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12-12-2013, 02:21 AM
Hey hey! Fuuun Gokuu Ninjin is up! Turns out it was an issue with the .cue file that wasn't letting me mount it correctly. Once that was done, ripping the CD audio was a snap. Whew! I thought I was stumped there, for a while.

Also, Future Tactics: The Uprising is in the PS2 section. It's by a little-known composer by the name of TIM "the man" FOLLIN. It's spacey folk rock, and well... it's Tim Follin! So it's AMAZING!

A short little soundtrack for Crackout is here, as well as S.C.A.T., which has a really nice soundtrack. Definitely check that one out!

OK, back to work I go!

12-12-2013, 07:00 PM
New goodies today!


Air Zonk - Wow, this is some good stuff. I knew there had to be some excellent TG16 music out there, but I wasn't too familiar with the console so I didn't know where to start. This is very much in the shoot 'em up genre of music, fast paced and fun. Love it.

Coryoon - Child of Dragon - Almost sounds similar to Air Zonk, but not as crazy. Lots of good arrangements here.

Kaizou Chounin Shubibinman 1 and 2 - The 2nd game was titled Shockman in English territories. Both games' music is pretty different, as they were composed by different artists. The mood is the same, though; Heroic mid-tempo anthems. I like the 2nd game's music a bit more. It had a nice sound driver.


Laser Invasion - More Konami goodies! All of their titles had such good tunes. It's mind-boggling.

Yume Penguin Monogatari - MORE KONAMI! I'M KONAMI CRAZY! Here's the concept of this game from Wikipedia:

"The player takes the role of a penguin named Penta, who is getting dumped by his girlfriend Penko, because he has become far too obese for her liking. Penta is most likely Pentarou, a Konami protagonist who has been in several games including Antarctic Adventure, Penguin Adventure and the Parodius series. The game follows Penta's quest to win back his ex-girlfriend by losing weight via collecting diet drinks and avoiding enemies. Penko's new boyfriend, Ginji, is trying to block Penta's attempt by dispatching enemies sent to force-feed him back to obesity."

WTF? I don't even know. Anyhow, the music rocks. Even has some cool percussion samples.

Legacy of the Wizard - Yuzo Koshiro, around the time of the first couple Ys games. Oh yeah.

Might & Magic - Secret of the Inner Sanctum - This has some cool medieval sounding tunes. I like the arrangements on this one.

Pin-Bot - A short one by David Wise and friends. It's got a few short futuristic sound tracks and a lot of sounds that are kind of a cross between music and sound effects. pretty unique.

Rockman 4 Minus Infinity - Over an hour of music! For a homebrew, this has some rad stuff. If anyone has info on where the music originally comes from, let me know! :)

OK... still more requests on the way over the next couple days!

12-13-2013, 02:10 AM
Rockman 4 Minus Infinity - Over an hour of music! For a homebrew, this has some rad stuff. If anyone has info on where the music originally comes from, let me know! :)

This website ( here gives a detailed list of where every song originally comes from. It even includes video links of both the original version and the remixed version for comparison. The creator mostly drew from pretty obscure sources, including a few of my previous requests like Hokkaido Rensa Satsujin, Mappy Kids and Doraemon. I especially like the Get Equipped music, which is a remix of a song from the GB version of RPG Maker.

12-13-2013, 05:23 PM
TGIF, am I right? The weeks before Christmas are always the longest. I have a few updates today, and here they be:


Kaizou Tyoujin Shubibinman Zero - So the first game on the PCE was a side scrolling sword fighter, the second one was a shooter, kind of like Mega Man, and now this SNES version is back with the sword antics. The music, however, sounds a lot like Mega Man X music, which is a very good thing.

Winter Gold FX - Here's an obscure one. Remember Warlocked on the GBC that I posted a while back? Had some awesome tunes, right? Well, this one is also by Jeroen Tel, and it's a very dancey soundtrack that's one of the SNES's best.


Solar Jetman - Can you believe it? It's finally done! There's like an hour's worth of music here, all by David Wise. Some of it sounds like it was taken from a Battletoads sequel that never existed, and other tracks are very experimental and weird. This one was a really tough album to cut, because some of the songs are very long and minimalistic.

Overlord - Another Jeroen Tel soundtrack. There's not much to this one, but the title screen music is 3.5 minutes long and EPIC. Check it out.


Kaizou Chounin Shubibinman 3 - Ikai no Princess - Following the further adventures of Shockman, this one was on CD. The music is pretty good!

Legend of Xanadu - This one is unique in the fact that it has a lot of CD audio, and also chiptune music. All together, there's about 4 hours' worth! The CD audio is mostly symphonic with a lot of Japanese voice overs, but some of the boss encounters have some synths in them. The chiptune portions use music that doesn't sound like tradition HuCard-based games. It's quite good! The songs are in order from the game, so the CD tracks are mixed in with the chiptunes. I've tagged the CD tracks with "(CD)" at the end of the file if you'd like to separate those out for whatever reason.

Seems like I'm gonna be snowed in this weekend, so I should have some time to catch up on the requests... if I don't freeze to death, that is. :)

12-13-2013, 06:13 PM
Just popping in for a sec.

You've put up some real gems lately. I'll be glad to give them a listen in a few days.

Kaizou Chounin Shubibinman 3 - Ikai no Princess - Following the further adventures of Shockman, this one was on CD. The music is pretty good!

Pretty sure you forgot to include the link for this one, though.

Seems like I'm gonna be snowed in this weekend, so I should have some time to catch up on the requests... if I don't freeze to death, that is. :)

Stay warm!

12-13-2013, 06:22 PM
Pretty sure you forgot to include the link for this one, though.

Stay warm!

Yep. Sure did. Gimme 5 minutes, it'll be up. :)

12-13-2013, 09:41 PM
Had time for a couple more quick albums...

First up, Legend of Xanadu 2 in the TG16 section. Same concept as the original title in the series, some CD audio, and also some chiptune. I like the sound driver on this one, it's much more high quality.

And secondly, Need for Speed for the PSX. I was originally going to open a 3DO section to post that version, but then realized that the PSX port had more tracks and better quality music, so I'd rather do that. This has some really great music. It was also one of the first games (if not THE first) to let the player select a "rock" or "techno" soundtrack, or to mix them up. This was a very well put-together game, and even though it was one of the first PlayStation games around, it still looks good even today.


12-14-2013, 12:22 AM
Thanks again for all your efforts! :)

Coryoon - Child of Dragon - Almost sounds similar to Air Zonk, but not as crazy. Lots of good arrangements here.

Yeah, from what I found out, both Air Zonk and Coryoon shared the same staff, so it's not a coincidence that their styles of music sound a bit similar.

Also, seeing Doraemon mentioned here reminded me of a few more requests, heh. So I was wondering if you can get the original Famicom Doraemon's ( music, as well as the tunes from the four SNES Doraemon games ( from Epoch? I was only able to find music from the 4th game on youtube, but it should at least give you a bit of an idea of what the prequel's soundtracks are like. ;)

12-14-2013, 04:00 PM
3DO is for Killing Time, man!

12-14-2013, 07:50 PM
3DO is for Killing Time, man!

That was a great game, with some very unique music. It's one of the only 3DO games to have sequenced music (instead of streaming) and there hasn't been any software to rip it yet. I think that's just stupid.

What's NOT stupid? NES stereo albums! Woo!

First up is King of Kings. This uses a proprietary Namco soundchip (the N163) and the tunes are hardly even recognizable as NES music. They remind me a bit of Megami Tensei 2. That's a VERY good thing.

Next, Lone Ranger. This has a lot of tracks, all done in the traditional Konami style. What's unique are tracks which involve Japanese interpretations of Native American music, done in the 8-bit style. The results are... interesting.

How about Quarth? More Konami stuff. These tunes are more rhythm-based, and have a very nice groove. It's a short album, though. I would have liked to have heard more in this style.

Ever heard of Risa no Yousei Densetsu? Me neither. It's an adventure game starring a long-forgotten 80's pop idol from Japan. The music is listenable, but it's very generic Konami stuff. Nothing awesome really jumped out at me.

Skate or Die 2 - This is Rob Hubbard's best stuff. Vocal samples, arpeggios, heavy percussion... he threw it all into this game. I really enjoyed it. Notable tracks are the "ramp" tune and the ending theme.

OK, That's it for the long list of NES requests. Next stop is 5 Doraemon games! That'll happen either tonight or tomorrow. See ya!

EDIT: I forgot to do Super Dodge Ball! I'll put that up with the Doraemon stuff.

12-14-2013, 09:54 PM
You mean only line out rip is possible? Oh

Also, there is no way to rip music from Sega CD's Mansion of Hidden Souls and some other games with format it used..don't remember atm

12-14-2013, 10:39 PM
That was a great game, with some very unique music. It's one of the only 3DO games to have sequenced music (instead of streaming) and there hasn't been any software to rip it yet. I think that's just stupid.

There's this game called "Crayon Shin Chan: Puzzle Daimaou no Nazo" and I was going to request it but then read that.
Thing is I remembered that I actually extracted its sound files with an iso extractor. Don't know what format they are, but adding .midi makes them playable (at least in WMP). Anyways, I'm 99.99% sure they are not midi files.

Here's my favorite song from that game. (
And here's the one I ripped. (

Would that be enough for you to make a stereo rip? :)

12-15-2013, 07:40 PM
Eh, so we got about 6 inches of snow, with a nice 1 inch crust of ice on top of it. Wasn't that much fun to clear out, but it's perfect for sledding.

Here are Sunday's goodies!

As promised from yesterday, the missing Super Dodge Ball track is up. Very good stuff. Composed by the same artist as River City Ransom, so if you like this one, go grab that. Each country's level has a music in their traditional style, and they're all very cool and unique!

Also, it's a Doraemon extravaganza! The original NES title is up, along with all 4 SNES titles. Expect mostly lighthearted music with some creepy tunes from the haunted areas, and some epic boss music. Epoch really cranked those SNES games out... 4 games in 3 years! Whoa.

And, today is the grand opening of our 3DO section! Crayon Shin Chan: Puzzle Daimaou no Nazo is there, as a request from the oddly Magnetic Man. :) The format it was in was actually not far from a standard .wav file... .aiff is Apple's version of uncompressed audio. The conversion was easy, and it sounds great! I also threw Crash N' Burn in the section too, to get it going a bit. It's the first time I've ever seen MOD music in a console game, so that was pretty cool.

Anything else on the 3DO you guys wanna hear?

12-15-2013, 08:30 PM
Oh, awesome! Thanks! :D
Naming the songs will be a problem though. ^^''

It's great to see you adding more consoles to the list. I hope Gamecube and Wii appear there too eventually! :)

12-15-2013, 09:26 PM
GameCube and Wii? I dunno. Maybe. ;)

12-16-2013, 07:15 AM
Could you try rip Otogi and Otogi 2 from Xbox? In the future, some day

12-16-2013, 05:44 PM
Could you try rip Otogi and Otogi 2 from Xbox? In the future, some day

The source music files for those games aren't available, and I know next to nothing about ripping directly ripping from the Xbox discs, but I'll do some research and see if I can do it. No promises, though!

12-16-2013, 08:17 PM
Are you able to do Playstation 2 games?

12-16-2013, 08:33 PM
Hmm? How about Castlevania: Rondo of Blood?

12-16-2013, 09:18 PM
Are you able to do Playstation 2 games?

Yes. Yes I am.

Hmm? How about Castlevania: Rondo of Blood?

That seems like a very good idea.


OK! I have some good stuff today! Here's what it is!


Gotta add some more to that tiny little 3DO section! First up is Off World Interceptor. Believe me, this soundtrack is great. It's kind of an electro-industrial thing with really good production value for it's time. I hear influences of Nine Inch Nails, some Sisters of Mercy, maybe a little of the DOOM soundtrack in there... check it out!

Next, I have Total Eclipse. Both of these releases are from Crystal Dynamics, and for the most part, their music was some of the best on the system. This album is more in the hard rock/ metal genre, but has some synths and orchestrated elements, too. It's one of my favorites.

TG16/ PC Engine

A couple small ones. Chase H.Q. is first. It's a short album, but I love the bassline. The game is lots of fun, too.

And last, Cyber Knight. This was a really difficult RPG that had some very cool tunes in it. I think you'll like it.

OK, I'm gonna look into Otogi tonight and see if it's feasible, and also get to that PCE CD request. Peace out!

12-17-2013, 01:45 AM
Well, if PS2 requests are cool, then I'd like to make one, if you don't mind:

Contra: Shattered Soldier ( - As was the case with a few of my past requests, the official OST is pretty trimmed down compared to what you hear in-game, though not in terms of tracks being cut, but shortened. For example, the track I linked to is the full version that you hear in-game (now compare that to the OST version ( which is roughly 3/4 the length of the original). If you're able to get a rip with all the extended tracks, that would be nice.... :)

12-17-2013, 01:53 AM
Well, if PS2 requests are cool, then I'd like to make one, if you don't mind:

Contra: Shattered Soldier ( - As was the case with a few of my past requests, the official OST is pretty trimmed down compared to what you hear in-game, though not in terms of tracks being cut, but shortened. For example, the track I linked to is the full version that you hear in-game (now compare that to the OST version ( which is roughly 3/4 the length of the original). If you're able to get a rip with all the extended tracks, that would be nice.... :)

I was actually planning on that very soon. I love that soundtrack. I may throw Neo Contra in, too. ;)

12-17-2013, 04:35 AM
Ok great! If you can i request Call of Duty Finest Hour if that's possible.

12-17-2013, 04:58 AM
oh i cant believe it thank you very much

12-17-2013, 12:06 PM
Ok great! If you can i request Call of Duty Finest Hour if that's possible.

The source files aren't available for the PS2, GameCube, or Xbox versions of the game, which leads me to believe that they're in a unique format. I'm downloading the game to verify.

Also, sadly, Otogi is unrippable as well. It's too bad, as there was some sweet music there.

12-17-2013, 04:29 PM
Another snow day! Love it!

I've just uploaded Akumajou Dracula X - Chi no Rondo (Castlevania - Rondo of Blood) for the PC Engine CD... really good game, really good music (but very similar to the SNES version which has been up for a while), and has a few bonus chiptunes at the end, too. A worthy addition to any Castlevania collection!

In the PS2 section, Contra: Shattered Soldier and Neo Contra. Both were composed (or more like summoned from the pits of industrial metal hellfire) by Sota Fujimori, with a little help from Akira Yamaoka on Shattered Soldier. By the time Neo was in production, Yamaoka was working on Silent Hill 4. They're both quite long for rock/ industrial soundtracks, and there's a whole lot more than there were on the OST CDs.

As far as CoD - Finest Hour goes, the only version I can find is the PS2 version, which I can't rip. Supposedly the Xbox version will have music that I can extract and convert, but I can't find the image anywhere. I'll keep my eye out for it, though.

So, just waiting for the snow to pile up high enough to shovel... maybe there will be some more music later.

12-17-2013, 10:00 PM
Hello, you upload Magical Quest 1,2 and 3, please?

12-17-2013, 10:17 PM
Great thread�and great work on your stereo realizations of these NES gems. May I please request that you give the sound tracks to the following NES games your treatment?

Rockin' Kats
Wacky Racers
The Legend of the Ghost Lion
Deja Vu
The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle I and II
Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout
Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular
North & South
Kid Klown in Night Mayor World

Thank you very kindly in advance!

12-17-2013, 11:33 PM
Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout, Snoopy, and Shadowgate are already there, but I can do the others!

---------- Post added at 05:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 PM ----------

Hello, you upload Magical Quest 1,2 and 3, please?

The SNES versions or the GBA versions?

12-18-2013, 12:01 AM
you know I'll just die of laughter if someone did Wacky Racers on PS2. right Ruinner. I mean that game is on dreamcast and PS2 how strange owo, and The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle series is my top fave game, hope to borrow that music soon ^_^

12-18-2013, 01:01 AM
Wow, you were quick with those PS2 Contras! Awesome! :)

Actually, I have one more Konami-related request for now: Haunted Castle ( (aka the early arcade "remake" of the first Castlevania). This was always one of my favorite Castlevania soundtracks, despite the game itself not being as well-known as the console releases (it's also hard as heck, but hey, that's Konami for you, lol).

