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10-13-2013, 07:39 PM
For the NES, can I request Fire Emblem & Fire Emblem Gaiden, please? Also, Akumajou Special: Boku Dracula-kun would be great. Much thanks ahead of time.

10-14-2013, 08:14 PM
3D World Runner!

10-14-2013, 10:57 PM
Sorry I've been MIA this weekend... lots of stuff going on at home. Anyways, I'll have all those requests up in the next few days, as well as a fixed Mega Man 2 (related to the Winamp bug I mentioned about a month ago.)

Until then, here's a requested classic: Donkey Kong for the NES!

10-16-2013, 04:07 PM


OK, so I'm not going to be able to talk about ALL of them, but here's what we have today:


Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula-kun - This is some fine Konami stuff. A lot reminds me of the first TMNT for the NES.
3D Battles of WorldRunner - One of Nobuo Uematsu's earliest works. Very simple, but fun!
Fire Emblem and Fire Emblem Gaiden - Pretty good RPG-style stuff.


Crusader of Centy - Motokazu Shinoda composed this one, and it's his only big VGM album. He worked as a demo artist for Yamaha's synthesizers, which just happens to be inside a Genesis, so he knows his way around the music hardware. It definitely shows in this album.
El Viento - Motoi Sakuraba composed a lot of Wolf Team's games, and this is a great example of his talents.


ActRaiser 2 - I'm gonna come right out and say it now: I don't like symphonic soundtracks. I see the necessity for them in RPG's and fantasy-based games, but I'd rather listen to a rock or dance soundtrack any day of the week. So, while the amazing Yuzo Koshiro created this album, it's much more orchestra-based than the first game, and I never really got into it.
Jaki Crush - I am a huge fan of Devil's Crush and Alien Crush on the TG16, so imagine my surprise when i found out there was a 3rd game in the series! I haven't played it yet, but the soundtrack is very heavy metal. I'm loving it.
Live a Live - This game takes place in a whole bunch of different time periods, and Yoko Shimomura does a great job at writing songs in each style. She was responsible for writing most of the music for Final Fight and Street Fighter II so you'll hear some familiar tones throughout. "Knock You Down" sounds REALLY similar to Ken's stage from SFII.
Rudra no Hihou - The little that I listened to of this was grand and symphonic, so if you like that stuff, go get it! :)
S.O.S. - This is about a game that takes place on a sinking ship, and you have one hour to get out. The music is very cinematic, and kind of sad in parts.
Tactis Ogre - It's like having your own orchestra INSIDE YOUR TV!
Violinist of Hameln - I didn't know this was based on a huge series of Manga and Anime. Also, two tracks are named "Faggot" and "Battle With Faggot." I guess you have to be from the USA to understand why that's weird. :)

Whew! That was a lot of stuff! I've been playing around with converting music from Capcom's arcade games, like 19XX: The Loop Master and Darkstalkers. There's some excellent music here that I'll start uploading once I get the process automated well enough.

Enjoy the new stuff!

10-17-2013, 01:55 AM
Big thanks for all of the uploads. I'm sorry the request queue got a little ridiculous there.

Jaki Crush - I am a huge fan of Devil's Crush and Alien Crush on the TG16, so imagine my surprise when i found out there was a 3rd game in the series! I haven't played it yet, but the soundtrack is very heavy metal. I'm loving it.

It's worth noting that there's (technically) a fourth game in the series as well, called Dragon's Revenge. It's a sequel to Dragon's Fury, the Genesis-port of Devil's Crush. I can recommend Dragon's Fury since it's a pretty faithful port made by Technosoft; it looks and sounds great, and there's even some bonus songs on the cart that are remixes of songs from other Technosoft games like Thunder Force II and III, Elemental Master and Herzog Zwei. Dragon's Revenge however is a pretty mediocre game and has some very bland tunes.

10-17-2013, 08:07 PM
It's worth noting that there's (technically) a fourth game in the series as well, called Dragon's Revenge. It's a sequel to Dragon's Fury, the Genesis-port of Devil's Crush. I can recommend Dragon's Fury since it's a pretty faithful port made by Technosoft; it looks and sounds great, and there's even some bonus songs on the cart that are remixes of songs from other Technosoft games like Thunder Force II and III, Elemental Master and Herzog Zwei. Dragon's Revenge however is a pretty mediocre game and has some very bland tunes.

Boy, were you right. Dragon's Fury has some excellent tunes, and I've uploaded the album. The sequel was just... awful. Like some pubescent kid playing with his first keyboard. Not even gonna do that one.

Also, I've got Jonathan Dunn's Jurassic Park albums for the SNES. That guy has a lot of talent. His NES JP music almost rivaled Tim Follin's, and the SNES music sounds kind of like Koshiro's Super Adventure Island. It's worth a listen.

I've also corrected the Mega Man II soundtrack with the right titles. I know, I know... it took awhile. :P

And lastly, but not leastly, I've opened the arcade section! The first album up is 19XX: War Against Destiny and it sounds GREAT. By the way, it's pronounced "Nineteen Double-X," Not "Nineteen X-X" or, as I liked to call it, "Nineteen Exty-X." I'll do 1944 - The Loop Master up soon, as well as Viewpoint from the Neo-Geo. I love that game's music.

What other arcade titles would you like to see? Basically, if MAME can emulate it, I can rip the music for it. :)

10-17-2013, 09:22 PM
What other arcade titles would you like to see? Basically, if MAME can emulate it, I can rip the music for it.

Just suggestion:

Gaia Crusaders
Progear no Arashi
Mars Matrix
EDF: Earth Defense Force (music different from snes version)

Also, i'd like to ask.. can i make special rerquest? it's Burnout 1 from ps2/xbox/gc. I know you don't do that stuff, but maybe...
It was written by Stepeh Root, author of Forsaken, Alien Trilogy and Extreme-G2
Burnout 1 OST - Eurorush - YouTube (

Burnout fans are so obsessed with licensed tracks that started with 3rd title in series that makes me sick :(

10-17-2013, 09:51 PM
1944 and Viewpoint are both already in the VGM format, by the way.

@Knivesman: Raw music files from Burnout 1 ( (Xbox) this should be what you're looking for, but you have to convert the files using vgmstream.

10-18-2013, 12:04 AM
1944 and Viewpoint are both already in the VGM format, by the way.

Yup, I was going to be sourcing that, as well as doing custom rips using M1 for titles that aren't available in that format.

10-18-2013, 03:13 PM
in VGM or MP3? if you're taking requests, then there are loads of Konami and Capcom games that are still unripped.

10-18-2013, 03:55 PM
in VGM or MP3? if you're taking requests, then there are loads of Konami and Capcom games that are still unripped.

Mainly MP3 from VGM and M1 lists. I've been browsing the VGM forum and a lot of the ripping processes seem a bit over my head, but if I can use the modified M1 to easily create some logged VGMs on supported systems, I would spend a bit of time on that.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Update Time!

Got some new arcade titles to fill in my recently-opened section:

1944 - The Loop Master - This is the next game in the series after 19XX (and I'm still gonna call it Nineteen Exty-X.) Anyways, it's fantastic. The percussion and bass are all sequenced, but the melodies are high-bitrate guitar samples. The songs have a bluesy, southern rock feel to them. This game is one of the reasons I wanted to start arcade rips.

E.D.F. Earth Defense Force - I mentioned this was one of my favorite SNES soundtracks, and the Arcade version is very similar, but takes some advantage of an FM synth. I can't really tell which version I like more... Although track 7, "Naval Battle," definitely sounds much better in the arcade version.

View Point - Oh, Neo Geo... you were the best. Such amazing games. View Point was not really one of the most amazing... but the soundtrack rocked! I love the sampled dance beats coupled with retro keyboard melodies. This is classic stuff.

And, one Genesis title, too, just because it's Motoi Sakuraba, and he's got mad skillz: Enjoy Granada!

As for some of the arcade requests: Some games, like Gaia Crusaders, aren't compatible with any of the ripping tools that I'm aware of. I haven't fully researched all of my capabilities yet, so if I discover that it's possible, I will totally post it. I will get as much done as I can in the meantime, though!

10-20-2013, 08:21 AM
While I don't know about it's compatibility, one arcade game I'd love to get a rip for is Dangun Feveron. Great music in that one.

10-21-2013, 03:34 AM
While I don't know about it's compatibility, one arcade game I'd love to get a rip for is Dangun Feveron. Great music in that one.

I will have a TREAT for you in the morning. :)

10-21-2013, 05:53 PM
It's been a while since we saw an update... it was my birthday weekend, so I took some time off. :)

I've been a little busy, though, with some quality stuff... here it is:


Final Fight - One of the SNES launch titles. Man, I wanted this soooo badly, but my mom wouldn't let me. She was right, though... every time my little brother played a violent game, he'd get all psycho and start hitting everyone. Oh well. This was a great game, and I missed out on it. The soundtrack is nice, too. Very aggressive sounding, with some driving rock tunes, and some very odd time signatures thrown in.

Vortex - One of the least-remembered SuperFX Chip games, mainly because it was pretty awful. It has a great soundtrack, with some long, sweeping dance tracks. Since the game wasn't played by many, I figured the soundtrack needed to be heard.


Final Fight - Whoa, deja vu! Didn't I just talk about this one? The arcade version of Final Fight ran off of Capcom's CPS 1 hardware, and the music driver was a variation on the Genesis' Yamaha synth chip, so this soundtrack sounds about as close to this game as it would be if it was released on Sega's console. Yes, there was a Sega CD Final Fight, but they decided to go with... smooth jazz (?) renditions of the songs. I mean, really? Pianos and saxaphones as you lumber down the street, throwing dudes into each other? Not cool, Capcom.

Mars Matrix - Hyper Solid Shooting - This soundtrack is REALLY hard to find. I tried! So, here it is! It's compressed streaming audio, so it doesn't sound as crystal clear as chip-based rips, but if you like 90's industrial music (like I do!), you'll appreciate this.

Dangun Feveron - I'm so glad Elwood reminded me of this one. I've played this in MAME before (I think I've played every shmup there is in MAME) and I remembered the soundtrack as being great, but OMG when listened to by itself, it really shines. I was lucky enough to find a high-bitrate copy of the actual OST on a dark corner of the web, so I doctored it up a bit and it sounds AMAZING. These songs are catchy, infectious, and very danceable. "Soul Supermarket" will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day, and you won't care. :) Seriously, download this one. And then play the actual game, too, because it's equally awesome.

Enjoy, guys!

10-21-2013, 08:29 PM
Mainly MP3 from VGM and M1 lists. I've been browsing the VGM forum and a lot of the ripping processes seem a bit over my head, but if I can use the modified M1 to easily create some logged VGMs on supported systems, I would spend a bit of time on that.

logging them is easy (same process as logging WAV files) but timing/looping them is a whole different matter. i'd stick to doing mp3s for now, if I were you. :P

10-21-2013, 08:35 PM
logging them is easy (same process as logging WAV files) but timing/looping them is a whole different matter. i'd stick to doing mp3s for now, if I were you. :P

Yep, I was able to make a few VGM's, but got stuck at the point where I'd have to trim and edit. Is there a decent tutorial or place where I can start learning? I'm an IT guy by trade, so I'm pretty technically proficient, and I can make seamless .wav loops with ease, so I understand the musical concept.

10-22-2013, 12:22 PM
Pianos and saxaphones as you lumber down the street, throwing dudes into each other?

Haha, they NEEDED ask these guys help them instead:

10-22-2013, 02:05 PM
Haha, they NEEDED ask these guys help them instead:

John Zorn & Naked City with Eye - NYC live - YouTube (

That would have been awesome! Actually, Final Fight Streetwise on the PS2 had some really aggressive industrial-metal remixes of the original game's themes. The game was pretty awful, but I still listen to that soundtrack.

10-22-2013, 02:17 PM
Thanks for info ;)

And for Vortex and Feveron, of course

10-23-2013, 12:41 AM
Fantastic work!

10-23-2013, 11:27 AM
Fantastic work!

Hey thanks! You're the giant upon who's shoulders I have stood. :)

So, we've got some lovely albums this morning, all worthy of being added to your "Holy carp, this is AWESOME" collection.


F-Zero - OK, so if you haven't heard the music from this game yet, you should probably get out from under that rock and put some headphones on. Again, a very early SNES title, and again, they made sure that they could show off what the system's audio capabilities were. This is some good stuff.


Shock Troopers and Shock Troopers 2nd Squad The Neo Geo's sound capabilities were amazing. Because of it's ability to hoard more memory than any console before it, it was able to store lots of high bitrate audio samples. The Shock Troopers series demonstrates that perfectly. You'll hear heavy metal, drum 'n bass, house, hip hop... all sorts of different genres, all with the high energy that these "Ikari Warriors on steroids" games demand. Highly recommended.
Psychic Force (FX-1A) - An arcade fighter from Taito. The music is like a cross between Gunstar Heroes and TMNT: the Hyperstone Heist. It's very well composed, and the soundchip is very unique. I think you'll love it!

I'll have the stereo version of Guerrilla War for the NES up later today, as well as some other goodies. See you then!

10-24-2013, 05:23 PM
Well, hello there! Have a seat, and I'll spin you a tale of a bunch of video game soundtracks. I've got a few for ya! Let's go by system, shall we?


Guerrilla War - So I learned some crazy stuff about this title!

From Wikipedia -
As the original title (Guevara) indicates, the game is based on the exploits of revolutionary Che Guevara, and the defeat of the Batista regime in Cuba in the late 1950s. In addition, player 2's character was Fidel Castro. ...fearing anti-Communist sentiments in the West, SNK did a localisation of the game's dialogue and instruction manual for its North American and European releases.
Super interesting, right? Oh, the music is good, too. :)


Hebereke's Popoitto - So let's forget about Cuban revolutionaries for a bit, and instead focus on a cute white penguin with a fuzzy blue hat. He and his friends have a cool little puzzle game that was never released in the US, but has a really nicely produced soundtrack that's kind of reminiscent of the later SNES Bomberman titles.


Darius and Darius 2 - Maybe you've seen these monstrous, multi-cabinet games in your arcade? The screens are laid out next to each other, and you play the shooter on a loooong horizontal playfield. The music is kind of basic, but still very good. The soundtrack to the 2nd one is much better, IMHO.
Marble Madness - This game was released in 1984! I was... barely out of kindergarten! I'm so old. Anyways, this is a fun little title that David Wise ported the music from on the NES version. For it's age, it sounds pretty good. The level 5 music is unique... it just keeps getting faster and faster until it sounds like a machine gun, then after 10 minutes, it goes back to its original tempo. I cut it after 5 minutes because it becomes unlistenable after that.
Metal Slug 5 - This came out after Playmore bought all the rights to SNK's Neo Geo stuff,and very nearly ruined everything. Well, the Metal Slug games were only OK after that, but I love the music in this one anyways. it's all streaming audio, so it's as usual, not crystal clear, but worth a listen. If I find a CD-quality soundtrack from a commercial release, I may replace this one with it.

Annnnnd my story is done for now, until more requests come in, or inspiration hits. Till next time!

10-24-2013, 06:09 PM
Psychic Force (FX-1A) is very beautiful and heartful while Shock Troopers 2nd Squad is crazy as hell!

10-25-2013, 04:15 AM
Amazing amazing thread. I downloaded like 25 albums, most of which I already had, because these are superior to my current rips! Thanks so much Runier9! I especially enjoyed the follin stuff, sky shark in particular is nostalgic...

You said you take requests, so I will list a couple out and see if you can rip any of them.

Gunbird 2 (Psikyo - Arcade)
Mahou Daisakusen - 魔法大作戦 (Socerer Strike) (Raizing - Arcade)
Secret of Evermore (Squaresoft - Snes)
Drakken (Kemco - Snes)
Fushigi no Dungeon 2 : Furai no Shiren - 不思議のダンジョン2 風来のシレン (Shiren the Wanderer) (Chunsoft - Snes)
Shin Megami Tensei - 真・女神転生 (Atlus - Snes)

I'm pretty sure all these games are obscure as hell, and you might not have every heard of them, but any of these would delight me :) Also if you would like help find info for tags I can probably assist with that as well.

10-25-2013, 09:42 AM
Secret of Evermore

Hey, it was first work of Jeremy Soul :)

As for requests

Maybe arcade Virtua Racing & Outrunners?

10-25-2013, 03:39 PM
Hey, it was first work of Jeremy Soul :)

As for requests

Maybe arcade Virtua Racing & Outrunners?

I'm assuming you mean the arcade versions, since the Genesis versions are already there?

10-25-2013, 04:19 PM
Yes, arcade ones. Or they don't have much difference, do they?

10-25-2013, 05:52 PM
Amazing amazing thread. I downloaded like 25 albums, most of which I already had, because these are superior to my current rips! Thanks so much Runier9! I especially enjoyed the follin stuff, sky shark in particular is nostalgic...

You said you take requests, so I will list a couple out and see if you can rip any of them.

Gunbird 2 (Psikyo - Arcade)
Mahou Daisakusen - 魔法大作戦 (Socerer Strike) (Raizing - Arcade)
Secret of Evermore (Squaresoft - Snes)
Drakken (Kemco - Snes)
Fushigi no Dungeon 2 : Furai no Shiren - 不思議のダンジョン2 風来のシレン (Shiren the Wanderer) (Chunsoft - Snes)
Shin Megami Tensei - 真・女神転生 (Atlus - Snes)

I'm pretty sure all these games are obscure as hell, and you might not have every heard of them, but any of these would delight me :) Also if you would like help find info for tags I can probably assist with that as well.

Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you appreciate the quality... it took a lot of work to get these rips to sound right!

So, as far as your requests go, I was able to post all of them except Mahou Daisakusen. I guess the audio driver just isn't supported by ripping tools yet. Technically, Gunbird 2 isn't either, but the arcade-perfect Dreamcast version is, so I was able to convert that. It sounds fantastic, too! Shiren the Wanderer is also non-rip friendly, but I was able to find a very good quality version of the OST in the nethers of the web, and I cleaned up the tags to fit with the rest of my collection. Enjoy!

Yes, arcade ones. Or they don't have much difference, do they?

Not TOO much. Most of Sega's arcade machines used Yamaha synths, just like the Genesis, so the music is very similar. I can most likely do Out Runners directly from the arcade roms, but I may need to look at the Sega AGES PlayStation 2 port of Virtua Racing to get accurate music from that one. It'll be a fun weekend project.

Oh! Also, I've posted Battletoads Arcade! I think it's Dave Wise's best soundtrack from that era. It's got that Battletoads feel without the limitations of the console sound systems.

Any other requests? :)

10-25-2013, 06:58 PM

Megami Tensei (Famicom)
Megami Tensei II (Famicom)
Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei I II (Super Famicom) - remake of MT 1 and 2 for SupaFami.

10-25-2013, 10:21 PM
Hey, it was first work of Jeremy Soul :)

Yea you are right. For Jeremy Soule fans its quite popular, but in the regular gaming world the game was no where near as popular as its secret of mana cousins. Also most people I talk to outside of the internet have never heard of the game. But I loved that game's writing and the alchemy system. I found it was one of the most charming games of my adolescence.

Well once again ruiner9 you go above and beyond with these rips. I personally tried to rip mahou in the past to no avail as well. I guess I should just try to record it from the soundcard or something. They have a copy of the bgm at GH, but it would never sound as nice as one of your rips. Anyways thanks a boatload. I'll be taking that battletoads too, because david wise is my man! I never played the acrade game... I'm looking forward to hearing this.

Also that kyuuyaku megaten ost is niiiice, atlus does not mess around.

10-26-2013, 05:25 AM
Well I see that you did not have the names of the songs on the gunbird 2 rip, ruiner9. Here is the names of most of the songs, for anyone who cares about the names. I am not 100% sure I am right on all the tracks, like boss B I am not sure about, but 95% of the namesI am sure on.

(In the order of ruiner9's rip, not the ost)

1.Discover The Dream (Title Screen)
2.Just Fly, The Dreamers (America)
3.Type Of Essence (Italy)
4.Why Do You Wanna Fly (Japan)
5.High Energy (Boss B)
6.High Speed Reaction (Trick Tramp Train) (Sea of Clouds)
7.A Cold New World
8.A Minute to Midnight
9.Feel Bad (Final Stage)
10.Chase the Case (Boss A)
11.Gunbird (England)
12.Unbelievable Zone (Boss C)
13 - 16.We Did It (Stage Clear)
17.The End Of The Gunbird E
18.The End Of The Gunbird F
19.Dreamin' Again (Ranking)
21.??? Credits maybe...

10-26-2013, 05:01 PM

Another request for you... It's Nijuuei aka Shadow and Shadow (PS1, Dreamcast)
Would you try, please?

10-26-2013, 08:51 PM
Thanks much for Metal Slug 5, your rip has better sound than the one I already had.

Hmm… a few requests

For the NES:
Vice: Project Doom.

Majin Tensei II Spiral Nemesis, Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals, Rockman and Bass, Space Megaforce, The Flintstones (the one based on the live action movie. Trust me.)

For the Genesis:
Jim Power (Chris Huelsbeck!), Wiz n’ Liz, Ranger-X

Also a question, what's your availability for Game Boy games? You've uploaded some already, but I don't see many requests for it.

10-27-2013, 03:48 PM
Ooooh, looks like I've got some work ahead of me... I like it! :)

Believe it or not, I spent like a whole day on the arcade version of OutRunners, because the official OST is almost impossible to find, there's like 40 tracks, and they're super long. So, the game's audio levels are SUPER HIGH and I did the best I could to bring them down to a reasonable volume without clipping the audio, but some of it got a little distorted sounding. It sounds the same when you play the game in MAME too, so maybe that's just how it is? Anyways, all the tracks are time cut to the times from the official OST (there are tracklistings on the web) as well as a few songs that aren't on that disc. I'd say the majority of the songs sound excellent, there's just a few here and there that get a little punchy.

I almost didn't bother with Virtua Racing arcade, since I had the 32X version. Then I listened to the soundtrack and was like "this needs to be ripped, NOW." The whole thing is only about 7 minutes long, but it's a fantastic 7 minutes! And before anyone says anything, the game itself fades the songs out, when it sounds like the music is still going. That's just the way it is. I tried raising the levels during the fade to see what it sounded like, and the instruments just kind hold their last notes, then stop... so you aren't missing anything. :)

Elwood, my availability for GB titles is "just about anything, though they might not be track-named." What are you interested in? I'll get those console requests done over the course of the next few days.

