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09-06-2012, 03:14 AM
So far has been pretty good for torrents.
-You CAN sign up, but you're not required.

MF is REALLY good for downloaders, but shit for uploaders.

I've been hearing about AND using filecloud, and it's pretty good.
-Not sure what it's like for uploader though.

09-06-2012, 10:49 PM
2shared is pretty good...
Has your Dragonfire soundtrack come out yet?

09-10-2012, 01:45 PM
Hey , Anyone Else finding all the Peeje links are dead?

09-10-2012, 02:11 PM

On a spaceship....**all giddy**

Is it just me, or is the 11th Doc getting a bit darker and more dangerous, even this early on?

09-10-2012, 02:54 PM
On a spaceship....**all giddy**
Is it just me, or is the 11th Doc getting a bit darker and more dangerous, even this early on?
No, he is getting darker and darker.

But, then again, if 'Classic' is still relevant then...The Valeyard

Between the 11th and 12th Regeneration.

09-10-2012, 04:05 PM
Well, I don't think any of the Docs would have had too much sympathy for the genocide thing, nor killing a helpless animal, but they used to go to great pains to offer a way out. The Doc had no intention at all of giving him an out in this episode....

---------- Post added at 08:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 AM ----------

Classic may or may not be releavant...

I think the limit on regeneration is artificial (personally), and without the Time Lords, will not be enforced (we shall see0. BUT, the Time Lords were still around for the that they are locked out due to the Time War, and he is in the that history still relevant at all, or is it changed..?

09-10-2012, 04:28 PM
Well, I don't think any of the Docs would have had too much sympathy for the genocide thing, nor killing a helpless animal, but they used to go to great pains to offer a way out. The Doc had no intention at all of giving him an out in this episode....

---------- Post added at 08:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 AM ----------

Classic may or may not be releavant...

I think the limit on regeneration is artificial (personally), and without the Time Lords, will not be enforced (we shall see0. BUT, the Time Lords were still around for the that they are locked out due to the Time War, and he is in the that history still relevant at all, or is it changed..?

Or will the 50th Anniversary see a RETURN of the Time Lords/Last Great Time War?


Carmine Seepage
09-10-2012, 06:30 PM
As for other means of sharing, does anyone have any good suggestions for a free, reliable file-hosting site?

MediaFire is very good and easy to use the only thing is that using the free option no file can be over 200MB IIRC.

Don't know what the full use version is like.

Very reliable as far as my experience goes.

09-10-2012, 06:38 PM
Hmm... do NOT like murdering revengeful Doctor. That's the easy way out and it's not in the Doctor's character. OK, he's killed his share of bad guys when there's no other option, but has he ever actually actively pursued KILLING the bad guy, made it absolutely clear that this was his intention, played psychological mind games with the bad guy to scare him prior to his demise, and shown visible glee as he executed his plan? NO NO NO.

Aside from that, it was 100% better than that mindless trashy drivel Dalek Asylum cobblers from last week.

Incidentally, where was the genocide? Genocide is an attempt to exterminate a race. All the guy did was push the owners of a spaceship out of an airlock and beat up a dinosaur. I'm not saying he's a nice chap or anything, but as Doctor Who villains go (wiping out entire cultures, enslaving humans and using them as raw material for making robotic killers, obliterating the entire human race, etc, etc) he was pretty tame. Harriet Jones did basically the same thing to the retreating Sycorax, and all she got was some patented David Tennant grimacing and a spot of career trouble.

09-10-2012, 07:51 PM
Tango, it was stated that ALL the Silurians on board were woken up from stasis in small groups, and chucked out the airlocks. A LOT of them, apparently. As for Doc DELIBERATELY plotting a baddie's demise..yes. In Remembrance Of The Daleks, he definitely had a long term plan set up in order to wipe out the Daleks. He was regretful, and tried to offer a way out, but carried it out none the less. To a lesser degree in Genesis, his mission was to destroy the Daleks....and he did give it a half hearted try...In the Vervoid thing with the 6th Doc, he did wipe out the entire race...oh, I can't remember the name now, but that one where Britains remains were on the back of the space creature? He was prepared to kill (or lobotonize) that thing too, as much as it pained and disgusted him..but I think Remembrance is the prime example of actual plotting of demises

---------- Post added at 11:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 AM ----------

I get the feeling that perhaps he's just getting too tired of all the bad stuff. Worn out, and drained of optimism. Also, this thing with the visits with the Ponds getting further apart has me wondering. We know the Ponds are leaving somehow, and i wonder if Doc knows the ultimate end? Or, is just trying to avoid the eventual goodbye? One nice thing, all these gape without companions certainly leaves plenty of wiggle room for unseen adventures, and ages etc...

09-10-2012, 09:18 PM
I know - but killing a few hundred Silurians is not genocide. Killing all Silurians or tyring to kill all Silurians is genocide. This is just a case that a guy wanted the ship and cargo but was less interested in the people on board so he got rid of them in a particularly cruel way. Definitely unpleasant, but in comparison to the Doctor's previous foes, hardly noteworthy. His history with and distaste for the Daleks is well known but he even gives them a chance. Suffocate a bunch of Silurians (themselves enemies of the Doctor) and punch a dinosaur in the nose, and THAT'S IT, SHIT JUST GOT SERIOUS. You goin' DOOOOOOOWN you nasty man! I'm gonna get some Indians to fire three big missiles up your arse. How do you like that, bitch?

Putting this into perspective, it's like a mad Cyberman blowing up a few hundred Daleks for no particular reason and the Doctor responds by torturing, tormenting, and murdering the guilty Cyberman in a maniacal display of vengeful fury.

Oh, well. Sometimes you just need to get a guy to act completely out of his fifty-year-established character for a cheap thrill and a speedy conclusion to a not-particularly-well-thought-out episode. ;)

I, too, wonder how the Pond family will exit... but I expect whatever it is will be handled with some clumsy faux-emotional Moffat slop, the Doctor will say "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" / "Oh, Amy! The girl who waited!", Amy will sob, Rory will look dumbfounded and stupid, and something twisty and unexpected will happen - all accompanied by an over-wrought soundtrack of backwards fading piano chords, moody electric guitars, and minor key strings. Then the Doctor will wander off looking world-weary, crestfallen and upset, we'll get some dramatic bassy heartbeat sounds effects and a vague, fast-cut montage of clips from the next episode / series / Christmas special accompanied by slamming noises, and that'll be that.

Oh, dear... being such a Who pessimist really doesn't make me feel good... but I guess somebody has to do it. :)

09-10-2012, 09:30 PM
Haha…flip a coin on any given day and I would tell you rebooted Who is either manufactured pablum for Planet ADHD or utterly sublime nonsense (although during Moffat's reign I've been known to hold both opinions simultaneously during the course of an episode).

09-10-2012, 10:35 PM
What? Tango, is Mr. Gold losing his shine for you too? THAT is a bummer...:(

(Technically, they shot the trike and killed least that was my interpretation..) Although, I think he just didn't have the time for another solution. I think, had baddie been willing to compromise, Doc COULD have just set the smaller ship on auto and fired it off, but baddie refused, so oh well..?

09-10-2012, 10:39 PM
Silurians AREN'T his enemy, just members of different tribes.

09-10-2012, 10:52 PM
True, we know he is very close to at least one, and many of them came to his aide last season. Though when and where this relationship came about have not been documented thus far...

09-11-2012, 12:17 AM
Here you go guys & gals:

Vengeance on Varos (Special Edition Soundtrack)
Music by Jonathan Gibbs
BBC Radiophonic Workshop

20 track mixed version in glorious true stereo downmix from 5.1 surround isolated score, with introductory excerpt [2 Channel Stereo MP3 320kbps]
47 track unmixed version - sampled from the original mono isolated score [1 Channel Mono MP3 160kbps]

MEDIAFIRE (115.88MB ZIP file) (

Password: GoldenSands

FLAC and CD art to follow (possibly with some delay due to injury).

09-11-2012, 12:56 AM
Here you go guys & gals:

Vengeance on Varos (Special Edition Soundtrack)
Music by Jonathan Gibbs
BBC Radiophonic Workshop

20 track mixed version in glorious true stereo downmix from 5.1 surround isolated score, with introductory excerpt [2 Channel Stereo MP3 320kbps]
47 track unmixed version - sampled from the original mono isolated score [1 Channel Mono MP3 160kbps]

MEDIAFIRE (115.88MB ZIP file) (

Password: GoldenSands

FLAC and CD art to follow (possibly with some delay due to injury).

Thank you so much for doing these. I have always liked the Classic Series soundtracks and I am so glad i can listen to them because of your hard work (used to find you work on the green imp site before it closed)

I hope that you recover from your injury

Carmine Seepage
09-11-2012, 06:32 PM
Awesome as always DM!

I don't know you criteria for which order to tackle them in but obviously as this never had an iso-score before it's nice to have this one first.

Hope you have a quick recovery and from a selfish standpoint can't wait for your others like Dragonfire, Greatest Show and whatever else you want to revisit.

Other than that it's pretty close to the finish from an overall standpoint as I don't think there is anything else much coming out in iso besides one would presume Terror of the Zygons.

09-11-2012, 10:55 PM
Awesome as always DM!

I don't know you criteria for which order to tackle them in but obviously as this never had an iso-score before it's nice to have this one first.

Hope you have a quick recovery and from a selfish standpoint can't wait for your others like Dragonfire, Greatest Show and whatever else you want to revisit.

Other than that it's pretty close to the finish from an overall standpoint as I don't think there is anything else much coming out in iso besides one would presume Terror of the Zygons.

My criteria is a very confused affair - not even sure I understand it. But it does tend to veer towards scores I really like and are easy to do lol! Varos was an absolute pleasure with few complications, after my day's plans were ruined due to accidentally cutting my hand open, and being stuck at home, one-handed, with nothing better to do lol!

The only tricky bit on Varos was isolating the opening theme from the first cue, which I achieved by finding a cue that had the same opening 2 bars (albeit a good few semitones higher) and mixing between the two. The pitch-shifted cue was lacking the high-range strings from the first cue, and as such they fade in slightly later and more slowly than the original soundtrack. Many cues flowed well together as longer tracks, hence the lower than usual track count on the mixed version. But there were a few very odd and short cues that didn't seem to work in any way, and so I nearly left them out (the brief 3 notes electric piano at the end of track 7 being a good example). Listening to it today on headphones, I did notice what sounded like an error on the original 5.1 - 11 seconds into track 3, reverb from an 'instrument' on the right suddenly switches to centre. A minor thing, and not one I can do much about. Hasn't stopped me having the album on repeat since I finished it - I really love this score, much more than I thought I would.

As for what gets priority next...

Dragonfire lost its appeal when I discovered how poor the iso-score sound quality was. I did start work on it, and had no choice but to use the first few bars of the first cue from 'Black Light' - an album that suffers from really bad noise and clicks from the cassette master. But even after applying huge amounts of noise reduction, it was still better quality than the iso-score, and I had to soften it even further to match. But I did find an intro to a cue on 'Black Light' that wasn't on the iso-score, so added it in. The album is half-cooked, and most likely the one I'll finish next, unless Terror of the Zygons gets a rush DVD release.

The iso-score on Greatest Show is an odd affair - being a mix of the incidental music and background circus music, with it impossible to isolate much of the score as a result, even shorter cues that were left off the official CD release. So I'm not quite sure what to do apart from a slightly doctored re-release of the official CD, with added excerpts and sound effects. Maybe do a second disc of the entire iso-score for the purists. But it's not something I'd be able to listen to as a music album, so I'm not sure.

Stories I need to revisit urgently are: The Silurians which I only ever saved in MP3 format, and The Curse of Fenric - having lost the CD I originally made, now only available in MP3 like The Silurians). Once those are done, I can move onto Special Editions of older releases currently without unmixed CD2s.

09-11-2012, 11:17 PM
Silurians AREN'T his enemy, just members of different tribes.

Silurians may not be the Doctor's most fearsome enemy, but I'd definitely class them as enemies in most of their encounters. They were even part of the "Operation Stick The Doctor In The Pandorica For No Bloody Reason". Since they teamed up with the Daleks, Cybermen, and every bad guy the Doctor has ever encountered in order to lock in up in prison, I think it's safe to say he's not their favourite Time Lord and vice versa.

Amanda: What? Tango, is Mr. Gold losing his shine for you too? THAT is a bummer...

Sad, but true. It just doesn't do it for me like it used to. Murray and Ben are nice guys and they're very talented but the Who scores are getting so bloody tired now. Not to mention my lack of respect for the shameless thievery that's gone on (Love Don't Roam = Al Wilson's The Snake, The Stowaway = The Pogues Fairytale Of New York, I Am The Doctor = Mass Effect, etc, etc) is just really putting me off the whole damn thing.

09-14-2012, 11:14 PM
My criteria is a very confused affair - not even sure I understand it. But it does tend to veer towards scores I really like and are easy to do lol! Varos was an absolute pleasure with few complications, after my day's plans were ruined due to accidentally cutting my hand open, and being stuck at home, one-handed, with nothing better to do lol!

The only tricky bit on Varos was isolating the opening theme from the first cue, which I achieved by finding a cue that had the same opening 2 bars (albeit a good few semitones higher) and mixing between the two. The pitch-shifted cue was lacking the high-range strings from the first cue, and as such they fade in slightly later and more slowly than the original soundtrack. Many cues flowed well together as longer tracks, hence the lower than usual track count on the mixed version. But there were a few very odd and short cues that didn't seem to work in any way, and so I nearly left them out (the brief 3 notes electric piano at the end of track 7 being a good example). Listening to it today on headphones, I did notice what sounded like an error on the original 5.1 - 11 seconds into track 3, reverb from an 'instrument' on the right suddenly switches to centre. A minor thing, and not one I can do much about. Hasn't stopped me having the album on repeat since I finished it - I really love this score, much more than I thought I would.

As for what gets priority next...

Dragonfire lost its appeal when I discovered how poor the iso-score sound quality was. I did start work on it, and had no choice but to use the first few bars of the first cue from 'Black Light' - an album that suffers from really bad noise and clicks from the cassette master. But even after applying huge amounts of noise reduction, it was still better quality than the iso-score, and I had to soften it even further to match. But I did find an intro to a cue on 'Black Light' that wasn't on the iso-score, so added it in. The album is half-cooked, and most likely the one I'll finish next, unless Terror of the Zygons gets a rush DVD release.

The iso-score on Greatest Show is an odd affair - being a mix of the incidental music and background circus music, with it impossible to isolate much of the score as a result, even shorter cues that were left off the official CD release. So I'm not quite sure what to do apart from a slightly doctored re-release of the official CD, with added excerpts and sound effects. Maybe do a second disc of the entire iso-score for the purists. But it's not something I'd be able to listen to as a music album, so I'm not sure.

Stories I need to revisit urgently are: The Silurians which I only ever saved in MP3 format, and The Curse of Fenric - having lost the CD I originally made, now only available in MP3 like The Silurians). Once those are done, I can move onto Special Editions of older releases currently without unmixed CD2s.

Hiya Dr Matt, hope the hand heals soon. I managed to track you down after Demonoid when west as there aint many soundtracks left and as you have a few re releases to come. You work will always be superb and I wait with bated breath each new release, yours grovellingly ... Phil

09-18-2012, 08:25 AM

Get well soon Dr. Matt!

09-30-2012, 10:40 AM
AAAAAAAAGGGHHhhh...Amy, Rory...aaaaaahhhhh..:( :( :sad:

09-30-2012, 11:50 AM
AAAAAAAAGGGHHhhh...Amy, Rory...aaaaaahhhhh..:( :( :sad:

I'm GLAD they're finally gone.

09-30-2012, 12:06 PM
Would it be possible to stay on topic, aka the music of the series, and not to discuss the current episodes ? Some of us don't have the possibility to watch the episodes as they air and don't want to stumble onto any spoilers. Thanks.

09-30-2012, 12:39 PM
Would it be possible to stay on topic, aka the music of the series, and not to discuss the current episodes ? Some of us don't have the possibility to watch the episodes as they air and don't want to stumble onto any spoilers. Thanks.

Surely if we're discussing the music it's not safe to be here either? For instance, what great music tonight when... And also when... We can't really discuss the music either if we're scared of giving people spoilers.

09-30-2012, 12:52 PM
Would it be possible to stay on topic, aka the music of the series, and not to discuss the current episodes ? Some of us don't have the possibility to watch the episodes as they air and don't want to stumble onto any spoilers. Thanks.

I am not giving spoilers at all. It is common Knowledge this is the Pond's last trip. How or why, not spoken of, I am just sad to see them go. As for the music, there is quite a bit I liked tonight, but nothing I can discuss, if we are to be spoiler free.

And, I might add, this thread has often been used to discuss the sries itself. But, of course i had no intention to be specific, but if you are worried about spoilers, you should not read this, nor facebook, nor...well anything on the internet. It is all over. I deliberately avoid the Who blogs for this very reason.

09-30-2012, 01:01 PM
You can at least use the "spoilers" tag... I knew the Ponds were about to leave but I didn't know yesterday's episode was THE episode.

09-30-2012, 01:12 PM
I have no intention of using spoiler tags for a smiley.
Well, EVERY commercial break has been touting that. It is the last episode until Christmas. And, if you keep at me, I will discuss details. I did not spoil anything, I just posted a sad smiley, but if you want me to elaborate, I certainly will.[COLOR="Silver"]


09-30-2012, 02:09 PM
Murray's on fire again...I can't wait for the series seven score.

09-30-2012, 02:29 PM
Wow, we have to use a spoiler tag to discuss in which episode number a particular event (which itself, is well known) is going to take place? Crikey...

As for the episode, hated it, hated every single last minute of it. Pleased to see the back of the Pond family. What goodness there was in the episode, Murray Gold completely undermined with insensitive, intrusive, cliched score.

Here ends my love affair with Doctor Who. It's been a fun ride. I've given this series a fair crack, but it's obviously just not for me any more. Oh, well.

If I may quote a certain pessimistic bastard; his prophetic words from three weeks ago sadly ring true:

I, too, wonder how the Pond family will exit... but I expect whatever it is will be handled with some clumsy faux-emotional Moffat slop, the Doctor will say "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" / "Oh, Amy! The girl who waited!", Amy will sob, Rory will look dumbfounded and stupid, and something twisty and unexpected will happen - all accompanied by an over-wrought soundtrack of backwards fading piano chords, moody electric guitars, and minor key strings. Then the Doctor will wander off looking world-weary, crestfallen and upset, we'll get some dramatic bassy heartbeat sounds effects and a vague, fast-cut montage of clips from the next episode / series / Christmas special accompanied by slamming noises, and that'll be that.

10-01-2012, 07:46 AM
I have to say it: if you're on this forum, you've likely done some piracy in your time. There's no excuse to not have seen the newest episodes! They're very widely out there on the Internet.

10-01-2012, 12:35 PM
As for the episode, hated it, hated every single last minute of it. Pleased to see the back of the Pond family. What goodness there was in the episode, Murray Gold completely undermined with insensitive, intrusive, cliched score.
Minus the music...I'm the complete opposite.

This was probably the best episode of the season, thus far, at least for me.

