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07-30-2015, 07:37 PM
Filling in some gaps in the collection today with Mega Man - Dr Wily's Revenge and Mega Man II-IV for the Game Boy! Not all of it is top-notch stuff, but there are a few cool remixes and renditions of the NES tunes that make them special to MM fans.

Enjoy! :)

07-31-2015, 05:37 AM
Mega Man - Dr Wily's Revenge and Mega Man II-IV
Hey while your at it you might as well add Mega Man The Power Battle to you're penitential Arcade Game's OST list! Both games having a select few rearranged tunes from the at the time 7 soon to be 8 main series titles that would make any Classic Mega Man fan have a Wet Dream! While the first game utilizes FM like how Street Fighter 2 & it's countless arcade expansion packs do, on the other hand the second game uses a more synth based sound like how the Marvel vs Capcom games sounded in the arcade! Both have are fairly good renditions of the classic tunes that were given a nice upgrade from there 8 & 16 counterparts!

Just for fun I'll add in Wily & Right no RockBoard: That's Paradise that which is this very bizarre spin off that is like Mario Party but 5 years before! It was only released on the Famicom & never saw a national release probabally due to how late it was released on the ageing famicom hardware! However if you want to play there's a English translation that released & I'll provide that in the bottem for any one who's interested!

And if that was still not enough Rock Man goodness then there's RushJet1 who's done remixed version of the first three Rock Man games released on the Famicom/Nintendo Entertainment System as well as some games like 1001 Spikes! These remixes can be played on actual Famicoms [NOTE:The NES as we all know doesn't have the special VCR6 chip that came with certain games like Castlevania 3 and like it's competition were never released out of the land of the rising sun!] And it's pretty God Damn amazing! If you want to check that out you can go to Rush's offical Bandcamp and the nsf files for the Soundtracks comes with any download you make of the Soundtracks either it be Flac or MP3 that which is awesome!


Mega Man The Power Battle -

Mega Man The Power Battle 2 -

Wily & Right no RockBoard VGM -'s_Paradise_(Family_Computer).zip

Wily & Right no RockBoard Translation -!Y0ciCbhY!1SqXDEllDl-w8JwQ_sEEGYJDrCeIb_kxRcdaHALR9fA

RushJet1's Bandcamp [Paying is Optional but Not Required] -

[Disclaimer: I am indeed not requesting any of these games, however I just want you to check this stuff out and if you can tell me what you think about them when you get a chance! Until then Cheers! :)]

07-31-2015, 07:31 AM
Hey have you & Mike though about doing a joke episode of Pixel Tunes where you & Mike play some awful tracks while saying in a sarcastic manners saying that the tracks that your playing among the finest! Like for instance imagine if you played a track from Fantasia for Sega Genesis & one of you guys said "MAN SCREW DUCKTAELS! YA KNOW DAT FENTESIA IS DA BAST SOUNDTRAK ON DA GENESIS!" mind you it could be over the top with the performance while being sarcastic as well! Or you guys could do an episode where you guys a just out right playing bad music and telling people how bad it is a lot like what Game Sack does sometimes with there episodes! Though would it be funny if you decided to actual rip the Genesis version Fantasia and "IT'S an example on how not to make renditions of classical music!" just to show people that there's some crap out there, as well teach everyone a valuable lesson on how not to make music, It's just a thought! Anyways let know what you think of doing an episode about awful music to games doing it Straight, or All out Bonkers! Until then cheers! :)

07-31-2015, 08:17 PM
A few cool pieces for you guys today, focusing on some Hitoshi Sakimoto soundtracks!

Sword Maniac (SNES) - A collaborative effort between Sakimoto and Hayato Matsuo. There's really strong bass and drums in this one. Quite good stuff.

X-Kalibur 2097 (SNES) - OK, this is technically the same game as Sword Maniac but some idiots at Activision decided to replace the original soundtrack with music from Psykosonik. Is it better? Give it a listen and make your own decision!

Soukyuugurentai (Saturn) - I don't know why this soundtrack isn't mentioned very often. The game itself is a shmup with some pretty excellent graphics, and the music from Sakimoto is a unique and awesome combination of techno, industrial, and orchestral. I especially like track 7! What's even cooler is that the music is all sequenced! Much talent. Very yes.

That's it for now! Enjoy!

07-31-2015, 08:22 PM
Sequenced? Saturn's audio chip in action!

Game is cool, especially that intro has very atmospheric vibe in presentation.

07-31-2015, 08:32 PM
Yes! I've played it on my Saturn, and it's a lot of fun. The PSX version isn't nearly as good, and I think the audio is low-quality streaming audio.

07-31-2015, 08:39 PM
Can you talk a bit more about your time with Saturn, in past and present ? (i m still in saturnomania mood).

07-31-2015, 08:58 PM
Can you talk a bit more about your time with Saturn, in past and present ? (i m still in saturnomania mood).

Well, let's see.... got it just after launch day in the US, and played mostly Virtua Fighter and Clockwork Night at first. I seem to remember having Astal, too. I really liked the system. I had a 3DO at the time, and the launch Saturn games only seemed slightly better than those. I imagine that people who were coming from a 16-bit console to a Saturn were more impressed than I was. My favorite games ended up being Sega Rally Championship, Guardian Heroes, and Panzer Dragoon Zwei, but I really liked NiGHTS and Fighting Vipers too.

I didn't have too many games for it, and then once the PSX came out (also got it on launch day) I considered it the better system, mainly because Ridge Racer and Battle Arena Toshinden looked so amazing.

Nowadays, with the PseudoSaturn card, I can play a lot of the Japanese and European games I missed over the years, so checking out all the shmups and fighting games that never made it out over here is really cool. Games like the shmup I just posted and Asuka 120% Burning Fest would have really helped the system out if they were localized to English.

It's still an awesome console. Not my favorite, but there are a ton of unique things about it that made it really cool.

08-01-2015, 01:09 AM
Happy (?) Monday all! Here are a bunch of goodies!

First up, King Tengu was able to tag The excellent Mid-Garts soundtrack for the PC-88. Thanks, dude!

Here are the new releases:


Lightning FIghters - A Konami shoot 'em up with an FM soundtrack by Michiru Yamane and Kenichi Matsubara. Admit it.... you're excited now, right? LOL!

Xexex - I was shocked at how good this one is! Really technically impressive, and the list of composers includes both Hidenori Maezawa and Motoaki Furukawa who are both well-known Konami composers.


The Jetsons - Cogswell's Caper - Wow! This is fantastic. Even though it's published by Taito, Natsume developed it, so Iku Mizutani knocked the soundtrack out of the park.

Bio-Miracle Bokutte Upa (FDS) - Both the FDS and Famicom cart versions of this soundtrack were requested, but only the FDS version has been dumped. Still, it's well-written stuff and worth a listen!


Fox Junction - Thanks to Knivesman for finally tracking down the disc for this super-obscure JRPG. I'm loving this soundtrack... it's a mix of experimental, folk, electronic, and jazz. So.... Knivesman's perfect music LOL. Because of the obscurity of this one, I haven't been able to find a composer for it. If anyone has a lead, please let me know!

OK, hope this brightens up your week a little bit! :)


---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

Guys. I haven't put up this many soundtracks at once in a LONG time. Feels good, especially when I know it's REALLY good stuff that hasn't been requested yet.

There's a little something for everyone today.

It's East meets West.

Japan meets Europe.

Iku Mizutani meets Alberto Jose Gonzalez!

Yep, I've ripped a whole bunch of games from these two awesome songsmiths! Here they are:

Alberto Jose Gonzalez

Sea Battle (GB) - OK, so most of these AJG albums are pretty short, but cut the man some slack, he was also programming the music, the graphics, and drawing the sprites! Sheesh! Anyways, this one has a bit more of a dramatic feel than a lot of his other more playful soundtracks.

Ronaldo V-Soccer (GB) - There's only one track of any decent length in this one, but it's REALLY good! It seems to be Gonzalez's best interpretation of a Follin brothers track, and he pulls it off extremely well.

UEFA 2000 (GB) - Time for some dance music! Awesome arps and stereo effects are the highlights of this great collection of tunes.

The Morning Adventure (GBA) - This is a promotional game released only in Spain, so it's seriously obscure. It's one of three GBA games that Alberto wrote, and it's some fun piano-driven stuff, with some Latin and dance influence.

Droopy's Tennis Open (GBA) - Man, Bit Managers really got roped into doing some weird licensed titles, huh? There are some great mid-tempo melodies here. No particular theme, just good songwriting.

Inspector Gadget Racing (GBA) - Spy music! Sneaky basslines and horns abound in tracks 1 and 6, while track 3 has a really cool acoustic guitar intro.

Iku Mizutani

Curling DS (DS) - Yep, a game about the Olympic winter sport of curling. But hey! It's a Mizutani soundtrack, so it's amazing! It sounds like enhanced versions of his SNES music. I just wish this one were a bit longer!

Family Tennis Advance (GBA) - Mizutani was one of three composers on this one, and while I don't know which exact tracks he composed, almost all of them are awesome. This one wasn't CleanRip compatible, so I had to do it the old way. Luckily, the notes are clear enough that it still sounds really good.

Jantei Monogatari 3 - Saver Angel (PCE-CD) - The majority of this soundtrack is excellent chiptune, and there's a nice little redbook audio treat at the end, too. It's wild to think of how many consoles Mizutani has composed for, and they all sound amazing! The guy is really talented!

OK! I'd love to hear your thoughts on these! Maybe I'll do more themed days over the coming week, if you guys think it's cool! :)

Jantei Monogatari 3 also features a vocal song by Yumi Kawamura of Persona fame.

Lily Ferrari
08-01-2015, 10:55 AM
Since ruiner9 likes so much "industrial" music, I just wanted to say that my favorite industrial track is actually "Scrap Brain Zone" from Sonic 1.
What? I do think it sounds industrial! he he :)
It's kinda scary, very cold, and yet fantastic.

Actually there's something magical about how the Sonic OSTs were always so much in harmony with their levels.
I have difficulties to describe it but the music sure helped me to immerse myself in the level, despite being in 2D. lol

08-01-2015, 11:44 AM
Haha! It's actually one of my favorite Sonic tracks, too! It's not that industrial in the "traditional" sense, but I do love those thumpy drums that pop up every four measures or so. :)

08-01-2015, 02:11 PM
Ed, what are you favorite characters from Sega's Fighting games?

08-01-2015, 07:38 PM
Frankly, Sega's characterizations are awful. Guys like Jacky and Wolf, or the "extreme" stereotypes from Fighting Vipers, have absolutely no personality compared to the Street Fighter or Tekken fighters. Thus, I can't say I really have a favorite.

08-01-2015, 07:54 PM
Let's switch to fighting games in general, than. What fighters are u fav characters, ruiner9? 2D, 3D - everyone counts.

Lily Ferrari
08-01-2015, 09:03 PM
Allow me to answer before Ruiner! :)

Charisma = Terry Bogard in Real Bout Fatal Fury 2

Gameplay = Ken in Street Fighter 2

Sexiness = Morrigan in Darstalkers.

Cuteness = Marie Rose in Dead or Alive 5. (Never played it though) ngbox9-d762hg3.png
I was totally looking like her when I was ... huh.. 12. lol
*sob sob*

08-02-2015, 04:21 AM
I'm all about Ken Masters!

And Jin Kazama and Eddy Goro from Tekken!

And Iori from King of Fighters!

For Street Fighter III it's Alex and Q.

I love Maxi and Kilik in Soul Calibur.

And Axl and Sol Badguy in Guilty Gear.

Um, those are about all the series I play regularly. :)

08-02-2015, 06:22 AM
Hi, I'm just wondering why the NES soundtracks sound so strange (at least on my computer). The instruments sound nothing like I've heard from other rips and the game itself. Wondering if it's just a problem on my end, hope you can help.

08-02-2015, 11:47 AM
The NES tracks are in stereo, which the NES doesn't do on it's own. Because of this, the music needs to be emulated. Both the emulation and the stereo effect can and will cause some songs to sound differently than as heard on a real NES.

08-02-2015, 05:31 PM
Oh okay, I understand. Do you have any NES soundtracks without this stereo effect? I'm personally not a fan of it, but I do like the soundtracks for your other systems, this is a really impressive compilation you have.

08-02-2015, 05:40 PM
My favorite fighters are

Lightning from Dissidia 012

Kaori from Shaq-fu

Ghost Rider from Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Teen Gohan and Supreme Kai from the DBZ Budokai series

Samus, Mewtwo, and Pit from the Super Smash Bros. series

Lily Ferrari
08-02-2015, 06:49 PM
Hey, "TheHenCompany" :)

I wonder if you know about "theIronGoat" OST list?
He does line-out rips, so I warn you, his uploads are HUGE, in .flac format and all...
But I guess you can't get better than this, if you want the original NES sound =>

Thread 174131

Personally, I can't tell, I didn't have the NES back then, but his Megadrive rips are great.

08-02-2015, 07:53 PM
Oh okay, I understand. Do you have any NES soundtracks without this stereo effect? I'm personally not a fan of it, but I do like the soundtracks for your other systems, this is a really impressive compilation you have.

Nope, this thread started with NES Stereo soundtracks, and so all of them are like that.

08-02-2015, 08:47 PM
Hey, "TheHenCompany" :)

I wonder if you know about "theIronGoat" OST list?
He does line-out rips, so I warn you, his uploads are HUGE, in .flac format and all...
But I guess you can't get better than this, if you want the original NES sound =>

Thread 174131

Personally, I can't tell, I didn't have the NES back then, but his Megadrive rips are great.

No I didn't know about this, thank you very much! Not as complete as this thread but the quality on these rips is fantastic!

Nope, this thread started with NES Stereo soundtracks, and so all of them are like that.

Oh okay, thank you

08-02-2015, 09:48 PM
I have some picks too ^_^

Capriccio from Fighting Layer

A.B.A. from Guilty Gear

Ryuji Yamazaki from Fatal Fury, King of Fighters etc.

