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08-08-2014, 07:03 AM
Hey ruiner, just as a couple last "round out" genesis requests.

I'm actually kind of surprised you don't have the two ToeJam & Earl games up, they're some great stuff.

Thunder Force III and IV are masterpieces (IV is Lightening Force, yes typo and all, in the US if that helps).

And for something a little more obscure Jewel Master is sweet as hell. Even just the first stage theme is fantastic:

Serious thanks for all the hard work you do :)

08-08-2014, 11:14 AM
It's FRIDAY! Wooo! OK, here's a couple Genesis titles to help you make it to Saturday:

Lemmings 2 - The Tribes - Some seriously fun dance tracks from Shaun Hollingworth in here, as well as cool themes for all the levels. Lemmings soundtracks on consoles were always so cool.

Yuu Yuu Hakusho - Makyou Touitsusen - Nice percussion and some interesting uses of the FM chip make this one fun to listen to. Very professional sounding stuff, but that's what Aki Hata usually produces!

Hey ruiner, just as a couple last "round out" genesis requests.

I'm actually kind of surprised you don't have the two ToeJam & Earl games up, they're some great stuff.

Thunder Force III and IV are masterpieces (IV is Lightening Force, yes typo and all, in the US if that helps).

And for something a little more obscure Jewel Master is sweet as hell. Even just the first stage theme is fantastic:

Serious thanks for all the hard work you do :)

Ah! I used to have all of those up here! They were some of my first soundtracks, and they got lost when DropBox killed my account because of bandwidth issues. I'll be happy to do some re-releases! I've added them to the queue.

I'll have some Game Boy stuff and some neat Japanese PC music up today, and my aim is to finish Dragoon Might before tomorrow. I can do it! I know I can! LOL

08-08-2014, 02:09 PM
Here's a morning surprise! VGManiac456 has tagged Fantavision (PS2) and Dokapon Kingdom (Wii)! He's also discovered the composer behind the former, so if you like your music complete, go grab them! Thanks, man!

08-08-2014, 05:31 PM
Hey, Ruiner, I have a another request- it is a Japanese PC98 game composed by Ryuji Sasai, after he worked on Xak for Micro Cabin- and it is this game:

08-08-2014, 07:07 PM
OK, here's the biggest update in a long time... here we go!

Japanese Computers

Briganty: The Roots of Darkness - Highly recommended. While not as rockin' as, say, Rusty, these tunes make great use of the YM2608 and will put a smile on your face.

Misty Blue - This is from Yuzo Koshiro... I shouldn't need to say any more! Expect lots of variation in theme, and expert use of the FM chip.

Game Boy

Atomic Punk - Kind of a Bomberman spinoff, I suppose, with tunes from Jun Chikuma. Jazzy and fun.

Godzilla - This seems really happy for a Godzilla game. Did I miss something?

Maru's Mission - Kind of generic tunes... lots of harmonics... not much to say about this one. Not bad, but doesn't really do anything for me.

Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun - It's one of the few Kunio-kun games not composed by Kazuo Sawa! It still maintains some of the same feel, though.

Nekojara Monogatari - All these Japanese Game Boy games are starting to sound the same to me LOL. Seriously, though, this one is very indicative of Game Boy music that came out in the 90's... lots of chords and not too much else.

*Whew* OK, guys! Enjoy!

08-08-2014, 08:21 PM
OK, here's the biggest update in a long time... here we go!

Japanese Computers

Briganty: The Roots of Darkness - Highly recommended. While not as rockin' as, say, Rusty, these tunes make great use of the YM2608 and will put a smile on your face.

Misty Blue - This is from Yuzo Koshiro... I shouldn't need to say any more! Expect lots of variation in theme, and expert use of the FM chip.

Game Boy

Atomic Punk - Kind of a Bomberman spinoff, I suppose, with tunes from Jun Chikuma. Jazzy and fun.

Godzilla - This seems really happy for a Godzilla game. Did I miss something?

Maru's Mission - Kind of generic tunes... lots of harmonics... not much to say about this one. Not bad, but doesn't really do anything for me.

Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun - It's one of the few Kunio-kun games not composed by Kazuo Sawa! It still maintains some of the same feel, though.

Nekojara Monogatari - All these Japanese Game Boy games are starting to sound the same to me LOL. Seriously, though, this one is very indicative of Game Boy music that came out in the 90's... lots of chords and not too much else.

*Whew* OK, guys! Enjoy!

Man, why do the eroge games on the PC-88, and PC98 have such great music? I may hate those games severely, but damn, they have some great soundtracks...

---------- Post added at 02:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 PM ----------

OK, here's the biggest update in a long time... here we go!

Japanese Computers

Briganty: The Roots of Darkness - Highly recommended. While not as rockin' as, say, Rusty, these tunes make great use of the YM2608 and will put a smile on your face.

Misty Blue - This is from Yuzo Koshiro... I shouldn't need to say any more! Expect lots of variation in theme, and expert use of the FM chip.

Game Boy

Atomic Punk - Kind of a Bomberman spinoff, I suppose, with tunes from Jun Chikuma. Jazzy and fun.

Godzilla - This seems really happy for a Godzilla game. Did I miss something?

Maru's Mission - Kind of generic tunes... lots of harmonics... not much to say about this one. Not bad, but doesn't really do anything for me.

Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun - It's one of the few Kunio-kun games not composed by Kazuo Sawa! It still maintains some of the same feel, though.

Nekojara Monogatari - All these Japanese Game Boy games are starting to sound the same to me LOL. Seriously, though, this one is very indicative of Game Boy music that came out in the 90's... lots of chords and not too much else.

*Whew* OK, guys! Enjoy!

Atomic Punk is known as Bomber Boy in Japan, in other words, it is essentially Bomberman on the Game Boy.

08-08-2014, 10:27 PM
Hey Wrenskini, I manged to find a rip of Jewel Master so here is a link to download it and hopefully you can give it a listen! - Jewel Master [Soundtrack] (

08-09-2014, 03:55 AM
I've got 4 requests for arcade soundtracks:

1: Charlie Ninja:
2: Osman (Cannon Dancer):

08-09-2014, 08:16 AM
Hey runier, I have some more Matt Furniss Goodness for you! The links I will be providing consists of three Furniss soundtracks that you may not have heard of!

Daffy Duck in Hollywood (Mega Drive) - Daffy Duck in Hollywood (Mega Drive) [Soundtrack] ( rack%5D.rar)

Street Racer (Genesis/Mega Drive) - Street Racer (Mega Drive) [Soundtrack] ( )

The Second Samurai (Mega Drive) - The Second Samurai [Soundtrack] (

Also I had an idea for possibly three more Genesis Furniss soundtracks that I could request for with the games in mind being Bubble and Squeaks (Genesis/Mega Drive), James Bond The Duel (Genesis/Mega Drive), and Fido Dido (Unreleased, Mega Drive). Thank you in advance when or if you get a chance of doing it! :)

08-09-2014, 12:42 PM
OK, happy weekend, guys! I have some good news and some bad news:

The good news - Dragoon Might is now finished and in the arcade section! The style is very similar to Martial Champions in that the musical themes are diverse, but the sound engine has been enhanced quite a bit. Enjoy!

Now, the bad news:

I've got 4 requests for arcade soundtracks:

1: Charlie Ninja:
2: Osman (Cannon Dancer):

None of these games are rippable. Most use proprietary sound hardware. :( According to my lists, most Seta and Mitchell games aren't able to be done unless they were built on hardware originating from Capcom or Data East.

08-09-2014, 02:27 PM
Hi ruiner! I was wondering if you could do Super Princess Peach for the Nintendo DS. All I can find are low quality rips with an annoying sound at the beginning of each song. :(
Also, I noticed you did some GC rips already, so could you please try with Kirby's Air Ride and Super Mario Sunshine for the Gamecube too? :)

Thanks in advance!

08-09-2014, 02:44 PM
Hi ruiner! I was wondering if you could do Super Princess Peach for the Nintendo DS. All I can find are low quality rips with an annoying sound at the beginning of each song. :(
Also, I noticed you did some GC rips already, so could you please try with Kirby's Air Ride and Super Mario Sunshine for the Gamecube too? :)

Thanks in advance!

SPP is one of those few NDS games that can't be ripped using current methods. Probably why it's all been recorded from in-game sounds. The other two shouldn't be a problem, as long as they're not overly long!

08-09-2014, 03:20 PM
OK, happy weekend, guys! I have some good news and some bad news:

The good news - Dragoon Might is now finished and in the arcade section! The style is very similar to Martial Champions in that the musical themes are diverse, but the sound engine has been enhanced quite a bit. Enjoy!

Now, the bad news:

None of these games are rippable. Most use proprietary sound hardware. :( According to my lists, most Seta and Mitchell games aren't able to be done unless they were built on hardware originating from Capcom or Data East.

God damn it! Those games have good soundtracks and they must be more well known! I swear, people are just going to have to create a program or get off their ass and start ripping those soundtracks by any means, including soundtracks that use Seta's custom X1-010 arcade chip! It seems to me that you only use M1 to rip the soundtracks, Ruiner. In fact, they need to create a better program than M1- that way it can handle ALL arcade soundtracks, not just some. But I am glad Dragoon Might is finished.

08-09-2014, 04:39 PM
M1 is my go-to for arcade games, but it's not all I use. When it's feasible, some music can be found in VGM form or recorded from MAME via soundtest. I try not to do that, though, because it never sounds good that way. Osman is such a great game! I discovered it about a month ago and tried to rip it then, but couldn't. :(

08-09-2014, 05:25 PM
That's true. Another way I've done it is that with the soundtracks that use the SETA X1-010 Sound Chip, I used Audacity along with MAME to record the music directly from the sound test.

08-09-2014, 08:40 PM
SPP is one of those few NDS games that can't be ripped using current methods. Probably why it's all been recorded from in-game sounds. The other two shouldn't be a problem, as long as they're not overly long!

Oh nevermind, it's frustrating though, SPP has some catchy tunes. Thanks anyway :)

Kirby's Air Ride has like 63 tracks and SMS more-less the same, but if you consider one of them too long, I'm fine with just one of them.

08-10-2014, 12:26 AM
Can you rip a Wii soundtrack? It is TARGET: TERROR.

08-10-2014, 05:06 PM
Here's some more GB requests for ya:
1. Sunsoft Grand Prix
2. Ghostbusters II
3. Extra Bases
4. Ranma 1-2: Kakuren Bodesu Match
5. Ultraman Club: Teki Kaijuu wo Hakken Seyo

08-10-2014, 05:38 PM
Can you rip a Wii soundtrack? It is TARGET: TERROR.

I can't seem to find the iso for it. Can you find one that isn't an unseeded torrent or a shady Chinese download site? :D

08-10-2014, 05:49 PM
Are my neOgeO in queue? Sorry for reminding, just to be sure

08-10-2014, 07:18 PM
Oh shoot. Can you remind me what they were? I think I forgot to add them to my list.

08-10-2014, 08:38 PM

Pop 'n Bounce
Andro Dunos
Ninja Combat
Breakers Revenge
Aero Fighters 2 & 3
2020 Super Baseball

It's 8... i can decide what to not if you only can 5.

08-10-2014, 11:27 PM
Hey, ruiner, what's up? I got three requests for you...

- The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Game Boy)
- The Amazing Spider-Man 3: Invasion of the Spider-Slayers (Game Boy)
- Block Block (Arcade; I was playing this on Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2 and remembered the beautiful FM music that this game has; thus, this is the reason I am requesting this)

Have a good day! :D

Lily Ferrari
08-11-2014, 12:30 AM
lol you're overwhelmed with requests, but anyway!
Since I like to torture you, here are my new 5 requests! :)
Again, all on Genesis!

- Cool Spot
- Lotus II RECS
- Road Rash I and II (I know you've done them already, but... Could you do them again without the "normalization"? Prettyyyyy pleeeease? :))
- Super Hang On

*motivation kiss* v(^^)v

08-11-2014, 12:42 AM
Whew! Alright, that's a bunch! Let's hold off on more requests for a bit until I know how much space I'll have left once these are done. Alrighty? Thanks! :)

08-11-2014, 01:13 AM
No. Man, it is no wonder why I don't request soundtracks very much from you- they have to be easy for you to find, like the famous games.

08-11-2014, 01:41 AM
No. Man, it is no wonder why I don't request soundtracks very much from you- they have to be easy for you to find, like the famous games.

Dude, I try my hardest with every request you make. I spent a half hour out of my Sunday when I could have been spending time with my family looking for your darn game. I've stood up for you when others in this thread have disagreed with you, I've empathized with you over your frustrations with finding obscure soundtracks, and I've made TONS of albums for you, never asking anything but your thanks in return. This comment was uncalled for and pretty hurtful. I hope you have better luck with your difficult requests elsewhere.

08-11-2014, 08:58 PM
*A boring day appears!

*ruiner9 attacks with PK VGM!


*It's super successful!*

It's a day of Genesis stuff, my friends! Here's what's on the plate:

Jewel Master - Wow. Here's an undiscovered gem! Or, um... jewel. Anyways, this has some great beats and basslines, and should really be listened to by more people! Grab it!

Thunder Force III - Ah, the ol' Thunder Force series. Great shmup tunes with a rock influence. Excellent album.

Lightening Force (Thunder Force IV) - Like above, but with ridiculously heavy metal. Check the Shmup Trax episode of my podcast, where we play a track from this and talk about this amazing soundtrack.

ToeJam & Earl - FUNK. That is all.

ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron - Just like above, but with MORE FUNK. The funkiness of these two games combined are too much for one person to handle. That's wht it's a 2 player game.

And as a bonus, Rob Hubbard's two Road Rash titles have been remastered by me for the Genesis. This time, the levels are more in keeping with what I release now. The mix was up WAY too high back when I first made them. It's still a really loud game, but it definitely sounds better now.

Enjoy! :)

Lily Ferrari
08-11-2014, 09:41 PM
*Ruiner9 does a major critical strike and deals 23,000 damage to his opponents!*

08-11-2014, 10:13 PM
Thunder Force IV

My fav 2 tracks are:

Thunder Force IV OST 07 - Space Walk - YouTube (

Is it 27/4 time signature? Dammit

Thunder Force IV OST 09 - Attack Sharply - YouTube (

Perfect riff, just perfect) And that glide is magic

Lily Ferrari
08-11-2014, 10:32 PM
About that... Don't you think that the riff of "Attack Sharply" sounds a LOT like "From whom the bell tolls" by Metallica? (O_O)

Starting at 1:00

And yeah, even if it's not the most popular, I think Space Walk is extremely pleasant to listen to. :)

edit : huh? Why I can't insert a youtube video?

08-11-2014, 10:36 PM
My last request in this mouth Ruiner :)
- Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha (PSX)
- Dragon Ball Z - Legendary Super Warriors (GBC)
- Super Mario Advance 2
- Super Mario Advance 3
- Super Mario Advance 4
I have for you Tagged Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (GBC)

08-11-2014, 10:50 PM

Maybe, japanese gamedevs have always been inspired by western media.

08-11-2014, 11:25 PM
Agreed. Western trends are born, it goes to Japan, and they make it better. :)

08-12-2014, 12:10 AM
Thank you so much, Ruiner9! Ahh I love all these, and it's cool to see road rash get touched up.

You do awesome work, I appreciate the hell out of it (seriously I've been over the top with my game music collecting and you're one of the biggest sources), and your need for breaks are hella reasonable. Tbqh I'm stunned you don't burn out more with how much you crank out.

No. Man, it is no wonder why I don't request soundtracks very much from you- they have to be easy for you to find, like the famous games.

Whoa-ho, just saw this. You are a complete ass. No one's problem with you was because you had different tastes. It's cause you have a horrible attitude and smug superiority complex, so it's not surprising you finally whipped around and bit the person who actually bothered to defend you because you weren't getting your way 24/7 at the snap of your fingers.

08-12-2014, 12:40 AM
Dude, I try my hardest with every request you make. I spent a half hour out of my Sunday when I could have been spending time with my family looking for your darn game. I've stood up for you when others in this thread have disagreed with you, I've empathized with you over your frustrations with finding obscure soundtracks, and I've made TONS of albums for you, never asking anything but your thanks in return. This comment was uncalled for and pretty hurtful. I hope you have better luck with your difficult requests elsewhere.

