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Everan Shepard
09-29-2011, 11:14 PM
Do you guys know about Who Confidential? It was cancelled!!!
Sign here and we may bring it back! Save Doctor Who Confidential - PetitionBuzz (

09-30-2011, 03:48 AM
for those other soundtracks

Night Terror
09-30-2011, 10:17 AM
The one annomaly that gets me in the chronology of Melody/River is this... we see her in 1969 regenerating after she escaped. We have presumed she changed into Mells... but here's where that that thread crumbles... Mells is a young girl growing alongside Amy and Rory, somewhere in the late 90's. How did she stay young for nearly 30 years? I know the Doctor basically looks the same after 200 years but he's a Time Lord while Melody is a "Time Vortex Infused Human" or whatever. Was she captured again by Kovarian and the Silence and taken to the 90's. Did she actually regenerate into someone else, grow for those 30 years and the regenerate into Mells, becoming younger in the process? Any theories, anyone?

As for the rest, time paradoxes and all, i let them pass by for the sake of having fun seing The Doctor wigle his way out of these situations. But it's these apparently small insignificant things that bother me. One thing we can be sure. He'll still be alive when the next episode ends. If he wasn't the series would be over and a Xmas Special without The Doctor wouldn't be that great... XDDD

OK, back on topic, now. :D

Pretty sure she regenerated a twice or so at least.

And I believe it was clear enough she was part Time Lady thanks to, well... :P

Quick question: is anyone here liking River's theme -- like a lot? Do you hope for a good extended track version in the Soundtrack? :D

09-30-2011, 12:15 PM
She wasn't in the space as a young girl to kill him. That was in 1969 and the Doctor was killed in 2011. River shoots the Doctor on the shores of Lake Silencio, not young Melody. She was in the suit for life support or something.

oh ok I see what you are saying as a old whovian I like to think I can keep up with this but this new Who material is driving me nuts :)

10-01-2011, 07:53 PM

10-01-2011, 07:56 PM
Pteradactyl are Vermin... DO NOT FEED !.

10-01-2011, 11:01 PM
Well, after watching again and having a good long think...

What a big steaming pile of s**t. A terrible end to a terrible series.

Oldest cop-out in the book, and ultimately a limp re-step of Doomsday. Rose is dying. Rose is going to die! Rose is dead! Look, she's dead! Well, actually, everybody thinks she is but actually she isn't. That the best you could do, was it, Moffat? Spend a grand total of TEN HOURS of screen time repeatedly beating us over the head with a concept, and then explaining it all away in six seconds by doing a copy and paste from the Series 2 finale? Wow, excellent. Once again, over-inflated rhetoric builds anticipation and then the execution thoroughly deflates. Just how many times are things going to be unequivocally f****d up beyond all repair and then it's all OK because we just reboot the universe or rewind time? Absolute nonsense. Big shame. Chronically disappointed.

Not to mention the ludicrousness of the Silence's plan; kill the Doctor to stop something bad happening. So, they think he's dead but he actually isn't. Now, the bad things that would have happened will happen - at least they'll look like they will, because as we've proven today, "fixed point in time" can be manipulated; all you need to do is to make the "official" record surrounding that fixed point a misunderstanding and have reality something different. The fixed point in time wasn't that the Doctor would die; it was that he would be recorded as dead. And so, "the fall of the eleventh" will give us all something to worry about for next series, or possibly the series after that depending on how long Matt Smith holds out, and then we'll have another classy example of how prophecies of doom couched in rhetorical dreck and cryptic poetry actually mean sweet eff all in the big scheme of things...

Everan Shepard
10-02-2011, 12:08 AM
Too bad, now you hate it, and you used to love it....
Haven't seen it, so I won't read the spoilers, but at least have some dignity and keep the hate to yourself. Just say you don't like the show and leave it there, don't insult it. I hope you didn't insult it in the spoilers, but don't be such a hater to one of the greatest shows ever. Let me guess, you now hate Murray Gold too.

10-02-2011, 12:40 AM
Am I not allowed to have opinions, now? Or is it simply a case that only opinions that are allied with yours may be expressed? I thought we cleared up all this nonsense before. I have no beef with you but every time I open my mouth and say anything about Doctor Who other than gushing praise, you appear and begin to complain.

Bleating on about "stop being a hater" and "it's one of the greatest shows ever" is really rather silly. I know it's one of the greatest shows ever; that's why I've watched it pretty much since the day I was born. That's why I donated �3,000 to charity in order to win lunch with Murray Gold and Ben Foster. That's why my DVD rack is groaning under the weight of DVDs, BluRays, and soundtrack CDs. If I think one episode has got crap, or even for that matter, one series has not been up to scratch, I will damn well say so; you're free to disagree with me, of course, but do not suggest that I am a faulty person for not seeing it the way you do, and that I am undignified because I chose to speak about it.

How on earth is it undignified to have an opinion, or for that matter, to express it?

Personally, I think it is rather undignified to jump on somebody's head and start attacking them for no reason. I think it's undignified, and childish, to tell somebody that unless they see it your way they should keep quiet. I think it's undignified to restart hostilities (once again) when what really should have happened was a friendly discussion about the episode. Perhaps some comments, some thoughts, some thoughts, some different interpretations, some musings... And what do I get? "Love it or shut the hell up."

This place really beggars belief, sometimes.

And, on the subject of Murray Gold, what on earth does he have to do with how I feel about this series finale? I was actually quite fond of his contribution to this episode (limited though it was; a fair bit of music was re-used from previous episodes, but the original material was for the most part fantastic) and even if I hadn't been, those are different issues.

Expecting me to begin to "hate" a random human on the grounds that he participated in the production of an episode of a TV series that disappointed me, says quite a bit about your dignity, and your maturity, I think.

I've spent time with the guy, eaten lunch with him, gone drinking with him (he holds his alcohol a lot better than Ben Foster does!) and watched him at work. He's a fine composer and a very nice man.

Everan Shepard
10-02-2011, 12:42 AM
I didn't say anything about not having opinions. You know, I'll just shut the F up and leave.

10-02-2011, 12:43 AM
Then why on earth do you attack me every time I express one? Mate, I don't want any trouble or any bust-up - I just don't want to see you showing up and getting antsy with me every time I say something about Doctor Who that you disagree with...

Friend - we're on the same side here. I just thought this series was a bit of a stinker. So shoot me.

*buys a virtual beer for Clovie*

Everan Shepard
10-02-2011, 12:46 AM
I didn't attack you, attacking would have stuff that shouldn't be mentioned in the public. I said my opinion of you're opinion, but ok, you have tastes, I have mine. Calling it a terrible series sort of hurt me a bit.
And thanks, but I don't drink.

10-02-2011, 12:54 AM
No more than it hurt me to feel sufficiently let down by it to actually brand it "terrible"...

Don't get me wrong, as I've said many times, it's had some truly magnificent moments... but this series finale was a bit pants. Perhaps the next one will be better.

I didn't attack you,

Calling me a hater, telling me I'm undignified for stating my opinion, making illogical assumptions about my viewpoint, and putting words in my mouth... all come across quite plainly as an attack. ;)

My understanding of the word "hater" is that it implies somebody who just LOVES to complain about stuff that people love. They'd complain about world peace if it happened just because they want to be a dissenting voice in a chorus of joyous praise. That's not me.

Everan Shepard
10-02-2011, 12:56 AM
Ahh, ok sorry.
I guess you hate haters..... Wait a minute :D
Just kidding there.

10-02-2011, 01:00 AM
Haha! I do rather hate that mentality. I know people who like that. I want to smack them in the head. But, I don't, because I'm not a hater... ;)

Everan Shepard
10-02-2011, 01:04 AM
To me, there's a big difference between hating something and being a hater: Hating something makes you unesasy and angry, but you leave it there when you want. Haters spent the whole lives hating that over and over, trhough internet or with other people.

We just hate them, but we aren't in many forums saying this over and over.

Night Terror
10-02-2011, 01:45 AM
Come on, it was good enough. I've seen worst messes lol

And anyways, I'm liking what's to come. Clovie, I'll put something in a spoiler tag just in case you (or anyone who wants, of course) would like to see it. Nothing major, just a note a character makes in the first 10-15 minutes, before anything significantly important happens. It's actually a hint:

The oldest question of the Universe is hidden in plain sight.

And the music... OH MY GOD. A River of Tears extended? YES! And that song at the beginning? AWESOME. Got a Vale kind of vibe. I'm really looking forward the Series 6 soundtrack! >__<

10-02-2011, 02:21 AM
"Good enough is never good enough" - Anon ;)

It certainly had its moments... I actually rather liked Dorium (reviewers so far didn't) and it certainly sets up some potentially interesting things for the future... I just can't quite escape the feeling that it doesn't live up to the hype that they spent so very long spinning up for us. RTD made me feel like that occasionally, but this series has pretty much done so throughout its runtime. Having a two-part story that serves no purpose other than to deliberately mislead us as to what the finale will be, I really don't like.

Nice score moments. The brassy cue near the beginning (a scene of bony doom, so you'll know what I'm talking about but without me having to say anything spolierific) was brief but exciting. And it was somewhat out of the usual "house style" Gold has adopted. The finale episodes always bring out the best score moments... Less so this year than in previous years, perhaps (due to the single part finale, and the previous episode being largely a character piece that didn't need any big score) but still on the whole positive.

Is it just me thinking that Churchill was SORELY under-utilised? One of the greatest men who ever lived, and effectively he does nothing except ask the Doctor to tell him a story. Obviously he's there as part of the "all of history happening at once" idea - another gorgeous concept that was completely under-explored; the opening scenes were breathtaking... I'd have loved to have spent more time in that world, with cars powered by hot air balloons, steam trains running through the centre of London, and dinosaurs chasing children in the park... but it's Winston Effing Churchill. He deserves to be more than plot exposition. Five episodes ago bloody Hitler turned up and had a more involved role than Churchill, the man who beat his arse. There's something really wrong, there...

Everan Shepard
10-02-2011, 02:38 AM
Also, Dorium may appear later on: HE knows the Doctor before he was fat & blue, at least he said that in AGMGTW. I like that guy, even if River sort of set him to blow in The Pandorica Opens :D
Have to wait one hour to see it :(

10-02-2011, 03:50 AM
Well I loved it :)

10-02-2011, 06:38 AM
I must say that was a clusterfuck of brilliance!!! I loved it despite it being all over the place. I still think that we're being set upfor the return of Omega. There have been way too many hints this season, River was once again wearing an Omega symbol on her jacket. I think that the Silence and Brotherhood have been secretly working for him even if they maybe aren't aware of it. Murray's music this season has been fantastic! I can't wait for the score...and the Christmas special. I also absolutely loved theending and did a facepalm for not recognizing the first and oldest question in the universe!!! Doctor Who? Indeed! Brilliant.

10-02-2011, 08:51 AM
I liked it. :D And funny thing, they must have read the comments here about the confusion of River's timeline cause they spent 15 minutes of the (hopefully not) last Confidential with the "Story of River Song". Nice. :) And the whole "question" angle... it was so freakin' obvious what the question was but i never saw it coming... LOL.