May Lee from KoF

Whip from KoF

Kula Diamond from KoF

Jyazu from Kizuna Encounter

Hibiki Takane from Last Blade 2

Hyo Amano from Last Blade

Zantetsu from Last Blade

Cyrax from Mortal Kombat 3

Kabal from Mortal Kombat 3

Quan Chi from Mortal Kombat 4

Keith Wayne from Power Instinct: Matrimelee

Poochy from Power Instinct: Matrimelee

Kuroko from Power Instinct Legends and Samurai Shodown series

Annie Murakami from Rage of the Dragons

Sheryl from Rumble Fish

Sogetsu Kazama from Samurai Shodown IV

Jubei Yagyu from Samurai Shodown IV

Ocha-Maro from Samurai Shodown VI

Voldo from Soul Calibur series

Juri Han from SSF4

Alisa Boskonovitch from Tekken 6

Morrigan & Lilith from Darkstalkers

Pai from Virtua Fighter series, Dead or Alive 5 etc.

Goh Hinogami from Virtua Fighter 4 Evo

Jamm from Golden Axe: The Duel

Brad Wong from Dead or Alive 5

Leon from Dead or Alive 2/5

Mila from Dead or Alive 5

Though i love fighting games ^^ i'm a casual kinda. So i just enjoying their cast and music heh.

08-03-2015, 12:33 AM
I'm a bit late for this, but thanks for the Jetsons and Upa soundtracks, Ruiner! As for the alternate version of Upa goes.... well, don't sweat it. I'll see if I can locate it myself later.

Anyways, I notice you uploaded a few Alberto Gonzalez soundtracks during my absence. Incidentally, I just recently uploaded a work of his that I don't believe has been added to this thread yet: Smurfs for the NES!

The Smurfs (NES) (

^It's some really awesome stuff! Anyways, another neat NES soundtrack I'd like to mention is Rare's Digger T. Rock, which I checked out after hearing it would be included in that upcoming XBONE collection of Rare games. I'm always up for more David Wise goodness:

Digger T. Rock: Legend of the Lost City (NES) (

And lastly I must make a shout-out to Widget, an obscure game based on an obscure 90's cartoon which also has a surprisingly good soundtrack:

Widget (NES) (

^Any chance you wanna mirror any of these if you haven't gotten around to ripping these yourself yet? They're not in stereo, but they sound good enough, I think. That, and I just wanna spread the love! :)

Giga Man
08-03-2015, 08:55 AM
Thank you a ton for these soundtracks. Seriously, thank you.

I hate to turn this praise into an issue, but it appears you're missing a song in Wario Land 4. You have two alternative versions of Palm Tree Paradise, but I see no sign of the normal Palm Tree Paradise theme. If you could possibly answer this one little request I have, I would be forever grateful.

EDIT: Oh dear. I'm listening to more of them, and Toy Block Tower sounds incredibly warped. Oh my.

08-03-2015, 11:27 AM
Thank you a ton for these soundtracks. Seriously, thank you.

I hate to turn this praise into an issue, but it appears you're missing a song in Wario Land 4. You have two alternative versions of Palm Tree Paradise, but I see no sign of the normal Palm Tree Paradise theme. If you could possibly answer this one little request I have, I would be forever grateful.

EDIT: Oh dear. I'm listening to more of them, and Toy Block Tower sounds incredibly warped. Oh my.

I've been made aware of these issues with that particular soundtrack. Because of the slightly buggy software used to get the highest quality audio, these flaws are uncorrectable. Sorry!

Giga Man
08-03-2015, 08:54 PM
It's fine. Thank you for the response. :)

08-05-2015, 11:03 AM
Thank you for these.

08-08-2015, 07:45 PM
Hey ruiner! Will requests be open again soon? I'm just curious. Thank you for all of these soundtracks!

08-08-2015, 07:52 PM
Probably Monday. I have a lot to do this weekend after being away all week.

08-08-2015, 11:43 PM
Oh, you've returned!

08-10-2015, 11:05 AM
There's an edit to the text in the OP, and it reads:

Limit your requests to 3 at a time, and please understand that not all requests are possible. Some requests may take longer than others. Also, some requests I may simply choose not to do if it requires an inordinate amount of work and/ or the soundtrack is available elsewhere.

Get it? Got it? Good! Requests are now open again! ;)

08-10-2015, 12:42 PM
Ooo! First in line. :D

How about a few classics not yet on your list (and without any good rips elsewhere)?:
Lufia & the Fortress of Doom (SNES)
E-SWAT (Genesis)
Battle Arena Toshinden (PS1)

Thanks again for sacrificing time and effort for the sake of random folks on the internet.

08-10-2015, 01:13 PM
Can you check out Daisenryaku VII Exceed: Modern Military Tactics(PS2) and World Advanced Daisenryaku: Koutetsu no Senpuu aka Iron Storm(Sega Saturn)? There's an ost ( for Iron Storm, but I don't think it's ever been found nor uploaded. I've searched all over Google to no success.

08-10-2015, 03:48 PM
Nice to see you back. I've got quite a number of requests now, but these three are my most wanted:

Timesplitters (PS2)
Timesplitters 2 (Either PS2, Gamecube or Xbox, not sure which one has the highest quality audio)
Timesplitters: Future Perfect (Same as above)

Both my favourite FPS series and some of my favourite soundtracks ever. Well, TSFP's was hit and miss, but mostly because Graeme Norgate only did about 40% of the music in that one.

A little bit of info when ripping, the second and third games both have a number of songs from their predecessors. Almost all of them are the same and should be cut for space, but the Chinese music in Timesplitters 2 is actually shorter and a teeny bit different from the first game, so I hope that one is left in for completion sake. IF these games are rippable that is, you know my track record for finding unrippable or awkward games :P

08-10-2015, 04:25 PM
Some more requests from me:

1. X-Men (Genesis)
2. X-Men 2: Clone Wars (Genesis)
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (GBA)

Thanks in advance.

08-10-2015, 05:43 PM
Heyo Ed :)
My request:
- Super Punch-Out (SNES)
- Earthworm Jim [GBA]
- Earthworm Jim 2 [GBA]

08-10-2015, 06:32 PM
A little bit of info when ripping, the second and third games both have a number of songs from their predecessors. Almost all of them are the same and should be cut for space, but the Chinese music in Timesplitters 2 is actually shorter and a teeny bit different from the first game, so I hope that one is left in for completion sake. IF these games are rippable that is, you know my track record for finding unrippable or awkward games :P

If the songs are the same, I will still leave them in because other downloaders may be expecting them if they're only familiar with that particular title.

08-10-2015, 07:45 PM
If the songs are the same, I will still leave them in because other downloaders may be expecting them if they're only familiar with that particular title.
Ahh, ok, I wasn't sure how you went around with having the same song in different OST's.

08-10-2015, 09:14 PM
Welcome back, ruiner!! Hope you feel refreshed from your weekly absence. :)

Since you are now having a "three request" rule, here are my three requests:

- A.S.P.: Air Strike Patrol (SNES; composed by Jun Enoki, developed by Opus, and published by Seta)
- Fighting Simulator: 2-in-1 Flying Warriors (Game Boy; the sole non-color GB game in the Hiryu no Ken series)
- The Flash (Game Boy; the sound chip in this game almost sounds like the OPN chip from the NEC PC88 games. Don't believe me? Take a listen)

Those are my first requests under the new "3 requests" rule. Have a good day, ruiner!! :D

08-10-2015, 10:10 PM
Hey ruiner! I've got 3 anime game related requests!

Inuyasha (GBA)

Rosario + Vampire (PS2)

Majin Tantei Nogami Neuro (DS)

I haven't seen these anywhere else! Thank you very much for your hard work!

08-10-2015, 11:06 PM
Man! Only took a few hours for 20+ requests to come rolling in.

Anyways, here's some of them:


Harvest Moon: Back to Nature - The HM games always have very calming soundtracks. This is great stuff to play when you're hanging around the house with nothing to do.

Battle Arena Toshinden - A solid collection of synth pieces, bridging the gap between the old cheesy Sega CD music we were used to, and the more polished and professional sounding audio we hear nowadays.


Daisenryaku VII - Exceed - Some dance music with a militaristic flair in parts. Some of the loops in the game's files are REALLY weird... sometimes it sounds like it loops too soon, where the end of the previous loop gets cut off. I did the best I could with it! It only happens on a few tracks so the majority are fine.


Iron Storm - Super militaristic stuff. Had some trouble ripping the audio for this one. It's low quality and mono, so I enhanced it as much as I could.


ESWAT: City Under Siege - Dance music with a nice groove to it.


Lufia and the Fortress of Doom - Good ol' SNES RPG music. It's robust and heroic.

Welp, that's all the music I had time for today. Enjoy!

08-10-2015, 11:51 PM
Me too, me too wanna delicious cookies with strawberry jams! And soundtrack rips, too.

Hammerin' Hero (PSP) - nice 2,5D game where you're a guy with hammer (or fish...or something) that helps other people fall in love and rescues citizens from greedy corporations - all by just hitting them with a hammer. Made by Irem, btw. Music is light and positive with some comedy flavour.

Beta Bloc (PSP) - strange arkanoid where you have monsters on screen, also boss battles. Music is electronica, i recognized a sample that was later used in Way of Samurai 4 (?) and Killer is Dead, funny. I think it was also released on PS2 under Simple 2000 series.

Sin & Punishment (N64) - this awesome crosshair shooter/rail shooter/shmup has some really cool tunes!

08-11-2015, 12:28 AM
Wow, how did you get the music from Iron Storm? :0 I tried to figure it out, but I was stumped!

Thank you very much.

Edit: Just found out that one of the files in Iron Storm(11_JAPAN)is messed up. The tempo and pitch is really high. Here's the ost version (

08-11-2015, 01:22 AM
Requesting NES Dropzone (or you already know).

08-11-2015, 02:14 AM
Some games in the same vein as the Croc series.

-TY the Tasmanian Tiger (Gamecube)
-TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue (Gamecube)
-Tak and the Power of JuJu (PS2)

08-11-2015, 05:24 AM
Thank you very much for the soundtrack of Harvest moon and all your effort doing this!
i'll leave a little request, just do it when you have time!
Could you get the soundtrack of Harvest Moon Magical Melody?
Huge kudos for you sir!

Magma Dragoon
08-11-2015, 02:40 PM

* Super Street Fighter II Turbo (3DO or FM Towns, if I'm not mistaken these versions have their own arranged soundtrack)
* Konami Krazy Racers (GBA)
* Valis III (TurboGrafx CD)

08-11-2015, 10:04 PM
I hope you guys like Graeme Norgate, because I just uploaded about 12 hours' worth of his music! Timesplitters, Timesplitters 2, and Timesplitters - Future Perfect are all new today! And yes, before anyone says anything, the 3rd game's music quality is lower than the first two. It's because there was more content on the DVD, so they had to lower the audio quality to make all 5 hours of it fit. The other two games are in glorious 44.1khz, so they sound great.


08-11-2015, 10:17 PM
Thanks so much! I'll try to download them now, but my Internet's being really slow.

08-11-2015, 10:31 PM
Wow, how did you get the music from Iron Storm? :0 I tried to figure it out, but I was stumped!

Thank you very much.

Edit: Just found out that one of the files in Iron Storm(11_JAPAN)is messed up. The tempo and pitch is really high. Here's the ost version (

Track 11 is fixed! Just redownload the album. To answer your question, the music files could be imported into Audacity in RAW data format, but then you'd need to tweak the frequency rate and do some loops and fades. I must've forgotten to tweak Japan's frequency, which is why it played at the wrong speed.

Glad you're enjoying it!

08-11-2015, 11:06 PM
Well, TS1 is pretty much perfect. Loud, high quality and without any large gaps of silence at the start of each track. I'll get this one tagged immediately, TS2/FP may have to wait until tomorrow.

08-12-2015, 11:20 AM
This one's been requested a whole bunch of times by you guys, so here it is! One of my favorite episodes yet!

Episode 42: Mega Man 2 vs. Mega Man 3
Download on our page! -- Episode 42: Mega Man 2 vs. Mega Man 3 | PixelTunes Radio VGM Podcast (

MP3 Downloads of previous shows can be found at The PixelTunes Radio Homepage ( or on iTunes! (

Two of the best NES soundtracks ever recorded are on show in this episode: Takashi Tateishi’s amazing music from Mega Man 2, and the outstanding Mega Man 3 soundtrack, composed by the husband and wife duo Yasuaki and Harumi Fujita. Both soundtracks feature elements of rock, dance, pop, and Latin music, and every tune is a worthwhile listen. Enjoy!

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Mega Man 2 (1988, NES)
Composed by Takashi Tateishi (Air Man Stage co-composed by Manami Matsumae)

Mega Man 3 (1990, NES)
Composed by Harumi Fujita and Yasuaki Fujita

1 – Metal Man Stage (Mega Man 2)

2 – Top Man Stage (Mega Man 3)

3 – Bubble Man Stage (Mega Man 2)

4 – Snake Man Stage (Mega Man 3)

5 – Quick Man Stage (Mega Man 2)

6 – Hard Man Stage (Mega Man 3)

7 – Wood Man Stage (Mega Man 2)

8 – Magnet Man Stage (Mega Man 3)

9 – Flash Man Stage (Mega Man 2)

10 – Shadow Man Stage (Mega Man 3)

11 – Air Man Stage (Mega Man 2)

12 – Needle Man Stage (Mega Man 3)

Which track is your favorite? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @pixeltunesradio!

Don’t forget, we always have a ton of great podcast-related content on our Twitter ( Facebook (! Be sure to like us to get in on the goodies and the conversation!

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08-12-2015, 03:12 PM
Oh noes! Some of the songs on the TS2 ost are messed up, more specifically they sort of stutter at the start and then play two out of sync versions of the same song. The songs in question are track 46, 47, 71 and 78.

There's also some really weird alternate versions of some of the songs in here too, including a really pitched and sped up version of the Siberia Boss theme. Weird!

08-12-2015, 03:35 PM
Oh noes! Some of the songs on the TS2 ost are messed up, more specifically they sort of stutter at the start and then play two out of sync versions of the same song. The songs in question are track 46, 47, 71 and 78.

There's also some really weird alternate versions of some of the songs in here too, including a really pitched and sped up version of the Siberia Boss theme. Weird!

Ugh, yeah... just looked at the source files and both the left and right tracks independently jump around and skip seconds, causing them to get thrown wildly off sync. I can't even throw away the right channel and just duplicate the left or vice versa because they're both affected. If you can, just give them the correct title tags and when I have a moment, I'll see if I can locate the tracks from the other consoles and swap them in if they're not broken.

08-12-2015, 04:39 PM
Just sent you the tagged list now, as well as full composer info.

08-12-2015, 11:45 PM
Salutations, gray-market music aficionados!

