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09-14-2015, 12:48 AM
Seems like there was an issue with the upload for Hyper Duel and Superman. In MEGA it says both files have a size of 0 and when I downloaded them they were empty archives.

Alright, reuploaded. That should be better.

09-14-2015, 01:05 AM
Alright, reuploaded. That should be better.

Yep, everything seems good now. Thanks Ruiner!

09-14-2015, 01:41 AM
Just in case anyone wanted to add it to their tags instead of redownloading it, the composers of Shaman King Funbari Spirits are Shunsuke Kida & Yasufumi Fukuda. Pretty big names! I'll update the tags tomorrow morning.

09-15-2015, 04:06 AM
I am a forum troll. I love it here.

I like trains.

Ruiner9 is awesome & da bomb.

I sleep now.

09-15-2015, 11:11 AM
I am a forum troll. I love it here.

I like trains.

Ruiner9 is awesome & da bomb.

I sleep now.

Ummm thanks? I think? Somebody should keep Cyquest away from all those sleeping pills. ;)

Anyways, here's a few new soundtracks:


Cyber Core - I remember trying to do the x68000 version of this for a while. The PC Engine version is very similar, and the soundtrack is the same, but using wavetable instead of FM.

DownLoad - Kind of a primitive sounding set of instruments, but it's a cool collection of rock tracks nonetheless.

W-Ring - The Double Rings - For some reason, this game's soundtrack uses no percussion at all. I had to actually play the game to make sure the rip was correct. The music seems pretty good, but the lack of a beat makes it sound strange to me.

Enjoy! :)

09-15-2015, 12:32 PM
Wow that was quick. Thanks!

09-15-2015, 01:03 PM
Cyber Core - I remember trying to do the x68000 version of this for a while. The PC Engine version is very similar, and the soundtrack is the same, but using wavetable instead of FM.

I had uploaded the X68000 soundtrack (!zNh0kKSb!ACSrnHfbbJjyeMVCsqFr0Q1GgIrXMX6TNsCEf5NqD1s) before, it's not my rip though. I could PM you a Hoot set if you want to make your own version.

09-15-2015, 01:57 PM
I had uploaded the X68000 soundtrack (!zNh0kKSb!ACSrnHfbbJjyeMVCsqFr0Q1GgIrXMX6TNsCEf5NqD1s) before, it's not my rip though. I could PM you a Hoot set if you want to make your own version.

I'd appreciate that very much, actually. :)

09-15-2015, 04:35 PM
Hi guys! Magma Dragoon has tagged Steam-Heart's (spelling! *cringe*) and Dark Legend for the Saturn! Thank you, sir!

09-16-2015, 05:02 AM
OK we have ONE Pok�mon Card game, now the other is requested:
Pok�mon Card GB/Pok�mon Trading Card Game (I have a rip of the Title theme, but its only 0:01, could you prioritize that track and include the part where the various Energy forms come in with SFX?)

Also requesting
Selection: Erabareshi mono/The Sword of Hope
Selection II / The Sword of Hope II

09-16-2015, 06:03 AM
Hi. Long time no post in your topic. How are you? :)

I was wondering if you could do a game rip of "Etrian Mystery Dungeon" that's for the 3DS, if possible.

I noticed someone requested this before, but retracted it when the OST was uploaded. Thing is, I'm not sure if it has all the game's music or not, nor if they OST's versions are the same ones that play in game.

So then, thank you in advance for your help and your time. :D Have a good day/evening/night.

09-16-2015, 09:48 AM
Also requesting
Selection: Erabareshi mono/The Sword of Hope
Selection II / The Sword of Hope II

Seconded. These two have some serene, gentle music, and that's always nice hearing from the Game Boy.

09-16-2015, 11:42 AM
OK, Pokemon Card Game and The Sword of Hope are new in the GB section! The Sword of Hope II keeps crashing the player, so I'm no sure if I'll be able to do it. I'll try a few more times when I get a chance.

09-16-2015, 03:30 PM
Hi Ruiner! Can you do Shaman King Soaring Hawk/Sprinting Wolf for GBA?

09-16-2015, 04:36 PM
"For my next trick..."

*pulls Etrian Mystery Dungeon (3DS) out of a hat*

"Taa daaa!"

Hahaha, here's Yuzo Koshiro's soundtrack, featuring some nice classical music for the dungeons, and ball-out metal and hard rock for the bosses. The songs were fairly well-tagged in the game's files, so I cleaned them up a bit and put them in a somewhat logical order. Improvement on the tags is always welcome!

---------- Post added at 11:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 AM ----------

I uploaded Shaman King - Legacy of the Spirits (GBA) since both Soaring Hawk and Sprinting Wolf share the same soundtrack. How many of these Shaman King games ARE there? :-O

09-16-2015, 06:23 PM
There are a lot more Yu-Gi-Oh! Japan only games! I just love anime games and rpgs in general. Shaman King was one of my favorite animes in high school. Thank you very much for my requests!

09-16-2015, 07:49 PM
I have another request, could you try to rip Crime Killer (PSX)? I think the music is CD audio, so it shouldn't have any issues.

One interesting fact with this game though is that it came with a 4 song EP. Three of the songs are in full on the disc (I think they were Level 3, 4 & 8's music), but the forth only plays in part in the intro, which obviously has SFX.

Now, I'm planning to get a new copy of this game, as I'm replacing every old, battered copy of all my PS1 games I had as a kid (and my version of Crime Killer didn't have the OST CD), so if the copy I pick up has at least a near mint EP CD i'll rip it myself and upload it here.

09-16-2015, 11:04 PM
Ohhhh man! Thanks!

09-17-2015, 02:03 AM
Thanks for the Etrian Mystery Dungeon rip! :D

While I'm thinking of it, could you also rip "Magi-Nation" for the Gameboy Color (I think)?

09-17-2015, 08:17 AM
HOLY FK Where has this thread been all my life?!?!?!

Ruiner you are a savior! These tracks sound like a ReMaster!

Please add when you get the chance these three tracks:
Marvel Super Heroes
Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter

09-17-2015, 09:43 AM
Ruiner you son of a GOD I have been up for the past hour listening to these improved tracks and I love every second!

I have noticed that in Cruis'n World the track named Cruis'n World (N64 - ruiner9)\07_The Chase.mp3 is missing a section. Could you please look into this?

Please listen to the following inferior quality track and fast forward to the 1:30 mark for your reference!

09-17-2015, 11:15 AM
Ruiner you son of a GOD I have been up for the past hour listening to these improved tracks and I love every second!

I have noticed that in Cruis'n World the track named Cruis'n World (N64 - ruiner9)\07_The Chase.mp3 is missing a section. Could you please look into this?

Please listen to the following inferior quality track and fast forward to the 1:30 mark for your reference!

Good catch! Here's a link to the corrected track:!g491DIAQ!kaSwSIGNKXrE3wCqBEvefyyY6x734NRlWohqG_Gfu3Q

Just replace the song in the album you already have, and I'll update the album itself for future downloaders. Glad you're enjoying my collection! :)

09-17-2015, 11:32 AM
Yo people, what r u playing lately?

09-17-2015, 11:42 AM
Yo people, what r u playing lately?

I'm stuck between two "MM" games: Mario Maker and Mad Max! Both are awesome. :)

09-17-2015, 12:02 PM
Yo people, what r u playing lately?

Been wearing out my Steam account. Currently working on all achievements for Freedom Planet. (highly recommended game and OST, BTW)

The Playing Mantis
09-17-2015, 01:10 PM
Yo people, what r u playing lately?

Currently unlocking all of the accessories in Castlevania Judgment at home and re-playing Ace Attorney Investigations on my 3DS at work...

09-17-2015, 02:55 PM
Alright everyone, Crime Killer (PSX) is now fresh and new! It's all of the redbook audio dance tracks, plus the song that plays during the end credits.

Can I ask you guys a favor? I know it's not a huge thing on this forum, but if you guys could keep it in mind to throw me some reputation points every once in a while (just click the thumbs up icon in the bottom left of any post you enjoy) it would help my standing when I post in other threads or ask admins for changes to my account or whatever. In exchange, I'll gladly throw you guys some rep for helping out with tags and improving the collection. And also, as I get more rep points, I think I give out more rep points when I give YOU guys rep. Neat, huh?

Thanks! You guys rock!

09-17-2015, 04:51 PM
I honestly didn't even see that button before, I must be blind :P. Sure, i'll send some rep your way. Thanks so much for Crime Killer too, i'll check it out now.

EDIT: The credits theme, Babel, is actually the song I was on about. So it IS on the disc, but it's only about half the length of the version on the EP disc, and definatly worse quality. The other 3 are Robbaz, Chase and Violator.

09-17-2015, 05:29 PM
I honestly didn't even see that button before, I must be blind :P. Sure, i'll send some rep your way. Thanks so much for Crime Killer too, i'll check it out now.

EDIT: The credits theme, Babel, is actually the song I was on about. So it IS on the disc, but it's only about half the length of the version on the EP disc, and definatly worse quality. The other 3 are Robbaz, Chase and Violator.

Yeah, Babel is embedded in the FMV stream, so it's only 37.8 khz versus the 44.1 khz of the CD audio. Makes a big difference. It's probably shortened to match the length of the credits sequence.

09-17-2015, 11:33 PM
I've been playing Deadman's Cross and FFX-2 HD on my PS Vita and Pokemon Shuffle and Pokemon Rumble World on my 3DS.

09-18-2015, 08:09 AM
Something I would absolutely love to hear are the two Shanghai games on the Famicom. If you love Sunsoft bass, these are prime examples of mastery of that specific sound (especially Shanghai II (

09-18-2015, 02:10 PM
It's Friday! Yesssss!

Here are some things for you:

Magi Nation (GB) - Wow, an hour of music in a Game Boy game! You don't see that very often. It's a shame the instrumentation is pretty harsh.

Pac-Attack (SNES) - Some nice grooves in this one. Lots of fun to listen to.

Shanghai (NES) - I love these games. This one has great music, too. Naoki Kodaka is one of the contributing composers.

Shanghai II (NES) - Similar to the first, but now using the bass instrument sample that Sunsoft games became famous for. I have no composer info except for "Yuki Chan." Weird.

Enjoy the tunes!

09-18-2015, 02:43 PM
Nooooooo they killed "like" button and i don't remember how many likes were given to whom


"you must spread reputation around"

Does it mean i can't rep one user several times a row?

09-18-2015, 03:06 PM
Nooooooo they killed "like" button and i don't remember how many likes were given to whom


"you must spread reputation around"

Does it mean i can't rep one user several times a row?

Yeah, you can't keep repping the same person over and over again. The Like button is down temporarily, I think? There are rumors that the forum's personal info was compromised. *sigh*

Guys, you should copy all the mega links in the OP into a text file or something so you can still grab stuff if the site ends up going down. Also, I'll come up with a plan to move elsewhere if it does, too. And I'll put a text file in the NES folder to let you know where you can find me. It's like planning for the end of the world! :P

09-18-2015, 06:23 PM
Hey Ruiner! Do you do iOS rips? If so, could you see if you can do Tales of Link and Kingdom Hearts Unchained Chi?

09-18-2015, 07:41 PM
Hey Ruiner! Do you do iOS rips? If so, could you see if you can do Tales of Link and Kingdom Hearts Unchained Chi?

Sorry, no. :(

I do have one new album, and it's Marvel Super Heroes (Saturn)! The arcade version was requested, but it's identical to this version, and it sounds a lot better because it's redbook audio. I'll most likely do the same thing with Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter.

09-19-2015, 05:01 AM
Shanghai (NES) - I love these games. This one has great music, too. Naoki Kodaka is one of the contributing composers.