Knivesman, yes, I can do Nijuuei, but I don't have the track titles for it currently. If I can find it, I'll label them, but no guarantees. It will sound very good, though!

jigenbakuda, I'll label those Gunbird 2 tracks! Thanks! *EDIT* -- I've relabeled them, just re-download to get the new set!

And lastly, lefance, I should have the MT series up later tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks for the kind words, all! Your appreciation motivates me to keep making these albums! :)

10-28-2013, 04:45 PM
O hai! I haz soundtrackz! But first, a public service announcement: I've alphabetized the collection by system, because it was really kind of random. The focus isn't so much on the NES stuff at this point, so it didn't really need to be at the top. Now it'll be a little easier for everyone to navigate, hopefully.

Here's what's up so far:


Megami Tensei 1 and 2 - So, um, wow. You know, MT1 was pretty decent... seemed like Tsukasa Masuko had a good handle on the music. But then I heard the sequel and was like, "whaaaaaat? This is an NES making these glorious tones?" I did some research and found out that the MT2 cartridge is actually bigger because it needed to house the custom N163 soundchip inside. It was totally worth it... the music is unbelievably good for a Famicom, With tracks like "Fall'n Gods" and "Daedalus" really showing off some awesome songwriting skills. This one is staying in my "stuff I listen to" collection.


Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei I II - So, I'll just repeat everything I said above, but also include a kickass SNES soundfont to make it all that much better. I'm gonna have to dig up some arrange album CD's, now.


Nijuuei - Hey, everyone! Welcome the Dreamcast to our collection!

"Hi, Dreamcast."

OK, now that THAT's out of the way, here's a visual novel soundtrack that I've never heard of, but really enjoyed because it reminds me of Akira Yamaoka's Silent Hill work, bouncing back and forth between sublime piano melodies, ambient soundscapes, and scary industrial beats. I do love me some scary industrial beats.

There's more requests coming up soon!

10-28-2013, 05:08 PM
Haha, Megami Tensei 2 raised tha bar. That's why i can't listen to most NES music :(

Big T-H-A-N-K-S for Nijuuei :)

10-28-2013, 08:07 PM
Honestly, i didn't listen to Nijuuei before today - i only read about it in article "most bizzare games" and saw mentioning interesting soundtrack.
After actual listening's... GODLIKE!


Really quality stuff.

Btw, speaking of Dreamcast - i recommend you take a listen of D2 original albums - "D2 sketches" and "D2 sketches 2". Not D2 OST and not D2 game rip.
Forgive me for this offtop.

10-28-2013, 10:11 PM
Honestly, i didn't listen to Nijuuei before today - i only read about it in article "most bizzare games" and saw mentioning interesting soundtrack.
After actual listening's... GODLIKE!


Really quality stuff.

Btw, speaking of Dreamcast - i recommend you take a listen of D2 original albums - "D2 sketches" and "D2 sketches 2". Not D2 OST and not D2 game rip.
Forgive me for this offtop.

Hey, if you're talking about any kind of game music, it's not off topic to me! I'll try to find those. I loved D2.

Do you have any idea who composed Nijuuei? I can't find the credit anywhere.

10-29-2013, 12:04 AM
Hello, I'd like to make a request. If possible, could you upload a stereo version of Conquest of the Crystal Palace for the NES? The game's kinda obscure but it has really nice music! I dunno if it helps, but the Japanese title of the game is Maten Douji. Thanks in advance if you can help! :)

10-29-2013, 04:31 AM
I just thought of another request. What about Quest 64 (Eltale Monsters - エルテイル モンスターズ) on the nintendo 64? Would you be able to rip that one?

10-29-2013, 11:53 AM
Do you have any idea who composed Nijuuei? I can't find the credit anywhere.

On this video ??? - OP - YouTube ( on 0:10 there is following line:


Can't find any info though

and this

has "tkr game music factory"

10-29-2013, 04:59 PM
Requests = DONE! Here are the goodies:


Conquest of the Crystal Palace - Hey, here's a hidden gem! I really like this one, especially how the stereo effect treats the two square wave instruments. It's got a nice, driving beat behind all the tracks, too.
Vice - Project Doom - Today I learned that this was written by Kiyoshi Yokoyama, who also wrote Astyanax, a favorite of mine. Sweet! The melodies are tight and the music is action-oriented. Thumbs-up!


The Flintsones - Johnathan Dunn was behind this one, and I've always considered this soundtrack to be a bit of a Super Adventure Island knockoff, much in the way that SunSoft's Batman music was a clone of the first Streets of Rage. I guess that shows you how influential Yuzo Koshiro was on the industry! Truth be told, it's not bad. It has a nice tropical flavor, with very dancy beats and some cool synths.
Majin Tensei 2 - This music is foreboding and creepy. It would make for a pretty good horror movie soundtrack.
Lufia 2 - I'm not really a symphonic music fan, but I've gotta say the soundfont they used in this game is very nice. The tones are rich and clear, and the music seems to be pretty good, too.
Space Megaforce - I remembered this game as soon as I started listening to it... I can't believe I forgot about it! Some may remember this title as Super Aleste, but here in the states, that series wasn't big, so they changed it. Anyways, the music has a 90's kind of dancy, acid-jazz vibe, with thick beats and piano in parts. A good one, for sure.
Mega Man and Bass - Also known as Rockman and Forte, although Elwood kind of got the names mixed up in his request. :) This one has your typical Mega Man vibe, but's it's a little jazzier, with some funky basslines and some woodwind-sounding instrumentation. Also, this game had the worst enemy bosses of all time. Dynamoman? Tenguman? They must have rally been reaching at this point.
Jim Power - So I know that the Genesis version was requested, but that version only has one song (it was a beta.) So, here's the SNES version, too. Also composed by Chris Huelsbeck. This game is a bit unique because although the soundtrack is really good, it's almost entirely monaural. Not sure why they didn't separate out some parts to be in stereo! I much prefer Huelsbeck's Genesis stuff, but this is pretty good too.


Jim Power - So just one track, since it's a beta game, but what a track it is! I wish the whole soundtrack had been finished!
Ranger-X - I remember this one from back in the day, too. The graphics are phenomenal, and the music is killer, driving shoot 'em up fare as well. Worth the download!
Wiz 'n Liz - Matt Furniss is no stranger to this collection of soundtracks, with about 100 games to his name. His experience shows here, with nice melodies and catchy beats. Really weird game, though.


Quest 64 - This one was composed by Masamichi Amano, who I just learned also wrote the music for the amazing (and very expensive) Treasure-developed shooter Radiant Silvergun. You learn something new every day! If you like symphonic music, check this one out. I'll keep my (biased) opinions to myself. ;)

So! That's it! That was actually a lot of work, but they're some nice additions to the collection. Halloween is a few days away, and I know it's treated differently in some parts of the world, but the main theme amongst all is ghosts and spooks. So what are some creepy soundtracks you guys know about that I can post on the holiday?

10-29-2013, 08:39 PM
I was bored, so there are a few more games up for the N64:

Super Smash Bros. - You all know what this one is, right? And the soundtrack isn't easy to find, and of course it's got a little bit of everything from Nintendo in it!
WipEout 64 - This game has some really awesome electronica by some pretty big names. The streamed audio is surprisingly good for the N64. Listen and love it!

That's all for now!

10-29-2013, 11:09 PM
Thanks again for the Crystal Palace soundtrack! :) Also, as far as "creepy" games go, one that comes to mind at the moment is a Japan-only SNES game called Majyuuou. It's a pretty cool game, too (imagine a mix between Castlevania and Altered Beast). It also had some pretty neat tunes....

10-29-2013, 11:11 PM
Halloween is a few days away, and I know it's treated differently in some parts of the world, but the main theme amongst all is ghosts and spooks. So what are some creepy soundtracks you guys know about that I can post on the holiday?

Some suggestions...

Clock Tower (
Demon�s Crest (
Otogirisou (

Bio Hazard Battle (
Devilish (
Skeleton Krew ( (really dark moody synths here, even if the games SFX kinda drown it out).

Some of these aren't exactly scary mind you, but still. Also if anyone is looking for some creepy game tunes, this compilation the blog GO-GO-GST made called MD Terror ( is pretty great. It's a collection of dark and atmospheric songs from Genesis games, which is where I got the idea to request Skeleton Krew.

10-30-2013, 03:46 PM
Clock Tower (
Demon’s Crest (
Otogirisou (

Bio Hazard Battle (
Devilish (
Skeleton Krew ( (really dark moody synths here, even if the games SFX kinda drown it out).

Some of these aren't exactly scary mind you, but still. Also if anyone is looking for some creepy game tunes, this compilation the blog GO-GO-GST made called MD Terror ( is pretty great. It's a collection of dark and atmospheric songs from Genesis games, which is where I got the idea to request Skeleton Krew.

Oh, GO-GO-GST! I miss that blog! :(

Anyways, fantastic suggestions! The ones I wasn't familiar with, I gave a listen to, and was very impressed. We'll have lots of spooky goodies for tonight and tomorrow!

To start off the Halloween soundtrack festivities, I have a nice treat: Castlevania 64 and Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness for the N64! Now I know these games were pretty much hated by lovers of the series, and well, hated by everyone in general, really, but the music really was a lot better than the game. In fact, Motoaki Furukawa (, one of Konami's most prolific and famous composers, and who also founded the Kukeiha Club, worked extensively on both titles. There's a good 3 hours of gothic music to enjoy between the two titles.

Also, if you're a fan of Castlevania music, especially the NES soundtracks, check out Joshua Morse's new remix EP on GameChops, entitled "VLAD (" I can't describe the genre because it's really frenetic, but there's some jazz, some techno, some rock, a little of everything. You can hear all 4 tracks on the webpage itself. I was totally floored when I heard it! (And no, I don't know the dude. I just really like the music and wanted to share it.)

Enjoy! :)

10-30-2013, 08:33 PM
Looks like Dropbox is down... Guys, if you're downloading mass amounts of soundtracks, please use Mega. Dropbox will suspend my links if you try to grab everything at once. :(

10-31-2013, 02:18 AM
Looks like Dropbox is down... Guys, if you're downloading mass amounts of soundtracks, please use Mega. Dropbox will suspend my links if you try to grab everything at once. :(

For the record, I've only ever used Dropbox for downloads that don't have a MEGA link.

10-31-2013, 05:24 AM
Requests = DONE! Here are the goodies:


Conquest of the Crystal Palace - Hey, here's a hidden gem! I really like this one, especially how the stereo effect treats the two square wave instruments. It's got a nice, driving beat behind all the tracks, too.
Vice - Project Doom - Today I learned that this was written by Kiyoshi Yokoyama, who also wrote Astyanax, a favorite of mine. Sweet! The melodies are tight and the music is action-oriented. Thumbs-up!


The Flintsones - Johnathan Dunn was behind this one, and I've always considered this soundtrack to be a bit of a Super Adventure Island knockoff, much in the way that SunSoft's Batman music was a clone of the first Streets of Rage. I guess that shows you how influential Yuzo Koshiro was on the industry! Truth be told, it's not bad. It has a nice tropical flavor, with very dancy beats and some cool synths.
Majin Tensei 2 - This music is foreboding and creepy. It would make for a pretty good horror movie soundtrack.
Lufia 2 - I'm not really a symphonic music fan, but I've gotta say the soundfont they used in this game is very nice. The tones are rich and clear, and the music seems to be pretty good, too.
Space Megaforce - I remembered this game as soon as I started listening to it... I can't believe I forgot about it! Some may remember this title as Super Aleste, but here in the states, that series wasn't big, so they changed it. Anyways, the music has a 90's kind of dancy, acid-jazz vibe, with thick beats and piano in parts. A good one, for sure.
Mega Man and Bass - Also known as Rockman and Forte, although Elwood kind of got the names mixed up in his request. :) This one has your typical Mega Man vibe, but's it's a little jazzier, with some funky basslines and some woodwind-sounding instrumentation. Also, this game had the worst enemy bosses of all time. Dynamoman? Tenguman? They must have rally been reaching at this point.
Jim Power - So I know that the Genesis version was requested, but that version only has one song (it was a beta.) So, here's the SNES version, too. Also composed by Chris Huelsbeck. This game is a bit unique because although the soundtrack is really good, it's almost entirely monaural. Not sure why they didn't separate out some parts to be in stereo! I much prefer Huelsbeck's Genesis stuff, but this is pretty good too.


Jim Power - So just one track, since it's a beta game, but what a track it is! I wish the whole soundtrack had been finished!
Ranger-X - I remember this one from back in the day, too. The graphics are phenomenal, and the music is killer, driving shoot 'em up fare as well. Worth the download!
Wiz 'n Liz - Matt Furniss is no stranger to this collection of soundtracks, with about 100 games to his name. His experience shows here, with nice melodies and catchy beats. Really weird game, though.


Quest 64 - This one was composed by Masamichi Amano, who I just learned also wrote the music for the amazing (and very expensive) Treasure-developed shooter Radiant Silvergun. You learn something new every day! If you like symphonic music, check this one out. I'll keep my (biased) opinions to myself. ;)

So! That's it! That was actually a lot of work, but they're some nice additions to the collection. Halloween is a few days away, and I know it's treated differently in some parts of the world, but the main theme amongst all is ghosts and spooks. So what are some creepy soundtracks you guys know about that I can post on the holiday?

That's because both Astyanax and VICE: Project Doom were developed by Aicom for Jaleco and for Sammy. As for The Flintstones, I like Jonathan Dunn's work over at Ocean, as well as Keith Tinman's. They are my favorite musicians over at Ocean. Speaking of Jonathan Dunn, another 2 good games he did over at Ocean are the Jurassic Park soundtracks- the first game for the SNES and the 2nd game titled "Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues".

---------- Post added at 10:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ----------

I have only 5 requests, and these are for the Genesis-

Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco the Tides of Time
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
Road Rash
Road Rash II

Those games have use the ONLY 2 Non-Japanese made sound drivers that I like on the Sega Genesis.
First, for Road Rash 1 and 2, it is Rob Hubbard's very own custom made sound driver he made for those 2 games for EA- that one has a nice tinny/gritty sound to it, just like the Japanese made sound drivers on the Genesis.

The same thing goes to Ecco The Dolphin, Ecco II the Tides of Time, and The Lost World: Jurassic Park- those 3 games use Novotrade's custom sound driver that also has a nice tinny warbly/tinny/gritty sound to that one.

In fact, it would be nice that on your Genesis releases, you also tell the name of the sound driver used in those games in terms of music. Here is a list of them: Mega Drive/Genesis Sound Engine List - GDRI :: Game Developer Research Institute (

Bear in mind that the Japanese made ones as well as the custom made ones are good while the GEMS sound driver is considered to be the worst.

---------- Post added at 11:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 PM ----------

I liked the N64 Castlevania.

10-31-2013, 11:58 AM
That's because both Astyanax and VICE: Project Doom were developed by Aicom for Jaleco and for Sammy. As for The Flintstones, I like Jonathan Dunn's work over at Ocean, as well as Keith Tinman's. They are my favorite musicians over at Ocean. Speaking of Jonathan Dunn, another 2 good games he did over at Ocean are the Jurassic Park soundtracks- the first game for the SNES and the 2nd game titled "Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues".

---------- Post added at 10:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ----------

I have only 5 requests, and these are for the Genesis-

Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco the Tides of Time
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
Road Rash
Road Rash II

Those games have use the ONLY 2 Non-Japanese made sound drivers that I like on the Sega Genesis.
First, for Road Rash 1 and 2, it is Rob Hubbard's very own custom made sound driver he made for those 2 games for EA- that one has a nice tinny/gritty sound to it, just like the Japanese made sound drivers on the Genesis.

The same thing goes to Ecco The Dolphin, Ecco II the Tides of Time, and The Lost World: Jurassic Park- those 3 games use Novotrade's custom sound driver that also has a nice tinny warbly/tinny/gritty sound to that one.

In fact, it would be nice that on your Genesis releases, you also tell the name of the sound driver used in those games in terms of music. Here is a list of them: Mega Drive/Genesis Sound Engine List - GDRI :: Game Developer Research Institute (

Bear in mind that the Japanese made ones as well as the custom made ones are good while the GEMS sound driver is considered to be the worst.

---------- Post added at 11:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 PM ----------

I liked the N64 Castlevania.

I will definitely start on those requests after today's Halloween festivities!

As for the sound drivers, that's a very informative page! I'm not sure I want to list them with the releases, though, because I'm not trying to be too technical here. Also, I don't want people to start pre-judging music because they didn't have a good experience with a particular sound driver in the past. GEMS was used in some great soundtracks like ToeJam & Earl: Panic on Funkotron, as well as some pretty terrible games too. I'll mention the sound driver when it's relevant, though, or when a particular composer was responsible for creating his own driver. Thanks for linking me to it!

10-31-2013, 04:30 PM
Happy Halloween!

As promised, there's some crazy spooky stuff coming your way today, and we'll start off with the Sega-related stuff first!


Bio-Hazard Battle - This game's kind of creepy in a sci-fi way. There aren't any humanoids in the whole game, and you get the feeling that you're kind of alone, in a strange ship, fighting even stranger creatures. The soundtrack is sometimes new-age, somtimes 80's pop, sometimes just a bit eerie. It's good pre-Halloween music to ease you into the mood.
DecapAttack - So you're a mummy with a skull head, and you throw the skull head at your enemies. The background in the first level features palm trees made of bone. Spooked yet? Well, me neither. BUT! The soundtrack rocks! It's energetic and fun, while still being a little spooky. Not "midnight on Halloween" spooky, but still good.
Devlish - With a soundtrack by Hitoshi Sakimoto, you know it's gonna be good. This is a breakout/ vertical shooter mashup, where you send your glowing orb bouncing through a castle, murdering innocent demons and skeletons. Getting even scarier now!
Skeleton Krew - Okay, NOW we're getting creepy! The original vgm ripper of this game described it as "ambient psychedelia with a touch of rave for good measure," and I don't think I could have said it better. Those FM synths just create some very creepy effects that the SNES couldn't ever hope to replicate. Here's ( a great blog post reviewing the game. It's pretty hilarious.
Splatterhouse 2 and 3 - Milky Eiko knows the deal. The Splatterhouse soundtracks are drawn from a love of horror films, tinging upon John Carpenter's staccato keyboard stingers, and medieval classics of old. These are the first soundtracks that came to mind when I decided to do a Halloween post, and you should definitely give them a listen.


House of the Dead 2 - Here's a little bonus! Unfortunately, it's not tagged, but this game often gets overlooked because it's not very prominent in the game over the gunfire and shouts of "save me!" every 30 seconds. The music is pretty nice, though, with a VERY fast-paced, frantic feel. Good for getting your pulse racing.

Hope you enjoy! I'll have the SNES additions later this afternoon. There's still time for a few suggestions if anyone knows of anything!

10-31-2013, 08:01 PM
I'd like to put in a request for Super Valis IV on SNES, which had much different music than Valix IV on the PC-Engine. I had an amateur self RIP myself, but it was corrupted in my recent hard drive failure. I think it'd also sound great in stereo lol~

10-31-2013, 09:09 PM
Halloween Post Part 2: Zombie VGM, back from the dead.....

OK guys, here are the SNES selections for the day... a few requests, and a few I've picked myself:

Clock Tower - This game was all about suspense, because the object is to hide from a crazy serial killer brandishing a giant pair of scissors, and the music certainly follows that sense of fear. There's some creeeeeepy soundscapes at work here!
Demon's Crest - A little symphonic music to lighten the mood a bit, although the game itself is pretty hellish in terms of difficulty AND setting.
Ghoul Patrol - A sequel of sorts to Zombies Ate My Neighbors, you'll find some comically scary songs in this one.
Majyuuou - The music was composed by Tomohiro Endo (Ys IV) and Hiroshi Iizuka (Langrisser III,) so there's some big names behind this one. The music sounds a bit more on the action side, but the game itself is a story of demons, dead wives, and selling your soul to beat the game. No wonder it never made out to the US!
Nosferatu - I'm surprised no one requested this one! It's actually a pretty obscure title, but plays like a cross between Double Dragon and Prince of Persia. It's a take on the Vampire mythology, and the graphics are really nice... even if you don't wanna play it, check out the intro on YouTube ( or something... it's impressive! The music is equally frightful, even during the energetic parts, it has that modern horror movie feel.
Otogirisou - Aside from Clock Tower and a few others, most early video games rely on action, and so the music always drives forward steadily. In a visual novel, however, the composer could take his time and build some suspense, or create quite ambience without being buried behind slicing or pounding sound effects. This one's pretty chilling.... I like it a lot!
Super Ghouls and Ghosts - The game everyone thinks about when you mention spooky titles. This game is HARD. The soundtrack is good enough that you don't mind listening to it over and over as you try to beat each level, though, and it fits the game perfectly.

Well, there you go, guys. Enjoy the creepy stuff! I'll start work on the other requests tomorrow!

10-31-2013, 10:38 PM
I will definitely start on those requests after today's Halloween festivities!

As for the sound drivers, that's a very informative page! I'm not sure I want to list them with the releases, though, because I'm not trying to be too technical here. Also, I don't want people to start pre-judging music because they didn't have a good experience with a particular sound driver in the past. GEMS was used in some great soundtracks like ToeJam & Earl: Panic on Funkotron, as well as some pretty terrible games too. I'll mention the sound driver when it's relevant, though, or when a particular composer was responsible for creating his own driver. Thanks for linking me to it!

Well, it would be a good idea. No- The GEMS sound driver was terrible in ALL games, reguardless. You are welcome.

---------- Post added at 04:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ----------

Happy Halloween!

As promised, there's some crazy spooky stuff coming your way today, and we'll start off with the Sega-related stuff first!


