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09-06-2010, 08:33 PM
Hoarders aren't just film score enthusiasts. Hoarders are like those who buy stolen art on the black market preventing people from ever seeing them, and that's why the art is so valuable to them in the first place. To them it's less about the art, and more about having something others want.

I'm assuming you mentioned the Ron Jones collection being valuable to armies of Trekkies for the sole reason it's Star Trek, not because they're at all interested in the music, and I'm making the "hoarder" connection based on the release being limited to 5000 copies. It's a collectable. It might as well just be 1 copy becaue FSM is operating on the idea that only 5000 people are buying the rights to listen to this music. And it makes me sad that most of the copies are probably going to be played once, or probably not at all, and will just sit buried in some nerd's basement among unopened action figures and other "collectables."

09-06-2010, 09:05 PM
Probably true Streich, sad as it may be.
But those people will always be there, I suppose we just have to be happy that it gets a release at all.

09-07-2010, 06:43 AM
I will admit to not being particularly interested in the Ron Jones set, but streich's point is applicable to a wide variety of works and I believe it's quite valid.

Ideally, only those who would actually enjoy the set would be able to buy it, but, truth be told, that particular demand is likely quite small, and how would buyers' intentions be evaluated? Perhaps customers could write a 300-word essay on why the music is important to them and why it should be a part of their collection -- highly impractical, but probably the best method to determine said intentions. Of course, no label in their right mind would implement such a policy, and people who are entirely deserving of their desired item will miss out to hoarders and speculators.

That's really what chafes me: at least the Trekkies who get the Jones set without any intention of listening to it do so out of an affection for the franchise, even though I would say they are terribly misguided. The speculators, who buy as many copies as they can until it sells out, withhold the product for a year or so, and then sell it at an outrageous 1000% mark-up are the vilest sort of scum. Sure, it's "capitalism," but of the worst kind -- entirely transparent and motivated by pure greed, which unfortunately seems to be rather prevalent these days.

I'm glad for places like the Shrine where those who actually care about the music can share and discuss it with others and hopefully leave a few of those leeches stuck with a loss.

09-08-2010, 01:28 AM
I agree its sad that the people who are simply trekkies may buy it and never listen to it. Of course there are trekkies who are also soundtrack enthusiasts and want to complete their star trek soundtracks collection and likely will want to listen to it a lot. As much as it sucks when a release may become rare due to collectors, it is because of collectors like that we are able to get them released in the first place. This is why it is imperative that you as a listener and not just a collector pay attention to new releases and do your best to grab a copy when it is first available. Clearly filmscore monthly thinks there is limited appeal to this release due to the box set nature of it and so are limiting it rather than making it unlimited like the Star Trek 2 and 3 releases.

09-08-2010, 09:29 AM
I see both points here. A proportion of buyers will indeed be mad imbeciles who will get this box because it has Star Trek written on it. They'll put it on a shelf down in their basement with the rest of their crap and it'll never be seen again. A proportion of buyers will get ten copies so they can take advantage of people in the first group once the set has sold out. I wonder what percentage of people will actually be buying this because they think "Wow, this is great music and I'm going to derive much enjoyment listening to it!" - I hope it's high.

09-08-2010, 12:17 PM
Hi guys. I want to make you aware of a beautiful ost. It was posted by Leon Scott Kennedy.

composed by Kei Wakakusa

Get it (Thread 79510)

Lens of Truth
09-08-2010, 04:35 PM
I think we can all recognise the good and the not-so-good aspects of the ‘collector’ mentality in ourselves. There are different and conflicting desires at work. The accumulation of objects and signifiers of ‘taste’ and ‘identity’ seems very important at a certain stage in life, a part of becoming and defining yourself. Of course, there’s always just the simple hunger for great music, for discovery, which seems entirely honourable to me. We shouldn’t suggest that connoisseurship (the word itself makes me feel sick) is the be-all-and-end-all.

Don’t you find that, as time moves on, more *human* concerns come to the fore, collections get out of control, and the stacks and piles and shelves start to seem like a ridiculous dominating presence? All the material accumulation sits very uneasily for me – not least with the sublimely intangible nature of music itself. Or is it just that I’m a messy bastard?

All power to FSM, Intrada and co, but thank god for mp3, lossless and this forum!

09-09-2010, 12:05 AM
Don't you find that, as time moves on, more *human* concerns come to the fore, collections get out of control, and the stacks and piles and shelves start to seem like a ridiculous dominating presence? All the material accumulation sits very uneasily for me - not least with the sublimely intangible nature of music itself. Or is it just that I'm a messy bastard?

I used to pride myself on the size of my film collection, but now I just stare at it and wonder why/how did I accumulate so much crap? (To be fair, this might have less to do with personal maturation and more to do with moving at least once a year for the past half decade.) Every attempt to pare it down, however, is met with fits of nostalgia that prevent me from doing the obvious.

Apparently, I am very conflicted. :confused:

Lens of Truth
09-09-2010, 01:18 AM
There are ways to deal with it without having to purge. CD/DVD wallets are a must!

In other news: Zimmer receives Proms debut on Saturday [sort of] with Hornpipe from Pirates 2.

While I’ve got no problem with appeasing populists on the Last Night, or indeed throughout the season in good measure, and the balancing act attempted between this, the tried and true, and exciting new territory.. you’ve got to wonder WHY they went for this piece. An incidental source music cue that could’ve been composed by anyone; attributed here to Zimmer, but in fact written by Skip Henderson. I guess most of the score-proper is so badly orchestrated as to be unperformable in this context. *shrugs*

09-09-2010, 01:24 AM
Well having been a video game collector for so long, I finally decided that collecting music CDs is much more useful. While I may not return and play a video game again (especially when my collection mostly consisted of 40+ hour rpgs) I most certainly will re-listen and re-discover a bit of music I had at one time and maybe at some point decide something I used to like is pure rubbish and give it away (coldplay much? ). I try to be very specific in the type of music I buy though, knowing good and well that I want to only have the stuff I really like around in my collection even though it is really a way to show that I legally support the artists and music I enjoy and don't just download everything :P

Lens of Truth
09-09-2010, 01:37 AM
Sirus, re your comments about Other M and collecting in general:

Is it worth getting? Reviews have been lukewarm. Hearing the how unthrilling the majority of the music was put me off (also I'm trying to cut down on my gaming habit).

09-09-2010, 01:38 AM
I will PM you my lengthy review I wrote up for a small gaming web site.

Lens of Truth
09-09-2010, 02:12 AM
composed by Kei Wakakusa
This is wonderful, thanks for posting! :)

09-09-2010, 02:51 AM
Hugo Friedhofer - One Eyed Jacks - 1961, Kritzerland 2010
Orchestral|Romantic|Relaxing|Thematic|Spanish|Guit ar
2CD - CD1=Album Presentation + Bonus Tracks, CD2=C&C Score Presenataion

MP3 + Scans
Download Part 1 (
Download Part 2 (
PSW: smile

Download Part 1 (
Download Part 2 (
Download Part 3 (
Download Part 4 (
PSW: smile

Huge thanks to Kritzerland for releasing this. The soundtrack sold out quickly and is now unavailable from all but the secondary market. If you like it, you should buy a copy soon before the price increases a whole lot.

This is one of my favorite scores to be released lately. Like the score for Dragon Seed, the music here is very relaxing and beautiful. This score was able to be presented in complete form in stereo and the sound quality is among the best for scores from the 60s made from original tapes. I have listened to both versions of the score and really enjoy the C&C presentation on the second disc.

09-09-2010, 11:21 AM
john williams Concerto for Viola and Orchestra / Stargazers please download

Lens of Truth
09-09-2010, 04:37 PM

Performed by The BBC Philharmonic Orchestra
Conducted by John Harle

Choral Music by JOHN TAVENER
Performed by The Academy of Ancient Music
Conducted by Paul Goodwin
With The Choir of the Temple Church
Directed by Stephen Layton

320Kps|160Mb|Sony Classical|Covers Included

Uploaded here (Thread 79809) by stereoelf

If you haven't heard this already, you must! :D

09-10-2010, 07:34 PM
Ah it's good to be back, thanks for all the stuff I've missed in the past weeks (especially Gormenghast).

Here is something in return that is quite special even for an anime score, it's absolutly gorgeous and beautiful and from a composer who is most famous for the "little" game score for Shadow of the Colossus (or Wander and the Colossi).

Haibane Renmei ~Ailes Grises~ (Complete Score + Art)
Composed by Koh Otani

Chamber Music / Joyful / Relaxing / Melancholic / Strings / Viola / Piano

Vocals by Youko Ueno, Masumi Itou & Paula Terry

Download Link (
MP3 / 320kbps / 30 Tracks


01. Cocoon ~ Birth of a Haibane
02. Free Bird ~ Main Titles
03. Refrain of Memory
04. Days at Old Home
05. Rakka's Dream of Falling from the Sky
06. Wind touches my cheeks gently
07. The World, the City and the Wall
08. Rustle
09. A little plate's Rondo ~ Rakka and Reki
10. The Beginning of the World
11. Adore
12. Birds That Fly Over the Wall ~ Freedom
13. Haibane
14. Washi and the Toga
15. Silent Wonderland ~ Temple
16. Fading
17. Blight
18. Wondering
19. A lonely lullaby
20. End of Summer ~ The Coming of Winter
21. The Bird ~ Ripples By The Drop
22. Something which I can't forget
23. Impulse Of The Wall
24. Moon and Azure Shadow ~ Circle of Sin
25. Darkness of a Heart
26. Reki's World ~ Nightmare ~ Rebirth
27. Ailes Grises
28. Ethereal Remains
29. Irreplaceable Warmth ~ Epilogue
30. Free Bird ~ Vocal Version

Free Bird (live) performed by the Eminence Symphony Orchestra (

Koh Otani has outdone himself with this little gem and "Ailes Grises" is one of my favorite piano pieces ever. The series itself is also quite special, it is one of these rare shows I consider a work of art and the music certainly helped. The world of Haibane and the character struggle of Rakka and Reki is given more substance through the music and it is one of these scores that is just inspirational whatever you're doing at the moment.
So I highly recommend to check it out and be surprised how different it is from Shadow of the Colossus (although the Colossi Motif does make an appearance).

09-10-2010, 08:34 PM
I dislike Otani's music with a passion. He's right up there with Kenji Kawai and Yuki Kajiura as a brainless, criminally over-rated hack artist. Haibane Renmei was recommended to me some years ago and because I was bored (home with the flu) I went ahead and gave it a try. It floored me right from the very first note; the main theme is just delicious - warm but melancholy, and it's a real wonderfully lyrical theme that don't come around very often. and I can't really explain why. And as for the rest of it, what can I say? It's a glorious outpouring of melody and joy without the vaguest hint of a dud moment. It's so nice to hear Otani like this - with all of the sound design and harsh electronics peeled away, we're left with a beautiful, honest, deceptively simple piece of happiness.

Thank you for bringing it back to my attention from whence it has been recently absent. :)

09-10-2010, 08:54 PM
Koh Otani's work is indeed strange. I absolutly love Haibane (in my opinion his best work) and I really like Shadow of the Colossus, the music worked perfectly in the game and the last boss battle is really something else. The melancholy you feel in the game through the music is remarkable and I've checked his other works to expect more of this feelings and more beautiful music like Haibane. But apart from these two exceptions I simply cannot like any other score he has composed. It is really strange.
Regarding Yuki Kajiura: I remember Erementar Gerade had nice themes and her style in Tsubasa Chronicles appealed to me somehow. But most of her work does feel a little bit dull and emotionless compared to composers like Senju Akira or Michiru Oshima. Kenji Kawai ... I hate that guy.

09-11-2010, 05:34 AM
While I agree with Kenji Kawai and Koh Otani generally not producing very emotional work, I have to disagree about Yuki Kajiura although like any composer she has some works that are better than others. Sure her work on Noir is a bit heavy on the synth but I always love to listen to her Tsubasa Chronicles, Elemental Gelade, and El Cazador de la Bruja. Her vocal works specifically as Fiction Junction YUUKA and with Kalafina are often very good as well even if a few of the Kalafina songs on their album are subpar.

09-11-2010, 02:56 PM
Kenji Kawai isn't the least bit overrated. Guy did "Ghost in the Shell," which is widely considered a classic among anime scores.

09-11-2010, 03:00 PM
[edit: never mind...]

09-11-2010, 04:02 PM
Thank you for sharing the complete Haibane Renmei score! This is certainly a beautiful piece of work. Along with Otani's Shadow of the Colossus I find his music transports me to a different place. Kind of sad, lonely but beautifully haunting too. Yeah I know I'm just repeating what others have said but it's so true.

Lens of Truth
09-15-2010, 01:59 AM

Werner Andreas Albert conducting The Queensland Symphony Orchestra

MP3-VO + Booklet Scans - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (

Time for an underrated Golden Age master to make his Orchestral Thread debut :)

The headlining work here, a suite from the classic Anthony Asquith adaptation of Importance of Being Earnest, is a pert and surprisingly lyrical set of variations. The film itself is intentionally stagy and theatrical, and the main tune music makes a great ‘curtain raiser’.

Frankel’s dramatic-introspective gifts are showcased in John Huston’s Night of the Iguana. Huston is becoming a favourite director of mine and he worked with many outstanding composers during the course of his career: Steiner on Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Goldsmith on Freud and Toshiro Mayuzumi on Reflections in a Golden Eye and The Bible. Night of the Iguana, presented here in its entirety, can stand proudly beside those others. It’s subtle and suspenseful, quietly digging into the psychological nooks and crannies of the strange story – you might find a Herrmann connection.

Musically, Trottie True is a colourful cousin to Earnest. ‘The Life and Times of a Gaiety Girl’ features a dreamy melody – you'll feel like you’re lounging in a hammock on a lazy summer’s day. Another beauty of a theme is that of Lily Watkins from Footsteps in the Fog. A simple tune, but one that’s worth hearing again and again – and a good thing too because it dominates the score! The booklet note rightly suggests that it deserves to be better known today. Again I should mention that fans of Herrmann are going to love the finale.

I'd just like to finish by saying a big thank you once again to the institution that is Tangotreats. He very kindly fixed some audio glitches on this recording that had been bothering me for ages. Now you can enjoy a pretty well pristine account of this lovely music. :)

Article - The making of "Music for the Movies" (

Next up, Battle of the Bulge!

09-15-2010, 02:14 AM
Thank you Lens. The simple mention of Herrmann connections left me curious to hear the music.
Is always great for me to discover new composers, like Benjamin Frankel in this case. And also thanks to tango for fixing the audio glitches!

09-15-2010, 05:46 AM
So Simon Boswell's Jason and the Argonauts is getting a release.
Does anyone know this work and whether the fantastic samples are indeed representative? I am not too familiar with the composer.

09-15-2010, 08:25 AM
So Simon Boswell's Jason and the Argonauts is getting a release.
Does anyone know this work and whether the fantastic samples are indeed representative? I am not too familiar with the composer.

For me Jason and The Argonauts will always be Herrmann.
But WOW, indeed wonderful samples. Never heard this Boswell score, but sounds great.
I'm sad to say I have largely forgotten about him recently. I shall be looking up some of his scores again and I'll make sure to share my favorites with the thread.

09-15-2010, 09:16 AM
Boswell has his moments but as Shadow says, he's really fallen off the radar recently. He did a magnificent fully symphonic score with the Royal Philharmonic for a British children's TV series (the Japanese do it all the time, but we never do) two or three years back - apart from that I couldn't name anything high-visibility since Jason.

From what I remember of the series (which I think I watched whilst incapacitated with the flu) the samples are indeed representative. I've been hoping for this one for YEARS.

Lens: Thank YOU for the full album... Never heard a note of Frankel before and I just can't believe I've ignored him for so long.

And, this Tango Treats fellow sounds like a nice bloke - a tip of that hat to him from me as well ;)

09-15-2010, 10:06 AM
Lens: Thank YOU for the full album... Never heard a note of Frankel before and I just can't believe I've ignored him for so long.

And, this Tango Treats fellow sounds like a nice bloke - a tip of that hat to him from me as well ;)

Yes thank you Lens. I haven't gotten a chance to listen to it yet as I have been working my way through some Walton and the Hanson symphonies. I'll make sure to put it on my list though.

And yes that Tango fellow is a stand up guy, although sometimes.... :)

09-16-2010, 08:38 PM
Now this is what I want the next Zelda to sound like: YouTube - Ni no Kuni - TGS 2010 Trailer (
Is it just me or do you get the feeling that next year is going to be very special. I have already discovered over 20 game scores with a big budget orchestra and skilled composers capable of symphonic writing for 2011. I can't wait ...

Lens of Truth
09-16-2010, 09:11 PM
I'm trying my best not to get my hopes up for Zelda! At least it's confirmed that a significant amount of orchestral music will be present, but who knows how it'll turn out... *noises of teeth grinding*

As for Ninokuni, it looks like enough on its own to make me buy a PS3! :D

09-16-2010, 09:52 PM
My thoughts exactly. Now if the remakes of ICO/SOTC turn out to be great aswell (or if they even record new music for them) ... well, time to save some money

09-16-2010, 10:26 PM
Zelda just can't be bad if the rumours that Michiru Oshima is involved are true. Particularly if there will be a large ensemble involved and not the typical anemic Sound Inn "orchestra". Particularly if her role will be as a composer and not just as an orchestrator.

Ninokuni, well, what can you say? Has Joe Hisaishi ever had a dud? Judging from this trailer and from earlier samples of the score released last year, it's going to be a masterpiece on the level of Howl's Moving Castle. (Probably my favourite Hisaishi score.)

I hope next year is special because this year's been a bit damp so far - even in Japan, signs of penny pinching have began to show up in all places; Yoshihisa Hirano's half-an-orchestra for Bantorra, veteran Satoshi Kadokura reduced to scoring Senko no Night Raid with 100% synthesiser, etc, etc. Has 2010 even had a single TV anime with an orchestral score yet? I await 2010's big Warsaw score... I fear there won't be one.

