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09-23-2014, 05:18 PM
Also, this dude might be involved.

Iku Mizutani - VGMdb (

Also, check this out - shameless puffing. :D

Thread 179223

09-23-2014, 09:11 PM
Spyro won't be a problem! I won't have song titles for them, so hopefully somebody can help me out once I get them uploaded. They'll sound great, though! Also... I don't know what word that was, so I don't know why it's censored! LOL

I could easily tag both games for you due to knowing both games pretty much inside out. For the song names, both games music don't have official titles, so the best thing I could do would be to name them on what level('s) they appear on, and list them in the order that they appear throughout the game.

Oh, and the word was k h I n s I d e r, does this site have beef with that one?

09-23-2014, 09:14 PM
I could easily tag both games for you due to knowing both games pretty much inside out. For the song names, both games music don't have official titles, so the best thing I could do would be to name them on what level('s) they appear on, and list them in the order that they appear throughout the game.

That's all I'd need! :)

Also, Crash Bash for the PSX is now live again, enhanced by tagger extraordinaire VGManiac456. Thanks again, dude!

S.P.D. Gold Ranger
09-23-2014, 10:01 PM
That's all I'd need! :)

Also, Crash Bash for the PSX is now live again, enhanced by tagger extraordinaire VGManiac456. Thanks again, dude!

Aw, man, you beat me to it!!

Either way, could I make a request of Crash Team Racing for the PS1? I think I made it a while back, but I'm not sure if it was added to the queue, and I think it was when you were dangerously low on space. I figure, this way, we'll have the complete Crash quintology on the system of his birth!!

Thanks again, ruiner!! Psyched to have you back!!

09-24-2014, 01:50 AM
WOW! So I'm gone for about 24+ hours and come back to check in... and what do I find???

.... the awesome Super-tastic Ruiner9 has been full funded!!! The donation-plug-a-thon is over!!! Woo-hoo!!!

As Ruiner said, we can't thank all the donators enough. Every little bit counted and I'm super happy to see folks contributed!

So, one last time - Our final tally count:

$20 - First contribution (Mint)
$45 - 2nd contribution (Cyquest)
$10 - 3rd contribution (Cyquest - again?!?)
$10 - 4th contribution (MarvelB)!!
$10 - 5th contribution (Cyquest - holy schnikies!)
$10 - 6th contribution (MarvelB) - AGAIN!?
$04 - 7th contribution (Lefance)
$21 - 8th and final contribution (B Heatnix)

Congratz to all is definitely in order and a HUGE thank you to Ruiner9 for being such a great guy for us to "virtually hang with yo". :)

Final Recap - Here's what we get as a result of our donation efforts

- 1 Additional year of music rips! Hip-hip - Hooray!!!!
- 5 TIMES the online storage for downloads! 500GB instead of 100GB (Hit the cap at 100GB, so 400GB for everyone!)
- Continuation of new exciting game rips (and per anyone's request, provided he can do it!) Oh yeah, it be sweet.
- Best quality & recorded high volume music (Ruiner always strives for the best rips as much as possible).
- No-broken links for downloads! No crazy ads w/ potential malware / spyware links! Continuous links that won't go away for your favorite games. (SWEET!)
- Additional help from forum members to submit files, tag mp3s correctly, help catch mistakes for the community, etc, etc. (Community help ROCKS!!)
- Constant new additions each week (as Ruiner has time of course). Who could ask for more? No one I dare say. No one.

Internet text kudoz to all that are & have been involved in this thread since it's inception. I was glad I was able to spearhead it a little bit and push everyone to help out, and even contribute a little bit on my own. Personal win for me - First donation drive I've ever done and I'm quite happy I was able to help make a goal!

Going forward, I promise I won't be spamming much anymore about donation. Hell, we're set for a full year! Woot!! But, like Ruiner said, we gotta keep the donation link up for the year to come after that. We'll eventually need to pay for the space again, and Ruiner will need the help. So, I will slightly encourage anyone, especially the newcomers like myself... If you found even one file of greatness to your happy music gaming collection from Ruiner9's efforts & posts here, PLEASE consider donating via Paypal on the main page. Donate whatever you feel is appropriate and makes you happy & feel good. $2 bucks, $5 bucks, $10, $20, $4 bucks, whatever. It all goes straight to maintaining the game rips for you & everyone. As we go forward, I may, everyone once in a slight while, remind y'all folks to donate. It works!! And now Ruiner is at it again. Just like we all wanted. :)

Shout out to the Thread's tag contributors who help Ruiner out and fix tags on the mp3s for everyone:
... and more! (I will learn who they are as we go forward and give proper Internetz text kudos) :)

Thanks again to all that participated.

Now let's enjoy some awesome music.

09-24-2014, 02:07 AM
Rare's games don't use the Sappy sound engine, so clear GBA rips aren't possible. :(

Dang, I knew that the GBA DKC ports weren't possible, but I was hoping that wouldn't apply to the rest of Rare's library.... oh well. I'll continue to pray for the day when HQ rips of DKC3 GBA and Sabre Wulf are finally possible! Also, thanks for the Castlevania rip! :)

Anyway, another couple of GBA requests did occur to me since my last post after seeing those other Crash Bandicoot requests: Think you can do Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure ( and the sequel N-Tranced? ( The track I posted in the second link actually comes from the game's official OST (hence why it sounds quite good already), but said soundtrack lacks all the game's tracks. So a full rip would be nice....

09-24-2014, 02:08 AM
Oh oh oh!!! I get to submit my want list for game rips!

Me Me Me Me Me Me!!!!!!

Okay... whew... been waiting for this!! :)

My first 5 Requests:
Dragon Warrior (NES)
Batman (Genesis)
Insector X (Genesis)
Revenge of Shinobi (Genesis)
Ghouls 'N Ghosts (Genesis)

I have others, but I'm putting them on the back-burner request for later, plus a few I'm uncertain if you can get them done or not, so I'll deal with that later.

Thank you Runier9! I luvs you with lots of INternetZ Love Texts! :)

09-24-2014, 04:25 PM
OK! I'll be getting to requests soon, but I spent all night getting the final edits done on this... it's a really special episode, and I hope that if any of your guys are still in a donating mood, you check these guys' Kickstarter out. Who knows? With enough funds, they might even come out to interview Mike and me for the film! :) :0

Episode 18: Players’ Choice with Kory & Keaton of the Players’ Score Video Game Music Documentary!

We’re thrilled and honored to have two very special guests for this episode: Kory Caldwell and Keaton Slansky! They’re putting together a video game music documentary called “The Players’ Score” which will feature interviews with some of the biggest names in VGM, like Jake Kaufman and Chris H�lsbeck. They need your help, though! Please visit their Kickstarter Page (, take a look at the awesome rewards and personalities they have lined up, and consider making a pledge towards what’s sure to be an AMAZING film!

This episode is a double-team; Kory and Keaton pick the first 5 tracks, and the PTR boys take the other 5. What ensues is a great selection of classic tracks from hugely popular games, and some enthralling discussions about why these titles are so loved. The Players’ Score guys also announce some big surprises concerning their film!

Also, be sure to like the Player’s Score Facebook page (, and follow their Twitter account ( for updates as they occur. We wish them well in their project!

Keep an eye out for our poll in the next few days so you can vote for your favorite track from this episode!

The Tracklist:

1. Lonely Rolling Star – Katamari Damacy (PS2) – Yoshihito Yano, Saki Kabata (vocals)

2. Strike the Earth – Shovel Knight – Jake Kaufman


3. Air Man – Mega Man 2 (NES) – Takeshi Tateishi

4. Gym Leader Battle Theme – Pokemon Red/ Blue (GB) – Junichi Masuda


5. Inside the Castle Walls – Mario 64 (N64) – Koji Kondo

6. The Hideout (Mission 4) – Double Dragon (NES) – Kazunaka Yamane


7. Street of Luxury – Final Fight (SNES) – Yoshihiro Sakaguchi

8. Guile’s Theme – Street Fighter II (SNES) – Yoko Shimomura


9. Base 1-2 – Mega Turrican (Genesis) – Chris Huelsbeck

10. Remlia Castle – Astyanax (NES) – Kiyoshi Yokomana

Thanks for all the love and support, guys! Please rate us on iTunes and Like us on Facebook so we can keep bringing new episodes to you!

09-24-2014, 08:17 PM
I suppose you guys want soundtracks, right? Well, fine. I suppose. ;)


Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance - I guess it's only fitting that yesterday was Michiru Yamane's birthday, because she co-composed this lil' masterpiece. This uses the Gameboy sound synths a lot in conjunction with the direct audio channels of the GBA. The results are pretty unique!

NES Stereo

Dragon Warrior - The original is finally here, after having DW2 through DW4 for over a whole near now! It's pretty simple stuff, but quite memorable if you were a fan of the game.


Batman - Naoki Kodaka isn't as effective with an FM synth as he was behind the NES hardware (dat Sunsoft bass!) but this soundtrack still outperforms most of the other licensed Genesis game music out there.

Ghouls ' Ghosts - Classic stuff, enhanced a bit for the Genesis over the original arcade version... very spooky and atmospheric in parts. Great Halloween music!

Insector X - I was surprised that for a game made as recently as 1990, the composer on this is unknown. It's pretty solid, even though it used the more simplistic Cube sound driver. The bass is REALLY cool on track 4.

The Revenge of Shinobi - Yuzo Koshiro. OK, now that we've established that it's awesome, if you're a Koshiro fan, check out Episode 15 of my podcast. Even if you don't normally listen to us, there's a ton of great music and info about the man himself, and even his family!

That does it for today, friends! Peace out!

09-25-2014, 01:32 AM
B_Heatnix! Yes, I can do Nintendo Puzzle Collection! It'll be a project, though, but I'm doing it because you're a donator, and also because it seems there's lots of people on the web looking for this, and it doesn't exist. I'll need to record them all manually through an emulator... fortunately I have a fast computer and really good sound software. Here's a teaser:

Sound good? :) So what I'm gonna do is make separate albums for each game so people can grab them as they're done, then I'll combine them into one big collection when I'm done. It'll take a while, so I'll consider it a side project while I do other, quicker soundtracks.

This really is good stuff! Also, don't take down that Imgur page! I've bookmarked it so I can get to the soundtests!

09-25-2014, 06:49 AM
Awesome, Ruiner. Yeah, I understand this is a big undertaking as it is three games in one (Panel de Pon has heaps of tracks) so it makes sense to release one at a time beforehand. The quality of this sample sounds great!
Regarding it being sought after: I have seen a playlist on Youtube for just Panel de Pon but the uploader hasn't made that available off YT. I can probably provide track names for this one if there's difficulty there.

Imgur link should stay, let me know if it drops though.

One other thing, I am curious (and it's a mystery to me) as to whether Hirokazu 'Hip' Tanaka contributed in any way to the Dr. Mario tracks in this collection. Like, why is it that it's being done by Manabo Fujiki and Seichi Tokunaga? Hip Tanaka did a great job remixing/updating the NES to SNES versions of Dr. Mario and so I'm curious as to why he isn't directly involved here, especially considering there are a number of new tracks (even if this vers. of Dr. Mario is a derivative of the N64 vers.)? The same could be asked of the original composer for Panel de Pon, Masaya Kuzume and Yuka Tsujiyoko (as her Yoshi's Island tracks are re-appropriated in Panel de Pon).

09-25-2014, 12:38 PM
Tanaka resigned from Nintendo in 1999 to become president of Creature, so he probably wasn't on-hand to do the music himself.

09-26-2014, 12:01 AM
I've been out and about today, so not much time to do too much... I know this is off-topic, but some crazy dude tried to get into my car while I was in it, and completely ripped the door handle off! I was scared for my life. When they say "lock your doors" in the bad parts of town, they MEAN it. I'm OK, but it's $200 to replace the handle. Bleh. (And no, I'm not asking for donations LOL - I just wanted to share a crazy experience!)

Anyways, Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow for the GBA is up, in enhanced format like the others! It's the third and best CV game in the GBA trilogy, and has a pretty long and dynamic soundtrack by the same team as the game before. Again, if you can tag it by matching the tunes up with YouTube or something, it would be appreciated by all!

BTW... anyone listen to the latest podcast and/or check out the Gamers' Score Kickstarter? What do you think?

Catch ya later, buckaroos!

09-26-2014, 05:50 AM
Hey bud, you have two different download listings and file sizes for Bionic Commando NES. I are confuse.

Bionic Commando (NES Stereo).7z 35.9 MB!0h0hSbwa!_WX3cL...tBSd2wLoFkppHs

Bionic Commando (NES Stereo).7z 28.7 MB!QsVS0CCC!Tzwzgh...RoFYlDon-uk1SU

Can you explain / check?

Looks like similar issue for Blaster Master NES as well?

09-26-2014, 06:03 AM
Congrats on reaching your goal, Ruiner! Wish I could've contributed myself, but there's been all sorts of money issues these last couple of months (repairs around the house, our dog had surgery, etc.)

Anyways, here's a handful of requests. No need to rush, just glad you're back at it again.
The Goonies II (NES)
The Immortal (NES)
Magical Chase (TG16)
Nightmare Circus (Genesis)
Kowloon's Gate (PS1)

P.S., as a video game music affecianado, are you aware of the documentary series Diggin' in the Carts from Red Bull Music Academy ( They've been doing weekly video updates talking about the history of video game music, interviewing composers and musicians outside of games who've been influenced by game music. You aren't likely to hear anything you haven't before as far as video game tunes, but it's been a pretty good overview so far.

09-26-2014, 10:33 AM
Congratulations with one more year (c) and thanks to all of you, guys.
Also, nice to see new podcast episode, didn't expect it :)

Hey, Ed, have you listened to this absolutely fantastic arrange album? If not, then i recommend.

Devil Crash Alien Crush Arranged Album - "Skeleton" - YouTube (

Don't let "symphonic" beginning of track fool you - it's full of groove!

09-26-2014, 02:21 PM
Hey bud, you have two different download listings and file sizes for Bionic Commando NES. I are confuse.

Bionic Commando (NES Stereo).7z 35.9 MB!0h0hSbwa!_WX3cL...tBSd2wLoFkppHs

Bionic Commando (NES Stereo).7z 28.7 MB!QsVS0CCC!Tzwzgh...RoFYlDon-uk1SU

Can you explain / check?

Looks like similar issue for Blaster Master NES as well?

Oops! MEGA is weird in that it lets you store files with the exact same name in the same folder. When I changed over the links back from adfly, I used an automated script to generate the links for the OP, so it must have grabbed the older versions of the soundtracks that I did back when I was still a ripping n00b. When in doubt, if you see it again, (EDIT: DON'T grab the bigger file size. All links in the OP are corrected now.) Thanks for the heads-up!

09-26-2014, 02:28 PM
Um, there's something which I forgot to say when I requested those GBA Spyro OST's, which may sound really picky.

When you get to them, could you make sure that the resulting music is fairly loud? I'm really trying to find OST's around the same level of volume (or at least, ones that aren't quiet). Because I use game OST's for things such as Custom soundtracks on other games, the music has to be of at least a certain level of volume, and it's kinda hard to find ones that are. I know I could always turn their loudness up with MP3Gain or Audacity, but I'm not keen on doing that. I'm weird.

I feel so bad/embarrassed asking for this... it just means more work for you

09-26-2014, 03:15 PM
Um, there's something which I forgot to say when I requested those GBA Spyro OST's, which may sound really picky.

When you get to them, could you make sure that the resulting music is fairly loud? I'm really trying to find OST's around the same level of volume (or at least, ones that aren't quiet). Because I use game OST's for things such as Custom soundtracks on other games, the music has to be of at least a certain level of volume, and it's kinda hard to find ones that are. I know I could always turn their loudness up with MP3Gain or Audacity, but I'm not keen on doing that. I'm weird.

I feel so bad/embarrassed asking for this... it just means more work for you

I make sure all of my albums peak at 98%, so volume isn't an issue! If other albums in my collection are loud enough for you, then you shouldn't have any problems. I hate variances in volume, too, so I totally understand. :)

ALSO, I've gone through and removed the older duplicate NES titles... some were NOT the bigger file size as I'd said earlier, so you may want to check. Basically, if there's a dupe, it means that the original had been tagged by a volunteer or that there was an error of some other sort, and it's been fixed. If your album doesn't have the "tracknumber_titlename" format and there was a dupe, chances are you don't have the most recent (and better) one. I'm still working on updating the NES albums that don't follow my standard format, so if you see any still left, please let me know!

I should have some more music later today. :)

---------- Post added at 10:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 AM ----------

Dang, I knew that the GBA DKC ports weren't possible, but I was hoping that wouldn't apply to the rest of Rare's library.... oh well. I'll continue to pray for the day when HQ rips of DKC3 GBA and Sabre Wulf are finally possible! Also, thanks for the Castlevania rip! :)

Anyway, another couple of GBA requests did occur to me since my last post after seeing those other Crash Bandicoot requests: Think you can do Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure ( and the sequel N-Tranced? ( The track I posted in the second link actually comes from the game's official OST (hence why it sounds quite good already), but said soundtrack lacks all the game's tracks. So a full rip would be nice....

I just checked the Crash games, and they aren't compatible. :( Any other requests? I'll do a few non-donator requests today since that's all that's in my queue (aside from that GameCube game) but I'll jump you ahead of the line if you think of anything else. Sorry!

---------- Post added at 10:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 AM ----------

Congrats on reaching your goal, Ruiner! Wish I could've contributed myself, but there's been all sorts of money issues these last couple of months (repairs around the house, our dog had surgery, etc.)

Anyways, here's a handful of requests. No need to rush, just glad you're back at it again.
The Goonies II (NES)
The Immortal (NES)
Magical Chase (TG16)
Nightmare Circus (Genesis)
Kowloon's Gate (PS1)

P.S., as a video game music affecianado, are you aware of the documentary series Diggin' in the Carts from Red Bull Music Academy ( They've been doing weekly video updates talking about the history of video game music, interviewing composers and musicians outside of games who've been influenced by game music. You aren't likely to hear anything you haven't before as far as video game tunes, but it's been a pretty good overview so far.

Added to the queue! And yes, OMG... what an amazing series! That first interview with Junko Ozawa, where she showed off the programming algorithms for her first arcade compositions was mind blowing. I love that stuff!

Congratulations with one more year (c) and thanks to all of you, guys.
Also, nice to see new podcast episode, didn't expect it :)

Hey, Ed, have you listened to this absolutely fantastic arrange album? If not, then i recommend.

Devil Crash Alien Crush Arranged Album - "Skeleton" - YouTube (

Don't let "symphonic" beginning of track fool you - it's full of groove!

Oh man... some of my favorite TG-16 songs. :) I listened to it this morning in the car, since I actually found it on this forum... The arrangements are great! I just wish their hardware was a little more sophisticated, as it definitely sounds like it's just pure MIDI in places. The last three tracks on the album are my favorites... I don't know why they buried them so far back on the disc. I can probably use a few of the quieter tracks as BGM for the podcast. Thanks for sharing it!

09-26-2014, 03:25 PM
Okay, I have my next batch of requests! Thanks again for the first batch - Can't believe you got them all done so quickly.

For these, take your time of course & do them as you wish or when you can. Take care of those who already have requests of course. I'm in no hurry! :)

1. Granada (Genesis) - Friggin' Wolfteam sounds at it's best! Great themes.
2. Wings of Wor (Genesis) - I love my shoot-em-ups. And this was a memory indeed.
3. Assault (Namco - Arcade) - loved this arcade game and I loved some of the music themes.
4. Castlevania Adventure, The (Gameboy) - It's amazing what the right artist can make a system do!
5. Thunder Force II (Genesis) - Hey, if you heard this when the Genesis hit stores shelves, it made you buy the damn system. Incredible sound from Technosoft. They rock. Top notch. Still amazes me how they made that system sound.

Appreciate it as always brother. :)

09-26-2014, 04:27 PM
I make sure all of my albums peak at 98%, so volume isn't an issue! If other albums in my collection are loud enough for you, then you shouldn't have any problems. I hate variances in volume, too, so I totally understand. :)

Some of them are loud enough: Cool Spot, Road Rash, all of Golden Axe except Showdown, but some of them aren't. I know some game's music is quiet anyway, even in game (Rayman 1 PS1 comes to mind) so I guess there's a limit on how loud you can make 'em without clipping.

