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06-17-2014, 11:33 AM
My plan to take a break failed spectacularly this morning, soooo....anybody have any feedback on that unreleased compilation? Do I get a cookie?

Welcome back! Have a cookie.

06-18-2014, 10:25 PM
I've just discovered a way to extract source files from SWF files! Expect some new Sarah Jane Adventures music soon!

Ok, so after trying all of the Sarah Jane Adventures games that featured music, I got (They are all 80kps mp3 files):
Until Next Time Miss Smith (Excerpt) (It sounds like a different variation to what we already have)
U.N.I.T Base (Excerpt) (From 'Death of the Doctor')
The Shopkeeper (From 'Lost In Time') (Same as before just the source file, rather than a recording)
Your Mission (From 'Lost In Time')

"Your Mission" being the longest and my favourite of these small selections.!pUwSgZDb!YFcbhsUFVT9TP5j-EBv0ATvMngzzNbmuPCMKx4bwh1A

06-19-2014, 11:24 AM
Does anybody got the full soundtrack for The Leisure Hive?

06-19-2014, 11:34 AM
Does anybody got the full soundtrack for The Leisure Hive?

DrMatt's amazing collection of Classic Who complete scores (

06-19-2014, 07:53 PM
I have obtained scans of the OST booklet if you need or want to read more about the mixing of where I put this stuff.

Can you post these please, as I'm interested in seeing what the booklet for the soundtracks are actually like.

06-19-2014, 11:18 PM
Any chance of getting my hands on the UNCUT complete Doctor Who TV Movie soundtrack? I've acquired the one generously provided by DrMatt. I've gone cross-eyed reading through every page... talking about the new tracks on the 11 disc set to mention of a Paul McGann Music CD release to some other version of the soundtrack "Nov.... something" can't remember. So far it does not look as if the 11 disc set has been released only pre-ordered. Any help/advice is appreciated! Thank you.

06-19-2014, 11:42 PM
Any chance of getting my hands on the UNCUT complete Doctor Who TV Movie soundtrack? I've acquired the one generously provided by DrMatt. I've gone cross-eyed reading through every page... talking about the new tracks on the 11 disc set to mention of a Paul McGann Music CD release to some other version of the soundtrack "Nov.... something" can't remember. So far it does not look as if the 11 disc set has been released only pre-ordered. Any help/advice is appreciated! Thank you.

The eleven disk fiftieth anniversary soundtrack has, still, not yet been released.

Which Doctor?
06-20-2014, 12:01 AM
The eleven disk fiftieth anniversary soundtrack has, still, not yet been released.

Yeah, I believe they said 'sometime' in July is when it will be released...from what I recall back when I pre-ordered it.

06-20-2014, 02:06 AM
You will be missed Amanda....thank you again for all the amazing work you have done!

06-20-2014, 02:23 AM
Can you post these please, as I'm interested in seeing what the booklet for the soundtracks are actually like.

I had thought I responded to this earlier today but I do not see it now...:(

Yes, I will get them up in a little bit. While I am here has anyone listened to that set I posted. I want to know how I did and if it is even a little listenable?

---------- Post added at 06:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:15 PM ----------

Doctor Who Series ! & 2 Booklet Scans:!x9dSmD4B!f6JG1yNibzbFJbMay8iMI4f9jh7mO7qmN5M-pJgDpng

Note that these are not my scans. I found them on soulseek. While I do have the actual discs through Series 4, I have no scanner myself. I will go looking sometime to see if there are other booklets.

Radionaut, I had intended to take a small break to calm down and stop posting angry. Also to just try to cope with a personal issue and maybe get balanced a little. But events changed and I did not end up doing that.

06-20-2014, 02:33 AM
I have, if the first few tracks are any indication of quality they sound very good to me. You did a wonderful job! Track 11 is a little shwishy from the low bitrate but hey, you work with what you can.
I'd like the scans Amanda, please, thank you

06-20-2014, 02:41 AM
Spectre the scans are in the post right above you.....

06-20-2014, 02:44 AM
oops, thanks

06-20-2014, 03:30 AM
Here are scans for Series 4, the digital booklet for series 4 specials, the digital booklet for series 7 and two more season 1 tracks from master tapes.
Track 1: Last Of The Time Lords. Not sure where. Could possibly replace the Doctor's theme at the end of End of the World?
Track 2 is called So Alien and is the series 1 version of Clockwork TARDIS.
Both tracks are mp3 160.!wsUzxDjY!x32qI1_cI_rPDd5Gu6BAq_AJZ6MhwEBVTrLElyA OhTQ

06-20-2014, 03:53 AM
Thank You Amanda

06-20-2014, 09:01 AM
Here are scans for Series 4, the digital booklet for series 4 specials, the digital booklet for series 7 and two more season 1 tracks from master tapes.
Track 1: Last Of The Time Lords. Not sure where. Could possibly replace the Doctor's theme at the end of End of the World?
Track 2 is called So Alien and is the series 1 version of Clockwork TARDIS.
Both tracks are mp3 160.
The Track "Last of the Time Lords" is series 1's "Seeking the Doctor" (When Rose goes to Mickey's flat and looks the Doctor up on the internet)

06-20-2014, 09:11 AM
Is it me why Time flight and Black Orchid and Time of The Rani soundtracks. never have been released?

06-20-2014, 09:38 AM
Is it me why Time flight and Black Orchid and Time of The Rani soundtracks. never have been released?

Time and the Rani's complete score has been posted on here before, along with the complete score to Paradise Towers, but I don't have the link to the files. (I could upload it myself, but if someone has the original link that would be better)

---------- Post added at 09:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 AM ----------

Amanda, would you be able to just upload the 'raw' master tapes that you have for series one and two please? I just want to see all of what is actually included in it. (I'm guessing the two tracks "Last of the Time Lords" and "So Alien" are 'raw' files from the master tapes?)

06-20-2014, 09:41 AM
There are two different sets, one I have one is somewhere on soulseek but takes some time to find. The first, with those two tracks was once labeled as Unreleased score when given to me. It is the one that has the track Vortex on it and a couple others. The other set I do have is Series 1 & 2 Master Tapes. It was posted before but I can re-up. If I et time I will track down the other one again, since it may be nice to have it in the collection.

06-20-2014, 10:01 AM
There are two different sets, one I have one is somewhere on soulseek but takes some time to find. The first, with those two tracks was once labeled as Unreleased score when given to me. It is the one that has the track Vortex on it and a couple others. The other set I do have is Series 1 & 2 Master Tapes. It was posted before but I can re-up. If I et time I will track down the other one again, since it may be nice to have it in the collection.

So could you put all of the different versions that you have into one post? (Just as they are, not re-ordered to mix it all together. Just so we know what actually is included in these and can possibly sort them into order and have a 'true' (leaked, official tracks) series 1 & 2 soundtrack expansion)

06-20-2014, 04:25 PM
Is it me why Time flight and Black Orchid and Time of The Rani soundtracks. never have been released?

They were 'budget' DVD releases when they upped the release rate to one a month. So the soundtracks were not included to keep costs down except for (I hate this word) suites. Except for Black Orchid which just had some gramaphone records playing over the photo gallery. That was an awful DVD release...

06-20-2014, 05:16 PM
Ok, Here's the first set. Although it is now labeled as Mastewr Tapes it was once presented as Unreleased. It does have some slightly different tracks but only at mp2 160 or so.!p5NlSZTB!UOifFl95kXpvjZRiHG0Tkzke_TwYT_eVGX9YvsD cZFA

Here is the Series 1 & 2 Master Tapes set. They are at mp3 256:!IocDlZYD!ucuk4ShQeAQ3Gw1AdJhNaWxIrDJ6VBhOLkRtSWA jgXg

06-20-2014, 07:48 PM
They were 'budget' DVD releases when they upped the release rate to one a month. So the soundtracks were not included to keep costs down except for (I hate this word) suites. Except for Black Orchid which just had some gramaphone records playing over the photo gallery. That was an awful DVD release...

Why the hatred for the word "suite"? That is exactly what is included on "Time Flight" an orchestral (you know what I mean) suite of music representing the score. :-P

You forgot that Black Orchid Had 1 54 second piece of the incidental music apart from the 20s stock music. 54 seconds!! We should all be so ecstatic over those 54 seconds, right? *eyeroll* That DVD depressed me as its one of my fave stories.

06-20-2014, 09:14 PM
Why the hatred for the word "suite"? That is exactly what is included on "Time Flight" an orchestral (you know what I mean) suite of music representing the score. :-P

You forgot that Black Orchid Had 1 54 second piece of the incidental music apart from the 20s stock music. 54 seconds!! We should all be so ecstatic over those 54 seconds, right? *eyeroll* That DVD depressed me as its one of my fave stories.

It would need a four thousand word dissertation to express fully my utter loathing of the word, and it is probably class based and something to do with Waterloo. I see pompous composers with their long floppy hair and their long floppy bow ties and their long floppy tails banging on about their latest composition in E flat major in front of the Guild of Smug Crotchet Bashers in the Hague and his struggles with ink blots and depression as he writhed in abject poverty with only a bust of Tchaikovsky for company as his third wife goes mad with typhoid etc etc.

Enough of my issues. 54 seconds of Black Orchid? Luxury. When I was a lad we only had twelve seconds. Always thought about knocking up a collection of bits from the story but never got round to it. There would be all that gargling in the background. I'm afraid Roger Limb and I never got on until Androzani, then he soars. He used such a small pallet of sounds in his early days. Squeaky sounds that jar with me a bit. Never got through the music for Terminus unscathed. Can manage Arc of Infinity. Good stuff there. Doubt I could manage Time Flight without depressants.

Since I'm banging on about nothing in particular, does anyone else find the music for Frontios utterly tedious? It works as part of the programme (which is at it should be) but on its own its just 'duh duh bong duh duh bong bong bong tick tock tock' with the odd bit of fake cello.

And I must get round to ordering that Eric Siday CD.

06-20-2014, 10:36 PM
It would need a four thousand word dissertation to express fully my utter loathing of the word, and it is probably class based and something to do with Waterloo. I see pompous composers with their long floppy hair and their long floppy bow ties and their long floppy tails banging on about their latest composition in E flat major in front of the Guild of Smug Crotchet Bashers in the Hague and his struggles with ink blots and depression as he writhed in abject poverty with only a bust of Tchaikovsky for company as his third wife goes mad with typhoid etc etc.

Enough of my issues. 54 seconds of Black Orchid? Luxury. When I was a lad we only had twelve seconds. Always thought about knocking up a collection of bits from the story but never got round to it. There would be all that gargling in the background. I'm afraid Roger Limb and I never got on until Androzani, then he soars. He used such a small pallet of sounds in his early days. Squeaky sounds that jar with me a bit. Never got through the music for Terminus unscathed. Can manage Arc of Infinity. Good stuff there. Doubt I could manage Time Flight without depressants.

Since I'm banging on about nothing in particular, does anyone else find the music for Frontios utterly tedious? It works as part of the programme (which is at it should be) but on its own its just 'duh duh bong duh duh bong bong bong tick tock tock' with the odd bit of fake cello.

And I must get round to ordering that Eric Siday CD.

Frontios was a score I was not enjoying mixing/arranging a "suite" for... its just... BLAH.

I WISH there were more for Black orchid available because I would like to use it on "The Peter Davison Era" but alas, the removal of the noise and fx would destroy the music.

06-21-2014, 01:35 AM
i was asked if i could share what music i have from the spinoff series about the medic's journalistically inclined friend... i am pretty sure it's all already out there, but here it is anyway.

apologize if the bitrates etc. are below anyone's standards, i've had these quite a while.

enjoy! (

06-21-2014, 02:32 AM know we don't really do the cryptic code thingy hre? Most members will have no idea about any of that unless they also frequent the audio thread. :D

06-21-2014, 02:33 PM
That Series One Collection is about to get a tiny bit bigger with these 2 tracks from Bad Wolf:

This Is Satellite 5 from Bad Wolf (
I Saw You Die from Bad Wolf (

Looking through Parting Of The Ways for any stuff I can edit clean.

06-21-2014, 02:47 PM
Chris, I'd love it if you'd be able to get three pieces of music from School Reunion; the piece that plays when the Doctor is in the dinner hall and Rose is a dinner lady, when Sarah Jane is shown the staff room and when the Doctor explains 'the curse of the Time Lords'.

