload (
SJ07. Megaupload (
SJ08. Megaupload (
SJ09. Megaupload (

Sarah Jane Adventures (2008-2011)
| SJA01 | The Glittering Storm: Sarah Jane Adventures | Sarah Jane
| SJA02 | The Thirteenth Stone: Sarah Jane Adventures | Sarah Jane
| SJA03 | The Time Capsule: Sarah Jane Adventures | Sarah Jane
| SJA04 | The Ghost House: Sarah Jane Adventures | Sarah Jane
| SJA05 | The Shadow People: Sarah Jane Adventures | Sarah Jane
| SJA06 | The White Wolf: Sarah Jane Adventures | Sarah Jane
| SJA07 | Wraith World: Sarah Jane Adventures | Sarah Jane
| SJA08 | Deadly Download: Sarah Jane Adventures | Sarah Jane

SJA01. Ziddu ( or Megaupload (
SJA02. Ziddu ( or Megaupload (
SJA03. Ziddu ( or Megaupload (
SJA04. Ziddu ( or Megaupload (
SJA05. Ziddu ( or. Megaupload (
SJA06. Ziddu ( or. Megaupload (
SJA07. Megaupload (
SJA08. Megaupload (

***dead links replaced upon PM request***

04-21-2011, 02:54 AM
Liz...You will be sorely missed...Thank you for being "our" companion, and good friend

Mick L2
04-22-2011, 12:11 PM
Tom has also put this on his website re Lis Sladen.

Tom Baker Newsletter | Latest news | Lis Sladen | Sarah Jane (

04-22-2011, 12:45 PM
Tom has also put this on his website re Lis Sladen.

Tom Baker Newsletter | Latest news | Lis Sladen | Sarah Jane (

Very nice tribute from her good friend Tom Baker you can tell he loved her very much. We Miss You already Sarah Jane :(

04-22-2011, 12:47 PM
Tom has also put this on his website re Lis Sladen.

Tom Baker Newsletter | Latest news | Lis Sladen | Sarah Jane (

Also nice to read the Brigadier tribute...

Night Terror
04-23-2011, 02:14 PM
We all will surely miss Sladen. She did such a magnificent job... I wonder how the "kids" working with her in the SJA may be now...

But not everything is bad news... Thanks goodness, today we'll get to see something that will lessen our grieve. Because Series 6 starts today! :D

04-23-2011, 08:16 PM
The Impossible Astronaut Was AMAZING! Lots Of Twists And Turns And I Also love The I Am The Doctor Variations In The Episode And The Fact That The Next Time Trailer Had The Eleventh Hour Rooftop I Am The Doctor Variation. but what a cliffhanger. rory and river discover the lodger tardis, amy is pregenant, the spaceman is the little girl and AHHHHHH it Was Brilliant! What a way to kick off the series. i will be getting the music from the episode so i'll hopefully be making an unoffical soundtrack for the impossible astronaut.

04-23-2011, 08:48 PM
The Impossible Astronaut Was AMAZING! Lots Of Twists And Turns And I Also love The I Am The Doctor Variations In The Episode And The Fact That The Next Time Trailer Had The Eleventh Hour Rooftop I Am The Doctor Variation. but what a cliffhanger. rory and river discover the lodger tardis, amy is pregenant, the spaceman is the little girl and AHHHHHH it Was Brilliant! What a way to kick off the series. i will be getting the music from the episode so i'll hopefully be making an unoffical soundtrack for the impossible astronaut.

yh it was good cant wait for the music i have also uploaded the next time version on my youtube channel but i know your music will be a lot better :)

04-23-2011, 09:43 PM
Chris666eden: Uh... SPOILERS!!! We have folk here from the States who won't get to see this for a while, and they won't thank you for giving away almost every part of the story! ;)

04-23-2011, 10:33 PM
Yeah, there is a SPOILER tag. To use it type this is my text
And it looks like this this is my text (

Update: The Ultimate Evil

Since I made that post, I've had conflicting information from the RNIB upon further enquiries. However, I would be very happy to be wrong about this. :-) Could you post a link to The Ultimate Evil as I can't seem to find it despite searching? I think many people on here would appreciate it.
EDIT: I was clearly misinformed. The Ultimate Evil was recorded and read by the author for the RNIB, but he still refuses permission for it to be released or recorded elsewhere. What a pity.
The Ultimate Evil written by Wally K. Daly
The Ultimate Evil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
Is based on a cancelled script from the 1986 season of Doctor Who. First published by Target Books in 1989 as the second volume of its Missing Episodes series.

An unabridged reading of The Ultimate Evil, narrated by Wally K Daly himself, was made available by the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) in March 2010. The original recording was created as a charity effort for Rotary International's Polio campaign (Daly was a past officer) ~source ( It is not available to buy commercially.