Here's hoping it's just a brief lull and than as the economy picks up we will see a resurgence. :)

Lens of Truth
09-17-2010, 12:28 AM
I have to avoid thinking about it tbh. Zelda is one of the few things I still get the same giddy excitement for as when I was a kid. ORCHESTRAL MUSIC IN ZELDA is something I've literally dreamt of for YEAAAARS!! :swoon:

But here's the thing: the series’ music has a very definite ‘identity’. For my part, I’m not at all sure how well that will make the leap to a full orchestral palette. There’s bound to be disappointment on both sides – ie, “not symphonic enough” vs “not Zelda enough”.

Mario Galaxy managed the stylistic synthesis brilliantly. Of course, everyone raves about the soundtrack for Galaxy 2 as if it was a revelation (much as they do about the whole game), but in fact the credit has to go to the original for its moving the series forward and giving us something unexpected.

I hope the score for Skyward Sword is a true development. They’ve already flirted with leitmotif, certainly from Ocarina of Time onward (and more subtly than it may first appear!). They should push further in that direction.

Re Oshima: I wasn’t aware of anything even solid enough to call a rumour.. I know the possibility was discussed earlier in this thread, but otherwise I’ve heard nothing. Is this coming from the Oshima fan grapevine?

09-17-2010, 12:44 AM
I cannot for the life of me remember where the Oshima rumour came from... I seem to remember it being somewhere between rumour and confirmation... but Google turns up a big blank.

Stranger things have happened. Whoever is involved, it should be pretty respectable. I would guess Oshima is at least in the running because she orchestrated a handful of cues for Twilight Princess.

As much as I love Mario Galaxy (and even Mario Galaxy 2, now, having given it a chance to stew) I will be colossally disappointed if the new Zelda score is effectively Super Mario Galaxy 3. Zelda needs a proper symphonic approach. The bouncy, joyous, incessant cheerfulness of SMG and SMG2 was perfect for the same and a completely logical progression of Kondo's Mario style... Not so Zelda. SMG2 took no risks and covered no new ground. It adopted the SMG formula and simply produced more music in exactly the same style. I can imagine the conversation that went along the lines of "People liked the score from the first one. Do this one EXACTLY THE SAME. Don't f**k with it." and I hope that the Zelda conversation doesn't continue "People liked SMG and SMG2. That's the new Nintendo style for orchestral scores. Right, go off and orchestrate the Zelda theme. Main melody on french horns and trumpets, with snare drum tapping out a happy rhythm. Transfer main melody to oboe and use lower brass to reinforce the rhythm. Secondary romantic theme with flute and oboe interplay and twinkling harps. Modulate and restate main melody on french horns and trumpets. Finish with a cymbal clash and a faux-classical cadence. Do not deviate."

Lens of Truth
09-17-2010, 01:06 AM
It won't be like Galaxy with the overdone cheeriness, but if there isn't snare drum and unison strings and horns galore, I'll eat my hat! ;)

Wouldn't it be great if they went all Sibelius on us... ahhhhh.


09-17-2010, 01:16 AM
Speaking of Nintendo, will Kirby's Epic Yawn have "epic" music similar to the fantastic arrangment in the Orchestral Game Concert 5 ?
I have a soft spot for the Kirby melodies and they sound absolutly fantastic when they are played by a large symphony orchestra. Even a chamber orchestra would be fine but I don't want to hear another synth score for Kirby.

Lens of Truth
09-17-2010, 01:25 AM
Going on this, no:

YouTube - Kirby's Epic Yarn - Tr�iler TGS (

But I'm a sucker for this type of stuff anyway, and the game looks gorgeous. Pity we won't see it in Europe till 2011.

09-17-2010, 01:38 AM
Damn ... at least it will contain some new gorgeous melodies.

@Tango This anime score might be interessting (if only they wouldn't talk in the promos) but I don't know much about it. The composer is only known for Haruhi & Bakemonogatari and I'm not sure if it will be orchestral or mainly synth.

09-17-2010, 02:28 AM
speaking of big game is just around the corner. it might be a bit conventional, but epic nonetheless.but you simply can�t dislike this trailer....
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Hideo Kojima Special Edition Trailer Video from GameVideos (

09-17-2010, 05:35 AM
thanks for the introduce to doraemon, i read and watch Doraemon since i was 7 years old. And no doubt Doraemon is my favorite anime in my whole life .

09-17-2010, 05:37 AM
As far as Japanese soundtracks to look forward to, I'm going to be grabbing Valkyria Chronicles 3 soundtrack :) It will probably be more of the same style but I can't get enough of that side of Sakimoto. And that Kirby Epic Yarn music sounds fantastic. Synth orchestral and so happy and lively :)

09-17-2010, 06:35 AM
My dream scenario for Skyward Sword? Kondo deciding that the serie's big, true breakout on Nintendo's current flagship needs proper care and treatment and, for the first time in a decade, gets back in the big chair as main composer, preferrably with sparing or no assistance. Hey, if I'm gonna dream, why not go big?

Kondo's the best fit for the franchise musically because I for one am not hoping for a fully-orchestral approach so much as a fully-instrumental one. The strength of Zelda music has never lied in any kind of "epic", symphonic sense, but in its sheer breadth of variety, tone and style. Case in point; Ocarina of Time, Kondo's best work to this day, was a rainbow of sound, genre and color; playful, renfair-esque town themes, eerie echoing dissonance, watery Mediterrean cooldown, toe-tapping Spanish dance, cacophonic boss battles, ethereal modal chanting and everything in between; and all of it rendered in simple, modest MIDI.

Which also calls to mind OOT's orchestral arranged album, which while well performed, just lacked a certain something, the tracks were missing the specific color and sense of self that implanted the music, and that game itself, into the hearts of so many. Not one track from that game was similar. Upon hearing the first few notes of Hyrule Field, Gerudo Valley orForest Temple or whichever, everyone instantly forms a sensualized painting of the setting it symbolizes, what it looked like, what they felt when they explored it. My love for eclectism and highly-varied albums;the work of Kanno, Iwasaki, Hamauzu, Armstrong, etc; can probably can traced back to this one soundtrack, and I'm doubtful if just oodles of bombastic orchestral swells and cues can match that type of approach or experience. Not that I'm loathe to the Zelda franchise getting the sumptous Mario Galaxy treatment, it certainly worked for Banjo. It's just that, as someone who doesn't hold symphonic orchestra as the Alpha and Omega of the musical macrocosm, it remains to be seen if it's the best or even most fitting approach for such a franchise's established identity. A game looking as painterly and fantastical as Skyward Sword should have a colorful, varied soundscape to match.

On another note, I'm not sure how much I want Oshima anywhere near this series, if she is indeed in the running for SS's sound team(soooo many s's. 0-0). Her piece for TP was nice, yes, but I can't ignore the itty bitty fact that her track record scoring for games has been absolutely abysmal, and I can't place why. A good guess is simply that Oshima only recently hit her stride as a talented composer, beggining with FMA, well after her anemic efforts on the Legaia and Ico soundtracks, and that one track for TP alone shows she's grown in spades, so perhaps my opinion is unfairly colored. Still, best safe than sorry with such a beloved, well-anticipated franchise.(See Other M.)

09-17-2010, 07:46 PM
In other news, The Symphonic Fantasies Concert CD is now available through Amazon. The Symphonic Legends Concert will be soon, featuring Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Donkey Kong and F-Zero.Hope it will be in TV also, so the Youtube Version can be seen soon.

09-17-2010, 07:47 PM
I guess most of you already heard this soundtrack, but in any case i posted Spellbound by Miklos Rozsa.

Thread 80302

Enjoy :)

09-17-2010, 09:51 PM
If anyone requests it I will upload Symphonic Fantasies, I recieved my copy today and it's absolutly incredible, worlds apart from A Night in Fantasia 09.
Now that I had the chance to listen to all of it I can honestly say that it was definetly worth the wait.

Edit: Uploading ... (just MP3 [Lame] VBR for the moment)

09-17-2010, 09:51 PM
*smiles sweetly*

09-17-2010, 10:16 PM
Symphonic Fantasies would be much appreciated.

09-17-2010, 10:25 PM
Space child adventure GRAND ODYSSEY original soundtrack

Composed,arranged,produced and artistic directed by Akira Senju
Conduct by Kouji Haijima
Flete & alto flute by Mitsuru Soma
Oboe & English horn by Shoji Satoshi
Clarinet & Bass clarinet by Masashi Togame
Bassoon by Shinkichi Maeda
Horns by Shigeaki Hisanaga/Syuntaro Matsuda/Yoshihiko Saito/
Trumpets by Atsushi Takahashi/Antonio Marti/Takashi Nakayama
Trombones by Eijiro Nakagawa/Motoki Nishioka/Kouichi Nonoshita
Percussions by Midori Takahashi/Tomoko Kusakari/Marie Ohuishi
Harp by Tomoyuki Asakawa
Piano & Celesta by Haruki Yoshino
Strings by Shinozaki Masatsugu Strings
Manipulator is Takashi Wada
Lyrics and Vocal by Taeko Onuki

For Aichi EXPO.
"Space Child Adventure GRAND ODYSSEY" is 3D CG animated film that Japan produced.

This movie attraction is equipped with the first system in the world "All spectators appear in the movie".
and,The system was named "Future cast".

The face of you who entered the theater is instantaneously made 3D CG modeling,
and you becomes one of the film characters.

That details is here.

< Details >
Grand Odyssey Futurecast System - You Star!: Science Fiction in the News (

09-17-2010, 10:55 PM
Oh, wow... Thank you, my friend! With Senju, I don't even have to finish downloading this before knowing it will be something special. So much gratitude. :)

Edit: Now playing. I love Japan. That is all.

09-17-2010, 11:19 PM
If anyone requests it I will upload Symphonic Fantasies, I recieved my copy today and it's absolutly incredible, worlds apart from A Night in Fantasia 09

Thank you, it would be greatly appreciated

09-17-2010, 11:21 PM
+ 1 for Symphonic Fantasies.

09-18-2010, 12:18 AM
Great can't wait for Symphonic Fantasies. I'm going to wait to buy the CD to see if it gets a US release somehow.
Also thanks for space child grand odyssey.

09-18-2010, 12:59 AM
Here is a preview of what to expect from Symphonic Legends:
Dear God I can't wait

09-18-2010, 01:41 AM
There are already two well-written reviews for symphonic fantasies as well:
Game Music :: Symphonic Fantasies - Music from Square Enix :: Review by Chris (
RPGFan Soundtracks - Symphonic Fantasies - music from Square Enix (

09-18-2010, 02:47 AM
Symphonic Fantasies

Music from SQUARE ENIX performed by the WDR Rundfunkorchester K�ln & WDR Rundfunkchor K�ln

Majestic / Regal / Choral / Sweeping / Modern Classic

Download Link (
MP3 / VBR / 5 Tracks / 72min


01. Fanfare Overture (Jonne Valtonen)
02. Fantasy I: Kingdom Hearts (Yoko Shimomura)
03. Fantasy II: Secret of Mana (Hiroki Kikuta)
04. Fantasy III: Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross (Yasunori Mitsuda)
05. Fantasy IV: Final Fantasy (Nobuo Uematsu)

Special Performances:

Benyamin Nuss (Piano) and Rony Barrak (Darbuka)

In short: It's amazing, incredible, majestic ... the best game symphony I've heared in recent years

09-18-2010, 02:54 AM
Symphonic Fantasies

Music from SQUARE ENIX performed by the WDR Rundfunkorchester K�ln & WDR Rundfunkchor K�ln

Thanks for this Klnerfan...

09-18-2010, 03:32 AM
Thanks so much kinerfan :)

Lens of Truth
09-18-2010, 04:11 AM
Klnerfan - Thank you so much! Heaven! :)

Symphonic Legends looks great, but how the hell have they arranged F-Zero for orchestra?! I think the phrase is something along the lines of "MIND=BLOWN".

NaotaM, thanks for your last post. I agree with with you up to a point, though I do think Zelda naturally has symphonic leanings. The overworld music on the NES even creates this feeling! And what about Hyrule Field and The Great Sea? But you're right, colour is very important, and I'd hate to hear it become too homogenised. The 'orchestral' arrangements on Hyrule symphony sound that way because it's basically strings only.

Kondo certainly has the talent and the technical ability to handle it on his own, but he doesn't seem to want the workload these days. :(

09-18-2010, 09:31 PM
In case anyone missed it, here is a music preview for Symphonic Legends: YouTube - Jonne Valtonen: Symphonic Legends - Fanfare for the Common 8-bit Hero (

09-18-2010, 11:02 PM
Symphonic Fantasies

klnerfan, thanks so much for this share! I had enjoyed the previously posted version for a while now, but the AQ is definitely improved with the official release. I've already ordered my copy. Also recommended for piano lovers is Thread 80343, featuring the same pianist as the "Kingdom Hearts" track. Man, this week was like an enema for my wallet.

Also, I mostly agree with NaotaM's comments regarding the new Zelda. I've always felt that part of what made the Zelda games so special was a certain simplicity in the realization of the world, and I think if Zelda went full bore into orchestral overdrive with the soundtrack, it would go a long way towards removing the charm of the more intimate musical moments. Of course, there are definitely times when full symphonic bombast will be appropriate, and I hope Nintendo goes all out for those moments; hopefully almost all the music, orchestral or no, will be live. In today's game music world, MIDI is not your friend. So I would prefer to see a range of ensembles, from a lute and pipe to a string quartet to an 80-piece symphony orchestra.

09-18-2010, 11:05 PM
I can agree that intimate sections of Zelda music would be important but they should still at least make the next game's soundtrack with full live instruments and not the far outdated synthesizer they have been using for far too long.

09-18-2010, 11:12 PM
I can agree that intimate sections of Zelda music would be important but they should still at least make the next game's soundtrack with full live instruments and not the far outdated synthesizer they have been using for far too long.

Absolutely 100% agree with this.

09-18-2010, 11:16 PM
Am I the only person with the two following, no doubt unpopular, opinions?:

1. The sound quality on the Symphonic Fantasies CD isn't quite dreadful, but it's not at all good; they've taken a fine recording made in an excellent acoustic, and dynamically compressed the bloody hell out of it. Another victim of the loudness war.

2. Valtonen's Fanfare For The Common 8-Bit Hero is a themeless, directionless, over-orchestrated-to-hell-and-back piece of Williams-pastiche pap. The main melody never quite establishes itself; it's timid. Valtonen expertly interpolated fragments of his Fantasies fanfare into all of the suites, giving it symphonic coherence; but there's almost nothing memorable here to hook on to.

Feeling negative today - sorry folks...

09-19-2010, 10:03 AM
I've been working on a Tribute Symphony for quite some time now. I will give you a hint: It is about a japanese composer I admire who loves to use trumpets, has many jazz influences in his compositions and is similar to John Williams in the sense that he wrote very memorable themes.
It will be up soon ... maybe even tomorrow.

@Tango I have to agree about the 8-Bit Fanfare and I'm feeling a little uncomfortable about his take on the Symphonic Poem for Zelda considering that Valtonen's Fanfare Overture is by far the least impressive track on the cd. The sound quality is also debatable but overall I think this could have been much worse (I'm looking at you, Eminence) and it didn't take away my enjoyment of the whole experience.
And if there is one thing I know it's that your opinions may be unpopular but definetly justified :)

On an unrelated note: remember UMGSO ? It seems they are improving ... somehow

09-19-2010, 01:15 PM
Is anyone bored already with these endless videogame symphony scores albums, which contains the music from the same games? I mean - Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Zelda, Super Mario, Donkey Kong etc. - they are on EVERY ALBUM possible!

I would love to hear some new material, there are so many videogame music that deservers to have orchestral arrangements - Broken Sword, Gabriel Knight, Wing Commander, Indiana Jones 4, Diablo, Monkey Island.... Even if the game has already orchestral music like Medal of Honor, Lair, or Outcast, I would love to hear some arrangements of themes in one 10 minutes suite... It would be certainly better than the 100th arrangement of Zelda theme.

09-19-2010, 01:54 PM
@ Lhurgoyf: Indeed but would many people buy a symphony cd without the names you mentioned ?

I would love a symphony album with 10min arrangments of the following games:

- Afrika
- Anno 1701/1404
- Kameo
- Killzone
- Lair
- Order of the Phoenix
- Primal
- Paraworld
- The Sith Lords
- Republic
- Bioshock
- Outcast
- Last Ranker
- Mass Effect 1+2
- Heart of Darkness

But most of these games aren't as well known or loved by a huge fanbase like the usual suspects.

09-19-2010, 09:51 PM
Could anyone upload the new TADLOW Lawrence of arabia @320? many thanks

09-22-2010, 09:32 AM
I've been busy lately, not much time for the thread :(

Kenji Ito & Takayuki Hattori
Seiken Densetsu: Put Your Thoughts to Music

Sample ( 1st Chapter - Determination.mp3)
1. Determination
2. Menace
3. Mission
4. Friends
5. Parting
6. Decisive Battle
7. Life
Multiupload Link (

Composed by Ito with the orchestra arrangements by Hattori. This album is varied in style so not all of them are full orchestra, but there are quite a few nice tracks in there. There is enough of that Hattori magic to the orchestral pieces to make it a good listen. But out of all the Hattori in this thread this one of my least favorite, because it is more an Ito album than pure Hattori. If you want that go for Intelligent Qube or Romance of the Three Kingdoms V.

Previous Takayuki Hattori uploads
Intelligent Qube (
Romance of the Three Kingdoms V (
Final Fantasy Symphonic Suite ( (only 2nd half)
Falcom Neo Classic (
Godzilla Vs. Space Godzilla (
Shinsengumi (

09-22-2010, 12:10 PM
I would love a symphony album with 10min arrangments of the following games:

- Afrika

You can find "Afrika" symphonic suite on the "Night in Fantasia" 2009 album:

YouTube - A Night in Fantasia 2009 - AFRIKA Symphonic Suite (

As for the rest, I'd also love an orchestral arrangement of Mass Effect...