10-01-2012, 12:49 PM
I'm a sap. I thought it was heartwrenching. Spoiled only by one really over the top no-way sight gag. I mean, that thing, EVERY minute is beig looked at by someone, so how...?

10-01-2012, 02:24 PM
I'm a sap. I thought it was heartwrenching. Spoiled only by one really over the top no-way sight gag. I mean, that thing, EVERY minute is beig looked at by someone, so how...?

Horrifying concept: A Weeping Angel with a Perception Filter...

10-02-2012, 12:51 AM
The music was pretty underwhelming for their exit, but then again their exit was underwhelming in general. Rory doesn't even get to say goodbye and just vanishes, whilst Amy gets the whole sobbing speech. Afterwards there's no heartfelt scene with Rory's dad discussing it all, there's no scene sat with Amelia on her suitcase telling her the stories of a man waiting 2000 years etc, and there's no shot of the Doctor alone...none of the sequences that typically create an emotional Doctor Who sequence occurred. And instead we have a voice over, a still image, and the credits... so whilst the Angels plot was the best of the series, the exit and handling of it's emotions was very poor.

Yet again we were promised a death, and instead we got a "death". Just like Rose's "death" and Donna's "death"... at least classic Who had the guts to kill off Adric...

10-02-2012, 02:43 AM
Here you go guys & gals:

Vengeance on Varos (Special Edition Soundtrack)
Music by Jonathan Gibbs
BBC Radiophonic Workshop

20 track mixed version in glorious true stereo downmix from 5.1 surround isolated score, with introductory excerpt [2 Channel Stereo MP3 320kbps]
47 track unmixed version - sampled from the original mono isolated score [1 Channel Mono MP3 160kbps]

MEDIAFIRE (115.88MB ZIP file) (

Password: GoldenSands

FLAC and CD art to follow (possibly with some delay due to injury).

Bless you, DrMatt. Appreciated so much! :)

Richard Baker
10-03-2012, 12:32 AM
Bless you, DrMatt. Appreciated so much! :)

Love that little PS at the end of track 20 of the mixed soundtrack...

10-03-2012, 09:48 AM
I don't remember Moffat ever saying that Amy and Rory were going to die. In fact wasn't that one of the speculations regarding their departure? Just how they were going to depart?

Carmine Seepage
10-12-2012, 04:32 PM
To tide people over to the next DM release here are some DW related Radiophonic Workshop material:

All titles are from album with remastering from the very nice fellow who put them up.

Ripping Yarns (

These are merely a few selections but there is much more.

Doctor Who: 30 Years at the Radiophonic Workshop:

manford36borough_071.rar (

Space Invaded BBC Space Themes:

manford36borough_036.rar (

Fourth Dimension - Paddy Kingsland

manford36borough_034.rar (

Through A Glass Darkly - Peter Howell

manford36borough_033.rar (

The Soundhouse - The 1983 RWS 25th Anniversary Album

manford36borough_020.rar (

BBC Radiophonic Workshop - 21: The 1979 21st Anniversary Album

manford36borough_019.rar (

BBC Space Themes

manford36borough_016.rar (

Out Of This World Atmospheric Sounds and Effects from The BBC Radiophonic Workshop

manford36borough_014.rar (

Sound Effects No.26 Sci-Fi Sound Effects

manford36borough_013.rar (

The Body In Question - Peter Howell

manford36borough_001.rar (

Legend - Peter Howell

manford36borough_078.rar (

BBC Sound Effects No.27 - Even More Death and Horror

manford36borough_065.rar (

BBC Sound Effects No. 21 - More Death And Horror

manford36borough_060.rar (

BBC Sound Effects Vol.13 - Death & Horror

manford36borough_057.rar (

BBC Sound Effects Vol.23 Relaxing Sounds

manford36borough_007.rar (

World Of Sound, a 75th Anniversary collection of theme tunes from BBC radio and television

manford36borough_046.rar (

Sutekh The Destroyer
10-15-2012, 05:02 PM
Copy of Space Invaded - THANK YOU SO MUCH! I had this on BBC cassette when I was a kid :)

10-16-2012, 03:39 AM
This may be early for this, but how long does it take before scores for the most recent episodes should show up?

10-18-2012, 03:04 AM
Are you talking about NuWho series 7? Because that won't be out until the soundtrack is out. Xmas 2011 will also be in it. Not sure if it will be held back until series 7 is complete (seems likely--which means late next year) or this half-series.

10-20-2012, 04:28 AM
Just watched 'Angels Take Manhattan'. Wow. One can only hope the music makes it onto any official release!

10-28-2012, 07:06 PM
We *cough*pirate*cough* Whovians have been hit very hard recently (in the past year, we'll say)...

With Megaupload being taken from us (and some of the re-ups for the soundtracks on the first page also gone Paradise Towers) and then Demonoid (seemingly the only true source for the DVD ISOs and VIDEO_TSs for the original series...and now I'm cut off and cannot afford to buy the new ones due to employment cutbacks...JUST when the DVD releases were getting to the REALLY good ones...ARGH!!!!).

One shudders at the thought of what will happen next?

John "Hawkeye"

P.S. I'm an honest "pirate", I purchased at least 30 of the original DVDs before coming upon the ISOs through BitTorrent. :-P

10-28-2012, 09:48 PM
can anyone re-up the A Christmas Carol -link please

Carmine Seepage
10-29-2012, 06:04 PM
From the music and sound effects suites on the photo galleries. I've taken the most interesting ones in terms of overall effect some are not here because they lack enough sound variety to be interesting enough. Also added some other tracks of music from the story where appropriate.

Doctor Who - Original Music (The 1st Doctor)

01 An Unearthly Child
02 The Daleks
05 The Keys of Marinus
07 The Sensorites
09 Planet of Giants
11 The Rescue
12 The Romans
13 The Web Planet
15 The Space Museum
17 The Time Meddler
22 The Massacre 1
22 The Massacre 2
22 The Massacre 3
23 The Ark
27 The War Machines

DWOM1.rar (

Doctor Who - Original Music (The 2nd Doctor)

32 The Underwater Menace
34 The Macra Terror 1
34 The Macra Terror 2
37 The Tomb of the Cybermen
41 The Web of Fear 1
41 The Web of Fear 2
41 The Web of Fear 3
44 The Dominators
45 The Mind Robber
46 The Invasion
47 The Krotons
48 The Seeds of Death
50 The War Games

DWOM2.rar (

10-29-2012, 09:55 PM
To tide people over to the next DM release here are some DW related Radiophonic Workshop material:

All titles are from album with remastering from the very nice fellow who put them up.

Ripping Yarns (

These are merely a few selections but there is much more.

Doctor Who: 30 Years at the Radiophonic Workshop:

manford36borough_071.rar (

Space Invaded BBC Space Themes:

manford36borough_036.rar (

Fourth Dimension - Paddy Kingsland

manford36borough_034.rar (

Through A Glass Darkly - Peter Howell

manford36borough_033.rar (

The Soundhouse - The 1983 RWS 25th Anniversary Album

manford36borough_020.rar (

BBC Radiophonic Workshop - 21: The 1979 21st Anniversary Album

manford36borough_019.rar (

BBC Space Themes

manford36borough_016.rar (

Out Of This World Atmospheric Sounds and Effects from The BBC Radiophonic Workshop

manford36borough_014.rar (

Sound Effects No.26 Sci-Fi Sound Effects

manford36borough_013.rar (

The Body In Question - Peter Howell

manford36borough_001.rar (

Legend - Peter Howell

manford36borough_078.rar (

BBC Sound Effects No.27 - Even More Death and Horror

manford36borough_065.rar (

BBC Sound Effects No. 21 - More Death And Horror

manford36borough_060.rar (

BBC Sound Effects Vol.13 - Death & Horror

manford36borough_057.rar (

BBC Sound Effects Vol.23 Relaxing Sounds

manford36borough_007.rar (

World Of Sound, a 75th Anniversary collection of theme tunes from BBC radio and television

manford36borough_046.rar (

Absolutely fantastic post. Brings back many happy memories. Thank you so much!

10-31-2012, 11:03 AM
Demonoid (seemingly the only true source for the DVD ISOs and VIDEO_TSs for the original series...

Check Filestube for a handful of DVD9s (see War, Kettlewell's creation, Castro, Logo, Unearth, Pepperpots--use Rapid8 to acquire faster) and then get an account for (PM me for invite). Unfortunately, the latter, while they have a nice chunk of them, has a rule that if some idiot puts up the DVD5 that is available ratio-free all over the web, nobody can impede on their upload ratio turf with the true, full DVD9s (we can only hope for Revisitations). The condition is that you have to keep a strict ratio and the only freebies are mostly a lot of British soaps and the occasional documentary. Fortunately, you just need to let them occupy your harddrive for a while and you don't have to actually watch them.

Suffice to say, with which items are getting revisited and released last, I'm very close to having a complete set of Doc #3. The ones that are really a pain to get are NuWho. Nobody seems interested in giving the PAL DVD9s outside of a few of the more recent. Though having the NTSC of S2D1 allowed me to marry the correct audio for CiN to a rip from the PAL (the previously seen segment has to be disposed of, though, as it's not the same). The NTSC discs with their 29 fps really do look a bit sh*t if you compare them to the proper PAL 25 fps, though. The Classic discs are particularly noticeable in regards to the frame-rate looking noticeably wrong.

11-01-2012, 08:59 PM
Hello DrMatt

The Two Doctors link is dead, can you help with that?

Many thanks!

11-05-2012, 09:55 PM
And how's it going on the Dragonfire OST?

11-22-2012, 10:36 PM
could someone do me a favour & send me just 1 track from the series 6 score, "I am The Docter In Utah" ?


Carmine Seepage
11-28-2012, 09:32 PM
Doctor Who - The Cybermen (Music from The Tenth Planet and The Tomb of the Cybermen)

Resorting and repacking music from the two serials into hopefully a more pleasing combination.

11-29-2012, 03:36 AM
[QUOTE=Carmine Seepage;2216701]Doctor Who - The Cybermen (Music from The Tenth Planet and The Tomb of the Cybermen)

Resorting and repacking music from the two serials into hopefully a more pleasing combination.

Thank you very much! The old Cybermen March was great and the one in Earthshock was spectacular too...the New Series one was nicely presented but not quite as good.

11-29-2012, 05:29 AM
MediaFire didn't like that.

11-29-2012, 08:14 AM
I'm so confused!

Why did someone post music from Carmen? In which story was it heard?

What has been released by Dr.Matt between Death to the Daleks and Vengeance on Varos?

11-29-2012, 10:45 AM
The Carmen tracks are in Asylum. That upload had a few other things in it (and there are a few other things that should be added to it). It's part of my old addendum pack of various tracks that were heard or referenced in episodes going back to the start, but weren't created for the episodes themselves.

My tracks are all labeled as #x## (season x episode), which should tell you what it was in.

If it's heard (if there's an off cover version that was made for the program that has never been released, it gets a more famous placeholder track), someone quotes the lyrics to it, someone hums it, someone mentions the title, etc... IN IT GOES!

Even music you might think is a bit soundtrack-like, sometimes isn't. That Buddhist chanting and Medieval/Renaissance dance music wasn't done by the Radiophonic Workshop! If you're looking for the orchestral scores behind Enemy of the World and The Mind Robber, wondering why these Radiophonic releases never come out with them... Well, that's because they're Bart�k and Bruckner. The use of Bizet's Carmen in Asylum is not dissimilar.

See the Buffy/Angel unofficial soundtrack torrent project (which I contributed to).

11-29-2012, 03:46 PM
So have you posted any source music since "The Rebel Flesh"?

11-29-2012, 11:46 PM
Here you go guys & gals:

Vengeance on Varos (Special Edition Soundtrack)
Music by Jonathan Gibbs
BBC Radiophonic Workshop

20 track mixed version in glorious true stereo downmix from 5.1 surround isolated score, with introductory excerpt [2 Channel Stereo MP3 320kbps]
47 track unmixed version - sampled from the original mono isolated score [1 Channel Mono MP3 160kbps]

MEDIAFIRE (115.88MB ZIP file) (

Password: GoldenSands

FLAC and CD art to follow (possibly with some delay due to injury).

This is absolutely fantastic. I have been waiting for Vengeance on Varos to have an isolated score and now the dream has come true. I recieved an email from Jonathan Gibbs a few years ago telling me about his time at the Radiophonic Workshop and composing for Dr. Who. This score is one of my favourites from Mr Gibbs. It is pure Yamaha DX7 heaven. Nice one DrMAtt keep them coming.

11-30-2012, 01:29 AM
Here are the series 7 tracks and those extras that I've added more recently than the last megapack I did (which I can do again if there are enough people who want it).

Stuff (

11-30-2012, 09:58 AM

11-30-2012, 05:34 PM
Thanks from me, too!

---------- Post added at 11:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 AM ----------

@Nile - I'm having a little trouble figuring out which season is which.

12-01-2012, 11:37 AM
There were 26 seasons of Classic Who. We are now in series 7 (or season 33) of the revival. I don't just do the soundtrack for the new show and I certainly can't name both a Pertwee and Smith season "7x##" with the episode numbering format that most of the Internet uses for all shows. I don't see them as separate shows, so 27-33 are used.

If you aren't aware of which number an episode number corresponds to, you can look it up. If you have all the episodes labeled on your computer like I do (IE. An Unearthly Child is "1x01" and Rose is "27x01"), it's pretty easy to look up the numbers. If I wrote out each episode title instead of just numbers, some of those titles would get massive. (I make sure to always put the catalog numbers on the classical pieces to identify them. Random irrelevant example: "K. 626" with the K�chel catalog # is Mozart's Requiem. Also, I have rather a habit of using the original language titles for everything. Thus, "Ride of the Valkyries" is really "Walk�renritt". And in the case of "La donna � mobile", it defaults to The Tenth Planet, even though it also was sung in Inferno and The Lodger!)

Here's the Buffy/Angel unofficial soundtrack: Buffy unofficial soundtrack 4 0 FINAL Torrent Download (

(It's not as complete as mine--but that's if you're into looking up briefly mentioned Russian folk songs and the like. I've also got the entirety of Giselle in mine, though I can tell you which tracks if you're not keen on all of it!)

When it comes to cult television, there are some shows with fans dedicated enough to really collect all of the tracks. At the very least, they'll help identify the tracks so you've got a starting place to go looking for them. My trick for picking up tracks is FileTube. Another trick is really dedicated Googling (you'd be surprised what turns up on the Internet--even ancient recordings that likely had a minuscule audience upon their release!--stuff only a stock music library would really want!).

As far as DW goes, I'm still working on my labeling of the work of our very own DrMatt!

The BtVS/AtS unofficial soundtrack basically became how I decided to format my DW soundtrack folder with DW, SJA and TW (with some Aspergian OCD touches). In the cases of Xmas specials, they tend to get #x14 from me even though the production code is usually #x00 (at least the Specials series gives me some precedence for this), which I reserve for theme tunes and odd in-between season minisode stuff. K-9 & Co. and the TVM are easier just to count as an extra weird episode with the next episode number up in the season prior.

12-02-2012, 03:23 AM
If I ever finish with DrMatt's stuff, I might consider making a megatorrent (if it's okay with him--I'd probably have to ask about a few things). I always add meta information (such as album pictures, titles, #s, etc...). Trying to upload all of it into .rars with the 200MB limit might be a bit daunting (I've got 3,000+ tracks here). It would probably have to go by season or Doctor packs for that.

As far as the Murray Gold soundtracks... Have you tried torrents? I'm sure they're up. Mine are all undone out of their album numberings into episode number breakdowns (along with the Proms, tracks from the Adventure Games and such) instead. Not sure if you'd want that.

Here was the other chunk of the earlier addendum pack reposted:

7 & Extras (

As you can see, even these not-made-for-the-show tracks weren't a small pack!

Ah, I just found another source of information about TW tracks (I also had some messed up ones and upgraded others--those need to be replaced), so there'll be more of those coming. And I missed some Bach in Kroll and Attack. Somebody also did an unofficial Miracle Day soundtrack, so I've also added that. I also just realized that my previous pack didn't include a few assorted '60s serial stock tracks that aren't on DW-related albums (Leslie, Lasry, Ouzounoff and Siday's Moonscape).

1 (
2 (
3 (
4 (
Stock (

12-03-2012, 07:17 AM
I figured it out, I think. My problem wasn't with which season, but with those Christmas specials. That weird numbering system.

12-03-2012, 10:30 AM
Speaking of that, I decided (after making that pack) to place Attack of the Graske's songs to the 'in-between season' number of 28x00. So Rockin' Around, Rudolph and Gary Glitter need to move to that number. Pond Life also gets the same "#x00" treatment. And then there's the fact that The Next Doctor is 4x14 (End of Time, pt. 2 is 4x18) and The Snowmen is going to be 7x06 mid-series (which means that Moffat's finale will be 7x14--14 is now standard, not 13). IMO, it makes more sense to put them as "#x14" of the series that aired that same year than "#x00" for the series that aired the next year. It also leaves open a space for Graske, Pond, theme tunes and trailer music.

The only reason, IMO, the Xmas specials aren't counted as part of the previous season is because they want to sell the DVD sets for Xmas and can't add an episode to the box set before it airs. The Specials and series 7 have broken the logic of making it part of the next series. And Widow aired a helluva lot closer to Wedding than Asylum! The next box-set is going to be a bit of a Frankenstein with Xmas 2011, 2012 and 2013.

There's also the fact that Invasion, Runaway and Voyage all have cliffhanger beginnings that connect them to the series prior (Parting, Doomsday and Last all ended with cliffhangers), NOT the next series. Even Carol and Widow strike me as having far more narratively in common with the series prior than with the one after. Runaway is certainly the one that is the most solidly postscript-like that just doesn't belong to the next series (the whole character arc of the Doctor is fallout from Doomsday--Smith & Jones is very detached in comparison).

12-03-2012, 09:40 PM
So what is "Two steps from Hell" from?

---------- Post added at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:20 PM ----------

What about that piece of music that was played in the Pharos Project? It was in the tape recorder which the Master took to broadcast his message of enslavement.

---------- Post added at 03:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:36 PM ----------

So is Dizzie Rascal - Holiday from Pond Life or from The Snowmen?

12-04-2012, 03:07 AM
Two Steps from Hell is the music that played prominently during the series 6 trailer (which is why it has that generic #x00 label). It's not strictly DW music, but I thought it was a nice extra.

Holiday is the rap song while Eleven lays down some tracks in Pond Life while he has his hat turned backwards.

As for the other track... I don't know. There is one track from Unicorn in the Wasp that I'm just failing to get a copy of (Cryin' All Day), as the torrent is dead. There are also a few in the Classic series (Backing Track is the big one) that are eluding me. The Classical-sounding Shada punting music is a stock track that it appears is next to impossible to get by anybody.

Check out these links to see if you can find some more:
List of music featured on Doctor Who - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
BBC - Torchwood - The Show (

I think I also gathered these since the big megapack I did...

The bagpipe music from Terror of the Zygons (not the same recordings--no luck on acquiring the bagpipe music from The Highlanders):
Zygon Bagpipes (

Ah, I forgot about the fact that .rar #7 no longer works at 2shared, so I'm going to have to redo the whole collection. Sorry. I really don't remember what was in that part of it.