Bio-Hazard Battle - This game's kind of creepy in a sci-fi way. There aren't any humanoids in the whole game, and you get the feeling that you're kind of alone, in a strange ship, fighting even stranger creatures. The soundtrack is sometimes new-age, somtimes 80's pop, sometimes just a bit eerie. It's good pre-Halloween music to ease you into the mood.
DecapAttack - So you're a mummy with a skull head, and you throw the skull head at your enemies. The background in the first level features palm trees made of bone. Spooked yet? Well, me neither. BUT! The soundtrack rocks! It's energetic and fun, while still being a little spooky. Not "midnight on Halloween" spooky, but still good.
Devlish - With a soundtrack by Hitoshi Sakimoto, you know it's gonna be good. This is a breakout/ vertical shooter mashup, where you send your glowing orb bouncing through a castle, murdering innocent demons and skeletons. Getting even scarier now!
Skeleton Krew - Okay, NOW we're getting creepy! The original vgm ripper of this game described it as "ambient psychedelia with a touch of rave for good measure," and I don't think I could have said it better. Those FM synths just create some very creepy effects that the SNES couldn't ever hope to replicate. Here's ( a great blog post reviewing the game. It's pretty hilarious.
Splatterhouse 2 and 3 - Milky Eiko knows the deal. The Splatterhouse soundtracks are drawn from a love of horror films, tinging upon John Carpenter's staccato keyboard stingers, and medieval classics of old. These are the first soundtracks that came to mind when I decided to do a Halloween post, and you should definitely give them a listen.


House of the Dead 2 - Here's a little bonus! Unfortunately, it's not tagged, but this game often gets overlooked because it's not very prominent in the game over the gunfire and shouts of "save me!" every 30 seconds. The music is pretty nice, though, with a VERY fast-paced, frantic feel. Good for getting your pulse racing.

Hope you enjoy! I'll have the SNES additions later this afternoon. There's still time for a few suggestions if anyone knows of anything!

I love Milky Eiko's sound driver that she did for Splatterhouse 2 and 3 for the Genesis- that one was one of the best.
By the way, "Milky Eiko" is actually Eiko Kaneda, a sound composer over at Now Production Co. Ltd, the developer of Splatterhouse 2 and 3 for Namco.

11-01-2013, 12:01 AM
No- The GEMS sound driver was terrible in ALL games, reguardless.

Well, I just posted Sonic Spinball and Batman Returns as examples of why I don't agree with you. I mean, they're not the BEST soundtracks ever, but they're certainly not terrible, especially BR's "Catwoman" theme, "Gotham City 3", and "Into the Sewers." A sound driver is just a set of sounds and a method to implement them... it's the COMPOSERS that make or break a soundtrack.

11-01-2013, 04:37 AM
Well, I just posted Sonic Spinball and Batman Returns as examples of why I don't agree with you. I mean, they're not the BEST soundtracks ever, but they're certainly not terrible, especially BR's "Catwoman" theme, "Gotham City 3", and "Into the Sewers." A sound driver is just a set of sounds and a method to implement them... it's the COMPOSERS that make or break a soundtrack.
yep. the GEMS engine was just a way for composers to implement the sounds into the game. blame them for using the default sound patches and not further editing their work.

BTW that GDRI sound driver list is not 100% accurate, but it's good enough.

11-01-2013, 05:02 AM
Was grabbing some of these awesome soundtracks, but ran into an "Encryption Key" needing to be entered for Mega Man 2's MEGA mirror link. Just a heads up!

11-01-2013, 08:13 AM
First off, thanks for posting an increasingly great soundtrack collection! Also, I would like to request The Radiant Silvergun+ soundtrack (contains both Arcade and Saturn music). Both Galbadia Hotel and KH Insider have corrupted MP3 files. I'm going to keep looking for it on my own, but I'll point you in its direction if I find it first so you can add it to your collection on here. I'd upload it myself, but I'm not normally on the net long enough.

Well, here's the Saturn version: Thread 98941

11-01-2013, 02:32 PM
Was grabbing some of these awesome soundtracks, but ran into an "Encryption Key" needing to be entered for Mega Man 2's MEGA mirror link. Just a heads up!

Ah, there was an extra space at the end of the URL. It should be fine now! Thanks for the warning!

---------- Post added at 09:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 AM ----------

First off, thanks for posting an increasingly great soundtrack collection! Also, I would like to request The Radiant Silvergun+ soundtrack (contains both Arcade and Saturn music). Both Galbadia Hotel and KH Insider have corrupted MP3 files. I'm going to keep looking for it on my own, but I'll point you in its direction if I find it first so you can add it to your collection on here. I'd upload it myself, but I'm not normally on the net long enough.

Well, here's the Saturn version: Thread 98941

Is there a major difference between the arcade and Saturn versions? I have the source music files from both, and they're practically identical to each other, except that the Saturn version contains one extra track called "Origin."

11-01-2013, 07:22 PM

---------- Post added at 01:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 PM ----------

Well, I just posted Sonic Spinball and Batman Returns as examples of why I don't agree with you. I mean, they're not the BEST soundtracks ever, but they're certainly not terrible, especially BR's "Catwoman" theme, "Gotham City 3", and "Into the Sewers." A sound driver is just a set of sounds and a method to implement them... it's the COMPOSERS that make or break a soundtrack.

Well, I can agree with you on Batman Returns- that's the only game on the Genesis that I like uses the GEMS sound driver. My favorite track is the first stage of the Red Triangle Circus Gang, (Stage 3-1). Yes, I agree with you that the COMPOSERS make or break a sound track, but it is also the SOUND DRIVER that can also make or break it.

I mean the only thing that was ACTUALLY GOOD about the GEMS sound driver is that it can sample voices very well, such as the case in Earthworm Jim. But however, its instrument set is very piss-poor.

---------- Post added at 01:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 PM ----------

yep. the GEMS engine was just a way for composers to implement the sounds into the game. blame them for using the default sound patches and not further editing their work.

BTW that GDRI sound driver list is not 100% accurate, but it's good enough.

Yes, but sooner or later, that list will be accurate, if they put more heart into it.

11-01-2013, 08:42 PM
Well, I can agree with you on Batman Returns- that's the only game on the Genesis that I like uses the GEMS sound driver. My favorite track is the first stage of the Red Triangle Circus Gang, (Stage 3-1). Yes, I agree with you that the COMPOSERS make or break a sound track, but it is also the SOUND DRIVER that can also make or break it.

I mean the only thing that was ACTUALLY GOOD about the GEMS sound driver is that it can sample voices very well, such as the case in Earthworm Jim. But however, its instrument set is very piss-poor.

I can agree with you there, too. A musician is only as good as his instrument. However, some are talented enough to do great things with very little, like Tim Follin on the Amiga and NES with a standard audio chipset!

So, I've got MOST of the requests up: Road Rash 1,2 and 3 (3 because I like the international flavah), Ecco 1 and 2, Super Valis IV, and I got the arcade rip of Radiant Silvergun, too! Unfortunately Jurassic Park: Lost World is nowhere to be found... it simply hasn't been dumped yet. I put up the original JP though, because at first I had gotten confused and thought that was the one you wanted. Oh well... If I find it, I'll certainly put it up.


11-01-2013, 09:23 PM
I can agree with you there, too. A musician is only as good as his instrument. However, some are talented enough to do great things with very little, like Tim Follin on the Amiga and NES with a standard audio chipset!

So, I've got MOST of the requests up: Road Rash 1,2 and 3 (3 because I like the international flavah), Ecco 1 and 2, Super Valis IV, and I got the arcade rip of Radiant Silvergun, too! Unfortunately Jurassic Park: Lost World is nowhere to be found... it simply hasn't been dumped yet. I put up the original JP though, because at first I had gotten confused and thought that was the one you wanted. Oh well... If I find it, I'll certainly put it up.


That is true. I agree with you- Tim Follin as well as Geoff Follin's works on the NES are excellent. I don't like the 3rd one- that one did not use Rob Hubbard's sound driver he created for EA, and that he didn't compose that one. Damn... Oh well, beggars can't be choosers, right? Anyway, I am glad you have Ecco 1 and 2 as well as Road Rash I and II uploaded. Thanks.

---------- Post added at 03:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 PM ----------

Unfortunately Jurassic Park: Lost World is nowhere to be found... it simply hasn't been dumped yet. I put up the original JP though, because at first I had gotten confused and thought that was the one you wanted. Oh well... If I find it, I'll certainly put it up.

Someone has put up videos of the soundtrack- I am just showing you the video, so you can hear what it sounds like. This game uses the Novotrade sounddriver that I like: Jurassic Park 2 - The Lost World OST (Sega Genesis) - YouTube (

11-02-2013, 01:43 AM
Awesome! Thanks a ton for Super Valis IV, sounds great!

11-02-2013, 01:16 PM
That is true. I agree with you- Tim Follin as well as Geoff Follin's works on the NES are excellent. I don't like the 3rd one- that one did not use Rob Hubbard's sound driver he created for EA, and that he didn't compose that one. Damn... Oh well, beggars can't be choosers, right? Anyway, I am glad you have Ecco 1 and 2 as well as Road Rash I and II uploaded. Thanks.

---------- Post added at 03:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 PM ----------

Someone has put up videos of the soundtrack- I am just showing you the video, so you can hear what it sounds like. This game uses the Novotrade sounddriver that I like: Jurassic Park 2 - The Lost World OST (Sega Genesis) - YouTube (

I've found passwords for all the levels, and I'm attempting to go through and log my own VGM files to convert to mp3. I'll try to make it as complete as I can because I think the music is pretty awesome, too.

11-02-2013, 04:19 PM
I've found passwords for all the levels, and I'm attempting to go through and log my own VGM files to convert to mp3. I'll try to make it as complete as I can because I think the music is pretty awesome, too.

Good luck, dude! :D

---------- Post added at 10:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 AM ----------

Can you make mirrors of the 4 Medarot soundtracks on the GBC?

---------- Post added at 10:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 AM ----------

Welp, you know what this means, right? Mega Man 1,2,3,4,5,6, Super Mario 1,2,3, Ninja Turtles 1,2, Legend of Zelda 1,2!!!!

Its always the famous bunk.... :(

11-02-2013, 04:59 PM
Yeah, I'll mirror them for ya. And "famous" doesn't mean "bad."

11-02-2013, 07:01 PM
So, good news and bad news:

Good news - The Medarot games are now on Mega!

Bad news - Jurassic Park 2 isn't rippable from an emulator, mainly because you can't let a good number of the songs play without sound effects getting in the way, especially on the motorcycle level. So, we'll just have to give up on that for now until they release a way to extract the music directly from the ROM.

11-02-2013, 08:27 PM
Yeah, I'll mirror them for ya. And "famous" doesn't mean "bad."

Well, I'm just not a fan of those games, except of course for Mega Man. Everything else is just over-rated garbage in my eyes.

---------- Post added at 02:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 PM ----------

So, good news and bad news:

Good news - The Medarot games are now on Mega!

Bad news - Jurassic Park 2 isn't rippable from an emulator, mainly because you can't let a good number of the songs play without sound effects getting in the way, especially on the motorcycle level. So, we'll just have to give up on that for now until they release a way to extract the music directly from the ROM.

Ah, thank you.

Well, the VGM file used to be on a few years ago- I wonder why they took it down... Oh well. Thanks anyway.

11-02-2013, 09:25 PM
Hey InfernalAvalanche, I uploaded a complete Radiant Silvergun+ for ya! You can grab it in the arcade section. :)

11-03-2013, 07:24 AM
Love the themes, but I noticed the Mega Man 3 soundtrack has incorrect track listings for some (stage select,enter password,Needle Man,Magnet Man,Shadow Man,Hard Man,Top Man etc. are wrong and maybe one of the Wily castle themes...not sure). And one track is on there twice but labeled two different tracks (Gemini Man And Spark Man are the same track). But great work so far! Any chance of the Mega Man Wily Wars for Mega Drive too?

11-03-2013, 02:41 PM
Love the themes, but I noticed the Mega Man 3 soundtrack has incorrect track listings for some (stage select,enter password,Needle Man,Magnet Man,Shadow Man,Hard Man,Top Man etc. are wrong and maybe one of the Wily castle themes...not sure). And one track is on there twice but labeled two different tracks (Gemini Man And Spark Man are the same track). But great work so far! Any chance of the Mega Man Wily Wars for Mega Drive too?

Mega Man 3 is fixed! Wily Wars will be up later today. :)

11-03-2013, 09:46 PM
A few updates:

Mega Man - The Wily Wars - This collects the soundtracks from the first 3 Mega Man titles, as well as some original music, all in sweet, sweet Genesis form. It's fun to listen if you've heard the originals.
Verytex - A really obscure Japan-only shmup with music by Hitoshi Sakimoto (, who we heard from recently in Devlish, and who also went on to score such amazing games as Vagrant Story, Tactics Ogre, and Final Fantasy XII, among dozens of others. Quite a resume!

Also, two improvements: Fester's Quest suffered from the same "double song and wrong titles" issue that MM3 did, so that's fixed. And I've re-uploaded Mars Matrix. It's transferred from the Arcade to the Dreamcast section, because I re-ripped the music from there, and it sounds WAAAAAAAY better... like from 128kbps to 320kbps better... It's worth the re-download!

Any hard-to-find Dreamcast requests?

11-04-2013, 12:42 AM
A few updates:

Mega Man - The Wily Wars - This collects the soundtracks from the first 3 Mega Man titles, as well as some original music, all in sweet, sweet Genesis form. It's fun to listen if you've heard the originals.
Verytex - A really obscure Japan-only shmup with music by Hitoshi Sakimoto (, who we heard from recently in Devlish, and who also went on to score such amazing games as Vagrant Story, Tactics Ogre, and Final Fantasy XII, among dozens of others. Quite a resume!

Also, two improvements: Fester's Quest suffered from the same "double song and wrong titles" issue that MM3 did, so that's fixed. And I've re-uploaded Mars Matrix. It's transferred from the Arcade to the Dreamcast section, because I re-ripped the music from there, and it sounds WAAAAAAAY better... like from 128kbps to 320kbps better... It's worth the re-download!

Any hard-to-find Dreamcast requests?

Simply put, you are AMAZING!! About to go download some Mega Man goodness! AWESOME JOB!!

11-04-2013, 05:53 PM
Is it Monday again? Already? Ugh. Well, at least I've got some flight-related tracks to keep all of our collective heads in the clouds until it's time to play more video game.

AeroWings 1 and 2, and Aero Dancing i - The AeroWings series on the Dreamcast was well-liked by flight fans. It was along the lines of Namco's Ace Combat series, but more on the simulation side of things. The music was really cool. The first game was a pretty electronic, with some well-produced dance tracks, and the latter games went full-on rock and metal, adding incidental vocals as well. There's a lot of music to check out here, and I'd recommend it. It's great for highway driving! Also, because it's Dreamcast, the audio quality is top-notch, too.

Also on the plate is Gradius Galaxies for the GBA. It was just released over at PMH, and I really liked this soundtrack, so I put it up. GBA music quality isn't the best in the world, mostly due to limitations in the hardware itself, but it's not fair to leave good soundtracks unposted. I'll be adding more GBA stuff as time goes on.

Enjoy it!

11-04-2013, 10:57 PM
Hello Ruiner9

I really enjoy some of your soundtracks, also they have showed me more music, so it has been an enlightened experience

I read you were looking at ripping Jurassic Park 2 The Lost World, although it seems there isn't a vgm rip, we have here in ffshrine the FLAC OST :-)
The link is here (Thread 135528)

11-04-2013, 11:05 PM
Hello Ruiner9

I really enjoy some of your soundtracks, also they have showed me more music, so it has been an enlightened experience

I read you were looking at ripping Jurassic Park 2 The Lost World, although it seems there isn't a vgm rip, we have here in ffshrine the FLAC OST :-)
The link is here (Thread 135528)

Thanks, but he was getting the soundtrack to the Sega Genesis version specifically for me. Besides, I do not like Michael Giacchino's work.

11-05-2013, 01:01 AM
Hello Ruiner9

I really enjoy some of your soundtracks, also they have showed me more music, so it has been an enlightened experience

I read you were looking at ripping Jurassic Park 2 The Lost World, although it seems there isn't a vgm rip, we have here in ffshrine the FLAC OST :-)
The link is here (Thread 135528)

Thanks for keeping me in mind, and thanks for the kind words! If you happen to run across the Genesis soundtrack, please let me know. 😄

11-05-2013, 01:56 AM
Okay here are some hard to find dreamcast requests. Not sure if you noticed, but I love shooting games :)
under defeat
Shippu Mahou Daisakusen/Kingdom Grandprix - this also has hitoshi heping out on the tracks... basiscape is badass for a reason...

lastblade & last blade 2

11-05-2013, 08:07 PM
Okay here are some hard to find dreamcast requests. Not sure if you noticed, but I love shooting games :)
under defeat
Shippu Mahou Daisakusen/Kingdom Grandprix - this also has hitoshi heping out on the tracks... basiscape is badass for a reason...

lastblade & last blade 2

You, sir, have excellent taste. Dreamcast shooters were my religion back in the day! Here's what's new in the OP:


Border Down - There's a lot of music in this game, because every time you die, you get "bumped" down to a different area in the same stage, and the music changes slightly. So, you'll hear three variations on each level music, plus bosses etc. It's really nice electronic music!
Under Defeat - The Legendary Shinji Hosoe (Ridge Racer) created this masterpiece of a score. Excellent dance music!
Ikaruga - Treasure's famous black/white shooter had a really cool symphonic and electronic soundtrack.
Last Blade 2 - I ripped this from the Dreamcast, since the music was of much better quality than the Neo Geo cart. It's traditional Japanese music with a few modern twists.


King of the Monsters - I loved this Neo Geo game, and I meant to post it around Halloween, but there was a lot of other stuff to post. It's a very eclectic mix of tunes, each individually themed to match the monster's personality. All of it sounds great on the NG hardware, since it's all synths and not compressed audio.
Shippu Mahou Daisakusen - This is like excellent Genesis music on steroids, and you can really hear Sakimoto's influence on a lot of the tunes. Excellent request, jiganbakuda!

I'll also be posting Karous soon, once I get the track names sorted out, and I'll try to find a good way to rip Last Blade. I have the Neo Geo CD disc so I may go that route.

Have fun with them!

11-07-2013, 06:57 PM
Hi Guys!

Sorry it's been a couple of days, but I've been busy changing around some hosting stuff. Sadly, my Dropbox has been pretty much shut down because of bandwidth usage, so I'm exclusively using Mega now. All of the links have been changed to reflect that. I did get a couple of albums done, though!

Cosmic Carnage - Here's an often overlooked 32X game that had a great soundtrack. It actually reminds me more of shmup music than fighting music. Also, the music only used the Genesis soundchips, and not the 32X expanded sound, so it makes it even more impressive.

Karous - I used to think it meant "Crow" in English, but it actually means "Raven." Anyways, I think this is my favorite of the Dreamcast-ported shoot em up soundtracks. It's a bit darker and bassier than the other shooters I put up a few days ago, with some excellent breakbeats.

Still taking requests! My queue is empty right now!


11-08-2013, 12:57 AM
Cosmic carnage might have been one of the most overlooked osts of yore.
Its really really good. My friend showed me the genesis version and I auto-downloaded it, I must check out this version, since your rips are so great.

11-08-2013, 04:47 AM
Well since you have nothing in your queue, please allow me to request mother 3 (earthbound 2). This soundtrack is really really long and I understand if its unreasonable, but my rip is really crappy and quiet. I would really love if you could put your magic touch on this ost.

Also, I could not find the cosmic carnage album in the genesis downloads, could you tell me where its at ruiner9?

11-08-2013, 05:05 AM
Well since you have nothing in your queue, please allow me to request mother 3 (earthbound 2). This soundtrack is really really long and I understand if its unreasonable, but my rip is really crappy and quiet. I would really love if you could put your magic touch on this ost.

Also, I could not find the cosmic carnage album in the genesis downloads, could you tell me where its at ruiner9?

Total High-Five, bro. The Mother 3 soundtrack is simply the most amazing 6 hours of music ever made. I made my own GBA rip awhile ago, but it's NOTHING compared to what this guy did:

MOTHER 3 Ultimate Music Rip � EarthBound 2 / MOTHER 3 � Forum � Starmen.Net (

He extracted the MIDI data and soundfonts from the game and rebuilt the soundtrack from there, so it's free of the contraints of the crappy GBA hardware. You're left with the entire game's worth of music in super-duper high quality. It's never been done like that before, and probably never will be again. That ripper is a genius. You'll find the MP3 and FLAC downloads at the bottom of the first post on the link. BTW, have you played the game? I finished the unofficial English version about two months ago and was so mad that it never came out over here. But that's Nintendo for ya. If your game has some cross-dressers and a guy who beats the crap out of his friends when his wife dies, it's "not fit for American audiences." Oh well.

Anyways, Cosmic Carnage is now back up. Sorry about that!

11-08-2013, 06:31 AM
I beat mother 3 like twice a couple years ago. I have been meaning to go back and play it seeing as its a shortish rpg. I love love loved that game. I recommend it to anyone I think would be interested. Even though i played it on an emulator, I still got the hang of the rhythm extra battle gimic. I meant to by the game when I was in japan, but it didn't happen, I will have to import it sometime in the future... It would be great japanese practice :) (seeing as I already know the story) I most certainly think that its one of my top 10 games ever, and i've been gaming since 89'.... Just a completely under rated gem. I personally prefer mother 3 to mother 2 (even if i like ness better in brawl / melee / smash prime).

For anyone else trying to download the mother 3 ultimate soundtrack, which I am listening to now and its amazing, the links on the first page are dead (at least they would not work for me). But whoever mirrored them on the 2nd page has kept the dream alive. Their mirror is here (vbr mp3s not the flacs)

11-08-2013, 06:55 AM
Total High-Five, bro. The Mother 3 soundtrack is simply the most amazing 6 hours of music ever made. I made my own GBA rip awhile ago, but it's NOTHING compared to what this guy did:

MOTHER 3 Ultimate Music Rip � EarthBound 2 / MOTHER 3 � Forum � Starmen.Net (

He extracted the MIDI data and soundfonts from the game and rebuilt the soundtrack from there, so it's free of the contraints of the crappy GBA hardware. You're left with the entire game's worth of music in super-duper high quality. It's never been done like that before, and probably never will be again. That ripper is a genius. You'll find the MP3 and FLAC downloads at the bottom of the first post on the link. BTW, have you played the game? I finished the unofficial English version about two months ago and was so mad that it never came out over here. But that's Nintendo for ya. If your game has some cross-dressers and a guy who beats the crap out of his friends when his wife dies, it's "not fit for American audiences." Oh well.