I'm pleased to announce that MOV_Games has tagged and ordered Timesplitters, and I've uploaded a preliminary tagged set of the 2nd game from him too. There are some tracks that are a bit wonky, and I'll try to fix those soon.


08-13-2015, 03:45 AM
This just came to mind. May I request a rip of K-1 World Grand Prix(PS2)? Sadly, I never played it, but I do know the game has a rocking soundtrack ( I don't think an ost was ever released, nor the soundtrack was ever ripped.

08-13-2015, 11:20 AM
Greetings, fellow adventurers! Here's some new stuff:


X-Men - Ah, the YM2612 in the hands of Western composers. So hit-or-miss. This soundtrack is one of the better ones but can still be really shrill at times.

X-Men 2: Clone Wars - We talked about this a bit in our Marvel Episode, and how the composer, Kurt Harland, is a founding member of the band Information Society. The soundtrack blends industrial, cinematic, and experimentla noise in a really unique way. I loved this game as a kid and it brings back memories.


A.S.P. Air Strike Patrol - Seta always has interesting music. This music reminds me a little of their other SNES title Nosferatu, but way more action oriented.

Super Punch-Out!! - Another childhood favorite! Tons of international flavor and rock music comprise this soundrack.

Game Boy

The Flash - Some unique and heroic tunes, didn't really expect the music to sound like this for a Marvel hero game.

Fighting Simulator - 2in1 Flying Warriors - The Flying Warriors series was so polished. This soundtrack reminds me a little of Mega Man in places, and a little of Double Dragon in others. It's worth a listen!

OK, that's all for now! I have a few GBA games which I can't do CleanRips of, but I can use the other method, so I'll try to get those done later on today.

08-13-2015, 02:46 PM
Here's those GBA games:

Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Jim 2 - Pretty much direct ports of the SNES soundtracks with a few differences, but not for the better, in my opinion.

The Lord of the Rings - Return of the King - Doing orchestral as best as can be done on the GBA!

Maybe more later!

08-13-2015, 08:40 PM
Hey ruiner! I've got 3 anime game related requests!

Inuyasha (GBA)

Rosario + Vampire (PS2)

Majin Tantei Nogami Neuro (DS)

I haven't seen these anywhere else! Thank you very much for your hard work!

08-13-2015, 08:45 PM
Thank you very much for fulfilling my new requests, ruiner.

Oh, BTW, The Flash is DC, not Marvel. You must have confused him with Quicksilver, lol.

08-13-2015, 08:59 PM
The Flash is DC, not Marvel. You must have confused him with Quicksilver, lol.

Eh, whatever. I'm not a comic fan. :)

I'm not an anime fan either, so I know very little about these newest uploads, including who their composers are. Also, the all have ridiculously long names. Outstandingly long. Sooooo long. *ahem*

Inuyasha Naraku no Wana Mayoi no Mori no Shoutaijou (GBA) - Really nice sound samples in this one. There's a very Japanese flavor to the music.

Rosario to Vampire Capu 2 - Koi to Yume no Rhapsodia (PS2) - There's a little of everything here. Some dance, some pseudo-chamber music, and some rock. It sounds like there are a few duplicate tracks, but they're a bit different if you listen closely.

Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro - Neuro to Yako no Bishoku (DS) - How do these titles even fit on the box? Anyways, this was may favorite of the bunch. It's got a ton of weird experimental music, and glitchy Asian tracks. Knivesman, you may enjoy this one!

Sin & Punishment (N64) - Otherwise known as Tsumi to Batsu - Hoshi no Keishousha in Japan. I gave it the American title since it got a US and European release on the Wii VC. I own the N64 cart, actually. Love the game! Hate the music. It's just a big wall of sound to me... it's waaaay too busy sounding. But that's just my opinion!

*whew* That was a bunch today. Hope you like 'em!

08-14-2015, 02:52 AM
I thought you didn't see it the first time so that's why I reposted it. I really appreciate you filling out my crazy requests. If you're not busy sometime, could you do Epic Mickey on Wii? The official ost has the majority of the area musics mashed up in to one track. i.e. all of Dark Beauty Castle's themes (Good, Dark, Battle) are all mashed into one track on the ost. I wanted them separate because one track reminds me of an ah ha moment I had while playing through it. If you've played through the game I can post it with a spoiler warning.

08-15-2015, 01:38 AM
Cyquest in.

Quote of the year: "Ruiner9 rocks."

Cyquest out.

08-15-2015, 04:09 AM
Hey Ruiner, how's it going? Keeping the awesome alive, I see. ;)

Anyway, I'd like to humbly make three requests of you: The first would be Toxic Crusaders for the NES. The second would be Skullmonkeys for Playstation. The third and last is something you'll seldom see from me: An Xbox request, the game in question being Voodoo Vince. Once again, you have my gratitude in advance for looking into these!

Henry Spencer
08-15-2015, 01:41 PM
Going to request three I've never seen on here:

Tecmo's Deception (PSX) AKA Devil's Deception in Europe.
Kagero: Deception 2 (PSX) AKA Kagero Kokumeikan Shinsho
Deception 3: Dark Delusion (PSX) AKA Soumatou

Thanks in advance.

08-15-2015, 06:56 PM
KingTengu spent a long time to bring us 5 updated soundtracks! These are all tagged and ordered by him:

Game Boy

Raging Fighter
Fighting Simulator - 2in1 Flying Warriors
The Flash


Bandit Kings of Ancient China

Thanks, dude! :)

Here are some new PSP releases:

Beta Bloc - A surprisingly good soundtrack for a Simple2500 game. This one is energetic techno with some great grooves.

Hammerin' Hero - I'm kind of reminded of a Wii-era Nintendo game with these tracks. Island themes and orchestral music are all over the place.


08-15-2015, 07:14 PM
Thanks, Ed!

Speaking about Sin & Punishment, well, i just requested it because i liked this track:
Haven't heard others yet. Glad that you like the game, heard good words about it only.

08-15-2015, 07:57 PM
KingTengu spent a long time to bring us 5 updated soundtracks! These are all tagged and ordered by him:

Game Boy

Raging Fighter
Fighting Simulator - 2in1 Flying Warriors
The Flash


Bandit Kings of Ancient China

Thanks, dude! :)

No problem! Always willing to help out as usual!! :D

08-15-2015, 10:53 PM
Hey ruiner, can you do Dr. Mario for the Game Boy?

Also, maybe Donkey Kong and Duck Hunt for the NES. I know they are very short, but I like the sound effects.

08-16-2015, 03:21 AM
As thanks for helping you out with identifying soundtracks, I want to request three easier OSTs:

- Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (NES) (the music is very simplistic... for a basically unfinished game based off the worst Star Trek movie of all time (and I've watched it 20 times already, so that should tell you something lol. XD )
- Superman (NES) (not the Kemco one, but the one by Sunsoft that would later become the sadly-unreleased Sunman (which I just recently retagged/reordered). There are only two tracks: the Stage BGM, which is John William's famous and awesome movie theme, and the Boss BGM)
- Super Stadium (Super NES) (another game by Seta.)

Have yourself a good weekend, ruiner! :)

08-16-2015, 02:47 PM
I'm finally checking through TSFP, it's helpful that this one was already tagged in the files. Some of the names are weird though, TS2 Ice Station is called Timesplitters 2 Fecked Up!

None of the songs are screwed up, thankfully. I'll retag and reorder this one very soon, hopefully later today.

08-16-2015, 07:42 PM

I'm a great fan of the Wonder Boy series, so I really want the complete soundtrack of these games. So, let me start with my first three requests.Since the first Wonderboy game is far from being my favorite, I'll be asking for rips of Wonder Boy in Monster Land's ports. These are:

PC Engine: Bikkuriman World
Amiga: Super Wonder Boy
Commodore 64: Wonderboy In Monsterland

Despite their titles, they are essentially the same game (wonder boy is confusing)

This playlist should help you with the tags

08-16-2015, 08:02 PM

I'm a great fan of the Wonder Boy series, so I really want the complete soundtrack of these games. So, let me start with my first three requests.Since the first Wonderboy game is far from being my favorite, I'll be asking for rips of Wonder Boy in Monster Land's ports. These are:

PC Engine: Bikkuriman World
Amiga: Super Wonder Boy
Commodore 64: Wonderboy In Monsterland

Despite their titles, they are essentially the same game (wonder boy is confusing)

This playlist should help you with the tags

I'll add the PC Engine one, but all Amiga and C64 requests should be posted at my sister thread, run by nx666 (Thread 188804).

08-16-2015, 08:49 PM
I would like to request three more games:

Driver (PSX) - If I'm correct the PC version had different music, which is the version I keep finding on the net. A high quality rip of the PSX version is something I've wanted for a while.

Driver 2 (PSX)

Daxter (PSP)

Thanks in advance!

08-16-2015, 09:07 PM
The sequenced music from both Driver games have been something I've wanted for a while too. The can't be ripped, though. I'll see what I can do about Daxter.

08-16-2015, 09:18 PM
I'll add the PC Engine one, but all Amiga and C64 requests should be posted at my sister thread, run by nx666 (Thread 188804).

I'll add these two to my list.

08-16-2015, 10:15 PM
The sequenced music from both Driver games have been something I've wanted for a while too. The can't be ripped, though. I'll see what I can do about Daxter.
Man... in that case is either Doom or Doom 2 on GBA rippable?

08-17-2015, 02:11 AM
Nope, those have been requested before.

08-17-2015, 04:53 AM
Hi! Would it be possible for you to rip the music from Super Tempo for the Sega Saturn? I've been looking for the soundtrack for ages but I've neverhad any luck finding it and I would be very grateful! Thank you for your time!

AJ the Shinigami
08-17-2015, 08:36 AM
Hey, can you do Super Mario 64 DS if there are any notable differences between that soundtrack and the N64 one?

08-17-2015, 10:18 AM
Hi! Would it be possible for you to rip the music from Super Tempo for the Sega Saturn? I've been looking for the soundtrack for ages but I've neverhad any luck finding it and I would be very grateful! Thank you for your time!

Aha, another request where I can save Ruiner the trouble! ;) Here ya go:

Super Tempo (Saturn) (

08-17-2015, 11:14 AM
Here's a bunch of platformers to start your week off with a jump:

Tak and the Power of Juju (GC) - We're looking at a very tribal/ island vibe here. Avalanche studios groups all of their members togehter in the credits, so there's no way for me to find a composer, unfortunately. The filenames on the disc are abbreviated, so I left them that way in the hopes that someone familiar with the game could tag them more easily.

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (PS2) - A pretty varied soundtrack featuring rock, techno, and some stuff in between. It's pretty good!

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 - Bush Rescue (PS2) - There's a LOT of music here, and it seems less fun than the first game's. I've left the music named as it was on the disc because it may be easier to tag it that way.

Drop Zone (NES) - This game has one song, and a sped-up version of the same song. *shrug*

That's what I have for now. See ya later!

08-17-2015, 10:39 PM

I'm a great fan of the Wonder Boy series, so I really want the complete soundtrack of these games. So, let me start with my first three requests.Since the first Wonderboy game is far from being my favorite, I'll be asking for rips of Wonder Boy in Monster Land's ports. These are:

Amiga: Super Wonder Boy
Commodore 64: Wonderboy In Monsterland

Just posted these two over in my thread (Thread 188804).

08-17-2015, 11:29 PM
Could I request the soundtrack to Racing Aces for the Sega CD? It's... funky, and reminds me of Pilotwings 64. Too bad the game doesn't :p

08-17-2015, 11:44 PM
I'll add the PC Engine one, but all Amiga and C64 requests should be posted at my sister thread, run by nx666 (Thread 188804).

Just posted these two over in my thread (Thread 188804).

Wow, great!

In that case, I'll split my requests in two

ruiner9, if it's not a problem, I'll add here 2 requests, so it makes 3:
Still in Wonder Boy territory, I'll ask for:

Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair - Arcade
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair - PC Engine

If it is aproblem, well I can wait =)

08-18-2015, 01:45 AM
Howdy! Here's some eclectic stuff.

Konami Krazy Racers (GBA) - A huge and impressive collection of tunes inspired by the Konami games featured in the title. Excellent stuff.

Valis III (PCE-CD) - 80's synth rock! It's like I'm watching Kung Fury all over again!

Super Street Fighter II Turbo (3DO) - Honestly, it's the definitive version of the soundtrack. The arrangements are out of this world. I'm so glad the game used CD quality streaming music; anything less would have been tragic.

Blaster Master - Blasting Again (PSX) - A solid entry to the trilogy that flew under a lot of people's radars. The music sounds like an enhanced SNES soundtrack, featuring dance music with guitar samples. An unknown gem!

Here's what I'm unable to rip:

Harvest Moon - Magical Melody (GC, Wii)
K-1 World Grand Prix (PS2)
Epic Mickey (Wii)

Happy listening!

08-18-2015, 02:36 AM
Damn, that's a shame about K-1 World Grand Prix. I can probably do a recorded rip with an ISO.

08-18-2015, 05:31 AM
Oh Ruiner, as long as you're doing that Racing Aces rip, could I request two more Sega CD releases? I'm looking for both The Adventures of Batman & Robin and Batman Returns, both of which have some pretty good music. Thanks if you can!

Magma Dragoon
08-18-2015, 02:58 PM
Some Master System requests:

* Kenseiden
* Master of Darkness
* Power Strike/Aleste

08-18-2015, 05:20 PM
Just thought of a possible request to take up one of my two remaining spaces, could you possibly rip the PSX version of Street Racer? The CD versions of the game had completely different compositions than Matt Furnis' Genesis or Allister Brimble's SNES tunes.

Thanks in advance!

08-18-2015, 06:31 PM
Hi,Ruiner! I have 3 requests for you:

Inuyasha A Feudal Fairytale (PSX)

Inuyasha Secret of the Divine Jewel (DS)

Shaq-fu (Genesis)

The Inuyasha games have been localized and those are their English titles.

08-19-2015, 02:34 AM
Don't have a lot of time, so here's a list of new stuff:


Tecmo's Deception
Kagero - Deception 2
Deception 3


Toxic Crusaders


Voodoo Vince

Skullmonkeys has the most impressive soundtrack of the bunch (in my opinion.)


08-19-2015, 11:34 AM
A few quickies this morning:

Dr. Mario (GB) - A slightly remixed take on the NES soundtrack.

Star Trek V - The Final Frontier (NES) - An unreleased NES game based on the movie.

