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11-16-2014, 06:36 AM
Hey ED, I'm just curious if you could do Mickey Speedway USA for N64, and maybe Dr.Robotnik's mean bean machine Genesis in the possible future?

11-17-2014, 12:11 PM
Yo! Been a crazy weekend, so I was only able to get a couple releases out. Here they are!

Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha for the PSX - Wholesome electronic badassery from Shinji Hosoe. Can't go wrong here.

Dragon Fighter for the NES - So many NES soundtracks seem to borrow from Castlevania. This one is no exception, but it's REALLY good! The same composer (under the name Koichi Yamanishi) also wrote the soundtracks for Shatterhand and Shadow of the Ninja, so if you're familiar with those two incredible albums, you'll dig this one too.

Maybe more later? We'll see!

11-17-2014, 10:08 PM
It's been a very SNESful day, today. (See what i did there? Stressful, SNESful? Hahahaha ok not funny.)

Here's what's in the goodie bag:

PC Engine/ TG16

Flash Hiders - A one-on-one fighting game with a good sampling of techno music via CD audio. Lots of orchstra hits and fast hi-hats!


Art of Fighting - Takara did a ton of Neo Geo ports to the SNES, and for the most part, they were pretty good. The music is basically close to the original soundtrack, but SNES-ified.

Battle Tycoon - This is a sequel to the PC-Engine CD game above. Still has the one-on-one format, still some techno music, only this time, not as many orchestra hits.

Cosmo Police Galivan 2 - A side-scrolling beat 'em up, where you're an armored police dude, punching bad guys in the junk. The music is a bit repetitive, but suits the subject matter well.

Ghost Chaser Densei - This is one of the first Japanese Super Famicom game I'd ever played, right after I got my first SNES backup unit waaaaaay back in the 90's. I used to load roms onto floppy disks to play them on my SNES! Anyways, this one's a beat 'em up with very traditional sounding SNES music. It's got a lot of reverb and echo in it, which isn't my favorite, but it's nicely composed!

Secret of the Stars - Simple symphonic RPG music that reminds me a bit of Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest.

So, here's a few I tried to do, but can't/ won't due to reasons:

Monopoly (PSX) - Sequenced music that hasn't been extracted
The Pagemaster (GEN) - No VGM file or way to log music without SFX
Xak (PC-88) - I have the file I need, but can't get the dang thing to work in HOOT. I've tried for almost an hour, which is where I usually give up.
Darius Gaiden (Arcade) - The Saturn version is easily found, and it's the same music in higher quality.
Chou-jikuu Yousai Macross (PS2) - Can't even find the game to attempt a rip!

Sorry for the disappointments on those, but I hope you enjoy the rest!

11-17-2014, 10:35 PM
So, here's a few I tried to do, but can't/ won't due to reasons:

Monopoly (PSX) - Sequenced music that hasn't been extracted
The Pagemaster (GEN) - No VGM file or way to log music without SFX

OH!, I know some games are hard and these are part of them, still okay.
I got what you released lately but I have another few games of Sega Genesis and I'd like to request them from you :)

Beyond Oasis (The Story of Thor) by Yuzo Koshiro
The Ooze by Howard Drossin

Thanks in advance ruiner9

11-17-2014, 10:41 PM
Arigatou! I noticed that the Flash Hiders soundtrack hasn't been tagged, but either I or someone else can work on it. The most difficult part is knowing who's or what theme is shown on most of the soundtrack.

Anyway, the 3-disk FM Towns version of Asuka 120% BURNING Fest. has been dumped, but I can't get passed the "Please set Disk A in Drive 0." screen, but I already inserted Disk A into Drive 0. Copy protection? I'd like to rip its soundtrack to completely upload the Asuka 120% music collection on FFShrine.

11-17-2014, 11:56 PM
Arigatou! I noticed that the Flash Hiders soundtrack hasn't been tagged, but either I or someone else can work on it. The most difficult part is knowing who's or what theme is shown on most of the soundtrack.

Anyway, the 3-disk FM Towns version of Asuka 120% BURNING Fest. has been dumped, but I can't get passed the "Please set Disk A in Drive 0." screen, but I already inserted Disk A into Drive 0. Copy protection? I'd like to rip its soundtrack to completely upload the Asuka 120% music collection on FFShrine.

Is the music in chiptune format, or is it CD audio? If it's CD, you can usually just mount it as a disc with Daemon Tools or similar and rip the tracks easily that way.

11-18-2014, 12:09 AM
I'm sure it's in chip tune format.

11-18-2014, 09:43 PM
I'm sure it's in chip tune format.

Oh, OK... I don't know a single thing about the Towns, unfortunately...

Here's a whole bunch of top-notch stuff!

Armored Warriors in the Arcade section - Hard rock 'n hard synths. This one took a while to make, but it was worth it. Q-Sound goodness!

Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine for the Genesis - A lot of really fun tunes in this attempt from Sega to make us like Puyo Puyo. I really like the "Stages 9-12" track. So industrial!

Mickey's Speedway USA for the N64 - I was impressed at the funkiness of these tracks! I expected cartoony kid songs. I was very wrong.

The Sword of Etheria for the PS2 - Would you care for 3 hours of Michiru Yamane songs, many of which sound like Castlevania music set to dance beats? Yes? Well... here you go!

Putting the final touched on the new podcast tonight, so not sure I'll have an early-bird special tomorrow... but maybe more tomorrow afternoon! Peace out homies!

11-18-2014, 10:24 PM
Your Spot (Gameboy - Geoff Follin) download sounds a little off. I think the gameplay track should sound like this ( For some reason, the "instrument" on the wave channel sounds different depending on the emulator used to play the music.

For example, VisualBoyAdvance (and VBA-M) sound like your track, while BGB sounds like mine, but only when specifically emulating a GameBoy (DMG). Emulating any other hardware will make it sound like yours. Playing the GBS file on foobar2000 using Game Emu Player will also sound like BGB's playback, but without the panning that the wave channel does in the middle of the song. Maybe a hardware trick used by Geoff Follin isn't correctly interpreted by some emulators.

I honestly don't know how it's supposed to sound, since I don't have the game or the GameBoy to test it on. Let me know what you think.

11-19-2014, 02:50 PM
I might be doing some Super Nintendo stuff myself this year or the next. The setup is snesmusic-org to SPC to Super Jukebox to WAV Output @ 72000 Frequency! Version 3.3 is the latest but it "crashes" often, and 3.2 gets stuck much less, and the options are somewhat different. Among the options is Low-Pass on/off. Maybe two sets for each game done then. How do YOU make your Super Nintendo music?

...Add ActRaiser (one), Battle Clash, and Metal Combat to the requests. Also all the Yu-Gi-Oh games, especially the older ones plus Dawn Of Destiny.

Wish the 100-mbps internet lines were better used than all this slower crap for so many. They have been out for how many years now?

Super Mario RPG is made and in a ZIP folder awaiting upload. Not named/modified/edited/customized yet though.

11-19-2014, 03:11 PM
72000 frequency? You do realize that the human ear can only hear at about 44100, right? I do 48000. 72000 just seems like a lot of wasted file space. That's just me, though.

11-19-2014, 09:28 PM
@Ruiner9 How's my requests coming along? Also, been listening to some C64 Demoscene stuff and some of it's pretty good.

11-19-2014, 10:14 PM
Your Spot (Gameboy - Geoff Follin) download sounds a little off. I think the gameplay track should sound like this ( For some reason, the "instrument" on the wave channel sounds different depending on the emulator used to play the music.

For example, VisualBoyAdvance (and VBA-M) sound like your track, while BGB sounds like mine, but only when specifically emulating a GameBoy (DMG). Emulating any other hardware will make it sound like yours. Playing the GBS file on foobar2000 using Game Emu Player will also sound like BGB's playback, but without the panning that the wave channel does in the middle of the song. Maybe a hardware trick used by Geoff Follin isn't correctly interpreted by some emulators.

I honestly don't know how it's supposed to sound, since I don't have the game or the GameBoy to test it on. Let me know what you think.

I favor VBA-M for all my GB and GBA emulation, so it sounds perfectly fine to me. If you play games on real hardware it sounds like neither of the emulated versions, so there's no real "correct" version aside from line-out. Personally, taking all versions into account, I prefer the tones of the VBA-M style tracks, so that's what i go with.

@Ruiner9 How's my requests coming along? Also, been listening to some C64 Demoscene stuff and some of it's pretty good.

I could only do Hybrid Heaven and Outlanders from the games you requested. If you like C64 demoscene stuff, you'll really like the first track on the new podcast, which will be up in a few hours!

Now, let's get to a TON of SNES requests:

ActRaiser - Not sure how I missed this one! Seriously. Who doesn't have ActRaiser in their collection?

Aretha and Aretha 2 - Two RPG's from Japan. The first one is pretty symphonic and bombastic, while the sequel sounds a bit more like the Final Fantasy series from around that time.

Battle Clash - One of my favorite Super Scope games, and the music is really good too! Lots of fast-paced action music.

Metal Combat - The sequel to Battle Clash, with equally cool music.

Rejoice! Aretha Oukoku no Kanata - I'm really digging the percussion on this one! A lot of the basslines sound really 80's pop. This one is cooool!

Ryukiheidan Danzarubu - This one is cool too. Fast beats and heroic tunes. Not your traditional RPG music!

Shin Seikoku - La Wares - Probably my least fave of the bunch, due to it's clicky-sounding drums. Still, it's not too bad.

Alright, those 8 should keep you happy for a bit!

***Side note... aside from Nintendo Puzzle Collection, and Ninjacloud's latest requests, my queue is caught up. If you've requested something and I haven't put it up by now, I haven't been able to do it. You either missed my apology, or I forgot to let you know (my bad!)

S.P.D. Gold Ranger
11-19-2014, 10:18 PM
Is it possible to request Spyro: A Hero's Tail? It had some pretty catchy music. There used to be a rip of it out there on GH, but now it's gone.

And now to wait for the next podcast!!

11-19-2014, 10:25 PM
Is it possible to request Spyro: A Hero's Tail? It had some pretty catchy music. There used to be a rip of it out there on GH, but now it's gone.

And now to wait for the next podcast!!

Sure! It'll be from the GameCube version, but the music was identical across all 3 platforms it was released on.

S.P.D. Gold Ranger
11-19-2014, 10:36 PM

So, I guess that means Crash Team Racing can't be done, since I requested it a while ago?

11-19-2014, 10:57 PM
72000! Someone might get something out of it, or possibly many people would. The files are big, each game would be .5 to 2 GB a set! Hard drives are in the TBs now though.

Try adding Mario Party and Mario Party 2 to the N64 Section and see how they come out. USFs may be goofy though.

I played the first one from Zero all the way through to 100 Stars and the Very End... with no other controller players at all! Wonder how many minutes that took. Great work on the mini-games, Nintendo.

11-19-2014, 11:27 PM
Nice to know that you caught up with the queue....considering I have a few requests yet again: Contact (DS), Blast Works (Wii), and Link: The Faces of Evil (CD-i). Hopefully, these requests are possible.

11-19-2014, 11:38 PM
Is it possible to get a rip of the following Gameboy games?

Kid Dracula
Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters
Game & Watch Gallery 2
and Kwirk

Thanks so much for my other request of Bugs Bunny games!!

11-20-2014, 01:49 AM
Here's the new episode! I'm directing listeners to the PixelTunes page to download the shows going forward. It will help me track the number of downloads a bit better, which will help me convince some local retro game stores to sponsor us so we can do more cool stuff. Hope you guys understand!

Episode 22: Unreleased Gems
Download on our page! -- Episode 22: Unreleased Games | PixelTunes Radio VGM Podcast (

MP3 Downloads of previous shows can be found at The PixelTunes Radio Homepage ( or on iTunes!

Join us as Aaron Hickman of Retro Obscura takes the PixelTunes guys on a journey through the seedy underbelly of video games, playing tracks from titles that never saw a retail release. The whole roster is full of great tracks from popular composers like Matt Furniss, Jesper Kyd, and Mari Yamaguchi! We talk about why games like Star Fox 2 and Sonic Xtreme never made it to store shelves, and let you know which ones might be found on the internet… if you look hard enough!

Do you have any inside info on unreleased titles, or know of a cool beta we may have missed? Let us know in the comments!

Also, check out Aaron’s amazing chiptunes at!

The Tracklist:

1 – Deadlock – Main Theme – Reyn Ouwehand (Commodore 64)

2 – Burning Fist/ Force Striker – Character Select – Unknown ( Sega CD)


3 – Drac’s Night Out – Main Theme – Unknown (NES)

4 – Steven Seagal IS the Final Option – Alloy Processing Center – Fred Porter (SNES)


5 – X-Men: Mind Games – Level 1 – Jesper Kyd (Sega 32X)

6 – Sonic Xtreme - Space Queens – Chris Senn, Howard Drossin (Saturn, PC)


7 – Secret Ties – Incan Temple – Fumito Tamayama (NES)

8 – Starfox 2 – Macbeth Inside - Mari yamaguchi (SNES)


9 – ResQ - Level 1 Theme – Matt Furniss, Shaun Hollingsworth (Genesis)

10 – Ninja Gaiden - Level 5 Theme – Goblin Sound/Opus, Inc. (Genesis)

Don’t forget, we always have a ton of great podcast-related content on our Twitter ( Facebook (! Be sure to like us to get in on the goodies and the conversation!

Like us? Want more episodes? Please leave a comment or a like! We want to hear your thoughts!

11-20-2014, 04:02 AM
Well, hope you can fulfill these set of requests for me (All for GB):
1. World Beach Volley: 1992 GB Cup
2. Ray-Thunder
3. Family Jockey (Namco)
4. Football International (Bandai)
5. Magical Taruruuto-kun (Bandai)

11-20-2014, 09:52 PM
Hi Ed, could you please take a look of this (not Maroon) five when you'll be free?

War Gods (cant find impressive video, but had some rock tunes too)
War Gods- PS1 - YouTube (

Lifeforce Tenka
lifeforce tenka sur playstation - YouTube (

Hard Boiled (yes, i need MOAR ACID TECHNO in games)
Playstation, Hard Boiled, Mision 4 - YouTube (

K-1 Revenge
Playstation Review: K1 Revenge - YouTube (

G-Police: Weapons of Justice
G-police 2: Weapons Of Justice ... (PS1) - YouTube (

11-20-2014, 10:05 PM
Well, I actually have some free time to visit this thread again! I've not had time to tag Nintendogs yet, and although I briefly tried test recording the remaining GT2 songs through PSXE and Audacity, the results were too quiet.

