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Lily Ferrari
04-28-2016, 05:47 PM

I haven't come here since AGES so I don't know what happened during all this time, but I just wanted to tell you,
I noticed that ALL of your Super Nes rips have a little problem in the beginning of EVERY track.
Maybe it has been noticed already though. lol
But basically, every track volume raises slowly during the first 15 seconds or so.
It's so annoying that I had to go back to spc files, but I had to configure the Alpha II SPC player in Winamp so that it wouldn't do that. (is it where it comes from?)
On your MP3s, it's too late though, and can't be changed.
What tool did you use to rip them?
Actually I notice that even when I configure this stupid plugin (Alpha II SPC), it ALWAYS goes back to its original settings...
It is SO incredibly annoying!!! Why would ANYBODY want to listen to a track which becomes louder during 15 seconds???
Also, the real Super Nintendo never had that dumb problem, so why would they want to add this "feature"???
Not being angry at you, it's just that stupid retarded plugin....
It ruins ALL the osts, seriously...

04-28-2016, 05:57 PM
yeah, you're right.

04-28-2016, 06:41 PM
Assuming you're using the same setup as I do for SNES rips(Winamp + Alpha-II SPC Player plugin), I think I know how to fix it. Somewhat.

1. For starters, bring up the Preferences window and highlight the plugin. Click on "Config", and that'll bring up the plugin's settings window.
2. Click on the "DSP" menu, and set DSP Emulation to "Custom". This is very important for the entire process.
3. On the "Mixing" menu, set both "Amplification" and "Output Threshold" to 0,0 db. Then, set "AAR" to "ON".
4. Pick any SPC file of your choosing, and convert it to whatever. Open up the resulting audio file in an audio editor(Like Audacity, for instance) to see if the volume levels are consistent throughout.
5. If no volume lowering/raising is found at the beginning of the track, then congrats! You don't need to do anything else.

That's usually what I do. Alternatively there's a different plugin on Foobar2000 that plays SPC files without automatically raising or lowering the volume for the first few seconds.

Lily Ferrari
04-28-2016, 07:41 PM
That's usually what I do. Alternatively there's a different plugin on Foobar2000 that plays SPC files without automatically raising or lowering the volume for the first few seconds.

Thanks, I actually copied/pasted your post in a .txt file in my Winamp folder so that if it happens again, I'll know what to do. lol
So far so good, it works perfectly. :)
And yeah, I did notice Foobar didn't have this problem. (love that player!)

04-29-2016, 02:53 AM
Woah, did something happen to the thread? The first post was edited earlier today apparently and now all the links are gone.

04-29-2016, 06:17 AM
I hope this is just temporary, it would be very sad to see this thread gone, as this is one of the best threads on ffshrine. Even if it is closed for good though, thanks for all the great soundtracks!

04-29-2016, 06:50 AM
Woah, did something happen to the thread? The first post was edited earlier today apparently and now all the links are gone.

Wait, WHAT!?

04-29-2016, 07:21 AM
Wow, I really hope this isn't permanent.

This is definitely one of the best threads here, and it serves a great purpose.

04-29-2016, 07:48 AM
Whoa, what happened here? This has been one of my favorite threads for a while!

Lily Ferrari
04-29-2016, 10:22 AM
So I come back after a year and then this thread closes the same day...
Gee, people are going to think I bring bad luck... lol
Well it seems weird.
Would he have any reason to close it himself?
This thread never broke any law, right? (>_<)

04-29-2016, 11:08 AM
Well, this is just sad. :( This is/was an amazing thread with lots of great rips. Maybe it is temporary... I hope.

04-29-2016, 11:22 AM
So I come back after a year and then this thread closes the same day...
Gee, people are going to think I bring bad luck... lol
Well it seems weird.
Would he have any reason to close it himself?
This thread never broke any law, right? (>_<)

It's odd, especially since according to the time stamp for the edit, he "closed" it around the same time he responded to your post.

Lily Ferrari
04-29-2016, 11:56 AM
It's odd, especially since according to the time stamp for the edit, he "closed" it around the same time he responded to your post.
I swear, I didn't mean to be rude!
I was only complaining about a Super Nes plugin on Winamp! XD

Leon Scott Kennedy
04-29-2016, 12:19 PM
In Download Links forum(s) we keep open threads that are maintained, have something to offer (whether through "public" download links or private messaging-sharing). Since the shop here seems to be closed now, also with links being removed, let's lock this. For any user who might browse this thread: I don't care if he didn't provide a reason, the fact that ruiner9 didn't is none of our concern, he doesn't have to state why he chose to close for us to take action.

To ruiner9:
If you ever plan to restart sharing/whatever you had going on here, drop a line to me and the thread will be reopened. As things stand now, it no longer serves a purpose.

All good, okay.

04-29-2016, 02:46 PM
I find it weird that not only the rips but the Podcast stuff has gone too. Man.

EDIT: If this really is it, then I do still have a fair amount (60 or so) of the .Rar files left that I downloaded as I forgot to delete them. I might upload them to a free Mega account at some point as an archive.

04-29-2016, 03:11 PM
Oh hi! I thought Mega nuked my account, because I tried to take a look at the SNES tracks that Lily was talking about and everything was gone! Turns out my boss has decided to block certain aspects of webcode at work and it made it look like my Mega account was completely empty. I got really mad just typed "closed" and was going to come back and explain later but the tread got closed! So thanks to Leon for being understanding and unlocking it, and I made a backup of the OP so I was able to restore it.

And no, it wasn't what Lily said that made me do it, as some people may have thought. It was just a bad coincidence. If it took 3 years for one person to say one minor thing about the SNES stuff, then it must be minor enough that they're still enjoying it.

Anyways, here's the new episode of PixelTunes! Thanks to Mental Hog for the Bill's Tomato Game Mega Drive files, and to nx666 for the AMAZING Silent Mobius X68000 track! :D

Episode 60: Free Picks Gaiden
Download on our page! --

MP3 Downloads of previous shows can be found at The PixelTunes Radio Homepage ( or on iTunes! (

It's Episode 60, and that means it's time for a "free pick" show! Mike and Ed both make some Sonic Mayhem (literally!) with tracks from Wild 9 and Quake 2! They picked some super-funky songs from VGM past and present that will also be sure to get you movin'. Enjoy!

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Format: Game Title (System, Year) – Track Title – Composer(s)

1 - Bloody Wolf (TG16, 1989) - “Level 5” - Azusa Hara, Hiroaki Yoshida, Tatsuya Kiuchi, Hitomi Komatsu, Shuji Segawa

2 - Nexzr (PCE-CD, 1993) - “Stage 2” - Katsuya Yoneda

3 - Wild 9 (PSX, 1998) - "Gulag" - Tommy Tallarico, Sonic Mayhem

4 - Quake II (PC, 1997) - “Descent Into Cerberon” - Sonic Mayhem (Sascha Dikiciyan)

5 - Killer Instinct (SNES, 1995) - “B. Orchid Stage/Danger/Fight Over” - Robin Beanland, Graeme Norgate

6 - Ball Jacks (Genesis, 1993) - “Round 3” - Yoshinori Kawamoto, H. Umino

7 - Akumajo Dracula X68000 (X68000, 1993) - “You Goddamned Bathead" - Shin-Chan, Keizo Nakamura, Hiroshi Kobayashi

8 - Silent Mobius (X68000, 1991) - “Battle with Ghosts” - Masahiro Kajiwara, Hiroe Suga

9 - Bulk Slash (Saturn, 1997) - “Stage 1: Gruen” - Takeshi Sato, T’s Music

10 - Driver: You are the Wheelman (PSX, 1999) - “Funk of Asphalt” - Allister Brimble

11 - Project X Zone 2 (3DS, 2016) - “Brave New World” - Yuzo Koshiro, Arranged by Salamander Factory Co.,ltd.: Naofumi Tsuruyama, Takuya Hanaoka, Kayoko Matsushima

12 - Bill’s Tomato Game (Genesis, Unreleased) - “Levels 61-70” - Matt Furniss, Shaun Hollingworth

04-29-2016, 03:21 PM
Welcome "back", ruiner9! :)

04-30-2016, 03:00 AM
Hurray! Let us all rejoice. :) Live on! Fight on! :)

Magma Dragoon
05-02-2016, 08:03 PM
You Goddamned Bathead is the best Dracula theme! Illusionary Dance is overrated.

05-02-2016, 11:52 PM
Wow, my Project X Zone 2 rip made in on your podcast? Sweet!

05-08-2016, 09:05 PM
Anyways, here's the new episode of PixelTunes!

Finally had a change to listen to this today, good job! Some information on the Silent M�bius soundtrack:

Masahiro Kajihara composed Battle With Ghosts, Hiroe Suga did a few songs on that soundtrack as well, but not that one. She is a fairly accomplished sci-fi writer (and wife of Gainax founder Yasuhiro Takeda) but didn't compose much for games. But then again, there is no composer information for many Gainax games, so maybe she just isn't credited for some of her music. Gainax itself is more of an anime studio, their games division was always fairly small by comparison. And yes, it's Kajihara not Kajiwara, the Japanese spelling is a bit ambiguous, but that's how he spells his name on his website (

05-09-2016, 01:43 AM
Finally had a change to listen to this today, good job! Some information on the Silent M�bius soundtrack:

Masahiro Kajihara composed Battle With Ghosts, Hiroe Suga did a few songs on that soundtrack as well, but not that one. She is a fairly accomplished sci-fi writer (and wife of Gainax founder Yasuhiro Takeda) but didn't compose much for games. But then again, there is no composer information for many Gainax games, so maybe she just isn't credited for some of her music. Gainax itself is more of an anime studio, their games division was always fairly small by comparison. And yes, it's Kajihara not Kajiwara, the Japanese spelling is a bit ambiguous, but that's how he spells his name on his website (

Wow, she sounds like an incredible lady! I'm slowly wrapping my head around Japanese pronounciations... at least we got Takeshi Sato's name correct. :) Thanks for the info!

05-11-2016, 01:01 PM
This episode is a look back at our last 60 shows, with director's commentary of some of our sketches. We pull 12 of the best VGM tracks from our previous shows for this one!

Episode 61: PTR Retro-spective
Download on our page! --

Join the PTR guys as they take a look back at the last 60 episodes! Mike and Ed each choose their tracks from the OTHER host’s selections from past shows, and they play some of their favorite comedy sketches and offer some intriguing director’s commentary. If you’re a new listener, this is a great place to jump on and start listening!

Also, don’t forget to send your questions to [email protected] for our new PixelChat segment! Big thanks to Dean (@round2gaming) and Jeff Leppard for their emails this time around! :)

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Format: Game Title (System, Year) – Track Title – Composer(s)

(The guys are surprising each other this time around, so for 48 hours, you can be surprised too!)

05-20-2016, 03:58 PM
Any SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, or NES games I can do today? I'm a little bored. :)

05-20-2016, 04:31 PM
Any SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, or NES games I can do today? I'm a little bored. :)

Well, one soundtrack I noticed isn't in your collection is Pilotwings (SNES).

05-20-2016, 05:36 PM
Ok I have new request with Game Boy Games composed by Alberto Jose Gonzales <3
- Sylvester & Tweety
- Bugs Bunny & Lola Bunny: Operation Carrot Patch
- Looney Tunes Collector: Martian Alert

05-20-2016, 06:22 PM
How about this one:

Doki Doki Sasete!! (Gameboy) - Euro chiptune made in Japan

05-20-2016, 07:31 PM
How about this one:

Doki Doki Sasete!! (Gameboy) - Euro chiptune made in Japan
Manabu Namiki <3 He good composed to Contra Rebirth <3

05-20-2016, 08:01 PM
All very good suggestions! So they're all uploaded!

Pilotwings (SNES) - Those famous jazzy tunes from Soyo Oka.

Doki Doki Sasete!! (GB) - Whoa, what the heck is this? Japanese action music with arpeggios? Namiki, you're a genius! :D

Looney Tunes - Carrot Crazy (GB) - Otherwise known as Bugs Bunny & Lola Bunny - Operation Carrot Patch in Europe.

Looney Tunes - Twouble! (GB) - Otherwise known as Sylvester and Tweety - Breakfast on the Run in Europe.

Looney Tunes Collector - Alert! (GB) - Otherwise known as Looney Tunes Collector - Martian Quest! in Europe.

The last three are Gonzalez soundtracks, as mentioned above, so of course they're worth owning and listening to every day from now until you go deaf.


EDIT - Oh, and the SNES soundtracks from now on will be recorded using new software. No more fade-in problems (that you don't really notice unless you're told it was there anyways.) :)

05-20-2016, 08:20 PM
Well, this is tough, lol, but here are my requests (all Hitoshi Sakimoto themed):

- Devilish (Sega Game Gear)
- Hourai Gakuen no Bouken!: Tenkousei Scramble (Super Nintendo)
- Super Hockey '94 (Super Nintendo)

While technically NOT a request, Fire_Pro_Fan just released the FAQ for Super Fireprowrestling: Queen's Special and it lists the Sound Test Music by name. So, if you can provide me the untagged mp3, then I can get back to my retagging work and help out again! :)

Those are my requests to you, ruiner. Have a good day, and hope to request another soundtrack from you again one day... :)

PS. BTW, where was Panzer Dragoon Mini? Was it unrippable, or was the music too "grating" to the ears?

05-20-2016, 08:22 PM
Hey, Ruiner9, I still have 3 of the requests from the donation period. Can I request:
-Chu Chu Rocket! (GBA)
-Dr. Mario & Puzzle League (GBA)
-Bomberman 2 (NES)
Thank you, and have a nice day!

05-20-2016, 08:36 PM
PS. BTW, where was Panzer Dragoon Mini? Was it unrippable, or was the music too "grating" to the ears?

There's no VGM set for this game for me to convert, unfortunately.

Hey, Ruiner9, I still have 3 of the requests from the donation period. Can I request:
-Chu Chu Rocket! (GBA)
-Dr. Mario & Puzzle League (GBA)
-Bomberman 2 (NES)
Thank you, and have a nice day!

Wow, that's quite a long time ago. I'm out of time for today, so I'll have to look at these after the weekend.

05-20-2016, 08:52 PM
There's no VGM set for this game for me to convert, unfortunately.

Ah, well. Shame, though; the music in Panzer Dragoon Mini was... interesting, to say the least.

05-20-2016, 10:59 PM
Can you extract Parodius Da! soundtrack SNES version, please?

05-20-2016, 11:11 PM
Hey Ruiner! Can you do Pocahontas for Genesis and Game Boy andHercules for Game Boy? Thank You and see you later!

05-20-2016, 11:21 PM
Sorry guys, I only had a little time to do those few that I posted up above, it'll be a while before I can get to more. :(

05-21-2016, 03:37 AM
No rush! I can wait for mine!

05-22-2016, 04:57 PM
All very good suggestions! So they're all uploaded!

Pilotwings (SNES) - Those famous jazzy tunes from Soyo Oka.

Doki Doki Sasete!! (GB) - Whoa, what the heck is this? Japanese action music with arpeggios? Namiki, you're a genius! :D

Looney Tunes - Carrot Crazy (GB) - Otherwise known as Bugs Bunny & Lola Bunny - Operation Carrot Patch in Europe.

Looney Tunes - Twouble! (GB) - Otherwise known as Sylvester and Tweety - Breakfast on the Run in Europe.

Looney Tunes Collector - Alert! (GB) - Otherwise known as Looney Tunes Collector - Martian Quest! in Europe.

The last three are Gonzalez soundtracks, as mentioned above, so of course they're worth owning and listening to every day from now until you go deaf.


EDIT - Oh, and the SNES soundtracks from now on will be recorded using new software. No more fade-in problems (that you don't really notice unless you're told it was there anyways.) :)

Good job!

05-23-2016, 03:39 PM
It's great to hear that you have found a new good way of ripping SNES ost's that doesn't have that volume issue, i'll check Pilotwings out in a bit.

05-26-2016, 04:41 AM

Man, It's been awhile since I've been to these forums, so long I decided to create a new account Instead of figuring out my old password. Anyway, Ruiner9 cool to see that you're still going with this thread and uploading VGM for people. My old username was size123 and I requested quite a few soundtracks from ya. Well, today I'm not doing that, no I want to share one that has been a favorite of mine for years now. Shit, I'm surprised nobody has asked for It by now considering how many more obscure ones do Get posted. Anyway, It's a RPG soundtrack from Nippon Ichi Software, who created quite the different strategy RPG with Disgaea: Hour of Darkness back In the PS2 era. Like, you know how you play as the typical good dude fighting evil In a bunch of RPGs? Well, this game said, Fuck That Shit", and you literally play as a demon child named Laharl wanting to claim has title as Overlord of the Netherworld and well, the good dude's pretty much a comedic foil. So, to accompany our "Heroes" Tenpei Sato created one of my favorite soundtracks that definitely Isn't your typical RPG soundtrack. I mean, there's a few more traditional ones, But then you've Got Just super fun, catchy tracks like this one: (Love the whole demon castle vibe of this track)

Then, you've totally have solid tracks like the one below that are completely unexpected from a RPG: (Seriously, It'll completely surprise you)

So yeah Ruiner9, though It's share one of my favorites to ya and here's a playlist of all the tunes for further listening:

05-27-2016, 11:20 AM
The new PTR is out! Woooooo!!!!! LOL

Episode 62: Mega Man X-travaganza
Download on our page! --

In 1994, Capcom unleashed Mega Man X on the SNES, revitalizing the Mega Man series and spawning an entirely new set of sequels. Keiji Inafune was at the helm, and upgraded every aspect of the Blue Bomber’s gameplay, including the music! Join Mike and Ed as they walk through the first three games in the series, and charge up you eardrums with fantastic tracks by Setsuo Yamamoto, Yuki Iwai, Kinuyo Yamashita, and more!

Also, don’t forget to send your questions to [email protected] for our new PixelChat segment! Big thanks to Chris Myers, Cameron Werme, and Cameron Mount for their emails this episode! :)

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Mega Man X (Capcom, SNES, 1994)
Composed by Setsuo Yamamoto, Makoto Tomozawa, Yuki Iwai, Yuko Takehara, and Toshihiko Horiyama

1 – Spark Mandrill (Makoto Tomozawa)

2 – Storm Eagle (Makoto Tomozawa)

3 – Armored Armadillo (Setsuo Yamamoto)

4 – Boomer Kuwanger (Yuko Takehara)

Mega Man X 2 (Capcom, SNES, 1995)
Composed by Yuki Iwai

5 – Magna Centipede (Red Alert)

6 – Wheel Gator (Panzer des Drachens “Dragon Tank”)

7 – Wire Sponge (Weather Wizard)

8 – Crystal Snail (Sinister Gleam)

Mega Man X3 (Capcom, SNES, 1996)
Composed by Kinuyo Yamashita

9 – Toxic Seahorse

10 – Gravity Beetle

11 – Blast Hornet

12 – Crush Crawfish

05-28-2016, 04:13 PM
For those of you that have been reading the articles, an unreleased rom dump of Happily Ever After for the NES has surfaced on the web. I really enjoyed the soundtrack after playing through it, so I played through again and tagged all the tracks, and made an album! The composer is very likely Hirohiko Takayama, given it's similarity to both the Xexyx and Friday the 13th soundtracks. The World 1 theme is by far the best... it's so groovy!