06-21-2014, 03:28 PM
Chris, I'd love it if you'd be able to get three pieces of music from School Reunion; the piece that plays when the Doctor is in the dinner hall and Rose is a dinner lady, when Sarah Jane is shown the staff room and when the Doctor explains 'the curse of the Time Lords'.

I'll give them a try :)

---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------

Hope everyone Is ok If I do a Suite for Parting Of The Ways. Quite A bit of stuff I can get clean and Its stuff no one has attempted to rip too.

06-21-2014, 03:51 PM
I'll give them a try :)

---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------

Hope everyone Is ok If I do a Suite for Parting Of The Ways. Quite A bit of stuff I can get clean and Its stuff no one has attempted to rip too.
Thanks! Personally, I prefer individual tracks, as they're easier to place and I don't really like it when two tracks are mixed if they were not presented as such in the episode itself... (I don't mind if you do post a suite, the music will be great anyway, I just prefer idividual tracks)

06-21-2014, 04:21 PM
Thanks! Personally, I prefer individual tracks, as they're easier to place and I don't really like it when two tracks are mixed if they were not presented as such in the episode itself... (I don't mind if you do post a suite, the music will be great anyway, I just prefer individual tracks)

I'll Do a suite but I'm labeling them as POTW Suite Part 1, 2 etc so afterwards i'll rename those parts and upload them too along with the suite.

06-22-2014, 12:53 PM
Arranging the tracks in order. All tracks are clean and match quality of the master tape cues. Master tapes from Parting Of The Ways are also included including: Rose gets the message/Dalek Attack, Heart Of The Tardis and more. Also made a front cover for this album. It will all be uploaded soon.

06-22-2014, 02:56 PM
I've recently looked at the tracklist and times on the 11-disc limited edition soundtrack - some of them are different. For example, 'Madame de Pompadour' is 2:11 on the LE, but 3:45 on the Series 1 and 2 soundtrack. I have no doubt that it's just the same piece cut down, but why would they do this? As far as I'm aware, that piece was entirely orchestral already.

06-23-2014, 01:32 AM

The Parting Of The Ways Unreleased Album (

Enjoy :)

06-23-2014, 01:52 AM
Can I figure this can replace this section of my set? The regeneration just can't be done can it?

---------- Post added at 05:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ----------

Can I figure this can replace this section of my set? The regeneration just can't be done can it? Also, could anyone do a front cover for my set? Assuming it is worth it to do?

06-23-2014, 01:54 AM
Can I figure this can replace this section of my set? The regeneration just can't be done can it?

---------- Post added at 05:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ----------

Can I figure this can replace this section of my set? The regeneration just can't be done can it? Also, could anyone do a front cover for my set? Assuming it is worth it to do?

The regeneration is impossible. Using the top music channel you get voice echo. Using the bottom music channel is clean but it has the Tardis interior ambiance looped for the entire thing :/

06-23-2014, 09:53 AM
hese tracks are great. I did not see Heart of the TARDIS on it though? Can anyone figure which of these should replace what is on my set, and where they fit in? Just to keep it updated?

06-23-2014, 11:07 AM
Hey Amanda, you asked about Cold Worlds? I've got the CDs of that and the Eric Siday one on order.

If they arrive before Thursday, I'll do a quick rip and get them up here. If they arrive after, I'll be travelling for a couple of weeks (again), and will post them up once I return.

James (The Disney Guy)
06-23-2014, 03:48 PM
Hey Just Wanted to Say What A Great Thread I Have Not Posted On This One Before But Just Great To See A "Fantastic" Collection of Doctor Stuff.
Bring On S8!


06-23-2014, 08:11 PM
The regeneration is impossible. Using the top music channel you get voice echo. Using the bottom music channel is clean but it has the Tardis interior ambiance looped for the entire thing :/

I MIGHT be able to remove the TARDIS if you send me the track. No guarantees but I can see what I can do.

06-24-2014, 01:33 AM
Glad to hear you are still.....well, here Amanda....sorry I didn't keep up on the thread-thingy....Just happy you are able to stay with us!

06-24-2014, 03:35 AM
No worries. It seems whatever my intentions I just don't have it in me to actually leave the community here. Most of you, the vast majority are basically decent folks.

06-24-2014, 12:49 PM
Can anyone help me out with a non-Who related library music track? I'm after "Dialogue of the Electrons" by Jack Beaver.

06-24-2014, 02:44 PM
Big thank you to both Amanda and Chris for the series 1 music, I watched Bad Wolf and Parting of Ways last night before giving both sets of music a listen, great work both of you. The only thing that I noticed was missing from Chris' collection was from my favourite scene in Parting of Ways right before the Tardis materialises with Rose 'blonding it out' with the time vortex, but then I noticed that Amanda's track listed as '100 years ago' from Bad Wolf was the same piece of music so I'm gonna copy it across to Chris' standalone episode set as 'Consigned to his fate'.

06-24-2014, 07:54 PM
For those of you who wanted to download ''The Time of the Doctor'' Soundtrack from me, the link has been removed. The editing was done in VideoPad in my early Audio editing days. It has since then been revamped and done in Audacity. The link to the new version shall be out this evening. But for now, I present you ''The Angels take Manhattan''. Features some extended and unreleased material.

Here are two different covers, both edited by me. Feel free to choose the one you like for the iTunes cover.

The Angels Take Manhattan - Unreleased Score (

James (The Disney Guy)
06-24-2014, 08:08 PM

---------- Post added at 08:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 PM ----------

May I Ask Which Episodes Who Have Done And Have Planned?

06-24-2014, 08:12 PM
I basically plan on doing all of Smith's Era. I did The Angels Take Manhattan, The Bells of Saint John, The Time of the Doctor and The Day of the Doctor.

James (The Disney Guy)
06-24-2014, 08:18 PM
Ah Nice Where Are The Above (Except Angel)?

---------- Post added at 08:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 PM ----------

The Parting Of The Ways Unreleased Album (

Enjoy :)

Thankyou For This One! I Like This Ep Ashame He Did Not Get As Big A Goodbye As Tennat And Smith

06-24-2014, 08:19 PM
The Time of the Doctor is being Uploaded as we speak and The Day of the Doctor will get an Overhaul just like The Time of the Doctor. But a link to the previous one can be found a few pages back.

James (The Disney Guy)
06-24-2014, 08:21 PM
The Time of the Doctor is being Uploaded as we speak and The Day of the Doctor will get an Overhaul just like The Time of the Doctor. But a link to the previous one can be found a few pages back.

Thankyou. I Will Take A Look And Await the Others. I Will Be Looking Forward to Assylum of the Daleks (You Are Planning That?)

06-24-2014, 08:25 PM
For those of you who wanted to download ''The Time of the Doctor'' Soundtrack from me, the link has been removed. The editing was done in VideoPad in my early Audio editing days. It has since then been revamped and done in Audacity. The link to the new version shall be out this evening. But for now, I present you ''The Angels take Manhattan''. Features some extended and unreleased material.

Here are two different covers, both edited by me. Feel free to choose the one you like for the iTunes cover.

The Angels Take Manhattan - Unreleased Score (

Could you please number these, as, having not seen any of Matt Smith's episodes since their original broadcast, I have no idea of what order to listen to these. Also, if you can, could you please do these in a better file format to m4a, like mp3 320kbps or flac?

James (The Disney Guy)
06-24-2014, 08:27 PM
Could you please number these, as, having not seen any of Matt Smith's episodes since their original broadcast, I have no idea of what order to listen to these. Also, if you can, could you please do these in a better file format to m4a, like mp3 320kbps or flac?

I Have Downed This Collection And They Are Numbered

06-24-2014, 08:32 PM
The Day of the Doctor will get an Overhaul just like The Time of the Doctor.
We've already had the whole score to The Day of the Doctor posted...

---------- Post added at 08:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:27 PM ----------

I Have Downed This Collection And They Are Numbered
From what I downloaded, they're all just random audio files of varying file types randomly in a rar, unsorted and not numbered.

James (The Disney Guy)
06-24-2014, 08:38 PM
For those of you who wanted to download ''The Time of the Doctor'' Soundtrack from me, the link has been removed. The editing was done in VideoPad in my early Audio editing days. It has since then been revamped and done in Audacity. The link to the new version shall be out this evening.

---------- Post added at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 PM ----------

From what I downloaded, they're all just random audio files of varying file types randomly in a rar, unsorted and not numbered.
Thats Strange I Have Downed And Used WinRAR And They Are All Numbered With Covers Attached ??? Strange

06-24-2014, 08:47 PM
On my end, all of them are numbered and plays correctly... I made the Rar with those. I'll take a look in that later mate.

06-24-2014, 08:47 PM
Also, where is the track "I am You" from the series 7 soundtrack? (Sorry for all of the criticisms...)

06-24-2014, 08:56 PM
I made an Extended Version of it. In the album it's called The City of a Milion Stories.

06-24-2014, 08:59 PM
I made an Extended Version of it. In the album it's called The City of a Milion Stories.
Any other extended tracks that I should know about before I replace the tracks that appear to be sourced from the series 7 soundtrack with higher quality copies that I have?

06-24-2014, 09:46 PM
Thank you

06-25-2014, 11:54 AM
On my end, all of them are numbered and plays correctly... I made the Rar with those. I'll take a look in that later mate.

They're ID3'd correctly, all track numbered. Some systems, though, need the filenames numbered too and play mixed formats separately (you have both M4A and MP3 formats in this; it might be wise to stick to one or the other) .

06-25-2014, 01:32 PM
Does anyone have any music from the Big Finish adventures that isn't included in the three officially released volumes? specifically looking for music from The Haunting of Thomas Brewster, but any music would be appreciated

06-25-2014, 01:37 PM
Does anyone have any music from the Big Finish adventures that isn't included in the three officially released volumes? specifically looking for music from The Haunting of Thomas Brewster, but any music would be appreciated!UdA3wDST!h3RTGz10S6Nw9A0kUkdPiFvGwTHXnfKtx1VzAhJ pq0I

06-25-2014, 04:53 PM
Thanks CGCJ, that helps with my collection :)

06-26-2014, 04:29 PM
Does anybody have a high quality rip of the Pertwee title sequence tests that appeared as a special feature on the 'Spearhead from Space' blu-ray. I know an .mkv file of the tests was shared in a previous post, but if someone was a post it in a more workable format (say, AVI or AVCHD?) I would love you forever.

Thank you! :)

Tron Unit
06-26-2014, 04:32 PM
I have the bluray of Spearhead From Space but I'm afraid I do not have a bluray computer drive so I would have no way of ripping it.

06-26-2014, 04:39 PM
Does anybody have a high quality rip of the Pertwee title sequence tests that appeared as a special feature on the 'Spearhead from Space' blu-ray. I know an .mkv file of the tests was shared in a previous post, but if someone was a post it in a more workable format (say, AVI or AVCHD?) I would love you forever.

Thank you! :)

The mkv can be converted to an audio format. I can convert to mp3 easily enough, but do not have the file itself.

Tron Unit
06-26-2014, 04:41 PM
If it helps, I also have the DVD and can rip the test sequence for you unless you absolutely must have HD video.

06-26-2014, 04:41 PM
I can also convert to: avi, wmv, mp4 and flv,

06-26-2014, 11:55 PM
I can also convert to: avi, wmv, mp4 and flv,

If you do, would you be so kind as to post it here; I downloaded the original share, but have since lost the file :\

06-27-2014, 12:15 AM
Well, I don't HAVE it so there is nothing TO convert.

06-27-2014, 12:28 PM
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had the soundtrack "Cold World" which is based mainly around music from "The Invasion"?

<a href="">

"A previously unreleased Doctor Who score mastered from the original tapes. Includes additional electronic tracks from Don Harper's catalogue and music featured in George Romero's Dawn of the Dead. A collection of Horror-Electronics, supernatural soundscapes and sinister library muzak from Australian composer Don Harper. Centring on a previously unreleased score for the 1968 Doctor Who series The Invasion (a dark otherworldly sci-fi jazz suite) Cold Worlds is also a focus on the electronic music of this largely unsung composer. Like many Australian film composers (Ron Grainer, Dudley Simpson, Don Banks) Don Harper based himself in the UK during the 1960s and subsequently found employment at the BBC and other British film and library companies. Probably best known for his BBC scores for World of Sport, Sexton Blake and The inside Man. Harper also immersed himself in the world of electronics. Acknowledged as a virtuoso jazz violinist, he notably produced a 1974 electronic/altered jazz session for Lansdowne Studios titled Homo Electronicus (featuring Norma Winstone and other progressive UK jazz musicians). In addition to cutting a number of library sessions for Joseph Weinburger's Impress label, in which several tracks were later famously sampled by MF Doom, he also co-wrote the music (alongside Delia Derbyshire and David Vorhaus) for the essential Radiophonic KPM recording Electrosonic. Also, featured on this compilation are his nightmarish cues used in George Romero's cult zombie classic Dawn of the Dead."*


06-27-2014, 12:40 PM
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had the soundtrack "Cold World" which is based mainly around music from "The Invasion"?