I've actually got a few new requests, hopefully they aren't unobtainable:

Micro Machines V3 (PSX)
Final Fight One (GBA)
Simpsons: Hit & Run (PS2)

Thanks in advance!

11-20-2014, 10:24 PM
Short on time, but here's what I have today!

Spyro - A Hero's Tail for the GameCube - This one has some great music. It's all over the place, style-wise, but super polished!

Crash Team Racing for the PSX - Finally abble to do this one! Some more sweet Mark Mothersbaugh tunes!

Rune Worth - Kokui no Kikoushi for the PC-88 - Oh, an RPG album using the YM2608 chip? Sure! I'll take it! (This isn't a request, btw... I chose it myself cuz it rocks)

The Ooze on the Genesis - Howard Drossin (Comix Zone) wrote this one. We just talked about him during the Sonic Xtreme segment of the latest podcast!

Beyond Oasis, also for the Genesis - Not my favorite Koshiro soundtrack, because I'm not a fan of the music style. You can't ignore the man's technical talent, though!

OK! More tomorrow... then I'm taking the weekend off to play Super Smash Bros. Wii U!

11-20-2014, 10:35 PM
Hey ED, I just got my copy of SSB for Wii U a few minutes ago!

S.P.D. Gold Ranger
11-20-2014, 11:04 PM
Short on time, but here's what I have today!

Spyro - A Hero's Tail for the GameCube - This one has some great music. It's all over the place, style-wise, but super polished!

Crash Team Racing for the PSX - Finally abble to do this one! Some more sweet Mark Mothersbaugh tunes!

Rune Worth - Kokui no Kikoushi for the PC-88 - Oh, an RPG album using the YM2608 chip? Sure! I'll take it! (This isn't a request, btw... I chose it myself cuz it rocks)

The Ooze on the Genesis - Howard Drossin (Comix Zone) wrote this one. We just talked about him during the Sonic Xtreme segment of the latest podcast!

Beyond Oasis, also for the Genesis - Not my favorite Koshiro soundtrack, because I'm not a fan of the music style. You can't ignore the man's technical talent, though!

OK! More tomorrow... then I'm taking the weekend off to play Super Smash Bros. Wii U!

YES!!! Thank you for both Spyro and Crash!!


11-20-2014, 11:32 PM
Hey ED, I just got my copy of SSB for Wii U a few minutes ago!

Did you happen to preorder it?

11-20-2014, 11:42 PM
A day early! So jealous! I have to pick it form the store on the way home from work tomorrow.

11-20-2014, 11:44 PM
Yep! I actually preorder the 3DS and Wii U versions simultaneously!

11-20-2014, 11:44 PM
Like the others here, I'm a bit jealous that somebody got it a day early. Ah well. One more day won't kill me. =P

11-20-2014, 11:53 PM
I get a free Amiibo with my order, so I can't complain!

11-21-2014, 01:04 AM
Thank you for The Ooze & Beyond Oasis :)

I have more requests from Sega Genesis/Megadrive & 1 from Mega/Sega CD

Sega Genesis/Megadrive
Two Crude Dudes (AKA Crude Buster)
by: Azusa Hara - Hiroaki Yoshida - Tatsuya Kiuchi - Hitoshi Sakimoto

Top Gear 2
by: Ashley Bennet - Paul Bennet - Neil Biggin - Patrick Phelan

Mega/Sega CD
Captain Tsubasa
Captain Tsubasa (Mega-CD video game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

11-21-2014, 03:26 PM
OK, all requests are added to the queue!

Two cool things this morning:

1. Ninjacloud (Is he a ninja? Is he a cloud? Is he BOTH?) Has helped with tagging some of the "unknown" tracks at the end of Crash Team Racing! Go redownload that shizz if you want it! Thanks, bro!

2. This is pretty big news.... I've noticed that a lot of games, specifically N64 and GameCube titles, have a high-pitched "hiss" to it after encoding them. I've tracked it down to a point in my processing, where my software tries to upconvert the 32000hz files to 44100hz files. So, using a different technique, I've been able to get rid of the hiss! I noticed it was pretty bad on the Spyro - A Hero's Tail album I made yesterday, so I corrected it an re-uploaded it. So not only does it SOUND better, but it's 20mb smaller, too! The only downside is that the software I need to use is only on my audio production computer, which I only have access to on the evenings and weekends (it's at home) and so N64 and GC titles will be a bit slower in the request line, but the difference in quality will be worth it. :)

More requests incoming later!

11-21-2014, 03:31 PM
So THAT'S what that was, awesome news that you found out what was causing it!

11-21-2014, 03:43 PM
So THAT'S what that was, awesome news that you found out what was causing it!

Yeah, instead of using WinAmp's wave upconversion, I've found that the one built into Nero Burning Rom is much better with that. The problem is, being commercially licensed software, I can't install it on other machines.

11-21-2014, 07:56 PM
Only one soundtrack today, but I'm sure you'll agree that 5.5 hours of music is plenty, right? Go grab Masafumi Takada and Jun Fukuda's... very interesting.... soundtrack to Contact for the DS! It's really cool to see how these guys work in the limited, sequenced, DS format, after hearing their streamed audio stuff from Godhand and No More Heroes. I like it! It's far less industrial sounding... and kind of whimsical. Of course, I haven't listened to the entire soundtrack yet, but from what I've sampled, it's really eclectic!


11-23-2014, 03:21 AM
My gratitude for Armored Warriors and Etheria! You're as awesome as always, Ruiner! ;) Now, on another note:

***Side note... aside from Nintendo Puzzle Collection, and Ninjacloud's latest requests, my queue is caught up. If you've requested something and I haven't put it up by now, I haven't been able to do it. You either missed my apology, or I forgot to let you know (my bad!)

By any chance, would that include the NES requests I made a while back?

Anyways, I'll keep it a bit more simple this time and make a few NES requests instead! ;) You think you can get The Krion Conquest ( (aka Magical Doropie, a Mega Man ripoff where you play as a witch), and the two Ganbare Goemon Gaiden ( games (RPG spinoffs of the Goemon/Mystical Ninja series)? That is all from me for now. I've got some of my own stuff that I've gotta get to work on uploading, after all....

^Mind you, this was back in September, so I wouldn't blame you if you forgot this amidst the truckload of other requests you've gotten since then, heh. Also, I'd like to add one more request to that list if possible: Shadow of the Ninja. ( Honestly, I'm surprised that soundtrack hasn't been requested already....

11-23-2014, 01:15 PM
^Mind you, this was back in September, so I wouldn't blame you if you forgot this amidst the truckload of other requests you've gotten since then, heh. Also, I'd like to add one more request to that list if possible: Shadow of the Ninja. ( Honestly, I'm surprised that soundtrack hasn't been requested already....

Thanks for bringing that back up... no, I must've overlooked/ forgot to add those to my queue! I'll slap 'em in there and get them done as soon as I have a chance. There are VERY few occasions when I can't rip an NES game, and that's usually because they're either a super-obscure Japanese game *looks at size123* ;) or a homebrew that hasn't been dumped. These fit neither of those categories, so good catch there!

11-23-2014, 06:19 PM
Hey Ruiner, is it possible to rip Hogs of War (PSX) ? I never saw a single rip.

11-23-2014, 10:43 PM
MOV_Games - I've actually got a few new requests, hopefully they aren't unobtainable:

Micro Machines V3 (PSX)
Final Fight One (GBA)
Simpsons: Hit & Run (PS2)

Final Fight One is already in the GBA section, lol.

11-23-2014, 11:20 PM
Final Fight One is already in the GBA section, lol.

F-Zero Climax (GBA - ruiner9).7z 129.7 MB

F-Zero GP Legend (GBA - ruiner9).7z 48.6 MB

F-Zero Maximum Velocity (GBA - ruiner9).7z 69.7 MB

Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (GBA - ruiner9).7z 156.7 MB

Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (GBA - ruiner9).7z 266.3 MB

Fire Pro Wrestling 2 (GBA - ruiner9).7z 89.8 MB

Gensou Suikoden - Card Stories (GBA - ruiner9).7z 168.7 MB

Godzilla Domination (GBA - ruiner9).7z 8.5 MB

I don't see it.

11-24-2014, 02:45 AM
Hmm... that's odd.

11-24-2014, 12:08 PM
Hmm... that's odd.

Hah! Yeah, I could've sworn I did that one, too. Not to fret, though! It's in the queue!

11-24-2014, 06:01 PM
Alright! First off, here's a few updates to the collection:

- VGManiac456, once again, wows us with a fully renamed and re-ordered Contact for the DS! It's a big download, but it's totally worth having this great album in perfect form. Thanks, man!

- ninjacloud updated Crash Team Racing on the PSX for a final version, and also provided a missing track title for Mystical Ninja on the Genesis. For those who have the album already, simply rename track 20 to "Bonus Level," or re-download the game from the OP. Thanks to you too, ninjacloud!

So I said that I was taking the weekend off, but I ended up having to make a few albums to supply songs for the podcast we just recorded, so enjoy the following David Wise classics:


Ironsword - Wizards & Warriors II
Snake Rattle 'n Roll
RC Pro-Am II


Battletoads in Battlemaniacs

If you wanna hear my descriptions of the games... well, you'll have to listen to the 'cast when it comes out on December 3! :)

Should have a few requests later on!

11-24-2014, 10:24 PM
Some NES Stereo soundtracks to keep ya'll entertained:

The Krion Conquest - Some fun Mega Man style music. It's also got the Japanese tracks that were left out of the American release.

Ganbare Goemon Gaiden - Some awesome Konami-style music from Kenichi Matsubara, composer of the awesome Castlevania II: Simon's Quest soundtrack!

11-24-2014, 10:33 PM
How my request Ed?

11-24-2014, 11:38 PM
How my request Ed?

Can't do it.

11-25-2014, 01:31 AM
Good week to you, ruiner! Forgot to mention it, but thanks once again for fulfilling my request. Shame about the PC-88 version of Xak, though; it was one of my favorite system versions of the game's soundtrack, because some of the more rock-based tracks remind me of old heavy metal songs (thanks in part to Ryuji Sasai, of course). Anyways, I have some SNES requests for you (because I believe we need to expand the SNES section with more SNES music goodness, lol):

- Alien�
- Brawl Brothers
- Cyber Knight 2: Chikyuu Teikoku no Yabou
- Dual Orb: Seireiju Densetsu
- Dual Orb 2

I have another bunch of SNES music requests for you, but I need to respect the 5 per limit rule and wait a few days until my requests are fulfilled, lol.

I might return to retagging untagged OSTs this week, but we'll wait and see. :) For now, have a good week, ruiner!!

11-25-2014, 07:56 PM
Hey there ruiner9

Would it be possible to do Kaiketsu Yanchamaru 3 Taiketsu! Zouringen?
It's one of my favorite titles on the NES when I was young, would be so great to have a copy of the music!

Here's a video for reference

Cheers! :D

11-25-2014, 08:10 PM
Can't do it.
With Double Dragon on Genesis or Spiderman on PSX is not ripable? I wait moth :(

11-25-2014, 09:46 PM
With Double Dragon on Genesis or Spiderman on PSX is not ripable? I wait moth :(

Spider-Man I can't do, but I didn't see Double Dragon for the Genesis!

Here's what else is in store for you guys today:


Mario Party 1 & 2 - A couple of playful and well-rounded albums. These were some of my favorite N64 games when I was a kid.

Game Boy

Game & Watch Gallery 2 - 1 and 3 were already requested, so 2 fills in the gap! There's some fun stuff here... I especially LOVE the stereo effects on track 13!

Kwirk - An early title from Tsukasa Masuko... it's traditional Game Boy action music, but nicely done.

Kid Dracula - Funky plays on the Castlevania themes.

Kid Icarus - Of Myths and Legends - Such a grandiose title for such a small game! The music in this one tried to live up to Tanaka's original NES music, but falls just short.

Qix - Very simple but catchy melodies for a quirky little game.


Double Dragon - It's the original themes from the NES and arcade versions of the game, but done with a pretty awful-sounding FM sound driver. My ears! :-O

That'll do it for today! Later, guys!

11-25-2014, 09:57 PM
Thank you Ed and I'm sorry with long waiting :/ and i wait for Double Dragon 2&3 from Genesis :)

11-26-2014, 04:31 AM

Mario Party 1 & 2 - A couple of playful and well-rounded albums. These were some of my favorite N64 games when I was a kid.

Thank u ruiner9 :)

PS: I think you forgot to add it to the N64 section :p

11-26-2014, 04:56 AM
Thank u ruiner9 :)

PS: I think you forgot to add it to the N64 section :p

oops! :)

They're there now!

11-26-2014, 06:32 AM
Amazing collection!

Anyway can you rip:

Earthworm Jim (Genesis)
Inspector Gadget (SNES)
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror (GBA)
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Arcade)
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse (SNES)

11-26-2014, 01:50 PM
Amazing collection!

Anyway can you rip:

Earthworm Jim (Genesis)
Inspector Gadget (SNES)
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror (GBA)
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Arcade)
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse (SNES)

The SNES and Genesis games shouldn't be an issue, and I'll have to look into the Arcade and GBA titles, as they're hit or miss. :)

Just a note to all requesters at this point: My queue is pretty long right now (with JediAce, I'm now up to 31!) so it may take a little while to get your albums, especially if they've been requested recently. I'll try to split my holiday weekend between the podcast and requests (and lots of Thanksgiving turkey) so hopefully it won't take TOO long!

11-27-2014, 04:30 PM
Happy Turkey Day my Game Music Peeps

You arez my favoritez peoplez in da Internetz.

11-27-2014, 07:48 PM
A happy thanksgiving to all those in America today!! :D

11-27-2014, 07:53 PM
Happy Thanksgiving all! I'm currently at my parents' house, stuffed with turkey, but I'll have a few requests for you guys to "gobble" up later! :)

11-27-2014, 08:06 PM
Thanksgiving is not really an event here in the UK, so I kinda forgot it existed. Still, Happy Thanksgivings to all!

11-27-2014, 10:28 PM
Happy Thanks Giving every one! Though I feel that people take for granted, also I'm not really a turkey guy so I had ham! But I still hope you guys enjoy your turkeys!

11-28-2014, 12:24 AM
As promised, here's some Game Boy stuff!

World Beach Volley - 1992 GB Cup
Magical Taruruuto-kun
Family Jockey
Football International (Soccer)

Most are your typical Game Boy family-friendly game music fare, except Ray-Thunder, which is pretty aggressive sounding. Enjoy!