Happily Ever After (Unreleased) (NES Stereo).7z 18.2 MB!Z1lD2KaR!wBSsWqRIDU1iaIljTE4CgpdrpT39e2VV8EkL-WZcvvQ

05-31-2016, 07:13 PM
A bunch of suggestions are up today:


Hourai Gakuen no Bouken - A bombastic Hitoshi Sakimoto soundtrack. Very nice sound samples.

Super Hockey '94 - Another Sakimoto set, this time it's a bit more funky, though.


Bomberman II - It's like Jun Chikuma suddenly realized that she could use more than two audio channels. The results are pretty awesome.


ChuChu Rocket! - Playful renditions of the Dreamcast soundtrack. Some are a bit grating on the ears, though.


Pocahontas - Simple versions of the movie soundtrack.

Game Boy

Hercules - Oh, dear. This is not good. Sorry, guys.

Enjoy! :D

05-31-2016, 10:11 PM
Thank you for my requests! I didn't know Hercules was that bad. I'm sorry.

05-31-2016, 10:41 PM
Thank you for my requests! I didn't know Hercules was that bad. I'm sorry.

No problem!

I just want to clarify, though... And this message is to everyone who reads this thread... I'm posting a few of your suggestions now and again, but I don't consider these "requests." Requests were items that I felt myself obligated to finish. That kind of thing burned me out, big time. Feel free to toss me a suggestion or two now and again, but I'm not going to chase after the super-obscure stuff, or the soundtracks that have just been suggested because someone wants all the music from a particular publisher. Give me some soundtracks you LIKE, that are competently composed, and I'll be much more likely to want to do them. :)

06-01-2016, 04:26 PM
A bunch of suggestions are up today:

Game Boy

Hercules - Oh, dear. This is not good. Sorry, guys.

Enjoy! :D

Ruiner9: Thank you for the work you do, I cannot begin to express my appreciation. As a lover of all things Disney, this is especially true when the tracks in question have an increased "Cheese" factor. The squeals of delight emanating from me when I heard this little 8-bit beauty is really a noise no human should be exposed to. While it may not be for everyone, you definitely made my day!

06-01-2016, 04:38 PM
Ruiner9: Thank you for the work you do, I cannot begin to express my appreciation. As a lover of all things Disney, this is especially true when the tracks in question have an increased "Cheese" factor. The squeals of delight emanating from me when I heard this little 8-bit beauty is really a noise no human should be exposed to. While it may not be for everyone, you definitely made my day!

Glad to be of service! :zillayay:

06-02-2016, 08:04 PM
It's a big ol' soundtrack drop! All of these albums are tagged and ordered:


Parodius Da! - It's nice to hear a new soundtrack using the Gradius III SNES sound set. It still sounds amazing!


Digger T. Rock - Legend of the Lost City - Dave Wise was still in Battletoads mode when he wrote this one. The similarities are unmistakable.

Dragon Spirit - The New Legend - The classic Shinji Hosoe soundtrack.

Widget - A happy and bright little OST with some nice percussion.

KickMaster - Mmmm, Nobuyuki Shioda. That stage 1 music is soooo good.

RoboWarrior - Some classic tunes with a nice triangle bass groove.

That's all for today!

06-02-2016, 08:22 PM
Hi ruiner9. Thanks for your very hard work. I'm beginning to notice that Culture Brain is one of them quite underrated video game companies. Best known for Hiryu no Ken / Flying Dragon and Super Chinese / Chinese Heroes franchises. All this leads to requesting these to you:

Super Chinese Fighter
SD Hiryu no Ken Densetsu
Super Chinese Fighter EX

If at least one, pick your choice.

06-02-2016, 08:28 PM
Yo Ed
I have question about rip from arcade. Can you rip Contra Revolution from Arcade?

06-03-2016, 12:14 AM
Oh yeah! Thanks for SNES Parodius Da!, buddy!

06-03-2016, 12:46 AM
It's a big ol' soundtrack drop! All of these albums are tagged and ordered:


Parodius Da! - It's nice to hear a new soundtrack using the Gradius III SNES sound set. It still sounds amazing!


Digger T. Rock - Legend of the Lost City - Dave Wise was still in Battletoads mode when he wrote this one. The similarities are unmistakable.

Dragon Spirit - The New Legend - The classic Shinji Hosoe soundtrack.

Widget - A happy and bright little OST with some nice percussion.

KickMaster - Mmmm, Nobuyuki Shioda. That stage 1 music is soooo good.

RoboWarrior - Some classic tunes with a nice triangle bass groove.

That's all for today!

Hey Ruiner,

Looks like a great lot of NES soundtracks. Just wanted to point out, I went to download them and noticed you have two zip files for Kick Master. The one you loaded today "KickMaster" (no space between), and an earlier one "Kick Master". They appear to be the same soundtracks, though the one you posted today has slightly different names and a different track order. I prefer the layout of the recent upload, since it includes the Ending track last, and the previously upload had one of the tracks labelled as "Unknown", where as in the new upload it's referred to as "Players Left".

Either way, thought you might want to know.

Take care.

06-03-2016, 01:05 AM
Oops, yeah, that was an update and I forgot to get rid of the old one. Thanks for letting me know!

06-03-2016, 07:33 AM
Soooo... What about the Darkstalkers soundtrack collection from the arcade and the PSP one?

06-03-2016, 08:33 PM
Here's some new stuff! I'm on vacation next week so this will be the last batch for a while:


King Kong 2 ~ Ikari no Megaton Punch - Some of Konami's heavy hitters in here, like Kinuyo Yamashita and Satoe Terashima.

Toukon Club - One of Iku Mizutani's lesser-known soundtracks, but it still rocks.

Parodius Da! ~ Shinwa kara Owarai e - I did the SNES version, may as well do the NES one too.

The Smurfs - Oh, Alberto Gonzalez. Will you ever write a BAD soundtrack? (Hint: no.)


Darkstalkers - The Night Warriors - Not a personal fan of this one, but it's worth having in the collection.

Fighting Layer - A REALLY well-produced soundtrack from Ayako Saso (Sampling Masters AYA) and Takayuki Aihara (J99).

BOOM. See ya!

06-04-2016, 12:42 AM
Hey ruiner! Can you do Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland for Wii and Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland for DS when you get a chance? I'm in no rush for them! Have a nice vacation!

06-04-2016, 04:14 AM
Here's some new stuff! I'm on vacation next week so this will be the last batch for a while

Oh, have a good vacation, Ruiner!

The Playing Mantis
06-04-2016, 11:01 AM
How about that...I'm on vacation next week too. Let's both have a good week off!

06-11-2016, 09:02 PM

Episode 63: Battle Clash Crescendo
Download on our page! --

While the SNES Super Scope went largely ignored by the gaming community in the mid-nineties, those who owned one were treated to two of the best light-gun based games on the market. Battle Clash and its sequel Metal Combat were one-on-one mech combat games that saw the player facing off against some tough and crafty foes. Yuka Tsujiyoko, famous for her compositions and sound direction on many Fire Emblem soundtracks, lent her talents to these games, and the music is definitely worthy of a spotlight. Hoist those plastic bazookas up on your shoulders and take aim at this latest episode of PTR!

Keep those questions coming to [email protected] for our new PixelChat segment! Big thanks to Cameron Mount, Aaron Hickman, John Steiner, and Matt Waller for their emails this episode! :)

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Battle Clash
(Intelligent Systems/ Nintendo, SNES, 1992)
Composed by Yuka Tsujiyoko

1 – Guido, Piloting Garam

2 – Lorca, Piloting Lorca

3 – Tasha, Piloting Artemis

4 – Alfred, Piloting Schneider

5 – Antonov, Piloting Ivan

6 – Carlos, Piloting Baron

Metal Combat
(Intelligent Systems/ Nintendo, SNES, 1993)
Composed by Yuka Tsujiyoko, Kenichi Nishimaki, and Masaya Kuzume

7 – Title Theme

8 – Training Theme

9 – Guido, Piloting Garam Mk. II

10 – Orosoh, Piloting Griffin

11 – Carlos, Piloting Viscount

12 – Anubis, Piloting Thanatos

13 – Danpe, Piloting Arachnus

14 – Battle Clash Statistics Theme

06-12-2016, 01:59 AM
Welcome back from your vacation, ruiner!! :D

06-14-2016, 01:30 PM
Hi ruiner9, if you need a few requests, try these Famicom Nichibutsu soundtracks:

Crazy Climber
Booby Kids
Cosmo Police Galivan

Whether you can or not, thanks. ^_^

06-14-2016, 02:45 PM
Booby Kids is already in the collection, so you can start with that.

06-14-2016, 02:54 PM
Then replace it with Mag Max for Famicom.

06-15-2016, 06:54 PM
Ruiner9's High-Quality STEREO NES (and much, much more) Soundtrack-a-ganza!

Follow me on Twitter:
@ruiner9 (
For updates and stupid stuff like that!

****Check out PixelTunes Radio, my Video Game Music Podcast! Listen to and learn about some great game music!****
Follow us @PixelTunesRadio ( on Twitter
Join our Facebook Page, too! --

An Important Announcement

As of 11/15/15, I am officially retired from soundtrack requests. I need to give more time to my podcast, which is getting more popular with every episode, and my family.

I'm keeping the site alive for another year thanks to your donations, so you still have access to the thousands of hand-made soundtracks I've made. I promise to update it regularly with soundtracks of my own choosing, plus take *suggestions* from visitors, but those will be at my own discretion.

"So, what is this stuff?"

This project started with two-channel NES soundtracks, with individual instruments stereo-separated to create a musical effect that the NES/ Famicom couldn't create itself.
I am also uploading SNES, Genesis, GBC, GBA, DS, TG16, arcade, DC, N64... (I mean, really anything at this point) soundtracks by request (and a few that I think you guys will enjoy,) subject to availability.

"That's pretty cool. What can I expect from the downloads?"

Most of my albums are tagged with song titles, however a few requests I've taken have been without any information that I could find, so they're just labeled as numeric tracks. If anyone has song title info and would like to share it, I will add it to my collection. Also, these are blow-your-speakers-off LAME encoded VB0 MP3 files. The bass is very bassy and the treble is... um... trebly. I'm a stickler for audio quality, and I wouldn't post these if they were below my standards.

"Can I make requests?"

If you have an Amiga or C64 request, please check nx666's sister thread! (Thread 188804)

I may (from time to time) ask for suggestions from people for new additions to the collection, possibly based on a specific console or genre of game. I will no longer, however, be accepting unsolicited requests.

As long as people like what I'm doing, I'll keep posting albums!










Gameboy Advance!hh0GWB5Q!BM4dNA96KjUjBn1ABrWmEQ


Genesis/ Mega Drive!N4VzRQjR!-hbnaqL5jESr_X-rvfe9tw

Japanese PC (PC-88, PC-98, Sharp X68000, MSX, FM Towns)!R9kmyBrY!gr-_V_0udDbYBqlWdZe03g



NES STEREO!Mp9yCBxI!HFO46srDrc6TQ9dJ0i4ztA

Nintendo DS!J9sHhTSQ!MmnuPSRjxNVL0EiyXbjAhw

PC Engine CD/ Turbo CD!89V0nSaZ!FL2hNjEPZQCiHB9mEclq_w


Playstation 2!xg8RmJ6I!kxRbwjgHu-EDbE8jmcNbYg

Playstation 3!lwU3SKJD!EgLkZLYqLVykEd4EIEjpdA


Sega Saturn!JkUQiJKA!fGhg0XbN1UvkC7HOtU53WQ

Sega CD!s0NHQDjT!CEcCy-MdJx53w0zwUd7-Gw

Sega Master System/ Game Gear!99Ni2ABT!OOTt-3NmtltVMiXQqOyZeA






I love the Battle Clash series by Nintendo! I just wish they made more games in the series, or at least ressurect it for the Wii or Wii U.

06-15-2016, 07:03 PM
I love the Battle Clash series by Nintendo! I just wish they made more games in the series, or at least ressurect it for the Wii or Wii U.

Agreed! Sadly, I think that Gunpei Yokoi's untimely passing has a lot to do with the series not being revived.

06-15-2016, 07:17 PM
Hey Ed and how, can you do my suggestions?

06-15-2016, 11:41 PM
Agreed! Sadly, I think that Gunpei Yokoi's untimely passing has a lot to do with the series not being revived.

Me three. I own a Super Scope and 4 of its games.

06-17-2016, 02:41 PM
Thanks for Robocop arcade soundtrack, have such fond childhood memories of that game.

Also thanks for the Street Fighter 2 arcade soundtracks, been looking for those for a few years too.

06-17-2016, 02:57 PM
Hey there. Long time no post on my part.

I wanted to ask first for a confirmation, but are you doing requests again? I really hope so, because there are a couple that have I've been wanting ever since I've finished there games recently.

06-17-2016, 06:09 PM
No, I'll put a few suggestions up from people once in a while, but I'm not obligating myself to any requests anymore. Summer is a super busy time for me at work and at home, so I wouldn't count on seeing too many uploads in the near future.

06-18-2016, 04:01 AM
No, I'll put a few suggestions up from people once in a while, but I'm not obligating myself to any requests anymore. Summer is a super busy time for me at work and at home, so I wouldn't count on seeing too many uploads in the near future.

Oh. :(

Well, okay. Thanks anyway. :)

06-22-2016, 06:35 PM
N-n-n-n-n-n-n-EWWWWWW EPISODE!!!!!!!

Episode 64: Summer Jamz
Download on our page! --

Summer is here, and the PTR boys are spraying you down with some cool summer jams. Rap, jazz, funk, rock… it’s all in here! Hop in the car, roll down the windows, and head down the freeway with this collection of sizzling VGM tunes!

Thanks to Chris Baker (@dosman711) for submitting a PixelChat question. Send YOUR questions for us to answer at [email protected]!

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Format: Game Title (System, Year) – Track Title – Composer(s)

1 – Shantae And the Pirate’s Curse (Multiple systems, 2014) – “Scorching Dunes (Sunburn Island)”- Jake Kaufman

2 – Windjammers (Neo Geo CD, 1994) – “Flying Power Disc (Beach Court)” – Seiichi Hamada, Tomoyoshi Sato, Masaaki Iwasaki

3 – Chip n’ Dale’s Rescue Rangers (NES, 1990) – “Zone A, C, E” – Harumi Fujita

4 – Ollie King (Arcade, 2004) – “Boarder 70” – Hideki Naganuma

5 – Super Valis IV (SNES, 1993) – “Vecanti” – Junta

6 – Super Adventure Island (SNES, 1992) – “Ice Groove” – Yuzo Koshiro

7 – Outrunners (Genesis, 1994) – “Magical Sound Shower” – Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Junko Shiratsu, Takayuki Nakamura

8 – Wii Sports Resort (Wii, 2009) – “Golf Results” – Ryo Nagamatsu

9 – Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64, 1998) – “Gerudo Valley” – Koji Kondo

10 – Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO (YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of This World) (PC-98 OPNA, 1996) – “Hearth” – Ryu Umemoto, Ryu Takami, Kazuhiro Kanae

11 – Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii, 2010) – “Colony 9” – Yoko Shimomura

12 – Family Tennis Advance (GBA, 2002) – “Hard Court” – Iku Mizutani, Tetsuari Watanabe, Kohei Matsuoka

06-22-2016, 06:41 PM
Aw shit, this tracklist is probably dope!

I'll check it out!

07-02-2016, 04:12 AM
I have a request for a rip... it's a Super Nintendo game called Robotrek... "Slapstick" in Japan. I thought it was here but it's not, surprisingly!

07-02-2016, 01:11 PM
I have a request for a rip... it's a Super Nintendo game called Robotrek... "Slapstick" in Japan. I thought it was here but it's not, surprisingly!

So with track names like "Robots vs. Hackers" and a production team like Ancient, I thought I'd get some cool Koshiro-style techno themes, but I was sadly mistaken. It's competent RPG fare, but not my cup of tea. You guys may enjoy it, though.

Robotrek (SNES - ruiner9).7z 75.3 MB!V5MyyKBZ!hKPcvrGGCGqSZEozcTib-YAqtYUXuRHzoOPO9cPDx4g

07-06-2016, 11:24 AM

Episode 65: Run 'n Gun Fun
Download the MP3 here! (
Or subscribe on iTunes! (
We're on YouTube, too! Click here for the PixelTunes playlist. ( Stream it from your favorite device!

Today’s theme is all about running and gunning as Mike and Ed grab their rocket launchers and head towards the enemy’s base. The playlist is exceptionally rockin’ this time around, with hits from Turrican, Metal Slug, and… Lilo and Stitch? Hmm. Join us for an amazing VGM journey!

Thanks to Emily, Vasiliy, Cam, and Jeff for submitting their PixelChat questions. Don’t forget to send YOUR questions for us to answer on the show at [email protected]!

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Format: Game Title (System, Year) – Track Title – Composer(s)

1 – Mega Turrican (Genesis, 1993) – “Stage 3-1” – Chris Huelsbeck

2 – Alien Soldier (Mega Drive, 1995) – “Runner/AD2025” – Norio Hanzawa

3 – Heavy Barrel (NES, 1990) – “Stage 8” – Shōgo Sakai, Takafumi Miura, Masaaki Iwasaki, Seiuch H., Yuji Suzuki, Yūsuke Takahama

4 – Out Zone (Arcade, 1990) – “Pump Them with Bullets (Stage 2)” – Tatsuya Uemura

5 – Shock Troopers 2 (Neo Geo/Wii VC, 1998) – “2nd Mission” – Masahiko Hataya, Masaki Kase

6 – Metal Law (Amiga, 1992) – “Stage 1” – Rudolf Stember

7 – Lilo And Stitch (GBA, 2002) – “Bug Laboratory” – Robert Baffy

8 – Realm (SNES, 1996) – “Flying Battleship” – Unknown

9 – Metal Slug Advance (GBA, 2004 ) – “Mission 4” – Den-Den, Takushi Hiyamuta

10 – Time Soldier (Amiga, 1989) – “World Wars” – Allister Brimble

11 – Gunlord (Dreamcast/Neo Geo, 2012) – “Stage 1” – Rafael Dyll

12 – Broforce – (PC, PS4, XB1, 2015) – “Broforce Theme Song” – Strident

Which track is your favorite? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @pixeltunesradio!