12-18-2013, 06:37 PM
hey, ruiner9

how about Kono Yo no Hate de Koi o Utau Shōjo YU-NO from PC-98 (not Saturn or any another version, .s98 !)

12-18-2013, 09:25 PM
Howdy! How's things? Excellent! I'm pretty good too. I have some music for ya.

For the NES, there's The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle and Deja Vu. They're both from the same composer (most kemco games are) and so they both have a very jazzy feel to them, and a nice echo effect that sounds cool in stereo. Also, I added Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (FDS Version) to the OP, because I forgot to do that when I uploaded the others!

In the Arcade section, Haunted Castle is there. The music was done by Kenichi Matsubara, who also composed Castlevania 2, so it has a more dancey tempo to it.

On the Dreamcast, since I wasn't sure whether it was being requested or not, is Wacky Racers. :) I couldn't find the composer for this album anywhere, so if anyone knows, please tell me! OK? OK!

An lastly (for now), Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO in the PC-88 section. 5 hours long! And it's pretty good, too!

Have fun with them! :)

12-18-2013, 10:50 PM
Howdy! How's things? Excellent! I'm pretty good too. I have some music for ya.

For the NES, there's The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle and Deja Vu. They're both from the same composer (most kemco games are) and so they both have a very jazzy feel to them, and a nice echo effect that sounds cool in stereo.


Have fun with them! :)

Thank you so much for these! Downloading them as I type.

In case anybody was wondering, Kemco's house composer was Hiroyuki Masuno (though Ryu Hasegawa also composed music for a few of their games). A good serving of Masuno's scores was recently issued on the recent Rom Cassette Disc Kemco set. However, that compilation omitted his wonderfully atmospheric and eerie soundtracks for Kemco's ports of the MacVenture games.

So thank you, thank you, thank you ruiner9 for your great work in the stereo realizations of these brilliant scores!

12-18-2013, 11:59 PM
Thank you so much for these! Downloading them as I type.

In case anybody was wondering, Kemco's house composer was Hiroyuki Masuno (though Ryu Hasegawa also composed music for a few of their games). A good serving of Masuno's scores was recently issued on the recent Rom Cassette Disc Kemco set. However, that compilation omitted his wonderfully atmospheric and eerie soundtracks for Kemco's ports of the MacVenture games.

So thank you, thank you, thank you ruiner9 for your great work in the stereo realizations of these brilliant scores!

Ah, so he was the one who did the Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle and Birthday Blowout soundtracks, as well as The Legend of the Ghost Lion? His work was excellent! I wonder what happened to him and why he left Kemco?

---------- Post added at 04:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 PM ----------

Kaizou Chounin Shubibinman 1 and 2 - The 2nd game was titled Shockman in English territories. Both games' music is pretty different, as they were composed by different artists. The mood is the same, though; Heroic mid-tempo anthems. I like the 2nd game's music a bit more. It had a nice sound driver.

I agree, I love the sound driver in the 2nd game. If only that game made NCS and Winds (the developer) famous. But it didn't.

12-19-2013, 12:25 AM
Ah, so he was the one who did the Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle and Birthday Blowout soundtracks, as well as The Legend of the Ghost Lion? His work was excellent! I wonder what happened to him and why he left Kemco?

He left Kemco in 1998. Since then he seems to have done pretty well; he's still working hard in the industry.

By the way, you can follow Masuno on his Twitter: @HiroyukiMasuno. He doesn't seem to have updated it recently, though.

12-19-2013, 04:03 PM
So, I see you guys like Hiroyuki Masuno. Well, here's some more of his stuff! Newly uploaded are Uninvited, Legend of the Ghost Lion, North & South, and Kid Klown in Night Mayor World. All of them have his signature jazz-inspired keyboard melodies. He was a very prolific composer on the NES.

Two Atlus games join the group, too: Rockin Kats and Wacky Races. (Wacky Races was already there, but it needed updating.)

OK! I think that pretty much clears up the NES requests... I'll do the Mickey Mouse SNES games next, since the requester never got back to me on the choice of system. :P

12-19-2013, 06:35 PM
That didn't take long. The Magical Quest 1, 2, and 3 are now up for you listening pleasure. Expect some whimsical orchestrations, along with a lot of themed cartoony goodness. I didn't even know there was a 3rd game, because it never got released outside of Japan!

So, I'm caught up (except for some slow goings on some PC-88 stuff.) Any more requests?

12-19-2013, 08:52 PM
i have a bunch, but don't worry if you can't get them, haha.

Cool Riders - Arcade
Armed Police Batriders - Arcade

Blue Seed: Kushinada Hirokuden - Saturn
Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1st Impression - Saturn
Greatest Nine '96 - Saturn
J. League Victory Goal '97 - Saturn
Pro Yakyuu Greatest Nine 97 - Saturn
Sega Worldwide Soccer '98 - Saturn
J.League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! - Saturn
Pro Yakyuu Team mo Tsukurou! - Saturn
Pro Yakyuu Greatest Nine 98 - Saturn

Pro Yakyuu Team o Tsukurou! - Dreamcast
JRA PAT for Dreamcast - Dreamcast
Dream Passport 3 - Dreamcast

Ghost Vibration - PS2
Rule of Rose - PS2

FlingSmash - Wii

12-19-2013, 09:15 PM
i have a bunch, but don't worry if you can't get them, haha.

Cool Riders - Arcade
Armed Police Batriders - Arcade

Blue Seed: Kushinada Hirokuden - Saturn
Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1st Impression - Saturn
Greatest Nine '96 - Saturn
J. League Victory Goal '97 - Saturn
Pro Yakyuu Greatest Nine 97 - Saturn
Sega Worldwide Soccer '98 - Saturn
J.League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! - Saturn
Pro Yakyuu Team mo Tsukurou! - Saturn
Pro Yakyuu Greatest Nine 98 - Saturn

Pro Yakyuu Team o Tsukurou! - Dreamcast
JRA PAT for Dreamcast - Dreamcast
Dream Passport 3 - Dreamcast

Ghost Vibration - PS2
Rule of Rose - PS2

FlingSmash - Wii

I shall endeavor to do my best, however some of those are pretty obscure. Armed Police Batrider has already been done. You must have missed it! :)

Also, because I'm bored, I put Comix Zone and Mortal Kombat 1, 2, and 3 in the Genesis section. Comix Zone is really good, and there's about an hour's worth of music to enjoy. And I'm sure most are familiar with the Asian influences of the MK series!


12-19-2013, 09:25 PM
Thanks for Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO, now i can have this beauty on player with me =)

If you're bored enough to try smth else, i suggest Armored Core: Formula Front (either PS2 or PSP)
It was strange title in AC series - instead of fighting, you needed to manage your team of mechas.

Speaking about AC, i shall say that love music from AC1, AC: Masters of Arena (PS1), AC: Nexus, AC: Last Raven (PS2)
All of 'em have OSTs, don't know if there any hidden tracks that were left in games

12-19-2013, 11:39 PM
:zillawalk: oi!, ruiner, I am sill on the run to find that composer of wacky races. on PS2. plus I heard somewhere on youtube. that dreamcast has more music then PS2. I don't know. but I'll keep an eye out for ya :zillawalk:

12-20-2013, 12:30 AM
@ruiner9 ok thanks. but like I said, don't fret if you can't get them, it was more of a suggestion than request haha

PS: I didn't notice you had already put a link up for Armed Police Batrider. but I see that it doesn't have any tags? I'll fix that and upload it later.

12-20-2013, 12:41 AM
So, I see you guys like Hiroyuki Masuno. Well, here's some more of his stuff! Newly uploaded are Uninvited, Legend of the Ghost Lion, North & South, and Kid Klown in Night Mayor World. All of them have his signature jazz-inspired keyboard melodies. He was a very prolific composer on the NES.

Two Atlus games join the group, too: Rockin Kats and Wacky Races. (Wacky Races was already there, but it needed updating.)

OK! I think that pretty much clears up the NES requests... I'll do the Mickey Mouse SNES games next, since the requester never got back to me on the choice of system. :P

Ruiner, you're the best! Great job on these stereo versions.

Also, a big thank you for your upload of Koichi Sugiyama's score to Jesus: Kyōfu no Bio Monster. The music he composed for that game, especially the lovely "Two People in Dream" track, is among the greatest the "big boss" of Japanese video game music ever composed.

Again, a big thanks for all your masterly work!

12-20-2013, 12:46 AM
@ruiner9 ok thanks. but like I said, don't fret if you can't get them, it was more of a suggestion than request haha

PS: I didn't notice you had already put a link up for Armed Police Batrider. but I see that it doesn't have any tags? I'll fix that and upload it later.

Thanks! The rip is actually from the Saturn disc that I have, which is identical to the arcade version but in a higher bitrate. It's some fantastic music.

BTW, I should have Rule of Rose (tagless unfortunately, no OST exists except for a 4 track EP) up in a few hours!

12-20-2013, 12:58 AM
ok here is Armed Police Batrider tagged. (

and don't worry about it being untagged, if I can't find titles for the song, I normally just automate the titles in foobar, so that they are named BGM #01, BGM #02, BGM #03, etc.

12-20-2013, 02:18 AM
OK! Armed Police Batrider has been updated with tags, thanks to dissident93, and Rule of Rose is now in the PS2 section. This is for the classic music lovers out there... it's mostly piano solos and chamber music, with some vocal tracks as well. It's very meloncholy... but then again, so was the game!


12-20-2013, 03:21 AM
Well.... if it's alright, I have a few more requests, mainly SNES-related:

-Kirby's Dreamland 3 (
-Tetris Attack ( (aka Panel de Pon)
-Pocky & Rocky 1 ( and 2 ( (aka Kiki Kaikai in Japan)
-Ganbare Goemon 2, ( 3, ( and 4 (

And..... if possible, a Dreamcast rip of Sonic Adventure? ( Though if you're unable to, that's no problem....

12-20-2013, 04:53 AM
i have a bunch, but don't worry if you can't get them, haha.

Cool Riders - Arcade
Armed Police Batriders - Arcade

Blue Seed: Kushinada Hirokuden - Saturn
Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1st Impression - Saturn
Greatest Nine '96 - Saturn
J. League Victory Goal '97 - Saturn
Pro Yakyuu Greatest Nine 97 - Saturn
Sega Worldwide Soccer '98 - Saturn
J.League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! - Saturn
Pro Yakyuu Team mo Tsukurou! - Saturn
Pro Yakyuu Greatest Nine 98 - Saturn

Pro Yakyuu Team o Tsukurou! - Dreamcast
JRA PAT for Dreamcast - Dreamcast
Dream Passport 3 - Dreamcast

Ghost Vibration - PS2
Rule of Rose - PS2

FlingSmash - Wii

Welp, you've stumped me. The majority of those titles aren't on joshw's site, and for good reason, I guess. I've looked at their disc images and the sound files are either without any extension whatsoever, or in .bin format, which is anybody's guess as to what it might be. The only thing I did discover is that J.League Victory Goal '97 is the JAP version of Sega Worldwide Soccer '97, and that's on his site in mp3 format already. I can host it here, but it seems a bit redundant LOL.

As for MarvelB's requests, those are certainly possible. I'll start work on those in the morning!

12-20-2013, 05:02 AM
so you seem to have the same trouble as me :P (i only request games I can't find or have trouble with).

but thanks for Rule of Rose, at least!

12-20-2013, 07:02 PM
Well, hello again! I'm back with a few goodies for ya, as usual!

We have Gunbare Goemon 2, 3, and 4 on the SNES! Also, the excellent vertical shooters Pocky and Rocky 1 and 2 in SNES! Tetris Attack is there too! Oh my word, we also have Kirby's Dreamland 3! It's MADNESS!

Frankly, these are all super-quality albums. Jun Ishikawa's work on Kirby 3 is phenomenal, the Goemon soundtracks are always top notch, if you've heard the first one, Legend of the Mystical Ninja. And Tetris Attack actually has a lot more music than I though in it!

Oh yeah! Almost forgot.... Sonic Adventure is also up in the Dreamcast section! This is a direct rip from the game, so the songs are titled as on the disc. They're more or less abbreviated versions of where the songs are played during gameplay.

Lots of good stuff today. Happy listening! :)

12-20-2013, 07:12 PM
Hey, what's going on with call of duty finest hour?

12-20-2013, 07:27 PM
Hey, what's going on with call of duty finest hour?

If you can find me a link to download the Xbox image of the game, I can try it. So far, I haven't found it.

12-20-2013, 08:39 PM
Here it is
Call of Duty: Finest Hour ? Xbox Isos ? Downloads @ The Iso Zone (
There may be some weird ads when you click stuff but i checked the download and it works.

12-20-2013, 09:07 PM
Here it is
Call of Duty: Finest Hour ? Xbox Isos ? Downloads @ The Iso Zone (
There may be some weird ads when you click stuff but i checked the download and it works.

Ugh, what a slow download. I'll have to do it when I get home. Thanks! Hopefully I can get something out of this.

12-21-2013, 01:06 PM
So, uut, I tried, and it's just not possible. There's even a page ( listing the file in question that holds the audio, but it's compression keys are unknown. I was able to extract something in the form of a wav file, but it won't play in any player that I have. Sorry!

12-21-2013, 08:04 PM
Excellent new stuff in the OP today!

Today's albums are all from the same composer: Hiroshi Kawaguchi. He worked for Sega starting in the mid 80's, and alongside the classic Outrun series, he also composed the soundtracks for the newly-posted Hang-On, Space Harrier, and Power Drift arcade games. Some may know of Space Harrier's excellent tunes, but Power Drift is the real treat here. You've really gotta download it to see what I mean. On top of that, I've also posted the Saturn version of the game, from the Sega Ages series. It contains arranged versions of the chiptune soundtrack!

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

12-21-2013, 09:37 PM
Thats okay, i knew it probably wouldn't be able to be done but Thanks Anyway!

12-21-2013, 11:24 PM
And how about some more GBA soundtracks? :)

I was thinking in Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak, Disney Pixar Monsters Inc., Disney's Lilo & Stitch, F-Zero Climax and F-Zero GP Legend.

12-21-2013, 11:33 PM
GBA soundtracks are hard to find because they're notoriously hard to rip. And even then, they don't always sound that great. I'll do my best with the requests, I'm just giving you a reasonable expectation of what I can provide. :)

12-21-2013, 11:43 PM
Oh, don't worry, it's perfectly fine for me. :)

12-22-2013, 01:51 AM
Oh man, your work is the best! Another request: Nightshade on NES, please?

12-22-2013, 12:12 PM
I'd like to request Sink or Swim (

12-22-2013, 12:57 PM
So, could you try convert AC: Formula Front from joshw ( %20Core%20-%20Formula%20Front%5d%20(2004-12-12)(From%20Software).7z)?

And Onore (

Also, more classic request - PSX's game Rising Zan (which is kinda awesome one - imagine God Hand alike atmosphere in slasher. Too bad controls are..not the best)

12-22-2013, 08:23 PM
I'd like to request Sink or Swim (

You'll find that under S.O.S.! :)

12-22-2013, 11:09 PM
I have to thank you Ruinner for that ost, ^-^ now. I am going try return the favor for ya

12-22-2013, 11:28 PM
You'll find that under S.O.S.! :)

That seems to be a different game.
I meant this one. (

12-23-2013, 02:24 AM
That seems to be a different game.
I meant this one. (

You mean there's TWO games for the SNES that are BOTH called SOS, and BOTH involve action-puzzling while saving people from a sinking ship? Well that's just confusing! Anyways, the one you requested is uploaded. Enjoy it!

Let's see what else Santa has for you today:

Rising Zan - I remember this one on the PSX. It had some really cool industrial techno, with some western style stuff thrown in in parts. Really enjoyable music.