09-26-2014, 04:48 PM
Some of them are loud enough: Cool Spot, Road Rash, all of Golden Axe except Showdown, but some of them aren't. I know some game's music is quiet anyway, even in game (Rayman 1 PS1 comes to mind) so I guess there's a limit on how loud you can make 'em without clipping.

Right, I go as loud as I can without distortion. Sometimes when there's a loud crescendo at the start of a track, that'll be the peak, and rest of the song will be quieter. Obviously, I'm not going to adjust the volume mid-track, as that's not what the composer intended.

So, I've uploaded Spyro - Season of Ice to the GBA section. It really is a fantastic soundtrack, and for the most part the tones are pretty even, so hopefully the volume is to your liking. If you enjoy it and want the sequel, let me know!

09-26-2014, 05:05 PM
definitely sounds like it's just pure MIDI in places.

it's ok for it's time, but it's another thing when you notice it with late ps1 games, hehe

Btw do you know vgm that were made like this "midi patterns going through hardware synths" ? I thought Snatcher on Mega CD was like that

09-26-2014, 05:16 PM
it's ok for it's time, but it's another thing when you notice it with late ps1 games, hehe

Btw do you know vgm that were made like this "midi patterns going through hardware synths" ? I thought Snatcher on Mega CD was like that

Most of the earlier CD-based games that didn't have rock or orchestral soundtracks had stuff like that. If you want a really good example, check out my upload of Ninjawarriors for the Sega CD. There are a bunch of other titles for the SCD, PC Engine CD, and 3DO. Check out my rip of Operation Wolf for the Marty FM Towns, too. It's in the Japanese PC section.

09-26-2014, 05:29 PM
Had a listen to them all, the Dragonfly X jingles and Dusty Trails are loud enough, but the other tracks are a tad quiet (I think they are like that in game, though). I'm going to tag the songs now, however unlike Season Of Flame I don't remember Ice as well, so I'll have to check them in game first. Don't really know anywhere to upload them either, so I'm not sure what to do with that.

09-26-2014, 05:33 PM
>> Ninjawarriors for the Sega CD
Already checked, it's fantastic! And live concert was awesome too!

>> Operation Wolf for the Marty FM Towns, too
Wasn't it me who asked for it? Anyway, i could recommend anyone listen to it!

09-26-2014, 05:39 PM
Don't worry about uploading the tracks! Just make a list of the order they're in, like so:

01_track name
02_track name

and so on, and I'll rename them myself and update the OP. You can PM the list if you'd like, or just reply in the thread.

---------- Post added at 12:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 PM ----------

>> Ninjawarriors for the Sega CD
Already checked, it's fantastic! And live concert was awesome too!

>> Operation Wolf for the Marty FM Towns, too
Wasn't it me who asked for it? Anyway, i could recommend anyone listen to it!

HAHA, was it you? I've done so many, I can't keep them straight anymore! :D

09-26-2014, 05:56 PM
I think vgm lacks "hardware synth" osts, especially with analog equipment included. (FM synths are digital, as you know).


If anyone is wondering about my new avatar - it's a monster from atmospheric dungeon crawler game "Baroque" which was "a big deal" at least in Japan.
Also has awesome music. in both Saturn/PS1 (Masaharu Iwata) and PS2/Wii (Shigeki Hayashi) versions. Examples of tracks:

Baroque(PS1/Saturn) OST 07-Namu Ami - YouTube (
Fave VGM #1038: "Groan of Metal" ~ Shigeki Hayashi - YouTube (

09-26-2014, 06:09 PM
If you Google "Sharp X68000" along with "Roland," you'll hear that system's soundtracks through the hardware midi attachment that was available for it. You'll probably find some tunes you'd enjoy. :)

09-26-2014, 06:21 PM

They are in the same order as before currently, which is not the order they appear in game (However the naming IS the order in which the song is used from left to right). As you can see, most of the music is reused quite a bit so the names are kinda long. I also had to YouTube the Dragonfly X bits, you only get access to it by getting 100%, and the save file on my cartridge is 97% at the moment. Never did beat Ice, it's a lot less polished than it's sequel so it has quite a few flaws.

Right, I'll now put them into the correct order.

09-26-2014, 06:56 PM
Annnd done! Thanks to MOV_Games, the Spyro - Season of Ice album has been updated with song titles and re-ordered as they appear in the game. Go grab it in the OP!

09-26-2014, 07:08 PM
ruiner9, can you rip Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W - Endless Duel from SNES?

Also, thanks for your uploads!

09-26-2014, 07:18 PM
ruiner9, can you rip Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W - Endless Duel from SNES?

Also, thanks for your uploads!

Sure thing! I'll add it to the queue.

09-26-2014, 09:07 PM
Last but not least today, two very obscure Famicom games requested by the master of obscure Famicom games, size123. Indora no Hikari and Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu, both from Kemco, are in the OP! Kemco's composers are notoriously hard to find, But I was able to find at least one of the two.


09-27-2014, 02:05 AM
I just checked the Crash games, and they aren't compatible. :( Any other requests? I'll do a few non-donator requests today since that's all that's in my queue (aside from that GameCube game) but I'll jump you ahead of the line if you think of anything else. Sorry!

Curses, foiled again! Hmm, looks like a lot of my GBA requests aren't compatible with the current HQ ripping method. Well, I still cross my fingers that someday, they will.....

Anyways, I'll keep it a bit more simple this time and make a few NES requests instead! ;) You think you can get The Krion Conquest ( (aka Magical Doropie, a Mega Man ripoff where you play as a witch), and the two Ganbare Goemon Gaiden ( games (RPG spinoffs of the Goemon/Mystical Ninja series)? That is all from me for now. I've got some of my own stuff that I've gotta get to work on uploading, after all....

Lily Ferrari
09-27-2014, 10:07 PM
Would you ever be interested in doing some "line-out rips", like "Iron Goat" on ffshrine or the "16-bit Audiophile" website?
I know it's VERY time-consuming and would be considered a useless hassle by most of people, but well I admit, of everything I downloaded from the net,
line-out rips represent the ultimate versions of original OSTs, imo. (just listen to Iron Goat's Thunder Force IV rip, it's incredible. I had the real thing back then and I instantly recognized the original sound.)

Anyway, twas just a question! :)
(and sorry if it's been asked already)

Thanks for everything you do, as usual.

09-27-2014, 10:24 PM
I have a crappy model 2 Genesis. The sound out of it is pretty awful. I do t even have the equipment to do line-in Recordings on my PC. So unfortunately, it's not something I'll be doing any time soon. :(

09-27-2014, 11:36 PM
So! Here's the plan! I've found that before my hiatus, I got so caught up in fulfilling requests, that I was never able to get around to sharing the music that I'VE discovered and want to share. So, I'm going to start dedicating the weekend to sharing cool stuff that hasn't been requested. That doesn't mean I won't post requests from time to time, it just means I won't focus on them.

To get that party started, I've chosen a couple of albums that might clue you in to the next theme for my podcast... head over to the N64 section to grab Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask! They're in top-notch quality, and they belong in any good video game music collection, so I hope you enjoy them.

What will I have in store tomorrow? I don't know. I'm recording the next podcast (and yes, it's all about Zelda) so we'll see if I have time.

Ciao, amici!

09-28-2014, 12:50 PM
Great choices ruiner! Though I'm surprised you didn't have those yet xD

09-28-2014, 01:01 PM
Great choices ruiner! Though I'm surprised you didn't have those yet xD

Mostly because they're both over my (former) 200mb limit. But I'm not so worried about space anymore! ;)

09-28-2014, 01:06 PM
Been relistening to Viewpoint recently, what an excellent music, created with great balance of FM synthesis and samples.
Sounds fantastic for 1992. Thanks Ed, i wouldn't know about it without this thread.

My fav track:

Viewpoint (Arcade) - LA NERVATURA M. (AREA 5) - YouTube (


If someome forgot: it's isometric shmup, kinda a spiritual successor to Zaxxon.

09-29-2014, 11:12 AM
I've just uploaded the OPNA soundchip version of Emerald Dragon to the Japanese Computers section! It's a fantastic collection of tracks, with one of those instrument sets that barely sounds like an FM synth... If you enjoyed the Crusader of Centy soundtrack for the Genesis, you'll really like this, too! Tenpei Sato contributes a few nice tracks in there. :)

Look out for more request filling today, and I'll try to get a bit more done on Dr. Mario tonight!

09-29-2014, 09:08 PM
Well, since FFShrine has been down most of the day, I wasn't able to correct the Emerald Dragon upload until now. The original one accidentally had the somg titles under the "album" field, so it may mess up your playlists! It's fixed, so you can re-download if you haven't noticed and fixed it yourself already. :)

I don't have a lot of time left before I have to leave, so I'll be brief: Patrick's requests are up!

There's the 50's American music-inspired Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun in the arcade section. It's from Kazuo Sawa, who's done most of the Kunio-kun series games, so the style is very recognizable.

Daimashikyou Galious is new in the NES section. It's really energetic, and definitely sounds like a Konami classic.

Contra: The Alien Wars is up in the Game Boy section! Expect some cool original tunes, as well as familiar tracks from the series' other games. It's good stuff!

Enjoy, all! :D

09-30-2014, 08:51 AM
The two Nintendo 64 Zelda games and their sound are very very great, and need to be done with a top-quality recording. If you got stuff from the USF, there may be a low maximum frequency or something. Do whatever you want..._____WOW 500GB OF STUFF NOW!

09-30-2014, 10:56 AM
Good morning all! Its not even 6AM here yet, but I've already got an upload for ya! Spyro 2 - Season of Flame is new in the GBA section! It's untagged as of yet, but that may be fixed at some point. This is a really groovy soundtrack! I LOVE track 7 - it may have to go in a podcast soon. :)

09-30-2014, 12:23 PM
I'll get busy with tagging right away! Shouldn't take me as long as I've played this one to death as a kid. Will be interesting to see which song is the one you really like, I have a feeling it could be Winter Mesa/Watertopia. That's a great one.

EDIT: Nope, it's Minty Mines.

EDIT 2: Huh, I've noticed something interesting. The music for the 100% completion bonus minigame "Sparx Panic" is only drums in game, whereas your version has more instruments. I've checked on YouTube for gameplay and the music is the same as mine, just drums. Looks like the music in game doesn't play as intended, weird.

EDIT 3: I've finished tagging the names, it turns out there seems to be some seemingly unused stuff in there:
* An Entire Song, #14 to be exact
* The Baseball esque Sounds
* #34 Sound, haven't heard it anywhere in game

Because my save file is 100% and you can't replay minigames you have completed, I couldn't check everything, so this stuff MAY be used in game, but I don't remember ever hearing it.

EDIT 4: Here's the tracks all Tagged in the same order as before

EDIT 5: And here's the songs all ordered better.

Huh, this post became enormous, didn't it.

09-30-2014, 07:43 PM
I'll get busy with tagging right away! Shouldn't take me as long as I've played this one to death as a kid. Will be interesting to see which song is the one you really like, I have a feeling it could be Winter Mesa/Watertopia. That's a great one.

EDIT: Nope, it's Minty Mines.

EDIT 2: Huh, I've noticed something interesting. The music for the 100% completion bonus minigame "Sparx Panic" is only drums in game, whereas your version has more instruments. I've checked on YouTube for gameplay and the music is the same as mine, just drums. Looks like the music in game doesn't play as intended, weird.

EDIT 3: I've finished tagging the names, it turns out there seems to be some seemingly unused stuff in there:
* An Entire Song, #14 to be exact
* The Baseball esque Sounds
* #34 Sound, haven't heard it anywhere in game

Because my save file is 100% and you can't replay minigames you have completed, I couldn't check everything, so this stuff MAY be used in game, but I don't remember ever hearing it.

The process I use rips audio data right out of the ROM, so you'll often find little goodies here and there that didn't make it into the game. I'll keep those songs listed as "unknown" rather than "unused" just in case they did happen to appear somewhere. Thanks for the quick work! I'll get right on updating the album!

In the meantime, check out Tsukasa Tawada's awesome Pokemon XD - Gale of Darkness for the Gamecube! Tawada composed one of my favorite 16-bit soundtracks, Super EDF on the SNES, and his later works maintain a lot of what I loved about it, especially the intricate basslines in XD Battle0 and Darkside. MagnetMan34, I'm sorry I can't do Pokemon Colosseum because the music is sequenced, and not streamed. This one is super awesome, though!

---------- Post added at 02:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 PM ----------

Spyro 2 in the GBA section has been updated with title tags and re-ordered, thanks again to MOV_Games! Just a quick note about this one: the "ambience" tracks in this one are just that: sounds, and not music. So for the farm level, you'll just hear chickens clucking, or water dripping in Watertopia. If you'd rather just have the music, take out the ambience and you'll still have a sizeable album to listen to. I left them in because they're rather well done, and they may come in handy for some of the skits on my podcast. :)

My copy of Hyrule Warriors finally arrived from Amazon, so I'll be spending tonight kicking some butt with Link! Woohoo!

10-01-2014, 02:00 AM
Can you still rip and upload arcade soundtracks? Here are some easy arcade requests:


10-01-2014, 11:33 AM
I'm sure some of you are familiar with VGManiac456... he's helped tag a lot of my soundtracks, and has requested a few great additions to this collection as well. Early this morning, he released a 5 1/2 hour long Hyrule Warriors soundtrack, completely manually recorded and tagged. It sounds fantastic! I've been waiting a long time for a full rip of this game, and I wanted to share the link in case you guys missed it. Head over to:

And don't forget to thank him! :)

10-01-2014, 01:21 PM
In the meantime, check out Tsukasa Tawada's awesome Pokemon XD - Gale of Darkness for the Gamecube! Tawada composed one of my favorite 16-bit soundtracks, Super EDF on the SNES, and his later works maintain a lot of what I loved about it, especially the intricate basslines in XD Battle0 and Darkside. MagnetMan34, I'm sorry I can't do Pokemon Colosseum because the music is sequenced, and not streamed. This one is super awesome, though![COLOR="Silver"]

My copy of Hyrule Warriors finally arrived from Amazon, so I'll be spending tonight kicking some butt with Link! Woohoo!

Sequenced? Wow never would've thought of that, since sounds exactly the same as XD soundtrack. Oh well, it's ok, XD has some reused songs from Colosseum, so it's not a big loss. Thanks! I'll tag it asap :D

Yeah, Tawada's work is really impressive. I should request Pokemon Battle Revolution too sometime, he also worked in that one. Too bad there's no 3DS ripping yet, since he also worked in Pokemon Battle Trozei...

Also, enjoy Hyrule Warriors! It's awesome. Nintendo definitely needs more games like that one ;)
And thanks again for sharing the link of the HW rip!

10-01-2014, 11:48 PM
Hi guys! Two little ones tonight:


Gundam Wing Endless Duel - I don't usually use harsh language, but holy CRAP is this good! Hiroyuki Iwatsuki made a masterful OST with this one. Dance beats, wailing guitars, totally awesome melodies... TOTALLY get this one!


Wanderers from Super Scheme - I have no idea what this game is, but it sounds like a cross between Wanderers from Ys and The Scheme, both of which had music from Yuzo Koshiro. This one is short, but it's Koshiro in top form, with some nasty and aggressive FM synth rock. The advanced OPNA version is the first on the list, with the more simple OPN versions of the songs afterwards. It's short, but VERY sweet.

Hope you dig 'em!

10-02-2014, 06:27 AM
Haha! Yeah, I didn't know the composer who did it, but I'm sure that his others works are kickass just like this.

10-02-2014, 11:39 AM
Haha! Yeah, I didn't know the composer who did it, but I'm sure that his others works are kickass just like this.

He's a pretty popular composer. His wikipedia page includes a bunch of other games he's made music for... some you may have already played!

Hiroyuki Iwatsuki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

---------- Post added at 06:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:55 AM ----------

VGManiac456, hot off the heels of Hyrule Warriors, comes through with another set of title tags! Castlevania - Circle of the Moon has been updated in the GBA section! Thanks, dude!

10-02-2014, 07:07 PM
Liking the newest osts, ruiner. I've been holding my first requests for too long, and so, if it's alright with you, I would like to make my first request since two months ago (I think?):

- Cyber Core (Sharp X68000; not sure if it's possible, but I hope it can be rippable. If not, then I want to substitute the X68000 version of Thunder Force II in it's place. If none can be done, then let me know and I'll come up with another replacement.)
- Cyber Knight (Super NES; I've been listening to the PC Engine version lately and wondered what the SNES version's tracks would sound like, hence the reason this is listed)
- D-Force (Super NES; sadly, there is no composer listed, and the tracks are... shall we say, marginal sounding at best, but I am still requesting, anyways.)
- Fighter's History (Super NES)
- Superman (Arcade; has the best music that Taito has done, in my opinion. It also has the famous John Williams Superman theme, too!)

A quick note: Yuzo Koshiro didn't participate in Ys III: Wanderers from Ys; he only did the first two games in the series.

Anyways, have a good day!! :D

10-02-2014, 07:14 PM
A quick note: Yuzo Koshiro didn't participate in Ys III: Wanderers from Ys; he only did the first two games in the series.

Anyways, have a good day!! :D

Well, yes, of course... he was only credited because "The Boy's Got Wings" was based on his melody from "Theme of Adol," but I'm pretty sure the reference is in the title of the game because of his association with the series.

As for the X60000 tracks, HECK YES! Even if there aren't source files for the music, I can make my own as long as the game has a sound test, like I did for Final Fight X68000. If it doesn't have a sound test, I may not be able to do it, but I've found that most of those games that have decent music always include one.

10-02-2014, 09:21 PM
Greetings, Earthlings! I bring you a gift from the planet VGM. Here's what's in my space-pod:


Goonies II - Some suitably Konami-esque tunes, from the lady who was responsible for games like Rush 'n Attack and Gradius 2.

The Immortal - Man, am I glad THIS one is done. These were REALLY hard to find the loop points for, because the music is... unique. It's very staccato in places. Hubbard never wrote music by the rules. :)


Nightmare Circus - In the US, this was only released on the Sega Channel. The game's not very good, but the music is sweet. It was composed mainly by Kurt Harland, who wrote the X-Men 2: Clone Wars soundtrack for the Genesis, the Soul Reaver games, and is a member of the electropop band Information Society. We've got a spooky game themed podcast coming up... something from this game may end up in it. ;)


Magical Chase - Some lovely tunes from Hitoshi Sakimoto. This guy really knew how to make the TG-16's soundchip rock. I didn't know he did this game, but I'm happy that I know now! It rocks!

Unfortunately, Elwood, Kowloon's Gate can't be ripped. It's sequenced music over the course of 4 discs and hasn't been extracted by the guys who kow how to do that yet. Maybe in the future! You definitely picked a lot of good ones this time around, though!

Peace out, all!

10-03-2014, 05:24 AM
Hello, again! I probably shouldn't considering the record so far, but I want to try making one last attempt at another HQ GBA request.... is it at all possible to get Godzilla: Domination ( in HQ? If not, I think I'd be willing to take it in the original fuzzy format anyway, since this soundtrack is, IMO, Jake Kaufman in top form here. Just discovered the music recently, and it seriously rocks! :)

10-03-2014, 06:30 AM
Nightmare Circus - In the US, this was only released on the Sega Channel. The game's not very good, but the music is sweet. It was composed mainly by Kurt Harland, who wrote the X-Men 2: Clone Wars soundtrack for the Genesis, the Soul Reaver games, and is a member of the electropop band Information Society. We've got a spooky game themed podcast coming up... something from this game may end up in it. ;)

Interesting note about this one: I'd forgotten about it completely until I'd recently listened to a short album by The Gaslamp Killer called Death Gate. One of the tracks sounded suspiciously FM synth-like, very Genesis-sounding, and low and behold when I looked it up online it was pointed out in comments that the track Fun Over 100 ( was actually just a bit of the Ferris Wheel level's theme (

Unfortunately, Elwood, Kowloon's Gate can't be ripped. It's sequenced music over the course of 4 discs and hasn't been extracted by the guys who kow how to do that yet. Maybe in the future! You definitely picked a lot of good ones this time around, though!