09-22-2010, 12:51 PM
I always pretty interested in the second one, but until now it was almost impossible buy it to normal prices. However I found this great new edition:

Caravans (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) / Watership Down Suite: Mike Batt: Music (

Fantastic news, because both are tremendous scores by Mike Batt:

The track list:

Disc: 1
1. Caravan On The Move - London Philharmonic Orchestra
2. Main Title - London Philharmonic Orchestra
3. Russian Dance - London Philharmonic Orchestra
4. Inside Sardar Khan's Palace - London Philharmonic Orchestra
5. Journey To Badek - London Philharmonic Orchestra
6. Camp At Qualir, The - London Philharmonic Orchestra
7. Desolate Valley, The - London Philharmonic Orchestra
8. Caravan Song - London Philharmonic Orchestra
9. Qualir At Night - London Philharmonic Orchestra
10. Storm In The Desert - London Philharmonic Orchestra
11. Becky's Waltz - London Philharmonic Orchestra
12. Kochi Dancer - London Philharmonic Orchestra
13. Aftermath, The - London Philharmonic Orchestra
14. Caravans - London Philharmonic Orchestra
15. Minuet at Nazrullah's - London Philharmonic Orchestra

Disc: 2
1. Watership Down - The Beginning - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
2. On Watership Down - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
3. Military Theme And Development - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
4. Baroque Tune - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
5. Firth's Blessing - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
6. Fantasia On A Flying Theme - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
7. Winter On Watership Down - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
8. Chase Adventure - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
9. Kind Of Dream, A - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

09-22-2010, 01:58 PM
That "Seiken Densetsu" CD is off the hook. I always thought that game had the best music of the series, and it's nice to see that it got a "symphonic suite" release.

Lens of Truth
09-23-2010, 08:53 AM
Just encountered the sad news that Geoffrey Burgon has died aged 69 (

Of all the fine scores this man composed (Brideshead, Forsyte Saga, Robin Hood), his music for Narnia is something else for me - I was 6 back in 1988 when it came on, and I think it was the first time I was so enchanted by a 'theme'. He was as much a keystone of British television music as Carl Davis, George Fenton and Jim Parker.


09-23-2010, 09:04 AM
That is deeply saddening Lens. A very talented man who will be greatly missed.

09-23-2010, 02:09 PM
Dear God...

Geoffrey Burgon... a composer far better and far cleverer than I think anybody ever gave him credit for.

Now playing Brideshead Revisited in his memory - RIP...

09-23-2010, 04:32 PM
Maybe this doesn't count anymore because it's "anime" but it's an anime film so I hope it still counts:

An epic preview of the Gundam 00 Movie OST: Enjoy 8 minutes of pure orchestral/choral action (

Somebody needs to get this NOW. It looks like Kenji Kawai went all out on this soundtrack.

09-23-2010, 05:47 PM
Sounds like typical Kawai to me - loud, repetitive, cliched, generic, simplistic, unimaginative, badly orchestrated, and slathered with electric guitars and unnecessary rock percussion...

I shall be giving that one a miss... ;)

Looking forward to the Seed movie though, if it ever happens...

09-23-2010, 09:37 PM
Symphonic Legends was great, didn�t like all the arrangments, Metroid was way too atonal, The Donkey Kong Arrangment wasn�t on par with the Game Concert Version.But everything else was fantastic, with the INCREDIBLE over 30min Zelda-Mega-Suite being a total knockout. Hope it doesn�t take another year to be released on cd, or, killed off by Nintendo.

09-23-2010, 09:38 PM
Oh, GOD DAMMIT. I've missed it?!

09-24-2010, 12:07 AM
Anyway that gundum doesn't excite me at all...oh well. Someone needs to teach Kawai how to write percussion parts...
I can't wait for symphonic legends either, and I shouldn't have a problem with the metroid arrangement. I listen to alot of modern and avant garde music, so It will probably be cool for me.
About the DKC I actually quite enjoyed Hamauzu's arrangement, its alot less straight forward and glorious than the game concert version. But that version only lasted like 1:45 and this new one explored the theme nicely, plus was orchestrated in quite an interesting way. Matsuo's Pikmin arrangement was awesome. Haven't gotten to the Zelda yet.

Lens of Truth
09-24-2010, 12:43 AM
City of London Sinfonia
Richard Hickox
Rumon Gamba

Paul Nash - We Are Making a New World, 1918.

Part 1: - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (
Part 2: - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! (

As well as the full Requiem, which firmly established Burgon in 1976 as a 'serious' composer, I've included here samples from two other discs of classical works, my favourite being the Noir-inspired Cello Concerto. Full performing credits in the mp3 tags.

Excerpt from Richard Morrison:

In this post-modem age, when artists, architects or composers no longer risk losing reputation by being thought too accessible, too popular, too pleasing to the ear or eye, Geoffrey Burgon's success seems a natural reward for talent and imagination of high order. But forty years ago, when Burgon was first making his mark, that kind of open-minded attitude from a composer was a lot rarer, and hence more courageous, than it is today. When Burgon intuitively turned his back on on the avant-garde orthodoxies prevailing in the sixties, he was also turning his back on a contemporary music establishment that largely controlled commissions and performances in London. And his present high standing owes little to any championing of his music by critics. His pieces have spoken powerfully and directly to audiences and musicians alike.

Yet the more one learns about Burgon's life and output , (more than two hundred compositions in the last forty eight years alone), the more paradoxes appear. For one thing, the very accessibility of his style is itself an enigma, suggestive not of a simplistic mind but of a very complex personality that is certain of it's mode of communication and can therefore convey difficult concepts (metaphysical poetry for instance) with utmost clarity.

But perhaps the greatest paradox is that, despite the huge success that Burgon has achieved with his forays into film and television work (which take up, according to the composer, less than two months of each working year), his music packs an intense emotional charge that has been quite undiluted by his increasing fame.

His most recent large-scale work is the Cello Concerto (2007). It is the fourth of Burgon's concertos and in this one he explores the relationship between soloist and orchestra in a novel way. He said that as he was writing it he began to see the soloist as a figure in a 'Film Noir', pursued and assailed throughout it's three movements by dark forces, but eventually prevailing and escaping to a dream like world, a kind of 'Hollywood Heaven'.

Geoffrey Burgon, 1941-2010

09-24-2010, 02:16 AM
Hello everyone, I will post a good quality rip of Symphonic Legends soon (living in Germany does have it's advantages)

I recorded it from the HQ 5.1 WDR audio-stream and it sounds really amazing, during the whole concert I was almost in heaven ... ok maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but I love Nintendo to death and when I heared the End Credits of Metroid Prime Corruption in harmony with the Wind Waker Theme in ENCORE and the chor singing NINTENDO in the final crescendo ... just wow.

09-24-2010, 04:50 AM
Wonderful lens. Thanks for sharing some Burgeon in memory of the composer.

Lens of Truth
09-24-2010, 07:39 AM
You're welcome :) There'll be more Burgon from me soon.

Hello everyone, I will post a good quality rip of Symphonic Legends soon (living in Germany does have it's advantages)

It certainly does! I'm looking forward to your quality rip.

I confess I’ve had a mixed reaction to Symphonic Legends so far. To begin with the good, the Zelda Symphonic Poem is an unqualified success; turning ‘Kokiri Forest’ into a humourous scherzo is an inspired choice, brilliantly executed; then there’s the wonderfully orchestrated creepy treatment of Ganondorf’s theme. And who’d have expected the Light Spirits from Twilight Princess to make an appearance! Gorgeous. I agree with Shadow that the Pikmin Variations are a treat. You can’t go wrong with Galaxy either.

Star Fox is only OK and a bit of a missed opportunity. There’s far too much orchestral noodling for my taste (here and elsewhere). I think I’m developing an aversion to this type of choral writing as well :( F-Zero was such an unlikely and enticing prospect - in the end we get 2 and a half minutes of pointless drumming followed by an unbelievably weak entry from Mute City. Driving this ain't!

There’s something else to be said later on about the generic, overblown (Epic?) and rather uniform dramatic sense that, for the arrangers of this concert, seems to be synonymous with “Symphonic”...

YAY for the fantastic 'Bonus Round' though!! :D

Howling Mad
09-24-2010, 12:12 PM
Anybody got a good ear for instrumental music? This would be for classical and newer stuff (maybe mid-90s or pre mid-90s). I started a request thread for the identification of music used during the Parade of Nations for the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics here:
I just went thru a bunch of the videos that are on Youtube and made some notes when the various music starts. I'm hoping to put together a playlist. I've identified a few of the well known ones but others elude me. So, anyone with a good ear?

09-24-2010, 01:04 PM
So here it is folks

Symphonic Legends: Music from Nintendo
(High Quality Audio-Rip)

Majestic / Regal / Choral / Sweeping / Epic / Modern Classic

Performed by the WDR Rundfunkorchester K�ln and the Lettischer Staatschor

MP3 / 320 kbps / 8 Tracks


02. Introduction & Star Fox
04. Gameboy & Mario
06. High Jump & Speed Racing
09. About Samus Aran & Donkey Kong
12. Space Suit & Galactic Adventure

MP3 / 320 kbps / 2 Tracks


01. INTERMISSION (Benjamin Nuss)
02. Welcome back & The Greatest Legend
04. Standing Ovations & Bonus Level

I will say the following:

1. Oikonny's Fleet or Space Armada had to be in the Starfox Suite
2. They should have replaced F-Zero with the DK Jungle (solo drum part would make sense in such a suite)
3. The Metroid Suite should have progressed from the dark tone to a heroic fanfare, also Ridley's theme could have been used
4. Aquatic Ambience should have been combined with the Maridia Themes from Super Metroid
5. The monumental Zelda Suite could have been shorter and the remaining 10-12 minutes could have been used for a Kirby Suite and a Fire Emblem Opera

Other than that it was heaven ! I enjoyed as much as I enjoyed Symphonic Fantasies and I will definetly buy the CD
If you love Nintendo you will have a teary eye during the ENCORE (can anyone identify all of the end credits they used, I can only count 8 or 9 themes)
and if you can understand german you will also have a good time between the tracks :)


09-24-2010, 01:38 PM
thanks alot, more thoughts after another listen :)

Is anyone else getting "damaged file" when trying to open Part I?
Also the light spirit section of the zelda suite is.... I don't have words for how wonderful it is.

09-24-2010, 03:38 PM
Sounds like typical Kawai to me - loud, repetitive, cliched, generic, simplistic, unimaginative, badly orchestrated, and slathered with electric guitars and unnecessary rock percussion...

I shall be giving that one a miss... ;)

Looking forward to the Seed movie though, if it ever happens...

Anyway that gundum doesn't excite me at all...oh well. Someone needs to teach Kawai how to write percussion parts...

Ouch. Personally, I enjoy Kawai, and I find the percussion his finest element (Moribito and Jinki: EXTEND really show his skill with percussion). I guess that means I have poor taste . . . or my taste is simply my namesake?

He's used mostly the same session musicians (particularly the string group) for the last decade or so when he started using live instruments. There are some exceptions, but maybe his consistent hiring of the same people is that's why people find him bland.

Might as well preview another one: Maybe this one's better? (

I only aim to please.

09-24-2010, 03:46 PM
Damn, is there a reason no one has uploaded that 00 soundtrack? Is it out yet?

09-24-2010, 04:20 PM
Sorry if I insulted you NotSpecial, that wasn't what I intended. I was just saying that it doesn't do anything for me. The second example is better, but still doesn't do it for me.
About the percussion writing, I believe it is on the weak side. But I believe most writers out there are weak percussion writers, its not just Kawai. Being an orchestral percussionist, there aren't many pieces I come by and go "wow this composer really knows their stuff." Most composers become proficient in writing for brass, woodwinds, and strings but seem to put together a percussion part that has less thought to it than the rest. I know that for many people its tempting when writing to go, "Big drums go boom, okay lets do try this rhythm...holy crap it sounds like a drum part already! We can repeat that to fill out this section here with a couple of singled drags every couple of times we get to beat 1 or randomly interject accented 16th note patterns". But in the end is that really a well thought out, intelligent composition? So does the part function? Yes. Is it well reasoned or creative? Not really.

So overall, that type of thing just doesn't grab me. Its my personal taste. I just wouldn't consider Kawai a skilled percussion writer. The perc scores function exactly like they are written to function, but in the end it isn't perc "composition." (by composition I mean that there is some sort of creative, thoughtful, new, or interesting idea involved in the writing) I like to reserve the skilled perc writer term for Wataru Hokoyama, John Williams, and Gustav Mahler to name a few examples from multiple styles and genres.

(Again I'm not trying to tell you what to like, I'm just explaining why it doesn't excite me)

09-24-2010, 04:36 PM
I certainly feel the energy in these gundam tracks but underneath I can also tell that they are far simplistic. I also find the percussion to be severely lacking and not when comparing to orchestral percussion but metal and rock percussion. It is just how when a score is guitar heavy I compare it to rifts and solos on rock and metal albums because that is to me the best point of comparison.

09-24-2010, 04:57 PM
Symphonic Legends is now uploaded, it got very mixed reviews as far as I can tell. Personally I love it and I would buy the CD.
I also recommend to listen to Thread 80579
It's a superb bombastic "real" orchestral fantasy score for an animated movie

09-24-2010, 06:18 PM
Donkey Xote Andrea Guerra London Symphony Orchestra soundtrack downloads please

09-24-2010, 11:23 PM
Ah... business has taken me away from this thread again for a long time, and I've missed a lot. So sad to hear about the death of Burgon. May he RIP. But also, thanks for all the recent uploads. Now, I have something of my own (kind of) that I found while trawling through my usual sites.


Rachmaninoff - Symphonies 1, 2, 3, The Rock, Isle of the Dead

The Concert Hall: Sergei Rachmaninov: 3 Symphonies - The Rock - The Isle Of The Dead (

Some of my all time favourites! The tone-poems, to me, seem as if perfect movie music. Hearing them, it just seems that they're begging for accompanying film/imagery. Still trying to find a copy of Prince Rostislav, though; the RSNO recording of it's the best, but it's nowhere to be found. They've given me a lot of thought about the 'evolution' of music- from forms such as stand-alone symphonies, to ballets, through to tone-poems and to modern day media- but that's probably a long page filler I should save energy for back at university.

A request, though; I remember seeing in the earlier pages of this thread a "Symphony Hero with Great Eagle", "The Hero and the Great Eagle Symphony"? It sounds brilliant, but I haven't been able to find a link that still works. If anyone could re-upload it, I'd really appreciate it. Cheers.

09-25-2010, 05:50 AM
So here it is folks

Symphonic Legends: Music from Nintendo
(High Quality 5.1 Audio-Rip)

Other than that it was heaven ! I enjoyed it far more than Symphonic Fantasies.

ooo finally get to give this a listen. Got it downloading now. I have to say though, Symphonic Fantasies has one thing going for it that this one doesn't. The suite from Secret of Mana. Has to be one of my all time game scores of all time :P That said, cant wait to hear this once its downloaded *watches the progress bar with anticipation!*

Lens of Truth
09-25-2010, 06:49 AM
So here it is folks

Symphonic Legends: Music from Nintendo
(High Quality 5.1 Audio-Rip)

Ah, thank you! As soon as I'm over my hangover I'll give this another good listen.

09-25-2010, 10:54 AM
Donkey Xote composed Andrea Guerra London Symphony Orchestra soundtrack downloads please

09-26-2010, 12:21 AM
remember the outstanding Queen Symphony? Definately amongst the most pleasent listenings i�ve ever had. Its gonna return:

On October 11th, Genesis will get the London Symphony Orchestra treatment. I don�t listen to songs, even if i like a lot of them. But hearing those cliassic melodies skillfully played and beatifully orchestrated is really something.Queen Symphony is pure joy, can�t wait for the Sequel.

09-26-2010, 12:27 AM
J.Towner Williams - The Green Album

John(Towner)Williams and The Boston Pops Orchestra
with the Tanglewood Festival Chorus

01 God Bless America
02 Theme For Earth Day
03 Shenandoah
04 This Land Is Your Land
05 America
06 Deep River
07 On The Trail
08 Copland/ Appalachian Spring - Simple Gifts
09 Make Our Garden Grow
10 Wind On The Water
11 The Green Leaves Of Summer
12 Copland/ The Tender Land - The Promise Of Living
13 Sunrise
14 Appalachian Morning
15 America The Beautiful MB) (

09-26-2010, 08:26 AM
Alexander Courage
Fred Steiner
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

01 Main Title And Closing Theme
02 The Corbomite Maneuver/Radiation
03 Charlie X - Kirk Is Worried
04 Charlie X - Kirk Is Worried
05 Charlie X - Zap Sam
06 Charlie X - Charlie's Friend
07 The Doomsday Machine - Goodbye M. Decker
08 Mudd's Women - Three Venuses
09 Mudd's Women - Hello Ruth
10 Mudd's Women - Planet Rigel
11 Mudd's Women - Eve Cooks MB)

---------- Post added at 04:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 PM ----------

Alexander Courage/Fred Steiner - STAR TREK - TOS VOL.2

Alexander Courage
Fred Steiner
Royal Philharmonic

01 Main Title And Closing Theme
02 By Any Other Name - Neutralizer
03 By Any Other Name - Rojan's Revenge
04 The Trouble With Tribbles - A Matter Of Pride
05 Mirror, Mirror - Mirror, Mirror
06 Mirror, Mirror - Black Ship Tension
07 The Empath - Enter Gem
08 The Empath - Vian Lab
09 The Empath - Help Him
10 The Empath - Time Grows Short
11 The Empath - Vian's Farewell MB)

09-26-2010, 10:07 PM
Thank you all for recent posts! Going through another busy, barely-here patch but still alive, etc.

Just enough time to express a bit of disappointment with Symphonic Legends. Now, if this were any other "Game Music Played By An Orchestra" concert I'd probably be utterly delighted with it and not have a single complaint. It's not, though - I expected something rather special and I just didn't get it. In no particular order...

1) Too many pieces. Symphonic Fantasies worked so well because it was effectively Jonne Valtonen's Symphony No 1 based on themes by Nobuo Uematsu, Yoko Shimomura, Hiroki Kikuta, and Yasunori Mitsuda. That fellow understands that "symphonic" doesn't just describe instrumentation - it's a wider view of form, shape, and interconnection. Valtonen worked his fanfare melodies into every piece - giving the individual fantasies a sense of cohesion not only in themselves but also together; it wasn't four pieces. It was one piece with four parts. Legends suffers because it distributes the workload. You can have ten people building a house, but if you try getting ten people to design it all at the same time, the old adage "too many cooks" is appropriate. Furthermore, the orchestra sounds underrehearsed - possibly as a result of having to practice eleven pieces instead of five? I was really hoping that the two Mario suites and the Donkey Kong suite would be presented as one; it would've made a whole lot more sense. Does the Mario suite do anything, really, that Nobuo Kurita's 1991 arrangement for the Orchestral Game Concert didn't? I think not. Leading succinctly to...