Someone a few pages back said they'd ordered and will post it for us. Also, that soundtrack consists of re-recorded cues from The Invasion, not the actual music as featured in the episode.

06-27-2014, 01:24 PM
Someone a few pages back said they'd ordered and will post it for us. Also, that soundtrack consists of re-recorded cues from The Invasion, not the actual music as featured in the episode.

I read somewhere that they weren't actually re-recorded, that what we're getting is the originals, that in-episode there was a lot of pitch shifting and time-stretching, that's why they sound different :P

06-27-2014, 01:26 PM
Someone a few pages back said they'd ordered and will post it for us. Also, that soundtrack consists of re-recorded cues from The Invasion, not the actual music as featured in the episode.

Ok, thanks for the info :)

06-27-2014, 01:39 PM
I read somewhere that they weren't actually re-recorded, that what we're getting is the originals, that in-episode there was a lot of pitch shifting and time-stretching, that's why they sound different :P

Mark Ayres confirmed on Roobarbs that these are not the original tracks used, but were re-recorded subsequent to the broadcast and released on the album.

06-28-2014, 11:51 AM
If anyone already put new Chris666eden's tracks from Bad Wolf, Doctor's Daughter and The Stolen Earth to their rightful place in order with previously uploaded tracks, please, can you put updated tracklists for series 1&4 here? CGCJ maybe? :)

06-28-2014, 11:59 AM
If anyone already put new Chris666eden's tracks from Bad Wolf, Doctor's Daughter and The Stolen Earth to their rightful place in order with previously uploaded tracks, please, can you put updated tracklists for series 1&4 here? CGCJ maybe? :)
Yep I have all of his new posts sorted in with the rest of his other music, and shall post it for you.

06-28-2014, 01:58 PM
Can anyone reupload DrMatt's version of Series 3 ost and pm me a link to it?

06-28-2014, 02:05 PM
Can anyone reupload DrMatt's version of Series 3 ost and pm me a link to it?

Why pm? I'd also like a copy of that...

06-28-2014, 02:16 PM
Why pm? I'd also like a copy of that...
Dr Matt, from what I heard, don't like to see his stuff being reuploaded publicly by someone else.

06-28-2014, 02:31 PM
Thought I should pop my head in and say hi - health and real life issues have forced me to take a back seat over recent months. Normal service is likely to be resumed when the 11 disc soundtrack comes out, and I hope to get done the few early releases that still need a 'revisitation' before the year is out.

I back-read this thread with some interest regarding the 'rightness and wrongness' of my releases so-to-speak. All I have to add is that I'm pretty certain that the iso-score format is a way of getting round having to pay the original music artists who get no royalties from them, so any accusations from Mark Ayres about robbing food out of the mouths of the artists really makes me smile, when the iso-score format is a legal way of doing exactly that! Whether my releases have hindered official releases of the soundtracks I do not know, but my original intention for doing them was because there were no CD releases! And during the course of this project, I have had emails from people who work in the world of DW thanking me for my efforts - including someone who worked on the official DVD releases, who told me they often turned to my albums to source temp soundtracks for DW DVD extras because the BBC can be very slow in providing them. This last point obviously doesn't apply now, with the range at an end, but knowing that - albeit indirectly and unpaid - my work helped with the official DVDs, I was encouraged to complete the set.

Hi, I was wondering if anyone had the soundtrack "Cold World" which is based mainly around music from "The Invasion"?

<a href="">

"A previously unreleased Doctor Who score mastered from the original tapes. Includes additional electronic tracks from Don Harper's catalogue and music featured in George Romero's Dawn of the Dead. A collection of Horror-Electronics, supernatural soundscapes and sinister library muzak from Australian composer Don Harper. Centring on a previously unreleased score for the 1968 Doctor Who series The Invasion (a dark otherworldly sci-fi jazz suite) Cold Worlds is also a focus on the electronic music of this largely unsung composer. Like many Australian film composers (Ron Grainer, Dudley Simpson, Don Banks) Don Harper based himself in the UK during the 1960s and subsequently found employment at the BBC and other British film and library companies. Probably best known for his BBC scores for World of Sport, Sexton Blake and The inside Man. Harper also immersed himself in the world of electronics. Acknowledged as a virtuoso jazz violinist, he notably produced a 1974 electronic/altered jazz session for Lansdowne Studios titled Homo Electronicus (featuring Norma Winstone and other progressive UK jazz musicians). In addition to cutting a number of library sessions for Joseph Weinburger's Impress label, in which several tracks were later famously sampled by MF Doom, he also co-wrote the music (alongside Delia Derbyshire and David Vorhaus) for the essential Radiophonic KPM recording Electrosonic. Also, featured on this compilation are his nightmarish cues used in George Romero's cult zombie classic Dawn of the Dead."*


I'm now slightly confused by what a friend sent me last week - Don Harper's 1969 album 'New Decade' that includes all of 'The Invasion' tracks, as well as a lot of other non-DW material not on 'Cold Worlds':

Don Harper/London Studio Group - New Decade [ MP3/320] (!KU43TDZZ!DaZp4A94ezLqBc__t6lODUElcWkKp_ze6UjHwr2 1mQA)

01. World Arena (3:29)
02. Dark Earth Sting No. 1 (0:06)
03. Dark Earth Sting No. 2 (0:06)
04. New Decade (2:14)
05. Counterstrike (2:36)
06. Action Unknown (2:51)
07. Funky Fiddles (2:56)
08. Undercover Man (1:35)
09. Sun, Sea And Air (2:40)
10. Coming Up Trumpets (2:17)
11. Theme For A Stranger Pt 1 (1:25)
12. Theme For A Stranger Pt 2 (0:38)
13. Theme For A Stranger Pt 3 (0:58)
14. Theme For A Stranger Dramatic Link 1 (0:06)
15. Theme For A Stranger Dramatic Link 2 (0:10)
16. Theme For A Stranger Dramatic Link 3 (0:12)
17. Fast Moving Stranger (1:35)
18. Sinister Stranger (2:00)
19. Happy Stranger (1:20)
20. Troubled Mind - Torment (2:34)
21. Troubled Mind - Ferment (1:19)
22. Psychosis (1:52)
23. Twisted Mind (1:36)
24. Aunty's Army (1:46)
25. Moving Shadows (1:53)
26. Dark Earth Pt 1 (1:44)
27. Dark Earth Pt 2 (0:37)

---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:23 PM ----------

Dr Matt, from what I heard, don't like to see his stuff being reuploaded publicly by someone else.

This mainly applies to my iso-score releases, which tend to undergo continual - and often major - updates until I'm 100% happy with them. I always like to be sure that those uploads are the 'latest' versions, hence why I don't like other people uploading - I don't want you guys to get early inferior versions. But the musical content of 'Series 3 Remixed' has remained the same since day 1. So if anyone has it and wants to upload it here, feel free. If not, I can sort it in a few days.

06-28-2014, 04:35 PM
This mainly applies to my iso-score releases, which tend to undergo continual - and often major - updates until I'm 100% happy with them. I always like to be sure that those uploads are the 'latest' versions, hence why I don't like other people uploading - I don't want you guys to get early inferior versions. But the musical content of 'Series 3 Remixed' has remained the same since day 1. So if anyone has it and wants to upload it here, feel free. If not, I can sort it in a few days.
Glad to see you again among us, DrMatt :) And thanks for sorting my problem out.
If any one could reupload Proms 2010 I would also be very grateful for that ;)

06-28-2014, 04:42 PM
If someone could tell me good free way to share files I'd be happy to upload Series 3 remixed by DrMatt

06-28-2014, 04:47 PM
If someone could tell me good free way to share files I'd be happy to upload Series 3 remixed by DrMatt is a great free way to share files.

06-28-2014, 05:10 PM
Glad to see you again among us, DrMatt :) And thanks for sorting my problem out.
If any one could reupload Proms 2010 I would also be very grateful for that ;)

I've hunted high and low for this, but any back-ups I made still elude me, so I'd also appreciate a re-up!

Also, here are the final updated CD back and disc label for 'Series 3 - Remixed' which is all that has changed since original release.

EDITED EDIT: It just occurred to me that my first post of 'Series 3 Remixed' was before I'd sussed out how to master CDs without occasional tiny gaps between tracks. This won't really affect the MP3 version, but will show up on a CD burnt from FLAC. And there was also a 'fixed' version I posted where the first 2 seconds of the opening theme were missing. So trying not to step on anyone's toes, and not knowing if tarel has this final fixed version, I'm currently ripping the fixed disc in FLAC, and will post when done. Apologies for this.

06-28-2014, 05:23 PM
Great to have you back DrMatt! Can you say which classic episode score you plan to post next?

06-28-2014, 05:31 PM
Great to have you back DrMatt! Can you say which classic episode score you plan to post next?

'Attack of the Cybermen' is still half-cooked on my hard-drive - but with no way of isolating the first and last cues from the theme music, I'm waiting on the 11 disc set with the same hope I had for 'Warriors' Gate' that the music suite will include what I need. Hence my holding off on the few remaining scores until then.

06-28-2014, 06:13 PM
Sorry Hybrid01, after five and half hours of uploading the updated Chris666eden soundtracks, Mega has decided that at 100% it will not actually add the rar file to my account, meaning that the five and a half hours have been wasted... (That may be because I have been excessively downloading classic comics from the audio drama thread for the past few days, and that might have worn out or put strain on my internet connection...)

06-28-2014, 06:28 PM
Did anyone make a release of the Day of the Doctor and Time of the Doctor music? If so, could you please post the links.

06-28-2014, 06:30 PM
Did anyone make a release of the Day of the Doctor and Time of the Doctor music? If so, could you please post the links.

Yes, both complete scores have previously been posted, I have them, but don't have the links and can't post anything at the moment...

06-28-2014, 06:33 PM
For deletion.

06-28-2014, 07:26 PM
Doctor Who: Series 3 [REMIXED] FLAC (!nAgzSS5B!GiFlvxsnzK3twUuaW7KzyQFlZ2hU1BWNsH8KkEO InPk)


- The album now opens with the 'Voyage of the Damned' full-length theme, only ever released online (on Xmas Day 2007) by Silva Screen Records. Murray Gold has stated that this CD was always meant to include a version of the theme music, and it was Silva Screen who made the decision to make the track a 'hidden feature' on the CD. It is/was accessible by typing in the special code printed on the back of the CD into a web browser (Code: 515PM23111963).

- Fast Ood Rockers - Song for Kylie (I'm In Love With A Girl In A Time Machine) - a very well put together pop version of the theme, blending Murray Gold, Delia Derbyshire, Kylie Minogue, Goldfrapp and others, released at a similar time to the album. Who the Fast Ood Rockers are is a mystery, but rumours suggest that Murray Gold had something to do with this track.

2 Remixed Tracks:

- All the Strange, Strange Creatures (The Trailer Music) - on the original CD, this track opens with the same 'zoom in on earth' music used on Track 2 of the 'Series 1 & 2' CD. This track was made available for download (without the repeated 'zoom' in on earth' music) on The Mill's website, used as it was as the music for a promotional video that featured a lot of SFX from DW.

- Abide With Me - on the original CD, this track seemed to fade out forever. For this version, I have gradually increased the volume at the end (so there is minimal fading) and made the track end more naturally at the end of the verse.

- Remastered CD back to accommodate the track changes.

06-28-2014, 08:22 PM
well I was about ready to upload the remixed series 3 album, but clearly I was beaten to it :P

I can re-upload the Day and Time of the Doctor soundtracks if they're still wanted?