Fine by me.

---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:38 PM ----------

Whoa-ho, just saw this. You are a complete ass. No one's problem with you was because you had different tastes. It's cause you have a horrible attitude and smug superiority complex, so it's not surprising you finally whipped around and bit the person who actually bothered to defend you because you weren't getting your way 24/7 at the snap of your fingers.

Shut the fuck up. Its people like you who do this to me who are complete trolls and asses. Consider yourself blocked.

08-12-2014, 12:49 AM
@Evolution01 Jeez, if that's how you treat people who criticize you then no wonder people don't like you. Also I'm glad to see you gone anyway I never liked you that much anyways.

08-12-2014, 11:24 AM
Guys, if he's bugging you, just block him. If he gets abusive, report his posts. Let's not let it bring down the thread, OK? OK!

How about some early morning presents (well, early for me anyways)?


Bubble & Squeak - An Allister Brimble game that's got some reggae influence and a very laid-back sound. I've never heard this one before, and I like it a lot!

Daffy Duck in Hollywood - I wasn't expecting much from this, but Matt Furniss impresses me every time. Every level has a different movie theme, and he pulls them off like a pro! I really like the horror-themed one. Might use that in the Halloween podcast. :)

Also, Patrick was nice enough to tag Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 in the Game Boy section. Thanks! I'll have more later, if time permits!

08-12-2014, 04:29 PM
Wow, this one took a while to put together!

Kirby Air Ride for the Game Cube - Enjoy a great electronic soundtrack from a bunch of composers, including Shogo Sakai and Jun Ishikawa! Every track is fun and energetic, and makes for great party music.

So I know Super Mario Sunshine was requested too, but it's super long. I was gonna do it anyways because YOLO, but I found this from a while back:

Thread 94660

It's still active, it's MediaFire, it sounds great, and it's fully tagged, so go grab it (and don't forget to thank him!) Saves me a bit of work and space! Win-win!

08-12-2014, 07:27 PM
Awesome, both are fantastic! Thanks again :)

08-12-2014, 08:46 PM
Furniss-Fest continues! Here's the last of the uploads for the day, all on the Genesis:

Fido Dido - Sadly, this game was never released. I played the beta version, and it's pretty good! There's not too much music in here, but it's got some great bass and melodies.

James Bond 007 - The Duel - Stealth tunes. Kick-ass drum kit. Dat bass. This is one cool soundtrack.

Second Samurai - This one sounds like it came from a veteran Japanese composer. Really solid melodies that have a heroic feel to them.

Street Racer - Dang, those drums! I have no idea why other composers didn't use the sampler for better percussion. It makes SUCH a difference, like in this game.

OK! That's it for today. I have to edit basically the whole podcast tonight for a tomorrow release. The theme? The man, the myth, the legend... YUZO KOSHIRO. Gonna be an AWESOME one!

08-13-2014, 12:00 AM
I have to edit basically the whole podcast tonight for a tomorrow release. The theme? The man, the myth, the legend... YUZO KOSHIRO. Gonna be an AWESOME one!


All kidding aside, I enjoy listening to the compositions of Yuzo Koshiro, so I am definetly gonna listen to the next episode. :)

08-13-2014, 02:12 AM
Well I'm genuinely excited about episode 15 of Pixel Tunes Radio Podcast with Yuzo Koshiro being the main focus, and it should be overall really interesting!

08-13-2014, 05:54 AM
Hey ruiner, have you ever heard these remixes because they're all freaking amazing! Here's a link to a playlist where you can take a listen to all of them for yourself, also I would appreciate if you could respond to this when you have the time. Link -

Another thing if you have time check this song from an unreleased genesis game out, it's pretty AWESOME! Link 2 -

08-13-2014, 07:31 AM
As a special thanks for your efforts, ruiner9, I proudly present to you my Rare Soundtracks thread: Thread 177531

08-13-2014, 10:38 AM
Yuzo Koshiro

From PC-98 to Etrian Odyssey and Wangan Midnight

08-13-2014, 02:41 PM
My last request in this mouth Ruiner :)
- Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha (PSX)
- Dragon Ball Z - Legendary Super Warriors (GBC)
- Super Mario Advance 2
- Super Mario Advance 3
- Super Mario Advance 4
I have for you Tagged Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (GBC)

So I can do SMA 2, 3, and 4, but they will be low quality because they don't use the correct sound engine for high quality. Do you still want them?

08-13-2014, 05:06 PM
It's HEEEERRRE!!!!!!!!

Episode 15: Composer Yuzo Koshiro

The man’s name is synonymous with game soundtracks like Streets of Rage and ActRaiser, but did you know he was composing music and developing sound programs as far back as 1986? We take a look at some of the highlights of Yuzo Koshiro’s amazing career, spanning from his earliest tracks to the present day.

Also, Ryu Hayabusa has a new Koshiro-related product for you, and Sega makes a terrible attempt at Streets of Rage 4 in our spoof commercials!

As always, we’ll have fun content to accompany this podcast on our Facebook and Twitter pages, and we’d love to see you guys post some of your favorite Koshiro tracks and memories there!

The Tracklist:

1. (1987) Legacy of the Wizard – Theme of Xemn (NES)

2. (1988) The Scheme – I’ll Save you all My Justice – PC-88 (YM2608 OPNA version)


3. (1990) Actraiser – Fillmore (Filmoa) (SNES)

4. (1990) Thrice – That’s Thrice – (Sharp X68000)

*The “Yuzo Koshirzer” Commercial*


5. (1991) Shinobi – Rush (Highway Stage 1) (Game Gear)

6. (1992) Streets of Rage 2 – Spin on the Bridge (Genesis)

*”Streets of Rage 4″ Commercial*


7. (1994) AD&D: Eye of the Beholder – Dungeon Theme (Sega CD)

8. (2010) Protect Me Knight – Blind Fugitive, Persuers, A Proud Beast, Ei-Ei-Oh!, Defeat F$%kin’ Evils! (Xbox Live Indie)


9. (2011) 7th Dragon 2020 – Tyranny of Howling Rage (PSP)

10. (2012) Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan – Labyrinth IV – Library of Puppets (3DS)

Thanks for listening! We’d love to hear what you think!

08-13-2014, 08:14 PM
So I can do SMA 2, 3, and 4, but they will be low quality because they don't use the correct sound engine for high quality. Do you still want them?
Maybe not if you say can have low quality. This Mario replace:
- Casper (GB)
- Double Dragon Advance (GBA)
- Metal Gear Solid VR Mission Disc (PSX)

08-13-2014, 09:10 PM
Here's some Game Boy stuff. It's kind of incidental. Most of them are around 4 to 10 minutes and nothing really jumps out at me as awesome, so here's the list:

1. Sunsoft Grand Prix
2. Ghostbusters II
3. Extra Bases
4. Ranma 1-2: Kakuren Bodesu Match
5. Ultraman Club: Teki Kaijuu wo Hakken Seyo

Also, because I wanted to see if it could be done, I started on Double Dragon Advance and ended up making the whole soundtrack, so I uploaded that too. It's pretty good... has a lot of remakes of the original tunes and stuff. I enjoyed it.

So, just over 1gb left, and I'm out of room. For good. I'll see what's left after the current request queue, but I'm taking NO FURTHER REQUESTS till then. Sorry!

08-13-2014, 09:24 PM
Kakuren Bodesu? Who decides these names :D It's Kakurenbo Death Match, or "Hide-and-Seek Death Match". :)

Damn, no space eh, I was just going to request 3rd person shooter/platformer Blasto for PSX, the game may suck but I just read an old review about it and they were really thrilled with the music so... But I am NOT requesting it. Just... keep it in mind. :D

08-13-2014, 09:45 PM
Here's some Game Boy stuff. It's kind of incidental. Most of them are around 4 to 10 minutes and nothing really jumps out at me as awesome, so here's the list:

1. Sunsoft Grand Prix
2. Ghostbusters II
3. Extra Bases
4. Ranma 1-2: Kakuren Bodesu Match
5. Ultraman Club: Teki Kaijuu wo Hakken Seyo

Also, because I wanted to see if it could be done, I started on Double Dragon Advance and ended up making the whole soundtrack, so I uploaded that too. It's pretty good... has a lot of remakes of the original tunes and stuff. I enjoyed it.

So, just over 1gb left, and I'm out of room. For good. I'll see what's left after the current request queue, but I'm taking NO FURTHER REQUESTS till then. Sorry!
Thank you for this and waiting for my rest request :) Ok let's go tagging Double Dragon Advance :D

08-14-2014, 03:49 AM
Just wanted to thank you again ruiner9, for all your SNES / NES stuff. So good.

08-14-2014, 07:09 AM
Wow, guys, you raised new bar of awesomeness with yuzo koshirizer podcast! Music picks and jokes, all is excellent. Also tracks you've putted for ambience - crazy dark bassy trance from midnight maximum tune or that genius track from The Scheme (perpetual dark).

Thrice, 7th Dragon and latest Etrian were new for my ear (only listened chiptunish etrian). And, of course Eye of Beholder (a bit weird you reaction to game for me, maybe because you're not PC guys but hey dungeon crawlers became japanese devs place many years ago). So that track just blow me. So deep synth strings which are dark and combined with whacky percussion and pretty acid riffs. So unique

^ my impressions

08-14-2014, 09:28 AM
Hello!, I can request these games??:

Hybrid Heaven (Nintendo 64)
Super Princess Peach (Nintendo DS)
Pitfall: Beyond the Jungle (PlayStation 1)
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (PC Version, not N64 version)

08-14-2014, 10:55 AM
Hello!, I can request these games??:

Super Princess Peach (Nintendo DS))

I already requested that, but ruiner said it cannot be done. :(

Also, quick request! Toy Story for the SNES. Thanks! :)

Lily Ferrari
08-14-2014, 01:24 PM
Ruiner9, the only man who can releases new rips faster than you can post requests... (^^')

Yay! 5 more requests for Genesis!

- Chuck Rock - Prehistoric rock'n'roll! he he
- Combat Cars - 90s FM Techno :)
- Cool Spot - Many bluesy tracks!
- Desert Strike - Should have been the OST for Rambo II.... XD
- Jungle Strike - Same! :P

08-14-2014, 01:51 PM
Guys! I said NO MORE REQUESTS (for now, till I see if I have space left!) LOL! Read up a few posts, please! :)

Lily Ferrari
08-14-2014, 02:46 PM
Oops!! Sorry, I guess I missed that post! (T_T)
Aw well, thanks for everything you've done! he he :)

08-14-2014, 02:51 PM
Keep your eyes on the thread, though, cuz there will be more, and I MAY be able to scrounge up more space... we'll see.

08-14-2014, 04:07 PM
First update of the day: Updated games! KingTengu tagged Fire Pro Wrestling : Combination Tag in the TG16 section, and Fire Pro Wrestling 2 in the GBA section! He had this to say about the games and how the songs appear in the game:

Hey, ruiner, what's up? Today, I present to you the retagged and (in the sole case of Combination Tag) resequenced tracklisting for Fire Prowrestling: Combination Tag and Fire Pro Wrestling 2!

Before I post the tracks, a brief word about both FP: CT and FPW 2:

- There's a reason the first Fire Pro was subtitled "Combination Tag": the game was more into tag matches (besides single matches, of course). Each member of a tag team in the game has the same theme that was played during the match. For example, the members of Urban Blasters (aka The Road Warriors), Knight and Iron Blaster (Road Warrior Hawk and Animal, respectively) each have the same song during a singles match.

- In FPW2, tracks 1-11 are the normal BGMs for menus, Ring of Management Mode, and others like the credits and title screen. Tracks 12-17 are the BGMs that are played during a match (which you can select as well), and tracks 18-48 are the theme songs that are played whenever a wrestler/MMA fighter came out to the ring.

Sweet. Thanks, dude!

Secondly, Patrick tagged Double Dragon Advance in the GBA section, and removed a duplicate track that snuck in there somehow. A big thanks to him, too!

I hope to have Zupapa later on... all the requested Neo Geo games have to be manually recorded, cut, and tagged, so those will be coming out much slower than some of the others. They'll be worth it, though!

08-14-2014, 06:02 PM
You're very welcome. :)

08-14-2014, 07:19 PM
Here you go sir! Toy Story (SNES) - Toy Story (SNES) [Soundtrack] (

08-14-2014, 07:42 PM
As promised, Zupapa! is now up in the arcade section! As this was a title put out fairly well into the Neo Geo's life, it's got a whole lot of PCM samples, and really nice use of the FM synths, too. I like this one, and I think you will, too! Enjoy!

08-15-2014, 11:34 AM
Here you go sir! Toy Story (SNES) - Toy Story (SNES) [Soundtrack] (

Thank you so much!! :D

08-15-2014, 07:58 PM
Guys! Help! I need 4 awesome RPG battle tunes for a podcast. I don't play RPGs so I have no idea what to pick. I'd prefer if they weren't symphonic, or at least had a decent beat if they were. I will totally credit you on the show if you have a suggestion that I like.

Thanks! :)

08-15-2014, 08:21 PM
Why not go with Battle 1 from Crusader of Centry? It's pretty awesome as a track with it being rock heavy, and it's from a rather intreating RPG so I hope that you can take this track into consideration!

08-15-2014, 08:33 PM
Why not go with Battle 1 from Crusader of Centry? It's pretty awesome as a track with it being rock heavy, and it's from a rather intreating RPG so I hope that you can take this track into consideration!

Good call! That track ROCKS! I have to discuss with my co-host if we're going to allow action RPGs aside from traditional ones, but if we do, that will totally be on the list. :)

Lily Ferrari
08-15-2014, 09:04 PM
How about Chrono Trigger Battle 1?

Oh and did you mean Genesis only?
And battle themes only, right?
That would be difficult, Genesis had only a few RPGs... (T_T)

08-15-2014, 09:06 PM
I have another suggestion for an awesome RPG tunes from a more traditional RPG with the game in mind being Langrisser II (Download Link and the track's name is A Story Forever. Now this track in particular is absolutely amazing and definitely worth a listen even though it's pretty long but so good!

08-15-2014, 09:14 PM
Hi, Ed. I have suggestions from my friend Channard:

Legend of Dragoon - Boss Battle 1 (Extended) - YouTube (

Live A Live Music Megalomania - YouTube (

Earthbound - Pokey Means Business Music EXTENDED - YouTube (

Pier Solar (MD): 14 - Boss Battle - YouTube (

Legend of Mana Music: 20 The Darkness Nova (Extended) - YouTube (

Lufia 2: Sinistral battle theme - YouTube (

And some suggestions from me :)

Death Match - Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II Music - YouTube (

35 - The 7th Saga - Battle in a World of Fading Hope - YouTube (

29-Eurythmic Battle Majin Tensei II Spiral Nemesis - YouTube (

Arcus Odyssey - Castomira / Dragon [Genesis] Music - YouTube ( (not sure if it's a battle i suppose its bossfight)

Warsong Music (Sega Genesis) - Player Phase 1 (Friendly Fight) - YouTube (

AlbertOdyssey: The Legend of Eldean - Battle Theme - YouTube (

Panzer Dragoon Saga - Guardian Dragon Battle Theme (The Expected Enemy) - YouTube (

Persona 2 Innocent Sins OST Battle Theme - YouTube (

[TOP -100] RPG Battle Themes #-26 Threads of Fate - YouTube (

My top 25 RPG Regular battle themes #23 - Parasite Eve - YouTube (

Lost Kingdoms 2 Music - Battle Theme - YouTube ( (hey it's From Software)

[Top 100 RPG Battle Themes] #79 - Phantom Brave - YouTube (

Shadow Hearts II Convenant - Amon Battle Theme - YouTube ( (holy shi....)

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Music- Fierce Battle - YouTube (

Shin Megami Tensei NINE - Neutral/Law Battle Theme - YouTube (

UNLIMITED : SaGa - OST - Battle Theme I - YouTube (

UNLIMITED : SaGa - OST - BT Ver. 4 - YouTube (

Shin Megami Tensei IV OST - Battle B2 - (Boss Battle Theme) - YouTube (

Hope anyone 'll listen to all of this...