2) Unimaginative arrangements - orchestrators not understanding brief or lacking the necessary skill: In interviews, the concert organiser states that he has commissioned exciting arrangements from skilled composers - but for the most part, we get fluffily orchestrated medleys, not symphonies. For any other concert, for instance, the Star Fox medley would have veeb great - but here, it feels very inadequate. Super Mario Galaxy suffers similarly - some pages appear to be nothing more than the original arrangement recorded for the game. Getting half a dozen popular themes and playing them one after another without a break does not make a symphony. Taking an existing piece and smacking a over-egged choral arrangement over the top of it does not make an "exciting, experimental, unique" piece.

3) Rony Barack. You're a bloody incredible drummer, but enough already. In Shades, you were exciting. In Fantasies, you were tolerable. In Legends, you're just there because you were there the last time.

So, why does everybody hate the Metroid suite? Apart from Valtonen's Zelda symphonic poem, it was really the only arrangement there that took any sort of risks or tried to do anything a bit different. Torsten Rasch wrote a challenging, original piece of music based on Metroid themes. Everybody else except Valtonen took the easy way out. (That said, Masashi Hamauzu's Donkey Kong was rather lovely - it's fascinating to see that the guy can actually arrange himself after two successive Final Fantasy scores orchestrated by Yoshihisa Hirano.)

All in all, a messy, fragmented concert with some greatness floating around in a lot of superficial puff. A shame, a real shame.

Muchos gracias to k1nerfan for the upload, though. :D

09-26-2010, 10:25 PM
Request for: Elmer Bernstein's Film Music Collection

Hello Garcia27,

A google search for Elmer Bernstein's Film Music Collection has led me to this forum & your kind offer: I would be VERY insterested in hearing "Young Bess" conducted by Bernstein - and if you have the time "The Thief of Bagdad" as well.

Many thanks!


Lens of Truth
09-27-2010, 12:33 AM
*....Nails it....*
Agree with all of this. Might I also add that, having praised Valtonen’s take on symphonicised Zelda, I still think it feels more like an elaborate dramatised ‘suite’. It’s basically an episodic treatment of (only a handful of) themes that remain mostly distinct from one another. The few linkages felt like tokenism to me. The music of Zelda has many motivic connections, a whole family of themes and fragmentary ideas (by the nature of vgm) that are crying out to be explored, counterpointed and woven into an altogether richer tapestry. This is not what we got here, but the usual Big, Loud, Dramatic, Epic, “more is more” approach, which I’m inclined to say fits a lot better with the ‘ethos’ of Final Fantasy. The substance doesn’t support the length either – unless you’re Mahler, isn’t it best to go for tightness in pursuit of symphonic cohesion?

[Apologies, once again, for an insufferable, hyper-critical rant ;)]

Alexander Courage
Fred Steiner
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Have these been reissued with new cover art?

09-27-2010, 12:38 AM
I don't know if I understand or can articulate as well as tango and lens but I do agree to the extent that I find that Symphonic Legends falls flat and Symphonic Fantasies as well. Symphonic Shades was far more interesting each time I listened to it despite the fact that I had no prior exposure to the themes.

09-27-2010, 12:53 AM
You didn't get along with Fantasies? Fascinating. That one worked really well for me; the only real stumbling block for me was the self-conscious playing games with the audience that went on in the Final Fantasy suite. Playing a couple of notes of One Winged Angel, then flying off into something else, a few more notes, something else, etc, etc - a gimmick, not a symphony. I thought the fanfare was very good and it was great hearing fragments of it turning up all over the other pieces. I thought it really made it hang together. Whereas the Legends fanfare is whimsical and timid, the Fantasies fanfare felt like it was a prelude to an event - it smacked you right over the head with that glorious chromatic brassy theme, and the rest of it was a textbook example of how to build suspense and anticipation. It made you shut up and listen. Legends, as I said before, I just hear a fluffy little bit of Williams pastiche (2:26 on k1nerfan's rip - please - leave ET alone, it was nearly thirty years ago) with a theme that never quite finds itself.

It's there and then it isn't.

Actually, come to think of it, I think that's probably the best way I can summarise the way I feel about 95% of the Legends concert as a whole.

Oh, well, ho hum. :)

09-27-2010, 01:23 AM
Well I have a hard time getting into fantasies from the audio quality mostly. With so many better sounding recordings of all sorts of classics available I just can't stand the obvious "this was recorded live and we couldn't do any better with the sound quality" sound about it. I really love the arrangement from the two Chrono games but other than that I am tired of hearing the same final fantasy melodies played over and over again and never could get into the kingdom hearts melodies. I would much rather listen to One Eyed Jacks, Dragon Seed and the upcoming releases of The Formula and A Gathering of Eagles that I have to look forward to.

09-27-2010, 01:57 AM
Count me disappointed with "Legends" as well. I don't want to rehash well-articulated complaints, but I agree there were too many cooks, and the best part, the Zelda suite, would have been twice as good were it half as long.

But I still quite enjoy "Fantasies." I just kind of accept the FF medley as something of a necessary evil [don't hate it, but it's been done to death already], but the Chrono, Mana, and Kingdom Hearts suites are superb. It's great to hear this stuff being treated as actual music instead of showtunes, and I don't think I'm alone in considering "Legends" a step back in that regard.

Should have something interesting coming up before too long, if it ever arrives in the mail. It's been shared on this forum before, but not in this thread. ;)

I also booked my tickets to LA for that Turangalila concert. Three weeks!

09-27-2010, 11:05 AM
After another listen and listening to Symphonic Shades and Symphonic Fantasies again I now approach Legends with a different mindset. On a symphonic level it falls flat in comparison with Shades and Fantasies. I find myself listening to Shades the most, overall my favorite of the three.
But if I approach Legends with the mindset of "Game Music Played By An Orchestra" as Tango said, it is much more enjoyable.

That aside the Encore is still my favorite piece followed by Pikmin, Metroid, Donkey Kong and 2/3 of the Zelda Poem.
It is a great joy if you recognize all of the melodies in the Encore and be reminded of everything you love about Nintendo.
At least that's what I feel and it saves this "symphonic" concert for me (thank god Rony Barack had no solo part in it).

09-27-2010, 11:13 AM
Have these been reissued with new cover art?

These are Japanese edition.
It's sold in Japan only.

09-28-2010, 06:08 AM
There was something off with Legends. Something hard for me to put into words but I am easily reminded of whenever I listen to the Orchestral Game Concerts and Shiro Hamaguchi arrangements of Final Fantasy music. I don't want to say Japanese composers/arrangers/orchestrators are more "in tune" with the genre of the orchestral show piece, as they have proven time and time again, but I also don't want to say Legends is just smoke and mirrors, because there are some good ideas there too.

09-28-2010, 01:27 PM
This is Enya's tunes performance by The Taliesin Orchestra.
and,It's a classic style.
Though it differs from "Action music" of this topics name.



09-28-2010, 01:48 PM
Though it differs from "Action music" of this topics name.

Thanks, I'll check it out. The "action" part of the topic name no longer applies. Its now for all styles of quality orchestral music.

09-28-2010, 05:17 PM

The "action" part of the topic name no longer applies.

I did not understand it.
Thank you very much.

09-29-2010, 02:39 AM
I will sadly admit I liked Enya when I was a kid. So obviously I am downloading JPN's upload.... without shame. Thanks for the referral.

09-29-2010, 11:08 PM
Just passing by and delivering this:

Xam'd: The Lost Memories (Concert Suite) ( p3)

Composed by Michiru Oshima

This is a "medley" of Oshima's score and a tribute to her work. I gave it a few touches so that it gives a small indication of what a concert suite of Xam'd would sound like.
I do such suites when I feel this or that score deserves much more attention or a "best of" treatment. It's always a lot of fun to work with music of Oshima's or Sahashi's level.
I know that it's not perfect or by any means close to an actual arranged suite or medley for concert. But good or outstanding orchestral music from japan rarely gets the attention it deserves (Sahashi's London Symphony albums being an exception).

09-29-2010, 11:25 PM
Thank you Klnerfan. Downloading now. A music by Oshima is always worth to give a listen.

09-29-2010, 11:32 PM
Just passing by and delivering this:

Xam'd: The Lost Memories (Concert Suite) ( p3)

Composed by Michiru Oshima

I look forward to listening to this. Im sure it will have that certain "Oshimagic" to it.

Lens of Truth
09-29-2010, 11:55 PM
Very nice klnerfan, thanks!

09-30-2010, 05:36 AM
Klnerfan, considering it's from you, is this an actual concert Oshima held, or is this just another one of your daisy-chain medleys of OST tracks? Not to be mean or disparaging of your posts and if this is a bonafide concert score, great, but to be honest, I just don't see the point otherwise. Yeah, you have editing software, good for you.

Lens of Truth
09-30-2010, 06:34 AM
It's a suite edited from the OST. I assumed this meant an actual 'concert' as well. It might be as well to label posts a little less ambiguously. Appreciated nonetheless.

09-30-2010, 10:22 AM

09-30-2010, 04:14 PM
Sorry folks, I've been very busy lately so I could not give you any explanation about this suite I posted yesterday. It's not "live" but from the ost. It is a "medley" of Oshima's score and a tribute to her work. I gave it a few touches so that it gives a small indication of what a concert suite of Xam'd would sound like. It was also a by-product of my Tribute Project for Toshihiko Sahashi and not as refined.
I do such suites when I feel this or that score deserves much more attention or a "best of" treatment. It's always a lot of fun to work with music of Oshima's or Sahashi's level.
I know that it's not perfect or by any means close to an actual arranged suite or medley for concert. But good or outstanding orchestral music from japan rarely gets the attention it deserves (Sahashi's London Symphony albums being an exception).

09-30-2010, 07:39 PM
Thanks kinerfan :)
I think the same as sanico ;)

Lens of Truth
09-30-2010, 09:36 PM
Yes, and after all, suites are a part of the tradition of this thread! I always enjoy hearing them. :)

09-30-2010, 10:54 PM
Meh, I just I don't the point of choking my HD further with an experience I could replicate just as easily by...listening to the OST? How were the original discs not "doing the material justice"? If you think they need more exposure, just post or link those again(or God forbid people learn how to use a search function.)

Look, I get that all fans dream of making a connection with the creators they love and support, of becoming a part, however small, of their world. It's why things like arrange albums and...fanfiction(brr) exist. But these little "tribute" suites are just hollow, pointless exercises of just stapling the tracks together, removing the ones you didn't deem worthy for everyone else, and adding inconsequential, barely-legible touches. You're not actually contributing anything to the creative discourse of the musicians. That's like handing Stephen King a scrapbook of clipped-out paragraphs of his own work with "suggested changes" in marker over some of it and calling that a "tribute." Just look at all the previously posted Symphonic albums. If one day you decide to produce an actual arrangement of the music you like, or even just write an essay on why you love it and how it's touched you, hell, even just start a discussion about that right here in the thread, great. We're all looking forward to that. But until then, please stop pretending you're doing us, the music or Oshima some great service because you like to fiddle around in audio software.

09-30-2010, 11:25 PM

09-30-2010, 11:33 PM
I get your point but maybe your exaggerating a bit too much. As far as I can remember I posted only two, maybe three projects of such kind in this thread and no one complained about them at all. I could have understand your discontent if that would happen all the time but that is certainly not the case. Suites were always a part of this thread and were posted by a variety of uploaders and I didn't see you complain about any of them.
Also I don't understand how my post is not promoting the actual score. It's a "funny" variation of the score and an enjoyable listen for people familiar with the music and people who have never heared it before (opinions ... I know they hurt).
I remember the last time we disagreed about something, I believe it was about FMA:Brotherhood and I get the impression that this is one of your hypercritical rants again so I will not bother to talk about this any further.


10-01-2010, 12:12 AM
I get your point but maybe your exaggerating a bit too much. As far as I can remember I posted only two, maybe three projects of such kind in this thread and no one complained about them at all. I could have understand your discontent if that would happen all the time but that is certainly not the case. Suites were always a part of this thread and were posted by a variety of uploaders and I didn't see you complain about any of them.

So your argument is that my point is invalid because it's unpopular? Funny, I'm getting the impression you're a brainless, thin-skinned, hypocritical toadie. Make no mistake, most of the "suites" that get posted here are unjustified, ego-boosting tripe I never give a secong glance. My silence about it doesn't mean I enjoyed any of it. But at least those could conceviably be of some worth to someone. A "suite" consisting of various pieces from various composers and scores could potentially expose the listener to new artists and scores they'd never heard of. But if it's all from the same source with no difference, just point to the source. This isn't about wanting the music to get more attention, this is about you wanting more attention.

Also I don't understand how my post is not promoting the actual score. It's a "funny" variation of the score and an enjoyable listen for people familiar with the music and people who have never heared it before.

It's not a "funny(?) variation" of the score, it's the score. Period. Clumped together into one big messy file and fed to us with this truly obnoxious air of personal effort and worth. That's my point. I don't hate that you or others do it, I don't see the point of it personally, but that's not particularly what my problem with it is. After all, I'll just ignore it like all the others and be just fine. It's your attiitude that you're doing this great serious thing for us and the artists when these medleys barely even qualify as fanwork that annoys me.

10-01-2010, 12:35 AM
personally, but that's not particularly what my problem with it is. After all, I'll just ignore it like all the others and be just fine. It's your attiitude that you're doing this great serious thing for us and the artists when these medleys barely even qualify as fanwork that annoys me.

...and frankly I think think this should best be exchanged in pms? Just my opinion.
You have every right to be annoyed of course. But what good does it do to discuss it that way?

Btw, for everyone who does not like something you will find someone who does. :)

[And even if you WERE right, we both do not know if you are, you'd have given exactly what you think was wanted: attention.]

....I don't know if any attitude really matters when sharing (even if it is a big serious thing), so, if someone enjoys doing something and shares it, I guess, yes it is worth appreciation. Sorry.

10-01-2010, 12:40 AM
This is a "medley" of Oshima's score and a tribute to her work. I gave it a few touches so that it gives a small indication of what a concert suite of Xam'd would sound like.
I do such suites when I feel this or that score deserves much more attention or a "best of" treatment. It's always a lot of fun to work with music of Oshima's or Sahashi's level.
I know that it's not perfect or by any means close to an actual arranged suite or medley for concert. But good or outstanding orchestral music from japan rarely gets the attention it deserves (Sahashi's London Symphony albums being an exception).

I don't really see the obnoxious attention whoring in this, but I guess that long, over-exaggerated rants and complaints must have through the roof levels of it. Same with every single post here, and even worse with the actual sources: "HEY LOOK AT ME I'M SO BRILLIANT I'M SHARING THIS WONDERFUL STUFF I AM GOD FOR GIVING YOU THIS BE ETERNALLY THANKFUL". None of us actually like music here; we just like to engage in hyperbole because it makes us look cool.

10-01-2010, 12:47 AM
...and frankly I think think this should best be exchanged in pms? Just my opinion.
You have every right to be annoyed of course. But what good does it do to discuss it that way?

GASP Gosh golly gee wilikers, discussion in a discussion thread? How barbaric.

Btw, for everyone who does not like something you will find someone who does.

:/ Any more sagacious, utterly irrelevant insights you wish to share? How about "It's not the destination, it's the journey"? Or "It's down the hallway, not across the street"? *crosses fingers

Of course people are liking the music. I liked the music too...back when it was originally posted, and still readily available, and not being hawked as some super special thing the posted did when they in fact did jack.

[And even if you WERE right, we both do not know if you are, you'd have given exactly what you think was wanted: attention.]

*sighs* Fine, you got me. I concede to the inherent paradox of calling out self-agrrandizers on their bullshit.

Aoiichi_nii-san; blah blah blah.


Lens of Truth
10-01-2010, 12:55 AM
Let's calm things down a bit. No need for a storm in a teacup over this, or for the use of insulting language.

I personally enjoy hearing suites, but I also believe it's important to give correct and full information about what you're posting and to have the proper sense, always, of humility, with regard to the music.

10-01-2010, 01:30 AM
Let's calm things down a bit. No need for a storm in a teacup over this, or for the use of insulting language.

I personally enjoy hearing suites, but I also believe it's important to give correct and full information about what you're posting and to have the proper sense, always, of humility, with regard to the music.

Here here. For once, please learn to take one opposing, backed-up viewpoint without resorting to covering your ears and flipping the definitons of "Justified, reasoned critique" to "Hypercritical, exaggerated ranting" whenever it's convienient.[COLOR="Silver"]

Getting the thread back on track, here's the second half of the GaoGaiGar collection I could've sworn I was supposed to be posting but never reembered due to school and work and life and other such rot that only serves to distract from that most simple of carnal pleasures: Hot-blooded Orchestral Japtunes. My bad. ^^;

By Kouhei Tanaka

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

There's also one last Song Collection album in the GaoGaiGar pantheon I haven't gotten around to listening to yet, but it apperas to be mostly OP's, ED's and character songs. Then again, like the others, it's two discs worth of music and surely some of that must be orchestral. If it turns out to be a healthy amount, I'll post that as well(though I'll probably post it over in anime regardless.)

10-01-2010, 02:03 AM

10-01-2010, 05:27 AM
Just so you guys know, this Xam'd Lost Memories is also known as Bounen no Zamned depending on how you post it. I posted it on this thread in 2009 when it surfaced. I don't think there is anything wrong with taking out some of the highlights from a score because it gets people to listen to it more. This score seems to have an issue because I sure as hell didn't know what it was from when I posted it so I labeled it completely different than others. I understand NaotaM's position but I think the approach and tone of the posts makes it hard to understand the message behind the obvious negativity. Yes, most of us aren't any more capable than anyone else to make a suite but a properly labeled sampler can be useful for others.

10-01-2010, 06:51 AM
I don't think there is anything wrong with taking out some of the highlights from a score because it gets people to listen to it more.