11-29-2014, 02:10 AM
Switching gears out of what's been a decidedly chiptune series of updates, here's a bunch of Playstation albums!


Codename Tenka (otherwise known and requested as Lifeforce Tenka in Europe) - A mediocre FPS with a really rockin' soundtrack. Some are straight-up metal, while others have a more electronic sound to them, but they're all really good. I'm reminded a bit of the awesome Quake II soundtrack.

G-Police - A good mixture of techno and atmospheric sound design, from Stuart Duffield. He's a huge name in gaming nowadays, having worked on titles like Borderlands 2 and XCOM. According to his online resume, he did in-game music and sound design, cutscene music and sound design, voice recording, and editing for this game. That's a lot of work!

Hard Boiled - This one's a behind-the-vehicle shooter with some REALLY hard core Euro techno. Bang your heads to this one!

K-1 Revenge - Super polished hard rock that sounds a lot like Spencer Nilsen's awesome works on the Sega CD back in the day. I really liked these tracks!

War Gods - From Neil Baldwin and Steve Duckworth, two industry vets. The music changes from symphonic to techno to metal in the blink of an eye!

A big thanks to Knivesman for requesting these... I think I found a few new faves in this pile!

Till next time, boys and girls!

11-29-2014, 02:34 AM
Thanks a mega bundle for all of these, and my requests a few days back man. I really love those sweet chippy sounds.

11-29-2014, 04:59 AM
Thanks for all these PS1 albums! I liked them :)

PS: it seems there is no sound in 26_War Gods & 27_War Gods ... can you check them ?

Just one question ruiner9, I requested Cutthroat Island for Sega Genesis before 1 month with 3 games and you ripped the others, you can't rip Cutthroat Island ?

11-29-2014, 07:07 AM
Hey ED, can you do this one song from this homebrew (Link- and all you need to do is extact the zip file, open up the rom in your emulator, and press Start! If you can do that would be amazing! Also in the near future could you do sonic 2 for Master System and add in the boss music from the GG version, and maybe sonic blast for GG?

11-29-2014, 02:58 PM
Thanks for all these PS1 albums! I liked them :)

PS: it seems there is no sound in 26_War Gods & 27_War Gods ... can you check them ?

Just one question ruiner9, I requested Cutthroat Island for Sega Genesis before 1 month with 3 games and you ripped the others, you can't rip Cutthroat Island ?

Oops! 26 and 27 seem to be silent tracks even on the retail disc, probably just to pad out the data to help load times. You can delete them. Similar to the same reasons for Jurassic Park 2, there's no way to rip Cutthroat Island without having to play through the game, and sound FX get in the way etc.

---------- Post added at 08:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 AM ----------

Hey ED, can you do this one song from this homebrew (Link- and all you need to do is extact the zip file, open up the rom in your emulator, and press Start! If you can do that would be amazing! Also in the near future could you do sonic 2 for Master System and add in the boss music from the GG version, and maybe sonic blast for GG?

I'll add them to the queue! Sonic 2 on the GG has an identical soundtrack to the SMS (except that boss music, I guess... I'm not familiar) so the whole rip will be from the GG version. SMS and GG have the same sound chip so there wouldn't be any difference anyways.

---------- Post added at 08:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:27 AM ----------

Update 3: Maintenance! War Gods has been fixed to remove the last two silent tracks, and Rocket Knight Adventures and Gleylancer in the Genesis section have been fixed as well, as they both contained the whole album twice for some weird reason. I have no idea what THAT was all about.

11-29-2014, 06:14 PM
Thanks for music, Ed! Glad you liked it


But which G-Police you ripped? I mentioned a sequel)

11-29-2014, 06:55 PM
Hi Ed, could you please take a look of this (not Maroon) five when you'll be free?

War Gods (cant find impressive video, but had some rock tunes too)
War Gods- PS1 - YouTube (

Lifeforce Tenka
lifeforce tenka sur playstation - YouTube (

Hard Boiled (yes, i need MOAR ACID TECHNO in games)
Playstation, Hard Boiled, Mision 4 - YouTube (

K-1 Revenge
Playstation Review: K1 Revenge - YouTube (

G-Police: Weapons of Justice
G-police 2: Weapons Of Justice ... (PS1) - YouTube (

Ahhhh, it says "2" in the YouTube link, but not in the request. I'll do the 2nd one, too! :)

11-29-2014, 10:02 PM
BOOM! More fun stuff for ya! One piece of bad news first: I couldn't do Blast Works for the Wii. The file encoding isn't cracked yet. That sucks.


Link - The faces of Evil - Man, these games had really unique and awesome music! I just wish they were in higher quality!


G-Police 2 - Weapons of Justice - Written by the same composer as the first game, Stuart Duffield, this one has some equally nice techno and cinematic pieces.

Micro Machines V3 - I used to play this with an ex-girlfriend of mine almost every day. I think we unlocked all the cars, and that takes a LONG time! Anyways, the funky sequenced music brought back memories. :)

That's it for today! Ciao!

11-29-2014, 10:22 PM
Thanks for this combo!

11-29-2014, 10:24 PM
Ah well. Thanks for trying for Blast Works. Appreciate the attempt.

11-30-2014, 10:52 PM
Thanks to VGManica456, Hard Boiled in the PSX section and Link - The Faces of Evil in the CD-i section have both been tagged. Thanks again, sir! :)

Here's what's new today:


Simpsons - Hit and Run - This Grand Theft Auto III clone is MASSIVE in terms of music. There were over 550 audio cues, but I pared the list down to about 270 by eliminating the little jingles under 5 seconds long. Most weren't even considered music anyways. What's left is a great collection of music from a whole bunch of different genres!


Final Fight One - I dunno, I think this is probably my least favorite Final Fight soundtrack. It sounds pretty cheesy. Of course, it WAS one of the first GBA games ever released, so I can't expect cutting-edge tech. I like where they were going with the songs by making them a bit more like dance music, but I think it could've been done better.

Alrighty folks, that's it for today. I'll have more tomorrow!

11-30-2014, 11:16 PM
Yeah, Hit & Run is pretty heavy on the music side. When I'm not tied down with coursework I'd love to tag it all, playing through the game again at the same time. I adore "Never Trust A Snake" especially in that OST, though it seems I like almost anything with guitars :P.

Nice to hear you also played V3 back in the day, I admittedly never got all the prize cars as a kid as I wasn't good enough to beat the second rounds of Challenge and Head To Head. One day I might revisit it, though I'll need a new copy as it's one of my old games that didn't really survive well through childhood.

And Final Fight, yeah it's nowhere as good as the Sega CD or Arcade versions, but I kinda like it, though personally I'm someone who likes how the GBA sounds, something that seems to be a love it or hate it thing like the Megadrive's sound chip.

11-30-2014, 11:23 PM
Fortunately, the music in Hit & Run is described pretty well on the disc's files. I find that always cuts time in almost half when trying to tag something.

11-30-2014, 11:36 PM
Great to hear, I remember that every mission has its own unique jingles if you complete or fail them, I guess you cut a lot of them out though to it shouldn't take too long to tag them. It's not downloaded yet, so I haven't checked it out at the moment.

12-01-2014, 05:04 PM
ruiner9 really need Mortal Kombat - Tournament Edition (GBA). That possible?:cryingbatman:

12-01-2014, 10:02 PM
Could you please upload Super Smash Bros (Wii u version) and any God of War game soundtrack

12-01-2014, 11:31 PM
Alright here's a link to smash's wii U soundtrack thus far! Link - Thread 182228

12-01-2014, 11:41 PM

12-01-2014, 11:47 PM
Thanks, MentalHog. I was going to link to the same thread. When the files are actually dumped, I'll see about putting together a full rip of my own.

Stay tuned for some uploads in a few hours!

12-02-2014, 12:49 AM
Can I request Thunder Force 4?

12-02-2014, 01:24 AM
News flash Thunder Force 4 is already on the thread! However it goes by the name Lightening Force and it's the same game as Thunder Force 4 despite the name!

12-02-2014, 01:42 AM
Can I request Thunder Force 4?

it goes by the name Lightening Force and it's the same game as Thunder Force 4 despite the name!

Yup, being American, I tend to name everything by the American title... excellent choice, though! I love that soundtrack!

Here's what's on the menu today, boys and girls!


Two Crude Dudes - I wasn't aware that Hitoshi Sakimoto worked on this one. Cool! There's a lot of hard-rock style tracks on this one.

Top Gear 2 - This was a port of the SNES racing game, featuring some nice Euro techno. Neil Biggin did the port, and did a pretty good job, too.


Alien 3 - Militaristic and dark... just like an Alien game should be.

Brawl Brothers - This was the sequel to Rival Turf on the SNES, and was pretty incredible. There were lots of levels and characters, and it played nicely too. The soundtrack has a nice clean slap-bass, and some progressive rhythms.

Cyber Knight 2 - I've had the first one in the OP for a while, figured someone would request the 2nd one eventually! It's a solid RPG soundtrack. Fans of Final Fantasy should dig this.

Dual Orb - Another RPG soundtrack with a nice soundset! The drums on "Boss Battle" are impressive! Where was this game during my RPG Battle Themes Episode? LOL

Dual Orb 2 - Obviously the sequel to the above title... it's also a fun little RPG soundtrack.


Mortal Kombat - Tournament Edition - I just couldn't resist crying chibi Batman! This was a quick and short soundtrack, so I blasted it out right away.

That's a lot of stuff! Enjoy! (BTW, I'll be taking November's *NEW* tags down tomorrow, so if you wanna easily grab the recent stuff, do it now before you forget what it is!!)

12-02-2014, 02:26 AM
Thanks for Genesis rips ruiner9 :)

If you don't mind, I want to request more games from you ..

Kyatto Ninden Teyandee (Samurai Pizza Cats)

Battle Arena Toshinden 4

PS: there is a weird sound in Top Gear 2 - 02_Canterbury Plains (In the start)

12-02-2014, 02:38 AM
Mortal Kombat - Tournament Edition - I just couldn't resist crying chibi Batman! This was a quick and short soundtrack, so I blasted it out right away.

Ha-ha, many thanks dude.

12-02-2014, 06:25 AM
Could anyone upload the Power Ranger Fighting Edition and the Mario & Yoshi for GameBoy (in America just "Yoshi") Soundtrack?

12-02-2014, 12:18 PM
Thanks for Genesis rips ruiner9 :)

If you don't mind, I want to request more games from you ..

Kyatto Ninden Teyandee (Samurai Pizza Cats)

Battle Arena Toshinden 4

PS: there is a weird sound in Top Gear 2 - 02_Canterbury Plains (In the start)

Added to the queue! Also, I've re-uploaded Top Gear 2 with that sneaky sound effect cut out. :) Sadly, Captain Tsubasa for the Sega CD isn't rippable, as it uses the Sega CD chiptune hardware and not just CD audio.

Could anyone upload the Power Ranger Fighting Edition and the Mario & Yoshi for GameBoy (in America just "Yoshi") Soundtrack?

Sure! It's in my queue. It might be a few days, but I'll definitely get to it soon!

12-02-2014, 05:13 PM
November's Tally: 100 new albums! Zoinks!

That's crazy. I'm averaging about 90 soundtracks a month. Whew!

Here's what's new today (so far):


Kaiketsu Yanchamaru 3 - This is the third installment in the Kid Niki: Radical Ninja series, which never made it to the USA. It looks like a cross between SMB3 and Ninja Gaiden, and the soundtrack is by the same composer as the original, so you'll like it if you liked the first one!


Double Dragon II, III, and V - All the remaining DD soundtracks in one convenient location! Hooray!

I may have more a little later... Enjoy!

12-02-2014, 06:05 PM
Thank you for your effort ruiner9, this thread is just amazing, can i put a link to your thread on my The Legend of Zelda Discography thread? and if is not much trouble can i requests one soundtrack? is Shaman King: Master of Spirits 2 from the GBA i can't find it anywhere ):

12-02-2014, 06:17 PM
Thank you for your effort ruiner9, this thread is just amazing, can i put a link to your thread on my The Legend of Zelda Discography thread? and if is not much trouble can i requests one soundtrack? is Shaman King: Master of Spirits 2 from the GBA i can't find it anywhere ):

Sure! I don't mind anyone linking here! Unfortunately, Shaman King 2 isn't rippable by any known methods out there. That's probably why it's so hard to find. Sorry!

12-02-2014, 09:28 PM
How about a little more today!


Inspector Gadget - Some spy music, some suspenseful symphonic stuff, and a notable lack of the trademark Inspector Gadget Theme Song make this a hit-or-miss soundtrack in my book.

X-Men - Mutant Apocalypse - I loved this game a kid. The music had that trademark "chiprock" sound that UN Squadron and Mega Man X used. It's excellent stuff.


Kirby and the Magic Mirror - Whimsical Kirby music. It sounds fantastic when ripped using the clean rip method! Anyone up for tagging this one?


Earthworm Jim - The classic. While I'm not a huge fan of this soundtrack, I will agree that it makes amazing use of samples, and some inventive FM synth sounds.

And that's it. See ya later, peeps!

12-02-2014, 10:45 PM
Sure! It's in my queue. It might be a few days, but I'll definitely get to it soon!

Wow, that would be awesome. Thank you in advance :)

12-02-2014, 11:08 PM
But you do like Mega CD version?

12-02-2014, 11:35 PM
Many thanks!

and I guess you weren't able to rip the Sailor Moon one?

12-03-2014, 02:38 AM
Greetings & Salutations to all my favorite game music geeks on deez Internetz-webz. I luvs you all.

Ruiner, I'd like to request a few to see if these are possible:

1. Section Z by Capcom (NES) - an old-school shoot-'em-up that I like.
2. Fantasy Zone by Sega (SMS) - A personal old favorite of mine. Made me want to own a Master System. Would love to hear some of the old themes again. :)
3. Gaiares by Renovation Products (Genesis) - I love my old Renovation shooters. No exception here.
4. Whip Rush by Renovation Products (Genesis) - Another oldie from the shooter archive.
5. Burning Force by Namco (Arcade version) - I loved the Genesis music, but would really like to hear the arcade tunes & compare. Unique/different game for sure!

As always - appreciate the rips Ruiner when you can do 'em! :)

To everyone else - as a kind reminder - please donate! Ruiner is able to do these rips because many of us donated to keep the download site activated for a full year! But - it will eventually run out later on. If you find this thread of extreme interest, or you even just are quietly grateful that you found the one soundtrack for that obscure game you wanted... please donate Paypal on the main page line! $2 bucks, $5 bucks, 7, 10... whatever! It is greatly appreciated by this community and we need to keep our dream alive. Appreciate it everyone!