<table align=center bordercolor=purple border=10cellpadding=20 width=75%><tbody><tr><td>RNIB Book Site
The ultimate evil - RNIB Book Site ( rint%2cStreamed+Audio&pubid=000119947)
Title: The ultimate evil
Author: Wally K Daly
Publisher: Target
Publication date: 1989.
Synopsis: One of the missing episodes from BBC series. With the Tardis working perfectly the Doctor and Peri find themselves at something of a loose end. A holiday in Tranquela, a peace-loving country where there has been no war for over fifty years, seems the ideal solution. Unfortunately their visit coincides with that of an unscrupulous arms dealer - the Machiavellian Dwarf Mordant.
Series: Doctor Who
Available formats
Audio: narrated by Wally K Daly
Daisy information: version 2.02, Navigation: Page, Type: Full audio with structure
Duration: 4 hours 28 minutes
Catalogue number: 17077
Get this book through the BookStream book club (
Age range: Suggested reading age 13+
Language: English
Browse category: Fiction: Science fiction; Fiction: Young adult fiction
ISBN: 0426203380
</td></tr></tbody></table>A commercial reading by Nicola Bryant never made it to market.


04-23-2011, 11:51 PM
Chris666eden: Uh... SPOILERS!!! We have folk here from the States who won't get to see this for a while, and they won't thank you for giving away almost every part of the story! ;)

In about 2 hours I dont mind about the spoilers Im beyond it now :)

04-24-2011, 01:23 AM
Chris666eden: Uh... SPOILERS!!! We have folk here from the States who won't get to see this for a while, and they won't thank you for giving away almost every part of the story! ;)

oops :S Sorry Didnt Know You Guys Didnt get to see it for a while. I Apologise. I Heard That The Episode Was Running At The Same Time For Both England And America Obviously It Got Changed. Again I Apologise

04-24-2011, 01:26 AM
Haha, I'm in London! ;) I was just thinking about some of our transatlantic cousins. I didn't know it was on at the same time in the States. :)

04-24-2011, 01:31 AM
Haha, I'm in London! ;) I was just thinking about some of our transatlantic cousins. I didn't know it was on at the same time in the States. :)

Oh lol ok. I Have An AC3 Version Of The Impossible Astronaut So I Can Get The Music From It. I Have The I Am The Doctor Variations. :)

04-24-2011, 01:58 AM
oops :S Sorry Didnt Know You Guys Didnt get to see it for a while. I Apologise. I Heard That The Episode Was Running At The Same Time For Both England And America Obviously It Got Changed. Again I ApologiseIt is on at the same time...

A Doctor Who fan that doesn't know 6PM here,
isn't the same as 6PM there?

You have just lost some Time Lord points.

04-24-2011, 03:20 AM
Hummmmm not sure how I felt about it , BBC America shows way too many commrcials so the interuptions , even tho they said limited, was intollerable.
Ill make my final opinion after part two but for now Ill keep it to myself :) After I download the show from itunes maybe Ill watch it again without the commercials.
I guess what I mean is and spoiler here

one scene River finds a group of the Silence Creatures and while you are on the edge of your seat pops in a commercial, Ahhhhhhhh!

04-24-2011, 05:35 AM
Doctor Who Confidential #78 Coming to America
(behind the scenes for Doctor Who 6x01 The Impossible Astronaut)
What is the lead-in song?
Reminds me of True Blood's theme song "Bad Things (" by Jace Everett ( But, that's not it. What is it?

Night Terror
04-24-2011, 03:05 PM
Err... I thought BBC America aired it the same day?

04-24-2011, 03:19 PM
Hi Guys Here`s My Frist Post With Some Music Here Hope You Enjoy this Suite Of Music From The Impossible Astroaut Heres A Link To The Music On Youtube :) YouTube - Doctor Who The Impossible Astronaut Music Sutie. ( i try my best to get a download link out very soon for everyone :)

Rinnegan Tobi
04-24-2011, 03:33 PM
The Impossible Astronaut was Awesome, but one thing about The Future Doctor confuses me.

Where is his Tardis? , because the Tardis doesn't appear in the episode until the Present Doctor appears coming out with his straw.

04-24-2011, 07:55 PM
Err... I thought BBC America aired it the same day?

they do but 6 hours ahead of us in the US so around 12 noon they were watching it there :)

04-25-2011, 04:47 AM
It was transmitted at the same time in the UK & US. But, 6PM Saturday 23 April 2011 happens in London (GMT) about 7 hours before 6PM Saturday 23 April 2011 happens where I am, west coast US (PST). It's time travel, baby.
The Impossible Astronaut was Awesome, but one thing about The Future Doctor confuses me.

Where is his Tardis? , because the Tardis doesn't appear in the episode until the Present Doctor appears coming out with his straw.Another * plot hole. It was important to destroy the Doctor's body, but we forgot the Tardis?

Your question might be answered in Part 2: Day of the Moon

Somewhere in the desert near Moab, Utah USA in "The Valley of the Gods National Park" lies a TARDIS.

Filming location: just off the intersection of routes 191 and 163 near Bluff Airport.(1) "Base Camp" was 11 miles east of Mexican Hat at the Lake Powell turn off.(2) The area is internationally renown as "The Valley of the Gods (". Episode 2 will return to the location.