Shanghai II (NES) - Similar to the first, but now using the bass instrument sample that Sunsoft games became famous for. I have no composer info except for "Yuki Chan." Weird.


09-19-2015, 04:05 PM

Is Air Boarder 64 rippable? I couldn't find any usf sets for it, apparently people are not interested in older Takada Masafumi works...

09-19-2015, 06:35 PM

Is Air Boarder 64 rippable? I couldn't find any usf sets for it, apparently people are not interested in older Takada Masafumi works...

Nah, if there's no USFs, it either means the game can't be ripped by conventional methods (most likely) or nobody's tried (less likely.) Making USF sets from a rom is a very arduous task, unfortunately, and not one that I understand well enough to attempt.

09-19-2015, 07:45 PM
Some more requests from me:

1. Final Fight (Sega CD)
2. X-Men: Children of the Atom (Saturn)
3. F-Zero X (N64)

Thanks in advance.

Henry Spencer
09-19-2015, 08:00 PM
Just a couple of requests from me:

Lunacy/Torico (Sega Saturn)
Confidential Mission (Dreamcast)


09-19-2015, 09:19 PM
Sorry, no. :(

I do have one new album, and it's Marvel Super Heroes (Saturn)! The arcade version was requested, but it's identical to this version, and it sounds a lot better because it's redbook audio. I'll most likely do the same thing with Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter.


09-19-2015, 10:38 PM
oh man i m so headbanging

09-20-2015, 06:00 AM
I'm baaaaaack.....

....But just with two requests this time around, both for the Playstation: Ruiner, do you think you can get rips for both Asterix: La Bataille Des Gaules (Or the Gallic Wars in English), and The Simpsons Wrestling? Thanks in advance as always for looking into it!

09-20-2015, 07:55 PM
oh man i m so headbanging


Head hurts now. Thank you for sharing. :)

09-20-2015, 10:15 PM
Hi ruiner9, could you rip PSV " Phantasy Star Nova " (all episodes music) ? Thanks :)

09-20-2015, 10:26 PM

Head hurts now. Thank you for sharing. :)

I'm pretty sure that's from Biometal (SNES). Right?

09-20-2015, 10:28 PM
Some more requests from me:

1. Final Fight (Sega CD)
2. X-Men: Children of the Atom (Saturn)
3. F-Zero X (N64)

Thanks in advance.

Hey, here you go [for Final Fight (Sega CD)]

Thread 184032

09-20-2015, 10:59 PM
I'm pretty sure that's from Biometal (SNES). Right?

Isn't the track in Biometal a remix of this (

09-20-2015, 11:04 PM
Right, 2Unlimited wrote the American (and maybe European?) soundtrack for the game. It was completely different in the Japanese release.

09-21-2015, 02:33 AM
ruiner, you can cancel my request [Steins;Gate 8bit] (I found what I was looking for.) Sorry for the trouble!

09-21-2015, 11:12 AM
ruiner, you can cancel my request [Steins;Gate 8bit] (I found what I was looking for.) Sorry for the trouble!

I had posted that I couldn't do it right after you requested it anyways!

Here's what's new today!

Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (PSX) - The Playstation version had the only complete soundtrack. It could really use to tagging though!

X-Men: Children of the Atom (Saturn) - Ah, the first Marvel fighting game. Such memories.

F-Zero X (N64) - Totally metal renditions of classic FZ songs, with some originals in there, too.

Enjoy rocking out to these tunes today! :)

Also, I didn't realize Phantasy Star Nova was a PS Vita game. I don't rip music for that system. Sorry!

09-22-2015, 12:41 AM
Can you rip Castlevania: Order of Shadows? its a mobile phone game.

09-22-2015, 01:05 AM
Sorry, I only rip mobile games of my choosing that I've purchased. I don't take requests for them.

09-22-2015, 11:45 AM
Two new soundtracks are up!

Lunacy (Saturn) - Creepy ambient sound, perfect for the upcoming Halloween season.

Confidential Mission (Dreamcast) - Dance-infused spy music! Reminds me of the soundtrack to the American TV series "Alias."


09-22-2015, 12:02 PM
Creepy? I'd say it's pretty beautiful. And pretty unique, i dont know anything similar in VGM or music in general. Even though technically it's close to "chamber orchestral soundfonts on Korg M1" or smth, compositions have very own atmosphere and not only. I especially love those "trills" composer uses.

i thought you did Confidential Mission before 0o

09-22-2015, 02:04 PM
Lunacy! :D Thanks! I already have the soundtrack(can't remember where I got it from though)but your rip already surpasses the one I have.

Edit: Interesting, there are tracks I've never heard in the game. Unused music, perhaps?

09-22-2015, 04:31 PM
Creepy? I'd say it's pretty beautiful. And pretty unique, i dont know anything similar in VGM or music in general. Even though technically it's close to "chamber orchestral soundfonts on Korg M1" or smth, compositions have very own atmosphere and not only. I especially love those "trills" composer uses.

i thought you did Confidential Mission before 0o

Creepy can also be beautiful! I find most of the Silent Hill soundtracks to share both qualities!

09-22-2015, 04:43 PM
Do you like pipe organ?

09-22-2015, 06:02 PM
Do you like pipe organ?

As an instrument in a song? Sure. But not as a solo instrument.

---------- Post added at 01:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 PM ----------

Seems I can't rip Asterix: La Bataille Des Gaules (PSX) The Simpsons Wrestling (PSX). Bummer.

09-22-2015, 10:18 PM
Do you have favourite acoustic instruments which is not guitar/piano/drums? ( i mean, not as common as usual rock band stuff)

09-23-2015, 11:00 AM
Here's the latest and greatest! :)

Episode 45: Classic Sportstacular
Download on our page! --

MP3 Downloads of previous shows can be found at The PixelTunes Radio Homepage ( or on iTunes! (

Shoot! Dive! Kick! Run! Mike and Ed swing for the fences in this super-sporty episode of PixelTunes Radio. Jam to a bunch of classic tracks from names like Koji Kondo and Jeroen Tel, and score some extra VGM knowledge with some obscure (and amazing) titles! Whether you’re a mega fan, or just a casual spectator, this episode has a little something for everyone.

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Format: Game Title (System) – Track Title – Composer

1 – NBA Give ‘n Go (SNES) “In-Game BGM 5” – Masahiko Kimura
2 – NBA Jam T.E. (SNES) – “Title Screen” – Jon Hey

3 – Extra Innings (SNES) – “Menu” & “Massive Stadium” – Tetsuya Furumoto, Katsunori Ujiie, Takafumi Fujisawa

Football (American):
4 – Tecmo Super Bowl (NES) – “Playoffs, Player 1”- Keiji Yamagishi, Ryuichi Nitta

5 – Ice Hockey (NES) – “In Game Theme” – Soyo Oka, Koji Kondo

6 – Mario Strikers Charged (Wii) – “Classroom” – Mike Peacock, Darren Radtke, Chad York

7- Neo Turf Masters (Neo Geo) – “Grand Canyon Course (USA)” – Takushi Hiyamuta

Extreme Sports:
8 – Skate or Die (NES) “Joust” – Rob Hubbard, Kyle Granger, Christopher Grigg
9 – Winter Gold – (SNES) “Menu” – Jeroen Tel

Dodge Ball:
10 – Super Dodge Ball (Neo Geo) “Riki Team Stage” – IDA

Air Racing:
11 – Pilotwings Resort (3DS) – “Pedal Glider” – Asuka Ito

12 – Side Pocket (Genesis) – “Ace in the Hole” – Emi Shimizu

Which track is your favorite? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @pixeltunesradio!

09-23-2015, 09:12 PM
Just a quick update to the collection today: Tokyo Bus Guide for the Dreamcast. Yeah, I know it sounds silly, but the music is REALLY GOOD. The first track is like a cross between an 80's sitcom themesong and Sergeant Pepper-era Beatles. Curious now? I know you are! Go check it out!

09-23-2015, 10:01 PM
Hi Ruiner! Could you do Lunar Silver Star Harmony (PSP), Lunar Dragon Song (aka Lunar Genesis) (DS), and Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car (Arcade)? Are you going to do a Halloween themed podcast? If so, could I suggest a couple of songs?

Spin n Puke from Gex and Prologue (Pipe Organ Solo) from the Biohazard (Resident Evil) Orchestra Album. The second one gives me chills every time I hear it!

09-23-2015, 11:58 PM
Hi Ruiner! Could you do Lunar Silver Star Harmony (PSP), Lunar Dragon Song (aka Lunar Genesis) (DS), and Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car (Arcade)? Are you going to do a Halloween themed podcast? If so, could I suggest a couple of songs?

Spin n Puke from Gex and Prologue (Pipe Organ Solo) from the Biohazard (Resident Evil) Orchestra Album. The second one gives me chills every time I hear it!

We only play songs from OST's, so we can't do anything from Resident Evil Orchestra, but I'll check the Gex track out! I'll add the requests to the queue. :)

09-24-2015, 03:38 AM
Was Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car even... *reads news* WOAH! (,2817,2491675,00.asp) Seconded (if its even possible)!

Also, could I make a request of my own? Pebble Beach Golf Links on the Saturn is another T&E Soft golf game, and I like anything jazzy and... uhh, golfcore? Golf music feels a lot like shmup music in its use of FM bass and love of wailing solos :p

09-24-2015, 04:36 AM
Awesome rips, truly. I am very impressed with all the stereo mixes.

I actually came to request some Lunar rips, although I see someone has beat me to a couple. Can you do Lunar: The Silver Star (Sega-CD), Lunar: Eternal Blue (Sega-CD), and Lunar Legend (GBA)? Many thanks!

09-24-2015, 04:46 AM
Was Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car even... *reads news* WOAH! (,2817,2491675,00.asp) Seconded (if its even possible)!

Also, could I make a request of my own? Pebble Beach Golf Links on the Saturn is another T&E Soft golf game, and I like anything jazzy and... uhh, golfcore? Golf music feels a lot like shmup music in its use of FM bass and love of wailing solos :p

No, golf music feels a lot like ... songs about playing golf (

09-24-2015, 10:53 AM
Was Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car even... *reads news* WOAH! (,2817,2491675,00.asp) Seconded (if its even possible)!

Also, could I make a request of my own? Pebble Beach Golf Links on the Saturn is another T&E Soft golf game, and I like anything jazzy and... uhh, golfcore? Golf music feels a lot like shmup music in its use of FM bass and love of wailing solos :p

Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car isn't even emulated yet! So no, there's no way I can rip it at this time. Even when it does come to MAME, it depends on if there's a sound test or not, so I can't say for sure.

I'll add Pebble Beach Golf Links to the queue!

09-24-2015, 11:55 AM
There are some Lunar albums in the collection this morning, namely Lunar - Dragon Song (DS) and Lunar - Silver Star Harmony (PSP). Dragon Song has a bit of a modern lean to it, while Harmony sounds like just about any other Lunar soundtrack I've ever heard.

09-24-2015, 02:02 PM
Speaking of unemulated arcade games, check this awesomeness. At least Taito released some music from it recently.

Not so good video, but better than nothing

09-24-2015, 02:37 PM
Wow, that looks really original and cool! I wonder if the video's framerate is bad, or if the actual game is unoptimized. It seems the framerate speeds up and slows down during the gameplay, which leads me to believe it's not the capture device, but the game itself. That music is fantastic, though. Tamayo Kawamoto is amazing.

09-24-2015, 03:00 PM
It could be both. I really love it's aesthetics though. Oh, and it was made for this cabinet:

By the way, can you please finally answer me. Is it Tamayo who sings in Darius Gaiden's Vissionerz? Because i watched live videos of Zuntata and i don't remember any other women on scene besides her at keyboards.

09-24-2015, 03:15 PM
In this video:

The girl who is singing doesn't look like Tamayo Kawamoto at all, who is playing the keyboards. So no, I don't think it's her.