06-28-2014, 08:24 PM
Doctor Who: Series 3 [REMIXED] FLAC (!nAgzSS5B!GiFlvxsnzK3twUuaW7KzyQFlZ2hU1BWNsH8KkEO InPk)
Can anyone upload it as 320 kb/s mp3? Mega is crashing halfway through the downloading all the time. It's just too big I suppose :(

06-28-2014, 08:33 PM
Can anyone upload it as 320 kb/s mp3? Mega is crashing halfway through the downloading all the time. It's just too big I supposed :(!4pUSzZrB!k6eVsdZWrHmzc5zVppL4MA

You'll have to let me know if that's what you want, but it is MP3 at least :P

06-28-2014, 08:33 PM
well I was about ready to upload the remixed series 3 album, but clearly I was beaten to it :P

I can re-upload the Day and Time of the Doctor soundtracks if they're still wanted?

please do so

06-28-2014, 08:45 PM
DrMatt1974 thanks for Doctor Who: Series 3 [REMIXED] FLAC.

06-28-2014, 09:04 PM
So... there was a hidden track on the CD made accessible by a code on the back.

Has this ever happened prior to or after that CD?

06-28-2014, 09:10 PM!4pUSzZrB!k6eVsdZWrHmzc5zVppL4MA

You'll have to let me know if that's what you want, but it is MP3 at least :P
Can I somehow download entire catalogue at once? :P

06-28-2014, 09:19 PM
well I was about ready to upload the remixed series 3 album, but clearly I was beaten to it :P

I can re-upload the Day and Time of the Doctor soundtracks if they're still wanted?

Sorry about that - I didn't want to out-do your efforts, hence only posting the FLAC. I hope no offense or too much wasted effort was caused.

---------- Post added at 09:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 PM ----------

So... there was a hidden track on the CD made accessible by a code on the back.

Has this ever happened prior to or after that CD?

No - just iTunes bonus tracks that will be on the 11 disc set.

06-28-2014, 09:33 PM
You'll have to let me know if that's what you want, but it is MP3 at least :P
I was downloading files, when it pop-up that it's not available, eh :(

EDIT: It's working :)

06-28-2014, 09:55 PM
Sorry about that - I didn't want to out-do your efforts, hence only posting the FLAC. I hope no offense or too much wasted effort was caused.[COLOR="Silver"]

That's quite alright :)

---------- Post added at 09:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 PM ----------

please do so

these links should work, if not let me know!QxEQlJYA!KI3ra2TKjs10obtxsDAb2Q!90sHzDBQ!qIsLqCjLrq2jtTssDDey3w

---------- Post added at 09:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 PM ----------

I was downloading files, when it pop-up that it's not available, eh :(

EDIT: It's working :)

Did the download work? I've never done this before so any feedback or tips would be appreciated :P

06-28-2014, 09:56 PM
That's quite alright :)

---------- Post added at 09:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 PM ----------

these links should work, if not let me know!QxEQlJYA!KI3ra2TKjs10obtxsDAb2Q!90sHzDBQ!qIsLqCjLrq2jtTssDDey3w

---------- Post added at 09:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 PM ----------

Did the download work? I've never done this before so any feedback or tips would be appreciated :P

Thanks they work

06-28-2014, 10:04 PM
Doctor Who: Series 3 [REMIXED] FLAC (!nAgzSS5B!GiFlvxsnzK3twUuaW7KzyQFlZ2hU1BWNsH8KkEO InPk)


- The album now opens with the 'Voyage of the Damned' full-length theme, only ever released online (on Xmas Day 2007) by Silva Screen Records. Murray Gold has stated that this CD was always meant to include a version of the theme music, and it was Silva Screen who made the decision to make the track a 'hidden feature' on the CD. It is/was accessible by typing in the special code printed on the back of the CD into a web browser (Code: 515PM23111963).

- Fast Ood Rockers - Song for Kylie (I'm In Love With A Girl In A Time Machine) - a very well put together pop version of the theme, blending Murray Gold, Delia Derbyshire, Kylie Minogue, Goldfrapp and others, released at a similar time to the album. Who the Fast Ood Rockers are is a mystery, but rumours suggest that Murray Gold had something to do with this track.

2 Remixed Tracks:

- All the Strange, Strange Creatures (The Trailer Music) - on the original CD, this track opens with the same 'zoom in on earth' music used on Track 2 of the 'Series 1 & 2' CD. This track was made available for download (without the repeated 'zoom' in on earth' music) on The Mill's website, used as it was as the music for a promotional video that featured a lot of SFX from DW.

- Abide With Me - on the original CD, this track seemed to fade out forever. For this version, I have gradually increased the volume at the end (so there is minimal fading) and made the track end more naturally at the end of the verse.

- Remastered CD back to accommodate the track changes.

Thanks for this. Do you happen to have the Mill's version of All The Strange Strange Creatures? Because I know it was the Variation from Gridlock with those repeating sections and it was fairly clean till the end of the track. I'd been looking for it for ages but since the Mill is no more, the video with the track no longer exists.

06-28-2014, 11:01 PM
Thanks for this. Do you happen to have the Mill's version of All The Strange Strange Creatures? Because I know it was the Variation from Gridlock with those repeating sections and it was fairly clean till the end of the track. I'd been looking for it for ages but since the Mill is no more, the video with the track no longer exists.

No sorry - I didn't know about that - I would have included it as a bonus track if I had.

06-28-2014, 11:18 PM
Thanks for this. Do you happen to have the Mill's version of All The Strange Strange Creatures? Because I know it was the Variation from Gridlock with those repeating sections and it was fairly clean till the end of the track. I'd been looking for it for ages but since the Mill is no more, the video with the track no longer exists.

Do you have a link to where it was originally up for download? If you do, you could try using to see if it was ever archived. Probably not likely but it is worth trying, unless you've already tried that...

06-29-2014, 07:50 AM
Hi All!

Does anyone have Peter Howell's *The Astronauts* single version (Bside to 80's theme)?

There was a link on here to the album it's on, with the album version, but have been searching for the single version for a while.

Cheers :-)

06-29-2014, 11:25 AM
Thanks for that DrMatt :)

06-29-2014, 12:15 PM
Updated complete set of Chris666eden's unreleased soundtracks (!NUIQAKra!SSpieFwG35VRmtclTqCDTU-vualJTM08LILmJBCn0ag) (re-tagged and with new tracks)

06-29-2014, 03:40 PM
CG, can anyone look at the tracking of my big set, at the Parting of the ways, and integrate where chris' new tracks go and what replaces what?

06-29-2014, 03:51 PM
CG, can anyone look at the tracking of my big set, at the Parting of the ways, and integrate where chris' new tracks go and what replaces what?

Do want me to post a tracklist to incorporate Chris's new The Parting of the Ways tracks or do you want me to edit your selection to include those tracks and then post it?

Or I could just compile all that I have for series 1 into one big post, it wouldn't be too different but there might be a few more tracks.

06-29-2014, 05:01 PM
Could anybody redirect me to Series 5 mp3 format? I'd really appreciate it!

06-29-2014, 05:44 PM
just a track list will do

06-29-2014, 06:14 PM
Astronauts :

06-29-2014, 07:32 PM
just a track list will do
80 100 Years Ago
81 I'm Getting Out
82 This Is Satellite 5
83 The Bad Wolf Corporation
84 You Are The Weakest Link (The Long Game)
85 Rose In Peril (Deadly Games)
86 Who Killed Rose Tyler (Target - Number 10 Downing Street)
87 My Dalek Masters
88 I Saw You Die
89 The Dalek Fleet (Power Of The Dalek)
90 No (Heart Of The TARDIS)
91 I'm Coming To Get You
92 Previously
93 Next Trick (Should replace TARDIS Attacks Dalek Fleet (Finding Jackie))
94 The Emperor Of The Daleks (Chris666eden's track)
95 The Fleet Is Moving
96 The Daleks
97 A Delta Wave (World War Three)
98 I Might Just Save The World
99 Have A Fantastic Life
100 Struggle For Help
101 This Is It
102 Rose Gets The Message, The Daleks Advance
103 Last Defence
104 Jackie To The Rescue
105 The Death Of Lynda Moss
106 The Final Stand
107 Left Behind
108 Vortex
109 Power Of The Vortex
110 Dalek Danger
111 Rose Defeats The Daleks
112 Regeneration (Hologram)
113 Doctor Who Full Theme (Series One)

06-30-2014, 07:26 AM
Huge fan of Doctor Who and the music that goes along with it. Could listen to it all day!

06-30-2014, 02:54 PM
I don't know what is going on, but from sometime I have a problem with download bigger files (~400mb>) from Mega.
Does anyone have the same?

06-30-2014, 03:41 PM
Updated The Vault of Secrets rip:!dA5QkDTa!C042UDCkLTJlOmCqxoKBu3DXUudK9j9GIo_vdae aCIY

06-30-2014, 04:36 PM
Ok, after minimalizing browser activity just to mega and 5 restarts I finally downloaded Chrises tracks...

06-30-2014, 11:12 PM
Dr Whom re the Astronauts...

Thanks so much for this ;-)

07-01-2014, 02:18 AM
Dr Whom re the Astronauts...

Thanks so much for this ;-)

You're welcome.

The TB single was my first exposure to DW music outside of the show. I think I had the 45 before they had gotten to his final season on my local station, so I might have heard that version that way first. I have always liked the flip side. I didn't know for sure until many years later that the song had nothing to do with the series.

07-01-2014, 03:53 PM
Updated The Vault of Secrets rip:!dA5QkDTa!C042UDCkLTJlOmCqxoKBu3DXUudK9j9GIo_vdae aCIY
CGCJ, when I went way back and looked at the full list of your episode rips, 'Fear Her' wasn't there for some reason?

07-01-2014, 04:38 PM
CGCJ, when I went way back and looked at the full list of your episode rips, 'Fear Her' wasn't there for some reason?
Sorry, post has now been fixed:
My New Series music rips (

07-01-2014, 10:50 PM
Does anyone can help me and tell me from which episodes are three tracks from Chrises collection?
Those tracks are: "Hitting The Spot", "River Of Tears" (both from series 6) and "Life With The Doctor" (series 7).

07-02-2014, 12:13 AM
Here's The Time of the Doctor Unreleased Score... Hopefully, the Tags will work this time!


07-02-2014, 07:38 AM
Does anyone can help me and tell me from which episodes are three tracks from Chrises collection?
Those tracks are: "Hitting The Spot", "River Of Tears" (both from series 6) and "Life With The Doctor" (series 7).

"Hitting The Spot" and "River Of Tears" are from Lets Kill Hitler. "Life With The Doctor" is from The Power of Three. (I think)

James (The Disney Guy)
07-02-2014, 03:34 PM
Thanks For All These Classic Who Albums (I Had Been Looking For The Paul McGann One For Ages) Are These Offcial Or Fan Made?? I Never Relised So Many Had Been Relased.

---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 PM ----------

Thanks For The Time of the Doctor!!! I Love This Epsiode. :awsm;

07-02-2014, 04:11 PM
Thanks For All These Classic Who Albums (I Had Been Looking For The Paul McGann One For Ages) Are These Offcial Or Fan Made?? I Never Relised So Many Had Been Relased.

All of DrMatt's full Classic episode scores originate from the Classic Series DVD's isolated music special features, that some stories have.

James (The Disney Guy)
07-02-2014, 04:15 PM
Ok Thanks CGCJ :)

07-02-2014, 06:52 PM
Does anyone have DrMatt's release of proms 2010 and can upload here? I don't know why I still don't have it :P

07-02-2014, 06:56 PM
DITTO! would love proms 2010 :P

07-02-2014, 11:01 PM
What an amazing thread. Thanks for all of these.

07-03-2014, 11:59 AM
Can anyone list all of the New Series episodes that have had their complete scores posted?
All I have:
The complete series 1
The complete series 2
Smith and Jones, The Shakespeare Code
The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, Victory of the Daleks
The Angels Take Manhattan
The Day of the Doctor
The Time of the Doctor

If I'm missing any others that have been posted here, please could someone re-post them, or link me to the original post. (That is, if the original link isn't down yet)

07-03-2014, 02:03 PM
@ hybryd01

I too was having problems downloading files from Mega using Firefox and Chrome so I started using Jdownloader and haven't had a problem since.

07-03-2014, 04:22 PM
Can anyone list all of the New Series episodes that have had their complete scores posted?
All I have:
The complete series 1
The complete series 2
Smith and Jones, The Shakespeare Code
The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, Victory of the Daleks
The Angels Take Manhattan
The Day of the Doctor
The Time of the Doctor

If I'm missing any others that have been posted here, please could someone re-post them, or link me to the original post. (That is, if the original link isn't down yet)
Is there any link up of TDotD? Everything I found was from Dropbox and already removed.