(1) Doctor Who Spoilers � Utah set report (
(2) Gallifrey Base: Utah Location Guide (
2000 posts, photos included.
Click me, make me bigger (
Click the image, turn away and tell me what you saw.

*edited for family. See post #2164 ( for the dialectic.

04-25-2011, 10:34 AM
could we watch the language please, thanks :)

04-26-2011, 03:12 AM
could we watch the language please, thanks :)
Out of respect for your ethos, I edited the word out. . Sorry if it offended you.gawddamn *edited for family
The original word was carefully chosen, not used as a pejorative, and should stand as appropriate to context based on the episode events & shooting locationValley of the Gods Sorry you didn't get the joke. I though it was a funny pun, albeit mature.

Nah, now my feelings are hurt and we'll just have to move along.
Somebody tell a new joke.
That won't offend anyone.

04-26-2011, 05:37 AM
I'm afraid to read much of the thread since I have yet to see "The Impossible Astronaut" though it has been saved for later viewing on my TV.

So I'm wondering (and am afraid to go searching!) if the Kinda and Snakedance soundtracks have been completed? last I knew Kinda had been posted in a preliminary form.

04-26-2011, 08:23 AM
This has to be here someplace, but I couldn't find it. With apologies to previous posters.

() click & click again for wallpaper ()

Doctor Who Magazine #167 (Dec 1990) included a free 3-track flexidisc.
DWM-1 The FlexiDisc - The first experiment on including audio in the magazine was in DWM 167 in November 1990. The Magazine included a FlexiDisc -- a plastic sheet about 7 inches square, with 3 tracks of music:
info: link (

1. Mark Ayres - Terror in Totters Lane (music from Remembrance of the Daleks, published on the album Myths and Other Legends)
megaupload (

2. Dominic Glynn - The Trial (excerpt), (music from The Trial of a Time Lord. This was to be published on the album Black Light II - The Remixes from Silva Records, but contractual issues stalled the album).
megaupload (

3. The Slaves of Kane - Theme from Abslom Daak: Dalek Killer, an original composition by Dominic Glynn (full length version available on Xenon Records)
megaupload (

Flexidisc.jpg. megaupload (

The offer was popular, but playing the FlexiDisc was problematic since it tended to slip on the turntable and would distort easily.

04-27-2011, 02:29 AM
We have on demand channels and BBC America is one of them , they got the latest Doctor Who Impossible Astronaut so I got to watch it without the commercial breaks and MUCH MUCH better, after I watched it without the CM's I said Brilliant :)

They did do lots of neet things with the I Am The Doctor theme and the music that was playing when the TARDIS appeared in the Oval Office was really good, my wife even said so.

04-27-2011, 02:30 AM
thanks for share good sharing

04-29-2011, 07:38 PM
Here's Judgement of Sutekh: - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (


Recons -

Hi. I'm new to the forums here. I've been able to find all of the Faction Paradox audios except for 'The Judgment of Sutekh'. Your link above says the file was deleted due to inactivity for 30 days past. Could you please re-upload it so that I may, perhaps, have a chance to see how it all turns out?

04-30-2011, 09:38 PM
If Recons is no longer active on this forum, does anyone else have the last of Magic Bullet's 'The True History of the Faction Paradox', "The Judgment of Sutekh"? Please?

05-01-2011, 07:08 AM

Well it was a supreme effort of will, but i managed to avoid watching the new episodes til tonight. I read no internet rumors, and avoided this thread...:D

So I could watch parts 1 and 2 together. Soooooo regenerating little girl...? See, now I GOTTA watch.. :D

The Doctor
05-01-2011, 09:12 AM
Maybe ought to spoiler tag that, babydoll. The show doesn't air for a good few weeks in places like Australia.

Out of interest, does anyone happen to have Murray Gold's score for Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil?

05-01-2011, 11:08 AM
Soooooo regenerating little girl...? See, now I GOTTA watch.. :D

THis two part opener was good, but maybe a tad to complicated for some to follow.

The regenerating girl was something i didn't see coming and i am left wondering if the hint that the Moff gave that someone was returning who has not been seen since the 60's is connected with it.

05-01-2011, 11:56 AM
Very Good Very Good , when BBC America ON Demand gets the second part Ill watch both togather without the commercial interuptions , and that regenerating little girl has me scratching my head too, WOW!!

05-01-2011, 04:19 PM
Susan, anyone?

05-01-2011, 04:26 PM
Susan, anyone?

Grand-daughter... yes that was my thought.

05-01-2011, 04:35 PM
In the shows, especially the beginning, she certainly indicated she and the Doctor came from the same place. That was before any mention of Gallifrey, Time Lords, and Regeneration, though.

05-01-2011, 06:27 PM
As much as it would be nice to see Susan back, I think someone will have to come up with a brilliant reason on how she managed to get way from Earth, as seen in "Worlds End" aka Dalek Invasion of earth since she would have had no Tardis.

Big Finish has been using Susan and her Son for the audio series. Although I can brush away "Her Son" i cannot see anyone else playing Susan other than Carole Ann Ford.

I am wondering if Steven Moffat is playing the original Tom Baker Idea, in which a Male Time Lord has changed into a Female Time Lord and may now be reverting back.