Night Terror
10-02-2011, 10:35 AM
I liked it. :D And funny thing, they must have read the comments here about the confusion of River's timeline cause they spent 15 minutes of the (hopefully not) last Confidential with the "Story of River Song". Nice. :) And the whole "question" angle... it was so freakin' obvious what the question was but i never saw it coming... LOL.

Completely agree on the question part. That was my first guess, but I thought it was just too obvious lol.

"Good enough is never good enough" - Anon ;)

It certainly had its moments... I actually rather liked Dorium (reviewers so far didn't) and it certainly sets up some potentially interesting things for the future... I just can't quite escape the feeling that it doesn't live up to the hype that they spent so very long spinning up for us. RTD made me feel like that occasionally, but this series has pretty much done so throughout its runtime. Having a two-part story that serves no purpose other than to deliberately mislead us as to what the finale will be, I really don't like.

Nice score moments. The brassy cue near the beginning (a scene of bony doom, so you'll know what I'm talking about but without me having to say anything spolierific) was brief but exciting. And it was somewhat out of the usual "house style" Gold has adopted. The finale episodes always bring out the best score moments... Less so this year than in previous years, perhaps (due to the single part finale, and the previous episode being largely a character piece that didn't need any big score) but still on the whole positive.

Is it just me thinking that Churchill was SORELY under-utilised? One of the greatest men who ever lived, and effectively he does nothing except ask the Doctor to tell him a story. Obviously he's there as part of the "all of history happening at once" idea - another gorgeous concept that was completely under-explored; the opening scenes were breathtaking... I'd have loved to have spent more time in that world, with cars powered by hot air balloons, steam trains running through the centre of London, and dinosaurs chasing children in the park... but it's Winston Effing Churchill. He deserves to be more than plot exposition. Five episodes ago bloody Hitler turned up and had a more involved role than Churchill, the man who beat his arse. There's something really wrong, there...

I think Churchill played his role well, as it seemed to be pre fan service.

What has been completely underused is the Silence. Although that may mean they'll show up by the fall of the Eleventh, as the question hasn't been asked yet... It's all sort of strange.

10-02-2011, 10:59 AM
I must say that was a clusterfuck of brilliance!!! I loved it despite it being all over the place. I still think that we're being set upfor the return of Omega. There have been way too many hints this season, River was once again wearing an Omega symbol on her jacket. I think that the Silence and Brotherhood have been secretly working for him even if they maybe aren't aware of it. Murray's music this season has been fantastic! I can't wait for the score...and the Christmas special. I also absolutely loved theending and did a facepalm for not recognizing the first and oldest question in the universe!!! Doctor Who? Indeed! Brilliant.

I agree about the return of Omega , maybe that will be the story behind the 50th anniversary show, dont judge my friend tango too harshly he has his reasons , Im a old Whovian too but , Moonie Loves Everything ;)

Mick L2
10-02-2011, 02:17 PM
I have been terribly disppointed with this series in general. Last year we had a fantastic 2 part finale and a build up over 13 great episodes. This time we had the anti climax of a good man goes to war then the terrible wet squib of the finale last night. Matt Smith is so good and he deserves better. The worst thing was that the episode was so predictable - "Is there anything else we can do for you Doctor?" - my immediate thought was why don't you impersonate him with him inside and, oh dear, I was right.

Hopefully next year will be better.

Everan Shepard
10-02-2011, 04:16 PM
Finally saw it and I enjoyed it to the death!! Dont know why some say it has been dissapointing, maybe 'cause of the way this series was handled: Dividing it in 2 parts and stuff like that.
It was awesome, but not epic. It was more about the Doctor and Time dying.
Instead of focusing in the negative, check the positive: You may find what you wanted this time!
Tango, I wouldn't say Churchil was under-used, since he wasn't Churchill in a way :P
Dorium is great, even if not complete, and I've always likd him. Hope he appears again when he wasn't blue.
I always said that making theories could dissapoint you if what really happens isn't as big as you theorized. So I was brain-blown when the Teselecta turned up as him dying. We all thought it was a ganger and bam!!

Loved the series, loved the score but it wasn't as big or prominent like in the past series. Maybe hearing it without watching the episode will make better, if that's possible.
Now, who's seen any photos of the Christmas Special? It looks odd, especially the new suit for the Doctor.

10-02-2011, 04:53 PM
I'm with you, Clovie. I prefer this type of convoluted yet "simple" and "smaller" story. RTD's season finales were great but they ended up being soooooooooo huge that the end seemed always rushed and over-simplified. Moffat does abuse the whole wibly-wobly-timey-wimey type of story but i for one like it... even if its full of plot holes and paradoxes... or are they?! XD

10-02-2011, 05:20 PM
Now, who's seen any photos of the Christmas Special? It looks odd, especially the new suit for the Doctor.

So far this is all I've found...

( ( ( ( ( ( (

10-02-2011, 08:24 PM
I liked the episode, but it did leave some things unresolved. The alternate reality with the Silence never did happen, so that left a large part of the episode pointless. The Doctor is "dead", but how long does he really expect to stay hidden? It makes you wonder what's in store for the next season. Will he get another companion?

Night Terror
10-05-2011, 09:49 PM
Something I'd like to share, given how well done it is. Contains season finale spoilers:

Tick Tock Goes The Clock (Trock Parody of Tik Tok by Ke$ha) - YouTube (

10-06-2011, 06:11 AM
Does anyone else wonder if River really dies/gets 'saved' now?
I mean with the that clone machine thing you could, technically, have River saved in the real world.

Personally, I hope Jennifer is brought back.

---------- Post added at 11:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 PM ----------

Has any kind of OST been released for SE5/6?

I was hoping to get the 'definitive' collection of songs/themes/whatever to listen to.
I love the 'chase song' - or whatever it's called.

10-06-2011, 10:42 PM
Does anyone have any back-ups of the OPs stuff?
Most of it is dead...

Night Terror
10-07-2011, 05:50 PM
Does anyone else wonder if River really dies/gets 'saved' now?
I mean with the that clone machine thing you could, technically, have River saved in the real world.

Personally, I hope Jennifer is brought back.

---------- Post added at 11:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 PM ----------

Has any kind of OST been released for SE5/6?

I was hoping to get the 'definitive' collection of songs/themes/whatever to listen to.
I love the 'chase song' - or whatever it's called.

Series 5 and 6? Series 5 got a 2 CD Soundtrack last year, and the Christmas Special did get its own soundtrack too. No word yet on Series 6, but since this year the last episode has aired way later than ever, I guess it will be released a little later.

10-11-2011, 05:05 PM
Just a random thought from my brother this weekend:

"I used to hate Matt Smith because I thought he was trying too hard to be goofy and flippant. Now I understand that he's doing a brilliant job of playing the Doctor trying too hard to be goofy and flippant to hide how old and tired and miserable he feels."

10-11-2011, 06:21 PM
Just a random thought from my brother this weekend:

"I used to hate Matt Smith because I thought he was trying too hard to be goofy and flippant. Now I understand that he's doing a brilliant job of playing the Doctor trying too hard to be goofy and flippant to hide how old and tired and miserable he feels."

yeah, you can see it for sure, when the Doctor is alone, or no one on the TARDIS is paying attention to him. In those quiet moments his demeanor changes completely

10-12-2011, 06:28 AM
The thing I like most about Matt's performance is that he seems really genuinely good at making the transition between the serious Doctor and the goofy/happy/excited mad man in the box. This Doctor seems to have finally put aside his guilt regarding his part in the Time War and started to act more like the Classic Doctor's of old. Both Nine and Ten still had the baggage of the
Time War on their shoulders and it effected them. Matt's Doctor reminds me a lot of the Third Doctor.

I've attempted to tweet Murray regarding announcements regarding a series six soundtrack only to not get a response. Anyone else wanna make an attempt? Murray's been on a roll the last two series.

10-26-2011, 11:57 AM
Well the series 6 soundtrack is coming very soon since Silva Screen have teased about it. On Twitter they have tweeted: #DoctorWho Series 6 - #MurrayGold - Silence to be broken soon........

This is obviously them saying get ready because its on its way but how long till its announced i really dont know. But its very exciting! When you think about it the Specials soundtrack was released in October and the Series 5 Soundtrack was released in November So an announcement for the series 6 could be any time now.

10-26-2011, 12:56 PM
yea they tweeted me the same information too, cant wait :)

10-27-2011, 11:57 AM
Doctor Who: Series 6 (2 CD Set): Murray Gold: Music (

10-27-2011, 12:25 PM
YES another 2 CD set which means even more chance of our favourite tracks being on there like "One Small Step" and "Demons Run When a good man goes to war" i'll laugh if they use that title. Now we have those brilliant track previews to look forward to next whenever there released. This is Brilliant news and I really cannot wait to get it.

Everan Shepard
10-27-2011, 12:31 PM
Well, finally.... Uhmm, wait, they're gonna push it back 'till February or something, just like The Specials :D
Hope not, Dec. 5 seems like the perfect date, and again 2 discs!! I bet Disc 1 is 'till "AGMGTW" and Disc 2 'till the finale.

10-27-2011, 12:43 PM
Probably but someone just reminded me that we could see the march of the children track from the next doctor released in the AGMGTW section because it was used in the opening pre titles. I'd love to hear the sirens song and the headless monks attack preyer if it is included.

10-27-2011, 02:01 PM
I put it in my favorites list too keep checking so Ill post as I see , exciting news

another good place to keep checking, I got the Christmas cd from here , they posted it early :)

10-27-2011, 02:08 PM
Thats a great idea. I can't wait for those track previews and track listing. I really hope Jake Jackson includes all the tracks that should be on the soundtrack including fan favourites. I really dont want to see 2 tracks for 2 parter stories like on series 5 with Time Of Angels And Flesh And Stone. Some great music from those episodes and only a segment of rivers path and a suite for the angels was included. If single stories like night terrors and the god complex are getting about 5 tracks then so should 2 parter stories. Its always the 2 parter stories with some fantastic music.

10-27-2011, 05:34 PM
Awesome news. Can't wait...almost expecting it to be pushed back a bit but hopefully it comes out on December 5th.

10-27-2011, 07:11 PM
I just hope there are no production problems that they had on series 5 cd last year and that they don't decide to exclusive tracks to apple or whoever they choose.

10-27-2011, 07:16 PM
I just hope there are no production problems that they had on series 5 cd last year and that they don't decide to exclusive tracks to apple or whoever they choose.

They will probably have exclusive Itunes tracks because the Specials and Series 5 had them and they were both 2 Disks. I do have a feeling that 2 of the popular tracks will be the 2 exclusive Itunes ones. 'Emotions Get the Better of Him' was one of my favourite tracks and when i saw it wasnt on the CD itself i was sad and then i read it was Itunes exclusive and was very happy.

Everan Shepard
10-27-2011, 07:22 PM
And if they post exclusive tunes in iTunes :D we'll see them here to download! I love this place :D

The Doctor
10-27-2011, 10:57 PM
I've seen people complaining about the lack of new music this series. I think the 2 disc set confirms that folks just weren't paying close enough attention to the new material. :D

I really hope the "Where is my wife!?" track from A Good Man Goes to War is on this set. I know it's supposedly from The Next Doctor, but it works brilliantly in that scene.