09-24-2015, 03:19 PM
Yes, but where is she on scene? does she exist only on projector?

Also, this mysterious singer also responsible for RayForce vocals, right? "G" track etc.

09-24-2015, 05:09 PM
Yes, but where is she on scene? does she exist only on projector?

Also, this mysterious singer also responsible for RayForce vocals, right? "G" track etc.

I'm pretty sure the RayForce "vocals" were done by Tamayo Kawamoto herself. Here, watch this (

09-24-2015, 07:26 PM
At exactly 1:00 in the Visionnerz video, you can see Ogura playing the female vocals as samples on the keyboard. Since Tamayo is standing right there on stage, I'd assume that if she'd sung the song, she'd be doing it during the performance. Therefore I can reasonably conclude that she's not the vocalist on Visionnerz. As far as "12 G" goes, yes... she's singing the letters right into the mic. All that proves though, is that she sang them for the live performance, and not necessarily on the game's studio recording.

That being said, There's one new game in the OP, and it's Pebble Beach Golf Links (Saturn)! I think it was mentioned that this was an FM based soundtrack, but it doesn't sound like it at all to me. What do you guys think?

09-24-2015, 08:49 PM
Oh, it's not, I just meant the genre tends to use those kinds of FM-like basslines in its golf games, especially T&E Soft games, or something like that. Thanks again for ripping this!

09-24-2015, 09:10 PM
Oh, it's not, I just meant the genre tends to use those kinds of FM-like basslines in its golf games, especially T&E Soft games, or something like that. Thanks again for ripping this!

No problem! And I agree, those jazzy basslines always sound great through an FM chip!

I've uploaded Lunar Legend (GBA) and Lunar - The Silver Star (Sega CD) as well. Lunar - Eternal Blue (Sega CD) isn't rippable because it's 90% chiptune, which hasn't been extracted from the disc for conversion.

That's it for today! :D

09-24-2015, 10:10 PM
Hi again, Ed!

Could you please do:

GunGriffon (Saturn)
Zero 5 (Atari Jaguar)
G-Vector (Saturn)


09-25-2015, 02:07 AM
I jumped the gun with Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car. Sorry about that! Could you try to do it when it gets emulated? I have 2 requests Lunar Knights for DS and Planet of the Apes. Thank you very much! Are your podcasts on Youtube?

---------- Post added at 07:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 PM ----------

Planet of the Apes is for GBA.

---------- Post added at 07:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 PM ----------

Planet of the Apes is for GBA.

09-25-2015, 03:24 AM
May I request Virtua Striker 2: Version 2000.1 for the Dreamcast?

The Playing Mantis
09-25-2015, 03:33 PM
Hey Ruiner, with October right around the corner I need to start a Halloween Mix to blast on my phone while delivering mail and scaring the normals. I've got a lot of good music, but I was hoping you could help with The Haunting Starring Polterguy for Genesis, Zombies Ate My Neighbors for SNES and Swagman for PSX. These all have really good songs for a decidedly creepy atmosphere.

09-25-2015, 06:09 PM
Hello, ruiner9, may I request Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Duelist of the Roses (PS2)? I was listening some tracks of this game on Youtube and there are some really good compositions on there.

09-26-2015, 12:38 AM
Hello, ruiner. It's been a while, but I thought up some new request for you.

- The Death and Return of Superman (Sega Genesis) (There doesn't seem to be a track listing for this online, but I know what the tracks are by memory. I will be happy to provide tags for this.)
- The Death and Return of Superman (Super NES) (Has totally different music than the Genesis version)
- Liberty or Death (Super NES) (Another KOEI strategy game, this time focusing on colonial America vs. the British in the 1800s)

Have a great day, and long live VGMs!! :D

09-26-2015, 05:45 AM
Seems I can't rip Asterix: La Bataille Des Gaules (PSX) The Simpsons Wrestling (PSX). Bummer.

Ah, 'tis a shame, but not unexpected.... I also tried to rip those games myself with unsuccessful results. Thanks for trying, anyway!

How about a new request, then? I'm actually unsure if it's rippable or not, but do you think you can give Cho Aniki: Kyuukyoku Muteki Ginga Saikyou Otoko (the subtitle of which translates to something like "The Ultimate, Most Powerful and Invincible Man in the Galaxy") a try? It was released on both the PSX and Saturn, so perhaps one version's rip is easier to obtain than the other, I dunno. As always, thanks in advance!

09-26-2015, 06:56 PM
Ah, 'tis a shame, but not unexpected.... I also tried to rip those games myself with unsuccessful results. Thanks for trying, anyway!

The Windows version has the same music, this soundtrack is pretty great.

Asterix: The Gallic War (Windows) (!KEZE3TqD!FD_D2g80TzPGIamCcbkjk-jC5jaEu-axkpZ9FjFfE-Q)

09-26-2015, 07:06 PM
Hi again, Ed!

Could you please do:

GunGriffon (Saturn)
Zero 5 (Atari Jaguar)
G-Vector (Saturn)


I don't do Jaguar, but I'll add the other two.

I jumped the gun with Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car. Sorry about that! Could you try to do it when it gets emulated? I have 2 requests Lunar Knights for DS and Planet of the Apes. Thank you very much! Are your podcasts on Youtube?

---------- Post added at 07:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 PM ----------

Planet of the Apes is for GBA..

YouTube link is in the 1st post!

May I request Virtua Striker 2: Version 2000.1 for the Dreamcast?

I have 2000. Is 2000.1 different in terms of soundtrack?

Hey Ruiner, with October right around the corner I need to start a Halloween Mix to blast on my phone while delivering mail and scaring the normals. I've got a lot of good music, but I was hoping you could help with The Haunting Starring Polterguy for Genesis, Zombies Ate My Neighbors for SNES and Swagman for PSX. These all have really good songs for a decidedly creepy atmosphere.


Hello, ruiner9, may I request Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Duelist of the Roses (PS2)? I was listening some tracks of this game on Youtube and there are some really good compositions on there.


Hello, ruiner. It's been a while, but I thought up some new request for you.

- The Death and Return of Superman (Sega Genesis) (There doesn't seem to be a track listing for this online, but I know what the tracks are by memory. I will be happy to provide tags for this.)
- The Death and Return of Superman (Super NES) (Has totally different music than the Genesis version)
- Liberty or Death (Super NES) (Another KOEI strategy game, this time focusing on colonial America vs. the British in the 1800s)

Have a great day, and long live VGMs!! :D


Ah, 'tis a shame, but not unexpected.... I also tried to rip those games myself with unsuccessful results. Thanks for trying, anyway!

How about a new request, then? I'm actually unsure if it's rippable or not, but do you think you can give Cho Aniki: Kyuukyoku Muteki Ginga Saikyou Otoko (the subtitle of which translates to something like "The Ultimate, Most Powerful and Invincible Man in the Galaxy") a try? It was released on both the PSX and Saturn, so perhaps one version's rip is easier to obtain than the other, I dunno. As always, thanks in advance!


09-26-2015, 07:15 PM
I see. Anyway i recommend checking this video) IMHO it's pretty impressive for Jaguar

p.s. there is first person view too

09-26-2015, 07:21 PM
Injury with The Simpsons Wrestling (PSX) because have nice rock music :/
and Can you Ed rip this for me?
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2,3 & 4 (GBA)

09-26-2015, 08:45 PM
Injury with The Simpsons Wrestling (PSX) because have nice rock music :/
and Can you Ed rip this for me?
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2,3 & 4 (GBA)

Sorry, none of those are rippable.

09-26-2015, 08:49 PM
No F-Zero. No WipeOut. This is so sad.


On WiiU Fast Racing Neo is coming

And in Steam there are some futuristic racing games too, AFAIK early access though(

09-26-2015, 09:07 PM
Sorry, none of those are rippable.
Injury but can you this?
- Blood Warrior (Arcade)
- Dragon Master (Arcade)
- Slum Dunk (Arcade)

09-26-2015, 09:15 PM
No F-Zero? Why? How?...

09-26-2015, 09:22 PM
Injury but can you this?
- Blood Warrior (Arcade)
- Dragon Master (Arcade)
- Slum Dunk (Arcade)

No, there are no VGM rips or M1 compatibility. Dragon Master is the only game with a sound test, so maybe nx666 can help with that.

No F-Zero? Why? How?...

He means no new F-Zero or WipEout are in the works, but the game he linked to might be a good alternative.

09-26-2015, 09:27 PM
Why? How?...

Currently. Though there is F-Zero themed curse in MK8 with that high speed mode.

As for WipeOut, dev studio was closed.

09-26-2015, 09:31 PM
I have 2000. Is 2000.1 different in terms of soundtrack?

I'm not sure. I never played the original arcade version or the other updated versions. I do know it was updated specifically for the Dreamcast when it got ported.

09-26-2015, 09:42 PM
No, there are no VGM rips or M1 compatibility. Dragon Master is the only game with a sound test, so maybe nx666 can help with that.

Ok if you can't this maybe
- Lethal Enforcers (SNES)
- Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (PSP)
- Battletoads & Double Dragon (NES)

09-26-2015, 09:55 PM
The Windows version has the same music, this soundtrack is pretty great.

Asterix: The Gallic War (Windows) (!KEZE3TqD!FD_D2g80TzPGIamCcbkjk-jC5jaEu-axkpZ9FjFfE-Q)

Oh neat, I wasn't aware of a PC version of that Asterix game! Thanks nx666, you're a lifesaver. ;)

09-26-2015, 11:07 PM
Could you possibly do Aliens (Arcade)?

09-27-2015, 01:29 AM
This one is huge:
Castlevania: Order of Shadows (Mobile Phone).
NOTE: There are two scores. The first is the original score by Vincent Diamante, and then there is a remix of Castlevania 1. See if you can get both,

09-27-2015, 03:34 AM
I don't do mobile phones anymore. Sorry.

09-27-2015, 01:03 PM
Here's some new stuff!

Gungriffon (Saturn) - Some hard-hitting electronic music.

G Vector (Saturn) - Pretty average 90's dance music.

Lunar Knights (DS) - 3 hours of symphonic mixed with dance. Some of it reminds me of the soundtrack from the Matrix. And no, this is NOT part of the Lunar Silver Star series which has been requested a bunch over the last few weeks. It's related to the Boktai series.

Also, I can't rip Planet of the Apes (GBA).

09-27-2015, 01:16 PM
Average? I thought you 'd like it heh.

Thanks, though)

Game is good by the way, though looks a bit ugly.

09-27-2015, 02:39 PM
I've only given it a brief listen, maybe my tastes will change if I listen more intently. :)

09-27-2015, 10:54 PM
Hiya! Zombies Ate my Neighbors (SNES) is new. It's a comically spooky little set of tunes.

Swagman (Saturn) is up, too. It's the same as the PSX version, just higher quality. If you like the soundtracks to, I dunno, Tim Burton's movies, you may enjoy this.

Haunting Starring Polterguy and Virtua Striker 2, after looking further into it, are unrippable.

09-28-2015, 12:32 AM
Hiya! Zombies Ate my Neighbors (SNES) is new. It's a comically spooky little set of tunes.

Swagman (Saturn) is up, too. It's the same as the PSX version, just higher quality. If you like the soundtracks to, I dunno, Tim Burton's movies, you may enjoy this.

Haunting Starring Polterguy and Virtua Striker 2, after looking further into it, are unrippable.

Damn, oh well.

The Playing Mantis
09-28-2015, 02:12 AM
Hiya! Zombies Ate my Neighbors (SNES) is new. It's a comically spooky little set of tunes.

Swagman (Saturn) is up, too. It's the same as the PSX version, just higher quality. If you like the soundtracks to, I dunno, Tim Burton's movies, you may enjoy this.