Onore no Shinzuru Michi wo Yuke - Looks like we have a PSP section now! This one was a PAIN to rip! It's in FMOD Sound Bank format, and there's only like one player that even supports playback. Unfortunately, the music is in a pretty low bitrate, so it's not the greatest sounding. The tunes are phenomenal though!

Armored Core - Formula Front Extreme Battle - WOW! Excellent electronic tunes! I was surprised. This one was also a pain... the music was in proprietary Sony format and it took a bit of research to get it going. I needed two different programs for each of the sound formats! Anyways, I'm learning a lot about ripping PSP stuff, and this soundtrack was totally worth the effort.

F-Zero Climax - This GBA title was the only one I could get from the 4 requests. It sounds really good, though... better than I expected it to. I've got a new custom-made GBA plugin for Winamp which sounds much better than the one normally found. ;)

Nightshade - The one lonely NES album. This was great for me though, because it's written by Marshall Parker, who later went on to write the soundtrack for Shadowrun on the SNES. It's one of my favorite games.

We're getting closer to Christmas... I wonder if there will be any surprises under the OP tree?

12-23-2013, 02:42 AM
You mean there's TWO games for the SNES that are BOTH called SOS, and BOTH involve action-puzzling while saving people from a sinking ship? Well that's just confusing!

And both have awesome soundtracks!

I have another request. (

12-23-2013, 04:52 AM
Holy crap, Rising Zan! I can't believe that I didn't make that request here earlier! I especially love both the Japanese AND US versions of the opening theme! :)

Anyhoo, I woke up this morning and found that I had a most powerful hankerin' for some shmup-type music:

-Rohga ( (aka Wolf Fang. I'd like to request the Saturn/PS1 port in particular since it also has an arranged soundtrack)

-Skull Fang ( (Like with Wolf Fang, I'm requesting the Saturn version as it also has an arranged OST)

-Thunder Zone ( (AKA Desert Assault overseas)

-Cybernator ( (aka Assault Suits Valken)

-Gynoug ( (aka Wings of Wor)

-Imperium ( (aka Kidou Soukou Dion)

-Devestator (

-Android Assault: The Revenge of Bari-arm ( (or just Bari-arm in Japan)

-And finally, Spriggan ( and Spriggan Mark 2. (

And that makes up my little Christmas list! ;)

12-23-2013, 05:42 AM
I've got a new custom-made GBA plugin for Winamp which sounds much better than the one normally found. ;)

what's the name of this plugin?

12-23-2013, 11:50 AM
F-Zero Climax - This GBA title was the only one I could get from the 4 requests. It sounds really good, though... better than I expected it to. I've got a new custom-made GBA plugin for Winamp which sounds much better than the one normally found. ;)

Oh well, thanks a lot anyways. :)
Sounds really good!

12-23-2013, 12:10 PM
what's the name of this plugin?

Check your PMs!

12-23-2013, 02:40 PM
thank you very much ruiner9!

---------- Post added at 07:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 AM ----------

though i didnt find this from official ost Historic FF Armored Core Formula Front Official Sound Track #03: INJECT THE RIGHT TRACKS - YouTube (
maybe it was in PS2 version, i dont know

12-23-2013, 03:06 PM
thank you very much ruiner9!

---------- Post added at 07:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 AM ----------

though i didnt find this from official ost Historic FF Armored Core Formula Front Official Sound Track #03: INJECT THE RIGHT TRACKS - YouTube (
maybe it was in PS2 version, i dont know

I'm not sure. I can tell you that that was every track on the PSP disc. I matched up the number of tracks and everything!

12-23-2013, 03:08 PM
Great job! Thank you ruiner9.

12-23-2013, 05:45 PM
I'm not sure. I can tell you that that was every track on the PSP disc. I matched up the number of tracks and everything!

Well, Japanese can put tracks you never heard in game on their OSTs :)

By the way there is article about Onore here (

12-23-2013, 06:23 PM
By the way there is article about Onore here (

I came across that page while looking for composer information. It looks really cool! I think I'll see if I can find it to play.

Here are the non-CD based requests. I need to be home to do the CD requests because I don't have software on this machine to mount images.

On the arcade, there's Thunder Zone. This one is great. It's like a Genesis on steroids producing kickass rock music. I'm gonna listen to this one on the way home.

And 3 SNES albums:

Cybernator - By Masanao Akahori, who also did Brain Lord and Nosferatu, two other albums which I've posted in the past and are very good. This one's a bit more of an action soundtrack, though. Reminds me a bit of... Axelay? Maybe?

Imperium - This one is cool. It uses the same sound driver as Darius Twin, one of my all-time favorite soundtracks, so it was cool to see it used by a different composer. Just think abut lots of 80's screamy guitars, and you know what this sounds like.

Illusion of Gaia - On the longer side, being an RPG, there's a lot of nicely orchestrated pieces in this one. It's nice background music while you're working!

OK, that's it for now. I'm super bored today so I may pick a few more selections to post soon. Peace out!

12-24-2013, 03:35 PM
Wow, BIG things happening today! First, the requests... then later on, my Christmas present to all of you! It's pretty rad. :)

Starting off on the Genesis, wolves. Namely, the hard, gritty rock of Wolverine: Adamantium Rage. And, the slightly less gritty (but still awesome) Wolfchild. Next, as a Twitter request from the YouTube guys @HeadacheHeroes, we have MUSHA, which is so awesome that I can't believe I forgot to post it earlier!

Also, if you do the Twitter thing, you can follow me at @ruiner9. I'll probably start tweeting when I do updates and such, if enough people are interested.

Now.... the CD requests. MarvelB, I was worried I'd have to let you down in a few spots, but my game searching skills prevailed, and I got it all! Skull Fang and Wolf Fang on the Saturn, and Seirei Senshi Spriggan and Spriggan Mark 2 on the PCE CD are up! The Sega CD games are forthcoming... I had to open a new MEGA account because I'm already using 45gb of my 50gb limit. :-O (I also need lots of space for the Christmas present.)

Enjoy your goodies! I'll have more later tonight or on Christmas morning, depending on how chaotic my family gets tonight! :)

Nitros Steele
12-24-2013, 07:44 PM
Do you think that you could do Irem's Metal Storm (NES) and Konami's Metal Warriors (SNES)? While there are some others that I could request, I feel that these two need some coverage especially since these tend to be hard to find (mp3-wise, at least).

12-24-2013, 08:28 PM
Do you think that you could do Irem's Metal Storm (NES) and Konami's Metal Warriors (SNES)? While there are some others that I could request, I feel that these two need some coverage especially since these tend to be hard to find (mp3-wise, at least).

Sure thing!

But first.... I have a little surprise. Ok, wait, not yet... FIRST, I have the Sega CD stuff... Devastator and Android Assault.

Ok, NOW comes the surprise.

The Wii section is now open for business!

I've been working on a few hard-to-find albums, and these things aren't that easy to rip and maintain the quality that I try to be known for... but I figured out the right method and they sound fantastic. So, we have:

Castlevania - The Adventure ReBirth - This WiiWare game collects some really high-quality versions of Castlevania tracks from other systems. Some are arranged. It makes a great OST.

Castlevania Judgement - OK, so this Wii attempt at a fighting game totally sucked, and that's why the amazing soundtrack was overlooked. If you're a fan of the Belmonts and haven't tried it, grab it!

Mario Kart Wii - Do the rest of the Nintendo games even need introduction?

Mario Party 8 - Some of these songs seem like they cut off at the end, but that's the way they are in the game. The minigames stop abruptly with a whistle, so it sounds awkward in the game file. However, I was floored by this music. It's sooooo much better than I thought it was.

Super Mario Galaxy - Ohhhhh yeaaahhhh. Celestial tunes and catchy hooks. And now, totally uncut, unlike the lame official OST.

Super Paper Mario - This one is hard to find, and it's got a lot of eclectic stuff in it. Something for everyone!

Wii Music - I maybe played this game for about an hour, realized that Miyamoto was probably trolling us, and didn't pick it back up. At least we have the music to listen to!

Wii Play Motion - A mediocre game with a lot of cool tunes.

Wii Sports - The original! If you own a Wii, you've played the crap out of this game, and probably have the music memorized without even knowing it!

Wii Sports Resort - My favorite Wii 1st party title. I love archery! This brought back good memories.

Well guys, I hope my little Christmas gift brings your ears some joy. I just wanted to thank everyone for introducing me to a lot of cool music, and being a generally cool bunch of guys! Here's to another year of crazy video game music!


12-24-2013, 09:38 PM
Cheers for getting all my requests done, in addition to all the Wii stuff! I really must find some way to repay you sometime! Until then, happy holidays!! :)

12-25-2013, 01:32 AM
Wow Dude, every time I come back here you got something new and awesome to offer! Another request: Batman Begins for PS2/XBOX and Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands for PSP?

Oh and Kings Quest V on NES please!

And Patchwork Heroes for PSP!

12-25-2013, 02:34 AM
More 3DO rips maybe?

12-25-2013, 03:18 AM
Hey man could you get some music from the Jikkyo Powerful Pro Series (known as Power Pro in America) for me. If you don't know what it is it's basically a Japan-only baseball series made by Konami that is very arcade-like and is one of the longest running series in Japan. I've been interested in checking out the music for this series once i found out Konami made them, but can't find any gamerips for it.

Here's the games I want you to rip:
Jikkyo Powerful Pro Baseball 94 (Super Famicon)
Jikkyo Powerful Pro Baseball 2 & 3 (Also Super Famicon)
Jikkyo Powerful Pro Baseball 4-6 (All on the N64)
Jikkyo Powerful Pro Baseball 7-15 (Either on PS2 or Gamecube for a couple)

Here's a couple of Arcade soundtracks you could also check out:
1. Dashin' Desperadoes (Data East Game)
2. Darwin 4078 (Data East)
3. BreakThru (Data East)
4. Karnov (Data East)
5. Spinmaster (Data East)
6. Gunforce (Irem)
7. Air Inferno (Taito)
8. Volfied (Tatio)
9. Violence Fight (Taito)
10. Gekirindan (Taito)
11. Operation Wolf 3 (Taito)
12. Elevator Actions Returns (Taito)
13. Kaiser Knuckle (aka Global Champion)(Taito)
14. Dungeon Magic (Taito)
15. Super Chase: Criminal Termination (Taito)

That's all the requests I'll give you for now since you'll be busy looking for these for awhile.
P.S - It's be cool to see you post some Amiga music if you could.

12-25-2013, 05:36 AM
Wow Dude, every time I come back here you got something new and awesome to offer! Another request: Batman Begins for PS2/XBOX and Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands for PSP?

Oh and Kings Quest V on NES please!

And Patchwork Heroes for PSP!

More 3DO rips maybe?

Hey man could you get some music from the Jikkyo Powerful Pro Series (known as Power Pro in America) for me. If you don't know what it is it's basically a Japan-only baseball series made by Konami that is very arcade-like and is one of the longest running series in Japan. I've been interested in checking out the music for this series once i found out Konami made them, but can't find any gamerips for it.

Here's the games I want you to rip:
Jikkyo Powerful Pro Baseball 94 (Super Famicon)
Jikkyo Powerful Pro Baseball 2 & 3 (Also Super Famicon)
Jikkyo Powerful Pro Baseball 4-6 (All on the N64)
Jikkyo Powerful Pro Baseball 7-15 (Either on PS2 or Gamecube for a couple)

Here's a couple of Arcade soundtracks you could also check out:
1. Dashin' Desperadoes (Data East Game)
2. Darwin 4078 (Data East)
3. BreakThru (Data East)
4. Karnov (Data East)
5. Spinmaster (Data East)
6. Gunforce (Irem)
7. Air Inferno (Taito)
8. Volfied (Tatio)
9. Violence Fight (Taito)
10. Gekirindan (Taito)
11. Operation Wolf 3 (Taito)
12. Elevator Actions Returns (Taito)
13. Kaiser Knuckle (aka Global Champion)(Taito)
14. Dungeon Magic (Taito)
15. Super Chase: Criminal Termination (Taito)

That's all the requests I'll give you for now since you'll be busy looking for these for awhile.
P.S - It's be cool to see you post some Amiga music if you could.


12-25-2013, 07:06 AM
O__O whoa whoa! Ruinner just fainted X_X oh my goodness!

12-25-2013, 10:39 AM
I am the most humble. :)

12-25-2013, 12:06 PM
Well, I have the week off of work until the New Year, so this is the best time for lots of requests!

But I'm going to say "no more new ones until I'm caught up!" :)

12-25-2013, 07:16 PM
Yay, Wii section! Thanks ruiner9, you're awesome! :D
Now only Gamecube left. xD

12-25-2013, 08:22 PM
Yay, Wii section! Thanks ruiner9, you're awesome! :D
Now only Gamecube left. xD

Maybe next Christmas. ;)

12-25-2013, 08:45 PM
M.U.S.H.A. and Skull Fang are awesome, thank you! Have a nice holiday!

12-26-2013, 08:45 PM
Hiya! Hope everyone had a great day yesterday! I got an Ouya Special Edition! It's pretty cool so far. The emulators are amazing.

So, here are some albums for ya!

On the NES, we've got Metal Storm. It's kind of minimalist stuff, nothing fancy. But some of the tracks are pretty cool.

A few on the SNES - Metal Warriors, which has the fastest, most constant baseline of any soundtrack I've ever heard, and Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball '94 and 3, which are the only two JPP games I can find the soundtracks to ANYHWERE.

Also, Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time for the PSP. This is a direct rip from the disc, so there are music pieces as well as some ambient desert noise tracks, too.

Lastly, Patchwork Heroes for the PSP. Wow, this has some really cool tunes! The theme song is incredibly catchy, and the rest of it sounds like a cross between a carnival and a military drill band. This one's a recommended download for sure.

Up next: Arcade requests! There are a lot, and I already have a bunch in the works, but I'm not sure I can get them all. We shall see, though!

12-28-2013, 01:27 AM
It's Arcade Day!

So, here's what I have for the requests so far... the other arcade titles might take a bit of work, if they're even do-able at all.

Air Inferno
Darwin 4078
Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (What a mouthfull!)
Operation Wolf 3
Violence Fight

Most of them (with the exception of Op Wolf 3) are very short, with Volfied clocking in at under 2 minutes! There are some cool old-school titles here, so check them out.

Also, one NES entry, King's Quest V. There's a fair amount of music, and it has mostly a medieval feel to it. If you liked the soundtrack to Equinox, you may enjoy this one too.

Have fun with 'em!

12-28-2013, 02:56 AM
Thank you for introducing me to Tim Follin's work. This man is a genius!

12-28-2013, 11:35 AM
by the way i suggest you checking PS1's Armored Core trilogy when you'll have free time cause it has similar electronica to Formula Front you've ripped

12-28-2013, 10:24 PM
Great Music Of N64: Pok�mon Snap, Snowboard Kids, Snowboard Kids 2. Can they be added?

Warning: USF stuff may be low or very low frequency. Maybe a high quality and high frequency recording could be done and custom-made.

Windows XP Sound Recorder?... It was used in the Mission THINK music set that I did.

12-28-2013, 10:32 PM
The N64 rips I've done so far sound pretty good. I'll try your requests and see how it turns out. Unfortunately my PC doesn't have the proper sound capture hardware to do line-out recordings.

12-29-2013, 07:35 AM
Hello, again, Ruiner, nice to see you, again! :D I managed to get my hands on the whole Soundtrack to Brave Prove, but, I still want to thank you for trying, sir!! xD
Now, I have a PS2 request for you, hopefully you can manage to get the audio from this. The Name of the Game is called "Maximo vs. Army of Zin".
Good luck on this one, Ruiner!!! :)

12-29-2013, 10:19 AM
Nice thread ruiner9.
P.S. Devilish, not Devlish.