Superman (Sunsoft) (NES) - The prototype game before it became Sunman. It contains the boss music and the Superman theme.

Peace out!

08-19-2015, 07:39 PM
Are my requests full yet? If not:
Cosmic Fantasy: Bouken Shonen Yu
Cosmic Fantasy 2: Bouken Shonen Van
Cosmic Fantasy 3: Bouken Shonen Rei

08-19-2015, 08:27 PM
Are my requests full yet? If not:
Cosmic Fantasy: Bouken Shonen Yu
Cosmic Fantasy 2: Bouken Shonen Van
Cosmic Fantasy 3: Bouken Shonen Rei

What systems are these games for?

---------- Post added at 03:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 PM ----------

MagmaDragoon tagged Valis III (PCE-CD) and I did a little re-ordering. Thanks, man!

08-19-2015, 09:10 PM
What systems are these games for?

PC Engine CD.

08-20-2015, 04:47 AM
Hey ruiner9, I know it might be a little late to be mentioning this but, no offense, the tags for Ecco the Dolphin for the Sega CD are incorrect.
Here are the correct ones.

Ecco The Dolphin
01 - Title Screen
02 - The Marble Sea
03 - Medusa Bay
04 - Volcanic Reef
05 - Undercaves
06 - The Vents
07 - Pteranodon Pond
08 - Open Ocean
09 - The Tube
10 - Welcome to the Machine
11 - Home Bay (After the Storm)
12 - Home Bay
13 - Unused Track
14 - Jurassic Beach
15 - Ridge Water

These tags are from the Caverns of Hope website by the way. Caverns of Hope (

08-20-2015, 06:01 AM
Thanks once again for taking care of my requests, Ruiner! And yeah, I agree, Skullmonkeys has an amazing soundtrack.... as does the Neverhood (its prequel). I especially love how simultaneously silly and creepy that "Bonus Room" song is!

Anyway, I have a new trio of requests to make, all from a particular series:

-Super Monkey Ball (GC)
-Super Monkey Ball 2 (GC)
-Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll (Wii)

Thanks in advance for your help, as always! :)

08-20-2015, 11:06 AM
Hey ruiner9, I know it might be a little late to be mentioning this but, no offense, the tags for Ecco the Dolphin for the Sega CD are incorrect.
Here are the correct ones.

Ecco The Dolphin
01 - Title Screen
02 - The Marble Sea
03 - Medusa Bay
04 - Volcanic Reef
05 - Undercaves
06 - The Vents
07 - Pteranodon Pond
08 - Open Ocean
09 - The Tube
10 - Welcome to the Machine
11 - Home Bay (After the Storm)
12 - Home Bay
13 - Unused Track
14 - Jurassic Beach
15 - Ridge Water

These tags are from the Caverns of Hope website by the way. Caverns of Hope (

Hmm, the tracklist that CDDB imported seems to be from the "ecco - Songs of Time" commercial release. 697-124-126-2 | ecco SONGS OF TIME - VGMdb ( Weird. I'll fix it up now.

08-20-2015, 08:32 PM
Alright! I've fixed up Ecco the Dolphin (Sega CD) so the tracks are correctly named. Thanks to uut for the heads-up! Also, KingTengu tagged and ordered Star Trek V - The Final Frontier (NES). Excellent!

Here's the new stuff for today:

Super Stadium (SNES) - The general sound of this reminds me a lot of Extra Innings, also for the SNES.

Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (Arcade) - A simple and cartoony FM soundtrack.

Super Mario 64 DS (DS) - This was different enough from the N64 version, so I did it... there's a few extra tracks and the music is slightly different quality.

Daxter (PSP) - A rich and well-produced soundtrack blending organics and electronics. I really like this one.

Street Racer (PSX) - A rockin' OST that includes mostly live instruments, and the genres of music vary pretty wildly.

Bikkuriman World (TG16) - Another Wonder Boy title with simple and cartoony music.

Here's some games I can't rip:

Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair - PC Engine
Super Tempo - Saturn

Enjoy! :D

08-20-2015, 09:37 PM
The quality for Super Mario 64 different in a better or worse way?

08-20-2015, 09:44 PM
Here's some games I can't rip:

Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair - PC Engine

I'm pretty sure you can rip a CD audio soundtrack :) This game is usually filed under "Monster Lair", let me know if you still can't find it.

08-20-2015, 10:30 PM
Thanks for doing Tak and bother of the Ty games, ruiner! Hopefully I can manage to tag them, and if so then I'll send you a PM.

-Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll (Wii)

I might be able to spare ruiner the trouble for this one.

The tracks are dynamic (as I explain in the thread), so it would be one of those games which takes him forever to manually edit each track and tag them. If my upload isn't satisfactory, then just report back here. No biggie either way.

08-20-2015, 10:37 PM
The quality for Super Mario 64 different in a better or worse way?
Just... Different. The tones are slightly different. It's going to be a subjective opinion, so try it out and see if you like it!

I'm pretty sure you can rip a CD audio soundtrack :) This game is usually filed under "Monster Lair", let me know if you still can't find it.

Oh, it's a CD! You didn't specify so I was looking for a HuCard file. I can definitely do CD. :)

---------- Post added at 05:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:36 PM ----------

Thanks for doing Tak and bother of the Ty games, ruiner! Hopefully I can manage to tag them, and if so then I'll send you a PM.

I might be able to spare ruiner the trouble for this one.

The tracks are dynamic (as I explain in the thread), so it would be one of those games which takes him forever to manually edit each track and tag them. If my upload isn't satisfactory, then just report back here. No biggie either way.

Dynamic tracks? Ugh. Yeah, I'd pass on this myself since there's already one available. Thanks for the heads up on this!

08-20-2015, 11:39 PM
I might be able to spare ruiner the trouble for this one.

The tracks are dynamic (as I explain in the thread), so it would be one of those games which takes him forever to manually edit each track and tag them. If my upload isn't satisfactory, then just report back here. No biggie either way.

Oh hey, thanks a lot! Yeah, I'll gladly download your rip. :) In that case, can I replace my Step & Roll request with Banana Blitz for the Wii instead, if that game doesn't have the same dynamic track issue?

08-21-2015, 03:07 AM
Thanks again ruiner. You probably didn't notice the edit of my last request, but can you do Donkey Kong and Duck Hunt for the NES. I know they are very short, but I like the sounds.

08-21-2015, 03:18 AM
Oh hey, thanks a lot! Yeah, I'll gladly download your rip. :) In that case, can I replace my Step & Roll request with Banana Blitz for the Wii instead, if that game doesn't have the same dynamic track issue?

Looking at the audio files, it doesn't seem to be. Then again, this was handled by a different sound team and the game seems to differ from Step & Roll in stage presentation, so the music would be full length tracks.

08-21-2015, 11:47 AM
Thanks so much for doing Daxter and Street Racer! Daxter has no problems whatsoever, and is also louder than I was expecting as the music is a little hard to hear in game.

Street Racer has one issue, the Rumble track is just incredibly loud static, it gave me a mini heart attack!

EDIT: Ah, actually you have looped Daxter's music when it shouldn't loop. The same thing happened with Medievil Resurrection, does the PSP ripping software always do that or something?

08-21-2015, 08:34 PM
EDIT: Ah, actually you have looped Daxter's music when it shouldn't loop. The same thing happened with Medievil Resurrection, does the PSP ripping software always do that or something?

That's how the files are on the disc!

OK gang!, first up, Street Racer has been fixed. Now, on to the new stuff:


Monster Lair - This one's arranged by Jun Chikuma, so of course it's fun to listen to.


Kenseiden - Some simple Japanese-flavored tunes.

Master of Darkness - There's some groovy tracks in this one. I like it.

Power Strike - It's a bonus! There's the PSG and FM versions of the soundtrack in this album. I think the FM is WAAAAYYYY better. What do you think?

Sega CD

Adventures of Batman & Robin - Some mellow tunes to fight crime by.

Batman Returns - Spencer Nilsen's awesome soundtrack made this game worthwhile.

Racing Aces - Sounds a bit like SNES stuff? Very MIDI.


Shaq Fu - Hippity hop through your Genesis FM chip. Funky!


Inuyasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale - Traditional Japanese music.


Inuyasha - Secret of the Divine Jewel - Some more traditional Japanese music.

Alrighty, that's a big haul. Enjoy!

08-21-2015, 08:59 PM
That's how the files are on the disc!

Ah, ok. I just thought it was weird that the songs looped twice, then started again only to fade out seconds later. Thanks for fixing Street Racer, too!

08-22-2015, 01:45 PM
What systems are these games for?

---------- Post added at 03:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 PM ----------

MagmaDragoon tagged Valis III (PCE-CD) and I did a little re-ordering. Thanks, man!

As he said, PC Engine. They have vocal songs too.
CF1: Opening theme "Hikari no Umi no Naka e" by Tomomi Nishimura
CF2: OP "Rakuen Densetsu" / ED "True Love -Tooi Kioku-" by Yoko Yamada
CF3: OP "Cosmic Fantasy" by Minami Takayama (JP voice of Yu in game)

08-22-2015, 05:22 PM
No Genesis Dune? Rip pls. :)

08-22-2015, 07:53 PM
Cosmic Fantasy 1, 2, and 3 (PCECD) are new in the OP. There's a very god chance that 2 and 3 are incomplete, but it's all I can do.

Super Monkey Ball and the sequel both have split music files, so I won't be doing those. EDIT: Banana Blitz has unmixed tracks, too. So no Monkey Ball games. Sorry!


Magma Dragoon
08-22-2015, 10:19 PM
Hm, Kenseiden supports the FM sound unit so it should have FM versions of the tracks.

08-22-2015, 10:25 PM
Hm, Kenseiden supports the FM sound unit so it should have FM versions of the tracks.

It may support it, but nobody's created VGMs for it yet.

08-23-2015, 12:09 AM
Hello, ruiner! How is the start of the weekend coming along? I have three new requests for you, all for the Sega Genesis:

- Earnest Evans (I'm surprised that no one has requested another Motoi Sakuraba composed game. Well, I am rectifying that now, lol.)
- The Incredible Hulk (Has some great tunes. Might request the Super NES version in a future post for sound comparisons.)
- Traysia (An obscure RPG by Telenet Japan.)

Well, enjoy the rest of your weekend, ruiner!! :D

08-23-2015, 03:02 AM
Super Monkey Ball and the sequel both have split music files, so I won't be doing those. EDIT: Banana Blitz has unmixed tracks, too. So no Monkey Ball games. Sorry!

Well, that's unfortunate. :( In that case, perhaps I'll see if I can do something about those rips myself when I get the chance. Thanks for looking into it, though!

08-23-2015, 03:28 AM
Well, that's unfortunate. :( In that case, perhaps I'll see if I can do something about those rips myself when I get the chance. Thanks for looking into it, though!

Well, in the very least I can provide Banana Blitz for you.

Thread 193067

Also, if I remember correctly, Taj Man has some SMB rips in his thread.

08-23-2015, 04:12 PM
Here's the new stuff to round out your weekend:


Time Lord - A nice Dave Wise soundtrack featuring period pieces from the different times/ locations in the game.

Double Dribble - One of my first-owned NES games. Not much music, but it's solid stuff.

Duck Hunt - Haha, one of the shortest soundtracks I've ever ripped.

Also, Donkey Kong (NES) was requested, but it's been in the OP for over a year now, so go grab it if you want it.


Dune - Some atmospheric, very 80's sounding pieces.


08-23-2015, 04:25 PM
Time Lord

Man, I had this game as a kid. Title screen music was the hypest shit.

08-23-2015, 04:32 PM
Dune - Some atmospheric, very 80's sounding pieces.

Thanks! :D

08-23-2015, 06:34 PM
Actually, scratch Traysia from my request. I want to replace it with the Genesis/Mega Drive version of Star Cruiser instead.

08-24-2015, 08:10 PM
Time for some FM music!


Earnest Evans - A nice little collection from Motoi Sakuraba

The Incredible Hulk - A VERY competent arrangement of Steve Rocket's SNES soundtrack by the master of Western FM, Matt Furniss. Many grooves. Such wow.

Star Cruiser - Very reminiscent of a lot of the Japanese PC soundtracks, mostly because this game also came out on the PC-98, 88, and X68000.

That's all for now!

08-25-2015, 05:42 AM
Actually, scratch Traysia from my request. I want to replace it with the Genesis/Mega Drive version of Star Cruiser instead.

Actually, put Traysia back on the list if you can. Wouldn't mind having that myself sir. :)


Also, Ruiner - check the link for the PSX Street Racer game. Link to file invalid. :(

08-25-2015, 09:44 AM
Actually, put Traysia back on the list if you can. Wouldn't mind having that myself sir. :)


HA HA HA HA!!! That made me feel happy! Go ahead and have that Traysia request. Cyquest!!! :D

08-25-2015, 11:16 AM
Oops! The Street Racer link has been fixed, and Traysia (Genesis) has been uploaded. Happy listening!

Lily Ferrari
08-25-2015, 02:57 PM
Requesting "Star Cruiser" on X68000!! :)

And on a side note, I'm looking for these two hidden gems :
Star Cruiser PC-8801 Remastered Soundtracks
Star Cruiser PC-8801 Remastered Soundtracks - VGMdb (

Star Cruiser Megadrive Remastered Soundtracks
Star Cruiser Megadrive Remastered Soundtracks - VGMdb (

Anybody knows where to get these OSTs? :)

08-25-2015, 06:58 PM
Requesting "Star Cruiser" on X68000!! :)

You can get the Star Cruiser X68000 Original Soundtrack here...

Thread 187002

08-25-2015, 07:03 PM
You can get the Star Cruiser X68000 Original Soundtrack here...

Thread 187002

Ah, good. I won't have time to do a manual recording!

08-25-2015, 07:24 PM
Hi ruiner! Thank you for my requests! Can you do Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories for GBA? The composer should be Yoko Shimomura and I could post a tag list if you need it. When I was in high school, Kingdom Hearts was my obsession!

08-25-2015, 08:24 PM
OK, the techno soundtrack of Iridion II for the GBA is now up alongside Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories. KH will definitely need some tags. :)

See ya!

08-26-2015, 12:41 AM
I've got tags for the KH COM soundtrack! Can I pm them to you and you can add them to the file?