That right there is where the whole concept loses me. How are you quantifying "More?" What does that even mean? I know you can't mean for us because I'm willing to put down cash of the odds that most of us already have the OST just going off the slavering anticipation there was for it, and if you have the files, you can listen to the music as much as you want. As for new listeners who could be exposed to the material(a point I think is sort of moot almost by default; putting aside that this forum and this thread in particular are very insular-for a laundry list of alienating reasons I could certainly list in detail if I felt like being even more unpopular-and any who'd see these "suites" being posted likely have the original music; score and anime music in general is a pretty niche hobby and one most people are exposed to by watching the source material. The types of people looking for this stuff already know they like it.), well I've already expounded on that before. A sampler pulling from several scores and artists could have some merit for that very purpose. A "Best of" of one composer's wide spectrum of different works has merit(Kanno's Space Bio Charge, Iwasaki's Self-Conciousness, Goldsmith's Taste the Film Music, etc.) And hell, fine, I suppose a cobble of highlights from the same score could be potentially useful alongside a review or something to encourage potential customes to purchase the album itself.

Except the fact remains that this is not that. It's a free download/sharing forum, where anyone with even a halfway-decent network speed can download and try out an entire album in less time than it takes to microwave a TV dinner. And if someone wanted to sample a few pieces of a work first that badly, I assure you most will just take the easier route of doing a few minutes of listening over on Youtube. It's a nice enough gesture, I guess, when it isn't clearly an excuse to show off to everyone what an awesome thing they did and how the music is FINALLY done REAL justice, but I just find it kind of a pointless gesture and question the practicality of it here especially. Again, a lot of us had Xam'd already, and isn't just linking or quoting the original post less work for everyone involved?

So I guess the other argument is that they're just fun for getting to make-believe the music you love is suddenly this big, seamless concert experience. And that's fine, I get it. Whatever floats your boat. We're all one big, bickering gaggle of score-lovers and symphonic concerts are the Alpha and Omega of all we love. Again, I don't hate the concept of these "Suites" on principal as long as they're not too prevalent, I barely pay them any attenion. They even have some iota of relevance when they occasionaly spark interesting discusiion on the music itself. I just fail to see the appeal of waiting around on the off-chance that a friend might, on a whim, decide to thread together the tracks from, say, Aquarion into something kindasorta resembling a symphony or cantata when literally anyone can do the same for themselves in the space of a few minutes simply by opening their eyes to this certain space-age invention we plebs refer to as a "playlist."

V *eyerolls at yet another of Aoichii-nii-san's pitiful, empty, whiny, rambling NO YOU's and Tango's chiding for daring to express my annoyance towards something that to me ranges from pointless but no real harm done to questionable coming from certain posters(let alone towards the landslide of ad-hominems and butthurt that followed my speech against the gospel) in a tone that could be called "Negative."

10-01-2010, 12:43 PM
Blah blah blah

I don't really see anyone demanding suites or waiting around just for them. There's nothing wrong with somebody making a "playlist" and sharing it, or engaging in "make believe", seeing as it doesn't harm the thread or send the topic into mayhem. Well, it kind of does, but that's the fault of the attention whores who decide to attack the efforts of others because they think it's bullshit or annoying. Somebody paying an awful lot of attention to suites for someone who barely pays any attention to them. Now that's real attention whoring. Quite ironic, too.


Even when you having nothing to say, you still insist on making empty and meaningless posts with virtually no content at all. Now that's just simply to attract attention.

How barbaric.

It is, isn't it? Especially when it comes to making false accusations and labelling other peoples efforts as bullshit. Sharing a suite isn't really attention whoring, and with the descriptions and posts given about them, attention doesn't seem to be a priority. God forbid anyone want to simply share something they've made, or got. Sharing the original source music makes you an even greater attention whore.

:/ Any more sagacious, utterly irrelevant insights you wish to share? How about "It's not the destination, it's the journey"? Or "It's down the hallway, not across the street"? *crosses fingers

Attention whoring and music suites are irrelevant to each other, so that point failed the moment you started this. Actually, practically nobody else here has linked the two together; you're the only one to have, and with your absolute focus on the matter (as shown by the hypocritical AND hypercritical rants about it), it seems attention is the foremost thing on your mind.

And now, to await the laughable, useless emoticon or one/two liner insult reply.

10-01-2010, 12:59 PM
FFS, Naota, give it a rest. People aren't objecting to your opinion; they're objecting to the way you express it, and the attitude with which you address anybody who doesn't share it. I have reported this to forum administrators.

Folks - please, don't dignify this clown with any further responses.

10-01-2010, 02:05 PM
Anyways...i'm right now downloading a new kousuke yamashita soundtrack to some digimon show that came out this year. I wont be able to post it until tonight though so if someone else has access to the usual japanese torrent sites and wants to post it sooner please do!

10-01-2010, 02:08 PM
Kousuke Yamashita
Digimon - Xros Wars OST 1

Thanks Sirusjr for the heads up!
Not my rip - thanks to Online Digimon.

10-01-2010, 03:09 PM
New kousuke yamashita :D
He really impressed me with Garasu no Kantai so I hope this will be great

10-01-2010, 03:41 PM
I just finished listening to it. It has the usual feel of Yamashita and is an overall solid score. I am going to upload the lossless later as well.

10-01-2010, 04:05 PM
This is no Garasu no Kantai... ;)

But it is incredibly good stuff. I wish that there had been more money for the orchestra, but at this stage of proceedings (given the symphonically baren 2010 for anime) I am not going to complain... though it is a tad disappointing... I've added it all up and there's about 12 minutes of orchestra on this disc. But as I say, it's Yamashita, so it's a cut above.

Cheers again

10-02-2010, 12:25 AM

10-02-2010, 12:44 AM
Xam'd: The Lost Memories (Concert Suite)

Composed by Michiru Oshima

I would like to thank klnerfan for sharing his suite. I don't have the OST and had never heard this wonderful music before. I don't scour the Internet in search of every anime score because I have neither the time nor the inclination, but I have come to trust and hold in high regard the opinion of many on this thread and when a clean and convenient package such as this is offered, I make a point to give it a listen. I've heard stuff that I can live without and I've heard stuff I find magnificent -- this being one of the latter. I appreciate that someone took the time to compile something that they love and decided to share it with others who might also enjoy it.

Efforts such as this are genuinely appreciated, and I look forward to more in the future. :)

10-02-2010, 02:53 AM
Tazer - your comment is exactly what I meant when I said posting a suite will get more people to listen to the music. Not everyone caught this when it first came out so there is nothing wrong with posting some samples to get people who missed it a reason to check it out.

10-02-2010, 03:33 AM
I haven't posted for a while, but thanks to everyone for recent posts, and I enjoyed the Xam'd suite/sampling/whatever. I do not pay attention to new releases of anime series and movies nor their score releases, so I appreciate whatever exposure I get to the huge world of anime music that I am largely unaware of.

I have to admit that I have not found Kousuke Yamashita to be terribly engrossing, but I will have to give Garasu no Kantai another go as well as the Digimon that TT posted (thanks by the way) . Cheers, everyone. :D :D

EDIT: So...Garasu no Kantai is really nice, better than I remember. I retract my opinion of Yamashita ;)

10-02-2010, 04:15 PM
Kousuke Yamashita - Digimon Xros Wars Music Code - FLAC - 2010
Thanks to Online Digimon for ripping and posting

Download Part 1 (
Download Part 2 (
PSW: smile

MP3 Posted Here by Tango (

10-04-2010, 04:34 AM
Hope you enjoy.

320kbps | MP3 | 118MB | Live Recording, December 1982

Megaupload (

10-04-2010, 07:57 PM
Thanks for this Kalani :)

10-05-2010, 02:32 AM
Just wanted to pop in and let everyone know that Opoona is getting a soundtrack release. Its not really orchestral but still a beautiful Sakimoto soundtrack and has some live instruments in some romantic/jazz pieces. OST comes out December.

10-05-2010, 05:10 AM
Toshihiko Sahashi - Katekyo Hitman Reborn! OST 4 - FLAC + Scans
Thanks to EAC for posting lossless!

FLAC + Scans
Download Part 1 (
Download Part 2 (
Download Part 3 (
PSW: smile

MP3 VBR V-0 + Scans
Download (
PSW: smile

Mirror by morrigan666 (

Download Scans (also included in above links) (

10-05-2010, 05:30 AM
omg doesn't anyone have the new dragon ball kai soundtrack 3 and songs on here? T__T

10-05-2010, 11:07 AM
What a coincidence to discover new music from Sahashi (thanks Siriusjr) while I was preparing this:

The Music of Toshihiko Sahashi

Epic Music Collection (
MP3 / 160 ~ 320kbps / 40 Tracks / Orchestral Mix

I know that many people are using the word "epic" on music even when it's not remotly close to that feeling in my eyes. Most "Western Percussion Choral Synth Trailer Music" is nothig more than scratchy noises to me (except some tracks from TSFH) so I seldom use the word epic to describe my experience with music.
But a few years ago I discovered a japanese composer who has not only impressed me with his work but is also able to compose music for which I cannot think of another term as "epic" to describe it.
Unlike many western composers he understands to make full use of every instrument (classical education is always a good sign) to evoke emotion out of the listener.
He also integrates jazz and rock elements into his music and puts the listening experience on a whole new level.
Only few composers are able to create such an amount of joy for their listeners.
Memorable Themes, the use of a great variety of instruments (from E-Guitar to Fugue) and escpecially trumpet fanfares make Sahashi an unique and masterful composer.
And Trumpets are sadly more and more absent in western scores which is a damn shame because they are such great and powerful instruments.
Thankfully Sahashi and many other japanese composers still know how to use this instrument perfectly.
And here is a perfect example of what I'm talking about ...

Power of Trumpets: A Tribute to Toshihiko Sahashi

Thematic / Majestic / Sweeping / Joyful / Trumpets

Disc I - Majestic (


01. The Majestic Spaceship: MINERVA [4:45] (My favorite theme: "majestic")
02. All My Power! ~All My Soul~ [10:48]
03. Eternal Traveller [5:50]
04. I will never give up [10:52] (amazing trumpet solo in the middle)
05. Launch Lightning [3:41]
06. Theme of Mebius [9:56]
07. Pursuit of Freedom [9:14]
08. Victory Theme [4:24]
09. Our Little Revolution [9:08]
10. Mitsuki's Theme [7:08]
11. Angels of Steel [9:40] (talk about epic)
12. Into the Unknown [3:22]

Disc II - Adventure (


01. Step Into Hyperspace [4:24]
02. Dreams Come True [8:36] (This theme with the trumpets and fast-paced strings will put a smile on your face)
03. Vow to the Future [5:21]
04. Crew of Yamato 56 [7:12]
05. Theme from Gaia [5:52]
06. Strong Bond [7:56]
07. Super 8 Ultra Suite [15:42]
08. For This Star [6:24] (this includes one of my favorite choral pieces)

Disc III - Emotional (


01. Adolescence Suite [11:26]
02. Romantic Theme [6:08]
03. Gunslinger - Symphonic Poem [16:24] (His darkest score yet: "melancholic")
04. Friendship [3:06]
05. Freedom Suite [9:46]
06. Sybilla and Lovers [10:24]

Disc IV - Action (


01. Archangels in Combat [2:48]
02. Densetsu Suite [12:50] (This actually sounds like good old hollywood music)
03. War and Peace [5:40]
04. Confrontation of Destiny [10:52]
05. Black Blood Suite [8:46]
06. Battle Suite [10:10]
07. After the War [8:08]
08. Hymn of our Fatherland "let victory hurry to your manly tone" [3:52] (I could not imagine a better way to go out with a bang)

This should give anyone unfamiliar with Sahashi a clear understanding of what he is capable of.
Fans of Sahashi on the other hand can enjoy his most excellent pieces in a new and exciting way and maybe discover new material they haven't heared before.

If anyone wants to experience more of Sahashi's music, Siriusjr has created a thread with a collection of his soundtracks here (Thread 72009)

What you need to listen to are his Gundam Scores, his Simoun Score and his Ultra Battle Scores, they are all excellent (Spaceship MINERVA is actually my favorite theme he has composed).
The music for gundam was infact good enough for Sahashi to travel to London and record two Symphony albums with the London Symphony Orchestra.
I recently purchased the Destiny Symphony and it is downright amazing, one of my favorite symphony albums in recent years. It is still purchasable and it is always a good choice to support such great talent.

However, some of his work is still nowhere to be found on the internet so if anyone has found more of his music I would appreciate it if I can get the chance to listen to it.


10-05-2010, 12:34 PM
Thanks for this Klnerfan. I recently finished watching the anime Simoun, and now have the OST on constant replay. It is such a great soundtrack.
Lol, I even have a playlist called 'EPIC', which features a lot of Sahashi music. The man is a genius.

10-05-2010, 05:56 PM
Thank you so much for Sahashi, kinerfan! I've discovered this composer only months ago and I'm already mesmerized with his music... I love this new Gundam Seed Symphony 30th Anniversary score performed by LSO, and actually considering buying a copy... Any info where can I get this gem? (preferably for the best price possible)

10-05-2010, 08:26 PM
Thanks for this Kinerfan :)
Like always very good ;)

10-05-2010, 08:36 PM
WTF? Why would I want to listen to some idiotic compilation nonsense? Haven't you philistines heard of PLAYLISTS? SHEESH! Wow, oh yeah, you have editing software? BIG WHOOP! Didn't you learn the last time? Nobody wants this rubbish. I will deliberately ignore the evidence to the contrary and forcibly impose my opinion (disguising it as a cast iron fact, of course) and will respond to anybody else's opinion with insults (since obviously only a degenerate simpleton would disagree with such a robust argument,) and should that fail, I will try to shout them down with long words, the meaning of which I have only a peripheral understanding but utilise frequently nonetheless. I will do these things in the full and passionate belief that I am intelligent and correct, you are stupid and wrong, and that my inherent and undeniable superiority grants me the right to talk to you all like three year-olds.

Only sayin', that's all...

OW, I think I just had an out of body experience...

*is massively enjoying this fine compilation, and is rediscovering lost Sahashi gems as a result of it*


10-05-2010, 08:46 PM
Bravo tango! Although in this instance, a compilation is much more reasonable than say a compilation of tracks from a single ost. Sahashi has so many soundtracks that some sort of compilation is necessary but yet I have never gotten around to it so Bravo to kinerfan for creating one.

10-05-2010, 09:23 PM
Speaking of Sahashi compilations, I might as well remind everybody of my own from 2008...

It's a 76 minute CD with 17 tracks - all fully symphonic (you won't find any of Sahashi's crazy beat pieces or jazz cues - this one is for people who appreciate the sound of an unadorned, traditional symphony orchestra) and from a variety of scores. There's six pieces from live action films and television dramas (including some from Ultraman, of course, but also a few others that you almost certainly have never heard before,) a couple from games, and the rest from his massive anime catalogue. Even if I say so myself, it's a rather good little album - whether you're a Sahashi newbie or you have memorised every single note of music he ever wrote, it's a nice listening experience and a good representation of his very best work, spanning 1994 to 2008. :)

Yeah, another sucky compilation. What are we gonna do?

10-05-2010, 11:50 PM
I must say you had me worried there for a moment Tango ... until I got to the second sentence of course, where have I heared all that crap before ? ;)
Regardless I am enjoying your "symphonic" compilation as well. I am not familiar with his life action films and tv-shows except for Swan no Baka but I wonder if he composed another great space opera score like Gundam for one of those. Speaking of Gundam, wasn't there a rumor about the London Symphony Orchestra being involved in the upcoming Gundam Seed Movie ?

Edit: Off-topic: I remember mentioning the anime Star Driver some time ago ... well it turns out to be a solid orchestral score judging from the few tracks in the first episode, the main theme is also very good. I have high hopes for it since I consider Kosaki's score for The Dissapearance of Haruhi a soul-touching masterpiece (and haven't changed my opinion even after countless listens)

10-06-2010, 12:18 AM
I think someone was theorising that it may happen, but I have to say I think it's incredibly unlikely. To be honest, I'll be surprised if the Seed movie ever happens full stop. The theory behind the rumour, I believe, was that the producers of Gundam must be planning something big involving Sahashi and the LSO, or else they wouldn't have recorded the Gundam Symphony album last year. It did seem a little strange to send Sahashi back to London for more Gundam music, five years after the Seed Destiny symphony. Presumably the Seed symphonies were massively popular and they've been waiting for a reason to replicate it. Probably Gundam is the only franchise around nowadays that would command such a massive undertaking. Even Koichi Sugiyama gave up on London for his last Dragon Quest symphonic suite - it was recorded in Tokyo instead.

Anyway, I sincerely doubt that it means they're trying to maintain a relationship with the LSO! Anybody who needs the LSO and has the money... can have them. There's not some contractual obligation that states that you have to have a stupendously expensive sesson with them at Abbey Road every X years or they won't be your friend any more. If Seed the movie ever happens at all I predict one of the following outcomes, in order of likelihood, most likely first:

1) There will be no original score; they'll track in music from the hours and hours and hours that was recorded for Seed Destiny - or maybe they'll "fake" a score out of the LSO albums.
2) Sahashi will write an original score, but it will be performed by Sahashi's typical half-an-orchestra and recorded in that cardboard box known as Sound Inn.
3) Sahashi will write an original score, but the performance will be all synth. (Think that's impossible? Sahashi's last Ultraman series was all synth. And even the last Ultraman feature was all synth. The Japanese are cutting their music budgets all over the place and it is showing. I only pray that once the financial crisis is over that they will increase them again; otherwise this could spell the beginning of the end of the great Japanese orchestral score.)
4) Somebody else entirely will score it - my guess would be Kenji Kawai since all the Gundam people now seem to think the sun shines out of his arse thanks to that musical monstrosity that was Gundam 00 - and will either use their traditional studio ensemble (or, in Kawai's case, a few dozen violins and double basses, thirty percussionists, and a Korg synth programmed with old Media Ventures brass patches - and they'd be nice and cheap because he'd only have to record about three minutes of music and loop it over the entire movie from start to finish) or they'll get forced into all-synth territory too.