Don’t forget, we always have a ton of great podcast-related content on our Twitter ( Facebook (! Be sure to like us to get in on the goodies and the conversation!

Like us? Want more episodes? Please leave a comment or a like! We want to hear your thoughts!

We love feedback! Please let us know what you think! Comment on this page, or at our Facebook page,!

Enjoy the show!

07-07-2016, 04:35 AM
Conversion suggestions:
Super Street Fighter II X Revival (GBA)
Hyper Street Fighter II (PS2)

07-08-2016, 04:53 AM
Hey Ed/Anyone else on this forum, have you heard of This Grand Guy? (

07-08-2016, 04:58 AM
Would like to post some words for Pixel Tunes Radio since the beginn, and i do still love it.
Keep Going ruiner9 and PTR Crew :)

07-08-2016, 11:24 AM
Hey Ed/Anyone else on this forum, have you heard of This Grand Guy? (

SilvaGunner/ GilvaSunner is amazing. His covers/ remixes/ mutations of VGM tracks are brilliant.

Would like to post some words for Pixel Tunes Radio since the beginn, and i do still love it.
Keep Going ruiner9 and PTR Crew :)

Thank you! :neg:

07-08-2016, 02:17 PM
So it's not very good, but Super Street Fighter II Turbo-Revival is new in the GBA section. There are a couple tracks that sound OK, like Zangief's theme, but I don't think the composers did this amazing soundtrack any justice. Listen and see for yourself. I'm curious as to what you all think.

07-08-2016, 07:08 PM
So it's not very good, but Super Street Fighter II Turbo-Revival is new in the GBA section. There are a couple tracks that sound OK, like Zangief's theme, but I don't think the composers did this amazing soundtrack any justice. Listen and see for yourself. I'm curious as to what you all think.

Hmm... well, people often say that the GBA's status as a "portable SNES" is hindered by it's subpar soundchip, and that tends to come out almost every time they ported a game to the GBA that was also on SNES (which was often). The original songs are good enough that these versions aren't outright terrible, but they're markedly inferior to the console versions, so they don't really stand out on their own. It's a shame, because Turbo Revival is a pretty impressive port otherwise.

Either way, since we're apparently sharing VGM related channels now, here's one I follow: Alianger does remixes of VGM, often using specific soundchips or sound fonts in doing so. He's also done some "remakes" of VGM, making his own versions of the songs (largely) using the same limitations of the original song, but in better quality. One of my favorites of his, and relevant to ruiner's latest upload, is his Genesis remake of Cammy's Theme from Super Street Fighter II. Using samples from the arcade version and instruments from the X68000 port, it's significantly better then the version that wound up in the actual Genesis release.

Here's the remake. (

And here's the original, for comparison's sake. Pretty big difference, eh? (

07-08-2016, 07:34 PM
Eh, a few themes are decent, but it's not exactly the best versions of the SF2 themes that I've heard. It was an early GBA title though for what I can tell (late 2001), so I guess you can at least give the composers a bit of credit as the software would have been pretty new. At least a new GBA game has been found that can actually be Cleanripped, that doesn't happen often!

Talking about ripping, does anyone know the best method of ripping game music that is in MIB + MIH format? I'm still trying to rip all my PS2 games that I didn't request back in the day, due to either forgetting about them or the fact that they have Licensed music. I'm currently trying to rip music from Hot Wheels: World Race, and although I managed to get the music together and into wav using VGSC it doesn't sound quite right (some instruments are off or missing).

I've also been trying to rip TD Overdrive, but I can't even find the music for that one. Maybe it's REALLY encoded purely for this reason.

Also, hopefully soon I can tag a soundtrack or too, I haven't had much time on my hands to do so recently.

07-08-2016, 07:47 PM
Hmm... well, people often say that the GBA's status as a "portable SNES" is hindered by it's subpar soundchip, and that tends to come out almost every time they ported a game to the GBA that was also on SNES (which was often). The original songs are good enough that these versions aren't outright terrible, but they're markedly inferior to the console versions, so they don't really stand out on their own. It's a shame, because Turbo Revival is a pretty impressive port otherwise.

Either way, since we're apparently sharing VGM related channels now, here's one I follow: Alianger does remixes of VGM, often using specific soundchips or sound fonts in doing so. He's also done some "remakes" of VGM, making his own versions of the songs (largely) using the same limitations of the original song, but in better quality. One of my favorites of his, and relevant to ruiner's latest upload, is his Genesis remake of Cammy's Theme from Super Street Fighter II. Using samples from the arcade version and instruments from the X68000 port, it's significantly better then the version that wound up in the actual Genesis release.

Here's the remake. (

And here's the original, for comparison's sake. Pretty big difference, eh? (

Yeah, that's a fantastic cover! Unfortunately it probably would've used WAY too much memory in both RAM and a cartridge to allow a soundtrack of that quality and a decent game at the same time.

Eh, a few themes are decent, but it's not exactly the best versions of the SF2 themes that I've heard. It was an early GBA title though for what I can tell (late 2001), so I guess you can at least give the composers a bit of credit as the software would have been pretty new. At least a new GBA game has been found that can actually be Cleanripped, that doesn't happen often!

Talking about ripping, does anyone know the best method of ripping game music that is in MIB + MIH format? I'm still trying to rip all my PS2 games that I didn't request back in the day, due to either forgetting about them or the fact that they have Licensed music. I'm currently trying to rip music from Hot Wheels: World Race, and although I managed to get the music together and into wav using VGSC it doesn't sound quite right (some instruments are off or missing).

I've also been trying to rip TD Overdrive, but I can't even find the music for that one. Maybe it's REALLY encoded purely for this reason.

Also, hopefully soon I can tag a soundtrack or too, I haven't had much time on my hands to do so recently.

The VGMStream plugin for both WinAmp and Foobar2000 should play MIB/ MIH tracks without issue. I've converted many of those kinds of files before.

07-08-2016, 10:15 PM
Foobar did the trick, thanks Ruiner!

07-10-2016, 07:09 PM
I just wanna say: This is the best, most organized, convenient method for sharing OSTs I've ever seen! I really appreciate it, ruiner9! You're really fab! Thank you! ❤

07-10-2016, 10:10 PM

07-13-2016, 03:57 PM
Hi guys!

Gimme some NES/ Famicom game suggestions... or maybe ones in the collection already that have issues with the track titles. I have some time to do a few rips today. :)

07-13-2016, 04:47 PM
I have for you :) Popeye (NES) and greetings :P

07-13-2016, 05:20 PM
The Ultimate Stuntman (

07-13-2016, 06:23 PM
The Ultimate Stuntman (

I wish I could! The snare hits in the that soundtrack use a really weird function call and aren't emulated correctly. Niko (WiiGuy) told me he manually placed all the snare hits back into the soundtrack for that YouTube video. I'm afraid I don't have THAT much time. Popeye should be ok though. :)

07-13-2016, 08:46 PM
Alright, well since I didn't get too may suggestions, I filled in a couple holes in the NES collection. Here's what's new:

Popeye - Short, simple, and sweet.

Holy Diver - A bit rock, a bit goth, and all very intense.

Spartan X 2 - You may remember this from a past episode of PTR focusing on Famicom-only titles. It's a very nice action soundtrack that reminds me a bit of the Double Dragon series.

Dragon Buster - Very simple action music, but pretty catchy too.

Dragon Buster II - Yami no Fuuin - Yuriko Keino composed this one as well as the prequel.


07-14-2016, 12:33 AM
I wish I could! The snare hits in the that soundtrack use a really weird function call and aren't emulated correctly. Niko (WiiGuy) told me he manually placed all the snare hits back into the soundtrack for that YouTube video. I'm afraid I don't have THAT much time. Popeye should be ok though. :)

It looks like this is a problem specific to the nsf format, emulators seem to be able to play the music correctly. Here is a (mono) version of the soundtrack, recorded with Nestopia.

The Ultimate Stuntman (NES) (!yA4SVTTb!vTT0tuMWDOsPFme_1GjB8Atreglf0lbN2GvJQuk7Urg)

This is based on a quick and dirty rom hack. The modified rom (!zMwHCb7b!wTR9v-lLOVO6BH2eEOVMmt0PhqDr30WPgyKaovzVmUU) plays the music on the title screen without any interruptions. To select the tracks you need to change byte $3cf15 of the rom with a hex editor. Valid values are $01 - $0b.

07-14-2016, 05:06 PM
So guys, if you were to pick out a shining example of industrial music in a video game, what would it be? The more obscure the better!

07-14-2016, 06:40 PM
Mostly industrial metal:

Iji - Welcome to the Party, Pal (
Rune - Viking Warlord (
Descent 2 - Crush (
Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi EXTRA - DARKENED (
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time - Groovitron - Metal Future (
Half-Minute Hero - Returning Good for Evil (

Zero Population Count ( <-- Music by Paul Barker (ex-Ministry) and his brother. I don't think a complete soundtrack for this game exists though.

07-14-2016, 07:07 PM
Mostly industrial metal:

Iji - Welcome to the Party, Pal (
Rune - Viking Warlord (
Descent 2 - Crush (
Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi EXTRA - DARKENED (
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time - Groovitron - Metal Future (
Half-Minute Hero - Returning Good for Evil (

Zero Population Count ( <-- Music by Paul Barker (ex-Ministry) and his brother. I don't think a complete soundtrack for this game exists though.

Excellent suggestions! I knew about Descent II (huge Skinny Puppy fan) and Ratchet & Clank Future but the others are new to me. I was listening to the Rune track and was like "what is he TALKING about? This is kind of orchestral" until those guitars kicked in. :)

Working on an industrial-themed show for PTR so these will come in handy. Thanks! Anyone else have any suggestions?

07-14-2016, 08:07 PM
Excellent suggestions! I knew about Descent II (huge Skinny Puppy fan) and Ratchet & Clank Future but the others are new to me. I was listening to the Rune track and was like "what is he TALKING about? This is kind of orchestral" until those guitars kicked in. :)

Yeah, that's viking industrial!

To be honest, I don't really know what "industrial" means these days, to many people it is just a synonym for industrial metal. These two are more akin to good old 80s industrial:

Zig Zag - Go For Gold (
Revolution - Aggressor Theme (

07-14-2016, 08:20 PM
Yeah, that's viking industrial!

To be honest, I don't really know what "industrial" means these days, to many people it is just a synonym for industrial metal. These two are more akin to good old 80s industrial:

Zig Zag - Go For Gold (
Revolution - Aggressor Theme (

These days, industrial is all but dead. The only stuff left in the genre is the old bands trying to make failed comebacks or other bands doing a "throwback" sound. It's turned into EDM for the most part... techno with big drums and mild dubstep elements. Front Line Assembly seems to be the only real band out there trying to advance the sound:

Airmech OST (

That Aggressor Theme is pretty rad. I'm glad people are using the Unepic SID collection! Mr. Mouse just joined the Impulse Project Facebook group and we've been chatting... he's a really nice guy with a huge passion for the C64.

07-14-2016, 09:18 PM
That Aggressor Theme is pretty rad. I'm glad people are using the Unepic SID collection! Mr. Mouse just joined the Impulse Project Facebook group and we've been chatting... he's a really nice guy with a huge passion for the C64.

I was really happy to see that as well, especially since it's such a well-organized effort. Here is a bonus SIDustrial demo track, always blew my mind that this was made in 1986.

Michael Winterberg - Yet Mata Dance (

07-22-2016, 11:19 AM

Episode 66: DOOM
Download the MP3 here! (
Or subscribe on iTunes! (
We're on YouTube, too! Click here for the PixelTunes playlist. ( Stream it from your favorite device!

Hot on the heels of the new DOOM release, PTR is back with a scorching collection of songs from the franchise. Marvel at how far video game music has come in the last 20 years with direct comparisons of the original PC version of DOOM and the modern era’s industrial metal face-melters! Plus, you might learn a thing or two about the stories behind some of the game’s more infamous console ports. Start throwing those devil’s horns in the air!

Thanks to Ezekiel Lawrence, Chris Myers, and Niko Gutierrez for submitting PixelChat questions. Don’t forget to send YOUR questions for us to answer on the show at [email protected]!

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

DOOM is developed and published by id Software

DOOM (PC, SNES) Composed by Bobby Prince
DOOM (3DO) Composed by Bobby Prince, arranged by Randy Scott & Brian Celand
DOOM 2 (PC) Composed by Bobby Prince
Final DOOM (PC) Composed by Jonathan El-Bizri, Josh Martel, L.A. Sieben, Tom Mustaine
DOOM PSX – Composed by Aubrey Hodges
New DOOM (PC, PS4, XB1) Composed by Mick Gordon & Richard Devine

1 – DOOM – “E1M1 – At Doom’s Gate” – PC, SNES, & 3DO versions

2 – New DOOM – “At Doom’s Gate”

3 – Doom 2 – “Map 1 & 15 – Running From Evil”

4 – New DOOM – “The Burning Hells”

5 – DOOM – “E1M9 – Hiding the Secrets” – PC, SNES, & 3DO versions

6 – Final DOOM – “Plutonia Map 4 – System Control”

7 – New DOOM – “Rip & Tear”

8 – DOOM – “E1M4 – Kitchen Ace (and Taking Names) – PC, SNES, & 3DO versions

9 – DOOM PSX – “Menu”

07-24-2016, 01:06 PM
this is the end of the fookin rainbow

07-26-2016, 05:31 AM
I have a request (if possible, I'm new to this thread and its rules), them being Killer Instinct 1, the arcade and gameboy versions, and KI2/Gold.

07-26-2016, 12:47 PM
So guys, if you were to pick out a shining example of industrial music in a video game, what would it be? The more obscure the better!


Silent Hill 1 is industrial :D

07-26-2016, 01:37 PM

Silent Hill 1 is industrial :D

Well of course! One of my favorite soundtrack series of all time.

07-26-2016, 01:59 PM
So guys, if you were to pick out a shining example of industrial music in a video game, what would it be? The more obscure the better!

Hmmm, industrial's not a genre I'm super familiar with, but I have a few recs.

First off, I'd agree with Knivesman that the Silent Hill games are a good bet. They have a fair amount of clanging industrial tunes. And if you want to be obvious there's the original Quake, Trent Reznor score and all.


Time Crisis 2 - "Scrapyard" (
Contra: Shattered Soldier - "Slave Beast Taka" (
Dungeon Keeper - "It's Construction Time" (

07-26-2016, 02:22 PM
"Industrial" is just one huge meta for many different music genres and styles, that's why both Rammstein and Merzbow would be industrial :)

1993/1998's Gadget: Past as Future might be more obscure example of ambient/avantgarde/industrial

Here's trailer of remaster sadly that remaster isnt available anymore (be it legal or not), so if someone wanna play it, pc/ps1 versions is the only way; original soundtrack in lossless was posted somewhere on this forum.

07-26-2016, 02:31 PM
"Industrial" is just one huge meta for many different music genres and styles, that's why both Rammstein and Merzbow would be industrial :)

1993/1998's Gadget: Past as Future might be more obscure example of ambient/avantgarde/industrial

Here's trailer of remaster sadly that remaster isnt available anymore (be it legal or not), so if someone wanna play it, pc/ps1 versions is the only way; original soundtrack in lossless was posted somewhere on this forum.

Well I asked before because I was doing a podcast on it, but it's already been recorded. So feel free to talk about it more if you want to!

07-26-2016, 02:44 PM
:D bringing knowledge to people in this thread won't hurt anyone, right?

I recommend everyone to take a look at this article/interview to get impression of what Haruhiko Shono did with his game projects.

07-26-2016, 04:46 PM
I have a request (if possible, I'm new to this thread and its rules), them being Killer Instinct 1, the arcade and gameboy versions, and KI2/Gold.

Not difficult, as far as the GB and N64 versions go!

Killer Instinct (Gameboy) (!ElcCQbqa!nEZa_t2kCiXEf3CcW5NflVi80-t-zRvNVEmWXO25tOw)

Killer Instinct Gold (N64) (!w4dj3RzR!YgZ1PMN6Zzm-EOs9dbICv-joFZv0cOs8zmOs24RI1UU)

07-27-2016, 05:18 AM

08-01-2016, 08:37 AM
So guys, if you were to pick out a shining example of industrial music in a video game, what would it be? The more obscure the better!

one of my favorite genres
in my experience, there are very few whole soundtracks that can be classified as industrial, but rather tracks here and there
much of Akira Yamaoka's works can be classified as this, obviously. a few tracks off of the Blood II soundtrack could be classified as industrial, the Quake Theme (the rest is dark ambient), "Combat" off the Amiga version of BloodNet that nx666 was gracious enough to upload (thanks man!!), some of the tracks off the SNES version of the Drakkhen soundtrack have an industrial sound to them, "Troll Factory" from Dungeon Keeper (the rest is ambient), maybe parts of the Chasm soundtrack, surprisingly "Confrontation" and "Challenge" from the FF X OST, "Mad Luca Blight" from Suikoden II (so good), "The Oracle" from Secret of Mana (maybe), "The Surface of the Water" from Parasite Eve (maybe), the "Ur-Quan Kor-ah" theme from Star Control II, perhaps some of Chasm's soundtrack depending on how you define it
it seems most horror games, where you'd expect to find good industrial, opt to go for dark ambient instead

---------- Post added at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:36 PM ----------

btw, Ruiner, is your podcast available on YouTube?

08-01-2016, 11:00 AM
btw, Ruiner, is your podcast available on YouTube?

Some of those are pretty industrial, yeah! Others are maybe more "mechanical" than industrial. There's a difference. You'll see what I mean on Wednesday ;)

Anyways, the YouTube Playlist of PixelTunes is here ( Enjoy!

08-01-2016, 11:53 AM
I think that's because 'pure' industrial has become increasingly rare since the late 80s and for the most part blended with other genres like metal, rock, electro, ambient, or techno.

When I was a kid industrial sounded like this (, gotta love the guy with the shovel.

08-01-2016, 12:32 PM
I think that's because 'pure' industrial has become increasingly rare since the late 80s and for the most part blended with other genres like metal, rock, electro, ambient, or techno.

When I was a kid industrial sounded like this (, gotta love the guy with the shovel.

I actually mention Einst�rzende Neubauten on the podcast. :)

08-01-2016, 01:55 PM
I actually mention Einst�rzende Neubauten on the podcast. :)

haha, now I'm definitely looking forward to that episode

08-01-2016, 04:02 PM
I think that's because 'pure' industrial has become increasingly rare since the late 80s and for the most part blended with other genres like metal, rock, electro, ambient, or techno.