Cyquest out...

12-03-2014, 02:55 AM
My request, if that possible: Flashback 3DO version (best version, I think :D) and Spawn (SNES). Thanks.

12-03-2014, 04:25 AM
My request, if that possible: Flashback 3DO version (best version, I think :D) and Spawn (SNES). Thanks.

I agree - The Flashback 3DO music was fantastic - most notably, the intro/title screen music. I had that recorded off my 3DO with a friend of mine about 10 years ago, we loved that music track so much.

As for the rest of it, I cannot remember... hmm... make me want to replay it now...

12-03-2014, 03:00 PM
My request, if that possible: Flashback 3DO version (best version, I think :D) and [/B]Spawn (SNES)[/B]. Thanks.

I agree - The Flashback 3DO music was fantastic - most notably, the intro/title screen music. I had that recorded off my 3DO with a friend of mine about 10 years ago, we loved that music track so much.

As for the rest of it, I cannot remember... hmm... make me want to replay it now...

I'll do some research on this... I wanna say that the Sega CD version has an identical soundtrack, but it's CD quality instead of compressed audio like the 3DO's. If the 3DO is indeed different, I'll do that one. If they're both the same, I'll do whichever sounds better.

12-03-2014, 03:13 PM
ruiner9 you're right, they identical.

PS and Spawn pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. ^_________^

12-03-2014, 03:26 PM
So I checked the 3DO disc... a good portion of the music is sequenced audio which I didn't know was even possible on the console, and hasn't been cracked. The other stuff is streamed audio, which is a weird variant of the CinePak codec, which ALSO hasn't been cracked. Bummer! I'll do the Sega CD game as a concession. :(

12-03-2014, 03:41 PM
ruiner9 better than nothing. :D Thanks!

12-03-2014, 05:28 PM
For all you Battletoads and DKC fans, this one will be a treat! :)

Episode 23: Spotlight on David Wise
Download on our page! -- Episode 23: Spotlight on David Wise | PixelTunes Radio VGM Podcast (

MP3 Downloads of previous shows can be found at The PixelTunes Radio Homepage ( or on iTunes! (

Many of us grew up with David Wise’s music. His name is synonymous with blockbuster games like Battletoads and Donkey Kong Country. In this episode, we take a tour through his amazing career with game developer Rare, and beyond!

The Tracklist:

1 – RC Pro-Am/ RC Pro Am 2 – Medley (NES)

2 – Ironsword (Wizards and Warriors 2) – Stage 1 (NES)


3 – Snake Rattle & Roll – Stage 3 (NES)

4 – Captain Skyhawk – Space Dock/ Weapons Shop (NES)


5 – Battletoads – Stage 1 Theme (GB)

6 – Battletoads in Battlemaniacs – Turbo Tunnels (SNES)


7 – Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest – Stickerbrush Symphony (SNES)

8 – Starfox Adventures - Credits Montage (GCN)


9 – Tengami -Reflections (iOS, Wii U eShop)

10 – DKC: Tropical Freeze – Punch Bowl [“Bashmaster – The Unbreakable”] (Wii U)

12-03-2014, 08:19 PM
VGManiac456 (who I'm convinced really IS a VGM maniac at this point) has come through AGAIN with some tagged sets! Kirby & the Amazing Mirror for the GBA and Game & Watch Gallery 2 for the Game Boy are now updated in the OP! Thanks again, my friend! :)

12-03-2014, 10:19 PM
OK, now's the time to SOUNDTRACK DOWNLOAD! *Insert J-Pop theme song here*


Point and Click Genesis (Homebrew) - Coincidentally, even before the request, I helped the designer of this program out by running some early versions of it on my EverDrive MD, when he was showing it off on Reddit. The one track it has in it was written by chiptune artist Raijin, and it's REALLY good dance music. The lead synth sounds incredible!

Sega Master System/ Game Gear

Sonic Blast - A simple soundtrack that I can't say I'm too fond of... it just doesn't have that "Sonic" feel to me.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - This contains all of the tracks from both the Master System and Game Gear, because some are the same and some are different. Crazy, right?


Shadowland - It's really hard to believe that this only uses the YM2151 chip, because it sounds so... rich! Seriously, check this one out, guys.

Xybots - A very early FM synth soundtrack from Hal Cannon and team. Some really catchy tunes in this one.

That's it! Hope you're enjoying the podcast, too! I'd love to hear your comments!

---------- Post added at 04:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 PM ----------

Many thanks!

and I guess you weren't able to rip the Sailor Moon one?

No, sorry! That one doesn't work in any ripping program at all. it must use some weird programming.

12-03-2014, 10:45 PM
That's okay ;)

12-04-2014, 07:11 PM
Detective ninjacloud pointed out that there was something amiss in the Batman Returns NES soundtrack. I checkd it out, and it seems that Stage 1's track was actually Stage 2, and Stage 1 was missing! So, I've rerecorded the track and added it back in. You can redownload the album to get the full and correctly-named tracks. Thanks, ninjacloud!

I'm doing some hardcore research for the next podcast today, I'll be out with friends tonight, so I'm not sure I'll be able to get any new stuff up today. I'll try, but no guarantees!

12-04-2014, 07:31 PM
Hi, ruiner! Thanks once again for amazing request fulfillments, as usual. It's nice that we are getting the best OST rips from you, as always. Anyways, since I've let a few days past since my requests were uploaded by you, I have more SNES requesting for you, lol. :D

- Battle Grand Prix (has two of KID's most amazing composers providing the music for this game, Yusuke Takahama and Nobuyuki Shioda)
- Hero Senki: Project Olympus (requesting this, as well as the bottom one, because of Noboru Yamane's awesome work on "Ghost Chaser Densei")
- The Ignition Factor (another game me and my brothers used to play from our childhoods, lol)
- Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken (same as "Hero Senki")
- Rival Turf (since I had request Brawl Brothers in my last request, it is only fitting to request the first game in the "Rushing Beat Trilogy")

Also, this is not really a request, but three SNES soundtracks that I've requested in the past (actually two; one was requested by someone else) had their sets recently updated with new tracks. Here is the updated listing taken from (new additions are listed in bold) (my apologies for not PMing you about the listing):


01 Main Theme
02 Storyline
03 'America Still Needs Your Help!'
04 Downtown Trouble
05 Takin' it to the Sky
06 Under the Sea!
07 Hurry! Hurry!
08 Things Are Wrapping Up...
09 Whirlwind
10 The Grim Reaper
11 The Mandarin
12 It's Over, Red Skull!
13 Stage Clear!
14 Game Over
15 Staff Roll
b01 Game Over (Alternate)
b02 Unused Song
v01 'OK, Go!'


01 Opening
02 Title
03 Base 1
04 Game Over
05 Intruder Visual
06 Flashback
07 Boss
08 Boss Defeated
09 Outside Area
10 Base 2
11 Logic Core
12 Ending (American)
13 Ending (Japanese)
b01 Ending (Japanese Alternate)


01 Title Screen
02 Main Menu
03 Map Screen
04 Next Match
05 Theme of Kajiwara
06 Theme of Goldman
07 Theme of Takuma
08 Theme of Bryce
09 Theme of Louis
10 Theme of Asuka
11 Theme of Maeda
12 Theme of Warren
13 Theme of Hawk
14 Winner!
15 Continue?
16 Theme of Blight
17 Theme of Hook
18 Theme of Tetsuzan
19 Try Harder Level
20 Ending
21 Staff Roll
s01 Pause Game

Just letting you know about the new additions. Anyways, have a great week as always, ruiner!! :D

12-04-2014, 07:38 PM
I have a bad habit trying to listening it at night cause i sometimes fall asleep before it ends :(
Please dont think anything or something, i really enjoying ur podcasts, just asking if anyone here was in similar situation :)

So far, i d wanna say that, when you mentioned yuzo Koshiro as FM synth guru - if i were there with you i would add "hey guys and Jesper Kyd too!" I know you know just i feel its like his genesis works are sometimes being underrated. While SubTerrania and AWS Football are so strong electronica pieces and AoB&R is just MINDBLOWING.

12-04-2014, 08:23 PM
Thank you for the Flash Hiders soundtracks. There is an official album titled "Blue -Best of Right Stuff-" available somewhere.

POCH-2215 | Blue -Best of Right Stuff- - VGMdb (

Anyway, new request:

Gunners Heaven (perhaps known outside of Japan as "Rapid Reload")

12-04-2014, 09:17 PM
I have a bad habit trying to listening it at night cause i sometimes fall asleep before it ends :(
Please dont think anything or something, i really enjoying ur podcasts, just asking if anyone here was in similar situation :)

So far, i d wanna say that, when you mentioned yuzo Koshiro as FM synth guru - if i were there with you i would add "hey guys and Jesper Kyd too!" I know you know just i feel its like his genesis works are sometimes being underrated. While SubTerrania and AWS Football are so strong electronica pieces and AoB&R is just MINDBLOWING.

Of course he is! The episode before that (The Unreleased Gems episode) we talk for quite a while about how awesome Jesper Kyd is! We just don't like to go TOO off-topic or we'd have a 5 hour show. Then you'd REALLY fall asleep! ;)

12-04-2014, 10:03 PM
Oops i missed previous episode. Gonna check it!

12-05-2014, 06:08 AM
Nice! Thanks ED for those soundtracks! Also could you possible do Squirrel King, Tale spin, Gaiares, Dragon Slayer, and Beavis and Butthead for Genesis/Mega Drive? And by the way awesome episode of the pod cast, Dave wise is Awesome!

12-05-2014, 06:32 AM
Do ARCADE Air Trix if it can be done. We all could do so much with a Computer Games (PC) Section any days next year!

12-05-2014, 12:22 PM
Do ARCADE Air Trix if it can be done. We all could do so much with a Computer Games (PC) Section any days next year!

Air Trix is a Sega Hikaru game, and hasn't been emulated yet. There was an emulator started in 2012 for it but it never got finished. Thus, there's no way to decode the sound.

As for PC games, you've already asked that question and I said I wasn't going to be doing it. Sorry!

12-05-2014, 05:02 PM
Lots of fixes and updates this morning! The following games have new tracks added:


Astral Bout 2
Captain American and the Avengers
Operation Logic Bomb

The following games have unknown tracks tagged:


Dr. Mario - (I redid the whole soundtrack for this one)
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2
Super Dodge Ball

Big thanks to ninjacloud and KingTengu for the help with these! I'll have some new releases later on!

12-05-2014, 06:45 PM
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2

Sometimes some crimes
Go slipping through the cracks
But these two
Are picking up the slack
There's no case too big
No case too small
When you need help just call

12-05-2014, 07:53 PM
Sometimes some crimes
Go slipping through the cracks
But these two
Are picking up the slack
There's no case too big
No case too small
When you need help just call

12-05-2014, 10:18 PM
Guys! Guys! I have some stuff! Guys! Stuff! Here!


Apocalypse - I remember this one being pretty good. the game stars Bruce Willis and POE (the singer) and the soundtrack is pretty brutal industrial.

Toshinden 4 - There's a lot of variation in this one, and over 70 tracks for 2.5 hours of music. Yikes! It's all really good stuff, though!


Power Rangers - the Fighting Edition - Hiroyuki Iwatsuki wrote most of this one, so get ready for some complex synth rock!

Game Boy

Yoshi - A port of the NES game (which is already in the OP) to the Game Boy. If you liked that one, try this one!


A.B. Cop - A nicely written Sega arcade game using the YM2151 chip and a very clear PSG for the drum samples. It's got some great stereo effects and really catchy melodies.

Argus - Another Sega arcade game, with the more simple YM2203 chip. The music is less complex, but still has some great tunes!

Also, someone requested Kyattou Ninden Teyandee for the NES, but that's already in the OP, so I'll clear that from my queue.

Peace out, guys! Hope you like 'em!

12-05-2014, 10:50 PM
Also, someone requested Kyattou Ninden Teyandee for the NES, but that's already in the OP, so I'll clear that from my queue.

I thought you will put the English title in the list (Samurai Pizza Cat) not the JP one ... thank you Ed :)

Apocalypse - I remember this one being pretty good. the game stars Bruce Willis and POE (the singer) and the soundtrack is pretty brutal industrial.

Toshinden 4 - There's a lot of variation in this one, and over 70 tracks for 2.5 hours of music. Yikes! It's all really good stuff, though!

Power Rangers - the Fighting Edition - Hiroyuki Iwatsuki wrote most of this one, so get ready for some complex synth rock!


A.B. Cop - A nicely written Sega arcade game using the YM2151 chip and a very clear PSG for the drum samples. It's got some great stereo effects and really catchy melodies.

Argus - Another Sega arcade game, with the more simple YM2203 chip. The music is less complex, but still has some great tunes!

Thank you so much for PSX albums & the others too!

12-06-2014, 12:19 AM
I thought you will put the English title in the list (Samurai Pizza Cat) not the JP one ... thank you Ed :)

Thank you so much for PSX albums & the others too!

You're welcome! BTW, I (mostly) only use the English title if the game had an official release in English, and this one was only a fan-translated patch. :)

12-06-2014, 12:41 AM
Kyattou Ninden Teyandee

FYI, that games has a cult following status here, in Russia - it was pretty popular among players. We didnt have NES, we had this clone:
Dendy (console) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

Sadly, nowodays i more and more see following: people, who grew up on japanese games (NES, Mega Drive, PS1) hate with passion all "animoo" and "damn japanese" like stuff on PS3, Vita etc. Also, sometimes i keep shocking them telling that Double Dragon, TMNT, Chip and Dail, Duck Tales, RoboCop games were made by japs.

Speaking of "what we don't like", i 'd say that i m angry when people say "this game by *", saying that its from publisher and they dont even know who developer is!

Sorry for such themes brought up, but i m interested if u noticed similar things - maybe in more positive ways. And smth about such rare game as pizza cat being popular among schoolboys :)

12-06-2014, 02:11 PM
FYI, that games has a cult following status here, in Russia - it was pretty popular among players. We didnt have NES, we had this clone:
Dendy (console) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

Sadly, nowodays i more and more see following: people, who grew up on japanese games (NES, Mega Drive, PS1) hate with passion all "animoo" and "damn japanese" like stuff on PS3, Vita etc. Also, sometimes i keep shocking them telling that Double Dragon, TMNT, Chip and Dail, Duck Tales, RoboCop games were made by japs.