That's a shame, though not totally surprising. I just learned about this game's existence a few weeks ago: it's a weird pre-rendered FMV adventure game ( set in a cyberpunk-ish alternate version of the Kowloon Walled City ( Really cool looking, I wish it'd had come out in the US (or at least gotten a translation, though it'd be a pretty in-depth project I'd assume)

10-03-2014, 10:52 AM
Hello, again! I probably shouldn't considering the record so far, but I want to try making one last attempt at another HQ GBA request.... is it at all possible to get Godzilla: Domination ( in HQ? If not, I think I'd be willing to take it in the original fuzzy format anyway, since this soundtrack is, IMO, Jake Kaufman in top form here. Just discovered the music recently, and it seriously rocks! :)

Go grab it from the source! This sounds MUCH better than I could do it, considering it's not compatible with HQ ripping, or even fuzzy ripping. :)

Godzilla: Domination (GBA) ? Big Lion Music (

EDIT: They weren't tagged at all, so I tagged them and uploaded them to the OP because I wanted them for myself, too. ;)

Interesting note about this one: I'd forgotten about it completely until I'd recently listened to a short album by The Gaslamp Killer called Death Gate. One of the tracks sounded suspiciously FM synth-like, very Genesis-sounding, and low and behold when I looked it up online it was pointed out in comments that the track Fun Over 100 ( was actually just a bit of the Ferris Wheel level's theme (

That's a shame, though not totally surprising. I just learned about this game's existence a few weeks ago: it's a weird pre-rendered FMV adventure game ( set in a cyberpunk-ish alternate version of the Kowloon Walled City ( Really cool looking, I wish it'd had come out in the US (or at least gotten a translation, though it'd be a pretty in-depth project I'd assume)

Really cool! I listened to the whole soundtrack on the way home from work yesterday (I have a really long drive.) There's some superb tracks in there, and then there were some where I was reaching for the "next track" button. The good ones are REALLY good though. Very weird and spooky.

FMV takes up a lot of room, so developers will often opt for sequenced music that takes virtually no space, or just have the music as the audio track of the FMV, which means it can't be separated from the sound effects and dialogue. Oh well. :(

10-03-2014, 06:05 PM
What's this madness? There is a complete OST for Kowloon Fuusuiden RIGHT HERE (uploaded by me):

Thread 176549

The vocal theme is DA BOM. :)

Also, Gundam Wing Endless Duel is great. Thank you!

10-03-2014, 06:17 PM
Niiice! I'm gonna download it just to see what all the fuss is about. Thanks, Lefance!

10-03-2014, 06:22 PM
It's a great OST (Haishima Kuniaki seldom does bad job), and I like the vocal song by Wang Tiange, Key to the city, a whole lot in all its melancholic Engrish weirdness. Just... beautiful.

10-03-2014, 07:59 PM
It's not just "great ost", it's FREAKING AVANTGARDE.

Holy freaking shit, games don't have music like this usually. Besides Kowloon's Gate, i only can remember equally awesome Gadget: Past as Future

10-03-2014, 10:04 PM
wow, you actually have the complete Rule Of Rose soundtrack, it is near impossible to find, how do you get it?

10-04-2014, 11:36 AM
wow, you actually have the complete Rule Of Rose soundtrack, it is near impossible to find, how do you get it?

I ripped and re-encoded the sound files from the game disc. I just wish I had track names for them!

10-04-2014, 05:50 PM
Hey Ed :D
Can you rip:
- Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha (PSX)
- Double Dragon I(Genesis)
- Double Dragon II(Genesis)
- Double Dragon III (Genesis)
- Spiderman (PSX)

10-05-2014, 03:18 AM
Well what do you know, Its Halloween again!
Here is a Friday the 13th cover

10-05-2014, 07:55 PM
Hi guys! Here's some weekend tracks for ya:


Gourmet Sentai Bara Yarou - This one's from a weird food-based beat 'em up that was only released for the Super Famicom. Basically, as you defeat enemies, they drop food items. At the end of the level, you can combine any two food items you have for a chance at getting some energy back. Sometimes it works, and sometimes you get nothing. The music is jazzy, and the drumbeats sound like they've come from an FM synth chip, oddly enough. Check it out!


Cosmo Gang the Video - This one's a sweet vertical shooter, which calls back memories of Galaga and Space Invaders. The music is very cartoony, which matched the enemies in the game, and shows off the YM2151's capabilities really well. There's all sorts of themes, from western to Ninja, so there's something for everyone.

Enjoy! :)

10-05-2014, 08:06 PM
Are you going to add a Computer Games download section next to the others?

You could do Jump Start 4th Grade for Halloween, played it a long time ago.

10-05-2014, 08:44 PM
PC games would be better suited for a different thread. I don't have any interest in that.

10-05-2014, 09:52 PM
Hey Ed long time no see, anyways I super glad that you were able to reach your goal now I have YET ANOTHER BATCH of Matt Furniss music that I've accumulated during the hiatus either from converting off of YouTube or got somewhere else! The file I want to give you contains a whopping 9 genesis Furniss soundtrack for you to dig your teeth into so here's the link:!W5djRKpQ, and make to let me know what you think of them! Also could you keep Action 52 (Genesis/Mega Drive), Fantasy Zone Tengen (NES),Panorama Cotton (Mega Drive), and Magical Flying Turbo Hat Adventure/Magical Hat no Buttobi Turbo! Daibouken (Mega Drive) on the back burner of parental soundtracks that you could in the near future?

10-05-2014, 10:29 PM
Hey Ed long time no see, anyways I super glad that you were able to reach your goal now I have YET ANOTHER BATCH of Matt Furniss music that I've accumulated during the hiatus either from converting off of YouTube or got somewhere else! The file I want to give you contains a whopping 9 genesis Furniss soundtrack for you to dig your teeth into so here's the link:!W5djRKpQ, and make to let me know what you think of them! Also could you keep Action 52 (Genesis/Mega Drive), Fantasy Zone Tengen (NES),Panorama Cotton (Mega Drive), and Magical Flying Turbo Hat Adventure/Magical Hat no Buttobi Turbo! Daibouken (Mega Drive) on the back burner of parental soundtracks that you could in the near future?

Awesome! Thanks for the Furniss stuff! I'll add those albums to my queue, I've been meaning to do that Action 52 game for a while, it's got some great beats!

10-05-2014, 11:56 PM
Well what do you know, Its Halloween again!
Here is a Friday the 13th cover

Did you know they made an action figure of Jason in his NES color palette?

NECA did a few NES color palette figures for licensed characters. I know they did Batman and Freddy Krueger as well.

Either way, I had two additional requests for Ruiner. to be tackled at his leisure: King Breeder ( (for PC 98, listen to how good that is!) and Lethal Enforcers ( (for the Arcade)

10-06-2014, 12:12 AM
Yeah i heard about that. I think its a pretty cool figure.

10-06-2014, 12:54 PM

Eureka seveN Vol. 1 & 2: NEW WAVE/NEW VISION (PlayStation 2) (NOTE: Is it ok for me to request this as a duology? They are technically part of the same series)
CODE GEASS: Lost Colors (PlayStation 2)
Slayers (Super NES) (Just...don't call Lina flat-chested...oh the PAIN... X.x)
Faria (NES) (this game is a funny one, and an earlier work of GAME ARTS)
Efera and Jiliora: Emblem from Darkness (PC Engine) (NOTE: Characters inspired by the Lovely Angels Yuri and Kei appearance and dynamic-wise)

---------- Post added at 04:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 AM ----------

I also want to alert you to the companion series to Ginga Fuukei Densetsu Sapphire. I highly request these for next time; I have managed to find the rips, but I cannot convert them. Also the soundtracks are highly rare, and I have them all, so if you want to get a hold of them, I will trade. Rips of:

Galaxy Fraulein Yuna (PC Engine)
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna 2: Eternal Princess (PC Engine)
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna FX: Siren of Sadness (PC-FX)
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna 3 (Sega Saturn)

For any of the series' soundtracks.

10-06-2014, 02:49 PM

Eureka seveN Vol. 1 & 2: NEW WAVE/NEW VISION (PlayStation 2) (NOTE: Is it ok for me to request this as a duology? They are technically part of the same series)
CODE GEASS: Lost Colors (PlayStation 2)
Slayers (Super NES) (Just...don't call Lina flat-chested...oh the PAIN... X.x)
Faria (NES) (this game is a funny one, and an earlier work of GAME ARTS)
Efera and Jiliora: Emblem from Darkness (PC Engine) (NOTE: Characters inspired by the Lovely Angels Yuri and Kei appearance and dynamic-wise)

---------- Post added at 04:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 AM ----------

I also want to alert you to the companion series to Ginga Fuukei Densetsu Sapphire. I highly request these for next time; I have managed to find the rips, but I cannot convert them. Also the soundtracks are highly rare, and I have them all, so if you want to get a hold of them, I will trade. Rips of:

Galaxy Fraulein Yuna (PC Engine)
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna 2: Eternal Princess (PC Engine)
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna FX: Siren of Sadness (PC-FX)
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna 3 (Sega Saturn)

For any of the series' soundtracks.

I should be able to help you out with most of these... the PS2 games are iffy, but I'll see what format the music is in once I grab the game iso's. The rest should be fine. Added to the queue!

Here's a couple or Monday morning albums I've been working on this weekend. Size123's requests are always so obscure, that they take a little extra work to make! :)

NES Stereo

Desert Commander - Hiroyuki Masuno is credited for most early Kemco NES games. It's verified that he created the sound driver that most Kemco games used, however they fact that he actually wrotte all of the music is debatable. I've listed him as the composer for this and the next album because I know he at least had SOMETHING to do with the sound and music, and no other names are available.

Space Hunter - A really simple soundtrack, but has a catchy main theme. Caught myself humming it this morning, so that must mean it's good! :)

May be some more later... depends on how busy I am!

---------- Post added at 09:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 AM ----------

Hey Ed long time no see, anyways I super glad that you were able to reach your goal now I have YET ANOTHER BATCH of Matt Furniss music that I've accumulated during the hiatus either from converting off of YouTube or got somewhere else! The file I want to give you contains a whopping 9 genesis Furniss soundtrack for you to dig your teeth into so here's the link:!W5djRKpQ, and make to let me know what you think of them! Also could you keep Action 52 (Genesis/Mega Drive), Fantasy Zone Tengen (NES),Panorama Cotton (Mega Drive), and Magical Flying Turbo Hat Adventure/Magical Hat no Buttobi Turbo! Daibouken (Mega Drive) on the back burner of parental soundtracks that you could in the near future?

Hey! I've added your games to the queue! The MEGA link you posted is too short... make sure you check the box that says "include file key" when you export the link, or it won't work! :)

10-06-2014, 07:40 PM
Quiet in here today! Let's liven things up a bit with some excellent music!


Granada - I was pretty sure I'd already posted this one.. and the truth is, I had! But it seems the previous one was not of the same quality that I'm capable of now, so I've renewed it. It's some kick-butt Motoi Sakuraba awesomeness!

Thunder Force II - Not as heavy as Thunder Force III or IV, but still really good. This one's got more of a New Wave J-Pop feel to it.

Wings of Wor - Some tracks are traditional action-game music, while others are baroque-inspired and could easily fit into a Castlevania soundtrack. In either case, they're really nicely done.


Assault - One of Shinji Hosoe's earliest works. It's a tank game where the screen rotates as you wind your way through the level. It reminds me a lot of the overhead view stages from the SNES Contra game. Sadly, I wasn't too impressed with the soundtrack, but parts of it are pretty good. You could tell Hosoe was still learning his craft. I'm glad he stuck with it!


Castlevania - The Adventure - The first portable CV game wasn't that great. The music was pretty good, though! There were some cool stereo effects and some vague takes on already popular CV NES tracks.

OK guys, that's it for now! C-ya!

10-07-2014, 05:51 AM
I should be able to help you out with most of these... the PS2 games are iffy, but I'll see what format the music is in once I grab the game iso's. The rest should be fine. Added to the queue!

Here's a couple or Monday morning albums I've been working on this weekend. Size123's requests are always so obscure, that they take a little extra work to make! :)

NES Stereo

Desert Commander - Hiroyuki Masuno is credited for most early Kemco NES games. It's verified that he created the sound driver that most Kemco games used, however they fact that he actually wrotte all of the music is debatable. I've listed him as the composer for this and the next album because I know he at least had SOMETHING to do with the sound and music, and no other names are available.

Space Hunter - A really simple soundtrack, but has a catchy main theme. Caught myself humming it this morning, so that must mean it's good! :)
May be some more later... depends on how busy I am!

---------- Post added at 09:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 AM ----------

Hey! I've added your games to the queue! The MEGA link you posted is too short... make sure you check the box that says "include file key" when you export the link, or it won't work! :)

Thanks. I love Eureka seveN, and still play the PS2 games. It sucks that the Japanese theme song by FLOW was cut for the USA release. And here's a fun fact: Galaxy Fraulein Yuna is descended from Mika Akitaka's Mobile Suit Girls collection of artwork. So it has a distant link to Gundam.

10-07-2014, 08:53 PM
I have stuff! And things! Yay!

First up, MagnetMan34 has spent a considerable amount of time retagging and reordering the awesome Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness album in the GC section! Thanks, dude!

Now, for the new releases:


Dimension Force - Otherwise known a D-Force, this is a shooter with a phantom composer... Asmik totally forgot the credit the poor guy! It's a decent action game soundtrack with some nice basslines.

Fighters' History - Data East ripped off Street Fighter II so hard with this one that Capcom actually sued them for it! The soundtrack is a bit different however, with solid tunes all representing the different nationalities of the... fighters... in the... game. OK, maybe not THAT different, but still pretty good stuff!

Cyber Knight - Hah, you know... all of these SNES soundtracks are so... Super Nintendo-y. They all sound really typical of the console. Not that they're bad! I'm just saying, is all.


Lethal Enforcers - Whoa. Kenichiro Fukui's first soundtrack kicked MAJOR butt. This one sounds a lot like the TMNT: Turtles in Time soundtrack, with the energy of the Neo Geo version of Baseball Stars 2. Seriosuly grab this one. Like, NOW.

Superman - What do you get when you mix a few talented composers, a not-so-great FM soundchip, and Superman? This album! It almost seems like they were writing music that the chip could barely handle. There are a few really good tunes, but some are just overwhelming. Take a listen and see what I mean!

OK, that was a full roster! See you later! :)

10-07-2014, 09:29 PM
Hi again Ruiner, completely forgot to thank you for the Spyro rips, sorry! I wasn't going to request again for a while (though It's kind of hard to resist), but I've been going through the rest of my old childhood Gameboy collection and I'm now attempting to acquire all the decent OST's among them. I've got most of them now, though some of them are still unobtainable as of the moment.

The last two I'm after are Space Invaders (GBC), and TG Rally (GBA). Space Invaders isn't anything amazing sound wise but there's some pretty good tunes in there, and TG Rally should be easy to do as there's only 2/3 tracks in the whole game for what I remember, though you did say that your ripping method means some GBA games aren't compatible so that one could be a no no.

I insist you to put my requests right at the bottom of the pile, I can wait.
Why do half of my childhood games have to be obscure?

10-08-2014, 12:10 AM
Thank you ruiner9 for all these soundtracks :)

I have 5 requests if you don't mind..

Nes (Nintendo Entertainment System)
Hiryu no Ken III - 5 Nin no Ryuu Senshi
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
Street Fighter 3
Tecmo World Wrestling

PSX (PlayStation)
Kamen Rider (1998) Kamen Rider (video game) - Kamen Rider Wiki (

Thanks in advance.

10-08-2014, 01:54 AM
Thunder Force II
Wings of Wor
Castlevania - The Adventure

Ruiner! I can't thank you enough for doing these rips! They mean a lot to me personally and bring back loads of memories! Appreciate everything you do man!

I'll have some more requests later, but I'm still kinda thinking about what to ask for next. But before I do that... question...

Can you... or have you... ever done rips for the oddball system - Phillips CD-Interactive? Is that even possible to do, and if so, how difficult?

10-08-2014, 03:27 PM
New episode is UP! Woohoo! Enjoy!

Episode 19: The Music of Hyrule

Hot on the heels of Nintendo’s release of Hyrule Warriors, Mike and Ed bring Todd along to talk about the Legend of Zelda series! We play some of our favorite tracks, talk about the composers behind the music, and share our opinions on the newest games in the series. If you love Zelda, you won’t want to miss this one! Please don’t forget to like, subscribe, and comment… we want to hear your thoughts and answer your questions!

Special shout-out to FFShrine's own VGManiac456 for supplying us with his high quality rip of the Hyrule Warriors track before his official release. :)

As usual, expect lots of goodies on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Follow us there for some great discussions about games and game music!

We’re proud to announce that we’re now a member of the Retro Junkies Network! We’ll have PTR-related goodies at The Real Retro Junkies (, and you can check out a whole bunch more game-related podcasts there, too!

The Tracklist:

1 – Legend of Zelda (NES) – Title Theme – Koji Kondo

2 – Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES) – Palace – Akito Nakatsuka


3 – A Link to the Past (SNES) – Dark World (Dark Golden Land) – Koji Kondo

4 – Link’s Awakening (GB) – Mysterious Woods – Minako Hamano, Kozue Ishikawa


5 – Ocarina of Time (N64) – Lost Woods – Koji Kondo

6 – Majora’s Mask (N64) – Ikana’s Ancient Castle – Koji Kondo / Toru Minegishi


7 – Wind Waker (GCN) – Ocean – Kenta Nagata, Hajime Wakai, Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo

8 – Twilight Princess (Wii) – Hidden Village – Toru Minegishi, Asuka Ota, Koji Kondo


9 – Link Between Worlds (3DS) – Hyrule Hotfoot – Ryo Nagamatsu

10 – Hyrule Warriors (Wii U) – Boss Battle: Ocarina of Time – Masato Koike, Yuki Matsumura

10-08-2014, 09:07 PM
Ohhh SNAP! More stuff! How can it be?


Here's the loadout for today:


Eureka seveN Vol. 1 & 2: NEW WAVE/NEW VISION - Ohhhh yes. For the first time on the internet (no, seriously, it's not even on YouTube - I think I'm the first one who's figured out how to decode the audio files) comes these rockin' soundtracks. Both are about 90 minutes of some pretty diverse stuff! I wasn't able to tag the songs, unfortunately, because there's no references available for it. But still... they're worth a listen!

Code GEASS - Lost Colors - Another hard to find one! I wasn't able to tag the composer on this one because the only way I could find it is in a YouTube video of the game's credits, which is entirely in Japanese. :( It's got some great music, though!

OK peeps... catch ya later!

---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------

Ruiner! I can't thank you enough for doing these rips! They mean a lot to me personally and bring back loads of memories! Appreciate everything you do man!

I'll have some more requests later, but I'm still kinda thinking about what to ask for next. But before I do that... question...

Can you... or have you... ever done rips for the oddball system - Phillips CD-Interactive? Is that even possible to do, and if so, how difficult?

I've never looked at the files in a CD-I disc before. They could be as easy as standard CD Audio tracks, or they could be be as ridiculous as those stupid 3DO discs. I'm willing to give it a shot, though.

10-08-2014, 09:46 PM
How about add new platform AMIGA, because first is very easy rip from AMIGA with OpenMPT, second Amiga music is amazing and more people love music from amiga <3. This is my propose :)

10-08-2014, 10:41 PM
Awesome. I'll work on the tagging via my playthroughs. You have no idea how long I have wanted these three games.

I love the rare and obscure stuff, especially RPGs. I noticed there are several you are missing in terms of NES stuff.

Rare NES RPGs (Set 1):
Deep Dungeon: Madou Senki (Famicom Disc System, falls under NES)
Yuushi no Monsou: Deep Dungeon II (Famicom Disc System, falls under NES)
Hydlide (NES)
Hudlide 3: Yami kara no Houmonsha (NES)
Kouryu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden (NES)

Rare NES RPGs (Set 2)
Minelvaton Saga: Ragon no Fukkatsu (NES, prequel to Silva Saga)
Otaku no Seiza: An Adventure in the Otaku Galaxy (NES)
Outlanders (NES)
The Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight (NES)
White Lion Densetsu: Pyramid no Kanata ni (NES)

Games from Right Stuff (great RPG maker btw)
Revery: Izanai no Masuishō (PC-98)
Alnam no Kiba: Shouzoku Juunishin-to Densetsu (PCE/PS1, your choice)
Alnam no Tsubasa: Shouchiri no Sora no Achira e (PS1)
Alshark (PCE)

Rare RPGs:
Dragon Master Silk (Saturn)
Aretha (GB/SNES)
Aretha II (GB/SNES)
Aretha III (GB)
Lady Stalker (SNES)

Finally, corrections:
Deep Dungeon III: Yuushi e no Tabi (NES)
Deep Dungeon IV: Kuro no Youjutsushi (NES)

10-08-2014, 10:52 PM
And also master system too primarily because it's an underrated console that have game that have pretty decent music!