Just who is that Little Girl ????

05-01-2011, 08:17 PM
We have gone from River to that little girl hehe , I think River is who she says she is a archaeologist who just knows allot about the Timelords and the good Doctor and is having a or had a relationship with the Doctor , I guess the little girl could be their child but remember it looked like Amy could be the childs mother.
I know its fun guessing but Im almost done second guessing this show these two episodes have thrown me for so many loops I give up .
Im just going to have fun watching it Great Start to is what I hope the best season yet, and Murrays music is Amazing!!

05-01-2011, 09:09 PM
Hi Who Fans Here`s A Link to my Bandcamp With Music On It From Series Six Of Doctor Who Were You Can Download Them For Free :) anyways heres the link Enjoy XD Lostpredators (
Hope You All Enjoy

05-02-2011, 12:30 AM
Thank you for sharing. Waiting for new studies. ;)

05-02-2011, 01:36 PM
Waiting to watch part 2 'till tonight, and I get spoilers HERE of all places? :-(

Mick L2
05-02-2011, 04:55 PM
What about the Doctor's daughter - she was originally killed off at the end of the Tennant episode of the same name and Moffat specifically asked for the end to be changed so she lived and RTD was happy to oblige.

05-02-2011, 06:19 PM
This is not particularly a music-related post, just a Doctor Who post. I'm new to the whole DW phenomenon, but I recently started watching the 2005 revival, from Series 1, with Christopher Eccleston, and absolutely loved it! now in the middle of Series 2 with David Tennant, and having a ball.
I have literally had Ron Grainer's fantastic theme stuck in my head every day for probably at least a month now, but every time it's like a whole new adventure, and I'll just be sitting there singing it in my head, getting totally into it and tuning out the world around me.
Also, because I love the new ones so much, I decided to watch my way through the classic series, starting with William Hartnell. Will keep up with the new ones, but also try watching all the old ones in sequence (even if it takes me years).
Just thought I'd share. Proud to call myself a fan of The Doctor!!

05-02-2011, 06:25 PM
We can always use new Whovians, welcome to the fold.

05-02-2011, 06:34 PM
haha, thanks! I feel proud to reach glorious new levels of geekdom (in the very best way, of course!).
I feel it's one of those important cultural stepping stones for me, and I can now walk proud down the streets knowing if needed, I can now mention The Doctor in a daily conversation.
Gotta love new obsessions. :-)

05-02-2011, 10:45 PM
The Ultimate Doctor Who Site (

heres a site I found awhile ago , may have gotten it here I dont remember but its a neet site for Doctor Who.

05-02-2011, 10:59 PM
When I first started watching Who, it was on Public Broadcasting, on Sat nights, at midnight. I was lucky enough that my first episode was Robot, Tom Baker's first one. We were a couple years behind, of course. So, some friends would all gather, do some D and D roleplay, then order pizza and soda, and watch Who. It was great, and everytime I hear that first, classic theme, I flash bac to those Saturday nights in the basement, with pizza. The new theme interpretation by Gold is great too, of course. I was so delighted, when Eccleston's first episode came on, and we heard that classic theme, instead of a whole new one. I have all availablr episodes on either vhs or dvd. I am watching from Hartnell on too. I am currently halfway through Pertwee's episodes....

05-03-2011, 01:39 PM
Babydoll, I'm right around the same place, just finished with "The Daemons." I find Troughton's my favorite thus far, and Pertwee my least. How about you?

05-03-2011, 05:44 PM
Well, I would normally say Baker was, but I love Tennant, and Smith is just blowing me away. My least favorite will be Colin Baker....the 6th Doc. And to be fair, he had to overcome that outfit, poor stories, even poorer production quality. And, I think he was never really allowed to take the Doc in the directions he wanted. I hear his audio adventures are among the best, vastly improving the 6th Doctor's image, ironically.

---------- Post added at 09:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 AM ----------

As for candidates of possible Time-Lords still at large....allowing of course for gender swap, which we have no evidence actually happens..

THE MEDDLING MONK..first Doctor adversary. First member of the Doc's race (apart from Susan) we meet. Still at large, in theory. Had a working TARDIS, though the Doctor supposedly disabled it

Susan..possibly the Doctor's biological granddaughter. Left stranded on a future Earth. However, Daleks do have spaceships, and time travel ability. Hijacking one wouldn't have been too hard...not seen since the 60's. The Monk and Warlord, also

THE WARLORD...Second Doctor adversary. Captured along with the Doctor by the Time Lords. Presumably still in custody on gallifrey, but who knows?

THE MASTER..we all know. Supposedly dead, or trapped with the Time Lords...but he's The Master, right?

THE RANI...had a working TARDIS, though the Doc also disabled it, I bet she was able to repair it. Whereabouts unknown. Not likely to lay her life on the line for Gallifrey.

ROMANA..left in a pocket dimension, with plans on how to build a working TARDIS. Has been written as being out and about, perhaps even as Lord President of Gallifrey. I would bet the production team would have NO trouble ignoring all of that. So, either at large, or trapped on Gallifrey. And we saw no hint of her with those Time Lords..