07-03-2014, 04:37 PM
That's probably mine, I am working on a new Version. Much cleaner Tracks and a few more tweaks. Should be up very soon.

07-03-2014, 04:43 PM
Can anyone list all of the New Series episodes that have had their complete scores posted?
All I have:
The complete series 1
The complete series 2
Smith and Jones, The Shakespeare Code
The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, Victory of the Daleks
The Angels Take Manhattan
The Day of the Doctor
The Time of the Doctor

If I'm missing any others that have been posted here, please could someone re-post them, or link me to the original post. (That is, if the original link isn't down yet)
Where did you find complete scores for SaJ and TSC?

07-03-2014, 04:46 PM
Where did you find complete scores for SaJ and TSC?
All but series 1 and 2, I have downloaded from here.

James (The Disney Guy)
07-03-2014, 06:51 PM
Sorry To Be A Pain But I'm Going Tru The Thread (Which Is Great By The Way You All Rock) But I Had read Somewhere The BBC Proms Where All Uploaded Where Are These Files Plz. (I Did Find 2013 But The Links Don't Work :( )

@Dr Matt
Your Collection Is Fantastic Thankyou (I Am Very Partial To Paul McGann's TV Movie) Love Your Ost. :)

This Has Proberly Already Been Posted By Literally Its All I Have On Dr Who
Night Of The Doctor : Suite (5:13 Min) I Just Wanted to Add Something So If You Already Have Sorry If You Don't Feel Free To Take.

Thanks For These I Am Gonna Get Downing.

Mr Gold.

07-03-2014, 08:16 PM
This Has Proberly Already Been Posted By Literally Its All I Have On Dr Who - 01 Night Of The Doctor Suite.mp3 (
Its The Night Of The Doctor : Suite (5:13 Min) I Just Wanted to Add Something So If You Already Have Sorry If You Don't Feel Free To Take.

Did you make that suite or did you download it from somewhere?

James (The Disney Guy)
07-03-2014, 08:17 PM
From A Torrent I Was Looking For The OSTS At First I Thought It Was The Episode But Found It Was The Short lol (I Thought It Was Day) Is It Ok?

I'm Not Much Of A Who Fan More Star Trek But I Saw A Few Episodes I Saw The Movie Love That But Saw The 50th On TV Quite Liked It So Watched the Others (Only New And McGann) And Quite Liked Them So Wanted the Music. I Thought NIGHT Was The Name of the 50th Episode But Its Was DAY LOL Silly

And I'm Sorry To Ask I Have Started Collecting These Gems Thanks Everyone Would Anyone Be Able to Make A Small Cover For It As A Single I Would Like to Have Its Own Little Place OnMy Itunes Many Thanks

Mr Gold

07-03-2014, 08:46 PM
Hmmm, there was a person who did a Night Of The Doctor suite: Impossibleego.

James (The Disney Guy)
07-03-2014, 08:51 PM
Oh Is It His If So I Did Not Know.

07-03-2014, 08:52 PM
Hmmm, there was a person who do a Night Of The Doctor suite: Impossibleego.

Yeah. I wonder how he's getting on with the 50th anniversary soundtrack of his?

James (The Disney Guy)
07-03-2014, 08:54 PM
I Can Delete It If So.

07-04-2014, 04:51 PM
Doctor Who 1980 (RWS live at Glastonbury 2014) (

07-04-2014, 08:14 PM
Oh Is It His If So I Did Not Know.

I haven't listened/downloaded it but the time length doesn't match mine. :)

---------- Post added at 02:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------

Yeah. I wonder how he's getting on with the 50th anniversary soundtrack of his?

Slight hiccup re: 50th Anniversary collection... my Mac died.

Work shall resume as soon as I replace it, hopefully this next week. :)

James (The Disney Guy)
07-04-2014, 08:15 PM
Oh Ok Well If It Turns Out Let Me Know I Will Delete

---------- Post added at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------

Is There Any Poss Of A Re-Up On the 2013 Proms (Individual Track Version)?? Thanks

07-04-2014, 11:12 PM
Doctor Who 1980 (RWS live at Glastonbury 2014) (

Lol I love how the smoke effect is perfectly timed to obscure Tom Baker's face :P

---------- Post added at 11:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 PM ----------

Is There Any Poss Of A Re-Up On the 2013 Proms (Individual Track Version)?? Thanks!Qk9zjDiC!o5NHuBBvDhDE5wyaj9n-1w

James (The Disney Guy)
07-04-2014, 11:44 PM
Thanks Downed Thats The One I Was Looking For Many Thanks

07-05-2014, 08:48 PM
Sorry To Be A Pain But I'm Going Tru The Thread (Which Is Great By The Way You All Rock) But I Had read Somewhere The BBC Proms Where All Uploaded Where Are These Files Plz. (I Did Find 2013 But The Links Don't Work :( )

@Dr Matt
Your Collection Is Fantastic Thankyou (I Am Very Partial To Paul McGann's TV Movie) Love Your Ost. :)

This Has Proberly Already Been Posted By Literally Its All I Have On Dr Who - 01 Night Of The Doctor Suite.mp3 (
Its The Night Of The Doctor : Suite (5:13 Min) I Just Wanted to Add Something So If You Already Have Sorry If You Don't Feel Free To Take.

Thanks For These I Am Gonna Get Downing.

Mr Gold.

Here's the 2008 Doctor Who Proms
Doctor Who Proms 2008 (

James (The Disney Guy)
07-05-2014, 09:14 PM
Thanks alot.

07-06-2014, 05:16 PM
Back in 1966, Century 21 Records released an LP called "The Daleks" which was the soundtrack to "The Planet of Decision" from "The Chase", with added narration from David Graham. It was released twice - once using Eric Winstone's version of the Dr Who theme, and once with alternative music. I've seen a version on YouTube, but was just wondering if anyone had some reasonably good mp3 or FLAC version(s) they might be able to share here?

I think Silva Screen also produce a record for Record Store Day replicating the idea but using one of the Peter Cushing movies instead. Again, are there any digital versions floating around?


07-06-2014, 06:12 PM
Back in 1966, Century 21 Records released an LP called "The Daleks" which was the soundtrack to "The Planet of Decision" from "The Chase", with added narration from David Graham. It was released twice - once using Eric Winstone's version of the Dr Who theme, and once with alternative music. I've seen a version on YouTube, but was just wondering if anyone had some reasonably good mp3 or FLAC version(s) they might be able to share here?

I think Silva Screen also produce a record for Record Store Day replicating the idea but using one of the Peter Cushing movies instead. Again, are there any digital versions floating around?


Here you go, mate. (

07-06-2014, 07:11 PM
I vaguely remember that there was a release of the version of Song For Ten from the Episode Christmas Invasion in one of the Doctor Who advent calendars one year. Anyone have a copy of it?

07-06-2014, 08:11 PM
I vaguely remember that there was a release of the version of Song For Ten from the Episode Christmas Invasion in one of the Doctor Who advent calendars one year. Anyone have a copy of it?

That can be found in here (!xJpQGbJJ!Z28QWQ2OZfm79_3HQ51PlLTrBwfne82sAnP1JUP pWTY)

07-07-2014, 08:42 PM
Quick question - Did I imagine someone had done a soundtrack for the Invasion on here? I know that Tomb and Museum had one done but could have sworn that Invasion also had one done by someone.

07-08-2014, 06:10 PM
Doctor Who 1980 (RWS live at Glastonbury 2014) (

Hahahaha! That's AWESOME! :)

07-08-2014, 09:22 PM
Here you go, mate. (

recons beat me to it! lol

07-09-2014, 07:32 AM
Anyone got the Silva Screen TARDIS/Non-TARDIS Box Set email update yet? They've said they're still waiting on some details on Monday (the day they said they would probably send the newsletter)

Which Doctor?
07-09-2014, 07:38 AM
Anyone got the Silva Screen TARDIS/Non-TARDIS Box Set email update yet? They've said they're still waiting on some details on Monday (the day they said they would probably send the newsletter)

Nope, no email yet...

James (The Disney Guy)
07-09-2014, 07:49 AM
I Have Found Some Series 5 Custom Covers on the Thread ie Victory of the Daleks Ect Has Anyone Done Full Episode Scores For Any Of These Yet?? If So Where Are They For Download Thanks

07-09-2014, 11:37 AM
Dont supposed theres a copy of a complete audio rip from 'Waters Of Mars' (Im trying to find a version of the piece that plays when the Doctor returns to Bowie Base and saves them) and im looking for a Rip for The Day Of The Doctor & Time of the Doctor.

07-09-2014, 12:24 PM
Dont supposed theres a copy of a complete audio rip from 'Waters Of Mars' (Im trying to find a version of the piece that plays when the Doctor returns to Bowie Base and saves them) and im looking for a Rip for The Day Of The Doctor & Time of the Doctor.

The Day and Time of the Doctor were posted a few pages back. The Waters of Mars has not had its full score posted.

07-09-2014, 02:46 PM
Anyone got the Silva Screen TARDIS/Non-TARDIS Box Set email update yet? They've said they're still waiting on some details on Monday (the day they said they would probably send the newsletter)

Is this the first of the 'regular email updates' they promised in the product description:

"Between ordering and despatch, you�ll be sent regular email updates regarding the progress of your order."

I'm beginning to wonder if Silva Screen actually exists in another dimension where time runs completely differently to our own - where phrases such as 'coming soon' and 'regular' mean the exact opposite...

07-09-2014, 11:08 PM
Here you go Benvicible or anyone else who wants this:
The Waters of Mars complete music (!0EJSxQSD!zvzPgaiYr7OA8BNp9CxcLDcKRr0EedSIAcV9noj dcYE) (Multi channel 5.1 rip)

07-10-2014, 08:42 AM
Thankyou So much dude! This is incredible!!!!!

---------- Post added at 08:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 AM ----------

The Day and Time of the Doctor were posted a few pages back. The Waters of Mars has not had its full score posted.

Do you have a link for Day Of The Doctor? i cant find it.

07-10-2014, 09:42 AM
Thankyou So much dude! This is incredible!!!!!

---------- Post added at 08:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 AM ----------

Do you have a link for Day Of The Doctor? i cant find it.

Not my link, but here you go (chrome://mega/content/secure.html#F!90sHzDBQ!qIsLqCjLrq2jtTssDDey3w)

07-10-2014, 12:46 PM
World War Three updated rip (!MZZjjDCK!en6UGuVyUT83h6KUvdliAc71sb3eK59x9s5_GBM 3RoE)
Dalek updated rips (!RAJS1aJb!1CEqH_bHsAUx9atl7YImtIL6z-6pSTOxQlSsoWtTj98)
The Long Game updated rip (!EcQxRLoZ!zt5RdpO4ba8xAFX6GfhM3ndWCbaozKT1iTWK520 ldU0)

07-10-2014, 06:14 PM
Could I ask a favour? Would anyone be willing to re-upload the photo gallery track from More than 30 years in the TARDIS?

07-10-2014, 11:31 PM
I'll see if I can find it :)

---------- Post added at 11:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 PM ----------

Could I ask a favour? Would anyone be willing to re-upload the photo gallery track from More than 30 years in the TARDIS?

this what you're looking for Ned?!pktWxCiJ!AGWw9T0GTiMw2Q5E8dEn55oN5h78kcI7X9XXNmC KsDQ

07-10-2014, 11:40 PM
I'll see if I can find it :)

---------- Post added at 11:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 PM ----------

this what you're looking for Ned?!pktWxCiJ!AGWw9T0GTiMw2Q5E8dEn55oN5h78kcI7X9XXNmC KsDQ
I believe so, yes! Thank you! :D

07-11-2014, 03:22 AM
There is also tracks from More than 30 years in the TARDIS on the 11 disc set which I think is pretty good. :)

Behind the Sofa (from More Than 30 Years In The TARDIS) (2:25)
Back to the TARDIS (version 1) (from 30 Years In The TARDIS) (1:04)
Back to the TARDIS (version 2) (from More Than 30 Years In The TARDIS) (0:54)

Still waiting for the newsletter though.

---------- Post added at 12:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 AM ----------

Also, i think these tracks in the collection are Dudley Simpson tracks

ROBOT (1974)
02. Mysterious Robots (1:15)

22. Pretty Planet (0:33)

Can anyone confirm that?