---------- Post added at 04:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:48 PM ----------

Hey Ed, Here's a new fixed link to that Massive Furniss Music Collection that I had originally uploaded to MEGA but for some reason had some issues so I just reuploaded it to Media Fire so here you go! Link - MEGA FURNISS (

10-08-2014, 10:56 PM
How about add new platform AMIGA, because first is very easy rip from AMIGA with OpenMPT, second Amiga music is amazing and more people love music from amiga <3. This is my propose :)

I'm staying away from PC, Amiga, and C64 for now because there's SO many games for them that I would get overwhelmed. Maybe in the future!

Awesome. I'll work on the tagging via my playthroughs. You have no idea how long I have wanted these three games.

I love the rare and obscure stuff, especially RPGs. I noticed there are several you are missing in terms of NES stuff.

Rare NES RPGs (Set 1):
Deep Dungeon: Madou Senki (Famicom Disc System, falls under NES)
Yuushi no Monsou: Deep Dungeon II (Famicom Disc System, falls under NES)
Hydlide (NES)
Hudlide 3: Yami kara no Houmonsha (NES)
Kouryu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden (NES)

Rare NES RPGs (Set 2)
Minelvaton Saga: Ragon no Fukkatsu (NES, prequel to Silva Saga)
Otaku no Seiza: An Adventure in the Otaku Galaxy (NES)
Outlanders (NES)
The Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight (NES)
White Lion Densetsu: Pyramid no Kanata ni (NES)

Games from Right Stuff (great RPG maker btw)
Revery: Izanai no Masuishō (PC-98)
Alnam no Kiba: Shouzoku Juunishin-to Densetsu (PCE/PS1, your choice)
Alnam no Tsubasa: Shouchiri no Sora no Achira e (PS1)
Alshark (PCE)

Rare RPGs:
Dragon Master Silk (Saturn)
Aretha (GB/SNES)
Aretha II (GB/SNES)
Aretha III (GB)
Lady Stalker (SNES)

Finally, corrections:
Deep Dungeon III: Yuushi e no Tabi (NES)
Deep Dungeon IV: Kuro no Youjutsushi (NES)

That's quite a list! I can definitely take a look at all of them eventually, but I do a strict "5 game at a time" rule for requests. Save that list, and once I get the rest of your requests done, shoot me another 5 and I'll add 'em to the queue. It helps keep me organized and makes sure that nobody has to wait too long for their requests. (Except for special situations like Nintendo Puzzle Collection.)

And also master system too primarily because it's an underrated console that have game that have pretty decent music!

THAT one I'll probably do, since it's a traditional console and there arent' thousands of titles with good tunes for it... I just haven't had any requests for it yet! *shrugs* I'm also not really familiar with the games for it either. I own one, but only have like two games LOL.

And thanks for fixing the link! Downloading now!

10-08-2014, 11:20 PM
Hey why not do Ghost House for Master System with only a few tracks and one out of the two tracks is really catchy!! Also maybe tackle the sonic master system games or some of the Matt Furniss stuff!

10-09-2014, 12:44 AM
I've never looked at the files in a CD-I disc before. They could be as easy as standard CD Audio tracks, or they could be be as ridiculous as those stupid 3DO discs. I'm willing to give it a shot, though.

Well, if you'd like to take a stabby stab at it - see if you can do Tetris for for CD-I. I know, it's a puzzle game, but what was odd was the soundtrack for this particular version of tetris - it had very calm, moody relaxing type music, which was totally unique to the game. Unfortunately, I missed my chance to download it off the forums here, as there was a HUGE Tetris music thread, but alas, it has been abandoned and no longer maintained. I have no idea if CD-I is redbook audio or some other crazy file format, but I'm curious as to how someone else got it. Let me know what you think.

Also, funny you mention 3DO. One of the titles I was thinking about requesting was The Horde by Crystal Dynamics. Loved the game - fun gameplay, and memorable theme music. If it's a total pain in the ass, then so be it & don't bother. But if you could take a look and at least tell me what you think, I would appreciate any help on it.

10-09-2014, 07:13 AM
I'm staying away from PC, Amiga, and C64 for now because there's SO many games for them that I would get overwhelmed. Maybe in the future!

That's quite a list! I can definitely take a look at all of them eventually, but I do a strict "5 game at a time" rule for requests. Save that list, and once I get the rest of your requests done, shoot me another 5 and I'll add 'em to the queue. It helps keep me organized and makes sure that nobody has to wait too long for their requests. (Except for special situations like Nintendo Puzzle Collection.)

THAT one I'll probably do, since it's a traditional console and there arent' thousands of titles with good tunes for it... I just haven't had any requests for it yet! *shrugs* I'm also not really familiar with the games for it either. I own one, but only have like two games LOL.

And thanks for fixing the link! Downloading now!

Okey dokey. I just thought a little help would be in order X3 and I thought you'd wanna know what you're missin out on. With Silva Saga I & II, Minelvaton is especially important to complete the trilogy.

10-09-2014, 04:50 PM
How do you rip PSP games?

I am interested in ripping Sound Novel Evolution 3: Machi -Unmei no Kousaten- Tokubetsu Hen (yes, it is a PSP port of that 12+ hours behemoth you did rip once) but I haven't got heart to ask you to rip it because it has a huge amount of music anyways. :D So I could do it by myself but I need some pointers... I need the game (or iso) and what else? :D

10-09-2014, 06:13 PM
How do you rip PSP games?

I am interested in ripping Sound Novel Evolution 3: Machi -Unmei no Kousaten- Tokubetsu Hen (yes, it is a PSP port of that 12+ hours behemoth you did rip once) but I haven't got heart to ask you to rip it because it has a huge amount of music anyways. :D So I could do it by myself but I need some pointers... I need the game (or iso) and what else? :D

I'll PM you with some info. :)

10-09-2014, 08:11 PM
Today's selection is quite eclectic - everything's from a different system! Let's see what's in the bag:

Tetris - for the new CD-i section! So, it's not CD audio, but it's not too difficult to convert, once you get the right tools to read the filesystem. This is some really chill music. Reminds me of watching the Weather Channel. I would totally fall asleep if I played this in the car.

The Horde - Growing the tiny 3DO section! There's some decent stuff here, with varying themes based on the typed of landscape you're playing in. And no hammy Kirk Cameron acting!

Faria - For an NES game released in 1990, this has some pretty simplistic music. There are some catchy melodies, but really not my cuppa tea.

Slayers - Lina, Naga, & Co. go on their first video game adventure on the SNES. It's kind of a slapped-together RPG, probably made into a Slayers game at the last minute, but the music is good!

Efera & Jiliora - The Emblem from Darkness - Hmmm. Decent stuff. This PCE-CD game sounds like it came right out of an anime.

Enjoy, guys!

10-09-2014, 09:37 PM
Tetris - for the new CD-i section! So, it's not CD audio, but it's not too difficult to convert, once you get the right tools to read the filesystem. This is some really chill music. Reminds me of watching the Weather Channel. I would totally fall asleep if I played this in the car.

Woooaaaahh some tracks are just... *Zzzzzz*

10-09-2014, 11:20 PM
Wow. The Tetris CDi music is definitely not what I expect to hear from Tetris games, but it's still a nice, relaxing video game soundtrack regardless. Seems that the music matches whatever background the level you're on, which is a rather nice touch. Either way, I have a few requests.

The Ninja Warriors Again (SNES), Darius Gaiden (Arcade), Bomberman Hero (N64), and Bomberman 64: The Second Attack! (N64).

10-10-2014, 12:02 AM
Already VGManiac456 has gone and retagged Tetris CDi! Amazing! Go grab it and sleep well tonight! ;)

10-10-2014, 04:25 AM
Hey Ed, I've got one more Furniss Genesis track that I had forgotten to add in to the MEGA FURNISS music collection so here it is! Also by chance have you gotten a chance to listen to that MEGA FURNISS compilation folder of music that I set you yet, if so what do you think of the soundtracks that I add in? Link - Mickey Mania (Mega Drive) [Soundtrack] ( )

10-10-2014, 04:52 AM
Tetris - for the new CD-i section! So, it's not CD audio, but it's not too difficult to convert, once you get the right tools to read the filesystem. This is some really chill music. Reminds me of watching the Weather Channel. I would totally fall asleep if I played this in the car.

Wow, these tracks really remind me of Aquatic Ambience and Stickerbush Syphony! Sorta New Age/World Music o_o

Emma of the stars
10-10-2014, 06:44 AM
okay, I just have to say... first, you are one of my fave people. I've downloaded so many of your rips. thank you.

second! I have some requests! if possible. XD;;
Wario Land 2
Wario Land 3
Mega Man Legends

10-10-2014, 12:31 PM
Hi again. I'm glad everything will be able to go smooth for another year. Here's are my requests.

"Final Fantasy Mystic Quest" - not sure what system this was on actually

"Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology" (the first one) - for the PSP

"Yugioh - 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship 2005" and "Yugioh - Ultimate Masters: World Championship 2006" - both for the GBA

Thanks very much for your time and help! :)

10-10-2014, 01:38 PM
"Final Fantasy Mystic Quest" - not sure what system this was on actually


10-10-2014, 05:50 PM
Oh yeah, thanks for the Genesis version of the "Shining Force" ST. It is very "marchy". :D

10-10-2014, 09:09 PM
Short on time! Here's a brief list of new stuff today!

King Breeder for the PC-98 - Hitoshi Sakimoto and Masaharu Iwata. If you're not downloading it by now, then WHY NOT? This was a big project, as it had to be recorded manually. it's soooo good.

Fantasy Zone for the NES - Also by Masaharu Iwata. This one is pretty awesome, too. I love the bassline in the "Boss" track. I call it "The Bossline." Yes, it's dumb. I know.


Real quick!

Action 52

Panorama Cotton

Magical Hat no Buttobi Turbo! Daibouken

All are really good and worth a listen... OK, it's the WEEKEND! Wooo!

10-11-2014, 04:57 AM
Tetris - for the new CD-i section! So, it's not CD audio, but it's not too difficult to convert, once you get the right tools to read the filesystem. This is some really chill music. Reminds me of watching the Weather Channel. I would totally fall asleep if I played this in the car.

The Horde - Growing the tiny 3DO section! There's some decent stuff here, with varying themes based on the typed of landscape you're playing in. And no hammy Kirk Cameron acting!

Wow - Thanks so much for being able to rip these! And big thanks to those that tagged the files! I burst out laughing about the CD-i Tetris comments that everyone has been making - funny as hell, but great to hear - I love how just ripping this one game has people actually checking it out. What can I say? It's moody, it's calm, it's relaxing... it may help you go to sleep... but don't listen while driving in a car... and yes, the weather channel analogy was great. I'm glad everyone got a kick outta it.

And thanks again for being able to do The Horde rip! I haven't been able to hear many of those great fun tracks for years since the game came out & I finished it long ago. So yes, we were lucky - no Kirk Cameron singing or something else crazy like that. But this is Fred Ford & Paul Reiche III 's game and they did a brilliant job with it, including the music. Love what they put together, and I hope other Horde fans can enjoy this obscure title's fun factor again when they re-discover it & download it.

I love our little community! :)

10-11-2014, 10:19 AM
King Breeder for the PC-98 - Hitoshi Sakimoto and Masaharu Iwata. If you're not downloading it by now, then WHY NOT? (

10-11-2014, 01:42 PM
As music prep for our next podcast, I've filled in some gaps in the Castlevania games. How did I not have Super Castlevania IV in the collection? Sheesh. Anyways, grab that and Castlevania - Curse of Darkness for the PS2, new today!

BTW, King K. Rool would have been AWESOME in Smash.

10-11-2014, 07:21 PM
BTW, King K. Rool would have been AWESOME in Smash.

I know right?! He's my most wanted Smash fighter and one of my favorite Nintendo villains! I'm anxious to see the Kremlings finally back in a Donkey Kong game, with K Rool claiming his rightful throne of main villain of the Donkey Kong series. He never lost it though, but it's been a while since he's shown up, sadly... :(

Speaking of DK, I think I'll request Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Wii. I'd request Tropical Freeze too but it's for Wii U and it can't be done... However, I'd recommend you to check it out on Youtube anyway, because David Wise is finally back into the monkey business. :D

10-11-2014, 08:50 PM
ruiner9, If this doesn't bother you ,I would like to request the rocking soundtrack of R-Type III from SNES.

10-11-2014, 11:15 PM
ruiner9, If this doesn't bother you ,I would like to request the rocking soundtrack of R-Type III from SNES.

I'll second that request - don't have that shoot 'em up soundtrack in my collection yet. Would probably be a great rip. :)

10-12-2014, 05:38 AM
Hey ruiner9 here's some more NES stuff for ya:
1. Space Shadow (Bandai)
2. Akuma-Kun: Makai no Wana (Bandai)
3. Rocketeer (Bandai)
4. Frankenstein: the Monster Returns (Bandai)
5. Chubby Cherub (Bandai)

10-12-2014, 07:52 AM
Next requests are mostly SNES games...but in priority order:

1. Eien no Filena (SNES) (I am currently playing this. Its a good story)
2. Minelvaton Saga: Ragon no Fukkatsu (NES, prequel to Silva Saga)
3. Shin Seikoku: La Wares (SNES)
4. Star Ocean: Fantastic Space Odyssey (SNES)
5. Princess Minerva (SNES & PCE)

I also found out that the Aretha series is actually on two separate Consoles, so I thought I would list the games as named, so you can differentiate when you eventually do the rips:
1. Aretha (GB)
2. Aretha II (GB)
3. Aretha III (GB)
4. Aretha for Super Famicom (SNES)
5. Aretha II: Ariel no Fushigi na Tabi (SNES)
6. Rejoice: Aretha Oukoku no Kanata (SNES)

10-12-2014, 08:13 AM
Alright Ed, I've got two pretty awesome Soundtracks for you to take a look at with them both being the first two jazz jack rabbit , and even though you don't do PC/MS Doc games they're still worth checking out and listening! Also considering that you opened up the CD-i section wouldn't it be RAD if Hotel Mario and the Zelda CD-i music with them having some pretty decent music despite all of the other parts of the game severely lacking, and could you by chance do Ristar with it having a well remembered and decent soundtrack? Link, Jazz Jack Rabbit 1 : Jazz Jackrabbit Original Soundtrack ( Jazz Jack Rabbit 2 : JazzJackrabbit2music (

10-12-2014, 05:35 PM
I know right?! He's my most wanted Smash fighter and one of my favorite Nintendo villains! I'm anxious to see the Kremlings finally back in a Donkey Kong game, with K Rool claiming his rightful throne of main villain of the Donkey Kong series. He never lost it though, but it's been a while since he's shown up, sadly... :(

Speaking of DK, I think I'll request Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Wii. I'd request Tropical Freeze too but it's for Wii U and it can't be done... However, I'd recommend you to check it out on Youtube anyway, because David Wise is finally back into the monkey business. :D

Sadly I'm pretty sure King K. Rool and the Kremlings aren't going to make a come back. Little known fact, the Kremlings were created by Rare before they'd even been chosen to do DKC and added them as the main villains at Nintendo's request. So it's entirely possible Rare owns the Kremlings and Nintendo can't use them.

10-12-2014, 06:03 PM
Speaking of DK, I think I'll request Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Wii. I'd request Tropical Freeze too but it's for Wii U and it can't be done...

I know! Such a good soundtrack! Dave Wise knocked it out of the park!

....wait! What this? Can it be? A full digital rip of DKC Tropical Freeze? 90 tracks, almost 6 hours long? Can it really be? Thanks to crediar, one of the most prominent Wii hackers in the scene, we've now got access to DKC TR's filesystem! So here's a tagged and looped album!

Donkey Kong Country - Tropical Freeze (Wii U - ruiner9).7z 605.6 MB!UgsjxIhQ!Sv2nhKxDBm8-JdwcXiEdxKmpj_0pHbx_TSxXjo_5BJ8

This is a one-off for the console, so don't all start requesting other Wii U games just yet. :) Enjoy!

10-12-2014, 06:09 PM
Sadly I'm pretty sure King K. Rool and the Kremlings aren't going to make a come back. Little known fact, the Kremlings were created by Rare before they'd even been chosen to do DKC and added them as the main villains at Nintendo's request. So it's entirely possible Rare owns the Kremlings and Nintendo can't use them.

Truth is Nintendo kept all the rights regarding the DK franchise, including the Kremlings. If that was not the case, we wouldn't have seen Kremling trophies in Brawl or K. Rool and Kritters in sports games like Super Mario Sluggers or Strikers, and even Retro Studios specifically said they didn't choose to use the Kremlings and wanted to create their own villains but left the door open for the Kremlings' return; and Kremlings in Smash Run.

Unfortunately, a lot of people don't seem to understand that Rare only kept their very own franchises like Banjo or Conker. They even said some time ago that if Nintendo didn't use the Kremlings after their buyout is because they didn't want to, in response of fan petitions to "let Retro and Nintendo use" the Kremlings and K. Rool.

That said, it's also true Nintendo is reluctant to use Rare's legacy, who knows why... It's like with Mother 3, they could, but they just don't. :P
It's so frustrating... Tropical Freeze was perfect to reintroduce the Kremlings. I mean, "ViKing K. Rool". They've wasted one of the best puns they could ever imagine with K. Rool's name. :(

Oh well, Retro has brought back Dixie to life after all, they could do the same with Tiny, Chunky, Kiddy and the Kremlings, of course. I'm sure they'll be back in a new DK game, and that K. Rool will be in Smash eventually. It's just sad he's not there already.

Sorry for the off-topic btw ^^"

I know! Such a good soundtrack! Dave Wise knocked it out of the park!

....wait! What this? Can it be? A full digital rip of DKC Tropical Freeze? 90 tracks, almost 6 hours long? Can it really be? Thanks to crediar, one of the most prominent Wii hackers in the scene, we've now got access to DKC TR's filesystem! So here's a tagged and looped album!

Donkey Kong Country - Tropical Freeze (Wii U - ruiner9).7z 605.6 MB!UgsjxIhQ!Sv2nhKxDBm8-JdwcXiEdxKmpj_0pHbx_TSxXjo_5BJ8

This is a one-off for the console, so don't all start requesting other Wii U games just yet. :) Enjoy!

Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou x10000000

Seriously, ruiner, I can't thank you enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

10-12-2014, 08:11 PM
Thank you for fulfilling my requests, ruiner. Much appreciated! I have some new requests for you.

- Blazing Lazers (PC Engine; surprised that this classic shmup isn't requested... until now, lol)
- Bram Stoker's Dracula (SNES; has some excellent tunes. Can't say the same about the gmae and it's gameplay, lol)
- Caliber 50 (Genesis)
- Saturday Night Slam Masters (SNES)
- Ultimate Fighter (SNES; no, it's not the UFC, this is actually the fourth game in the Hiryu no Ken series. It has some excellent tunes, although all of them are the same as in the last two games, only improved upon, lol)

I'm a patient man, so I'll wait. :) Again, thank you!!

10-12-2014, 09:23 PM
OK! WOW! I now have 52 games in my queue! It's gonna take me quite a while to catch up, so everyone PLEASE hold off on any more requests for the time being.

I'll try to get a bunch done this week, but you may have noticed I'm not able to pump out nearly as much as I used to over the past year. The reason being is my wife has gone back to work full-time after almost 10 years of being a stay-at-home mom, and so a LOT of my soundtrack time is now spent watching the kids and doing a lot of the housework that she doesn't have time for anymore. I'm still 100% committed to the thread, but I'm sure you guys understand that family takes priority over internet stuff when dinner needs to get made and laundry needs to be done. My wife is totally cool with what I do online (she loves VGM and my podcast too!) so I'm not going anywhere!

That said, I've got everything lined up, it's Columbus Day in the US tomorrow so I'm home from work, and hopefully I'll have a bunch of new tunes for ya'll. :)

---------- Post added at 04:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 PM ----------

Thank you for fulfilling my requests, ruiner. Much appreciated! I have some new requests for you.