Speaking of "what we don't like", i 'd say that i m angry when people say "this game by *", saying that its from publisher and they dont even know who developer is!

Sorry for such themes brought up, but i m interested if u noticed similar things - maybe in more positive ways. And smth about such rare game as pizza cat being popular among schoolboys :)

I've read about the Dendy before... I've never seen one, but I would LOVE to have one someday! I collect weird systems like that. :) I can say that in America, or at least from what I've seen, Japanese games are still very respected. I think the majority of the gamers here play American games from Electronic Arts or European games from Ubisoft, but everyone remembers old Nintendo games fondly and they're aware that they were made in Japan. If anything, in the USA we look at Japan as a country of geniuses who are creating the latest cool gadgets and cars, so nobody really talks badly about them... except maybe in the southern states where some people hate ANYTHING that's not from the USA.

There's a large group of gamers here (like me) who would still prefer to play Japanese games instead of the American games like Call of Duty or Battlefield. Super Smash Bros. is HUUUUGE here, and I'd still rather play something like Bayonetta 2 or Devil May Cry over a war simulator. Retro gaming is also a fad right now, with tons of retro game stores opening all over the place, and having swap meets once a month where gamers can come in and sell and buy their own games to each other. Most of the games are older Japanese titles!

I'm actually really interested in gaming culture in Russia. What's it like in your country? ...Actually, anyone who'd like to share what gaming is like where they live, I'd love to hear it!


So, getting on with the actual soundtracks, I'd like to give a big thanks to Knivesman and ninjacloud for the following updates:

Kyattou Ninden Teyandee (NES) - Tagged and arranged by Knivesman.
Apocalypse (PSX) - Tagged and arranged by ninjacloud. He also pointed out a missing track, which I dug out of the disc's files and added to the album.
Toshinden 4 (PSX) - Also tagged and arranged by ninjacloud. The more I listen to this one, the more I like it!

Thanks again, guys!

We're recording the new podcast tomorrow so I have a lot to prepare today... I probably won't have any new releases up, unless I have to make an album for a song I need for it. We shall see!

12-06-2014, 03:25 PM
Thanks for answer, Ed!

Of course, we have enough people who like made-in-Japan-media, let it be it games, music or anime. Just what made me feel weird - is that people which best moments of childhood were coloured with japanese games became strictly no-no when they grew up. Maybe because they demand japanese developers creating stuff lexactly like in 90s without things that are brought on first plane more nowodays (weirdness, otaku references, etc)


I'll answer you question a bit later.

edit 2:

i didn't tag pizza cats for ya 0o

12-06-2014, 03:44 PM
edit 2:

i didn't tag pizza cats for ya 0o

I tagged them yesterday .. xD

12-06-2014, 07:47 PM
Hahah, man, I've been making too many mistakes lately. Maybe I'm going too fast! Anyways, sorry about the confusion, ninjacloud, didn't mean to not give you proper credit!

12-06-2014, 08:24 PM
Here's some GBA Requests for ya:
1. Recca no Honoo: The Game (Konami)
2. Columns Crown
3. Sangokushi
4. Monster Rancher Advance
5. Adventure of Tokyo Disney Sea (Konami)

12-06-2014, 11:49 PM
I have a couple of requests for now.

Elebits: The Adventures of Kai & Zero (DS)
Re-Volt (the N64 version)

Thanks in advance, and I hope you have a good week.

12-07-2014, 01:35 AM
Hahah, man, I've been making too many mistakes lately. Maybe I'm going too fast! Anyways, sorry about the confusion, ninjacloud, didn't mean to not give you proper credit!

You are too busy lately so it's natural to not remember everything :)


Some requests for you ...

1 - US title: Ultimate Basketball / Japanese title: Taito Basketball
2 - US title : Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu / Japanese title: Jackie Chan

Megadrive / Genesis
3 - NBA Hangtime
4 - Paperboy

5 - Hokuto no Ken: Seikimatsu Kyūseishu Densetsu (2000)
By: Hiroyuki Iwatsuki

12-07-2014, 01:51 AM
Guys! Guys! I have some stuff! Guys! Stuff! Here!


Apocalypse - I remember this one being pretty good. the game stars Bruce Willis and POE (the singer) and the soundtrack is pretty brutal industrial.

Toshinden 4 - There's a lot of variation in this one, and over 70 tracks for 2.5 hours of music. Yikes! It's all really good stuff, though!


Power Rangers - the Fighting Edition - Hiroyuki Iwatsuki wrote most of this one, so get ready for some complex synth rock!

Game Boy

Yoshi - A port of the NES game (which is already in the OP) to the Game Boy. If you liked that one, try this one!


A.B. Cop - A nicely written Sega arcade game using the YM2151 chip and a very clear PSG for the drum samples. It's got some great stereo effects and really catchy melodies.

Argus - Another Sega arcade game, with the more simple YM2203 chip. The music is less complex, but still has some great tunes!

Also, someone requested Kyattou Ninden Teyandee for the NES, but that's already in the OP, so I'll clear that from my queue.

Peace out, guys! Hope you like 'em!

Thank you so much for this ruiner9, especially for the Yoshi and Power Rangers FE Soundtrack. So much time has passed to get finally these two diamonds :)

12-07-2014, 01:33 PM
Toshinden 4 has been updated for a THIRD time, with complete song titles now. Whew! :O

12-07-2014, 09:29 PM
November's Tally: 100 new albums! Zoinks!

That's crazy. I'm averaging about 90 soundtracks a month. Whew!

Here's what's new today (so far):


Kaiketsu Yanchamaru 3 - This is the third installment in the Kid Niki: Radical Ninja series, which never made it to the USA. It looks like a cross between SMB3 and Ninja Gaiden, and the soundtrack is by the same composer as the original, so you'll like it if you liked the first one!


Double Dragon II, III, and V - All the remaining DD soundtracks in one convenient location! Hooray!

I may have more a little later... Enjoy!

Good GOD thank you so much! :O
This will definitely be on loop for a while :P

12-07-2014, 10:03 PM
Final Fight One wasn't tagged, so I've done it for you!

Before rearranging:

After arranging:

I do have two requests too if you don't mind:

Baldies (PS1)
Finding Nemo (GBA)

Thanks in advance!

12-08-2014, 02:31 AM
I've been looking through what I've downloaded, and I just now noticed something missing from the Super Mario Land 2 rip....well, two things to be exact: the Star Maze and Wario Castle level themes. Not entirely sure if this was mentioned before, but figured I'd mention it in case it hasn't. I'm quite late to notice this too, as I downloaded this way back in April. XD Boy time sure flies.

12-08-2014, 12:09 PM
I've been looking through what I've downloaded, and I just now noticed something missing from the Super Mario Land 2 rip....well, two things to be exact: the Star Maze and Wario Castle level themes. Not entirely sure if this was mentioned before, but figured I'd mention it in case it hasn't. I'm quite late to notice this too, as I downloaded this way back in April. XD Boy time sure flies.

Hmm, you're right. Must have been an incomplete rip. I've updated the set, now there's 13 tracks that were missing from the original. Thanks for pointing it out!

Also, I've uploaded Fumito Tamayama's awesome Samurai Shodown soundtrack for the Game Boy. It's got some AMAZINGLY rockin' tunes. If you like this one, check out his other GB soundtrack, Power Mission. It's just as good!

More later!

12-08-2014, 10:08 PM
Not much to upload today. Been busy!

I've updated DK - King of Swing for the GBA with track tags, courtesy of VGManiac456!

Section Z is new in the NES section! If you heard the level 1 music that we played on the Shmups Episode of PTR, then you've heard the only good track in the game. :P

Have a great night!

12-08-2014, 11:24 PM
Heyo Ed :) Can you rip?
- Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (Genesis)
- Contra Advance - The Alien Wars EX (GBA)
- Battletoads & Double Dragon (SNES)
- Gradius (GB)
- Grand Theft Auto 2 (PSX)

12-09-2014, 12:36 AM
Alright, so I manged to find a rip for Mickey Mania for Sega Genesis as well as Battletoads and Double Dragon for genesis even though it's not the snes version! Now here are the links! : Mickey Mania - Mickey Mania (Mega Drive) [Soundtrack] ( ) : Battletoads and Double Dragon - Battletoads & Double Dragon [Soundtrack] ( )

12-09-2014, 03:37 AM
The link for "Ghost Chaser Densei" is missing in the SNES section. Just thought I let you know.

12-09-2014, 04:10 AM
The link for "Ghost Chaser Densei" is missing in the SNES section. Just thought I let you know.

Fixed! Thanks!

12-09-2014, 01:41 PM
I've uploaded a tagged version of Final Fight One to the GBA section, thanks to MOV_Games! Enjoy!

12-10-2014, 01:58 AM
And a late update for ya:


Daze Before Christmas - It's the perfect time, right? This Euro-only release has a lot of decent wintery tunes for the holiday season.


Gaiares - Epic shmup music. Grab this one. It rocks.

Whip Rush - Equally epic shmup music. Grab this one, too. :)


Burning Force - There's a lot of excellent use of the PSG sampler in these tunes. It blends so well with the FM synths! I really like this one.

Sega Master System

Fantasy Zone - While I much prefer the 16-bit versions of these tracks, the SMS soundtrack has... a charm.


12-10-2014, 09:56 PM
Mooooore stuffffff!


Spawn - Very cinematic and dark. Didn't expect music like this for this title!

Rival Turf - The last game to be added in the Rushing Beat series. This is almost stereotypically SNES music... high-pitched lead synths and tinny percussion are in full effect. The tunes are fun, too!

Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken - I really like "Labyrinth." It would have been a cool track for our Halloween show! Anyways, there's a little of everything in this one. "The World" is awesome, too!

Ignition Factor - Most of this is ambinet noise, which is unique for an SNES game. The rest has some good tunes that sound like RPG stuff.

Hero Senki - Nice stuff. There's some bombastic orchestra hits, and the percussion sounds like a ...typewriter? The "World Map" theme is really good! Kind of reminds me of Battle Clash's dialogue music.

Battle Gran Prix - Slap bass? Check! Smooth grooves? Check! Fun tunes! Check! This one is cool!

Sega CD

Flashback - The Quest for Identity - Here's my concession for not being able to do the 3DO version. I think about 90% of the music is the same, in CD-quality, so this is probably the better pick anyways.

Enjoy, guys!

12-10-2014, 10:36 PM
OH MAN! Spwan I love that game, way to go Edward! :)

12-11-2014, 12:36 AM
Please don't call me Edward! Only my mom calls me Edward! Lol!

12-11-2014, 09:22 AM
Spawn - Very cinematic and dark. Didn't expect music like this for this title!

Flashback - The Quest for Identity - Here's my concession for not being able to do the 3DO version. I think about 90% of the music is the same, in CD-quality, so this is probably the better pick anyways.

Enjoy, guys!
Yeah, thanks man! :D

12-11-2014, 10:10 AM
Didn't expect music like this for this title!

Have you watched animated series of Spawn?

12-11-2014, 12:19 PM
Have you watched animated series of Spawn?

No, I'm not really into superheroes and comic books, so I can't say that I have.

12-11-2014, 04:52 PM
I see. The thing is...


12-11-2014, 09:09 PM
Baaaack with gooooodies!


Bio Metal - OK, so this isn't that great of a game, and the soundtrack is pretty bad too, but my buddy Miketendo is doing a video review of it (which I will be playing a character in... voice only, though) and he asked me to rip the soundtrack so he can use it in the review. So, here it is! I'll link you guys to the video once it's up!


Beavis and Butt-head - Sigh. I never liked these guys when I was a kid. The game wasn't bad, though. The soundtrack is a bit grating. The songs are composed well, but the sounds themselves are awful.

Dragon Slayer - Eiyuu Densetsu - I expected cheesy RPG music. I got some really awesome stuff that reminds me of Crusader of Centy! This is great! The Battle theme is especially good.

Sol-Deace - This one's a classic, and I'm surprised I hadn't put it up yet. I thought that I had already! Anyways, it's Motoi Sakuraba, and I shouldn't have to say much more that that to get you to listen to it.

Squirrel King - Listen, I don't wanna know what's going on here. This game is an unlicensed release from Taiwan named after a squirrel, but starring chipmunks from Disney. Also, it's based on a Genesis hack of Super Mario World. WHAT??!

TaleSpin - Ehhhh, it's OK, I guess. I was never a fan of the Disney games, so I don't have the nostalgia for this one. The music is competent, but it's no Sol-Deace.


Rapid Reload (AKA Gunners Heaven in Japan) - Pretty nice fast-paced music for a game that owes a lot to Treasure's Gunstar Heroes. Expect orchestra hits!

And there ya have it! :)

12-12-2014, 03:39 AM
I downloaded Rapid Reload, and the first four tracks that are just static for some reason. I'm going to assume that they were level themes, but something went wrong upon ripping the music files. Rather odd, I think. That aside, I agree that it's a good soundtrack.

12-12-2014, 12:27 PM
I downloaded Rapid Reload, and the first four tracks that are just static for some reason. I'm going to assume that they were level themes, but something went wrong upon ripping the music files. Rather odd, I think. That aside, I agree that it's a good soundtrack.

Something must've corrupted during the upload, because the original sounds fine to me! I re-ripped it and uploaded it again... let me know if that sounds better!

12-12-2014, 08:20 PM
It's GBA day! It's amazing... I ran the clean-audio conversion process on 5 games, and they ALL worked! I think that's a record!

First off, though, Thanks to bdrifter for tagging Kaiketsu Yanchamaru 3 for the NES! It's up in the OP right now. :)


Adventure of Tokyo Disney SEA - A kid's game starring some of the aquatically-oriented Disney characters. The music is really nice... there's a nice blend of the standard Game Boy sound hardware and the GBA programmable soundfonts.

Columns Crown - There's a little of everything here! Some baroque chamber music, some new age, even some jazz and funk! It's all really groovy stuff, too!

Flame of Recca (or Recca no Honoo) - Mostly fast-paced stuff... the lead synths are pretty high pitched, and the underlying music is almost speed metal in places.

Monster Rancher Advance - Mostly symphonic music with a marching beat, but there's also some decent chiptune in here, too.

Sangokushi Eiketsuden - This one is based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novels, and uses the characters from those books in a strategy setting. If you're familiar with the Dynasty Warriors games, you might be interested to know that Liu Bei stars in this one.

That's what I got for today! Enjoy!

12-12-2014, 10:52 PM
Something must've corrupted during the upload, because the original sounds fine to me! I re-ripped it and uploaded it again... let me know if that sounds better!
Yeah, that's much better. A bit weird that happened, but either way, thanks for the quick fix.