Haunting Starring Polterguy and Virtua Striker 2, after looking further into it, are unrippable.

Such is life...Thank you for the other two at least.
... ... ... ...'s with that last track on the Swagman Soundtrack? Sounds like it's from a completely different game...I know it's not from the Playstation version of it at any rate...

09-28-2015, 04:46 AM
I don't do mobile phones anymore. Sorry.

Awww that sucks. Its the only Castlevania game not to get an OST release. Oh well! Here's a few PlayStation games, dunno if you did them

Note all are the same series

09-28-2015, 07:29 AM
Could I request Space Battleship Gomora (Mega Drive)? I've been on a Yoshio Nagashima kick lately :p Thanks for being a total pillar of the community and making classic game music so accessible.

09-28-2015, 11:45 PM
Awww that sucks. Its the only Castlevania game not to get an OST release. Oh well! Here's a few PlayStation games, dunno if you did them

Note all are the same series

I should be able to do at least some of these!

Could I request Space Battleship Gomora (Mega Drive)? I've been on a Yoshio Nagashima kick lately :p Thanks for being a total pillar of the community and making classic game music so accessible.

I'll post it under Bio-Ship Paladin, as I use the English release title when it's available.

Such is life...Thank you for the other two at least.
... ... ... ...'s with that last track on the Swagman Soundtrack? Sounds like it's from a completely different game...I know it's not from the Playstation version of it at any rate...

I dunno, man. It's on the CD. Firestorm: Thunderhawk 2 was a game that Core Design released two years prior to Swagman. I have no idea how that track ended up on the CD, though.

OK, here's the new stuff:

Chō Aniki - Kyūkyoku Muteki Ginga Saikyō Otoko (Saturn) - It's a body-building shmup involving... well, I won't go into it. The music is energetic and includes of lot of strange genres.

Liberty or Death (SNES) - Period-appropriate music for the American Revolutionary War.

The Death and Return of Superman (SNES) - Some rockin' tunes that fit this beat 'em perfectly.

Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Duelists of the Roses (PS2) - 3 hours of music, too bad it's encoded at 24khz on the disc, so it's not great quality. From what I've listened to, it's mostly symphonic/ ambient/ dramatic. Not my style, but perhaps you'll enjoy it.

I can't rip the Genesis version of Death and Return of Superman. Drat. See you next time! :)

09-29-2015, 12:01 AM
Are Ray-games on PS1 as redbook as on Saturn?

09-29-2015, 12:18 AM
Are Ray-games on PS1 as redbook as on Saturn?

The PSX version of Ray Storm (I've owned it since I was a kid) is streaming, but includes an arranged Zuntata soundtrack as well as the original. I don't know what the Saturn has yet, but I'll pick the best quality version.

The Playing Mantis
09-29-2015, 01:53 AM
Query, I have to ask. How is it that certain games for a console are rippable, but others aren't What is the process? I'm sorry if this was asked before but you've got 165 pages of backlogs...

09-29-2015, 02:09 AM
Query, I have to ask. How is it that certain games for a console are rippable, but others aren't What is the process? I'm sorry if this was asked before but you've got 165 pages of backlogs...

I'm assuming you're specifically asking about the Genesis/ MD. Music for this system is usually logged as a VGM format file. It requires either the game to be played in an emulator, and using the soundtest or gameplay itself to log the audio (essentially, instructions for the FM and PSG chips) and then played back in a player, which I convert to MP3. There are very few Genesis/ MD games where this isn't possible because of a lack of soundtest coupled with the inability to capture all of the music without sound effects getting in the way or the music being cut off by time limits in the game. Unfortunately, a few popular titles like Jurassic Park Lost World, Haunting Starring Polterguy, and The Death and Return of Superman seem to have these limitations. Now, some people have found ways to hack the ROM's code and extract the music data directly, but that's way beyond my scope of knowledge. It means that proper soundtracks of these games MAY be forthcoming, but it would require a person with the proper knowledge and an interest in the game itself. Hope that answers your question!

The Playing Mantis
09-29-2015, 02:11 AM
Wow...that was a quick reply. Thank you. You learn something new every day...

09-29-2015, 06:25 AM
Yeah, thanks for the insight, I was curious about that. Poor Polterguy :(

09-29-2015, 11:25 AM
Lethal Enforcers (SNES) - It sounds like an extension of the TMNT IV SNES soundtrack. I believe some of the composers are the same.

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep (PSP) - The music was high quality on the disc, so this sounds good! It just needs tags. Who's up for the challenge? :)

I'm having issues with Battletoads & Double Dragon (NES) for the same reasons that the original BT game was so hard to do. I may or may not be able to do it. I'll try a few more things.

09-29-2015, 02:26 PM
I'll tag Birth by Sleep! You should do the Final Mix of Birth by Sleep it has 5 extra songs and is also on PSP. More bang for your buck!

Can I request Pirates of the Caribbean The Legend of Jack Sparrow for PS2?

09-29-2015, 09:37 PM
Please please some more vgm please ♬♫♪◖(●。●)◗♪♫♬

- Sega Ages 2500 Vol. 04 Space Harrier (PS2)
- Geograph Seal (X68K)
- Neural Gear (X68K)

09-29-2015, 10:43 PM
- Geograph Seal (X68K)
- Neural Gear (X68K)

I actually ripped both of these myself a while back! :) Though in Neural Gear's case, I was only able to get the FM tracks. Anyways:

Geograph Seal (X68000) (

Neural Gear (X68000) (

09-30-2015, 12:53 AM
Not a request per se ruiner, but games I recommend for future rips:
Commander Keen Episode I: Marooned on Mars
Commander Keen Episode II: The Earth Explodes
Commander Keen Episode III: Keen Must Die!
Commander Keen Episode IV: Secret of the Oracle
Commander Keen Episode V: The Armageddon Machine
Commander Keen Episode VI: Aliens Ate My Babysitter
Bio Menace
Major Stryker

All are by Apogee Software. I have played them all and they are highly enjoyable. :) Keen especially. It was one of the first good PC Platformers. Check them out Ruiner, you might like them

09-30-2015, 09:30 PM
I just noticed that House of the Dead 2 (DC) had both the tagged and untagged versions in the folders, duplicating the music and making the file size really big. I fixed it! Just so you're aware, the Dreamcast version has both the DC and Arcade soundtrack versions included.


09-30-2015, 10:39 PM
I just noticed that House of the Dead 2 (DC) had both the tagged and untagged versions in the folders, duplicating the music and making the file size really big. I fixed it! Just so you're aware, the Dreamcast version has both the DC and Arcade soundtrack versions included.


I also noticed that Confidential Mission was uploaded twice in the Dreamcast folder.

09-30-2015, 10:45 PM
i said it i knew it i *falls down*

09-30-2015, 10:56 PM
I also noticed that Confidential Mission was uploaded twice in the Dreamcast folder.

The other one is... Confidential! ;)

I'll get rid of the dupe when I'm at my PC. Thanks for letting me know.

09-30-2015, 11:09 PM
I'm trying to download the first Timesplitters, but it keeps giving me an error. I even tried downloading it with MEGAdownloader, and it gives me an error.

09-30-2015, 11:58 PM
It's giving me an error, too. Might just be a temporary thing. If it's still bad tomorrow, I'll have to repackage my backup copy and reupload it.

10-01-2015, 11:07 AM
Well, you asked for it! Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car (Arcade) is uploaded! Don't get too crazy over it, though... it's not very good. :(

Also, DoDoRay9000: Timesplitters (PS2) is working for me this morning. Are you able to download it now?

10-01-2015, 12:18 PM
Well, you asked for it! Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car (Arcade) is uploaded! Don't get too crazy over it, though... it's not very good. :(

Also, DoDoRay9000: Timesplitters (PS2) is working for me this morning. Are you able to download it now?

Yes, it's working. :)

10-01-2015, 06:06 PM
Aliens (Arcade) is new in the OP! It's got some pretty cool tracks, but a lot of it is very repetitive and/ or short. Masanori Adachi has definitely put out better work. :)

10-01-2015, 07:37 PM
One more unrequested bonus today! Undercover Cops Alpha Renewal Version (Arcade)! I love the SNES soundtrack, and was disappointed that I could only get my hands on the incomplete arcade version for the longest time. Now you can hear it in all it's original glory! I'm stoked.

10-01-2015, 07:51 PM
? what is the difference of arcade and arcade

10-01-2015, 08:03 PM
The English arcade version released was actually a beta, and included unfinished gameplay, graphics, and music. Irem released an "Alpha Renewal upgrade pack" for the machines which finalized the game. This is the music as it was intended.

10-01-2015, 08:29 PM
Aliens (Arcade) is new in the OP! It's got some pretty cool tracks, but a lot of it is very repetitive and/ or short. Masanori Adachi has definitely put out better work. :)

10-01-2015, 09:57 PM
Hi Ed, long time no see. I appreciate your business. I had to work on updating my bedroom with a lot of empty space so I can fit a 55" Samsung Curved Smart TV and not worry about mu room as much as before.

Now I have new requests. Three of them:

Cyber Fantasy Abel RPG - Shin Mokushiroku Taisen (FM TOWNS)
Alshark (FM TOWNS)
Cacoma Knight (SNES)

And by the way, do you have any suggestions on adding more albums to your cell phone or other digital music players? A friend I went to school with suggests using cloud storage, but that requires Wi-Fi.

All I can think of are converting files (time-consuming) and upgrading storage (expensive and easy to find fake memory cards).

10-02-2015, 11:19 AM
New today are 3 shmups from Taito: Galactic Attack (Saturn), RayStorm (PSX), and RayCrisis (PSX). All feature mid-tempo electronica with jazz, rock, and J-Pop influences courtesy of Tamayo Kawamoto (and perhaps some freinds from Zuntata.)

And by the way, do you have any suggestions on adding more albums to your cell phone or other digital music players? A friend I went to school with suggests using cloud storage, but that requires Wi-Fi.

All I can think of are converting files (time-consuming) and upgrading storage (expensive and easy to find fake memory cards).

Depending on the type of phone you have, there's Droidsound for Androids, and Modizer and SNES Music for iPhones. All allow direct play of game music files, but their interfaces tend to be pretty clunky and the sound quality isn't very good for the more obscure systems. For instance, PC-98 is supported in Droidsound, but sounds awful.

Other than that, I can't really think of any other options besides maybe uploading it all to Google Music and streaming it.

10-02-2015, 04:30 PM
Here's the rest of the requests in the queue:

Bio-Ship Paladin (Genesis) - Similar tunes to the arcade version, but WAY more abrasive. Wow.

Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 04 - Space Harrier (PS2) - Lots of remixes of the 1st level's theme (which we featured on our 2nd "Same Song, Different System" podcast,) followed by some reworks of the rest of the game's music. It's pretty good!

Alshark (FM Towns) - I could only get the CD music from the game, not the FM. It's pretty light and jazzy, with lots of piano melodies.

Abel- Shin Mokushiroku Taisen (FM Towns) - Same deal here, only CD Audio. It's mostly cutscenes, the opening, and ending.

Cacoma Knight (SNES) - Some playful symphonic music.

I couldn't rip Pirates of the Carribean (PS2) - There was a program written to extract the encrypted data about 10 years ago, but the site it was on no longer exists and it doesn't seem to be found anywhere else. Oh well.

Enjoy! :)

Magma Dragoon
10-02-2015, 05:49 PM
Some requests:

* Keio Flying Squadron (Sega CD)
* Suiko Enbu Fuun Saiki (Saturn)

10-02-2015, 06:34 PM
Some requests:

* Keio Flying Squadron (Sega CD)
* Suiko Enbu Fuun Saiki (Saturn)

I uploaded Keio Flying Squadron (Sega CD)! Suiko Enbu Fuun Saiki (Saturn) is already uploaded under the English title Dark Legend.