Anyways, Cosmic Carnage is now back up. Sorry about that!

First off, HUGE thanks for this. I'd been looking for a better quality upload for the Mother 3 soundtrack, so I appreciate the link. I somehow managed to miss this.

Second, it's a shame your Dropbox was shut down, but I can't say I'm surprised, what with the sheer amount of stuff you have.

Third, some requests, including some of those Game Boy requests I hinted at a little while back.
A few requests then:

Square no Tom Sawyer (

Brain Lord (
Dark Law: Meaning of Death (
Thunder Spirits (

Addams Family Values (shoulda requested this for Halloween!) (
Junction (
King Salmon: The Big Catch (surprisingly good) (
Socket (

Batman (1989, Sunsoft) (
Donkey Kong Land 2 (
Final Fantasy Adventure (
Kirby's Block Ball (
Oddworld Adventure (
Power Quest (
The Sword of Hope (
Warlocked (
X / Ekkusu (

Also I'm curious, do you know of the Youtube channel Wiiguy309 ( and his 8-Bit Stereo project? Like your NES Stereo uploads, he's been uploading Stereo mixes of NES games. I've had mixed opinions on them: along with separating sound channels, he adds a bit of echo to the mix. For some soundtracks, usually ones with "fuller" sound, the addition is welcome, but for others it just sounds off. Do you have any opinions on it?

11-08-2013, 01:30 PM
First off, HUGE thanks for this. I'd been looking for a better quality upload for the Mother 3 soundtrack, so I appreciate the link. I somehow managed to miss this.

Second, it's a shame your Dropbox was shut down, but I can't say I'm surprised, what with the sheer amount of stuff you have.

Third, some requests, including some of those Game Boy requests I hinted at a little while back.
A few requests then:

Square no Tom Sawyer (

Brain Lord (
Dark Law: Meaning of Death (
Thunder Spirits (

Addams Family Values (shoulda requested this for Halloween!) (
Junction (
King Salmon: The Big Catch (surprisingly good) (
Socket (

Batman (1989, Sunsoft) (
Donkey Kong Land 2 (
Final Fantasy Adventure (
Kirby's Block Ball (
Oddworld Adventure (
Power Quest (
The Sword of Hope (
Warlocked (
X / Ekkusu (

Also I'm curious, do you know of the Youtube channel Wiiguy309 ( and his 8-Bit Stereo project? Like your NES Stereo uploads, he's been uploading Stereo mixes of NES games. I've had mixed opinions on them: along with separating sound channels, he adds a bit of echo to the mix. For some soundtracks, usually ones with "fuller" sound, the addition is welcome, but for others it just sounds off. Do you have any opinions on it?

Awesome! I'll work on them over the weekend!

As far as echo effects in the NES tracks go, I'm personally not fond of it. I'm a purist when it comes to these things. In emulators, I always turn all the filters off because I like the blocky, clean look of the graphics rather than blurry antialiasing, and I feel the same way about sound... while the stereo effect is an extra feature, I don't feel it changes the sound like echo or reverb does. I just checked the Treasure Master soundtrack out and it sounded like I was listening to the music in a steel cage! Of course, music is always personal opinion, but you won't find me adding it to my rips. :)

And hey, it leaves it open for people to apply their own effects after the fact! A complex but feasible project would be to record every instrument in the songs separately using the muting feature on the nsf player, and then rebuilding them in a sequencing program like Sony Acid, and then adding reverb/ echo to only the lead square synths, so it doesn't sound like the whole thing is underwater. With the Follin music, it would allow you to use flange and phase distortion and wah, to make the guitar parts sound more like the real thing. THAT would be pretty cool!

11-09-2013, 02:47 PM
Time for a weekend update! Got a few requests done over the last few days:


Square no Tom Sawyer - Something to add to yiur Nobuo Uematsu collection! Some tightly-composed rpg-sounding works on this one.


Brain Lord - I was expecting some light RPG fare, but got some really nice beats and catchy music! This is one to definitely check out!
Dark Lord - Meaning of Death - This one is a bit more symphonic, but a few tracks are really nice action oriented bangers.
Thunder Spirits - A cousin of the Thunder Force series on the Genesis, this one has some nice SNES versions of the tracks from it's predecessors. I think I prefer the Genesis versions, but these have their own charm, too.


Addams Family Values - OK, now THIS is some creepy stuff! You're right, this should have gone in the Halloween collection. I love this soundtrack!
Junction - A rare Konami-published puzzle game. I know, right? Anyways, I like the music here. A lot of it kind of reminds me of ending music to action games, but some is actually pretty fast, too. This is going in my "listen to" collection. The composer of the music is unknown, but others have compared the music to that of Heavy Nova, whose composer is ALSO unknown. Weird.

Anyways, we have some more Genesis requests and a bunch of GameBoy stuff coming up soon. Expect some more awesome stuff tomorrow!

11-10-2013, 08:09 PM
---------- Post added at 01:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 PM ----------

Time for a weekend update! Got a few requests done over the last few days:


Square no Tom Sawyer - Something to add to yiur Nobuo Uematsu collection! Some tightly-composed rpg-sounding works on this one.


Brain Lord - I was expecting some light RPG fare, but got some really nice beats and catchy music! This is one to definitely check out!
Dark Lord - Meaning of Death - This one is a bit more symphonic, but a few tracks are really nice action oriented bangers.
Thunder Spirits - A cousin of the Thunder Force series on the Genesis, this one has some nice SNES versions of the tracks from it's predecessors. I think I prefer the Genesis versions, but these have their own charm, too.


Addams Family Values - OK, now THIS is some creepy stuff! You're right, this should have gone in the Halloween collection. I love this soundtrack!
Junction - A rare Konami-published puzzle game. I know, right? Anyways, I like the music here. A lot of it kind of reminds me of ending music to action games, but some is actually pretty fast, too. This is going in my "listen to" collection. The composer of the music is unknown, but others have compared the music to that of Heavy Nova, whose composer is ALSO unknown. Weird.

Anyways, we have some more Genesis requests and a bunch of GameBoy stuff coming up soon. Expect some more awesome stuff tomorrow!

Konami did not do Junction. Micronet Co. Ltd, the creators of Heavy Nova created Junction. Shaka, the same composer to Heavy Nova, as well as Curse, has done the soundtrack to that game. Even I do not know who he or she is, but I like Shaka's sound driver used in Junction, Curse, and Heavy Nova for the Genesis.

11-10-2013, 08:41 PM
---------- Post added at 01:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 PM ----------


Konami did not do Junction. Micronet Co. Ltd, the creators of Heavy Nova created Junction. Shaka, the same composer to Heavy Nova, as well as Curse, has done the soundtrack to that game. Even I do not know who he or she is, but I like Shaka's sound driver used in Junction, Curse, and Heavy Nova for the Genesis.

Right, notice I said Konami PUBLISHED it, not developed it!

---------- Post added at 02:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 PM ----------

We have more updates! Hooray! What's in the bag today?


Blades of Vengeance - This was done as a favor for a friend for a project he's working on. It's actually quite a good soundtrack. Marshall Parker worked on it, and he was also responsible for the unique Shadowrun Genesis soundtrack, as well as half of the new Shadowrun game which was just released for the PC. He always puts out quality work.

King Salmon - Man, Hitoshi Sakimoto worked on some obscure titles! We all know what he's capable of producing, and this furthers that proof... some tight melodies, an excellent sound driver, and a few tracks that side toward the hard-rock genre.

Sega Channel Demo Cart - You won't hear THIS one every day. This is music ripped from an in-store demo of the Sega Channel capabilities, and it has quite a bit of music. Each channel has it's own theme, and they're pretty good! There aren't any credits for the composers, but I detect some similarities to Toejam and Earl in places, so maybe....?


Batman - Yes! This is what I'm talking about! I'm so lame when it comes to GB music because I only ever owned a few games, myself. But here we have a Naoki Kodaka masterpiece that fits in your pocket! Download this one. No, just do it. Seriously.

Donkey Kong Country 1 - 3 - Dave Wise (of course) wrote the first two albums, while Eveline Novakovic took over on the 3rd, making it a "rare" non-Wise Rare soundtrack (did that make sense?) Anyways, you'll hear that Wise's music is a little heavier, with lots of sweeping sound effects and note bending, while Novakovic takes a more traditional approach to her work. Although, she gets pretty heavy on the "Nuts and Bolts" tracks.

Warlocked - Wow, this one is rad. Fast arpeggios, really nice percussion, catchy melodies... This is how GB games should sound! A must-hear soundtrack!

OK! There's still more GB requests in the works, so I'll be posting those within the next day or so.

What else on GB am I missing out on? :)

11-10-2013, 10:05 PM
Right, notice I said Konami PUBLISHED it, not developed it!

---------- Post added at 02:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 PM ----------

We have more updates! Hooray! What's in the bag today?


Blades of Vengeance - This was done as a favor for a friend for a project he's working on. It's actually quite a good soundtrack. Marshall Parker worked on it, and he was also responsible for the unique Shadowrun Genesis soundtrack, as well as half of the new Shadowrun game which was just released for the PC. He always puts out quality work.

King Salmon - Man, Hitoshi Sakimoto worked on some obscure titles! We all know what he's capable of producing, and this furthers that proof... some tight melodies, an excellent sound driver, and a few tracks that side toward the hard-rock genre.

Sega Channel Demo Cart - You won't hear THIS one every day. This is music ripped from an in-store demo of the Sega Channel capabilities, and it has quite a bit of music. Each channel has it's own theme, and they're pretty good! There aren't any credits for the composers, but I detect some similarities to Toejam and Earl in places, so maybe....?


Batman - Yes! This is what I'm talking about! I'm so lame when it comes to GB music because I only ever owned a few games, myself. But here we have a Naoki Kodaka masterpiece that fits in your pocket! Download this one. No, just do it. Seriously.

Donkey Kong Country 1 - 3 - Dave Wise (of course) wrote the first two albums, while Eveline Novakovic took over on the 3rd, making it a "rare" non-Wise Rare soundtrack (did that make sense?) Anyways, you'll hear that Wise's music is a little heavier, with lots of sweeping sound effects and note bending, while Novakovic takes a more traditional approach to her work. Although, she gets pretty heavy on the "Nuts and Bolts" tracks.

Warlocked - Wow, this one is rad. Fast arpeggios, really nice percussion, catchy melodies... This is how GB games should sound! A must-hear soundtrack!

OK! There's still more GB requests in the works, so I'll be posting those within the next day or so.

What else on GB am I missing out on? :)

Sorry, its just when I looked at the cover for the USA version of Junction, it didn't look like Konami published it, that's all.

---------- Post added at 03:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 PM ----------

I have 6 requests for Game Boy games, all of them are Japanese Only RPGs:

1: ONI II: Innin Densetsu: Oni II: Innin Densetsu (ONI II ????) - Game Boy Gameplay - YouTube (
2: ONI III: Kuro no Hakaishin: Oni III: Kuro no Hakaishin (ONI III ?????) - Game Boy Gameplay - YouTube (
3: ONI IV: Kishin no Ketsuzoku: ??????????ONI IV ????? - YouTube (
4: ONI V: Innin no Tsugumono: [Oni V: Innin no Tsugumono]Last Boss Sanato Kumara - YouTube (
5: XERD no Densetsu: Xerd no Densetsu (??????) - Game Boy Gameplay - YouTube ( (This one and the sequel were composed by Fumito Tamayama)
6: XERD no Densetsu II: XERD!! Gishin no Ryouiki: VGM Hall Of Fame: Xerd no Densetsu II - Welcome to Town (GB) - YouTube (

11-11-2013, 12:00 AM
What else on GB am I missing out on? :)

The easy answer is probably "most things that Alberto Gonazalez did." A veteran of the MSX and ZX Spectrum, he made some of the best and most technically advanced GB/GBC soundtracks. The easy recommendation for a soundtrack would be The Smurfs' Nightmare. This song in particular is amazing (, but the whole soundtrack is top notch. He did a lot of high quality soundtracks for the GBC near the tail-end of it's life cycle.

He actually has a Soundcloud ( he's been posting remasters of his music, though he only posts each soundtrack as one long-individual track rather than separate tracks per tune. Still worth checking out.

11-11-2013, 03:24 AM
The easy answer is probably "most things that Alberto Gonazalez did." A veteran of the MSX and ZX Spectrum, he made some of the best and most technically advanced GB/GBC soundtracks. The easy recommendation for a soundtrack would be The Smurfs' Nightmare. This song in particular is amazing (, but the whole soundtrack is top notch. He did a lot of high quality soundtracks for the GBC near the tail-end of it's life cycle.

He actually has a Soundcloud ( he's been posting remasters of his music, though he only posts each soundtrack as one long-individual track rather than separate tracks per tune. Still worth checking out.

Holy smokes. Amazing stuff. I have a feeling my GB section will be growing very big very soon. Thanks for pointing him out!

11-11-2013, 03:35 AM
The easy answer is probably "most things that Alberto Gonazalez did." A veteran of the MSX and ZX Spectrum, he made some of the best and most technically advanced GB/GBC soundtracks. The easy recommendation for a soundtrack would be The Smurfs' Nightmare. This song in particular is amazing (, but the whole soundtrack is top notch. He did a lot of high quality soundtracks for the GBC near the tail-end of it's life cycle.

He actually has a Soundcloud ( he's been posting remasters of his music, though he only posts each soundtrack as one long-individual track rather than separate tracks per tune. Still worth checking out.

I love Alberto Gonzalez's work, especially on what he did for the Gameboy Turok games.

11-11-2013, 08:56 PM
Ah, the days when games were black and white, took four AA batteries, and could only be played in the daylight. GameBoy was pretty cool, but I never had much interest in it besides Tetris and TMNT: Fall of the Foot Clan. Now, I've got lots of excellent music from games I've never heard of! Here's what's uploaded so far:

Final Fantasy Adventure - This is what Final Fantasy would sound like in Kenji Ito's hands: eh, not too impressive. There's some OK tracks, but the Chocobo Theme is pretty terrible, in my opinion.
Kirby's Block Ball - It's Breakout in the Kirby universe! The music is fun - a constant fast pace keeps the action going, and the sounds are pleasant to the ears. This is a nice one.
The Smurfs - OK, this is an Alberto Gonzalez soundtrack. Remember that name, because he's evidently a music legend that I've never heard of, for some reason. Just download this one. Take my word for it.
The Smurfs' Nightmare - Another Gonzalez soundtrack, and I think one of his best. Listen to "Another World (The Mysterious Planet)" and "The Workbench Gone Mad" and see what the GameBoy soundsystem is REALLY capable of!
The Sword of Hope - Kind of an obscure Kemco game that doesn't have any composer credits. The melodies are nice and seem a bit melancholy at times. It reminds me a lot of late 80's NES music.

OK, still have a bunch of GB titles to do... but they're coming soon! Promise! :)

11-11-2013, 09:33 PM
Karous is wonderful <3 <3 <3, thank you !!!

11-12-2013, 07:06 PM
OK, so just uploaded is the Oni series in the Gameboy section! Oni, from Banpresto, was an RPG released on the portable system only in Japan. There's 4 games available (2 through 5) and from what I've listened to, it's pretty sweet stuff. I'm reminded of the Mega Man NES tracks, with their constant noise-channel percussion and "go get 'em" synth leads. A great find!

11-13-2013, 02:45 AM
Oh wow, if it's Alberto Gonzalez we're talking about here, then may I request the two SNES Asterix games he did (Asterix, Asterix and Obelix)? Loved the music for those games.

And as far as GB music goes..... I'd like to request Trip World, if possible. This is a Sunsoft game, so you KNOW it'll have a great soundtrack! ;)

11-13-2013, 03:29 AM
Oh wow, if it's Alberto Gonzalez we're talking about here, then may I request the two SNES Asterix games he did (Asterix, Asterix and Obelix)? Loved the music for those games.

And as far as GB music goes..... I'd like to request Trip World, if possible. This is a Sunsoft game, so you KNOW it'll have a great soundtrack! ;)

Huh, I was just thinking about recommending Trip World ( myself, so consider that recommendation seconded then.

11-13-2013, 04:14 AM
OK, so just uploaded is the Oni series in the Gameboy section! Oni, from Banpresto, was an RPG released on the portable system only in Japan. There's 4 games available (2 through 5) and from what I've listened to, it's pretty sweet stuff. I'm reminded of the Mega Man NES tracks, with their constant noise-channel percussion and "go get 'em" synth leads. A great find!

Thank you, I am glad I have got to share that soundtrack series to you and to everyone else on the Net. Actually, there are 5 games in the ONI series, its just that 2-4 had a lot better music, that is why I decided on those 4 only. In fact, 2 games in the ONI series also made it to the Super Famicom (Super Nintendo):

1: Kishin Korinden ONI:
2: Bakumatsu Kourinden ONI:

These games, the entire ONI series was made by my all time RPG developer from Japan- Pandora Box.

So, how's it coming along on Xerd no Densetsu?

---------- Post added at 09:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 PM ----------

In an unrelated question, why do you like the Non-Japanese composers more than the Japanese?

11-13-2013, 12:17 PM
Thank you, I am glad I have got to share that soundtrack series to you and to everyone else on the Net. Actually, there are 5 games in the ONI series, its just that 2-4 had a lot better music, that is why I decided on those 4 only. In fact, 2 games in the ONI series also made it to the Super Famicom (Super Nintendo):

1: Kishin Korinden ONI: ?????ONI ???.mp4 - YouTube (
2: Bakumatsu Kourinden ONI: ?????ONI ???.mp4 - YouTube (

These games, the entire ONI series was made by my all time RPG developer from Japan- Pandora Box.

So, how's it coming along on Xerd no Densetsu?

---------- Post added at 09:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 PM ----------

In an unrelated question, why do you like the Non-Japanese composers more than the Japanese?

I've no preference over the nationality of game composers. Follin is my favorite, yes, but I also love Yuzo Koshiro, Motoi Sakuraba, and Naoki Kodaka.

Xerd should be up later today, along with a bunch more. Just depends on how busy I am at work!


11-13-2013, 08:41 PM
Well, OK, so it WAS a busy day... I got at least the ones I'd promised to do, though!

Xerd No Densetsu 1 and 2 are up! We've got some very Konami-esque tunes here. A lot reminds me of either Castlevania, or the first Ninja Turtles game on the NES. Also, it's rare for a game to use the triangle wave as the lead on most songs, and these albums do it quite a bit! Makes it sound very unique.

Tonight, I'll have the arcade/ Dreamcast shooter Chaos Field, and maybe a few others Enjoy for now!

11-14-2013, 04:20 AM
It's late! Have some music! We got:

Chaos Field - Hardcore techno shooter music! *yawn*

Trip World - I thought this GameBoy game was about drugs! So disappointed. BUT! The music is rad. *nodding off*

Asterix - Alberto Gonzalez did NOT do this one on the SNES. It's mediocre.

Asterix & Obelix - Alberto Gonzalez DID do this one on the SNES. It's totally amazing.

I'm going to bed now. See ya tomorrow!


11-14-2013, 07:21 AM
here's a challenge for you ruiner9, try and get the Virtual Hydlide soundtrack. as far as I know, there is no SSF set of the game and it's not streamed.

11-14-2013, 12:19 PM
here's a challenge for you ruiner9, try and get the Virtual Hydlide soundtrack. as far as I know, there is no SSF set of the game and it's not streamed.

Well, fine! If you like synthesized Baroque and/ or chamber music, then Virtual Hydlide is totally your cup of tea! Go grab it in the newly-opened Saturn section! :)

(OK, it was a little hard to find. Took me about 7 minutes.)

11-15-2013, 04:07 AM
I've no preference over the nationality of game composers. Follin is my favorite, yes, but I also love Yuzo Koshiro, Motoi Sakuraba, and Naoki Kodaka.

Xerd should be up later today, along with a bunch more. Just depends on how busy I am at work!


Thanks so much, dude for the Xerd soundtracks. Fumito Tamayama is known for his Konami-esque soundtracks in his games. Here is a sample of what I am talking about, but this game was never released: [NES] Secret Ties 06 - Incan Temple (Stage 1, Stage 5) (OST) - YouTube (

That's good. I am like you in some ways, I do like a few Non-Japanese composers, like Geoff and Tim Follin, Grahame Norgate, Robin Beanland, David Wise, Brian Coburn, the people over at Novotrade who did the Ecco games, as well as all of their other work on the Genesis, Jonathan Dunn, Keith Tinman, Rob Hubbard, Alberto Gonzalez, only on certain games, the same thing goes with the Japanese, such as Naoki Kodaka, Motoi Sakuraba (I recommend you look up his work he did when he worked over at WOLFTEAM, the games from that company and the music he composed for them is excellent) and Yuzo Koshiro (especially on his work on Streets of Rage).

11-15-2013, 04:22 AM
Well, fine! If you like synthesized Baroque and/ or chamber music, then Virtual Hydlide is totally your cup of tea! Go grab it in the newly-opened Saturn section! :)

(OK, it was a little hard to find. Took me about 7 minutes.)
wtf? well anyway thanks. :D

maybe next you could try your luck at all the saturn/dreamcast Let's Make A Pro Soccer Team/J.League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! series?

PS, the King Salmon game you put up was composed by Masaharu Iwata, Sakimoto just supplied the sound driver. (not sure if that's how you have it tagged, since I didn't DL it)

@Evolution01 I have all of Tamayama's works, so if you want them let me know.

11-15-2013, 05:02 AM
Thanks so much, dude for the Xerd soundtracks. Fumito Tamayama is known for his Konami-esque soundtracks in his games. Here is a sample of what I am talking about, but this game was never released: [NES] Secret Ties 06 - Incan Temple (Stage 1, Stage 5) (OST) - YouTube (

That's good. I am like you in some ways, I do like a few Non-Japanese composers, like Geoff and Tim Follin, Grahame Norgate, Robin Beanland, David Wise, Brian Coburn, the people over at Novotrade who did the Ecco games, as well as all of their other work on the Genesis, Jonathan Dunn, Keith Tinman, Rob Hubbard, Alberto Gonzalez, only on certain games, the same thing goes with the Japanese, such as Naoki Kodaka, Motoi Sakuraba (I recommend you look up his work he did when he worked over at WOLFTEAM, the games from that company and the music he composed for them is excellent) and Yuzo Koshiro (especially on his work on Streets of Rage).