10-28-2011, 07:53 PM
Silva Screen have revealed the CD Cover art for the soundtrack. Sorry its small but that is the only size silva screen have at the moment. Im sure a better high quality version will be released soon. They have also said that the track listing and track previews will be available very soon.

The Doctor
10-28-2011, 08:19 PM
That's excellent news. Looks like this one is coming together quickly.

I'm surprised by the image they chose. I expected them to use the one with Amy, Rory and the Doctor reflected in the helmet.

10-28-2011, 09:13 PM
Where did they say the track listings and previews would be available soon?

Everan Shepard
10-28-2011, 09:15 PM
That's the cover I always wanted, since that was my fave pic form the Series 6. Let's hope it doesn't get delayed 'till the next year.

10-28-2011, 09:55 PM
artwork not up at amazon uk yet

10-31-2011, 06:24 PM
I have a massssive favour to ask someone who's willing!

Any chance someone could rip the full music from the new Adventure Games?

Doctor Who - The Gunpowder Plot - Music Medley - YouTube (

4:00 is just AMAZING! I've always wanted the Adventure Games Soundtracks. xD

10-31-2011, 06:52 PM
Guys. Dont know if you know this already but jake jackson is finishing up the S6 soundtrack and is asking on twitter for anybody to request their tracks to be included last minute. He's on twitter at Twitter (!/JakeJackson).

One Small Step From Day Of The Moon (I Am The Doctor Variation) HAS To be on it.

10-31-2011, 07:09 PM
I don't have twitter, well I do but I can't remember my password, but would it be possible for you to request the All The Strange Strange Creatures/Doctors Theme variation from A Good Man Goes To War? :D

10-31-2011, 07:14 PM
I Can Try yes. he can't reply to messages but he favourites them to say he will try to include them. Are you refering to the bit where vastra and the doctor are talking about melody and a time lord as a weapon?

10-31-2011, 07:41 PM
Yes, I am! Lovely piece of music. :)

Oh also, I really hope this is included, too.

Doctor Who Series Six - Unreleased Music - Chasing House - YouTube (

10-31-2011, 07:48 PM
Good News. He favourited my tweet about your request. So he's adding it to the soundtrack. :)

---------- Post added at 06:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:46 PM ----------

Yes, I am! Lovely piece of music. :)

Oh also, I really hope this is included, too.

Doctor Who Series Six - Unreleased Music - Chasing House - YouTube (

That was asked by someone else on the replies list so hopefully he will include it. Nice that Murray and Jake are taking requests for a change :)

10-31-2011, 08:07 PM
Brilliant! :D

Thank you so much! EDIT: Hello SpiderDalek94! It's EyelessCougar from Youtube. :D

10-31-2011, 08:33 PM
Brilliant! :D

Thank you so much! EDIT: Hello SpiderDalek94! It's EyelessCougar from Youtube. :D

Oh Hello :D Love your videos :D im just installing the new adventure game so i can do the music selection for you :)

10-31-2011, 09:25 PM
Thanks! :)

And thank you very much, I've tried downloading them, but I have no idea how to get the music. :P

10-31-2011, 10:27 PM
Oh Hello :D Love your videos :D im just installing the new adventure game so i can do the music selection for you :)

Hey, could you please put it as a public link? I'd very much like the music myself :)

10-31-2011, 10:36 PM
I am just hoping to get music from The Girl Who Waited and The God Complex

11-01-2011, 03:13 PM
For anyone interested heres a link to ALL The music tracks from the gunpowder plot which ive extracted from the music and audio folders: Free File Hosting, Online Storage &amp File Upload with FileServe (

11-01-2011, 09:10 PM

11-01-2011, 11:43 PM
Thank you very much!

11-02-2011, 09:08 PM
I don't remember much interesting music from watching the show, but I have high hopes that there'll be a lot of good stuff on the season 6 set. With two discs per season now, plus a whole disc for A Christmas Carol, they certainly are putting out a LOT of music. Impressive that it's being released so soon after the season ends too.

11-04-2011, 02:14 AM
I've not been able to visit the site for a while. Here's another one for you - Silver Nemesis:

Presented in 2 formats:

CD1: Mixed with excerpts, sound effects and bonus demo tracks
CD2: Unmixed, as presented on DVD iso-score

CD art @ 600dpi included

MP3 Mixed: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (
MP3 Unmixed: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

FLAC Mixed: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (
FLAC Unmixed: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

I've finally tackled 'Frontios' - I'd been putting it off because the cues as they were in episode 1 were very disjointed and unmixable. My solution was to move small sections from cues around a bit, so episode 1 is not entirely in story order. Apart from 1 cue on 'Enlightenment', it's the first time I've done this - it goes against my purest streak. But for 'Frontios' it was very needed.

Here's a link to the almost final mixed version (still in mono, no track titles or intro excerpt as yet) for you guys to have a listen - any glaring faults let me know. The final version of this should be posted in a few weeks, with 'Snakedance' to follow after that.

Frontios: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

I've not had access to a computer or internet much over the past few months, so getting stuff put up here has been impossible. But I have recently updated all the CD art for the radiophonic scores, updating some (eg adding track divides where theme mixed into music cue on some albums, adding sound effects that got missed off previous versions), for a final big 'Radiophonic Years' post which I hope to have up soon. I'll keep you posted.

I've just been catching up on the thread - I was intrigued by the almost argument about NuWho, and the Nu Nuwho Moffat era. It's amazing how divided opinion is. Personally, I loved the RTD era, but have really not been enjoying the Moffat era. The magic's gone for me, the stories are too fairy tale, the management of the show almost amateurish (tweeted leaks, broken promises - "You never be more than a few months away from new NuWho..." was used to justify the season break - with a much longer break now planned in 2012.) I'm saddened by all this - I no longer enjoy my favourite TV show. And now SJA is over, TW gone a bit rubbish, I am left with an empty feeling. I live in hope that RTD will be back to write the anniversary special, and take over the reigns of the series again. But that's just me (but I know I'm not alone). But one thing - I still love the music and always will. Really looking forward to the next soundtrack release - all those subtle variations of 'I am the Doctor' - can't wait!

11-04-2011, 10:55 AM
Welcome back DrMatt1974 and many thanks for the share. :D

11-04-2011, 11:53 AM
Thanks DrMatt1974. Love the Dancing Cybermen cover!


11-04-2011, 04:57 PM
DrMatt1974, it's always a pleasure to see you post, and enjoy the results of all your efforts. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

11-05-2011, 09:46 PM
You're all very welcome. I couldn't resist using dancing Cybermen for the cover. These things have to be done! Speaking of which... now that all the 80s radiophonic scored stories are out on DVD, along with tackling the last 3 scores to be done, I'm meticulously going through all previously released albums in preparation for a batch post. This has mainly involved updating all the CD art with the proper 80s DW font, but for 6 albums, other changes have been made:

The Leisure Hive: A very long cue of over 11 minutes has been split into 3, as it was on the official CD release of this score, but rather than separate them with silence, I have left them joined as heard in the TV episode.

Warriors' Gate: I have added track divides for cues that include sections of "Banqueting Music", and added a sound effect left off previous editions - "Respirator Room" - used at the beginning of episode 1. The CD cover has been updated with a different image as well as new font.

The Keeper of Traken: Rather than being attached to other cues, "Nyssa's Theme" and "Kassia's Wedding Music" have been made into separate tracks, a new excerpt has been included before the end theme, and the Master quote that was originally in this position moved to after the end theme. The background colour of the album artwork has changed from blood red to a much darker red to match the colour of Nyssa's outfit.

Arc of Infinity & Terminus: The final cue that mixes into the end theme has been made into a separate track.

The Five Doctors: This album previously only had 3 tracks mixed which seemed a bit pointless and made little difference to the album, so I have unmixed them to make it an 'unmixed' album. Sound effects previously available on the extended version of the soundtrack have been included on this (televised) version to make in the definitive edition of this score. These extra tracks neatly brought the track total to 63 for this anniversary soundtrack.

These updated albums are available to download in zipped MP3 format here:

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

These are final final versions of these albums, the same zip files to be used in the batch post. I will be adding all the radiophonic albums with updated CD art to the MegaUpload folder above over the coming days.

Night Terror
11-06-2011, 03:24 PM
Eww, Series 6 OST oN December 19th? Seriosuly? >__<

11-06-2011, 10:59 PM
Looks like that and already our first push back date. Hopefully there are no more. I'd like to get it before Christmas time.

The Doctor
11-07-2011, 01:39 PM
I'd prefer they not rush it and end up with mastering issues. The WHO CDs have long been plagued by them, from very minor things to outright terrible things. I'd prefer they spend a little more time putting it together if it'll curtail issues.

11-07-2011, 01:55 PM
Glad you're back, Dr Matt! Looking foward to listening to Nemesis. Thanks for all your work!

11-07-2011, 05:00 PM
Woo Hoo thanks again Dr.Matt.!

11-08-2011, 12:31 AM
Well i found this as a suprise but BBC Americas latest video has an excerpt of "One Small Step" (To be confirmed in tracklisting) from Day Of The Moon and ive managed to extract it and here it is for download. sorry about the quality, even at 1080p HD you can never get clear quality from a youtube video. Of The Moon - I Am The Doctor (Excerpt).wav

11-08-2011, 03:10 PM
Could you upload that to a different website like megaupload please, Chris666eden? I cannot get on with fileserve and it froze up on me and now I have to wait over two hours to try to download again.

---------- Post added at 08:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 AM ----------

Also I very much doubt that 'One Small Step' will be on there. Murray tweeted that it was all old music from Series 5 and he thinks it was released on the Series 5 soundtrack. He seems adamant it's not going to be on the next soundtrack. So... go convince!

11-08-2011, 04:11 PM
here's the megaupload link: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

11-08-2011, 05:50 PM
Thanks Chris :) Now who wants to go ask Murray Gold for One Small Step? Even if it's only a bonus iTunes track? I've done so already, maybe he'll put it on the soundtrack if he knows how many fans want it?

11-08-2011, 05:53 PM
Well Both Murray And Jake were taking requests from fans, on twitter last week, for particular tracks and Jake was going to favourite the ones he will add and he faved mine when i tweeted about One Small Step. Its a track that plays at the most important part of that 2 part opening so it does deserve to be on the CD and since its 2 disks, I see no reason why they can't include it.

11-08-2011, 06:11 PM
He favourited mine as well about One Small Step, but today on twitter this happened:

lostzeppo Rob
@murraygold Just wondering if the music from the climax scene of Day of the Moon is gonna be in the new soundtrack?

to which Murray replied:

Murray Gold
@lostzeppo that *particular* scene was made up of music available on the S5 cd :)


John Smith
@murraygold I think you'll find that DOTM track features reused music that WASN'T on S5 AND all-new material. A lot of fans want this one!

murraygold Murray Gold
@WhovianTweets Pretty sure it was all old. It was an edit that happened in the dub...:)
17 hours ago

So... I'm a bit worried.