When I was a kid industrial sounded like this (, gotta love the guy with the shovel.

haha, the guy with the shovel!
yeah, these are some of the grandfathers of the genre, that's undebateable. i don't know, though, i always liked the later incarnation better.. i think industrial in a style similar to Yamaoka is just spot on

---------- Post added at 11:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 PM ----------

Some of those are pretty industrial, yeah! Others are maybe more "mechanical" than industrial. There's a difference. You'll see what I mean on Wednesday ;)

Anyways, the YouTube Playlist of PixelTunes is here ( Enjoy!

sweet, man. thanks

yeah, i know what you mean.. like you said, though: it's rare in gaming, sadly

one more thing
i can't believe you didn't include more Aubrey Hodges stuff in your Doom episode. his soundtracks are complete game changers
the later the release, the longer the tracks, and the more minimalistic..culminating in his Quake 64 soundtracks, which, admittedly, aren't from the Doom franchise - but they're in exactly the same style, so i can't not think about as part of a unit
EDIT: okay, scratch that. just banged it on, and i see what the theme is. still tha'!

looking forward to Wednesday, then!

08-01-2016, 05:15 PM
Hey, if it's at all possible, can you rip the soundtrack for Kirby Star Stacker on Gameboy?

08-02-2016, 03:57 PM
It's a day early since I'm such a nice guy. ;)

Episode 67: Industrial Strength VGM
Download the MP3 here! (
Or subscribe on iTunes! (
We're on YouTube, too! Click here for the PixelTunes playlist. ( Stream it from your favorite device!

Sure, everyone knows that Nine Inch Nails wrote the soundtrack for Quake, right? You may not know, however, that it wasn’t the first time an industrial artist has written music for a video game.., and it certainly wasn’t the last! Ed and special guest host Todd, both long-time fans of industrial music, share their tastes and expertise in the genre. Check out tracks that listeners of orchestral, rock, and dance will enjoy (with an industrial twist, of course!) You’ll also learn a lot about the artists that created these tunes, and find out where you can find more of their music.

PixelChat is on hiatus until Mike comes back, but keep sending those questions to [email protected]!

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Format: Game Title (System, Year) – Track Title – Composer(s)

Intro – Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (PSX, 1999) – “Ozar Midrashim” – Greg Shaw, Kurt Harland, Jim Hedges

Information Society Website (

1 – Firepower 2000 (SNES, 1992) – “Opening” – David Whittaker

2 – Spider-Man 2 (PS2/ GCN/ Xbox, 2004) – “Hung Like a Spider” – KMFDM, Michael McCuistion

KMFDM Website (

3 – Robocop – (GB, 1990) – “Title Theme” – Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz

4 – X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse (PC, 1997) – “Tragic Rabbit” – Method of the W.O.R.M (Garry Schafer)
Method of the W.O.R.M Soundcloud (

5 – Quake – (PC, 1996) – “Opening Theme” – Trent Reznor

Nine Inch Nails Website (

6 – Shadowrun – (SNES, 1993) – “Intro” & “Maria Mercurial Theme” – Marshall Parker

7 – Killer Instinct (XB1/ PC, 2015) – “Rash’s Theme” – Celldweller

Klayton’s Webpage
8 – Dead Rising 3 (PS3/ X360, 2013) – “Hemlock Melee Battle” – Sascha Dikiciyan

Sonic Mayhem Website (

9 – Adventures of Batman & Robin – (Genesis, 1995) – “Gotham by Night” – Jesper Kyd

10 – Airmech (PS4, PC, XB1, XB360, 2012) – “Burning Skyline” – Front Line Assembly

Front Line Assembly Homepage (

11 – Devil May Cry 3 (PS2, 2005) – “Now You’ve Really Crossed the Line” – Tetsuya Shibata, Shawn McPherson

12 – Descent Maximum/ Descent II (PSX/ PC, 1997) – “Glut” – Kevin Ogilvie, Mark Walk, Brian Luzietti, Mark Morgan, Larry Peacock, Tim Wiles, Johann Langlie, Ronald Valdez, Leslie Spitzer

Ohgr Official Facebook Page (

13 – Silent Hill 3 (PS2/ Xbox, 2003) – “Letter – From the Lost Days” – Akira Yamaoka, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn

08-02-2016, 06:01 PM
aww, yeah! sweet
it doesn't show up on YouTube, though. anyhoo
doing the mp3, then

08-02-2016, 06:18 PM
aww, yeah! sweet
it doesn't show up on YouTube, though. anyhoo
doing the mp3, then

YouTube will be up tomorrow... Mike handles that part!

08-02-2016, 07:10 PM
YouTube will be up tomorrow... Mike handles that part!

i see
i started listening, there's some really good stuff in there that i'd never heard before
are you guys considering doing an "ambient in game soundtracks" episode?

08-02-2016, 07:25 PM
i see
i started listening, there's some really good stuff in there that i'd never heard before
are you guys considering doing an "ambient in game soundtracks" episode?

It's not out of the realm of possibility, though I worry that it might bore some listeners to tears. :)

08-03-2016, 11:24 AM
Here's a little bit of Hirokazo Ando sweetness on the ol' Game Boy for ya'll. :)

Kirby's Star Stacker (GB - ruiner9).7z 28.8 MB!w9ckWBhS!YsKicH3JzxXTWpaXKfZKYwY5aDbtwa194p2_ft2PgwY

08-03-2016, 01:40 PM
Great episode with some really good tracks! Maybe you could have played a few more songs from the chiptune era, the playlist felt like it was 90% industrial metal.

If I had to define industrial, then it would be music based on the idea that anything that makes a sound can also be an instrument. When industrial was born as a genre in the 70s it was very often just that, sound collages that didn't follow any musical conventions or structures. That, to me, is still the purest form of industrial. Anything that came later just incorporates this basic idea into other genres.

I was also extremely disappointed with the Quake soundtrack when that game came out. I think if it wasn't for the composer nobody would talk about it anymore. 'From the cutting room floor' is a pretty apt description of where those tracks probably came from.

08-03-2016, 02:03 PM
Great episode with some really good tracks! Maybe you could have played a few more songs from the chiptune era, the playlist felt like it was 90% industrial metal.

If I had to define industrial, then it would be music based on the idea that anything that makes a sound can also be an instrument. When industrial was born as a genre in the 70s it was very often just that, sound collages that didn't follow any musical conventions or structures. That, to me, is still the purest form of industrial. Anything that came later just incorporates this basic idea into other genres.

I was also extremely disappointed with the Quake soundtrack when that game came out. I think if it wasn't for the composer nobody would talk about it anymore. 'From the cutting room floor' is a pretty apt description of where those tracks probably came from.

I get your point about adding more songs from the chiptune era... but I really wanted this to be kind of a way to share the music of industrial artists that I enjoy and maybe turn some listeners on to them. I also found it really tough to find any "real" chip industrial... they all sounded like approximations of what industrial is, and not the real thing.

If only Throbbing Gristle made VGM, right? I'd have loved to have incorporated lots of that early stuff into the show, but sadly it was at a time where game console soundchips weren't capable of it. I feel like the Method of the W.O.R.M. and Ohgr tracks were the closest I could get to "real" industrial music, and I wanted to showcase the whole spectrum of the genre as it has become over the years. Anyways, glad you enjoyed it, and I hope the listeners learned a thing or two about one of my passions!

08-04-2016, 08:21 AM
Doesn't this requirement that something needs to be capable of sounding like industrial defeat the very idea of that style, i.e. that basically anything can be an instrument? Sorry about all the rambling, I spent way too much time in my life thinking about this :)

Speaking of Throbbing Gristle, I found this ( which explains the original concept quite well I think.

08-04-2016, 10:57 AM
Doesn't this requirement that something needs to be capable of sounding like industrial defeat the very idea of that style, i.e. that basically anything can be an instrument? Sorry about all the rambling, I spent way too much time in my life thinking about this :)

Speaking of Throbbing Gristle, I found this ( which explains the original concept quite well I think.

Hah! That's an excerpt from a Nine Inch Nails documentary that I watched just before recording the show. Small world.

08-04-2016, 03:08 PM
Thank you

08-04-2016, 05:03 PM
i've got a question for you
you seem to pretty clued up about the 3DO, so.. i seem to recall there being an Alone in the Dark port for that system
is the soundtrack there different from the computer version, or is it the same? i mean, IF you know, of course

08-04-2016, 05:55 PM
i've got a question for you
you seem to pretty clued up about the 3DO, so.. i seem to recall there being an Alone in the Dark port for that system
is the soundtrack there different from the computer version, or is it the same? i mean, IF you know, of course

I'm only familiar with the 3DO version so I'm not sure. Here is a video with decent sound of the 3DO version ( How does it sound in comparison to you?

08-05-2016, 03:42 AM
i've got a question for you
you seem to pretty clued up about the 3DO, so.. i seem to recall there being an Alone in the Dark port for that system
is the soundtrack there different from the computer version, or is it the same? i mean, IF you know, of course

The 3DO and CD version have the same orchestral soundtracks, but the PC release has an extra ambient track. The original Soundblaster music is obviously pretty different though.

08-05-2016, 04:26 AM
And there you have it. :)

08-05-2016, 07:20 PM
haha, hats off
yeah, i couldn't hear the difference
is the soundblaster version available anywhere?

08-06-2016, 11:05 PM
What's up, ruiner? Just like with some OSTs from nx666's forum, I'm working hard on updating tags and reordering tracks on some of your OSTs today, since I've got some free time to work on them!! Expect a few PMs (not too many; don't want to overfill your PM box, lol) from me tonight with some updated OST tags and track orders. :)

08-06-2016, 11:05 PM
haha, hats off
yeah, i couldn't hear the difference
is the soundblaster version available anywhere?

Maybe next week when (if) I have time.

08-06-2016, 11:12 PM
What's up, ruiner? Just like with some OSTs from nx666's forum, I'm working hard on updating tags and reordering tracks on some of your OSTs today, since I've got some free time to work on them!! Expect a few PMs (not too many; don't want to overfill your PM box, lol) from me tonight with some updated OST tags and track orders. :)
Awesome! I'm out of state for PTR cohost Mike's wedding this weekend, but I'll tag the sets on Monday when I get back. :)

08-06-2016, 11:23 PM
What's up, ruiner? Just like with some OSTs from nx666's forum, I'm working hard on updating tags and reordering tracks on some of your OSTs today, since I've got some free time to work on them!! Expect a few PMs (not too many; don't want to overfill your PM box, lol) from me tonight with some updated OST tags and track orders. :)

Even Fuuki related game OSTs? They lack proper tags.

08-07-2016, 12:13 AM
Even Fuuki related game OSTs? They lack proper tags.

Probably. I can try and give it a shot.

08-07-2016, 02:45 PM
Yo dude. Any chances of seeing here Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3) e Ninja Gaiden II (XBOX 360) sounds?

08-07-2016, 11:15 PM
KingTengu came through! Here are three OSTs with proper tags/ orders:

XZR - Hakai no Guuzou (PC-88 - ruiner9).7z 45.8 MB!J9dUBA7Y!7sDm7MBmW7L7RTpm3YuUp01DP60h1oPrGFog-lPClhg

XZR2 (OPNA ver.) (PC-88 - ruiner9).7z 62.2 MB!cpUjTIyL!rSLlfTgEMsANUWofdrbaFqG0Ge4pGnUftVhf5axTuYQ

XZR II (MSX - ruiner9).7z 78.1 MB!Y91DVYzD!njHqEX5hHqodgwm6ut74KxrYsRIw7CiwT1ysQ6HcuMY

Thanks, KingTengu! :)

08-08-2016, 11:48 AM
Here's some Ninja Gaiden stuff for ya.... I have no idea where these songs play or what order they appear in, so any help on that would be appreciated!

Ninja Gaiden II (X360 - ruiner9).7z 267.4 MB!ZglHDS7a!OUaF_iAmPYy13-p4PRguuIJoptgIDx2oLIuWYmqD8_k

Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3 - ruiner9).7z 578.7 MB!lh9zwbzJ!Sn5to3kiMWxKntagD9b9_e8sXawa7sP8wJFWXTFSin0


08-11-2016, 06:34 PM
I just started to listen to your last Impulse Project podcast. The Neil Baldwin track you played at the beginning is a cover of this (, hence the name.

And this particular piece was not created with Electrosound, it's actually using Rob Hubbard's sound driver (and probably some of his instruments as well), which is what many people did in '86/87.

08-11-2016, 06:49 PM
Ah, OK. He says in this interview ( that Hardcastle was the only tune he wrote using Rob's engine before making his own.

08-11-2016, 09:24 PM
Hey, Ruiner, do you have enough to keep the albums up for another year? If not, will you have another donation period? Keep up the good work!
EDIT: You haven't ripped Diddy Kong Racing? For shame, because I find it to be some of David Wise's best works. If it's not too much trouble, can you rip it?

08-11-2016, 09:55 PM
Hey, Ruiner, do you have enough to keep the albums up for another year? If not, will you have another donation period? Keep up the good work!
EDIT: You haven't ripped Diddy Kong Racing? For shame, because I find it to be some of David Wise's best works. If it's not too much trouble, can you rip it?

Welp, my Pro account with MEGA is good until November 25th, at which point I'm not going to renew it. I felt that asking for over $100US was a good value when I was doing tons of requests, but it's a bit much to ask just for access to the collection I think. I'll still have 50GB free, so what I may do is rotate a selection into that space every so often. It's just a thought I had just now, so I'll have to see if something like that is feasible.

I'd also looked into getting actual web-hosting space, and seeing if anyone wanted to build a searchable database for my collection... potentially even moving it off of FFShrine. So if anyone out there has space and/ or web skillz, PM me! :)

Diddy Kong Racing is a big hole in the N64 collection, you're right. I'll see if I can get it done within the next day or so.

08-13-2016, 12:20 PM
Welp, my Pro account with MEGA is good until November 25th, at which point I'm not going to renew it. I felt that asking for over $100US was a good value when I was doing tons of requests, but it's a bit much to ask just for access to the collection I think. I'll still have 50GB free, so what I may do is rotate a selection into that space every so often. It's just a thought I had just now, so I'll have to see if something like that is feasible.

I'd also looked into getting actual web-hosting space, and seeing if anyone wanted to build a searchable database for my collection... potentially even moving it off of FFShrine. So if anyone out there has space and/ or web skillz, PM me! :)

Maybe try contacting this guy ( and ask what he is using, I always liked the layout of that site.

I could also borrow you some space (about 80 GB right now) if you end up rotating your collection with a free account.

08-13-2016, 01:07 PM
Maybe try contacting this guy ( and ask what he is using, I always liked the layout of that site.

I could also borrow you some space (about 80 GB right now) if you end up rotating your collection with a free account.

I'll look into it! Thanks for the offer. :) My collection right now sits at about 233gb. I used to juggle 3 seperate MEGA accounts before I went pro, but that was before filesharing between accounts was a thing. Perhaps I could put some of the more popular systems (NES, SNES, Genesis) up permanently and rotate the less popular ones. I'll chat with you about it as the time draws near.

There's one new soundtrack today: Diddy Kong Racing for the N64!

Diddy Kong Racing (N64 - ruiner9).7z 184.3 MB!VgkG2ZSI!QCL8zsWI9YHgoDcLyT1p2uE5vRZn-zNxDckE2PaybNw

08-13-2016, 06:45 PM
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
New Super Mario Bros. 2
New Super Mario Bros. U

The games are very good :P

---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 AM ----------

Welp, my Pro account with MEGA is good until November 25th, at which point I'm not going to renew it. I felt that asking for over $100US was a good value when I was doing tons of requests, but it's a bit much to ask just for access to the collection I think. I'll still have 50GB free, so what I may do is rotate a selection into that space every so often. It's just a thought I had just now, so I'll have to see if something like that is feasible.

I'd also looked into getting actual web-hosting space, and seeing if anyone wanted to build a searchable database for my collection... potentially even moving it off of FFShrine. So if anyone out there has space and/ or web skillz, PM me! :)

Diddy Kong Racing is a big hole in the N64 collection, you're right. I'll see if I can get it done within the next day or so.

also there's the Amazon Cloud Drive option. I use it for my storage and its 100TB for $60 annually. :P That work for you?

08-14-2016, 03:10 AM
Maybe next week when (if) I have time.


08-15-2016, 11:07 PM
Can someone update the Super Mario 64 DS rip with proper track names?

08-16-2016, 11:36 AM
Can someone update the Super Mario 64 DS rip with proper track names?

Well that was quick. VGManiac456 came through with the tags for this!

Here's the new updated set:

Super Mario 64 DS (DS - ruiner9).7z 174.5 MB!51lhhBhb!S94uaWd09DcRQddszMekgir-6Pf3daf4NsP1aPLaHAE

08-17-2016, 10:51 AM
Here's some Ninja Gaiden stuff for ya.... I have no idea where these songs play or what order they appear in, so any help on that would be appreciated!

Ninja Gaiden II (X360 - ruiner9).7z 267.4 MB!ZglHDS7a!OUaF_iAmPYy13-p4PRguuIJoptgIDx2oLIuWYmqD8_k

Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3 - ruiner9).7z 578.7 MB!lh9zwbzJ!Sn5to3kiMWxKntagD9b9_e8sXawa7sP8wJFWXTFSin0


I'm curious as to what formats both NGII & NGS use for their audio as well as if any conversion/modification had to be done in order to rip the files successfully? Also seeing how you're just getting around to PS Trippe & 360 titles I'm wondering if this Encoder/Plugin ( rings a bell to you?

08-17-2016, 11:28 AM
I'm curious as to what formats both NGII & NGS use for their audio as well as if any conversion/modification had to be done in order to rip the files successfully? Also seeing how you're just getting around to PS Trippe & 360 titles I'm wondering if this Encoder/Plugin ( rings a bell to you?

If I recall, NGS was in the typical .XA format, and NGII was .XWB. Neither are very rare formats, and yes, I used VGMStream to help me out.

---------- Post added at 06:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:03 AM ----------

Episode 68: Taito Arcade with Bryan
Download the MP3 here! (
Or subscribe on iTunes! (
We're on YouTube, too! Click here for the PixelTunes playlist. ( Stream it from your favorite device!

This week, Ed tags his Impulse Project co-host Bryan into the ring to chat about video game music! The theme of the day is Taito; specifically the history of the company and it’s influential arcade games and soundtracks. Learn about Zuntata, Taito’s in-house band, and find out how a video game company wound up introducing vodka to Japan! Be sure to check out Bryan’s own VGM podcast at ( for lots more game music and fun.