Well that's an impressive cadre of composers! Did you know that the soundtrack to Secret Ties is available? I'll work on a stereo version for you over the weekend!

wtf? well anyway thanks. :D

maybe next you could try your luck at all the saturn/dreamcast Let's Make A Pro Soccer Team/J.League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! series?

PS, the King Salmon game you put up was composed by Masaharu Iwata, Sakimoto just supplied the sound driver. (not sure if that's how you have it tagged, since I didn't DL it)

@Evolution01 I have all of Tamayama's works, so if you want them let me know.

I have them both tagged as artists on King Salmon, actually, since I wasn't sure if Sakimoto actually wrote any of the music.

Also, Saturn version of J.League Pro Soccer Club wo Tsukurou is in a weird format that hasn't been able to be dumped yet, but I can definitely do the DC iteration, J.League Spectacle Soccer. I'll be mad busy tomorrow but I'll have some stuff ready over the weekend!

11-15-2013, 05:59 AM
you can check Sakimoto's worklist ( for his role in any of his projects.

and I'm specially looking for the early Saturn era J.League Pro Soccer Club wo Tsukurou games (1-3 mainly). in fact I think I have Spectacle Soccer already. too bad almost none of them have credits, although I know Junko Shiratsu (of Knuckles' Chaotix fame) did some of the earlier games in the series.

11-15-2013, 09:38 AM
Hey ruiner9, if you don't mind, I've made a little list of requests for some various game soundtracks I've been interested in, dunno if you'll be able to get them all, though:


- Lagoon ( (A game very similar to Falcom's Ys series. This was also released for the X68000, but that version's soundtrack might be harder to find, I'm not sure.)
- Metal Morph (
- Super R-Type (
- Realm (
- Dead Dance ( (aka Tuff E Nuff for the localized versions)
- The Lost Vikings ( and its sequel ( (I'm actually surprised nobody else requested these earlier!)

Game Boy

- Monster Max ( (David Wise, anyone? ;))
- Volley Fire (
- Spanky's Quest (


- Atomic Runner (
- Socket ( (That tune alone should convince you of how awesome this soundtrack is ;))
- Twinkle Tale ( (I have a LOT of trouble finding the music for this one, personally....)

Also, I dunno if it's okay to request GBA music, but I'll list 'em anyway:

Game Boy Advance

- Drill Dozer ( (LOVE this game's soundtrack! But I have a hell of a hard time finding any MP3 downloads of it....)
- Shonen Jump's One Piece ( (I'm probably biased here since I'm a huge OP fan, but IMO this is one of the best GBA soundtracks ever! Hopefully, the final stage theme will convince you of that, as well. ;))

Aaaaaand..... that's it, for now! :)

11-15-2013, 12:48 PM
OK! Seems I have a huge list in my "to do" folder now! Sweet.

Elwood, I'm working on finishing up your GB requests first.

dissident93, it's not looking great on the J.League stuff, unless I find a tool that will rip music from the game iso AND some documentation on which files host the soundtrack. I'll keep digging, though! You may have actually stumped me... :(

MarvelB, great suggestions! I actually did have Super R-Type and Tuff E Nuff up at one point when my Dropbox wasn't banned, but I don't think they were ever mirrored on Mega so they got lost in the purge. I'll redo those. I can get just about everything except for Drill Dozer, which stinks because it DOES has some cool tunes. One Piece is untagged and untimed, so that'll take some extra work, too.

Normally I can do a lot of this at work (I've gotten to the point where I can do these albums without even having speakers, I just check the levels to make sure there's no clipping, not too quiet, etc) but I'll be attending a huge convention today. So, most work won't begin till late tonight/ Saturday afternoon. Oh, and I have to pick up this PS4 thing on the way home. ;)

11-15-2013, 05:36 PM

-SD Gundam G Generation F (PSX)

This is (ultimately) a five disc (3+Premium+F.IF) behemoth for PSX. The ultimate Gundam UC game. Was remade for PSP but some UC arcs were removed to get space for SEED and SEED Destiny. :/

Psfs are easy to find and remember... STAND UP TO THE VICTORY!!

11-15-2013, 05:45 PM
Oh Lefance. Do you ever request anything under 2 hours long? LOL!

I'll work on it!

11-15-2013, 08:14 PM
Well that's an impressive cadre of composers! Did you know that the soundtrack to Secret Ties is available? I'll work on a stereo version for you over the weekend!

Of course- I have a good ear for game music, if you know what I mean. Thanks, dude, but I already have the soundtrack to Secret Ties.

11-15-2013, 09:59 PM
Elwood, I'm working on finishing up your GB requests first.

No worries, you've had a lot of requests and I appreciate the effort either way.

Of course- I have a good ear for game music, if you know what I mean. Thanks, dude, but I already have the soundtrack to Secret Ties.

Perhaps, but I don't. I certainly wouldn't mind hearing a NES Stereo version of the Secret Ties soundtrack for what it's worth, ruiner9.

11-16-2013, 12:43 AM
No worries, you've had a lot of requests and I appreciate the effort either way.

Perhaps, but I don't. I certainly wouldn't mind hearing a NES Stereo version of the Secret Ties soundtrack for what it's worth, ruiner9.

I was gonna do it anyways, Elwood ;)

Also... 200 posts! Do I get like an award or something? No? Oh, OK. :P

11-16-2013, 10:26 PM
Alrighty, been working a lot on this stuff. Here's what's new!

Super R-Type (Snes)- OK, not NEW new, but back up again. :)

Atomic Runner (Genesis)- I LOVE the 1st stage theme of this game. It's so catchy! This is a great action game soundtrack.

Socket (Genesis)- Socket was designed by Vic Tokai to be almost a rival to Sonic. Well, they didn't do that great in THAT department, but the music is top notch! Maybe even better in places than the first Sonic score. Maaaybe. It's pretty good.

And the Gameboy stuff:

X - Hip Tanaka worked on this one, and it's a little Metroidy in parts... he likes to build sound effects into his music. It's pretty cool.

Volley Fire - Arpeggios! Arpeggios everywhere! This soundtrack has more cascading notes than I think I've ever heard. It's pretty unique, and very cool... but don't listen if you have a headache.

Power Quest - Imagine this as an alternate Mega Man soundtrack, made by Sunsoft, and you have the right idea. :)

Monster Max - Imagine THIS one as an alternate Battletoads soundtrack, made by Rare (and Titus,) and you also have the right idea. :)

OK! Got TEN. FREAKING. HOURS. of SD Gundam music coming up soon... it's over 1gb, so it'll be a temporary upload for Lefance and anyone else who wants to grab it (cuz it IS really good stuff)... should be done sometime in the next few hours.

Also, more previous requests will be worked on! Woot!

11-17-2013, 01:25 AM
OK, for a limited time only. Here's SD Gundam G Generation F!

SD Gundam G Generation F (PSX - ruiner9).7z.001 250.0 MB!kwtVyYzL!WvxS5QlkAakIGKxOotz9xVKdPmFzGjLEF5pkKZ6 CdSw

SD Gundam G Generation F (PSX - ruiner9).7z.002 250.0 MB!N9NFiTSS!AiG_Tn-4cV2QROLthNTXI1j5cid5bAmMhVSW2ppxR2I

SD Gundam G Generation F (PSX - ruiner9).7z.003 250.0 MB!Rh1HUCRK!VPuIjzxr2x0i7aYcFo-Q5m8w3zAMDBWKSx1Qtl0FplM

SD Gundam G Generation F (PSX - ruiner9).7z.004 250.0 MB!U9EVzQzZ!dpHidgim4TJ0_DDzklatVzN_JI1jjFp1TAhQSY_ W-q8

SD Gundam G Generation F (PSX - ruiner9).7z.005 176.3 MB!I4131T5L!ME2PTmSUakRdAMBpPLWbD3UozzRzQzzcamB9qR-ilxY

11-17-2013, 11:38 AM
Thank you for SDGGGF, I will think about something as exciting for the next time as well... :)

11-17-2013, 07:18 PM
Happy Sunday! I am DONE with the backlog! Woo! Here's the rest of the requests:


Secret Ties - No, it's not about those things you wear around your neck when your mom forces you to look nice. It's an unreleased Japanese game with a soundtrack from Fumito Tamayama! It's pretty freaking good. He knows how to get music stuck in your head.


Spanky's Quest - Some cheery music to get you up when you're feeling down. It's a medium-paced, very melodic soundtrack.


Twinkle Tale - This one's kind of similar in gameplay to Pocky and Rocky on the SNES... a run n' gun overhead shooter. The music is a head-nodder. Nice drum samples drive the beat along with some triumphant-sounding synths keep your little witch protagonist shooting the bad guys.


Shonen Jump's One Piece - This one wasn't timed or tagged, so I did my best! It's 35 tracks long, and has a very MIDI-instrument sound to it. That's not very uncommon in GBA games, though. It's a lot of fun to listen to!


Lagoon - I think this uses the same sound driver as Hyper Zone. It's got some great drum and hi-hat samples, and the music is energetic and fun.
Metal Morph - One of the very few soundtracks not written by a Japanese artist today, this has got some very metal and hard-rock oriented tracks, with chugging guitar samples and a thick percussion section. It's pretty unique!
Realm - Trancey techno! Makes you wanna shake in your seat. I really like this one, though it's kind of short...
The Lost Vikings 1 and 2 - These are some very unique works! They're so advanced that traditional ripping methods don't work, so special software had to be developed to get the music from the ROMs. It's worth it, because they ROCK. Even though they're from different composers, they blend elements of pop, classical, and hip hop together to make some really cool tunes. The 2nd game wasn't tagged OR timed, so this makes the first SNES title I've had to do some manual work on. Definitely check these out if you're not familiar.
Tuff E Nuff - Also known as Dead Dance across the ocean, but Nintendo didn't like "death" being talked about in the USA. Weirdos. Anyways, the music is kind of reminiscent of Final Fight in away, but that's OK, because so is the game!

So! I think now, I'm open for more requests, and I finally have time to put some of my own up, too. Hope you guys enjoy this weekend's music loot! :)

11-18-2013, 01:04 AM
What about Sonic R, tales of phantasia, shinobi III, super metroid, moon crystal (nes), sonic 3 and knuckles (both games), and star fox 64?

11-18-2013, 01:51 AM
What about Sonic R, tales of phantasia, shinobi III, super metroid, moon crystal (nes), sonic 3 and knuckles (both games), and star fox 64?

Nice variety. Challenge accepted.

11-18-2013, 04:49 AM
Actually, the Sonic 3 has the Sonic and Knuckles tracks in it too. Forgot to list that.

11-18-2013, 09:40 PM
Challenge accepted, and challenge complete. Here are your new updates:


Sonic R - The "more mature" equivalent to Mario kart, Sonic R was a pretty cool game, with a VERY disco/ 90's dancepop soundtrack, complete with vocals. This one's a direct rip from my copy of the game, so it's very high quality.


Super Metroid - Hip Tanaka's original score was minimalist. It was very lonely and melancholy sounding, but also had a sense of purpose to it at times. Kenji Yamamoto's soundtrack takes that same feeling and works with it throughout the whole game. It's a "sit alone in the dark and try not to get spooked" kind of soundtrack.

Tales of Phantasia - So here's an interesting soundtrack... there's a rip out there in SNSF format, which is what Lost Vikings uses, because it has samples and sequences that the SPC format doesn't support. The issue is that the SNSF source is totally untagged and untimed, and it's a MAJOR project to do it correctly. The SPC version is complete with track titles and times, so I made that one. Can the people who are familiar with the music tell me if it's missing instruments? I know there's one track that's supposed to have vocals, but I'm not sure which one. If we can narrow down the tracks that are incorrect, it won't be as much of an issue to tag and time-cut a few SNSF songs. Then I'll integrate them into the existing album.


Shinobi III - Some great examples of how clean rock 'n roll composition should sound on the ol' Yamaha 2612. I really like this soundtrack. Give it a shot if you haven't heard it!


Moon Crystal - I've never heard of this game till now. The music is... well, I guess "whimsical" is the best way to describe it. Lots of twinkly notes in the higher registers make a very "cute" soundtrack. The game looks great, though! I just saw some footage on YouTube and it has cinematics like Ninja Gaiden and some great character animation. I think I'm gonna check it out tonight!


StarFox 64 - It's nice to have an addition to the N64 section! It's a pretty symphonic soundtrack, which I'm not too fond of, but it sounds really good!


Turok Rage Wars, 1, and 2 - Alberto Gonzalez. Need I say more? Right.


Rage Racer - I LOVE the Ridge Racer series music. Shinji Hosoe's original soundtrack got my into electronica when I was in high school, and the music got more mature with Tetsukazu Nakanishi's subsequent soundtracks, all the way up to Ridge Racer 7. I'll be adding more of this series' music over time. This is also a direct rip from my game's CD audio, except track 1, which is the only PSF track in the game.

Well now, that was a lot of stuff in two days! I should be getting the parts for my new Core i7 monster PC in a day or two, which means BLAZING FAST encoding times. I'm excited!

Hit me with some more requests! Peace out for now.

11-20-2013, 01:22 AM
Thanks so much ruiner9, but I can not find tales of phantasia in SNES, is it up there? Also I can compare the tracks to ensure all the instruments are there. I also should be able to tell if some songs are missing... I can make no guarantee thought. Phantasia's soundtrack was done by none other than the amazing motoi sakuraba of wolfteam fame (phantasia was basically done by wolfteam), and is responsible for lots of great osts in his day, from zan way back in the day, to kid icarus uprising recently. Wolfteam (in my book) was most notable for their intros, they are almost always epic.

Arcus Odessey (gen)
RYU 〜哭きの竜より〜 (PC-98 or Sharp X68000)
Mahjong Hisshou Den: Naki no Ryuu [麻雀飛翔伝 哭きの竜] (super nintendo) - Different game based on the same franchise

11-20-2013, 02:28 AM
Ha! I must have forgotten to list it. It was in my MEGA account. It's up there now! Yes, Motoi Sakuraba is one of my favorite composers, too. He writes some amazing melodies. I also thought the SNES version of the Ridge Racer theme was pretty cool. :)

I'll take care of those requests, too. I have some access to X68000 games, but they're scarce, so hopefully that's one of the titles I can rip.

Also, tomorrow I'm going to be posting just about every Street Fighter II 16-bit console version that's out there, along with the Naxat pinball series for the TG16. Some sweet tunes in those games!

11-20-2013, 02:47 AM
Ha! I must have forgotten to list it. It was in my MEGA account. It's up there now!

Not to be a bother, but it seems you forgot to put the link to Super Metroid as well.

Glad to hear Ridge Racer music will be getting uploaded, I was thinking of requesting it.

Some requests...

Base Wars (
Crisis Force (
Exciting Soccer (
Gyruss (if possible I’d love to hear both the NES verison ( and the Famicom Disk System version (
Metal Max (
Mission Impossible (
Mitsume ga Tooru (
Snake's Revenge (
Super Spy Hunter (

Game Boy:
Castlevania Legends (
Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru / For the Frog the Bell Tolls (
Oddworld Adventures (you actually forgot this one in the last batch of requests) (

Pretty heavy on Konami now that I look at it.

11-20-2013, 04:42 AM
great thread thanks

11-20-2013, 12:14 PM
Not to be a bother, but it seems you forgot to put the link to Super Metroid as well.

Glad to hear Ridge Racer music will be getting uploaded, I was thinking of requesting it.

Some requests...

Base Wars (
Crisis Force (
Exciting Soccer (
Gyruss (if possible I’d love to hear both the NES verison ( and the Famicom Disk System version (
Metal Max (
Mission Impossible (
Mitsume ga Tooru (
Snake's Revenge (
Super Spy Hunter (

Game Boy:
Castlevania Legends (
Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru / For the Frog the Bell Tolls (
Oddworld Adventures (you actually forgot this one in the last batch of requests) (

Pretty heavy on Konami now that I look at it.

Man, I must be losin' it. Super Metroid is now UP!

I love Konami music, so no worries! After I get the Street Fighter II collection up, I'll start on the requests.

11-20-2013, 03:53 PM
OK! As promised, here's this morning's stuff, before I start working on the requests:

Alien Crush and Devil's Crush - Kicking off our TG16 chiptune music rips is these two awesome pinball games, and I've always loved their music. It's fast-paced hard rock, and makes the fact that you're playing on the same pinball table for hours a little less tedious. Check them out!

Street Fighter II Series

Street Fighter II - SNES
Street Fighter II Turbo - SNES
Super Street Fighter II - SNES (USA and JAP)
Street Fighter II' - Special Championship Edition - Genesis
Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition - TG16

That's a lot of the same music! It's very cool that each version of the soundtrack sounds drastically different, even on the same system, and sometimes even by country. The US and Japanese Super Street Fighter II both have some different instrument samples, so I've included rips for each.

And do I need to say much about the music? Whether you consider it a great soundtrack or not, if you were old enough during the Street Fighter Craze of the mid-90's, you have most of these songs memorized. I was one of those kids that rushed out to my local game store on the day the first SNES version was released, and I've been hooked ever since. It was kind of nice that I had a younger brother to kick the snot out of in tournament mode, too. ;) I'm a big fan of the Street Fighter III soundtracks as well, so I'll probably be ripping my Dreamcast discs at some point.

Time to start on the requests!

11-20-2013, 08:22 PM
Do you have Air Duel and Cosmic Cop, both from IREM for the arcade?

11-20-2013, 09:24 PM
Do you have Air Duel and Cosmic Cop, both from IREM for the arcade?

I will check on that! They're not available in VGM format but I might be able to rip them in MAME, and that will take a few days.

Here's what I've got so far! I'll be brief because I'm about to leave work, lol....


Arcus Odyssey - It's another Motoi Sakuraba masterpiece! I'm really digging this soundtrack!


Gyruss - I've uploaded both the NES and the FDS version, as requested. :)


Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru So in this RPG, you and a fellow prince are turned into frogs and you have to destroy a huge snake. Or at least that seems to be the gist of it. It's a nicely composed soundtrack, typical of a lot of JRPG's, from what I've listened to. I'll give it a better listen later.

Castlevania Legends - This was kind of a weird game. It starred a female protagonist (Sonia Belmont) who was supposedly the first Belmont to fight Dracula. It was removed from the Castlevania timeline canon because it didn't fit with the rest of the stories. Also, the soundtrack was kind of meh. It sounds pretty good through PC speakers instead of a GameBoy speaker, though.


Mahjong Hishouden - Naki no Ryuu - This one has a bit of a loungy vibe, which I would expect from a Mahjong game, I guess! :) It's pretty fun to listen to!


Sega Rally Championship - Guys, I LOVE this game. It's a blast to play, and the framerate is great for a Saturn 3D game. The soundtrack is mostly rock, with some synths thrown in for pop effect, and it's very well produced.

Super Hang On GP - Also very similar to Sega Rally Championship's soundtrack, I'm pretty sure the same production studio did the music, because it's very similar. The composers are different, however, and this soundtrack is a little more on the pop side, instead of rock.

More to come soon!

11-20-2013, 11:15 PM
Very nice, thank you. It's really nice having these nes soundtracks organized and ready to play without the hassle of winamp plugins and such. Thank you again :)

11-21-2013, 05:48 AM
This one might be a bit challenging. I was wondering if you could rip the soundtrack from Record of Lodoss War: Advent of Cardice (Dreamcast). Looked everywhere but to no avail~ good luck!

11-21-2013, 03:22 PM
This one might be a bit challenging. I was wondering if you could rip the soundtrack from Record of Lodoss War: Advent of Cardice (Dreamcast). Looked everywhere but to no avail~ good luck!

Yeah, sure! It's up in the downloads section now. It was REALLY hard to find any info for it besides publisher and date, so if you can fill in any details like composer or song titles/ song location in the game, let me know, and Ill add it in. :)

Also, I have a few extra albums this morning!


Street Fighter II - If I'm going to have all the console soundtracks, may as well post the original, right? This is actually my least favorite version, mostly because the percussion is so muddy. It overtakes a lot of the tracks.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time - Wow. I thought the SNES soundtrack was awesome. The arcade version really kicks butt. It's like an electro-punk rock dance party. If you like TMNT music (or, you know, just music in general,) grab this one!

OK, back to work on the other requests!

11-21-2013, 09:27 PM
This is probably the biggest NES update I've done in a while. There's some excellent titles here too, so let's us begin, shall we?

Base Wars - I'll just be honest. Most of these games just have really good Konami music reminiscent of TMNT or Castlevania, so I'm not gonna go too much into them. :)

Crisis Force - Konami's last game for the NES. It's a technical masterpiece, and it's got a great soundtrack as well.

Gyruss (FDS) - Didn't I do this one? Well, yes, but I forgot to tag it. Redownload it and you'll have a more complete package!

Metal Max - This is a freely explorable world done in RPG style, that challenges you to find the right stuff to get the best ending without forcing you to go anywhere. It's a cool concept. The dungeon music is pretty creepy.

Mission Impossible - More Konami music! Hooray!

Mitsume ga Tooru - Here's a game about a dude with three eyes, who has a gun and shoots enemies for gold coins and has a condor that can be used as a platform. Yikes. It was developed by Natsume, who's done some cool music in the past, so check 'er out.

Snake's Revenge - So this game is hailed as an embarrassment to the Metal Gear series by Hideo Kojima himself. He's right, it's not even a stealth game. However, the music was really good. It's intense, and tightly composed, and uses those famous Konami drumbeats. So at least there's that, right? It's not all a waste!

Super Spy Hunter - Naoki Kodaka. Shinichi Seya. Sunsoft. Yeah, I can see you're drooling already. Wipe that spit off your chin and go download this short (but awesome) soundtrack.

Challenge complete! Requests finished! What's next? Hmmmm... I've got some ideas!

11-21-2013, 10:39 PM
Challenge complete! Requests finished! What's next? Hmmmm... I've got some ideas!

Actually you did forget two requests.

Oddworld Adventure for the Game Boy. (Not a super impressive soundtrack I admit, but I have soft spot for it)
Exciting Soccer for NES (Another solid Konami soundtrack)

11-21-2013, 11:53 PM
Oops! Exciting Soccer is done, but I just forgot it at my work computer. And the Oddysee game is nowhere to be found. I searched all over for it. Sorry!