12-13-2014, 04:28 PM
More GBA Requests for ya (thanks for doing the other requests):
1. Hatena Satena (Hudson)
2. Pocky and Rocky with Becky
3. Field of Nine: Digital Edition 2001 (Konami)
4. Yuujou no Victory Goal: 4V4 Arashi Get the Goal!! (Konami)
5. Jurassic Park III - Park Builder (Konami)

12-14-2014, 02:22 AM
Happy weekend!

Here's a few very long-playing releases for ya:

Re-Volt for the Dreamcast - The N64 version was requested, but it can't be ripped. The house techno is almost the same on the DC, so I uploaded that one instead. It's the next-best thing!

Hokuto no Ken - Seikimatsu Kyuseishu Densetsu for the PSX - A varied soundtrack from Hiroyuki Iwatsuki. Excellent tunes. It's hard to believe it's sequenced audio in some parts!

Elebits - The Adventures of Kai and Zero - Michiru Yamane worked on this one, so you already know it's quality stuff. A lot of it is your typical Japanese adventure music, but it gets a little intense in places.

There you have it! Enjoy!

12-14-2014, 04:25 AM
That would definitely explain why I can't find the N64 version of the OST anywhere (YouTube aside), but the CD version's still good enough for me. Thanks for it and the Elebits upload.

12-14-2014, 04:52 PM
No problem, VGManiac456! Thanks for also tagging Re-Volt and Rapid Reload! Both are updated in the OP now!

12-14-2014, 09:11 PM
I have a few requests if you can manage the time.

All of them are on Gameboy as usual.
Home Alone
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
NBA: All-Star Challenge
Super Off Road
Pipe Dream and
Ren and Stimpy: Veediots.

Thanks again as always man, love me those 8-bits.

12-16-2014, 03:39 PM
I put these up last night, but didn't get a chance to announce them. Here they are!


Ultimate Basketball - I feel like I'm listening to a kick-butt action game rather than a generic basketball game when I hear these tracks. The music is much better than the game. :)

Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu - This one's interesting. Some of it sounds like really good Capcom music, and some of sounds like really Konami music. Either way, it's really good!


Paperboy - Hoooo man. This is some pretty stinky music. I dunno, maybe I'm missing something, but I couldn't find anything positive to say about this one.

NBA Hangtime - The "sequel" to NBA Jam, I guess. The music is fun and jazzy. Oddly, an "official" VGM set of this game doesn't exist, so I had to make them from an emulator. Because of this, none of the tracks are tagged and I couldn't find a composer.


Baldies - I've never played the PSX version of this, but I spent long enough with the Jaguar version to know that I had no idea what I was doing. The music is pretty laid-back and chill.


Contra Advance - The Alien Wars EX - The GBA port makes the title extra long! Expect slightly different music from the SNES game due to the difference in hardware, but overall it has similar themes and melodies.

Unfortunately, I couldn't do Finding Nemo for the GBA - It doesn't use the sound engine that it needs to extract. Sorry!

I should have more later!

12-16-2014, 04:59 PM
Thanks for Baldies, and I kinda expected that to be the case for Finding Nemo.

If you don't mind, I would like to just get them out of the way and request the final three GBA OST's from games I own. Here's hoping these ones work:

Rayman Advance (GBA)
Tekken Advance (GBA)
Scooby Doo: Cyber Chase (GBA)

I'll have to dig out Baldies again to be able to Tag it, haven't played it in years.

12-16-2014, 10:08 PM
Here's what's new today!


(NONE of these have listed composer information. I guess Konami and Natsume don't care about their staff!)

Yuujou no Victory Goal 4V4 Arashi Get the Goal!!
Pocky & Rocky with Becky
Jurassic Park III - Park Builder
Hatena Satena
Field of Nine Digital Edition 2001


Battletoads & Double Dragon - The best version of the soundtrack from all three consoles it was released on. And of COURSE it's good... it's David Wise!


Mickey Mania - the Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse - It's the FM synth version of the SNES soundtrack!


Grand Theft Auto 2 - Like most GTA games, this one is comprised of radio stations and a few pieces of music that play during the menu screens and intro.

Alright... that's it for today. New PixelTunes all about the Sharp X68000 will be out tomorrow! :) :) :)

12-17-2014, 03:04 AM
Here's more GBA requests for ya:
1. Snap Kid's (Enix)
2. Animal Mania: Doki Doki Aishou Check (Konami)
3. Kururin Paradise

12-17-2014, 04:20 AM
It's been some time, but I'm back again! This time, I'd also like to make a couple of GBA requests, if they're doable:

-Pyuu to Fuku! Jaguar Byuu to Deru! Megane-Kun (licensed Konami game, has some tracks that sound simultaneously silly and awesome)

-Genseijin Justirisers (Power Rangers-type game, also a licensed Konami title. Music even sounds a little similar in style to Hiroyuki Iwatsuki's works, which is definitely not a bad thing in my book! ;))

And.... this isn't a GBA request, but do you also think you can do Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards for the N64? Honestly, I'm kinda surprised that nobody else requested that already (or has it? I'm not sure, heh). I mean, the official OST even has a bunch of tracks missing from the game itself....

12-17-2014, 06:28 AM
Hokuto no Ken - Seikimatsu Kyuseishu Densetsu for the PSX - A varied soundtrack from Hiroyuki Iwatsuki. Excellent tunes. It's hard to believe it's sequenced audio in some parts!


Ultimate Basketball - I feel like I'm listening to a kick-butt action game rather than a generic basketball game when I hear these tracks. The music is much better than the game.

Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu - This one's interesting. Some of it sounds like really good Capcom music, and some of sounds like really Konami music. Either way, it's really good!


Paperboy - Hoooo man. This is some pretty stinky music. I dunno, maybe I'm missing something, but I couldn't find anything positive to say about this one.

NBA Hangtime - The "sequel" to NBA Jam, I guess. The music is fun and jazzy. Oddly, an "official" VGM set of this game doesn't exist, so I had to make them from an emulator. Because of this, none of the tracks are tagged and I couldn't find a composer.

Thank you so much ruiner9 :D

12-17-2014, 09:07 PM
Lots of awesome FM synth goodness in this show... including some I know you probably haven't heard!

Episode 24: The Sharp X68000
Download on our page! -- Episode 24: The Sharp X68000 | PixelTunes Radio VGM Podcast (

MP3 Downloads of previous shows can be found at The PixelTunes Radio Homepage ( or on iTunes! (

When it came to awesome music and fun, playable games, the Sharp X68000 was the system of choice for many hardcore Japanese gamers. It boasted a fast Motorola 68000 processor, just like the Sega Genesis, but had more RAM and a ton of cool features and accessories! Ed and Mike explore some of their favorite games for the system, and play some tracks that highlight its awesome musical capabilities. Also in this episode: commercials for the new (fake) X68Million system! Mike’s girlfriend tries to explain Mahjong! And Ed won’t stop doing people in the justice! Enjoy!

*BONUS GAME* – Count how many times Ed says “Really really” in this episode!

The Tracklist:

*1 – Cho Ren Sha – Impossible One – Ruzarin Kashiwagi

*2 – Etoile Princess – Level 1 (Vermouth enhanced) – Hiroyuki Saegusa

*3 – Aquales – Shut it Up! – Hiroyuki Saegusa, Hiroshi Yamamoto

*4 – Mad Stalker – Stage 3 – Keishi Yonao

*5 – Super Real Mahjong PIV – Main Menu – Daisuke Morishima

*6 – Super Star Shooter ‘91 – Conflict (Roland SC-88 enhanced) - Pomp the Bass

*7 – Genocide2 – Stage 1 Boss – Hideyuki Shimono, Naoyuki Kimura

*8 – Knight Arms: The Hyblid Framer – One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue – Toshiya Yamanaka

*9 – Phalanx – Stage 1: Assault – Kenichi Kamio

*10 – Cho-Jin – Good Evening Mr. Gentleman - Composer Unknown

12-17-2014, 10:13 PM
Only time for one update today... King Tengu updated and reordered the Follin brother's amazing Ultraverse Prime Sega CD soundtrack! Thanks, dude! Also, a few rogue Sega CD games in the Genesis section got moved over to the correct one.

Tootles! See ya tomorrow!

El Randomino
12-18-2014, 11:16 AM
Thanks for uploading both Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu (love this soundtrack) and the Genesis version of Mickey Mania.

12-18-2014, 05:58 PM
It's a (mostly) portable update!

So, of the 7 GB titles that JerryCole requested, I could only do 3. (BTW Jerry, I ask that requesters limit their picks to 5 at a time... I'll let this one slide!)
I wasn't able to do Scooby Doo! and the Cyber Chase or Rayman Advance, either.

Game Boy

Alleyway - A very early game with some traditional arcade tunes.

Home Alone - I guess this sounds as much like a movie score as you're gonna get on the Game Boy.

Pipe Dream - I've always liked this game... the music on this one is super simple... sometimes it's just one instrument!


Tekken Advance - The GBA has never beem really good for techno music. Even bringing in Hitoshi Sakimoto to help out didn't really get the job done. Still, as compared to other GBA soundtracks, this one is pretty technically impressive.

Japanese Computers

Super Real Mahjong PIV for the X68000 - For those of you who enjoyed the tune from the latest podcast, here's the full album.

That's it for now!

12-18-2014, 06:55 PM
Eh, 1 out of 3 isn't too bad. Thanks for Tekken, i'll tag it right now as I have some free time (finally!).

On a side note, I didn't know that some GB-GBC games are incompatible too.

EDIT: Done, and yet another Unused track appears! I'm guessing they were planning to add a low quality version of Tekken 3's Arcade Intro, but either didn't have time or ran out of space. These songs are in a good order already, I would just place the unused track last and the credits second last.

EDIT 2: I put Prototype Jack instead of Gun Jack, oops!

12-18-2014, 09:32 PM
Hello, ruiner. Sorry about the delay, but here is my latest batch of SNES requests...

- Choujikuu Yousai Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie (to complete Noboru Yamane's SNES workography. One of his best, with his work on Ghost Chaser Densei his second best)
- Ghost Sweeper Mikami: Joreishi wa Nice Body (another Hiroyuki Iwadare composed soundtrack)
- Majin Tensei (another Megami Tensei game to add to the SNES roster, lol)
- Onita Atsushi FMW (a wrestling game, although it plays like a fighting game, where you fight a sumo wrestler, a robot, and Mike Tyson of all people! :P)
- SD Hiryuu no Ken (the second and last in the SNES portion of the Hiryuu no Ken series)

Have a good week, ruiner, and I hope to maybe one day tag another untagged soundtrack for you again. Oh, before I forget, you're very welcome for thanking me for the Ultraverse Prime retagging. :)

12-19-2014, 12:52 AM
On a side note, I didn't know that some GB-GBC games are incompatible too.

I wouldn't say incompatible. Those particular titles I can't do haven't been reverse engineered in order to have the music files extracted from them. That's either because they use code that's unique to that title and it hasn't been understood yet, or because nobody with the knowledge of how to do so has attempted that particular game yet.

12-19-2014, 01:20 AM
3DO's OST man. More... ))

12-19-2014, 05:53 AM
Looks like I can never have enough VGM, as I have a few more requests, primarily of racing games outside of one game. Thanks!

Xexyz (NES)
Formula Nippon '99 (PS1)
Extreme-G (N64)
Choro Q2 (PS1)

12-19-2014, 07:33 AM
Formula Nippon '99 (PS1)

I'm not Ruiner, but I can actually help you with this one: ;)

Formula Nippon '99 (PS1) (

12-19-2014, 11:56 AM
3DO's OST man. More... ))

Any specific titles you had in mind?

12-19-2014, 07:37 PM
I'm not Ruiner, but I can actually help you with this one: ;)

Formula Nippon '99 (PS1) (

Thanks, Marvel. ^^ Appreciate it.

12-19-2014, 09:58 PM
3DO's OST man. More... ))

OK, I hear ya. How about a little 3DO spotlight today!


Autobahn Tokio - A pretty awful ripoff of Ridge Racer, but the music was pretty sweet, easy to listen to electro pop and dance music.

Blade Force - Ah, remember when 90's CD games all had hard rock soundtracks? Blade Force does! If you liked the Spencer Nillsen Sega CD stuff, you'll like this.

Cyberdillo - All sorts of different genres and styles in this one. No two tracks sound alike!

Demolition Man - A bunch of different big name artists, like Tommy Tallarico and Keith Arem worked on this one. I know some of the tracks are a bit "clicky," I'll try to clean it up and repost later.

Immercenary - Some weird electronica and cinmatic stuff in this one.

Also, thanks to MOV_Games, Tekken Advance has been updated, so go and grab it!

Later dudes!

S.P.D. Gold Ranger
12-19-2014, 10:15 PM
Hey, ruiner, did I ever request Gex for the 3DO? If not, would that be possible?

12-20-2014, 01:43 AM
Hi ruiner9 :)

I want to ask you about VGManiac456 requests if you managed to rip them or not ..

Nice to see that everything's back and running; been craving for new VGM when the site was down. Anyways, I have a couple of requests: RC Revenge Pro (PS2) and Auto Destruct (PS1). Thanks!

And more PSX requests for you ..
Assault - Retribution
Hot Wheels Turbo Racing
The Adventures of Lomax
Twisted Metal 4

12-20-2014, 02:08 AM
Hey, ruiner, did I ever request Gex for the 3DO? If not, would that be possible?

Not sure if it was you, but that was requested already a few months ago. I looked at every console it was released for (PSX, 3DO, Saturn) and wasn't able to do it.

Hi ruiner9 :)

I want to ask you about VGManiac456 requests if you managed to rip them or not ..

RC Revenge, I can do... Auto Destruct I can't. I'll add the rest to the queue!

I won't be around much this weekend, with the holidays coming and recording the next podcast (Winter Special!) on Sunday. I'll try to get a few out, though.

12-20-2014, 05:35 AM
Where are all the Yu-Gi-Oh games that were noted/requested?

12-20-2014, 11:00 AM
Any specific titles you had in mind?
Lucienne's quest
Star Control II
BC racers
Cannon Fodder
FIFA international soccer

12-20-2014, 01:34 PM
Where are all the Yu-Gi-Oh games that were noted/requested?

I did all that I could do. The rest aren't rippable.

12-20-2014, 03:39 PM
Whoops, didn't notice this earlier, but....