- Blazing Lazers (PC Engine; surprised that this classic shmup isn't requested... until now, lol)
- Bram Stoker's Dracula (SNES; has some excellent tunes. Can't say the same about the gmae and it's gameplay, lol)
- Caliber 50 (Genesis)
- Saturday Night Slam Masters (SNES)
- Ultimate Fighter (SNES; no, it's not the UFC, this is actually the fourth game in the Hiryu no Ken series. It has some excellent tunes, although all of them are the same as in the last two games, only improved upon, lol)

I'm a patient man, so I'll wait. :) Again, thank you!!

BTW KingTengu, that Cyber Core game for the X68000 has excellent music! I know that the soundtrack can be logged by playing the game and pressing the ESC key to keep it going, but the problem is it's really hard and I can't get past level 1! LOL! Thunder Force II DOES have a sound test, so I still have that on my list... it's under the "long-term projects" header because it'll take a while. I've got your most recent requests in the queue like normal.

10-12-2014, 09:26 PM
I know! Such a good soundtrack! Dave Wise knocked it out of the park!

....wait! What this? Can it be? A full digital rip of DKC Tropical Freeze? 90 tracks, almost 6 hours long? Can it really be? Thanks to crediar, one of the most prominent Wii hackers in the scene, we've now got access to DKC TR's filesystem! So here's a tagged and looped album!

Donkey Kong Country - Tropical Freeze (Wii U - ruiner9).7z 605.6 MB!UgsjxIhQ!Sv2nhKxDBm8-JdwcXiEdxKmpj_0pHbx_TSxXjo_5BJ8

This is a one-off for the console, so don't all start requesting other Wii U games just yet. :) Enjoy!

I don't think I can express how much I appreciate you uploading this. Tropical Freeze's OST is definitely one of my favorite game soundtracks, and finally hearing a rip that came straight from the game's files is incredible. Many, many thanks. ^^

10-12-2014, 09:28 PM
Take your time, no need to fulfill our requests quickly when you have more important things in your personal life.

10-12-2014, 09:40 PM
You have right, first always is family and later rip. I can wait for my request :D

10-12-2014, 10:15 PM
Yeah, Family defiantly comes first considering that taking care of life is more important then trying to fulfilling order. Personally I'm content with what I've for now and I'm totally cool with waiting! :)

10-13-2014, 04:19 AM
Family always comes first brother! I certainly have had my recent amount of family events the past 11 months or so, and things are just now finally starting to calm down. That's when I was fortunate to be able to have some "down time" and begin searching the web a while back to begin doing something I loved, which was increase & add to my game music collection. Thus I found this site, and this awesome thread & community.

All is good, take your time, etc etc, blah blah. You know what to do & you don't need to hear it from us. We'll just keep the thread chat going & the support live and real. I'm so happy with what I got from you recently that I'm quite content right now. Do what you can outside of family life & be sure to give yourself some down time when you can. We'll still be here for ya brother.


10-13-2014, 06:29 AM
Wow, mucho credit to crediar for ripping Tropical Freeze and to you for the conversion, Ruiner! This is a truly awesome surprise! And of course, I echo everyone else who says to take it easy. No need to rush things, and all that jazz. I don't have any new requests for the time being anyway, heh. :)

10-13-2014, 06:50 AM
No worries there, ruiner9, considering your daylife this is certainly understandable.

BTW, Tropical Freeze, hell yeah!

10-13-2014, 02:50 PM
Hi guys! Thanks for the words of support! It's awesome to have such understanding peeps to hang out with. :)

Here's a few requests from KusanagiShiro that I did this morning:

Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna (PCE-CD)

Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna 2 - Eien no Princess (PCE-CD)

Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna FX - Kanashimi no Siren (PC-FX)

All are obviously from the same series, and even thought the PC-FX was an entirely different game system, it used the exact same audio chip that the TG16 and PCE had in it, so it's in the same folder. The first two have a combination of fun chiptunes, and some well-produced CD Audio, which I've tagged at the end of the albums. I have no way of knowing the titles for any of these tracks, so if someone's familiar and would like to take it on, be my guest!

I may have a few more later... not too sure. Enjoy! :)

10-14-2014, 02:42 AM
has no one yet got a way to rip Battle Tryst soundtrack?

I have a rom of it, but I don't know how to unpack .8q

10-14-2014, 11:11 AM
has no one yet got a way to rip Battle Tryst soundtrack?

I have a rom of it, but I don't know how to unpack .8q

The M2 system is still a mystery to most people. It hasn't gotten a lot of attention from the encryption experts because it only plays a few very obscure titles. It's a bummer, because the Battle Tryst soundtrack is really good! I've been after it myself for a while.

OK, fellas... here's what I have this morning:

First off, Cyquest tagged Goonies II for the NES for us! Thank you, sir!

Secondly, I discovered a really awesome game with an equally great soundtrack last night. It's called Aquales for the Sharp X68000, and it plays a lot like Cybernator, but you can jump AND swing from a grappling hook, Bionic Commando style. The music is fast-paced and action packed, with really nice PCM drum samples. Thanks to the sound test, I ripped it immediately so I can listen to it on the way to work this morning. It's in the OP now, hope you enjoy! :)

Expect a few requests done by the end of the day, too!

10-14-2014, 08:54 PM
*Pokes head up*

Hello? Hellloooo? Anyone here? I have some more muuuusic for youuuuu!!!

*empties bag on the ground*

Lookit this! It's Zelda - Wand of Gamelon for the Philips CD-i! The music is good, but because there's so much of it, it's mono and super low quality right off the disc. I don't know why they needed like 4 slightly different versions of every song in the game... it's takes up so much space!

Digging further, I find Space Invaders! This is the GBC version, so I added that in the title because there's a regular monochrome version of the same game as well. The soundtrack is kind of dancy, kind of militaristic in a way.

And at the bottom of the bag, Ristar - The Shooting Star for the Genesis! I honestly thought that I had ripped this already, but I guess I was wrong. Anyways, it's a fantastic piece of work. Great melodies and beats, and a lot of variety. This one gets the *ruiner9 seal of approval*, if that means anything. LOL

Still whittling down that big list. My birthday is next Monday the 20th, and I have a surprise for you guys on that date, so stay tuned! :)

10-14-2014, 09:14 PM
Say, is that Space Invaders I see? Thanks for the Rip, I'll see if I can tag the songs before I shortly go to bed (this time the music's in almost perfect order). Quality is excellent as usual, and the music's somewhat loud too, however there's one of those click sounds right at the start of every track. Would that be a ripping issue, or were the songs like that? It's been a while since I've played Space Invaders, I'm not even sure if I know where the cartridge is...

10-14-2014, 09:23 PM
Say, is that Space Invaders I see? Thanks for the Rip, I'll see if I can tag the songs before I shortly go to bed (this time the music's in almost perfect order). Quality is excellent as usual, and the music's somewhat loud too, however there's one of those click sounds right at the start of every track. Would that be a ripping issue, or were the songs like that? It's been a while since I've played Space Invaders, I'm not even sure if I know where the cartridge is...

That's a fault of the ripping program. My player always soft-fades in tracks so I don't hear it when I play them on my PC. When I retag them, I'll run 'em through a wave editor and chop out the clicks.

10-14-2014, 09:45 PM
All that needs moving here is the Unknown Song, which should probably be last (I'm 100% sure this one doesn't play anywhere in game) and Jupiter, obviously in between Mars and Saturn.

EDIT: I've checked with the original game for clicks, yeah, its the Ripper that's caused them as there's zero in game.

10-15-2014, 06:27 PM
Comin' atcha with some more stuff!

First off, Space Invaders GBC has been tagged, courtesy of MOV_Games. Thank you! :)

Now, for the new stuff:

NES Stereo

Flying Warriors - A really nice fighter from Culture Brain. The soundtrack's pretty big, too, and has some nice tunes. Too bad the composer is unknown!

Robin Hood Prince of Thieves - There's some cinematic tunes in here, but then there's tracks like Melee Battle which sound almost like they belong in a Japanese shmup. Cool!

Super Street Fighter III - Ninjacloud requested "Street Fighter III" for the NES, and since there's no official release by that name for the system, I'm assuming he meant the bootleg version of this game, since it's referred to as simply "Street Fighter III" on YouTube. Fortunately, thanks to those YT vids, I was able to tag all the songs in the game except 2. No clue on composer or release date, as is common with these kinds of titles.

Tecmo World Wrestling - I can't help but hear some similarity to the other Tecmo sports games in here, specifically Tecmo Bowl. There's enough difference to make it step out on it's own, though!

The only two games I've come across in my queue so far that I can't do are Kamen Rider and Top Gear Rally GBA. That's a pretty decent batting average!

See you next time!

10-15-2014, 08:20 PM
Shame TG Rally wasn't compatible, I would have loved to hear what those songs sounded like under the hiss of the GBA's speakers. On the plus side, thanks for fixing (re-ripping?, the bit rate is better) the Space Invaders songs, much appreciated!

I do have three final games for now that I would like to request, that I only remembered have hard to find OST's as of this point, one of them might be a somewhat big one though.

The first game is Vanishing Point for both PS1 and Dreamcast, unrelated to the movie by the way. I think both versions have the same music, however on YouTube people have specifically labelled the songs as either 'PS1' or 'Dreamcast' version, so there may be some differences, one song I compared sounded identical though. I have the PS1 version of the game, though I feel like the Dreamcast Version could have higher quality audio. Maybe you could check things out between the two?

Second of all is Road Trip Adventure / Choro Q HG 2 for PS2. Quirky little Racing/Adventure hybrid this. I remember this one having a lot of tracks, due to having, as well as the usual Menu and (track specific, though some is reused) Race music, two radio stations (three in the NTSC-U version).

The first is all in house composed tracks, with about 10 different tunes on it, the second consists of just four Licenced tunes from The Push Kings and The Waking Hours, pretty unknown bands that I don't think exist anymore, and the third Japan specific one has actual DJ's, well, that's what the Internet told me. Great OST overall, especially the unlicensed radio songs, they perfectly fit with exploring the world in that game.

The third one is not overly important for me, and it IS 3DO so it's gonna be a pain, but I'm currently after Doom 3DO's OST. Surprisingly I can't find it in MP3 format anywhere anymore, it used to be on one of the Doom fan sites but it's gone from there last time I looked. Give this one the smallest priority, as in "only do it if all other requests are done" priority.

You really are doing some great work here.

10-15-2014, 09:21 PM
Comin' atcha with some more stuff!

First off, Space Invaders GBC has been tagged, courtesy of MOV_Games. Thank you! :)

Now, for the new stuff:

NES Stereo

Flying Warriors - A really nice fighter from Culture Brain. The soundtrack's pretty big, too, and has some nice tunes. Too bad the composer is unknown!

Robin Hood Prince of Thieves - There's some cinematic tunes in here, but then there's tracks like Melee Battle which sound almost like they belong in a Japanese shmup. Cool!

Super Street Fighter III - Ninjacloud requested "Street Fighter III" for the NES, and since there's no official release by that name for the system, I'm assuming he meant the bootleg version of this game, since it's referred to as simply "Street Fighter III" on YouTube. Fortunately, thanks to those YT vids, I was able to tag all the songs in the game except 2. No clue on composer or release date, as is common with these kinds of titles.

Tecmo World Wrestling - I can't help but hear some similarity to the other Tecmo sports games in here, specifically Tecmo Bowl. There's enough difference to make it step out on it's own, though!

The only two games I've come across in my queue so far that I can't do are Kamen Rider and Top Gear Rally GBA. That's a pretty decent batting average!

See you next time!

Thank you ruiner9 for doing these for me :)

10-16-2014, 03:24 PM
It's a rainy, yucky day here. Here's some sweet tunes to brighten the mood a bit!


Castlevania - Dracula X - Such a hard SNES game to find in the states! I had a loose copy with a torn label, and I just sold it for $130! Crazy! Anyways, The soundtrack is also amazing. Think Castlevania tunes with dance beats. We didn't use any tracks from this one as features in the next podcast, but I'm using some as background music, which is why I made the album.

The Ninjawarriors Again - Hiroyuki Iwatsuki worked on this one, and as with all the Ninja Warriors titles, it's really good! The Mega CD version is still the best, though. :)

Game Boy

Wario Land 2 and 3 - A couple of really long and playful sounding soundtracks from Nintendo.


Road Trip Adventure - OK, so I didn't MEAN to actually do this one. I got curious about it when MOV_Games was describing it, so I checked out the files on the disc. Ended up experimenting a bit, and there's the radio stations! Unfortunately, the in-game music is all sequenced MIDI, so I couldn't get that, but there's a good 3 hours between the 3 radio channels to enjoy. It's compressed and mono on the disc, so there wasn't much I could do to make it sound better, but this is the only place you'll find those tunes!

I'll be back with more later today!

10-16-2014, 04:27 PM
It's a rainy, yucky day here. Here's some sweet tunes to brighten the mood a bit!


Road Trip Adventure - OK, so I didn't MEAN to actually do this one. I got curious about it when MOV_Games was describing it, so I checked out the files on the disc. Ended up experimenting a bit, and there's the radio stations! Unfortunately, the in-game music is all sequenced MIDI, so I couldn't get that, but there's a good 3 hours between the 3 radio channels to enjoy.

...Why didn't I grow up with games that have obtainable music? Well, thanks for what you did manage to get, I'll check out which songs you could obtain, though I can't tag the Japan only ones for obvious reasons.

10-16-2014, 04:27 PM
I've 'Follin' for Tim Follin thanks to you Ruiner9. I'm assuming you're aware of the 'Follin project' and other stuff?

10-16-2014, 04:33 PM
...Why didn't I grow up with games that have obtainable music? Well, thanks for what you did manage to get, I'll check out which songs you did manage to get, though I can't tag the Japan only ones for obvious reasons.

The stations are all one big hour-long MP3 file, so tagging might be tricky! Just so you're aware!

I've 'Follin' for Tim Follin thanks to you Ruiner9. I'm assuming you're aware of the 'Follin project' and other stuff?

Of course! That's why I'm not delving into his Spectrum and C64 tracks in this thread... they're already pretty widely available.

10-16-2014, 05:17 PM
As good as I can tag 'em, that Japan Radio is an oddity. Replaces Peach FM that appears in the western versions yet has the same songs as E-Radio, it just has additional DJ's. On a side note, I don't remember there being so much, well, radio noise on E-Radio, though it is kinda quiet in game so it's probably just harder to hear.

10-16-2014, 05:45 PM

Castlevania - Dracula X - Such a hard SNES game to find in the states! I had a loose copy with a torn label, and I just sold it for $130! Crazy! Anyways, The soundtrack is also amazing. Think Castlevania tunes with dance beats. We didn't use any tracks from this one as features in the next podcast, but I'm using some as background music, which is why I made the album.[/QUOTE]

Well, thanks to Nintendo, it won't be that hard to find anymore, because it's out right now on the Virtual Console for the Wii U! :D

10-16-2014, 08:58 PM
Ennnnn sixty-fourrrrrr!

Yeah, so here's a couple of "explosive" soundtracks. They're really the "bomb." :P

We've got Bomberman 64 - The Second Attack and Bomberman Hero! I like Hero a bit more, as it's a bit more aggressive sounding, and I love anything that Jun Chikuma writes, for the most part. I took a look at Mega Man Legends, but it's not going to be tagged if I do it. Mega Man 64 is pretty much the exact same soundtrack, and it's tagged and everything!

That does it for today, peeps! See ya!

10-17-2014, 02:20 PM
TGIF! First off, MOV_Games has retagged Road Trip Adventure, VGManiac456 has retagged Zelda - Wand of Gamelon, and I uploaded a REALLY sweet arcade soundtrack from Jaleco called Soldam. It's a YM2151 soundtrack, and it's got some great PCM sample accompaniments to go along with the FM synthiness. Enjoy!

10-17-2014, 07:27 PM
And the afternoon update includes an SNES fiesta!


Bram Stoker's Dracula - To say that this is Castlevania inspired is an understatement. A lot of the songs are a little faster paced than in Konami's legendary series, but some of the other ones could have come right out of the Belmont Music Handbook.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - I played through this one AGES ago, like, when it was NEW. I don't remember much of it, but the music stood out. The battle themes ROCK, and the rest is very soothing.

R-Type III - My favorite game in the series will always be Super R-Type, but there's no denying the quality of the gameplay and music in this one!

Saturday Night Slam Masters - Scored by several of Capcom's more popular composers. It has that trademark "tinny" sound set that Super Street Fighter II on the SNES used. There are themes for each of the countries, just like SFII did!

Ultimate Fighter - A later game in the Flying Warriors series. The music is on the simple side, but includes some sweet bass lines.

I've run across a couple more soundtracks I can't make, namely Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology, Yu-Gi-Oh: 7 Trials to Glory 2005, and Yu-Gi-Oh: Ultimate Masters 2006. Sorry they were all your requests, Pandemoniu! I can do Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 if you were interested in that. It uses a different sound engine.

Enjoy the SNES tunes, guys!

10-18-2014, 01:07 AM
Thanks for Mystic Quest! :)

As for the rest... :sigh: :(

It seems no one can get those games' STs, at least no one so far regarding those two Yugioh Games.

As for the second Radiant Mythology, thanks, but I already have it. I wanted the first because the one I was given was a rip from an unknown original source that had many of the game original tracks mashed-up with each other. The remixed songs from other games didn't really have this problem, but the game original ones were a toss-up on whether they did or not and it wasn't as enjoyable.

But yeah, those two Yugioh games... Do you know anyone else I could ask? Jessie couldn't do it either.

Well, either way, thanks for taking the time and trying, and also for Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. After all, one is better than none. :)

El Randomino
10-18-2014, 01:53 PM
Well first of all, I want to thank hugely everyone who got involved in this thread (suggesters, rippers and ruiner9, of course) and made it this awesome cave of wonders for the "OST enthusiast" that I am.
I got a lot of OSTs from here, all of them being incredibly well ripped and I even was stunned and really pleased to finally find some rare soundtracks (like Saturn Bomberman for example). I will be definitely keeping an eye around here.

And just in case you happen to take a suggestion and have both the time and possibility to do it, I would love to see a rip from Ninja: Shadow of Darkness ( on PS1.

10-18-2014, 03:56 PM
But yeah, those two Yugioh games... Do you know anyone else I could ask? Jessie couldn't do it either.

Well, either way, thanks for taking the time and trying, and also for Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. After all, one is better than none. :)

GBA games are notoriously rough. The only music tracks that can ever be extracted are games that use the "Sappy" sound engine, which makes up about 75% of known games. Game that don't use this engine are quite simply out of luck, unless there's a sound test (which wouldn't be a HQ rip like the Sappy games) or would need to played through and have the soundtracks recorded during pause screens etc., hoping that the sound effects don't get in the way.

Well first of all, I want to thank hugely everyone who got involved in this thread (suggesters, rippers and ruiner9, of course) and made it this awesome cave of wonders for the "OST enthusiast" that I am.
I got a lot of OSTs from here, all of them being incredibly well ripped and I even was stunned and really pleased to finally find some rare soundtracks (like Saturn Bomberman for example). I will be definitely keeping an eye around here.

And just in case you happen to take a suggestion and have both the time and possibility to do it, I would love to see a rip from Ninja: Shadow of Darkness ( on PS1.

Thanks for the kind words! I'm proud of this little thread I call home! I'll add Ninja to the queue; it looks like it should be rippable! :)

10-18-2014, 07:09 PM
I'll work on tagging the Dragon Warrior I-IV stuff. I'll do two rips: the NA names and the JP names. Then give both to you. Sound good?

10-18-2014, 09:17 PM
Here's a couple hand-picked goodies from me for the weekend:


Rescue - The Embassy Mission - Notable because it's one of the 3 NES games that Alberto Gonzalez wrote the music for. It's not his... best work, but still has some really parts. The Amiga version of this soundtrack is KILLER.


G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero - I loved playing this one in arcades when I was a kid. They nailed the feel of the cartoon so perfectly. Konami was really good at that stuff. Anyways, the soundtrack is full of their trademark orchestra hits and FM goodness. Worth a listen.

Night Slashers - An often overlooked but fun beat-'em-up, with loads of guitar samples thrown into the music. It's a lot of fun to listen to.