11-22-2013, 04:45 AM
Hey ruiner9, thanks a ton for doing my earlier requests (especially the One Piece one). You rock, man! :) That being said, I've thought up another list of requests (mainly arcade). Up for the challenge? :)


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( (you already did the sequel, so why not the original, too? ;))

Asterix ( (Yep, more Asterix. Even cooler is that part of the soundtrack was done by Mutsuhiko Izumi, the same fellow who did the aforementioned Ninja Turtle games. ;))

Zero Wing ( (Many remember this for the legendary meme that spawned from the Genesis/MD version, but it truly is an awesome game with awesome music!)

Thunder Cross I ( and II ( (This Konami shmup series isn't as well known as Gradius/Salamander, but it's most definitely awesome!)

S.P.Y. Special Project Y ( (Obscure Konami game that mixes several genres together, it's pretty interesting.)

Metamorphic Force (

Gaiapolis (

Undercover Cops ( (Irem brawler, was developed by members of the original Metal Slug team)


Asterix ( (yep, more Asterix, this one also from Alberto Gonzalez!)

Game Boy

Asterix, ( and Asterix & Obelix ( (even MORE Gonzalez, though curiously the second title is merely titled "Obelix" in-game)


Asterix and the Great Rescue ( (even MORE Asterix! This soundtrack, however, was done by Nathan McCree.)

Zero Wing ( (I already requested the arcade version, so why not this, too?)

TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist (


Lagoon ( (Uh, CAN you obtain this version's soundtrack?)


SD The Great Battle I, ( II, ( III, ( IV, ( V, ( and Gaiden 2. (


Puyo Puyo~n (

Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger ( (Kind of REALLY doubt you'll be able to get this one, but figured I'd mention it, anyway. I spent darn near a decade searching for this game's soundtrack with no luck..... :()

And..... that does it for my second big list. Can you complete it? ;)

11-22-2013, 05:45 AM
Hey Ruiner9, I was moving some of your uploads to my music library and noticed a couple of mistakes. I'm pretty sure the Alien Crush upload is incorrect, as the songs in there sound like repeats from Devil's Crush (it's labelled Alien Crush, but it's very clearly the Devil's Crush title and main themes, for instance). Also the Shinobi III soundtrack upload, while it has the correct names, it's numbering seems way out of order (the title song is in the 12th song, track one is the stage 1-2 song, etc.). Not as big a deal, but I figured I'd at least point it out.

11-22-2013, 03:00 PM
And..... that does it for my second big list. Can you complete it? ;)

Probably not ALL of them, but MOST of them. Arcade soundtracks are hit-and-miss depending on the soundchip used. Usually games using some variation of the Yamaha chips are rippable, games with custom soundsets are almost impossible (unless the game was super popular and someone worked hard on it) because software just doesn't exist to make the proper rips.

Looks like I can definitely do Asterix, Thunder Cross 1 and 2, and Zero Wing. I'm surprised that TMNT isn't available! I'll check to see if I can do it through MAME. Also, I can do the SNES version of Undercover Cops if you'd like since the arcade version isn't there. That was a great game! Especially how it would always shout "U.C. COPS!" at you all the time. :D

The rest of the console requests (except Gaoranger :( ) are definitely do-able. EDIT: And Lagoon for the X68000 isn't available either!
EDIT AGAIN: Is Puyo Puyo~n the same as Puyo Puyoon?

Hey Ruiner9, I was moving some of your uploads to my music library and noticed a couple of mistakes. I'm pretty sure the Alien Crush upload is incorrect, as the songs in there sound like repeats from Devil's Crush (it's labelled Alien Crush, but it's very clearly the Devil's Crush title and main themes, for instance). Also the Shinobi III soundtrack upload, while it has the correct names, it's numbering seems way out of order (the title song is in the 12th song, track one is the stage 1-2 song, etc.). Not as big a deal, but I figured I'd at least point it out.

That's really strange about the Crush games. I'll check on that! The Shinobi rip is in that order because that's the order that the sound test is in the game, so the source file ripper added them in as such. Feel free to arrange it however you like! :)

I appreciate you letting me know. When you've done over 300 soundtracks, you're bound to make a few mistakes here and there!

EDIT: OK, I must have been drunk or something. Those Crush soundtracks were ALL MESSED UP. I didn't even have the right composer! Anyways, they're fixed now and the links have been updated. Please re-download to get the right song flow.

11-22-2013, 08:19 PM
Yeah, sure! It's up in the downloads section now. It was REALLY hard to find any info for it besides publisher and date, so if you can fill in any details like composer or song titles/ song location in the game, let me know, and Ill add it in. :)

Also, I have a few extra albums this morning!


Street Fighter II - If I'm going to have all the console soundtracks, may as well post the original, right? This is actually my least favorite version, mostly because the percussion is so muddy. It overtakes a lot of the tracks.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time - Wow. I thought the SNES soundtrack was awesome. The arcade version really kicks butt. It's like an electro-punk rock dance party. If you like TMNT music (or, you know, just music in general,) grab this one!

OK, back to work on the other requests!
Kickass, gotta thank you for your time again. Nostalgia rolling in! As for track titles and composer, I've no earthly idea unfortunately. One of the reasons it was so hard to find anything on it haha.

11-22-2013, 09:55 PM
You know, I HAD TMNT: the Hyperstone Heist uploaded on my Dropbox, it must have gotten lost in the shuffle when it got shut down. That's OK, though, I'm using some better techniques now, so I re-ripped it and uploaded it, and it sounds pretty durn good. :)

Also, both versions of Zero Wing are up. I think the Genesis version is a lot better. It just sounds more gritty and heavy. The arcade version is a lot lighter and simple. Both have some amazing composition, though!

I hadn't ever heard of Thunder Cross, so I didn't know what to expect. The first one is pretty good, but fairly standard shooter fare. The sequel is MUCH better! It uses the same sound driver as Turtles in Time, which is a really versatile soundset. I'll have to rip Sunset Riders, too, since it also uses the same driver. Definitely check out Thunder Cross II!

Let's see, that's all I have for now. I'm manually ripping the original TMNT arcade game through MAME, so it'll take a while, but I should have it up by the end of the weekend, along with more of the requests.

Peace out, homies!

11-22-2013, 10:06 PM
Yeah, thanks for doing what you can, man. I'm not surprised about Gaoranger and X68000 Lagoon. But I swear that I will somehow obtain those soundtracks one day....!

And yeah, I'm cool with getting the SNES version of UC for now. ;)

EDIT AGAIN: Is Puyo Puyo~n the same as Puyo Puyoon?

Yeah, the title's also been romanized that way. Again, thanks! :)

11-23-2013, 01:26 AM
Ruiner9 I have a request for you, mind if you can do Taz in escape from mars from Sega Genesis music :)

11-23-2013, 03:10 AM
I will check on that! They're not available in VGM format but I might be able to rip them in MAME, and that will take a few days.

Here's what I've got so far! I'll be brief because I'm about to leave work, lol....


Arcus Odyssey - It's another Motoi Sakuraba masterpiece! I'm really digging this soundtrack!

I agree- I particualrly like the Genesis version of the game's soundtrack, mainly because it uses a sound driver that makes sharp notes, like the ones used in that game sound excellent. I particuarly like Genesis games that use mostly sharp notes for music, since they sound so low-pitched.

---------- Post added at 08:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:05 PM ----------

Hey ruiner9, thanks a ton for doing my earlier requests (especially the One Piece one). You rock, man! :) That being said, I've thought up another list of requests (mainly arcade). Up for the challenge? :)


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( (you already did the sequel, so why not the original, too? ;))

Asterix ( (Yep, more Asterix. Even cooler is that part of the soundtrack was done by Mutsuhiko Izumi, the same fellow who did the aforementioned Ninja Turtle games. ;))

Zero Wing ( (Many remember this for the legendary meme that spawned from the Genesis/MD version, but it truly is an awesome game with awesome music!)

Thunder Cross I ( and II ( (This Konami shmup series isn't as well known as Gradius/Salamander, but it's most definitely awesome!)

S.P.Y. Special Project Y ( (Obscure Konami game that mixes several genres together, it's pretty interesting.)

Metamorphic Force (

Gaiapolis (

Undercover Cops ( (Irem brawler, was developed by members of the original Metal Slug team)


Asterix ( (yep, more Asterix, this one also from Alberto Gonzalez!)

Game Boy

Asterix, ( and Asterix & Obelix ( (even MORE Gonzalez, though curiously the second title is merely titled "Obelix" in-game)


Asterix and the Great Rescue ( (even MORE Asterix! This soundtrack, however, was done by Nathan McCree.)

Zero Wing ( (I already requested the arcade version, so why not this, too?)

TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist (


Lagoon ( (Uh, CAN you obtain this version's soundtrack?)


SD The Great Battle I, ( II, ( III, ( IV, ( V, ( and Gaiden 2. (


Puyo Puyo~n (

Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger ( (Kind of REALLY doubt you'll be able to get this one, but figured I'd mention it, anyway. I spent darn near a decade searching for this game's soundtrack with no luck..... :()

And..... that does it for my second big list. Can you complete it? ;)

I'm not a fan of Asterix for Konami. I feel that Konami wasted a license by doing that game. They could've done another licensed game for the arcade instead of Asterix.

---------- Post added at 08:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 PM ----------

Snake's Revenge - So this game is hailed as an embarrassment to the Metal Gear series by Hideo Kojima himself. He's right, it's not even a stealth game. However, the music was really good. It's intense, and tightly composed, and uses those famous Konami drumbeats. So at least there's that, right? It's not all a waste!
I wish he didn't hate it. I find that game to be better than Metal Gear because it is not a Stealth game.

11-23-2013, 11:19 PM
I love Konami music, so no worries! After I get the Street Fighter II collection up, I'll start on the requests.

So do I, dude! Konami was the best when it came to games on the NES, as well as Natsume's work they did for themselves and for contract developers. Did you know that one of Konami's composers, Kiyouhei Sada left Konami in late 1988 early 1989 to work over at Natsume to create the soundtrack of Abadox? He left Natsume in 1991 to become a freelance composer.

Can you make a list of Konami soundtracks on the NES just like you did with Tim Follin's?

Also, I have 2 soundtrack requests- Have you ever heard of Kenji Eno? He founded a company called EIM, and they were the ones that created the unreleased game Sunman for the NES. Unfortunately, Kenji Eno passed away early this year in 2013, and I was thinking can you upload both of Kenji Eno's soundtracks for the NES, which are Panic Restraunt, and Sunman?

Emma of the stars
11-24-2013, 05:22 AM
wow, thanks so much. great thread.

11-24-2013, 07:05 AM
REQUEST: Treasure Hunter G (Super Famicom)

11-24-2013, 11:13 AM
Actually..... I have two more requests for now if that's okay, both of them being for the N64:

-Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (
-Goemon's Great Adventure (

^These games' soundtracks are INCREDIBLE. However, the official OST versions of the above two game's tracks are a bit incomplete compared to what you hear in-game (like for instance, Great Adventure has various day/night cycle versions for the village themes, but the OST really only plays the day versions). If you could get the complete rips for these games, I'd really appreciate it. :)

11-24-2013, 12:54 PM
This will disappoint ruiner9, but this time the music clocks just a bit over one hour. :P I bet no one even knows this game, it's Guardian Recall - Shugojuu Shoukan, a nifty S-RPG for PSX by Xing Entertainment from the Dark Ages of 1998. I tried the game and it's ok but the music is great, full of that 90s "oomph". It also has awesome movies with very cool character designs. Too bad the main theme, Little Angel is streamed so it can't be found on the psf gamerip, and so is the Ending theme but otherwise it is complete. Give it a try, it is pretty great stuff! So, summa summarum

-Guardian Recall - Shugojuu Shoukan (PSX)

11-24-2013, 04:30 PM
This will disappoint ruiner9, but this time the music clocks just a bit over one hour. :P I bet no one even knows this game, it's Guardian Recall - Shugojuu Shoukan, a nifty S-RPG for PSX by Xing Entertainment from the Dark Ages of 1998. I tried the game and it's ok but the music is great, full of that 90s "oomph". It also has awesome movies with very cool character designs. Too bad the main theme, Little Angel is streamed so it can't be found on the psf gamerip, and so is the Ending theme but otherwise it is complete. Give it a try, it is pretty great stuff! So, summa summarum

-Guardian Recall - Shugojuu Shoukan (PSX)

I've got Guardian Recall as MP3s but they are 5:00 minutes long for each track. Do you still want it? I can upload it.

---------- Post added at 09:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 AM ----------

REQUEST: Treasure Hunter G (Super Famicom)

I've also got Treasure Hunter G. Do you want it? I can upload it.

11-24-2013, 05:14 PM
Nah, I already have well-timed psf rip, so if ruiner will make an mp3 rip out of them, that would be cool. Thanks anyways :)

11-25-2013, 12:18 AM

11-25-2013, 02:41 AM

Sorry I've been out of the loop for a bit... between setting up my new PC, and re-imaging the old one for my wife, AND having some work done on my house, it's been a crazy weekend! Anyways, I finally got my ripping software configured on my new Core i7 PC, and it FLIES through the encoding process! Like 10 times faster! It's so awesome. Totally worth the money. So anyways, I got a few things done today:

SD Great Battle 1 - 5 and Gaiden 2 - I was surprised at how consistently good these soundtracks were. There's a lot of action music, but a lot of calm songs, some funny ones, and some traditional Japanese tunes, as well. Very nice stuff.

Soccer Brawl - A few of my buddies and I were having a Neo Geo game night, and we had never checked this game out before. We had a blast playing it! We all noted that the soundtrack was cool, so I ripped a copy for them and posted it here as well. It's kind of futuristic sounding, and has some neat fanfares, too. Unfortunately I couldn't find the composer's name.

TMNT - I said it couldn't be done, but I was wrong! I had to manually time out all of the music, but it's worth it, because the tunes rock, especially if you know the NES version by heart (which I'm sure most of use do!) Also note: this game is monaural, not stereo. It's not an error in the recording. I researched it to make sure.

OK, I've got some more requests for MarvelB to finish, and the rest of the new ones to collect and work on. Looks like there's some good music coming up!

11-25-2013, 04:09 PM
Rounding out the rest of what I could drum up from MarvelB's requests, I'll call this one "Updates up the Asterix." ;)

First is Puyo Puyo~n (or Puyo Puyoon as it seems to be called in most places.) This is the Dreamcast version of the soundtrack, as it's the best-sounding of them all. Lots of well-produced music, visiting many different themes, here. Compile always made really good tunes!

And then, there's the Asterix games, for just about all the major platforms! Genesis, NES, two for the Game Boy, and Arcade! Alberto Gonzalez handled the NES and GB versions, so you know you can expect some nice Follin-inspired tunes there. Nathan McCree took on the Genesis title, and it's very clean sounding, and nicely done as well. The Arcade version is my least favorite. It's very cinematic sounding and a bit bland compared to the rest, but that's just my opinion. Symphonic music fans will doubtless find it much more appealing.

OK! Time to start on the others. I should have some up later today!

---------- Post added at 10:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 AM ----------

Ruiner9 I have a request for you, mind if you can do Taz in escape from mars from Sega Genesis music :)

This game is impossible to find source material for, and there's no way to log VGM from the game because sound effects get in the way. It doesn't look like I'll be able to complete this one. :(

11-25-2013, 05:00 PM
A nice set of uploads, but I think you forgot the link to the NES Asterix game.

11-25-2013, 06:18 PM
A nice set of uploads, but I think you forgot the link to the NES Asterix game.

No way!

*sneaks in the link*

It's totally right there in the NES section, don't you see it?

Thanks! :)

---------- Post added at 12:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 AM ----------

Have you ever heard of Kenji Eno? He founded a company called EIM, and they were the ones that created the unreleased game Sunman for the NES. Unfortunately, Kenji Eno passed away early this year in 2013, and I was thinking can you upload both of Kenji Eno's soundtracks for the NES, which are Panic Restraunt, and Sunman?

According to this ( website, Hirohiko Takayama composed the music for Sunman, and Eno had no part in it except maybe game production.

11-25-2013, 10:21 PM
Hi again! I've been busy today. Check out what's new:


Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon - Goemon is a ninja who lives in some sort of crazy alternate Japan where things are just chaotic, all the time. This soundtrack and it's sequel definitely reflect that!

Goemon's Great Adventure - Lefance, don't worry about your "only 1 hour" soundtrack request... this one clocks in at 4 hours! It's the sequel to the previously listed game, and has a lot of similar vibes; very comical, Japanese-sounding, and lighthearted, with some ominous storyline stingers and such throughout. For such a long soundtrack, all of the music is very nicely done.


Panic Restaurant - What a weird box. This one always caught my eye when I was perusing the video game rental shelves as a kid, but I never got it because, hey, it's about restaurant. Boring, right? Well, evidently the game (and the music) are pretty good!

Sunman - Sunsoft was going to release a Superman game, but then they lost the license. So they changed Superman into Sunman, who was kind of the same except he was red. The game never got released but was leaked as a prtotype years later. Anyways, there's some contention as to who wrote the music... some websites say Kenji Eno, others say it's Sunsoft regular Hirohiko Takayama. Personally, it sounds like it could be either! It's got the trademark Sunsoft sampled sounds, though!


Guardian Recall - An isometric viewed RPG, I guess this one was kind of bland, but had a pretty good soundtrack. It's midi-sounding, but the soundfont is really nice, and the tunes are powerful and fun. I like this one a lot!


Treasure Hunter G - Another long soundtrack! This RPG had no less that 7 composers working on it, including thread-regular Hitoshi Sakimoto. It's typical RPG fare, with lots of synth string orchestra tunes and fanfares, but there are some cool moments here and there.

Undercover Cops - I promised this one in lieu of the arcade version and forgot to post it last time. I really like this soundtrack. It's got a cool hip-hop vibe, with vocal samples and fun tunes.

OK! That was a lot of stuff today! I think I'm caught up with everything I can do, so far, right?

11-25-2013, 11:22 PM
^Several thanks once again, friend! I don't have anymore requests now, so that should be a load off your shoulders, lol. I really appreciate all of the work you put into this, though!

11-25-2013, 11:48 PM
well Ruinner9 knowing you. on youtube has some ost of Taz, it looks kinda unfinished but if you used a cheat code, that may be helpful. but knowing you. I agree :(

11-26-2013, 12:00 AM
well Ruinner9 knowing you. on youtube has some ost of Taz, it looks kinda unfinished but if you used a cheat code, that may be helpful. but knowing you. I agree :(

I saw that there's a debug cheat available for the game. That will allow you to switch levels, but it still won't stop the sound effects. I'll try it out tonight and see how it works. It's a good soundtrack so I'd like to have it for myself, too!

11-26-2013, 12:11 AM
good luck then, :)

11-26-2013, 12:15 AM
According to this ( website, Hirohiko Takayama composed the music for Sunman, and Eno had no part in it except maybe game production.

I see. Man you know everything don't you? Guess I shouldn't be telling you about game music...

---------- Post added at 05:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------

I've got a request- Can you upload Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II- Back from the Sewers on the Game Boy for a soundtrack? I grew up with that game, and to this day, I still love it.

11-26-2013, 04:26 AM
Is the link to Treasure Hunter G supposed to password encrypted? (boy it seems like I'm just pointing out mistakes lately, sorry for that).

11-26-2013, 04:48 AM
Is the link to Treasure Hunter G supposed to password encrypted? (boy it seems like I'm just pointing out mistakes lately, sorry for that).

Nope! It was missing the last letter of the URL... it's all fixed now. :)

Coming up tomorrow: All 3 TMNT Game Boy titles, plus the VERY hard to find Armed Police Batrider! w00t!

11-26-2013, 01:29 PM
Yay, Goemon! The first one, Neo-Momoyama Bakufu no Odori is amazing and like somebody already said, the OST has too short songs... BUT it has the awesome I am Impact! Momoyama Mix which can't be found anywhere else. :) Both Goemon games for N64 are great, but the Impact boss fights are hard as nails! And there is Guardian Recall also. This became a good day fast. Thanks to ruinaanain as always.

11-26-2013, 10:10 PM
Didja think I forgot? No... I'd never forget! Here's what I promised, plus some extras!

First up, all 3 TMNT games for the Game Boy. Personally, I grew up playing the first one, and I know every note of that OST by heart. Evolution01 grew up with the 2nd. Anybody grow up playing the 3rd? We need to complete the circle! :D

On the arcade side, there's Armed Police Batrider, a vertical shmup featuring music from our pal Motoi Sakuraba. Yes, so you know it's good. Very action-packed and fun!

Also on the arcade is Street Fighter Alpha 1 - 3! Some really good tunes, and each title got a bit more techno than the last. Grab 'em!

For the PlayStation, Bushido Blade 1 and 2. I loved these games when I was a kid. The 2nd game especially had some great multiplayer, where two people could just run around a map swinging swords at each other until one fell. The 1st soundtrack is OK, but the 2nd soundtrack is AMAZING. It takes traditional Japanese instruments and blends them with some guitar driven hard rock, and the results are fantastic. in fact, this game was what got me trying to figure out how to rip PSX games way back when they were brand new. If you haven't heard it before, definitely download BB2 and let me know what you think.

OK! Time to sign off. Enjoy the tunes!

11-26-2013, 11:16 PM
Love the TMNT uploads, I was planning on requesting them myself. Radical Rescue's is interesting in that it's very "Metroidvania"-like in structure. I've gotta say, while they've had some bad games, the TMNT series has faired pretty well as far as licensed games go. I always wanted to play the Bushido Blade games but never got around to them. I'll check those soundtracks out later.

Now, a few requests:

Balloon Fight (
Cosmic Wars (a Gradius-inspired Advance Wars-like strategy game) (
Hello Kitty World (a Famicom conversion of Balloon Kid, the Game Boy sequel to Balloon Fight) (
Summer Carnival '92 Recca (

Classic Road II: Real Kouma Simulation (
Super Bomberman 5 (a ( few ( samples (

Space Invaders '91 (

Metal Masters (Alberto Gonzalez!) (
Revelations: The Demon Slayer (aka Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible) (
Shantae (Jake Kaufman!) (
Spot: The Video Game (Geoff Follin! The audio quality in this vid is crap, but you'll get the idea at least) (
Star Ocean: Blue Sphere (

11-26-2013, 11:50 PM
What about the first Turok game on the Game Boy- Turok- Battle of the Bionosaurs?