08-26-2015, 03:34 AM
Requests are back up? Works for me

Jet force gemini N64
Crash tag team racing PS2
Battle arena toshinden GB

08-26-2015, 11:19 AM
It's Wednesday! Time for a new podcast!

Episode 43: Epic Endings with Cam Werme
Download on our page! -- Episode 43: Epic Endings with Cam Werme | PixelTunes Radio VGM Podcast (

MP3 Downloads of previous shows can be found at The PixelTunes Radio Homepage ( or on iTunes! (

There’s something amazing about the music that plays at the end of games. Is it the sense of accomplishment? The flourish and emotion? Or is it something else? Mike and Ed are joined by Cameron, a friend and Facebook group contributor, to answer those very questions. This episode features music from Chrono Trigger, Mother 3, and much more!

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

1 – Blaster Master: Blasting Again (PSX) “Rush Boy (Theme of Roddy)” – Satoshi Asano

2 – Journey To Silius (NES) “Ending Theme” – Naoki Kodaka

3 – Super Castlevania IV (SNES) “Ending Theme” – Masanori Adachi, Taro Kudou

4 – Puggsy (Genesis) “Ending Theme” – Matt Furniss

5 – Chrono Trigger (SNES) “To Far Away Times” – Yasunori Matsuda, Nobuo Uematsu

6 – Thunder Cross 2 (Arcade) “A Shooting Star” – Mikio Saito

7 – Secret of Evermore (SNES) “Staff Roll” – Jeremy Soule

8 – Legend of Zelda – A Link To The Past (SNES) “Ending Theme/Credits” – Koji Kondo

9 – Mother 3 (GBA) “16 Melodies” – Shogo Sakai

10 – Crystalis (NES) “Ending Credits” – Yoko Osaka

11 – Shadow of the Ninja (NES) “Ending Theme” – Iku Mizutani, Kouichi Yamanishi

12 – Air Zonk (TG-16) “Credits” – Daisuke Morishima, Hisashi Matsushita

---------- Post added at 06:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 AM ----------

Rixen has also tagged Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories (GBA) for us! Thank you, madame!

S.P.D. Gold Ranger
08-26-2015, 05:40 PM
Requests are back up? Works for me

Jet force gemini N64
Crash tag team racing PS2
Battle arena toshinden GB

Crash Tag Team Racing is already up. Just figured I'd let you know (I think I'm the one who requested it, I can't remember).

Henry Spencer
08-26-2015, 07:15 PM
Bit of a weird request, I know, but still, the music is aces:

Blade (PSX)


08-27-2015, 01:53 AM
Ruiner9, I'm going to give you a very strange request.

There happens to be a game called Steins;Gate 8 bit (text adventure/visual novel.) The reason I love this game so much is because it also runs on a TI-84+.
Loads of fun and frustration.

08-27-2015, 04:37 AM
Rixen has also tagged Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories (GBA) for us! Thank you, madame!

Ruiner - link is currently broken for this. Can you repair when you have a moment sir? Gracias.

Thanks again for Traysia!!! You Rulzzzzssszz.

08-27-2015, 11:28 AM
Ruiner9, I'm going to give you a very strange request.

There happens to be a game called Steins;Gate 8 bit (text adventure/visual novel.) The reason I love this game so much is because it also runs on a TI-84+.
Loads of fun and frustration.

Sorry, I don't do PC games. Wouldn't know how to rip the music from something like this anyways.

Ruiner - link is currently broken for this. Can you repair when you have a moment sir? Gracias.

Thanks again for Traysia!!! You Rulzzzzssszz.


New Stuff!!

Jet Force Gemini (N64) - As discussed on our "N64 Nvasion" episode, here's the epic soundtrack from Robin Beanland and Graeme Norgate.

Battle Arena Toshinden (GB) - Well-produced chiptunes featuring music based on the PSX soundtrack.

Blade (PSX) - Lots of drum 'n bass, jungle, and some breakbeat. A treat for 90's electronic music fans!

Magma Dragoon
08-27-2015, 03:00 PM
PSX Requests:

Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
Sim City 2000

08-27-2015, 05:27 PM
Thank you very much for rips. As such, I'll continue my requests, still looking for all wonder boy-related soundtracks.
This time, I'm asking for

Genesis: - Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair

PC Engine - Dragon's Curse
(You can use the Master System soundtrack as reference for tags)

Master System - Wonder Boy in Monster World
(for reference, here's the Genesis soundtrack)

08-27-2015, 05:41 PM
Hello, ruiner. I'm just going to request one soundtrack right now, and it is the Super NES version of "The Incredible Hulk". The reason why is just to hear how the tracks sound for the SNES's sound driver in comparison to the Genesis version that I requested a few days ago.

Thanks, ruiner! :D

08-28-2015, 12:07 AM
I have a few requests, if you don't mind.

Burning Road(PS1), Ren & Stimpy: Stimpy's Invention(Genesis), and Mercs(Arcade).

Thanks in advance.

08-28-2015, 11:32 AM
I've got some early PS1 games for you this morning!

Blood Omen - Legacy of Kain - Cinematic/ orchestral music. The audio is only mono 22khz on the disc, so don't expect great sound quality.

Philosoma - A unique hybrid 2D/ 3D shmup which released near the Playstation's launch. The music is a little on the electro side, with more of a 16 bit sound.

Sim City 2000 - Fun tropical beats, and some easy listening.

That's all for now!

08-28-2015, 01:07 PM
Could I add The King of Dragons (SNES) to the queue? The Arcade edition is silky smooth but SNES got the beats. 8)

Magma Dragoon
08-28-2015, 02:57 PM
Wow that was fast!

08-28-2015, 08:08 PM
Hey ruiner! I was listening to your DKC GBC rip, and noticed I hadn't downloaded your Land rips, and I rushed to do so. However, much like what happened with DKC GBC, and most likely because of that old method of ripping you used back then, some tracks are missing. So, may I request a re-rip of Donkey Kong Land, Donkey Kong Land 2 and Donkey Kong Land III, all for the Game Boy, please? (Oh, also noticed you limited the requests to 3, good timing! xD)

Thanks in advance!

08-29-2015, 05:32 PM
Requests from me, if you can do them and have time. Some Genesis shootemups from the past of mine:

Air Buster (Genesis)
Toki: Going Ape Spit (Genesis)
Twin Cobra: Desert Attack Helicopter (Genesis)

Appreciate if you can do them - Thanks!

08-29-2015, 10:03 PM
Hey ruiner! I was listening to your DKC GBC rip, and noticed I hadn't downloaded your Land rips, and I rushed to do so. However, much like what happened with DKC GBC, and most likely because of that old method of ripping you used back then, some tracks are missing. So, may I request a re-rip of Donkey Kong Land, Donkey Kong Land 2 and Donkey Kong Land III, all for the Game Boy, please? (Oh, also noticed you limited the requests to 3, good timing! xD)

Thanks in advance!

Tracks are missing? I can fix audio pops and quality, but if tracks are missing and they're not in the .gbs files, there's nothing I can do about that. :(

08-29-2015, 10:36 PM
Tracks are missing? I can fix audio pops and quality, but if tracks are missing and they're not in the .gbs files, there's nothing I can do about that. :(

Yes I understand that would be impossible xD
However, I'm completely sure that the new DKC GBC rip you did had more songs than the old one (and better sound quality along with no annoying pop sound at the start of every track*, if I might add). And that also happened when you re-did Pokemon Gold, which originally missed Route 29 for whatever reason, a song 100% in the game that suddenly popped with a couple more in the new rip. Dunno, but it does work somehow lol

*That reminds me, all your Game & Watch Gallery rips have the pop sound. Gotta request a re-rip of those too later if you don't mind d:

Oh btw, want a Dr. Mario GB cover?

08-30-2015, 01:46 AM
I've a bunch of new music for ya! Here we go!


Ren & Stimpy - Stimpy's Invention - Ah yes, one of those soundtracks that people immediately think of when somebody says
"FM music sucks!" Sorry, but this one sounds pretty bad.

Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair - I'm sure ya'll know the deal with these soundtracks by now.


Dragon's Curse - Hey look! Another Wonder Boy 3 soundtrack!


The Incredible Hulk - Steve Rocket's origial jazzy tunes, which were later arranged by Matt Furniss for the Genesis. Both sound pretty good! I chose the ending track from this game to be featured on our Marvel episode of PixelTunes Radio


Burning Road - Good ol' fashioned rock. Yes, there are pops at the beginnings of the tracks, but I've analyzed it and they're over the music so I can't remove them.

Sega Master System

Wonder Boy in Monster World - How many of these games ARE there?

OK, that's it! Enjoy!

08-30-2015, 03:24 PM
Can you do Harvest Moon 64 and Game Center CX 2?

08-30-2015, 03:39 PM
Can you do Harvest Moon 64 and Game Center CX 2?

HM64 has been requested in the past and I can't do that one. I'll add the other to the queue.

08-30-2015, 07:05 PM
What about Mega Bomberman for the Genesis/Mega Drive?

08-30-2015, 08:13 PM
Mostly some improvements this time around:

Blood Omen - Legacy of Kain and Sim City 2000 (both PSX) have been tagged by Magma Dragoon!

Donkey Kong Land 1, 2, and 3 (GB) have been remastered!

And the one new one is Mercs (Arcade), an early game with a soundtrack from Manami Matsumae.

See ya!

08-31-2015, 01:20 AM
Hi guys.

I think my OP got too big. I saved some changes and got a database error, and now half of my collection is gone. Since the site isn't crawled by the Wayback Machine, I'm not sure if I can just replace what's gone, or if I have to rebuild everything that's missing. I'll see what I can do. :(

08-31-2015, 01:46 AM
Oh dang. That's very bad. =/

08-31-2015, 02:08 AM
Oh dear, that is most unfortunate.... hopefully someone knows a way to recover all that missing stuff without going through the trouble of rebuilding everything from scratch. I'm sorry to hear about that, Ruiner! :(

What about Mega Bomberman for the Genesis/Mega Drive?

Well, this is the only way I can think of helping out in the current situation:

Mega Bomberman (GEN/MD) (

08-31-2015, 02:09 AM
OK, as a quick fix, I've simply added links to all of my MEGA folders. It's nice because now you can sort by date to see the latest updates, or search by title to find a game you're looking for. I think I may just keep it this way!

Here's the new stuff I was adding when it all went crazy:


Came Center CX 2 - A HUGE soundtrack (300 songs!) with different styles from the mini games inside the title. I did the best I could with tagging, but it could use some cleanup.


Air Buster - Uses a really simple sound driver, but the songs are amazing for the rudimentary FM. Worth a listen!

Twin Cobra - Desert Attack Helicopter - Another simple FM soundtrack. Maybe not as good as the above title.

Toki - Going Ape Spit - A fun, lighthearted soundtrack.


King of Dragons - It's Yoko Shimomura, so there's some similarities to Street Fighter II in places. I definitely hear it in track 9!

Well, hopefully you won't find the new method of downloading too cumbersome. Enjoy the new tunes!

EDIT: - Oh, haha! Yeah, I guess I made it sound like the FILES were gone! No, just the links from the 1st post in the thread! Even if MEGA were to die, I still have the whole collection duplicated on my home PC as a backup. No worries about losing the music! :)

08-31-2015, 03:20 AM
Yeah, I like that we can just go to the folder and then sort by date. That's awesome! Sorting rocks for many reasons. Thanks for the uploads! Appreciate it greatly!!! woohoo!

08-31-2015, 03:58 AM
Ah, looks like my worries were needless, then. Yeah, this new update method is pretty nice! :)

And with that being said, I suppose a few new requests are in order! Think you can grab the first Persona for the PS1, as well as both "halves" of its sequel, Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment, respectively? As always, thanks in advance for looking into it!

09-01-2015, 07:47 AM
Woah, thanks for GameCenter CX 2, that's awesome! And nice job on the new Mega folders, they look great!

Could I throw a few requests at you too? I'm looking for three Sega Saturn games. Thanks ruiner!

-Shinobi X
-Shinobi Legions
-Daedalus/Robotica: Cybernation Revolt

09-01-2015, 11:15 AM
Mostly some improvements this time around:

Blood Omen - Legacy of Kain and Sim City 2000 (both PSX) have been tagged by Magma Dragoon!

Donkey Kong Land 1, 2, and 3 (GB) have been remastered!

And the one new one is Mercs (Arcade), an early game with a soundtrack from Manami Matsumae.

See ya!

Oh I could have sworn some song were missing, my bad! d: Anyways, the quality is a lot better, thank you. :)
btw I like the OP more than before, much cleaner and easy to navigate.

Edit: Oh yeah, and both Last Boss and Skyscraper from Donkey Kong Land are unused.

09-01-2015, 02:54 PM
I had to leave some soundtracks uploading while I went to work because they're HUUUUGE. Persona,persona 2 - Innocent Sin, and Persona 2 - Eternal Punishment (PSX) are all new, and between 4 and 6 hours apiece. I also did Mega Bomberman (GEN) even though it was already shared, because it's a great soundtrack and I wanted it in my collection.


09-01-2015, 07:28 PM
Huh, I'd initially thought you'd already done this one, but apparently not.

Ruiner, do you think you could do Sonic 3D Blast for the Genesis?

And I agree on Mega Bomberman, I love that soundtrack.

09-01-2015, 08:19 PM
I could tag 3D Blast if need be. I'll also do any other Kingdom Hearts soundtracks if they're requested!

09-02-2015, 12:44 AM
Cheers for the Persona soundtracks, Ruiner! And yeah, Mega Bomberman is indeed awesome.... in fact, I'd also recommend checking out Bomberman '94 for the PCE, as well (Mega Bomberman is actually a port of that game!).

Anyway, I have a new set of requests, if that's not too much trouble: Think you can get clean rip versions of Super Robot Taisen Original Generation 1 & 2 and Zoids Legacy, all for the GBA? I'd also be cool with the original fuzzy rips if the clean versions aren't possible. Thanks again, as always!

09-02-2015, 11:30 AM
Hiya! Here's what's new today:


Shinobi Legions and Shinobi X - Essentially the same game, but for some reason Sega's European division called in Richard Jacques to perform a whole new Yuzo Koshiro-inspired soundtrack for X, while the US and Japan got the more tradition Legions music. I've kept them as separate downloads because they're entirely different music. Jacques' music is the far better of the two, IMO.


The Adventures of Rad Gravity - So this was a request from Cameron, our guest on the last podcast. I'm sorry, but the title music must be the worst thing I've ever heard.