12-04-2012, 03:49 PM
Okay, start over. The REVISED edition. This sucker is big.

RevisedAddendum.part01.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part02.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part03.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part04.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part05.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part06.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part07.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part08.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part09.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part10.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part11.rar download - 2shared (
PromsBootlegsExtras.part1.rar download - 2shared (
PromsBootlegsExtras.part2.rar download - 2shared (
PromsBootlegsExtras.part3.rar download - 2shared (
PromsBootlegsExtras.part4.rar download - 2shared (

PM me if you wish to know about an additional very, very special something that needs to be kept very, very quiet and can't be posted openly.

12-04-2012, 11:51 PM
Thanks Nile.

12-06-2012, 03:22 AM
Someone please re-up the series 1 & 2 soundtrack. Thanks!

---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 PM ----------

Someone please re-up the series 1 & 2 soundtrack. Thanks!

12-06-2012, 03:47 AM
A listing of serials and episodes in case anyone has trouble with which ones the numbers refer to:

Have you fished around for torrents?

Momaru, are you a really new viewer of the show?

12-06-2012, 04:51 AM
I am not a new viewer of the show. I have seen every extant episode, and many of the recons.

12-06-2012, 10:15 PM
Hello again - back in the world of the (vaguely) living again.

I've finally got round to finishing off the artwork for 'Vengeance on Varos' and uploaded FLAC version.

VoV MP3 (with CD art): MEDIAFIRE (

Hoping to get 'Dragonfire' and 'Greatest Show' done quite soon, and I'm working a mega torrent of all the iso-scores.

N.B. Previously, I used an odd numbering system for the stories based on BBC announcers and Radio Times proclaiming 'Dragonfire' as the 150th story. In this numbering system, 'Shada' was counted, but 'Trial of a Time Lord' only counted as 3 stories (1-4,5-8 & 9-14). As of now I am adopting the more official 'wiki' numbering system. This means all my previous radiophonic scores are 1 number out (eg 'Leisure Hive' is now 109, not 110) and all McCoy stories are 3 out (eg 'Remembrance' is now 148 not 151).

12-06-2012, 11:04 PM
Okay, start over. The REVISED edition. This sucker is big.

RevisedAddendum.part01.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part02.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part03.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part04.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part05.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part06.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part07.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part08.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part09.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part10.rar download - 2shared (
RevisedAddendum.part11.rar download - 2shared (
PromsBootlegsExtras.part1.rar download - 2shared (
PromsBootlegsExtras.part2.rar download - 2shared (
PromsBootlegsExtras.part3.rar download - 2shared (
PromsBootlegsExtras.part4.rar download - 2shared (

PM me if you wish to know about an additional very, very special something that needs to be kept very, very quiet and can't be posted openly.

How do you download them. I click the download button on the page but it just refreshes the page. nothing happens. Have the files been deleted?

12-06-2012, 11:24 PM
How do you download them. I click the download button on the page but it just refreshes the page. nothing happens. Have the files been deleted?

Welcome to the curse of 2shared. For some reason, for some people it simply goes in a loop. It happens to me intermittently so it can't be browser settings or location. It's a mystery!

12-06-2012, 11:35 PM
Tell me about it, everytime ive tryed downloading stuff from there it never does download it. just refresh after refresh. its sad because some good stuff is actually uploaded on there.

12-07-2012, 05:15 AM
I'm an on again-off again visitor to the site and this thread in particular. I tried searching the thread for a working link for the Frontios music but kept on encountering dead links...

Is there a new source for it?

John "Hawkeye"

12-07-2012, 02:42 PM
I'm an on again-off again visitor to the site and this thread in particular. I tried searching the thread for a working link for the Frontios music but kept on encountering dead links...

Is there a new source for it?

John "Hawkeye"

Here you go -

Frontios (MP3 2xCD): MEDIAFIRE (

I'll have a scan back thru this thread and re-up any other requests - and any fresh ones.

12-07-2012, 02:59 PM
Thank you DrMatt...this'll make my week. :-)

12-07-2012, 08:14 PM
Hello DrMatt

The Two Doctors link is dead, can you help with that?

Many thanks!

The Two Doctors (MP3 2xCD): MediaFire (

12-07-2012, 09:44 PM
Hello again - back in the world of the (vaguely) living again.

I've finally got round to finishing off the artwork for 'Vengeance on Varos' and uploaded FLAC version.

Thanks Dr. Matt!!! Glad to see you post again and hear you are better. Thanks for all your continued work!

12-08-2012, 12:49 AM
welcome back, Doc Matt! We missed YA!

12-08-2012, 03:10 AM
Personally, I'm waiting for "The Curse Of Fenric" ;)

Here's the televised score with new updated cover art - quite different to the CD release of the VHS extended soundtrack.

Curse of Fenric (MP3): MediaFire (

12-09-2012, 01:42 AM
Hello again - back in the world of the (vaguely) living again.

I've finally got round to finishing off the artwork for 'Vengeance on Varos' and uploaded FLAC version.

VoV MP3 (with CD art): MEDIAFIRE (

Hoping to get 'Dragonfire' and 'Greatest Show' done quite soon, and I'm working a mega torrent of all the iso-scores.

N.B. Previously, I used an odd numbering system for the stories based on BBC announcers and Radio Times proclaiming 'Dragonfire' as the 150th story. In this numbering system, 'Shada' was counted, but 'Trial of a Time Lord' only counted as 3 stories (1-4,5-8 & 9-14). As of now I am adopting the more official 'wiki' numbering system. This means all my previous radiophonic scores are 1 number out (eg 'Leisure Hive' is now 109, not 110) and all McCoy stories are 3 out (eg 'Remembrance' is now 148 not 151).

COOL!!!! Thanks for the artwork! .....when you say torrent, you will still share your hard work with us here won't you.....please!

12-09-2012, 05:39 AM
I'm wondering if anyone has the isolated music to "The Girl in the Fireplace"?

12-09-2012, 08:15 PM
.....when you say torrent, you will still share your hard work with us here won't you.....please!

Not at all - I was going to make it a DHT torrent and available here. Might be an idea to make it as complete a collection as possible in the hope of keeping it alive for as long as possible - so some coordination here would be good.

Re: 'The Curse of Fenric' soundtrack I upped a couple of days ago - I was planning to post a FLAC version, but have discovered that my CD master is missing and it seems never to be found (after many hours searching through hundreds of unsorted discs...)

So, I've re-ripped from DVD and am in the process of re-compiling it. It seems my original version was unmixed (done that way to compliment the official - albeit slightly alternative/extended - CD version). I wondered if people wanted a mixed version as well? It would make it my first 3xCD release ever - to include the official CD version. Let me know.


Ghost Light (MP3 Extended Soundtrack) (
Ghost Light (MP3 Music Cues) (

---------- Post added at 07:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 PM ----------

You mean it's different to this The Curse of Fenric - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( ) ?
Can anyone upload an original SS release?

And you missed sound effects that were also released on "30 Years At The Radiophonic Workshop" in artwork ;)

SS release is coming - bu there is a chunk of material missing form it that was included on the iso score.

And '30 Years' tracks will be added to the artwork in the new edition.

12-09-2012, 11:46 PM
I'm not at home at the moment, but I'm sure I've got the last upload Dr Matt did of the Curse of Fenric, so unable to tell what is what.

I have the offical release, so am always interested in what you offer as Mixed and unmixed, but am not interested in a 3cd released as already stated, I have the offical release.

12-10-2012, 03:19 AM
I've put together the new 'Fenric' - I've left it unmixed, as it seems to flow quite well as it is- with an additional sound effect. I've uploaded MP3 version of that and the original Silva Screen release. (FLACs tomorrow).

Curse of Fenric
MP3 Televised (Unmixed iso-score) (
MP3 Extended (Silva Screen Release) (

12-11-2012, 10:59 AM
Thank you so much!

12-13-2012, 03:17 AM
Here's an updated 2xCD set for Keff McCulloch's score with:

- New cover art

- Bonus track: 'Shada' Music Suite - nearly 5 minutes of music composed by Keff McCulloch for the 1992 VHS release of the story, sampled from the 'Shada' DVD gallery track

MP3 Original Soundtrack ( (mixed, with excerpts, sound effects and bonus track)

MP3 Music Cues ( (unmixed, as presented on DVD isolated music score, episode breaks removed)

Also, I've done some additional artwork for The Curse of Fenric, to make it a 2xCD set, with improved disc labels and CD2 labels for the extended soundtrack, and sleeve notes with both albums included.

The Curse of Fenric (New Extended CD Art) (

12-15-2012, 05:06 AM
Hi all,

I was hoping some kind people could help me fill a couple of gaps - I have a version of all of these, but am looking to replace with 320/flac:

Four I'd like the most:
-Doctor Who the McGann TV Movie (not the CD, the complete expanded version)
-Doctor Who - The Sea Devils (not the CD, the full version by Dr Matt)
-Doctor Who - The Mutants (Third Doctor)
-Doctor Who - Season 4 The Specials by M*urray G*old
-Doctor Who Music From The Tenth Planet CD
-Doctor Who Music From The Tomb of the Cybermen CD
-30 Years at the Radiophonic Workshop
-Classic Music from the Tom Baker Era

Also can someone please post or PM me the original soundtrack for Ken Free*man's BBC series The Tri*pods (Series 1 & 2)?


12-15-2012, 10:55 PM
Hi all,

I was hoping some kind people could help me fill a couple of gaps - I have a version of all of these, but am looking to replace with 320/flac:

Four I'd like the most:
-Doctor Who the McGann TV Movie (not the CD, the complete expanded version)
-Doctor Who - The Sea Devils (not the CD, the full version by Dr Matt)
-Doctor Who - The Mutants (Third Doctor)
-Doctor Who - Season 4 The Specials by M*urray G*old
-Doctor Who Music From The Tenth Planet CD
-Doctor Who Music From The Tomb of the Cybermen CD
-30 Years at the Radiophonic Workshop
-Classic Music from the Tom Baker Era

Also can someone please post or PM me the original soundtrack for Ken Free*man's BBC series The Tri*pods (Series 1 & 2)?


There was a compilation of music from 'Tenth Planet' and 'Tomb of the Cybermen' posted here a while back...

Here's a few for you to be going on with (all HQ MP3 - uploading FLACs is a bit of a nightmare with 200MB limit on MediaFire, so unless specifically requested, I'll only be uploading MP3 versions):

The Sea Devils (Uncut TV Soundtrack) ( (Mono MP3 160kbps)

The Tripods (Original TV Soundtrack) ( (Stereo MP3 256kbps)
The Tripods: Pool of Fire (Music Suite) ( (Stereo MP3 320kbps)

Does anyone have the CD of 'The Tripods' soundtrack - the rip here is an old one from Demonoid. A FLAC rip would be most welcome! 'Pool of Fire' music suite is from the DVD release, and both titles have full CD art by Pearlcorderman.

I'm currently updating the TV movie score and 'The Mutants' for uploading, along with 'Classic Music from the Tom Baker Era' & '30 Years at the Radiophonic Workshop'. Stay tuned!

12-15-2012, 11:04 PM
Yay DrMatt!!! I've been looking for Tripods music for awhile now. Thanks!

12-17-2012, 10:18 AM
I just remembered quite by random observation flipping through clips that I needed to get all those BOSS Classical computer tracks from a certain La Mort Verte. Was there actually a Wagner tune in there? He's mentioned both by name and in the text commentary, but no particular tune is named. So I've just got good ol' Beethoven, Chopin, Bach and Tchaikovsky for you to add...

(P.S. I corrected a few bits of meta-data and added some missing title/catalog information to a few Classical tracks. Basically, Moonlight Sonata is Classical, but Ode to Joy is Romantic, anything from the rest of the 1800s composers like Chopin, Schubert and Tchaikovsky--those are all the Russian titles--should all be Romantic minus the obvious Opera label on some tracks, Nevin is Romantic, Bart�k needs to change to Pantomime Ballet for The Miraculous Mandarin and Post-Romantic for the other tracks, Debussy needs to become Impressionist, Bol�ro is Ballet, I forgot to give the date on Schubert's Unfinished Symphony from 1822, etc...

More extensive title changes:
Doctor Who 28x08 - Maurice Ravel - Bol�ro En Do Majeur - Tempo Di Bolero, Moderato Assai
Doctor Who 14x05 - Claude Debussy - Pr�lude No 8 En Sol B�mol Majeur - La Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin - Tr�s Calme Et Doucement Expressif
Doctor Who 14x05 - Пётр Ильич Чайковский - 6 Романсов Ре-Бемоль Мажор - Соч. 6 - TH 93 - ČW 216 - Нет, Только Тот, Кто Знал - Andante Non Tanto (for those baffled by Russian Cyrillic, the meta-data has the English names)
^On above Tchaikovsky track: change Album: "The Very Best Of Pl�cido Domingo", Track: "9", Album Artist: "Pl�cido Domingo, Ofra Harnoy, Philharmonia Orchestra & Randall Behr"--type that title in on Google Images if you want the correct album art)

ClassicalBOSS.rar download - 2shared (

In case you needed any more proof I have a serious case of O.C.D. Asperger's!

Well, that and the fact that looking up the 1812 Overture (Russia defeating Napoleon, regardless of the fact that the Boston Pops made it an American 4th of July tradition, as we had the War of 1812), which happens to quote a portion of "God Save the Tsar!" (this portion obviously got omitted from Soviet-era recordings!), led me to a night of watching/researching Romanov execution details, remains and DNA testing (an old favorite topic of mine since I read Robert K. Massie's sequel when I was 11--I was a delightfully morbid child--I read another delightful book about Lizzie Borden when I was 9, complete with death photos--look up Jack the Ripper's victim photos if you really want to lose your lunch).

Robert K. Massie's original novel, by the way, was the source book on 1971's Nicholas & Alexandra, which starred Michael Jayston (the Valeyard) as Nicholas II and our very own Tom Baker as Rasputin. It's a really good movie (obviously, the execution details were really incomplete until 1991 and 2007 and the Soviet secret archives weren't going to air their dirty laundry when the book/movie were made, so that section of the movie suffers rather extensive historical accuracy issues) and all DW fans should see Tom's brilliant performance in it. He's quite honestly the highlight of the whole thing. Though I have a feeling I got it off of the Green Imp, so if anyone's interested... Well, I've got it. I was rather amused when I saw the cast list for T*s*a*r W*a*r*s with Jayston and Baker reprising space versions of their 1971 roles. I think they missed a trick when they didn't have Baker voice Rasputin in T*h*e W*a*n*d*e*r*e*r. Damn. Imagine an audio with Tom and William Russell!

The documentary I got sidetracked on last night after innocently looking up DW tracks: Nat Geo | Mystery of the Romanovs - Part 1 - YouTube (

Speaking of Schubert's Unfinished Symphony... My brain just pictures Lon Chaney, Sr. in The Phantom of the Opera (it is used as the soundtrack in one of the more widely available cuts of the film). It's funny that I recognized that one night while compiling my DW soundtrack after recently watching that film.

12-18-2012, 09:25 PM
Yay DrMatt!!! I've been looking for Tripods music for awhile now. Thanks!

I adore the music from 'The Tripods' - it's probably my most listened to album since I was lucky enough to find it. A wonderful range of moods and instruments with some really evocative tracks, 'The Journey Begins' and 'Vinchot's Vineyard' particular favourites, inspiring images of summer walks in the countryside!

The TV movie soundtrack is needing more work that I realised, mainly because of it having 3 composers, and me never having bothered to work out who composed what due to my track listing (unmixed cues) being different to John Debney's unofficially official 'mixed' release (which I have learnt has some alternative versions of cues, and sections of cues left off the televised score).

But if I can track down a copy of John Debney's version, I'm going to try and work it all out by comparing sound files. This may then lead me to do a mixed version.

In the meantime - a couple of new uploads for you:

Death to the Daleks (1xCD / Mixed & Unmixed) ( - with rare tracks from 'Revenge of the Cybermen' thanks to recons!
Earthshock (2xCD) ( - Special Edition (original release had several errors - repeated tracks, missing cues - and no unmixed CD2)

12-18-2012, 10:57 PM
Well, I've managed to track down a FLAC copy of the unofficial official (UO) version on the TV movie, and have had another idea - making it an special edition extended score, sticking to the televised versions where alternate cues are on the UO album, but where cues were cut-short or completely cut from the televised version, reinstating them. Also, I'd bring the track titles in line with the UO version. It would be a lot of work, and probably not done before New Year.

What so people want? I'm happy to upload the current version as is displayed above if people want it, even if I do end up revamping it further. Feedback appreciated!

12-19-2012, 03:24 AM
Having pondered further, it occurs to me that if I do a special edition of the TV Movie soundtrack, the disc I have just prepared would be the unmixed/televised CD2 (some track titles may change, but the album will remain the same), so I've uploaded it with the cover art I prepared, so you've got something until I can sort the special edition in the new year.

Doctor Who: The Movie (Televised Soundtrack) MP3 320 (

12-19-2012, 07:19 PM
These were uploaded by you in the past and now just reuploaded or are new revamped versions?

No - these are just reposts as I've given up on Peeje due to its unreliability. If its a new version, I'll let you know as I did with the TV Movie.

I'm heading off for Christmas at the weekend, so if anyone has any re-up requests, let me know soon.

12-20-2012, 12:23 AM
I think i still have the CD promo of the soundtrack that I uploaded for you back in the DEmon days.

That's probably what you had.

12-20-2012, 03:16 AM
Am I correct to assume that we won't have a Shada soundtrack until the DVD is finally released? I've just suddenly had some moments of it playing in my head and thought "OMG That would be GREAT!"

Also a link to Paradise Towers would be nice, tyvm.

Happy Holidays Dr. Matt!

Tron Unit
12-20-2012, 09:29 PM
Can someone re-up all of these due to the seizure of megaupload? Thanks.

12-21-2012, 02:49 PM

12-22-2012, 03:25 AM
Thanks Dr Matt for filling the requests... you are great! Looking forward to the extended Movie soundtrack next year!

12-23-2012, 02:00 AM
I noticed that this would be my 100th post on the forum, so I had the idea to give you all a little Christmas surprise, and so have put this together for you as a festive gift:

Doctor Who: Dragonfire [2xCD Original TV Soundtrack] MP3 320kbps (

CD1: Original Soundtrack: slightly mixed, with introductory excerpt, sound effects and very subtle stereo ambiance
CD2: Music Cues: as presented on DVD isolated score, but where muzak cues merged or mixed quickly into other cues, they have been separated

I'd been putting this one off because it was such a disheartening affair due the sound quality of the isolated score being abysmal, and exact tonal and correctly pitched cues to isolate cues from theme music and muzak were non-existent. I had to resort to using some short intro/outro sections from Black Light - which I had to apply a lot of click removal, noise reduction, softening and tonal adjustment to bring it in line with the iso-score. For the mixed version, I have moved the 'muzak' tracks to the end of the album (they did tend to go on and not fit with an easy listening experience!) along with 2 sound effects from the iso-score and 1 from 30 Years at the Radiophonic Workshop. Extremely subtle stereo reverb has been applied (almost none, because it only blurred what little sound quality there was already). For tracks that were on Black Light I've kept to same titles, but the iso-score contains exactly 10 minutes more music than what was on 'Black Light'. There was also a funny little intro to 'Iceworld Theme II' that was included on Black Light but not used on TV. I have included it in the mixed version. Hope you like it! Only Greatest Show to go now...

