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03-15-2008, 03:29 AM
Incidentally, Nalbina Fortress applies to the very first place you explore in the game, in your short stint controlling Reks. That's why it's first on the list (I put them in chronological order - where feasible, some, like Zertinan Caverns, The necrohol of Nabudis or Cerobi Steppe, I just put in the list where I would normally visit them chronologically - they, and others, are actually optional)

03-15-2008, 03:42 AM
If it helps, Zertinian Caverns is available as soon as you have access to the Westersand, The Necrohol of Nabudis approximately around the same time you first gain access to Jahara (incidentally, this also applies to Mosphoran Highwaste and Salikawood) and Cerobi Stoppe, of course connects to Tchita Uplands but is blocked off until you make it to Balfonheim Port.

03-15-2008, 03:48 AM
Yeah, I know they're accessible earlier. I just tend to leave the Zertinan Caverns alone earlier in the game, as my characters typically stand little chance of survival there. Ditto the Necrohol, in fact, I usually leave that 'til even later, as I find that Level 35-ish characters aren't strong enough.

Usually I try to do the Zertinan Caverns and acquire Adrammelech when I get Larsa, on my way to the Golmore Jungle. That's the earliest I've been able to successfully do it, anyway.

Actually, one point about the Mosphoran Highwaste, I have not actually been there before you would normally go there in the story. I've heard there's an optional thing involving characters named Gibbs and Deweg, but I've yet to see that.

03-15-2008, 03:59 AM
If it helps, Zertinian Caverns is available as soon as you have access to the Westersand, The Necrohol of Nabudis approximately around the same time you first gain access to Jahara (incidentally, this also applies to Mosphoran Highwaste and Salikawood) and Cerobi Stoppe, of course connects to Tchita Uplands but is blocked off until you make it to Balfonheim Port.

Yeah, I went to all those places just to branch the map out before I even set foot in Jahara, except for Nabreus Deadlands/Necrohol because you MUST beat the Bomb to reach them. At that stage I never could stand a chance against it.

03-15-2008, 04:40 AM
Ceidwad -- it is true that it can be accessed doing that method, I think (I've never used that one myself), but there's another, far easier method, and that's to aid with the sick man / cactuar issues over in the Estersand area, and then you gain access to both Barheim Passage and the other side of the Estersand, which connects with Mosphoran, and in turn, the other areas.

03-15-2008, 03:23 PM
Incidentally, Nalbina Fortress applies to the very first place you explore in the game....


Ditto the Necrohol, in fact, I usually leave that 'til even later, as I find that Level 35-ish characters aren't strong enough.

Ah ha..ah ha ha..I mean *ahem* I just got lucky enough to synthesize a Francisca and acquire stun bomb ammunition for the swift little Baknamis for a power-tripped run and mass lvl-up early in the game whence stumbling upon that very dungeon.

03-16-2008, 12:48 AM
I generally tend to avoid doing sidequests at points in the story where you'd have to warp away to those areas in order to do them using a Gate Crystal. It makes the plot seem too fragmented, so I try to do stuff on a 'just passing through' basis wherever possible.

Anyway, my organizational blunder has messed this up a little bit, so here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to PM those who still haven't updated their lists based on the latest groups and give this another day or two. After that, any lists that haven't been updated will be discounted, and we'll move on. I think that's the best way of keeping this running at least somewhat smoothly without disaffecting several people.

Apologies for this, voters.

03-16-2008, 04:00 PM
Sorry, I misread before, I know I did. Here's the ones I'd eliminate:

Garamsythe Waterway
Royal Palace
Barheim Passage
Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
The Shiva
Golmore Jungle
Eruyt Village
Stilshrine of Miriam
Nabreus Deadlands
Sochen Cave Palace
Ridorana Cataract

And I agree, the Pharos Subterra (Penumbra, Umbra, Abyssal) should be added.

couldn't have picked any other areas really.....AND the Pharos Subterra definalty shoud be added.

03-16-2008, 04:56 PM
It already has been, read through the rest of the posts.