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Format: Game Title (System, Year) – Track Title – Composer(s)

INTRO – Bust-A-Move (Neo Geo, 1994) “Let’s Go to Pao Pao Island” – Kazuko Umino

1 – The Ninjawarriors (Arcade system, 1988) – “Japanese Smile” – Hisayoshi Ogura

2 – Kuri Kinton (L System, 1988) – “Face-off Hairs II” – Masahiko Takaki, Yasuhisa Watanabe

3 – Gun & Frontier (F2 System, 1990) – “Desert Mountain Storm (BGM1)” – Hidetoshi Fukumori

4 – Aqua Jack “BGM 3” (Z System, 1990) – Shizuo Aizawa

5 – The Ninja Kids (F2 System, 1991) – “An Aimed Town” – Norihiro Furukawa, Fumiaki Imaoka, Hiroshige Tonomura, Pinch Punch

6 – PuLiRuLa (F2 System, 1991) – “BGM4, Desert” – Kazuko Umino

7 – Ground Effects/ Super Ground Effects (Taito Z/ F3 Hybrid, 1992) – “Thailand Course” – Unknown

8 – Elevator action returns (Taito F3 System, 1994) – “Blow Up (Final Mission 1)” – Yasuhisa Watanabe

9 – Psychic Force (FX-1A System, 1996) – “Burning Storm” – Hideki Takahagi

10 – Magical Date EX – Sotsugyou Kokuhaku Daisakusen (FX-1A System, 1997) – “Over Drive” – Norihiro Furukawa, Hiroyuki Misawa

11 – Darius (Arcade System, 1986) – “Cosmic Air Way” – Hisayoshi Ogura

---------- Post added at 06:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:10 AM ----------

One more update, I'll let KingTengu explain:

FINALLY!! After many false starts and a delay of two years, I've finally managed to retag and reorder the tracks from the third and final Fire ProWrestling game for the PC Engine, Fire ProWrestling 3: Legend Road. I've yet to identify the five remaining tracks, so for now, they're listed as "Unknown BGM 1-5" as seen on the list below...

Thanks, KingTengu! Here's the updated soundtrack:

Fire Pro Wrestling 3 - Legend Bout (TG16 - ruiner9).7z 47.8 MB!dw12GAra!F4rSFsQxyIT8qZq0qLsIE3GmOuFbstFhSW1VaLLAaeg

08-17-2016, 09:31 PM
No problem, ruiner. Always glad to help out.

08-18-2016, 07:14 AM
I did some research on La Wares ruiner. Its part of a multimedia project called the Wares Project. Still trying to translate more info,

08-18-2016, 10:47 AM
Speaking of Remember Two years ago when you said :
Chibi-Tech rocks, doesn't she? I've heard her original music, but I didn't know she did these! So rad! Too bad this guy's download link has expired. :(
Well it turns out that a little while after that comment was posted TheTKC ( reuploaded the files to MEGA (!LpBDSAIJ!MXvS0whnw_0nAyvAxdW7zQRS_VzTuBtVGiGRjetPH0c) that are surprisingly still up after two years! Though the reason why I bring this up is just recently I've been ripping some files from varies PSN games and it just so happens that I was able to find the original sound files ( for all of the Vintage Releases on PSN! Even though Both Golden Axe & Streets of Rage Vintage Collections weren't release on PSN and there really isn't anyway to rip the files directly (Not yet at least.) due to there being no way to extract the contents of a J-Tag files. But asides that all of the tracks are here with the added bonus of the Toejam & Earl stuff with even better sound quality than The TKC Rip!

Also a quick recommendation I would give in regards to PS3 ripping is Sonic 2006 ( It's super easy to rip considering that vgmstream supports AT3(at3plus) playback. Both this game and SEGA Vintage use this format! So I hope you enjoy listening to these tracks and as always Happy Ripping! ;)

08-20-2016, 06:17 PM
Sad that you're not doing any requests anymore because I was going to ask for the NES and Famicom osts to Rolling Thunder.

08-21-2016, 01:09 PM
Sad that you're not doing any requests anymore because I was going to ask for the NES and Famicom osts to Rolling Thunder.

Well, I don't do requests, but I do take suggestions, and I always like when there's two different versions of an NES soundtrack. So here's the FC and NES versions of Rolling Thunder:

Rolling Thunder NES (NES Stereo).7z 19.5 MB!E0c0WYyY!VTLATq-5ZcoM2jhHcno0tqpEB3ulXi8-yR9sJ8jD4PQ

Rolling Thunder FC (NES Stereo).7z 20.0 MB!FhM1xY4R!IOqUBwP92ph-RWi4BW9FEat_gvi0CInXa-y6SIu4eQE

08-21-2016, 07:03 PM
A friend of mine is now going to uploading many of my albums to YouTube! I'll be an admin of the channel too. Check out the beginnings of the playlists here:

08-21-2016, 07:18 PM
Well, I don't do requests, but I do take suggestions,

Speaking of Suggestions I just recent stumbled across a rip of Fantasy Zone 2 DX/W ( that just so happens to have Endless Love. The rip is in much higher quality then the rip I did over a year ago! Also I've got some tracks here ( that I suggest throwing in to make it even more complete!

Well that's all the time we have! it has certainly been a blast being a part of this High Quality Video Game Rips forum for the past two years! Even though I'm able to rip my own music & use other formats than mp3 now I can still appreciate what you have done for us of the coarse of 3 years! Once or if you move from this lovely forum I'll create my own ripping based forum to honor this amazing forum!

08-21-2016, 11:15 PM
Well, I don't do requests, but I do take suggestions, and I always like when there's two different versions of an NES soundtrack. So here's the FC and NES versions of Rolling Thunder:

Rolling Thunder NES (NES Stereo).7z 19.5 MB!E0c0WYyY!VTLATq-5ZcoM2jhHcno0tqpEB3ulXi8-yR9sJ8jD4PQ

Rolling Thunder FC (NES Stereo).7z 20.0 MB!FhM1xY4R!IOqUBwP92ph-RWi4BW9FEat_gvi0CInXa-y6SIu4eQE

I did not expect that at all, Oh my goodness Thank you so much Ed!! <3<3.

---------- Post added at 04:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 PM ----------

Apologies for being a suggestion hog if it all possible do you have a good Rip of Spawn for the GBC and if so could you upload it please?

08-22-2016, 03:01 AM
A friend of mine is now going to uploading many of my albums to YouTube! I'll be an admin of the channel too. Check out the beginnings of the playlists here:

That must be one cool friend.

08-23-2016, 12:04 AM
Hi again :)

I have some PSP suggestion, please take a look if you would be in a right mood.

Skate Park City (nice game, btw)
Dragoneer's Aria
Another Century's Episode Portable
Armored Core - Last Raven Portable

Just to mention, my suggestions stay the same, if you would suddenly decide to mess with ripping things again.


Episode 68: Taito Arcade with Bryan

Oh, how did i miss that! Taito! Taito! Taito! Taito! Now i know how i gonna spend some night with headphones...
I just was playing a bit some Taito games from PS2 compilations they released.

08-23-2016, 11:29 AM
I could've sworn I'd already ripped Skate Park City. Turns out I did, I just never uploaded it! It's kind of a weird soundtrack... it's one 33-minute long megamix of tunes very much in the style of Hideki Naganuma.

Skate Park City (PSP - ruiner9).7z 73.7 MB!9ocD1RZR!IucqnwusHEFkh9Nt8X2xjy1SulNdeWTwj_Qon32_G_g

Also, I checked out that Spawn GBC soundtrack. WOW! Some excellent GB rock! This may appear on a PTR sooner than later. Definitely worth a listen.

Spawn (GB - ruiner9).7z 71.4 MB!psdiVJJB!zNvBme0RVyfRI-aOe2esBLg_bS60DBI-2GYk3r0GnEw

See ya! :)

08-23-2016, 01:09 PM
Oh, cool, thanks. This game is like european version of Jet Set Radio overall. While it lacks Sega's signature style etc. it's still pretty nice game, which i wasnt expecting from low budget noname game. PS2 version is a bit better because of more comfortable control and slightly better graphics, but game fits PSP well too because of it's mini-missions structure. Basically it's a skateboard game with cool stuff like grappling hook-jumping. Definetely fits into my "underrated games" list.

Check trailer (lowres but gives an impression with some epic things) if anyone is interested

08-23-2016, 01:09 PM
I could've sworn I'd already ripped Skate Park City. Turns out I did, I just never uploaded it! It's kind of a weird soundtrack... it's one 33-minute long megamix of tunes very much in the style of Hideki Naganuma.

Skate Park City (PSP - ruiner9).7z 73.7 MB!9ocD1RZR!IucqnwusHEFkh9Nt8X2xjy1SulNdeWTwj_Qon32_G_g

Also, I checked out that Spawn GBC soundtrack. WOW! Some excellent GB rock! This may appear on a PTR sooner than later. Definitely worth a listen.

Spawn (GB - ruiner9).7z 71.4 MB!psdiVJJB!zNvBme0RVyfRI-aOe2esBLg_bS60DBI-2GYk3r0GnEw

See ya! :)
So how is it going? I know life can be quite busy! Also sorry about all of the files I tired sending you though It was mostly out of wanting to share tracks with not just you but everyone else. Though a suggestion of mine would be maybe updating Fantasy Zone 2 W's soundtrack using vgmrips's version? But if you could reply to this that would be amazing!

08-23-2016, 02:09 PM
So how is it going? I know life can be quite busy! Also sorry about all of the files I tired sending you though It was mostly out of wanting to share tracks with not just you but everyone else. Though a suggestion of mine would be maybe updating Fantasy Zone 2 W's soundtrack using vgmrips's version? But if you could reply to this that would be amazing!

I'm very confused. It sounded like you were leaving the thread, and now you're asking me to rip soundtracks for you?

Anyways, here is the soundtrack... it seems like you really want it:

Fantasy Zone II DX (PS2 - ruiner9).7z 68.1 MB!0h1RkTRR!Y0NUJd_sgLnkfkbxAsrrdKMWSx7Xt12ogm0ijWCYsF8

08-23-2016, 03:04 PM
I'm very confused. It sounded like you were leaving the thread, and now you're asking me to rip soundtracks for you?

Anyways, here is the soundtrack... it seems like you really want it:

Fantasy Zone II DX (PS2 - ruiner9).7z 68.1 MB!0h1RkTRR!Y0NUJd_sgLnkfkbxAsrrdKMWSx7Xt12ogm0ijWCYsF8

Apologies for the confusion that I had caused. I as well was confused considering that I thought you were planning on leaving this forum/moving it to a different sever as well as sorta getting out of ripping VGMs. While I might not frequent the fourm nearly as much anymore I still like to drop by from time to time.:) As for FZ2 I was sitting on it for a while considering that the rip I did really was not all that satisfying. While there was a higher quality rip of the ost floating around in vgmz form I hesitated considering that Endless Love wasn't properly ripped yet, but since it has I figured now would be the best time to update the ost so other people who might come across this fourrm can enjoy the soundtrack how it was mean't to be heard! And even though I'm not leaving the fourm I would like to thank you for introducing me to VGM ripping and I hope you keep on doing what you're doing for as long as you can! :)

Sincerely, Shroom Kat

08-23-2016, 03:34 PM
It might be the case when MEGA had display bug and ruiner9 thought he lost it so thread was closed.

08-23-2016, 03:58 PM
Apologies for the confusion that I had caused. I as well was confused considering that I thought you were planning on leaving this forum/moving it to a different sever as well as sorta getting out of ripping VGMs. While I might not frequent the fourm nearly as much anymore I still like to drop by from time to time.:) As for FZ2 I was sitting on it for a while considering that the rip I did really was not all that satisfying. While there was a higher quality rip of the ost floating around in vgmz form I hesitated considering that Endless Love wasn't properly ripped yet, but since it has I figured now would be the best time to update the ost so other people who might come across this fourrm can enjoy the soundtrack how it was mean't to be heard! And even though I'm not leaving the fourm I would like to thank you for introducing me to VGM ripping and I hope you keep on doing what you're doing for as long as you can! :)

Sincerely, Shroom Kat

It might be the case when MEGA had display bug and ruiner9 thought he lost it so thread was closed.

Ah, no, it was not too long ago, someone asked if I would be taking donations again when my subscription ran out, and I said probably not. But, that's not until the end of November... there's still a few months left to download and suggest VGM!

08-23-2016, 04:13 PM
So in future you'll leave thread with some selected uploads that will be hosted on your free account instead of ultra archive on current paid one?

08-23-2016, 04:24 PM
I haven't decided that far ahead yet. But I'm thinking something like that, yes. No promises right now, though.

08-23-2016, 04:29 PM
You remember, you should keep at least something in opening post due to forum rules. Even though it would totally shift just to place for discussion and podcast news :)

08-23-2016, 04:36 PM
Hmmm, very good point. So maybe at least the NES collection. :)

08-23-2016, 04:37 PM
Follin Shrine.

08-23-2016, 11:08 PM
Taito podcast etc.

Just finished listening to this. I think my favorite Taito arcade games are probably their platformers like Bubble Bobble, Rainbow Islands, Liquid Kids, etc. They all look deceptively simple but there is always a crazy amount of depth as well. This podcast also 'inspired' me to post some more Taito music, so check my thread later (or tomorrow) for a few more arcade soundtracks.

Also, I didn't know you were such a YM2203 hater :) I think that chip gets a bad rap because the majority of the more prolific OPN soundtracks were released at a time when people were still finding their feet with FM synth, some of the later stuff (like this (, or this (, or this ( is actually pretty awesome.

08-23-2016, 11:44 PM
Just finished listening to this. I think my favorite Taito arcade games are probably their platformers like Bubble Bobble, Rainbow Islands, Liquid Kids, etc. They all look deceptively simple but there is always a crazy amount of depth as well. This podcast also 'inspired' me to post some more Taito music, so check my thread later (or tomorrow) for a few more arcade soundtracks.

Also, I didn't know you were such a YM2203 hater :) I think that chip gets a bad rap because the majority of the more prolific OPN soundtracks were released at a time when people were still finding their feet with FM synth, some of the later stuff (like this (, or this (, or this ( is actually pretty awesome.

Don't get me wrong, in the right hands, the 2203 can do some great things. The Grounseed OPN OST is fantastic. That Meikyuu Gakuensai: Kyuukousha no Nazo track is great too (I mean, it's Umemoto so duh.) The thing I can't get around when it comes to the 2203 is lack of strong percussion. Listen to the majority of the tracks I choose on PTR and you're going to hear a very heavy lean on the rhythm section... the OPN just can't bring it where that's concerned. It forces the composers to write a more melodic and less groove-oriented song, and that kind of stuff fails to hold my attention nearly as much as the sample channels on the OPNA or the OKI sampler accompanying the 2151 in the X68000.

It's obviously just a matter of taste. I'd never put anyone down who likes music written on the 2203. :)

08-24-2016, 03:15 AM
Another suggestion pair: Star Fox Assault & Star Fox Adventures :P Know I'm suggesting a lot lately.

08-24-2016, 11:18 AM
Another suggestion pair: Star Fox Assault & Star Fox Adventures :P Know I'm suggesting a lot lately.

Both of those soundtracks can be found on this forum with a little bit of searching.

Thread 119192

08-24-2016, 03:31 PM
Normally this is nx666's thing, but hey, if you're in the market for "suggestions"... I would absolutely die for rips of Cosmic Psycho (X68000) and HHG: Heart Heat Girls (PC-98). That shit gets so funky it's not even funny. The FM music blog F M F R I D A Y S ( has been turning me on to a LOT of good music lately, definitely worth the follow.

Oh and grats on your 2000th post, ruiner!

08-24-2016, 05:00 PM
Normally this is nx666's thing, but hey, if you're in the market for "suggestions"... I would absolutely die for rips of Cosmic Psycho (X68000) and HHG: Heart Heat Girls (PC-98). That shit gets so funky it's not even funny. The FM music blog F M F R I D A Y S ( has been turning me on to a LOT of good music lately, definitely worth the follow.

Oh and grats on your 2000th post, ruiner!

That stuff is more in nx666's wheelhouse nowadays. You may wanna ask him. EDIT: Actually, why not. I'll do it!
Oh, and look at that! 2,000 posts. Never thought I'd see the day.

08-25-2016, 11:32 AM
What d'ya MEAN, there's no Master System versions of the Y's - The Vanished Omens soundtrack on the forum? That's unacceptable.

Here, take this. It contains both the FM and PSG versions. Use it wisely.

Y's - The Vanished Omens (SMS - ruiner9).7z 101.0 MB!N4cw3CJA!lzDROn4jOOttARBz54A2jyct4rN_02J6s3_ucz_2C3o

08-25-2016, 10:23 PM

I want to thank you again for ChainDive rip, it has very enjoyable techno tracks that go to dub or deep house part. I'm also wanna mention that i found out that TECHNOuchi did it not alone, but was composing it with Hideyuki Eto, who is responsible for some very groovy tracks in Armored Core series (not melodic like Kota Hoshino or Tsukasa Saito do).

For those who dont know, ChainDive is pretty cool ps2 japan-only 2.5D platformer similar to.. Bionic Commando? Idk, but i enjoy it.

08-25-2016, 10:59 PM
What d'ya MEAN, there's no Master System versions of the Y's - The Vanished Omens soundtrack on the forum? That's unacceptable.

Here, take this. It contains both the FM and PSG versions. Use it wisely.

Y's - The Vanished Omens (SMS - ruiner9).7z 101.0 MB!N4cw3CJA!lzDROn4jOOttARBz54A2jyct4rN_02J6s3_ucz_2C3o

Yes! A million times thank you. I was so sad to see music like this so inaccessible. Not anymore, thank you!

08-25-2016, 11:48 PM
Getting slightly back into the groove of releasing stuff... this one is a HOOT conversion, edited by hand.

Cosmic Psycho (X68000 - ruiner9).7z 110.2 MB!QkkixT4A!sp1kr1J4Txyfw1PJbx5s6xXDZoZR272VTogqJjxSEWs

There are some great tracks here. Will one end up in PTR? Mayyybeeee......

08-28-2016, 02:27 AM
Almost finished tagging and renaming Four Swords Anniversary Edition thanks to my rip of Four Swords GBA. Can someone work on Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland before that fairy freak starts Kooloo-Limpah-ing all over the thread? lol

08-28-2016, 12:32 PM
Anyone tagging the Fuuki games?

08-29-2016, 12:28 AM
Here's some Ninja Gaiden stuff for ya.... I have no idea where these songs play or what order they appear in, so any help on that would be appreciated!

Ninja Gaiden II (X360 - ruiner9).7z 267.4 MB!ZglHDS7a!OUaF_iAmPYy13-p4PRguuIJoptgIDx2oLIuWYmqD8_k

Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3 - ruiner9).7z 578.7 MB!lh9zwbzJ!Sn5to3kiMWxKntagD9b9_e8sXawa7sP8wJFWXTFSin0


Dude, you roks!!! TKS 4eva!

08-31-2016, 11:14 PM
Getting slightly back into the groove of releasing stuff... this one is a HOOT conversion, edited by hand.