As far as a Sahashi space opera, the closest you'll get is the Ultraman scores - try 2007's Ultra Daikaiju Battle for something stylistically close to the Gundam scores. Though the sort of stuff he manages to get into silly TV dramas is unbelievable. Take the Shikaotoko Aoniyoshi track; that piece of music underscores a man who is late for work running to catch a bus. I think the Gundam scores (even in the original soundtrack recordings) are possibly his magnum-opus in that genre... to date, anyway. I'm not quite sure what he's doing at the moment - not a great deal at all, I imagine. I wonder if he's having a rest, or if they're just not calling him up any more? This seems to be another trend - look at the guys and girls who write big, expensive orchestral scores; Yoshihisa Hirano, Toshihiko Sahashi, Michiru Oshima, Yoko Kanno... None of them have any upcoming anime work.

Oh, well... the difference between this state of affairs and the Hollywood state of affairs is that I have no doubt that the Japanese side of things will pick up. The problem is completely opposite to Hollywood. In Hollywood, they've got a big pot of money and all they want is shitty scores; they talk of budget cuts, but where there's an orchestra there's a way. They could take the 60 man band that Zimmer's clones so frequently use, send all the percussionists, duduk players, shakuhachi players, wailing ethnic female vocalists, etc, home - and hire a skilled composer instead. Don't forget that Shirley Walker made do with 30-35 piece orchestras for Batman, and most Japanese orchestral scores are of about 45-50 players because that's all you can squash in Sound Inn without breaching health and safety regulations!

In Japan, they've got no money (and less money each time around) and all they want is excellent scores.

They'll figure it out. 2010's been pretty rough so far but there are still some diamonds floating around. It'll get better. :)

[Edit: Oh dear, that's spooky... I've got Star Driver going in the background as well - and was thinking the exact same thing you were. Kosaki actually recorded a big orchestral score for 2010's Haruhi movie. It's here: People ignored it because it's Haruhi, and it's going to be silly, right? Not so. One of the best of the year. It's performed by Eminence.]

[Edit edit: Star Driver appears to have BOOBIES also. Orchestral score + boobies + space ships. WIN.]

10-06-2010, 01:03 AM
I am aware of how much the score for Haruhi got ignored (or even got bad reviews ... how the hell are their ears working). The movie itself is also a stunning piece of animation, completly atmospheric and a totally different tone than the series. (Star Driver got gorgous visuals as well but those weird SM-uniforms are bugging me).

Anyway ... while the budgets are cut in japan, a new western game score rises from the Shadows:

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (Thread 81182)

Composed by Oscar Araujo and quite excellent I might add.

10-06-2010, 01:22 AM
I'm sorry if this is a bit off topic, but to all participants - friends and enemies, the new and the old alike, do yourselves a big favour... read through this thread from the beginning. It's not just a list of downloads; it's a massive encyclopedia of music. I've just read about fourty pages in the middle and it absolutely amazes me.

kInerfan: I'm not feeling Castlevania... I had high hopes... is it just me, or is it uncharacteristically competently orchestrated, but extremely repetitive and drowning in cliche? :(

10-06-2010, 01:53 AM
Oh look, more glorified playlists. :p My stance on "suites" still stands, but eh, thanks for this impressively comprehensive collection of a particularly prolific composer's vast body of work, and apologies to everyone for how the discussion blew up last weekend.

I'm not quite sure how to feel about the possibility of a Gundam Seed movie. The timing of it is just...odd, and the theorizing behind the rumor is shaky. Stranger things have happened-just look at Birdy the Mighty-but it seems people are reading into Gundam Symphony a tad too much. It's not that Gundam Seed was particularly popular(not over here anyway, at least not to those with correctly functioning brain stems-if there was ever a Twilight of Gundam, this was it) so much as just Gundam period is popular, and boy is it ever. That, and Japan just loves music. And money. Boy howdy do they love them some of the green stuff. Just look at the eternal cascade of Final Fatasy concerts. Hell, even Shoot-Em-Up and B-grade rpg ost's get royal treatment over there(CAVE seems to release a glossy new arrange album every other week and Gust churns out major bucks hiring idol singers for Ar Tonelico alone.)

Those are some interesting predictions, Tango, though maybe a little pessimistic. Franchises are one thing, but series sequel properties, particularly films, don't switch composers too often(again, Birdy being an exception, as well as Blood.) If Seed's music was that popular, replacing Sahashi wouldn't be a wise move. Rehashing old music from the series is pretty feasible, but not inevitable. Tanaka, for one, writes gluts of new material for each and every One Piece filler flick, most of which usually making it into tv broadcast as well. Whether a resulting score would be live or not largely amounts to budget, but you'd think they'd spring to make a big impression for something as HUGE(in Japan) as a Seed film. Hell, Tomino spent Buddha-knows-what just for a five-minute Kanno cue to an incomprehenisble melange of color and noise you could barely hear it over.

While it's certainly true the anime industry's giant collective coin-purse is feeling distressingly light and everything from the writing staffs to the composers are feeling the sting of reccesion(when there are rumors that the government is on the verge of stepping in, the apocoylpse seems nigh. But it could always be worse; they could be like Korea and ship all their directors out to film school LOL), perhaps Sahashi is just taking a rest for a bit. Composers are humans, not synsthesizers. Let's not forget Hirano and Oshima both just got off a consecutive string of scores and likely have something waiting in the wings. As for Kanno...well, I've formulated all kinds of theories to explain her Haruhi-like dissapearance just to take my mind off the crippling withdrawl(Frontier was, what, three years ago now?), raging from exhaustion to price, but again, let's not forget our human sides. It's likely not coincidence that her halt in creative output lines up ominously with her divorce.

But if a film gets green-lit, keep hope alive; For all the country's supposed humility, they never miss a chance to pull all the stops when it comes to music. And money.

---------- Post added at 06:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:47 PM ----------

I'm not feeling Castlevania... I had high hopes... is it just me, or is it uncharacteristically competently orchestrated, but extremely repetitive and drowning in cliche? :(

That seems about right. It's not Yamane or anyone in house from Konami for that matter, so it's not purely synth or based heavily upon fusions of gothic orchestra, rock and beats(not that that's bad)...but the trade-off is that it comes out like any other Hollywood-wannabe score of blaring, brassy posturing you'd expect to hear in a Western-developed God of War clone. And hell, I even liked the music in God of War.

Can't say I had high expectations after the trailer, though.[COLOR="Silver"]

10-06-2010, 02:04 AM
Yeah Lord of Shadows is filled with cliches but at least its miles better than the usual hollywood scores we have been getting from the big guys. That being said, its miles better than the tripe we have with Enslaved. I could barely sit through enslaved without getting bored with the repetitive tracks that felt like they were just repeating the same phrase over and over. I did expect as much though after hearing a game rip of heavenly sword where the same composers wrote a generic action score driven by beats and accentuated by tribal vocals.

10-06-2010, 02:07 AM
@NaotaM: I can accept any sort of critisism no matter how absurd it might be, however, I cannot accept constant insults.

This was my problem, not your opinion (which is actually justified)

10-06-2010, 02:27 AM
Well, regardless of whether your glib dismissal or my aggravated, nasty reaction were justified, I apologise for my behavior and unneccesary insults, to you and to the thread.

Speaking of Star Driver, I caught it early this morning prior to a dentists' appointment...let's just say my wisdom teeth weren't the only areas of my head wracked with pain today. Bones rarely disappoints in the audiovisual department, so of course it was gorgeous but the music kinda caught me by surpise, considering my nonexistant expectations(Dissapearance was...ok, but the rest of his catalogue just never sticks out to me.) My favorite piece is, of course, that little fanfare at the climactic battle from the trailer.

It's just too bad the music gets overshadowed bt the sheer insanity on screen. :D Bright-haired, slightly gender-confounding protagonist? Bizzare stylistic flourishes? Private academy of smolderingly beautiful people decked in costumes that make them look like Gay Heartless running a secret cult in the pursuit of some vague, metaphysical plot? Seemingly innocent waifs fated into toxic, misogynistic bonds with men of power to serve as the keys in aforementioned, choked-with-IMPORTANT CODE WORDS plot? Yep, this is from the writer of Utena, alright. Check out the score to Revolutionary Girl Utena, btw. It may be Shinkichi Mitsumune's best work. Thread 69330

10-06-2010, 03:47 AM
Thanks for the Sahashi. I'll have to give them a listen.

Meanwhile, the item I've been waiting to upload is still somewhere out there in the Wide Open World, but I'm feeling a little anxious so I've decided to share something else that's in a similar vein. I've been in a bit of an orchestral/rock crossover mood lately, and in that spirit I present:

Arranged by Jaz Coleman
Performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Peter Scholes

LAME 3.98r -vb0 MP3 | 10 Tracks | 117.6 MB

1. Time - 8:11
2. Brain Damage - 5:09
3. Another Brick in the Wall (Part II) - 8:25
4. Comfortably Numb - 5:25
5. Breathe - 4:01
6. Money - 6:42
7. The Great Gig in the Sky - 5:07
8. Nobody Home - 6:23
9. Us and Them - 11:33
10. Time (The Old Tree with Winding Roots Behind the Lake of Dreams Mix) - 10:40

I came across this album in ye olde record shoppe shortly after tango uploaded the Queen Symphony for a cheap price and decided it was intriguing enough to purchase. While I don't think this album is as successful (nor as ambitious) as the Queen Symphony, these orchestral sketches are nonetheless worth a listen, particularly tracks 1, 4, and 8.

Hope you enjoy this placeholder :)

Download Part 1 (
Download Part 2 (
Pass: tazed

10-06-2010, 06:38 AM
Great post tazer. I can't stand Pink Floyd's actual albums because of the constant sound effects and talking over the singing and music but this orchestral version of Pink Floyd stuff is fantastic.

10-06-2010, 09:30 AM
Hello folks :)

Franchises are one thing, but series sequel properties, particularly films, don't switch composers too often(again, Birdy being an exception, as well as Blood.) If Seed's music was that popular, replacing Sahashi wouldn't be a wise move.

This is true... if Sahashi were still an anime regular, I'd be inclined to agree, but it seems as though he is going through a "not doing much" patch... No anime in 2010. One in 2009 (Element Hunters). None in 2008. None in 2007. Reborn and Black Blood Brothers in 2006, etc... He's almost as a Kanno-esque level of productivity. ;)

Rehashing old music from the series is pretty feasible, but not inevitable.

I think they will at least consider it. They'll temp it with Seed, and then somebody will say, "Hang on... we have eight hours of music from Sahashi from Seed and Seed Destiny, and another three hours of symphonic suites with the LSO, forchrissakes! Ready made, thematically integrated Gundam Seed score using themes everybody recognises. Let's use that and slap a bit of reverb over it so that it sounds like a bigger band." -- if they'll use the same cue three times an episode across fifty episodes, I'm sure it may cross their mind to save a big pot of cash (which could be better spent on explosions and theme songs) and forget about the score all together.

Hell, Tomino spent Buddha-knows-what just for a five-minute Kanno cue to an incomprehenisble melange of color and noise you could barely hear it over.

Are you referring to Ring Of Gundam, better known under its original title "Dear Everybody: You Are Dumb For Watching Gundam"? ;)

But if a film gets green-lit, keep hope alive; For all the country's supposed humility, they never miss a chance to pull all the stops when it comes to music. And money.

Amen to that; and not just regarding Gundam. A rallying call for hope and joy, from Naota... who'd have thunk it? :)

As for Kanno...well, I've formulated all kinds of theories to explain her Haruhi-like dissapearance just to take my mind off the crippling withdrawl(Frontier was, what, three years ago now?), raging from exhaustion to price, but again, let's not forget our human sides. It's likely not coincidence that her halt in creative output lines up ominously with her divorce.

Very true, and very sad; as is anything bad that happens in the personal lives of our idols. Kanno's price, I would assume, isn't much of an issue - they know that whatever they have to spend to get her, they'll get back because anything with "Yoko Kanno" on the cover will sell twenty billion copies overnight. Of course, the way Japanese productions are financed this is more feasible, as record companies themselves stump up money for recording and they take the profits. So it's their risk and their guaranteed gain. I'm sure if Kanno released an album of herself straining on the toilet, people would buy it and claim it as another example of her massively eclectic, genre-hopping genius.

10-06-2010, 01:14 PM
I have not seen this in this thread before so I will post it:

The Lord of the Rings: More Music from Howard Shore (Rarities CD)

Download Link (
MP3 / LAME / 21 Tracks

Thanks to Leon Scott Kennedy for uploading it in mp3

Finally I got my hands on the music from the ROTK Trailer. Everything else is also great. Anyone who loves Shore's approach on The Lord of the Rings should definetly check it out ...
and maybe buy the book on amazon aswell.

Leon Scott Kennedy
10-06-2010, 02:42 PM
Just to clarify: I've simply encoded the LOTR: Rarities thing to lossy, credits for the rip should go to tisho. Also, the last track ["In Conversation (Part 2)"] has errors on my lossy version (but, as the original poster pointed out, that errors were originally found on the Apple lossless share). Grab the re-rip in FLAC from here (Thread 81020) if the errors bother you.

10-06-2010, 05:16 PM
More Lord of the Rings: James Hannigan did score the game Aragorn's Quest and it has some great choral pieces, however, I cannot find a gamerip or a soundtrack, does anyone know where to find it ?

Here is an offical SAMPLE (

EDIT: It seems a gamerip will appear soon.

10-06-2010, 06:19 PM
Maybe Kanno's disappearance has something to do with the fact that more and more people are discovering that she is a plagiarist.

10-06-2010, 06:48 PM
Nah, Yoko Kanno hasn't disappeared. Just checking her IMDB page she has done the score for a movie called Surely Someday, which was released in July and also the second Macross Frontier movie So she hasn't disappeared, but is just busy. Also looking at her list of work, she only averages 1-3 projects a year, save for 2005 when she did a lot more stuff. So 2 scores in 2010 is a match to what she did in 2008 & 2009 where she only did 1 project for each of those years *shruggs*

10-07-2010, 06:40 AM
My sincerest apologies if someone has posted this previously, but I've searched the threads pretty thoroughly and I can't find it.

I was wondering is anyone has David Foster: Symphony Sessions. I remember owning this on Vinyl years ago and now I can't really find a decent rip. I know it may be a bit St. Elmo's Fire for some, but several of the pieces are quite enthusiastic, while others are very emotional. Anyway, does anyone have this?


10-07-2010, 06:41 AM
I look forward to hearing more arrangements of Arnold's Independence Day in the new Macross Frontier movie. Maybe a little Stargate too if we're lucky.

10-07-2010, 06:41 AM
Sorry for the double post, must have double-clicked

10-07-2010, 07:55 AM
To my surprise I really Like Castlevania. It's more than solid piece of big orchestral music. Maybe a bit monotonous (more than 60 minutes of orchestra and choir can get repetitive) but still very good. Some tracks are really fantastic (just love the Ice Titan). If it was score for some Hollywood movie we all would be amazed... but it's just another great VGM score;).

On the other hand, I hate orchestral Floyds. Is it just me or arranges are boring, flat and... boring? Couldn't even finish the CD. Maybe I'll try later. Still thanks for share, it's nice to have another thing to dislike;).

10-08-2010, 05:01 AM
Eh, Yoko Kanno isn't a plagiarist really. I mean it really is difficult to be completely original especially since it's the year 2010. I'm sure Mozart didn't sit there and think hard about how to be original. He just wrote and it was original. One of my teachers once said that "A good composer creates and a great composer borrows." Now some of her stuff for Macross wasn't as fresh as her Escaflowne or Wolf's Rain music, but her other music that is with The Seatbelts and vocalists are quite original and inspiring. Hans Zimmer has done more to destroy authentic orchestra music than Kanno has, imo. At least she isn't so stuck on herself to have other people score almost exactly like her just bc she is too busy. She needs to return to her roots from her earlier days. I really loved her interpretations on Gundam, but I think Sahashi beat her in that one. With all this said, I find Kanno's melodies anthemic, catchy and at times emotional. This is why many have enjoyed her work over the years.

10-08-2010, 05:49 AM
Eh, Yoko Kanno isn't a plagiarist really.

YouTube - comparing similar songs part1(Yoko Kanno) (
YouTube - comparing similar songs part2(Yoko Kanno) (
YouTube - comparing similar songs part3(Yoko Kanno) (

Does Yoko Kanno give credit to any of these artists that she blatantly stole from?

10-08-2010, 06:47 AM
YouTube - comparing similar songs part1(Yoko Kanno) (
YouTube - comparing similar songs part2(Yoko Kanno) (
YouTube - comparing similar songs part3(Yoko Kanno) (

Does Yoko Kanno give credit to any of these artists that she blatantly stole from?

Ah, and the world moves in cycles again. Having long ago made my piece with Kanno's habit of lifting from other sources-still my favorite composer, imagine that-all I'm gonna say is that I'm familiar with this series of "exposes" from well before I learned of Kanno's accusations of plaigiarism. Then and now, some of the examples are undeniably based on the older material(Cyberbird, Bad Dog No Biscuit, Where Does the Ocean Go?), while most are reaching, if not out-and-out bunk. As for whether the accusations have anything to do with her percieved hiatus, meh, I doubt it. Never stopped Horner. Or Arnold(Independence Day itself is filled with nods to William's Star Wars, particularly the Tie Fighter pieces, which themselves lifted from The Sorceror's Apprentice and Mars from The Planets, and it'd take days to recount all the scores that've borrowed from that.) Or Iwasaki(Soul Eater's Schaltschiff = The Dark Knight, among others.) Or Sahashi(Yes, Sahashi. Compare Black Blood Brothers to Escaflowne. BUHWHA??? Kanno? The Victim?) And let's not forget that Masasmichi Amano, a brilliant composer in his own right, is quite the shameless plagiarist; The Giant Robo soundtracks are both sumptous listens and veritable smorsgasbords of lifts and references.

10-08-2010, 07:15 AM
Do we really need to start this conversation again?
I think everything to be said on the topic has already been said.