03-16-2008, 05:05 PM
Agent, dont use your sockpuppet acount to add more votes. Then pull yourself on something. Its just not cool :p

Also, i have updated my votes.

03-17-2008, 04:05 PM
Alright. Hawkeye hasn't gotten back to me on this, and Sepheroth just blatantly ignored half the posts in the last two pages, so unfortunately I can't count their votes.

However, the others are all good, so thanks to those who updated for doing so and the rest of you for bearing with me here. These are the results of the elimination round.

Group 1:

1. Nalbina Fortress: 3
2. Garamsythe Waterway: 7
3. Rabanastre: 3

Group 2:

4. Lowtown: 3
5. Dalmasca Estersand: 2
6. Dalmasca Westersand: 8

Group 3:

7. Giza Plains: 1
8. Royal Palace: 7
9. Nalbina Dungeons: 5

Group 4:

10. Barheim Passage: 6
11. Bhujerba: 4
12. Lhusu Mines: 3

Group 5:**

13. The Leviathan: 5
14. Ogir-Yensa Sandsea: 5
15. Nam-Yensa Sandsea: 3

Group 6:

16. Raithwall's Tomb: 2
17. The Shiva: 7
18. Ozmone Plain: 3

Group 7:

19. Jahara: 5
20. Zertinan Caverns: 2
21. Golmore Jungle: 6

Group 8:

22. Eruyt Village: 5
23. Henne Mines: 2
24. Paramina Rift: 4
25. Mt. Bur-Omisace: 2

Group 9:

26. Stilshrine of Miriam: 1
27. Aerodrome/Skyferry: 3
28. Nalbina Town: 3
29. Mosphoran Highwaste: 6

Group 10:

30. Salikawood: 5
31. Nabreus Deadlands: 7
32. Necrohol of Nabudis: 1

Group 11:*

33. Phon Coast: 1
34. Tchita Uplands: 6
35. Sochen Cave Palace: 5

Group 12:*

36. Old Archades: 5
37. Archades: 1
38. Draklor Laboratories: 6

Group 13:

39. Balfonheim Port: 3
40. Cerobi Steppe: 7
41. Feywood: 3

Group 14:

42. Giruvegan: 1
43. The Great Crystal: 2
44. Ridorana Cataract: 8

Group 15:*

45. Pharos (1st, 2nd & 3rd Ascents): 1
46. Pharos: Subterra: 5
47. The Bahamut: 6

* One person forgot to vote in all these groups (though not the same person each time).
** Phirk voted twice in this round, so I had to take his first vote.

Fixtures are now up on the first page; I'll start the first battle shortly.

03-17-2008, 04:33 PM
Right then, here we go. The Locations rumble is all set to get going with our first battle:

Pharos: Subterra

Located underneath the Pharos Lighthouse; Subterra is an optional dungeon only available once you complete the Pharos 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ascents. Home to many powerful enemies, but also some of the game's best items and equipment.


Henne Mines

Located just off of Ozmone Plain. Initially, you'll encounter more bats than you can count, but deeper into the mines you'll find nightmare-types that will make you tear your hair out in frustration with their constant teleporting. Your party goes there to find Mjrn, Fran's younger sister.

03-17-2008, 04:33 PM
Edit* i did not know that. My mistake.

Okay, well Pharos: Subterra. I didnt like the henne mines very much. Mainly because i hated the room where you are ambushed by flans. Plus, its not very exiting.

03-17-2008, 04:35 PM
I'm going for Henne Mines, as it took me hours of mindless grinding to make my party strong enough to survive in Subterra, a process which bored the crap out of me.

Cookie, you do realise that we're now voting for the candidates we want to win, right?

03-17-2008, 04:48 PM
Love the pictures. Tough choice. I'm going for Pharos Subterra -- damn challenging and more creative.

Zak Vaan TaKko
03-17-2008, 05:18 PM
Pharos Subterra.

03-17-2008, 05:19 PM
Getting my ass kicked by frogs in the Pharos: Subterra was hilarious.