Thunder & Lightning - Known as Family Block overseas, it's got a nice percussion section and some good tunes.


Sonic 3D Blast - A very nice soundtrack. Perhaps a little darker sounding than the regular Sonic games, but still very cool. Also included are some bonus songs from protoype versions of the game that didn't make it into the final version. :)

Shadowrun - Alternates between moody and atmospheric, and 80's New Wave. I still really need to play this game. I love the SNES version.

Alrighty, enjoy!

09-02-2015, 02:28 PM
Yep, one of Jacques' best

09-03-2015, 12:06 AM
Heya Ruiner, I kinda just noticed you had all the PS1 Crash Bandicoot game soundtracks, but Spyro seems to be absent. I've actually been having bad luck finding a good rip of Year of the Dragon. But for completion sake of the collection, would you mind doing all three PS1 Spyro games sometime?

09-03-2015, 11:17 AM
Heya Ruiner, I kinda just noticed you had all the PS1 Crash Bandicoot game soundtracks, but Spyro seems to be absent. I've actually been having bad luck finding a good rip of Year of the Dragon. But for completion sake of the collection, would you mind doing all three PS1 Spyro games sometime?

I was thinking the same thing for a while now, every rip of Spyro 1-3 I've found has either been quiet or low quality.

However, before ripping, there's some stuff you should know (turns to nerd mode):

Spyro 1 is in high quality Stereo in both the PAL and NTSC regions, but Spyro 2 & 3 PAL is Mono due to having to fit five different languages onto the disk. For Spyro 2, a NTSC rip is the way to go.

Spyro 1 has different music between the two western versions of the game. The High Caves level has a completely unique composition in the PAL version, whereas the NTSC version just uses an altered version of Tree Tops music. There is also the hidden "alternative" songs that play when you have spent enough time on a level that the music ends and loops about 3/4 times. There are 4/5 hidden songs on the NTSC version, but about 9 on the PAL version. So basically, you would have to rip both versions of Spyro 1 for a complete collection.

Spyro 3s release versions of the game have the same music in both regions, but the US Greatest Hits version has a load of New tracks for levels that previously used songs from other levels.

In short:
Spyro 1: rip both NTSC & PAL versions
Spyro 2: rip any NTSC
Spyro 3: Rip Greatest Hits NTSC

Probably not the neatest comment, but typing on a phone is torture to me :p

09-03-2015, 11:34 AM
I was thinking the same thing for a while now, every rip of Spyro 1-3 I've found has either been quiet or low quality.

However, before ripping, there's some stuff you should know (turns to nerd mode):

Spyro 1 is in high quality Stereo in both the PAL and NTSC regions, but Spyro 2 & 3 PAL is Mono due to having to fit five different languages onto the disk. For Spyro 2, a NTSC rip is the way to go.

Spyro 1 has different music between the two western versions of the game. The High Caves level has a completely unique composition in the PAL version, whereas the NTSC version just uses an altered version of Tree Tops music. There is also the hidden "alternative" songs that play when you have spent enough time on a level that the music ends and loops about 3/4 times. There are 4/5 hidden songs on the NTSC version, but about 9 on the PAL version. So basically, you would have to rip both versions of Spyro 1 for a complete collection.

Spyro 3s release versions of the game have the same music in both regions, but the US Greatest Hits version has a load of New tracks for levels that previously used songs from other levels.

In short:
Spyro 1: rip both NTSC & PAL versions
Spyro 2: rip any NTSC
Spyro 3: Rip Greatest Hits NTSC

Probably not the neatest comment, but typing on a phone is torture to me :p

I only have access to Spyro 1 NTSC, and there aren't any ISOs out there that delineate the difference between the greatest hits and original version of 3, so I'll upload whatever I can find. If I find the PAL version of the original I'm basically going to upload the full sets of each and let you guys sort it out because I've never played the games and won't know what to look for.

The new stuff today is as follows:

Gargoyle's Quest (GB) - A lovely little collection of tunes from Harumi Fujita and Yoko Shimomura.

Super Robot Taisen Original Generation 1 and 2 (GBA) - Two huge soundtracks with lots of anime-style action music.

Zoids Legacy (GBA) - Kind of similar to the Super Robot Taisen music. Very energetic.

See ya!

Also, I can't rip Robotica (Saturn).

09-03-2015, 11:49 AM
I guess I could have a look for a good Spyro 1 PAL ISO and a 3 Greatest Hits ISO myself too, i'll let you know if I find them. Really hope one of us does, a complete Spyro 1 OST is hard to come by.

09-03-2015, 02:00 PM
Thank you for your efforts, ruiner9 and nx666. Now what makes you enjoy video game music? To me, they are like mood settlers for my ASD. Without them, it's hard for me to manage my meltdowns. The music makes my life more fun. Most songs with lyrics aren't my type due to requiring more attention to the song than reality. Some video game music is even easy for babies and other young audiences to enjoy. In fact, I made my baby niece clap to some.

09-03-2015, 11:06 PM
Where did the individual soundtracks go?

09-04-2015, 12:03 AM
Thank you for your efforts, ruiner9 and nx666. Now what makes you enjoy video game music? To me, they are like mood settlers for my ASD. Without them, it's hard for me to manage my meltdowns. The music makes my life more fun. Most songs with lyrics aren't my type due to requiring more attention to the song than reality. Some video game music is even easy for babies and other young audiences to enjoy. In fact, I made my baby niece clap to some.

For me, it's just a great hobby to learn about and be entertained by. I didn't do much of anything as a hobby until I started making a few soundtracks for people here and there, and it just kind of blew up. Then I started the podcast, and now it seem like my VGM is so intensive, that I don't need to worry about real life anymore! :)

Where did the individual soundtracks go?

If you read up a few posts, it's all explained. Basically, the post got too big and the forum glitched, and I lost most of the text that included all the links. It's way too much work to rebuild everything from scratch, and people seem to be happy with the ability to sort folders by date and name, so that's the way it'll stay. It's easier for me too, since I don't have to update both the thread and the OP every time I put something new up!

09-04-2015, 12:16 AM
Spyro 3s release versions of the game have the same music in both regions, but the US Greatest Hits version has a load of New tracks for levels that previously used songs from other levels.

I remember that being a bit weird for me. I rented the black label version a few times back in the day, and when I finally bought it as the Greatest Hits version, I ended up finding out that some of the music was changed or swapped around. Really odd change for them to do that, unless it was a mistake they couldn't fix before the original release.

I really do recommend the original games if you enjoy three dimensional platformers Ruiner, they're still among my personal favorite games and I feel they still hold up today which is impressive as that generation of games tends to get hit hard by the aging stick.

09-04-2015, 12:41 AM
Thank you for your efforts, ruiner9 and nx666. Now what makes you enjoy video game music? To me, they are like mood settlers for my ASD. Without them, it's hard for me to manage my meltdowns. The music makes my life more fun. Most songs with lyrics aren't my type due to requiring more attention to the song than reality. Some video game music is even easy for babies and other young audiences to enjoy. In fact, I made my baby niece clap to some.

I don't know, I've listened to instrumental music as long as can remember: classical, electronic stuff, movie soundtracks. Game music isn't all that different in that regard. When I first got into "computer music" in the 80s, I very often had no idea that what I was listening to was actually music from a game. To me it was just good music, and that hasn't really changed since then.

09-04-2015, 02:52 AM
... Now what makes you enjoy video game music? ...

I have always enjoyed a good tune but I think my love of VGM stems mostly from my love of gaming in general and the thrill of escape. Many of my favorite OSTs are also my favorite games. Whether or not the tunes cemented those in my heart is up for debate but I do find myself wanting to play some games just for the audial experience. My library is full of titles purchased almost entirely on the merits of their music. Otherwise, I don't know how I would've plowed through such garbage as Stellar-Fire or the muddled mess that is Wild Arms 2.

09-04-2015, 07:35 AM
Could I request the FM Towns versions of Galaxy Force II? Apparently it's got some great arranged versions of the original soundtrack, and it might be a nice addition to the sparse FM Towns section. Thanks again!

09-04-2015, 07:52 AM
My gratitude for the GBA rips!

Zoids Legacy (GBA) - Kind of similar to the Super Robot Taisen music. Very energetic.

Well, all three of those games DO share the same composers, after all. ;)

Actually, I'd like to make one last trio of requests, which also come from those same two GBA series: Super Robot Taisen A, Zoids Saga, and Zoids Saga: Fuzors. And that's it from me for the time being!

09-04-2015, 08:59 AM
Thanks for posting the SNES version of the Incredible Hulk, ruiner. Much appreciated!! :D

I have two more SNES request for you, and they are Pacific Theater of Operations and Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenshouki.

Have a great weekend, as I head on to my new house. :)

09-04-2015, 11:07 AM
I remember that being a bit weird for me. I rented the black label version a few times back in the day, and when I finally bought it as the Greatest Hits version, I ended up finding out that some of the music was changed or swapped around. Really odd change for them to do that, unless it was a mistake they couldn't fix before the original release.

I think Spyro 3 was very slightly rushed, most likely causing Stewart and Ryan to not have enough time to implement all the songs. It's clear that they intended for all the Greatest Hits songs to be in the original, as on the original PAL disc are the themes for Evening Lake and the Sorceress Boss theme.

Something I always found strange was that some of the Greatest Hits songs sound very similar to Spyro 1/2, rather than the more varied tunes of 3.

09-04-2015, 12:32 PM
Alright, here's a link to the rough music fromthe PAL and NTSC Spyro 1, in separate folders inside the compressed file... if any of you blokes wanna take a crack at letting me know which tracks go where, I'll put up a shiny new version in the collection.!s4dFVB4D!Aa6tsS4sHp8nIHeEbyz_gjJrYiwpjtSLGtqMcj-jrNc

09-04-2015, 01:10 PM
I'll do it right away!

EDIT: Done. Sent you a message.

09-04-2015, 11:32 PM
I have one request for you! Gegege no Kitarou for GBA, it was a Japan only game based on the anime of the same name. Thank you for my previous requests! If there are any Tales of requests or Kingdom Hearts requests in the future, I'll tag them for you.

09-05-2015, 12:31 PM
New today are all 3 Spyro the Dragon games for the PSX! The first 8 tracks on the original game are from the PAL version. The 3rd game is from the Greatest Hits collection and includes all the music from it.

Also new is Galaxy Force II for the FM Towns. It's a nice collection of electronic music with some hip hop influence.


09-05-2015, 01:06 PM
I have a weird question. How do you rip music from 8-bit and 16-bit VGM fomats (stuff like NSF, SPC, GBS and so on)? I'm asking because I'm currently working on my over-ambitious retro video game music project, but I lack the technical know-how as for how to rip high-quality MP3s.

09-05-2015, 01:29 PM
Awesome work Ruiner! I'll check them out right now, and tag them all if they aren't already.

09-05-2015, 04:13 PM
I have a weird question. How do you rip music from 8-bit and 16-bit VGM fomats (stuff like NSF, SPC, GBS and so on)? I'm asking because I'm currently working on my over-ambitious retro video game music project, but I lack the technical know-how as for how to rip high-quality MP3s.

Dude, I would be typing all day if I tried to describe how to convert all these formats. I use varying combinations of at least 12 different programs depending on the music I'm ripping, plus I have a few "tricks" to make my rips sound unique and good to my own ears, which I don't like to give away. Your best bet is to learn one format at a time, doing a Google search for "convert [xxx] files to MP3."

09-05-2015, 04:55 PM
Dude, I would be typing all day if I tried to describe how to convert all these formats. I use varying combinations of at least 12 different programs depending on the music I'm ripping, plus I have a few "tricks" to make my rips sound unique and good to my own ears, which I don't like to give away. Your best bet is to learn one format at a time, doing a Google search for "convert [xxx] files to MP3."

OK, I understand. I mean, I'm currently using WinAmp (or Foobar, depending on which plugin is more accurate) to convert VGM formats to WAV and then I'm rendering a 320kbps MP3s out of those using Audacity. It seems to work OK, but I thought that it wouldn't hurt to ask a pro how to do it so that's why I was asking.

09-05-2015, 07:57 PM
KingTengu pointed out to me that Motoi Sakuraba's Zan Yasha Enbukyoku (Genesis) soundtrack had recently been tagged on Project2612, so I re-ripped the game to put it in order and with the correct track names. Thanks for the heads-up!

09-06-2015, 12:36 AM
There's some GBA stuff in the ol' MEGA account today, namely Zoids Saga, Zoids Saga Fuzors, and Super Robot Taisen A. I don't believe any of those games ever left Japan, and they're all very anime-flavored action soundtracks.

We've also got a couple of historical SNES soundtracks: P.T.O - Pacific Theater of Operations, featuring a brash military soundtrack, and Nobunaga no Yabou - Tenshouki. That one's more of a classical Asian one from series regular composer Yoko Kanno.

There's one GBA request I can't complete in clean OR dirty format, and that's Gegege no Kitarou.

Happy listening!

---------- Post added at 07:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 PM ----------

OK, I understand. I mean, I'm currently using WinAmp (or Foobar, depending on which plugin is more accurate) to convert VGM formats to WAV and then I'm rendering a 320kbps MP3s out of those using Audacity. It seems to work OK, but I thought that it wouldn't hurt to ask a pro how to do it so that's why I was asking.

It sounds like you know what you're doing! No need to ask me! The only additional stuff is figuring out what normalization and EQ/ effect settings you like to use. That's a personal preference thing, so I really can't help you there.

09-06-2015, 12:55 PM
Takeshi Tateishi's Willow (Arcade) soundtrack is new in the OP! It's not bad for an early CPS-1 title!

---------- Post added at 07:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 AM ----------

Also, I understand some of you gentlemen are hungrily looking for more Seta X10 based arcade soundtracks. I just happened to have uploaded Mad Shark and War of Aero - Project MEIOU! Both are published by Allumer and feature music by Yoko Ogawa and Hisao Shiomi, so they're very similar sounding to each other... that is to say, fast-paced danceable action tunes. Enjoy!

09-06-2015, 02:12 PM
These three need Proper rips:
Shining Force Gaiden: Ensei - Jashin no Kuni e
Shining Force Gaiden II: Jashin no Kakusei / Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya
Shining Force Gaiden III: Final Conflict

All Game Gear
Music by Motoaki Takenouchi

This fits into the "Shining Strategy" subset of Shining series games.