I've also uploaded a few more of my older (and definitely not updated since I uploaded to Peeje!) albums:

The Seeds of Doom (CD1: Special Edition Soundtrack): ( the only complete version of this soundtrack: includes 20 minutes of material not included on official CD release Doctor Who: Terror of the Zygons (also includes music from 'The Seeds of Doom'), and 2 minutes of unused cues included on the official soundtrack, but not included on the iso-score!
The Seeds of Doom (CD2: Music Cues): ( mono music cues as presented on the DVD isolated score, repeated cues removed

Kinda (2xCD Original TV Soundtrack): ( mixed version with 5 excerpts, sound effects and stereo ambiance, unmixed second disc - mono music cues as presented on iso-score
Snakedance (2xCD Original TV Soundtrack): ( version with introductory excerpt, sound effects and stereo ambiance, unmixed second disc - mono music cues as presented on iso-score

Am I correct to assume that we won't have a Shada soundtrack until the DVD is finally released? I've just suddenly had some moments of it playing in my head and thought "OMG That would be GREAT!"

Also a link to Paradise Towers would be nice, tyvm.

Happy Holidays Dr. Matt!

No 'Shada' soundtrack at all unfortunately - no iso-score on the DVD, just a 5 minute compilation of Keff McCulloch's music composed for the VHS release. I added it to my recent repost of Battlefield (see above somewhere).

And there were no iso-scores on the Paradise Towers or Delta and the Bannermen DVDs, just an alternative soundtrack with the rejected score by David Snell on the former.

Well that's it from me until the New Year - hope you all have a happy festive time and enjoy 'The Snowmen'!

12-23-2012, 10:31 PM
Thankyou very much DrMatt... have a Great Christmas!

12-24-2012, 03:33 AM
Thank you DrMatt...the Dragonfire one will be greatly enjoyed!

So sad about the Paradise Towers one though. :-((( The Shada track was a nice treat, liked the beginning of it...but it's missing what could only be described as "Skagra's Theme"...which is a shame.

Also, anyone know the password for the Death to the Daleks soundtrack file??? It's encrypted.

12-24-2012, 08:19 AM
Also, anyone know the password for the Death to the Daleks soundtrack file??? It's encrypted.

Try "GoldenSands", I belive this is what Dr Matt was using on all his releases until recently

12-24-2012, 04:48 PM
DrMatt, what a fantastic Christmas prezzie - thank you sir, for all your wonderful work on the classic soundtracks. Always hugely appreciated!

And a very merry Christmas to all soundtrack Who threadsters.

12-27-2012, 10:45 PM
New to the forum (registered ages ago then completely forgot) - all I have to say is oh my god, this thread my just be my downfall and cause the end of my poor HDD and MP3 player. Looking forward to looking through all of this, thank you!

12-30-2012, 01:22 PM
Hi I joined a few minutes ago to get these downloads, but not a single one I've clicked on takes me to the files, is it just me?

12-30-2012, 01:55 PM
Start with the most recent and work backwards... lots of the early links are indeed inactive now.

12-30-2012, 02:14 PM
New people! Hi! Yeah, go backwards. In my experience, it's rare to find anything over a couple of months still in working condition. That applies all over the site.

12-30-2012, 03:25 PM
Hi DrMatt,

You might find this version ( the TV Movie soundtrack interesting - perhaps you already have a copy? I created it in mid-2011 for another forum, and it's largely what you were considering doing with the score in the New Year. It takes the US promo CD and adds the extra music from the DVD iso score where required to make it full-length. The DVD sections have been speed-corrected to match the original NTSC version of the film (and the CD), as have the 3 stock music songs (Ride into the Moonlight was slowed down for the film; In a Dream was sped-up). Several of the cues from the iso score that had sound effects overtop have been re-built, as they were mostly patched together from other cues in the first place. And bonus tracks cover the major differences between the CD/DVD score and the finished film, which often re-used music from other cues instead of the music specially written for a scene. Full notes are included... and a FLAC version is available too.

We've been making iso score albums at the same time for quite some time, but I've not said hi before. As it's New Year I thought it was high time to make contact and see if you fancied a chat... I'm at hawalius1 @ gmail . com if you want to compare notes!

12-31-2012, 12:00 AM
Dr Matt - I have found out that the name of the band who sang 'Ride Into The Moonlight' on the TV Movie soundtrack. They were called Loud And Clear. Also if this info helps

Jess Harnell - lead and backing vocals
Chuck Duran - all guitars, backing vocals
Mark Allardyce - bass, backing vocals
Craig Shaw - drums

Hope that solves one of the mystery artists.

12-31-2012, 07:03 AM
Someone else's version of the soundtrack that I have has:
James A Latham - All Dressed Up
Pat Hodge - In A Dream

And if you're really nerdy, some additional information and accent mark:
Giacomo Puccini - Madama Butterfly - Atto II - Un Bel D� Vedremo

For those wondering about the last Xmas special:
From the Sherlock series 1 soundtrack:
Doctor Who 33x06 - David Arnold & Michael Price - Pursuit
Doctor Who 33x06 - (take your pick of artist--Matt hums it) - Silent Night

Exar Xan
12-31-2012, 09:48 AM
Pursuit from Sherlock in The Snowmen? Did not noticed that...when was it? :)

12-31-2012, 11:04 AM
During the bit where Matt is dressed as the Victorian-era/Tom Baker-esque Sherlock.

Exar Xan
12-31-2012, 11:30 AM
Ah yes, now you mention it, it does sound a lot like a reworked Pursuit indeed!

01-05-2013, 04:18 PM
Does anyone here have the complete DW soundtracks from season 9 to the most recent season and all the specials?

01-13-2013, 01:40 AM
Can we get a re-upload for The Mark of the Rani? One of my all-time favorite scores for the series and I'd love to have it.

Oh, and is it possible to get more Big Finish scores? Namely for some of the Lost Stories, particularly Mission to Magnus, Leviathan, and The Hollows of Time.

:) Thank you!

01-20-2013, 08:55 PM
From the music and sound effects suites on the photo galleries. I've taken the most interesting ones in terms of overall effect some are not here because they lack enough sound variety to be interesting enough. Also added some other tracks of music from the story where appropriate.

Doctor Who - Original Music (The 1st Doctor)

01 An Unearthly Child
02 The Daleks
05 The Keys of Marinus
07 The Sensorites
09 Planet of Giants
11 The Rescue
12 The Romans
13 The Web Planet
15 The Space Museum
17 The Time Meddler
22 The Massacre 1
22 The Massacre 2
22 The Massacre 3
23 The Ark
27 The War Machines

DWOM1.rar (

Doctor Who - Original Music (The 2nd Doctor)

32 The Underwater Menace
34 The Macra Terror 1
34 The Macra Terror 2
37 The Tomb of the Cybermen
41 The Web of Fear 1
41 The Web of Fear 2
41 The Web of Fear 3
44 The Dominators
45 The Mind Robber
46 The Invasion
47 The Krotons
48 The Seeds of Death
50 The War Games

DWOM2.rar (

Carmine - many thanks for these - great stuff.

Gets me ready for the 50th Anniversary album due out this year.

01-21-2013, 03:19 PM
Gets me ready for the 50th Anniversary album due out this year.

Which album is this? I haven't heard any details.

Mark Ayres has stated that the score releases are going to start up again, with Caves of Androzani being the first release.


01-21-2013, 07:05 PM
Which album is this? I haven't heard any details.

Mark Ayres has stated that the score releases are going to start up again, with Caves of Androzani being the first release.


I really hope that means they're getting around to doing a collection of what remains of Dudley Simpson's work on the show. Ayres has often hinted that, although the original tapes of Simpson's work no longer exists, there's enough material knocking around for an album's worth of material. Simpson's huge contribution to the show in the 60s and 70s can't be underestimated... I'd love to see some celebration of his music on Doctor Who.

01-21-2013, 07:13 PM
Which album is this? I haven't heard any details.

Mark Ayres has stated that the score releases are going to start up again, with Caves of Androzani being the first release.


Someone on the FSM board picked it up from the new Dr Who magazine. Season 7 is getting two seperate releases too and they mentioned Caves as well

01-21-2013, 09:57 PM
There'll be the Series 7 pt 1, and pt 2 release, the anniversary album, Caves OST, as well as two other OSTs - a 2nd Dr one and a 7th Dr one... see. I hope the 7th Dr one will be one we don't have an Iso score for - Dr Matt's ones work fine for me as soundtracks, especially as mixed. Which 7th Dr ones were left? From memory, Time and the Rani (Keff's favourite) and Delta and the Bannerman I think.

01-22-2013, 04:13 PM
I really hope that means they're getting around to doing a collection of what remains of Dudley Simpson's work on the show. Ayres has often hinted that, although the original tapes of Simpson's work no longer exists, there's enough material knocking around for an album's worth of material. Simpson's huge contribution to the show in the 60s and 70s can't be underestimated... I'd love to see some celebration of his music on Doctor Who.

Hear, hear, Grubbuts!

---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:11 PM ----------

There'll be the Series 7 pt 1, and pt 2 release, the anniversary album, Caves OST, as well as two other OSTs - a 2nd Dr one and a 7th Dr one... see. I hope the 7th Dr one will be one we don't have an Iso score for - Dr Matt's ones work fine for me as soundtracks, especially as mixed. Which 7th Dr ones were left? From memory, Time and the Rani (Keff's favourite) and Delta and the Bannerman I think.

A Second Doctor one? I can't wait to find out what this is!

01-22-2013, 06:43 PM
There'll be the Series 7 pt 1, and pt 2 release, the anniversary album, Caves OST, as well as two other OSTs - a 2nd Dr one and a 7th Dr one... see. I hope the 7th Dr one will be one we don't have an Iso score for - Dr Matt's ones work fine for me as soundtracks, especially as mixed. Which 7th Dr ones were left? From memory, Time and the Rani (Keff's favourite) and Delta and the Bannerman I think.
Delta, Paradise Powers and second Rani story, but the latter was posted in here by someone a few months ago. And that was not DrMatt.
I don't know where it comes from, but it sounds like casette rip.
I'll search for it, maybe the link is not dead.

And here it is:
The link is not dead ;)

And here you have bootleg from which Rani music is probabbly coming from.
There is also a mention about similar "casette-sent-to fan" with Paradise Towers.

01-22-2013, 08:55 PM
A Second Doctor one? I can't wait to find out what this is!

Could it conceivably be Don Harper's soundtrack to The Invasion?

Actually, I'd take any second Doctor soundtrack!

01-24-2013, 05:52 PM
Caves officially announced, with cover, available 25 March:Silva Screen - Doctor Who Soundtracks (

---------- Post added at 04:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:43 PM ----------

Just spotted over on Roobarbs that there is a claim that the lost score to Mindwarp has been found! I'd buy a Trial score boxset.


Carmine Seepage
01-25-2013, 06:43 PM
There'll be the Series 7 pt 1, and pt 2 release, the anniversary album, Caves OST, as well as two other OSTs - a 2nd Dr one and a 7th Dr one... see. I hope the 7th Dr one will be one we don't have an Iso score for - Dr Matt's ones work fine for me as soundtracks, especially as mixed. Which 7th Dr ones were left? From memory, Time and the Rani (Keff's favourite) and Delta and the Bannerman I think.

There might also be 2 more so in terms of the classic series Caves, Doctor 2 of which Invasion is the only one that exists in total IIRC and for Doctor 7 there are many choices but one of the Glynn ones would be great then if two more then one for 4 and one for 6. That makes the most sense with 2 and then 4-7.

01-26-2013, 06:58 PM
IIRC Don Harper only composed about 10-minutes worth of music for The Invasion, so that would make a short album! Could it be some of the Brian Hodgson/Radiophonic Workshop music? There was a lot of the Wheel in Space score on Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop Volume 1, and pieces from The Dominators, too (with some unreleased music from the same story on the DVD photo gallery).

I hope it could be some of the early Dudley Simpson music... the single tracks from Underwater Menace and Fury from the Deep on the same Volume 1 album always struck me as potentially coming from larger reserves of preserved cues!

But for the McCoy my bet would be another fan favourite like Remembrance or Survival - even though we've had it on the iso score for years. The same was true of Androzani, despite there being plenty of unreleased Davison scores! I wonder if they'll be re-releasing Greatest Show, Ghost Light and Fenric, too? The Silva Screen announcement sounded like they were making old releases available again to me.

01-27-2013, 12:40 PM
There's seven minutes of Harper's score for the Invasion on the photo gallery on the dvd.

01-30-2013, 03:46 AM
MediaFire (

Time and The Rani (iso-scores from tapes)

Unfortunately not released on the DVD this is a iso-score of the cues from the story.

Doctor Who - Time and The Rani (Soundtrack by Keff McCulloch)

01- The Death of the Sixth Doctor
02- Sarn, Stop Dithering
03- Inside The Rani's Laboratory
04- Urak, Get In Here
05- The Death of Sarn
06- Mourning
07- The New Mel
08- Mel Saves Ikona
09- Mel and Ikona Head For Cover
10- Feeding Time
11- Tetraps On The Prowl
12- A Little Portentious
13- Melanie Trapped
14- Ikona Saves Mel
15- Second Tetrap Feeding
16- Urak Suprises Mel
17- What's Behind That Door
18- Rendevous With Faroon
19- Faroon Mourns Sarn
20- Mel Heads For The Rani's Lair
21- The Rani Is Attacked
22- Mel Meets The Seventh Doctor
23- The Rani Reaches Her TARDIS
24- The Rani At Work
25- The Doctor Investigates
26- Unknown Action Cue
27- Adept At Maneuvering
28- You Know, Don't You?
29- Beyus And The Doctor Struggle
30- The Doctor Escapes
31- Ikona And The Doctor Meet
32- The Centre of Leisure
33- Future Pleasure (Source Music)
34- Punishing The Innocent
35- Hostage Exchange
36- The Rani's Lair
37- The Doctor Is Captured
38- The Brain
39- The Brain (Episode 3 Recap)
40- Ikona Evades A Tetrap
41- Ikona Hides
42- The Tetraps Move Out
43- Tetraps Leave, Ikona Follows
44- A Small Demonstration
45- The Tetraps Depart
46- Evil Plan Revealed
47- Urak Eavesdrops
48- Loyhargil
49- The Rani Departs
50- Countdown
51- Saying Goodbye
52- I'll Grow On You Mel
53- You Know, Don't You (with end credits)
54- Future Pleasure (Extended From CD)
55- The Brain (Extended, with end credits)
56- You Know Don't You {Repeat Cue Used Between 40-41}
57- The Death of the Sixth Doctor (without opening titles)
58- I'll Grow On You Mel (without end credits)
59- Extended Theme

Much thanks! I've never seen it on amazon or anywhere; until then/if...

01-31-2013, 04:05 PM
Glad about Mindwarp, but Caves, although an excellent episode, isn't a great score.

01-31-2013, 10:05 PM
Yeah, I'd rather unreleased scores too... Dr Matt's are ample, though unofficial. Even officially, DVD Iso scores serve the purpose. I'd rather a lesser score that was unreleased.

02-01-2013, 03:19 AM
Sorry for delay - due to these being fresh rips in MP3 & FLAC with full CD art scans.

Complete Big Finish Doctor Who Soundtrack Collection (

I looked for some other BF releases and I found this bunch here - Dr. Matt, thank you for this upload!

A question more: where can I find BF Doctor Who - Main Range Audiobooks ( Do you have maybe also?
Yes, I know these are not 'The Classics' but I love them - especially I found them good for learn the language. :)

Carmine Seepage
02-07-2013, 07:59 PM
The Caves of Androzani track list released!

1. Doctor Who (Opening Theme)
2. Androzani Minor
3. Gun-Runners
4. Morgus And Chellak
5. Death Sentence
6. Sharaz Jek
7. Death Under The Red Cloth
8. Androids
9. Next Time It'll Be For Real
10. Nobody LIves For Ever
11. Spectrox
12. Salateen
13. Exile
14. Clever Little Android
15. Two Kilos, What A Deal
16. The Magma Beast
17. Blind Fools
18. Tear His Arms Out
19. Stage Three
20. Geostationary Orbit
21. The Girl Will Be Alone
22. Peri Abducted
23. Vertical Descent Pattern
24. It Could Have Been Worse
25. Do You Think I'm Mad?
26. The Doctor Pursued
27. Mud Burst
28. Morgus And Stotz
29. Face Off
30. Morgus Kaput
31. Not Beaten Yet
32. Milk Of The Queen Bat
33. Return To The TARDIS
34. Is This Death?
35. Doctor Who (Closing Theme)

02-08-2013, 03:44 AM
Does anyone have scores for "The Angels Take Manhattan" or an expanded release of either Silence in the "Library/Forest of the Dead" or "The End of Time" or any really good ones they would recommend?

Light Fantasic
02-10-2013, 12:57 PM
Jim Mortimore has been uploading the music scores from several of the Big Finish audio plays he was involved with here:

Jim Mortimore (

Seasons of Fear
He Jests at Scars
Project: Twilight
The Rapture
Embrace the Darkness

The score for "Davros" is a particular highlight, and "Project: Twilight" and "The Rapture" are expanded from the versions that appeared on the official Big Finish soundtracks.

Exar Xan
02-10-2013, 01:16 PM
Very interesting. Prices seem reasonable. Perhaps we all here can throw our money together? That some of us buy 1 or 2 and somebody else the other so we still end up with them all?

02-21-2013, 10:32 PM
Hi, can't seem to find any Murray Gold links working, preferably like to get hold of all of the soundtracks plus the music from the proms, can anyone help me?


02-21-2013, 11:19 PM
Does anyone have scores for "The Angels Take Manhattan" or an expanded release of either Silence in the "Library/Forest of the Dead" or "The End of Time" or any really good ones they would recommend?

Outside of fanmade rips, there is nothing. Angels is too new, and may be on the upcoming album.

02-25-2013, 03:58 AM
Out of curiosity, is there any way I could get a hold of the score for Resurrection of the Daleks? The Peeje link is being unreliable.

02-25-2013, 05:48 PM
I see that there'll be some Dudley Simpson concerts of his music for DW this year, and the presumption is that he'll re-record some of his missing stuff so that it can be released.


02-27-2013, 09:06 AM
Thanks to all contributors, didn't realise this thread existed!!

02-27-2013, 09:14 AM
if needed I can reup all Murray Gold scores. 1-3 I have the disc and can do flac. I also have the four Radiophonic albums, the Pyramids of Mars album, The Evolution Of, and Worlds Of albums. If wanted. Let me know and give me a day or so. For flac I will have to unpack the discs and rip them.

02-27-2013, 02:06 PM
Does anyone have the BBC release of the soundtrack from The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe?

02-27-2013, 03:12 PM
?? There was no release as of yet..?