08-15-2014, 09:19 PM
Hey Ruiner,

Been very busy these past few months so I haven't looked at this thread in a while. A lot of good soundtracks have been uploaded since I last peeked in here, that's for sure.

As for your RPG episode... my first thought for a good, no symphonic battle tune was something from Etrian Odyssey III. If you're going for a general battle theme I'd recommend The End of the Raging Waves ( Or if a boss battle song would work, my personal favorite track Calling That Detestable Name ( Both are great rocking battle tunes. That said, I know you did a Yuzo Koshiro episode recently, so maybe you're looking for something different?

08-15-2014, 09:28 PM
I have another suggestion for an awesome RPG tunes from a more traditional RPG with the game in mind being Langrisser II (Download Link and the track's name is A Story Forever. Now this track in particular is absolutely amazing and definitely worth a listen even though it's pretty long but so good!

I'll check it out! Thanks!

Hi, Ed. I have suggestions from my friend Channard:

Legend of Dragoon - Boss Battle 1 (Extended) - YouTube (

Live A Live Music Megalomania - YouTube (

Earthbound - Pokey Means Business Music EXTENDED - YouTube (

Pier Solar (MD): 14 - Boss Battle - YouTube (

Legend of Mana Music: 20 The Darkness Nova (Extended) - YouTube (

Lufia 2: Sinistral battle theme - YouTube (

And some suggestions from me :)

Death Match - Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II Music - YouTube (

35 - The 7th Saga - Battle in a World of Fading Hope - YouTube (

29-Eurythmic Battle Majin Tensei II Spiral Nemesis - YouTube (

Arcus Odyssey - Castomira / Dragon [Genesis] Music - YouTube ( (not sure if it's a battle i suppose its bossfight)

Warsong Music (Sega Genesis) - Player Phase 1 (Friendly Fight) - YouTube (

AlbertOdyssey: The Legend of Eldean - Battle Theme - YouTube (

Panzer Dragoon Saga - Guardian Dragon Battle Theme (The Expected Enemy) - YouTube (

Persona 2 Innocent Sins OST Battle Theme - YouTube (

[TOP -100] RPG Battle Themes #-26 Threads of Fate - YouTube (

My top 25 RPG Regular battle themes #23 - Parasite Eve - YouTube (

Lost Kingdoms 2 Music - Battle Theme - YouTube ( (hey it's From Software)

[Top 100 RPG Battle Themes] #79 - Phantom Brave - YouTube (

Shadow Hearts II Convenant - Amon Battle Theme - YouTube ( (holy shi....)

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Music- Fierce Battle - YouTube (

Shin Megami Tensei NINE - Neutral/Law Battle Theme - YouTube (

UNLIMITED : SaGa - OST - Battle Theme I - YouTube (

UNLIMITED : SaGa - OST - BT Ver. 4 - YouTube (

Hope anyone 'll listen to all of this...

Wow! That's a LOT! Thanks!

Hey Ruiner,

Been very busy these past few months so I haven't looked at this thread in a while. A lot of good soundtracks have been uploaded since I last peeked in here, that's for sure.

As for your RPG episode... my first thought for a good, no symphonic battle tune was something from Etrian Odyssey III. If you're going for a general battle theme I'd recommend The End of the Raging Waves ( Or if a boss battle song would work, my personal favorite track Calling That Detestable Name ( Both are great rocking battle tunes. That said, I know you did a Yuzo Koshiro episode recently, so maybe you're looking for something different?

We played something from EO4 last episode, so I was trying to avoid another one so soon. 7th Dragon, too. But I'll save it for a future episode!

How about Chrono Trigger Battle 1?

Oh and did you mean Genesis only?
And battle themes only, right?
That would be difficult, Genesis had only a few RPGs... (T_T)

Nope, not Genesis only! My cohost already picked that song, so it'll be in the podcast, just not from me! And you're right, that track is AMAZING.

Thanks for all the help, guys! I'm gonna listen to a bunch of these tonight! :neg:

08-15-2014, 10:00 PM
Oops - forgot smt IV track - added to previous post

And just for fun of this thread - great cover by lonlonjp

"H" FF2 Battle Theme lonlonjp - YouTube (

08-16-2014, 01:32 AM
Hey ruiner, have you ever heard these remixes because they're all freaking amazing! Here's a link to a playlist where you can take a listen to all of them for yourself, also I would appreciate if you could respond to this when you have the time. Link -

Another thing if you have time check this song from an unreleased genesis game out, it's pretty AWESOME! Link 2 -

2 Days later, I'm finally getting to listen to this, LOL

Chibi-Tech rocks, doesn't she? I've heard her original music, but I didn't know she did these! So rad! Too bad this guy's download link has expired. :(

As a special thanks for your efforts, ruiner9, I proudly present to you my Rare Soundtracks thread: Thread 177531

Lots of great stuff on your thread! I've seen a bunch I'm gonna grab! Thanks for letting me know! :)

---------- Post added at 08:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 PM ----------

I have another suggestion for an awesome RPG tunes from a more traditional RPG with the game in mind being Langrisser II (Download Link and the track's name is A Story Forever. Now this track in particular is absolutely amazing and definitely worth a listen even though it's pretty long but so good!

Is this a battle theme? It's really good, but it doesn't sound like one so I wanted to make sure.

Also, that Legend of Dragoon song is KILLER. :)

08-16-2014, 03:10 AM
[QUOTE=ruiner9;2747806]2 Days later, I'm finally getting to listen to this, LOL
Chibi-Tech rocks, doesn't she? I've heard her original music, but I didn't know she did these! So rad! Too bad this guy's download link has expired. :(

I know right! I actually though that Chibi-Tech was a cross dresser for whatever reason. I manged to find a ffshrine post with links both that which don't work anymore. :( Link -
Thread 117734

[QUOTE=ruiner9;2747806]Is this a battle theme? It's really good, but it doesn't sound like one so I wanted to make sure.
I actually hadn't played the game so I couldn't honestly tell you , but you should still play it on the podcast because it's really just amazing! Fun Fact : Langrisser II is actually the sequel to Warsong for the genesis that was never released out side of japan!

08-16-2014, 04:18 AM
Hey, ruiner! It's been a while, so I'm not sure if you're taking requests again - but it doesn't hurt to ask. Would you be able to rip Super Princess Peach on the DS for me, please?

08-16-2014, 11:51 AM
I actually hadn't played the game so I couldn't honestly tell you , but you should still play it on the podcast because it's really just amazing! Fun Fact : Langrisser II is actually the sequel to Warsong for the genesis that was never released out side of japan!

Well, the podcast is only RPG battle themes, so I'd look kind of silly if I played a song that wasn't one. That one doesn't play during a battle (I checked) but the song "Last Battle" does, and it's equally as awesome. I'm gonna use that. I'll still give you credit! :)

Hey, ruiner! It's been a while, so I'm not sure if you're taking requests again - but it doesn't hurt to ask. Would you be able to rip Super Princess Peach on the DS for me, please?

You're the 3rd person this week to request that soundtrack! I wish I could do it, but it uses a sound engine that's not rippable by any developed tools yet. Sorry. :(

08-17-2014, 12:08 AM
I only had time for two soundtracks today, since I had company over, so up in the Game Boy section are Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3 - Revenge of the Spider Slayers yeah, I know it's dumb that the third one doesn't have "Amazing" before it and it sits it apart form the other ones in the list. Not MY fault!

If you wanna check out something directly related, my buddy Matt Ezero does a YouTube series where he "defends" LJN games and tried to point out the positive aspects of a lot of the bad NES and GB games that they put out. He did all 3 Spider-Man Game Boy games over the last 3 weeks for Spidey's anniversary, so you should check them out! He actually helped me find the composer for the 2nd game, so thanks to him for that! Here's the links to the vids. His stuff is always fun, so you should totally subscribe if you like them. :)

And, my co-host Mike from the podcast does a co-review with him about Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge. They go over the music too, and explain why the SNES version is SOOO much better than the Genesis version. I appear for a little bit at the beginning, too. ;)

Hope you enjoy them!

08-17-2014, 12:36 PM

08-18-2014, 11:16 AM
Here's some great Genesis stuff for your Monday blues!

Cool Spot - Tommy Tallarico didn't use a lot of fancy tricks with his FM synth tunes, but he really knows how to write a catchy song!

Langrisser II - I HAD to add this one. It's SOOOOOO good! It's full of awesome rock tracks, and innovative sound sets. Just download it and thank me later.

Lotus II: RECS - Sound Images ported this soundtrack from Patrick Phelan's original Amiga version, and it sounds pretty good! Very dancy and fun.

Super Hang-On - One of the original Genesis titles. The sound driver was obviously very primitive (it probably used GEMS) but the music is actually really nice. The guys behind the OST were also responsible for games like Quartet, Gain Ground, and Outrun, so that's no surprise.

I've been noticing that Alberto Jose Gonzalez had been liking everything that we've been posting on the PixelTunes Radio Facebook page. That is super awesome. He's one of my favorite composers!

:) :) :)

Lily Ferrari
08-18-2014, 04:06 PM
Wow great!
They all sound good!
I was very surprised by Langrisser II! I never even played that game.. Gee I was really missing out.
Great OST which sounds a bit like Crusader of Centy to me, but even more rock.

08-18-2014, 09:29 PM
Here's a couple treats for the Game Boy!

Casper - This one is really simple. Some songs are only one or two instruments. Very interesting.

Dragon Ball Z - Legendary Super Warriors - I was pleasantly surprised by this one! Some of the music doesn't even sound like it should be in a DBZ game, but that doesn't mean it's not awesome. Check this one out!

So I've been working on Block Block all day. That game is a pain in my butt and I'll be happy once it's done! Hopefully I'll have it tomorrow. :)

08-18-2014, 09:42 PM
Link's to Casper & Dragon Ball not working

08-18-2014, 10:33 PM
Mega is having issues right now. Just be patient!

*EDIT* Seems to be working OK now. :)

08-19-2014, 09:23 AM
Hey ruiner good news, I've got Four Saturn games and One PlayStation game that I've manged to rip! Now just warning a lot of the rips I'm providing do not include composer or even the names of each individual song so hopefully you can find out that information, and I also hope that after getting some more space on MEGA that you can include these soundtrack into your OST library! Now for Links!


BUG! (Sega Saturn) - BUG! (Sega Saturn) (

Earthworm Jim 2 (Sega Saturn) - Earthworm Jim 2 (Sega Saturn) (

Virtua Cop (Sega Saturn) - Virtua Cop (Sega Saturn) (

Virtua Fighter (Sega Saturn) - Virtua Fighter (Sega Saturn) (


RAYMAN (Sony PlayStation) - Rayman OST (Sony Playstation) (

08-19-2014, 11:00 AM
Hey ruiner good news, I've got Four Saturn games and One PlayStation game that I've manged to rip! Now just warning a lot of the rips I'm providing do not include composer or even the names of each individual song so hopefully you can find out that information, and I also hope that after getting some more space on MEGA that you can include these soundtrack into your OST library! Now for Links!


BUG! (Sega Saturn) - BUG! (Sega Saturn) (

Earthworm Jim 2 (Sega Saturn) - Earthworm Jim 2 (Sega Saturn) (

Virtua Cop (Sega Saturn) - Virtua Cop (Sega Saturn) (

Virtua Fighter (Sega Saturn) - Virtua Fighter (Sega Saturn) (


RAYMAN (Sony PlayStation) - Rayman OST (Sony Playstation) (

That's awesome! Thanks! Sometimes, tracks just don't have names. :)

OK, so I WAS able to squeeze a fully tagged Virtua Cop into the Saturn section. That music always reminded of Konami's arcade stuff, with all those crazy orchestra hits. Anyways, enjoy!

08-19-2014, 04:50 PM
OMG GUYS! Block Block is done and in the Arcade section! That game was really tough to do, because the music is really repetitive. It made finding the ends of loops super hard. It's got some Yoko Shimomura tracks in there, so hopefully it was all worth it.

Also, some sections may experience some temporary dead link while I do some behind-the-scenes data management. If you happen across a dead link, it'll be back up within an hour or so. :)

08-19-2014, 06:21 PM
I'm more of an official OST guy, but I checked out a few of your rips and wanted to say your efforts are impressive! :)

08-19-2014, 08:16 PM
Hey ruiner9! I wanted to introduce myself by saying hi, but more importantly, give you HUGE THANKS & SUPER KUDOS on ALL the work you have been doing on this music download project for the community. I'm sure you hear it some, but I don't think I have enough words to express how absolutely wonderful you are to do this. Obviously like you, myself, and others on this forum, we're huge gamers and appreciate the many aspects of gaming, especially their soundtracks.

I started getting back into downloading music tracks for some of my favorite games over the past couple of months, and that's when I came across a few websites, and incidentally, this forum. Began poking around, appreciating what everyone was posting... but your efforts... yours are outstanding and like I said, exactly what I would want to do as well. It's definitely inspiring me to try and contribute as well as I have time!

I think what I appreciate the most is not just the huge selection, and the quality, but also the great "obscure or smaller titles" from the 'ol 8-bit & 16-bit days of yester-year. I mean, come 'on - Granada? Arrow Flash? even Magician Lord? Wow - Great stuff! So appreciated! I loved those games and I'm so happy that I can play the music now in my car with the rest of my game music! :) Like I said, words can't express it enough.

I'm just glad your doing this music download project and hosting a permanent upload site that doesn't go down - basically, You're doing EXACTLY what I would want to do if I had the time & resources to do it. So I have a huge personal appreciation for that, especially when I used to host and have my own website for game stuff, downloads, music, reviews, etc. Someday I hope to re-launch it once real-life starts to calm down a bit in the coming months ahead (yeah, right!).

Now - I do think we need to draw some attention here lately to perhaps helping you out - and that's the donation drive for you - to not only continue hosting, but also get the bigger space. From what I'm reading, it looks like you're cramped and just about out, capping at the 100GB limit you have now. Can you give us all an update on this? I think we need to focus a bit on this so we can get you to that $110 bucks you need for another year, plus 500GB instead of the 100GB you are doing now (please correct me if I'm reading / interpreting this wrong). So, instead of us asking / requesting some game soundtracks right now (which you've already had to stop recently due to the obvious space constraints hitting), let's focus on appreciating you a bit, and what we can do to each donate a few bucks to get you going & keep you going. I'd hate for you to have to start sacrificing older posts in order to put new stuff up, rearrange, micro-manage it even more, etc, etc.

Now it says on the main page that you need $110, but you're only at $20 so far?!?! Whaa??? We all need to help you fix that brother. I mean, just with the small handful of people who visit regulary to this thread, we could each give you 10 to 20 bucks, and you'd hit that $110 mark fast! What can we do? I'd like to at least do some small part in, well, campaigning a bit for you! We really need to give back some love to ya and keep us energized! And of course, I'm wanting to donate as well. For me, I'm think at LEAST 20-25 bucks. I'm sure you'll give thanks on the main page for contributions, etc, etc. Hell, that's all anyone wants, right? Just a little, tiny, iddy-bit of appreciation? Right?!!? I know I do. :)

Anyway, great efforts, keep it going, and let me know (and everyone else) what we can do to help really get you to that $110 mark now. Please fill us in on what the latest is for this effort - let's focus on that for a bit!!

Appreciate it all, Love it brother - and THANK YOU for everything.

08-19-2014, 08:51 PM
Thank YOU, Cyquest, for those kind words! It means a lot to me to see that people appreciate the effort I put into this... if I counted out the hours I spend between the soundtracks and the podcast, it would easily equal another full time job, on top of the one I already have!

It's funny you mention my space constraint, as I just wiped the podcast MEGA links in the OP in favor of DropBox links, so I could free up a tiny bit more space. I've been hoping that with going on 70,000 views in this thread that SOMEBODY could offer some hosting space, or donate, but it just hasn't come to pass. I'm not mad or upset... just worried that I'm not going to be able to continue with what's been one of the coolest years of my life, learning about and sharing all these amazing songs!