Cosmic Psycho (X68000 - ruiner9).7z 110.2 MB!QkkixT4A!sp1kr1J4Txyfw1PJbx5s6xXDZoZR272VTogqJjxSEWs

There are some great tracks here. Will one end up in PTR? Mayyybeeee......

Totally late on this but thank you! I've been on a jazzy-funky-chiptune kick lately and this is right up my alley :) If you're looking for more stuff like this, Kimi Dake ni Ai o... for the X68000 was ripped by nx666 and has some really groovy FM music (tracks KI_01 and KI_03 are really special).

09-01-2016, 12:48 PM
I'm very sorry to request this but would you be at all willing to re-master or re-do some recordings? I noticed the audio quality for the OSTs of the following were really bad (muted sound channels and muffled instruments) of the following: Panic Restaurant, The Lost Vikings (SNES), Nosferatu.

09-03-2016, 05:43 AM
thank you for all these awesome super robot taisen rips! love them.

09-03-2016, 11:01 PM
Just downloaded the music for Crash Tag Team Racing, one thing that's strange is that the music for the hub worlds have two separate tracks with one only playing out of one speaker the one playing out the other (Ch 1 plays out left speaker and Ch 2 plays out of right speaker).

None of the other tracks are like this, so why has this only happened to them? Is there any way they could be combined so that they play in perfect sync with each other?

The specific tracks are:

Femusic Ch 1 & Femusic Ch 2 (Main Theme/MotorWorld)
Midway Ch 1 & Midway Ch 1 (MotorWorld Ambience)
Onfootadventure Ch 1 & Onfootadventure Ch 2 (Mystery Island)
Onfootfairy Ch 1 & Onfootfairy Ch 2 (Happily Ever Faster)
Onfootdino Ch 1 & Onfootdino Ch 2 (Tyrannosaurus Wrecks)
Onfootegypt Ch 1 & Onfootegypt Ch 2 (Tomb Town)
Onfootsolar Ch 1 & Onfootsolar Ch 2 (Astro Land).

09-04-2016, 10:17 PM
Hi guys! Can I suggest doing rips of Tales of the World Narikiri Dungeon 2 and 3 both for GBA? I can help tag the rips. I'm a huge Tales of fan! Do you still need the first Narikiri Dungeon tagged? I can do it!

09-05-2016, 01:09 PM
I'm very sorry to request this but would you be at all willing to re-master or re-do some recordings? I noticed the audio quality for the OSTs of the following were really bad (muted sound channels and muffled instruments) of the following: Panic Restaurant, The Lost Vikings (SNES), Nosferatu.

I sampled all of those soundtracks and they all sound clear and accurate to me. Can you be more specific about what's wrong with certain tracks and provide examples as to what they're supposed to sound like?

Just downloaded the music for Crash Tag Team Racing, one thing that's strange is that the music for the hub worlds have two separate tracks with one only playing out of one speaker the one playing out the other (Ch 1 plays out left speaker and Ch 2 plays out of right speaker).

None of the other tracks are like this, so why has this only happened to them? Is there any way they could be combined so that they play in perfect sync with each other?

The specific tracks are:

Femusic Ch 1 & Femusic Ch 2 (Main Theme/MotorWorld)
Midway Ch 1 & Midway Ch 1 (MotorWorld Ambience)
Onfootadventure Ch 1 & Onfootadventure Ch 2 (Mystery Island)
Onfootfairy Ch 1 & Onfootfairy Ch 2 (Happily Ever Faster)
Onfootdino Ch 1 & Onfootdino Ch 2 (Tyrannosaurus Wrecks)
Onfootegypt Ch 1 & Onfootegypt Ch 2 (Tomb Town)
Onfootsolar Ch 1 & Onfootsolar Ch 2 (Astro Land).

I did a little research and it's because the hub worlds seem to have been designed with positional sound in mind... that is, the audio is emanating from a source in the 3D world. The separate channels let the audio designers fade the channels individually to allow for the spatial illusion of sound.

Anyways, I did combine them, and they sound great. Grab the new album at this link:

Crash Tag Team Racing (PS2 - ruiner9).7z 373.7 MB!c5kjjaxA!j-QXQ0WFuxAiPAZUIpRq0O3GRKxpmlFi3P6ChEIgfGs

Also, it seems like you know the soundtrack well. Any interest in providing more accurate titles for the track names?

thank you for all these awesome super robot taisen rips! love them.

You're welcome!

Hi guys! Can I suggest doing rips of Tales of the World Narikiri Dungeon 2 and 3 both for GBA? I can help tag the rips. I'm a huge Tales of fan! Do you still need the first Narikiri Dungeon tagged? I can do it!

The first one is semi-tagged. There are about a dozen unknown tracks. If you can help with that, that would be awesome! I'll work on getting those GBA titles done, it shouldn't be a problem. I would require your help to tag/ order them, though. :)

09-05-2016, 02:56 PM
Here are the Tales games:

Tales of the World - Narikiri Dungeon 2 (GBA - ruiner9).7z 119.8 MB!5p8HEYRb!kdrfuWrXecyBGTpv-b3bu2RlT2l3cHFPDzMspwJCQyA

Tales of the World - Narikiri Dungeon 3 (GBA - ruiner9).7z 313.5 MB!498EnT4Q!bl7DbmD7i-fQPWsjPUalHwCk5p1J3lQby134GfBu_WI

09-05-2016, 10:44 PM
Thanks for uploading the Zelda tracks!

09-06-2016, 01:02 AM
Hi Ruiner!

I noticed you're not doing so many requests these days, but, well, I was wondering if you might be be willing to do another quick one.
Getsu Fuma Den (Famicom)
It's a Konami platformer with a spooky, Eastern style to it. A bit like a Japanese Castlevania.

Magma Dragoon
09-06-2016, 02:46 PM
Hi Ruiner!

I noticed you're not doing so many requests these days, but, well, I was wondering if you might be be willing to do another quick one.
Getsu Fuma Den (Famicom)
It's a Konami platformer with a spooky, Eastern style to it. A bit like a Japanese Castlevania.

09-06-2016, 07:11 PM

Top notch sir! Top notch!

09-07-2016, 02:39 PM
I just found something odd with your Crash Bandicoot 1 rip: N. Sanity Beach/Map, N. Sanity Beach (Near Beach) and N. Sanity Beach (Interior) are missing. Not sure how.

09-09-2016, 11:19 AM
I just found something odd with your Crash Bandicoot 1 rip: N. Sanity Beach/Map, N. Sanity Beach (Near Beach) and N. Sanity Beach (Interior) are missing. Not sure how.

They're simply not included in the PSF pack. Since I don't have the coding skills to extract my own sequenced data from PlayStation games, there's no way for me to get them.

---------- Post added at 06:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 AM ----------

KingTengu has retagged/ reordered Martin Iveson's awesome AH-3 Thunderstrike (Sega CD) soundtrack! Thanks, dude! Here's the link:

AH-3 Thunderstrike (SCD - ruiner9).7z 61.3 MB!d9dQXYRR!zLi93S2xLDBOPDOJnRmnJe31gN8Ki488fo4aun3YAFw

09-09-2016, 06:47 PM
KingTengu has retagged/ reordered Martin Iveson's awesome AH-3 Thunderstrike (Sega CD) soundtrack! Thanks, dude! Here's the link:

AH-3 Thunderstrike (SCD - ruiner9).7z 61.3 MB!d9dQXYRR!zLi93S2xLDBOPDOJnRmnJe31gN8Ki488fo4aun3YAFw

No problem. Again, always glad to help out!! :D

09-10-2016, 12:01 AM
What d'ya MEAN, there's no Master System versions of the Y's - The Vanished Omens soundtrack on the forum? That's unacceptable.

Here, take this. It contains both the FM and PSG versions. Use it wisely.

Y's - The Vanished Omens (SMS - ruiner9).7z 101.0 MB!N4cw3CJA!lzDROn4jOOttARBz54A2jyct4rN_02J6s3_ucz_2C3o

Hi Ruiner, looks like this one went down already. Mind reuploading? Thanks!

09-11-2016, 07:51 PM
Hi Ruiner, looks like this one went down already. Mind reuploading? Thanks!

There's a new link because corrections needed to be made. Just visit the SMS folder link in the OP for the new upload.

09-12-2016, 08:47 PM
I'm running a little behind with my podcasts, just finished listening to your Follin episode. Some comments:

'Custom player' is an umbrella term for all Amiga music that is stored in non-standard formats. Custom modules are essentially partial memory dumps that include the original music driver + data, very similar to how .sid or .nsf files work. In the context of the Follin soundtracks, 'custom player' could actually refer to many different sound drivers (or different iterations of the same sound driver). In order to know for sure you would have to compare the binaries of the original Amiga sound files though. Btw, have you seen this ( It's a demo of Software Creations' sound drivers for the C64, uploaded by Stephen Ruddy himself. My favorite is definitely build 1 :)

P.S. note to Mike: the system with the 'punchy' and 'gritty' sound isn't the one where 90% of all soundtracks use the noise+triangle combo for their rhythm section.

09-14-2016, 02:31 AM
Hey Ruiner, it's been quite a while! I may not have been very active around here lately, but that doesn't mean I've been slacking in regards to VGM-related activities.... I've been focusing more on ripping side of things lately, particularly 3DS titles (for anyone who visits the HCS forums, I've been posting rips there as ChillyBilly). That being said, I'd like to give a couple suggestions for your thread, both for the 3DS: Gotta Protectors, and Sekaiju no Meikyuu V: Nagaki Shinwa no Hate (aka Etrian Odyssey V), both awesome Yuzo Koshiro soundtracks! If you haven't listened to either soundtrack yet, I highly recommend them; I think you won't be disappointed. ;)

09-14-2016, 11:08 AM

Episode 70: Return of the Free Picks
Download the MP3 here! (
Or subscribe on iTunes! (
We're on YouTube, too! Click here for the PixelTunes playlist. ( Stream it from your favorite device!

It’s episode 70, so that means it’s time for a free pick show! Mike and Ed play some tunes that don’t really fit into any particular theme, but are still completely awesome. Will the guys finally agree on the music? Is there any hope for humanity once dirt bike racing goes mainstream? Is it safe to play with a gun that’s also a sword that’s also a monster? Listen in and find out!

Huge thanks to PTR friend and fan Jason Fox for drawing this episode’s cover image… we think it’s adorable. <3
Follow Jason Fox online!
Twitter: @graffoxgraphics
And check out his webcomic series, Grand Staff Arsenal!

Thanks to RetroPowerUp for sending in today’s PixelChat question. Want to ask Mike and Ed a question of your own? Send an email to [email protected]!

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Format: Game Title (System, Year) – Track Title – Composer(s)

1 – Spawn (GBC, 1999) – “Motorcycle Chase 2” – Jun Funahashi, Kazuhiro Senoo

2 – Alien Hominid (Multiple Systems, 2004) – “Urban 3” – Matthew E Harwood

3 – Fast Racing NEO (Wii U, 2015) – “Willard Mine” – Manfred Linzner, Martin Schioeler, bjulin (Yoel Kumbolu)

4 – P.O.W. (NES, 1989) – “Stage 2 – Installation” – Toshikazu Tanaka, Kikuko Hataya

5 – Apocalypse II (SNES, 1994 Unreleased) – “Apocalypse II Theme” – Mike Clarke

6 – No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle (Wii/PS3, 2010) – “Bit Side: Lay The Pipe B” – Masatomo “VARI” Komakine,Jun Fukuda, FIBER JELLY,Kazuhiro Goto, Taku Yoshioka,Ryo Watanabe, Masafumi Takada, MACHINE HEAD, MARU,Yusuke Komori, Masahiko Hagio, Tomohiro Shirai, KIYO-SICK, Akira Yamaoka

7 – 8-Bit Music Power (FC, 2015) – “Pico My Heart” – Takeaki Kunimoto

8 – Gods Eater Burst (PSP, 2011) – “No Way Back” – Masaru “Go” Shiina, vocals by Ben Franklin

9 – Cosmic Psycho (X68000, 1991) – “Cosmic” – PANDA (Yuki Nakayama)

10 – Plasma Sword: Nightmare of Bilstein (DC/Arcade, 1998) – “Against the Absolute” – Tetsuya Shibata, Takayuki Iwai

11 – Trials Fusion – (PS4/PC, 2014) – “21st Century Scoundrels” – Petri Alanko

12 – Rayxanber III (PC Engine CD, 1992) – “Title” – Yasuhito Saito

09-20-2016, 09:51 PM
I love that #12 track! Cool to see its making way to PTR.

Also, i miss CD audio music of early 90s... It sounded in a specific way, very softly. Many PCECD or Saturn games had that sound.

09-22-2016, 07:12 PM
Maybe try contacting this guy ( and ask what he is using, I always liked the layout of that site.

I could also borrow you some space (about 80 GB right now) if you end up rotating your collection with a free account.

To answer your question, I'm hosting with a company called Hetzner in Germany. Stupidly cheap prices for good hardware and better service than OVH. It's costing me ~�45 a month for a high-spec dedicated server. It comes with 2x3TB disks which you could either RAID or just use individually, depending on how much you value the data you're storing there.

Regarding RetroTracks, I built the whole thing from scratch myself. According to my admin info, there are currently...

765 Composers
752 Games / Collections
22866 Music Tracks

... on there. Audio is all MP3 V2 (via LAME 3.99.X 64bit) quality mainly for compatibility reasons and that it should be transparent to lossless in 99% of instances. I could put content up faster, but I'm a stickler for accuracy and quality. I'm also doing it more on a "per-request" basis these days so I don't end up filling up the site with crap no-one cares about!

Feel free to shoot me questions here or there if you have any.

09-23-2016, 11:11 AM
To answer your question, I'm hosting with a company called Hetzner in Germany. Stupidly cheap prices for good hardware and better service than OVH. It's costing me ~€45 a month for a high-spec dedicated server. It comes with 2x3TB disks which you could either RAID or just use individually, depending on how much you value the data you're storing there.

Regarding RetroTracks, I built the whole thing from scratch myself. According to my admin info, there are currently...

765 Composers
752 Games / Collections
22866 Music Tracks

... on there. Audio is all MP3 V2 (via LAME 3.99.X 64bit) quality mainly for compatibility reasons and that it should be transparent to lossless in 99% of instances. I could put content up faster, but I'm a stickler for accuracy and quality. I'm also doing it more on a "per-request" basis these days so I don't end up filling up the site with crap no-one cares about!

Feel free to shoot me questions here or there if you have any.

Thanks for the info! Unfortunately I was looking for something less than the ~$100 a year I was paying with MEGA's hosting, and €45/ month is a smidge more than that. :) I'd need a heavily-funded Patreon or something to keep those kinds of payments up!

09-24-2016, 04:44 PM
Places like Kimsufi (OVH's budget brand) have servers with 2TB of space for ~€25 a month (~$28) which is much more within your budget. The specs aren't great, but if you're just serving static files then it doesn't really matter what the specs are at all as long as it has enough disk space. See what you think -

09-24-2016, 09:47 PM
Places like Kimsufi (OVH's budget brand) have servers with 2TB of space for ~�25 a month (~$28) which is much more within your budget. The specs aren't great, but if you're just serving static files then it doesn't really matter what the specs are at all as long as it has enough disk space. See what you think -

I'm currently looking into as the 'final resting place' for my collection. They even have rudimentary support for audio playback ( now and are also probably better protected from DMCA claims than any other platform.

Of course, that's nowhere near as good as your site, but on the other hand it wouldn't cost anything :)

09-25-2016, 02:21 PM
Thank you for the Narikiri Dungeon games! I'll do my best with the tagging. There's a Youtube user, Kevassa02, who's uploaded some of the tracks to these games and I'll use their names and the English track names in my tagging. I'll do them this week when I have the house to myself.

09-26-2016, 11:15 AM
From King Tengu, another retag/ order!

AD&D Dragons of Flame (NES Stereo).7z 43.8 MB!p4tkTRiK!gbNZQgxtFGY73gFHN3GCYaKoperqn_TTcbEI_PVNdAc

Thanks, as always!

09-26-2016, 06:45 PM
From King Tengu, another retag/ order!

AD&D Dragons of Flame (NES Stereo).7z 43.8 MB!p4tkTRiK!gbNZQgxtFGY73gFHN3GCYaKoperqn_TTcbEI_PVNdAc

Thanks, as always!

Yep! :)

09-28-2016, 11:12 AM

Episode 71: Iku Mizutani: The Man Behind the Music
Download the MP3 here! (
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We're on YouTube, too! Click here for the PixelTunes playlist. ( Stream it from your favorite device!

Iku Mizutani is well known for his fast-paced NES and Game Boy music on games like Shatterhand, Shadow of the Ninja, and Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. He’s Mike’s favorite composer, and so he was thrilled when he agreed to do an interview with the PTR guys! Join us as we listen to some of Mizutani’s best 8 and 16 bit tracks, and ask him questions about his career, influences, and future plans. This is a show you don’t want to miss!

HUGE thank you to Bryan of Pixelated Audio for helping with translating for Mr. Mizutani.

Thanks to Nathan, Cameron Chiles, Chris Myers, Jeff Leppard, and Nikola Emerson Gutierrez for sending in today’s PixelChat questions. Want to ask Mike and Ed a question of your own? Send an email to [email protected]!

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Format: Game Title (System, Year) – Track Title – Composer(s)

1 – Rush N’ Attack (NES, 1987) – “Stage 2” – Iku Mizutani, Shinya Sakamoto, Satoe Terashima

2 – Shadow of the Ninja (NES, 1990) – “Stage 5” – Iku Mizutani, Kouichi Yamanishi

3 – Tail ‘Gator (GB, 1991) – “Boss” – Iku Mizutani

4 – Don Doko Don 2 -(FC, 1992) – “Ice Cave” – Iku Mizutani

5 – Shatterhand (NES, 1991) – “Area C” – Iku Mizutani, Kouichi Yamanishi

6 – Chaos World (FC, 1991) – “Battle 1” – Iku Mizutani, Hiroyuki Iwatsuki

7 – Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (SNES, 1994) – “Building” – Iku Mizutani, Kinuyo Yamashita

8 – Tetris Plus (GB, 1997) – “Knossos” – NIS, Kazuo Sawa, Arranged by Iku Mizutani

9 – Dragon Dance (GBC, 2000) – “Final Boss Part 2” – Iku Mizutani, Kinuyo Yamashita

10 – Power Rangers Time Force (GBC, 2001) – “Fable City (Future)” – Iku Mizutani

11 – Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (GBC, 2000) – “Boss” – Iku Mizutani

12 – Action Man: Search for Base X (GBC, 2001) – “Moon Base 1 Boss” – Iku Mizutani

Which track is your favorite? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @pixeltunesradio!