Erebus Wraith
03-17-2008, 07:11 PM
Pharos: Subterra

03-17-2008, 08:03 PM
I hate them both because the other part of Henne Mines just sucks ass...but I hate Sub-Terra because I get ass-raped if I'm not paying attention...

Henne Mines for this one...

03-17-2008, 08:13 PM
Pharos: Subterra.

Trance Moogle
03-17-2008, 09:50 PM
Pharos: Subterra

03-17-2008, 11:32 PM
Henne Mines

I still have bad memories of Pharos Subterra (getting all those Black Orbs), and the Henne Mines is where you get Zodiark.

03-18-2008, 02:55 AM
Pharos: Subterra

repetitive of the upper levels of the pharos but yes, more creative and less stressful than the henne mines.

03-18-2008, 01:10 PM
Pharos: Subterra

03-19-2008, 07:56 PM
Pharos: Subterra 9-3 Henne Mines

A comfortable victory for Subterra there. Henne Mines never really got going.

Next battle:


Located near the Feywood, Giruvegan is the second-largest dungeon in the game, after the Pharos Lighthouse. In order to find you way through it, you'll need to work your way through a maze of switches and fight several bosses.


Giza Plains

Located just south of Rabanastre, Giza Plains changes according to the season. You first visit it during the dry (fig. 1), but will later pass through during the wets (fig. 2). The landscape and mosters vary with the seasons. You'll also find the Croakadile mark here.

03-19-2008, 08:00 PM
Voting for Giza Plains. I found Giruvegan slightly annoying after spending a couple of hours there. However, I did like the Great Crystal, which comes after it.

03-19-2008, 08:03 PM

Erebus Wraith
03-19-2008, 09:09 PM
Giza Plains

I enjoyed the idea of the switching seasons/terrain.

03-19-2008, 09:39 PM
Giza Plains. Dungeons for the loss.

03-19-2008, 11:40 PM
Giza Plains

Giruvegan never really stood out to me, and I liked the cockatrices at Giza

03-20-2008, 12:01 AM
Giruvegan was awesome with its holographic platforms and such.

Trance Moogle
03-20-2008, 12:46 AM
Giza Plains

I liked how it switched from dry season to rainy season

03-20-2008, 04:16 AM
I really like the Giza Plains. Open plains are fun.

03-20-2008, 04:42 AM
Giruvegan Giza Plains annoyed the shit out of me.

03-20-2008, 10:59 AM

The Giza Plains were pretty damn annoying

03-20-2008, 02:46 PM
Giza Plains Also, id just like to say that i love having the screenshots and stuff. Good job :)

03-21-2008, 06:58 PM
Giruvegan 4-7 Giza Plains

A comfortable win there for Giza Plains. Giruvegan goes home early.

Next up:

Balfonheim Port

You arrive there after your visit to Archades. Mainly, it just serves as a base for your later missions, with plenty of shops to be found, and items scattered around the town, but you can also race Rikken and his crew here, in races of increasing difficulty for increasing rewards.


Sochen Cave Palace

An underground passage located near the Tchita Uplands, which takes you into Archades. Maggoty Flesh is plentiful here as you'll fight lots of Undead, while you'll also face the royalty of the Mandragoras (fig. 2)

03-21-2008, 07:00 PM
Balfonheim Port for me.

You just have to admire the view!

Erebus Wraith
03-21-2008, 07:32 PM
Sochen Cave Palace I thought it was a pretty fun dungeon

03-21-2008, 07:34 PM
Balfonheim Port. I thought Sochen Cave was an annoying dungeon.

Trance Moogle
03-21-2008, 08:06 PM
Sochen Cave Palace

the mandragoras boss battle was definately one of my favorites.

03-21-2008, 09:14 PM
Balfonheim Port. I generally enjoy city/town environments more than caves and dungeons.

jewess crabcake
03-21-2008, 09:56 PM
Balfonheim Port. I thought Sochen Cave was an annoying dungeon.

x2, the mandragoras were a royal pain in the ass.

03-21-2008, 11:56 PM
Sochen Cave Palace.

03-22-2008, 12:48 AM
Balfonheim Port

03-22-2008, 06:07 AM
I usually hate caves, but Sochen Cave Palace had some pretty sweet secrets.