02-27-2013, 03:42 PM
?? There was no release as of yet..?

OK sorry, my mistake, I found a cover on google and thought it was a official BBC release. According to the site i found it on it was released 02 January 2012 but I cant find it on amazon so maybe you are right.

02-28-2013, 02:29 AM
Just stumble upon this thread, Amazing!

02-28-2013, 04:45 AM
I see that there'll be some Dudley Simpson concerts of his music for DW this year, and the presumption is that he'll re-record some of his missing stuff so that it can be released.


Really? That would be something to get very excited about. :) I missed that bit of news - got a link?

02-28-2013, 09:49 PM
It would be nice to see some links for the 60's stuff again

03-01-2013, 01:04 AM
if needed I can reup all Murray Gold scores. 1-3 I have the disc and can do flac. I also have the four Radiophonic albums, the Pyramids of Mars album, The Evolution Of, and Worlds Of albums. If wanted. Let me know and give me a day or so. For flac I will have to unpack the discs and rip them.

These would be great, thanks!

03-01-2013, 04:33 AM

Does anyone have unreleased tracks from the new series?


03-04-2013, 10:37 AM
Looking for Doctor Who, Series 4 (Unreleased Music) - No Alive Links......Thanks In Advance! :D

03-04-2013, 04:51 PM
Really? That would be something to get very excited about. :) I missed that bit of news - got a link?

No. It's been mentioned by Mark Ayres on Roobarbs.

03-04-2013, 05:48 PM
Cool. I await official announcements of that with great interest!

03-05-2013, 02:01 AM
Outside of fanmade rips, there is nothing. Angels is too new, and may be on the upcoming album.

Upcoming album? Has something been said about a new release?

03-21-2013, 08:42 PM
Looking for Black Light album and also the soundtracks for Warriors Gate, Keeper of Traken, Logopolis, and Castrovalva. All links seem to be dead. Can anyone help?

03-22-2013, 02:01 PM
Looking for Doctor Who, Series 4 (Unreleased Music) - No Alive Links......Thanks In Advance! :D

ALL of the "New Series" unreleased albums are fan made dvd rips.

03-24-2013, 09:13 PM
To DrMatt1974

Wondered where you got to after Demonoid got zapped. Have recently come across this forum and see that you've kept up the good work. I note your comments about the difficulties of posting flac files on Mediafire, etc. Is there any chance of posting the flac versions of your post-Demonoid stuff at alt.binaries.drwho, as I am sure that they would be greatly appreciated. In any event, thanks for all your work on the soundtracks.

03-25-2013, 01:48 AM
Can anyone tell me when the New season is scheduled to start airing?

03-25-2013, 03:25 AM
Re-Greeting peeps! These extended times away from here are pretty much becoming the norm for me, but it's been so long this time, I wanted to come back with something significant to offer you, it being the 50th anniversary year and all that! (My Xmas break away to family got slightly extended to 3 months for personal reasons - and likely more - taking advantage of a couple of weeks back at home!).


In anticipation of tomorrow's first commercial classic 'Doctor Who' soundtrack release in many years - The Caves of Androzani - I've been busy uploading MP3 versions of all my isolated soundtracks and unavailable commercial soundtracks, with some corrections and improvements to several releases as part of the bargain:

State of Decay: The most notable 'fix' is the re-inclusion of the missing cue from 'State of Decay' kindly pointed out to me here by a keen listener (thanks - I got there in the end!). This cue is now included at the end of the first non excerpt/theme track of the album, with CD timing updated on the CD back JPG. When re-putting this album together, I noticed that none of the tracks had a small gap before they started (necessary on CDs and on all my other releases - otherwise when you skip to a track on a CD player, you miss the first fifth of second). This has now all been sorted, and 1 second pauses included between all tracks.

Major CD art updates for:

The Silurians
The Sea Devils
The Mutants
Terror of the Zygons (still waiting on the iso-score - so this is the version from the commercial CD release)
Remembrance of the Daleks
Silver Nemesis
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (still the original Silva Screen release - the iso-score is such a mess of cues mixed with background circus music, I can't see any point in turning it into what would have to be a 3xCD album mostly of very quiet repeated circus music tracks - sorry for those hoping for this release. Send my a cheque for �100 and I'll do it lol!)

All albums have been updated to the 'standard' wiki numbering system and have hi-res (1400x1400) embedded AlbumArt images to accommodate the hi-res tablet generation, as well as full CD art (JPG 600dpi).

For those who have not downloaded my releases before, some titles that have been commercially released (The Sea Devils, The Leisure Hive, Meglos, Full Circle, Ghost Light & The Curse of Fenric) have extra material included, missing from the commercial releases, reinstated from the DVD isolated scores.

I've uploaded the files to the new 'FileWinds' site - what was Peeje, and what promises to now be a very reliable service (after 8 emails over the past year telling me how much they've fixed and improved their file-hosting - this will be the test!).

Links below - all files are ZIP (not password protected). Where available, 'Unmixed Mono Music Cues' are included in the ZIP file as well as the 'Mixed Stereo Original Soundtrack'. More related albums will be added over the next day or three. Any download or file problems, please let me know (but here's hoping there won't be - but this is what Peeje used to be, and I've been working all hours over the past few days getting this post together, and a gremlin or two may have crept in). If FileWinds works out, I'll proceed to upload FLAC versions. N.B. Story numbering is now in line with official wiki numbering.

I'm going to try and put together a DHT torrent of all these files if people prefer to download that way (and din't mind waiting a day or three).

As it's anniversary year, I'm planning to revisit previous 'mixed only' releases with new 2xCD (Stereo Soundtrack / Mono Cues) versions. I plan to do a re-release of The Silurians (never saved in FLAC - current version is mixed only), a special release of Caves of Androzani (to compliment official release - and see what's been left out lol!) and 2xCD releases Logopolis and Castrovalva. My original plan at the start of the year was to do one 'revisitation' each month, but family matters have prevented me so far - hope this post makes up for the first quarter of the year. But from now on, I'll try to stick to the original plan, and I'm open to suggestions as to what other titles to revisit - just wish I knew what Silva Screen are planning to release this year - anyone heard any news?

Hi DrMatt,

You might find this version ( the TV Movie soundtrack interesting - perhaps you already have a copy? I created it in mid-2011 for another forum, and it's largely what you were considering doing with the score in the New Year. It takes the US promo CD and adds the extra music from the DVD iso score where required to make it full-length. The DVD sections have been speed-corrected to match the original NTSC version of the film (and the CD), as have the 3 stock music songs (Ride into the Moonlight was slowed down for the film; In a Dream was sped-up). Several of the cues from the iso score that had sound effects overtop have been re-built, as they were mostly patched together from other cues in the first place. And bonus tracks cover the major differences between the CD/DVD score and the finished film, which often re-used music from other cues instead of the music specially written for a scene. Full notes are included... and a FLAC version is available too.

We've been making iso score albums at the same time for quite some time, but I've not said hi before. As it's New Year I thought it was high time to make contact and see if you want to compare notes!

Great stuff! Certainly saves me a job - I'll be in touch!



002 The Daleks* (Tristram Cary) Download 002 MP3 zip (
021 The Daleks' Master Plan* (Tristram Cary) Download 021 MP3 zip (
052 The Silurians (Carey Blyton) Download 052 MP3 zip (
062 The Sea Devils (Malcolm Clarke) Download 062 MP3 zip (
063 The Mutants* (Tristram Cary) Download 063 MP3 zip (
072 Death to the Daleks (Carey Blyton) Download 072 MP3 zip (
080 Terror of the Zygons* (Geoffrey Burgon) Download 080 MP3 zip (
085 The Seeds of Doom: Special Edition (Geoffrey Burgon) Download 085 MP3 zip (
109 The Leisure Hive (Peter Howell) Download 109 MP3 zip (
110 Meglos (Peter Howell & Paddy Kingsland) Download 110 MP3 zip (
111 Full Circle (Paddy Kingsland) Download 111 MP3 zip (
112 State of Decay (Paddy Kingsland) Download 112 MP3 zip (
113 Warriors' Gate (Peter Howell) Download 113 MP3 zip (
114 The Keeper of Traken (Roger Limb) Download 114 MP3 zip (
115 Logopolis (Paddy Kingsland) Download 115 MP3 zip (
116 Castrovalva (Paddy Kingsland) Download 116 MP3 zip (
118 Kinda (Peter Howell) Download 118 MP3 zip (
119 The Visitation (Paddy Kingsland) Download 119 MP3 zip (
121 Earthshock [New 2xCD] (Malcolm Clarke) Download 121 MP3 zip (
123 Arc of Infinity (Roger Limb) Download 123 MP3 zip (
124 Snakedance (Peter Howell) Download 124 MP3 zip (
125 Mawdryn Undead (Paddy Kingsland) Download 125 MP3 zip (
126 Terminus (Roger Limb) Download 126 MP3 zip (
127 Enlightenment (Malcolm Clarke) Download 127 MP3 zip (
128 The King's Demons (Peter Howell & Jonathan Gibbs) Download 128 MP3 zip (
129 The Five Doctors (Peter Howell) Download 129 MP3 zip (
130 Warriors of the Deep (Jonathan Gibbs) Download 130 MP3 zip (
131 The Awakening (Peter Howell) Download 131 MP3 zip (
132 Frontios (Paddy Kingsland) Download 132 MP3 zip (
133 Resurrection of the Daleks (Malcolm Clarke) Download 133 MP3 zip (
134 Planet of Fire (Peter Howell) Download 134 MP3 zip (
135 The Caves of Androzani (Roger Limb) Download 135 MP3 zip (
137 Attack of the Cybermen (Malcolm Clarke) Download 137 MP3 zip (
138 Vengeance on Varos (Jonathan Gibbs) Download 138 MP3 zip (
139 The Mark of the Rani (Jonathan Gibbs) Download 139 MP3 zip (
140 The Two Doctors (Peter Howell) Download 140 MP3 zip (
142 Revelation of the Daleks (Roger Limb) Download 142 MP3 zip (
147 Dragonfire (Dominic Glynn) Download 147 MP3 zip (
148 Remembrance of the Daleks (Keff McCulloch) Download 148 MP3 zip (
149 The Happiness Patrol (Dominic Glynn) Download 149 MP3 zip (
150 Silver Nemesis (Keff McCulloch) Download 150 MP3 zip (
151 The Greatest Show in the Galaxy* (Mark Ayres) Download 151 MP3 zip (
152 Battlefield (Keff McCulloch) Download 152 MP3 zip (
153 Ghost Light: Special Edition (Mark Ayres) Download 153 MP3 zip (
154 The Curse of Fenric: Special Edition (Mark Ayres) Download 154 MP3 zip (
155 Survival (Dominic Glynn) Download 155 MP3 zip (

N.B. Special Editions are extended versions of official (deleted) releases with added material form DVD isolated scores.


Black Light: 25th Anniversary Edition (Dominic Glynn) Download MP3 zip (
25th Anniversary Album (Keff McCulloch) Download 25A MP3 (
The Music I (BBC Radiophonic Workshop) Download DWM MP3 zip (
The Music II (BBC Radiophonic Workshop) Download DWM MP3 zip (
DW @ BBC Radiophonic Workshop: Volume 1 (The Early Years 1963-1969) Download RWS MP3 zip (
DW @ BBC Radiophonic Workshop: Volume 2 (New Beginnings 1970-1980) Download RWS MP3 zip (
DW @ BBC Radiophonic Workshop: Volume 3 (The Leisure Hive) Download RWS MP3 zip (
DW @ BBC Radiophonic Workshop: Volume 4 (Meglos & Full Circle) Download RWS MP3 zip (
Devils' Planets (Tristram Cary) All material from this album has been recompiled into the individual albums: The Daleks, The Daleks' Master Plan & The Mutants - download links above
Terror of the Zygons & The Seeds of Doom (Geoffrey Burgon) All material from this album has been recompiled into these individual albums: Terror of the Zygons & The Seeds of Doom (N.B. The Seeds of Doom is a special edition including 20 minutes of music cut from this commercial release) - download links above
Classic Music from the Tom Baker Era (Dudley Simpson/Heathcliff Blair) Download CTB MP3 zip (
Variations on a Theme (Various) Download VOT MP3 zip (
Worlds of Doctor Who (Various Artists) Download WDW MP3 zip (

03-25-2013, 10:35 AM
Can anyone tell me when the New season is scheduled to start airing?

It starts on BBC1 in the UK next Saturday 30th March.

03-25-2013, 10:52 AM
It's also March 30th on BBC America and Space in Canada.

There hasn't been any official announcement about series seven...but I believe that Silva Screen is planning a release for later in the year. Someone I think mentioned earlier in the thread something about a double disc release??

Carmine Seepage
03-25-2013, 03:28 PM
just wish I knew what Silva Screen are planning to release this year - anyone heard any news?

Not yet so far there is a further soundtrack of IIRC 2, 7 and some kind of Simpson release and some 2 CD retrospective for Nov and maybe a couple more.

The Zygons DVD is pushed back from June to October.

03-25-2013, 08:14 PM
Thank you, Dr Matt! Still the best at what you do

03-25-2013, 08:52 PM
It seems the curse of Peeje has struck again - 16 of my uploads have mysteriously been deleted over the past few hours, so apologies to anyone trying to download files that have vanished, the only explanation I can figure, other than filewinds being as unreliable as peeje is that "The file was deleted by administration because it didn't comply with our Terms of Use" in which case, they either they have very thorough moderators or someone's been talking.

Looking into other ways to distribute. DHT torrent seems the best bet. Stay tuned.

03-25-2013, 09:23 PM
Well, many links have been getting deleted. Some within hours of posting, some even sooner than that. It is happening across a broad spectrum of hosting sites. On some of the main score threads, big releases and leaks, I tend I tend to feel people are talking and getting them deleted. But on this thread? It is relatively obscure, so I just don't see that? I do know MediaFire has been extremely effective at killing links...

03-25-2013, 10:42 PM
The links for the 4th season are down, I was trying to down them again, because I lost my copy.

03-26-2013, 03:31 AM
Can anyone help with these CD (or itunes) rips at 320 (or flac) only:

The Tenth Planet
The Tomb Of The Cybermen
Doctor Who New Series 4: The Specials

Thanks! And thanks to Dr Matt for all his time spent uploading... many people appreciate it!

03-26-2013, 01:53 PM
I'm giving FileWinds a last second chance - the randomness of files that disappeared (more my compilations than any albums that have seen commercial release - albeit now deleted and unavailable to buy, so I'm not exactly damaging sales) makes me think it could simply be a technical error - maybe the uploads were faulty or something. So I'm re-upping the deleted items and changing the links above - here's hoping they all stay up this time.

Also have some new uploads for you:

The BBC Radiophonic Cavendish CDs (never commercially available - library tracks used in the media, and only available at very high prices if you work in the media):

Africa Download C57 MP3 zip (
Ethnic Impressions Download C59 MP3 zip (
Poisoned Planet Download C55 MP3 zip (
Time and Space Download C58 MP3 zip (
Undersea World Download C56 MP3 zip (


Blues Veils & Golden Sands (Delia Derbyshire Biographical Drama & Music) Download BVG MP3 zip (

More to follow.

03-26-2013, 04:04 PM
Thank you, Dr Matt, what a fantastic treat - a real labour of love. And now the bonus of the Cavendish CDs! :) It'll be missing episode next at this rate...!!

03-26-2013, 08:57 PM
DrMatt, you are a true gent! Huge thanks for all your efforts.

03-27-2013, 09:14 AM
Filewinds is terrible: on Peeje I had transfer around 1 mb/s, on FW it's 128 kb/s and it will take ages before I download osts with updated cd art :(

03-27-2013, 06:17 PM
Filewinds is terrible: on Peeje I had transfer around 1 mb/s, on FW it's 128 kb/s and it will take ages before I download osts with updated cd art :(

Sorry to hear of your speed disappointment - nobody else has complained. Filewinds is what Peeje used to be, and since re-upping the files that mysteriously vanished, they have remained up, so I'm assuming it was a technical error (over other more sinister possibilities) that caused the deletions. Given all the issues with other file-hosting sites, I think a slow but reliable source that allows file sizes above 200MB better than a fast but unreliable size-restricted service - or indeed no uploads at all. And I am doing all I can to make my albums available on torrent sites this year, so if torrents are your thing - do a bit of digging. I believe a site that deals exclusively in British sci-fi material will be offering up all the albums I've recently posted here over the course of this year.

On a separate note, for personal and moral reasons it is no longer my policy to upload commercially available albums (eg Murray Gold scores / Classic Silva Screen releases - including the new release of 'Caves of Androzani') so please don't ask.

03-27-2013, 11:54 PM
I started to put together extended scores using the season 5 episodes that were found on Combom ( a great blog Life, Doctor Who & Combom ( ) extracted from the background channels of the DVDs or TV rips without much talking, just music and effects. Anyone who knows how this is done, please let me know as I'd like to do more of these but some of series 5 is all I have. I combined the tracks with the least background talking with the tracks off the official CDs. Or if anyone has these rips for any new series DW stories please PM me.

Here's one I reedited and put together for The Pandorica Opens: Download The Pandorica from - send big files the easy way (

I went looking for some covers and google images led me to some dead links on here by Dalekdude that had done a similar thing (posts #477 and #208 for example), alas the links are long dead. If anyone downloaded any of these (series 5 stories, end of time, waters of mars are some I have seen dead megaupload links for) could they please upload to save me time reinventing the wheel!

I can upload the other series 5 scores I have already done like this if anyone wants them.

Dalekdude if you're still around maybe you could reupload the ones you did?? Cheers!

03-28-2013, 01:52 AM
Thank you, trabisty! The Pandorica Opens is fantastic!
Please share more of you work....Nicely Done!

Richard Baker
03-28-2013, 02:05 AM
State of Decay: The most notable 'fix' is the re-inclusion of the missing cue from 'State of Decay' kindly pointed out to me here by a keen listener (thanks - I got there in the end!). This cue is now included at the end of the first non excerpt/theme track of the album, with CD timing updated on the CD back JPG.

I'm honoured and touched, I really am. I'm the 'keen listener' noted above, you see. But I've listened to the new version - keenly! - and I'm afraid the missing cue still appears to be missing, sorry... Oh, and the discs still credit Peter Howell rather than Paddy Kingsland. :p

03-28-2013, 11:58 AM
I'm honoured and touched, I really am. I'm the 'keen listener' noted above, you see. But I've listened to the new version - keenly! - and I'm afraid the missing cue still appears to be missing, sorry... Oh, and the discs still credit Peter Howell rather than Paddy Kingsland. :p

Well, I re-ripped the iso-score, found the missing cue, stereofied it, mixed it into the first track, reburnt the CD, updated the CD art...

Just checked both the old and new versions of the CDs and you are perfectly correct! The new version does have 1/5 second gaps at the start of each track, but the missing cue is still missing - don't know what happened there, and I can only apologise to you and the others who have downloaded it (has had the most downloads of all the recent re-ups). And I've only just realised what you meant about the disc crediting Peter Howell - just went thru all the mp3 files (all crediting Paddy correctly) - then thought to check the CD art - and there's Peter Howell's name on the disc label!