Don’t forget, we always have a ton of great podcast-related content on our Twitter ( Facebook (! Be sure to like us to get in on the goodies and the conversation!

Like us? Want more episodes? Please leave a comment or a like! We want to hear your thoughts!

We love feedback! Please let us know what you think! Comment on this page, or at our Facebook page,!

Enjoy the show!

09-29-2016, 11:02 PM
I've started to go back through all the NES soundtracks and tag/ order the tracks that haven't been done. I've remastered the sound too, to make it sound more like an NES but still in stereo. Here's the first batch!

3-D Battles of WorldRunner (NES Stereo).7z 16.9 MB!h9MxSbBa!wh4uG-gUDW_jISNLY1_-iR6jSr-rfMQhNs55-E1lUr8

1942 (NES Stereo).7z 1.7 MB!MwEwBRBK!fCKPxD8gPoRAFjuBjO64asOIqlfok86TXjG9gn4Thig

Abadox - The Deadly Inner War (NES Stereo).7z 26.4 MB!Jxlg3LbC!GijFUhcNgxIVDdMuUAMP28uBZxHFnlbd-k-ArEfNs8A

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - DragonStrike (NES Stereo).7z 30.6 MB!MoUF0bhI!4B4n015zWgLKgVp_sx7R_hYXuSnKJm-9H_Ed470-QhI

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of the Lance (NES Stereo).7z 19.1 MB!l8chCaLB!d-EZOB9uh2goSwwhdQMPpzOsapAUwin5CxuCle0pKvo

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Hillsfar (NES Stereo).7z 16.4 MB!h0cRFIgY!31FeMlW9c0sZGaixLOqZ50Z0aSmnyZRea0Aw3IiD_1w

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Pool of Radiance (NES Stereo).7z 68.3 MB!xpFGAbbK!x97-H_OT3quZW461YekxFB2AW64oSbr5ECH_9wx0LT0


10-02-2016, 12:50 PM
These are the rest of the "A" NES soundtracks. If you have these in your collection, definitely replace them, because they're better all around:

Adventure Island (NES Stereo).7z 14.8 MB!t9smRRpQ!xANq-ujheERLcVXEQ_CaANPj1mTNc2HIMXPdI_HRcvE

Adventure Island II (NES Stereo).7z 33.5 MB!80F2BY5J!vCj9UO-W3-l3UBPpmaOK9kU3bWtKlQ9EuzeDRaTK2Pk

Adventure Island III (NES Stereo).7z 32.3 MB!cwVyCaba!IbZNQEtUWsDVaeSBfRpOeo_UKPPrsSHm0bWuBq0SIJc

Adventures of Dino-Riki (NES Stereo).7z 13.0 MB!4hlmEJqR!wFDHi8gMTyyZVC394mp3au5jXI_fjYXIwoQHX30iXX4

Adventures of Lolo (NES Stereo).7z 11.5 MB!9oVxiLrI!3D3yqtPB-0vR9-m2OsiTlgKxovZ5nvNUffLwcn6ekB8

Adventures of Lolo 2 (NES Stereo).7z 10.5 MB!h89BFaZY!1QoEgfLqMQQxGYHh9BWE_uHYrz_daRUgJ9560mCn0-M

Adventures of Lolo 3 (NES Stereo).7z 28.1 MB!91s0GYpD!a8Khjffg3aMPOXOkvCTayszEcpFKKwrEK8xhyD5p0Ys

Al Unser Jr.'s Turbo Racing (NES Stereo).7z 36.3 MB!wp1gmJpL!VirCkZt_wV-ad_XJKX_EEQZ2GXEWZwX6hqS5O5bQ0C8

Alpha Mission (NES Stereo).7z 18.9 MB!Al0WDLLI!i7ILufhF7sGyJqcVzcFk-2TzMxtnl8ttP0AMXpCYEqY

Amagon (NES Stereo).7z 28.3 MB!9ltlCCyC!sQ19BNr_cxfCXaMpADNUH4yS_44xyfWSmCI3tvtS4_g

American Gladiators (NES Stereo).7z 23.4 MB!p9l12aqS!to9kzdcSp6QUN_xv4B9pFYH4SD-10EyhhLOzVPtTVEc

Anticipation (NES Stereo).7z 12.3 MB!108gVYyB!WAmYDiRNxgc44Hu7rjKNht8UHQtfAQ6uvhXSBubsZMo

Arkanoid (NES Stereo).7z 1.4 MB!8kFlwbyD!XR9-6gnGKmLdppJZFBCN2g4cfqC92HszvtnLsrON-uw

Armadillo (NES Stereo).7z 20.5 MB!1tNW2Y7Y!s204RqdyTjXYnmQ6MZ_Xbyvrdg-l7fRFL0X9IUV2KeA

Arumana no Kiseki (NES Stereo).7z 13.8 MB!4k8TmQrQ!PhqgL206J1QLy6LsF_itiiIIrlfkxMZVISK7jmi8i7k

Athena (NES Stereo).7z 19.3 MB!gokkELaL!PFfWT1Kuvhs4owvzW3nivExb8Z1Z9mJtv_5AWYjmd4M

10-02-2016, 07:32 PM
Iku Mizutani podcast, etc.

Great episode! The arcade game that Bryan couldn't identify ('Hot Rock of Love') is Rock'n Rage. I posted the soundtrack a few weeks back, some pretty good stuff with hilarious remixes of contemporary 80's pop songs like Rock me Amadeus, Like a Virgin, and the Rocky Theme. Definitely worth checking out!

10-02-2016, 11:27 PM
Great episode! The arcade game that Bryan couldn't identify ('Hot Rock of Love') is Rock'n Rage. I posted the soundtrack a few weeks back, some pretty good stuff with hilarious remixes of contemporary 80's pop songs like Rock me Amadeus, Like a Virgin, and the Rocky Theme. Definitely worth checking out!

Excellent! I'll let him know!

10-04-2016, 01:49 AM
Here are all of the remastered albums that begin with "B." There's quite a few! Many have brand new tags and newly discovered composer info.

B-Wings (NES Stereo).7z 18.7 MB!Iss1VCaB!HxNQFysarcqCeerCMQahf4P_5iwdKkq3x_laJrMW620

Back to the Future (NES Stereo).7z 11.2 MB!psUTBAzC!oq9EUfUn1uDg56e6I1ubSvH4y06UBtniHs9p9PTkPKc

Back to the Future II & III (NES Stereo).7z 20.5 MB!0wEi1RgR!d7kFFcLq2XjUqvOGoLSgDJIyj-cgqoF_kHac291bq8k

Bananan Ouji no Daibouken (NES Stereo).7z 48.6 MB!MkUkHR5S!H2BlseglAvJ09w1se2W1Z0zy_ZH87QrR7i93RZvLRGs

Base Wars (NES Stereo).7z 24.8 MB!l4NCSIgI!gizcIN3Bt3AwHTA7ELu_WSJT46JhU51lC9T6XLLxoLo

Baseball Simulator 1.000 (NES Stereo).7z 38.2 MB!xldWyaKL!mwt98wqJhLCig2wCokKLYqNuF-MvIS-gRz5ye-MN20M

Baseball Stars II (NES Stereo).7z 25.5 MB!Yk8ymDiI!E2Jcsz-yXW8SpE1OZm-ZBsuLdHo-Kpp_vB-ag70Q6JI

Batman - Return of the Joker (NES Stereo).7z 36.1 MB!AldETIia!6sEwZ6XjlJm8G5mTqbPyDpzd3I_uUzI_kQ7TPhx0bJY

Battletoads (NES Stereo).7z 68.2 MB!FlsjWQ4D!0x-yz-pz4KSHeB_-Q0RH89a2FjLVKxIsnY1RZjaTShM

Bio Senshi Dan ~ Increaser tono Tatakai (NES Stereo).7z 45.1 MB!Z8kCVZ6C!WS4OuBpR04WylcS7ulbIPCeK1DD9N6BYSFZ4hI1J9Zo

Bionic Commando (NES Stereo).7z 35.0 MB!c1cAgAzR!0D3X-5Bs8vXhxKJLHOTt_jBel0naOmfrXm61qktFPGQ

Blades of Steel (NES Stereo).7z 12.7 MB!M8MEHQiR!0Za_el3Ai0xXvrQ4HuggKlBSRLGZxtML_5LjTg1u2Fk

Blaster Master (NES Stereo).7z 36.2 MB!xs0SAQya!Hj1Rtk5pG6EJNEN7xO3vkRgyCzAKHWw1U5QnQ6pLFZ0

Bomberman (NES Stereo).7z 9.8 MB!dhlVDRRI!-3NTfi_2MJRAHNctr3kbxZQ9qqNJuZjt_NBf_YPIuTM

Boomerang Kid (Quattro Adventure) (NES Stereo).7z 24.6 MB!4xEEhD5B!K4Cxu_jGoEUbYNmIb2PIPahGUO6xNKMbWJMoX-OeHgE

Break Thru (NES Stereo).7z 6.3 MB!w9VGhI4Q!AKY-45wbZsgjGnlJuMUKWZxbaHxPZyMTf4EBfw2f92E

Bucky O'Hare (NES Stereo).7z 40.4 MB!U0tmzLCJ!aC6m77ziwWoEmklfSq9wSOzPBtzZgs6n86dNVM_m8aE

Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (NES Stereo).7z 31.5 MB!Q51mzDDR!u0B5Grn3ErXn02wD024hr9wK5WZFlam_-zIJv0vtbvI

Burai Fighter (NES Stereo).7z 25.1 MB!UgljzSRa!o57d6ie4V0ZRLJbc_J9bpKWy34oObb2dWeLJ7Rk1Vhk

10-05-2016, 03:36 AM
You're a saint for fixing up these NES tracks, sir. :D

10-05-2016, 11:10 AM
Surprise! It's a bonus episode of PTR! Enjoy!

Episode 72: Castlevania 3: Same Song, Different Country
Download the MP3 here! (
Or subscribe on iTunes! (
We're on YouTube, too! Click here for the PixelTunes playlist. ( Stream it from your favorite device!

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, known as Akumajō Densetsu in Japan, was the final and most impressive Castlevania game to be released on the NES and Famicom. Most fans in North America and Europe enjoyed a fantastic soundtrack composed by Yoshinori Sasaki, Jun Funahashi, Yukie Morimoto, and Hidenori Maezawa. Japanese fans were treated to something entirely different; an enhanced version of the soundtrack made possible by Konami's VRC6 memory chip, developed in part by Maezawa.

In today's episode, Mike and Ed pit the NES and Famicom versions of specially selected tracks head-to-head and ask the question: which one is the best? The answers may not be what you're expecting!

Thanks to Nathan for sending in today's PixelChat question. Want to ask Mike and Ed a question of your own? Send an email to [email protected]!

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

Akumajo Densetsu (Famicom, 1989)
Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse (NES, 1990)
Developed and Published by Konami
Composed by Yoshinori Sasaki, Jun Funahashi, Yukie Morimoto, and Hidenori Maezawa

New Determination: Prelude

Clockwork (Clock Tower Stage)

Mad Forest (Forest Stage)

Stream (Aqueduct Stage)

Escape from Underground: Aquarius (Sunken City Stage)

Deja Vu-Vampire Killer- (Dracula Castle Main Building)

Overture (Last Stage Boss)

Big Battle 1 (Very Last Boss BGM)

Evergreen (Ending Story)

Flashback (Cast)

Which track is your favorite? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @pixeltunesradio!

Don’t forget, we always have a ton of great podcast-related content on our Twitter ( Facebook (! Be sure to like us to get in on the goodies and the conversation!

Like us? Want more episodes? Please leave a comment or a like! We want to hear your thoughts!

Raito B. Asakura
10-06-2016, 11:52 PM
Hi Ruiner, i don't know if you still accept requests for post new soundtracks. I have one:
Could you do the MSX Version of Last Armageddon please? :(

10-07-2016, 06:11 AM
What d'ya MEAN, there's no Master System versions of the Y's - The Vanished Omens soundtrack on the forum? That's unacceptable.

Here, take this. It contains both the FM and PSG versions. Use it wisely.

Y's - The Vanished Omens (SMS - ruiner9).7z 101.0 MB

oh, man
was this taken down?!N4cw3CJA!lzDROn4jOOttARBz54A2jyct4rN_02J6s3_ucz_2C3o

10-07-2016, 11:38 AM
Hi Ruiner, i don't know if you still accept requests for post new soundtracks. I have one:
Could you do the MSX Version of Last Armageddon please? :(

Please check nx666's thread for all MSX soundtracks and requests.

What d'ya MEAN, there's no Master System versions of the Y's - The Vanished Omens soundtrack on the forum? That's unacceptable.

Here, take this. It contains both the FM and PSG versions. Use it wisely.

Y's - The Vanished Omens (SMS - ruiner9).7z 101.0 MB

oh, man
was this taken down?!N4cw3CJA!lzDROn4jO...2J6s3_ucz_2C3o

Please check the SMS folder in the OP. The correct link is there!


OK, here are all of the NES soundtracks that needed tags and updates, beginning with "C." Akumajo Densetsu is there because originally it was under Castlevania 3. :)

Akumajou Densetsu (NES Stereo).7z 65.7 MB!F0FzjLIJ!8C7l_HmTs04zeIG9XdsS1LcScf0KtzIFIDlrH6XlxgE

Captain America and the Avengers (NES Stereo).7z 23.8 MB!84lnjBCQ!DfSYJr7ULX95el_b0b0tsbmmL6zCSvNrOW29-0oYieU

Captain Skyhawk (NES Stereo).7z 14.2 MB!dtliSTxK!grw5AdZx6mLpzl1KY-bui310OoXatu7RdEPcgh7yKtk

Captain Tsubasa (NES Stereo).7z 48.1 MB!koNQUSIa!4d_MTDBKTmujI-XZsLVQhLk-4AtP8riOmEGIRaBeBnE

Captain Tsubasa Vol. II - Super Striker (NES Stereo).7z 87.2 MB!kt0CBC4B!E71CRQ04bQcRwmAPAbLKiR3CpVEQTaSikFd2fQPxvvw

Casino Kid (NES Stereo).7z 23.2 MB!o9ln3a4T!R3-VIvFlUtfOb-3XUpQ2u-d6woh3HrxVFYduIfrxdUA

Casino Kid 2 (NES Stereo).7z 28.9 MB!9hVS3Irb!mruAljB7gGwz4NdNhtYqf6IQdkN3uqDBGS8Upl2dIbw

Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse (NES Stereo).7z 63.1 MB!shVWBKwb!8j-dk3xP2QRz9IuVAFlazXQRbPiaw1tuV4hTvLJBx5Q

Choujikuu Yousai Macross (NES Stereo).7z 7.1 MB!c5cnQarB!rdrrKC3BGyNWFkyNeo6Wlmo22lK7FE805qbgnt7YBXg

Choujin Sentai Jetman (NES Stereo).7z 43.5 MB!ExFxWI4T!MdBW-T9SqzHTT2i6OvXFIiKNj9w5JLdi79m2VKHXC9Q

Chubby Cherub (NES Stereo).7z 8.1 MB!I5lwCShY!2pPlbA_NUvmsGFVsaM0QHM0ZuhXHmla67xn-qtJOX0o

Commando (NES Stereo).7z 11.1 MB!k4EHiJhK!-o9rgR-We1e9N99JGWc47Ab-kdFfev0UGD0dDq6G0do

Contra (NES Stereo).7z 24.5 MB!AlNG2DIQ!WzQqzSLtdeO3DxLEoQLpEZYcXCXEwGTmB4Mu2h9FIl4

Cyberball (NES Stereo).7z 1.4 MB!ot8UiQBA!VQNBy4ngi05j3q3e0z7mOPYXgwl3X0wxw7pP2IJYw4E

10-08-2016, 09:57 PM
Hey Ruiner! Thought I'd drop ya a line. Thanks for the uploads and maintaining a great source for us all. Appreciate it greatly! :)

10-08-2016, 11:52 PM
Awesome :D Thank's for remaster for NES and can you also remaster Contra Force, Super C and Rush'n Attack?

10-09-2016, 02:29 AM
Awesome :D Thank's for remaster for NES and can you also remaster Contra Force, Super C and Rush'n Attack?

Here is Contra Force. I will look at the others when I get to those letters.

Contra Force (NES Stereo).7z 28.8 MB!Rgk21LqL!On1YprSDKLOklT1C-ME6qrfUK_GV8tROySstqajSxPY

10-09-2016, 12:22 PM
Here is Contra Force. I will look at the others when I get to those letters.

Contra Force (NES Stereo).7z 28.8 MB!Rgk21LqL!On1YprSDKLOklT1C-ME6qrfUK_GV8tROySstqajSxPY
No problem my friend, and thank's for this :)

10-12-2016, 11:26 AM
I'm giving you guys "the D!" Here's all the ones I can tag that begin with D. Some have changed titles because they were incorrectly named when I first put them up.

BMX Simulator (Quatrro Sports) (NES Stereo).7z 24.9 MB!s8kmQRpY!QB0qRcC8w8Ru_vaPUhPpbdMvF8I1Koz41eIsYHEHC7s

Daikaijyu Deburasu (NES Stereo).7z 48.2 MB!J5UlSTxb!AasRWuKWGvX59vQtpKGKfUGijJGNvwf_Z9X1sHVjsEY

Darkman (NES Stereo).7z 39.2 MB!4kNnwL5T!g8m7RBWHEFrWYS4EZNdkikLy6HoTt7sskjdQ9ENt0Uc

Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum (NES Stereo).7z 18.1 MB!8tNCRAbR!yBwTmq-IzlUcb6lnsIzSCL6pBNGiTOVr9OQIb3ZMssk

Destiny of an Emperor (NES Stereo).7z 41.7 MB!M180BSoZ!5A_yPhRt9BnoWZceN3pCrLCPxcwW66b0ggxNu6xoAoE

Donkey Kong (NES Stereo).7z 3.7 MB!EpNj0ARD!E4gBBtKjVqW7zQSyMKaWyQEhi0ZpCWulruesjh0Kazs

Doraemon (NES Stereo).7z 27.2 MB!w9kGiL7b!cuukp32l6YH3XPib8WOSQiYeX1LBCba0bs830yWtGhE

Double Dragon (NES Stereo).7z 25.4 MB!I9EVAKAa!ZCNP1rwMbzFfCAJ6uLaPDWgR71I38PlhqM1aLlWxhmo

Double Dragon II - The Revenge (NES Stereo).7z 39.0 MB!d9NUXBzR!M5tjq_iXh4Q23ddFlBchC6smsbUwtwExDv7uKjdM7J4

Double Dribble (NES Stereo).7z 9.2 MB!pwFGjJaS!ktyIOfqA4fA4onZbdPVKCWNz_uBErrE08FqYCFwUOMw

Dragon Power (NES Stereo).7z 10.6 MB!RltSkRja!VhZDzFD1PV2Y8hCeWvLkRQNNdk5w-DOZ-Uq0KFQ9UeI

Dragon Warrior III (NES Stereo).7z 61.4 MB!M9VBkAhK!TlmNlrdSqXyCxrybsYLmZRbEcmXhZLyQjjWyE8ZAo-0

Dragon Warrior IV (NES Stereo).7z 116.2 MB!g9UEST7I!c--afD1ehiYJd5x-_HzwPEM1XQ4MsU70C6ZN_d3hWpw

Majou Densetsu II - Daimashikyou Galious (NES Stereo).7z 17.1 MB!EwlDGCIb!edprEy74M2vTD61aXtuZPIFacx1WsvqgfWJtLxjXEj4

10-13-2016, 11:30 AM
Not too many "E" games, but Esper Dream 2 is an amazing soundtrack that needs to be heard. :)

Eggerland-Souzou heno Tabidachi (NES Stereo).7z 11.7 MB!dwM1QRqJ!XLsx2jBkeIv9qTzyDdJSC5AK2d_-DGNCa0Eoix80HT8

Esper Dream 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai (NES Stereo).7z 83.0 MB!FodFUDRK!KnGy26hMel3U0suAi-FmLDCWaSHYcd27tALZaEPjZg0

Exciting Soccer - Konami Cup (NES Stereo).7z 13.9 MB!18twGbRQ!EBjI1nPLpFe4Um9fBQXhw66bLZ7OQBr6BF5wc5OogEM


10-13-2016, 05:27 PM
Amazing NES rips! Do you happen to have Dragon Spirit and or Solar Jetman? I would love you forever!!!