- Choujikuu Yousai Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie (to complete Noboru Yamane's SNES workography. One of his best, with his work on Ghost Chaser Densei his second best)

....this is another one I can help with! :)

Choujikuu Yousai Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie (SNES/SFC) (

And I just wanna add in a personal recommendation of mine for you guys:

Totsugeki! Mix (PC-98) (!+Mix+%28PC-98%29.rar)

^I stumbled upon this game's music by chance, and I just KNEW I had to get the rip for it! It sounds very early Sonic-esque. ;)

12-20-2014, 05:41 PM
May I request a soundtrack rip of a PS2 game called "Spy Fiction", if possible?

12-20-2014, 06:20 PM
Merry Christmas, ruiner9! This collection is from Keishi Yonao (Mad Stalker: Full Metal Force, Hydefos, Metal Sight, Neural Gear, Strania -The Stellar Machine-).

Thread 183113

By the way, there are no places to download the soundtracks to the PC-98 and FM Towns versions of Star Cruiser II, as well as the related SNES game Battle Zeque Den.

12-21-2014, 10:15 PM
Merry Christmas, ruiner9! This collection is from Keishi Yonao (Mad Stalker: Full Metal Force, Hydefos, Metal Sight, Neural Gear, Strania -The Stellar Machine-).

Thread 183113

By the way, there are no places to download the soundtracks to the PC-98 and FM Towns versions of Star Cruiser II, as well as the related SNES game Battle Zeque Den.

Merry Christmas to you, too! Awesome! I'll take a listen, and add Star Cruiser II and Battle Zeque Den to the queue. I mentioned you on the podcast, by the way! I was doing research on Mad Stalker and noticed a post by you on the ASSEMbler Games forum, about the relationship of the developers to Treasure and it's subsequent influence on Guardian Heroes. It was really cool to make that connection because I felt that Mad Stalker and Guardian Heroes were really similar even before I knew it's history. :)

12-21-2014, 11:29 PM
Yo Ed
My last request on this mouth:
- Rise of the Robots (CDI & SNES)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles in Time (SNES)
- Dance Central (Xbox 360)

12-22-2014, 01:15 AM
Yo Ed
My last request on this mouth:
- Rise of the Robots (CDI & SNES)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles in Time (SNES)
- Dance Central (Xbox 360)

I don't do Xbox360 games, but I'll add the others!

12-22-2014, 04:02 AM
Merry Christmas to you, too! Awesome! I'll take a listen, and add Star Cruiser II and Battle Zeque Den to the queue. I mentioned you on the podcast, by the way! I was doing research on Mad Stalker and noticed a post by you on the ASSEMbler Games forum, about the relationship of the developers to Treasure and it's subsequent influence on Guardian Heroes. It was really cool to make that connection because I felt that Mad Stalker and Guardian Heroes were really similar even before I knew it's history. :)

Mad Stalker was planned for the MD / GEN console, but due to the relationship between NEC and Fill-in-Cafe, they decided to go with the PC-Engine Arcade CD-ROM2. Was it a wise decision? They thought so, probably because of how powerful the console was. You'll also find some similarities between the Yu Yu Hakusho fighting game for the MD / GEN and the Asuka 120% franchise, because Masatoshi Imaizumi (Fill-in-Cafe) and Masaki Ukyo (Treasure) both worked on it, too. Even though Masatoshi Imaizumi worked for Fill-in-Cafe, he told me he was involved with the MD / GEN Yu Yu Hakusho fighting game. It was also originally planned as an original game before they finally decided to turn it into a licensed game. Speaking of the Asuka 120% franchise, the very sought after 3-disk FM Towns version has been successfully cracked and ready to be played; but unfortunately, some BGM are in wrong places. There needs to be either an updated version of UNZ emulator or a superior FM Towns emulator.

Anyway, here are all the different soundtracks to the Mad Stalker titles. Mad Stalker 2142 was later used in the PS1 Mad Stalker for some boss tunes:

Thread 138848

I love researching history of lesser-known video game companies. You'll find plenty of "appreciation threads" I made at the HG101 forum. Just type in "1983parrothead appreciation thread" on Google and you'll get this ( Today, I made this appreciation thread (

By the way, where exactly did you mention me at what podcast? Please also check out my YouTube music channel:

12-22-2014, 12:06 PM
...By the way, where exactly did you mention me at what podcast?...

It's the podcast that's up right now, the X68000 episode, and it's right after the 4th song, which is the Stage 3 BGM from Mad Stalker X68000.

Here's a few early-morning releases:


Kururin Paradise - There's a lot of good stuff in here, ranging from mild-mannered piano solos, to jazzy anime style themes. As GBA games go, this one is surprisingly well written. I love it!

Animal Mania - Dokidoki Aishou Check - Kind of similar to Kururin Paradise, this one includes lots of different types of music, but pulls them all off extremely well. It's a puppy care simulation game, so expect lots of playful tunes.


Auto Destruct - Oh, the 90's beats are strong with this one! Lots of sampled hip-hop beats and rolling basslines.


RC Revenge Pro - A little Big Band, a little Jazz, and a little Dance... roll 'em all into one game, and it's RC Revenge Pro!

I wasn't able to rip Snap Kids, unfortunately. These are some great selections today. Check 'em out! I may be back later with more!

12-22-2014, 03:33 PM

Auto Destruct - Oh, the 90's beats are strong with this one! Lots of sampled hip-hop beats and rolling basslines.


RC Revenge Pro - A little Big Band, a little Jazz, and a little Dance... roll 'em all into one game, and it's RC Revenge Pro!

Thanks a lot Ed! :D

you said you can't rip Auto Destruct 0.0

PS: You forgot to add them to the list xD

12-22-2014, 03:46 PM
HA! I was adding them last night, and must've hit Cancel instead of Save. They're there now!

12-22-2014, 05:39 PM
There is no sound in *05_Auto Destruct* it's just 31kb .. can you check it ?

12-22-2014, 07:43 PM
Hey Ruiner, been awhile. Been super busy with classes and thesis writing, so I haven’t poked around here in a while. Had a recent reminder of the greatness of Matt Furniss, so I figured I’d recommend some of his soundtracks that hadn’t been uploadd, all for the Genesis:

The Adventures of Mighty Max
Alien 3
Daffy Duck in Hollywood
Second Samurai
The Terminator

12-22-2014, 10:54 PM
Thanks for the rips of Auto Destruct and RC Revenge Pro. RC Revenge Pro's music has been stuck in my head for years due to playing the game often when I was younger, so I'm glad that one was possible to rip. Oh, and also, happy holidays to you and everyone else in this thread!

12-23-2014, 04:43 AM
Ahoy mateys! It's super late, so I'm just gonna let ya'll know that there's three new albums up: Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards in the N64 section, and Genseishin Justirisers - Souchaku Chikyuu no Senshitachi and Pyuu to Fuku! Jogger Byuu to Deru! Megane-Kun in the GBA section. All are really good, especially the latter GBA which has some crazy homages to retro NES Konami soundtracks in it.

I'll have some updates tomorrow, and hopefully some more requests, too. My queue is pretty big, so I'm going to need some patience from those who have requested recently, especially since I doubt I'll have time to do anything at all on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

12-23-2014, 03:21 PM
Here's those updates I promised!

VGManiac456 is at it again, tagging RC Revenge Pro in the PS2 section, Yoshi's Cookie in the GB section, and Auto Destruct in the PS1 section! I added the credits song to the Auto Destruct album as well. After scouring the disc's files for the music file, I finally gave up and used an emulator to record the credits music. The music seems a little more compressed than the level music, but still very listenable. I'm glad to finally be done with that game! LOL

12-23-2014, 06:04 PM
3DO Fest Volume 2!

Check out what's new:

BC Racers - If you enjoy music that sounds like it's come directly out of a cave, well then... this one will probably be your favorite soundtrack EVER.

Cannon Fodder - Yeah, i don't know where the raggae-inspired title theme song came from, but it sure is catchy! the rest of it is pretty nice, very 90's sounding stuff.

Guardian War - Wow, i didn't expect a soundtrack this polished from this game! There's some hard rock and well produced pop in here. It's a shame that the bitrate is so low.. I'd love to hear it in full quality.

Iron Angel of the Apocalypse - the Return - Ambient industrial stuff. It reminds me of the original Quake soundtrack in parts.

Lucienne's Quest - Some very traditional, yet very good RPG style music. Live instruments help out the impressive synths, making a really nice soundtrack.

Star Control II - Some house techno tracks mixed with spacey ambiance. I can dig it.

These include all I can do of -Hellraiser-'s suggestions, and they're all totally worth a listen! it's about time I grew the 3DO section a bit!

12-23-2014, 09:44 PM
More stuff? Sure. Why not? This is all SNES music:

SD Hiryu no Ken - Remember those Flying Warriors guys? Well, they're back, and in chibi form! Enjoy differently-themed music according to the fighters' country of origin!

Onita Atsushi FMW - I liked this one. The soundfont used is pretty rich sounding, and the music is catchy. It's mostly your typical Japanese action music.

Majin Tensei - Spooky. Creepy. A lot of this stuff will be great for next year's Halloween special. I'll have to remember that.

Ghost Sweeper Mikami - Gokuraku Daisakusen - Oh, dat slap bass. I expected something a bit more, considering this is from both Kinuyo Yamashita and Hiroyuki Iwatsuki, but I was a little let down.

Choujikuu Yousai Macross - Scrambled Valkyrie - This one's all sorts of fast-paced action! It's a Macross title, so you'd have to expect that, right?

Alright, that's all for today. Enjoy!

12-23-2014, 10:20 PM
Supreme !

12-23-2014, 10:21 PM
Ghost Sweeper Mikami and Majin Tensei have a decryption key thing that is preventing me from downloading it.

12-23-2014, 10:23 PM
SD Hiryu no Ken - Remember those Flying Warriors guys? Well, they're back, and in chibi form! Enjoy differently-themed music according to the fighters' country of origin!

Why don't we take a look at Culture Brain ( and upload some (if not all) of their games' soundtracks. I couldn't find much information about the Culture Brain Sound Team.

You might also want to upload the soundtracks to every game in the small library of Tatsumi Electronics ( Their best is Big Fight: Big Trouble in the Atlantic Ocean, a Final Fight-style beat 'em up with alternate routes.

12-24-2014, 12:07 AM
3DO Fest Volume 2!

Amazing job! Thank you. :D

12-24-2014, 02:01 AM
Ghost Sweeper Mikami and Majin Tensei have a decryption key thing that is preventing me from downloading it.

Fixed! They were both missing the last character of the URL.

Why don't we take a look at Culture Brain ( and upload some (if not all) of their games' soundtracks. I couldn't find much information about the Culture Brain Sound Team.

You might also want to upload the soundtracks to every game in the small library of Tatsumi Electronics ( Their best is Big Fight: Big Trouble in the Atlantic Ocean, a Final Fight-style beat 'em up with alternate routes.

I don't necessarily just want to throw a whole bunch of soundtracks up just because a particular publisher made the game that they were attached to. This whole thread started off with the concept that if I asked for requests, people would request soundtracks that are worthwhile to listen to, and therefore the collection would be comprised of awesome stuff. I'll certainly take a listen to the rest of the Culture Brain collection (I grew up with the Baseball Simulator series, so I have a soft spot for them) and I'll definitely check out Big Fight. I'm a sucker for beat 'em ups!

12-24-2014, 02:40 AM
Understood. That's cool, dude. Do whatever you like. Culture Brain and Tatsumi seem extremely underrated. The MAME version of Big Fight is not 100% fixed, due to how weapons are picked up inaccurately. But the sound is what you are worried about more. It matches the PCB sound well. Big Fight was the last real video game Tatsumi created, as well as their finest.

12-24-2014, 08:09 AM
Hey ED, do you by chance have a gmail account, and a copy of Nights on steam?

12-24-2014, 12:22 PM
Well, I have a Gmail account and Steam, but I only have NiGHTS on the Saturn.

12-24-2014, 07:30 PM
Cool! What about Mike, does he have a copy of Nights on saturn too?

12-24-2014, 07:51 PM
Nope... we've actually got a track from Christmas NiGHTS on the next podcast, and he was talking about how limited his experience with the game is. I love it! I've got the 3D controller for the Saturn for it, and everything.

12-24-2014, 09:20 PM
Well I've got a little surprise for good old Mike as long as he has a steam and I can contact him from his Dongled Gmail account!

---------- Post added at 02:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 PM ----------

Hey ED do you by chance know what Mike's gmail account is?[COLOR="Silver"]

12-24-2014, 10:33 PM
I'll obviously be too busy to comment tomorrow, so here's an early Merry Christmas from me!

12-25-2014, 05:15 AM
Cheers for taking care of my requests, Ruiner (especially for Kirby and Jaguar). And I wish you a happy holiday, as well! :)

12-25-2014, 05:42 AM
Well got I present for all of you in this form! I'm not saying what it is exactly, but it's a rip of a game that I've been wanting to rip for a long time with some extra added in as well!

12-25-2014, 05:24 PM
Well I've got a little surprise for good old Mike as long as he has a steam and I can contact him from his Dongled Gmail account!

Hey ED do you by chance know what Mike's gmail account is?

He wasn't very interested in it, but I've read that the soundtrack (including the streamed audio stuff) is very easily rippable from the Steam version, so if you'd like to donate the code to me in exchange for a full soundtrack, you can PM me the code! :)

Getting on to the releases today:


Assault - Retribution - Some mid-tempo electronica. It's pretty basic, but listenable.

Choro Q2 - These game have always had great music. Expect big horn sections. If you like the music from some of the later Mario Party titles, you'll enjoy this.

The Adventures of Lomax - This one's kind of all over the place. Electronic, Asian, and jazzy stuff.


Xexyz - I totally forgot how great this soundtrack was. Just grab it and be happy. :)


Extreme-G 90's techno, straight outta the N64 sequenced audio processor. If you like the WipEout soundtracks, this is very similar.

I couldn't do Hot Wheels Turbo Racing or Twisted Metal 4 because all the music is licensed, and I also can't rip Spy Fiction for technical reasons.

Hope everyone's having a great Christmas or had a great Hanukkah!