THE DOCTOR'S "DAUGHTER"...location unknown. Regenerated once already, though she was able to retain her same form. Stole a working spaceship, had all the knowledge the Doc does on anything, and many races have developed time travel. Could have easily found Earth, perhaps looking for the Doctor....

05-03-2011, 05:56 PM
Ah. Well, I was unclear- I was speaking Old Series-only. In terms of the New, yes, Smith is just blowing me away as well, definitely my favorite of the New Doctors, and perhaps of all of the Doctors. Colin... from everything I hear, he probably will take the worst-place... once I reach him. :-)

While I doubt the Little Girl is the Meddling Monk... ah, if only! I would SO love to see his return!

05-03-2011, 05:58 PM
You should approach him with an open mind. mcCoy too. And Davidson had some pretty awful moments, and an overabundance of Master-ness. You'll see, the feeling and style will radically change by the 4th Doctor's last year. You'll def see why the new series is so adored.. :D

05-03-2011, 07:46 PM
Doctors come and go, but fanbs will always have a favourite or 2

Hartnell: Stories long and sometimes boring
Troughton: Stories not over long but did give us many classic foes. (My all time favourite as I have met him twice - Once at 20 years of a time Lord @ Longleat & during the filming of Inspector Morse in Oxford).
Pertwee: The Man I remember best espeically the 3 Drs, The Green Death & Planet of the spiders.
T Baker: Also good, but over stayed his welcome and made his Doctor a total joke. His Final year gave some credits back to this version.
Davidson: AHHHH!!! - Good and Bad here. Didn't help having Adric or those two anoying Mara stories.
C Baker: Wrong Costume Wrong Direction. The Audio version is so good. Mr Baker got a really bad deal.
McCoy: A man who used to stick Ferrets in his trousers will never make it as a doctor.
McGann: Loved his Console room. Hated the movie, But love the Audios with Sheridan Smith.
Eccleson: (Damm cannot spell his name) - Wrong Actor, Wrong Costume. The doctor is ment to have some style. Not this version.
Tennant: The Man who can give Tom Baker a run for his money. Some really good stuff here and the costume is right, shame it changed from episode to episode.
Smith: Good Doctor - Love the stupid way he waffles. Costume seems right. Some good stuff here as well.

Troughton & Pertwee Themes are my Favourite and I also like the Smith & Tennant versions.

Normal service now resumes.

05-03-2011, 11:12 PM
Well Im not going to do a play by play I loved all The Doctors for different reasons Doctor Who Rocks!!
Next to Star Trek its my favorite all time series.

05-03-2011, 11:24 PM
They are all good for different reasons. Each one is truly the product of his times. it's part of the brilliance of the show...

I like all of Tom baker's stories, as among the silliness of them, there are always one or two interesting moments. AS for McCoy, he is near the top of my list. Remember, they started bringing back that darker, scheming version with him. A lot of the one step ahead scary Doctor stuff comes about here....poor Davros and his Daleks. Just pawns really, as is Ace.. :D

05-03-2011, 11:48 PM
They are all good for different reasons. Each one is truly the product of his times. it's part of the brilliance of the show...

I like all of Tom baker's stories, as among the silliness of them, there are always one or two interesting moments. AS for McCoy, he is near the top of my list. Remember, they started bringing back that darker, scheming version with him. A lot of the one step ahead scary Doctor stuff comes about here....poor Davros and his Daleks. Just pawns really, as is Ace.. :D

I agree about McCoy's Doctor and I loved Ace she worked so well with McCoy their chemistry was spot on.
Remembrance of the Daleks , Battlefield and Silver Nemesis were some of my favorites, and yes I loved his darker quirkey shows.

05-03-2011, 11:56 PM
In Remembrance, he was really scary. I mean, he had it all ready. A lot of that is reflected in Tennant, and even more in Smith. I mean, the Doc is nice enough, a fun guy. But don't mess with him, it baaaad:

"I'm the Doctor, your in the biggest library in the universe. Look me up"...

"hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically, RUN.:...

Or, for McCoy.."oh, Davros, I am **far** from just another Time-Lord"...

05-05-2011, 08:33 AM
If Recons is no longer active on this forum, does anyone else have the last of Magic Bullet's 'The True History of the Faction Paradox', "The Judgment of Sutekh"? Please?

I'm not sure 'inactive' would be quite the right description :-) It's springtime, and out here in the middle of nowhere my work has exploded surrounded by beautiful flowers and sunshine. Let's just say I drop in whenever I can at the moment.

I've found Judgement of Sutekh, and am uploading it now. I'll provide a link asap, but bear in mind we have a very poor broadband connection out here where nobody cares about us poor country folk. I'll put the violins away now and hope that the AV vote goes through today.


EDIT: Here's Judgement of Sutekh:

05-07-2011, 05:58 AM
So it seems the Kinda and Snakedance soundtracks have not been posted, sadly.

05-07-2011, 10:35 AM
So it seems the Kinda and Snakedance soundtracks have not been posted, sadly.