03-22-2008, 04:41 PM
Balfonheim Port

The mandragora battle was bloody annoying, until I figured out to use espers lol xD

03-23-2008, 11:48 AM
Balfonheim Port

That waterfall puzzle was bloody annoying

03-24-2008, 12:39 AM
Balfonheim Port 7-4 Sochen Cave Palace

A fairly close battle, but those last two votes seal it for Reddas' hometown.

Next up:


Th Imperial Capital, Archades is a bustling city both on the ground and in the air. Selling and delivering information is good business in this city, where the citizens are constantly striving to climb the social ladder and gain more power.


Pharos (1st, 2nd & 3rd Ascents)

The compulsory part of the Pharos, which you complete during the story, as opposed to Subterra, which is optional. Arguably the longest dungeon in FF history, it will take you several hours to complete.

03-24-2008, 12:41 AM
I enjoyed the scenery at Archades but the explorable parts of the city weren't big enough. The Pharos is one of the best dungeons in any FF game ever in my view, adding a significant amount to the game's plot and featuring some good bosses.

03-24-2008, 12:47 AM
Archades one of my favorite locations from any FF. Its so nice.

Erebus Wraith
03-24-2008, 01:50 AM
Pharos was a blast.

03-24-2008, 02:22 AM
I'll take one for the Pharos.

03-24-2008, 02:32 AM

03-24-2008, 03:07 AM
THEME OF THE EMPIRE... oh, I mean, Archades.

03-24-2008, 04:42 PM
Pharos is awesome, especially the plaques that give insight into Raithwall and the Occurians. Archades is a pretty cool city but loses some serious points for that stupid chop crap.

03-24-2008, 05:03 PM
Archades had better music all-around. The song in the 2nd level of Pharos got really REALLY old.

03-24-2008, 05:35 PM
For Me It's The Pharos..

03-24-2008, 10:50 PM

It may have been long, but at least it was slightly more of a challenge than the other dungeons. And Archades was way too small to be the Imperial capital...

03-25-2008, 05:51 AM
Looks cool, has good music and doesn't take an age to finish lol

03-25-2008, 08:30 PM

Goddamn pine needles

Trance Moogle
03-25-2008, 09:12 PM

03-25-2008, 10:00 PM
Goddamn pine needles

I assume you mean pine chops?

03-26-2008, 10:47 AM
The pine chops crap sucked lol
But luckily, my games magazine had a cheats book that came with it at around the time I got to Archades, which had a guide in for getting all the pine chops hehe =]

03-26-2008, 04:48 PM
Sorry to add but I'm actually surprised I'm the only one that loved the Pine Chops quest, it's been forever since there was a sidequest where talking to people about the randomest things actually matters. Okay I'm done now.

03-26-2008, 07:41 PM
Archades. It wasn't nearly as big as it should have been, but the music, the gossip quest and some of the people you met there made up for it.

03-26-2008, 11:30 PM
(deep breath) Alright, I was hoping the next vote would be for the Pharos so I could end this, but instead it's 7-7, so sudden death's on.

Next vote clinches it, guys.

03-26-2008, 11:40 PM
Wait, can sudden death only be called by someone who hasn't voted yet or what? I can't find anything in the OP.

EDIT: I'll remove what I posted anyway since apparently all sudden death rounds up to this point have been settled by new participants, even if it was just a coincidence.

03-27-2008, 01:11 AM
It's a co-incidence. We just seem to get a lot of first-timers voting in Sudden Death, possibly because they're attention-whores who like to get the casting vote.

03-27-2008, 02:34 AM
possibly because they're attention-whores who like to get the casting vote.

Wow, just... Wow!

03-27-2008, 02:40 AM
I wonder if I could get away with deleting my post and pretending like I hadn't voted yet.

03-27-2008, 05:57 AM
I wonder if I could get away with deleting my post and pretending like I hadn't voted yet.

LMAO, I swear I was thinking the exact same thing. Not even kidding... great minds think alike.

EDIT: And that would even it out! But nah as much as it'd be funny I won't do it.