10-02-2015, 10:38 PM
Since I saw RayCrisis and RayStorm up, a couple more requests for PC Engine

Emerald Dragon
Jaseiken Necromancer (Music by Tsukasa Masuko0
Princess Minerva

10-03-2015, 02:20 AM
Rixen has tagged Kingdom Hearts - Birth By Sleep (PSP)! You rock! Go grab it. :)

Magma Dragoon
10-03-2015, 02:48 PM
I uploaded Keio Flying Squadron (Sega CD)! Suiko Enbu Fuun Saiki (Saturn) is already uploaded under the English title Dark Legend.

Fuun Saiki has a few extra tracks.

10-03-2015, 04:59 PM
ruiner9, would you rip " XBOX360 " & " PS3 " game music ? :)

10-04-2015, 01:26 AM
ruiner9, would you rip " XBOX360 " & " PS3 " game music ? :)

Possibly. They're not current gen anymore so I'm a little more comfortable with it. Let me know what you had in mind and I'll let you know if it's possible.

10-04-2015, 05:36 AM
If you do PS3 music, could you rip Eternal Sonata? The PS3 version has a few extra tracks not on the OST and I'm really itching to get them for my Ipod! I'll even tag it if need be!

10-04-2015, 05:05 PM
Finally came up with some requests that weren't already up!

Robopon Sun Version (Gameboy Color)
Beyond the Beyond (PSX)
Boxy Boy (PC-Engine)

Haven't been able to find these, and if I have they lead to dead links. (If anyone has these before ruiner works his magic lemme know!) :)

The Playing Mantis
10-04-2015, 07:31 PM
As we move into the month of scares, I wonder if you could find these three horror themed DS soundtracks:
Teenage Zombies and the Attack of the Alien Brain Thingys
Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie BBQ
Whoo hoo!

10-05-2015, 12:10 AM
We've got some new soundtracks today:

Princess Minerva (PCECD) - I was surprised at the rock influence in this collection of tunes! I like it!

Emerald Dragon (PCECD) - There's a combination of CD audio and chiptune in this fairly tradition RPG soundtrack. The track numbers are "stuck" somehow, I can't get them to change. The numbers in the filename are the correct order, not in the track field of the MP3 tag. Weird.

Jaseiken Necromancer (TG16) - This was requested with a note crediting the music to Tsukasa Masuko, but it's actually Jun Chikuma. She's equally awesome, and this is a very quirky and well-composed soundtrack.

Enjoy! :)

10-05-2015, 12:58 AM
The track numbers are "stuck" somehow, I can't get them to change. The numbers in the filename are the correct order, not in the track field of the MP3 tag. Weird.

Do you mind me asking what program you use for tag editing? I wonder if something like Foobar would do the trick.

10-05-2015, 05:29 AM
The 2 I am looking for are:

-Final Fantasy Adventure (Gameboy)

-Super Black Bass 3 (Super Famicom)


10-05-2015, 11:44 AM
The 2 I am looking for are:

-Final Fantasy Adventure (Gameboy)

-Super Black Bass 3 (Super Famicom)


Welcome to the forum! I'll add these to my queue!

---------- Post added at 06:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 AM ----------

Do you mind me asking what program you use for tag editing? I wonder if something like Foobar would do the trick.

I use MP3Tag, which in over 3 years and 2400 soundtracks, I've never seen this issue with that program.

---------- Post added at 06:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:24 AM ----------

OK, addendum number 2... there's now a PS3 folder in the OP, which contains the 7-hour-long Eternal Sonata. As far as PS3/ X360 games go, I will do them at my discretion. If the source music files are available for me to convert, it's much more likely I'll do it than if I have to hunt down and download a multi gigabyte DVD/ Blu Ray Disc. I've heard Comcast is going to start capping our data again, so I can't waste it on huge files.

Anyways, Eternal Sonata is a classically-inspired soundtrack from Motoi Sakuraba featuring music from Chopin and originals, so I'm sure those that like that stuff will enjoy it very much.

10-05-2015, 06:51 PM
Got some new wrestling themed requests for you, ruiner!

- Champion Wrestler: Jikkyou Raibu (PlayStation - This was considered the best in puro gaming for the PS1... until Fire Prowrestling G came along, lol.)
- Fighting Network Rings (PlayStation - The fourth RINGS game released, albeit by Naxat Soft and without the Astral Bout title, as was the case with the first three games.)
- WCW Nitro (Nintendo 64 - The N64 version from 1999 has totally different music than the PS1 version, which was released two years prior to this version.)

Have a great week, ruiner! Oh, by the way, my birthday is this Thursday, so consider these a birthday present request of sorts, lol. :D

10-05-2015, 08:10 PM
Thank you so much for Eternal Sonata, Ruiner! I looked all over the net for the PS3 exclusive tracks but only found a few on Youtube. Ruiner9 you're my hero! :P

10-05-2015, 09:43 PM
Got some new wrestling themed requests for you, ruiner!

- Champion Wrestler: Jikkyou Raibu (PlayStation - This was considered the best in puro gaming for the PS1... until Fire Prowrestling G came along, lol.)
- Fighting Network Rings (PlayStation - The fourth RINGS game released, albeit by Naxat Soft and without the Astral Bout title, as was the case with the first three games.)
- WCW Nitro (Nintendo 64 - The N64 version from 1999 has totally different music than the PS1 version, which was released two years prior to this version.)

Have a great week, ruiner! Oh, by the way, my birthday is this Thursday, so consider these a birthday present request of sorts, lol. :D

Hey, we both have October birthdays! Mine's on the 20th. Have a good birthday week!

Thank you so much for Eternal Sonata, Ruiner! I looked all over the net for the PS3 exclusive tracks but only found a few on Youtube. Ruiner9 you're my hero! :P

Awesome! Glad I could be of help.

10-06-2015, 03:23 AM
I tagged the unknown tracks in the Eternal Sonata file and I'll send you a list.

10-06-2015, 10:51 AM
So PS3/360 are sorta open, huh? Awesome. In that case, I would like to request something that will act as a consolation prize for the inability to rip Burnout 1/2 properly, Burnout Paradise. Every rip online seems to only consist of the licenced stuff, not the classic Burnout tunes. If It is possible to rip this, just remove all the licenced stuff and keep the Burnout 1-3 songs. The Burnout 2 songs may be slightly neutered, and two Burnout 1/2 songs are absent, but its the best we can get.

10-06-2015, 11:21 AM
I tagged the unknown tracks in the Eternal Sonata file and I'll send you a list.

Excellent! I'll work on that today.

So PS3/360 are sorta open, huh? Awesome. In that case, I would like to request something that will act as a consolation prize for the inability to rip Burnout 1/2 properly, Burnout Paradise. Every rip online seems to only consist of the licenced stuff, not the classic Burnout tunes. If It is possible to rip this, just remove all the licenced stuff and keep the Burnout 1-3 songs. The Burnout 2 songs may be slightly neutered, and two Burnout 1/2 songs are absent, but its the best we can get.

I'll see what I can do.

New stuff!

Here's what's new today:


Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ - A crazy name for a crazy game. The music is electro-metal with crazy huge beats. I'm loving it.

Theresia - Kind of a wispy score for what seems to be a pretty spooky survival/ puzzle game.


Robopon - Sun Version - Playful action tunes. Well composed and produced.


Boxyboy - Some short and simple arcade-style tracks.


Beyond the Beyond - A Motoi Sakuraba score while he was working for Camelot. Symphonic and powerful.

I couldn't rip Teenage Zombies and the Attack of the Alien Brain Thingys (DS). The files would extract but they were always corrupt and wouldn't play in anything. Bummer.

Have fun with the new albums!

Henry Spencer
10-06-2015, 12:45 PM
How are you with ripping PC game music? Like say, some Cryo Interactive/Stephane Picq stuff like Dragon Lore, Extase and KGB?

10-06-2015, 01:28 PM
I'm compelled to post after the disappearance of the Like button. Thanks a ton, ruiner!

Edit: Looks like Beyond the Beyond slipped into the PS2 section while you weren't looking. :)

10-06-2015, 01:49 PM
How are you with ripping PC game music? Like say, some Cryo Interactive/Stephane Picq stuff like Dragon Lore, Extase and KGB?

I think you're the 3rd person to ask within the last few weeks. No, I don't, and won't, do PC music.

10-06-2015, 04:58 PM
I hope you don't mind listen to it though. Stephane Picq is the man. Especially with Pierre Esteve.

10-06-2015, 05:52 PM
Alright, a few more things:

Final Fantasy Adventure (GB) - Portable RPG tunes. You know the drill.

Super Black Bass 3 (SNES) - A rare untagged SNES set. This one is jazzy and "elevator-y."

Champion Wrestler Jikkyou Raibu (PSX) - Not too much music here, but what's there is nice! It's from "YACK" of Zuntata fame.

Burnout Paradise (PS3) - This is all of the non-licensed music. The devs were nice enough to name the sound files on the disc so it wasn't too hard to figure out what was what.

And that's it for the day! 9 soundtracks... haven't done that much in a while. :)

Forgot to mention: WCW Nitro (N64) is unrippable (no USF set), and I can't find an image file for Fighting Network Rings (PSX) to attempt a rip.

S.P.D. Gold Ranger
10-06-2015, 07:14 PM
Okay, ruiner, is it possible to rip Trauma Center: New Blood for the Nintendo Wii? It has some pretty good music, but the official soundtrack doesn't loop at all, and it fades out before a loop point so I can't loop it!! (I said loop a lot, huh?)

10-06-2015, 07:15 PM
I almost tried to like your post, forgot that's gone for the time being :P. Thanks so much for Paradise, i'll check it out in a bit.

Henry Spencer
10-06-2015, 07:34 PM
I think you're the 3rd person to ask within the last few weeks. No, I don't, and won't, do PC music.

Fair enough, let me then modify my request with: Dragon Lore (3DO) and Aztec: The Curse in the Heart of the City of Gold (PSX). Thanks.

10-07-2015, 01:59 AM
Where's Boxyboy? Didn't find it uploaded under Turbo / PC Engine section

And yeah - Beyond the Beyond was accidentally labeled PS2 and placed in that section instead of PSX. Oops! :)

Hope everyone is well. Been absent a while since I had to close on a house, then pack & move EVERYTHING. Finally just got back online.

Thanks for the great rips, as always! So excited to have Eternal Sonata! :)

So, you may take a crack at XB360 eh? Let me poke around to see if I can find one that would be cool & unique for us all to have. :)

Thanks, peace out bud.

10-07-2015, 02:59 AM
Boxyboy is in the right folder! Remember that there's a PCE-CD folder for CD soundtracks, and a TG16 folder for the HuCard games. I'll fix up Beyond the Beyond in the morning.

Congrats on completing the move! Before I bought my house, I lived in 5 different places in 7 years. Moving SUCKS. I'm very content to not have to do it for another decade or so. :)

The Playing Mantis
10-07-2015, 10:40 AM
Ha Ha! Failed to get all three again. Thank you for Theresia and LRRHZB though. Been looking for these forever!

10-07-2015, 11:10 AM

Episode 46: Castlevania vol 2: Handhelds
Download on our page! --

MP3 Downloads of previous shows can be found at The PixelTunes Radio Homepage ( or on iTunes! (

It’s our first show of October, and as promised 1 year ago this month, Mike and Ed are back with another podcast focusing on Castlevania! This time, the guys tackle the portable titles, starting with the Game Boy and following the series lineage up to the 3DS. They discuss how the handheld soundtracks have evolved over the years, and of course play some of their favorite music from the games. Dracula may be right around the corner, but we promise that this episode doesn’t “suck!”