I've got a GREAT set of regulars here, who help curate the collection, tag unknown song titles, and suggest awesome and obscure music for me to share with everyone. I hope I can go another year (or two or three or four!)

08-19-2014, 08:52 PM
I'm speechless.

08-19-2014, 09:22 PM
Guys! Phalanx on the SNES is one of my favorite childhood soundtracks. I didn't know till yesterday that it also has a Sharp X68000 port. What's more, the game has a totally different and equally great soundtrack! So go grab Phalanx X68k in the Japanese PC section and rock out to the YM2151 tunage. :)

08-19-2014, 09:27 PM
I couldn't have said it better myself! :) But in all seriousness we defiantly need to help ruiner out with all he's done for us! So we should all atleast donate a few bucks here and there so we can keep this going! Also I'll try to get people informed about this music thread so maybe we could a little help! And I give major kudos to Miketendo/ruiner9 for all he's done, and maybe all of you guys could go check out his DYHPTG series!

08-19-2014, 10:00 PM
Guys! Phalanx on the SNES is one of my favorite childhood soundtracks. I didn't know till yesterday that it also has a Sharp X68000 port. What's more, the game has a totally different and equally great soundtrack! So go grab Phalanx X68k in the Japanese PC section and rock out to the YM2151 tunage. :)

Say ruiner - have you ever heard, or even played the "Tiny Phalanx Game"? - the small scale Phalanx shooter that was hidden on the PSX game Zero Divide? I know, obscure, but the music was great for it (Including the soundtrack to Zero Divide as well)! Not sure if you even would have played Zero Divide, an odd fighting game from the early days of PSX. If you don't have it, or haven't heard any of the music, let me know, I'll shoot ya a link to it if I can, or perhaps I can be a noob and learn to post it for a quick download.. and pray I don't screw it up. :)

Tiny Phalanx gameplay and music - Stage 1:

08-19-2014, 11:29 PM
The very first Star Fox was like The Golden Age of My Childhood, while Wave Race 64 got me interested in video game music. I tried to find Wave Race 64's album at Blockbuster Music, while I heard that Tower Records had it, but neither one had them. A CD album of it exists, but only in Japan; however, people uploaded it online.

Anyway, here are a few more albums I uploaded. I'm sure you can do better than me in uploading higher-quality versions of some of these. I'd also like to see Kaneko's Jackie Chan arcades being ripped:

Thread 178359

Thread 178358

Thread 178356

Thread 178354

08-20-2014, 12:21 AM
Say ruiner - have you ever heard, or even played the "Tiny Phalanx Game"? - the small scale Phalanx shooter that was hidden on the PSX game Zero Divide? I know, obscure, but the music was great for it (Including the soundtrack to Zero Divide as well)! Not sure if you even would have played Zero Divide, an odd fighting game from the early days of PSX. If you don't have it, or haven't heard any of the music, let me know, I'll shoot ya a link to it if I can, or perhaps I can be a noob and learn to post it for a quick download.. and pray I don't screw it up. :)

Tiny Phalanx gameplay and music - Stage 1:

That music belongs to neither the X68000 or the SNES version. Awesome! I can find the game image and rip it pretty easily, so don't worry about that. It's really good!

The version of Phalanx that came out for WiiWare in Japan has the X68000 soundtrack. You can hear it here:

I still like the SNES version better, but this is gorwing on me. :)

The very first Star Fox was like The Golden Age of My Childhood, while Wave Race 64 got me interested in video game music. I tried to find Wave Race 64's album at Blockbuster Music, while I heard that Tower Records had it, but neither one had them. A CD album of it exists, but only in Japan; however, people uploaded it online.

Anyway, here are a few more albums I uploaded. I'm sure you can do better than me in uploading higher-quality versions of some of these. I'd also like to see Kaneko's Jackie Chan arcades being ripped:

Thread 178359

Thread 178358

Thread 178356

Thread 178354

I will check them out! If I can do any of them in better quality (and I have the space) I'll let you know. :)

08-20-2014, 01:34 AM
Hey, Langrisser II! I've actually uploaded some Langrisser stuff to my own thread a while back, like the first game's soundtrack and Der Langrisser (the SNES version of Langrisser II). Ruiner and anyone who hasn't heard those yet should definitely give those a listen:

Langrisser/Warsong (GEN/MD) (

Der Langrisser (SNES/SFC) (

I actually plan to upload the soundtracks for the remakes of the first two games as well as 3-5 eventually, but it might be a while before I get around to it.... nonetheless, enjoy!

Also, I dunno if you're still taking suggestions for RPG battle themes Ruiner, but I just wanted to give a shout-out to one of my favorite tracks from Falcom's Zero no Kiseki, Inevitable Struggle. ( Note that's actually the "super arranged" version of the track, but that particular arrangement is also used in the game's sequel Ao no Kiseki, so it's all good! ;) Actually, the entire soundtracks for Zero/Ao are all kinds of awesome, period (but then again, this IS Falcom we're talking about, so.....).

08-20-2014, 01:50 AM
Hey, Langrisser II! I've actually uploaded some Langrisser stuff to my own thread a while back, like the first game's soundtrack and Der Langrisser (the SNES version of Langrisser II). Ruiner and anyone who hasn't heard those yet should definitely give those a listen:

Langrisser/Warsong (GEN/MD) (

Der Langrisser (SNES/SFC) (

I actually plan to upload the soundtracks for the remakes of the first two games as well as 3-5 eventually, but it might be a while before I get around to it.... nonetheless, enjoy!

Also, I dunno if you're still taking suggestions for RPG battle themes Ruiner, but I just wanted to give a shout-out to one of my favorite tracks from Falcom's Zero no Kiseki, Inevitable Struggle. ( Note that's actually the "super arranged" version of the track, but that particular arrangement is also used in the game's sequel Ao no Kiseki, so it's all good! ;) Actually, the entire soundtracks for Zero/Ao are all kinds of awesome, period (but then again, this IS Falcom we're talking about, so.....).

Holy cow. That's amazing. I have WAAAY too many songs to choose from now. Totally the opposite of where I was last week! We may need to have a "RPG Battle Tracks Volume 2" episode!

08-20-2014, 03:07 AM
Hey ruiner, I know this may not be entirely related to video game music but more of the less on video games them self's! If you've not seen Game Sack then I would high recommend checking them out considering they look at a lot of obscure videos games and they even play some obscure video game in each of their episodes! Link -

08-20-2014, 04:52 AM
Oh hey Ruiner! Can you rip Super Princess Peach for DS please? It's amazing!


Okay, Just kidding. :) Sorry, had to do it! LOL That's been requested at least 5 times recently. Shame & suprising that it's an issue, but oh well!



... so hurry up and figure it out. :P

08-20-2014, 03:09 PM
Hey ruiner, I know this may not be entirely related to video game music but more of the less on video games them self's! If you've not seen Game Sack then I would high recommend checking them out considering they look at a lot of obscure videos games and they even play some obscure video game in each of their episodes! Link -

I've seen a few of their videos before. They're really informative and engaging. We're going to try to get some YouTubers on the podcast to increase some awareness of it, so maybe we'll reach out to them...

Oh hey Ruiner! Can you rip Super Princess Peach for DS please? It's amazing!


Okay, Just kidding. :) Sorry, had to do it! LOL That's been requested at least 5 times recently. Shame & suprising that it's an issue, but oh well!



... so hurry up and figure it out. :P

I know, right? Truthfully, I wish I could! The application that can be used to rip high-quality GBA soundtracks only works with one particular sound driver, and although it's used in about 80% of GBA games, a lot of the really notable ones don't use it. So we get great stuff like Castlevania and F-Zero, but miss out on some of Jake Kaufman's stuff and the Mario Advance series. It's a bummer. :(

How about a few soundtracks? I feel like I haven't been giving the Sharp x68000 enough love, so here's a few goodies I dug up:

Scorpius - Here's a shmup with some great art, and a really nice soundtrack similar to Phalanx. The game is a bit slow moving, but it has a neat grapple weapon that you can shoot out in multiple directions.

SiLSteel - This one's a vertical shooter that reminds me a bit of Space Megaforce (or Super Aleste for you guys in the PAL regions) or Summer Carnival '92 Recca. It's got some great fast-tempo music with a powerful set of drums behind it. Worth a listen!

So guys... I was thinking a bit, and if you'd like to help with my storage situation, it would also be super helpful to follow the podcast's social media accounts and give us a rating on iTunes. We're friendly with one of our local game shops, and we've been discussing a sponsorship with them for a while, but they don't want to shell out the cash unless they see a lot of listener participation and a bunch of subscribers. Once they see a good following, they'll start giving us some money in exchange for a shout-out during the podcast. The money will go towards not only nicer recording equipment, but file hosting space for both the podcast files and the soundtracks. All the info for following us is in the OP, and all you need to do to get us on iTunes is search for "Pixeltunes" in the computer app, or the podcast app on your mobile device. It may not seem like it would help too much, but if a bunch of people were to do it, it would make a big difference!

08-20-2014, 04:51 PM
Does appstore country matters?

08-20-2014, 05:14 PM
I'm not sure! See if you can access it in your country. I can only access the US store and I know its there... because... I put it there. :)

08-20-2014, 08:33 PM
Alright, Knivesman... here's a couple of those Neo Geo requests!

Andro Dunos - One of the most simple NG shmups, but it has a soundtrack which sounds like super-advanced Genesis music thanks to it's heavy reliance on the FM chip. It's pretty good!

Pop 'n Bounce - A puzzler with a very upbeat soundtrack. Very sample-heavy.

The Neo Geo was a pretty impressive system. Both of these albums use the same hardware but sound totally different from each other. Crazy!

Enjoy the tunes, guys!

08-20-2014, 08:45 PM
Thanks, Ed!

And if we remember Metal Slug 5's speed metal or Matrimelee's japanese "70s style" songs - wow, what a variety!

08-20-2014, 09:52 PM
Alright, Knivesman... here's a couple of those Neo Geo requests!

Andro Dunos - One of the most simple NG shmups, but it has a soundtrack which sounds like super-advanced Genesis music thanks to it's heavy reliance on the FM chip. It's pretty good!

Pop 'n Bounce - A puzzler with a very upbeat soundtrack. Very sample-heavy.

The Neo Geo was a pretty impressive system. Both of these albums use the same hardware but sound totally different from each other. Crazy!

Enjoy the tunes, guys!

Thanks for doing the rips on more Arcade - especially the Neo-Geo! Love that stuff man.

Oh, and wanted to say thanks for putting a date next to any new updates you add to the main page - a HUGE help for us when we come back to see what's been added. Appreciate it!

08-21-2014, 11:18 AM
Guys, I think I'm gonna sign up for AdFly and use the money gained from that to go directly to hosting costs. I kind of don't wanna do it, because I'm not a big fan of them myself, but I feel like it's a fair deal... it's essentially free money, and just one extra click for the downloader. It probably won't be enough per year to cover hosting, but it's at least something closer to it.

What do you guys think?

08-21-2014, 01:03 PM
It's OK until some NSFW sites would pop up, but guess it's in settings of adfly

BTW have issues with MEGA last 2 days, anyone unlucky too?
And please don't put 20/08/14 near link, could you put it near name of vgm instead? Cause it's harder to notice it now when adfly links are so short.

08-21-2014, 02:07 PM
It's OK until some NSFW sites would pop up, but guess it's in settings of adfly

BTW have issues with MEGA last 2 days, anyone unlucky too?
And please don't put 20/08/14 near link, could you put it near name of vgm instead? Cause it's harder to notice it now when adfly links are so short.

MEGA has had some issues in the last few days, yes. You're not the only one. AdFly is actually NSFW-free. In their terms, they specifically state that adult ads aren't used, and that you can't use AdFly links to direct to adult content. I was pretty happy about that.

That's a great idea about the dates on new uploads, too! Thanks!

*EDIT* - Nevermind about the AdFly thing. Seems MEGA doesn't play nice with it, and throws a "file not available" message after most of the redirects. Also, being an IT guy, I'm not too happy about the ads which try to trick you into installing malicious software.

Oh well... back to the drawing board. :\

Lily Ferrari
08-21-2014, 04:52 PM
It might be a stupid idea, I don't know (I'm not an IT girl... yet he he)

How about registering a new email on Russian "YANDEX" service, you'll get a lot of free storage... (^^')
(it's called "Yandex Disk")
You're looking for more storage for your releases, right? Or maybe you wanted something else?

08-21-2014, 05:05 PM
We need to get this donation thing going! We're looking for other sub-par solutions and we need to focus on the donation drive for this awesome guy. He doesn't need much at all, and we can all chip in just a little & get it done.

Ruiner - You're at $20 bucks so far for the $110 total for 1 year you need on MEGA, correct? That gives ya 500GB space instead of the 100GB now (which I have no idea what 100GB even costs). Just answer this - If we can get you to the $110 total - You'd be super good to go for another year, right?

08-21-2014, 05:20 PM
Yandex.Disk is just 10 gb...

08-21-2014, 05:33 PM
It might be a stupid idea, I don't know (I'm not an IT girl... yet he he)

How about registering a new email on Russian "YANDEX" service, you'll get a lot of free storage... (^^')
(it's called "Yandex Disk")
You're looking for more storage for your releases, right? Or maybe you wanted something else?

I looked into it, and they only give 10gb of storage at first, and another 10gb through referrals. That may seem like a lot, but for me, it's not nearly enough. :(

MEGA is being really slow today, but I have some goodies for you currently uploading!

We need to get this donation thing going! We're looking for other sub-par solutions and we need to focus on the donation drive for this awesome guy. He doesn't need much at all, and we can all chip in just a little & get it done.

Ruiner - You're at $20 bucks so far for the $110 total for 1 year you need on MEGA, correct? That gives ya 500GB space instead of the 100GB now (which I have no idea what 100GB even costs). Just answer this - If we can get you to the $110 total - You'd be super good to go for another year, right?

MEGA offers 500gb for 1 year for 99EUR, which works out to about $130US, so yes, you're correct. I'd have enough storage to fulfill any and all requests for 1 year with a subscription like that. And like I said, it doesn't need to be MEGA, if there's another service that can offer something similar. Even 250gb should be enough for the year if it's cheaper. I just haven't found anything like that, with the ability to easily manage uploaded files and create public links like MEGA does.

08-21-2014, 07:58 PM
OK, FINALLY got those soundtracks uploaded! I don't know what's been going on with MEGA the last few days, but boy is it slow!

Here's some songs that used to come out of a Genesis, but now come out of YOUR COMPUTER! The future is HERE!

Chuck Rock - Funky cave rock. Is that a thing? Well it is now. Furniss and Hollingworth are behind this one.

Combat Cars - This was one of my first uploads, that got lost. Now it's BACK! This is totally sample-heavy dance music. Almost hard to believe a Genesis made this without blowing itself up. I really recommend getting this if you haven't already.

Desert Strike - Remember when EA wasn't just a bunch of greedy guys in suits? They used to make games you only had to pay ONCE for! This is one of those game, and Rob Hubbard did a decent job with the music. There's some interesting industrial sounding stuff in here, but I still prefer him with wavetable synths, like the NES or C64.

Jungle Strike - An interesting soundtrack with some sound-effects built in. It's a little grating on the ears, but there's some cool cinematic stuff here.

OK... next project is Ninja Combat for the Neo Geo. Should be finished by tomorrow. Bye, kiddos!

08-21-2014, 08:57 PM
Guys! Phalanx on the SNES is one of my favorite childhood soundtracks. I didn't know till yesterday that it also has a Sharp X68000 port. What's more, the game has a totally different and equally great soundtrack! So go grab Phalanx X68k in the Japanese PC section and rock out to the YM2151 tunage. :)

Or better yet, go to my Rare Soundtracks thread and you'll also have the MT-32 versions.