07-11-2014, 03:24 AM
There is also tracks from More than 30 years in the TARDIS on the 11 disc set which I think is pretty good. :)

Behind the Sofa (from More Than 30 Years In The TARDIS) (2:25)
Back to the TARDIS (version 1) (from 30 Years In The TARDIS) (1:04)
Back to the TARDIS (version 2) (from More Than 30 Years In The TARDIS) (0:54)

Still waiting for the newsletter though.

---------- Post added at 12:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 AM ----------

Also, i think these tracks in the collection are Dudley Simpson tracks

ROBOT (1974)
02. Mysterious Robots (1:15)

22. Pretty Planet (0:33)

Can anyone confirm that?

Saw those on the track list, defo looking forward to hearing them! And as for the (maybe) Simpson tracks, it's entirely possible that they are actually music rather than sound effects, *fingers crossed*

07-11-2014, 03:35 AM
Saw those on the track list, defo looking forward to hearing them! And as for the (maybe) Simpson tracks, it's entirely possible that they are actually music rather than sound effects, *fingers crossed*

The ROBOT track could just be fx but that that NOE track definitely sounds like, from its title, that its music.

07-11-2014, 04:05 AM
Saw those on the track list, defo looking forward to hearing them! And as for the (maybe) Simpson tracks, it's entirely possible that they are actually music rather than sound effects, *fingers crossed*

The ROBOT track could just be fx but that that NOE track definitely sounds like, from its title, that its music.

Yeah. It's music or the K1 Robots sound effects. There is only sound effects on the Robot DVD Photo Gallery, I don't know about the Nightmare of Eden DVD Photo Gallery though. I don't have it!

Also, I have found Electronic Links by Eric Peters (Inferno)
Electronic Links (Eric Peters) (

07-11-2014, 08:56 AM
Also, I have found Electronic Links by Eric Peters (Inferno)
Electronic Links (Eric Peters) (
It's a kill. Shooter, thank you thank you thank you!

07-11-2014, 12:01 PM
Updated Father's Day rips (!4MIgEKKQ!4vyy_lNW0d92Eul339F_gjAIc1K19AibE3Pyt0Q nfTk)

I was going to go straight onto updating the music from The Empty Child, but it appears that only the top two sound layers feature music, meaning that there's nothing to update, except the Club Singer tracks (!oIIhVIyS!-UJdguvMC8BdiSqlunGbQEiQ4xV7JrvKA3an8vQd2FA).

07-11-2014, 01:40 PM
Talking of Electronic Links, were these sounds actually used in Inferno? I do not recall hearing them.

07-11-2014, 03:08 PM
Hey EagleShooter6 and Trabisty, I don't know who the original poster was but someone put up a bunch of TV ripped soundtrack edits a while back.

Here's a link to the Destiny of the Daleks one - sadly it's only 2 minutes long
Destiny of the Daleks.mp3 (

I don't have an Invisible Enemy one, sorry.

And here are the first season Hartnell ones I have -

Edge of Destruction
The Edge of Destruction.mp3 (

Marco Polo
Marco Polo.mp3 (

Keys of Marinus
The Keys of Marinus.mp3 (

The Aztecs.mp3 (

The Sensorites.mp3 (

Reign of Terror
The Reign of Terror.mp3 (

Okay, here's all that I have of the TV ripped soundtracks. Sorry, Eagleshooter6, I don't have any TV ripped Troughtons at all.

Remaining Hartnells -

Planet of Giants.mp3 (

The Dalek Invasion of Earth.mp3 (

The Romans.mp3 (

And the remaining Tom Baker ones...

The Androids of Tara.mp3 (

The Power of Kroll.mp3 (

The Armageddon Factor.mp3 (

City of Death.mp3 (

The Creature From The Pit.mp3 (

Nightmare of Eden.mp3 (

The Horns of Nimon.mp3 (

Wish I had more for you and Trabisty, but that's the lot I'm afraid.

Could anyone re-upload these and any more that may have been posted here. (I already have The Sensorites and The Celestial Toymaker)

James (The Disney Guy)
07-11-2014, 03:49 PM

Just A Little Cover For The Night of the Doctor Suite If Anyone Is Interested :)

And My (only) Way Of Saying Thanks For All These Uploads And Help In Finding Them :) I Just Wish I Could Give More

---------- Post added at 03:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ----------

I Tried Out Some Covers (I Know Rubbish But Only Thing I Have To Contribute :( ) (S1-7, Specials & Day of the Doctor (No Time of the Doctor)




?oh=a48b34e74199e36363aa4b93b297bfea&oe=5445BBF0&__gda__=1412772473_55a3e767acd61ad0723accd6d921238 d

?oh=690c96459d8e1fb853867e142d5b3065&oe=54443133&__gda__=1415096459_91be601384baaf3425fccac99b62952 d

07-11-2014, 04:31 PM
Talking of Electronic Links, were these sounds actually used in Inferno? I do not recall hearing them.

I have a suspicion it is another case of the director's assistant writing down the wrong LP after production for the PABs. Peters did a few albums did Eric Peters. Some of his stuff ended up in a Blake's 7 episode but played very slowly. I also think he did a few pieces that ended up in a Prisoner episode. On the other hand, they may be in Inferno but at a very slow speed again. It's a pain in the bum.

07-11-2014, 04:48 PM
Some of his stuff ended up in a Blake's 7 episode but played very slowly.

Really? Which episode???

07-11-2014, 05:05 PM
I have a suspicion it is another case of the director's assistant writing down the wrong LP after production for the PABs. Peters did a few albums did Eric Peters. Some of his stuff ended up in a Blake's 7 episode but played very slowly. I also think he did a few pieces that ended up in a Prisoner episode. On the other hand, they may be in Inferno but at a very slow speed again. It's a pain in the bum.

Thanks for the information. I had a feeling that was the probably the case. If they were used at a low speed then they may have been drowned out by other sound effects such as the ever-present drilling noise.

07-11-2014, 07:25 PM
Really? Which episode???

Duel. I've got some of the tracks. Others might recognise them from a (sighs) Space 1999 library music release. That's where I grabbed them from. You know, might have been on here, somewhere. If you want, I'll up them. It's not all of them.

Actually, I've confused Eric Peters with Georges Teperino and Cecil Leuter. Always doing that!

---------- Post added at 12:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 PM ----------

Thanks for the information. I had a feeling that was the probably the case. If they were used at a low speed then they may have been drowned out by other sound effects such as the ever-present drilling noise.

Well, the PABS for episode seven lists Peters, doesn't it? I got all excited and in a tizzy when I first found the albums and then that crushing dissapointment that could only be quenched by shouting at the flowers when I listened to it. Apart from those musique concrete tracks on The Tomorrow People CD and those Derbyshire bits that go on and on and on, are some of the other tracks common? I've got two. I'm sure I've shared them in the past, in other places. The pieces I mean are the tinky tappy Bessie music from episode One, and the gunfight/dustbin/Alan Chuntz goes to Hospital bit in Episode 3. If not, give us a shout...

07-12-2014, 07:49 PM
Not my link, but here you go (chrome://mega/content/secure.html#F!90sHzDBQ!qIsLqCjLrq2jtTssDDey3w)
Sorry, I tried it on both Firefox and Chrome and it won't work. Did you delete the source file?

07-12-2014, 08:20 PM
Sorry, I tried it on both Firefox and Chrome and it won't work. Did you delete the source file?

I can't delete it, as it isn't my upload. I think Mega is just messing up, as no links work for me.

07-13-2014, 12:33 AM
yeah i cant get the link to open

07-13-2014, 10:04 AM
hybryd01, I have been looking at your Doctor Who missing library music tracks list and seeing if there is any luck finding any.

Denis Rycoth & Telecast Orchestra - Dramatic Bridges ( (From The Space Museum)

Is this it?

---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

Also, the monk chants from The Time Meddler?

Choir der Monche der Benediktiner - Secundae Vesperae in Nativitate Solesmensibus: Secundae Vesperae in Nativitate D.N.J.C. (Zweite Weihnachtsvesper) - V: Dominus vobiscum: Beuron Benedictine Monks Of St. Martin: MP3 Downloads (

---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 PM ----------

And Another!

Eric Siday - Musique Electronique: Magnetic Field (

07-13-2014, 10:33 AM
Eric Siday - Musique Electronique: Magnetic Field (
But I have Magnetic Field already. From Vintage Sci-fi Collection. I just missed it :P
Thread 163803

As for the rest, I would give it a try, but I didn't buy anything from Amazon before.

07-13-2014, 11:35 AM
hybryd01, I have been looking at your Doctor Who missing library music tracks list and seeing if there is any luck finding any.

Denis Rycoth & Telecast Orchestra - Dramatic Bridges ( (From The Space Museum)

Is this it?

---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

Also, the monk chants from The Time Meddler?

Choir der Monche der Benediktiner - Secundae Vesperae in Nativitate Solesmensibus: Secundae Vesperae in Nativitate D.N.J.C. (Zweite Weihnachtsvesper) - V: Dominus vobiscum: Beuron Benedictine Monks Of St. Martin: MP3 Downloads (
Traditional: Secundae Vesperae in Nativitate D.N.J.C. (Zweite Weihnachtsvesper) - V: Fidelium animae: Beuron Benedictine Monks Of St. Martin: MP3 Downloads (

---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 PM ----------

And Another!

Eric Siday - Musique Electronique: Magnetic Field (

Well done, Eagleshooter. I've just downloaded a few bits from the Gregorian chant via itunes. Think I've identified one of the tracks used, possibly the third, but they are all quite similar in places.

You can also get the 'new' Eric Siday CD from itunes, which I've just done. My poor bank balance. Rather pleased that one of the tracks features in The Space Museum and the second half of the track in The Moonbase episode 3, both distinctive in their own right.

The Space Museum one is the correct track, the second one is used when the footprint problem is pointed out. I think it has been floating about for a while. It is hard to keep track of, isn't it?

07-13-2014, 02:13 PM
Well done, Eagleshooter. I've just downloaded a few bits from the Gregorian chant via itunes. Think I've identified one of the tracks used, possibly the third, but they are all quite similar in places.

Can you upload it here? :)

You can also get the 'new' Eric Siday CD from itunes, which I've just done. My poor bank balance. Rather pleased that one of the tracks features in The Space Museum and the second half of the track in The Moonbase episode 3, both distinctive in their own right.

The Space Museum one is the correct track, the second one is used when the footprint problem is pointed out. I think it has been floating about for a while. It is hard to keep track of, isn't it?

Can you name those tracks? Because I don't know what are you talking about :P

07-14-2014, 01:46 AM
Can you upload it here? :)

Can you name those tracks? Because I don't know what are you talking about :P

The Eric Siday CD has Ultimate, Moonscape, Galaxy, Suspended Animation and The Laboratory

The Space Museum Track is Denis Rycoth & Telecast Orchestra - Dramatic Bridges

And The Time Meddler stuff is the monk stuff called Secundae Vesperae in Nativitate

07-14-2014, 08:12 AM
These are the Don Harper tracks that we haven't heard before

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (1:22)
Mysteries (1:30)

I'd think the Brigadier one would be the U.N.I.T. Theme used in the story. I'm unsure on Mysteries, i think it is that eerie track that plays with the cyber director hum in the background (which is my favourite track if it is :) )

07-14-2014, 09:12 AM
These are the Don Harper tracks that we haven't heard before

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (1:22)
Mysteries (1:30)

I'd think the Brigadier one would be the U.N.I.T. Theme used in the story. I'm unsure on Mysteries, i think it is that eerie track that plays with the cyber director hum in the background (which is my favourite track if it is :) )

I think you're right on the first.

For the second, the track I think you're referring to is Muzak by John Baker. What the album track might be is that bass track that plays when people are tiptoeing around warehouses etc. It's about the right length. It's possibly the one listed as "Don Harper - International Electromatics" on the Album for The Invasion previously posted in this thread.

07-14-2014, 09:30 AM
It's possibly the one listed as "Don Harper - International Electromatics" on the Album for The Invasion previously posted in this thread.
IE was listed as "The Company" on the shortened version of the album. And The Muzak is far longer and I don't know why they could refer to it as something else ;)

07-14-2014, 04:57 PM
Silva screen email update on TARDIS edition....

"Now for the million dollar question: when can you expect delivery?