12-26-2014, 07:23 AM
Now I know it's official the day after Christmas and all, but I still have gift for everyone on this form of sorts. You may be asking what it is exactly, well it's something that I hinted about early on a little bit with it being a game that I've just until now have only been able to find bits and pieces of it's soundtrack! This is also kind of a mix tape of sorts give or take with not only the entire soundtrack of this particular game added but include a Butt load of Extras from chiptune artiest such as Jake Kaufman, Norrin Radd, and Freaky DNA! There's also some other albums from other artist that have absolutely nothing to do with this game, but I thought it would be great to add them in as a present from me to you lovely person out there. Finally the game that I've been blabbering about is no other then Retro City Rampage a.k.a. Grand Theft Tendo now for download -!sg9jCAQA!nE17t16lEOHvlGvNOS33xNJ9AU5et067Cyf_X5x 8oXc and just remember to have fun listening to this as well as telling me how I did with the ripping the main songs! Also before I scandal what is your Gmail account ED so I can give you Nights for steam to rip!

12-29-2014, 02:41 AM
Requesting DDRMAX of PS2! What will the resulting files be?

12-29-2014, 10:00 AM
Hey, ruiner, how was your Christmas? Mine was good. :)

Anyways, I would to make my final requests for 2014, and yes, it's still SNES to me, dammit!! (lol, Crying Wrestling Fan reference)

- Batman Forever (the music was better compared to the game, that's all I can say. Good news is that the Follin Brothers composed this (along with Andy Brock))
- Bounty Sword (co-composed by Akihiko Mori (Acrobat Mission) and Kohei Tanaka (Xardion, which is also in this request; see below)
- Kidou Butouden G Gundam (not as amazing or spectacular sounding as Gundam W: Endless Duel, but requesting this because we need some more SNES Gundam goodness (a future request for me will be SNES Gundam themed, just so you know))
- Shien's Revenge (another game in which Akihiko Mori composed the music for.)
- Xardion (another game I played from my childhood (and another Kohei Tanaka composition). True story: the day I first played the game, before playing it for the first time, my mother who was picking me up from school told me that it was Transformers, lol. Was disappointed at first when I saw the name of the game and realized there was no Optimus Prime and Megatron, but when I played it, the disappointment vanished instantly. However, it took me nearly a decade since the game came out to finally beat it.)

Well, here's to more VG musics in 2015! Have a Happy New Year to you, ruiner, and all of the amazing people on this board!!! :D

12-29-2014, 12:53 PM
Hi guys! I haven't died or anything... it's just been a really busy holiday and I've had literally no time to make any new soundtracks. Now that the weekend is over and the new podcast is finished, I should be able to get some stuff done.

Stay tuned!


12-29-2014, 02:22 PM
i have 1 request is it possible to do war of the monsters for ps2?

12-29-2014, 04:49 PM
More GBA Requests for ya:
1. Uchuu Daisakusen Chocovader: Uchuu kara no Shinryakusha
2. Monster Maker 4: Killer Dice
3. Boboboubo Boubobo: Ougi 87.5 Bakuretsu Hanage Shinken
4. Mini Moni.: Onegai Ohoshi-sama!
5. Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting!

12-29-2014, 10:45 PM
So ED what did you think of the rip that I did for RCR anyways?

12-30-2014, 09:25 AM
Hey, no worries man. It's the holidays.

12-30-2014, 03:41 PM
So ED what did you think of the rip that I did for RCR anyways?

Good stuff! I've played through RCR myself, and I own a few of the soundtracks that you included in the pack, but some were new to me. Nice job!


First off, Choro Q2 has been tagged by tagging genius VGManiac456! Now, on to the releases:


Battle Zeque Den - A side-scrolling platform beat 'em up that kind of reminds me of the Ranma 1/2 series if it wasn't a 1-on-1 fighting game. The music is mostly Asian-influenced and uses some vocal samples to nice effect on a few tracks.

Rise of the Robots - A terrible fighting game with a few nice tracks. Brian May (of the band Queen) wrote the guitar riffs for the intro track.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles in Time - One of my favorite SNES soundtracks ever. If you're not familiar with this one yet, GO GET IT NOW!


Rise of the Robots - The CD-i version played even worse than the SNES version, but the music was far better, as it included a bunch of tracks that were actually co-written by Brian May. Unlike the Mario and Zelda CD-i games, the music on this one was encoded at a much better bitrate (37khz versus 22khz or even 16khz!) and was actually in stereo.

I'm working on Star Cruiser II for the PC-98, but it's a manual process using HOOT, so it'll be a while longer. Also, the FM Towns version isn't available so I can't do that one.


12-30-2014, 03:54 PM
Thank's Ed and Happy New Year for you and family :D

12-30-2014, 08:55 PM
Happy new year to Ruiner and the rest of you folks! :) I'd like to make my final request for 2014: Is it possible to get Castlevania: Lament of Innocence for the PS2? Curse of Darkness is already up, so might as well include its PS2 predecessor, no? ;)

12-31-2014, 01:07 AM
Nice, but did you also see some of the extra stuff that I through into that zip file that may or may not pertain to the actual game? :)

12-31-2014, 01:23 AM
Does anyone here know a good PC Audio Recorder? Audacity comes out far too quiet.

12-31-2014, 01:04 PM
Audacity, like any other recorder, can only record as loud as the source material. See the image below that I made, and make sure your mic input slider is up far enough. If it's all the way up and that's not loud enough for you, you can always try raising or normalizing the volume of the recording after you've created your file.

12-31-2014, 03:02 PM
I just found that my Realtek Stereo Audio slider was only 2/3 of the way up anyway, so I may have already fixed my problem. The Mic slider is on full already.

I'll give it a test in a bit.

---------- Post added at 02:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:02 PM ----------

I just found that my Realtek Stereo Audio slider was only 2/3 of the way up anyway, so I may have already fixed my problem. The Mic slider is on full already.

I'll give it a test in a bit.

---------- Post added at 02:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:02 PM ----------

I just found that my Realtek Stereo Audio slider was only 2/3 of the way up anyway, so I may have already fixed my problem. The Mic slider is on full already.

I'll give it a test in a bit.

12-31-2014, 04:31 PM
It's the last podcast of the year! Hope everyone has a great New Year's Eve! :) :) :) :)

Episode 25: Winter Special
Download on our page! -- Episode 25: Winter Special | PixelTunes Radio VGM Podcast (

MP3 Downloads of previous shows can be found at The PixelTunes Radio Homepage ( or on iTunes! (

It’s COLD outside! To ring in the New Year, Mike and Ed bring you some of their favorite wintery tracks! Battling head-colds of their own, the guys discuss some favorite winter gaming memories, compare their Christmas and Hanukkah traditions, and Ed reveals his hatred for slippery ice levels. Put on your party hats and count down to 2015 with tracks from Sonic 3, Crash Bandicoot 2, Mario Galaxy, and more!

The Tracklist:

*1 – Christmas NiGHTS (Saturn) – Jack Frost’s Chime – Tomoko Sasaki, Naofumi Hataya

*2 – Metroid Prime (Gamecube) – Phendrana Drifts – Kenji Yamamoto, Kouichi Kyuma

*3- Battletoads (Arcade) – Stage 2: Ice Cave – David Wise

*4- Donkey Kong Country (SNES) – Ice Cave Chant – David Wise

*5 – Rockman & Forte (SNES) – Cold Man – Akari Kaida, Kirikiri-Chan, Naoshi Mizuta

*6 – Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Sega Genesis) – Ice Cap Zone – Brad Buxer

*7- Crash Bandicoot 2 (Playstation) – Snow Go, Snow Biz, Cold Hard Crash – Josh Mancell, Mark Mothersbaugh

*8 – Mario Galaxy (Wii) – Freezeflame Galaxy (Ice) – Mahito Yokota

*9- Twisted Metal III (PSX) – Christmas Theme – Rob Zombie

*10- Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (Wii) - Creeping Distress – Akira Yamaoka

Don’t forget, we always have a ton of great podcast-related content on our Twitter ( Facebook (! Be sure to like us to get in on the goodies and the conversation!

Like us? Want more episodes? Please leave a comment or a like! We want to hear your thoughts!

12-31-2014, 07:52 PM
Well, it still didn't fix my issue (not sure what happened to my last post either). My issue is that the audio is recording at a much lower volume than it is playing on the PC. I quickly found a free trial PC Audio Recorder and it records at a much louder volume, so it's an issue with Audacity. Hmm.

Some great song choices in that podcast, by the way.

12-31-2014, 07:54 PM
Hey ruiner! These last weeks have been awfully busy to me so I couldn't really tag anything... Just came by to say Happy New Year :)

01-01-2015, 07:01 AM
A New Years comes New opportunities to talk about Gaming and the Music that surrounds it! And to think that we blew over half of pages of comments in a span of a year! So get ready to rest your calenders to January and let the year 2015 to usher in for better or for worse, but hopefully better considering that gaming this year was kind of drab besides homebrew and indies of coarse!

But besides that a perfect way to welcome in the new year is by putting out the first batch of request for 2015!

- Mr.Nutz
-T2 Arcade game & Judgement day
-Fantasy Zone 2
Master System
-Tedy Boy

01-01-2015, 07:27 AM
Happy New Years, all.

01-01-2015, 08:06 AM
Happy new years to all the VGM maniacs out there!! :D

01-01-2015, 08:21 AM
A definite happy new years to everyone! And I have some requests if they are possible.

Hot Wheels: Velocity X (PS2/GCN/X-Box; not sure if it matters)
Spy Hunter (PS2/GCN/X-Box; again, not sure if it matters)
Drawn to Life (DS)
Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (DS)

01-01-2015, 03:27 PM
Happy New Year to all!

01-02-2015, 02:58 PM

I tried to have a few New Year's releases yesterday, but I guess the site was down for a bit, so here they are now. It's a Matt Furniss day! :D

First off, though, VGManiac456 tagged the CD-i version of Rise of the Robots. Thanks, dude! I left in the Brian May tracks even though it's technically licensed, because it's the friggin' theme song to the game and it would be dumb without it. Just don't email Mr. May about it, and I think we'll be OK. ;)

New Stuff (all Genesis):

Alien 3 - Furniss put kind of a techno-industrial touch on this one, which is obviously suitable to the theme of the game. The Stage 2 theme is totally amazing.

The Adventures of Mighty Max - This one's a bit more cinematic sounding. The volcano stage is orchestral, while the underwater theme sounds very Tim Follin inspired.

The Terminator - Some of this stuff is almost speed-metal fast! It's one of Matt's earlier games, so it's a bit more simple, but still very good.

Elwood also requested Daffy Duck in Hollywood and Second Samurai, but they were already in the collection. Grab those too, if you haven't yet, because they're both amazing as well.

That's all for now!

---------- Post added at 08:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 AM ----------

Also, I can't rip DDRMAX. Most of the tracks are licensed, and only 49 of the total 71 songs can be ripped off the disc anyways.

El Randomino
01-02-2015, 04:40 PM
Happy new year everyone !

I got one request for you, I don't know if it's possible as I can't seem to find it anywhere but here it is, just in case :
Maximo Vs. Army of Zin (

The first Maximo one PS2 had a kickass soundtrack, so I'm curious to see if this one holds up.

01-02-2015, 06:01 PM
Happy new year everyone !

I got one request for you, I don't know if it's possible as I can't seem to find it anywhere but here it is, just in case :
Maximo Vs. Army of Zin (

The first Maximo one PS2 had a kickass soundtrack, so I'm curious to see if this one holds up.

That's been requested a few times in the past. Unfortunately, it's not rippable. Sorry.

01-02-2015, 07:24 PM
Thanks for the uploads, Ruiner!

Elwood also requested Daffy Duck in Hollywood and Second Samurai, but they were already in the collection. Grab those too, if you haven't yet, because they're both amazing as well.

I feel silly about these, since I'm pretty sure I was the one who originally requested these games for upload in the first place. I guess I just had it in my head to request Matt Furniss soundtracks and neglected to check which had already been uploaded.

BTW, the thing that reminded me about Furniss was a post on a blog I follow discussing the author's picks for fave music of 2014. They included Perturbator (you might know 'em from the Hotline Miami soundtrack), specifically referring to it as "video game power fantasy music" and comparing it to Matt Furniss (specifically referencing the Terminator game). What do you think (

El Randomino
01-02-2015, 09:50 PM
That's been requested a few times in the past. Unfortunately, it's not rippable. Sorry.
Woops, I'm sorry I didn't saw that.

01-03-2015, 02:09 AM
Thanks for the uploads, Ruiner!

I feel silly about these, since I'm pretty sure I was the one who originally requested these games for upload in the first place. I guess I just had it in my head to request Matt Furniss soundtracks and neglected to check which had already been uploaded.

BTW, the thing that reminded me about Furniss was a post on a blog I follow discussing the author's picks for fave music of 2014. They included Perturbator (you might know 'em from the Hotline Miami soundtrack), specifically referring to it as "video game power fantasy music" and comparing it to Matt Furniss (specifically referencing the Terminator game). What do you think (

Hah! Nice! Yes, I love Perturbator's stuff from the Hotline Miami soundtrack, and sought out the rest of his music. I didn't really make the Furniss connection until you pointed it out, but yeah, I totally hear it, especially around the 2:45 mark. Awesome. :)

01-03-2015, 08:03 PM
Here's a surprise for the new year! I've officially opened the Nintendo 3DS section with the Tomodachi Life soundtrack! It's a game I've been addicted to for a long time, and I've been looking for the OST forever. It was great to be able to finally make my own! They soundtrack itself is playful and varied, just like the game. It's really nicely done.

Also, there was an outside-the-forum request to rip Albert Odyssey - Legend of Eldean for the Saturn. It's a great Naoki Kodaka soundtrack, and worth a listen.

I'll start taking suggestions for 3DS games now, but just be advised that the software to do it is still new so I may not be able to fill every request.


01-03-2015, 09:07 PM
Thanks a lot!

01-04-2015, 07:46 PM
Looking through your Tomodachi Life upload, I can't find the backing tracks of the Concert Hall songs that you create for your islanders. Were they unrippable?

01-04-2015, 11:20 PM
Looking through your Tomodachi Life upload, I can't find the backing tracks of the Concert Hall songs that you create for your islanders. Were they unrippable?

These, and weirdly enough, the music that plays when you turn your Mii into a kid are most likely sequenced audio. No software exists (yet) to make those playable on a PC yet. If and when it happens, I'll update the packs. I believe it's only 3 songs out of the ~160 in the game, so it's a pretty good average. :)

01-05-2015, 12:39 PM
Hi, ruiner! I'd like to request a couple of soundtracks:

- Rugrats in Paris: The Movie, but the Game Boy Color version.

- The Battle of Olympus, for the NES.

- Aaaand knowing that crediar has ripped the files from certain games, and you have already done DK Tropical Freeze from those files... Could you please do Pikmin 3 too?

Thanks in advance! :)