11-27-2013, 02:26 AM
With this many music packs, Super Mario 64 could be added.

11-27-2013, 04:51 AM
With this many music packs, Super Mario 64 could be added.

You've got to be kidding. :(

11-27-2013, 05:04 AM
You've got to be kidding. :(

Hey now... no being rude over other people's requests. I was going to do Mario 64 at some point, since I have SMB 1-3, World, and All Stars up anyways.

11-27-2013, 05:26 PM
Hey now... no being rude over other people's requests. I was going to do Mario 64 at some point, since I have SMB 1-3, World, and All Stars up anyways.


11-27-2013, 06:22 PM
Alright! Big update! Like 14 new albums! Let's see what we have here:

Game Boy

Metal Masters - Hey, here's another Alberto Gonzalez album! This one is only 3 tracks long, but those 3 tracks are something FIERCE. It's got a very industrial-techno vibe to it, and it pushes the GB hardware to it's limits. Check it out.

Revelations - The Demon Slayer - This is part of the Megami Tensei series. The music is AS good as the NES and SNES soundtracks, but it's still not bad.

Shantae - This one was a tricky one! The source music file doesn't have any tags or times, and my audio software wasn't having any of it. Fortunately, Jake Kaufman had the whole soundtrack uploaded on his site, so I made a few adjustments to fit it in with my set, and there ya go! Anyone who's familiar with Kaufman (AKA virt's) work know he's amazingly talented and originally started off by uploading remixes at OverClocked Remix.

Spot - Here's a short soundtrack from Geoff Follin. I like his works, but the don't hold a candle to his brother Tim's. Geoff is an engineer by trade, so his works are a bit more technical and less melodic.

Star Ocean - Blue Sphere - We'll have everything Motoi Sakuraba's done eventually, I guess. This soundtrack didn't strike me as awesome as some of his other stuff, but I've never really been too much of a fan of RPG soundtracks to begin with (outside of Mother 3 and Earthbound.) He knows how to build mood, though.

Turok - Battle of the Bionosaurs - More Gonzalez. More action music. You already know it's good.


Space Invaders '91 - At first listen, it sounds like simple stuff. But then you realize this music is REALLY catchy! You'll be humming it all day long.


Super Mario 64 - I really enjoy the main theme of this game. Koji Kondo knows how to make enduring tunes, and he always succeeds at making memorable music. This rip includes every piece of music from the game, which a lot of the other available SM64 soundtrack's don't have.


Balloon Fight - A short but sweet soundtrack from Hip Tanaka, probably the second most famous Nintendo composer behind Kondo.

Cosmic Wars - I'm hearing lots of hints of the first TMNT NES title in this one. I didn't check, but I'd bet they share some of the same composers!

Hello Kitty World - A sequel (of sorts) to Balloon Fight. Tanaka is writing the music again, and it sounds a lot like Dr. Mario, which came out around the same time. I like this one a lot!

Summer Carnival '92 - Recca - Naxat released this game as a contest in the summer of '92 in Japan. It's a vertically-scrolling shmup that's really fast and really hard. The soundtrack is pretty remarkable, and pretty long... some of the songs are longer than 4 minutes for one loop! It reminds me a lot of Jesper Kyd's early stuff... gritty techno with samples throughout. I was lucky enough to find a rip of the official OST that Naxat put out, so all the songs are named and ordered from that album. Mine sounds even a little clearer, and of course it's in stereo!


Classic Road 2 - This one feels old-timey. I guess the game is about horse racing. There's several pieces, and all evoke a pretty genuine feel of the season that it's named after. Pretty neat.

Super Bomberman 5 - The Bomberman soundtracks are great. Mine has always been the 4th in the SNES series, but 5 is really good, too. I'll put the rest of them up over the weekend, because they all his this really nice playful, kind of techno industrial, kind of J-pop vibe. They're all worth a listen!

So that's a lot of soundtracks. I've got a 4 day weekend coming up because of American Thanksgiving, so I'll work on some more then!

11-27-2013, 06:40 PM
Wow, big thanks man. I certainly didn't expect you'd have those all up so quickly. Thanks much!

11-27-2013, 06:51 PM
Fortunately the majority were named and timed, so the process goes quickly. It's the ones I have to load into a waveform editor and cut myself that take ages.

11-28-2013, 03:23 AM
Alright! Big update! Like 14 new albums! Let's see what we have here:

Game Boy

Metal Masters - Hey, here's another Alberto Gonzalez album! This one is only 3 tracks long, but those 3 tracks are something FIERCE. It's got a very industrial-techno vibe to it, and it pushes the GB hardware to it's limits. Check it out.

Revelations - The Demon Slayer - This is part of the Megami Tensei series. The music is AS good as the NES and SNES soundtracks, but it's still not bad.

Shantae - This one was a tricky one! The source music file doesn't have any tags or times, and my audio software wasn't having any of it. Fortunately, Jake Kaufman had the whole soundtrack uploaded on his site, so I made a few adjustments to fit it in with my set, and there ya go! Anyone who's familiar with Kaufman (AKA virt's) work know he's amazingly talented and originally started off by uploading remixes at OverClocked Remix.

Spot - Here's a short soundtrack from Geoff Follin. I like his works, but the don't hold a candle to his brother Tim's. Geoff is an engineer by trade, so his works are a bit more technical and less melodic.

Star Ocean - Blue Sphere - We'll have everything Motoi Sakuraba's done eventually, I guess. This soundtrack didn't strike me as awesome as some of his other stuff, but I've never really been too much of a fan of RPG soundtracks to begin with (outside of Mother 3 and Earthbound.) He knows how to build mood, though.

Turok - Battle of the Bionosaurs - More Gonzalez. More action music. You already know it's good.


Space Invaders '91 - At first listen, it sounds like simple stuff. But then you realize this music is REALLY catchy! You'll be humming it all day long.


Super Mario 64 - I really enjoy the main theme of this game. Koji Kondo knows how to make enduring tunes, and he always succeeds at making memorable music. This rip includes every piece of music from the game, which a lot of the other available SM64 soundtrack's don't have.


Balloon Fight - A short but sweet soundtrack from Hip Tanaka, probably the second most famous Nintendo composer behind Kondo.

Cosmic Wars - I'm hearing lots of hints of the first TMNT NES title in this one. I didn't check, but I'd bet they share some of the same composers!

Hello Kitty World - A sequel (of sorts) to Balloon Fight. Tanaka is writing the music again, and it sounds a lot like Dr. Mario, which came out around the same time. I like this one a lot!

Summer Carnival '92 - Recca - Naxat released this game as a contest in the summer of '92 in Japan. It's a vertically-scrolling shmup that's really fast and really hard. The soundtrack is pretty remarkable, and pretty long... some of the songs are longer than 4 minutes for one loop! It reminds me a lot of Jesper Kyd's early stuff... gritty techno with samples throughout. I was lucky enough to find a rip of the official OST that Naxat put out, so all the songs are named and ordered from that album. Mine sounds even a little clearer, and of course it's in stereo!


Classic Road 2 - This one feels old-timey. I guess the game is about horse racing. There's several pieces, and all evoke a pretty genuine feel of the season that it's named after. Pretty neat.

Super Bomberman 5 - The Bomberman soundtracks are great. Mine has always been the 4th in the SNES series, but 5 is really good, too. I'll put the rest of them up over the weekend, because they all his this really nice playful, kind of techno industrial, kind of J-pop vibe. They're all worth a listen!

So that's a lot of soundtracks. I've got a 4 day weekend coming up because of American Thanksgiving, so I'll work on some more then!

Good work, but I am not a fan of Koji Kondo's music..

11-28-2013, 06:36 AM
ruiner9: if you can get all the early PC Motoi Sakuraba/WolfTeam ( soundtracks, that would be awesome. they're all on HOOT, but it will be tedious as hell to get.

11-28-2013, 02:43 PM
That's not a bad idea for a side project. I did a trial run of a few tracks from Zan: Yasha Enbukyoku and it sounds really good. It'll probably go pretty slowly, though, as it will be pretty tedious, like you said. Maybe I'll start another thread for it...

11-28-2013, 03:59 PM
ruiner9: if you can get all the early PC Motoi Sakuraba/WolfTeam ( soundtracks, that would be awesome. they're all on HOOT, but it will be tedious as hell to get.

That would be excellent! I would love to download all of their work.

11-28-2013, 04:43 PM
I am sill trying look into that cheat code Ruiner9 for you. but like you said. you well give taz ost a try. but I am not rushing you. but trying to land a hand. :) happy Thanksgiving by the way

11-28-2013, 04:53 PM
I am sill trying look into that cheat code Ruiner9 for you. but like you said. you well give taz ost a try. but I am not rushing you. but trying to land a hand. :) happy Thanksgiving by the way

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! I checked the debug code out and got it to work, but it doesn't help with the sound effects ruining the music. If there was a Game Shark code to silence the SFX, it would be perfect. doesn't have anything like that, though, and they're usually the definitive source for codes. :(

11-28-2013, 05:13 PM
I know one thing that can help you, use Audacity, How To Remove Vocals From Music Tracks Using Audacity ( ^_^; a friend of mine showed me how to removed SFX I give it a try and it works at times, hope it works for you too :)

11-28-2013, 05:42 PM
Hmmm... I'll look into it. I usually use SoundForge, but I think I can apply the process there too. The only issue is sometimes the sound effects are more robust than the music, so it might have the reverse effect.

dissident93 and Evolution01: Try this out, and see what you think. I have no reference to the synth quality, so if it sounds good, then I'll do some more:

Akushu - Kagerou no Jidai wo Koe te (PC-88 - ruiner9).7z 71.4 MB!h9N3zD7I!ZHLBVnfiK2ik3vkXLg3tnSfHW-0StozByo_ob3uzd1I

11-28-2013, 11:43 PM
Hmmm... I'll look into it. I usually use SoundForge, but I think I can apply the process there too. The only issue is sometimes the sound effects are more robust than the music, so it might have the reverse effect.

dissident93 and Evolution01: Try this out, and see what you think. I have no reference to the synth quality, so if it sounds good, then I'll do some more:

Akushu - Kagerou no Jidai wo Koe te (PC-88 - ruiner9).7z 71.4 MB!h9N3zD7I!ZHLBVnfiK2ik3vkXLg3tnSfHW-0StozByo_ob3uzd1I

It sounds pretty good to me, but I'm not familiar with the game, nor can I find any videos of it. It would be great if you could effectively rip soundtracks for PC-88 and 98 games. Aside from some of Ryu Umemoto's soundtracks, there's next to no full rips up for download anywhere. PC-88/98 is a pretty underrated platform for some good retro game music.

This compilation ( put together by cboyardee (the creator of Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden) has a lot of PC-98/88 music among other things and is might be worth a listen.

11-29-2013, 12:01 AM
Just wondering, would it be at all possible to get the PC Engine versions of Sapphire and Rayxanbar III in lossless? I just noticed you had them up.

11-29-2013, 02:33 AM
It sounds pretty good to me, but I'm not familiar with the game, nor can I find any videos of it. It would be great if you could effectively rip soundtracks for PC-88 and 98 games. Aside from some of Ryu Umemoto's soundtracks, there's next to no full rips up for download anywhere. PC-88/98 is a pretty underrated platform for some good retro game music.

This compilation ( put together by cboyardee (the creator of Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden) has a lot of PC-98/88 music among other things and is might be worth a listen.

Sounds good. I might check it out, since I like FM synth music.

11-29-2013, 03:41 AM
It's the Turkey Day update!

For the Genesis, we have Arrow Flash, a shmup from Renovation. Personally, this soundtrack is very hit-or-miss. Some of the songs I think are really annoying, but the Opening Theme, Stage 4-1, Stage 4-2, and Stage 5-3 tracks are amazing. So check it out and see if you agree!

I am so full of turkey, I could burst... like a huge bomb was in my gut... oh, that reminds me... we've got some SNES Bomberman! So altogether, there's all five Super Bomberman albums plus Panic Bomber W, which was partially composed by thread-favorite Hitoshi Sakimoto. All 6 games have top-quality music, so they'll make a great addition to your collection.

And a newcomer in the collection, here's the PC-88! A computer that was only released in Japan, some console composer heavyweights like Motoi Sakuraba cut their teeth on this lil' Yamaha synth-based machine. Up for your inspection are Arcus and Akushu - Kagerou no Jidai wo Koe te, which are both Sakuraba's works. I'm not sure how they SHOULD sound, so if anyone can verify that they're of acceptable quality, I'll add some more to the collection.

Now, I'm gonna go sleep off all this food I just ate.... maybe after one more slice of pumpkin pie....

11-29-2013, 05:13 AM
Just wondering, would it be at all possible to get the PC Engine versions of Sapphire and Rayxanbar III in lossless? I just noticed you had them up.

I wish I had the space to host them... I could put them up, but only temporarily...

11-29-2013, 06:16 AM
I wish I had the space to host them... I could put them up, but only temporarily...

Hopefully someone else would be able to grab them and host them on a more permanent basis (I'm tempted to volunteer, but I'm pretty green on the whole hosting bit, though I could probably figure it out). I'm pretty sure neither of these have any kind of lossless rip in circulation. They are definitely two of the best PC Engine redbooks around.


11-29-2013, 07:36 AM
the stuff from HOOT is suppose to sound almost exactly like it would on the system it's originally on. You also left out Masaaki Uno and Yasunori Shiono for the artist tags for Akushu.

and BTW, Hitoshi Sakimoto didn't compose anything for Panic Bomber W, he just did SFX and ported the songs from the PC Engine version of the game.

but anyway, major thanks. HOOT is a pain to deal with, since you must be present when logging all the songs or it will run forever. :P

11-29-2013, 01:56 PM
the stuff from HOOT is suppose to sound almost exactly like it would on the system it's originally on. You also left out Masaaki Uno and Yasunori Shiono for the artist tags for Akushu.

and BTW, Hitoshi Sakimoto didn't compose anything for Panic Bomber W, he just did SFX and ported the songs from the PC Engine version of the game.

but anyway, major thanks. HOOT is a pain to deal with, since you must be present when logging all the songs or it will run forever. :P

That's pretty much the same as with M1, unless there are timed lists (which is only in like 5% of the songs.) I'll put more up here and there when I have time because they ARE pretty rare, and I really like the music.

11-29-2013, 04:01 PM
Hopefully someone else would be able to grab them and host them on a more permanent basis (I'm tempted to volunteer, but I'm pretty green on the whole hosting bit, though I could probably figure it out). I'm pretty sure neither of these have any kind of lossless rip in circulation. They are definitely two of the best PC Engine redbooks around.


I'm pretty sure lossless rips aren't common because it's easy to get the 1:1 disc rips from Pleasuredome or other image-hosting sites, which include the audio in it's lossless state.

11-29-2013, 08:41 PM
Couple more updates? Couple more updates.


Hiouden - Very odd name, very cool tunes. Sakuraba co-penned this one.

Mid-Garts - OK, another odd name. This one is by Masaaki Uno, and I think it's one of my favorite Wolf Team releases on the system so far, music-wise.

Also, for GoldfishX, here's Sapphire in lossless:

Ginga_Fukei_Densetsu_-_Sapphire OST (Lossless).7z 305.7 MB!I5EAzCBQ!Dopi9EjZEMl4RnoocY91PDCreL4CCECAQYZyrQw 7QEY

Rayxanber III will be up later. Like I said, I don't like to leave large files up permanently because I could fit 10 mp3 soundtracks in the space where that one is, so grab it ASAP! :)

11-29-2013, 09:35 PM
the stuff from HOOT is suppose to sound almost exactly like it would on the system it's originally on. You also left out Masaaki Uno and Yasunori Shiono for the artist tags for Akushu.

and BTW, Hitoshi Sakimoto didn't compose anything for Panic Bomber W, he just did SFX and ported the songs from the PC Engine version of the game.

but anyway, major thanks. HOOT is a pain to deal with, since you must be present when logging all the songs or it will run forever. :P

No kidding- I had a hell of a time trying to log all of the songs from the PC98 version of Alshark, but luckily, I've succeeded in getting the whole soundtrack.

11-30-2013, 04:43 AM
Duplicate post -- ignore

11-30-2013, 01:08 PM
Personally, I love the way music sounds when created this way, as opposed to hooking a console directly up to a recording device. I'd prefer this thread to not become a debating area over which method is "better," as there are pros and cons to both.

If you have the right hardware (NES Stereo mod + FDS Extra Channel mod) there is nothing negative to using the real hardware. The analog sound to the 6502 cannot be reproduced via emulation - not to mention you will have have incorrect sound font timing, mixing and pitch never can be 100%. I have the mods, the powerpak ($400+ setup here) and there is nothing negative, there is no cons to using the real deal whatsoever...unless you don't know what a real NES and 6502 sound chip sounds like.

I don't want to debate your work but I have to strongly disagree that there is pros and cons to doing both, unless the con being money and work it takes to do. Anyone can run NSF's thru an emulator, in fact why bother making composite waveforms? Be easier to offer everyone NSFs as you aren't doing anything they can't do.

I wish I did have the time to record the NSFs to prove you wrong, perhaps one of these I'll do some in Stereo and with extra channels on my Powerpak and modded NES as it isn't something anyone can do themselves.

11-30-2013, 02:07 PM
Well, perhaps that's the difference. I have the time to make the albums. I have the will to provide my thread readers with their requests. I have the methodology to post as many as 14 soundtracks per day, from over a dozen different consoles. While you just troll.

Also, you have the means to separate the square wave channels? As far as I know, hardware stereo mods place both squares completely in one channel, and the triangle and the noise in the other. If you can selectively modify the stereo channels to suit the sound of the song, I'd love to see how you do it.

11-30-2013, 04:29 PM
Bomberman..For me, the coolest is Saturn Bomberman :) i mean soundtrack
But thanks for all those snes parts!

11-30-2013, 10:36 PM
Bomberman..For me, the coolest is Saturn Bomberman :) i mean soundtrack
But thanks for all those snes parts!

You weren't kidding! The Saturn Bomberman soundtrack rocks! It's written by Jun Chikuma, who also composed the last 3 Super Bomberman titles. This time, though, he wasn't hindered by the limitations of the SNES and it's all redbook audio. It's up in the Saturn section, go check it out!

12-01-2013, 08:49 AM
Personally I appreciate the NES uploads, as I’m frankly too impatient to fiddle with the NSF files and make MP3s of them. The sound quality is better than many uploads I've come across on the internet before, and ruiner9 has provided such a large library of NES soundtracks that it seems like a worthwhile resource.

And on that note, some requests, all NES ( ;) )

Batman Returns (
Doraemon - Giga Zombie no Gyakushu (
Falsion (
Hokkaido Serial Murders: Disappearances of Okhotsk (
J. League Winning Goal (
Jesus: Kyoufu no Bio Monster (
King of the Beach (
Konami Wai Wai World (
Konami Wai Wai World 2 (
Kouryu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden (
Kyattou Ninden Teyandee/Samurai Pizza Cats (
Mappy Kids (
Monsters in My Pocket (
Rackets & Rivals (
Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden Warship (

12-01-2013, 10:40 AM
Chaos Field is good. Oh, love those shmups, ported to Dreamcast post-mortem

Now i have PS1 request - the game called Cyber Daisenryaku. I tried some .PSF but track titles werent working for me


Arcus Odyssey music is so beautiful! thanks!

12-01-2013, 03:12 PM
Excellent. I love doing NES stuff I haven't heard before!

Knivesman, what kind of issue do you mean? That Winamp outputs garbage when it has Japanese tags, or that the tags aren't in English?

12-01-2013, 03:22 PM
I tried Audio Overload, and it was nothing instead of Japanese. Well, let's do this way: if you 'd decide that music is nice, you'll do mp3 release :)

12-01-2013, 03:34 PM
I tried Audio Overload, and it was nothing instead of Japanese. Well, let's do this way: if you 'd decide that music is nice, you'll do mp3 release :)

You know me so well. Actually, I've got the file names in Japanese AND English, so I'll add both. :)

12-01-2013, 05:00 PM
OK, so here's Cyber Daisenryaku Shutsugeki! Harukatai, up in the download section. I grabbed the Japanese titles from a page which listed the tracks in the native language, and then ran them through Google Translate, and they seemed to make sense, so I added them into the end of the filename. Hopefully they're accurate!

Also, because I love the soundtrack so very very much, I've added Ys III: Wanderers From Ys into the PC-88 section. "Be Careful" sounds fantastic. I'm amazed at how many versions of that soundtrack there are.

The NES requests will be worked on next! Most are untagged/ untimed, so it'll take some time.

12-01-2013, 07:18 PM
Awesome work! I absolutely love all of your soundtracks I downloaded.

I know you'll be working on NES requests, but I was wondering if it would be possible if you could please do the soundtrack of Secret of Mana or Star Fox 2? One of those two is enough, preferably Star Fox 2.
I already have this one (, but I'd really like to have it with the quality of your soundtracks.

And of course, if you don't want to, it's ok. :)

12-02-2013, 05:07 PM
Hi again! Here's some of those NES requests!

Batman Returns - This one is surprisingly not by Sunsoft. That doesn't mean they cheaped out on the music, though! It's Konami! For those who haven't heard this game, I'd recommend it to fans of the first TMNT and Castlevania games. It's quite good stuff.

Doraemon - Gigazombie no Gyakushuu - This was Doraemon's second NES game, and was a Final Fantasy II style RPG. The music is pretty cool. Some tunes are quite catchy.

Falsion - An obscure Famicom Disk System exclusive shmup from Konami. It has some similarities to Gradius, including the music. The game is pretty fun, too.

Hokkaidou Rensa Satsujin - Somebody's been murdered! Who did it? Well, I have no idea because it's all in Japanese. This game's soundtrack ranges between pretty annoying, and pretty catchy. I've picked out my favorite tracks for my personal collection and left the other ones for you to judge. :) No, I'm just kidding. They're all there!

J. League Winning Goal - Sports games always have that "hero's anthem/ onward to victory" kind of sound to them, and this one is no exception. It sounds pretty good, though!

Awesome work! I absolutely love all of your soundtracks I downloaded.