Trunks Briefs
12-29-2013, 02:37 PM
I like to request music to the sega genesis version of back to the future part iii please

12-29-2013, 05:40 PM
I like to request music to the sega genesis version of back to the future part iii please

That game isn't rippable, it seems :(

But what I DO have today, is some N64 goodies! They're USF rips, but to me they sound fantastic... I'll let you be the judge. Go grab Snowboard Kids 1 &2 and Pokemon Snap in the OP!

12-29-2013, 06:22 PM
Sorry if these are too many. ^^''
I know some might not be rippable, but it would be great if you tried to do as many as possible. :)

From GBA:

WarioWare Inc Minigame Mania
Pokemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire
Mario Power Tennis
Wario Land 4

From GB:

Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land

Thanks in advance!

Mario Kart Super Circuit - FULFILLED
Donkey Kong Country - FULFILLED
Pokemon Pinball - FULFILLED
Pocket Bomberman - FULFILLED
Bomberman Tournament - FULFILLED
Donald Duck Advance - FULFILLED
Super Mario Ball / Mario Pinball Land- FULFILLED

12-29-2013, 07:05 PM
I have two quick requests to you Ruinner, mind doing Scooby-Doo! Classic Creep Capers on N64 and shaman king master of sprite 2, I'll PM you a code for the GBA that unlocks the sound test for you just let me know. and just wanted a late holiday gifts from you ;p

12-29-2013, 07:45 PM
Here's more arcade requests for you (btw did you manage to get the rest of the arcade games i requested in my last post)

1. Strider 2 (Capcom)
2. Tech Romancer (Capcom)
3. The Punisher Arcade Game (Capcom)
4. Three Wonders (Capcom)
5. Trojan (Capcom)
6. Last Duel (Capcom)
7. Led Storm (aka Mad Gear)(Capcom)
8. Magic Sword (Capcom)
9. Mega Twins (Arcade or PCE Version)(Capcom)
10. Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (aka Pocket Fighter in Japan)(Capcom)
11. Power Stone 1 & 2
12. Puzz Loop 2 (Capcom)
13. Quiz Nanairo Dreams (Capcom)
14. Warriors of Fate
15. Vulgus

Other Games
1. All of the TwinBee Games
2. Alundra 1 & 2
3. Jade Cocoon
4. Mitsumete Knight
5. All the Parodius Games (Konami Series)

Trunks Briefs
12-29-2013, 09:22 PM
That game isn't rippable, it seems :(

But what I DO have today, is some N64 goodies! They're USF rips, but to me they sound fantastic... I'll let you be the judge. Go grab Snowboard Kids 1 &2 and Pokemon Snap in the OP!

Oh crap that sucks >.<

Well I got another one can you please do a rip of GBA'S Tomato Adventure ?

12-30-2013, 02:16 AM
Hey ruiner9, can you do the original NES version of A Boy and his Blob? Also, Harvest Moon and SimCity on the SNES?

12-30-2013, 04:48 PM
OK, wow, you guys are totally overwhelming me here. I politely asked for no more requests till I was caught up.... I've got a lot of family holiday stuff going on until New Year's Day so I'm really not going to have the time to get to do much until after then.

Size123, The arcade titles I posted were the ones I could rip easily... any of the others will need to be done manually, and could take many hours apiece. I'll try my best, but I'm not sure I can do too many of them. And there's, um, like 13 Parodius games. So I'll get a few. But not all. Any particular ones you want?

Eliskuya2, the source music files for Scooby Doo and Shaman aren't made yet, so I can't do those. I can't rip music from a sound test... it'll honestly sound really horrible from an emulator.

Trunks Briefs, yes, I can do Tomato Adventure... eventually! There's a lot I have to catch up on. So stay tuned.

SevenX, yes. NES and SNES are easy as pie. I'll have those within a few days.

So bear with me guys, I'll be back in the groove soon!

12-30-2013, 07:21 PM
oh I am totally sorry Ruinner, :( and you know project N64 has a built in MP3 ripper. if you did not know that, gosh new years is almost here, its going be a blast ^0^

12-30-2013, 07:25 PM
Yikes, sorry ruiner9! Didn't read that post :(

12-30-2013, 11:12 PM
I'm very sorry also. I should have read the posts more carefully.

12-31-2013, 01:04 AM
Didn't realize you were not done with requests yet so sorry for requesting more stuff. The Games in the Parodius series I want you to rip are Sexy Parodius, Jikkyō Oshaberi Parodius, Gokujō Parodius! ~Kako no Eikō o Motomete~, Parodius Da! -Shinwa kara Owarai e-, Parodius - Tako wa Chikyū o Sukū and forget about getting the rest of them.

Trunks Briefs
12-31-2013, 01:18 AM
I must've overlooked it I'm sorry.

12-31-2013, 03:15 AM
You still rock dude! Enjoy our new years family stuff!

12-31-2013, 06:29 PM
So, turns out that only a couple hours after my last post, I came down with a really nasty stomach virus. So much for my New Year's plans! Since my wife has quarantined me to the den (full of video games and music, shucks!) to recover, I've had some time to do some requests, and play some of the Wii U games I got for Christmas.

What I decided was, I'm just going to grab all the source music from the 30+ requests I had (yikes) and do them alphabetically. So here's what's up today:

On the NES, A Boy and His Blob. A quick easy rip, only about 6 minutes of music. It's got some good tracks!

Then there's Alundra 1 & 2 on the PSX. This is mostly synthesized symphonic music, with some regular synths thrown in here and there. Some vocal tracks, too!

Bomberman Tournament for the GBA is up, which is some really excellent work from Jun Chikuma, who made the SNES and Saturn soundtracks.

Chiki Chiki Boys or Mega Twins in up for the PCE CD/ TG16. It's an arranged version of the arcade soundtrack, and it's pretty jazzy. I like it.

And lastly, Donald Duck Advance. Now, because this is streamed GBA music, it sounds pretty bad. It doesn't even sound that good coming straight out of a GBA itself. Hopefully someone out there appreciates it!

Well, I may have more later, depending on how long I sleep for. This stomach thing has knocked me out.


12-31-2013, 09:07 PM
PS2.... you tempt me.... you tempt me SO... I have been saving this for this moment! So can you do:

-Super Robot Wars Z (PS2)
The OST is a bit over four hours long, where as gamerip clocks about 5:18 hours... Sweet.

ALSO.... RULE OF ROSE??? Amazing. I have PAL and NTSC hardcopy of it. :)

01-01-2014, 06:46 PM
-Super Robot Wars Z (PS2)
The OST is a bit over four hours long, where as gamerip clocks about 5:18 hours... Sweet.

You're crazy, dude. :) I've added it to my queue! Who even has time to listen to these straight through? I've done Mother 3 soundtrack sessions in my car, and at 6 hours long, it still takes me 4 days of travelling to and from work to hear it all.

Anyways, here's a few goodies for the New Year. Shake off the hangovers and grab 'em!


Last Duel - An older arcade game with some simple but unique tunes. I like the jazziness of "Frozen Route."
Mad Gear (Led Storm) - Really cool stuff. "Net Wood Forest" just ROCKS. I'm gonna give this one a bunch of listens.


Mario Kart Super Circuit - I think I had this one up at one point, but took it down as it didn't sound that great. The new gsf decoder makes it sound a bit better, plus my mp3 encoding skills have helped it a bit too. So, if you have one from me for this game already, re-download it and compare!


Donkey Kong Country - This has a lot of tracks from the original DKL tracks, plus some originals. David Wise is at the helm, of course.


Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius - Excellent, excellent stuff. Parodius started with mostly public-domain classical music, but then branched off into remixes of Konami classics and sometimes even pop songs. This one is one of Konami Kukeiha Club's finest soundtracks, I think.


Jade Cocoon - Man, I've never played this game before, but from the tracks I've sampled, this is really melancholy, sad stuff. Not great to listen to when you're sick and stuck in your den alone on New Year's Eve night. Anyways, it's well-produced, so there's that. LOL

OK guys, that's it for now! Enjoy!

01-01-2014, 11:07 PM
Good work on your soundtracks, ruiner9, but I do not now nor will I ever believe in this quote and rule because anyone who likes what I cannot stand is my enemy:
"If you repeatedly criticize someone for liking something you don't, they won't stop liking it. They'll stop liking you."

01-01-2014, 11:13 PM
The way I interpret it is, if somebody's going to start posting in my thread about how line-out rips are so much better than vgm rips, it's not going to make me dislike vgms. It's just going to make me dislike the poster.

01-02-2014, 12:50 AM

Dude that seems like a petty reason to dislike someone just because they like something you strongly dislike. (If that's what you meant by that statement). I also mostly agree with what ruiner9 is saying but, I think it also depends on your attitude toward that person when you criticize them for the thing they like. Being a asshole is going to make people hate you a lot more then if you politely disagree with them.

01-02-2014, 01:17 AM
Obviously it depends on the situation in real life... for instance, my wife really likes rap music, and I really really don't. It didn't keep us apart, though. The quote is more in the context of internet trolls who will pop into forums and go on and on about how the OP is wrong for having certain opinions and their own opinion is the only right one. I see it happen all over the place, and it's even happened a few times in this thread. I leave the signature there as a warning to other trolls that may want to stop by and waste their time with me. :)

01-02-2014, 09:16 PM


Mario Pinball Land - There's a nice variety in this one, due to the many different landscapes you can pin your ball in. This is one of my favorite GBA titles.


Mitsumite Knight - Here's a large collection of classical music of all types... symphonic, chamber, etc... It sounds really nice for being sequenced pieces!


Parodius - OK, I stuck this one under the PC-88 section, which is now the PC-88/ MSX section. Yes, I know they don't have a lot in common, except that they're both Japanese gaming computers that I don't know much about, but can appreciate. :P


Harvest Moon - Is this cartridge really expensive in the states? I remember when I was working at GameStop back when the PSOne was new, this game was already selling for over $100. Anyways, the music is like one giant collection of RPG town melodies. If you like that kind of music, this is for you!

Gokujyo Parodius - There's some different takes on game music here, as well as some quirky remakes of other classical tunes. It's not as awesome as the Saturn version, but still pretty good.

OK, that's all I got for this update. Now go do a barrel roll! :)

01-02-2014, 10:56 PM
Thanks ruiner9. I'm not sure if Harvest Moon is expensive or not but I don't remember ever seeing the game when I was a kid. It might be rare. I didnt get into it until they put it up on the Wii VC. I've tried a lot of the other games in the series since but they don't really do it for me. There is something about the first one though. Maybe it is the music. I does sound like a bunch of RPG town melodies now that you mention it.

01-03-2014, 03:27 AM
Some good uploads lately.

Oh, adding MSX games too huh? When you aren't so swamped I'll definitely have some MSX requests in the future.

01-03-2014, 03:37 AM
Hey how about Batman Begins on ps2?

01-03-2014, 04:16 AM
Hey how about Batman Begins on ps2?

Somebody already requested that. I looked into it and it's not rippable... the audio is in an unknown format.

Trunks Briefs
01-03-2014, 05:31 AM
OK, wow, you guys are totally overwhelming me here. I politely asked for no more requests till I was caught up.... I've got a lot of family holiday stuff going on until New Year's Day so I'm really not going to have the time to get to do much until after then.

Size123, The arcade titles I posted were the ones I could rip easily... any of the others will need to be done manually, and could take many hours apiece. I'll try my best, but I'm not sure I can do too many of them. And there's, um, like 13 Parodius games. So I'll get a few. But not all. Any particular ones you want?

Eliskuya2, the source music files for Scooby Doo and Shaman aren't made yet, so I can't do those. I can't rip music from a sound test... it'll honestly sound really horrible from an emulator.

Trunks Briefs, yes, I can do Tomato Adventure... eventually! There's a lot I have to catch up on. So stay tuned.

SevenX, yes. NES and SNES are easy as pie. I'll have those within a few days.

So bear with me guys, I'll be back in the groove soon!

Cool thank you ruiner9 looking forward for it on the update =)

01-03-2014, 11:18 PM
*The last soundtrack is in captivity.*
*The universe is at peace*

OK guys, quick hit and run, here's what's new in the OP!

On the Gameboy, two popular titles: Pocket Bomberman and Pokemon Pinball!

For Dreamcast, Power Stone 1 & 2! If you're gonna get one or the other, get the 2nd one... it's much longer and has a lot of the same themes from the first one.

In the Playstation section, Sexy Parodius! Expect cat sounds and more crazy renditions of public domain music!

And for the arcade. Parodius DA! um... more cat sounds, probably. And definitely more PD music.

OK..... gotta shoot off to Brinstar now.... ZOOOOM!

01-04-2014, 02:04 AM
Happy belated New Year, ruiner9! Hope you enjoyed your holiday! ;) If it's no trouble, I'd like to make my first few requests of the new year:

-Both the arcade version of Contra ( and its sequel (

-The original House of the Dead ( (either the arcade or Saturn version is okay with me, I don't really care)

And one DS request, seeing as that section is particularly lacking at the moment:

-Ganbare Goemon DS ( (I'll spare you the game's overly long subtitle, lol)

Thanks in advance if you're able to get any of these! :)

01-04-2014, 09:53 PM
Thanks for the soundtracks you uploaded so far! Can't wait to hear the rest. :)

I also edited my post and marked the fulfilled ones. Here's what's left:

From GBA:

WarioWare Inc Minigame Mania / Mega Microgames
Pokemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire
Mario Power Tennis
Wario Land 4

From GB:

Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land

Thanks again!

01-05-2014, 03:32 PM
*The soundtracks have been kidnapped by ninjas!
Are you a Bad enough Dude to listen to them?*

Alright, peeps! Here's the day's loot!


Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix - Some playful fighting tunes composed by some of the members of the Street Fighter soundtrack team.
Strider 2 - Action/ dancy goodness on a Yamaha synth, with copious instrument samples.
The Punisher - More music from the Street Fighter team... see if you can pick out hints of Bison's theme and Sagat's theme along the way!


House of the Dead - Guitars! Dance beats! Zombies! You can't go wrong!


Super Robot Wars Z - 5 hours. A good 5 hours, but yeah, 5 hours.

I'm going to have start pulling down some of the real long and obscure Japanese soundtracks in order to make room for stuff, so if there's anything over 300mb you've been waiting to grab, please get it within the next couple of days. I've only got like 3gb of storage left!

Also, MagnetMan34, of your remaining requests, Wario Land 3 and 4 are the only ones available. Like I said, most GBA games haven't been converted to their source music files yet, so I can only do what's been done so far. I'll have those up probably tomorrow!

I'll have at least Tomato Adventure, Sim City, and Trojan up later... possibly a few more.

Enjoy! :)

01-05-2014, 04:16 PM
Convert the Joy Mech Fight soundtrack into STEREO. And speaking of GBA games, convert these:

Densetsu no Starfy 1, 2, and 3
Magical Vacation
Rhythm Tengoku
Kuru Kuru Kururin
Kururin Paradise

For DS games, convert these:

Kousoku Card Battle: Card Hero
Kurikin: Nano Island Story
Touch Panic

01-05-2014, 04:34 PM
I'm going to have start pulling down some of the real long and obscure Japanese soundtracks in order to make room for stuff, so if there's anything over 300mb you've been waiting to grab, please get it within the next couple of days. I've only got like 3gb of storage left!

Could you warn us what exactly you are going to erase?

01-05-2014, 05:14 PM
I'll go by two simple rules so far: if the soundtrack's name is in Japanese, and if the file size is 275mb or greater, then I'll take it down. There shouldn't be too many, but it should free up at least a GB or two.

---------- Post added at 11:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 AM ----------

Convert the Joy Mech Fight soundtrack into STEREO. And speaking of GBA games, convert these:

Densetsu no Starfy 1, 2, and 3
Magical Vacation
Rhythm Tengoku
Kuru Kuru Kururin
Kururin Paradise

For DS games, convert these:

Kousoku Card Battle: Card Hero
Kurikin: Nano Island Story
Touch Panic

I can do Joy Mech Fight and Kuru Kuru Kururin, the rest aren't available. I'll add them to my queue!

01-05-2014, 05:31 PM
Kousoku Card Battle Card Hero is available as 2sf. Just checked it.