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Format: Game Title (Year) (System) – Track Title – Composer

1 – Castlevania: The Adventure (1989) (GB) – “Darkness” – Shigeru Fukutake, Norio Hanzawa, Hidehiro Funauchi

2 – Castlevania 2: Belmont’s Revenge (1991) (GB) – “Ripe Seeds” – Hidehiro Funauchi

3 – Kid Dracula (1993) (GB) – “Volcano” – Akiko Itoh

4 – Castlevania Legends (1997) (GB) – “Dungeon of Silence” – Kaoru Okada, Youichi Iwata

5 – Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (2001) (GBA) – “The Sinking Old Sanctuary” – Sotaro Tojima, Hiroshi Mitsuoka

6 – Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (2002) (GBA) – “Clockwork Tower of Causality” – Soshiro Hokkai, Michiru Yamane

7 – Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (2003) (GBA) – “Floating Garden” (Track 9 on album) – Michiru Yamane, Takashi Yoshida, Soshiro Hokkai

8 – Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (2005) (DS) – “Dracula’s Tears” – Michiru Yamane, Masahiko Kimura

9 – Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (2006) (DS) – “The Gears Go Awry” – Michiru Yamane, Yuzo Koshiro

10 – Dracula X Chronicles (2007) (PSP) – “Unknown” – Michiru Yamane, Masanori Akita

11 – Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (2008) (DS) – “Sorrow’s Distortion” – Michiru Yamane, Yasuhiro Ichihashi

12 – Castlevania Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate (2013) (3DS) – “Night Watchman” – Oscar Araujo, Performed by The Bratislava Symphony Orchestra

Which track is your favorite? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @pixeltunesradio!

Don’t forget, we always have a ton of great podcast-related content on our Twitter ( Facebook (! Be sure to like us to get in on the goodies and the conversation!

Like us? Want more episodes? Please leave a comment or a like! We want to hear your thoughts!

We're on YouTube, too! Click here for the PixelTunes playlist. ( Stream it from your favorite device!

We love feedback! Please let us know what you think! Comment on this page, or at our Facebook page,!

Enjoy the show!

10-07-2015, 12:10 PM

First up, rixen has identified the last unknown tracks in Eternal Sonata (PS3) which is totally awesome.

Secondly, KingTengu tagged and reordered Champion Wrestler Jikkyou Raibu (PSX). Always nice to have a complete and rare Zunata soundtrack in the collection.

Thirdly, I've moved Beyond the Beyond to the PSX section where it belongs and renamed the file.

And last (but not least,) Trauma Center: New Blood (Wii) is new! Hopefully you guys can help out on the tags since it seems there's an official (but incomplete) soundtrack floating around out there.

Hope you enjoy the new podcast and the new music! :D

Magma Dragoon
10-07-2015, 03:54 PM
I'd like to request the three Final Fantasy Legend/SaGa games for the Game Boy.

10-07-2015, 09:12 PM
Possibly. They're not current gen anymore so I'm a little more comfortable with it. Let me know what you had in mind and I'll let you know if it's possible.

Could you rip " R-Type Dimensions " (PS3 or XBLA ver.) all music ? Thanks :)

10-07-2015, 10:26 PM
Okay, I've finally had time to check out Burnout Paradise. No issues with any song, high quality as always and all the unlicensed stuff is there, as well as the royalty free Classical Compositions. However, you missed a version of Guns N Roses - Paradise City, if you are bothered about removing it it's the Attract Mode song.

Also, a little update on Burnout 1 itself. Having listened to every song in detail now, not all the songs are messed up as I originally thought; the Splash, Menu and Credits songs all seem fine. With those and the Paradise songs, I now finally have a correct sounding and near complete Burnout 1 OST! Thanks so much for that!

Another possible request also just came to me, have you tried Kingsley's Adventure (PS1) yet? An obscure and somewhat hard to find game that I don't actually own, I've only ever had a demo of it. The music in the demo was pretty good though, so I thought to give it a shot.

10-08-2015, 01:26 AM
Could you rip " R-Type Dimensions " (PS3 or XBLA ver.) all music ? Thanks :)

Sorry, can't do downloadable titles. Only select retail games.

10-08-2015, 07:04 AM
Sorry, can't do downloadable titles. Only select retail games.

You can free download this game in below link :

10-08-2015, 11:56 AM
You can free download this game in below link :

Sorry, I'm not going to spend the time clicking through a dozen RapidShare links where I have to wait 30 seconds for each one and can't download concurrently. If you'd like to download it yourself and then share to me via mega or dropbox, I'll be happy to take a look at it and see if I can pull the audio for it. :)

10-08-2015, 01:44 PM
OK my minions... I mean... FRIENDS!

Time to put on your elf ears and string up your bows, because it's a medieval fantasy update!

First up is Kingsley's Adventure for the PSX... it features some period-appropriate tunes mixed with some modern beats and synths.

Then, there's all three Final Fantasy Adventure Gameboy titles. Uematsu wrote the majority of the tracks himself, so you know what to expect.

I fare thee well, chiptune fanatics!

10-08-2015, 03:21 PM
Your pikmins.

10-08-2015, 04:37 PM
Thanks so much for ripping it, but something's happened with Kingsley's Adventure. Every song past track 7 is nothing but pops. Hopefully it's fixable like Street Racer's song that went wrong.

EDIT: According to Youtube there should also be 25 tracks.

10-08-2015, 05:18 PM
Hey Ruiner! Can you try to do Digimon World Data Squad for PS2? I've never seen anything rip or OST floating around for it.

Magma Dragoon
10-08-2015, 07:21 PM
OK my minions... I mean... FRIENDS!

Time to put on your elf ears and string up your bows, because it's a medieval fantasy update!

First up is Kingsley's Adventure for the PSX... it features some period-appropriate tunes mixed with some modern beats and synths.

Then, there's all three Final Fantasy Adventure Gameboy titles. Uematsu wrote the majority of the tracks himself, so you know what to expect.

I fare thee well, chiptune fanatics!

Final Fantasy Legend, you mean.

And since we're on the subject of SaGa games, might as well request the three Romancing SaGa games for the SNES.

10-08-2015, 10:25 PM
Thanks so much for ripping it, but something's happened with Kingsley's Adventure. Every song past track 7 is nothing but pops. Hopefully it's fixable like Street Racer's song that went wrong.

EDIT: According to Youtube there should also be 25 tracks.

That was all the redbook audio there was on the CD. The other tracks aren't compressed audio on the disc, so they must be sequenced and recorded in-game, because they don't exist as PSF files. I'll look at the pops when I have a moment.

Final Fantasy Legend, you mean.

And since we're on the subject of SaGa games, might as well request the three Romancing SaGa games for the SNES.

Yeah, yeah. Whatever. LOL. Musta still been thinking about Kingsley.

10-08-2015, 10:59 PM
Hey, mind if I hop on the SaGa bandwagon? I'd like to request SaGa Frontier 1&2 for the PSX and Romancing Saga: Minstrel Song for the PS2 respectively. I'd also like to request Unlimited SaGa (also for the PS2), but I know that would go beyond my 3-request limit, so I'll reserve that for next time. Thanks in advance, as always! :)

10-08-2015, 11:01 PM
Looks like we're gonna have a SaGa day in the near future!

Kingsley's Adventure is fixed and updated.

10-08-2015, 11:44 PM
Again, thanks for Kingsley. Typical that the one song I really wanted is sequenced, but I guess I could try recording them from an emulator at some point.

10-09-2015, 11:37 AM
Digimon World Data Squad (PS2) is new right now! The music is produced by Basiscape, with composer credits including Masaharu Iwata and Hitoshi Sakimoto, so even if you're not a Digimon fan, you may want to check it out.


Also, Dragon Lore (3DO) and Aztec: The Curse in the Heart of the City of Gold (PSX) are unrippable.

Lily Ferrari
10-09-2015, 04:39 PM
As usual, I don't know if it's been requested already...

I would love if you could find a way to get :
- Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo - SEGA SATURN
- Street Fighter Alpha 2 - SEGA SATURN
- Street Fighter Anthology - PS2


10-09-2015, 05:12 PM
So there's Street Fighter Alpha Anthology and Street Fighter Collection for the PS2, but no Street Fighter Anthology. Which do you mean?

Lily Ferrari
10-09-2015, 05:45 PM
Oops sorry! I meant Street Fighter Alpha Anthology! :)

10-10-2015, 05:16 PM
Oops sorry! I meant Street Fighter Alpha Anthology! :)

Here you go, get you want ~ Thread 195019

10-10-2015, 10:00 PM
May I request Terminator 3: The Redemption? It's on Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube, so it doesn't matter which platform you choose.

10-11-2015, 01:17 AM
It's a SaGa day! Romancing SaGa 1, 2, and 3 (SNES) are new, as well as Saga Frontier 1 and 2 (PSX).

Romancing SaGa (PS2) and T3: The Redemption (all ports) are unrippable.

See ya!

10-11-2015, 02:21 AM
It's a SaGa day! Romancing SaGa 1, 2, and 3 (SNES) are new, as well as Saga Frontier 1 and 2 (PSX).

Romancing SaGa (PS2) and T3: The Redemption (all ports) are unrippable.

See ya!

Man, talk about bad luck lol.

10-11-2015, 04:34 AM
Hey Ruiner. Can you rip Gyromite on the NES?

10-11-2015, 03:08 PM
Man, talk about bad luck lol.

I know, right? All three games have the music packed into the same kind of encrypted file, and no one's figured out how to unpack it yet. :(

Lily Ferrari
10-11-2015, 08:29 PM
Thanks for the link, HyperKabuto! (like "Giants Citizen Kabuto"? he he)
You can remove "Street Fighter Alpha Anthology" from the list, my dear Ruiner!

Hmm well... Ugh I don't know what else could I ask for then..
I'm running out of requests... ha ha
Ugh, you've done everything I wanted!
Grrr this is not over yet, Ruiner! I'll be back!

10-12-2015, 09:44 AM
Hello, ruiner! How goes it? Anyways, here are some new requests to start the week off!!

- Aero Blasters (TurboGrafx-16) (Also known as Air Buster. The PC Engine version sounds a little good with the PCE's sound chip, but not as impressive as the arcade's sound chip. Still, I'm requesting it because it isn't listed, lol)
- Bahamut Senki (Sega Genesis) (A tactical RPG game for the Genesis that draw inspiration from Gemfire and Nobunaga's Ambition with Archon-style monsters).
- Super Fire Prowrestling (Super NES) (Besides SFPX, this game is the second Super Fire Pro game to have a track listing at

Well, I'm off to bed now, ruiner, so have a great day!! :D

10-12-2015, 12:39 PM
Ugh, you've done everything I wanted!
Grrr this is not over yet, Ruiner! I'll be back!

Haha, I feel like I have an arch-nemesis after that comment! ;)

10-12-2015, 04:14 PM
Hi Ruiner! Can you do Inuyasha Secret of the Cursed Mask for PS2 and [B]Digimon Battle Spirit 1 and 2[B] for GBA?

10-12-2015, 09:00 PM
Today's specials:

Gyromite (NES) - Weird that no one's every requested this masterpiece from Hirokazu Tanaka before! Some of it feels very.... "Duck Hunt." :)

Bahamut Senki (Genesis) - Marchy battle tunes.

Aero Blasters (TG16) - I dunno... this is pretty good as compared to the arcade version... different, but still good!

Super Fire Pro Wrestling (SNES) - Slap bass, horns, and big drums.... It's everything cool about the SPC700!

AAHH!!! Real Monsters (SNES) - Suitable for Halloween. :)

See you guys later!