11-08-2011, 06:22 PM
I bet he didnt even check through the series 5 soundtrack and how can it be an edit? Its not as if they went into the dub, took an orchestral version of IATD first heard in amys choice and then added a NEW percussion layer and choir aswell as a completely new bit. The 4 note version of IATD never made it to CD. Im not having a go at you im just saying that Murray hasnt checked and looked before saying its old stuff which is on series 5. Infact how can he say that when we didnt even get the Choral version of IATD used throughout series 5 and the promotional trailers. If the case is that it isnt included we should all send messages to murray asking for murray to include it someway. Last week they were taking requests from fans for their particular peice from series 6. One Small Step was requested by more than 12 people. So if there taking requests they cant just ignore them afterwards and say this is what you get.

11-08-2011, 06:28 PM
No I agree. Obviously I'm not gonna get angry at him, it's his music and he can release what he wants to, but I'm hoping that he'll at least put it as a iTunes bonus.

11-08-2011, 06:30 PM
Random request - does anyone here have the Special Edition DVD of 'Resurrection of the Daleks'? It occurred to me that the gallery track may have music/effects that I could add to the soundtrack CD. If it does, a WAV rip of the gallery soundtrack would be much appreciated.

11-08-2011, 06:33 PM
Actually come to think of it both iTunes Bonus Tracks: 'Emotions Get The Better Of Him' and 'An Impossible Choice' are lengthy tracks and since 'One Small Step' Is over 4 minutes long which 'Emotions Get The Better Of Him' is then I Think it will be an iTunes Bonus track which would be both good and bad.

11-08-2011, 06:36 PM
Yeah, but we had a couple of over-four-minutes tracks on the actual discs, so it could really be anywhere :/

11-08-2011, 06:43 PM
Yea 'Kiss The Girl' From The Lodger is over 4 minutes long so all we can do is hope, fingers crossed and wait for its approaching release date.

11-08-2011, 06:45 PM
Better yet, we just need to wait for the tracklisting/track times :)

11-08-2011, 06:50 PM
Yes it should be in november if its released in december :D

11-09-2011, 03:07 AM
Further 'final version' radiophonic titles with updated CD art now available:

State of Decay
The Visitation
Mawdryn Undead
Warriors of the Deep
Planet of Fire

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

("Kinda" & "The Awakening" also in MegaUpload folder, but have previously been posted here.)

11-09-2011, 12:56 PM
I dont how much grains of salt is in this but its a shot so go for it guys:

Despite the disappointment that the soundtrack has been delayed from the fifth of December to the nineteenth, there was some pretty good news that hit today, as well. Unlike previous soundtrack releases, Murray Gold is actually giving fans some choice with the Series 6 album's tracklisting. He recently tweeted, "If you want a particular track to be on the S6 Doctor Who soundtrack, tweet @JakeJackson preferably with a link. Finishing up."

Jake Jackson added: "Re Who album. If you can give me an episode and rough timing, will be your bestest pal. I won't have time to reply to tweets, sorry."

So, am I the only one who wants the Silence battle music? Or some of the heretofore unreleased 'I Am The Doctor' variations? I should think not! My advice, to any of the numerous fans who have felt let down over various unincluded pieces in past releases, is to start sending tweets Jake Jackson's way - let's make sure we get all the music we want out of this one!

11-10-2011, 05:00 AM
Here is something fun...Doctor Who characters drawn in Matt Groening style who created The Simpsons and Futurama.

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

I am glad somebody liked them. :) I also have a nice collection of high resolution promo photos from series 1-6 as well as some behind the scenes photos if anyone is interested. :D

I love the simpson-esque pics! :D Thanks for those! I'd defo be interested in promo/behind the scenes photos too :)

Also good to see the S6 soundtrack coming along.. Shame about the late release but nice to see them actually taking requests!

11-10-2011, 06:40 AM
I love the simpson-esque pics! :D Thanks for those! I'd defo be interested in promo/behind the scenes photos too :)

Also good to see the S6 soundtrack coming along.. Shame about the late release but nice to see them actually taking requests!

I am glad you enjoyed them as much as I did, if you would like to see more of the artists work and leave comments check out this blog. Springfield Punx (

11-10-2011, 01:40 PM
The Simpsons and Doctor Who dont mix with me , as far as Im concerned keep the Simpsons out of everything but the Simpsons guess Im tried of it :)

11-10-2011, 06:07 PM
Better yet, we just need to wait for the tracklisting/track times :)

Apple announced yesterday that the track previews length on iTunes have been extended from 30 seconds to 90 seconds and that it only affects tracks that are 2 minutes and 30 seconds or longer. So the Track previews for the Series 6 soundtrack will be longer than the previous 5 soundtracks. :D

11-11-2011, 06:48 AM
The Simpsons and Doctor Who dont mix with me , as far as Im concerned keep the Simpsons out of everything but the Simpsons guess Im tried of it :)

Oh what happened to moony loves everything :D I'm also tired of the Simpsons to be honest.. but mixed with Who it's still cool :D

11-11-2011, 08:37 PM
@moontrekker @wayney2507 Fun fact: the next series of The Simpsons will be it's last, it's been axed. And about goddamn time.

Everan Shepard
11-11-2011, 08:53 PM
@moontrekker @wayney2507 Fun fact: the next series of The Simpsons will be it's last, it's been axed. And about goddamn time.

Yeah, I really liked the old, classic show; the new episodes are very forced and lame most of the time. While Doctor Who is going for the 50th birthday!!! Take that Groening :D

Meanwhile, still waiting for our sweet tracklist of Serie 6.

11-11-2011, 09:35 PM
@moontrekker @wayney2507 Fun fact: the next series of The Simpsons will be it's last, it's been axed. And about goddamn time.

That's not true. The voice actors and producers all took pay cuts back at the beginning of October to prevent its cancellation. It's on for another 2 years at least.

11-12-2011, 12:55 PM
That's not true. The voice actors and producers all took pay cuts back at the beginning of October to prevent its cancellation. It's on for another 2 years at least.

Heh, I guess you're living up to your handle, then!


11-12-2011, 01:50 PM
So anyone know when a track listing is coming down? I'm guessing within the next couple of weeks?

11-12-2011, 01:59 PM
So anyone know when a track listing is coming down? I'm guessing within the next couple of weeks?

I'm hoping it'll be monday. 3 weeks before the previous release date. The 1 or 2 Monday's later the preview.

11-14-2011, 02:30 PM
Ok. Murray's in London at the moment, mastering the soundtrack with Jake Jackson. We can expect a tracklisting any day now.

11-15-2011, 11:23 PM

GerardGroves Gerard Groves
@murraygold Please, please let the epic music from DW Day of The Moon's ending when they are fighting the Silence be on the soundtrack! :)

murraygold Murray Gold
@GerardGroves this music is made up of material that has already been released...

11-15-2011, 11:28 PM

GerardGroves Gerard Groves
@murraygold Please, please let the epic music from DW Day of The Moon's ending when they are fighting the Silence be on the soundtrack! :)

murraygold Murray Gold
@GerardGroves this music is made up of material that has already been released...

AGHHHHHHHHHHHH Murray For The Sake Of Everyone Please go back and listen to the series 5 soundtrack and discover only the overused I Am The Doctor is released on there. What is so confusing is that he was there at the mastering of the series 5 soundtrack so he's listened to every track to make sure its right so he must know that its not on there otherwise he is making the BIGGEST mistake he's ever done.

11-15-2011, 11:35 PM
Do you have Twitter? If you do, go tell him! I've tried twice but he hasn't responded! I even tried Jake Jackson!

11-15-2011, 11:38 PM
AGHHHHHHHHHHHH Murray For The Sake Of Everyone Please go back and listen to the series 5 soundtrack and discover only the overused I Am The Doctor is released on there. What is so confusing is that he was there at the mastering of the series 5 soundtrack so he's listened to every track to make sure its right so he must know that its not on there otherwise he is making the BIGGEST mistake he's ever done.

I get the feeling that he doesnt want that variation or any other versions of it released for some reason. it played twice in series 5 and it never appeared on the soundtrack. it briefly played in a christmas carol but that never got to cd and the day of the moon score is a variation of all the versions before all put together with a brand new section.

---------- Post added at 10:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 PM ----------

Do you have Twitter? If you do, go tell him! I've tried twice but he hasn't responded! I even tried Jake Jackson!

Yes i have twitter and i'll try sending him a message because i find it wrong that jake favourited my request for it and murray's practically saying no.

11-15-2011, 11:39 PM
My request too! I think there actually ended up being about 4 tweets favourited ha ha. (not to mention how many Jake didn't favourite all asking for that particular piece of music...)

11-15-2011, 11:39 PM
AGHHHHHHHHHHHH Murray For The Sake Of Everyone Please go back and listen to the series 5 soundtrack and discover only the overused I Am The Doctor is released on there. What is so confusing is that he was there at the mastering of the series 5 soundtrack so he's listened to every track to make sure its right so he must know that its not on there otherwise he is making the BIGGEST mistake he's ever done.

Now, now - let's get some perspective. Failing to release a drab remix of a piece of music that wasn't very good in the first place hardly qualifies as the biggest mistake in history.

It is essentially IATD with overdubs. Compared to the hours and hours of excellent music since 2005 that remains unreleased in favour of crowd-pleasing crap, it's not that much of a big deal... :)

If anybody is reading this and prepping a response along the lines of "WHAT????????? IT'S THE MOST EPIC TRACK EVER!!!!!!!!!" or "F**k off you boring git!" please save your breath... I've heard it all before. ;)

11-15-2011, 11:47 PM
Now, now - let's get some perspective. Failing to release a drab remix of a piece of music that wasn't very good in the first place hardly qualifies as the biggest mistake in history.

It is essentially IATD with overdubs. Compared to the hours and hours of excellent music since 2005 that remains unreleased in favour of crowd-pleasing crap, it's not that much of a big deal... :)

If anybody is reading this and prepping a response along the lines of "WHAT????????? IT'S THE MOST EPIC TRACK EVER!!!!!!!!!" or "F**k off you boring git!" please save your breath... I've heard it all before. ;)

I Wouldnt say its not good i think its a brilliant peice of music, I just feel that being the DOTM version is all of the previous variations from Series 5 and A Christmas Carol all put together would give anyone the impression that its being released on the Series 6 CD because the individual variations (Amy's Choice And Cold Blood) were never released and would seem somewhat right that its being released all together in one track and i can assure you that this track is on ALOT of peoples favourites list and not Crowd-pleasing crap.

11-16-2011, 11:51 AM
I know it's on people's favourites list; that doesn't mean it's not crowd pleasing crap. ;)

Releasing every single variation of IATD [which in itself is a) not very good and b) ripped off from Mass Effect] - even multiple copies of exactly the same cue with a bit of extra percussion dubbed over the top - whilst ignoring so many dozens of better cues... that's criminal.

Missing this piece off will annoy people, but it's no great loss artistically.

11-16-2011, 12:31 PM
I know it's on people's favourites list; that doesn't mean it's not crowd pleasing crap. ;)

Releasing every single variation of IATD [which in itself is a) not very good and b) ripped off from Mass Effect] - even multiple copies of exactly the same cue with a bit of extra percussion dubbed over the top - whilst ignoring so many dozens of better cues... that's criminal.