10-08-2010, 07:37 AM
There's referencing or taking inspiration from another work, and there's outright taking credit for it. I don't doubt for a second that Horner or Arnold or Williams would be open about their particular inspirations. Even artists who practice "sampling" don't take credit for the soundbyte they lifted, and the source is usually listed in the album's liner notes. Kanno, on the other hand, has her name all over her "work," and many of her fans are either ignorant of her "borrowing" or condone it without question. Even if Kanno wrote most of the music and only used the lifted source in a fragment of the track, it's still wrong, because there doesn't seem to be any indication that the track quotes someone else's work. (e.g. "Track Name [Featuring Music from 'Source']")

10-08-2010, 08:53 AM
Do we really need to start this conversation again?
I think everything to be said on the topic has already been said.

I totally agree!

Anyways, lifted themes or not, I really enjoy Kanno's stuff anyways and that's all that matters for me *shruggs*

But now, I am going to go and listen to the awesome awesome Lord of the Rings stuff posted above :D

10-08-2010, 08:55 AM
Shadow's right. This old canard is getting pretty old, and it's getting one-note and frankly a tad alienating that Kanno's name can't even get a mention around here without someone immediately piping up about her lifting habits. Even if you have a moral or ethical quandary agaisnt her habits, there's much, much more to the woman and her body of work than that. Come on now. She has sticky fingers. We get it. I admit that. Most of us can also agree that her work is brilliant. I implore you, can't we talk about something else now? Like what we admire about her? Or hell, even something else someone may hate about her? :p

I'll just leave it at this; !. I'm curious why you give Horner, Arnold, Williams or anyone else the benefit of the doubt and then jump to condemn Kanno so when you haven't approached a single one of them about their "inspirations". They've all spoken about as much on the matter, ie. zilch, Kanno doesn't "have her name all over her work" any more than anyone else, and when pray tell was the last time you saw someone painstakingly point out the quotes in their own tracks? I know I totally see liner notes all the time reading "Yeah, so I was writing the notes and putting the melody together when, hang on, I remembered this awesome cue I heard in some movie or whatever and worked it in around 2:30. But please, don't give me the credit. I am but a humble paragon of the musical trade paying harmless homage to the greats before me, specifically BLANK's BLANK, approxiamately from 0: 54 to 1: 22." I concede your right to find Kanno's methods disagreeable, but drop the double standard. People don't pick up on the similarities in the music of other composers because each and every single one of them were all so generous and honorable as to point out the borrowed elements in their music for them, unless explicitely asked(sometimes), it's because they notice the similarities to other music themselves, whether they call them out for it or not. Giving so and so the benefit of the doubt, basically apologising for them and then turning right around and putting Kanno on the cross is arbitrary and unfair and is no different from when her fans wave it aside.

No offense, but this sort of double standard just screams Butthurt Former Fan who felt profoundly betrayed at the realization that the Immortal Goddess of Anime Scores Whom Could Do No Wrong...suddenly isn't and must now renounce her entirely and spread the word of her theft across the Intarwbz in the name of exposing her true nature of "Yeah, she ain't that great" to the world. I could be terribly, horribly wrong in that assumption, and I sincerely hope I am, because at the end of the day, her music is still great, all the names I mentioned are still great(excluding maybe Horner :) ), and all that really matters is the music.

Lens of Truth
10-08-2010, 09:57 AM
Eh, Yoko Kanno isn't a plagiarist really. I mean it really is difficult to be completely original especially since it's the year 2010. I'm sure Mozart didn't....

Here we go again!

it's getting one-note and frankly a tad alienating that Kanno's name can't even get a mention around here without someone immediately piping up about her lifting habits

I’d invert this and ask why it can’t be casually stated (as a matter of FACT) that Kanno is a plagiarist, without an adoring fan jumping in to deny it every time and shut everybody up? There’s a confusion here between those that are willing to acknowledge what is self-evident and those who think it mustn’t be uttered, for reasons best known to themselves (to avoid a crisis of fandom?). If the plagiarism doesn’t matter to you, that’s fine, but you simply can’t deny it. I know many of the posters here who ARE willing to discuss the less than wholesome side to Kanno enjoy her scores a lot and plainly say so. The issue is with the deniers I’m afraid.

Plagiarism always bothers me. It does in Star Wars – I cringe a bit every time I hear the Tatooine intro or the stomping chords from Mars. Arnold I couldn’t care less about, and the Horner thing has also been pored over many times (ditto for Amano).

In any case, the larger question is whether or not the majority of the music stands up as a powerful, original, sincere creation in spite of it all. And then, whether that affects you or not is a personal thing, and a reflection of your own standards and investment in the music.

But please, no more knee-jerk denials!

[Also, a quick apology for my recent lack of input. I've been preoccupied with several things and ill. Thanks for all the great posts as usual! :)]

10-08-2010, 04:50 PM
I’d invert this and ask why it can’t be casually stated (as a matter of FACT) that Kanno is a plagiarist, without an adoring fan jumping in to deny it every time and shut everybody up? There’s a confusion here between those that are willing to acknowledge what is self-evident and those who think it mustn’t be uttered, for reasons best known to themselves (to avoid a crisis of fandom?).


In any case, the larger question is whether or not the majority of the music stands up as a powerful, original, sincere creation in spite of it all. And then, whether that affects you or not is a personal thing, and a reflection of your own standards and investment in the music.

And also quite true.

10-08-2010, 08:40 PM
No composer lives in a black box. To call Williams on his "plagiarisms"... you might as well invoke any art form as being redundant and unoriginal to an extent, let alone composers. That kind of argument does nothing to refute Kanno's non-creativity.

10-09-2010, 03:40 PM
How do i listen the Pink Floyd Symphony?
I know that it is password protected but it didn't ask me for a password, because i can't even open the files.
They should be zip files, but the computer doesn't recognize them. That's strange because i have winzip and is working normally, but not in this case.
Please anyone can help me here?? :confused:

10-09-2010, 05:18 PM
How do i listen the Pink Floyd Symphony?
I know that it is password protected but it didn't ask me for a password, because i can't even open the files.
They should be zip files, but the computer doesn't recognize them. That's strange because i have winzip and is working normally, but not in this case.
Please anyone can help me here?? :confused:

I'm an apple Mac user and I couldn't open them with a couple of my normal applications, but it worked with stuffit expander. As you're a pc user I'd suggest that its a winzip problem, and you should download an alternative expander application. It's always handy to have a few you can use... just in case.

10-09-2010, 08:10 PM
For those who enjoyed the new castlevania soundtrack, someone was nice enough to edit the game rip that has a lot more music. You can download it Here ( I'll let you know if its worthwhile after I get to listen.

10-09-2010, 08:15 PM
Sanico: You need to join together the two parts first. HJSplit (File Splitters, freeware and multi-platform: HJSplit ( or the Cheshire Cat Joiner (CheshireCat's Software :: One Click File Joiner ( will do that automatically. Once the two parts have been glued together, you're left with one ZIP file, which can be opened up with your existing archiver. With utmost respect to bishtyboshty, Stuffit is a piece of bloated crap which is like using an anvil to crack an egg. ;)

10-09-2010, 08:22 PM
Sanico: You need to join together the two parts first. HJSplit (File Splitters, freeware and multi-platform: HJSplit ( or the Cheshire Cat Joiner (CheshireCat's Software :: One Click File Joiner ( will do that automatically. Once the two parts have been glued together, you're left with one ZIP file, which can be opened up with your existing archiver. With utmost respect to bishtyboshty, Stuffit is a piece of bloated crap which is like using an anvil to crack an egg. ;)

I hadn't suggested sanico use stuffit, just that it had worked for me on my mac.

10-09-2010, 08:42 PM
As I said, I wasn't trying to offend you - merely suggest a better way of doing it and point out that the problem wasn't archiver related. I realise Mac folk have a limited range of archive software to chose from, and Stuffit is probably the best of a bad bunch. ;)

Welcome, fellow Brit. :)

10-09-2010, 09:14 PM
Would you say Stuffit can shove it? durrhurr

Could someone please be so kind as to point me to a functioning mp3 post of Hulsbeck's Symphonic Shades? The recent rash of european game symphonies has piqued my interest but I'm hesitant to don my pith hat and pickax and spend the decade or so it'd take to search this thread for "Symphonic anything". Damn search engines. *grumblegrumble* It'd be much appreciated.

10-09-2010, 09:20 PM
They should be zip files, but the computer doesn't recognize them. That's strange because i have winzip and is working normally, but not in this case.

Apologies for any frustration. :erm: I compressed it using 7zip, which doesn't seem to have any issues opening the files.

10-09-2010, 09:31 PM
For those who enjoyed the new castlevania soundtrack, someone was nice enough to edit the game rip that has a lot more music. You can download it Here ( I'll let you know if its worthwhile after I get to listen.

I'm curious about whether it has any of the classic Castlevania tunes like "Vampire Killer" and "Bloody Tears."

10-09-2010, 09:52 PM
I'll upload a MP3 of symphonic shades for you. Mine is 192 but sounds great.

Apologies for any frustration. :erm: I compressed it using 7zip, which doesn't seem to have any issues opening the files.
If you use 7zip, please note this on the post so people know that is what they need to use.

10-09-2010, 10:06 PM
That's ok guys. I used that hjspilt program and is now working :D
Thank all for your help, and sorry for the interruption.

10-09-2010, 10:13 PM
Thank ye very much, Sirusjr. <3

10-09-2010, 10:18 PM
*is eating a huge tin of custard*

10-09-2010, 10:24 PM
Symphonic Shades - 192kbps mp3
Download (
PSW: smile

10-11-2010, 07:34 PM
Hi there, folks :)

Here's a really special one. It's a crosspost with the classical section but it fits in here splendidly. Lens - you'll love this one. As will anybody with more than a passing interest in the British brass band tradition - and in splendid, superlatively orchestrated, modern classical works that are tuneful and approachable without being mass-appeal nonsense.

Philip Wilby (b. 1949, British)
Concerto for Euphonium and Orchestra
performed by the BBC Philharmonic
Ivor Bolton, conductor
David Childs, Euphonium soloist (BBC Young Musician ( 2000 Finalist - aged 19 in this recording)

(Live recording. My transfer and remaster from VHS. LAME 3.98.4)

This is one of my all time favourites in the classical repertoire. Originally written for brass band, Wilby arranged his piece for full symphony orchestra exclusively for soloist David Childs, who performed it live at the BBC Young Musicians competition in 2000. The concerto is available on Naxos in its original arrangement (a glittering but somewhat sterile performance by the Black Dyke [nothing at all to do with lesbians of African heritage!] band) and there is another (awful) recording by the Williams Fairey band (or whatever they're calling themselves today) floating around too, but to my knowledge, the orchestral version has never been heard since. I find the orchestral version superior; both are beautiful, but the presence of a full orchestra is felt - especially in the slow movement which achieves such a feeling of peace and stillness.

"But," I hear you cry. "You said the orchestral version was never recorded!"

Well, actually, it was... by me! The concert at which it was performed received a live television broadcast in the UK. Fortunately, somebody (me) made a recording of that concert (broadcast in Stereo) on Hi-Fi VHS - and it sounds absolutely magnificent. (The irony is that I recorded the concert for another piece and had absolutely no idea that this concerto even existed. Of course, it had me captivated from the very first note, and the piece I was originally interested in - a middling performance of Rachmaninov's Variations on a Theme of Paganini, is long forgotten.)

VHS, as anybody who has had the pleasure of using it will know, deteriorates - and when it does, the first thing to go is usually the audio track. Fortuitously, this recording survived completely intact - albeit with a handful of problems with that telltale VHS crackle. After my initial transfer to the digital domain, I painstakingly removed these (each and every crackle, by hand, over a period of three days) and that is absolutely all that needed doing. If you're thinking of passing this up because it's an amateur recording, don't! The sound quality on the broadcast was phenomenal and the recording is spotless.

In fact, it sounds ravishing - and it certainly captures the powerful performance (both Childs and the BBC Philharmonic are on top form) and the absolutely electric atmosphere of the concert, not to mention the wonderful acoustics of Manchester's Bridgewater Hall, where the competition was held. You'd never believe that the source was an ten year old consumer video tape.

As far as the concerto is concerned, it's absolutely sublime - if you ever thought the Euphonium (basically a big Tuba) was just for oompah-oompah, give this a try - you'll be surprised. It's a powerful showpiece, but it's also tenderly romantic - the slow movement is just beautiful. A fine piece that embraces all the finest traditions of the British brass band, and a once-in-a-lifetime performance - preserved for you and in the name of great art, by your friend Tangotreats.

Download PW-EC.rar from Mirrorcreator - Upload files to multiple file sharing sites (

10-11-2010, 07:47 PM
That looks terrific, tangotreats! The Wilby concerto is a standard in the euphonium repertoire, and David Childs is one of the most famous (with his father and other family) on the instrument. As a euphonium player, I wholeheartedly recommend this performance! This should be a real treat, tango! ... ;D

10-11-2010, 07:54 PM
Indeed. Funnily enough, Nicholas Childs is the conductor on the Black Dyke recording but David Thornton is the soloist. I just can't get on with that recording; I'm probably biased in favour of this one - and being the only performance let alone recording the orchestral version ever received... it's rather hard to shift that bias! (I don't have anything at all against brass bands - completely the opposite - I merely find the orchestral version of this piece superior.)

David really nails it in this performance though... in the Black Dyke recording, somehow Thornton's Euphonium sounds almost turgid and bored... but in Childs performance it's real seat-of-your-pants stuff - and at 5:09 in part 2, he hits that impossibly low note with apparent ease... and Thornton doesn't even bother! (Perhaps this was one of the minor details Wilby revised when transcribing the piece for full orchestra - who knows...)

I hope you (and everybody of course) enjoy this as much as I did ten years ago and still do. :)

10-11-2010, 08:06 PM
You don't happen to have that thornton/black dyke recording do you? I've been looking for a recording of david thornton doing the Joseph Horowitz concerto, but I think it's the 'GUS footwear band' or other equally uninspiring name. I dont imagine anyone has that one, but I thought I would ask!

10-11-2010, 08:08 PM
I've got the Thornton recording of this concerto - I'll upload it for you. There are half a dozen other pieces by Wilby also on the disc; A Breathless Alleluia, Paganini Variations, Unholy Sonnets, Cyrano, A Bronte Mass, and Amazing Grace - Symphonic Variations. Some great stuff there; it seems to fare better than the concerto. May take some time - I have a few other uploads going right now, but I'll get to it. :)

10-11-2010, 08:16 PM
Hey thanks!

Howling Mad
10-11-2010, 09:54 PM
Reupload from Planet Earth (thanks to arthierr to found my link)

Planet Earth - George Fenton

Soundtrack by George Fenton
Released: November 20, 2006
Genre: Soundtrack
Length: 2:12:00
Label: EMI
Producer: BBC

Cover included
320 kbps
Planet Earth (

Anyone happen to have this one? The link is no longer active.

10-12-2010, 01:15 AM
Philip Wilby (b. 1949, British)
Concerto for Euphonium and Orchestra
performed by the BBC Philharmonic
Ivor Bolton, conductor
David Childs, Euphonium soloist (BBC Young Musician ( 2000 Finalist - aged 19 in this recording)

As far as the concerto is concerned, it's absolutely sublime - if you ever thought the Euphonium (basically a big Tuba) was just for oompah-oompah, give this a try - you'll be surprised. It's a powerful showpiece, but it's also tenderly romantic - the slow movement is just beautiful. A fine piece that embraces all the finest traditions of the British brass band, and a once-in-a-lifetime performance - preserved for you and in the name of great art, by your friend Tangotreats.

I just got home to download this after being surprised to see it in the thread. I've heard David Childs and I know that the Wilby Concerto is a popular euphonium work that is highly regarded although I hadn't heard it before, so I was excited to hear this. I listened to it twice through, back to back, which I usually don't do... This was absolutely terrific! Thanks again for this terrific post, and I must say that the audio quality was indeed very good. I'm surprised that this came from a VHS!

Oh, one last thing. The euphonium is a good bit smaller than a tuba, so if anything I would call it a small tuba, not a big one. My tuba-playing friend actually calls it a one-ba, which may be cute, silly, or daft--take your pick! ;)

10-12-2010, 03:54 AM
Thanks Tango! I'll check it out.
Having listened to this Euphonium Concerto, I am amazed once again at the quality of your VHS audio recording and the beauty of this piece! Thanks again.

10-12-2010, 11:17 AM
Nice compilation containing the best themes by Frederic Talgorn. Thanks to Dion for his effort!

Track list:

Les Enfants de Timpelbach (2008).

2-La ville es a nous.

Die story von Monty Spinnerratz (1997).

3-Main Title.
4-Old Monty's death.

Le Brasier (1991).

5-Farewell scene.
6-The Strike.

President (2006).

8-In Memoriam.

Les Aiguilles Rouges (2006).

9-Arrivee a Chamonix.
10-La Valse.

Robot jox (1990).


RRRrrr (2004).

13-Poursuite de la guitariste couturiere.

Tellement Proches (2009).


Asterix aux jeux olympiques (2008).

16-Asterix et Obelix.
17-Scene du balcon.

Moli�re (2007).

18-Theme de Moli�re.
19-Past times, past lives.

Heavy Metal 2000 (2000).

20-Julie & Kerrie.
21-It's Over.

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

Please enjoy!

10-12-2010, 11:20 AM
Best Symphonic Trumpet Fanfare (

01 Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries.mp3
02 Ace Combat 5 - 315 - Razgriz.mp3
03 Lifeforce 01 Lifeforce Theme [Main Title].mp3
04 Lifeforce 07 Feeding Time.mp3
05 Lifeforce 19 Horny Alien-London Burns.mp3
06 Lifeforce 22 Web of Destiny, Pt. 2.mp3
07 Princess Mononoke Symphonic Suite 07. Shi To Sei No Adagio.mp3
08 Judge Dredd 02 Block_War_Part_1.mp3
09 Judge Dredd 47 Troops_In_The_Streets.mp3
10 RFOnlline 6_2.Battle01.mp3
11 Outbreak - A Little Resistance.mp3
12 First Blood 06 Mountain Hunt(edit).mp3
13 First Blood Part II 11 Bowed Down.mp3
14 Rambo3 21 The Show Down.mp3
15 Braveheart 12. Falkirk(edit).mp3
16 Gustav Holst, Levine - Mars, The Bringer of War.mp3
17 Robocop 2 39 - End Credits.mp3
18 Star Wars - The Final Battle.mp3
19 Star Wars - The Throne Room & End Title.mp3

10-12-2010, 04:03 PM
Answering Howling Mad's request and also taking this opportunity to upgrade the circulating rip with a brand new one... :)

Planet Earth (2006)
The BBC Concert Orchestra (Cynthia Fleming and Rolf Wilson, leaders)
conducted by George Fenton
orchestrations by Geoffrey Alexander and Julian Kershaw

Download GF-PE.part1.rar from Mirrorcreator - Upload files to multiple file sharing sites (
Download GF-PE.part2.rar from Mirrorcreator - Upload files to multiple file sharing sites (
Download GF-PE.part3.rar from Mirrorcreator - Upload files to multiple file sharing sites (

My rip - LAME 3.98.4 V0 - Scans included

10-12-2010, 06:25 PM
I just got home to download this after being surprised to see it in the thread. I've heard David Childs and I know that the Wilby Concerto is a popular euphonium work that is highly regarded although I hadn't heard it before, so I was excited to hear this. I listened to it twice through, back to back, which I usually don't do... This was absolutely terrific! Thanks again for this terrific post, and I must say that the audio quality was indeed very good. I'm surprised that this came from a VHS!