We are still not sure but this is an estimate:

TARDIS box to be fully assembled - Week ending 7th September (approximate)

Testing electronics and final production sample to the UK - Week ending 21st September (approximate)

TARDIS box to leave the factory for shipping - approximately one week later

Ship to dock in England - The ship is likely to take 6-8 weeks

TARDIS to finish being assembled with CDs, certificate and booklet � Week commencing 10th November (to be confirmed)

TARDIS to be delivered to you � End of November"

And they are holding off on releasing the 11 disc edition until November as well.


07-14-2014, 06:23 PM
Had this email too completely astonished they would release the "50th" in the 51st anniversary month. November??

So much for a July 28 releases date. Not very happy. And it looks very plasticy.....thoughts?

07-14-2014, 06:42 PM
With all those 'approximates' in the schedule, I'm fully expecting further delays. I think we'll be lucky if we see it this year.

I wasn't impressed with the small blurry images from China of the box being put together - as you say, looks very plasticy. With them going to so much trouble to get the paint tones right, why didn't they actually make a TARDIS with the correct dimensions?

This has got to rate as the most annoying product order I have ever made.

07-14-2014, 07:23 PM
Can you upload it here? :)

Can you name those tracks? Because I don't know what are you talking about :P

I haven't had time to sift through the monk droning yet, and I have winced at how much it cost. Remind me in a few weeks when I've got some quiet time, some me time...

Secondly, I was replying to Eagleshooter6 about the Dramatic Bridges thing. Then I was talking about a Siday track which tickled me. It's the track called ultimate. The first half is used for Vicki putting her hand through a solid object, and just before she gives her little lecture about time and its dimensions. The second half is just after the big Benoit/Cyberman/Ben chase in The Moonbase Episode 3.

No one knows what I'm talking about. Ever. And if you don't know the price of sausages, well, you do, don't you, I mean, she does doesn't she? And she's never been the same since her head came 'orf!

07-14-2014, 08:21 PM
With all those 'approximates' in the schedule, I'm fully expecting further delays. I think we'll be lucky if we see it this year.

I wasn't impressed with the small blurry images from China of the box being put together - as you say, looks very plasticy. With them going to so much trouble to get the paint tones right, why didn't they actually make a TARDIS with the correct dimensions?

This has got to rate as the most annoying product order I have ever made.

I sadly fear this too. It's not as if we are talking about a small amount of money here either. I had to double check the description as advertised and it says the TARDIS will be mainly wood. (I love how my iPad capitalises TARDIS on auto correct anyway.....) it simply is not good enough im pretty sure this whole thing could have been better handled.

Should have listened to my instincts and waited for impossibleego anticipated released... Difference being he's an honest fan who doesn't stand to make a penny doing it for the love of it and probably having a few secret surprises compared to the over hyped money spinner that is the silva screen "re" release of many tracks. Not happy at the moment as you can tell. Oh and full respect to impossibleego

07-14-2014, 08:54 PM
I can well understand the bitterness. If I had saved and saved to get this, I would be forced to cancel the order. No way would I put up with this. I could get 3 bottles of insulin for this; almost half my monthly groceries. For it to be this delayed, and this shoddy looking is not acceptable.

As for color/quality, I am preferring mine:

( ml)

( ml)

I feel the color is pretty there. After all, the old girl has had so many versions of paint. :)

Oh, I did finally paint the base and add one additional passenger. :) I cobbled this blue together from a few odds and ends laying around, so I do not see the big hoopla for a professional job getting it "just right".


07-14-2014, 09:19 PM
As for color/quality, I am preferring mine:


Is that the Airfix kit? If so, that's a bloody good job you've done of it.

I have it, but I'm saving it (amongst many others!) for my retirement (still too many years away).

07-14-2014, 09:21 PM
Yes, the Welcome Aboard kit. A damn difficult box. The TARDIS is very finicky with no real guiding grooves for the walls. Getting it to fit even a little was enough to induce some less than family oriented language. :)

I had just got back into building after many years away. I wish now I had weathered it a bit more but oh well. The Doctor's pin stripes and details are drawn in with colored pencil....

07-14-2014, 09:44 PM
I sadly fear this too. It's not as if we are talking about a small amount of money here either. I had to double check the description as advertised and it says the TARDIS will be mainly wood. (I love how my iPad capitalises TARDIS on auto correct anyway.....) it simply is not good enough im pretty sure this whole thing could have been better handled.

Should have listened to my instincts and waited for impossibleego anticipated released... Difference being he's an honest fan who doesn't stand to make a penny doing it for the love of it and probably having a few secret surprises compared to the over hyped money spinner that is the silva screen "re" release of many tracks. Not happy at the moment as you can tell. Oh and full respect to impossibleego

I am truly so thankful for that compliment!

I promise once I've got this not having a computer sorted much progress will be made on the editing front. ;)

07-15-2014, 07:09 AM
Got this five days ago, but only just checked email and saw it today. So at least they gave me a heads-up as to the delay. Updates when I get have them :)

We have just received word that there is a production issue with the following Dual Planet CD titles:

DUAL007CD Don Harper – Cold Worlds CD

DUAL005CD Eric Siday - The Ultra Sonic Perception CD

These titles will be delayed by up to 2 to 3 weeks. We will be sending your order as soon as new stock arrives.

Apologies for the delay on these titles.

But I wants them noooooooooowwwwwwwwww...

07-15-2014, 08:41 AM
Got this five days ago, but only just checked email and saw it today. So at least they gave me a heads-up as to the delay. Updates when I get have them :)

But I wants them noooooooooowwwwwwwwww...

Found out that iTunes have them for download if anyone's interested

---------- Post added at 05:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ----------

IE was listed as "The Company" on the shortened version of the album. And The Muzak is far longer and I don't know why they could refer to it as something else ;)

Mysteries i think is Psychosis on the New Decade / Cold Worlds releases but obviously the televised version, not the version on those releases.

07-15-2014, 05:23 PM
Another announcement from Silva Screen:

"Due to the delay in delivery of the TARDIS set, we will no longer be delivering these products at the same time.

The Eleven Disc Edition will now be shipped on 15th September."

So glad I ordered it now!

Penny Parker
07-15-2014, 06:56 PM
The unpopularity of the Tardis box has only compounded the issues around time scale. The number of orders for it must have been very low [so low that they had to hurriedly list a "discs only" version as well to make up the shortfall on income], unfortunately the problem with a very low production run is that the factory will always drop it further down their schedule in favour of bigger orders. 250 police boxes will be the first thing to get bumped if an order for 10,000 Transformers comes in!

Maybe it really is a special deluxe time travel set, every date in the process has been one year into the future of when they SHOULD have been. ;-)

07-15-2014, 07:42 PM
When Silva said... "Since THE TARDIS EDITION pre-order closed, we have been busy finalising text details (some changes submitted by expert Doctor Who fans)"

It got me thinking that the expert fans must have come from this message board! Does anyone want to confess?

07-15-2014, 07:57 PM
When Silva said... "Since THE TARDIS EDITION pre-order closed, we have been busy finalising text details (some changes submitted by expert Doctor Who fans)"

It got me thinking that the expert fans must have come from this message board! Does anyone want to confess?

Ha yes I did tell them that disc 6 Colin bakers had a typo for 1980 reprise when they refered to 1986 version. But that was my only input can't imagine it would be that. I'm sure there was more.

Confessions begin?

07-15-2014, 08:01 PM
Another announcement from Silva Screen:

"Due to the delay in delivery of the TARDIS set, we will no longer be delivering these products at the same time.

The Eleven Disc Edition will now be shipped on 15th September."

So glad I ordered it now!

And so am I! ;)

07-15-2014, 11:33 PM
The unpopularity of the Tardis box has only compounded the issues around time scale. The number of orders for it must have been very low [so low that they had to hurriedly list a "discs only" version as well to make up the shortfall on income], unfortunately the problem with a very low production run is that the factory will always drop it further down their schedule in favour of bigger orders. 250 police boxes will be the first thing to get bumped if an order for 10,000 Transformers comes in!

Maybe it really is a special deluxe time travel set, every date in the process has been one year into the future of when they SHOULD have been. ;-)

The email did say the total orders for the TARDIS box were just under 1000. But I do think this whole release has been so horrendously managed, it's become a bad joke. I'm feeling sorry for those people who just ordered the TARDIS box and will have to wait nearly 3 months longer than people who bought the 'cheap' version. Bit of a slap in the face. I hope Silva Screen give those people access to a download of the set when the clam shell version is released - it's the least they could do after such ridiculously long delays.

07-16-2014, 12:39 AM
While I wait on getting a new computer so I can get back to editing and mixing, I thought I'd share the new, revised edition of the suite for "The Chase".

Music composed by Dudley Simpson and the suite was, of course, mixed by me.


Suite from "The Chase" (

07-16-2014, 12:59 AM
While I wait on getting a new computer so I can get back to editing and mixing, I thought I'd share the new, revised edition of the suite for "The Chase".

Music composed by Dudley Simpson and the suite was, of course, mixed by me.


Suite from "The Chase" (

That suite is amazing! If I didn't know better, I'd have thought that you simply restored the music from the original tapes. Yes, it does sound that good! You are amazing at this, I eagerly await for whenever you finally finish the rest of your, I can tell, amazing Doctor Who era's soundtracks.

07-16-2014, 01:04 AM
That suite is amazing! If I didn't know better, I'd have thought that you simply restored the music from the original tapes. Yes, it does sound that good! You are amazing at this, I eagerly await for whenever you finally finish the rest of your, I can tell, amazing Doctor Who era's soundtracks.

There are a couple of suites I've compiled that have some dialogue and FX removal that aren't PERFECT but are quite listenable, IMO. Of course remastering still has to be done on all of the suites and I can safely say there are some surprises in store. ;)

I started creating these sets years ago as just something for myself, you don't know what it means to have people actually looking forward to them!!

07-16-2014, 01:25 AM
I started creating these sets years ago as just something for myself, you don't know what it means to have people actually looking forward to them!!

Lol - that's just how it started for me... Funny how these things work out!

To plug the Silva Screen gap, and hopefully make the wait for the 11 CD set slightly less painful for some, I'm going to work overtime on a new revisited classic score:

'The Keeper of Traken' will be released on July 25th!

07-16-2014, 03:44 AM
Lol - that's just how it started for me... Funny how these things work out!

To plug the Silva Screen gap, and hopefully make the wait for the 11 CD set slightly less painful for some, I'm going to work overtime on a new revisited classic score:

'The Keeper of Traken' will be released on July 25th!

That's exactly why I'm trying to get as much work done for the 11 CD Era set I'm working on before I get my new computer. The wait for some for the 11 CD Silva Set is getting rather tedious!

07-16-2014, 09:04 AM
While I wait on getting a new computer so I can get back to editing and mixing, I thought I'd share the new, revised edition of the suite for "The Chase".

Music composed by Dudley Simpson and the suite was, of course, mixed by me.


Suite from "The Chase" (

Great work!

I've always thought every story deserves a suite. Episodes such as Warriors' Gate and Kinda deserve suites. Two great scores by Peter Howell

---------- Post added at 06:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 PM ----------

Another announcement from Silva Screen:

"Due to the delay in delivery of the TARDIS set, we will no longer be delivering these products at the same time.

The Eleven Disc Edition will now be shipped on 15th September."

So glad I ordered it now!

Ikr. When I saw November i was so annoyed but September is fine by me.

07-16-2014, 10:04 AM
Great work!

I've always thought every story deserves a suite. Episodes such as Warriors' Gate and Kinda deserve suites. Two great scores by Peter Howell

---------- Post added at 06:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 PM ----------

Ikr. When I saw November i was so annoyed but September is fine by me.

I can confirm I have created suites for both "Warriors Gate" and "Kinda". Wether they make the final cut for the Era sets is yet to be determined. They will be "released" at some point. If not on the era sets than the potential "leftovers" release I'm considering.

As for every story getting a suite, sadly some like "The Underwater Menace" and "Image Of The Fendahl" would just be too difficult.

07-16-2014, 10:12 AM
I am pretty sure I can fit the plain 11 disc set into my TARDIS kit.... :awsm:

07-16-2014, 01:13 PM
I can confirm I have created suites for both "Warriors Gate" and "Kinda". Wether they make the final cut for the Era sets is yet to be determined. They will be "released" at some point. If not on the era sets than the potential "leftovers" release I'm considering.