Missing this piece off will annoy people, but it's no great loss artistically.

i suppose so. Do you think it might be an iTunes bonus seeing as we have had ones for the Series 5 And Specials Soundtracks? I Just hope that the other IATD from The Curse Of The Black Spot and The Girl Who Waited is included. Afterall it is a new variation and another track im hoping for is the score when Amy's running from Canton in Utah at the very beginning of Day Of The Moon. :)

11-16-2011, 03:04 PM
Some of us like the different variations of IATD , I love it so you can put all of them on the cd as far as Im concerned :P as long as the one that plays when the TARDIS appears in the Oval Office is on there Ill be happy.

love you too tango :) its not crap to us :)

The Doctor
11-16-2011, 03:23 PM
...ripped off from Mass Effect...

Not likely. Murray isn't a gamer, after all. And on top of that, the theme from Mass Effect is only superficially similar to I Am the Doctor.

11-16-2011, 03:31 PM
I made some suggestions to Jake Jackson on Twitter , might be too late, for I Am The Doctor and itunes that might make us happy , a 12 minute suite as a stand alone cue for a dollar :) like they did with Giacchinos Roar!

---------- Post added at 09:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 AM ----------

Not likely. Murray isn't a gamer, after all. And on top of that, the theme from Mass Effect is only superficially similar to I Am the Doctor.

please dont get tango started again ;)

11-16-2011, 03:39 PM
I don't know about the necessity of another variation on IATD on the new CD. On the one hand, I understand the argument that some people may not want to pay for a virtual repeat of what they got on the last CD and Murray has other stuff he'd rather make room for than a remix. On the other, I'm still mildly dissatisfied that the Season 4 disc did not include the Sontaran March from The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky and the frenzied version of "All the Strange Strange Creatures"/"YANA" from the end of Turn Left. I suppose I'll settle into the position that, much like any new Doctor Who material, anything on the Season 6 soundtrack is an improvement over not having a release at all.

[crusty old curmudgeon mode] I think the young folk are spoiled for Doctor Who these days, what with a new series and two spin-offs in production, three or four audios every month, a trio of novels each quarter, and comics in at least four ongoing periodicals. Back in my day, back in the Dark Times from 1989 to 1996, we had to make do with eight pages of comic strip in Doctor Who Magazine once a month and a handful of Virgin New Adventures novels that my local Waldenbooks would have to special order for me. And we were grateful for it! You whippersnappers don't know how good you have it. I'm going to go sit on the front porch now and whittle while I yell at those kids to stay off my lawn. [/crusty old curmudgeon mode]

11-16-2011, 03:43 PM
I made some suggestions to Jake Jackson on Twitter , might be too late, for I Am The Doctor and itunes that might make us happy , a 12 minute suite as a stand alone cue for a dollar :) like they did with Giacchinos Roar!

---------- Post added at 09:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 AM ----------

please dont get tango started again ;)

i have never heard the mass effect 2 score having an IATD vibe till i heard the suicide mission where it does have quite a few similar motifs that actually make it sound like One Small Step. But in any case mass effect 2 was released in January 2010 and Series 5 Was Broadcast in April 2010 so i dont think murray would have enough time to base something similar to a mass effect track and later be used in 2011 for Day of the moon in a space of 3 - 4 months and bear in mind murray composes the tracks way before the broadcast of the Series so he has enough time to finish and have them put in the episodes.

11-16-2011, 03:49 PM
well you guys can argue it and beat the already long dead horse with it , I personally think as I stated before its a great cue and I love hearing it through out the series , IMHO of course , peace everyone :)

11-16-2011, 03:53 PM
well you guys can argue it and beat the already long dead horse with it , I personally think as I stated before its a great cue and I love hearing it through out the series , IMHO of course , peace everyone :)

Oh well we will have to listen to the unreleased extractions of it with all the sfx etc. im looking forward to the god complex selection. That episode had some of the most Weirdest and it excellent tracks murrays done :)

11-16-2011, 03:56 PM
like you said we have youtube there are some suties that fans put togather but not the same , we will live , lets just hope we get a good cd that will please most of us , so far I have been :)

amazon Uk has a good price right now with shipping so I preordered it .

11-16-2011, 04:00 PM
im sure there will be some great tracks on there. one piece that comes to mind is the (Spider-man 2 Video Game style) score from the doctor's wife when the ood chases amy and rory and the junk tardis lands in the tenth doctor console room and in closing time when craig breaks out of the conversion chair and the doctor and craig escape the cybership :)

11-16-2011, 04:04 PM
when it gets closer to December Im sure a track list will emerge and some samples too , look me up on facebook there are lots of DWHO pages unless you are aware already :) Cheers

11-16-2011, 05:18 PM
I don't know about the necessity of another variation on IATD on the new CD. On the one hand, I understand the argument that some people may not want to pay for a virtual repeat of what they got on the last CD and Murray has other stuff he'd rather make room for than a remix. On the other, I'm still mildly dissatisfied that the Season 4 disc did not include the Sontaran March from The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky and the frenzied version of "All the Strange Strange Creatures"/"YANA" from the end of Turn Left. I suppose I'll settle into the position that, much like any new Doctor Who material, anything on the Season 6 soundtrack is an improvement over not having a release at all.

[crusty old curmudgeon mode] I think the young folk are spoiled for Doctor Who these days, what with a new series and two spin-offs in production, three or four audios every month, a trio of novels each quarter, and comics in at least four ongoing periodicals. Back in my day, back in the Dark Times from 1989 to 1996, we had to make do with eight pages of comic strip in Doctor Who Magazine once a month and a handful of Virgin New Adventures novels that my local Waldenbooks would have to special order for me. And we were grateful for it! You whippersnappers don't know how good you have it. I'm going to go sit on the front porch now and whittle while I yell at those kids to stay off my lawn. [/crusty old curmudgeon mode]

11-16-2011, 05:21 PM
Not likely. Murray isn't a gamer, after all. And on top of that, the theme from Mass Effect is only superficially similar to I Am the Doctor.

With the greatest respect, it's not - it's exactly the same. Musically, it's identical. I don't want to get into an argument - it's a simple fact. It's the same theme. Somehow.

Just because Murray's not a gamer doesn't mean he doesn't keep his ear to the ground as regards what his colleagues in film, TV, and game scoring are up to... ;)

11-17-2011, 07:51 PM
It's similar, but I wouldnt call it exactly the same
so I wouldnt call it a fact either
the resemblance is uncanny tho, but that doesnt make me wanna point fingers

Everan Shepard
11-17-2011, 09:40 PM
Ahh, not this again :D

The Doctor
11-18-2011, 04:50 AM
With the greatest respect, it's not - it's exactly the same.

Sorry, but it's not. I can play both pieces on the piano, and they're in no way identical. Similar, yes. But identical? Not even close. The similarities are confined to damn near one bar. The Mass Effect main theme definitely has less in common with I Am the Doctor than the Metal Gear Solid Theme had in common with Georgy Sviridov's The Snowstorm (and I'm still not convinced Tappy deliberately lifted anything from that piece of classical music).

Amusingly, this isn't the first time there has been similarities between Murray's work and video game music. The last half of the Cybermen track from the series 1 & 2 disc sounds like a slightly off version of Ridley's Theme from Super Metroid to me.

---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 PM ----------

I think the young folk are spoiled for Doctor Who these days, what with a new series and two spin-offs in production...

Doctor Who Confidential and The Sarah Jane Adventures have both come to an end, and there's been no word on Torchwood returning after Miracle Day. So at the moment, only Doctor Who is in production. It's a bit scary, actually!

11-18-2011, 04:04 PM
Doctor Who Confidential and The Sarah Jane Adventures have both come to an end, and there's been no word on Torchwood returning after Miracle Day. So at the moment, only Doctor Who is in production. It's a bit scary, actually!

The final three SJA episodes haven't reached me here in New Jersey, so as far as I'm concerned it isn't 100% over yet, and I could swear I heard that RTD and Starz definitely intend to continue Torchwood even if there are no concrete specifics as of yet. Admittedly, that's more stubborn denial than optimistic assessment. Still, there's that Australian-made K-9 series that I haven't seen in the States at all, so call it one-and-a-half spin-offs in production? Even if you don't, there's still the aforementioned flood of audios/novels/comics and their spin-offs still going full-tilt, so my point remains that there's far more than you can hope to keep up with now than Back In My Day(TM) when you had to scavenge for scraps to treasure. It's like the starving kids in Africa argument: "There's a man in Atlantic City who would be grateful to have that 6th Season soudtrack CD even if it doesn't have another remix of the same cue that got three versions on the last CD." I'm gonna go whittle some more and grumble my suspicions that the girl who gave me a haircut last Saturday was on the dope.

11-18-2011, 05:09 PM
I don't think you're missing much regards K-9... SJA and Torchwood feel like they belong in the universe, but K-9 feels like a cheap Australian kids show which features a tin dog that looks a bit like K-9.

I'm sure Torchwood will go on, somehow... I never really got into it, myself, but it does awfully well in the ratings. I think even the Americans liked it, didn't they?

11-18-2011, 08:18 PM
... You do know I can send you video links, download and/or streaming, for those shows. As you say, there's far more than you can hope to keep up with already posted here. And as for that girl who gave you a haircut last Saturday, send her over, I'll check it out for you.

Everan Shepard
11-18-2011, 08:59 PM
I do hope Torchwood continues, and it will cause of Starz ratings and such. Talking about Torchwood, is there gonna be a soundtrack for Miracle Day? The score wasn't that great in the show, but stand-alone might be cool. When they're in front of the Blessing, the chorus sounds cool :D

11-18-2011, 10:22 PM
I will say this about the mass Effect/I Am The Doctor question. I had a friend over the other day. She has does not game, nor listen to scores, but she has watched one or two of New Who. I had been playing the Mass Effect track, just out of curiosity when she came in and said, "oh, you're listening to Doctor Who again?". I said no, and she said"of course you are, that's the music the used for the Doctor". So if it is not identical, it is close enough that a very casual listener identifies it as Who.

Crawford Tillinghast
11-18-2011, 10:37 PM
I don't think you're missing much regards K-9... SJA and Torchwood feel like they belong in the universe, but K-9 feels like a cheap Australian kids show which features a tin dog that looks a bit like K-9.

I'm sure Torchwood will go on, somehow... I never really got into it, myself, but it does awfully well in the ratings. I think even the Americans liked it, didn't they?

I attempted to watch that current K-9 series...didn't make it past the halfway mark of the first episode. If kids enjoy it, then that's cool, but I didn't care for it.

As an American who watched Torchwood from it's beginnings on BBC, I felt a little disappointed with Miracle Day. In my opinion, it dragged on too long, not to mention took forever to get to the point it seemed. Again, this is only my opinion, so I'm not speaking for anyone else. If it continues, I'll still watch it, but hopefully it will be better than the last series.

11-22-2011, 02:26 AM
The first seven tracks:

1. Not As Bad As It Looks
2. I Am The Doctor In Utah
3. 1969
4. The Impossible Astronaut
5. Trust Me
6. Help Is On It's Way

11-22-2011, 03:06 AM
Where'd you find those at?