You are VERY welcome! I'm so pleased somebody is enjoying this - it felt very odd this last ten years, hanging on to this recording and not really being able to share it with anybody.

Oh, one last thing. The euphonium is a good bit smaller than a tuba, so if anything I would call it a small tuba, not a big one. My tuba-playing friend actually calls it a one-ba, which may be cute, silly, or daft--take your pick! ;)


Quite right, me very big eejit. I have no idea where I got that from... perhaps I need glasses after all.

In tomorrow's show, we'll look at the ferocious Tabby cat - formidable larger cousin of the domesticated Tiger... ;)

By the way, judging from some of the other posts on this forum, the act of telling somebody they're wrong without acting like a condescending ass... is rare indeed... Folk could learn a lot from your example.

Peace :)

PS - that Wilby disc is nearly ready. :D

10-12-2010, 07:11 PM
Thanks for all the little but adorable gems, Tango :)

I've been busy with my studies lately but I hope I can return to my normal forum activity soon... (and finally get my hands on Aragorn's Quest)

Howling Mad
10-12-2010, 08:55 PM
Answering Howling Mad's request and also taking this opportunity to upgrade the circulating rip with a brand new one... :)

Planet Earth (2006)

Excellent. Thank you! :)

Howling Mad
10-12-2010, 10:30 PM
On the topic of George Fenton's Planet Earth soundtrack, does anyone happen to know if any of it was re-used for the Disneynature movie earth, or did he come up with new material for it?

10-12-2010, 10:43 PM
If you're referring to the BBC film Earth, based on the TV series... (Dear USA - stop stealing our films, replacing the British narrator, and pretending you made them...) ;)

Rather like The Blue Planet -> Deep Blue, Fenton did indeed base his score on the Planet Earth material, but reinterpreted it and expanded upon it. Also, it was performed by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra - as much as I love the fifty piece BBC Concert Orchestra, you just don't turn down the BPO. It is nothing short a criminal oversight that the Earth score was never released. Nor was Fenton's "Life" from 2009. I have high hopes 2011's Frozen Planet - Fenton is scoring it, presumably with the BBCCO again. It should be superb.

10-12-2010, 11:32 PM
Tango, many thanks for both the euphonium concerto and "Planet Earth;" the former for its novelty (and I honestly can't believe that came from a VHS recording! I think of garbled mess when I remember sound off of VHS, but perhaps you've kept your tapes in better condition than mine :) ) and the latter for its beauty. I think I missed the prior upload but am very grateful for another opportunity to listen to it.

(Dear USA - stop stealing our films, replacing the British narrator, and pretending you made them...) ;)

That James Earl Jones narration was atrocious, filled with annoying Disney puns. And from what I've heard of Oprah Winfrey on "Life," she sounded like she was sightreading. Why execs think that we Yankees are incapable of understanding Patrick Stewart or David Attenborough, I'll never know.

Howling Mad
10-13-2010, 12:03 AM
That James Earl Jones narration was atrocious, filled with annoying Disney puns. And from what I've heard of Oprah Winfrey on "Life," she sounded like she was sightreading. Why execs think that we Yankees are incapable of understanding Patrick Stewart or David Attenborough, I'll never know.

Everyone knows you never mix Star Trek and Star Wars! It's blasphemy! LOL :) Having said that, I wonder why they picked Darth Vader over Captain Jean-Luc Picard. They played the trailers here with Patrick Stewart's voice, then switched the movie narration to James Earl Jones. Then they through in James Bond for Oceans, movie universes collide and all hell breaks loose... LOL

10-13-2010, 12:08 AM
Without wishing to go too far off topic, and with utmost respect to Americans in general... I get the general impression that US execs believe that people will not be interested in something that comes from "foreigner-land". It happens all the time. 99% of Americans think "Earth" is a Disney movie made in the US, because the US distributors have gone to every possible effort to conceal its heritage - a British production with financial backing from NHK and Discovery. Record a voiceover with an American accent, slap a Disney logo over it, and job done - a proud all-American motion picture that all patriots can love... and not have to contradict their ingrained belief that everything American is just better, and no other country produces anything of value.

I aim my contempt for this not at the American people, but at the idiotic executives who constantly and brazenly underestimate the intelligence of their populance.

Howling Mad
10-13-2010, 01:26 AM
Here's a few more things about the Disneynature's earth sountrack...
I popped in my DVD last night and took a look at the credits. This was also listed:
Additional music by Chris Bacon
Additional orchestrations by Pete Anthony and Jon Kull
"Birds of Paradise" and "Baboon" by Patrick Kirst
Also, IMDB has listed "Un Jour Sur Terre" by Anggun (english version "World" is also listed). I'm guessing this was in the French release of the movie.

10-13-2010, 02:11 AM
I think I will let a few of my fellow Americans acquit our country of its dumbing down.

Cello Concerto, et al.
Wendy Warner, cello
The Royal Scottish National Orchestra, conducted by Marin Alsop

11 Tracks | MP3 VBR -v0 | 105.85 MB

I'm primarily posting this album for the Cello Concerto, as I know the Adagio has been posted numerous times and I'll admit to being somewhat indifferent to Medea (although it of course has its moments).

The concerto is very introspective and, I think, melancholic in tone (par for the course for Barber). The melodies are very dance-like and reminiscent of ballet, a quality that Barber seems to share with his contemporary, Copland. The first two movements generate a tremendous sense of longing, while the third adds hints of playfulness and fire into the mix, as if some hypothetical protagonist has chosen to take action after two movements of contemplation. Haunting and very beautiful, with a wonderful performance by Chicago cellist Wendy Warner.

Medea, the ballet suite, is a more expansive work; not devoid of Barber's inward sound, but at the same time spotted with moments of grandeur and horror, as befits the mythological source. A most interesting listen, though it hasn't captivated me in the same manner as the concerto or the final piece...

The Adagio for Strings. This speaks for itself, but it can't hurt to have another version for comparison's sake.

Download it here (
Pass: tazed


10-13-2010, 02:30 AM
What? You people even messed with the score? With additional music by Crispy Bacon, no less? Why ever did they do that? Was there more than six seconds of silence in Earth, or did they want to replace the parts of the score that sounded explicitly English with something by the guy who did Space Chimps?

I'm sorry - I love America and Americans (I was almost engaged to one, once upon a time,) but these sorts of decisions made in your country where "foreign" media is just beyond lunacy.

10-13-2010, 02:37 AM
Cello Concerto, et al.

MEDEA! I love that piece, haven't heard it in a long time though. Thanks can't ever have enough Barber recordings.[COLOR="Silver"]

10-13-2010, 02:49 AM
THANK YOU for the Barber... There's so much more to the guy than the Adagio - which is definitely one of those pieces that's been oversaturated to the point that most people can't see the forest for the trees; it's so familiar and has developed such a stigma of cliche (courtesy of repeated, turgid employment in film and TV) that it's very easy to forget, or fail to notice, what a really great work it actually is. I will be giving this one my very closest attention. Cheers again. :)

Howling Mad
10-13-2010, 02:50 AM
I'm sorry - I love America and Americans (I was almost engaged to one, once upon a time,) but these sorts of decisions made in your country where "foreign" media is just beyond lunacy.

I'll let you in on a little secret, *whispering* not all of us in North America are American. ;)

10-13-2010, 02:51 AM
William Walton
Film Music Vol. 1
Hamlet & As You Like It

Multiupload Link (

William Walton
Film Music Vol. 3 - Henry V

Multiupload Link (

A wonderful ensemble/conductor and an incredible composer. More volumes to come.

10-13-2010, 04:24 AM
William Walton
Film Music Vol. 4
Henry III, Macbeth, Major Barbara

Multiupload Link (

Lens of Truth
10-13-2010, 11:07 AM
Philip Wilby (b. 1949, British)
Concerto for Euphonium and Orchestra
performed by the BBC Philharmonic
Ivor Bolton, conductor
David Childs, Euphonium soloist (BBC Young Musician ( 2000 Finalist - aged 19 in this recording)

Cello Concerto, et al.
Wendy Warner, cello
The Royal Scottish National Orchestra, conducted by Marin Alsop

William Walton
Film Music Vol. 1
Hamlet & As You Like It

Friends, I'm overwhelmed by the quality of these recent posts! You've made a sick man happy.


10-13-2010, 07:19 PM
This approaches off topic... but it does have some relevance. This is one that will make a bit more sense to my fellow countrymen but I'm sure everybody will find it interesting. A little trip into some humdrum aspect of uniquely British culture that you wouldn't have seen anywhere else.

Bit of background: Tetley is a company who make teabags. Brits like tea. In 2001, they retired their famous mascots (first introduced in 1973,) known as the Tea Folk, in an effort to go modern. Nine years have passed, and these much loved characters have been revived in a tearfully nostalgic advertising campaign. Much discussion was had over how they should be "brought into the 21st century" but thank God, common sense prevailed, and they decided that these British icons should be left exactly as they were. Stirring stuff. Guy Farley recorded music for these commercials with a 65 piece orchestra in Abbey Road.

The two-minute commercial is in two parts - the second of which is currently running...

Part 1: YouTube - The Tetley Tea Folk: The 2010 Comeback Advert! (
Part 2: YouTube - Tetley Tea Folk: The 2010 Comeback [Pt. 2] (

Magnificent scores... and a flawless re-introduction for these guys. I've missed them. I don't know about anybody else... :)

10-14-2010, 01:43 AM
William Walton
Film Music Vol. 4
Henry III, Macbeth, Major Barbara

Multiupload Link (

Thank you for these wonderful, but hard to fine, pieces by William Walton!

10-14-2010, 03:08 AM
Hello everyone,
First I�d like to thank all you who have posted music here as well as your opinions about all the wonderful music shared here, I�ve been coming to this thread like a year ago learning from your knowledge since I just started listening to orchestral music.

I don�t know if this has been posted in this thread but here goes for those who don�t know this, as a way to show my gratitude I�d like to share with you this great score from a game I just finished playing (which by the way is an awesome experience), Dead Space by Jason Graves is a work aimed towards the horror and gore atmosphere of the game, it ranges from quiet passages to loud disasters full of clusters and glissandos just to put the player in more tension, something fundamental to the whole experience of the game just like in any movie of this genre. There are two tracks that shine here, The Necromorphs Attack and The Leviathan, by the way Jason Graves was a student of Jerry Goldsmith and Christopher Young (there�s that “Alien” sound), all in all I think his work here was masterful and proof of that are the prizes he has received for this, I hope you enjoy this ride and once again thanks to all of you who have shared something here!


Dead Space
Jason Graves

18 Tracks | MP3 320Kbps | 134 MB

Download Dead_Space_-_Jason_Graves__2008_.rar from Mirrorcreator - Upload files to multiple file sharing sites (

10-14-2010, 08:38 AM a short while I have come to really like William Ross, so, here's "his" thread:


I thought maybe this one would fit here too...?

Lens of Truth
10-14-2010, 12:29 PM
Lynyrd - Welcome to the forum! :)

Part 1: YouTube - The Tetley Tea Folk: The 2010 Comeback Advert! (
Part 2: YouTube - Tetley Tea Folk: The 2010 Comeback [Pt. 2] (

Magnificent scores... and a flawless re-introduction for these guys. I've missed them. I don't know about anybody else... :)

Hahaha, cool! I didn't realise I'd missed them until now :D With the poncy tea revolution of the past decade or so, we need the Tea Folk more than ever - to remind us that, even tho it may occasionally and inexplicably taste like a rat's arse, Tetley is really what England is all about!

10-14-2010, 09:58 PM
Well guys I was waiting before suggesting this score but after a few listens I absolutely can't get enough of it and have to suggest everyone to check it out!
Alpha and Omega - Chris Bacon
Find it here (Thread 81388)
This score is fabulous thematic music by the relatively unknown Chris Bacon and has such fantastic energy to it. There are a couple tracks where singers try to sound like howling wolves but given the subject matter they aren't bad and I actually quite enjoy it. I wish it had a physical release so I could buy it and get lossless ;)

10-15-2010, 02:31 PM
I recently bought Video Games Live: Level 2 (DVD) and it's an amazing concert ... if you want more entertainment and less symphony.
I escpecially like the Megaman and Sonic arrangements, being a huge fan of rock & other experimental orchestras. The only complains I have are Square Enix policy and no Super Mario Galaxy or Wind Waker in the OGC arrangements (I already heared them countless times, time for a change).
I also hoped to hear Suicide Mission in the Mass Effect Suite (video footage was from both games) and "Vigil" should be twice as long but aside from that I would say it was a huge success.
Advent Rising and Lament of the Highborne are definetly highlights.
The duet version of Baba Yetu, however, is absolutly phenomenal even for normal concert standards and easily my favorite part of the whole show.
I'm now definetly looking forward to the songs on the cd ("live").
They definetly captured the things I love about games the most and I hope the success of these concerts will lead to more (and more symphonic) concerts of such kind in the future.

10-15-2010, 05:34 PM
More related stuff

The first Olympics by Bruce Broughton

CD I.rar (

CD II.rar (



10-16-2010, 12:01 AM
if you liked Tolga Kashifs Queen Symphony than you will be pleased to hear that his brand new Genesis Suite is another amazing interpretation of famous pop music, with the full power of the LSO and the London Voices. Love it!

10-16-2010, 12:03 AM
You liked Genesis Suite? I was massively underwhelmed. The first movement is an insult, and the rest of it just sends me to sleep... :(

10-16-2010, 07:40 AM
klnerfan: didn't know that they released the Video Games Live Volume 2 already... I bought the first one and was extremely satisfied (Civilization IV Medley and Castlevania Suite easily my most favourite ones). I'm looking at the tracklist now and dammit, it's like a half of the tracks are already on volume 1. Are they another arrangements or just rehash from the first one?

Also, since you got the DVD concert already, should I buy the DVD, or just get the plain soundtrack instead?

10-16-2010, 11:49 AM
@Lhurgoyf: If you have enough money to spent buy both since there are some missing tracks that are not on the dvd and vice versa but I would recommend the dvd version more. Just don't excpect something like Symphonic Fantasies and you will definetly have a good time.

Here is a comparison:

Video Games Live: Level 2 CD

(74:39 Minutes)

1. The Legend of Zelda™ Suite (OGC Version)
2. Civilization IV�: Baba Yetu (Duet Version)
3. God of War™: Revenge and Redemption
4. Chrono Trigger� & Chrono Cross� Medley
5. World of Warcraft�: Lament of the Highborne
6. Mario™ Solo Piano Medley
7. Super Mario Bros.™ Medley
8. Warcraft� Montage
9. Sonic the Hedgehog™: Staff Credits
10. Advent Rising™ Overture
11. Megaman� Montage
12. StarCraft� II: Wings of Liberty Theme
13. Final Fantasy� Solo Piano Medley
14. Halo� Montage
15. Castlevania� Rock Overture
16. Final Fantasy� VII: One Winged Angel (Rock Edition)

Video Games Live: DVD Concert

(90 Minutes)

1. Classic Arcade Medley (I love Wagner)
2. Halo� Montage
3. Civilization IV�: Baba Yetu (Duet Version) (best version of Baba Yetu I've heared yet)
4. StarCraft� II: Wings of Liberty Theme
5. Sonic the Hedgehog™: Staff Credits
6. Advent Rising™ Overture
7. Interactive Guitar Hero�: Aerosmith – "Sweet Emotion"
8. Warcraft� Montage
9. Chrono Cross�: Scars of Time (amazing flute solo)
10. Mass Effect™ Suite
11. Megaman� Montage (AWESOME)
13. Myst� Suite
14. The Legend of Zelda™ Suite (OGC version)
15. Super Mario Bros.™ Medley (OGC version)
16. God of War™: Revenge and Redemption
17. Mario™ Solo Piano Medley
18. Tetris� Solo Piano Medley
19. World of Warcraft�: Lament of the Highborne
20. Castlevania� Rock Overture

It will be released on October 19 in the US.
I bought it from ( in Germany

10-16-2010, 03:25 PM
Arcana: Gothic 4 - Dynamedion - 2010
MP3 320kbps - Posted by Porko Rosso

Download in The original thread (Thread 81678)

Download (
PSW: smile
This new Dynamedion score is absolutely wonderful and uses a number of different styles to show that these guys have the ability to do whatever they want. I got the chills on a number of tracks as well.

10-16-2010, 07:03 PM
Yeah you are damn right about this ;)

10-16-2010, 09:31 PM
@Sirusjr: It may not be the same masterpiece that is Gothic 3 but it's an excellent score (best gamescore of 2010 yet) and a worthy successor for the series ... sadly the game is not. Anyway, Dynamedion never dissapoints with their music and I hope they do alot more projects in the future.

10-16-2010, 11:06 PM
Klnerfan - I find this one much better than Gothic 3 but I am also not a big fan of the middle-eastern elements of that score. I much prefer the traditional sound here.

10-16-2010, 11:08 PM
Having a spot of bother downloading this one... FileSonic doesn't appear to function too well in the UK; every time I think it's going to work I get a message along the lines of "There's been a f**k up - this is a known issue with UK ISPs - contact them for advice" and that's it... :(