08-21-2014, 11:51 PM
Guys! Phalanx on the SNES is one of my favorite childhood soundtracks. I didn't know till yesterday that it also has a Sharp X68000 port. What's more, the game has a totally different and equally great soundtrack! So go grab Phalanx X68k in the Japanese PC section and rock out to the YM2151 tunage. :)

I'm not sure if you noticed, ruiner, but if you listen to all the tracks from Andro Dunos, they almost sound like the sound chip used for Phalanx (X68000) (the YM2151). And speaking of Phalanx, there is also a Game Boy Advance version as well, even though the tracks are from the SNES version (and awesomely arranged at that).

If there is any room left, I want to make what could be my last request to you for the time being until the storage situation is worked out, and that is the GBA version of Phalanx. Thanks!! :D

08-22-2014, 12:35 AM
I'm not sure if you noticed, ruiner, but if you listen to all the tracks from Andro Dunos, they almost sound like the sound chip used for Phalanx (X68000) (the YM2151). And speaking of Phalanx, there is also a Game Boy Advance version as well, even though the tracks are from the SNES version (and awesomely arranged at that).

If there is any room left, I want to make what could be my last request to you for the time being until the storage situation is worked out, and that is the GBA version of Phalanx. Thanks!! :D

That's funny, because I ripped Phalanx for the GBA, and didn't like the way it sounded, so I decided not to put it up. I'll redo it tomorrow, if you don't mind tagging the song titles! They should be identical to the SNES version, if I remember.

08-22-2014, 02:12 AM
That's funny, because I ripped Phalanx for the GBA, and didn't like the way it sounded, so I decided not to put it up. I'll redo it tomorrow, if you don't mind tagging the song titles! They should be identical to the SNES version, if I remember.

Hey, I don't mind tagging them. As I've mentioned, the tracks ARE identical to the SNES version. I know this because I've played BOTH SNES and GBA versions, lol.

08-22-2014, 04:33 AM
Ruiner - check you account - I just donated/sent you $45 bucks brother.

Okay guys, I just helped to bring his donation total to 65 Bucks - That's now half of what he needs to get this MEGA upload 500 GB storage thing going for ALL OF US! All we need now from just a few dollars from everyone else - Just do a quick paypal donation of maybe $5, 10 or 20 bucks from each of yeah - That's it! He only needs 65 Bucks more and we're all set to ROCK! - Ruiner can keep doing awesome rips for us without having to worry about storage, micro managing what he posts and doesn't, continue doing requests for us as he can, etc, etc!!!

Come 'on guys! I'm the friggin' newbie here - look at how few posts I have! Barely 2 digits! (^_^) Let's get the donation train going - not much more left! Everyone chip in and it's done!!!!

No sitting on the side lines!! Let's get this awesome guy some easy support and continue getting our soundtrack fixes. Don't talk about it - just do it! :)

Cyquest out.

08-22-2014, 05:19 AM
Hey ruiner, in response to what you said about maybe getting Game Sack on to the podcast I think that is AWESOME and really I think that Game Sack is the most underrated youtube channel that deserves a lot more viewers. Now the really reason I'm making this comment is because I have a BUTTLOAD of soundtracks for you to possible look at, the soundtracks that I'm putting out their consist of two sega cd games, one ps1 game, one psp game, and 4 soundtracks done by Yousuke Yasui that which three of them are in one convenient file!


Earthworm Jim (Sega CD) - Earthworm Jim (Sega CD) (

After Burner 3 (Sega CD) -!S980zQrB!9nNV4uKozzcdZIrM-AACsgNgjB0GRikg3mpoKu2vGng


Formula 1 (PS1) - Formula 1 (PS1) (


Ys 7 (PSP) - Ys 7 (PSP) (

Yousuke Yasui MUSIC

Yousuke Yasui 3 PAK : Mamoru Has Been Cursed! (Arcade), ESCHATOS (Xbox 360), Kekkaishi (DS) - Yousuke Yasui Collection Part 1 (

Ginga Force (Xbox 360) -!Gw1lhYpL!VZ-nzCGcOJ-qTml6-4ij2u809ACecjbg1mIrZOKnuCo

I hope you can respond and tell me what you though of the soundtracks if you've listen to them of coarse, also Fun Fact : A lot of this music that I have picked was were heavily influenced by GAME SACK with the only one not being Earthworm jim so make sure to thank them for such an awesome taste in Video game music!

08-22-2014, 12:37 PM
Plok is down :(

08-22-2014, 01:39 PM
Ruiner - check you account - I just donated/sent you $45 bucks brother.

Okay guys, I just helped to bring his donation total to 65 Bucks - That's now half of what he needs to get this MEGA upload 500 GB storage thing going for ALL OF US! All we need now from just a few dollars from everyone else - Just do a quick paypal donation of maybe $5, 10 or 20 bucks from each of yeah - That's it! He only needs 65 Bucks more and we're all set to ROCK! - Ruiner can keep doing awesome rips for us without having to worry about storage, micro managing what he posts and doesn't, continue doing requests for us as he can, etc, etc!!!

Come 'on guys! I'm the friggin' newbie here - look at how few posts I have! Barely 2 digits! (^_^) Let's get the donation train going - not much more left! Everyone chip in and it's done!!!!

No sitting on the side lines!! Let's get this awesome guy some easy support and continue getting our soundtrack fixes. Don't talk about it - just do it! :)

Cyquest out.

Thank you SO MUCH! Guys, we're halfway there! The dream is more real than ever! I'll update the OP, and hopefully it'll get more people to jump on and get this train moving. As an aside, paypal does take fees for donations, and I'll make up the difference between what's donated and what I need.

Hey ruiner, in response to what you said about maybe getting Game Sack on to the podcast I think that is AWESOME and really I think that Game Sack is the most underrated youtube channel that deserves a lot more viewers. Now the really reason I'm making this comment is because I have a BUTTLOAD of soundtracks for you to possible look at, the soundtracks that I'm putting out their consist of two sega cd games, one ps1 game, one psp game, and 4 soundtracks done by Yousuke Yasui that which three of them are in one convenient file!


Earthworm Jim (Sega CD) - Earthworm Jim (Sega CD) (

After Burner 3 (Sega CD) -!S980zQrB!9nNV4uKozzcdZIrM-AACsgNgjB0GRikg3mpoKu2vGng


Formula 1 (PS1) - Formula 1 (PS1) (


Ys 7 (PSP) - Ys 7 (PSP) (

Yousuke Yasui MUSIC

Yousuke Yasui 3 PAK : Mamoru Has Been Cursed! (Arcade), ESCHATOS (Xbox 360), Kekkaishi (DS) - Yousuke Yasui Collection Part 1 (

Ginga Force (Xbox 360) -!Gw1lhYpL!VZ-nzCGcOJ-qTml6-4ij2u809ACecjbg1mIrZOKnuCo

I hope you can respond and tell me what you though of the soundtracks if you've listen to them of coarse, also Fun Fact : A lot of this music that I have picked was were heavily influenced by GAME SACK with the only one not being Earthworm jim so make sure to thank them for such an awesome taste in Video game music!

I listened to Ginga Force on the way to work. WOW! I was thinking about how so much of it sounded like Shinji Hosoe's works, and then I learned that Yasui studies music under him and Ayako Saso. Pretty awesome! The non-Yasui stuff I'm pretty familiar with, but I'll listen to the 3 pack on the way home from work tonight.

Plok is down :(

Oops! The Follin Shrine seems a bit outdated. For now, you can grab it from the SNES section (same pack, just a newer link) until I can update the Shrine's links. Thanks for the notice!

08-22-2014, 04:12 PM
It's been a busy morning! The Follin Shrine is updated with working links again! Also, there's couple newbies in the list:

Ninja Combat in the Arcade section - This Neo Geo title has some neat tunes... mainly Asian inspired action songs.

Phalanx on the GBA - This one's hit or miss for me. A few of the renditions sound pretty good, but a lot of them are very MIDI-sounding and flat. Still, it's nice to hear a different version of one of my favorite childhood soundtracks on the SNES. This one's not title tagged, but should be at some point. :)

Maybe more later... I'm only gonna be able to squeeze in a handful more. :(

08-23-2014, 05:05 AM
Hey just to let you know the Popful Mail link -!9wsRXRRY!df1bIwtNtcrQ5ZnA5FAZyfPDj03G9bUEPJpMgah eMss is dead! :( If you could fix that that would be TUBULAR! :D

08-23-2014, 11:12 AM
Hey just to let you know the Popful Mail link -!9wsRXRRY!df1bIwtNtcrQ5ZnA5FAZyfPDj03G9bUEPJpMgah eMss is dead! :( If you could fix that that would be TUBULAR! :D

Link fixed!

08-23-2014, 04:44 PM
New small request: Steel Empire for GBA. I will try to purchase the 3DS version's soundtrack.

08-23-2014, 07:42 PM
Ruiner - Looks like their may be an error with Sim City rip on SNES - Track 01 (Title) is 4 seconds, and is exactly the same as Track 22 (mario) at 4 seconds. Looks like something accidentally got copied over, because I don't think that's the title screen! I certainly don't remember that one. Can you take a look if you did the original rip on this one? Hopefully you have a local copy that may not have gotten track 1 overwritten with track 22. Thanks,

08-23-2014, 09:00 PM
New small request: Steel Empire for GBA. I will try to purchase the 3DS version's soundtrack.

Boom. Done. Grab it in the OP. BTW, I was shocked to discover I didn't know about the GBA port, as I love the Genesis game! I felt a little better when I found it never came out in North America. Definitely gonna check it out now, though! The soundtrack sounds really good, too! Nice and clean with this ripping method!

Ruiner - Looks like their may be an error with Sim City rip on SNES - Track 01 (Title) is 4 seconds, and is exactly the same as Track 22 (mario) at 4 seconds. Looks like something accidentally got copied over, because I don't think that's the title screen! I certainly don't remember that one. Can you take a look if you did the original rip on this one? Hopefully you have a local copy that may not have gotten track 1 overwritten with track 22. Thanks,

Boom. Done again. Updated the link in the OP. Just re-download that sucker. I have no idea how that track got duplicated. It's never happened to me before or since! Oh well! The sad thing is, nobody (not even whoever requested it) bothered to tell me about it, so thanks.

Lily Ferrari
08-23-2014, 09:36 PM
oh wow I was busy but I got your latest Genesis rips!
I didn't know you would upload them! he he
Thanks! :)

You still take requests? (O_O)

08-23-2014, 10:24 PM
I'm pretty much just doing whatever at this point. Uploading stuff that seems interesting to me until the space is full. I think I have enough for about a dozen more soundtracks, depending on size of course.

08-23-2014, 11:19 PM
Oops! The Follin Shrine seems a bit outdated. For now, you can grab it from the SNES section (same pack, just a newer link) until I can update the Shrine's links. Thanks for the notice!

Thanks for the fast reply! You're doing some fantastic work here man!

08-24-2014, 12:46 AM
If I could I'd like to request two, with your approval:

Chou Kyuukai Miracle Nine & High Seas Havoc for the Sega Genesis. Miracle Nine is an obscure work by Naofumi Hataya, the man responsible for the soundtracks to Ristar, The Hybrid Front and Golden Axe II-III, so that might be of interest to you.

Also while I'm not requesting it (as it would probably be a bit too large given current space availability), I am looking for the soundtrack to Samurai Champloo: Sidetracked. I mention it here because I know one of the regulars who pop up in this thread mentioned they were listening to it and all I can seem to find are dead links.

08-24-2014, 03:05 AM
Hey, ruiner. Just tagged several more soundtracks for you (including all three GB Spider-Man games!!). I will message you them later tonight. :)

08-24-2014, 07:04 PM
Hi ruiner9! Request Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance (GBA). Is that possible? Thanks.

08-24-2014, 07:07 PM
Could it be possible to squeeze in Mr.Nutz Hoppin Mad (Prototype Mega Drive) and GhostBuster (Sega Genesis/Mega Drive) to your almost full library of game soundtracks? If not I understand, but that would be AWESOME! :D By the way this Sonic Teris game/sonic hack has some of the RADest Remixes to any sonic the hedgehog game! Here's the link to the Rom! -

08-25-2014, 11:07 AM
If I could I'd like to request two, with your approval:

Chou Kyuukai Miracle Nine & High Seas Havoc for the Sega Genesis. Miracle Nine is an obscure work by Naofumi Hataya, the man responsible for the soundtracks to Ristar, The Hybrid Front and Golden Axe II-III, so that might be of interest to you.

Also while I'm not requesting it (as it would probably be a bit too large given current space availability), I am looking for the soundtrack to Samurai Champloo: Sidetracked. I mention it here because I know one of the regulars who pop up in this thread mentioned they were listening to it and all I can seem to find are dead links.

How can I turn down a Takada/ Fukuda soundtrack? I don't have enough space to host it permanently, but here's a temporary link. Samurai Champloo - Sidetracked will be up for about 48 hours. If you can share it yourself, or know someone else who can, please do so, as it's AMAZING and hard to find!

Hey, ruiner. Just tagged several more soundtracks for you (including all three GB Spider-Man games!!). I will message you them later tonight. :)

Got 'em! I'll have them up later today, hopefully. Thanks!

Could it be possible to squeeze in Mr.Nutz Hoppin Mad (Prototype Mega Drive) and GhostBuster (Sega Genesis/Mega Drive) to your almost full library of game soundtracks? If not I understand, but that would be AWESOME! :D By the way this Sonic Teris game/sonic hack has some of the RADest Remixes to any sonic the hedgehog game! Here's the link to the Rom! -

I'll try. Prototypes and hacks aren't always easy to rip, but I'll see what I can do.

08-25-2014, 04:34 PM
Hey ruiner, just to make it easier for you to find the Mr.Nutz Hoppin Mad rom here's a link -!zsMgWDwZ!um8govnKbhi0YhUFxJcRO_ZBIXHjBX0BVxnYqxD 5T8c , also there's a Sound Test/Sound Menu located in the options where you can rip the songs! And with the Sonic Teris hack in order to rip it your going to need to go into the 40 lines option, select the level of diffuculty, and selct the height/number 0-5 being 0 - Green Hill Zone, 1 - Marble Zone, 2 -Spring Yard Zone, 3 - Labyrinth Zone, 4 - Starlight Zone, and 5 - Scrap Brain Zone. And if this doesn't work out I'm curious if you could do Heavy Nova, if not that's cool too! :)

08-25-2014, 08:34 PM
Hey ruiner, just to make it easier for you to find the Mr.Nutz Hoppin Mad rom here's a link -!zsMgWDwZ!um8govnKbhi0YhUFxJcRO_ZBIXHjBX0BVxnYqxD 5T8c , also there's a Sound Test/Sound Menu located in the options where you can rip the songs! And with the Sonic Teris hack in order to rip it your going to need to go into the 40 lines option, select the level of diffuculty, and selct the height/number 0-5 being 0 - Green Hill Zone, 1 - Marble Zone, 2 -Spring Yard Zone, 3 - Labyrinth Zone, 4 - Starlight Zone, and 5 - Scrap Brain Zone. And if this doesn't work out I'm curious if you could do Heavy Nova, if not that's cool too! :)

Sweet. A soundtest should make VGM ripping super easy.

I'm trying to upload new stuff, but MEGA is being a real party pooper right now. Hopefully it'll be acting normal when I get home so I can upload them tonight.

Only two days left till the new podcast is up!

08-25-2014, 09:49 PM
Well that is FANTASTIC! Also I can't wait for the new podcast that which revolves a genre that I may not really care for and at the same time absolutely love!

08-26-2014, 11:03 AM
MEGA is still being weird, but I managed to get Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance for the GBA up. It's very unique sounding, and I guess sounds more like the Pinball of the Dead game than anything else.

These X68000 shmups, full of FM synth goodness, are up in the Japanese computer section:

Cyber Block Metal Orange EX
Last Battalion Mission Code -Override-

Also, KingTengu has tagged a whole bunch of tracks, but so far I've only been able to get Amazing Spider-Man for the Game Boy uploaded. Hopefully the site will fix whatever's wrong with it and I'll have more soon!

08-26-2014, 12:31 PM
MEGA is still being weird, but I managed to get Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance for the GBA up. It's very unique sounding, and I guess sounds more like the Pinball of the Dead game than anything else.