10-13-2016, 07:20 PM
Amazing NES rips! Do you happen to have Dragon Spirit and or Solar Jetman? I would love you forever!!!

Follow the link for the NES folder in post #1 in this thread and you'll find them both in there. :)

10-16-2016, 12:23 PM
I'm gonna "F" you guys today! Here's all the remastered packs that begin with "F," plus a newly tagged one from the "C" section:

Crackout (NES Stereo).7z 12.7 MB!Jl8VER7Z!G1sHjJxrM-P5FPS38GGSelLTuhV5l1cVMCATt6437DE

F1 Sensation (NES Stereo).7z 32.2 MB!sok3VKIT!22ynE0jqM2csZRdWmhgWh-6ZiWfe6u0fz1THQvvdMKM

Falsion (NES Stereo).7z 23.9 MB!801DWJKB!PXxsKXxRfxLZJLejLxHyAkA6UeUiXZopOKoqFetGRBc

Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy (NES Stereo).7z 74.4 MB!w1UCiJoC!TRv_ZJZaJjIttLmqoyralwU4xXqpEpw7FGJcqp0Cp3A

Fantasy Zone [Tengen] (NES Stereo).7z 33.6 MB!500mzKqK!HKlNV5t9oOnFQVvozGpI5yMs6fGPd47uGprAutmouhY

Faria - A World of Mystery & Danger! (NES Stereo).7z 43.9 MB!s99DSZgK!FvIJ44VW7LLHqgkLioKk2TnuNSvjPD2tOvOo6QvDIvo

Faxanadu (NES Stereo).7z 42.8 MB!htshBIwK!YYolKYydPr0AzHwIWObGQItPl14F0URuyknZWcWIBpk

Felix the Cat (NES Stereo).7z 35.3 MB!FsVmzSRa!h0e-iv9gqd51syWEHJxq0sks7OJ0vwcQernnRuaQEOg

Frankenstein - The Monster Returns (NES Stereo).7z 42.1 MB!EsF03TwZ!f0de2VBPmDbqBRixp2KZrZR8w5yjU73efKXtrOUIbPo

Freedom Force (NES Stereo).7z 30.9 MB!F9NEURaK!KBdBT883qBRNcV36fVTGiCBP5bF99flGN4k1jyQdkzQ

Fun House (NES Stereo).7z 33.6 MB!khdBUCgL!zx4Y-1QgkZOSPiCMyIM3iBcNqKuQT4Cnmj0ue8u8vuc

10-16-2016, 06:14 PM
So, I guess next month is it for this, huh? I hope you'll find a way to keep these rips up. Also, you STILL don't have the American version of Zelda II ripped!

10-17-2016, 10:59 AM
So, I guess next month is it for this, huh? I hope you'll find a way to keep these rips up. Also, you STILL don't have the American version of Zelda II ripped!

Wow, that Zelda II thing is a major oversight, huh? Here ya go:

Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (NES Stereo).7z 52.5 MB!J0cwTAyB!pWrmB4kYFZNYLBDE6hzFAczJWcvhHRVM2_5SuvHNEfY

I guess if enough people come forward and want to pledge the money to keep it going, I'll do it. Otherwise, I'll have to take the majority of the collection down.

What do you say guys? Who would pledge towards the $110 goal if I decided to renew the plan?

10-17-2016, 09:33 PM
GEEE, I guess I should put up the "G" titles.

BTW, since emails still aren't working, I'll just spam this for every post I make:

I guess if enough people come forward and want to pledge the money to keep the MEGA folders going, I'll do it. Otherwise, I'll have to take the majority of the collection down.

What do you say guys? Who would pledge towards the $110 goal if I decided to renew the plan?

My plan for the coming year would be an NES blowout: tons of tagged and timed albums from the whole North American collection and a good portion of the Japanese collection.

Ganbare Goemon 2 (NES Stereo).7z 47.9 MB!lgUHECpS!IITDsg63k47yYovu0bD2hTBh2QGa0ax0_kF2BNQprTI

Gauntlet (NES Stereo).7z 21.4 MB!s0lilBYA!poe0SwFOEK68dlMGV7-n1R50R-_S3pez1VAsAEkDBTA

Gemfire (NES Stereo).7z 99.8 MB!BhFSzYKb!V80KVe1XiSSPpbWMwuFsrL7IanCBMeGQNOpO66-Akhg

Genghis Khan (NES Stereo).7z 18.2 MB!dxUiHQQA!KdyWhou420b7pSqbsK12Mh4FG03NHFUmUvrunK8_g48

GI Joe - A Real American Hero (NES Stereo).7z 43.0 MB!B0U2DARb!AhwnTK3TbvOJUDrzTJ7w0STUQW2YUJiSg13LDjUkrhI

GI Joe - The Atlantis Factor (NES Stereo).7z 54.3 MB!ZhFGGCCC!7XsrXZ0P25-MtO0OXPKz-xk0RQNxAkXww9QM_2-zoR0

Gradius (NES Stereo).7z 15.3 MB!IxFjRDob!doHPdgT2JYIYKZtVLz7-EXEreGON4gRsSkRIi0jys9Y

Gradius II (NES Stereo).7z 34.2 MB!owMAVYDD!x4c98sShtiDEjR4vlX_njCHKMWLxfaBex1nLSFF6UNQ

Great Battle Cyber (NES Stereo).7z 21.6 MB!8glSSQiQ!wg74RKov9EYzXJjrzgy1Qf7QjqCCo0yse0786kI14qo

Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (NES Stereo).7z 31.1 MB!8k9jWQ6J!hXCYBQOfN6qHlig5J6cIkrpqd_M1Tg6qelLcPrsx24k

Guerilla War (NES Stereo).7z 35.1 MB!cklQTKpb!7X9Y05lCJuh9g6bVDknHZQpfY4w8AUCigq6Tc1tyU1o

Gun.Smoke (NES Stereo).7z 34.7 MB!QsM33ZKR!p-Q92n5MmhsWGV3yBclGkG8yW1UG39bGkzGB-QlafaM

Gyromite (NES Stereo).7z 10.6 MB!Fp90VLqY!mHBfQsH75GXmk7Kxhhz6o66zy-o9JpKJrd-8EKHk23A

Iron Tank - The Invasion of Normandy (NES Stereo).7z 46.2 MB!M0sSjaIR!vlQzhFrvlwVWJ8j-T73yZZqTqtXNvOpKi5XgMBIrJNo

10-17-2016, 11:18 PM
As a very quiet longtime lurker, I don't talk much, but I've greatly appreciated all the work that you've put into this thread over the years, and I'll gladly kick in $20 towards the cause if you set up to renew the plan. ($20 USD, to clarify; I don't know what waking nightmare that'll translate to in CAD these days, but y'get used to that, up here.)

10-17-2016, 11:41 PM
I'd be willing to pitch in some funds for this. These rips are too good for them to just up and disappear!

10-18-2016, 12:07 AM
I'd be willing to pitch in some funds for this. These rips are too good for them to just up and disappear!

As a very quiet longtime lurker, I don't talk much, but I've greatly appreciated all the work that you've put into this thread over the years, and I'll gladly kick in $20 towards the cause if you set up to renew the plan. ($20 USD, to clarify; I don't know what waking nightmare that'll translate to in CAD these days, but y'get used to that, up here.)

You guys rock! I'll promote it a bit to see if anyone else is interested, and I'll start the drive next Monday if response is good. :)

10-18-2016, 02:33 AM
I noticed that GBA is missing Shining Force: Kuroki Ryuu no Fukkatsu, and Shining Soul I & II. :) I have rips of all three in minigsf

10-19-2016, 11:25 AM
I noticed that GBA is missing Shining Force: Kuroki Ryuu no Fukkatsu, and Shining Soul I & II. :) I have rips of all three in minigsf

I am no longer doing anything except remastering NES soundtracks right now.


Here is the "H" collection! More to come soon!

Hebereke (NES Stereo).7z 29.0 MB!thsgnCbB!F5flU6ZMbcx8Dbv1L-AdDr6InbbCBS7AQdPo08tzi3Q

Hokkaidou Rensa Satsujin - Okhotsk ni Kiyu (NES Stereo).7z 64.5 MB!BtVxnBKA!qagekX5gCgLpumd6UjSsIYNMxzEmdrMk7fWLl6tKG2Y

Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York (NES Stereo).7z 33.6 MB!55VTnSIL!sK0AXQJ6LL9CyjYkW-sVxg2sAg-XmKfOidQ_iX0GqFw

Honoo No Doukyuuji - Dodge Danpei (NES Stereo).7z 35.8 MB!khMhFLqD!fYDoPJbGeey5v9FyEJepKiidRvlRXcVyVwalbgpFHQc

Honoo No Doukyuuji - Dodge Danpei 2 (NES Stereo).7z 36.1 MB!JpkWSRLI!n11EWfEh1IdQV-UK-r41oiyJeLrPxraCASj0F_OzsWw

Hook (NES Stereo).7z 28.3 MB!80UhkYZC!9gYZWmeMzKJPhkdZAY87egiAFTcCHS9Z5ZEwWkwhqGI

Hudson Hawk (NES Stereo).7z 23.5 MB!o4cUAbrS!ooELl_p4A96hFQ5JxQ_3ggCO7HEWufj_OAP1orMpndw

I guess if enough people come forward and want to pledge the money to keep the MEGA folders going, I'll do it. Otherwise, I'll have to take the majority of the collection down.

What do you say guys? Who would pledge towards the $110 goal if I decided to renew the plan?

My plan for the coming year would be an NES blowout: tons of tagged and timed albums from the whole North American collection and a good portion of the Japanese collection.

10-20-2016, 02:30 PM
My friend (who suggested ??? of Dragoon track in ??? battle episode) would participate; me too if i would have an opporunity.

10-21-2016, 01:13 PM
My friend (who suggested ??? of Dragoon track in ??? battle episode) would participate; me too if i would have an opporunity.

I'm sure we can find a way, if PayPal isn't available to you!

Here are all of the remasters beginning with "I" and "J":

Incredible Crash Test Dummies (NES Stereo).7z 29.9 MB!I5NQhITY!FSD-1cvIUDVrsG-wdTtQFr63j1A4YPB1SPZq7vtodl4

Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade(Taito) (NES Stereo).7z 56.4 MB!po9VHShJ!jFR5_6VCyHsS6DvmP1Ap5Et1rGTF8R6vlnfsruZcsBM

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (NES Stereo).7z 12.0 MB!JhUFCbqY!WnBTNfADkomNLxB9Zro9fn3LNxmzN3XtgDX_SqxF9Ow

Indora no Hikari (NES Stereo).7z 18.1 MB!s4dRXJBI!PmIZitK6dWHHdF2EJXpU_qSrqHo7084wsWyZGXHW4GY

Ironsword - Wizards & Warriors II (NES Stereo).7z 39.3 MB!wp1nTRLS!uaDlzO6i93iZhS8Js2v_t4KfvkJC0eye-tV4T1EOKE4

J. League Winning Goal (NES Stereo).7z 24.7 MB!Z5FUia5B!if9SXbl0GG4iAfGV1GoXi7RBCrUvhRXHG5tFEWqu0aY

Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu (NES Stereo).7z 42.0 MB!s1EXkIZT!IQoUPLMblkCJuFwrxRpfR5--BqI7-ZRx0hq9YbpX8Ig

Jaws (NES Stereo).7z 12.4 MB!4pFz0JYK!KPRjfu-Q_Qc8uDOL0et2WlVTXOImAwsvyA4j-PIgoug

Jesus - Kyoufu no Bio Monster (NES Stereo).7z 37.0 MB!hpMzADZC!b2ak1aCOLeQssHMIBGUX1IbFdNComt-PQAIvs6hT5P4

Joy Mech Fight (NES Stereo).7z 92.9 MB!d8s2wDaS!Gh-mVWSdd2wvKWcH7iyah7lDn-NpxInGTTh1I43hLsk

Jurassic Park (NES Stereo).7z 53.1 MB!RpsixByJ!f34PlDMA9y3B24H07tvxolxSBVAG6hiPvhCbDjxc2P4

Just Breed (NES Stereo).7z 88.4 MB!F0MBBCYI!MpNWLMgTy4MNTeSHULLq1AxrY_geoggugXY5-6Jj9yI

10-21-2016, 03:46 PM
I'll pitch in $20 bucks. :) As usual, you know I support ya. Let's keep it going! Thanks bud.

10-22-2016, 01:29 PM

Episode 73: The Sounds of Silent Hill featuring @AvalancheJared
Download the MP3 here! (
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PTR’s spoooooky October festivities continue with a focus on one of the most disturbing series of the last decade: Silent Hill. Jared Smith from the YouTube channel Avalanche Reviews joins Mike and Ed for an in-depth look at the music from the games, written by Konami and Grasshopper Manufacture composer Akira Yamaoka.

Learn about the mythos behind the eponymous town, find out what the games share in common with television series Stranger Things, and listen to Mike rant about Resident Evil! All this and more, on an extra-spooky edition of PixelTunes Radio!

Find Jared’s videos at Avalanche Reviews on YouTube and follow him @AvalancheJared on Twitter!

Thanks to Cam Mount, Cam Werme, Cam Chiles, KeyGlyph, and Anthony Pigg for sending in today’s PixelChat questions. Want to ask Mike and Ed a question of your own? Send an email to [email protected]!

Join our Facebook group ( to check out extra content from this episode!

The Tracklist:

All Music Composed by Akira Yamaoka

Introductory Track

“Theme of Laura” from Silent Hill 2

Silent Hill (PSX, 1999)

1 – “Silent Hill Theme”

2 – “Fear of the Dark”

Silent Hill 2 (PS2, XBOX, 2001)

3 – “The Reverse Will”

4 – “Forest”

Silent Hill 3 (PS2, Xbox,PC, 2003)

5 – “Please Love Me… Once More”

6 – “Dance With Night Wind”

Silent Hill: The Room (PS2, Xbox, PC, 2004)

7 – “Your Rain” feat. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn

8 – “Nightmarish Waltz”

Silent Hill Origins (PSP, PS2, 2007)

9 – “Wrong is Right”

10 – “Shot down in Flames” feat. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (Wii, PS2, PSP, 2009)

11 – “Different Persons”

Silent Hill: Homecoming (PS3, X360, PC)

12 – “Witchcraft”

10-26-2016, 05:10 AM
Bumping it up to make it fresh again. And please be sure to donate to ruiner to keep the tunes coming. :)

10-26-2016, 11:13 AM
Bumping it up to make it fresh again. And please be sure to donate to ruiner to keep the tunes coming. :)

My paypal is [email protected]! If I don't make the total amount by 11/25/16, you'll get refunded, so it's a risk-free venture!

OK, so here are the "K" remasters: :)

Kabuki Quantum Fighter (NES Stereo).7z 32.1 MB!1w10XQIQ!phXb_oqw7sjx6OF38lWGLx66P9UvnX8p_FE2MdmsyvE

Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 3 - Taiketsu! Zouringen (NES Stereo).7z 29.8 MB!9sUTSCCa!5Ax9E9zagl5Rt9ExJbvI-OGGRn2Hqlc28oT85qqOQcU

Karnov (NES Stereo).7z 11.5 MB!VxsSkarD!TTnlp8mo40RoKXcseoLKaaSvXxMbKbB2_-rQrQwjwxQ

Kid Icarus (NES Stereo).7z 28.0 MB!dpcW2LJT!R559GGmIquMXMK0mleQgzC56jGoikqbTQOvqcEnQOyQ

Kid Klown in Night Mayor World (NES Stereo).7z 45.4 MB!YlsmkYaR!I1Bd67XkzCNPu2gVslnr4vd7JSCHB2EEoXQmNKSVZrg

Kid Kool and the Quest for the 7 Wonder Herbs (NES Stereo).7z 42.8 MB!QxFjnKLL!mNC7gY6whkg0f7VFTSLHDz8LdzseK8pX_w8cXEnizSs

King of Kings (NES Stereo).7z 20.1 MB!08FBFTJY!4OqdLnOKwr4i9e3c8sZz6KYLjiMhHlS9bZcB4DMEKY0

King's Quest V (NES Stereo).7z 57.6 MB!dltikTQT!I-2TBbqXoEg1ux31HhZkiITTSRZQY3CZAGng2zXE2Fg

Kiwi Kraze (NES Stereo).7z 19.2 MB!N9M2kTIA!Sk6H-wIojmqzVPf7Oq9hHAtuohNj2_UMO9fQ5nT9P6s

10-26-2016, 11:15 AM
Hey Ruiner I tried listening to the Monster in my Pocket NES OST but it sounds really "muted" like there are some instruments/sounds missing in the music, I'm terrible at Music Terminology so I feel like I can't specify but Fire the Game up on an Console or Emulator and listen to the first level music and then fire up your rip, I'm pretty sure you should a quality difference.

---------- Post added at 04:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 AM ----------

Also my apologies but I swear to god and I'm dead serious here, I'm broke until this Friday, I'll try to drop a few bucks during the weekend, Please and Thank You.