01-05-2014, 05:47 PM
Ha! I accidentally checked .dsf. Cuz, you know. DS. But that's the Dreamcast area. Thanks!

01-05-2014, 06:21 PM
I meant you do smth "hey guys i'm gonna delete TITLE you have some time to get it"

01-05-2014, 06:40 PM
I meant you do smth "hey guys i'm gonna delete TITLE you have some time to get it"

OK, these are the titles I just selected to go on Tuesday evening, Eastern Standard Time. Grab 'em while they're hot.


01-05-2014, 10:23 PM
More Arcade Goodness:

1. Aurail (Published by Sega)
2. Wrestle War (Sega)
3. Dynamite Dux (Sega)
4. Teddy Bear (Sega)
5. Wing War (Sega)
6. Sega Rally 3
7. Ghost Squad & Ghost Squad: Evolution (Sega)
8. Virtua Cop 3 (Sega)
9. Beast Busters (SNK)
10. Gang Wars (SNK)
11. The Next Space
12. SAR: Search and Rescue (SNK)
13. Ikari III - The Rescue (SNK)
14. Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (SNK)

Other Games:
Metal Max Series:
1. Metal Max Returns (Remake of Metal Max 1 for NES)
2. Metal Max 3 (Nintendo DS)
3. Metal Saga: Season of Steel (Nintendo DS)
4. Metal Saga: Sajin no Kusari (PS2)
5. Metal Max 2 (Any Version is fine)
Nobunaga's Ambition Series:
6. Nobunaga no Yabō: Sengoku Gun'yūden (Sega Saturn or Playstation Version)(Koei)
7. Nobunaga no Yabō: Kakushin (Wii or PS2 Version)(Koei)
8. Nobunaga no Yabō: Tenka Sōsei (PS2 Port)(Koei)
9. Nobunaga no Yabō: Sōtenroku (PS2 Port)(Koei)
10. Nobunaga no Yabō: Ranseiki (PS2 or XBOX Version)(Koei)

01-06-2014, 03:21 AM
And here is a little note: Quinty's soundtrack has a song that is slightly different compared to Mendal Palace's. And the Wolf Fang (Saturn) soundtrack you uploaded has the first couple of seconds of each track removed.

For other platforms, here are my suggestions for you to add to your queue:


Air Duel
Geo Storm
Seibu Cup Soccer (
Big Fight: Big Trouble in the Atlantic Ocean
Legionnaire (
Zero Team
China Gate
Susume! Mile Smile


Eggerland: Meikyū no Fukkatsu
Eggerland: Sōzōhe no Tabidachi
Reigen Dōshi


Astro Rabby
Vattle Giuce
Chikyū Kaihō Gun ZAS (make sure it is at its best sound. It's difficult for sound emulators to make it sound as good as this (
Chalvo 55: Super Puzzle Action
Mole Mania
Balloon Fight GB
Lolo's Great Adventure
Revenge of the Gator


Nonono Puzzle Chailian
Custom Robo GX
Sakura Momoko no Ukiuki Carnival
Sennen Kazoku


Densetsu no Starfy 4
Densetsu no Starfy Taiketsu! Daīru Kaizokudan
Fossil Fighters
Fossil Fighters: Champions
Chibi Robo: Park Patrol

PC98 / MSX:

Variable Geo
Variable Geo II
Darwin 4078
Eggerland Mystery
Eggerland 2


Darwin 4081

PCE / TG-16:

Championship Rally
Galaxy Keiji Gayvan

Super NES:

Jerry Boy

01-06-2014, 03:45 AM
54 requests between two people in 5 hours? OK, hold on now... there's a lot of people here who request stuff, and I can't hold their stuff off for like two weeks because you're hogging the queue. I didn't think I'd need to put a "please limit your requests to 10 or less at a time" disclaimer on the OP!

I will take a look at those songs, and get through them along with other peoples' requests, but it's been so crazy that I haven't even been able to share the music that I enjoy.

I guess I'm just trying to say that it's starting to feel more like work, and less like fun, and that's definitely not a good thing. I'd hoped to have some cool conversations with people about composers and music, and not just have lists thrown at me without even a "please" or "I appreciate your work" sentiment thrown in.

I'm working on the 14 albums left in my queue, and once that's done, I may take a few days and post some stuff I've been meaning to since before New Year's. After that, I'll see what I can do with the rest.

Don't go nowhere! I just need to shake off this "burnt out" feeling. :)

01-06-2014, 04:46 AM
most of the stuff people request here can be converted by them, if they only took 15 mins to learn how to work with foobar/winamp and the game plugins. just saying :P

01-06-2014, 05:00 AM
I totally do thank you for all the soundtracks that you have been uploading over the past few months or so. You've uploaded a lot of soundtracks that I've been looking for or haven't had and I do appreciate what you've been doing. I'll definitely par down the number of requests if your's request list is getting too big for ya. Also, I bet most people in this thread do appreciate what you're doing here even if they don't say thanks.
That's why I like what Ruiner9 is doing here and I definitely don't want to go through the tedium of converting all this stuff myself. I have better things to do then spend a lot of my time converting the game files to MP3.

01-06-2014, 05:30 AM
I totally do thank you for all the soundtracks that you have been uploading over the past few months or so. You've uploaded a lot of soundtracks that I've been looking for or haven't had and I do appreciate what you've been doing. I'll definitely par down the number of requests if your's request list is getting too big for ya. Also, I bet most people in this thread do appreciate what you're doing here even if they don't say thanks.
That's why I like what Ruiner9 is doing here and I definitely don't want to go through the tedium of converting all this stuff myself. I have better things to do then spend a lot of my time converting the game files to MP3.

Thanks, size123, I do appreciate that. And I really do enjoy converting the soundtracks, and creating a large set of great tunes that are all labeled the same way, and at the same volume. But I've also got a full time job and a wife and two kids, who are always like "Daddy, why are you always on the computer with your headphones on?" Obviously I can't choose soundtracks over family, so I'm choosing to scale back so I can hang out and play some Wii U with the kiddos after work instead.

dissident93, I hope the little audio touches and the meticulous tagging (when available) make my work shine a little brighter than someone who does it themselves. :)

ProTip: Did you know I also tag publishers? If your audio player supports it, you can sort your playlist by Konami, Capcom, Nintendo, or whatever you like best!

01-06-2014, 08:02 AM
the volume differences for the NES games (and even their tracks) is frustrating...
Some tracks are super loud and others are quiet.

01-06-2014, 11:54 AM
Well, i have smth to say about music i've downloaded from your thread ;)

From Bomberman Tournament, i really liked BGM #09 (really happy and peaceful and comfortable track) and, of course, BGM #02 (crazy powerful variation of Bomberman tune).

Ninja Gaiden III from original NES trilogy has pretty lovely melancholic soundtrack. I was surprised to hear it (i didn't play NG because... well, i'm not NES guy). "Ryu's defeat" and "Into subspace" are my favs here.

M.U.S.H.A. is damn powerful. It's my one of my most favorite Genesis soundtracks now among Gleylancer and Sub-Terrania. My picks for MUSHA are "Armed Armor" (so cool bending notes it has), "Galvanic Gear", "Divine Devise", "For the love of" (especially from 1:08) and "Stratospheric Struggle" (DAT BASS!).

Off-World Interceptor is pretty cool. It was interesting to listen to early Garry Schyman. This work is groovy.

Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO, grab it while it's still here :) I requested this, so what should i say? Very lyric music from cult visual novel/adventure. My fav melody is "Love 2" I also find "Ruins" being very beautiful track.

Battletoads Arcade has catchy melodies despite lo-fi sound.

Jumping Flash! 2 was another req by me, i reccomend everyone "Track 05", which is filled with happyness and colourful breathing of awesomeness <3

Hokkaidou Rensa Satsujin is awesome example of pure melodies. I especially love "8" and "11" from here.

Arcus Odyssey opened my ears for early Motoi Sakuraba. "Pray for victory", "The wicked flame", "Prison", "Castomira - Dragon" are excellent tunes and good examples of Genesis sound chip usage. Not as powerful as Bare Knuckle 3 or Jesper Kyd's works but still.

Chaos Field is awesome breakbeat/techno electronica, full of motion energy.

Street Fighter Alpha is a pleasure to listen to. Funky and soft.

Under Defeat is one of examples of Shinji Hosoe's awesomeness (i love his 999 and ZE:VLR osts and not only em).

Karous can blow away with it's "drumnbass on steroids" sound. "You can fxxk me" starts with high speed ?breakbeat? but transforms into melodic trance. "Sex pervert of a silence" is really crazy. Is it what people call GABBA ? And "Lily in desert" is very beautiful idm piece.

Nijuuei was another request from me. I highly recommend to take a listen because it has wide variety - from crazy acid techno to dark ambient/noise, from atmospheric trip-hop with ethnic elements to chiptune.

Vortex is pretty cool snes title using Super FX chip. My fav track is "Thermis".

Shock Troopers 2nd Squad is lo-fi sampling crazyness. "Promise of 505" blew me away.

Psychic Force is catchy. "Burnin Scape" and "Freezing Point" are most awesome.

Genesis version of Lemmings is not my all-time fav BUT i really dig one track from it. That track is so catchy that it comes to my mind when i'm wandering in the city. It's "Stage Theme 5". So awesome. Ouch.

Sub-Terrania is real masterpiece by Kyd. Especially "Complete (End sequence). Also AWS Pro Moves Soccer has two great tracks by him.

And, of course, everything by Tim Follin. Just run and listen to if u haven't ;)

That's my impressions, guys. Of course i forgot smth. So much goodies here!

01-06-2014, 05:10 PM
That's my impressions, guys. Of course i forgot smth. So much goodies here!

I'm so glad you've discovered a whole bunch of new cool music through my posts! You seem to have similar tastes to me in terms of dark electro and ambient, like in Karous, Shock Troopers, and Jesper Kyd's stuff... do you listen to anything like that outside of game soundtracks?

Got a few updates for now, and maybe a few more later (depends on how busy work is.)


Super Contra - I started off just listening to this on the M1 player because I hadn't heard before, and LOVE Contra music, and ended up ripping the whole thing right then and there. Now because it's from M1 and not a traditional music sourcefile, it may not be as cleanly timed as some of my other stuff. I took the times from the game's OST (which they put some awful reverb on, BTW) and applied it to my tracks, adding 10 seconds for a proper fade out. The game itself has some nice alternate versions of some of the usual themes from the series, and excellent boss music.

Trojan - An older Capcom game, with some simple Yamaha synths and a few catchy melodies.


Tomato Adventure - An action RPG by the guys who eventually made Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. It's got some nice dance tunes, and a lot of your typical RPG music tropes, too.


Sim City - One of the earliest SNES games. While I was ripping it, I noticed how similar it sounded to PilotWings in parts, and that's because they were both composed by Soyo Oka. She started work on this game immediately after finishing the flight-sim's soundtrack, so it's no surprise anymore why they're so alike.

So I added something to the OP that says requests are on hold right now. If you guys have a title or two you're very interested in, and the source file is readily available (ie. I don't have to put hours into researching, cutting, naming etc.), I can honor a few here and there. T this point, I'm going to go through what's been requested so far, play a little catch-up, and post some of my own faves, too.

Enjoy today's new stuff, guys! :)

Trunks Briefs
01-06-2014, 09:13 PM
Thank you so much for my request much appreciated :)

01-07-2014, 12:27 AM
Thank you again. I love the music to the SNES SimCity, and the game. It's my favorite version of all the many releases. I believe it was actually developed by Nintendo and Miyamoto had a hand in it. He was apparently a big fan of the original. It has that old Nintendo magic. I think Soyo Oka went on to make music for Pikmin. It sounds simliar in certain tracks.

01-07-2014, 12:53 AM
Actually Soyo Oka left Nintendo in '94 after Wario's Woods. Hajime Wakai composed the Pikmin soundtrack. The similarities you hear stem from the fact that both studied the music of Koji Kondo and his influences are prevalent in their works.

01-07-2014, 01:17 AM
Doh, a quick google search would have told me for sure. I worry about what Nintendo is going to be like when Miyamoto and Kondo both retire. I'm sure they are doing all they can to make sure the next generation is prepared. I hope they are up for it.

Thanks for the info, and thanks for the great rips.

01-07-2014, 02:07 AM
Doh, a quick google search would have told me for sure. I worry about what Nintendo is going to be like when Miyamoto and Kondo both retire. I'm sure they are doing all they can to make sure the next generation is prepared. I hope they are up for it.

Thanks for the info, and thanks for the great rips.

I think Super Mario 3D World is one of the best games Nintendo has put out in a long time, and Miyamoto didn't work directly on it at all. Kondo was credited in the music section, but I think that's because they revisit the themes that he originally wrote. I'd hate to think of a Nintendo without them, but as long as they can keep the quality up like that, I think they'll be OK.

01-08-2014, 02:48 AM
Hey! I posted some stuff earlier but didn't have time announce it, so here's the quick list:

Vulgus - This arcade game has 15 seconds of music. So... are you trolling me, now? :)

Theta - A Japan-only DS game with music by the electronic artist Esem. It's pretty chill.

Kuru Kuru Kururin - Another Japan-only GBA game with a pretty long soundtrack

Kurikin - Nano Island Story - A DS battle game where you battle your bacteria against other people's bacteria. I guess Nintendo had run out of ideas at some point. Anyways, the music is some nice electronic stuff. I liked it!

Kousoku Card Battle - Card Hero - Another DS battle game with a lot of music. This time it's a little more varied.

Contra - The arcade version! Some familiar tunes here, in YM synth fashion.

Wario Land - SML 3 - Some very Nintendo-style Gameboy music.

Wario Land 4 - I was surprised to see that this had over 2.5 hours of music! It's pretty cool too. It's written by Ryoji Yoshitomi, who contributed to Wario Land 3, and the same feel prevails.

So that's the last of the stuff I can post from 1983parrothead's first batch of requests, except Joy Mech Fight, which I'll have up soon. Then I'll take a look at size123's and parrotbrain's 2nd batch.

In the meantime, I'd like to add to the Wii section. Does anyone have any Wii requests or cool suggestions for PS2 or PSX? I've done so much Japan-only stuff, I'd like to add some US or EUR games for a change.

Enjoy the new releases!

01-08-2014, 04:15 AM
Doh, a quick google search would have told me for sure. I worry about what Nintendo is going to be like when Miyamoto and Kondo both retire. I'm sure they are doing all they can to make sure the next generation is prepared. I hope they are up for it.

Thanks for the info, and thanks for the great rips.
both Miyamoto and Kondo haven't been heavily involved in a project in years, so I don't there would be a huge difference.

@ruiner9: do you mean US/EUR composers or just more games outside japan?

01-08-2014, 04:52 AM
@ruiner9: do you mean US/EUR composers or just more games outside japan?

I meant games that were released for US or EUR audiences, whether they were developed in the East or the West. :)

01-08-2014, 05:06 AM
Anything Metal Gear Solid or Silent Hill would be appreciated :)

01-08-2014, 06:50 AM
I would like Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, I have been looking for it for a while.

01-08-2014, 12:26 PM
Anything Metal Gear Solid or Silent Hill would be appreciated :)

As far as Silent Hill goes, I have all of the OSTs or can do full game-rips. Which do you prefer?

I would like Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, I have been looking for it for a while.

I've uploaded the PSP version of the soundtrack, which is the only one I could find. It's supposedly the best version, though, with 55 tracks and about 90 minutes of audio. It's all cinematic symphonic music very reminiscent of the movies.


01-08-2014, 12:55 PM
Wii games? Hmm... Wii Party has some awesome themes, and Zelda Twilight Princess too. Don't forget Super Mario Galaxy 2 or Super Smash Bros. Brawl either!

And well, Rhythm Heaven Fever, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Mario Strikers Charged Football and Wario Land: Shake It! would be cool additions too. :)

Oh, and btw, the Wario Land soundtrack has some weird noise at the beginning of every track. Same with Wario Land 4. Could that be fixed, please?