Many thanks for this awesome sountrack! I appreciate your job. :) If you creat Mortal Kombat - Tournament Editioт rip - it would be great! ^___________^

08-26-2014, 04:37 PM
Couple new Genesis albums are up while MEGA seems to be fast (for once.)

High Seas Havoc - This is a combination of old pirate music and rockin' tunes. Really solid sounding instrumentation, too.

Chou Kyuukai Miracle Nine - A baseball game with baseball music! This reminds me of a lot of the SNES and NES baseball games, like Extra Innings and RBI Baseball.

OK guys, hope you like 'em!

08-27-2014, 04:08 AM
Alright guys, it's time to help Ruiner out and let's get the donations going! He's half way to the goal!

$130 Dollars needed to hit the next milestone on storage capacity for the gaming soundtrack ripping efforts! He's been able to collect $65 dollars (half) so far:

$20 - First contribution
$45 - 2nd contribution (Cyquest)
??? - remaining contributions (everyone else in any amount!)

Here's what we get if we can help him get the goal:

- 1 Additional year of music rips!
- 5 times the online storage for downloads! 500GB instead of 100GB he's currently at now (and just about at 98% full capacity)!
- Continuation of new exciting game rips (and per anyone's request, provided he can do it!)
- Best quality & recorded high volume music (nothing crappy at all - no chance)
- Non-broken links for downloads! Continuous links that won't go away for your favorite games
- Additional help from forums members to submit files, tag mp3s correctly, help catch mistakes for the community, etc.
- Constant new additions each week (as Ruiner has time of course).

We're really almost there! All we need is just a quick little paypal donation directly to him! Simple as that! See the link on the main page - click on donate what you can, but easy small amounts are all he needs - $5, $10, or maybe even $20.

Show the love. Show the appreciation. Don't think, just do it. We're really close guys. Only $65 more. You can do it!

Donate now! I want more mp3 gaming soundtrack tracks... don't you???

08-27-2014, 04:44 PM

Episode 16: Viva la Indie!

The PixelTunes guys are back with a sack full of indie titles! We pick our favorite tracks from our favorite games, and round off the collection with a pair of EXCLUSIVE songs from forthcoming titles by Choice Provisions/MiniVision and Thrive Games!

Also, rock out to some great tracks from Organ Trail, Fez, Shovel Knight, and more! Don’t forget to join us on Facebook ( Twitter ( more great content from this podcast.

The Tracklist:

1. Syder Arcade – I Must Not Fear – Christian ‘XeviaN’ Meneghini (PC + Mobile)
Syder Arcade - StudioEvil (

2. DLC Quest – Satisf*cktion – Ozzed (Xbox Live Indie)
DLC Quest � Going Loud Studios ( - Bitpop and Chip Music (


3. Little Inferno – Over the Smokestacks, Over the City & Little Inferno Just for Me – Kyle Gabler (Multiplatform)
Tomorrow Corporation : Little Inferno (

4. Organ Trail - Cold, Black Sky – Ben Crossbones (PC)
The Men Who Wear Many Hats | Organ Trail (
Crossbones Studios - (

Organ Trail Commercial


5. 1001 Spikes – Mysterious Water – Tadd Nuznov (AKA RushJet1) and Misoka Panipum (multiplatform)

6. Shovel Knight – High Above The Land (The Flying Machine) – Jake Kaufman (Wii U/3DS/Steam)
Shovel Knight | Yacht Club Games (
Shovel Knight Original Soundtrack | Jake Kaufman (

Shovel Knight Commercial

7. Oniken – Warrior’s Journey (chiptune & arranged) -Bruno Araujo, Joao Felipe Santos, Tiago Augusto Santos, Thommaz Kauffmann, Wendell Jean Kuci (Steam)
Oniken (

8. Fez (Steam/Xbox 360) – Compass – Disasterpeace
FEZ | Polytron Corporation (
Disasterpeace (


9. Whoa Dave! - Gameplay – Jason Cirillo (Multiplatform)
Choice Provisions (

10. Thrive Studios Game – Burnt and Battered Tapestry – Nathan Dworzak
Thrive Games from Hamilton, Ontario (

Thanks for listening! We’d love to hear what you think!

08-27-2014, 09:11 PM
Alright guys, it's time to help Ruiner out and let's get the donations going! He's half way to the goal!

$130 Dollars needed to hit the next milestone on storage capacity for the gaming soundtrack ripping efforts! He's been able to collect $65 dollars (half) so far:

$20 - First contribution
$45 - 2nd contribution (Cyquest)
??? - remaining contributions (everyone else in any amount!)

Here's what we get if we can help him get the goal:

- 1 Additional year of music rips!
- 5 times the online storage for downloads! 500GB instead of 100GB he's currently at now (and just about at 98% full capacity)!
- Continuation of new exciting game rips (and per anyone's request, provided he can do it!)
- Best quality & recorded high volume music (nothing crappy at all - no chance)
- Non-broken links for downloads! Continuous links that won't go away for your favorite games
- Additional help from forums members to submit files, tag mp3s correctly, help catch mistakes for the community, etc.
- Constant new additions each week (as Ruiner has time of course).

We're really almost there! All we need is just a quick little paypal donation directly to him! Simple as that! See the link on the main page - click on donate what you can, but easy small amounts are all he needs - $5, $10, or maybe even $20.

Show the love. Show the appreciation. Don't think, just do it. We're really close guys. Only $65 more. You can do it!

Donate now! I want more mp3 gaming soundtrack tracks... don't you???

Breakers Revenge is new in the Arcade section! It's pretty short, but has some awesome streamed audio.

Cyquest's post has never been more true, guys... I'm working on Mr. Nutz 2 and and that Sonic/Tetris homebrew game for the Genesis because they both have awesome soundtracks and are unreleased, but then that's pretty much it.

No more room.


I'm hoping there are a few people out there who don't mind parting with a couple bucks in order to have access to awesome soundtracks on-request. If you're worried about losing the money, PayPal allows me to refund donations within 60 days. Cyquest's donation was August 21st. October 20th is my birthday, and that'll be a good day to be my deadline. So, if you guys donate and I don't receive the full funding (or close enough for me to cover the rest... like say $15 or so,) you guys can get your money back. Sound fair? Cool. :)

08-27-2014, 10:23 PM
Do Pac-Man and Ms.Pac-Man of the ARCADE! They are not big ones.

08-28-2014, 03:01 PM
Hi, Ed. Speaking of shmups and japanese pc - i recommend you (and everyone else haha) to take a listen of these two nice finds by MarvelB:

08-28-2014, 05:21 PM
It's the (hopefully not but really looking like it might be) second-to-last soundtrack ever!

Mr. Nutz 2 - Hoppin' Mad was never released for the Genesis, but had some great tunes. The sound was directly ported from the Amiga soundtrack, and so some of the tracks are monaural, and the stereo songs have some pretty drastic separation, but the music is still really awesome. Besides, this is the best quality you'll find on the internet... the only other version that exists is a low-quality OST on YouTube. Yuck.

Well, enjoy.

(P.S. - I'll still do re-tags. Working on some now.)

08-28-2014, 07:36 PM
Thanks to KingTengu, Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3 for the Game Boy, and Phalanx for the GBA have been tagged. Hooray! Thank you, sir!

08-28-2014, 08:11 PM
sorry, i can't see mr. nutz 2

08-28-2014, 08:29 PM
sorry, i can't see mr. nutz 2

I'm just making sure you're awake! It's up there now. :)

08-28-2014, 09:56 PM
Heyo how request with MGS VR Mission & Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha PSX?
Can you rip:
- Contra III: The Alien Wars (GB)
- Contra (MSX2)
- Daimashikyou Galious (NES)
- Nekketsu Koha Kunio-Kun (Arcade)
- Double Dragon (Arcade)

08-28-2014, 10:15 PM
Sorry, but ruiner9 said that he will no longer doing request due to him not having anymore room! But if you want to see more high quality soundtrack from the great and powerful Miketendo then click this link to help this keep on going! -

08-28-2014, 10:26 PM
Ahhh I Forget about this :( Sorry Ruiner :(

08-29-2014, 01:12 AM
Sorry, but ruiner9 said that he will no longer doing request due to him not having anymore room! But if you want to see more high quality soundtrack from the great and powerful Miketendo then click this link to help this keep on going! -

Miketendo is the other guy on the podcast! I'm Ed. :)

08-29-2014, 02:03 AM
Oh well sorry about that ED! :(

08-29-2014, 03:30 AM
I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry I can't contribute something to help support you, ruiner. I was expecting this month would mean I'd have a little extra spending cash, but that's quickly been taken up due to some necessary home purchases and veterinarian bills, so I'm just out of luck for now. Sorry.

08-29-2014, 10:52 AM
I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry I can't contribute something to help support you, ruiner. I was expecting this month would mean I'd have a little extra spending cash, but that's quickly been taken up due to some necessary home purchases and veterinarian bills, so I'm just out of luck for now. Sorry.

That's OK! I totally understand about bills... it's why I can't just foot the whole amount for the MEGA account myself! If October looks better for you financially, keep me in mind. :)

08-29-2014, 03:24 PM
So there it is.... Sonic Tetris, a homebrew Genesis game featuring some AMAZING remixes of Sonic 1 songs, is the last album to be uploaded to the collection.

I'm kind of sad, guys! I think I'm gonna try the Adfly thing again, since nobody is able to donate. It might bring me closer to the goal, if people don't get turned off by the extra 5 seconds they have to wait. Then maybe that $5 or $1 you have laying around won't seem like it's not doing anything to help. I dunno.

Going forward, I'll still be happy to update untagged albums, and I'll also update the thread with new podcasts as they come out, along with any other game music discussion that you guys wanna talk about... ideas for new podcasts, music you think I should check out, etc. I'm out of room, but I'm definitely not "gone!"

08-29-2014, 03:39 PM
I noticed that I'm not allowed to tag Game & Watch Gallery 1. And did you know that the very first Game & Watch Gallery was Game Boy Gallery released in the PAL regions? Could you upload that? I'm sure there is enough room.

And here are more arcade requests whenever you earn more free space:

Cyvern (Perhaps Kaneko's largest effort)
Heavy Unit (Another Kaneko arcade classic)
Ashura Blaster (Composed by Gun Frontier's composer)
Galmedes (Another Visco Games arcade classic)
Asuka & Asuka (Not so interesting, but it can complete my Visco Games music collection)
Storm Blade (A pretty good Visco arcade)
Vasara (One of the better Visco Games arcades)
Vasara 2 (The very last Visco Games arcade)

08-29-2014, 03:44 PM
There's no more room. 20kb left.

Also, if you just want to list the tracks in text form, I can retag them for you.

08-29-2014, 03:59 PM
1. Title
2. Game Select
3. Mode Select
4. Manhole
5. Fire
6. Octopus
7. Oil Panic
8. Message 1
9. Message 2
10. Panel Screen 1
11. Panel Screen 2
12. Congratulations
13, 14 and 15. Ending (in parts)

08-29-2014, 04:09 PM
1. Title
2. Game Select
3. Mode Select
4. Manhole
5. Fire
6. Octopus
7. Oil Panic
8. Message 1
9. Message 2
10. Panel Screen 1
11. Panel Screen 2
12. Congratulations
13, 14 and 15. Ending (in parts)

And done! The link has been updated in the OP! Thank you!

08-29-2014, 04:12 PM
You're welcome, but link doesn't work.

08-29-2014, 04:27 PM
You're welcome, but link doesn't work.

Try this one for now.... I'm converting links and it may still be catching up.!YtMFkADL!lme6HrQM4gEy_xzylrCrUgGrBvZHDQwtCld_Lk6 zkvM

---------- Post added at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 AM ----------

The way Adfly works is it'll pop an ad up before the MEGA download. In the top right corner it'll count down from 5. Once it's done counting down, you can continue on to the soundtrack. The ad on the Adfly page will NOT take you to my download, only the top-right button will. I didn't really want to do it this way, but it's the only way I can earn something towards more storage space.

08-29-2014, 04:46 PM
Sorry ruiner, I would really help you out if I could, but I sincerely can't. :(

And don't worry about Adfly, it's ok as long as it contributes to raise some money for the extra space. :)
I'll click again and again your links so Adfly gives you more bucks!

08-29-2014, 06:14 PM
Not really related to anything, but ruiner9 have you ever heard the album Tree of Knowledge by yogurtbox ( It's a chiptune album done to sound like the soundtrack to a (non-existent) PC-98 visual novel. Very FM synth sound to it. I revisited it recently, thought you might like it.

08-29-2014, 06:35 PM
Not really related to anything, but ruiner9 have you ever heard the album Tree of Knowledge by yogurtbox ( It's a chiptune album done to sound like the soundtrack to a (non-existent) PC-98 visual novel. Very FM synth sound to it. I revisited it recently, thought you might like it.

Wow, that's really awesome! "Evil Spirit" is just EPIC. Thanks for pointing this out to me! The YM2608 (PC-98) is definitely my favorite chip. :)

08-31-2014, 11:56 AM
I've been going through some of my oldest albums and noticing that a lot of them weren't tagged or put together very well, and a lot of amazing NES soundtracks like the Final Fantasy and Mega Man series weren't getting the respect they deserve. So, as a way to keep the thread "bumped" to the top of the page where people can still see all my stuff, I'm gonna be updating one old album a day with new tags/ better sound etc!

Today's update is Final Fantasy for the NES, which didn't have numerical OR album tags. What the heck was I doing back then? LOL

Enjoy! :)

09-01-2014, 12:00 PM
Would be awesome if instead of game title tracks had "01" or so in tags (when track name is unknown)

09-01-2014, 12:21 PM
That would be a pretty big project. I'll think about it. I want to get through all of the improperly tagged ones first.

09-01-2014, 07:33 PM
Happy September! Today, Nobuo Uematsu's amazing Famicom score for the Japanese Final Fantasy II has been brought up to spec with the rest of the collection. Grab it NOW, and enjoy!

09-02-2014, 01:39 AM
If I may, a cover for Final Fantasy.

09-02-2014, 02:31 AM
Cover images for the NES albums! That's not a bad idea! BTW, welcome back uut! Haven't seen you in a while. :)

09-02-2014, 02:50 AM
Thanks! Iv'e actually been making covers for a while now ever since probably about June last year. I've made a whole bunch for some of the Castlevania series up to Harmony of Dissonance,
and also some others too. I should probably make a thread.

09-02-2014, 03:02 AM
If you'd like to share the pack with me, I could add them to my albums. I'd give you credit in the OP too, if you wanted. I totally understand if you wanna do your own thread instead, too. Or you could do both! :)

09-02-2014, 04:04 AM
I am uploading it now it's taking a while, The size is 376.5 MB kinda big for a pack of pictures. ;)

09-02-2014, 05:06 AM
Ok, here it is:!5U1lHAoI!6SMpWsPGvb9cRSAcCB3Tt4ArP1e0wAF-UG2qJQokptU

Its a little unsorted and there is a lot of different versions of covers in it but,
when i post the thread i will have the best versions on there and more to come!

09-02-2014, 11:19 AM
Wow! Some great stuff here. I'd have to convert them to jpg to embed them in the MP3s, but I can do so without a loss of quality, and it'll show up as the image in VLC Player for PC, and most other mobile players. Love it!

09-02-2014, 03:18 PM
Thanks again for pointing at Eye of the Beholder MegaCD music, it's fabulous! Didn't expect such mix of atmospheric/tribal and acid techno.

09-02-2014, 04:41 PM
Ok, here it is:!5U1lHAoI!6SMpWsPGvb9cRSAcCB3Tt4ArP1e0wAF-UG2qJQokptU

Its a little unsorted and there is a lot of different versions of covers in it but,
when i post the thread i will have the best versions on there and more to come!
Nice Covers :) Can you make covers to all Contra & all GB Ruiner rip?

09-02-2014, 07:26 PM
Yes, they will be in the thread i will post. At least the Contra ones will.

09-02-2014, 07:34 PM
Ok, I waiting for this :)

09-02-2014, 11:18 PM
Everyone's favorite blue robot with a heart of gold gets the the update treatment today! The original Mega Man has been updated with proper tags and track numbers. Enjoy!