11-22-2011, 11:04 AM
huh, so we do get the IATD arrangement from the Utah scene, but not from DotM?

edit: going by the titles, all of these tracks are from The Impossible Astronaut, guess they finished mastering that episode?

11-22-2011, 12:01 PM
The soundtrack is completely mastered. Just for some reason we're not getting a full track list yet. Track 3 on disc 2 is "The British Are Coming"

Here it is so far:

1. Not As Bad As It Looks
2. I Am The Doctor In Utah
3. 1969
4. The Impossible Astronaut
5. Trust Me
6. Help Is On It's Way*
7. Another Perfect Prison
8. ??
9. Ap...
10. Day Of The Moon
11. I See...
12. You're...
13. Deadly...
14. Perfect...
15. All For O...
16. The Curse of the Black Spot
17. I've Got M...
19. Run, Sexy
20. Locked On
21. The Chemical...
22. Which One Is The...
23. Scanning Me
24. Ransacked
25. Always with the R...
26. Double Doctor
27. Tell Me The Truth
28. Loving Isn't Knowing
29. River's Waltz
30. Pop
31. Tell Me Who You Are
32. Melody Pond

Disk 2
1. Growing Up Fast
2. ???
3. The British Are Coming

11-22-2011, 12:07 PM
another perfect prison starts out the Day of the Moon tracks I see
I hope it starts out with that beat that also starts off the episode

and each disc handles one half of the season

edit: always with the rory!

11-22-2011, 02:31 PM
I Think Disk 2 Track 2 is 'The Blush Of Love' Probably from the scene when amy finds out rory loves her. Disk 1 Track 17 is obviously 'I've Got Mail', Track 28 is a suite according to the list and the rest is blocked by the edge of the first page. Track 25 is 'Always With The Rory', OMG YES Track 11 is 'I See You' which is what river says when she is on the building with the Silence and Jumps off to escape Canton. Everyone will be happy to know a shortened version of One Small Step plays here so at least a bit of it is included. Track 15 could be 'All For One' Which could be the Day Of The Moon IATD as it sounds similar to One Small Step. Why tease? If they have the complete track listing on paper then shouldnt they have released it by now or maybe they are about to in which case I CANT WAIT :D

11-22-2011, 02:39 PM
so where is the source of this?

11-22-2011, 02:40 PM

I think they will keep updating it quite often.

11-22-2011, 03:12 PM
About "I See You". I don't know if that's the track, it's way after 'Another Perfect Prison"

11-22-2011, 03:27 PM
About "I See You". I don't know if that's the track, it's way after 'Another Perfect Prison"

But 'Another Perfect Prison' could be from the scene when we first see the doctor at area 51. and also remember murray sometimes switches tracks around not accidently but because he believes it works better in that order musically. An example is with the 'Next Doctor' selection. 'Not The Doctor' is before 'A Bit Of A Drag' when they should be the other way round like in the episode.

11-22-2011, 07:37 PM
I Think Disk 2 Track 2 is 'The Blush Of Love' Probably from the scene when amy finds out rory loves her. Disk 1 Track 17 is obviously 'I've Got Mail', Track 28 is a suite according to the list and the rest is blocked by the edge of the first page. Track 25 is 'Always With The Rory', OMG YES Track 11 is 'I See You' which is what river says when she is on the building with the Silence and Jumps off to escape Canton. Everyone will be happy to know a shortened version of One Small Step plays here so at least a bit of it is included. Track 15 could be 'All For One' Which could be the Day Of The Moon IATD as it sounds similar to One Small Step. Why tease? If they have the complete track listing on paper then shouldnt they have released it by now or maybe they are about to in which case I CANT WAIT :D

Also I think "All For One" is from COTBP, going by the phrase "all for one and one for all" it might be the scene in which everyone is transported to the other ship.

---------- Post added at 12:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 PM ----------

But 'Another Perfect Prison' could be from the scene when we first see the doctor at area 51. and also remember murray sometimes switches tracks around not accidently but because he believes it works better in that order musically. An example is with the 'Next Doctor' selection. 'Not The Doctor' is before 'A Bit Of A Drag' when they should be the other way round like in the episode.

That's true. How amazing would it be if it had River's jumping scene then suddenly went into the full 'One Small Step' track?

11-22-2011, 08:01 PM
Also I think "All For One" is from COTBP, going by the phrase "all for one and one for all" it might be the scene in which everyone is transported to the other ship.

---------- Post added at 12:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 PM ----------

That's true. How amazing would it be if it had River's jumping scene then suddenly went into the full 'One Small Step' track?

That could happen because the IATD from that scene starts off with a guitar underscore and then it flows into a quick IATD variation and that would be GREAT. It would work as a standalone track since its over 4 minutes long.
Murray has said the tracklisting is coming soon. but i think it will be announced VERY soon since the tracklisting has been written, the CD's have been mastered and the CD Cover (from the editing shots taken) looks finished.

11-22-2011, 08:23 PM
I am guessing..

The Impossible Astronaut
01. Not as Bad as it Looks
02. I am the Doctor in Utah
03. 1969
04. The Impossible Astronaut
05. Trust Me
06. Help is on its Way

Day of the Moon
07. Another Perfect Prison
08. ?
09. ?
10. Day of the Moon
11. I See You?

The Curse of the Black Spot
12. You're a Dead Man?
13. Deadly...
14. Perfect Reflection?
15. All for one and one for all?
16. The Curse of the Black Spot

The Doctors Wife
17. I've Got Mail
19. Run, Sexy
20. Locked On

The Rebel Flesh & The Almost People
21. The Chemical Compound?
22. Which One Is The Real One?
23. Scanning Me
24. Ransacked
25. Always with the Rory.
26. Double Doctor
27. Tell Me The Truth

A Good Man Goes to War
28. Loving Isn't Knowing (Suite)
29. River's Waltz
30. Pop
31. Tell Me Who You Are
32. Melody Pond

Lets Kill Hitler
01. Growing Up Fast
02. Blush of Love
03. Terror on the Road
04. The British Are Coming

11-23-2011, 04:51 PM

I have a few (non-new series) requests just in case anyone out there can help: 9723773_n.jpg 434723_n.jpg 13617_n.jpg 753570_n.jpg 948450_n.jpg



11-24-2011, 03:38 PM
The tracklisting for the Series Six soundtrack has been announced by SilvaScreen:


The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon

1. I Am The Doctor In Utah

2. 1969

3. The Impossible Astronaut

4. Trust Me

5. Help Is On Its Way

6. Another Perfect Prison

7. Greystark Hall

8. Apollo 11

9. Day Of The Moon

10. I See You Silence

The Curse of the Black Spot

11. You’re A Dead Man

12. Deadly Siren

13. Perfect Reflection

14. All For One

15. The Curse Of The Black Spot

The Doctor’s Wife

16. I’ve Got Mail


18. Run, Sexy

19. Locked On

The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People

20. The Chemical Castle

21. Which One Is The Flesh?

22. Scanning Me

23. Ransacked

24. Always With The Rory

25. Double Doctor

26. Tell Me The Truth

27. Loving Isn’t Knowing (The Almost People Suite)

A Good Man Goes to War

28. River’s Waltz

29. Pop

30. Tell Me Who You Are

31. Melody Pond


Let’s Kill Hitler

1. Growing Up Fast

2. The Blush Of Love

3. Terror Of The Reich

4. The British Are Coming

5. A Very Unusual Melody

6. When A River Forms

7. Pay Attention Grown Ups

8. The Enigma Of River Song

Night Terrors

9. Bedtime For George

10. Tick Tock Round The Clock

11. A Malevolent Estate

12. Night Terrors

The Girl Who Waited

13. Apalapucia

14. 36 Years

15. Lost In The Wrong Stream

The God Complex

16. The Hotel Prison

17. Room Of Your Dreams

18. Fear Enough

19. What’s Left To Be Scared Of?

20. Rita Praises

Closing Time

21. Stormageddon, Dark Lord Of All

22. Definitely Going

23. Over Your Shoulder

24. Ladieswear

25. Fragrance

26. My Time Is Running Out

The Wedding of River Song

27. Tick Tock (Vocal Track)

28. 5:02 PM

29. The Head Of An Enemy

30. My Silence

31. Brigadier Lethbridge – Stewart

32. Forgiven

33. Time Is Moving

34. The Wedding Of River Song

Day of the Moon

35. The Majestic Tale (Of A Madman In A Box)

Some Very Good Choices On There. I Still think that "I See You Silence" could either be the river song on new york building scene or "One Small Step" because in the scene the doctor makes the human race see the silence and kill them and that might be what the track name is suggesting. im VERY interested in this bonus Day Of The Moon Track. It seems like it will be a "A Mad Man In A Box" Variation perhaps an extended version of the AMMIAB from The Wedding Of River Song when The Doctor And River kiss and time goes right. Im also happy about track 27. Tick Tock (Vocal Track) as we can finally listen to the full lyrics to that song. SilvaScreen have said that track samples and track times will be released on monday. :)

11-24-2011, 03:52 PM
Looks Great too me , cant wait :)

11-24-2011, 03:57 PM
Have you noticed how track 1 is 'I Am The Doctor In Utah' is the first track but on the tracklisting teaser image it listed track 1 as 'Not As Bad As It Looks' and track 2 was 'I Am The Doctor In Utah'. So have they changed something and 'Not As Bad As It Looks' will not be included or maybe it will be in the 'I Am The Doctor In Utah' track.

11-24-2011, 04:33 PM
huh I was almost right
except the suite was from The Almost People

Everan Shepard
11-24-2011, 08:38 PM
Nice, love it!! Now we just need the time of each track, previews, and a set-in-stone release date :D

11-24-2011, 09:50 PM
Really was expecting a track called 'Rivers Melody'

11-24-2011, 11:08 PM
Really was expecting a track called 'Rivers Melody'

Same here. I'm honestly surprised that the last track on disc one wasn't named that.

---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 PM ----------

SilvaScreen have said that track samples and track times will be released on monday. :)

Actually it's just a single track clip from an unconfirmed song.

11-25-2011, 03:25 AM
I wonder if there are going to be any itunes bonus tracks this time

Rinnegan Tobi
11-25-2011, 06:55 PM
does anyone know the best place to order the series 6 OST online (quick and careful shipping), because i ordered the Series 5 from Silva Screen Europe and it took a month because the original shipment got lost and they had to send a replacemant shipment and the back of the case was cracked.

11-25-2011, 08:01 PM
I placed my order with amazon UK , the price is pretty good right now and I believe they are better with the shipping times :)

11-25-2011, 10:02 PM
I placed my order with amazon UK , the price is pretty good right now and I believe they are better with the shipping times :)

Yeah, I do too. Shipping is free (with this one at least), if you pre-order and the price changes they charge you the lowest amount (it goes up you keep the original price, it drops you get the discount), and it usually arrives very quickly.

Rinnegan Tobi
11-27-2011, 07:01 PM
can you buy it without using paypal?

11-28-2011, 08:42 AM
My dad is getting it for me and sending it over for my Christmas present. He's gotten me the previous releases as well.