01-08-2014, 03:12 PM
the Wario Land soundtrack has some weird noise at the beginning of every track. Same with Wario Land 4. Could that be fixed, please?

Hmm. I don't notice anything when playing them with VLC. What player are you using?

Oh, also, I'm avoiding the real popular Wii titles like Metroid Prime Trilogy and Smash Bros. because they're easily found and SUPER LONG... it's just wasted space on my account. But Wii Party and some of the others are great suggestions!

01-08-2014, 04:23 PM
Oh, fair enough then. I was just giving some suggestions, not really requesting. Glad you liked some of them though! :)

I tried with Windows Media Player and even Winamp, but in both there's the sound. "Palm Tree Paradise" is a good example because it starts with silence, and you can hear the noise clearly.

It's weird because it never happened before. Maybe ripping again could solve it?

01-08-2014, 04:31 PM
4. Teddy Bear (Sega)

Did you mean "Teddy Boy Blues" by Sega? I can't find references to a Sega-made "Teddy Bear" arcade game anywhere.

---------- Post added at 10:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 AM ----------

Oh, fair enough then. I was just giving some suggestions, not really requesting. Glad you liked some of them though! :)

I tried with Windows Media Player and even Winamp, but in both there's the sound. "Palm Tree Paradise" is a good example because it starts with silence, and you can hear the noise clearly.

It's weird because it never happened before. Maybe ripping again could solve it?

I'll take a look at the files in a spectrum analyzer when I get home. It's probably as easy as chopping off the first few miliseconds of each track, but Wario Land 4 has a lot of tracks, so it may take a while. It's odd that it happened on two games from two different systems, though.

01-08-2014, 04:59 PM
Actually, in some songs that won't work, because the song has already started when the noise sounds. Sorry I can't give any useful help, but hope you can fix it. :)

01-08-2014, 06:15 PM
I'm just as surprised as you to find out how short the Vulgus soundtrack is. Most of these arcade games I'm suggesting I don't know how long they are so you might get super short ones like the Vulgus one. The Teddy Boy Blues soundtrack is the one I'm looking for.

01-08-2014, 06:39 PM
Actually, in some songs that won't work, because the song has already started when the noise sounds. Sorry I can't give any useful help, but hope you can fix it. :)

I converted these two on my work PC, so I'll try it at home (even though my setups are almost identical) and see if there's a difference in the beginnings. I did notice a tiny glitch in a few tracks (VLC is infamous for cutting off a few miliseconds on the beginning and end of audio files it seems) so I'm getting closer to figuring it out.

I'm just as surprised as you to find out how short the Vulgus soundtrack is. Most of these arcade games I'm suggesting I don't know how long they are so you might get super short ones like the Vulgus one. The Teddy Boy Blues soundtrack is the one I'm looking for.

Ok, I was wondering what that was all about! :) I can do a fair share of your requests, but not all. They're in the queue!

01-08-2014, 08:14 PM
Full gamerips of Silent Hill (especially SH 2) would be killer. There are so many fantastic tracks missing from the official osts

01-08-2014, 09:02 PM
Two new albums are up in the Wii section! Say hello to Mario Strikers: Charged and Mario Super Sluggers! A little Mushroom Kingdom sport event to get you through hump day. ;)

01-08-2014, 10:18 PM
Hi, I'm not sure if you still take requests? But could you do Digimon World 3 (2003) and Yu Gi Oh Forbidden Memories for ps1. For the latter there are multiple imperfect rips floating around, for the first only bad quality recordings.

01-08-2014, 10:23 PM
Hi, I'm not sure if you still take requests? But could you do Digimon World 3 (2003) and Yu Gi Oh Forbidden Memories for ps1. For the latter there are multiple imperfect rips floating around, for the first only bad quality recordings.

There aren't any source music files available for Digimon World 3, which is probably why the existing rips aren't great. I can do Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories, though!

01-08-2014, 10:28 PM
There aren't any source music files available for Digimon World 3, which is probably why the existing rips aren't great. I can do Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories, though!

Hmmm, what do you mean by source music files? I have read something about it's music somehwere, that it are like MIDI files spread all over the place in parts. Not sure how true that is.
I have Yu Gi Oh files in PSF format, can you extract to losless? PSF incorrectly plays some channels in Winamp.

(I was hoping you were some reverse-engineer prodigy who could extract anything Q_Q)

01-08-2014, 11:26 PM
Hmmm, what do you mean by source music files? I have read something about it's music somehwere, that it are like MIDI files spread all over the place in parts. Not sure how true that is.
I have Yu Gi Oh files in PSF format, can you extract to losless? PSF incorrectly plays some channels in Winamp.

(I was hoping you were some reverse-engineer prodigy who could extract anything Q_Q)
pretty sure he means the ( archive. loads of extracted game audio rips, but it doesn't have everything.

also, if the psf set plays incorrectly, it has to do more with a bad rip than the plugin, I believe. not much can be done without reripping, and good luck doing that/finding somebody who will do it.

01-08-2014, 11:39 PM
Yeah, if the You Gi Oh PSF is bad, there's not much I can do for ya. Sorry.

01-09-2014, 12:26 AM
Hello again, ruiner9! Thanks for taking my earlier requests! I don't have any new ones at the moment, but I was still sorta wondering if you're able to get Ganbare Goemon DS? ( If not, I'll see if I can do something about it myself. Either way, thanks in advance! :)

01-09-2014, 01:59 AM
No, there's no 2sf (NDS audio file) rip for Goemon. To get the soundtrack, you'd need to play the whole game and record it from the device, or use a sound test. Either way, I don't have line-out recording abilities on my PC.

---------- Post added at 07:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 PM ----------

So MagnetMan34, I re-ripped the Wario games in Winamp at home, and when I still heard the pop, I tried it in Foobar2000 with the latest plugin. It shows up in that, too. So it must be a fault in the audio files and not in the players themselves. :(

01-09-2014, 03:30 AM
No, there's no 2sf (NDS audio file) rip for Goemon. To get the soundtrack, you'd need to play the whole game and record it from the device, or use a sound test. Either way, I don't have line-out recording abilities on my PC.

actually, it's extremely easy to make a 2sf set from the rom (it's literally drag and drop). i'll send the software to you if you want.

01-09-2014, 04:17 AM
I was under the impression that it was much more complicated than that. I'd love to check it out. Thanks!

EDIT - Just figured it out with VGM Toolbox. This is nice. :)

01-09-2014, 06:40 AM
Yeah, if the You Gi Oh PSF is bad, there's not much I can do for ya. Sorry.

Exactly how do you rip? I was under the impression that you ripped the PSF files yourself.

01-09-2014, 11:53 AM
I convert existing PSF files to high quality mp3 albums.

01-09-2014, 12:02 PM
I convert existing PSF files to high quality mp3 albums.

I see. Still I'd be great to have the Yu Gi Oh soundtrack in mp3. :)

01-09-2014, 12:36 PM
Man, the Yu Gi Oh PSFs are all messed up! I've found two different sets. In one, nothing is timed so every track is 3:00 long. On the other supposedly timed one, each track is only 22 seconds long!

I'll have to do the 3:00 one at some point and manually cut the tracks, but that's a major project. I was hoping to have it up for you today, but that won't happen unless a proper PSF archive falls into my lap. :(

01-09-2014, 12:47 PM
Yea, Im currently using the 3 minutes rip. So it is true that the rips are inherently flawed, rather than it's playback. That's positive I guess?
Sigh, I wonder why people with ripping skills are so elusive.

01-09-2014, 03:41 PM
Small update for ya'll! But two important ones. :)

First up is Ganbare Goemon DS. Shout out to dissident93, who pointed me in the right direction to rip and convert this one! It's a great soundtrack with some electronic jams, and an Asian flair.

And also, the full gamerip of Silent Hill 2 - Restless Dreams in the newly-opened XBOX section! OK, so this is about 3.5 hours of the ambient horrorscapes and industrial grinding found throughout this magnificent game. The original ripper was kind enough to leave the audio grouped into folders by the areas they're heard in, so I've preserved that structure. Most of the rock and vocal tracks all take place in FMV sequences, so they're not included here. You can find those on the OST.

So, I'm a HUGE Silent Hill fan. I've got enough material to start a "shrine" where all of the soundtracks and gamerips are collected. Would anyone be interested in that?

Yea, Im currently using the 3 minutes rip. So it is true that the rips are inherently flawed, rather than it's playback. That's positive I guess?
Sigh, I wonder why people with ripping skills are so elusive.

I researched how to rip PSF's a couple weeks ago when I ran across a title I couldn't find it for. It started out by saying that first, you should go and learn how to code in Assembly, and then in C. That's a few years worth of knowledge right there, and I'm no coder. So, I assume that once the handful of people who had the know-how ripped what they could and were satisfied with their work, they moved on, and although there's plenty of documentation on how to rip a PSF, you still need to reverse-engineer some of the game's files to grab them. The other issue is that PSX games aren't built in a uniform manner, so you need to use different tricks per title to do it. I'm surprised people figured out how to do it in the first place!

Anyways, enjoy this morning's posts, and I've noticed some glitches in Mario Super Strikers Charged, so I'm going to try to fix that.


01-09-2014, 03:59 PM
I had the urge to learn ripping for myself a few times, but I figured by the time I was able to do that I could get myself a paid job in that branch.

Can you do the PS1 game Gundam Battle Assault 2, or Age of Empires: age of Kings for DS?

01-09-2014, 04:46 PM
I had the urge to learn ripping for myself a few times, but I figured by the time I was able to do that I could get myself a paid job in that branch.

Can you do the PS1 game Gundam Battle Assault 2, or Age of Empires: age of Kings for DS?

Agreed! And, yes. Yes I can.

Also! I've updated Mario Strikers - Charged! If you've listened to the original rip, you've heard the horrific popping and static between loops. Nobody likes that! The individual loops are 3 minutes long anyways, so I cut out the 2nd loop and faded the tracks out all professional-like. It's a much better sounding album now. (Besides, some of those tracks dragged on a bit too long with 2 loops.)

01-09-2014, 06:37 PM
[/COLOR]So MagnetMan34, I re-ripped the Wario games in Winamp at home, and when I still heard the pop, I tried it in Foobar2000 with the latest plugin. It shows up in that, too. So it must be a fault in the audio files and not in the players themselves. :(

Aww, really? Well that's too bad. :(

I'll try to remove the pop myself with Audacity then. Thanks for all your efforts! :)

01-09-2014, 06:47 PM
If you have any luck in removing them, could I give you a place to send me the album so I could replace the bad one? I'd do it myself, but that's just taking away the time I could use to make more stuff. :)

01-09-2014, 06:57 PM
Sure! Although I may not be able to work on them in a while. Dunno really, I'm busy these days and don't know when I'll have some real free time. But count on it when I do! :)

Also, can't wait to hear the other requests, hope you can add them eventually. :D

Oh, and just noticed the Donkey Kong Country GB rip also has a little pop at the beginning of every song, but don't worry about it, I'll see what I can do with those three soundtracks.

01-09-2014, 08:43 PM
2nd update of the day! Woo! I'm on a roll!


Excite Truck - You guys remember this game, right? One of the earliest Wii titles? I really loved it. The music was great... Japanese hard rock/ metal with a touch of electronics to keep it sounding exciting. I think I'm gonna play this one tonight... it's been AGES.


Astro Rabby - A cute little game with 6 minutes of simply, catchy tunes.

Balloon Kid - Hiro "HIP" Tanaka wrote the music for this one, as he did for the original on the NES. He took the original melodies and really fleshed them out, and it's all got that sound that he's known for... like in Dr. Mario. This is good stuff.

Chikyuu Kaihou Gun ZAS - This one rocks. Seriously. It's got some intense action music, and it's very nicely composed. A recommended download!

Alrighty, that's it for now.


01-10-2014, 12:47 PM
I have a PS2 request for you, hopefully you can manage to get the audio from this. The Name of the Game is called "Maximo vs. Army of Zin".
Good luck on this one, Ruiner!!!

01-10-2014, 01:08 PM
Oh, hey dude! I saw your request earlier and totally forgot to respond. The problem with Maximo is the sound files aren't decryptable. I looked into the disc image and they're right there, in xxx.snd format, but every decoder I threw at it failed. I even tried renaming the files to all known VGM file types and that didn't work either. Somebody with hacking/ decrypting experience is going to have to set their sites solely on that game to get it to work.

You must be pretty good at finding OSTs if you're only requesting the impossible ones! Lol

01-10-2014, 09:23 PM
And also, the full gamerip of Silent Hill 2 - Restless Dreams in the newly-opened XBOX section! OK, so this is about 3.5 hours of the ambient horrorscapes and industrial grinding found throughout this magnificent game. The original ripper was kind enough to leave the audio grouped into folders by the areas they're heard in, so I've preserved that structure. Most of the rock and vocal tracks all take place in FMV sequences, so they're not included here. You can find those on the OST.

So, I'm a HUGE Silent Hill fan. I've got enough material to start a "shrine" where all of the soundtracks and gamerips are collected. Would anyone be interested in that?

Thank you so much! I'm also a huge fan of the series and would be very interested to see your collection include the rest of the complete SH soundtracks!

01-11-2014, 02:45 AM
I remember you asking for some conversation regarding favorite composers, ruiner, and although I don't often pay attention to composers for games, one that sticks out to me is Hideki Naganuma of Jet Set Radio fame. You should really check out his Ollie King soundtrack!

Also a request: Bloody Roar 2 for ps1 please?

01-11-2014, 04:20 AM
Thanks for the Goemon DS soundtrack! I actually had a different rip of it ages ago, but lost it due to my previous PC breaking down (and unfortunately, not having the good sense to back up my files). It's all good now, though. :)

Anyway, I thought I'd add another contribution instead of a request this time around: I figured you might be interested in adding Donkey Kong Barrel Blast ( to your Wii section! ;) This is a conversion of the game's music files that I made ages ago. So to Ruiner and everyone else interested, enjoy!

01-11-2014, 04:21 PM
I remember you asking for some conversation regarding favorite composers, ruiner, and although I don't often pay attention to composers for games, one that sticks out to me is Hideki Naganuma of Jet Set Radio fame. You should really check out his Ollie King soundtrack!

Also a request: Bloody Roar 2 for ps1 please?

You got it dude! Bloody Roar 1 & 2 are now up in the PSX section! I was suprised to see Hitoshi Sakimoto's name on the credits for the original one, but a lot of the guitar work sounds like his when I gave it another listen. Anyways, they're both a nice blend of electronic and rock.

And HOLY CRAP Ollie King is amazing. I need to find a high quality rip of that game. Top Skater is still one of my favorite arcade games, and this looks like that one on steroids. Thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks for the Goemon DS soundtrack! I actually had a different rip of it ages ago, but lost it due to my previous PC breaking down (and unfortunately, not having the good sense to back up my files). It's all good now, though. :)

Anyway, I thought I'd add another contribution instead of a request this time around: I figured you might be interested in adding Donkey Kong Barrel Blast ( to your Wii section! ;) This is a conversion of the game's music files that I made ages ago. So to Ruiner and everyone else interested, enjoy!

Awesome! Thank you! I added it to the Wii section. I added some tags as far as year, publisher, composer, etc... and put your name where I usually add mine. I was surprised to see it's only 128kbps because it sounds really good!

Also in the OP today, there's a few more goodies:

Chalvo 55 - A cute Gameboy action game with a really groovy soundtrack. It's quite bouncy and energetic without being too cute.

Chibi Robo! Park Patrol - I *wub* Chibi Robo! The GameCube game was amazing. I wasn't as big a fan of the DS version, but the music was still very good.

Darwin 4081 - This came along with a request for the arcade game Darwin 4078, but that was already uploaded a couple months ago. The Genesis music here is pretty simple, but still catchy.

OK everyone! That's it for now. Ya'll have a great weekend. I'll have some more stuff up soon!