09-07-2015, 12:22 PM
OK, the previous requests have been filled:

Shining Force Gaiden: Ensei - Jashin no Kuni he
Shining Force Gaiden II: The Sword of Hajya
Shining Force Gaiden ~Final Conflict~

...are all new in the SMS/GG folder! Ensei - Jashin no Kuni he is the only one without tags because I couldn't find any track names.

09-07-2015, 07:18 PM
Here's some SNES goodies: I went through my game collection and ripped anything I owned that hasn't been uploaded yet:

Raiden Trad - Some great shmup music with the SNES signature slap bass. A lot of fun to play and listen to.

Virtual Bart - OK, so I can understand why nobody's requested this one. It's pretty bad, but there's a few catchy tunes in there... somewhere.

Final Fight 2 - With names like Mari Yamaguchi and Yasuaki Fujita doing the music, how can it be bad? ;)

Final Fight 3 - Seriously, why do these games get such a bad reputation? I think they're really fun! "Law and Disorder" is one of my favorite VGM tracks ever.

Math Blaster: Episode 1 - Yes, I know why it's never been requested. Honestly, I don't even know how or why I HAVE this game! Still, check out the tunes. You may be surprised at how good they are!

I may do this with my Genesis games soon, too... just to fill in some gaps. Enjoy!

09-07-2015, 10:57 PM
Hello ruiner9. As usual, thanks for the last rips, and I'll ask for a couple more

I shall ask for the last Wonderboy game missing, one strange port of Wonder Boy in Monster World for PC Engine calledn The Dinastic Hero (Chō Eiyū Densetsu Dainasutikku Hīrō) , once again with a complete different soundtrack. This playlist should help you with the tags:

And now.. Well, the Adventure Island series is kinda of a continuation of the series.. So I'd like to ask two games. First, Takahashi Meijin no Bōken Jima IV, aka Adventure Island 4, released exclusive in Japan. This playlist should help with the tags:

Then I'd like to ask go back to the PC Engine, with New Adventure Island/Takahashi Meijin no Shin Boken Jima.


09-07-2015, 11:24 PM
Hi, i 'd like to request these:

Star Trader (X68000)
Vatlva (Saturn)
Zero Divide: Final Conflict (Saturn)

09-08-2015, 12:05 AM
Star Trader (X68000)

I can help with this one:

Star Trader (X68000) (

09-08-2015, 08:01 AM
Hey ruiner, I hate to break the three-request rule, but I have four miscellaneous Super Nintendo requests that I've been meaning to ask you about for a while:

-Barbie: Super Model (SNES)
-Pirates of Dark Water (SNES)
-X-Zone (SNES)
-Cameltry (SNES)

Thanks again for all the awesome work man!

09-08-2015, 11:01 AM
Hey ruiner, I hate to break the three-request rule, but I have four miscellaneous Super Nintendo requests that I've been meaning to ask you about for a while:

-Barbie: Super Model (SNES)
-Pirates of Dark Water (SNES)
-X-Zone (SNES)
-Cameltry (SNES)

Thanks again for all the awesome work man!

I'll do the first 3 (I don't allow anyone to break that rule.) Just save Cameltry for your next round of requests! :)

09-08-2015, 05:27 PM
I can help with this one:

Thanks. Btw, is it my problem or Credit Roll track has 2-3 seconds of beggining reversed?

09-08-2015, 06:25 PM
Thanks. Btw, is it my problem or Credit Roll track has 2-3 seconds of beggining reversed?

Nope, that's the way it really is:

09-08-2015, 07:28 PM
How's that even possible on FM synthesis?

( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

09-08-2015, 11:11 PM
Hey ruiner! Glad to see that you were able to overcome the glitch in the OP.

A couple of requests to top off the Excite- series on the Wii:

1. Excitebots: Trick Racing (Wii)
2. Excitebike: World Rally (Wiiware)

Thanks in advance.

09-08-2015, 11:56 PM
How's that even possible on FM synthesis?

( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

If you are referring to the very beginning, that's actually a sample played on the PCM channel.

09-09-2015, 12:51 AM
Hi guys! MOV_Games ordered and tagged Spyro 2 for the PSX, so go grab it!

Here's the new stuff:

The Dynastic Hero (PCE-CD) - A quite impressively rendered sountrack... very rich and vibrant, in an RPG style.

Star Trader (X68000) - Yes, I know it's been shared before, but mine has individual composer credits for each track. It doesn't sound too much different from the one that was shared, but seeing as how my links will stay in the OP whereas that one will be lost among hundreds of pages, I figured I'd do it. Oh yeah, and because it's really good! :)

Takahashi Meijin no Bōken Jima IV (NES) - This was the last Famicom game ever commercially released. That being said, the soundtrack is relatively simple, though it has a nice island feel.

New Adventure Island (TG16) - The weird stereo panning echo effect in this one is WAY over done. It's not bad through PC speakers, but avoid headphones if you're gonna listen to the whole thing!

VATLVA (Saturn) - I think this might be my least favorite Yuzo Koshiro soundtrack. The production just seems lazy in parts, and there are some sounds which are extremely high pitched and annoying. Oh well.

That's all for now, folks!

09-09-2015, 11:00 AM
Tons of great music from some great shmups in this episode! Some you can find in my collection... others might be new to you..... :)

Episode 44: Shmup Trax 2
Download on our page! -- Episode 44: Shmup Trax 2 | PixelTunes Radio VGM Podcast (

MP3 Downloads of previous shows can be found at The PixelTunes Radio Homepage ( or on iTunes! (

Mike and Ed take to the skies again in an episode featuring more music from their favorite shoot ’em up titles! Expect tons of danceable grooves, some hard rock, and… the blues? What? Listen to find out more!

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Format: Game Title (System) – Track Title – Composer

1 – Silpheed (Sega CD) – “Hyperspace (Stage 5)” – Mecano Associates (Mariko Sato, Mamoru Ishimoda, Yoko Sonoda, Hiroshi Kawai, Fumihito Kasatani)

2 – Verytex (Mega Drive) – “The Void of Space (Stage 1)” – Hitoshi Sakimoto, Masaharu Iwata, Yoshio Furukawa

3 – Legendary Wings (NES) – “Stage 3” – Manami Matsumae, Tamayo Kawamoto

4 – 1944 the Loop Master (Arcade) – “Nightmare Valley (Stage 7)” – Unknown?

5 – Iridion 2 (GBA) – “Dynamic Main Menu” – Manfred Linzner

6 – Ketsui: Death Label (DS) – “Defensive Line – Lurk In The Darkness (Stage 4)” – Manabu Namiki

7 – Hellfire (Sega Genesis) – “Ready to Go – Captain Lancer” – Tatsuya Uemura

8 – Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender – “Buttermilk Bay” – Electric Cafe

9 – Liberation Maiden (3DS) – “Liberation Day (instrumental)” – Akira Yamaoka

10 – Phalanx the Assault Fighter A-144 (SNES) – “Destroyer” – S. Yamaguchi

11 – Crisis Force (NES) – “Stage 1” – Kenichi Matsubara , Yasuhiko Manno, Jun Chuma

12 – Battle Mania Daiginjou (GEN) – “Burning Heart” – Yasuyuki Hamada, Shigenori Masuko, Youko Suzuki, Fumito Tamayama

Hope you enjoy it! :)

09-09-2015, 02:13 PM
Dynastic Hero = Wonder Boy?

09-09-2015, 02:30 PM
Dynastic Hero = Wonder Boy?

"A conversion of the Sega Mega Drive Wonderboy IV, Dynastic Hero is more akin to Adventure Island (Master System Wonderboy III) and Bikkuri Man World (Arcade Wonderboy II) than the other Wonderboy games. It plays very much as a platform RPG, with the ability to buy weapons and armour, upgrading from swords to spears and so forth."

-- Dynastic Hero - The PC Engine Software Bible (

Magma Dragoon
09-09-2015, 03:15 PM
I'd like to request the Saturn version of Steam Hearts.

The Playing Mantis
09-09-2015, 06:18 PM
Okay, I may as well put my hat in the ring. I was wondering if we could get some of the SNES versions of Genesis soundtracks that you've already uploaded, namely Chuck Rock, Boogerman and Zero: The Kamikaze Squirrel. I know they were all originally on the Genesis, but I was a Nintendo kid growing up. Please? PS...the Bram Stoker's Dracula for SNES soundtrack is slightly off. The first track, labeled Main Theme plays the last track, labeled Unknown Jingle 2. Could we get the Main Theme, please? I LOVE that song!

PPS: Thanks for adding Stimpy's Invention and Virtual Bart. I was starting to think I'd never see anyone add those soundtracks again since Jesse's Fileserve links died...

09-09-2015, 06:41 PM
Okay, I may as well put my hat in the ring. I was wondering if we could get some of the SNES versions of Genesis soundtracks that you've already uploaded, namely Chuck Rock, Boogerman and Zero: The Kamikaze Squirrel. I know they were all originally on the Genesis, but I was a Nintendo kid growing up. Please? PS...the Bram Stoker's Dracula for SNES soundtrack is slightly off. The first track, labeled Main Theme plays the last track, labeled Unknown Jingle 2. Could we get the Main Theme, please? I LOVE that song!

PPS: Thanks for adding Stimpy's Invention and Virtual Bart. I was starting to think I'd never see anyone add those soundtracks again since Jesse's Fileserve links died...

Oops! Not sure how that happened, but redownload Bram Stoker's Dracula (SNES) and it should be OK now.

Also new in the collection is Zero Divide 2 - The Final Conflict (Saturn). It's unique, mostly electronic, and very well produced.

See ya!

09-09-2015, 07:45 PM
Hi Ruiner! I have one request; Heroes of Ruin for 3DS.

09-09-2015, 07:56 PM
Hi Ruiner! I have one request; Heroes of Ruin for 3DS.

Sorry, there's only a very limited number of soundtracks that have been decrypted from the 3DS roms at this point and that one isn't on the list. :(

09-09-2015, 08:45 PM
I got some more KOEI requests for you ruiner!!

- Nobunaga no Yabou: Haouden (SNES)
- Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenshouki (PSP)
- Nobunaga's Ambition: Lord of Darkness (SNES; the 1994 American release, which used a more advanced soundchip, not the Japanese version that used an early one)

Have a great day!! :D

09-10-2015, 03:30 PM
@thread participants

Do you like shmups? What are your favorite ones? When did you play them for a first time? Are you playing just for fun or challenge yourself?

09-10-2015, 03:36 PM
Hey ruiner, couple of requests for ya!

- Crayon Shin-chan Arashi o yobu Nutte Crayo-n Daisakusen!, for the NDS.
- Game & Watch Gallery 1 and Game & Watch Gallery 2 update without pop-sound.

Thanks in advance, as always.

09-10-2015, 05:33 PM
- Game & Watch Gallery 1 and Game & Watch Gallery 2 update without pop-sound.

The 2nd game doesn't have pops, but I'll add the 1st one.


Here's what's on the list today:


Barbie Super Model - Well, I guess this is exactly what I'd expect from a Barbie game with tracks names like "Changing Clothes" and "You Are Super Model!" :)

Boogerman - Not sure what to make of this one. It doesn't stand out in any way. I prefer the Genesis version quite a bit over this.

Chuck Rock - Steve Collett has a good knack for finding or making nice sounding SNES soundfonts, like on The Incredible Hulk. This one works very well, too.

Pirates of Dark Water - The guitar samples (at least I think they're supposed to be guitar) are a bit tinny, but the music is pretty rockin' anyways.

X-Zone - Hey! It's the other S. Yamaguchi Soundtrack! If you like Phalanx for the SNES, this feels like a follow-up album. Very similar and very good.

Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel - Sounds kind of like... Shadowrun (SNES)? Very new-age in parts, with some guitar samples and chime synths.


Steam-Heart's - Some rockin' 90's shmup music. Woo hoo! Also, I cringe every time I have to type "Heart's." It's so incorrect!

Some games I can't do: Excitebots and Excitebike World Rally (both for Wii) due to encryption issues.

09-10-2015, 05:37 PM
By the way. I thought it's Zero Divide 3, because 1-2 were on PS1.

09-10-2015, 06:21 PM
By the way. I thought it's Zero Divide 3, because 1-2 were on PS1.

Seems there's no numerical value in the title at all. I've changed the filename in the folder to correct this.

09-10-2015, 10:28 PM
Do you like shmups? What are your favorite ones? When did you play them for a first time? Are you playing just for fun or challenge yourself?

I like to play a game of Espgaluda every now and then to zone out and relax, but I've been thinking about this a lot. I'm a huge shmup fan, but I spend a lot of my time playing checkpoint racers instead. Like OutRun, Super Hang-On, Racing Hero... maybe I'm just getting tired of outer space, but if I blur my eyes and pretend the incoming cars are bullets, it aaalllmoooosssttt becomes something like a shmup. Sure, you don't shoot anything, but I get that same adrenaline rush from weaving between patterns of bullets as I do weaving between patterns of cars. And with the tight time constraints on some of the upper levels, hitting a single car might as well end your race right there. Thankfully the hitboxes in these types of games are often forgivingly small. (Sound familiar?)

I'm probably not the first one to draw these parallels, but... I don't know, go play Racing Hero! ( It's the super-scaler checkpoint racer you've always wanted.

---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 PM ----------

And thanks again for coming through on those rips. I'm SO HAPPY to finally have this damn Barbie rip. Just tell me the bassline in "Riding in Hollywood, CA" doesn't bump. And when the synth trumpets fire up, my god. Anyway, I've got three more obscure requests:

-Dengeki Iraira Bou Returns/Irritating Stick (PlayStation): It's that game where you maneuver a metal stick through a track of electrified rails, moving around obstacles and trying not to touch the rails.
-Star Wars (1987) (Famicom): The one where Darth Vader turns into a fucking scorpion. (
-Cameltry (Super Famicom): It's Zuntata! On the SNES! It's Zuntata on the SNES!!

09-10-2015, 10:28 PM
Some games I can't do: Excitebots and Excitebike World Rally (both for Wii) due to encryption issues.

After poking around some myself, I sort of expected that these two couldn't be ripped. Excitebots, in particular, uses a different audio sequence from the Wii's usual streaming files. I'm not even sure that there's a way to decrypt them, even though there are videos on Youtube. *shrugs*

Oh well, upwards and onwards. Thanks for looking into it, all the same.