Night Terror
11-28-2011, 03:33 PM
35. The Majestic Tale (Of A Madman In A Box)

I really hope this is the one that sounds when the Doctor dies >_<

Anyways, today it's monday... Gotta search those previews.

Everan Shepard
11-28-2011, 03:36 PM

Teaser track of 5:02 PM, from "The Wedding Of River Song" :D
Actually, it's the whole track! Just to tease us I guess.

11-28-2011, 03:46 PM
They did the same for onwards and released the whole track. Infact that was from the last episode of Series 5 too. :) We have yet to see the track times for the CD's which they said they will be releasing today aswell.

Everan Shepard
11-28-2011, 03:48 PM
Then let's wait and search :D

11-28-2011, 08:50 PM
well this theme itself is very nice

11-29-2011, 02:20 AM
The soundcloud description claims that the music released from 5:02PM is just an excerpt from the track itself. Wonder what else is on the track? The bit with Churchill? Maybe the 'previously' bit?

11-29-2011, 02:48 AM
sounds good cant wait :)

Everan Shepard
11-29-2011, 02:16 PM
Full tracklist with times!! From Silva Screen Records site:

CD 1

1 I Am The Doctor In Utah 1.44
2 1969 2.01
3 The Impossible Astronaut 3.13
4 Trust Me 1.39
5 Help Is On Its Way 3.59
6 Another Perfect Prison 0.53
7 Greystark Hall 2.53
8 Apollo 11 0.54
9 Day Of The Moon 2.43
10 I See You Silence 1.05
11 You�re A Dead Man 1.40
12 Deadly Siren 5.30
13 Perfect Reflection 1.03
14 All For One 3.48
15 The Curse Of The Black Spot 1.14
16 I�ve Got Mail 0.45
17 My TARDIS 1.29
18 Run, Sexy 1.57
19 Locked On 1.07
20 The Chemical Castle 1.30
21 Which One Is The Flesh? 1.39
22 Scanning Me 2.30
23 Ransacked 2.01
24 Always With The Rory 1.22
25 Double Doctor 2.02
26 Tell Me The Truth 3.48
27 Loving Isn�t Knowing (The Almost People Suite) 5.29
28 River�s Waltz 1.50
29 Pop 1.36
30 Tell Me Who You Are 1.52
31 Melody Pond 2.36
CD 2
1 Growing Up Fast 1.21
2 The Blush Of Love 1.22
3 Terror Of The Reich 3.05
4 The British Are Coming 1.07
5 A Very Unusual Melody 2.52
6 When A River Forms 1.32
7 Pay Attention Grown Ups 2.10
8 The Enigma Of River Song 3.58
9 Bedtime For George 2.24
10 Tick Tock Round The Clock 2.11
11 A Malevolent Estate 3.56
12 Night Terrors 1.19
13 Apalapucia 1.29
14 36 Years 0.55
15 Lost In The Wrong Stream 3.25
16 The Hotel Prison 0.47
17 Room Of Your Dreams 1.21
18 Fear Enough 1.17
19 What�s Left To Be Scared Of? 1.00
20 Rita Praises 1.07
21 Stormageddon, Dark Lord Of All 1.33
22 Definitely Going 1.56
23 Over Your Shoulder 1.11
24 Ladieswear 0.45
25 Fragrance 2.17
26 My Time Is Running Out 4.55
27 Tick Tock (Vocal Track) 1.23
28 5:02 PM 2.43
29 The Head Of An Enemy 1.15
30 My Silence 1.12
31 Brigadier Lethbridge � Stewart 2.19
32 Forgiven 2.31
33 Time Is Moving 1.31
34 The Wedding Of River Song 5.32
35 The Majestic Tale (Of A Madman In A Box) 4.24

Is it me or it's quite longer than Series 5? I think both CDs are over 60 minutes! Can someone do the correct adding of minutes? Also, who wants and HQ cover? I do and havent' found any :D

11-29-2011, 04:36 PM
I really do think Track 35. The Majestic Tale (Of A Madman In A Box) is The Day Of The Moon I Am The Doctor When They Confront The Silence And Defeat Them because that track in the episode is around about that long and i think in the mix murray and jake will have removed the short link parts before each different section of IATD plays (For example the Very brief cue when the doctor says "Sorry but your way of time" and then goes into IATD again) This is brilliant and I reckon it will be one of the best soundtracks yet. Am i right in thinking we have more 5 minute tracks on here than with series 5? "Kiss The Girl" From The Lodger is over 5 minutes and i think "Emotions Get The Better Of Him" from Victory Of The Daleks is over 5 minutes too so there were two 5 minute tracks on the series 5 CD and three 5 minute tracks on the series 6 CD. Hurry up and be 19th December already lol :)

11-29-2011, 04:42 PM
I ordered mine from amazon uk so come on December 19th or sooner :)

11-29-2011, 04:43 PM
Wasnt The Series 5 CD Leaked early through the Australian iTunes last year? Do we think that might happen again for the Series 6 CD? Well it wasnt leaked it was released earlier than the UK and America.

11-29-2011, 05:26 PM
"can you buy it without using paypal?"

Yep. You can use Paypal, but you also have the option to just use your credit card details.

Everan Shepard
11-29-2011, 05:46 PM
Wasnt The Series 5 CD Leaked early through the Australian iTunes last year? Do we think that might happen again for the Series 6 CD? Well it wasnt leaked it was released earlier than the UK and America.

Indeed it was, Australia sometimes leakes it a bit earlier. Same happened with the Transformers 3 score, sort of.
December 19, it's gonna be brilliant!

Rinnegan Tobi
11-30-2011, 04:58 AM
Reddishadow: the reason i asked that question is because of people hacking paypal and stealing money from bank accounts.

12-01-2011, 06:45 PM
Reddishadow: the reason i asked that question is because of people hacking paypal and stealing money from bank accounts.

...So, what's your point? That you don't want a credit card to be involved at all? If so, that's kinda how the internet works. You can't just wave a �20 note at the screen and it to work.

Rinnegan Tobi
12-01-2011, 11:12 PM
what i meant is that if i can just put in a credit card for ordering the series 6 ost and not use paypal because some jerk hacked my paypal and took a chunk of money from my checkings when i bought the christmas carol ost with paypal.

12-02-2011, 10:28 AM
what i meant is that if i can just put in a credit card for ordering the series 6 ost and not use paypal because some jerk hacked my paypal and took a chunk of money from my checkings when i bought the christmas carol ost with paypal.

Change your password, and get the multitude of viruses you no doubt have sorted out...

12-02-2011, 11:03 AM
what i meant is that if i can just put in a credit card for ordering the series 6 ost and not use paypal because some jerk hacked my paypal and took a chunk of money from my checkings when i bought the christmas carol ost with paypal.You should use a separate checking account for incoming PayPal. Keep that account always empty. Do your purchases with a Credit Card (not a Debit Card). PayPal is not a bank. It is not governed by banking regulations. I used to be ACES on eBay, I did over 100,000 transactions. And PayPal screwed me more times than all the other services combined. And I do mean PayPal screwed me, not the customers.

12-02-2011, 07:07 PM
what i meant is that if i can just put in a credit card for ordering the series 6 ost and not use paypal because some jerk hacked my paypal and took a chunk of money from my checkings when i bought the christmas carol ost with paypal.

Well, okay then. Then Amazon's your place to go. You can simply create an account, punch in you credit card details, and you're done. Even if you're purchasing from a seller, Amazon works as a middleman, so no-one has access to your credit card account but Amazon. I've been using them for a year or two now, bought practically everything from them since then. Had no problems whatsoever.

12-03-2011, 01:44 AM
Just Spoke to BlogtorWho on Twitter, who got a preview copy of the soundtrack today. He confirmed that The Majestic Tale is indeed 'One Small Step'!

12-03-2011, 01:48 AM
Just Spoke to BlogtorWho on Twitter, who got a preview copy of the soundtrack today. He confirmed that The Majestic Tale is indeed 'One Small Step'!

YES :D so i guess murray gave in and added it :) can't wait. One thing i have noticed the track is over 4 minutes long yet the whole score from the episode is 5 minutes long so one section will have been taken out. Blogtorwho is lucky for getting a preview copy. I Guess we will get track previews on monday then. Can't Wait :D

12-03-2011, 01:53 AM
I think there was a section of it that was repeated during the scene. I think that takes a good 30 seconds out of it so we won't be missing anything :)

12-03-2011, 01:56 AM
I think there was a section of it that was repeated during the scene. I think that takes a good 30 seconds out of it so we won't be missing anything :)

I have noticed how when they record a track for a particular scene they sometime have to repeat a section so it fits timing wise with the scene so really for the day of the moon scene were getting the original. :D Well no complaints from me! Now we in a way countdown to its fast approaching release which is only 16 days away. :D

Everan Shepard
12-03-2011, 02:13 AM
Awesome!! It is different from arrangements of Series 5, the chorus especially. Can't wait!!
Also, was there ever a FLAC rip of Christmas Carol?

12-04-2011, 08:55 PM
Track Previews Are up on amazon and let me tell you, We are getting one hell of a soundtrack :D

---------- Post added at 07:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 PM ----------

We have two yes two versions of the Day of the moon IATD. I See you Silence And A Majestic Tale :D

12-04-2011, 09:39 PM
Damn, really was hoping for this...

Doctor Who Series Six - Unreleased Music - Chasing House - YouTube (

and this...

Doctor Who Series Six - Unreleased Music - Echoes of a Time Head - YouTube (

12-04-2011, 09:42 PM
The First One is Track 19 Locked On but unfortunatly i dont think the second one was added which is a shame since i loved that track for its inclusion of The Pandorica, The Doctor's Theme And All The Strange Strange Creatures. But There Is an amazing choice of tracks :)

12-04-2011, 10:06 PM
Maybe, but the timings don't match. 'Chasing House' is 1:43, and 'Locked On' seems to be less, even with the other music that's included.

12-04-2011, 10:11 PM
2 versions of chasing house played in The Doctor's Wife. The First Version played when the Junk Tardis Leaves The Planet to Chase The TARDIS and the second is when there on the ladder and then when rory says we have to keep going "Chasing House" Plays Again And In The Scene after that Idris says "We have locked on to house". This is where the track name is from. :)

---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ----------

Murray also said on twitter that if a particular track played more than once in the series it WILL be on the soundtrack. Chasing House or Locked On played 4 times: Once in Day Of The Moon, Twice in The Doctor's Wife And Once In The Opening Scene Of Lets Kill Hitler.

12-04-2011, 10:58 PM
If thats true, I wonder if that bombastic opening tune from DotM is in here

12-04-2011, 11:47 PM
I have noticed how when they record a track for a particular scene they sometime have to repeat a section so it fits timing wise with the scene so really for the day of the moon scene were getting the original. :D Well no complaints from me! Now we in a way countdown to its fast approaching release which is only 16 days away. :D

That is why "recording sessions" are different from final film edits. They sometimes loop or track in music, and others they record what are called inserts or patches...

12-05-2011, 12:26 AM
Trust a guy who was at the sessions. They would make a shit album.