01-11-2014, 04:52 PM
When would you be able to take new requests? Or i can shot in advance?
And sorry - i dint reply about music i listen to earlier - i need to think about it a bit more %)
There are months when i listen to video game music in 90% of time, and vice versa (non soundtrack periods)

01-11-2014, 05:02 PM
Dude I'm not FORCING anyone to talk about music, I just mentioned that I enjoy doing it. Also, I said if people have one or two soundtracks they'd like, I'd try to work on them, but I can't handle a huge list right now. I still have over 30 files in my "requests" folder.

01-11-2014, 05:52 PM
I had sort of huge list... but WOW, you already have most of things i was thinking about which recently :)
Vectorman? Here. Pulseman? Here. Lagrange Point? Here. Bio-Hazard Battle? Here. Turtles in Time Arcade? Here.

But i still have something to req :D

1) Ihatovo Monogatari
Ihatovo Monogatari - (Super Famicom) OST - Ihatovo City - YouTube (
Not all tracks are like this one though.

2) Spriggan - Lunar Verse
PSX - Spriggan - Lunar Verse - YouTube (
It's FROM SOFTWARE, dude! Their music is always top notch)

3) Megarace
It's by Stephan Picq (u know him right? Richard Jacques, S. Picq, Spenser Nilsen.. they were THOSE guys)
It's not his best work though.
Which version? Hmm. Maybe, 3DO's one?

01-11-2014, 07:21 PM
I had sort of huge list... but WOW, you already have most of things i was thinking about which recently :)
Vectorman? Here. Pulseman? Here. Lagrange Point? Here. Bio-Hazard Battle? Here. Turtles in Time Arcade? Here.

But i still have something to req :D

1) Ihatovo Monogatari
Ihatovo Monogatari - (Super Famicom) OST - Ihatovo City - YouTube (
Not all tracks are like this one though.

2) Spriggan - Lunar Verse
PSX - Spriggan - Lunar Verse - YouTube (
It's FROM SOFTWARE, dude! Their music is always top notch)

3) Megarace
It's by Stephan Picq (u know him right? Richard Jacques, S. Picq, Spenser Nilsen.. they were THOSE guys)
It's not his best work though.
Which version? Hmm. Maybe, 3DO's one?

Is there even any music in Mega Race aside from the little 4-bar guitar riff during the car select screen? There's silence during the races and the title screen, and anything else I've heard has been during FMV with sound effects all over it.. I'm having trouble finding the streamed audio files and just wondering if it's gonna be worth looking deeper into the disc images if it's only for 12 seconds worth of music.

01-11-2014, 07:51 PM
Oh, originally it was request by my friend who is not on this. According to this video
Megarace Original Soundtrack OST - Sega CD SCD - YouTube (
just four minutes =_=

I can ask for Gauntlet 4 or Madou Monogatari instead.

01-11-2014, 08:18 PM
Hey Ruiner9 can you rip music from PC games and I would like to request the music from Star Ocean: The Second Story (and the PSP remake) & Star Ocean for Famicom (also the PSP remake for it too).

01-12-2014, 06:49 PM
Update today! Weee!!!!


Eggerland & Eggerland-Souzou heno Tabidachi - Two Japan-only titles in the Adventures of Lolo series. They were all composed by Hideki Kanazashi, so if you liked the music form the American titles, you'll enjoy these too.

Joy Mech Fight - One of the very last NES games, from 1993. It's a cool one on one fighter from Nintendo themselves, using simple shapes to make fluidly moving robots (think Vectorman.) I like the tunes a lot... they remind me of HIP Tanaka's work on Dr. Mario and a bit of Super Mario 3 too.


Spriggan: Lunar Verse - This contains the psf's from the web, plus the streamed audio I ripped from the disc itself. Some of the music has some dialogue in it, but I left it there because there's original music in the backgrounds. It's nice electro... I remember this is one of the first import titles I ever played back when I originally modded my Playstation back in the day.


Dynamite D�x - I like the groove on the album! All the songs are very danceable, and the instrumentation is clear and pleasing. Grab this one!


Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi - This is an album I picked personally, as it's really awesome and very underrated. The music is great! It's got rich tones, the stereo effects are sweet, and the bonus stage music is a lot of fun. Hope you enjoy it!

Hey Ruiner9 can you rip music from PC games and I would like to request the music from Star Ocean: The Second Story (and the PSP remake) & Star Ocean for Famicom (also the PSP remake for it too).

PC games.... well, there are old PC games from 1981, and there are modern PC games from 2014. There's games that have their soundtracks right on the CD, some that are MIDI, some that are MP3's right in the install folder, some that are MOD tracker files, and some that are encrypted audio streams... you're going to have to be a little more specific. ;)

As far as Star Ocean goes, the SNES version can't be ripped by normal means, from what I remember, but I'll look into the other ones.

01-12-2014, 11:30 PM
Thank you, ruiner9. One composer you might need to learn about is Keishi Yonao. Here are some of his notable works that were already uploaded (some by me):

Thread 165702

01-12-2014, 11:43 PM
Thank you, ruiner9. One composer you might need to learn about is Keishi Yonao. Here are some of his notable works that were already uploaded (some by me):

Thread 165702

I'll check them out! Thank you!

01-13-2014, 01:04 AM
And by the way, why does the STEREO version of Joy Mech Fight have slightly different instruments compared to the original?

01-13-2014, 01:12 AM
The NES and Famicom have different sounding tones in their music, as well as the cloned systems of each. The software I use sounds more like the American NES sound. I played the game on my system using my Everdrive and it sounds very similar to the album.

01-14-2014, 04:38 PM
Wow, it's been quiet in here... you guys still with me? :)

Oh, I see... you want new stuff! Of COURSE you do! Well, you're lucky, cuz I got some new stuff right here:


Age of Empires - This one's got some nice battle hymns. It's streamed audio which sounds really clear, and the tracks are made of individual loops that are about 30 seconds long or so. So, I guess if you used something like Audacity, you could make your own song, if you wanted!

Fossil League - Dino Tournament Championship - Some decent game songs here. The DS's sequenced sound always sounds very MIDI to me, so I'm never very impressed.

Game Boy

Lolo no Daibouken - Some fun action tracks... here's another entry in the Lolo series of games!

Castlevania 2 - Belmont's Revenge - A friend described some of the tracks on here as "too intense for Castlevania." I kind of agree. There's a lot of music in this game which is WAY too fast-paced for the action on screen. Taken out of context, though, as a regular album, it's fantastic music. Probably some of the best on the Game Boy I've ever heard. Definitely grab this one.


Ikari III - The Rescue - Some simple Yamaha chiptunes for ya. Some of them vaguely revisit the Ikari themes, so you may hear something familiar in there.


Ihatovo Monogatari - Yeah I know I spelled the file name wrong. Deal with it. :) Anyways, here's some symphonic SNES stuff... it's not a bad soundtrack and not too long, I'm just not a fan of this kind of music.


Gundam Battle Assault - This one is kind of two albums in one. There are the PSF tracks, which are mostly laid-back house tracks, and then there's the streaming audio, which are the intense guitar-driven techno battle tunes. I've split them up by title so you know which ones are which. Either way, both styles of track are very nicely done.


Ghost Squad - Somebody requested the arcade version of this, but it's WAY too new to have been ripped yet. This is the Wii version of the game, which I believe is identical. And... wow. Holy bejeezus, this is an absolutely fantastically amazeballs soundtrack. It's rockin' electronic music, with samples and guitars, and it's just high energy and really well done. The songs are meant to loop, even though they're streamed, so you get about a minute of each song, and they end cold. If you have an MP3 player that doesn't put stops in between tracks, you end up with kind of a continuous dance party mix. There's about 50 minutes of audio, it's varied enough that it doesn't all sound like the same thing, and it rocks all the way through. If you like the music from Contra Hard Corps or WipEout or stuff from The Prodigy or Chemical Brothers, I definitely recommend this one.

I'm slowly getting through these requests! I have a pretty big Sega CD collection, so I'm planning on ripping a lot of the audio from my retail discs soon. They should sound great. :)

Enjoy! :)

01-14-2014, 06:26 PM
Is Honoo no Takuhaibin (also known as Honoo no Takkyubin) for PS2 rippable? It has some sick tunes by Hayama Kouji.

Honoo no Takuhaibin Original Soundtrack - VGMdb (

01-14-2014, 06:39 PM
Is Honoo no Takuhaibin (also known as Honoo no Takkyubin) for PS2 rippable? It has some sick tunes by Hayama Kouji.

Honoo no Takuhaibin Original Soundtrack - VGMdb (

I'll have to track the game's image down, it sems to be pretty hard to find. From what you remember, do you think the game is PSF, or streamed (pre-recorded) audio?

01-14-2014, 08:36 PM
Big thanks for Spriggan: Lunar Verse! It sounds pretty soft.

Some more suggestions (not top priority) for Genesis:

Vapor Trail - because you already have Wolf Fang and Skull Fang
Side Pocket - jazz music
Hybrid Front - just i'll show this:
12. The Hybrid Front - Scarab of Glory No. 3 - YouTube (

01-14-2014, 08:46 PM
From your uploads, are there any soundtracks that have upbeat themes with vocal samples mixed in? The Jet Set series or Ollie King are a couple of good examples.

01-14-2014, 09:31 PM
hey ruiner9, I need ask a quick question, how do you get those PSF2 files to work, kinda having a hard time doing it myself

01-14-2014, 10:27 PM
Big thanks for Spriggan: Lunar Verse! It sounds pretty soft.

Some more suggestions (not top priority) for Genesis:

Vapor Trail - because you already have Wolf Fang and Skull Fang
Side Pocket - jazz music
Hybrid Front - just i'll show this:
12. The Hybrid Front - Scarab of Glory No. 3 - YouTube (

You're welcome! And, I totally had Hybrid Front at one point! It must have gotten lost when I switched from Dropbox to MEGA. Luckily I still had it on my cellphone (I listen to it all the time) so I put it back up in the OP!

From your uploads, are there any soundtracks that have upbeat themes with vocal samples mixed in? The Jet Set series or Ollie King are a couple of good examples.

Let's See... there's Sega Rally 2 in the Dreamcast section, and Einhander, Rage Racer, and Ghost in the Shell in the PlayStation section... that's about it as far as songs with upbeat vocals go, and even then, it's mostly instrumental. If you have any suggestions for me, let me know! I enjoy that style, too.

hey ruiner9, I need ask a quick question, how do you get those PSF2 files to work, kinda having a hard time doing it myself

Get "in_psf.dll" (the proper name for it is "Highly Experimental PSF Player") for Winamp and add it to the "plugins" folder. Then it's just a matter of drag 'n dropping the PSFs into Winamp's playlist. If you have troubles, I can be more detailed, but I'm at work and leaving in like 10 minutes!

01-15-2014, 04:02 AM
How good can he do with DDR and DDR Konamix (PS1)?

01-15-2014, 05:21 AM
Is Honoo no Takuhaibin (also known as Honoo no Takkyubin) for PS2 rippable? It has some sick tunes by Hayama Kouji.

Honoo no Takuhaibin Original Soundtrack - VGMdb (

I'd like to second this request, if a rip is possible. Koji Hayama is awesome (I requested some of his works earlier this thread, like the Shubibinman soundtracks). :)

And while we're on the subject of Hayama's works.... is a rip of Ape Escape 2 ( possible, as well?

Aside from that, I have two more requests: See, lately I've been playing Ys Celceta for the Vita (excellent game BTW), and I was wondering if you're able to obtain the original SNES ( and PCE ( versions of the game's soundtrack? But again, I'll see about doing something about it myself if it's a no-can-do....

01-15-2014, 06:04 AM
I can wait, for more info from you ruiner9, becuse there is a website has a lot of PSF and PSF2 files, that's why I asked

01-15-2014, 12:07 PM
I'd like to second this request, if a rip is possible. Koji Hayama is awesome (I requested some of his works earlier this thread, like the Shubibinman soundtracks). :)

And while we're on the subject of Hayama's works.... is a rip of Ape Escape 2 ( possible, as well?

Aside from that, I have two more requests: See, lately I've been playing Ys Celceta for the Vita (excellent game BTW), and I was wondering if you're able to obtain the original SNES ( and PCE ( versions of the game's soundtrack? But again, I'll see about doing something about it myself if it's a no-can-do....

Ape Escape 2 is PSF2 music that hasn't been extracted yet, so I can't do that one. Ys I+II, III, and IV can be made for the PCE-CD, and Ys IV and V can be made for the SNES (I already have III uploaded.) So I'll add those to the pile. :)

I can wait, for more info from you ruiner9, becuse there is a website has a lot of PSF and PSF2 files, that's why I asked

It's pretty easy. Download and install Winamp if you don't have it already. Then go to Highly Experimental - Neill Corlett's Home Page ( and click the "Download Highly Experimental v2.09 (Windows installer)" link. Run that exe file, and it will install the plugin to the Winamp folder. Now you can download PSF files and drag them into the playlist, and they will play. There's not much else to be done!

01-15-2014, 01:06 PM
I believe Ape Escape 2 is streamed, so there is no point in making the PSF2. I have the soundtrack, if anybody wants it btw.

01-15-2014, 01:09 PM
I believe Ape Escape 2 is streamed, so there is no point in making the PSF2. I have the soundtrack, if anybody wants it btw.

Ah, excellent. The music I found on YouTube sounded very MIDI so I was going off that. Thanks for the info!

I'm still downloading Honoo no Takuhaibin to see what I can do with that... the 1st part downloaded overnight, I'll let the 2nd part go while I'm at work.

01-15-2014, 03:59 PM
Thanks for the soundtracks you uploaded so far! Can't wait to hear the rest. :)
From GBA:

WarioWare Inc Minigame Mania / Mega Microgames
Pokemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire
Mario Power Tennis

Don't forget these please! :)

01-15-2014, 04:00 PM
Don't forget these please! :)

I haven't posted those because they're not available. Sorry.

01-15-2014, 05:10 PM
Oh, ok then. Thanks.

01-15-2014, 05:43 PM
Oh, ok then. Thanks.

Unfortunately the number of GBA games that have been converted to GSF is extremely small. I'd say maybe only 20%-30% of the whole romset has been converted, and there doesn't seem to be any work going forward on it.

However! I have newwwww stuffffff! Here it is:


Ape Escape 3 - Since dissident93 has offered the second game in the series, I figured I'd round out the collection with the 3rd one. It's by Soichi Terada, who composed the first one!

Silent Hill 3 - This is the 2 hour gamerip. It includes two vocal songs at the beginning, "You're Not Here," sung by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (god I love her voice) and "Hometown," with Joe Romersa on vocals. Romersa also contributed a lot of the drum tracks for the album. The rest of the gamerip is the ambient sound and background music from the game. You'll also get a few extended versions of some of the instrumentals from the OST.


Windjammers - Here's a cool Neo Geo classic! This one is fun, and the music is totally energetic. Grab it!


Knuckles Chaotix - I've seen a lot of line-out versions of this one, and some are a bit "meh" in the quality department. The game itself wasn't that great, but I really enjoyed the music, so here's my conversion. It's a bit different from the line-out.. maybe a bit more crisp. Anyways, I think you guys will like it.

That's it for now! Enjoy!

01-15-2014, 09:37 PM
I had time for a few more older requests today!

First up, Jerry Boy on the SNES. Some nice action game tunes, some of which were written by Akira Yamaoka.

And then lots of Metal Max! For the SNES, Metal Max Returns. For the DS, there's Metal Max 2 ReLoaded, Metal Max 3, and Metal Saga - Hagane no Kisetsu. All of the MM games were written by Sadoshi Kadokura, so they all have a similar style. It's pretty eclectic, with some electronic, some piano melodies, and even some guitar rock. There's about 90 minutes each in the 3 DS games, so there's lots of music to listen to if you like Kadokura's work.

I'll have a really cool video for you guys to watch soon... I'm super super excited about it! It should be up later tonight!

01-16-2014, 12:47 AM
I'll just leave this here:

D.Y.H.P.T.G?! Episode XXI: Undercover Cops (Super NES) - YouTube (

That's me with the beard and the sunglasses! Please subscribe to the YouTube channel if you like it, there's a ton more video game review videos coming!