The Ninja Warriors - Enjoy the original versions of famous Zuntata hits like "Daddy Mulk" and "Are You Lady?" Hilarious song titles aside, Ogura's work with PCM samples was brilliant with these tracks, and got enough recognition that they were actually played live in concert and aired on Japanese national TV! If you enjoy these, definitely grab the Sega CD version, which has the arranged versions. SO GOOD!

My wife got me Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon for my birthday! I can't wait to dive into it! Enjoy the rest of your Saturdays, folks! Not sure if I'll have anything tomorrow. Depends on how many ghosts I catch!

10-18-2014, 10:03 PM
Cool Happy Birthday Ed =D

10-18-2014, 11:05 PM
Sweet; happy birthday! ^^ Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon is definitely a good game; I probably should replay it at some point.

10-18-2014, 11:14 PM
Looks like I was a bit wrong about the NES version of Rescue - The Embassy Mission being composed by Jose Gonzalez... the man himself gave me the real composer! I'll change the tag ASAP. :)
(My birthday is actually Monday, BTW... my wife is just awesome and knew I'd want to play on the weekend! Don't forget, I've got a little surprise on Monday, too!)

10-19-2014, 05:41 AM
Hi Ed, I'm a huge fan of your podcast, and I think it's great that you have such an appreciation for video game music.

If you don't mind, I have a game audio request for you to convert to lossless audio, the Game Boy title, Gradius: The Interstellar Assault (known as Nemesis II in Japan).

The composer is Yoshiyuki Hagiwara, according to Wikipedia.

I received this game when I received a Game Boy in Christmas, 1992. Could never get too far in it as a little kid, but I remember the game has a superb, high-energy soundtrack. I don't know if many people speak about the game, but I think it flies under the radar.

Thanks again for the great content!

El Randomino
10-19-2014, 08:49 AM
[...] I'll add Ninja to the queue; it looks like it should be rippable! :)
That's some great news, can't wait to hear this one.

My wife got me Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon for my birthday! I can't wait to dive into it! [...]
I was genuinely surprised by how well made and fun Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon is (many interesting ideas in terms of gameplay and the general atmosphere of the game is really captivating). I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did and I wish you a happy birthday in advance.

10-19-2014, 03:10 PM
It's here! Finally! I've finished work on Nintendo Puzzle Collection - Dr. Mario. I'm sorry it took almost a month, but now that I have the kinks worked out with making good recordings from Dolphin, the next ones should hopefully go more quickly. I've left the song titles named for their sound test numbers, to make it easier for someone familiar with the game to tag the titles. I also tagged Hirokazu Tanaka as an artist because... duh. Those songs wouldn't exist if it weren't for him!

This game has some EXCELLENT remakes of the original NES game's music, and I really hope everyone checks it out. It's worth it! I'll start work on the next title in the collection soon. :)

10-19-2014, 04:37 PM
Parrothead1983 requested a bunch of very old arcade soundtracks, and Arabian was the only one really worth ripping... and even then, it's only 2 minutes of one-instrument public domain music. It's uploaded now, so, enjoy, if you like that kind of thing!

10-19-2014, 08:00 PM
Hey mojodogg999, please check your visitor messages, since I can't PM you yet. :)

10-20-2014, 12:08 AM
It's here! Finally! I've finished work on Nintendo Puzzle Collection - Dr. Mario. I'm sorry it took almost a month, but now that I have the kinks worked out with making good recordings from Dolphin, the next ones should hopefully go more quickly. I've left the song titles named for their sound test numbers, to make it easier for someone familiar with the game to tag the titles. I also tagged Hirokazu Tanaka as an artist because... duh. Those songs wouldn't exist if it weren't for him!

This game has some EXCELLENT remakes of the original NES game's music, and I really hope everyone checks it out. It's worth it! I'll start work on the next title in the collection soon. :)

I didn't know there is a remake for Dr. Mario in Gamecube, the music is awesome :), thanks ruiner9.

I would like to request 4 games for Sega Megadrive/Genesis
1 - Asterix and the Power of the Gods - Asterix and the Power of the Gods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
2 - Cutthroat Island - Cutthroat Island (video game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
3 - Dragon Ball Z - Buyū Retsuden - Dragon Ball Z: Buy? Retsuden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
4 - Tecmo Cup Football Game - Tecmo Cup Football Game - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

sorry for requesting too much.

10-20-2014, 02:39 AM
You are a good man! Much appreciated sir. The intro track to that game brings a nostalgic tear to my eye.

I initially heard about your show through your co-host Mike's YouTube Dongled channel. I have listened to every episode of PixelTunesRadio, and I always look forward to your next episode. You guys play really well off each other, and I like how your designed it like an actual radio show, with "authentic" commercial breaks :)

I am the guy who posted those vintage Japanese Sharp X68000 price sheets on Twitter a while back. I hope you eventually get your hands on a real X68000 and some of the exotic sound hardware that you could buy for it.

I really like how you bring a more technical/audiophile viewpoint to your podcast. I run my vintage consoles through a vintage 1978 JVC rack mount stereo receiver, and it gives the chiptunes a warmth and presence that can't be matched with TV speakers.

I am somewhat of an audiophile myself. My dream is to run my vintage consoles' audio outputs through a Mcintosh Vacuum Tube amplifier. I think the analog/digital hybrid setup would be pretty badass :)

Anyways, keep up the great work with the video game audio preservation. Thanks again.

p.s. That Game Boy Japan-only Nintendo Power flash cart menu music was amazing!

10-20-2014, 02:52 AM
You are a good man! Much appreciated sir. The intro track to that game brings a nostalgic tear to my eye.

I initially heard about your show through your co-host Mike's YouTube Dongled channel. I have listened to every episode of PixelTunesRadio, and I always look forward to your next episode. You guys play really well off each other, and I like how your designed it like an actual radio show, with "authentic" commercial breaks :)

I am the guy who posted those vintage Japanese Sharp X68000 price sheets on Twitter a while back. I hope you eventually get your hands on a real X68000 and some of the exotic sound hardware that you could buy for it.

I really like how you bring a more technical/audiophile viewpoint to your podcast. I run my vintage consoles through a vintage 1978 JVC rack mount stereo receiver, and it gives the chiptunes a warmth and presence that can't be matched with TV speakers.

I am somewhat of an audiophile myself. My dream is to run my vintage consoles' audio outputs through a Mcintosh Vacuum Tube amplifier. I think the analog/digital hybrid setup would be pretty badass :)

Anyways, keep up the great work with the video game audio preservation. Thanks again.

p.s. That Game Boy Japan-only Nintendo Power flash cart menu music was amazing!

Ah, OK! Man, I would LOVE to get an X68030 (or even a lowly X68000 LOL) at some point, but they're waaaay too expensive to import. I have to settle with emulation for now, but at least it lets me learn about all the crazy games that you can't even find info for on the web.

I like the idea of using analog equipment for vintage consoles... As it is now, I have a tube TV separate from my HDTV just for the older consoles, and I have external speakers hooked up to the TV, but I've never thought of using older audio hardware too! Maybe I'll run across something on one of my thrift shop runs that would work... Thanks for the idea! Now I wish my dad had kept his old Pioneer receiver....

Stay tuned for a couple of awesome PTR episodes... Castlevania this coming Wednesday, and a special "Spooky Tunes" episode just one week later! It's been a busy month!

10-20-2014, 03:34 PM


I've been working on a lil' secret for the past few weeks, and it's already in the OP, new and shiny. Lots of people have been asking for it, and I've always been like "welllll, mayyybeeee...." All the while, it's been in the works!

Head up to the top and check out the new Sega Master System/ Game Gear section, with 20 albums, ready to go! I picked out a bunch of the best, composed by Matt Furniss, Yuzo Koshiro, Motoi Sakuraba, and more! The SMS and the GG used similar sound chips, so many times, the music on both systems was identical. In most cases I'll use the SMS tag as the default, unless the GG happened to have extra tracks, like in the case of Streets of Rage, or was a GG exclusive like the Shinobi titles. Feel free to request others as well, and I'll add 'em to the queue.


10-20-2014, 07:25 PM


I've been working on a lil' secret for the past few weeks, and it's already in the OP, new and shiny. Lots of people have been asking for it, and I've always been like "welllll, mayyybeeee...." All the while, it's been in the works!

Head up to the top and check out the new Sega Master System/ Game Gear section, with 20 albums, ready to go! I picked out a bunch of the best, composed by Matt Furniss, Yuzo Koshiro, Motoi Sakuraba, and more! The SMS and the GG used similar sound chips, so many times, the music on both systems was identical. In most cases I'll use the SMS tag as the default, unless the GG happened to have extra tracks, like in the case of Streets of Rage, or was a GG exclusive like the Shinobi titles. Feel free to request others as well, and I'll add 'em to the queue.


Congratulations ruiner! :D

10-20-2014, 08:41 PM
Happy birthday, ruiner, and congratulations on an excellent birthday!! :D

10-20-2014, 08:47 PM
Happy birthday to you Ruiner! Did not expect the surprise to be so many soundtracks at once, some of which I'm definatly interested in checking out. Should be interesting to listen to the 8 bit Streets Of Rage OST's, despite having played the Megadrive ones to death I haven't heard these ones yet.

10-25-2014, 01:02 PM
It's good to be back! Here's what I've worked on while the site was down... I don't have time for write-ups, though, so it's just a list:


Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna 3 - Lightning Angel


Caliber .50


Blazing Lasers


Princess Minerva
Star Ocean
Steven Seagal is the Final Option (Prototype)


Thunder Force II


Drac's Night Out (Prototype, Unreleased)




Ninja: Shadow of Darkness
Vanishing Point

Game Boy

Gradius: The Interstellar Assault

Enjoy! There's a new episode of PixelTunes Radio out too, which I'll update in the OP when I have a moment. But if you want to check it out (it's all about the Castlevania series!) head over to PixelTunes Radio VGM Podcast | A Bi-Weekly Video Game Music Podcast Hosted by Mike Levy and Ed Wilson ( :)


10-25-2014, 03:38 PM
Thanks so much for Vanishing Point, the quality of the music is much better than I thought it would be! I've tagged the songs with what I can assume are the correct names, as these song names are used everywhere on the Internet.

El Randomino
10-26-2014, 09:40 AM
Many thanks for Ninja on PSX and to my great surprise you also ripped Star Ocean 1 on SNES; a game I have just recently done and from which I really enjoyed the soundtrack (the Motoi Sakuraba Effect, I guess). So again, many thanks.

P.S. : It's great to see you guys again.

10-26-2014, 12:43 PM
Thanks so much for Vanishing Point, the quality of the music is much better than I thought it would be! I've tagged the songs with what I can assume are the correct names, as these song names are used everywhere on the Internet.

Thank you! Vanishing Point has now been updated in the PSX section with track titles!

I'm going to work on Nintendo Puzzle Collection today, so I may not have any new releases, unless I can get something quick done simultaneously.

10-26-2014, 08:08 PM
Hey ED, happy late birthday! Also I have a few things for you, firstly I've found a CRAP TON of VGMrips that I've manged to find from this one:!O4k3FYLL!3Yu7EkU76XVjHx0-16dl9TR13QrRjO1BWM3vx_odq3Q. Now this very same guy also has a homebrew game that for the longest I couldn't find, but I manged to find a copy of the rom floating around the interwebs so here it is! :!WgElCJDA!q2flL3r2YlK-cTgnH19Go3uFrn-Visp5Jw-y5qereSI While I'm at it why don't I give you some other neat Mega Drive Homebrews/Unreleased games so here they are! : Link 1 -!WpMxEJaB!eCGZzgNtjkqdXJ4udsFgPuv56F2a53qnHkayGbf r0aI, Link 2 -!nwMkkK6S!9D9L5QKpw0FGGcJIS-ClXOWr3x36bgAwjECrvrT4GQM, and Link 3 -!z8UySRLZ!x-g9I656pk0A7rBut7k4YTMdPTIDCdAy_ua5AuooqYI. And finally here's some music that I had also accumulated during the hiatus! -!Ws1nwBjJ!d3-5L7cfn0MYDkCe-uvV_SyXoofMkw2rvvaEK3CV7k8

10-27-2014, 01:16 AM
Greeting and salutations to everyone! Glad to see the ffshrine's overall funding goal was met rather quickly. I had little doubt it would be with all the folks that use it. I was about to donate myself & then I refreshed at the last moment to see it happened to be back up & running! Woo-hoo! Fun things happen when I'm out of town for a week in Sunny California. Thank-goodness it got funded! I'm already tapped out on donations lately. Didn't want to do it unless I had too.

Still - good to see our happy community is rocking along - Thanks Ruiner for doing more stuffs while the ff site was down! Greatly appreciated as always!

I downloaded the Thunder Force II soundtrack for the X68000 - Thank you greatly for ripping this! It's great to compare this awesome soundtrack to the Genesis version! It was really cool to hear some of the tracks even sounding better! What a treat for sure. Thanks a ton.

Wanted to throw my next 5 requests into the queue for later on sir:

1. Blue's Journey (Neo-Geo/Arcade) - Loved this quirky little platformer on my Neo-Geo. Still do.
2. Shadow Dancer (Arcade) - Was very disappointing that the arcade version never came to home consoles. Loved it!
3. Ikari Warriors (Arcade) - Absolutely favorite classic shooter. Would definitely prefer to have the arcade music versus the NES.
4. Super Thunder Blade (Genesis) - One of the first ports to the Genesis back in the launch days. While the game was choppy, it did have solid tunes in parts.
5. Star Control (Genesis) - This one mainly played music that was very short little themes for each ship, particularly when you won a battle or chose to look at a race. Oh, plus the title screen. Not much, but what was there was greatly loved by the strategy folks. Great Nostalgia.

Thanks as always brother, appreciate it. :)

10-27-2014, 05:53 AM
Hello there ruiner, happy belated birthday and many thanks for your fantastic rips of the Crash Bandicoot series as well as for Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean. Kudos also to Cy and everyone else who donated to help resolve ruiner's online storage issues. It's encouraging to see so many generous people here on FFShrine helping our fellow members share in the appreciation of great music.

This is probably gonna be way down on your priority list but would you mind looking into a couple of somewhat obscure titles namely Test Drive 4 and Woody Woodpecker Racing for the Playstation if it's not too much to ask? I can't find seem to find any PSF or XA files for these no matter where I look...

Thanks again for considering my request.

10-27-2014, 06:48 PM
Thanks yet again for those wonderous vgms (including Thunder Force II; that was awesome!) I have some new requests to start my week (not sure if the request whatchamacallit is full), and they are...

- Dragon Spirit (PC Engine; excellent adaptation of the arcade version in terms of look and sound)
- Eightman (Arcade; has some excellent Japanese superhero-like tracks)
- Nectaris (Sharp X6800; a port of the PC Engine version of Military Madness (the tracks are the same, as well), but with superior sound. There is a sound test code to this game (in fact, the passwords in this version are similar to the PC Engine version, lol). The passcode to access the sound test is ONGAKU)
- Street Smart (Arcade; some good tunes. Fact: The Stage 1 theme is this version was later used as the 2P fight theme in the arcade version of Fatal Fury. The track is called "Just a Little Smart Fighting Fellow")
- WWF Royal Rumble (SNES; the wrestler's theme songs had never that well-emulated before on the SNES soundboard, because they sounded excellent)

Hope you have an excellent week, ruiner. Take care for now!! :D

10-27-2014, 09:23 PM
Woody Woodpecker, huh? Matt Furniss, huh? Yeah! OK! I'm down with that!

Go grab Woody Woodpecker Racing and Test Drive 4 in the PSX section now!

(It's becoming tradition to post new requesters' stuff right away, I guess. I don't plan it that way... I swear!) :)

10-27-2014, 10:44 PM
I probably should've brought this up, but it's about your Death By Degrees rip. The "Battle 1" track has what might be a bad loop point. Was it like that in the actual game, or was it a mistake? It's about 1 minute and 58 seconds in when it happens. I used audacity to fix, however.

10-27-2014, 11:29 PM
Nice to see that everything's back and running; been craving for new VGM when the site was down. Anyways, I have a couple of requests: RC Revenge Pro (PS2) and Auto Destruct (PS1). Thanks!

10-28-2014, 03:02 AM
I probably should've brought this up, but it's about your Death By Degrees rip. The "Battle 1" track has what might be a bad loop point. Was it like that in the actual game, or was it a mistake? It's about 1 minute and 58 seconds in when it happens. I used audacity to fix, however.

I didn't loop that album manually... each track looped more than twice, I just faded them after two loops. Also, if you tap the tempo, the songs stays on beat, so I don't think it's actually wrong, it just sounds awkward. I can see why you'd think that... it probably DOES sound better just by snipping it after that rest and copy/ pasting the beginning of the track again. I'd like to keep it true to the original file, though. :)

Also, MAN is that soundtrack loud! You'd think Namco would know they didn't need to max out their levels on their BGM by now!

10-28-2014, 04:50 AM
I didn't loop that album manually... each track looped more than twice, I just faded them after two loops. Also, if you tap the tempo, the songs stays on beat, so I don't think it's actually wrong, it just sounds awkward. I can see why you'd think that... it probably DOES sound better just by snipping it after that rest and copy/ pasting the beginning of the track again. I'd like to keep it true to the original file, though. :)

Also, MAN is that soundtrack loud! You'd think Namco would know they didn't need to max out their levels on their BGM by now!

Ooh, ok. It's just weird that Namco would do that. I'm not sure what the audio editors were doing, but it honestly sounds like a bad loop they did. Still, thanks for clearing it up.

10-28-2014, 02:40 PM
How about some updates! VGManiac456 has retagged the recently-released Test Drive 4 soundtrack in the PSX section, and House of the Dead 2 in the DC section! I really love that HotD2 soundtrack... it's so much fun.

I'll have more later!

10-29-2014, 01:04 PM
Here's the latest episode, guys! You should really check out the bonus track at the end of the show... it's REALLY good!

Episode 21: Spooky Tunes

It's the PixelTunes Halloween Special! Today on SpookyTunes, we bring you our favorite creepy songs from both beloved and obscure horror titles! Chatter your teeth as we enter Luigi's Mansion and the Clock Tower, and take a nice foggy vacation in Silent Hill. We close out the episode with a fantastic and eerie track from up-and-coming Indie developer, Pixo'lantern Games!

Enjoy the SPOOoOOOoOOoOKy tunes!

The Tracklist:

1 - Vay (Sega CD) - Freak You Out - Shigeki Sako

2 - Super Ghouls and Ghosts (SNES) - Haunted Graveyard - Mari Yamaguchi


3 - Nosferatu (SNES) - Medley (Intro, Title Theme, Stage 1) - Masanao Akahori

4 - Amnesia: The Dark Descent (PC) - Panic & Paranoia - Mikko Termia


5 - Friday the 13th (NES) - Cabin - Hirohiko Takayama

6 - Luigi’s Mansion (GC) - Medley (E. Gadd’s Parlor Peril, Mansion [Dark Halls,] Controls [Totaka’s Song,] Talking With Ghosts, Gameboy Horror ) - Kazumi Totaka and Shinobu Tanaka


7 - Clock Tower (SNES) - Don’t Cry Jennifer - Kouji Niikura, Kaori Takazoe (production only)

8 - Silent Hill 4: The Room (PS2) - Cradle of Forest - Akira Yamaoka & Joe Romersa


9 - Rusty (PC-98) - Red Sunset - Masahiro Kajihara, Kenichi Arakawa, Ryu Takami

10 - Dead Space (X360, PS3) - The Hive Mind - Jason Graves


*BONUS INDIE FEATURE* - Trix ‘n Treets (PC) - Reaching Branches - "Scare" from Pixo'lantern Games (

10-29-2014, 11:12 PM
It's a very late (for me) update! I've spent the day not feeling so well, but I'm on the mend now, so here's some stuff.


Akuma Kun - Makai no Wana
Chubby Cherub
Frankenstein - The Monster Returns
Space Shadow

Notable in the collection is Rocketeer, written by George Sanger. It sounds very much like his Maniac Mansion and Fun House NES soundtracks, which are some of my favorites.


Eien no Filena - I've listened to a handful of tracks in this one and nothing has really stood out to me as "good." LOL But hey, we all have our own tastes!