I know you'll be working on NES requests, but I was wondering if it would be possible if you could please do the soundtrack of Secret of Mana or Star Fox 2? One of those two is enough, preferably Star Fox 2.
I already have this one (, but I'd really like to have it with the quality of your soundtracks.

And of course, if you don't want to, it's ok. :)

What a humble request! How can I turn it down?

Secret of Mana - This was a quality game. I played the heck out of this when I was a kid. The excellent music (about 2 hours' worth!) still brings back memories of my brother and I playing through this title over summer vacation.

Star Fox 2 - Quite a lot of music for an unreleased game! This one is a bit more on the symphonic side than the original game in the series, so my opinion is kind of biased against it. If I liked symphonic stuff, I'd say it was good stuff. I guess. :)

Still have a few more NES requests to get through, and some PC-88 stuff is in the works.

Enjoy the new music!

12-02-2013, 06:44 PM
I am reading sill of that cheat code Ruinner, and I have to say try Secret of evermore, when you're not busy. that game right there is for the win my friend :) wish you luck with the music

12-02-2013, 07:57 PM
Oh sure! Please take your time, no hurries. And thanks! :)

12-02-2013, 08:07 PM
Oh sure! Please take your time, no hurries. And thanks! :)

Haha! You misunderstand! When I list a game like that, it means I've posted it. Go grab 'em! :)

12-03-2013, 04:40 PM
Hokkaidou Rensa Satsujin is really awesome. Perfect example of "melody over sound"

Also, thanks for Daisenryaku =) It was very fast

12-03-2013, 06:22 PM
OK, I succumbed and opened yet ANOTHER section - this time for the PS2. I happened to notice that Hitoshi Sakimoto composed the soundtrack for Gradius V, which I love, and went to see if it was available for ripping... of course it was! So I converted it, and I think it sounds great. You can grab it now!

Also, I have the soundtrack for Sega Rally 2 in the Dreamcast section. Fantastic music. A little rock, some jazz, some dance/ techno... it's all there, and it's very well produced.

There's a few more of the NES albums completed, too:

Jesus - Kyoufu no Bio Monster - A rag-tag group of people set off on a ship named "Jesus" to defeat a demon. Only the Japanese. The music is pretty cool. It's more of a laid-back game (you can't die) so it's not as fast-paced as the action titles are.

Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden - This RPG came out very late in the Famicom's life (1993!) and featured some great art, as well as a combination of overhead exploring and side-scrolling fights. Sweet music, too! There's a lot of variation in this one.

Mappy Kids - The Japan-only sequel to Mappy Land. The music is fast-paced and fun, with nice percussion. I seem to always love NES soundtracks that have sampled drum hits.

Monster in My Pocket - Co-written by Kozo Nakamura, who is thought (though never proven) to have written the music for the first TMNT and Bayou Billy, this game's music sounds very much like those two games. So if you're a fan of them, grab this one, because you'll love it.

Rackets & Rivals - Also a supposed Kozo Nakamura title. It stinks that there aren't any music credits in these games! Anyways, this one is very short, but really good. I'm glad it was requested!

OK, that's it for now. Still a couple more NES titles, and then I'm all caught up! Woohoo!

12-03-2013, 10:00 PM
Haha! You misunderstand! When I list a game like that, it means I've posted it. Go grab 'em! :)

Oh I see, I feel dumb now xD
Sincerely, didn't expect it to be done that quick! Thanks a lot, awesome as all the others. :)

12-03-2013, 11:12 PM
I love ---> Wai Wai World and Wai Wai World 2!!!! mp3 pleasee!!!! U_U!! :)

Personally I appreciate the NES uploads, as I’m frankly too impatient to fiddle with the NSF files and make MP3s of them. The sound quality is better than many uploads I've come across on the internet before, and ruiner9 has provided such a large library of NES soundtracks that it seems like a worthwhile resource.

And on that note, some requests, all NES ( ;) )

Batman Returns (
Doraemon - Giga Zombie no Gyakushu (
Falsion (
Hokkaido Serial Murders: Disappearances of Okhotsk (
J. League Winning Goal (
Jesus: Kyoufu no Bio Monster (
King of the Beach (
Konami Wai Wai World (
Konami Wai Wai World 2 (
Kouryu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden (
Kyattou Ninden Teyandee/Samurai Pizza Cats (
Mappy Kids (
Monsters in My Pocket (
Rackets & Rivals (
Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden Warship (

12-04-2013, 12:57 AM
There's a few more of the NES albums completed, too:

Jesus - Kyoufu no Bio Monster - A rag-tag group of people set off on a ship named "Jesus" to defeat a demon. Only the Japanese. The music is pretty cool. It's more of a laid-back game (you can't die) so it's not as fast-paced as the action titles are.

Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden - This RPG came out very late in the Famicom's life (1993!) and featured some great art, as well as a combination of overhead exploring and side-scrolling fights. Sweet music, too! There's a lot of variation in this one.

Mappy Kids - The Japan-only sequel to Mappy Land. The music is fast-paced and fun, with nice percussion. I seem to always love NES soundtracks that have sampled drum hits.

Monster in My Pocket - Co-written by Kozo Nakamura, who is thought (though never proven) to have written the music for the first TMNT and Bayou Billy, this game's music sounds very much like those two games. So if you're a fan of them, grab this one, because you'll love it.

Rackets & Rivals - Also a supposed Kozo Nakamura title. It stinks that there aren't any music credits in these games! Anyways, this one is very short, but really good. I'm glad it was requested!

OK, that's it for now. Still a couple more NES titles, and then I'm all caught up! Woohoo!

You also appear to have uploaded Kyattou Ninden Teyandee. Another pretty good licensed based game by Konami.

If possible, could I maybe add one more NES request to the list?
KLAX (seriously, this song is kinda nuts) (

12-04-2013, 12:27 PM
You also appear to have uploaded Kyattou Ninden Teyandee. Another pretty good licensed based game by Konami.

If possible, could I maybe add one more NES request to the list?
KLAX (seriously, this song is kinda nuts) (

I totally forgot Kyattou Ninden Teyandee (Samurai Pizza Cats). My bad!

This morning's uploads are the two Wai Wai World games. I love the music in these, because all of the classic Konami games' music are revisited, from Castlevania to Contra. They're great to listen to while on the go!

And also, Klax. Um... well... this is unique. I'd say it sounds like maybe Motorhead and Aphex Twin did a collaboration on the NES? Kind of punk/ metal, and very experimental. I had to play the game on a real NES to make sure that's how the music was SUPPOSED to sound, and yeah... it's pretty accurate! I love this kind of music, so I was happy to have the request. Thanks, Elwood!

It's going to be a bit of a wait for Solar Jetman. There are a TON of tracks (like 45!), and none of them are timed, so I'm about halfway through it. I'm hoping to have it up within the next 48 hours.

In the meantime, any other requests?

12-04-2013, 01:58 PM
You weren't kidding! The Saturn Bomberman soundtrack rocks! It's written by Jun Chikuma, who also composed the last 3 Super Bomberman titles. This time, though, he wasn't hindered by the limitations of the SNES and it's all redbook audio. It's up in the Saturn section, go check it out!
Jun's a woman :P

oh, and unless you were talking about another game, Jun Funahashi did the original NES TMNT game.

12-04-2013, 03:07 PM
Jun's a woman :P

oh, and unless you were talking about another game, Jun Funahashi did the original NES TMNT game.

Oh, OK, thanks!

There seems to be some confusion about the first TMNT game, then. (

EDIT: Haha, and the game page it links to, lists only Jun Funahashi as the composer. So I don't even know anymore. LOL

12-04-2013, 04:11 PM
How about a few arcade games?

The Simpsons - This was a really common Konami cabinet in bowling alleys and stores when I was a kid. The game was built on the same premise as the original TMNT arcade cab - Fast, frenetic, and flashy fighting. The music is pretty crazy... like an epileptic sitting at a keyboard. Parts are good, but some I just don't think work outside of a game environment.

Sunset Riders - Another Konami hit arcade title. Four gunslingers try to tame a hyper-stylized version of the USA's "old west," which means horses, saloons, and six shooters. The music combines synthetic acoustic guitars, castanets, and those famouse orchestra hits that have appeared in almost every 2D Konami arcade title since TMNT. I really enjoy this soundtrack.

Have fun with them!

12-04-2013, 07:42 PM
In the meantime, any other requests?

Jumping Flash PS1 ?)

12-05-2013, 02:10 AM
Why hello there, ruiner, my fellow VGM Comrade!! :D How are you doing as of late? :)
Listen, let me just say that you are a REALLY Awe-Some person for willing to take the time to do these glorious rips of yours, it truly is...appreciated. ;)
With that being said, may I make a little request, please? I'd like for you to rip all songs from a Rare PS1 Game called: Brave Prove, please?
If you can manage to do this for me, MUCH would greatly be appreciated, friend!!! xD

Thank you for your time, Ruiner. :)

12-05-2013, 12:22 PM
Why hello there, ruiner, my fellow VGM Comrade!! :D How are you doing as of late? :)
Listen, let me just say that you are a REALLY Awe-Some person for willing to take the time to do these glorious rips of yours, it truly is...appreciated. ;)
With that being said, may I make a little request, please? I'd like for you to rip all songs from a Rare PS1 Game called: Brave Prove, please?
If you can manage to do this for me, MUCH would greatly be appreciated, friend!!! xD

Thank you for your time, Ruiner. :)

Hey, thanks for the kind words! I took a look at the Brave Prove image and it's going to be way beyond my scope to rip, as in "you need to know how to code in assembly language" kind of stuff. I'm pretty good at turning PSF's into albums, but making the PSF's themselves is real serious business.

My apologies!

12-05-2013, 08:27 PM
I see...Well, I just want to say thank you very much for willing to try on my request. ;) That's something I can truly appreciate, so, thanks alot, pal! :)

*Poofs Away* :P

12-05-2013, 08:58 PM
Hey-yo! Some more goodies today!

What, you thought I'd go a day without an upload? Ha!

OK, so... we've got Jumping Flash! and Jumping Flash! 2 in the PlayStation area. Personally, I like the 2nd game's music better. It's a little more dynamic, and even though there's less music, the tradeoff it that It's higher quality so it didn't need to be compressed as much on the game's disc. They're both pretty rad, so give 'em a listen!

Also, for the arcade section, a few Q-Sound titles... Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo and X-Men vs. Street Fighter! Both contain alternate versions of the SFII fighters' music tracks, as well as all original tunes. And Q-Sound games generally rock in the audio department anyways.


12-06-2013, 02:01 AM
Hello again, ruiner9! :) It's been a while, but I'm back..... with a few Playstation requests:

-Brave Fencer Musashi ( (one of my top favorite PS1 soundtracks of all time! Sadly, as was the case with my earlier Goemon requests, the official OST is incomplete compared to what you hear in-game (no castle or shop themes, etc.))

-Bomberman Fantasy Race (

-Chocobo Racing (

-Speed Freaks ( (aka Speed Punks in the US version)

-Ape Escape (

-Einhander (

-Harmful Park (

Not sure if you can get all of these, but thanks in advance for trying!

12-06-2013, 05:40 PM
Well, thanks to MarvelB, we've expanded our PlayStation section quite a bit. Here's what's in the ol' OP today:

Brave Fencer Musashi - This has like, 1 1/2 hours of music. Yikes. It's PSF, so it's very high quality, and uses one of the best synthesized orchestra soundfonts I've ever heard. I almost thought it was real. There's some cool electronica in here, too.

Bomberman Fantasy Race - This game had a unique combo of PSF and streamed audio, so that's why you may notice a difference in sound quality beyond the first few tracks. I like this one... it's bright and catchy like most Bomberman soundtracks. I had to actually rip the streamed audio from the game disc as opposed to finding it in an archive, so they're named as they were on the disc.

Chocobo Racing - I guess today's theme is "karts." Here's a collection of a whole slew of Uematsu's Final Fantasy music, arranged by Kenji Ito, who worked on some of the FF Tactics titles. There are a few songs exclusive to this game too, from what I understand.

Speed Punks - Hey, another kart title! This one seems kind of generic in terms of looks... it's not licensed, and the characters are kind of bland. But, the music is cool! It's trance/ techno.

Ape Escape - This is another really long soundtrack, clocking in at over 3 hours. It's pretty cool breakbeat/ drum n' bass, and very frantic to match the pace of game. You can't chase monkeys to classical music!

Einhander - I loved this game as a kid. It's a Squaresoft game that actually ISN'T an RPG or RTS, but instead, a horizontal shmup. Excellent electronica soundtrack... perhaps even better than the game.

Harmful Park - This game's soundtrack just doesn't seem to exist on the internet... until now. Coming up with the game image was hard enough, too! Anyways, here's a cool shmup that I'd never heard of before, with some very playful and dancy music. I think I'm gonna try this one out tonight. Songs are titled as found on the game disc.

That's a lot of high-quality music right there. Should be enough to keep you occupied for the weekend! Unless I post something else later....

12-06-2013, 08:26 PM
You can't chase monkeys to classical music!

Except Crumbling Castle theme which always reminds me of Mozart... and is the best theme in the whole game. :)

And Speed Freaks.... man I love the Challenge theme to death. I used to drive the track wrong way just to hear the theme longer. :)

12-07-2013, 03:08 PM
Oh, OK, thanks!

There seems to be some confusion about the first TMNT game, then. (

EDIT: Haha, and the game page it links to, lists only Jun Funahashi as the composer. So I don't even know anymore. LOL
Kozo's page is wrong, it should say TMNT2 (i'll fix it)

and if you run out of requests, I have two. both ps1 games that I couldn't find on Hellnight and Fuuun Gokuu Ninden. (both have music by Harumi Fujita, if you wanted to know the connection :P)

12-08-2013, 02:37 AM
So I'm looking at the Hell Night image, and it seems that most (or all) of the music occurs during the FMV scenes, and there's only some ambient noise during the levels. Is the music in the FMV pretty much it?

Also, Fuuun Gokuu Ninden has a strange audio format (filename.da) for which a decoder doesn't seem to exist. Maybe that's why it's not on joshw's site. I'll keep researching.

12-08-2013, 07:17 AM
Wow, thanks for filling in my requests so quickly, ruiner9! Yeah, I was in a bit of a mood for kart racer music when I made that post, heh. I'm especially thankful for Harmful Park, though.... that game's a bit on the obscure side, after all.

Actually, speaking of obscure PS1 games, I actually did my own PSF conversion a while back for a game called Chippoke Ralph no Daibouken ( (or The Adventure of Little Ralph in English). However, looking back at my thread (Thread 128042) for it, I notice that most of the mirrors I made for it have already expired (the only links working for me are Solidfiles, Megashares, and 1filchier). If you want, you can go ahead and mirror this wonderful game's equally wonderful soundtrack yourself (or if you wanna do your own conversion of the PSF files, that's cool, too). ;)

And with that being said.... I have one more request for now: I was actually unsure about making this one considering my previous luck with a X68000 request, but is it possible for you to get the soundtrack for Knight Arms? ( If not, that's okay, but I thought I'd ask....

12-08-2013, 08:42 AM
Since people are making some PS1 requests, could I make a couple for a few games I've been thinking about recently?

Ghost in the Shell ( & Loaded ( would be solid additions if possible.

12-08-2013, 03:43 PM
So I'm looking at the Hell Night image, and it seems that most (or all) of the music occurs during the FMV scenes, and there's only some ambient noise during the levels. Is the music in the FMV pretty much it?

Also, Fuuun Gokuu Ninden has a strange audio format (filename.da) for which a decoder doesn't seem to exist. Maybe that's why it's not on joshw's site. I'll keep researching.
actually I have no idea. i just wanted it so I could have more of Fujita's work :P

12-08-2013, 06:03 PM
To ruiner9- Can you upload the Playstation 1 soundtrack of Seireiki Rayblade?
It is a tactical strategy game published by Konami but developed by Winky Soft, of SRW fame.

If not, I can do it myself, after all I do have the PSF of the soundtrack, complete with track titles.

12-08-2013, 06:34 PM
Lots of Playstation tracks are up today! Here's what you've won!

The Adventure of Little Ralph - This looks like a really cool side-scrolling fighting game. I need to check it out. The music is kind of MIDI-sounding, but has a heroic, adventurous feel to it.

Loaded - Ah, here's a game I had forgotten about for a LONG time. The first two songs on the album were performed by Pop Will Eat Itself, a British punk/rap/industrial band. The frontman, Clint Mansell, went on to compose the amazing scores for the movies "Requiem for a Dream" and "Moon." The rest of the soundtrack is pretty cool, too. Some nice industrial dance music.

Hell Night - By dissident93's request, here's what I could get out of this game. All the in-game tracks are via FMV scenes, so I ripped everything, and got rid of duplicate music and ones where there are too many sound effects to hear it. What's left is about 15 minutes of cool Indian, electronic, and symphonic music.

Ghost in the Shell - I remember playing this back in the day. The music is very beat-oriented techno, which reminded me a lot of the soundtrack to the contemporary indie game Hotline Miami (which is one of the best games I've ever played.) There were a lot of different artists at work on this soundtrack, and it's really good stuff!

And on the arcade section, the soundtrack to the Cave-developed shmup Guwange. It's kind of an oriental industrial techno thing. It's one of my favorites, and I think most of you will dig it.

Evolution01, I should have your request up probably later this evening (it's noon right now for me), it's already in the works!

Enjoy! :)

12-08-2013, 07:11 PM
Thanks for Mario Cart DS !

12-09-2013, 12:17 PM
Ok, it was a bit longer than expected, but Seireiki Rayblade is up! Enjoy this 4 1/2 hour long symphonic epic!

12-10-2013, 01:16 AM
Thanks, dude! :D

12-10-2013, 03:56 PM
It's a SNOW DAY! No work for me! Woohoo!

To celebrate, here's a few cool soundtracks that nobody requested!

First up is Gungrave PS2! It was composed by Tsuneo Imahori, who's got a lot of other cool anime projects in his resume, most notably the AMAZING Trigun soundtrack. Similar to Trigun, the music has a kind of old-western USA feel, but also features a horn section, like his other project, Cowboy Bebop. He also composed the sequel to this game.

Secondly, Sega Rally 2006. The game was never released outside of Japan and Korea, so many haven't heard this cool soundtrack. If you liked the previous ones, you'll definitely dig this. GAME OVER, YEEEEAAAAHHHHH! :)

And last... Street Fighter II for the.... NES? Yup! It's a homebrew album. Every track from the original SFII done on the NES. And now, it's in stereo. Some of the tracks are a bit iffy in quality, but the majority are really good. Check it out!

12-10-2013, 04:37 PM
hey ruiner 9, I've tagged the Virtual Hydlide soundtrack, do you want want to update your link with it?

12-10-2013, 04:50 PM
hey ruiner 9, I've tagged the Virtual Hydlide soundtrack, do you want want to update your link with it?

Absolutely! If it's easier than uploading the tagged version, just list them in order in text. I have software that'll parse it into tags. Thanks!

12-10-2013, 05:50 PM
haha, it's easier for me to upload the whole thing. EDIT: now in the OP.

and about Fuuun Gokuu Ninden, if you rename .DA to .WAV, it plays. i'll upload it if you want?

12-11-2013, 01:13 AM
Since I�ll be away from the computer for a few days, I figured I�d make a few more requests to (hopefully) return to once I�m done.

All NES:
Crackout (
King of Kings (the obscure Namco strategy game, not the biblical game of the same name) (
Laser Invasion (
Legacy of the Wizard (
The Lone Ranger (
Might & Magic (
Pin Bot (
Quarth (
Risa no Yousei Densetsu (
Rockman 4 Minus Infinity (Kind of an odd request. The creator of this Rockman 4 rom hack did remixes of various video game tunes. Some are better than others, but it�s a pretty good soundtrack. You can find out more about the game and it�s soundtrack here (
Skate or Die! 2 (
Solar Jetman (just a reminder, as I know you were already working on this very long soundtrack)
Super Dodge Ball (
Yume Penguin Monogatari (

12-11-2013, 01:25 AM
haha, it's easier for me to upload the whole thing. here it is. (

and about Fuuun Gokuu Ninden, if you rename .DA to .WAV, it plays. i'll upload it if you want?

Seriously? I've been running those dang files through every decoder I could find! I'll put that on my list next.

Elwood, Solar Jetman is coming, I just wanted to get that SF II soundtrack done first. The rest of them will be added to my queue!

12-11-2013, 01:56 AM
*Sails back into thread*

Ahoy there! Looking back at the first page of the thread, I noticed there weren't many PCE/TG16 soundtracks, so hopefully this little list of requests will remedy that! ;)

-Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman (
-Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman 2 ( (aka Shockman)
-Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman 3 (
-Air Zonk ( (aka PC Denjin)
-Coryoon (
-Legend of Xanadu (
-Legend of Xanadu II (

And not an entirely unrelated SNES request:

-Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman Zero (

And now I set off again! *sails away*

12-11-2013, 02:10 AM
hey Ruiner, I am about to hit some music myself, and if you want some, hit some messages on my page, have a nice holiday my amigo :)

12-11-2013, 02:31 AM
hey Ruiner, I am about to hit some music myself, and if you want some, hit some messages on my page, have a nice holiday my amigo :)

Awesome! Good luck! I'll stop by! :)

Virtual Hydlide has now been updated with song tags, thanks to dissident93! Just re-download from the OP.

Looks like I've got some work to do!

12-11-2013, 12:11 PM
Hey dissident93, I tried renaming those files and it's not working for me. It won't play the wav files in VLC, or recode to MP3 in anything I've tried. If you've got a working wav set and would like to upload it for me, I'd be happy to convert it. Also, which audio player are you using to listen to them?

12-11-2013, 10:20 PM
really? all I did was rename the filename from .DA to .WAV. I also played/converted them with foobar2000, if that matters.

BTW, the tracks are kinda messed up, in the way that the start of most of the songs has the last 5 sec fadeout of the previous song.

12-11-2013, 10:25 PM
really? all I did was rename the filename from .DA to .WAV. I also played/converted them with foobar2000, if that matters.

BTW, the tracks are kinda messed up, in the way that the start of most of the songs has the last 5 sec fadeout of the previous song.

Hmm. I tried VLC, Nero, and Sound Forge, but not Foobar. I'll give that a shot when I get home. I can fix the offset fades in Sound Forge once it's playable, it just takes a bit of work to do it. Challenge accepted!