01-16-2014, 04:09 AM
^Wow, provider of awesome game music AND an actor? Just what AREN'T you capable of!? But yeah, neat video (and it even features Undercover Cops, whose soundtrack I requested a while back!) :)

Also, thanks for the Ape Escape 3 rip. I'm also looking forward to those Ys soundtracks (because boy, do I loves me some Ys music)!

I believe Ape Escape 2 is streamed, so there is no point in making the PSF2. I have the soundtrack, if anybody wants it btw.

Count me as one of those interested, thank you very much! ;)

01-16-2014, 07:47 AM
not sure if it's up to your personal standards, ruiner9, (don't see why not haha) but here is Ape Escape 2 (

01-16-2014, 03:47 PM
not sure if it's up to your personal standards, ruiner9, (don't see why not haha) but here is Ape Escape 2 (

It sounds good to me! I've hosted it and added it to the OP (crediting you, of course.)

Also, and this took a bit of work, I've uploaded the soundtrack to Koji Hayama's Honoo no Takkyubin for the PS2! It's awesome. There's everything from piano melodies to hard rock, and it's really energetic and fun! Can anyone figure out what the male voices are chanting on track 3? To me it sounds like "Cho Aniki." I wouldn't be surprised. :)

There will probably be some more later today, but I know you guys were anxious for this one. Enjoy!

01-16-2014, 05:00 PM

They are chanting "Jaakunick" Jaakunick (Evil Nick) is the name of the rival delivery service, an evil one. :D

Track 15 is total love.

01-16-2014, 05:15 PM

They are chanting "Jaakunick" Jaakunick (Evil Nick) is the name of the rival delivery service, an evil one. :D

Track 15 is total love.

Ah, thank you! I'm going to attempt to play the game tonight, hopefully my lack of Japanese skills won't get in the way of navigating the menus...

01-16-2014, 05:34 PM
Nah, the game is simple as heck. :D

Gameplay-wise, HnT is nothing special, but the story is over-the-top and parody of "nekketsu" (hot-blooded) manga and tokusatsu. The whole game is directed and charadesign is by Shimamoto Kazuhiko, the author of a classic nekketsu manga Honoo no Tenkousei (Blazing Transfer Student). Shimamoto has also done nekketsu manga about being mangaka, Moero! Pen (Burn! Pen), Hoero! Pen (Growl! Pen) and Shin Hoero! Pen (New Growl! Pen), also prequel Aoi Honoo (Blue Blaze). Hayama's music fits the theme perfectly. his frantic, energetic sounds are exactly what a game like Honoo no Takuhaibin (Blazing Delivery Service) needs!

01-16-2014, 09:44 PM
Nah, the game is simple as heck. :D

Gameplay-wise, HnT is nothing special, but the story is over-the-top and parody of "nekketsu" (hot-blooded) manga and tokusatsu. The whole game is directed and charadesign is by Shimamoto Kazuhiko, the author of a classic nekketsu manga Honoo no Tenkousei (Blazing Transfer Student). Shimamoto has also done nekketsu manga about being mangaka, Moero! Pen (Burn! Pen), Hoero! Pen (Growl! Pen) and Shin Hoero! Pen (New Growl! Pen), also prequel Aoi Honoo (Blue Blaze). Hayama's music fits the theme perfectly. his frantic, energetic sounds are exactly what a game like Honoo no Takuhaibin (Blazing Delivery Service) needs!

I don't think I've ever Googled so many words in a post before! :colbert:

But now that I'm familiar with all of that, I'm sure it'll enhance my enjoyment of the game.

Now, for the updates!


Outrun 2019 - So I was hanging out with some pals last night (the guys I did the video with) and one of them was like, "Have you ever heard Outrun 2019?" And I was like, "Um, no." So he played it for me, and I was in love, and so here it is, for you to enjoy too. It's really excellent stuff and awesome driving music.

Side Pocket - Smooooth jazz. Makes me wanna sharpen a pool cue and light up a cigar. This is like the polar opposite of Outrun.

Vapor Trail - You can tell it's quality because it has cymbal crashes. Yeah! Cymbals in a Genesis title and it's not Street Fighter! I know! So yeah, it's good stuff too. :)


RollerBall - This is a cool 4 screen high pinball game that has a soundtrack that reminds me of early Konami music. Triva Fact: Satoru Iwata, President of Nintendo, was executive director on this game. Rumor has it that he still does artwork for HAL from time to time on the Kirby series!

Game Boy

Mole Mania - This actually has some stuff which reminds me a lot of the Mario Bros. games. It's very cheery and fun.

Pinball: Revenge of the Gator - Some nice grooves and cool stereo effects make this short soundtrack worth downloading.

OK, kids! That's what I got! Enjoy!

01-17-2014, 08:31 AM
The hits just keep on coming!

I'm particularly glad to see Mole Mania, Ape Escape 2-3, Joy Mech Fight and Hybrid Front (since I apparently missed it when it was originally posted).


I'll just leave this here:

D.Y.H.P.T.G?! Episode XXI: Undercover Cops (Super NES) - YouTube (

Not too shabby. And a good choice for a game. Undercover Cops is pretty fun and the weirder aspects kinda give me a Metal Slug vibe. Also, this guy (

As I'd said before, I have some MSX requests. I'd like to see uploads for Knightmare II: Maze of Galious ( and Knightmare III: Shalom (

Also some Game Boy requests:
Cave Noire (
Project S-11 (
Raging Fighter (
Tokimeki Memorial Pocket - Culture Hen - Komorebi no Melody and Tokimeki Memorial Pocket - Sport Hen - Koutei no Photograph ( (though there is some overlap between the two, there should be music unique to each game).
World Circuit Series ( (sadly the music is kinda drowned out by the SFX).

I'm not in any great hurry, so do take your time. I appreciate that effort that goes into doing these rips.

01-17-2014, 10:13 AM
YEAH! Mole Mania music, I been dieing want to hear the music >_< thank you again Ruinner!

01-17-2014, 12:03 PM
The hits just keep on coming!

I'm particularly glad to see Mole Mania, Ape Escape 2-3, Joy Mech Fight and Hybrid Front (since I apparently missed it when it was originally posted).


Not too shabby. And a good choice for a game. Undercover Cops is pretty fun and the weirder aspects kinda give me a Metal Slug vibe. Also, this guy (

As I'd said before, I have some MSX requests. I'd like to see uploads for Knightmare II: Maze of Galious ( and Knightmare III: Shalom (

Also some Game Boy requests:
Cave Noire (
Project S-11 (
Raging Fighter (
Tokimeki Memorial Pocket - Culture Hen - Komorebi no Melody and Tokimeki Memorial Pocket - Sport Hen - Koutei no Photograph ( (though there is some overlap between the two, there should be music unique to each game).
World Circuit Series ( (sadly the music is kinda drowned out by the SFX).

I'm not in any great hurry, so do take your time. I appreciate that effort that goes into doing these rips.

ROFL, good ol' Cockback! Yeah I don't know what they were thinking when they designed that dude.

The MSX games shouldn't be a problem, and of course the GB games are rippable too. I'm just trying to get the last 15 or so old old old requests before I start on new ones. I've got the day off work on Monday because of MLK day, so I'm planning getting all caught up over the next 3 days. It will be quite a relief! I've been trying to get there since Christmas! :)

01-17-2014, 12:26 PM
I have just one request and that's Super Robot Wars W for Nintendo DS.

01-17-2014, 08:52 PM
Pssst. Hey! Over here! I got some music for ya. First time's free, kid. Second one will cost ya, though.

Hahaha no I'm just kidding. Maybe.

Anyways, I hope you guys like PC Engine CD, cuz there's a heapin' helpin' of that today.

But first! GBA

No No No Puzzle Chailien - So here's an obscure minigame/ puzzle title put out by Creature, a development studio helmed by Hiro "HIP" Tanaka. He didn't work on the music for this, though. Matter of fact, I can't find any details on who composed this. The cool thing, though, is that this was ripped the same way that the Mother 3 soundtrack I linked to was... it was converted into MIDI and the soundfont was dumped, resulting in music that sounds even BETTER than the original. There's well over 150 tracks here, mostly short ones, so the album isn't too long. It's got some fun tunes!


Championship Rally - This game also had an NES port, too. The music is fairly standard house music, with piano melodies over fast beats. It's well produced, and very radio friendly.

Galaxy Deka Gayvan - This one, like Rally, was published by Intec, and I can't find a composer for it either. The music is basically Japanese action game music, nothing too special, but a good listen in the background kind of album.

Ys Book I & II, Ys III: Wanderers from Ys, and Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys - Hailed as some of the best video game music ever composed, Yuzo Koshiro and Mieko Ishikawa composed the tunes for the first three games, while Ryo Yonemitsu arranged the CD version of the tracks for all of them. The 3rd game (Ys IV) is only credited to the JDK Sound Team, but it's still amazing. All of the albums are a mix of chiptune and CD audio, arranged in order of their original soundtrack CD, plus whatever extras weren't on them. These games are truly worthy of your downloads.

My next uploads will most likely be the SNES Ys titles that I haven't made yet. Enjoy today's releases!

01-17-2014, 09:05 PM
Hey Ruiner9 how many of my requests have you managed to rip, by percentage. Could you also tell me which ones you couldn't rip.

01-17-2014, 09:20 PM
Hey Ruiner9 how many of my requests have you managed to rip, by percentage. Could you also tell me which ones you couldn't rip.

I honestly don't know, man. When I got that bunch of requests right after Christmas I just gathered up all the games/ source files I could find and lumped them into one big folder. Now I'm just going through it and converting them and uploading them.

Tell ya what - here's what I have left in my requests folder (not counting recent ones, those are separate.) If a game you requested isn't on this list, then I can't do it/ it would take way too much work and time.


Ys IV - Mask of the Sun
Ys V - Ushinawareta Sunano Miyako Kefin
Nobunaga no Yabou - Ranseiki
Nobunaga no Yabou - Sengoku Gunyuuden
Nobunaga no Yabou - Soutensoku with Power-Up Kit
Nobunaga's Ambition - Iron Triangle [Nobunaga no Yabou - Kakushin]
Nobunaga's Ambition - Rise to Power [Nobunaga no Yabou - Tenka Sousei]
Vattle Giuce

So that's what's left!

01-17-2014, 09:45 PM
Okay, thanks for the list now here's some ports of those arcade games that you can get instead.

1. Dreamcast port of Tech Romancer
2. PS1 or Sega Saturn port of Warriors of Fate (Put Out by Capcom)
3. PS1 or Sega Saturn port of Three Wonders (aka 3 Wonders in Japan)
4. Sega Genesis port of Wrestle War

01-17-2014, 10:00 PM
Okay, thanks for the list now here's some ports of those arcade games that you can get instead.

1. Dreamcast port of Tech Romancer
2. PS1 or Sega Saturn port of Warriors of Fate (Put Out by Capcom)
3. PS1 or Sega Saturn port of Three Wonders (aka 3 Wonders in Japan)
4. Sega Genesis port of Wrestle War

I can do Tech Romancer and Wrestle War, but I'm having trouble finding the extracted music or disc images from the other two.

01-17-2014, 11:16 PM
do you need a rom or a ISO of the game because I can supply you with a rom of it if you need it. Also, here's a program I've just found today called ''M1'' that can extract music from all sorts of Arcade roms. Here's the homepage ( Arbee?s WIP Emporium � M1 homepage[/url]), maybe you can figure out how to get it to work because I haven't had any luck so far. If you can you can use it to get the remaining requests I made and future requests I make (which there will be plenty more arcade ones on the way). Also here's some other program related to it (MAME E2J - Downloads ( Tell me what you think of it after you look into it. Here's some sites you can visit to get the roms: Emuparadise, Romnation, Coolrom

---------- Post added at 04:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------

Here's a small list of requests:
1. XMultiply (Original Arcade Game or Ports will do)(Irem)
2. Blade Master (Arcade)(Irem)
3. Hook (Arcade Game)(Irem)
4. SRD: Super Real Darwin (Arcade)(Data East)
5. World Wars (Arcade)(SNK)
6. Densha de GO! EX for Sega Saturn

01-17-2014, 11:38 PM
I've used M1 for quite a few albums. The issue I have with it is the songs aren't pre-timed, which means extra processing time, and it has horrible normalizing issues, which can make tracks sound way off, or cause even more processing time. When it comes down to it, if I can get 4 easier soundtracks done in the time that it takes to do one harder one, I'd rather do the four.

Just a friendly reminder: these are requests, they're free, and I have a fulltime job and a family. So sometimes I'm just going to have to say that I can't do something. Don't take it personally. As you've seen, I've worked extremely diligently to make this huge collection, but sometimes life just gets in the way and I can't put the effort in that I usually do. Sometimes I'd just like to give other people the opportunity to request stuff!

If you have the isos for those two games, you can send me the links to them. I have no idea what the files look like so I can't promise I can get the music from them, though.

01-17-2014, 11:57 PM
Well would you be able to help me figure out how to use the M1 program to extract the music from roms if you can because I can't get the darn thing to work. Maybe send me some instructions or a guide to get it to work. Thing won't even start up for me when I try to open it. I'll just try to extract the music from the other two games myself.

01-18-2014, 09:00 AM
M1 reads the music data straight from the rom, so you don't have to extract anything. using m1 is very easy well, since if you don't want to use the command-line version, just get the BridgeM1 GUI mod of it. just make sure you're not extracting the rom from the zip file, since it needs to be compressed in order for m1 to read though it.

@ruiner9: there is a way to force each song to only play a certain amount of time (say 120 seconds). you have to add it to the rom's listfile. i have them all if you need any. also, turn the normalization off and do that in mpTrim PRO once you have converted the wavs to mp3

01-18-2014, 01:20 PM
Right, but it makes more sense to leave the playtime longer than that, as some music can go for 3 minutes or more. Size123, it's easiest to put bridgem1 and m1 in the root of your MAME directory. When you run bridgem1, a winamp style interface will come up. Hit the eject button, and you should be able to pick your game from the list. Hitting the record button will log the songs to wave files in a folder called waves. That's all there is to it, really. The rest is cutting, normalizing, and fading.

01-18-2014, 04:40 PM
Argh! OK! Fine! Here! Three Wonders is now in the arcade section! Logged to VGM with M1, converted to WAV via Winamp, normalized and converted to mp3 via LAME, cut, tagged, and faded with Sound Forge. Took me all morning. For some reason the "Game Over" jingle from Don't Pull was causing ridiculous crashes, so I had to leave it out, but it's only like 2 seconds long. I think we can live without. :)


01-18-2014, 05:33 PM
Thanks for the info there Ruiner9, although I do thank you for getting the music from Three Wonders for me I was planning on extracting it myself. Trust me I won't brother you about stuff you can't get easily anymore since I'll get it myself.

Edit: thanks for the info dissident93 it's really helping me out right now. Fuck yeah I got it to finally work and I probably won't need your help getting these arcade soundtracks now Ruiner9.

01-18-2014, 06:54 PM
Thanks for the info there Ruiner9, although I do thank you for getting the music from Three Wonders for me I was planning on extracting it myself. Trust me I won't brother you about stuff you can't get easily anymore since I'll get it myself.

Edit: thanks for the info dissident93 it's really helping me out right now. Fuck yeah I got it to finally work and I probably won't need your help getting these arcade soundtracks now Ruiner9.

Well if you make anything good and would like to share, I'd be happy to host it for you! And, as always, you'll get full credit for it. :)

01-18-2014, 07:40 PM
Hi again! I was wondering if it would be possible if you could do the soundtrack from Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland and Color Changing Tingle's Love Balloon Trip, both DS games. I really can't find them anywhere.

01-18-2014, 07:52 PM
@Ruiner9 I'll send you some sweet stuff if I can. btw how the hell do you manually loop a song say to play the song two times and then fade out because I want to do that with some of the arcade music I've got.