Inspector Gadget - Gadget's Crazy Maze - Ninjacloud helped out on this one, providing the tracks that I converted and tagged (as best I could.) It's really good, too! Some neat takes on the cartoon's melodies.

OK, guys... Enjoy!

El Randomino
10-30-2014, 10:23 AM
Hey, I just finally found the time to listen to Ninja : Shadow of Darkness in complete. The sound quality is excellent and I thank you for that, but I have one question : the last track (19 and it's probably the cinematics) is nothing but 3minutes of pure silence, is it how it is in the CD rip ?

And if you want, I could rename and reorder the tracks (in apparition order) since it doesn't seem to have any official titles/OST and that I actually (and sadly to a certain degree) happen to know the game quite well.

10-30-2014, 10:51 AM
Hey, I just finally found the time to listen to Ninja : Shadow of Darkness in complete. The sound quality is excellent and I thank you for that, but I have one question : the last track (19 and it's probably the cinematics) is nothing but 3minutes of pure silence, is it how it is in the CD rip ?

And if you want, I could rename and reorder the tracks (in apparition order) since it doesn't seem to have any official titles/OST and that I actually (and sadly to a certain degree) happen to know the game quite well.

Whoops! Yeah, I meant to cut that track! My guess is it's just either padding to have information go all the way to the end of the disc, or it's actual silence that plays during a part in the game with no background music. If you'd like to retag the album, just leave it out and I'll remove the track when I fix it. :)

10-30-2014, 11:04 AM
Hi ruiner! I have a couple of requests today: Wario Master of Disguise for the DS by Kenji Hikita, the guy who gave us the awesome soundtracks of F-Zero GP Legend and Climax; and WarioWare Mega Party Games for the Gamecube, since Minigame Mania wasn't possible...

Thanks in advance! :)

10-30-2014, 11:45 AM
Hi ruiner! I have a couple of requests today: Wario Master of Disguise for the DS by Kenji Hikita, the guy who gave us the awesome soundtracks of F-Zero GP Legend and Climax; and WarioWare Mega Party Games for the Gamecube, since Minigame Mania wasn't possible...

Thanks in advance! :)

I know for a fact that none of the WarioWare games are rippable, as I've tried them all, but I'll add the other request to the queue!

10-30-2014, 03:59 PM
Hello again Ruiner! I know I've still got a pending request, but I'm going to be very busy over the coming weeks due to College ramping up the assignments, and thought it would be best to get these requests off my chest now rather than later. They probably are going to be the last for quite a while from me anyway, as I honestly can't think of any more!

Demolition Racer (PSX) - A completely Licenced OST, however in my opinion one of the few good ones. Composed of songs from Empirion, Cirrus, Fear Factory and Tommy Tallarico, many of which exclusively written for this game. There are two versions of this game, the PSX original and the updated re-release on Dreamcast, Demolition Racer: No Exit. For the most part the songs are the same, however No Exit is missing the Tommy Tallarico songs from the PSX version, so a rip from the PSX is preferred.

Toy Story 2 (PSX) - A seriously good, varied soundtrack. I still get the Construction Yard music stuck in my head occasionally. The game is surprisingly good too, despite it being a movie tie in.

Gran Turismo 2 PAL Version (PSX) - Like many of the Gran Turismo games, the in race songs are different depending on the region. Although there was a Gran Turismo 2 OST released, it only had the NTSC-J songs, and the Menu tunes were different from the in game versions. You could always rip the NTSC Race songs too if you would prefer a more complete collection for this thread.

Nintendogs Chihuahua & Friends (DS) - Don't judge me. Honestly though, this is another soundtrack that I can't find anywhere except YouTube, and it did have some pretty good songs.

Some great song choices in the latest Pixel Tunes Radio by the way!

10-30-2014, 06:51 PM
Hey Ruiner,

I have just one request right now: Night Striker S for the Sega Saturn (, a port of the arcade game Night Striker. Pretty rad sounding synth rock.

10-30-2014, 10:00 PM
Here's some music! I'm still sick! Bleh.

Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Wii - So, I cleaned up the filenames the best I can, but it's in no particular order, really. The levels are grouped together, but I don't know what order they go in. It's 6 hours and like 130 tracks. Whew!

DOOM for the 3DO - Some rockin' remixes of the original PC MIDI tunes. If you like Doom, this is a must-have, cuz they're really good.

Hotel Mario for the CD-i - At least the MUSIC for these games was decent! Can't say much for the games, though! LOL

Cross your fingers that I feel better tomorrow!

BTW, I don't do soundtracks with ASCAP or BMI licensed music for personal reasons, so I can't do Demolition Racer. Sorry!

10-30-2014, 10:15 PM
Here's some music! I'm still sick! Bleh.

BTW, I don't do soundtracks with ASCAP or BMI licensed music for personal reasons, so I can't do Demolition Racer. Sorry!

Scratch the in race Gran Turismo 2 music too, then. I was only after the unlicensed Menu music mostly, anyway. I guess i'll have to learn how to rip these songs myself.

On a lighter note, thanks for the 3DO Doom music! I'll tag 'em right away if you haven't already.
EDIT: Never mind.

Instead of Demolition Racer, could I suggest Sonic Advance 2? I'm not sure if this one would be compatible.

10-31-2014, 02:53 AM
Here's some music! I'm still sick! Bleh.

Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Wii - So, I cleaned up the filenames the best I can, but it's in no particular order, really. The levels are grouped together, but I don't know what order they go in. It's 6 hours and like 130 tracks. Whew!

DOOM for the 3DO - Some rockin' remixes of the original PC MIDI tunes. If you like Doom, this is a must-have, cuz they're really good.

Hotel Mario for the CD-i - At least the MUSIC for these games was decent! Can't say much for the games, though! LOL

Cross your fingers that I feel better tomorrow!

BTW, I don't do soundtracks with ASCAP or BMI licensed music for personal reasons, so I can't do Demolition Racer. Sorry!

Man that stinks, be sure to get plenty of rest.

10-31-2014, 05:57 AM
Here's some music! I'm still sick! Bleh.

Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Wii - So, I cleaned up the filenames the best I can, but it's in no particular order, really. The levels are grouped together, but I don't know what order they go in. It's 6 hours and like 130 tracks. Whew!

DOOM for the 3DO - Some rockin' remixes of the original PC MIDI tunes. If you like Doom, this is a must-have, cuz they're really good.

Hotel Mario for the CD-i - At least the MUSIC for these games was decent! Can't say much for the games, though! LOL

Cross your fingers that I feel better tomorrow!

BTW, I don't do soundtracks with ASCAP or BMI licensed music for personal reasons, so I can't do Demolition Racer. Sorry!

Awww.... :(

Hope you recover soon, ruiner.

10-31-2014, 01:03 PM
Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Wii - So, I cleaned up the filenames the best I can, but it's in no particular order, really. The levels are grouped together, but I don't know what order they go in. It's 6 hours and like 130 tracks. Whew!!

Thank you! And get well soon :)

Don't worry about WarioWare then... It's a pity though, the rips I have are not that good, the GBA one has a lot of static and the GC one has glitches in a bunch of songs. Oh well.

10-31-2014, 01:37 PM
Thank you! And get well soon :)

Don't worry about WarioWare then... It's a pity though, the rips I have are not that good, the GBA one has a lot of static and the GC one has glitches in a bunch of songs. Oh well.

Most likely because they were all recorded via line-out of the systems themselves, and without a sound test, it's really hard to get perfect rips. I speak from experience!

El Randomino
10-31-2014, 06:31 PM
So here's what I came up with for the Ninja - Shadow of Darkness soundtracks :
01) Title Screen & Staff Roll ------- 12_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
02) Menu ------- 13_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
03) The Forest (Stage 1) ------- 02_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
04) The Forest (Stage 1 Thunder Variation) ------- 01_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
05) Boss Battle 1 ------- 03_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
06) Item Shop ------- 14_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
07) The Ancient Ruins (Stage 2) ------- 09_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
08) The Monastery Exterior (Stage 3) ------- 05_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
09) The Monastery Interior (Stage 4) ------- 18_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
10) Boss Battle 2 (Demon Realm) ------- 06_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
11) The Catacombs & the Beach (Stage 5 & 8) ------- 08_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
12) Cloud Sanctuary (Stage 6 & 7) ------- 04_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
13) The Snowy Forest (Stage 9) ------- 17_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
14) Boss Battle 3 ------- 16_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
15) The Icy Wilderness (Stage 10) ------- 11_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
16) The Demon's Lair (Final Stage) ------- 07_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
17) Unused Track ------- 10_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness
18) Game Over ------- 15_Ninja - Shadow of Darkness

If you have anything to add or want to correct, don't hesitate. Oh and get well.

10-31-2014, 08:47 PM
New requests, all SNES (first two are requested to be top priority, so I can finish the rip set):
1. Dragon Quest V: Tenkuu no Hanayome
2. Dragon Quest VI: Maboroshi no Daichi
3. Super Famicom-ban Dragon Quest I & II
4. Super Famicom-ban Dragon Quest III: Soshite Densetsu e...
5. Ryuuki Heidan Danzalv

10-31-2014, 08:51 PM
Happy Halloween!

First off, if you guys haven't seen it yet, I posted a new thread with a 6 hour FLAC gamerip of Nintendo Land! it's similar to DK Tropical Freeze in that it's directly from the game's files... I haven't even seen a full soundtrack from it before, so looks like mine's the first! It's got some great reimaginings of classic Nintendo tunes, and some original pieces, too. BIG thanks to VGManiac456 for helping with the tags and the order. Here's the thread link:

Now, some other stuff! Thanks to El Randomino, Ninja - Shadow of Darkness is now tagged in the PSX section! Also new to PSX is Clock Tower: The First Fear, which has redone versions of the Super Famicom music heard in the last podcast, and Gekioh - Shooting King, an obscure Natsume shmup which will be the subject of my cohost Mike's next YouTube game review. Some of the tracks seem to have lots of static, but that's on purpose... there's a mode in the game where it puts an old sepia filter over the screen and makes the music sound like it's on a phonograph. Yeah. Weird.

Enjoy the tunes and have a great Halloween night!

10-31-2014, 09:12 PM
Happy halloween to you, too, ruiner! :D

10-31-2014, 09:46 PM
Both a Happy Halloween and a get well soon from me!

10-31-2014, 11:21 PM
MP3 version of Nintendo Land is up in the OP! I've been listening to it quite a bit... what an awesome soundtrack!

11-01-2014, 08:42 AM
Hey, thanks for all the great music, dude! I really appreciate it! I had a question though!
Is there a reason Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space is only the extra sound jingles? I love the OST for Blinx and was hoping to have the sequel's music, too. Can I request the full rip?

11-01-2014, 11:43 AM
Hey, thanks for all the great music, dude! I really appreciate it! I had a question though!
Is there a reason Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space is only the extra sound jingles? I love the OST for Blinx and was hoping to have the sequel's music, too. Can I request the full rip?

I just checked my Blinx 2 rip and tracks 1-21 are level music, and 22-48 are jingles, and it's 90 minutes long... It's definitely the full rip! Maybe try redownloading? Something may have corrupted when you got it.

Mille Fantomes
11-01-2014, 08:41 PM
Thanks for the links! That is an impressive collection of soundtracks (I have been looking for some of them for quite a long time, like the Metal Warriors OST). Anyways, since you accept requests, I have been looking for the "Castlevania Order of Ecclesia" soundtrack for a while, but all links are, unfortunately, dead. Thanks in advance!

11-01-2014, 08:53 PM
Oh oh oh okay, my computer did a thing where some mp3s don't pop up in my player. I redownloaded the soundtrack and they were all there. Thanks for checking and assuring the tracks!

11-03-2014, 05:45 AM
The GB ost's are great thanks a bundle for them.

11-03-2014, 03:55 PM
So I've been leaving up the "New" tags for the whole month, as I'm sure you've noticed. I just took October's down, and counted them up... the grand total of new releases for last month is 89. EIGHTY NINE! It doesn't seem like it was that much, but I verified it. Wow. So, now that I'm not stressing over Nintendo Land (for now, anyways,) Here's some new stuff I discovered over the weekend.


Racin' Force - This is Konami's answer to Virtua Racing, being clearly inspired by it in both graphics and music. Most of the tracks are just little "Time Bonus!" jingles, but they're really fun to listen to. There are a couple full-length songs in here, too.

Japanese PC

Mad Stalker - This game is AWESOME. You're a giant mech walking down city streets, and fighting enemies in a style that's like a cross between Street Fighter and Guradian Legend. The music is very catchy, too. I need to buy a Sharp X68000. It's become one of my favorite systems ever... just based on the emulators!

Akazukin Cha Cha Cha - A shmup for the X68000 with some ties to an anime, however this seems to have been created by fans, and isn't officially licensed. The game and music are still really good, though! Lots of PCM sampled orchestra hits and drum beat along with the awesome YM2151 synths.

OK, that's it for this morning... I'm gonna try to bang out some requests later, because working on Nintendo Land has set me back a bit more than I'd like. C-ya!

11-03-2014, 07:00 PM
Here's some Konami games (Except for Outlanders) for you to check out:
1. Rakugakids (N64)
2. Hybrid Heaven (N64)
3. Muscle Champion: Kinnikutou Kessen (Gamecube)
4. Dewy's Adventure (Wii)
5. Outlanders (For NES)

11-03-2014, 07:23 PM
If I could request anything, it would be the Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle games for Gameboy.

S.P.D. Gold Ranger
11-03-2014, 08:02 PM
Okay, ruiner, if possible, I'd like to request Bugs Bunny and Taz: Time Busters for the PSX. It used to be up on Galbadia, but those are gone now and KH Insider's downloads page doesn't have it.

11-03-2014, 10:22 PM
Are you guys ready? I gotta do this quick!


Dragon Ball Z - Bu Yuu Retsuden - Some epic battle music in this one! I can dig it!

Tecmo Cup Football Game - An unreleased soccer game for the Mega Drive with some cool tunes and drums that are WAY TOO LOUD! IMO, anyways.

Super Thunder Blade - Simple, yet effective. I've beaten this game, and it was pretty tough, but super short. VEry jazzy in places.

Asterix and the Power of the Gods - FM-ified versions of classic music, transcibed by Nathan McCree. He did a pretty good job with it!


Street Smart - Some really interesting tribal beats here... almost reminds me of Joe & Mac, at least in "Back Alley 1."

Ikari Warriors - Only a few tracks in the arcade version of this game, but they were pretty epic.

Japanese PC

Nectaris - Jun Chikuma on the X68000. What more can you want? Some really cool bass sweeps, nice stereo effects... this one's a great lil' soundtrack.

PC Engine

Dragon Spirit - One of Shinji Hosoe's first games. High energy and a bit more lighthearted than his other later works.

OK guys! Enjoy!

11-04-2014, 10:25 PM
Time for the next eclectic collection!


Blue's Clues - ...wait, I mean:

Blue's Journey - NOT a game about a little blue dog, but rather an uncharacteristically cute Neo Geo side scroller with some solid tunes.


WWF Royal Rumble - Haha, hearing Shawn Michaels' theme song on the SNES made me chuckle. Overall, these entrance themes sound pretty true to the real thing!


Ninja Gaiden - Yes, there WAS a Ninja Gaiden on the Genesis, but it was never released! The music was really good, though. You can learn more about it on my next podcast.


Wario - Master of Disguise - Ohhhh, yeahhhh. This was a fun game! The soundtrack is the usual Wario fare... some lighthearted funny tunes mixed with some stuff that's more on the rock 'n roll side.

Asphalt - Urban GT - I did this for the heck of it. it was my first DS game. and I have fond memories of it, so I figured why not? It's all streamed techno music, but it brings back memories. :)

Enjoy... see ya soon!

11-04-2014, 10:55 PM
Kaitou Wario the 7 (Master of Disguise) is awesome. I love the music in the last stage. Thank you!

11-05-2014, 10:08 AM
Kaitou Wario the 7 (Master of Disguise) is awesome. I love the music in the last stage. Thank you!

Yeah I love that one too! It's one of the best in the soundtrack. Thanks ruiner! :)

11-05-2014, 12:25 PM
Morning, all!

VGManiac456, once again, proves he's some sort of awesome tagging robot by tagging Hotel Mario for the CD-i! I deleted a few duplicate tracks and re-ordered it based on his titles, so it's now in pretty good shape. Thanks, VGM! And check the album out if you haven't, it's surprisingly good music!

11-05-2014, 05:33 PM
Hi ruiner! I have such a strange request today I'm not even sure it's possible to do. It's from a game called Wolf, for the DOS. I know practically nothing about the game but I came across this: WOLF (DOS) - Partial Soundtrack - YouTube (

And now I'm curious to hear the rest of the soundtrack. Thanks in advance :)

11-05-2014, 07:53 PM
Thanks for fulfilling four of my latests requests, ruiner. I am going to take it that Eightman wasn't rippable; if it wasn't, then that's okay. Shame, though, because it actually had a bunch of awesome, Japanese super hero-like music, and the game looked solid, too. :)

11-05-2014, 09:05 PM
Thanks for fulfilling four of my latests requests, ruiner. I am going to take it that Eightman wasn't rippable; if it wasn't, then that's okay. Shame, though, because it actually had a bunch of awesome, Japanese super hero-like music, and the game looked solid, too. :)

Dude. Duuuude. Dude. I got you covered.


Eight Man - Such a rockin' soundtrack! Epic guitars and crazy drums make this one totally action-packed.


Night Striker S - It's like a cross between Space Harrier and Outrun 2019! The music is from Zuntata, so we know it's not bad, right? It's pretty 90's feeling, with lots of high notes and crazy synths.

Sega Master System

Shadow Dancer - I've tried a whole bunch of times to get a good rip of the arcade game, but I can't. :( I'll offer up this one instead to fill the request. It probably doesn't really sound the same, though it's still got some catchy melodies!

The Ottifants - And so begins "Ottifant Day" at the ol' Soundtrack-a-Ganza. This one's got a REALLY awesome soundtrack from Steve Turner, and I think it might be the only Master System game with Western-style arppegios! Definitely check this one out!

Game Boy

Otto's Ottifanten - Baby Bruno's Nightmare - Alberto Jose Gonzalez and his fellow game devs tried to get this game published forever. They knew it was a lot of fun, but Infogrames just wasn't interested unless it had a license attached to it. Originally, it was going to be more of a mature title, but they reworked all of the graphics and sound and made it a Pinocchio game. They STILL couldn't get it published. Finally, they secured the license for The Ottifants, a German comic and cartoon, and finally got it released. It's a good thing too, because Gonzalez's soundtrack (as usual) is AMAZING.

Ottifanten - Kommando Stoertebeker - Our last game from the Ottifants series, this one's got a soundtrack from the equally awesome Stello Doussis, composer of one of my favorite GBC OSTs of all time, Das Geheimnis der Happy Hippo-Insel. Man, these Ottifants really dig awesome music!

Lastly, I've updated the sweet Nintendo Power GB Flash Cart soundtrack to include a song I didn't know existed - one that plays if you insert the cart into a regular Game Boy, instead of a GBC. It's a funky dance track that's totally worth a listen.

BOOM. DONE. Enjoy those tunes, there's a LOT of good stuff today!

11-05-2014, 09:19 PM
Dude. Duuuude. Dude. I got you covered.


Eight Man - Such a rockin' soundtrack! Epic guitars and crazy drums make this one totally action-packed.

Ah, okay. For a mintue there, you have me worried, lol. :)

Thank you once again, ruiner! You are a saviour of VGM. :D

11-07-2014, 12:08 AM
Hi ruiner :)

I would like to request *Hokuto no Ken - Shin Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu* for Sega Megadrive/Genesis.
also, thanks for Wario - Master of Disguise :)

UPDATE: can I request more games ? ... 2 From Megadrive/Genesis and 1 PSX

Jurassic Park II :The Lost World
The PageMaster


11-07-2014, 12:24 AM
Good evening (or whatever it is where you are right now!)

Here's my day's efforts:


Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia - Quite a long soundtrack! Yamane's written most of this one, so you can expect quality stuff.

Dragon Quest V - Hand of the Heavenly Bride - Epic RPG stuff... it's Dragon Quest. Duh.

Nintendogs - Chihuahua and Friends - I was surprised at this one! I didn't know Hajime Wakai, who's worked on a TON of high-profile games for Nintendo, did this music. I'm pretty sure ALL of the Nintendogs DS OSTs are the same, but this is specifically from the version that was requested.