I'm only human (barely that at times!) and in my haste to get all the albums uploaded, a gremlin got in there somewhere.

I'll re-re-fix it and sort the disc label tonight. For anyone who has already downloaded it, I'll post a fix, as well re-upping the truly fixed full version.

Apologies again - and thanks for pointing it out - again!

Edit: I've deleted the offending file off FileWinds for now - and I'll be offering the truly fixed version later in MP3 & FLAC to make up for it!

03-28-2013, 04:23 PM
I see the next official release is The Krotons!

New Classic Who:The Krotons (

03-28-2013, 04:36 PM
I hate all those bits of stale bread in soup...

03-28-2013, 10:45 PM
Sorry to hear of your speed disappointment - nobody else has complained.
Sorry for complaining. It's still slow, but now I'm used to it ;)

Carmine Seepage
03-28-2013, 10:59 PM
Yes I noticed it was slower but hey it's still gets there.

Actually though I have all of DM's stuff several times over already so my main thing is to get his updates and fixes so I'm not in the position of having to get everything new.

Krotons tracks on the CD:

Doctor Who (New Opening Theme, 1967)
The Learning Hall
Door Opens
Entry Into The Machine
TARDIS (New Landing)
Wasteland Atmosphere
Machine And City Theme
Machine Exterior
Panels Open
Dispersal Unit
Selris' House
Machine Interior
Snake Bleeps Low
Silver Hose (The Snake)
Snake Bleeps High
Teaching Machine Hums
Burning Light
Birth Of A Kroton
Kroton Theme
Kroton Dies
Link – Rising Hum
Kroton Dies – (Alternative)

Interesting choice of release.

BTW I highly recommend the Androzani CD as well as supporting the releases for more in future it's totally amazing sound and makes one appreciate what DM does to the iso-score files to make them as good as he does with only access to.

As in the release "The DVD isolated scores are straight off the original tapes (resync'd-mono, but and also quite heavily compressed as per the original transmission so as to level match the soundtracks). There is little attempt at remastering, and the AC3 encoding on the DVD is similar to MP3, so lossy. The CD soundtracks are fully remastered (de-noising etc.), maintaining the greater dynamics of the original masters, and in "stereo"

Richard Baker
03-29-2013, 02:25 AM
Apologies again - and thanks for pointing it out - again!

I really do appreciate the care, attention and - dare I say it? - perfectionism you lavish on these unofficial releases, so I didn't want to come over as niggly. Luckily you appear to have the patience of a saint :)

03-29-2013, 02:26 PM
More apologising for not getting 'State of Decay' posted last night - had a very crazy day of unexpected real life happy happenings, and ran out of time.

I will get it done as soon as I can - most likely on Easter Monday.

On an separate note, I'll be posting Jim Mortimore's DW scores over this next week - his new remastered and expanded scores of classic DW BF plays!

03-29-2013, 04:42 PM
My head just explode.

From the other hand: are you still considering to make an ultimate version of 1996 movie soundtrack?
You were mentioning that before Christmas and actually I'm still waiting for it :)

03-29-2013, 05:29 PM
that means there's more music than there is story! i find that oddly amusing.

03-31-2013, 01:35 AM
To DrMatt1974

Wondered where you got to after Demonoid got zapped. Have recently come across this forum and see that you've kept up the good work. I note your comments about the difficulties of posting flac files on Mediafire, etc. Is there any chance of posting the flac versions of your post-Demonoid stuff at alt.binaries.drwho, as I am sure that they would be greatly appreciated. In any event, thanks for all your work on the soundtracks.

I know nothing about news groups or how they work, but if you're willing to show me how, I'd give it a try.

My head just explode.

From the other hand: are you still considering to make an ultimate version of 1996 movie soundtrack?
You were mentioning that before Christmas and actually I'm still waiting for it :)

Well after I saw Hawalius' outstanding effort with such striking CD art that (to be honest) mine could never beat (just not match my range). But then it is a very one-off story that can sit at the end of the shelf with the others as a distinctive bookend lol!

He had done what I was going to do and done it so well, to simply repeat his work for no good reason than to not rip his off (cos my conscience wouldn't allow it) and give it CD art to match my range, I couldn't see any point in doing it. Sorry about that, but I'm sure my near future offerings will more than make up for it. My next major project: Remastering all the original 'never released anywhere in any format!' BBV Audio Visuals music soundtracks from the master tapes :)

03-31-2013, 01:57 AM
Yes I noticed it was slower but hey it's still gets there.

BTW I highly recommend the Androzani CD as well as supporting the releases for more in future it's totally amazing sound and makes one appreciate what DM does to the iso-score files to make them as good as he does with only access to.

As in the release "The DVD isolated scores are straight off the original tapes (resync'd-mono, but and also quite heavily compressed as per the original transmission so as to level match the soundtracks). There is little attempt at remastering, and the AC3 encoding on the DVD is similar to MP3, so lossy. The CD soundtracks are fully remastered (de-noising etc.), maintaining the greater dynamics of the original masters, and in "stereo"

Thank you for your kind words - doing these CDs has always been for the love of it, and creating stereo ambiance that doesn't distort or distract from the music has always been the trickiest part for me. I use very basic software, and it can often take hours of processing time, mixing high/mid/low range versions of the whole album - all with different subtle stereo effects. Worked best on 'Seeds of Doom' - radiophonic sounds are prone to much more distortion from applied effects due to the sound dynamic.

03-31-2013, 03:15 AM

Doctor Who: Davros
Remastered Big Finish Audio Play Soundtrack
Composed and realised by Jane Elphinstone with Jim Mortimore


01. Davros Lives! 18:18
02. Shapes in the Forest 5:10
03. Propheteer 5:29
04. Otherness 3:07
05. Shriek 1:08
06. Tension 2:38
07. Moments of Disquiet 5:28
08. Shadows Creep (four unused source cues) 6:42
09. Blue Sky Initiative 3:11

Total Runing Time: 51:15

All tracks composed and realised by Jane Elphinstone, execpt 8 & 9, composed and realised by Jim Mortimore

Remastered Original Soundtrack for the Big Finish Doctor Who audio play "Davros", starring Colin Baker.

"This score was originally offered to me as part of the editing process. I had in mind a sort of John Carpenter homage (see the unused cues track 08) I tried it out. It didn't work. I wrote some music for the trailer which did work, and later re-used elements during the score. With time pressing down in usual fashion, I asked Jane to do her thang... and she delivered magnificently, working up many short synth and orchestral cues from which the score was assembled, effortlessly evoking eerie landscapes and interiors, while at the same time persuading the Sibelius notator software and the Edirol Orchestral VST to sit up and beg in a way I can only drool jealously over. Other sounds were created with various VSTs, including the FM7, Ganymede, and Exciton, togther with Jane’s trademark flute. The music on this disk is a set of suites assembled from Jane’s source cues. Track 09 was a library piece I had written which seemed to fit nicely as the background music to the corporate promo video which appears in the story. Listening back to the music now is as enjoyable an experience as was assembling the play, which itself is a wonderful character study of two great minds in opposition." - Jim Mortimore, Earth, January 2013

"Jane Elphinstone provides the creepiest Big Finish score yet. The trick is to keep it as minimalist as possible and only rise to drama when the story needs it. This is a collection of stings and discordant stabs of music that really gets under your skin. The electronic tingle that plays over the opening scenes is a great example. There is a horrid 80’s jingle over the TAI Corp video…its like Keff McCulloch is back! Some well judged whistle blows chills the spine. The terrifying music as Davros describes his exile grows more and more dramatic, it leaves you gasping. I loved the rising piano score at the climax as well, getting faster and faster… An excellent score." - Review by Doc Oho, Gallifrey Base

Honesty Box Publishing understands that you may be listening to a pirated copy of this music. If you are and you get stoned to it or otherwise enjoy it a lot, please consider buying this or another of the composer's works at full price from Band Camp:

Jim Mortimore (

All albums available in a variety of audio formats (including lossless).

Prices: �5.50 - �7.50 (and just whatever you can offord or are prepared to offer)

Many tracks available free to download

MP3 VBR V0 (94.4MB): Download DAV MP3 VBR V0 (
MP3 320 (127.6MB): Download DAV MP3 320 (
FLAC CUE: (240.1MB): Download DAV FLAC CUE (

03-31-2013, 12:21 PM
Well after I saw Hawalius' outstanding effort with such striking CD art that (to be honest) mine could never beat (just not match my range). But then it is a very one-off story that can sit at the end of the shelf with the others as a distinctive bookend lol!

Thanks, glad you liked it! You'd be welcome to repackage the album with your own album art, should you wish to. I know a lot of people would like having a matching copy...

For those who missed the link, here it is again (now with FLAC added - well worth it, as the entire CD album is incorporated into the album, meaning a lot of top quality material):

FLAC ( (429MB)
MP3 320 ( (199MB)

Doctor Who full-length Soundtrack by John Debney, John Sponsler & Louis Febre (1996)
The Debney Productions CD album with new and additional material ripped from the 192kps DVD AC3s

01 - Prologue: Skaro/"DOCTOR WHO" Theme/That Should Do It
02 - Breakout
03 - Wimps/Doctor #7 is Shot/Snake
04 - Aftermath
05 - In the Ambulance
06 - Open Eyes/No Double Exposure
07 - The Operation
08 - X-Ray/Stop Him
09 - City View/Snake in the Bathroom
10 - He's Alive
11 - "Who Am I?"
12 - City Scape
13 - The Master/Time
14 - I Quit
15 - Primitive Writing/The UnBruce
16 - Two Hearts
17 - The TARDIS/True Identity
18 - Night Walk
19 - The Eye of Harmony/Half Human
20 - Until Midnight/Atomic Clock/Ambulance
21 - Green Eyes
22 - The Chase
23 - Beryllium Clock/Wragg's Key/Untitled
24 - Slimed
25 - Under the Influence
26 - Crown of Nails
27 - Lee's Last Chance
28 - "Open the Eye"
29 - "Reroute Power!"/Temporal Orbit
30 - To Hold Back Death/Contraption
31 - Farewell
32 - End Credits - "DOCTOR WHO" Theme

Bonus tracks:
33 - Ride into the Moonlight
34 - All Dressed Up
35 - In a Dream

Additional tracks, showcasing the major differences between the film soundtrack and the album/iso versions:
36 - Prologue: Skaro (Album Version)
37 - Breakout (Film Version)
38 - City View (Film Version)
39 - The Chase (Film Version)
40 - Slimed (Film Version)
41 - "Open the Eye" (Film Version)
42 - Auld Lang Syne (Unused Track)

Finally, as bonus MP3 files that are not part of the main album, there are two versions of the theme music demo: one recorded live from the audience at Manopticon, where Philip Segal appeared in early 1996, and another taken from the working print... and a special mix of 'In a Dream' as it appeared in the first Act of the film.

Track titles have been taken from the original album and the book 'Regeneration', which lists every cue (though there are some omissions - these are referenced in the accompanying notes).

03-31-2013, 03:05 PM
Hey, I've uploaded a selection of music from The Bells of St. John. It's not a complete soundtrack, more of a "highlights", similar to what we'd be getting with a soundtrack release (and I'll keep this updated as the episodes go on).

Some SFX, but taken from the 5.1 broadcast: (

04-01-2013, 12:25 AM
Thanks, glad you liked it! You'd be welcome to repackage the album with your own album art, should you wish to. I know a lot of people would like having a matching copy...

For those who missed the link, here it is again (now with FLAC added - well worth it, as the entire CD album is incorporated into the album, meaning a lot of top quality material):

FLAC ( (429MB)
MP3 320 ( (199MB)

Doctor Who full-length Soundtrack by John Debney, John Sponsler & Louis Febre (1996)
The Debney Productions CD album with new and additional material ripped from the 192kps DVD AC3s

01 - Prologue: Skaro/"DOCTOR WHO" Theme/That Should Do It
02 - Breakout
03 - Wimps/Doctor #7 is Shot/Snake
04 - Aftermath
05 - In the Ambulance
06 - Open Eyes/No Double Exposure
07 - The Operation
08 - X-Ray/Stop Him
09 - City View/Snake in the Bathroom
10 - He's Alive
11 - "Who Am I?"
12 - City Scape
13 - The Master/Time
14 - I Quit
15 - Primitive Writing/The UnBruce
16 - Two Hearts
17 - The TARDIS/True Identity
18 - Night Walk
19 - The Eye of Harmony/Half Human
20 - Until Midnight/Atomic Clock/Ambulance
21 - Green Eyes
22 - The Chase
23 - Beryllium Clock/Wragg's Key/Untitled
24 - Slimed
25 - Under the Influence
26 - Crown of Nails
27 - Lee's Last Chance
28 - "Open the Eye"
29 - "Reroute Power!"/Temporal Orbit
30 - To Hold Back Death/Contraption
31 - Farewell
32 - End Credits - "DOCTOR WHO" Theme

Bonus tracks:
33 - Ride into the Moonlight
34 - All Dressed Up
35 - In a Dream

Additional tracks, showcasing the major differences between the film soundtrack and the album/iso versions:
36 - Prologue: Skaro (Album Version)
37 - Breakout (Film Version)
38 - City View (Film Version)
39 - The Chase (Film Version)
40 - Slimed (Film Version)
41 - "Open the Eye" (Film Version)
42 - Auld Lang Syne (Unused Track)

Finally, as bonus MP3 files that are not part of the main album, there are two versions of the theme music demo: one recorded live from the audience at Manopticon, where Philip Segal appeared in early 1996, and another taken from the working print... and a special mix of 'In a Dream' as it appeared in the first Act of the film.

Track titles have been taken from the original album and the book 'Regeneration', which lists every cue (though there are some omissions - these are referenced in the accompanying notes).

Just downloaded this version to sit along the original score and DrMatts and only now has it hit me that the singer of the song 'Ride Into The Moonlight' is Jess Harnell, who is the person who does the voice of Wakko Warner on Animaniacs. I don't think I can listen to the song quiet the same way now... I should have clocked when I got the info original for DrMatt for the missing artists a few months back when he upload the score originally.

04-01-2013, 10:32 AM
01. Davros Lives! 18:18
02. Shapes in the Forest 5:10
03. Propheteer 5:29
04. Otherness 3:07
05. Shriek 1:08
06. Tension 2:38
07. Moments of Disquiet 5:28
08. Shadows Creep (four unused source cues) 6:42
09. Blue Sky Initiative 3:11
It's only me or there is something wrong with tracks' timing? Copy I downloaded has duration of 2 hours and 8 minutes, instead of 51 minutes :P

04-01-2013, 11:46 AM
It's only me or there is something wrong with tracks' timing? Copy I downloaded has duration of 2 hours and 8 minutes, instead of 51 minutes :P

Nothing wrong with the track timings - I suspect there's something wrong with your MP3 player. MP3 version of 'Davros' is first album I've ever uploaded here in VBR (V0) format (space saving format I've been switching to to maximise media space on iDevices). Some MP3 players struggle to work out correct VBR tracks times - but still play files fine at right length and speed (a very few players not at all).

Lol - you'll likely have a version of The Rapture that thinks its 8 hours long later!

I could upload 320 versions as well as.

04-01-2013, 03:19 PM
Here you go - MP3 320 version of 'Davros': Download DAV MP3 320 zip (

04-01-2013, 08:04 PM
First link removed - if anyone is interested, here is a selection of music from Series 7a, the Christmas Special, and Series 7b. Will keep it updated each week. There is SFX, but it should be something at least until the official soundtrack comes out. From the 5.1 audio broadcasts: (

04-02-2013, 01:24 AM
You're in for an absolute cracker of a treat with this score if you enjoy dance music and/or the Big Finish play 'The Rapture'. Delay was caused by some unexpected remastering issues - but has allowed me time to commission and receive some quite lovely full 3xCD artwork for this title, should you (like me) want this album sitting proudly on your shelf! - DM

Doctor Who: The Rapture
Remastered & Expanded Big Finish Audio Play Soundtrack
Composed and realised by Jim Mortimore with Jane Elphinstone and Simon Robinson

Original Release Date: 28th October 2012


DISC 1 (AKA: the a-side)
1) Over Me [7:02]
2) On the Beach [6:01]
3) Rebirth [7:46]
4) Brook of Eden [8:07]
5) Freestyle [6:34]
6) Sorted [6:31]
7) Jude's Law[9:09]
8) Pink Pulloff[4:52]
9) Music of the Spheres[6:10]
10) Gloves Off[3:40]
11) Doctored Who[2:10]
Disc Running Time: 68 minutes approx

DISC 2 (AKA: the b-side)
12) Kanhra [8:18]
13) Udu [8:08]
14) Uracas [8:16]
15) Xanthulu [7:17]
16) Mahser Dagi [8:07]
Disc Running Time: 40 minutes approx

DISC 3 (AKA: the e-side)
17) Sven's Wrath[3:39]
18) Radio Beach[5:32]
19) Ice Floes at Twilight[35:20]
20) Phases of the Moon[3:58]
Disc Running Time: 48 minutes approx

Total Running Time: 2 hours 37 minutes approx

Tracks 1-9 & 11-16 composed and realised by Jim Mortimore
Track 10 composed and realised by Jim Mortimore & Jane Elphinstone
Track 11 composed by Ron Grainer, realised by Delia Derbyshire & Jim Mortimore
Track 17 composed and realised by Simon Robinson, Jane Elphonstone & Jim Mortimore

Remastered and Expanded Original Soundtrack for the Big Finish Doctor Who audio play "The Rapture", starring Sylvester McCoy

When Doctor Who Producer Gary Russell asked me to do post on The Rapture, I wanted to wail like a big girlz blouse. I'd had a decade of the rave scene by then, and when you're talking about The Stuff, Enough is very definitely Enough. However knuckling down to a couple of weeks of cheesy quavers actually turned out to be quite a lot more fun than I was expecting. I never went to Ibiza but I played at enough gigs to think the play was the most surreal of acid flashbacks. Half my mates sounded just like characters from the play. Or maybe that should be the other way round.

I was perplexed and bemused when the rave scene happened (I was 30 years old) then I joined a 10-piece rave band and had a thoroughly bent decade playing live gigs and festies, writing tunes in a damp basement squat with a moderately fucked-up bikers' bar ten feet down the alley. I was 42 while working on The Rapture. During the intervening time I helped generate video material for mammal and wrote a bunch of songs with Lizzie McArdle and Lynne Patterson as 'feel'. Some of them were even released, on strange European label compilation tapes and curiously untitled white labels.

The soundtrack for The Rapture is a genuine white label compilation. The chillout tracks (used as background music) on the e-side are co-written by the usual suspects, Simon Robinson and Jane Elphinstone. Phases of the Moon was written by Jane for her music degree. Radio Beach was a long-distance jam between Simon and myself, while Ice Floes at Twilight was a jam all three of us had at mine during the degree.