If you go back a few pages, Dr Matt said there was going to be a delay as he had to go away.

You haven't missed anything, so hang on & Dr Matt wilkl deliver the goods when he returns.

05-08-2011, 02:22 AM
Wow I leave the thread for a couple months and it's morphed into full blown DW discussion!!! I loved the first two episodes, am seeing the third tonight. There have been constant rumors since last series that Omega is returning.

05-08-2011, 03:05 AM
Curse of the Black Spot , very good. Next week The Doctors Wife and from the next time trailer we may find out who belongs to that voice.

05-08-2011, 07:04 PM
Hey there Whofan`s :) little update on my Bandcamp More music has been Uploaded for you guys to download for Free from the Cruse Of The Black Spot Enjoy :) Lostpredators (

05-08-2011, 09:21 PM
The Doctor: That's what killed it. Didn't get its jaaaabs...
(Notices he has just put his hand in a pile of slime.)
The Doctor: Oh, look!
Amy: What is it?
The Doctor: Sneeze... Alien bogeys!
(Wipes his hand on Amy's jumper and wanders off.)

Could this be my favourite Who moment of all time? :D

05-08-2011, 10:49 PM
The Doctor: That's what killed it. Didn't get its jaaaabs...
(Notices he has just put his hand in a pile of slime.)
The Doctor: Oh, look!
Amy: What is it?
The Doctor: Sneeze... Alien bogeys!
(Wipes his hand on Amy's jumper and wanders off.)

Could this be my favourite Who moment of all time? :D

Agreed I loved that part as well as many others , very good episode. Give me shout or PM sometime Tango when you get the chance :)

05-08-2011, 10:53 PM
Oh crikey! You PMed me ages ago! Sorry mate, nothing at all personal... just stupidly not noticing messages! Responding now. :)

05-09-2011, 06:29 AM
hi i'm a new member and have been enjoying the fruits of your labors but a lot of the music i'm interested in is located right here in the first post. unfortunately some of the most interesting links (for me anyways) are dead, specifically the music for the first 4 doctors... i've gone about halfway through the thread and haven't seen any reposts of [86-108 (4N-5L), (OOO-VVV), (TT-ZZ), etc] and i would really love to get my hands on these songs. if it's no trouble to refresh these links i'd be very very grateful

---------- Post added at 11:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 PM ----------

don't forget DRAX, from 'The Armageddon Factor' (one of my favorite episodes)

05-10-2011, 08:44 PM
Another excellent thread!, but looked at page 50ish and there's a discussion about breasts!!! damn came in too late

05-10-2011, 10:07 PM
Another excellent thread!, but looked at page 50ish and there's a discussion about breasts!!! damn came in too late
You could always just google them if you're that disappointed :p

I noticed everyone here loved the last piratey episode. On first reflection, I thought the opening 20 was pretty poor and for me, it didn't really get much better after that. Not one of my favourite episodes of the new series (5&6). Just my opinion though :)
It did, however, remind me a bit of "Enlightenment" with Peter Davison in the black guardian trilogy, loved that one :)

05-10-2011, 10:18 PM
You could always just google them if you're that disappointed :p

Isn't breast Googling illegal ?.

05-11-2011, 01:21 AM
Isn't breast Googling illegal ?.

Come to America, where EVERYTHING is legal!

(I actually live in Australia :P)

05-11-2011, 01:30 AM
...... ?? ahem. Google all ypu want, was a limited time offer. back on meds, less impulsive. :D

05-11-2011, 01:54 AM
Just to clarify, I wasn't referring to a specific pair XD Anyway, best to get back on topic here.. :)

05-11-2011, 02:00 AM
I liked the last episode. It is one of the rare ones where the baddie wasn't really bad. No one died. All ended well. A nice break from the doom and gloom of recent episodes. Some of these stand alone gems become the most fondly remembered. :D

05-11-2011, 11:16 AM
I liked the last episode. It is one of the rare ones where the baddie wasn't really bad. No one died. All ended well. A nice break from the doom and gloom of recent episodes. Some of these stand alone gems become the most fondly remembered. :D

Yes... the Pirate one... but I'm not sure everything has ended well for Hugh Bonneville... a "tweeting" bird tells me...

05-11-2011, 03:02 PM
...... ?? ahem. Google all ypu want, was a limited time offer. back on meds, less impulsive. :D

Tangotreats archives everything...

05-11-2011, 03:56 PM
Tangotreats archives everything...

A motto to live by !.

I kept a copy too.

05-12-2011, 02:45 PM
I have to wonder about that that a joke or did the designers really not know how to speak English?

We all remember the "All Your Base Are Belong to Us."

If you've ever built Japanese model kits, you know that there are translation problems there, too: "Make the piece 32 glue to piece 33."

05-12-2011, 03:03 PM
Nah, it's a pisstake. They're made by an American company. Still makes me chuckle though. :)

05-12-2011, 03:52 PM
Well, whether all ends well in the end, I think just for the moment it was a nice little break. (the pirate episode). I am not really expecting too many of those...