10-12-2015, 09:26 PM
Thanks a bunch for those SaGa rips! Too bad Minstrel Song is unrippable, though.... in that case, I'd like to bring back that Unlimited SaGa request if there's no issue with that one! :)

10-12-2015, 09:55 PM
Thank you for fulfilling those requests so darn quickly, lol. Have another one for you, but will wait until Wednesday to make the new request. :)

Magma Dragoon
10-12-2015, 10:09 PM
How about more SaGa? I want to request SaGa 2 and SaGa 3 for the DS.

10-12-2015, 10:21 PM
How about more SaGa? I want to request SaGa 2 and SaGa 3 for the DS.

They had it at the k * h * i * n * s * i * d * e * r website under the S section.

10-12-2015, 11:01 PM
They had it at the k * h * i * n * s * i * d * e * r website under the S section.

Ugh, the KH site's quality is usually pretty meh. I shouldn't have problems ripping them, but if they're tagged over there, it may be more
Worth your while. Not sure if mine will be.

10-12-2015, 11:16 PM
Thanks for Gyromite ruiner!

10-13-2015, 11:25 AM
Digimon Battle Spirits 1 and 2 (GBA) are new today!

Inuyasha - Secret of the Cursed Mask is unrippable. :(

10-13-2015, 06:14 PM
Quick question, has anyone got a preference for CD audio ripping software methods? Or does it all give the same results?

10-13-2015, 07:51 PM
That's cool on Inuyasha. Thanks for the other 2. Can you do Digimon World 2, 3, and 4 for PSX?

10-13-2015, 09:28 PM
Yo Ed! Any chance of sharing Soldier Blade for TG16?

10-13-2015, 09:40 PM
Quick question, has anyone got a preference for CD audio ripping software methods? Or does it all give the same results?

EAC! Exact Audio Copy. Rips to several formats, queries several CD tag databases for titles, and provides you a level of certainty of quality of the rip. For instance, if there are defects on the disc that it might not have been able to overcome, it will elt you know during which track they occurred. It's very verbose.

10-13-2015, 09:49 PM
EAC! Exact Audio Copy. Rips to several formats, queries several CD tag databases for titles, and provides you a level of certainty of quality of the rip. For instance, if there are defects on the disc that it might not have been able to overcome, it will elt you know during which track they occurred. It's very verbose.
Awesome! Thanks for your help!

10-13-2015, 11:31 PM
Oh boy. This is an amazing thread! I do have a couple of requests:

Rugrats: Search for Reptar (PS1)
Rugrats: Studio Tour (PS1)
Rugrats In Paris (PS1)

I do notice the strange pattern to this request... In any case, if it is possible for these to be ripped, could you please?

10-14-2015, 07:17 PM
OK guys, I have some new stuff uploaded, and then an important announcement. Let's get to it!

The New Stuff

Unlimited SaGa (PS2) - Another long soundtrack in the history of the SaGa series.

SaGa 2 - Hihou Densetsu - Goddess of Destiny and SaGa 3 - Jikuu no Hasha - Shadow or Light (DS) - Remakes of the Final Fantasy Adventure games, from what I gather.

An Important Announcement

My MEGA expanded account expires on November 22. At that time, I will be retiring from soundtrack requests and uploads. I need to give more time to my podcast, which is getting more popular with every episode, and my family.

So what happens next? That's up to you guys! MEGA is cool in that it lets you easily transfer files from account to account without the need to download and upload the entire contents. I'm going to see if perhaps nx666 would like to inherit my collection, and you guys could donate to him to keep the server space alive for both of our collections. Or maybe another user here would like to take over my duties? There's a little over a month left until the deadline, so there's time to discuss the options. Also, until then, I'll still be taking requests and filling as much as time will allow me, up until November 15.

It's been a really fun two years learning about VGM and sharing my own faves with you guys, and I'll still update this thread with the latest episodes and maybe some music selections from each show. It got really big really fast, and has pretty much been an extra part time job since I began, and I need that time in my life back right now. Thanks to all the awesome people who have introduced me to new music, and have helped make this one of the biggest and most comprehensive collections of VGM anywhere on the net!

Please PM me if you have suggestions or offers, I don't want to clog the thread with discussions about this, seeing as it will still be business-as-usual for a while. :)

Thanks again, guys! :)

10-14-2015, 07:18 PM
How about doing the rest of the Final Fantasy games?! Or is all of that ripped and done already...

10-14-2015, 07:32 PM
OK guys, I have some new stuff uploaded, and then an important announcement. Let's get to it!

The New Stuff

Unlimited SaGa (PS2) - Another long soundtrack in the history of the SaGa series.

SaGa 2 - Hihou Densetsu - Goddess of Destiny and SaGa 3 - Jikuu no Hasha - Shadow or Light (DS) - Remakes of the Final Fantasy Adventure games, from what I gather.

An Important Announcement

My MEGA expanded account expires on November 22. At that time, I will be retiring from soundtrack requests and uploads. I need to give more time to my podcast, which is getting more popular with every episode, and my family.

So what happens next? That's up to you guys! MEGA is cool in that it lets you easily transfer files from account to account without the need to download and upload the entire contents. I'm going to see if perhaps nx666 would like to inherit my collection, and you guys could donate to him to keep the server space alive for both of our collections. Or maybe another user here would like to take over my duties? There's a little over a month left until the deadline, so there's time to discuss the options. Also, until then, I'll still be taking requests and filling as much as time will allow me, up until November 15.

It's been a really fun two years learning about VGM and sharing my own faves with you guys, and I'll still update this thread with the latest episodes and maybe some music selections from each show. It got really big really fast, and has pretty much been an extra part time job since I began, and I need that time in my life back right now. Thanks to all the awesome people who have introduced me to new music, and have helped make this one of the biggest and most comprehensive collections of VGM anywhere on the net!

Please PM me if you have suggestions or offers, I don't want to clog the thread with discussions about this, seeing as it will still be business-as-usual for a while. :)

Thanks again, guys! :)

Wow. Thank you for your time and service. Although I haven't downloaded much from this thread
It still has made so many people remember such good memories, one of them being myself. Much time wasted from playing
A number of bad games with decent music yet time made useful enjoying the music in these certain games. Thank you, ruiner9. :)

10-14-2015, 08:02 PM
Thanks so much for these two years of service, Ruiner. This really is one of the best sources of VGM anywhere. I honestly think you've tried to rip almost every game at this point anyway! I might have a few requests left, but i'll save that for another time.

I have another question, how do you correctly set up a file for public access with MEGA? The link keeps coming up with a prompt for a decryption key, when I want it to be accessible without the need for one.

10-14-2015, 08:13 PM
Thanks so much for these two years of service, Ruiner. This really is one of the best sources of VGM anywhere. I honestly think you've tried to rip almost every game at this point anyway! I might have a few requests left, but i'll save that for another time.

I have another question, how do you correctly set up a file for public access with MEGA? The link keeps coming up with a prompt for a decryption key, when I want it to be accessible without the need for one.

The decryption key is what makes it public. The link doesn't work, otherwise. When I used to post the links in the OP itself, the key was always present.

10-14-2015, 08:27 PM
The decryption key is what makes it public. The link doesn't work, otherwise. When I used to post the links in the OP itself, the key was always present.
Huh, I don't remember seeing it. It always used to automatically load up the decrypted, downloadable rar file.

EDIT: NVM, didn't see the full link option. Whoops!

10-14-2015, 10:06 PM
I can try to mirror your retro soundtracks (from NES to DC), but I'm not promising anything.

10-14-2015, 10:14 PM
Thank you for all of the music! I think you rock and I'm going to miss you doing requests; but I understand. I'll still help tag stuff until then. I love this thread! I really appreciate you taking time out of your time for all of our requests!

10-14-2015, 11:39 PM
Thanks, guys! I don't want to leave the forum entirely, of course! I'd like to maybe just help out here and there with other threads, and maybe share a soundtrack or two that I've discovered. I'll still have a MEGA account to host stuff, it just won't be nearly as big. And of course, the podcast will continue. :)

10-15-2015, 12:53 AM
You had a good run, ruiner, thank you so much. To this day, I'm still grateful for what you've done. :]

10-15-2015, 08:41 AM
Yeah! Thanks for all your hard work.

I would definitely be willing to host everything that is within the scope of my thread: your Amiga soundtracks are already there and we could do the same with the Arcade and Japanese PC sections. I just did a quick test, in terms of file size this would all still fit into my regular MEGA account. I would also donate 20 bucks to whoever volunteers to set up a paid MEGA account to host the rest.

Btw, I couldn't send you a message because you "have exceeded your stored private messages quota". Maybe you need to delete some of your old messages first?

10-15-2015, 09:11 AM
I have an idea: Why not ask Jessie to help store some of it? I know he had a massive rip collection for a while. As far as requests, there is one last one. In honor of 35 years of Namco:

All arcade

---------- Post added at 01:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 AM ----------

And that will be all I request. Also feel free to friend me. :) Also, joke on my post count. 1,337. I'm 1337 lol just kidding

10-15-2015, 11:28 AM
Yeah! Thanks for all your hard work.

I would definitely be willing to host everything that is within the scope of my thread: your Amiga soundtracks are already there and we could do the same with the Arcade and Japanese PC sections. I just did a quick test, in terms of file size this would all still fit into my regular MEGA account. I would also donate 20 bucks to whoever volunteers to set up a paid MEGA account to host the rest.

Btw, I couldn't send you a message because you "have exceeded your stored private messages quota". Maybe you need to delete some of your old messages first?

Oops! I just deleted a bunch of PMs so that should solve that issue. That's a good idea about the arcade and Japanese PC soundtracks, too. I'd prefer to keep the whole collection together if possible, but that's a great alternative if there aren't any other solutions!

I have an idea: Why not ask Jessie to help store some of it? I know he had a massive rip collection for a while. As far as requests, there is one last one. In honor of 35 years of Namco:

All arcade

---------- Post added at 01:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 AM ----------

And that will be all I request. Also feel free to friend me. :) Also, joke on my post count. 1,337. I'm 1337 lol just kidding

Well, I don't know Jessie. I know he has a great collection and he seems to be an honorable guy, but I'd feel more comfortable knowing my collection was in the hands of someone I've gotten to be acquaintances with. Also, 200gb is a lot of content to randomly ask a stranger to host. :)

I'll add your requests to the queue!

Mille Fantomes
10-15-2015, 11:34 AM
Thank you for the hard work!

10-15-2015, 02:00 PM
Also ruiner, I have received word that FFShrine's Vegeta has acquired the rare Namcot Edition of the Game Sound Museum, and will be ripping it. If you're interested in this rarity of the past, let me know.

I have one major request too, I know I made 3, but this is the one missing from your Silva Saga set:
Minelvaton Saga: Ragon no Fukkatsu
Silva Saga and Silva Saga II are its sequels
Tracklist here:

10-15-2015, 03:15 PM
delete post :P

10-15-2015, 04:13 PM
Well, OK. My oldest kiddo is sick so I'm home today, and I've had some extra time. Here's all the requests:

Digimon World 4 (PS2) - A widely varied soundtrack with a lean toward electronics.

Soldier Blade (TG16) - Japanese shmup music! Can't go wrong with that.

Rugrats - Search for Reptar (PSX) - Not composed by Mark Mothersbaugh, but still retains the feel of the cartoon series.

Pac-Man, Xevious, Galaga (Arcade) - Not much music here... not even 3 minutes between all three titles.

Minelvaton Saga - Ragon No Fukkatsu (NES) - I was not a fan of this one. I can't use the track list either, because there's no music on the page for me to match it to.

That's all for now!

10-15-2015, 04:44 PM
Sad to hear that you're not gonna be doing this anymore, but you've managed to cram a whole lot of awesome music in two years! So many great soundtracks!
Anyway, before you finish up, I'd like to request three soundtracks:
Gate of Thunder (PCE-CD)
Warriors of Fate (Arcade)[Tenchi o Kurau 2: Sekiheki no Tatakai is its original Japanese name if that helps]
Soul Edge (PS) [or Soul Blade as it's called in some places]
Thanks for these and all of the other soundtracks you've produced over the last two years!