09-03-2014, 11:17 AM
I didn't think it would happen, but KingTengu worked tirelessly to retag the awesome Mega Drive game Thunder Pro Wrestling Retsuden! All the wrestlers' names were found, and it's been reordered in a way that makes sense in the game. This one is totally worth grabbing, because the music is fantastic. Thanks, KingTengu!

09-03-2014, 08:50 PM
I didn't think it would happen, but KingTengu worked tirelessly to retag the awesome Mega Drive game Thunder Pro Wrestling Retsuden! All the wrestlers' names were found, and it's been reordered in a way that makes sense in the game. This one is totally worth grabbing, because the music is fantastic. Thanks, KingTengu!

You're welcome. Most of the identification of the kanji on most of the wrestler's names was VERY hard and almost time-consuming, but at last, it was worth it. :)

09-04-2014, 01:10 AM
Today's updated NES album is Mega Man 4. 2 and 3 have already been updated since we played tracks from them in podcasts. Enjoy!

09-04-2014, 10:19 PM
I've re-recorded Mega Man 5 and uploaded it for you guys! It sounds great, and it's fully retagged, too. Enjoy!

09-06-2014, 12:46 PM
Hey ruiner! I know you're not taking requests right now, but could you do Duck Hunt for the NES please? The full soundtrack only consists of 7 little jingles and it won't take up even 4MB. :)

09-06-2014, 01:55 PM
Hey ruiner! I know you're not taking requests right now, but could you do Duck Hunt for the NES please? The full soundtrack only consists of 7 little jingles and it won't take up even 4MB. :)

I had one made for myself to use as SFX for the podcast, so here it is. It's just up temporarily, so grab it quick!

09-06-2014, 02:18 PM
Nice! Thanks ruiner! :D

09-06-2014, 11:00 PM
OK, so I don't even know what I did with Mega Man 6 back in the day. It was WAAAAY out of order, there weren't any track tags, and I didn't even have the composer right! Holy cow. Embarrassing! Well, it's updated and brandy-new, so go grab the REAL version in the OP. :D

09-07-2014, 03:24 AM
Thanks for the Bomberman Tournament for the GBA. The music in that game is soooooo very nostalgic for me! :D

I hope you'll be able to take requests soon. I have a few GBA games STs I'd like to see if you could get/create that I have been having trouble finding elsewhere.

09-07-2014, 10:02 PM
Alright guys, it's time to help Ruiner out NOW!!! His space is FULL & he can't do anymore awesome requests for us until we get him kickstarted again! Time for everyone to donate just a little bit.

Ruiner can check his account today - I just sent him a measly $10 bucks toward the goal! That now puts him over half way! Let's get the donations going! Everyone chip in just a tad - that's all we need and he's be going strong again.

$130 Dollars needed to hit the next milestone on storage capacity for the gaming soundtrack ripping efforts! He's now at $75 dollars (over half) so far:

$20 - First contribution
$45 - 2nd contribution (Cyquest)
$10 - 3rd contribution (Cyquest - again?!?)
??? - remaining contributions (everyone else in any amount!)

Again, recap: Here's what we get if we can help him get the goal:

- 1 Additional year of music rips!
- 5 TIMES the online storage for downloads! 500GB instead of 100GB he's currently at now (He's FULL NOW! No more new uploads)!
- Continuation of new exciting game rips (and per anyone's request, provided he can do it!).
- Best quality & recorded high volume music (nothing crappy at all - no chance).
- Non-broken links for downloads! Continuous links that won't go away for your favorite games.
- Additional help from forums members to submit files, tag mp3s correctly, help catch mistakes for the community, etc, etc.
- Constant new additions each week (as Ruiner has time of course).

We're really almost there guys, but I can't do it by myself! All we need is just a quick little paypal donation directly to him! Simple as that! See the link on the main page - click on donate what you can, but easy small amounts are all he needs - $5, $10 - that's it guys!

Just do it. Show the appreciation. Show the love. Don't think, just do. Only $55 more. You can do it!

Donate now! I want more mp3 gaming soundtrack tracks... don't you??? My want list is growing, but I don't dare ask until this man is ready to go!

Let's do it.

---------- Post added at 04:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 PM ----------

Today's updated NES album is Mega Man 4. 2 and 3 have already been updated since we played tracks from them in podcasts. Enjoy!

Hey bud - just tried to re-download the update for Mega Man 4 and the link is bad. :( Can you fix?

Update: Just found dead link for Metal Slug Advance GBA too. :(

09-08-2014, 12:04 AM
I'll get the links sorted out in the OP when I get home later!

If I could ever afford a PR guy, Cyquest, I'd hire you in a heartbeat! We're so close, everybody. I'd love to continue putting stuff up. I've even got a list of amazing x68000 and PC-98 albums that I'd love to post when I get room! I just can't do it without your help, though.

Thank you again for the donation. I sincerely hope I can put it to good use!

09-08-2014, 11:00 AM
OK, Mega Man 4 and Metal Slug Advance are working again!

09-10-2014, 11:09 AM
Hi guys! I've remastered David Wise's fantastic Wizards & Warriors NES score! It's properly tagged now, and the timing is a bit better, too. If you guys see any chiptune soundtracks in my collection that you don't think matches the quality of the others, let me know, and I'll work on improving it!

Stay tuned later today for a new episode of PixelTunes Radio: RPG Battle Themes! I give a few of you guys some shout outs for helping me pick some songs. :)

09-10-2014, 04:12 PM
Been pretty quiet in here lately... is everyone abandoning me since I can't make new albums? :(

I can still bring you guys other awesome stuff!

Episode 17: RPG Battle Tracks

Random battles sometimes seem like a real chore in RPGs… unless the music is awesome! Mike and Ed are back with a collection of tracks that’ll keep you slicing through those random encounters. Don’t be surprised if your ears level-up before we’re done!

Head over to our Twitter ( and Facebook ( pages through the next few weeks for more RPG Battle goodies!

The Tracklist:

1. Lufia 2 – Battle Theme 3 – Yasunori Shiono (SNES)

2. Mother 3 – Natural Killer Cyborg – Shogo Sakai (GBA)

3. Valkyrie Profile – Battle With God Syndrome – Motoi Sakuraba (PS1)

4. Final Fantasy VII – Fighting – Nobuo Uematsu (PS1/PC)

5. Chrono Trigger – Battle 1 – Yasunori Matsuda (SNES)

6. Legend of Dragoon – Minor Boss Battle – Dennis Martin & Takao Miratsu (PS1)

7. Saturday Morning RPG – Battle Scene – Vince Dicola & Kenny Meriedeth (PC)

8. Mario & Luigi: Dream Team – Size up Your Enemy – Yoko Shimomura (3DS)

9. Skies of Arcadia – Battle Theme 1 – Yutaka Minobe & Tatsuyuki Maeda (Dreamcast/ Gamecube)

10. Langrisser II – The Last Battle – Noriyuki Iwadare & Isao Mizoguchi (Genesis)

Thanks for all the love and support, guys! Please rate us on iTunes and Like us on Facebook so we can keep bringing new episodes to you!

09-11-2014, 03:11 AM
It should never be this quiet around here! ...ROAR! I am here sir! :)

Thanks for fixing Wizards & Warriors NES score - re-downloading now!

09-11-2014, 01:28 PM
Yo, Ruiner! Once again, it's been a while! I just wanted to say that because I love your thread so much, I donated $10 towards your goal! I believe that just leaves $45 left, yes? Hopefully, it won't be much longer before you get that extra space! :)

09-11-2014, 01:41 PM
Yo, Ruiner! Once again, it's been a while! I just wanted to say that because I love your thread so much, I donated $10 towards your goal! I believe that just leaves $45 left, yes? Hopefully, it won't be much longer before you get that extra space! :)

AWESOME! I'll update the OP. Thank you so much! Almost there, guys... I can feel it! Just a few more donations and we could be back in action! :)

09-11-2014, 03:05 PM
Here's a nice surprise this morning: VGManiac456 has updated Game & Watch Gallery 3 and Mario's Picross for the Game Boy with song tags! Picross has that awesome funky bass, which is really worth a listen.

Enjoy, guys... and thank you, VGManiac! :rolfdata:

09-12-2014, 12:37 AM
Yo, Ruiner! Once again, it's been a while! I just wanted to say that because I love your thread so much, I donated $10 towards your goal! I believe that just leaves $45 left, yes? Hopefully, it won't be much longer before you get that extra space! :)

Awesome MarvelB! Thank you so much for donating!

See guys! This is it! Just a little tiny bit from each and everyone of you will get us there! Just do $5 or $10 bucks - what ever you can spare & paypal it to our bud, Ruiner! Aren't you wanting more soundtracks!?!?!? I'm dying to get this going.

So that makes the current counts & tally at:

$20 - First contribution
$45 - 2nd contribution (Cyquest)
$10 - 3rd contribution (Cyquest - again?!?)
$10 - 4th contribution (MarvelB)!!
??? - remaining contributions (everyone else in any amount!)

Almost there! $130 Total is needed, and we only have $45 left to get!! That's it! Help Help!!!

Again, recap: Here's what we get if we can help him get the goal:

- 1 Additional year of music rips! Oh yeah!!
- 5 TIMES the online storage for downloads! 500GB instead of 100GB he's currently at now (He's FULL NOW! No more new uploads)!
- Continuation of new exciting game rips (and per anyone's request, provided he can do it!).
- Best quality & recorded high volume music (nothing crappy at all - no chance).
- Non-broken links for downloads! No crazy ads or malware links! Continuous links that won't go away for your favorite games.
- Additional help from forums members to submit files, tag mp3s correctly, help catch mistakes for the community, etc, etc.
- Constant new additions each week (as Ruiner has time of course).

Keep showing the love! Don't stop! Only $45 left to go!! Who else wants internet kudos?!!? I know. It makes you leet. er, 1337... Something like that. :P

Let's do it. How? Go to the main page and click on the Donate link for paypal! Quick & Easy. It makes you awesome. You'll see. :)

09-12-2014, 01:53 AM
This stuff could really show the rest of the forums/site how to make progress if it expands to 500GB!

Great to see all the DDR and other new uploads in the Lossless Thread.

09-12-2014, 01:17 PM
Just listened latest episode, awesome! (Thanx for mentioning, btw). For your interest, Saturday Morning RPG was released on iOS before Steam (dunno if it was also on Android).

09-12-2014, 01:28 PM
Just listened latest episode, awesome! (Thanx for mentioning, btw). For your interest, Saturday Morning RPG was released on iOS before Steam (dunno if it was also on Android).

I had no idea! I'll have to publish a correction on the Facebook page. Thanks!

09-12-2014, 02:40 PM
I played first chapter of it and it was fun, always forgetting to buy full version. Now you've reminded me to do so, huh.

My friend Channard, that's nickname, he pronounce it like it's an english word, not the french one, so [ch] not [sh] i guess :)

As for me, yeah, i m not such a huge fan of chiptune, maybe cause my gaming started with Genesis (so i absolutely charmed by fm synthesis. for example, been listening to Cyber Block Orange EX from here recently), though ofc i have favourites and yeah many things i learned from this thread and ur podcasts.

09-12-2014, 03:52 PM
I still consider FM synth to be chiptune, mainly because, well, it's made on a chip. A lot of people consider chiptune to be only wavetable synth (NES, SMS, GB, C64, TG-16 etc) and I can understand why, but I guess it's all up for debate.

There's a REALLY good version of Cyber Block Metal Orange for the PC-88 that I'd love to upload... hopefully once I have more space!

09-12-2014, 04:08 PM
Sounds reasonable, though I thought that "chiptune" word became much more famous when musicians started performing on their gameboys

09-14-2014, 12:11 AM
I can't believe that the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles NES Stereo album sat with the wrong titles for a full year, and nobody noticed! Well, it's corrected and remastered and re-ordered, and one of my favorite NES soundtracks of all time is finally radical again! Cowabunga! Go grab it NOW!

09-14-2014, 12:57 PM
Hey, Ed, do u prefer Marvel or D.C. ? Or something else in comix?

09-16-2014, 11:14 AM
Hey, Ed, do u prefer Marvel or D.C. ? Or something else in comix?

I'm not really a big comic guy at all. If I had to pick, I'd pick Marvel, I guess. I like Spidey and the X-Men better than Superman and Batman.

Sorry I've been away for a bit... work has been REALLY crazy! I've followed up my last updated release with the logical next title... Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Arcade Game for the NES! Now correctly tagged, numbered, and I've given credit for both the arcade composers, and the composers who ported their music to the NES. Stay tuned for more, soon!

09-19-2014, 04:56 AM
Thanks so much R9 !
especially for the Tenkaichi 2 OST, best rip available !

09-19-2014, 03:13 PM
Thanks so much R9 !
especially for the Tenkaichi 2 OST, best rip available !

I'm not really into to the BDZ series at all, but I listen to that soundtrack all the time. It's so good!

09-20-2014, 12:57 AM
Okay, so the trailblazing Cyquest continues the rally & push toward the goal of getting the great guy Ruiner9 to ripping more happy soundtracks for us all! What a dude. How you say?

Well... Ruiner9 will be checking his donation box... and finding another $10 donated today! Whoo-hoo By whom - It's by Cyquest... AGAIN!

Time for someone else to step up to the plate - we're getting super close now!!

So that makes the current counts & tally at:

$20 - First contribution (Mint)
$45 - 2nd contribution (Cyquest)
$10 - 3rd contribution (Cyquest - again?!?)
$10 - 4th contribution (MarvelB)!!
$10 - 5th contribution (Cyquest - holy schnikies!)
??? - remaining contributions (everyone else in any amount!)

Almost there! $130 Total is needed, and we now only need $35 left to get!! That's it! Who's going to jump in next for Internet kudoz & l337 status?

Again, recaping: Here's what we get if we can help him get the goal:

- 1 Additional year of music rips! Oh yeah!! Who doesn't want that??!?!
- 5 TIMES the online storage for downloads! 500GB instead of 100GB he's currently at now (He's FULL NOW! No more new uploads)!
- Continuation of new exciting game rips (and per anyone's request, provided he can do it!).
- Best quality & recorded high volume music (nothing crappy at all - no chance).
- No-broken links for downloads! No crazy ads w/ potential malware / spyware links! Continuous links that won't go away for your favorite games.
- Additional help from forum members to submit files, tag mp3s correctly, help catch mistakes for the community, etc, etc.
- Constant new additions each week (as Ruiner has time of course).

Alright my happy internetz friendz - Only $35 left to get before the mid October deadline. Who's Next!?

How do you donate!? So glad you asked! Go to the main page, click on donate, logs you into paypal, click done for the amount and...

Presto! You are leeeeeet. You are Sweeeeeet. You now have homage & kudos. We shall not forget... Forever etched in history... via TEXT on this forum site. Who would ever need more?

Do it now! We need you!! :)

09-20-2014, 12:51 PM
Wow! Amazing! Cyquest, you make me feel like a celebrity! So many thanks!

Here's the deal. $15. That's all I need. I'll cover the rest. But it can't be from Cyquest, he's donated WAY more than I would expect from anybody. That's 3 people at $5 each, or 5 people at $3... If you have a dollar or two laying around, and you have requests I haven't been able to do in the past, send it my way and make it a reality!

There are a ton of new albums from awesome Japanese PCs I'd love to share, too!

09-21-2014, 01:48 AM
Time for someone else to step up to the plate - we're getting super close now!!

I'll take hold of the baton this time if you don't mind. ;)

So yeah, I donated another 10 smackers to our friend Ruiner! Wish I could add more, but this is all I can do for now. Good luck in reaching that goal, man! :D

09-21-2014, 02:47 AM
How could the donations possibly be going so slow?! (Especially before this month.)

09-21-2014, 05:15 AM
I'll take hold of the baton this time if you don't mind. ;)

So yeah, I donated another 10 smackers to our friend Ruiner! Wish I could add more, but this is all I can do for now. Good luck in reaching that goal, man! :D

There it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Marvel B Stepping up - yet again!! This is super great!! Who else can do it???