05-12-2011, 05:08 PM
Well, whether all ends well in the end, I think just for the moment it was a nice little break. (the pirate episode). I am not really expecting too many of those...

There's only 4 more episodes before the mid-season break....

Mick L2
05-15-2011, 12:23 PM
Matt Smith just became my favourite doctor after watching The Doctor's Wife yesterday. I have been watching since Jon Pertwee too. What a superb episode.

05-15-2011, 12:40 PM spoilers. Just watched it this evening, and.....:)

Doctor: "I don't know what to do." **smiles** "that's a new feeling..." **slaps self in face....:D

Exar Xan
05-15-2011, 12:47 PM
Yeah, no spoilers here please since I am currently with a broken pc and cannot watch episode 4 just yet.

05-15-2011, 12:49 PM
Yea...ok. So everyone. This is an episode that just has to be seen in person...agreed?

---------- Post added at 04:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 AM ----------

Exar...where are you living? I thought you could watch them on tv??

Exar Xan
05-15-2011, 12:52 PM
I am from the Netherlands. We do have acces to...BBC 1 I think, or some general BBC for outside UK, i am not sure...but it is not the 1 with Doctor Who on it. And it is not on Dutch television. So I am also 1 of those who have to download it each weekend. But I could not do it since I was with my gf who lives in Croatia, where the same story applies.

05-15-2011, 12:56 PM
Ah, well. You won't hear anything else about it from me then.

Exar Xan
05-15-2011, 12:58 PM
Ah I will avoid places like this just to be save till tuesday/wednesday when I have my pc back :)

05-15-2011, 01:09 PM
It will be worth the effort, I think. An amazing story concept, and a few little hello's to fans.

05-15-2011, 04:02 PM
What a delightful episode. Neil Gaiman is insane, and in the best possible way. And it's the episode that had that cue in it - the one I was waxing lyrical about in January. It's been edited a bit from the original, which is a shame, but God damn, it's gorgeous. I can now reveal that on the cue sheets it was called "Tardis Theme" and I asked Murray why on earth is sounded like a love theme... And the git just wouldn't tell me! But now we know... ;)

05-15-2011, 09:04 PM
Doctors Wife, Great episode , Loved it , Murrays music was Grand!! Well Done!!!

05-16-2011, 03:45 PM
^ Agreed. "The Doctor's Wife" was brilliant. Perhaps my favorite episode of the Moffat regime.

05-17-2011, 02:25 PM
The doctors wife was truly awesome and matt smith was fantastic.

Night Terror
05-17-2011, 02:40 PM
What a delightful episode. Neil Gaiman is insane, and in the best possible way. And it's the episode that had that cue in it - the one I was waxing lyrical about in January. It's been edited a bit from the original, which is a shame, but God damn, it's gorgeous. I can now reveal that on the cue sheets it was called "Tardis Theme" and I asked Murray why on earth is sounded like a love theme... And the git just wouldn't tell me! But now we know... ;)

Ask, did you? I don't remember, how did you ask? How did you have the sheets!? I haz no understand...

But yeah, The Doctor's Wife was like, best single episode ever for me. It was... brilliant ;D

Also, this series has an awesome soundtrack attached to it, Gold is outstanding.

05-17-2011, 02:46 PM
I went to the recording session in January, and as a memento I may (or may not) have been given a full conductor's score signed by Murray and Ben. ;)

05-17-2011, 03:28 PM
I went to the recording session in January, and as a memento I may (or may not) have been given a full conductor's score signed by Murray and Ben. ;)

You Tease You :)

05-17-2011, 03:39 PM
tease or share lol

The Doctor
05-20-2011, 02:37 AM
Does anyone happen to have a pristine copy of the SilvaAmerica album The Worlds of Doctor Who? I downloaded the one from the link in the first post, and it's in high quality, but it has quite a few pops and clicks (sounds like the disc it was ripped from was in not such great shape).

I've got the physical album, but it's been through hell over the years and my own attempt to rip it wasn't so great, either. I'm going to see about repairing the disc and giving it another go if no one else has a clean version.

05-20-2011, 03:49 AM
Thank you. I was only after the Pyramids of Mars music, but it's nice having all that available.

05-20-2011, 12:10 PM
Easily the best episode of the new (5&6) series! Neil Gaiman wrote that so well! I'm sure many fans have thought of personifying the.. (wait, you've all seen it by now right? :p) but only he could write the script like that! Pure genius! After watching Confidential, I know for sure I'd get equal enjoyment just watching him read the whole script, there's just something about him. Such presence.

I still can't pick one moment from it, though, that would overtake what for me is the single best scene for Matt Smith; the speech on stonehenge. Any ideas? :)

The trailer for tomorrow looks cool too..

05-20-2011, 12:47 PM
Dunno, but i know not all of the regular readers of the thread have seen it, so I have held off on discussing it. Just as I know some members who watch Mentalist, and NCIS, both of which have had enormous events in this year's finales, which oversea members won't see for 1/2 to a full year. Dammit. (those who watch and want spoilers, pm me..)

I do think the whole episode just works. I think you can't pick just one moment, it is all so well written....