10-15-2015, 06:05 PM
Sad to hear that you will end this great topic in the middle of next month, ruiner. Well, I still have a bunch of request left in me, so even though I didn't get my latest request last night as promised, here is the first batch of my last requests now!

- Battle Royale (TurboGrafx-16) (A cartoonish wrestling game that has some good sampled guitar in it.)
- Populous (Super NES) (One of the most atmospheric soundtracks for the SNES at that time. "Wind of Creation" is an eerie and almost unsettling piece of music at times, lol.)
- Shin Nippon Pro Wrestling '94: Battlefield in Tokyo Dome (Turbo CD) (Same music as the SNES version, but in redbook quality. Tracks are the same, too, I believe)

I still have more in me up before your deadline to end requests once and for all, but for now, these will have to do. Have a good remaining week, ruiner. I will wait on thanks until my final requests to you. :'(

10-15-2015, 09:35 PM
While I'm bummed you're closing down requests, I can certainly understand. This is a huge time investment without a lot of return beyond making some random internet folks happy. (and maybe finding some rad tunes along the way for the podcast)

Thanks for what you've done in this thread. I appreciate your love of the craft and wish you continued success.

Might I throw one last request in the hat?
Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure (PSP)

Found it during a Steam sale. It's a fairly quirky OST but quite enjoyable.

Lily Ferrari
10-15-2015, 09:55 PM
Omg, so sad... :(
I couldn't imagine that one day it would stop. lol well I'm being unrealistic and selfish. :)
I sure got countless nice osts on this thread.
The best I can do is keep as many of your osts as possible and I'll share them with my friends. :)

You will be remembered, Ruiner. Let's have a minute of silence, and then I'll sing "Daytona USA" main theme as an homage, I know it's your favorite. jk XD

10-15-2015, 11:08 PM
Looks like I'm one of the last to the party, I guess. Ah well. Congrats on all you hard work here, and I wish you good luck in the future!

Also, as for Rugrats: Search for Reptar, I'm pretty sure Mark Mothersbaugh composed the music (and Studio Tour for that matter).

10-15-2015, 11:23 PM
Let's have a minute of silence, and then I'll sing "Daytona USA" main theme as an homage, I know it's your favorite. jk XD

Nooooooo!! ;)

Looks like I'm one of the last to the party, I guess. Ah well. Congrats on all you hard work here, and I wish you good luck in the future!

Also, as for Rugrats: Search for Reptar, I'm pretty sure Mark Mothersbaugh composed the music (and Studio Tour for that matter).

Hah, you're right. I didn't realize he was credited waaaaaay down this page:

10-15-2015, 11:35 PM
I actually love the Daytona USA theme and the music in that game in general but hey, everybody has their own opinion.

10-16-2015, 04:46 AM
For what it's worth - It's been a great run! Thanks so much for the contribution Ruiner! It's been amazing. Can definitely understand the need to get focused on something else and get parts of life back. Doing that stuff as well on my end.

I'll try to get a few more requests for some oldies that I'd like to have before your deadline - probably mostly shmups of course. :)

As for what to do with the collection - and I'll throw this out to whomever may wish to do this - While I cannot host the entire collection, I would be willing to host part of it, or specifically, certain platforms. I have the free Mega account, and that gives 50GB free. My thought is, if someone will spearhead the preservation effort, etc, I'd be willing to host several platforms on my account, plus any additions that people wish to add.

For instance, I could host all the Genesis, Super NES, TG-16, Sega CD. If in this example, it was under 50 GB, I could host it permanently on my account, and I'd set it up just like Ruiner to where you just access the folder, and all the soundtracks are there for download, sorting, etc. I would just want to make sure I had some room for my other things I wish to store, as well as have room for future track additions for those platforms. But that would, I think, help to solve some of the problem by "outsourcing" some of the file hosting. Again, more than willing to work with whomever may wish to spearhead this, but it cannot be me right now. I'm just way to busy with real life stuff going on.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Just let me know.

Thanks again Ruiner. Really impressive accomplishment here. Like I said in the beginning when I found the thread - you're doing pretty much EXACTLY what I would have wanted to do if I had the time! So glad it's been done! :)

10-16-2015, 06:13 AM
Ah, so you're hanging up the gloves, eh, Ruiner? Well, if you've gotta, then you've gotta. Unfortunately, I'm unable to continue your legacy due to time and money constraints. :( But at the very least, I can say for certain that I more than appreciate your contributions here! ;)

That being said, I better make my last few requests count! And right now? I'm feeling a tad..... GBA-ish. Think you can grab Beast Shooter: Mezase Beast King, Get Ride! Amdriver: Senkou no Hero Tanjou, and Get Ride! Amdriver Shuggeki! Battle Party? Whether they're the "clean" versions or not doesn't matter to me. As always, thanks in advance for looking into it!

Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure (PSP)

Heh, I'm way ahead of Ruiner on THIS one:

Gurumin Extended Tracks (Thread 185369)

^The original files didn't loop, so I manually edited them to loop myself (did the same with a few other PSP Falcom soundtracks, check the thread in my sig to find them). Hope you enjoy! :)

10-16-2015, 11:04 AM
For what it's worth - It's been a great run! Thanks so much for the contribution Ruiner! It's been amazing. Can definitely understand the need to get focused on something else and get parts of life back. Doing that stuff as well on my end.

I'll try to get a few more requests for some oldies that I'd like to have before your deadline - probably mostly shmups of course. :)

As for what to do with the collection - and I'll throw this out to whomever may wish to do this - While I cannot host the entire collection, I would be willing to host part of it, or specifically, certain platforms. I have the free Mega account, and that gives 50GB free. My thought is, if someone will spearhead the preservation effort, etc, I'd be willing to host several platforms on my account, plus any additions that people wish to add.

For instance, I could host all the Genesis, Super NES, TG-16, Sega CD. If in this example, it was under 50 GB, I could host it permanently on my account, and I'd set it up just like Ruiner to where you just access the folder, and all the soundtracks are there for download, sorting, etc. I would just want to make sure I had some room for my other things I wish to store, as well as have room for future track additions for those platforms. But that would, I think, help to solve some of the problem by "outsourcing" some of the file hosting. Again, more than willing to work with whomever may wish to spearhead this, but it cannot be me right now. I'm just way to busy with real life stuff going on.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Just let me know.

Thanks again Ruiner. Really impressive accomplishment here. Like I said in the beginning when I found the thread - you're doing pretty much EXACTLY what I would have wanted to do if I had the time! So glad it's been done! :)

The SNES folder is 30gb just by itself, with the NES and Genesis folders coming in at 15gb each, so you'd only be able to host two systems. I mean technically, I could just use a free 50gb account to do the same thing. I'd REALLY REALLY like to host the whole collection together.

Heh, I'm way ahead of Ruiner on THIS one:

Gurumin Extended Tracks (Thread 185369)

^The original files didn't loop, so I manually edited them to loop myself (did the same with a few other PSP Falcom soundtracks, check the thread in my sig to find them). Hope you enjoy! :)

Awesome! Saves me a lot of time. Manual looping is fun for me, but a very lengthy process. :)

10-16-2015, 11:27 AM
For what it's worth - It's been a great run! Thanks so much for the contribution Ruiner! It's been amazing. Can definitely understand the need to get focused on something else and get parts of life back. Doing that stuff as well on my end.

I'll try to get a few more requests for some oldies that I'd like to have before your deadline - probably mostly shmups of course. :)

As for what to do with the collection - and I'll throw this out to whomever may wish to do this - While I cannot host the entire collection, I would be willing to host part of it, or specifically, certain platforms. I have the free Mega account, and that gives 50GB free. My thought is, if someone will spearhead the preservation effort, etc, I'd be willing to host several platforms on my account, plus any additions that people wish to add.

For instance, I could host all the Genesis, Super NES, TG-16, Sega CD. If in this example, it was under 50 GB, I could host it permanently on my account, and I'd set it up just like Ruiner to where you just access the folder, and all the soundtracks are there for download, sorting, etc. I would just want to make sure I had some room for my other things I wish to store, as well as have room for future track additions for those platforms. But that would, I think, help to solve some of the problem by "outsourcing" some of the file hosting. Again, more than willing to work with whomever may wish to spearhead this, but it cannot be me right now. I'm just way to busy with real life stuff going on.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Just let me know.

Thanks again Ruiner. Really impressive accomplishment here. Like I said in the beginning when I found the thread - you're doing pretty much EXACTLY what I would have wanted to do if I had the time! So glad it's been done! :)

I'm currently mirroring ruiner's retro soundtracks (with the exception of arcade and computer stuff since nx666 will take care of that, I believe). I have pretty much everything mirrored aside from PSX and SNES, so if anyone wants to take care of those, I'd be very grateful.

10-16-2015, 11:33 AM
Following up on KusanagiShiro's requests, could I possibly get rips from these Namco Arcade classics?

New Rally X
Sky Kid
Metro Cross

I would also love to help with this archiving business, but alas my Internet speeds are abysmal, 300kbps at peak times on a good day (at bad times it can be slow as 15kbps, that's not an exaggeration). I could probably archive one of the smaller folders, but it would take me a while.

10-16-2015, 12:04 PM
Heh, I'm way ahead of Ruiner on THIS one:

Gurumin Extended Tracks (Thread 185369)

^The original files didn't loop, so I manually edited them to loop myself (did the same with a few other PSP Falcom soundtracks, check the thread in my sig to find them). Hope you enjoy! :)

Well that's convenient. Thanks! ... but now I'm going to have to rack my brain to think of a replacement "last" request. ;)

I suppose I'll also need to get back in the practice of checking the other threads for music. This has been my go-to for the last year or so.

10-16-2015, 01:54 PM
I suppose another option is I could keep the thread open and accept donations for the account, but I would stop taking requests and only add new soundtracks of my choosing. For instance, when a new podcast comes out, if there's a game we feature that's not in the collection, I would add that soundtrack (if possible) plus other music that I find along the way. So you'd have easy access to the collection all in one place, plus new stuff every so often, for at least another year.

What do you guys think about that?

10-16-2015, 06:45 PM
The new stuff:

Gate of Thunder (PCE-CD) - Epic dance metal. I can get down to this.

Soul Blade (PSX) - I love this series! I played the heck out of this game when it was new. Not my kind of music, though I hear it's pretty good from what others say.

Enjoy! :)

10-16-2015, 08:37 PM
The new stuff:

Gate of Thunder (PCE-CD) - Epic dance metal. I can get down to this.

Soul Blade (PSX) - I love this series! I played the heck out of this game when it was new. Not my kind of music, though I hear it's pretty good from what others say.

Enjoy! :)

Thanks so much for that! I notice Warriors of Fate is missing, is it coming along later?

10-16-2015, 08:46 PM
Thanks so much for that! I notice Warriors of Fate is missing, is it coming along later?

Well, jeez, I just uploaded it, Mr. Impatient! ;)

Also, I can't rip Digimon World 2 and 3 and the other Rugrats games. I don't remember if I already said that.

10-16-2015, 09:46 PM
Well, jeez, I just uploaded it, Mr. Impatient! ;)

Ah ha! I see! Thank you kindly good sir!

10-16-2015, 10:06 PM
I suppose another option is I could keep the thread open and accept donations for the account, but I would stop taking requests and only add new soundtracks of my choosing. For instance, when a new podcast comes out, if there's a game we feature that's not in the collection, I would add that soundtrack (if possible) plus other music that I find along the way. So you'd have easy access to the collection all in one place, plus new stuff every so often, for at least another year.

What do you guys think about that?

That sounds like a very nice concept, ruiner. :)