The tunes on the b-side (also used as background music) are taken from the feel double-album I wrote (on actual hardware - remember that?) around the mid-nineties (while writing those Doctor Who books for Virgin and BBC Worldwide). I used tracks I'd already written because I liked them, but mostly because delivery deadlines left me no other choice if I wanted an authentic sound for the music. The gear list for these tracks includes a Prophet 600, Roland SH101, Moog Rogue, a couple of Roland W30 workstations and (hoorah!) a real TR909 drum machine which my mate Owen Parker bought from Soho Soundhouse when they first came out. In that sense, they're pukka dance tracks, many of which were played out at gigs in Bristol and London. In a chronically hysterical acid flashback that leaves me almost completely nonplussed, much of the hardware is the exact same hardware I used in many of the Audio Visuals Doctor Who plays, which chucklesome naughtiness led more or less directly to Big Finish acquiring the rights to make even more (un-naughty) Doctor Who plays. So. My trusty synfs man, they've like, done nearly three decades of Who-related tune-age. And how cool is that?

The tracks on the a-side were written specifically for The Rapture on Sonic Foundry Acid using various virtual instruments and FX, and samples. At the time, I treated the tracks more or less as source cues, looping rhythms to suit the scenes in the play. For this album, I Sid-the-Sloth danced back to my original source material, booted the whole kit-and-kaboodle up into Cockos' Reaper and scythed out full-length versions of every track, which month-long midnight-madness damn near gave me a second embolism. Hey Ho - (with apologies) - Been Spending Mos' My Life Dying In This Angels' Paradise. In a doubtless futile attempt to put to bed once and for all the inescapable feeling of drug-laced unravelling time that making this album seems to have induced, the tracks are listed in reverse order.

Find a beach. Get trashed.

Watch out for Angels.

Outtahere - Jim Mortimore, October 2012

Honesty Box Publishing understands that you may be listening to a pirated copy of this music. If you are and you get stoned to it or otherwise enjoy it a lot, please consider buying this or another of the composer's works at full price from Band Camp:

Jim Mortimore (

All albums available in a variety of audio formats (including lossless).

Prices: �5.50 - �7.50 (and just whatever you can offord or are prepared to offer)

Many tracks available free to download.

MP3/320 (376.5MB): Download RAP MP3 320 zip (

FLAC/CUE CD1 (449.6MB): Download RAP FLAC zip (
FLAC/CUE CD2&3 (457.6MB): Download RAP FLAC zip (

3xCD Art Pack (8.6MB): Download RAP ART zip (
(N.B. 3xCD Art Pack not not included in above audio downloads, which include Jim's original covers and varoious sized AlbumArt files)

EDIT: Apologies for not getting 'State of Decay' sorted as promised today - the above post was first on the list and took all of my time. I'll sort it as soon as I can (most likely within 24 hours).

04-02-2013, 08:01 PM
Easter has taken it out of me, as did my much later than planned Rapture session last night, so taking a day off from everything (still feeling guilty about that State of Decay post and the delays to the fix for the fix lol!).

State of Decay will get sorted this week, and some more Jim Mortimore BF scores: He Jests at Scars, Project: Twilight & Embrace the Darkness.

04-04-2013, 10:27 PM
Thank you

04-05-2013, 10:58 AM
Thank you DrMatt for the shares!

04-05-2013, 02:37 PM
Here is a cleaner copy of the Doctor Who 2013 theme tune I cobbled together using the front and end themes of the iPlayer version.

Download file DW_2013.m4a (

04-05-2013, 10:00 PM
Thanks Dr Matt! Lovely to hear the soundtracks in this format. One thing confuses me though. I've just downloaded "The Curse of Fenric" and the artwork for "Back" lists 70 tracks (64 music, 6 sound effects). However "Notes" lists 73 tracks (with an additional 3 sound effects) which corresponds with the tracks on CD1)...

04-06-2013, 06:20 AM
Oh, crumbs. Wrong thread. LOL.

Keep up the good work on the audio, guys! The s7 unofficial soundtrack is awesome!

04-06-2013, 07:29 AM
Thanks Dr Matt! Lovely to hear the soundtracks in this format. One thing confuses me though. I've just downloaded "The Curse of Fenric" and the artwork for "Back" lists 70 tracks (64 music, 6 sound effects). However "Notes" lists 73 tracks (with an additional 3 sound effects) which corresponds with the tracks on CD1)...

I'm only human (as I keep trying to remind myself!) and given how many multiple versions of each score I had on my HDD, when compiling ultimate final versions from all the many folders, I was bound to err once or thrice... Thanks for picking up on this one (and here's hoping the only one!). Rest assured, you have the ultimate/final mp3s, just not the ultimate/final/updated CD back. Apologies. Unfortunately, I'm currently away from home (and the master PSD file/correct CD back) so can't provide an instant fix, but will do as soon as I can.

I've been laid out by flu for the last few days, and had hoped to get the rest of the Jim Mortimore scores up by now. I've not been able to get FLACs for the remaining titles, but hope MP3s will satisfy (and if not, �5.50 for a FLAC download isn't bad!)

Tomorrow: "Embrace the Darkness"

(And possibly a truly fixed "State of Decay" - health/laptop time allowing!)

04-06-2013, 09:09 AM
mp3s are always just fine for me, though i know some here are picky about it. looking forward to the rest of the Mortimore albums - the Rapture was amazing! get better soon.

04-06-2013, 12:30 PM
I'm not complaining! I think the entire package you produce - mp3s and artwork - is fantastic. And seeing as you're not being reimbursed for your efforts, the last thing I would do is criticise!

I'm half tempted though to have a go at creating my own track listings. My own preference, if burning a CD, would be to include the mixed tracks but exclude dialogue extracts and sound effects. Not that I don't appreciate them! Nice to have the choice...

Hope you recover from your flu soon.

04-06-2013, 04:47 PM
I'm not complaining! I think the entire package you produce - mp3s and artwork - is fantastic. And seeing as you're not being reimbursed for your efforts, the last thing I would do is criticise!

I'm half tempted though to have a go at creating my own track listings. My own preference, if burning a CD, would be to include the mixed tracks but exclude dialogue extracts and sound effects. Not that I don't appreciate them! Nice to have the choice...

Hope you recover from your flu soon.

As I put them on, obviously I like the excerpts, but always leave off the sound effects on my MP3 player. I just like to produce as complete a listening experience for each story as possible on 1 CD, and I had nothing but positive feedback when I started including the excerpts, so they became standard. So no changes there I'm afraid. Can't please everybody all the time, but I can include everything, so people can choose what and how they listen to the albums.

Exar Xan
04-06-2013, 07:04 PM
For me those excerpts are the perfect way to remember the episodes so to speak. To put my mind into what the story was. So yeah, keep adding them :)

04-07-2013, 03:51 AM

Doctor Who: Embrace the Darkness
Remastered Big Finish Soundtrack by Jim Mortimore
with Jane Elphinstone & Simon Robinson


1. Darkness Falls I (29:40)
2. Darkness Falls II (50:02)

Total Running Time: 79:42


"Writing the music for Embrace the Darkness was a fantastic experience because it gave me an opportunity to work with two great musicians, Jane Elphinstone and Simon Robinson, who have both gone on to edit and score other plays for Big Finish. It also gave me the opportunity to be paid (for the first time!) for creating one thing I love very much - experimental electro-acoustic music.

I have worshipped at the altar of experimental and electronic composers for so long now it feels like I've worn holes in my knees. Embrace the Darkness was a fine opportunity to pay respects to some of my favourite composers and scores. Notable among these was Jerry Goldsmith's score for Alien and the Barrons' for Forbidden Planet. These scroes interested me for several reasons. In Alien Goldsmith used traditional instruments in really unusual ways (putting water in a trumpet for example) as well as using unusual instruments such as the COnch Shell. In Forbidden Planet I was fascinated by the sensation of fear and foreboding evoked by the Barrons' randomly generated yet meticulously assembled electronic tonalities.

With these ideas in mind I decided to appraoch the music in a similar way, asking Jane to dismantle her flute and clarinet and just play the various bits on their own, asking Simon to play sustained guitar (which he did with a Stanley knife because neither of us had an e-bow and also, I suspect, because it was just too cool for school). Each element was recorded seperately and then assembled into working compositions alongside the dialogue and sound effects. This was also the way I with the electronics; recording performances from hardware and VST instruments. In this sense the score - like almost all the music I write - is essentially found sound treated as music concrete, two genres which interest me greatly. The next - and undoubtedly the most important - element in both the score and the sound design was Jane's work with C-sound on her super-size-me Mac G5. C-sound offered a sound pallette I had literally never heard before. A quite extraordinary range of unexpected organic bleeps and whistles which fitted both the score and the organic nature of the Cimmerian City perfectly. Following this many of the raw takes were manipulated even further with time-stretching and granular synthesis, before being assembled into the final score.

The play was edited and scored between my Lilliputian laptop and Jane's Brobdignagian Mac G5, in a room with no walls or carpet with the never-less-than-puzzled accompaniment of Jane's cockatiel Mrs B (who later went onto her first starring role as the angel wings in The Rapture.

In many ways I felt a bit like Professor Branestawm at the helm of one of his mad inventions. A worthy experience in all respects!

As a nod to the legacy of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop I have included here the three hours and three minutes of electronic source cues from which the score was composed. More leepulosity than you could shake a very large stick at!"

- Jim Mortimore 2012

MP3 192: (

(FileWinds servers aren't allowing file uploads tonight, so MediaFire it is.)

Honesty Box Publishing understands that you may be listening to a pirated copy of this music. If you are and you get stoned to it or otherwise enjoy it a lot, please consider buying this or another of the composer's works at full price from Band Camp:

Jim Mortimore (

All albums available in a variety of audio formats (including lossless).

Prices: �5.50 - �7.50 (or just whatever you can offord or are prepared to offer)

Many tracks available free to download.

04-07-2013, 04:29 AM

Doctor Who: Project Twilight
Remastered Big Finish Soundtrack by Jim Mortimore


1. First Blood (35:50)
2. Last Bite (35:00)

Total Running Time: 70:50


"Only once have I ever been simultaneously amused and stumped by a musical direction. The musical brief for Project Twilight was: Ultraviolet meets EastEnders, please. OK, I thought... well... er... OK... so... piano... and... er... hm.

So I had a cup of tea.

The music was eventually composed on a mixture of hardware and software. Hardware included Jane's Korg Triton, my usual synthy-some suspects and both our EMU samplers. The VSTs... oh god, I forget. There were many. Actual Influences on the music included John Carpenter as well as the usual suspects chronicled in detail elsewhere.

The music was written in my upstairs bedroom, a room that had no wall because of a loft conversion. It had no ceiling either - to balance this it did have a heckuva lot of horrid stinky black sooty kibble from the space where said wall and ceiling had once been. Many years later I took my beloved Korg Maxi to the synth-doctor. He yanked half a ton of hardcore and brick dust out of it, polished it up and now it works a treat. On the subjects of strange things I have found inside my Synthesizers... I'll add the hardcore to the flock of money-spiders I found in my Jen SX1000. It's official - I'm starting a list, a blog and an anonymous helpline.

This score was another fast one, and was bumped my way with Seasons of Fear as an emergency when the original composer dropped out. I took PT (I never liked it at school) and Jane SOF. But for some reason our names were switched at birth in the sleeve notes. For years afterwards people have remarked that I'm not as pretty - nor indeed quite as female - as they were led to believe." - Jimbo, Earth, 2012

MP3 320: (

Honesty Box Publishing understands that you may be listening to a pirated copy of this music. If you are and you get stoned to it or otherwise enjoy it a lot, please consider buying this or another of the composer's works at full price from Band Camp:

Jim Mortimore (

All albums available in a variety of audio formats (including lossless).

Prices: �5.50 - �7.50 (or just whatever you can offord or are prepared to offer)

Many tracks available free to download.

04-07-2013, 05:50 PM
Here is the publicity photos for The Snowmen. :)

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

04-09-2013, 06:01 PM
Many thanks Dr Matt for all the goodies you've uploaded recently.

Just had a quick look at one of the Cavendish releases - Time and Space. Like the CD art, but when you get a chance take a quick look at the back cover. Elizabeth Parker has dropped off the summary and the last sentence of the Peter Howell mini biog has a missing word ("be")!

Out of interest, have you ever applied the Dr Matt treatment to other sources? For example, I believe music from "Tenth Planet" and "Tomb of the Cybermen" has appeared on CD, the Trial portion of Black Light, etc.

04-09-2013, 07:27 PM
Just wondering, but does anyone here have the soundtrack that was recently released for "The Caves of Androzani"? I'm kinda interested in having it. Thanks! :)

04-10-2013, 12:15 PM
Out of interest, have you ever applied the Dr Matt treatment to other sources? For example, I believe music from "Tenth Planet" and "Tomb of the Cybermen" has appeared on CD, the Trial portion of Black Light, etc.
1. Black Light was posted two pages earlier, here is the link: Download MP3 zip (
2. I uploaded The Tenth Planet library tracks album here: Download TTP.rar from - send big files the easy way ( . Sorry for quality - for me it's fine. Enjoy ;)
3. As for Tombs, there is nothing used in the story itself on that OST, see here for info:

04-10-2013, 05:26 PM
Thanks for the links... but the obsessive in me wants to wrap the CDs in the same covers Dr Matt has produced for the other iso scores!! We've got a CD dedicated to Dragonfire already, so it's just CD1 of Blacklight that's relevant now as it has music from Mysterious Planet and Ultimate Foe. I'm OK at burning CDs but pretty useless at designing CD covers.

You're kind of half right about Tombs (if I'm reading the info correctly) in that the sound effects weren't used. However most of the music was.

04-10-2013, 11:05 PM
Many thanks Dr Matt for all the goodies you've uploaded recently.

Just had a quick look at one of the Cavendish releases - Time and Space. Like the CD art, but when you get a chance take a quick look at the back cover. Elizabeth Parker has dropped off the summary and the last sentence of the Peter Howell mini biog has a missing word ("be")!

Out of interest, have you ever applied the Dr Matt treatment to other sources? For example, I believe music from "Tenth Planet" and "Tomb of the Cybermen" has appeared on CD, the Trial portion of Black Light, etc.

I've had FLACs for Tenth Planet and Tomb sitting on my HD for years waiting for me to repackage them - but I'm sure someone here did this a short while back. If not, I could always make it one of my 50th special editions.

I've never had any intention of doing seperate covers for 'Black Light' - in the hope of iso-scores for ToaTL appearing one day, but if I get a spare random hour, it may happen!

As for the Cavendish CD art - not my work, but I'll ask the friend who did if he can!

My upload schedule has been interrupted by the beginnings and exertions of a house move - so please be patient.

04-11-2013, 11:42 PM
Can I beg a little help. Does anyone have the music that played when Wilf and the crew of the The Hesperus (The Vinocci ship) start to fire at the missiles (or before) up to and including tens fall to the ground?

Thank you for any help.


Carmine Seepage
04-12-2013, 05:12 PM
Here's a fun one Doctor Who - Not The 80's. Got the tracks from somewhere, somewhen from someone who found tracks like but not from the show in the 1980's. Added a few tracks myself (A New Body, tom baker and Doctor in Distress) and created the CD title and front art.

Doctor Who - Not The 80's - Original Music Not From The BBC TV Series

01 A New Body At Last (Tom Baker)
02 the human league 14 tom baker (Season 18 Tom Baker)
03 Cat People - 05 - Leopard Tree Dream (Season 18 Tom Baker)
04 Contamination - 01 - Connexion (Season 18 Tom Baker)
05 Contamination - 13 - Contamination #1 (Season 18 Baker)
06 Contamination - 16 - Contamination #2 (Season 18 Tom Baker)
07 Death and Taxes (Season 18 Tom Baker)
08 Prince of Persia (Dos) - Main Titles & Introduction (Season 19 Davison)
09 Life Of Birds - Battle Of The Sea Eagles (Nyssa's Theme - Davison)
10 Xtro - 01 - Main Title-Brainstorm (Seasons 20 Davison)
11 Star Fleet - 02 - Thalian Invasion (Season 20 - Davison)
12 Never-Ending Story - Artax's Death (Black Guardian Theme)
13 Tron - Tron Scherzo (Season 20 Davison)
14 Aenigma - 01 - Sudden Death (The Five Doctors)
15 Xtro - 03 - Out Of The Swamp (Season 21 Davison)
17 Xtro into Davison End Titles
18 Killer Klowns From Outer Space - Galactic Globe Theatre (Colin Baker)
19 La Conquista - 01 - Conquest (Colin Baker)
20 Doctor In Distress (Instrumental)
21 Never-Ending Story - Flight to the Ivory Tower (Season 24 McCoy)
22 Star Fleet - 05 - The Eye of Jupiter (Season 24 McCoy)
23 Star Fleet - 08 - Sargasso in Space (Season 24 McCoy) 1
24 Star Fleet - 08 - Sargasso in Space (Season 24 McCoy) 2
25 Star Fleet - 08 - Sargasso in Space (Season 24 McCoy) 3
26 A Nightmare On Elm Street - 06 - Jail Cell (Season 25 McCoy)
27 Aenigma - 01 - Sudden Death (Season 25 McCoy)
28 Star Fleet - 04 - The Mystery of F-01 (Season 25 McCoy)
29 Star Fleet - 05 - The Eye of Jupiter (Season 25 McCoy)
30 Star Fleet - 09 - Planet of the Monmons (Season 25 McCoy)
31 Star Fleet - 10 - Trial & Execution (Season 25 McCoy)
32 La Chiesa - 04 - Possessione (Season 26 McCoy)

NT80.rar (

04-13-2013, 02:44 AM
Here is the publicity photos for The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe: :)

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

04-14-2013, 07:13 AM
Viva Vienna Wolf... Songs of... and an earlier item picked up.

VivaViennaWolf.rar download - 2shared (

04-14-2013, 11:39 AM
Viva Vienna Wolf... Songs of... and an earlier item picked up.
Thanks for updating :)
But what about the song from the beginning of Akhaten (from the scenes with Clara's parents)?

04-15-2013, 08:35 AM
I found a cool vid on Youtube where Matt Smith joins the techno group Orbital in performing the Doctor Who theme. :D


04-15-2013, 11:42 PM
I've had FLACs for Tenth Planet and Tomb sitting on my HD for years waiting for me to repackage them - but I'm sure someone here did this a short while back. If not, I could always make it one of my 50th special editions.

I've never had any intention of doing seperate covers for 'Black Light' - in the hope of iso-scores for ToaTL appearing one day, but if I get a spare random hour, it may happen!

As for the Cavendish CD art - not my work, but I'll ask the friend who did if he can!

My upload schedule has been interrupted by the beginnings and exertions of a house move - so please be patient.

Hope the house move goes OK! And here's 1 vote for a 50th special edition!!

04-16-2013, 06:38 AM
Hope the house move goes OK! And here's 1 vote for a 50th special edition!!

Me too - Tomb and Tenth Planet special editions please!

04-16-2013, 02:03 PM
Third vote.

04-18-2013, 12:22 AM
Third vote.

OK, OK... I get the message! It will happen. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But soon. Definitely before the end of the year.

But I have little announcement - a mad moment of inspiration that came to me tonight - a Doctor Who musical project to celebrate the 50th Anniversary...

Here's the plan...

11 x CD Set - 1 CD per Doctor, an audio journey through each era of the series, with (as far as possible) music and memorable excerpts from each and every story.