Only $25 Bucks away guys!!! That's it - and we're off to the races on awesome super rips & soundtrack posts!!

Who else is gonna get kudos?? Who????

Someone, just donate $5 bucks!!! You don't have to donate a ton.

Only $25 dollars left of the whole $130 Dollar Goal!!! Let's do it!

Who's next?!??!?! We need you!! :)

09-21-2014, 12:12 PM
Sooooooo clooooose! :D

09-21-2014, 06:53 PM
Some mysterious person has donated a WHOPPING _4_ BUCKS! He is very happy for some gamerips ruiner9 has done, and made this decision thusly.

Just don't squander it.

09-21-2014, 10:43 PM
Some mysterious person has donated a WHOPPING _4_ BUCKS! He is very happy for some gamerips ruiner9 has done, and made this decision thusly.

Just don't squander it.

There We Go!!!! Lefance has stepped up to the plate! What a guy!!

Only $21 Bucks left to go!!!

Who's getting the next l337 Internetz Kudozzz???? Who I dare ask you, Who??

Will that be you? :)

Make it so.

09-22-2014, 12:27 AM
It's good to see that your about to reach your goal soon and I wish I could help you out, but I don't have a Paypal account. If I did I would definitely give you a bunch of money to get some more of you awesome gamerips.

09-22-2014, 01:07 PM
It's good to see that your about to reach your goal soon and I wish I could help you out, but I don't have a Paypal account. If I did I would definitely give you a bunch of money to get some more of you awesome gamerips.

Same. I wish I could send money through the air...

09-22-2014, 02:00 PM
Ruiner, recent fan of Pixeltunes, just snapped up your Ys rips today because of it. How can I not pay you back? Just sent you $21. Keep it up! (May I humbly request more Pixeltunes feature song albums make it on your next batch of uploads?)

09-22-2014, 02:17 PM
Ruiner, recent fan of Pixeltunes, just snapped up your Ys rips today because of it. How can I not pay you back? Just sent you $21. Keep it up! (May I humbly request more Pixeltunes feature song albums make it on your next batch of uploads?)

WOOOOO! That's it! Guys, thanks to B_Heatnix, WE DID IT! Thank you SO MUCH for everyone who's donated! I'll start setting up the account and transferring all the links back to the non-AdFly ones. By the way, there were like 350 clicks and it only gave me a whopping 50 cents. I can't even cash out till I get to $5.00. What a waste of time! Thanks go to those who tolerated those awful ads. I'll never do THAT again.

So, here's the deal... I obviously want to show appreciation for the donators, so Cyquest, Mint, MarvelB, Lefance, and B_Heatnix get first crack at requests. It's only fair, right?

B_Heatnix, I wanna say like 90% of the music we've played on the podcast is hosted here... were there any you really enjoyed that aren't? I'd be happy to get those put up! I just wanna make a note that stuff from the Indie show, I don't want to put up, because most of those songs are from albums that are currently for sale. I'd look like a jerk if I was promoting their music and then offering it for free. :)

I'm SO PSYCHED! One more year of the thread! I'm gonna leave the donation button there, because I'll need funding for years after this one, but that's a long ways away. I'll try to come up with cool incentives for future donations. :)

*does a happy dance*

09-22-2014, 02:52 PM

09-22-2014, 03:59 PM
B_Heatnix, I wanna say like 90% of the music we've played on the podcast is hosted here... were there any you really enjoyed that aren't? I'd be happy to get those put up! I just wanna make a note that stuff from the Indie show, I don't want to put up, because most of those songs are from albums that are currently for sale. I'd look like a jerk if I was promoting their music and then offering it for free. :)

Well thanks for the offer, I think you're right regarding the stuff you've played being available, I was wondering why you didn't have Battletoads from ep #1 for instance, but of course someone will have already uploaded that here or elsewhere (and I wasn't thinking of the Indie stuff so of course that's fine).

In terms of one that I'd like to see done, I think I have just the thing.

As far as I know nobody's done the full game's tracks for this and some of the uploads I have heard seem to be of a quality which doesn't do it justice, I'm talking about Nintendo Puzzle Collection / パズル コレクション [Gamecube] [Intelligent Systems Ltd. - JP only release] . The game has a whopping three soundtracks for Panel de Pon (EN: Tetris Attack), Dr Mario and Yoshi's Cookie.

These soundtracks have been updated since the early SNES days of the original games releases. The Puzzle Collection's Dr Mario track, Fever, for instance, has a huge bass that seems lacking in the 64 version. There also seem to be extra tracks here that don't seem to have a wide release or carry-over to newer versions of these games after the Gamecube (WiiWare Dr Mario is very different for instance).

If you're interested (and I'm guessing you would be) I found several confusing lists of credits (many hands on these titles)!

Nintendo Puzzle Collection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
List of Nintendo Puzzle Collection staff - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia (
Nintendo Puzzle Collection - Kyoto Report (

The Kyoto-Report seems to have the most detailed list that consolidates the gaps in the others:

Sound Director
⌂ Masaru Tajima
Nintendo Co., Ltd.

Music Composition
⌂ Masanobu Matsunaga
Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd.
⌂ Noriko Misawa
Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd.
⌂ Yoshito Hirano
Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd.

Dr. Mario (2003)

Music Composition
⌂ Manabo Fujiki
Newcom Co., Ltd.
⌂ Seichi Tokunaga
Newcom Co., Ltd.

Yoshi's Cookie (2003)

⌂ Al Yamashita
Tose Co., Ltd.

Panel De Pon (2003)

Music Composition
⌂ Masaru Tajima
Nintendo Co., Ltd.

A small note, I actually own a Gamecube, freeloader (to bypass region lock) and a copy of this game, so perhaps I can help out/contribute directly with this request, Ruiner.

09-22-2014, 04:33 PM
Nintendo Puzzle Collection is going to be a challenge, mainly because it's one of the few Gamecube games to have sequenced songs, rather than streamed. AFAIK, there aren't any sequenced GameCube extractions in existence on the net. Does the game have a sound test in it? If so, I'd have to do it one of two ways:

1. Do a line-out through my Wii or GameCube (both modded so I can play the game without issue) and use the sound test to record from there. I'd have to buy a line-in card for my PC for this.

2. See if I can use the Dolphin emulator to get a good recording.

If there's no sound test, the challenge will be greater because of sound effects getting in the way, etc.

Because you're a donator, I'll try EXTRA HARD to get it for ya. try to keep a few other soundtracks in mind in case I can't, though!

09-22-2014, 04:47 PM
Congratulation Cyquest, Mint, MarvelB, Lefance, and B_Heatnix :)

09-22-2014, 05:21 PM
Congratulation Cyquest, Mint, MarvelB, Lefance, and B_Heatnix :)

My congratulations to those five as well!!

And thanks to the efforts of those five, I can ask for some requests again... but as ruiner said, I must wait until the five have made their requests. :)

09-22-2014, 05:31 PM
Thanks for your patience, KingTengu!

09-22-2014, 05:42 PM
Requests, eh. Well, that Blasto for PSX would be the first one. Also I would like you to recheck the possibility of Medarot GBA and Starshot (N64) gamerips. That's it from me.

Blasto (video game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

09-22-2014, 06:55 PM
Requests, eh. Well, that Blasto for PSX would be the first one. Also I would like you to recheck the possibility of Medarot GBA and Starshot (N64) gamerips. That's it from me.

Blasto (video game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

I'm afraid the answers haven't changed on those, my friend. Don't I remember you asking for a few other long soundtracks that I didn't have space for a while back? What about Medarot DS?

09-22-2014, 07:04 PM
Hey Ed Can you rip:
- Contra III: The Alien Wars (GB)
- Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (GBA)
- Daimashikyou Galious (NES)
- Nekketsu Koha Kunio-Kun (Arcade)
- Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance (GBA)

09-22-2014, 07:49 PM
Hey Ed Can you rip:
- Contra III: The Alien Wars (GB)
- Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (GBA)
- Daimashikyou Galious (NES)
- Nekketsu Koha Kunio-Kun (Arcade)
- Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance (GBA)

Donators are first, but I will add your requests to the queue for later.

09-22-2014, 07:59 PM
I'm Sorry Ed first donators you have right, i'm forget but I can wait :) and unce again guys congratulations for donations :D

09-22-2014, 08:23 PM
Please add Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness too to the list after the donors' and Patrick's requests of course. All of your Gamecube rips sound AWESOME, and I think they both deserve that too! Hope you manage to do B_Heatnix's request too, I'd also love that one!

I'm still frustrated I couldn't help you out, so in compensation from now on I'll be tagging all the soundtracks I request, and tagging some others too. I know it's not money.... But it's the best thing I can do from my position to contribute. :)

So happy you're back into business! :D

09-22-2014, 09:52 PM
Very nice that you met the donations requirement; that's definitely some good news. I'll try to get back into retagging rips whenever possible, and possibly request a few more rips once the requests are open.

09-22-2014, 11:21 PM
Pokemon Stadium 2 sooner or later (if you did not look back)

Kirin Lemon
09-23-2014, 04:00 AM
Has anyone else listened to the NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rip and found the synth rather odd? It definitely doesn't match the in-game sound.

09-23-2014, 04:41 AM
Nintendo Puzzle Collection is going to be a challenge, mainly because it's one of the few Gamecube games to have sequenced songs, rather than streamed. AFAIK, there aren't any sequenced GameCube extractions in existence on the net. Does the game have a sound test in it? If so, I'd have to do it one of two ways:
If there's no sound test, the challenge will be greater because of sound effects getting in the way, etc.
Because you're a donator, I'll try EXTRA HARD to get it for ya. try to keep a few other soundtracks in mind in case I can't, though!

Hold it! I just confirmed that there are Sound Test options for each game (I mean there better be given how large the sound staff is!), so if you emulate and cap there should be no issue.

Just to help you out here are some screencaps ( to navigate to those options.

Stereo and Mono options are the red and blue buttons in Dr Mario.
Not sure what's going on with Yoshi's Cookie's fonts, probably some incompatibility glitch with my PAL Wii.

Thanks Ruiner9!

09-23-2014, 05:44 AM
Nice, the thread is back in business! I'm glad I was able to help! :)

As for requests..... well, I don't really have anything particular in mind at the moment, since I have some rips of my own to look into. But I did notice that someone asked for two of the GBA Castlevania titles (Circle and Harmony) so how about an HQ rip of Aria of Sorrow to wrap up the trilogy?

So yeah, I guess that's it for now....

.....Oh wait, a couple more requests DID come to mind! Think it's possible to do HQ rips of Sabre Wulf ( and It's Mr. Pants ( for the GBA? I'd love to hear two of Rare's last GBA soundtracks in clear, non-fuzzy quality! ;)

09-23-2014, 07:26 AM
Medarot DS... I forgot the whole game. Please :D

09-23-2014, 02:13 PM
Nice to see you have got some shiny new Internet Storage Space!

I only have a single request, is it possible for you to get either "Spyro: Season Of Ice" or "Spyro 2: Season Of Flame" OST's for GBA? The only existing copy of these OST's are on downloads.*********, but the uploader screwed the file names up and 90% of the songs don't download, so for years they have been some of those games which have been impossible to get the full OST's for in High Quality MP3. If you can after you have finished with the Donator requests, it will be a massive help!

EDIT: Is there a reason for that word being censored?

09-23-2014, 05:06 PM
Has anyone else listened to the NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rip and found the synth rather odd? It definitely doesn't match the in-game sound.

Partially because of the stereo effect, and partially because to GET that stereo effect, the NES songs have to be emulated. A lot of older Konami and Capcom games sound a little "off" because of this. Fortunately, line-out rips (non-stereo) of this game are easily available, so you can always seek those out! :)

Hold it! I just confirmed that there are Sound Test options for each game (I mean there better be given how large the sound staff is!), so if you emulate and cap there should be no issue.

Just to help you out here are some screencaps ( to navigate to those options.

Stereo and Mono options are the red and blue buttons in Dr Mario.
Not sure what's going on with Yoshi's Cookie's fonts, probably some incompatibility glitch with my PAL Wii.

Thanks Ruiner9!

That'll be a great help! Thanks! The game image I have won't load in Dolphin for some reason, so I'm trying to find a new one.

Nice, the thread is back in business! I'm glad I was able to help! :)

As for requests..... well, I don't really have anything particular in mind at the moment, since I have some rips of my own to look into. But I did notice that someone asked for two of the GBA Castlevania titles (Circle and Harmony) so how about an HQ rip of Aria of Sorrow to wrap up the trilogy?

.....Oh wait, a couple more requests DID come to mind! Think it's possible to do HQ rips of Sabre Wulf ( and It's Mr. Pants ( for the GBA? I'd love to hear two of Rare's last GBA soundtracks in clear, non-fuzzy quality! ;)

Rare's games don't use the Sappy sound engine, so clear GBA rips aren't possible. :( I can totally do the Castlevania games, though! Keep reading...

Medarot DS... I forgot the whole game. Please :D

Cool... keep reading a little more...

Nice to see you have got some shiny new Internet Storage Space!

I only have a single request, is it possible for you to get either "Spyro: Season Of Ice" or "Spyro 2: Season Of Flame" OST's for GBA? The only existing copy of these OST's are on downloads.*********, but the uploader screwed the file names up and 90% of the songs don't download, so for years they have been some of those games which have been impossible to get the full OST's for in High Quality MP3. If you can after you have finished with the Donator requests, it will be a massive help!

EDIT: Is there a reason for that word being censored?

Spyro won't be a problem! I won't have song titles for them, so hopefully somebody can help me out once I get them uploaded. They'll sound great, though! Also... I don't know what word that was, so I don't know why it's censored! LOL



Bloody Roar 2 - Bringer of the New Age - I just really like this soundtrack. I know the console version is already up, but that's an arranged version. This one's done entirely on the YMF271 chip, and it's pretty impressive.

Japanese PCs

Final Fight X68000 - Dudes, this game ROCKS! It's a near spot-on perfect port of the arcade game. I played it all the way through, and it was awesome. The cool thing is, it uses the exact same audio chip as the arcade version (YM2151) but it sounds MUCH better. The drums are also big, meaty PCM samples now, as opposed to fuzzy noises from the arcade version. It's totally worth a listen.


Castlevania - Circle of the Moon - So this was "kind of" a donator request, since it was seconded by a donator. Besides, I'd like to upload all the GBA Castlevania games in order, so here ya go. It's the enhanced version, but without title tags... hopefully it won't be too much effort for someone to figure them out!


Medarot DS - It's very lame that I have to skip over the GBA versions... hopefully someone will come up with a way to get song data from 3DS games soon, so I can start in on the next games in this series. Lefance, I can't find the composer for this game ANYWHERE, nor even videos of the end credits that I could at least get Kanji for. Do you have any idea who did these tunes? The tracks are listed exactly as they are in the ROM I ripped them from, and they're pretty coherent, so I left them as-is.

VGManiac456 was kind enough to tag Crash Bash for the PSX, but MEGA is uploading SUPER SLOW right now. Because of this, the link to the untagged version is broken until the new one uploads.

Also, TMNT 3 for the NES has been retagged, so grab that if you have the old version.

Whew! That's it for now! I'm gonna go take a nap. :)

09-23-2014, 05:08 PM
Medarot DS, EXCELLENT!!!!!!

She is 山下 絹代 - Yamashita Kinuyo (Kinuyo is her first name, not very common name). She has done music for all Medarot games afaik. A very talented ladyeh!

Thank you so much, hope I could have donated more.

09-23-2014, 05:13 PM
It IS Yamashita? She's one of my favorite Japanese composers, but this game doesn't show up under any of her biography pages. It DOES sound like her, so you're probably right.

Once MEGA is uploading faster, I'll take the soundtrack down and reupload one with her tagged, but I'll leave it there for now... I'm sure tagging the author yourself for your own dowanlod won't be a big deal. :)

09-23-2014, 05:15 PM
Glad to finally see you doing requests again and to Celebrate here's some sweet NES Requests for you:
1. Space Hunter (Kemco)
2. Desert Commander (Kemco)
3. Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Kemco)
4. Indora no Hikari (Kemco)
5. Sanada Juu Yuushi (Kemco)