09-10-2015, 10:47 PM
Hi Ruiner! Could you do Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro: Battle de Yo! for PS2, Shaman King Power of Spirit for PS2 and Shaman King Funibari Spirits for PSX? Thanks for trying to get my other requests!

09-10-2015, 11:09 PM
I like to play a game of Espgaluda every now and then to zone out and relax, but I've been thinking about this a lot. I'm a huge shmup fan, but I spend a lot of my time playing checkpoint racers instead. Like OutRun, Super Hang-On, Racing Hero... maybe I'm just getting tired of outer space, but if I blur my eyes and pretend the incoming cars are bullets, it aaalllmoooosssttt becomes something like a shmup. Sure, you don't shoot anything, but I get that same adrenaline rush from weaving between patterns of bullets as I do weaving between patterns of cars. And with the tight time constraints on some of the upper levels, hitting a single car might as well end your race right there. Thankfully the hitboxes in these types of games are often forgivingly small. (Sound familiar?)

I'm probably not the first one to draw these parallels, but... I don't know, go play Racing Hero! ( It's the super-scaler checkpoint racer you've always wanted.[COLOR="Silver"]

Man, I still don't know about the appeal of that Barbie game... ;)

But as both a racing and shmup fan, I agree with you. The reflexes involved in both games are very much the same when you get into the zone.

After poking around some myself, I sort of expected that these two couldn't be ripped. Excitebots, in particular, uses a different audio sequence from the Wii's usual streaming files. I'm not even sure that there's a way to decrypt them, even though there are videos on Youtube. *shrugs*

Oh well, upwards and onwards. Thanks for looking into it, all the same.

I assume the YT videos are from line-out rips? I don't know. From what I gathered on the HCS forums, an attempt was made between about 4 veteran music hackers in 2011, and they ended up giving up on it because it seemed the compression changed in the middle of the song! Weird, right? Here's the thread, it's an interesting read... HCS Forum - Excitebots Trick Racing | Wii | .res extension? ( To my dismay, when I extracted the World Rally files, they were in exactly the same format. I cried a little.

09-10-2015, 11:40 PM
I've just noticed that some of the Spyro 3 songs have broken length, as in if you pull the progress bar to the end of the song it doesn't go to the end of the track. Spyro 2 is fine, it's just 3 that has the issue. I haven't got round to sorting out Spyro 1 yet.

The Playing Mantis
09-10-2015, 11:52 PM
You are amazing and full of awesome! Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!

09-11-2015, 12:14 AM
@thread participants

Do you like shmups? What are your favorite ones? When did you play them for a first time? Are you playing just for fun or challenge yourself?

Love a good shmup! Short and simple bursts of precision ... and most are rockin a killer OST. I started with Space Invaders, River Raid, Galaga, etc. but the first "shmup" I fell in love with was Zanac. It adjusted it's difficulty based on how well you were doing. Though it was never a cake walk, I rarely ever felt like I was in control. It's easily my favorite shmup to revisit.

Short list of others: Life Force, Axelay, UN Squadron, Einhander, Ikaruga, Mushihimesama Futari (Bug Princess 2)

09-11-2015, 02:57 AM
I've just noticed that some of the Spyro 3 songs have broken length, as in if you pull the progress bar to the end of the song it doesn't go to the end of the track. Spyro 2 is fine, it's just 3 that has the issue. I haven't got round to sorting out Spyro 1 yet.

I just tried skipping through all the songs with VLC player and they all work fine. They play fine on my Android phone, too. Maybe try redownloading the album? Anyone else having issues?

09-11-2015, 02:46 PM
Here's a few soundtracks from the Nobunaga's Ambition series:

Nobunaga no Yabou: Bushou Fuuunroku (SNES) - Even though the alternate version from Lord of Darkness was requested, the sound set isn't available, so here's the original.

Nobunaga no Yabou: Haouden (SNES) - More of the same kind of music from Yoko Kanno.

Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenshouki (PSP) - Even more of the same kind of music from Kanno, but this time it's not synthesized.

I should have a few more later, too.

09-11-2015, 05:37 PM
Huh, I redownloaded Spyro 3 and it's fine. Something must have gone wrong when I first downloaded it.

09-11-2015, 06:59 PM
New stuff, round 2! FIGHT!!

Game & Watch Gallery (GB) - Remastered, transferred the tags from the previously tagged album to this one.

Crayon Shin-chan DS - Arashi wo Yobu Nutte Crayoon Daisakusen! (DS) - Man, Japan makes some long titles! Anyways, Ippo Yamada (of many Mega Man soundtracks) oversaw and partly composed this one. It's pretty solid and cartoony.

Irritating Stick (PSX) - There's very little music in this one, most of which is obscured by an announcer. I'm thinking there is sequenced music in this game which hasn't been extracted by the experts yet.

Star Wars - The New Hope (Namco ver.) (NES) - A Famicom-only release, with music mostly transcribed from John Williams' score.

On the Ball - Known as Cameltry outside of the US and Europe, there's some pretty funky music from Zuntata here. It's too bad the composers are unknown aliases. This is really good stuff!

Enjoy the new tunes!

09-11-2015, 08:22 PM
Alright, well Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro - Battle de Yo! (PS2) is now new, too. There's awhole bunch of different stlyes of live music... it's actually pretty good. Wish I knew who the composers were!

Shaman King - Power of Spirit (PS2) is unrippable, and I have to wait for a very slow download of Shaman King Funbari Spirits to see if that's something I can do.

09-11-2015, 11:05 PM
Scrap my previous comment, the songs have reverted back to how they were. It happens on both Media Player and Rocket Player on my Android, and although it doesn't on Media Monkey about 6-7 seconds till the end it sorta just stops when it reaches the several seconds of silence. I think something to do with the VBR Encoding could be screwed up.

09-11-2015, 11:17 PM
Alright, well that requires re downloading the game, reripping the files, and then having to re tag and order all over again, without knowing if it's going to fix the issue. Forgive me if I don't sound enthusiastic about it, lol. I'll see if I can figure out a fix or whether it will require a new set. If you said that it was working ok at first and then it started acting up, maybe the storage medium in your phone is going bad? (I've seen bad SD cards do really weird things on their way out. I've been a salesperson for cellphone stores and a phone tech.)

09-12-2015, 10:48 AM
If you said that it was working ok at first and then it started acting up, maybe the storage medium in your phone is going bad? (I've seen bad SD cards do really weird things on their way out. I've been a salesperson for cellphone stores and a phone tech.)[/QUOTE]

Media Player and Mediamonkey are on my PC. I probably could have worded that better.

09-12-2015, 11:04 AM
I've just noticed that some of the Spyro 3 songs have broken length, as in if you pull the progress bar to the end of the song it doesn't go to the end of the track. Spyro 2 is fine, it's just 3 that has the issue. I haven't got round to sorting out Spyro 1 yet.

The rip plays fine on my side.

09-12-2015, 12:11 PM
Media Player and Mediamonkey are on my PC. I probably could have worded that better.

Some players can automatically remove silence at the beginning and end of the track based on a particular threshold volume, usually that is a preference setting somewhere. This could also be related to certain plugins, which need to ignore silence (e.g. cross-fade).

09-12-2015, 12:59 PM
Some players can automatically remove silence at the beginning and end of the track based on a particular threshold volume, usually that is a preference setting somewhere. This could also be related to certain plugins, which need to ignore silence (e.g. cross-fade).
Yeah, Mediamonkey does that, I turned crossfade off a while back.

EDIT: I just deleted the old files and replaced them with a fresh download, and deleted all Media Player data, and the songs were fine UNTIL I altered the tagging. It's also only specific songs, namely:
Title Screen
Super Bonus Round
Buzz Dungeon
Midday Gardens
Sgt Byrd's Base
Bamboo Terrace
Frozen Altars

A few others go one or two seconds over too, but that's not a big deal.

EDIT 2: Oh god, some Spyro 1 and 2 songs are like it too. What's going on?

EDIT: Sorry for all these edits, but I just found software called MP3Diags which supposedly fixes VBR Data amongst other stuff, and it seems like it's done the trick. I'm not jumping to conclusions yet, though.

FINAL EDIT: It seems to have fixed it. Phew.

09-13-2015, 01:59 AM
Hey Ruiner,

I had a pair of requests:
First, there's Hyper Duel for the Arcade. It's a Technosoft game, so expect rockin' FM Synth tunes. I just recently got hip to it due to stumbling onto an old post of FM Fridays. Just listen to that! (

Secondly, there's Superman for the Genesis. Can't say much for the game, but some great FM tunes from Sunsoft. (

09-13-2015, 05:33 PM
New stuff, round 2! FIGHT!!

Game & Watch Gallery (GB) - Remastered, transferred the tags from the previously tagged album to this one.

Crayon Shin-chan DS - Arashi wo Yobu Nutte Crayoon Daisakusen! (DS) - Man, Japan makes some long titles! Anyways, Ippo Yamada (of many Mega Man soundtracks) oversaw and partly composed this one. It's pretty solid and cartoony.

Much appreciated! The Crayon Shin Chan one will be nearly impossible to tag much like Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love though... :(

09-13-2015, 05:42 PM
Do you like shmups? What are your favorite ones? When did you play them for a first time? Are you playing just for fun or challenge yourself?

Ok i'll answer myself too.

I play videogames since ~1999, but i only opened my eyes to shoot 'em up games about 1,5-2 years ago. Before that i just knew that they exist and probably saw a game or two. Things started changing when i went crazy into videogame music (Since 2012 i listen vgm more and more than anything else) and found out that so many excellent tunes are coming from "that genre you always ignored". And at some point i decided "why not to try, huh?" and that was my first true step. I think it was Mushihimesama Futari's port as starting point.

I've never been "so hardcore" gamer, escpecially in 2000s when i was fan of Silent Hill series and thought that story and virtual worlds are the most important things among videogames. So, yes, i haven't done 1CC (yet?) not even talking about playing for score; usually i just play STGs for combination of audiovisuals and high saturation of action. But i abolutely jumped into this abyss, trying to learn and remember which games are notable, which developers are must known etc. etc. Though i'm still "usual gamer" most of the time and understand why shmup genre is totally niche today.

Now, about some titles that i either consider as favorites or just something that have much sympathy from me.

Blazing Star - awesome bosses (different forms and tons of animations though pre-rendered graphics looks a bit toy-like), different ships/weapons which important for how you play, beautiful music. One of best Neo Geo's games, period.

DoDonPachi DaiOuJou - nice mood/atmosphere/setting, excellent feel of blowing up enemies. Never passed Stage 4, but still painfully rewarding experience it gives.

Crimzon Clover World Ignition - maybe the best game of past several years. Wonderful dynamics, different game modes. Crafted with love.

Progear no Arashi - beatiful steampunk-themed shooter with cool aesthetics and interesting patterns of enemy attacks.

Guwange - pretty unique. Set in Japan's mythologie, has gameplay twist. And it's pretty bloody.

Layer Section (aka RayForce) - Taito's classic. Besides lock-on system and Zuntata's awesomeness, i absolutely love how stages are linked in narration. You're coming all the way from outer space to Earth's undeground and at every step you see glimpses of where you would be next.

Metal Black - pretty psychedelic experience with nice progressive music. Also, very stylish.

Dariusburst - yes, PSP's Darius made by Patapon developers (and soundtrack by "modern" Zuntata is still very good imho). Pretty good itself and has more advanced arcade version which is coming soon to consoles and PC! Yeah!

Senkogu Ace - while it's sequel is more complex and more impressive in general, i like this one more. Simple yet fast gameplay and cool setting/enemies.

Bonus mentions:

Cho Ren Sha (X68000/Windows) and Clean Asia (Windows, by Hotline Miami author) - two awesome freeware games. Thanks this thread for letting me know about first one. Sega Naomi/Dreamcast's shmups - all have awesome soundtracks (escpecially Chaos Field) and most of them are pretty nice games themself. Psyvariar 2 catches my attention lately - curious dodging mechanics and beautiful aesthetics. And Genesis' Bio-Hazard Battle and M.U.S.H.A. are something i'm looking forward to after listening to their gamerips on repeat.

09-13-2015, 05:54 PM
Cho Ren Sha (X68000/Windows) and Clean Asia (Windows, by Hotline Miami author) - two awesome freeware games. Thanks this thread for letting me know about first one. Sega Naomi/Dreamcast's shmups - all have awesome soundtracks (escpecially Chaos Field) and most of them are pretty nice games themself. Psyvariar 2 catches my attention lately - curious dodging mechanics and beautiful aesthetics. And Genesis' Bio-Hazard Battle and M.U.S.H.A. are something i'm looking forward to after listening to their gamerips on repeat.

If you're into the Cho Ren Sha soundtrack, I just released this: it's a giant 4 CD collection.

09-13-2015, 08:21 PM
Look alive, maggots! Here's the latest intel from the VGM camp up the river. Listen up and listen good:

Shaman King Funbari Spirits (PS2) - I should have the composer info for this at some point... just waiting on my Japanese-fluent friend to translate the credits. There's a lot of music in this one, 3.5 hours, spanning a whole bunch of different genres. Because of this, the quality is a bit low, but still listenable.

Hyper Duel (Arcade) - Running on sound hardware similar to the X68000, there's a great mix of FM and PCM in these rockin' tracks.

Superman (Genesis) - I've always considered this a ripoff of Koshiro's Streets of Rage soundtracks. In it's own right, it's good, but not as good as those. I guess I have to respect the composers for even coming close! :)

See ya later!

09-13-2015, 08:54 PM
Hey, could you please do these PC Engine shmups?

1) Cyber Core
2) DownLoad
3) W-Ring

09-13-2015, 09:43 PM
Look alive, maggots! Here's the latest intel from the VGM camp up the river. Listen up and listen good:

Shaman King Funbari Spirits (PS2) - I should have the composer info for this at some point... just waiting on my Japanese-fluent friend to translate the credits. There's a lot of music in this one, 3.5 hours, spanning a whole bunch of different genres. Because of this, the quality is a bit low, but still listenable.

Hyper Duel (Arcade) - Running on sound hardware similar to the X68000, there's a great mix of FM and PCM in these rockin' tracks.

Superman (Genesis) - I've always considered this a ripoff of Koshiro's Streets of Rage soundtracks. In it's own right, it's good, but not as good as those. I guess I have to respect the composers for even coming close! :)

See ya later!

Seems like there was an issue with the upload for Hyper Duel and Superman. In MEGA it says both files have a size of 0 and when I downloaded them they were empty archives.