Sound like a plan? It did to me, but then it dawned on me how much work it would involve, researching, sampling, mastering, mixing etc, so I have asked some others equally skilled if they'd like to come on board to help. And I'm sure you guys here will be invaluable with suggestions - and PLEASE make them! This is a huge task - so any classic DW music cues and quotes you think should be included - suggest them here! It would be nice if it was a community effort, and it's always nice to listen to albums you enjoy, knowing that you had a hand in their creation (I speak from experience lol!).

Here's hoping I/we can get them all done before the year is over, but the chances are that they won't come out in Doctor order unless I get some help (it's the black and white era I'll struggle with and I'm itching to get my hands on Peter Davison - so to speak!).

So here's hoping for lots of imaginative suggestions - the first disc I'll be working on and hopefully release in a few weeks is (you may have guessed) 'The Fifth Doctor' (the only Doctor - bar the 7th - where some isolated music exists for every story, even if only on the DVD gallery track) - so if suggestions could be limited to that (5th Doctor) era for now, it would be of greater help in getting the album out quicker (ie I have less to think about lol!)

EDIT: I'm pondering on a title for the series... "Doctor Who: A Symphony Through Time & Space"... Sounds a bit pretentious to me. What else?... "Musical Murmurings from the Vortex"... Bit too Tangerine Dream. How about, "The 11 CD 50th Anniversary Music Set DrMatt promised us in April, that kept getting delayed as usual to the point we gave up hope, and then were pleasantly surprised when all 11 got posted on November 23rd!"... No, no, no... Far too likely! ;)

04-18-2013, 11:18 PM
So I assume that would be around 20 tracks - i.e. one track for each of the televised stories (from Castrovalva to Caves of Androzani)?
Difficult to pick out an outstanding track in each instance! The guitar work in King's Demons is nice, and I like most of the music by Paddy Kingsland. Another question is whether to avoid the more familiar tracks from the BBC's own "best of" releases (i.e. "The Music" and "The Music 2")?

04-19-2013, 01:29 AM
So I assume that would be around 20 tracks - i.e. one track for each of the televised stories (from Castrovalva to Caves of Androzani)?
More like 50 - at least an excerpt or 2 from each story as well...

Another question is whether to avoid the more familiar tracks from the BBC's own "best of" releases (i.e. "The Music" and "The Music 2")?
...using memorable cues not featured on the "best of " releases - unless utterly iconic tracks that it would be criminal to exclude. But I'm more interested in suggestions for excerpts from the stories rather than musical cues - one will follow the other much more easily than the other way round!

On a side note... I've just got hold of all the isolated raw/treated samples, effects and music cues used to create the scores for 'Embrace the Darkness' and 'Seasons of Fear' - fascinating insights into how sound design is created and applied to a DW drama... Coming soon (as well as some other v special projects I daren't mention yet!)

04-19-2013, 08:37 PM
Here we go - bit of a treat for DW soundtrack and audio drama lovers...

The score for the BF audio play 'Embrace the Darkness' now at 320kbps (not 192kbps like the previous post) with the 3 hours and 3 minutes of source cues (3 CDs worth) promised on the sleeve notes, but not even available from BandCamp - so this is a bit of an exclusive! Enjoy!

Doctor Who: Embrace the Darkness (4xCD Soundtrack and Source Cues) MP3 320: Download ETD 4CD MP3 zip (

04-19-2013, 09:49 PM
One of my favourite bits of score is from 'The Leisure Hive', the end of Part Two when the Doctor is put in the Tachyon Machine, Romana and Hardin go to the room to start the test and the hourglass melts.

Richard Baker
04-20-2013, 02:37 PM
...some other v special projects I daren't mention yet!

State of Decay isolated score? :p

04-20-2013, 02:53 PM
Can't say there are any excerpts that spring immediately to mind. However, here are some suggestions. They're not my own - I nicked them from "The Discontinuity Guide":

Castrovalva: (1) The Doctor finds a medicine bottle labelled "the solution". "Oh my little friend, if only you were!". (2) The Doctor asks a group of women the quickest way out of town. They all point in different directions. "That's democracy for you." (3) The Doctor asks Shardovan if he sees the "spatial anomaly" of Castrovalva. "With my eyes, no, but in my philosophy..." (4) "You made us, man of evil, but we are free!" And scores of others... Bottom line: "A perfect example of recursion. And recursion is what we're up against!"

Four to Doomsday: (1) The Doctor's grin to Persuasion "Friendly, I hope?" (2) "If a frog with a funny hairdo can turn itself into a semblance of a human being..." (3) Persuasion confiscates the sonic screwdriver but states "You may keep the pencil."

Kinda: (1) An apple a day keeps the... ah." (2) Basically every single line, apart from the obvious filler material as Adric and Tegan stand and bitch at each other outside the dome. Bottom line: "The trees have no mercy."

The Visitation: (1) Tegan lies outrageously when asked about the Doctor: "He likes to be mysterious, although he talks a lot about Guildford. I think that's where he comes from." (2) Doctor: "How do you feel now?" Tegan: "Groggy, sore and bad-tempered." Doctor: "Almost your old self." Bottom line: "Why are the people of Earth so parochial?"

Black Orchid: No suggestions. Bottom line: "Quite topping!"

Earthshock: Tegan: "I'm just a mouth on legs."

Time-Flight No suggestions. Bottom line: "I don't know what English cricket is coming to."

Arc of Infinity: No suggestions

Snakedance: "I offer you fear in a handful of dust," and many others...

Mawdryn Undead: No suggestions. Bottom line: "Oh, I don't know how many beans make five, Doctor. And you don't have to be a Time Lord to cope with A-Level Maths."

Terminus: Bor discovers he isn't dead. "It's a relief. I am hoping for something rather better on the other side." Bottom line: "There is no return. This is Terminus."

Enlightenment: Striker, on being told the Doctor is a Time Lord: "Are there lords in such a small domain?"

The King's Demons: No suggestions. Bottom line: "Do our demons come to visit us?"

The Five Doctors: No suggestions. Bottom line: "To lose is to win, and he who wins shall lose."

Warriors of the Deep: Great Doctor lines: "I sometimes wonder why I like the people of this miserable planet so much," and the best line of the era, and possibly of the whole show: "There should have been another way."

The Awakening: "Doctor? Doctor bain't a proper name. Will Chandler be a proper name." Bottom line: "The toast of Little Hodcombe."

Frontios: (1) The Doctor on the TARDIS: "As an invasion weapon you'd have to agree it's about as offensive as a chicken vol-au-vent!" (2) The Doctor convinces the Gravis that Tegan is an android: "I got this one cheap because the walk's not quite right... And then there's the accent..." Bottom line: "Frontios buries its own dead."

Resurrection of the Daleks: Turlough, on learning that they're going back to that TARDIS: "Best news all day."

Planet of Fire: No suggestions.

The Caves of Androzani: "Jek's reaction on finally confronting the partner who betrayed him: "Do you think bullets could stop me now? You stinking offal Morgus, look at me!" Bottom line: "It's not your lucky day either, is it?"

04-21-2013, 04:12 AM
State of Decay isolated score? :p

That's still on the imminent cards - it's been a hectic week or so - with several more to come. So please bare with me.

@mantrashack - nice ideas there thanks. Although my fave quote from Mawdryn Undead is still 'the Brig remembers' dialogue I opened the iso score with. So some previously heard excerpts will pop up! But I will include additional not used before excerpts as well.

It would be nicer to try and tell the major plot points of each story in excerpts with music, so it's like experiencing a recap/highlights of each story. Might be nice to include some from deleted scenes as well. I think this could be fun! But as I said, will involve a lot of work, so realistically I can't promise them all this year (though it is possible). But I'm sure to cover the 80s to 2009 before year is out. Just don't know what to do about Paul McGann, unless I use the TV Movie and his first Big Finish audio series (for which a soundtrack CD was released) but would it be canon? Or just make him a bonus mix on the 7th Doctor disc? (Seems a bit mean!) Any thoughts?

I've been thinking on album length as well - some Doctors will have be a double or triple maybe - for Tom - quadruple albums to fit everything in (with the possibole exception of the Paul McGann EP!)

05-01-2013, 05:25 AM
Hey DrMatt! You are basically my hero. Like seriously.

Any chance of a re-upload on the BFA scores? They seem to have been taken down by peejee

05-01-2013, 06:15 AM
I was wondering if there had been any updates on the series seven score release date?

05-01-2013, 06:29 AM
Not to spoil anything for anyone not watching the new season but...

Ice Warrior, and ZYGONS

05-01-2013, 02:19 PM
Still in the process of a long protracted 'everything packed up for a few weeks it seems' move, so nothing new, just a couple of albums I forgot to provide links for in a previous post:

2 unique albums of DW inspired synth music, with (spoken) vocal contributions from several stars from the world of DW.

Cybertech (1994)

Download CY1 MP3 zip (

01. Cybertech (Voc Mix)
02. Pull To Open
03. Doctor Who Theme
04. Technopolis
05. Eocene Park
06. Dreamsnake
07. These E Devils...
08. Dead Planet?
09. We, The Machines
10. A Dark Infinity i) The Doppler Experiment
11. A Dark Infinity ii) Time Travel
12. A Dark Infinity iii) Regeneration
13. Cybertech (Dumb Mix)
14. Time Loop (T T 2)
15. Bonus Track

As Mark Gattiss' sleeve notes remind us, the early 1990s saw a wave of remixed and rerecorded cult TV themes invade the UK Top 40, with dance versions of The X Files, The Saint, The Prisoner, Mission: Impossible and Man in a Suitcase vying for public admiration. Fighting to be the first to bring a refreshed Doctor Who theme to the charts, Adrian Pack and Michael Fillis used 70s synths and analogue sounds harking back to the synthesiser music of the Pertwee era, and experimented further with atmospheric B-sides in the styles of Radiophonic Workshop composers Peter Howell and Malcolm Clarke. Their proposed single of the Doctor Who theme never occurred; instead, they put their finished tracks towards a full-length album of Doctor Who-inspired music, which finally appeared in 1994. By this time, Cybertech (as they named themselves) had become a familiar name for Doctor Who fans, when a series of coincidences and a cassette demo handed to producer JN-T led to the duo's rave arrangement of the theme opening and closing the mini-episodes of the programme made in 3D for Children in Need (Dimensions in Time, 1993).

'Pull to Open', the first atmospheric track of the disc after the same rave theme, is an example of 1980s cliff-hanger music – ascending chords on swirly electronic pads – leading perfectly into a traditional arrangement of the theme tune, including a discordant take on the middle section. Next up, 'Technopolis' could have come from The Caves of Androzani, with its moody African drums and aggressive synthesiser rumblings. It, like so many of the tracks on this album, evokes numerous scores and composers at once – there are hints of Tristram Cary, Malcolm Clarke, Peter Howell and Mark Ayres mixed into the atmospherics here. The effect is very much like listening to a new Doctor Who soundtrack – no recognisable motifs as yet, but familiar noises all round. 'Eocene Park' bucks the trend, featuring only jungle sound effects reminiscent of all those alien planets from the series that used the same backing track of distant roars and bird cries.

'A Dark Infinity' is pure Dominic Glynn, evoking his Trial of a Timelord music with the use of near-identical synths and gothic roars from The Fantasy Factory and Dragonfire. This epic three-part, 15 minute track ranges from moody to romantic, furious to reflective and back again – rather like Peter Howell's highly ambitious Leisure Hive score in miniature – and ends with background music to a dramatic regeneration scene, leading into the instrumental version of their Dimensions in Time theme. Clearly Cybertech were itching to provide not only the theme arrangement but incidental music too for a new Doctor Who project – sad, looking back, that neither Phil Segal, Comic Relief nor BBCi were listening. 'Time Loop (T T 2)' is the only other piece of dance music on the album, and is possibly the best stand-alone track. With swirling wind in the background, a foot-tapping bass motif and more of the Clarke/Glynn atmospherics, it is a mid-90s interpretation of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop's 80s output, rather than a direct imitation of their styles. A few minutes of silence later, and the disc ends with a 'hidden' track – some monstrous heavy breathing complimented with rumbling, dark atmospherics. The 'look-out-it's-behind-you' type of cliff-hanger score that gives an open ending to the disc.

Cybertech: Pharos (1995)

Download CY2 MP3 zip (

01. Precipice Episode 2
02. The Pharos Project
03. Time's Crucible
04. Prometheus Bound
05. Prometheus Unbound
06. First Frontier
07. Yeti
08. Iceberg
09. Nightshade TV Theme
10. Trevithick's Monsters
11. Interstitial Time
12. Legacy
13. Type 40
14. Master Mind
15. Cyberia
16. Wavelength

--> Lyrics (Spoken word sections):

Precipice Episode 2 / First Frontier / Iceberg / Nightshade TV Theme / Wavelength

Those who bought their copies of Cybertech (see above) via mail order contributed to more than sales figures, as Adrian Pack and Michael Fillis organised some customer feedback that would help shape their second collaboration. "We'd started doing the second album before we knew how the first one was doing," they told DWM. "The last thing we did on the first CD was the 'Dark Infinity' suite which was much more musical, and we kind of veered off down that path. Fortunately it was the more thematic material that proved the most popular." With the incentive that the first 100 people to pre-order Pharos would be rewarded with their name in the sleeve booklet, buyers were asked to share their favourite moments of incidental music from Doctor Who. Some of those who replied received a short cassette tape showcasing their choices (taken from video) alongside an extended vocal mix of the 'Cybertech Theme', featuring quotes from Planet of the Spiders, Robot, Death to the Daleks and more. The resulting album was perhaps less eclectic than the first, though the tracks offered were considerably more musical – and the absence of the Doctor Who theme from the disc ("we felt there were enough on the first album") merited the following line on the printed slip accompanying mail-order CDs: "Let me just say that there's a surprise in store in November..."

The opening of Pharos takes inspiration from Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds, with Jon Pertwee standing in for Richard Burton and the dance music of 'The Pharos Project' replacing the disco whines of 'The Eve of the War'. Many tracks pay further homage to the varying styles of the Radiophonic Workshop, with 'Time's Crucible' recreating (rather too faithfully) the aggressive scores of season 22, more farts and warbles than tunes and melodies, and the 'Prometheus' tracks, 'Legacy' and the ten-minute genius of 'Master Mind' taking their inspiration from Peter Howell's Leisure Hive, full of swirling chords (you know the type – the ones that go zzzzeeeeeeoooowww in the background) and ploppy noises. 'First Frontier' and 'Yeti' tell their stories in sound effects: crickets are singing, Sophie Aldred asks "Who is that?", we hear a door quietly open.... and then we are on the London Underground, with signalling Yeti on the track. The music that follows recreates the high-pitched strings and haunting melodies of The Web of Fear's stock music, and brings to mind the cosiness of Saturday nights with Patrick Troughton as much as the fictional world of that story. Over nine minutes this music evolves into a style of its own, applying 90s background music to the same situation – an interesting effect that (perhaps unintentionally) provokes much comparison between the pumping tension in the latter half's score and the quaintness of the 50s stock music deemed appropriate in 1968.

'Nightshade' is far more frivolous, though hardly captures the cheesy 50s radio serial of the novel, sounding instead like an alternative theme to The X Files. 'Trevithick's Monsters' continues the theme, sounding so much like a piece of genuine soundtrack music (with dips in volume and occasional stings) that it's hard to believe Cybertech were never invited to provide music for a BBV or Reeltime Pictures drama, and that this isn't the result. Think of Mark Ayres' generic background music for the drama sequences of 30 Years in the TARDIS and you've got the gist of Pharos – tuneful and fun, but only evocative of Doctor Who soundtracks by association. The disc is rounded off by another grand dance track ('Cyberia') and some eerie narration from Caroline John, replacing Pertwee in the Richard Burton role. Despite the promise of the slip note, Pharos would be the last published recording by Cybertech, as Pack and Fillis turned to other projects together. Both their CDs are generally available via specialist stores and second-hand, though Cybertech themselves no longer offer a mail-order service.

N.B. No original cover art scans for these, but there is hi-res remasteredt albumart based on original designs.

05-03-2013, 07:14 AM
Did anyone get the recent record of John Smith and the Common Men? Can they post a rip? I don't have a record player anymore...

05-03-2013, 12:08 PM
These tracks were post previously here: 2 Guitars Mood in my recent "Space Adventures" upload and b-sides tracks in NileQT1987's Addendum.

05-04-2013, 12:09 AM
Ah thanks, I wasn't sure if it was new material or not - I don't have a memory for track names!

05-04-2013, 09:44 PM
Here we go - bit of a treat for DW soundtrack and audio drama lovers...

The score for the BF audio play 'Embrace the Darkness' now at 320kbps (not 192kbps like the previous post) with the 3 hours and 3 minutes of source cues (3 CDs worth) promised on the sleeve notes, but not even available from BandCamp - so this is a bit of an exclusive! Enjoy!

Doctor Who: Embrace the Darkness (4xCD Soundtrack and Source Cues) MP3 320: Download ETD 4CD MP3 zip (

Just got back on line....Thank you, Dr MATT!!!!!

05-07-2013, 04:11 PM
Does anyone have any of the music that murray gold made available on the various doctor who adventure calendars.

05-09-2013, 12:54 PM
Is there even anything on there that wasnt on the soundtracks?

05-10-2013, 12:13 AM
The Demon is resurrected! What great news! Tis where I started and have always missed, and will now be my joint first post of call when it comes to posting soundtracks.

Any previous Demons should have an email with instructions on how to reactivate account.

Anyone without an account who would like one, PM me here - I have a few invites spare. First come, first served.

I've just posted the final fixed version of 'Enlightenment' - one of the bonus tracks had a second or two missing at the start - fixed version to be made available here v soon.

The Valeyard
05-10-2013, 07:40 AM
Thanks, DrMatt. You're the best!

05-10-2013, 01:58 PM
The Demon is resurrected! What great news! Tis where I started and have always missed, and will now be my joint first post of call when it comes to posting soundtracks.

Any previous Demons should have an email with instructions on how to reactivate account.

Anyone without an account who would like one, PM me here - I have a few invites spare. First come, first served.

I've just posted the final fixed version of 'Enlightenment' - one of the bonus tracks had a second or two missing at the start - fixed version to be made available here v soon.

....I have not had much success with the green imp.....will you still be posting here as well?

---------- Post added at 06:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:58 AM ----------

The Demon is resurrected! What great news! Tis where I started and have always missed, and will now be my joint first post of call when it comes to posting soundtracks.

Any previous Demons should have an email with instructions on how to reactivate account.

Anyone without an account who would like one, PM me here - I have a few invites spare. First come, first served.

I've just posted the final fixed version of 'Enlightenment' - one of the bonus tracks had a second or two missing at the start - fixed version to be made available here v soon.

....I have not had much success with the green imp.....will you still be posting here as well?

Light Fantasic
05-10-2013, 02:10 PM
The Demon is resurrected! What great news! Tis where I started and have always missed, and will now be my joint first post of call when it comes to posting soundtracks.

Any previous Demons should have an email with instructions on how to reactivate account.
Torrent Trouble: Demonoid Resurrected Or Massive Malware Scam? (

It might be a scam, take caution.