Gran Turismo 2 - I took out all of the USA licensed stuff (Rob Zombie, Stone Temple Pilots, etc) and left all the game-specific music. It's still about an hour's worth of great jazz-influenced stuff, so check it out!

Toy Story 2 - Lots of jazz tonight! This one is fast and catchy, and caught me by surprise again with it's quality!


Hybrid Heaven - This was a pain to make! I had to sort through 70 untimed tracks of ambient sound and music, and carve an OST out of it. The music is very cinematic and goes great with the action in the game. There were a few duplicated tracks in the whole collection, and I think I removed them all, but if you notice any dupes, let me know and I'll fix.

OK! Don't expect as much tomorrow... I've been going full-tilt and I'm getting a little burned out! C-ya soon!

11-07-2014, 12:33 AM
Thanks for fulfilling my requests Ruiner! I can't tag my request's tonight, but I'm gonna go it first thing tomorrow. It's my duty.

And yeah, at least the first three Nintendogs had the same music except for some music boxes, though you have to wind those up and I think they are just sound effects rather than music audio.

Done Toy Story 2, the last two tracks are dupes. I'll order them in a bit.

I've reordered them.

The other two may take me a while, especially Nintendogs. I didn't realise it had so many songs!

11-08-2014, 01:40 AM
Where is Pok�mon Stadium 2? Please make that one!

El Randomino
11-08-2014, 02:05 AM
Hey !

Just out of curiosity and because I'm a huge mark when it comes to the old Ninja Gaiden series soundtracks, I downloaded the Genesis version (I had heard about its existence but never knew the version was nearly finished) you recently uploaded and I got to thank you for this one. Really nice discovery.

11-08-2014, 02:10 AM
ruiner9, it is possible to rip from Macintosh platform ? if it is possible I will request Tetris Zone the next time, there is Windows version too.

Tetris Zone Music: "Kalinkamera" - YouTube (

11-08-2014, 09:06 AM
ruiner9, it is possible to rip from Macintosh platform ? if it is possible I will request Tetris Zone the next time, there is Windows version too.

Tetris Zone Music: "Kalinkamera" - YouTube (

Ok, that's possibly the trippiest version of Korobeiniki I've ever heard, thanks for sharing that. It'll get added to my collection of every other remix of that song. <3

El Randomino
11-10-2014, 09:53 AM

If you are not overwhelmed by requests, I have one for you :
I would be thankful if you could rip the soundtrack from the 2013 remake of Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse ( ideo_game%29). The game has been released on many platforms (I don't know if that makes a lot of difference) but I could not find its OST anywhere, so I hope it's technically possible to rip it.

11-10-2014, 11:53 AM
ruiner9, it is possible to rip from Macintosh platform ? if it is possible I will request Tetris Zone the next time, there is Windows version too.

Tetris Zone Music: "Kalinkamera" - YouTube (


If you are not overwhelmed by requests, I have one for you :
I would be thankful if you could rip the soundtrack from the 2013 remake of Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse ( ideo_game%29). The game has been released on many platforms (I don't know if that makes a lot of difference) but I could not find its OST anywhere, so I hope it's technically possible to rip it.

At this point, if it doesn't have a section in the OP, I"m not going to start ripping for it. I have no idea where to start when it comes to PC/ Mac games, anyways. Also, PS3/ X360 rips are only possible if the source music files are available, otherwise I'd have have to pirate a currently for-sale game, which I don't want to do... so I can't do Castle of Illusion.

Where is Pok�mon Stadium 2? Please make that one!

Sorry ghdude! I told you it couldn't be done already a long time ago!

El Randomino
11-10-2014, 02:46 PM
At this point, if it doesn't have a section in the OP, I"m not going to start ripping for it. I have no idea where to start when it comes to PC/ Mac games, anyways. Also, PS3/ X360 rips are only possible if the source music files are available, otherwise I'd have have to pirate a currently for-sale game, which I don't want to do... so I can't do Castle of Illusion.
No problem, I didn't know that it was going to be this tricky and I can certainly understand not wanting to pirate a currently for-sale game.

11-10-2014, 04:15 PM
Hi, Ed.

I have some requests this time

Acid 2048 (PS1) - some techno here
Acid 2048 - OS Launch - YouTube (

Kaze no Notam: Notam of Wind (PS1) - beautiful new age
Let&#39;s play test de Kaze No Notam sur PS1 par Grosse Voix ( Fr Fran�ais ) - YouTube (

Zero Divide (PS1) - moar electronic awesomeness
Zero Divide (PS1) Part 2 - YouTube (

Simple 2000 Series Vol. 33: The Jet Coaster: Yuuenchi wo Tsukurou! (PS2) - please please please be rippable ^^ (listen from 1:37)
Simple 2000 Series Vol. 33: The Jet Coaster: Yuuenchi wo Tsukurou! (PS2 Gameplay) - YouTube (

Chou-jikuu Yousai Macross (PS2) - game is good, why not have music from
[PlayStation2] Macross (????) - Stage A:07 (Part 1 of 2) - YouTube (

11-10-2014, 08:52 PM
So, guys! I've been gone for a bit, but it's because I've been busy producing TWO podcasts this weekend. The first one is a special episode I'm calling "PixelTunes Junior," which is a shorter podcast I did with my oldest son, and then the second one will be released on the 19th, which be all about music from games which never got released, but exist in beta or prototype form.

Now then, on to today's goodies!

First off, thanks to MOV_Games, the fantastic Toy Story 2 soundtrack has been tagged and reordered. Big thanks to him for that!

Next up are all 4 Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle games for the Game Boy. They're all really fun tunes, but unfortunately Kemco is pretty bad when it comes to naming the composers of their songs.

Lastly, Outlanders, a sub-par Zelda clone for the Famicom, which only saw release in Japan. From what I hear, it's really frustrating to play.

Maybe a few more later? Who knows? Peace out!

11-10-2014, 09:17 PM
Next up are all 4 Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle games for the Game Boy.


11-10-2014, 09:22 PM
Hey Knivesman, that Acid 2048 game... emuparadise has an iso called just "Acid." Is it the same? I can't find an "Acid 2048" anywhere. The part # for the one I have is SLPS-02119, if that helps.

11-10-2014, 11:36 PM
I guess yes, it's called "Acid". Sorry, i added 2048 coz it was how i saw it on youtube

11-11-2014, 07:26 PM
Right, so far I've (mostly) tagged Gran Turismo 2, and there's two things I have to say about it.

1. A lot of menu songs are missing, including all four City themes where you buy cars, Arcade Mode Menu, Car Wash, Go race Menu, Home etc. Were they of a different format? Maybe you accidently removed them when you were purging the US Songs? Anyway, I'll put this one as an example of one of the missing ones:

2. I see you kept in all of the PAL Race songs, thanks for that, though I'm not sure if you were aiming to. There's also a single US song still in (#10).

I will note that even though the PAL race songs are also licenced, five of them are unique versions of the songs not released anywhere else (#3 through #6 and #23), and the Fatboy Slim one is a complete remix, possibly done by someone at Sony as the original song is way too lewd. Big Dog is even used as the Replay Menu tune, so they are kinda essential.

I haven't been able to tag a few of the songs so far, either.

11-11-2014, 07:33 PM
The menu songs are sequenced and not streamed (you can tell in the music you linked to; it's very MIDI sounding,) therefore unrippable unless someone reverse-engineers the data files that contain them. That's beyond my abilities. I've gone through all of the files meticulously to grab whatever streaming music I could, so what's here is all that's currently available via direct encoding.

11-11-2014, 09:55 PM
Great, typical all the best menu songs are unrippable. I guess the best I could do is record them through an emulator or something, it seems to be what everyone else has done for the few examples on YouTube. I WAS going to do that with the rest of Road Trip's music, but there isn't even separate sound effect and music volume options in that game!

11-11-2014, 10:16 PM
If you'd like to take the time to do that, I can add them to this album for a full soundtrack.

On a side note, I have some great stuff to post today, but MEGA's upload speeds are AWFUL, so it's still chugging along. If I can't get it uploaded fully, I'll post them ASAP tomorrow along with the new podcast.

---------- Post added at 04:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------

OK, well I can post the two that DID get uploaded, so here we go:


Acid - Here's a trippy action puzzler with equally trippy techno music that I quite like! The composers were nowhere to be found on the web, except in a YouTube video, so I used Google Translate on my cell phone to take a picture of the Kanji on the PC screen and translated it into Romanji. It worked! Technology FTW!

Bugs & Taz in Time Busters - How one "busts time," I'll never know, but the music is suitably cartoony for this one.

Maybe I'll have the rest tonight. I don't know!

11-12-2014, 04:59 AM
Well, it had to happen... My computer crashed so much that I had to restore it to factory settings. This means that I've now lost all the VGM musics that I've downloaded over the past three years. What's worse is that nearly half of the soundtracks were very rare and mostly from the now-dead Galbadia Hotel.. :'( So now I'm in the process of redownloading most of the stuff I've lost, but with Galbadia Hotel being useless in the download department, I have to look elsewhere.

Anyways, I have some new requests for you, ruiner. Don't know if you're busy, but I'm taking another risk here, lol...

- Art of Fighting (SNES - remembered playing this so many times back in 1998 on my SNES. Good times and great music)
- Cosmo Police Galivan II: Arrow of Justice (SNES - Subpar beat-'em-up sequel to the arcade game)
- Ghost Chaser Densei (SNES - another rarely requested OST (at least the SNES version, lol))
- Tecmo Secret of the Stars (SNES - another game that I've played so many times in 1998 as well. Music may be subpar, and the game may look simple, but I've been in such a nostalgic mood lately, I am requesting this)
- Xak (PC-88 - one of the OSTs I downloaded from Galbadia Hotel was ~ALL SOUND of XAK~. Since GH is down and the OST is impossible to search online, I want to request this version, as I think the tracks on this version are better compared to the SNES version (and almost matches the MSX version, sound-wise))

I hope no problems will befall my computer again. Anyways, you have a good week, ruiner.

11-12-2014, 05:50 AM
Hey Ruiner & Fans of the oh-so-awesome-community that is ... this community! :) Gotta love our game music.

Ruiner, wanted to say a big thank you to you for ripping Blue's Journey (Neo-Geo), Shadow Dancer (although SMS instead of Arcade - sucks you had a problem with the arcade version. D'oh!), Ikari Warriors (Arcade) and Super Thunder Blade (Genesis). Appreciate it greatly.

Just got my internet back online at home after being offline for about a week. Verizon's customer service in terms of apathy towards it's existing consumers knows no bounds. Long story of disgust with them. Anyway, just glad to finally be back online to hang with my internet music peeps.

Everyone keep it going - talk at ya later.

11-12-2014, 09:04 AM
Well, it had to happen... My computer crashed so much that I had to restore it to factory settings. This means that I've now lost all the VGM musics that I've downloaded over the past three years. What's worse is that nearly half of the soundtracks were very rare and mostly from the now-dead Galbadia Hotel.. :'( So now I'm in the process of redownloading most of the stuff I've lost, but with Galbadia Hotel being useless in the download department, I have to look elsewhere.

And this gentlemen is why we back up our files. It truly is a personal hell of mine to loose shit in such a manner. I lost some files once, and never let that shit happen again. Sorry about your loss man, please back your files up.

El Randomino
11-12-2014, 09:44 AM
Well, it had to happen... My computer crashed so much that I had to restore it to factory settings. This means that I've now lost all the VGM musics that I've downloaded over the past three years. What's worse is that nearly half of the soundtracks were very rare and mostly from the now-dead Galbadia Hotel.. :'( So now I'm in the process of redownloading most of the stuff I've lost, but with Galbadia Hotel being useless in the download department, I have to look elsewhere.
I sincerely sympathize with you here, as the same happened to me a few years ago. Strangely after this incident, I have decided to buy one external hard drive and a memory card and became one hell of a paranoid freak when it comes to my OSTs.
Anyway, if there is anyway we can help you getting back some OSTs, feel free to ask.

11-12-2014, 10:55 AM

Do you have a list of what you lost?

11-12-2014, 12:19 PM
Well, it had to happen... My computer crashed so much that I had to restore it to factory settings. This means that I've now lost all the VGM musics that I've downloaded over the past three years. What's worse is that nearly half of the soundtracks were very rare and mostly from the now-dead Galbadia Hotel.. :'( So now I'm in the process of redownloading most of the stuff I've lost, but with Galbadia Hotel being useless in the download department, I have to look elsewhere.

Anyways, I have some new requests for you, ruiner. Don't know if you're busy, but I'm taking another risk here, lol...

- Art of Fighting (SNES - remembered playing this so many times back in 1998 on my SNES. Good times and great music)
- Cosmo Police Galivan II: Arrow of Justice (SNES - Subpar beat-'em-up sequel to the arcade game)
- Ghost Chaser Densei (SNES - another rarely requested OST (at least the SNES version, lol))
- Tecmo Secret of the Stars (SNES - another game that I've played so many times in 1998 as well. Music may be subpar, and the game may look simple, but I've been in such a nostalgic mood lately, I am requesting this)
- Xak (PC-88 - one of the OSTs I downloaded from Galbadia Hotel was ~ALL SOUND of XAK~. Since GH is down and the OST is impossible to search online, I want to request this version, as I think the tracks on this version are better compared to the SNES version (and almost matches the MSX version, sound-wise))

I hope no problems will befall my computer again. Anyways, you have a good week, ruiner.

Ouch! So sorry to hear that! I hope my collection will help replace some of the stuff you lost... I've also got a decent collection of OST's I've downloaded from here that might not be hosted anymore, too. As always, I'd be happy to try to rip whatever requests you have!

On a positive note, here are the albums I tried to get up yesterday but couldn't:

Kaze no Notam for the PSX - A hot air balloon sim! This is cool! It's got lots of breezy music as well. Definitely an obscure title worth having!

Last Battle for the Genesis - So, this was requested under the Hokuto no Ken title, which I know is Fist of the North Star, but I figured it was a different game than the one that was converted into Last Battle. Guys, if you're requesting a game and it has an English title, please request it under that name! I wasted some time trying to find "Shin Seikimatsu Kyūseishu Densetsu Hokuto no Ken" when Last Battle was right under my nose! :)

Dragon Quest VI - Realms of Revelation for the DS - Some good 'ol symphonic RPG music by longtime series composer Koichi Sugiyama.

Lastly, I have an oddity that I made for myself that doesn't really fit anywhere else, but I wanted to share it because it came out so well:

Final Fight-Double Impact (X360 - ruiner9).7z 36.2 MB!Z0MRha7Q!fJvHOQZi9WhvencZA-68sfULWyzP0xLwsZ2bVIH-1eI

I love Simon Viklund's music from Payday 2 and Bionic COmmando Rearmed, so I was psyched to grab this one a while back. The original rip found on this forum was just the game's tracks in bare form... it didn't loop, and didn't sound that great. I cut the files to loop seamlessly and fade instead of ending cold, and adjusted the levels so that it's not overly loud anymore. I also re-ordered and named the tracks based on the arcade OST CD. It sounds great now, and I'm super-happy to have a version that sounds like an official OST! So, please enjoy these awesome remixes of the Final Fight soundtrack!

Later on, I'll have a super-special episode of PixelTunes Radio... it's gonna be a fun one! ;)

11-12-2014, 01:24 PM
Last Battle for the Genesis - So, this was requested under the Hokuto no Ken title, which I know is Fist of the North Star, but I figured it was a different game than the one that was converted into Last Battle. Guys, if you're requesting a game and it has an English title, please request it under that name! I wasted some time trying to find "Shin Seikimatsu Kyūseishu Densetsu Hokuto no Ken" when Last Battle was right under my nose! :)

Oh!, sorry about that ruiner9 :/ .. thank you for Last Battle.

I edited my post with 3 more requests in the same day, maybe you did not notice them. so, I will put them here.

Jurassic Park II :The Lost World
The PageMaster


Last edited by ninjacloud; 11-07-2014 at 05:55 AM.

11-12-2014, 02:55 PM
Oh!, sorry about that ruiner9 :/ .. thank you for Last Battle.

I edited my post with 3 more requests in the same day, maybe you did not notice them. so, I will put them here.

No problem! I just thought the deal with Last Battle was funny... no hard feelings!

And no, I didn't see those requests, so thanks for bringing them to my attention. I can tell you already that Jurassic Park II has been requested at least once, and it's one of the VERY rare Genesis games I can't do. Because there's no sound test, and no way to let the music play without STUPID dinosaurs making STUPID sounds in the background, it's impossible to get a clean rip. Bummer! I'll add the others to the queue, though!

Also, Star Control is the other Genesis game I can't do for a similar reason.

11-12-2014, 05:14 PM
Guys, here's the new episode! Enjoy!

PixelTunes Junior: Eddie's Faves!

What does game music sound like from a kid’s perspective? Ed teams up with his 9-year-old son, Eddie, to talk about some games that both kids and adults can enjoy! This episode covers games from consoles and mobile platforms, and a lot of really eclectic and fun tunes that everyone can jam to!

If you like the “PixelTunes Junior” format, please let us know! Like, rate, comment, and retweet, and we’ll have Eddie on for more shows!

The Tracklist:

1 – Katamari Damacy – Katamari On The Funk (Senor Coconut’s Katamambo! remix) – Uwe Schmidt

2 – Half Life 2 – The Innsbruck Experiment – Kelly Bailey


3 – Jetpack Joyride – Main Theme – Cedar Jones

4 – Mario Galaxy – Fight With Bowser Jr. – Mahito Yokota, Koji Kondo


5 – Punch Quest – Menu & Title – Andrea Chang

6 – Boom Blox Bash Party – Level Select – Mark Mothersbaugh, Albert Fox, John Enroth, Silas Hite

Don’t forget, we always have a ton of great podcast-related content on our Twitter ( Facebook (! Be sure to like us to get in on the goodies and the conversation!

11-12-2014, 09:40 PM
Thanks for the Arabian arcade soundtrack. I found other Sunsoft arcade soundtracks in a collection of other albums. I also would like to request these:

Flash Hiders (PC Engine Super CD-ROM2)


Battle Tycoon: Flash Hiders SFX (Super Famicom)

11-12-2014, 09:54 PM
So, I just got my tickets for PAX East... are any of you guys going, too, by chance?

11-14-2014, 12:24 PM
Good morning! Here's some stuff:


Dragon Quest 1 & 2 and Dragon Quest 3 - More symphonic RPG music. Doesn't appeal to me at all, but I know these soundtracks are widely praised, so here they are!


Zero Divide - I used to love playing this game as a kid, and I was a huge fan of Phalanx on the SNES, so the little bonus game was really awesome. The soundtrack is awesome synth-rock that's totally worth hearing.


Erik the Viking - This was a prototype game that never saw release, but the composer, the amazing Neil Baldwin, released the NSF himself! The music is astounding... I'm surprised I'd never heard of it till I started researching unreleased games... totally grab this one. It's even fully tagged by the composer himself!


Rollercoaster World - Otherwise known as Simple 2000 Series Vol. 33: The Jet Coaster: Yuuenchi wo Tsukurou! in Japan. The English version only saw the light of day in Europe, so I had some trouble tracking the actual game down, but I got it! And now the awesome soundtrack is ripped! Enjoy!

My sister is getting married tomorrow, and I need to work on the new podcast coming out next Wednesday, so I probably won't be uploading anything else over the weekend. Just so you know. :)

11-14-2014, 08:47 PM
Congratulations to your sister, Ruiner! ;) Anyway, it's been a while since my last post here, but I'm back with a couple of requests, if you can look into them:

-Armored Warriors (aka Powered Gear), an awesome Capcom arcade brawler with giant robots that, for some reason, has yet to be ported to any other platform. I actually tried to rip this one myself, but for some reason, it just didn't sound right. I'm pretty confident that you can do a better job of ripping this than me anyway, heh.

-The Sword of Etheria (aka OZ: Over Zenith), a PS2 action game by Konami that, unfortunately, was never released here in the USA (there's a European version, though). It's got an awesome soundtrack by Michiru Yamane of Castlevania fame!

That's it from me for now. Later!

11-14-2014, 09:41 PM
I Also congratulation to your sister Ed and i waiting for my request :D

11-14-2014, 09:52 PM
Congrats with your sister getting married. Hope she has a good marriage, and hope you have a good weekend. ^^