"Right chaps, let's play, Cue 1 please."
*orchestra play ten bars*
"OK, again, without the woodwinds."
*same ten bars sans woodwinds*
"OK, again, with the woodwinds, without brass, without percussion"
*same ten bars again*
"OK, next cue please."
*four more bars*
repeat for six hours.

12-05-2011, 12:29 AM
Trust a guy who was at the sessions. They would make a shit album.

"Right chaps, let's play, Cue 1 please."
*orchestra play ten bars*
"OK, again, without the woodwinds."
*same ten bars sans woodwinds*
"OK, again, with the woodwinds, without brass, without percussion"
*same ten bars again*
"OK, next cue please."
*four more bars*
repeat for six hours.

That sounds awful. :(

12-05-2011, 12:45 AM
Trust a guy who was at the sessions. They would make a shit album.

"Right chaps, let's play, Cue 1 please."
*orchestra play ten bars*
"OK, again, without the woodwinds."
*same ten bars sans woodwinds*
"OK, again, with the woodwinds, without brass, without percussion"
*same ten bars again*
"OK, next cue please."
*four more bars*
repeat for six hours.

yea, sounds about right. That's why i laugh at these so-called sessions that get posted....that Troy 1 day session post might come close, i never listened to it...

12-05-2011, 12:48 AM
Haha, it actually wasn't. It was great fun. The process can be a bit clinical at times - it's very much a case of "Get out there, get it done, go home" - which I suppose is understandable when you're paying for a 90 piece orchestra. Actually, it was more like "get out there, get it done, get to the pub" but I disgress... ;)

But a session makes a rough listen. Some folk think the orchestra sit down, somebody hits record, they play an album's worth of music, somebody hits stop, and they all go home. A shockingly tedious process.

And one that they handle with great professionalism. Didn't miss a beat even when I spilled tea on Murray's score!

12-05-2011, 02:05 AM
Well it sounds good to me :)

The Doctor
12-05-2011, 01:06 PM
Wow, some of the iTunes previews are REALLY long. The Impossible Astronaut features over a minute of the track. Some of these sound GREAT. I think the opening two parter genuinely has the most stand-out tracks (based on previews alone), but there's some amazing stuff across the entire run time.

12-05-2011, 02:07 PM
wish the God Complex had more tracks devoted to it tho
'Rita Praises' was not the song I expected it to be heh

edit: also I like some sessions I have hard
or was that full movie soundtrack stuff from PotC4 something else?

Night Terror
12-05-2011, 03:00 PM
Wow, some of the iTunes previews are REALLY long. The Impossible Astronaut features over a minute of the track. Some of these sound GREAT. I think the opening two parter genuinely has the most stand-out tracks (based on previews alone), but there's some amazing stuff across the entire run time.

Thanks for the heads up. Now I know I'm looking for Melody Pond.

God, why is this score so awesome?

Kostas Antonopoulos
12-05-2011, 04:30 PM
Can anyone post a link for the iTunes samples? For some reason I can't find them...

Everan Shepard
12-05-2011, 04:51 PM
Yeah, can't find them in iTunes, so a link would be helpful.

12-05-2011, 04:53 PM
I Come to the rescue hehe :) heres the link Doctor Who Series 6 (Soundtrack from the TV series) by Murray Gold - Preorder Doctor Who Series 6 (Soundtrack from the TV series) on iTunes (

12-05-2011, 07:35 PM
cool makes it a lot easier to guess which parts the longer tracks cover

Kostas Antonopoulos
12-06-2011, 12:56 AM
Thanks Chris666eden!

12-07-2011, 07:48 PM
People outside the UK have received emails today stating that their CD has been dispatched. Is that a bit early do you reckon? Or right on time with the Christmas rush?

12-07-2011, 08:04 PM
I ordered from amazon UK and Im outside the UK so maybe Ill get mine too , I hope :)

12-07-2011, 08:21 PM
Ah sorry. I meant people who ordered from Silva outside the UK got their email. Sorry about that.

The Doctor
12-07-2011, 08:37 PM
I got my copy of the series 4 soundtrack almost a week prior to the release date, so it's not that uncommon for Silva Screen to ship to we across the pond super early. Anyone here getting theirs early? I'm not gonna be able to order it until closer to Christmas time this year unfortunately.

12-07-2011, 08:40 PM
ok at least they are shipping now :)
just checked and Im saving 7 bucks ordering it from amazon uk site. :)

16 US dollars from Amazon Uk
23 US dollars from Silva

with shipping

Everan Shepard
12-07-2011, 10:17 PM
So it's a matter of days now, yay!! I can still wait for 19th though. Also, just maybe I'll be able order all the OSTS soon, if I have the money!

12-08-2011, 04:39 AM
Im looking forward to the new ost, cannot wait, do love me doctor hehehehe

12-08-2011, 01:44 PM
I See You Silence is now on YouTube :) what do you think of the mix? I rather wanted a longer version of the guitar bit but it still sounds amazing :)


12-08-2011, 02:12 PM
anyone order from Silva and got theirs shipped yet :)

I see you Silence repost

---------- Post added at 08:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 AM ----------

I See You Silence is now on YouTube :) what do you think of the mix? I rather wanted a longer version of the guitar bit but it still sounds amazing :)


your link doesnt work , think you need to drop one of the http's :) and what do I think , Im dying to get this soundtrack :)

Night Terror
12-10-2011, 04:10 PM
Lucky people... you're surely getting the CD early!

On another note, and as a little of a fun fact... were you aware that a PS3/PS Vita Doctor Who game is being made?

Rinnegan Tobi
12-11-2011, 07:58 PM
Lucky people... you're surely getting the CD early!

On another note, and as a little of a fun fact... were you aware that a PS3/PS Vita Doctor Who game is being made?

I hope in the PS3 Doctor Who game, that you can fly the tardis throughout the game and that the game has some small hints for what will be in the Series 7 episodes.

12-12-2011, 02:59 PM
Galaxy 4 - Doctor Who Series 6 OST (

Galaxy 4 have the soundtrack now. Just ordered and it's expected to arrive tomorrow!

12-12-2011, 03:03 PM
Galaxy 4 - Doctor Who Series 6 OST (

Galaxy 4 have the soundtrack now. Just ordered and it's expected to arrive tomorrow!

Ive used Galaxy 4 quite a few times. i bought the series 4 specials soundtrack and got it the day after. let me tell you they do the fastest delivery's i have ever seen. unfortunatly i cant buy it yet not even when i comes out on 19th so i'll have to wait longer. unless anyone is planning on uploading it here when they have it though i dont think they will.

The Doctor
12-12-2011, 09:50 PM
Hope someone shares this tomorrow, a lot of folks seem to be on the list to receive it tomorrow. I can't order mine until next month.

12-12-2011, 10:01 PM
People have recieved emails saying there order has been dispatched by Silva Screen, Galaxy 4 have stock of the CD already and since were only one week away from its release, (One Week! Blimey!), i do think it seems likely that people will receive their copies early.

Everan Shepard
12-12-2011, 10:46 PM
So, we can probably get a link tomorrow? O_O
I can still wait a week, but a link tomorrow? O_O

12-12-2011, 10:50 PM
it all depends on if people do get copies tomorrow and if any of them are willing to post a link to share it. we will find out tomorrow but if thats not the case then it dont have very long before its proper release. :)

12-12-2011, 11:22 PM
People have recieved emails saying there order has been dispatched by Silva Screen, Galaxy 4 have stock of the CD already and since were only one week away from its release, (One Week! Blimey!), i do think it seems likely that people will receive their copies early.

Unless they ordered from Amazon, which nowadays are dispatching the day before release and taking 3-5 days to arrive... so I've cancelled and ordered from G4.

12-12-2011, 11:30 PM
Just to let everyone know when i ordered the Series 4 The Specials Soundtrack the site said that it was released on its original september release even though by that time it was delayed till october and when i informed them about the delay they replyed saying they were not told of the update and so thanked me and changed the date to october. It Could be the same with this CD but Galaxy 4 have SUPERB delivery. You order it say today and you will recieve it either tomorrow or the next day and NEVER any later :)

12-13-2011, 02:23 AM
I got mine comming from Amazon UK which is still cheeper with the shipping so Ill wait to save a few bucks :)

since Im electing to wait this time for amazon which tells me a after Christmas delivery (which is good because of spacing out my orders ) Ill relay on you guys for a nice preview of the cds :)

12-13-2011, 03:17 PM
Just checked my letter box and found a note saying that the cd had tried to be delivered. I was in all day and they never tried. Ridiculous as I'm at work all day tomorrow.

12-13-2011, 03:20 PM
obviously they expect you to have a tardis

12-13-2011, 03:22 PM
did the note say that it had been taken to the post office or something? Cause they normally do that if they cant deliver it to you directly.

12-13-2011, 08:08 PM
did the note say that it had been taken to the post office or something? Cause they normally do that if they cant deliver it to you directly.

Yeah it's at the post office. Just pissed off because I paid for next day delivery.

12-13-2011, 08:57 PM
break in and it still counts as the next day!
<.< >.>

12-13-2011, 10:14 PM
Its been...delayed.


12-13-2011, 10:40 PM
Ok, how can it be delayed, if one person just said it is at his post office?

12-13-2011, 11:03 PM
Well mine has been dispatched at 11am today so I'll probably receive mine Thursday at the latest...

12-13-2011, 11:26 PM
Ok, how can it be delayed, if one person just said it is at his post office?
Do you dare mock the gods, baby?

12-13-2011, 11:28 PM
I do not know what that means?

12-14-2011, 03:26 AM
Ok, how can it be delayed, if one person just said it is at his post office?

product safety recall! maybe the music is so awesome it can kill.

12-14-2011, 03:30 AM
Whatever happen to SE5 OST?
Only track I found, working, was 'I Am The Doctor'.


12-14-2011, 08:16 AM
it came out last year?
should be easy to find

12-14-2011, 10:59 AM
Which stores does this seem to be shipping from then? I get paid tomorrow and want to get it ASAP, any suggestions?

12-14-2011, 11:40 AM
Patience, gentlemen, patience - the bloody thing is on the highstreet on Monday! ;)

12-14-2011, 11:50 AM
patience cant compete with hope I am affraid

12-14-2011, 12:15 PM
Patience, gentlemen, patience - the bloody thing is on the highstreet on Monday! ;)
LOLm, maybe I live in the wrong town, but I've never seen a Doctor Who soundtrack CD in the shops within a month of the release date! To this day I've still never seen The Specials one in a shop!!

12-14-2011, 12:26 PM
they will mostly make us wait untill its released which is the 19th , so far :)

I tryed placing my order with Galaxy 4 and they wanted 10 bucks more than amazon uk so Ill wait , money is tight , but yes I Doooooooo want this :)

but Ill wait , patience patience patience Moonie :)

12-14-2011, 09:22 PM
Ha ha, screw you all, I'm listening to it right now ;P

12-14-2011, 09:24 PM
Ha ha, screw you all, I'm listening to it right now ;P
Probably not the best thing to be saying right now. Just a thought... ;)

12-14-2011, 09:30 PM
Ha ha, screw you all, I'm listening to it right now ;P

You Lucky sod :) thats all i can say. :P

12-14-2011, 09:34 PM
all I can say is , links links links , please :) and yes I did order it :)