Exar Xan
05-21-2011, 09:28 AM
I went to the recording session in January, and as a memento I may (or may not) have been given a full conductor's score signed by Murray and Ben. ;)

If you do, I would love to hear more about it ;)

05-21-2011, 05:57 PM
Friends from across the pond: in case you were not aware:

Doctor Who fans in North America will have an extra long wait to watch the conclusion to this weeks episode The Rebel Flesh.

The second part of the two part story will not be broadcast on BBC America or SPACE until Saturday June 4. The reason is the Memorial Day holiday weekend which takes place in the States next weekend. Memorial Day commemorates U.S. soldiers who died while in the military service and unofficially marks the start of the summer holiday season. TV schedulers try to avoid planning any new programming over the weekend when a large number of people are away from home.

BBC America will be broadcasting a series of episodes from Matt Smith's time as the Doctor over the weekend. Both channels will show the conclusion to the two part story The Almost People on 4th June.


Exar Xan
05-21-2011, 06:00 PM
Funny to see it the other way around :) Then again lets all be honest: we all download the episodes if thats the alternative for not being able to see them on tv for real. So it only matters who broadcasts it first :P

Everan Shepard
05-21-2011, 09:36 PM
I went to the recording session in January, and as a memento I may (or may not) have been given a full conductor's score signed by Murray and Ben. ;)

Lucky you, I'm guessing the official soundtrack of Series 6 will be released 'till next year on February/May, and you can (or cannot) listen to some of the awesome tracks like the TARDIS theme, or the new Eleventh's Theme.

I doubt that your disc and the OST will be any different, but if they are, I'll hunt you down for that disc, :P

Seeing "The Rebel Flesh" in like 5 or 6 hours, and I've been loving this entire season!

05-22-2011, 12:22 AM
I do not have a disc of anything. I have about two hundred pages of manuscript paper. I'll be getting the music on CD at the same time you do. :)

There was a lot of filler that almost certainly won't be on the album. You know the stuff - fifteen second stinger cues, etc, that won't lend themselves to independent listening. The scoring session (6 hours in the studio, for 57 minutes of finished music) was for the first batch of episodes only. About another hour of score with the full orchestra will be recorded (or possibly has already been) for the second half and the big finale. There are also a few sessions dotted around through the year that take care of the more episodic music - with a much smaller orchestra. (But the smaller orchestra is actually getting quite large - Ben said it was up to about 40 players and had expanded to include all major instruments of the traditional larger orchestra but with a reduced string section, and as any fan of Japanese scores will know, that's a decent enough size - although obviously the super-big stuff is saved up for the 90-piece BBC National Orchestra of Wales.)

I have a lot of the music stored in my head though. I can tell you it doesn't half get chopped up in the episodes! (And some cues are re-used dozens of times with other instruments dubbed in, or the brass mixed down, or the strings mixed down, etc, etc, to make them sound different each time.)

There isn't really a "new" Eleventh theme, although it does turn up as an action motif a fair few times. I haven't seen Rebel Flesh yet but I have a feeling that it may turn up quite significantly there. It's in a cue that is so fast and changes time signature so often that it had to be recorded three times - and re-orchestrated on the spot - before they got it right. I seem to remember it being the only cue that got so cocked up that they actually stopped in the middle of it and gave up! (Ordinarily, even the rehearsal take is so good that they keep it just in case they need it - and sometimes it ends up in the episode. Even on complicated cues where something goes wrong, they'll always play it through to the end and keep recording - so perhaps they can use parts of it later on for other things.)

05-22-2011, 01:31 AM
I agree with this to a degree, especially about the music towards the end of the JNT era. Mark Ayres (curator of the Radiophonic Archive and friend of Simpson, not to mention an excellent composer and sound restorer in his own right) has stated categorically that the Simpson music masters are lost forever, sadly. I would have liked to hear his Blake's 7 music as well as more of his stuff for DW, but those tapes are gone too. The only hope is recreation such as Heathcliff Blair's efforts.


That DOES suck, Recons...I was SO hoping for a clean version of the music from City of Death...

05-22-2011, 04:37 PM
"Rebel Flesh" moved at a slower pace than "The Doctor's Wife" but that's not a bad thing considering where I think the show is going with this story. After the reveal at the episode's end I wonder if the Doctor's "we can all get along policy" will hold up now that he is in the same boat as the others.

05-22-2011, 06:11 PM
this series has been great. But back to the point of this thread. Will there be fanmade episode scores released like last series, or will we have to wait till a legit release for the music after its all over?

05-22-2011, 06:15 PM
Having only made it through part of the thread so far ("Sheer's MASSIVE!" - Nyssa), I was stunned to find on the first page that there wasn't anything for Four to Doomsday or Time-Flight. The DrMatt compilations I downloaded through BitTorrent included tracks for both (Four to Doomsday came with Castrovalva, Time-Flight came with Arc of Infinity).

I've never uploaded to one of those sites before, so I'm not familiar with the process. But, I would assume some die hard original series fans like myself on here would love to have a more complete collection.

Any help on how to provide these tracks would be appreciated.