As for every story getting a suite, sadly some like "The Underwater Menace" and "Image Of The Fendahl" would just be too difficult.

Nice job! Can't wait to hear them :)

07-16-2014, 01:45 PM
I can confirm I have created suites for both "Warriors Gate" and "Kinda". Wether they make the final cut for the Era sets is yet to be determined. They will be "released" at some point. If not on the era sets than the potential "leftovers" release I'm considering.

I was thinking of compiling my own expanded versions of discs 4-6 of the 11 disc set - adding suites where there are none but could be, include the 3 tracks from 'DW: The Music I & II' that were left out (The Leisure Hive, Subterranean Caves & Requiem) - that sort of thing. But it seems silly to repeat efforts you've already made (like Warriors' Gate/Kinda suites). Maybe we could come together and make your 'leftovers' release part of this 'expansion' pack?

BTW - loving the cover art for your sets done in the new style!

Which Doctor?
07-16-2014, 02:09 PM
I am pretty sure I can fit the plain 11 disc set into my TARDIS kit.... :awsm:

It would certainly look better than what they came up with!!

07-17-2014, 04:46 PM
The Doctor Dances updated rip (!wYZx3bjZ!OCd96Kq2yj2Md1uBHB7yXNqKVwahyye_ZONUwHM sj0I)

07-18-2014, 11:22 AM
Hey everyone! Sorry I've been away for a while! I saw the newsletters regarding the 11 disc 50th Anniversary Collection, strangely the 15th of September one was in my Junk folder... I haven't been able to buy copies of the Caves of Androzani & Ghost Light Silva releases because I had been saving for the 11 disc set, and then I went on a soundtrack buying spree, sorry! But if anyone fancies a rip of The Lego Movie, Final Fantasy XII, Pokemon Fire Red & Leaf Green or Pokemon The First Movie, by all means ask! XD

I'll be sure to get to work on the 11 disc set just as soon as it DOES arrive, it has been a pain, keeping �80 to a side every month just in case of the set turning up, hopefully they won't let us down.

All that aside I'm hoping you're all well! Best wishes, Oliver.

07-18-2014, 05:49 PM
Boom Town updated rip (!UJhzTKYJ!NJSVN6XhzglD-TjpTBwCEsHiD4TtqA3UCiygGhsN6fE)
Bad Wolf updated rip (!xdoXlTwa!zULZXAnaJEmCriZNjRXYwevKWp-mDpxIaLlP1abeXwg)
The Parting of the Ways updated rip (!RZg2yIDA!ls-cJoCDTvmNaakGQQKBA-m0usvlh3tzdLePbKP3iNA)

James (The Disney Guy)
07-18-2014, 08:48 PM
Thanks CGCJ For All The Updates :)

07-19-2014, 10:14 PM
For those curious about what will and will not be on my Era collections... I will tell you all right now that no music from "The Gunfighters" will be included. ;)

07-19-2014, 10:19 PM
For those curious about what will and will not be on my Era collections... I will tell you all right now that no music from "The Gunfighters" will be included. ;)

Is that because all of it is being released in the eleven disk set, as there's only "The Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon" being the complete score? (Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've been under the impression that the complete "The Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon" will be included in the eleven disk soundtrack)

07-19-2014, 11:21 PM
Is that because all of it is being released in the eleven disk set, as there's only "The Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon" being the complete score? (Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've been under the impression that the complete "The Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon" will be included in the eleven disk soundtrack)

There's that and the fact that the song is just so out of place when going from "The Massacre" into THAT. It's a guilty pleasure story of mine but that song is just.... annoying.

---------- Post added at 05:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:58 PM ----------

Since I can't do any real audio work at this point, I thought I'd create some covers in the new style for some of the soundtracks. I have only created a few thusfar using the official DVD artwork for the stories that I've done thusfar (exception being The Daleks' Master Plan which I found on DeviantArt and I have no idea who the artist was... :( ) but am planning to do original ones for other soundtracks we have available.

Doctor Who Soundtrack Covers (

They are not in HiRes as the source files for some were not available in HiRes. These will work quite well for iTunes though. ;)

(A few of these covers were created using art by DeviantArt user Hisi79. Check out his work here:

07-20-2014, 02:24 AM
There's that and the fact that the song is just so out of place when going from "The Massacre" into THAT. It's a guilty pleasure story of mine but that song is just.... annoying.

---------- Post added at 05:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:58 PM ----------

Since I can't do any real audio work at this point, I thought I'd create some covers in the new style for some of the soundtracks. I have only created a few thusfar using the official DVD artwork for the stories that I've done thusfar (exception being The Daleks' Master Plan which I found on DeviantArt and I have no idea who the artist was... :( ) but am planning to do original ones for other soundtracks we have available.

Doctor Who Soundtrack Covers (

They are not in HiRes as the source files for some were not available in HiRes. These will work quite well for iTunes though. ;)

(A few of these covers were created using art by DeviantArt user Hisi79. Check out his work here: Hisi79's deviantART Gallery (

Brilliant covers. Ive made my one using the covers but there not as good as yours. What font did u use for the titles?
Been looking for it for ages!

07-20-2014, 04:14 AM
Brilliant covers. Ive made my one using the covers but there not as good as yours. What font did u use for the titles?
Been looking for it for ages!

Futura Display BQ. Its the font used for the official Region 2 DVDs and the soundtracks.

07-20-2014, 05:41 AM
Thank you! Is there are free version on the internet anywhere or can u share it here?

07-20-2014, 02:17 PM
Thank you! Is there are free version on the internet anywhere or can u share it here?

I have it and will willingly share it...

Probably later today. ;)

07-21-2014, 03:20 AM
For those curious about what will and will not be on my Era collections... I will tell you all right now that no music from "The Gunfighters" will be included. ;)

The full score for 'The Gunfighters' (should you be perverse enough to enjoy it!) is still available as part of the soundtrack collection (click the bar below). Included for completeness at the request of others - NOT because I like it lol!

---------- Post added at 03:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:11 AM ----------

Brilliant covers. Ive made my one using the covers but there not as good as yours. What font did u use for the titles?
Been looking for it for ages!

I have to agree! Great work - I want them for all the albums now!

07-21-2014, 06:21 AM
Ok. Against better judgement I gave in and watched the work print that leaked for Season 8 ep 1: Deep Breath. Keeping in mind the extremely rough nature of this print I only have one pressing question that is relevant to this thread...

Is that Murray Gold's score? Cause it is way creepier than anything heard on Who recently.....yikes. :awsm:

07-21-2014, 06:31 AM
Ok. Against better judgement I gave in and watched the work print that leaked for Season 8 ep 1: Deep Breath. Keeping in mind the extremely rough nature of this print I only have one pressing question that is relevant to this thread...

Is that Murray Gold's score? Cause it is way creepier than anything heard on Who recently.....yikes. :awsm:

Nope, that was the temp score for the workprint, including tracks by Danny Elfman, Hans Zimmer, and others, from what I noticed.

07-21-2014, 06:38 AM
Is there going to be a bridge, a children in need type special as there were with other regenerations? The gap between last year and this seems especially open for it.

07-21-2014, 08:26 AM
Is there going to be a bridge, a children in need type special as there were with other regenerations? The gap between last year and this seems especially open for it.

It seems unlikely. Children In Need isn't until November. I wouldn't rule out a prequel mini-ep, although this didn't seem to be sent to the translators in Miami like the workprints did recently.

07-21-2014, 12:16 PM
It seems unlikely. Children In Need isn't until November. I wouldn't rule out a prequel mini-ep, although this didn't seem to be sent to the translators in Miami like the workprints did recently.

There was a rumour floating around about the Series 8 Launch Trailer saying it would be shown in half time of the world cup final and that turned out to be true and below that was something about a prequel released on the 16th August which is the Saturday before Deep Breath.
So perhaps there could be one. We have had prequels for some episodes in the past. mainly since series 6, there's always been one for the opening episode of each series. I also read that Moffat was surprised by how successful Night Of The Doctor was with fans and promised that more time, care and consideration as well as a slightly larger budget would be put into future mini episodes like Night Of The Doctor.

I do feel there is a scene missing between the ending sequence of Time Of The Doctor and the opening sequence of Deep Breath which I won't say because there's wonderful contributors on here who I'm sure wish to be spoiler free.

---------- Post added at 12:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 AM ----------

On a note of Music. I'm glad Murray's score was not present on that workprint. I wish to hear it when i watch the full completed version on 23rd. All I'm hoping is that his music has taken a slightly darker tone and that he gives us proper themes and not stuff that can be reused. I understand now why episodes such as cold war and Journey To The Centre Of The Tardis had sooo much reused music from the series before it and christmas specials. It was because Murray, Ben & the orchestra only had 1 recording session in the studio and thus limited what they could do. That's why they both had a mostly electronic score.

I hope the theme tune has changed with the tone of the show. I liked the direction he is going with the Day Of The Doctor Theme. As much as I love the addition of that opening fanfare. It distracts from the iconic section of the theme tune - The Bassline. Something people instantly recognise. They won't recognise the fanfare bit. Although i'm wrong because now we have had it for 1 series and 2 specials. It's now used in all trailers and people go "Its Doctor Who". I even asked a friend of mine who knew about doctor who how the theme tune went and he started singing the FANFARE!

If Murray can remove some of the Percussion stems from the Day Of The Doctor theme, add in a new louder bassline (the day theme used the Doctor Who XI bassline which is hard to hear) and make the theme sound darker i'll be happy. Oh and remove the fanfare which he already has.

We need news on new Doctor Who Releases from Silva Screen. They have been quiet for quite a few months. They gave me hope when they tweeted "Want to be the first to hear of new Doctor Who Music announcements then subscribe to our YouTube Channel" but sadly still nothing. I have a feeling this 11 CD Tardis Set is holding back all the other releases they have planned and if what I have read on here is true then that delay of other releases could be even longer than it is now.

Last Note: (I Promise) I'll be looking through each Series 8 episodes music and seeing if I can pick out cues depending on how clean they are. I'm intrigued in what Capaldi's theme will be.

07-21-2014, 12:46 PM
Last Note: (I Promise) I'll be looking through each Series 8 episodes music and seeing if I can pick out cues depending on how clean they are. I'm intrigued in what Capaldi's theme will be.

Just to add to this, if no one else will, I will try to post the complete scores as soon as I can for the new episodes. (Once I obtain 1080p BBCHD 5.1 copies of the episodes)

07-21-2014, 07:56 PM
In the wake of the slightly dissapointing Silva Screenz 11 disc set, I have decided to create my own compilation. It won't be anything special, and probably won't be as good as Impossibleego's project, but will be better suited to my tastes than the Silva release. There is unlikely to be anything new or unheard of, just me stealing tracks and suites from various commercial releases, stuff from people on this forum (I'll PM you), and rips from DVDs. I will upload it here once I have completed it.

But first I have some requests. Does anyone have any of the following stock music: anything from the Abominable Snowmen, Spontaneite from Galaxy 4 or Sabre Dance from the Moonbase? If nobody has, never mind. But if you do, thanks and can you upload.

07-22-2014, 01:50 PM
Hello clef3,

The more sets, the merrier! To that end, here's Sabre Dance and Spontaneite, together with an ep rip from Snowmen (credit for the latter to the originator) Click! (

07-22-2014, 03:22 PM
Hello clef3,

The more sets, the merrier! To that end, here's Sabre Dance and Spontaneite, together with an ep rip from Snowmen (credit for the latter to the originator) Click! (

Thank you very much.

I shall most likely have my compilation compiled and upload in the next few weeks.

07-22-2014, 05:17 PM
Has anyone got the Cold Wars The Invasion cd? If so, can you upload please.

What tracks from that were actually used in the Invasion?

07-22-2014, 06:06 PM
Hello clef3,

The more sets, the merrier! To that end, here's Sabre Dance and Spontaneite, together with an ep rip from Snowmen (credit for the latter to the originator) Click! (

What the blinking flip is wrong with Sabre Dance? It sounds as if someone has put it through an enhancer and it sounds ghastly! Any ideas?
I swear they used that track in an old Avengers' episode.

07-22-2014, 08:09 PM
What the blinking flip is wrong with Sabre Dance? It sounds as if someone has put it through an enhancer and it sounds ghastly! Any ideas?
I swear they used that track in an old Avengers' episode.

I know, I love it!

07-22-2014, 08:39 PM
Before I share a thought, is everyone aware of who the enemies are in episode 1 - Deep Breath?