03-27-2008, 01:07 PM
hmm, I just realised that I haven't voted yet xD
I choose Pharos

03-27-2008, 03:18 PM
You know I didn't mean you, Hynad. Heck, when you voted to resolve a sudden death it was because I PMed you specifically asking you to do so. Besides, I wasn't even being totally serious.


Archades 7-8 Pharos

That sudden death vote from BloodLust wins it for the Pharos.

Next up:

Phon Coast

Located to the southwest of the Empire. You'll find many annoying enemies here, notably the Pyrolisks, who will drive you mad if you rely too much on mele� attacks. Also, there's a hunt club at a camp in the centre of the coast (fig. 2); here's where the Rare Game make themselves useful.



Home to the street rats of Rabanastre, notably Dalan, Vaan, Kytes, Penelo etc. Later in the game, you'll be able to buy the powerful Mirage Vest from a merchant here.

03-27-2008, 03:19 PM
Phon Coast gets my vote, simply for its beauty.

03-27-2008, 03:49 PM
Lowtown has a more memorable design. Phon Coast doesn't really contain any elements that gives off an Ivalice feel and could just as easily have been something out of FFX or Kingdom Hearts then FFXII.

Erebus Wraith
03-27-2008, 04:01 PM
Phon Coast gets my vote, simply for its beauty.

03-27-2008, 04:22 PM
I will vote the Phon Coast as far as I can.

03-27-2008, 04:25 PM
Phon Coast

Lowtown doesn't really contain any elements that gives an Ivalice feel and could just as easily have been something out of FF IV, IX, Suikoden, or any other RPGs.

03-27-2008, 04:41 PM

03-27-2008, 04:57 PM

03-27-2008, 05:05 PM
Phon Coast gets my vote, simply for its beauty.

03-27-2008, 06:27 PM
Mmm.... Lowtown I guess.

03-27-2008, 07:55 PM
Lowtown by a mile. Im pretty upset archades lost. I wanted it to make the final. :(

03-27-2008, 08:06 PM
Phon Coast

Trance Moogle
03-27-2008, 08:14 PM

The only time my game ever froze on me was in Phon coast. Made me hate it from then on.

03-27-2008, 08:53 PM
Phon Coast.

03-27-2008, 10:27 PM
Phon Coast

Dingy sewer vs. beautiful beach. Hmm, I wonder which one will win?

03-28-2008, 04:01 AM
Phon Coast

03-28-2008, 01:02 PM
It has to be the Phon Coast

03-28-2008, 11:01 PM
Phon Coast 10-4 Lowtown

Phon Coast scores an impressive victory there, drawing a high turnout which may help it in later rounds.

Next up:

Necrohol of Nabudis

The former capital of Nabradia, destroyed by the Midlight Shard in events prior to the game's beginning. Plenty to do here, including finding the Zodiac Spear, as well as the lengthy medallion sidequest and several bosses and marks to fight.


Old Archades

The poor of Archades, as well as its formerly rich cast-offs live here, most of whom spend their lives trying to get into the city by way of selling information.

03-28-2008, 11:03 PM
I suspect I won't be the only one who votes for the Necrohol of Nabudis. I liked the idea of Archades having a parallel slum-city, but the fact that there was almost zero of interest to do there was a bit of a bummer. The Necrohol on the other hand is pure win with all its sidequests and bosses, plus that Baknamy merchant who sells amazing goods.

03-28-2008, 11:37 PM
The Necrohol of Nabudis. I liked the idea of Archades having a parallel slum-city, but the fact that there was almost zero of interest to do there was a bit of a bummer. The Necrohol on the other hand is pure win with all its sidequests and bosses, plus that Baknamy merchant who sells amazing goods.

03-28-2008, 11:41 PM
Wow, Phon Coast did better than I though it was doing. :)

I'm for the Necrohol of Nabudis for the same general reasons, though it's not likely something I'd vote for against most of the other choices. Cannon fodder for the second round.

03-29-2008, 03:16 AM
I usually go for the underdog but I simply can't vote against Necrohol of Nabudis. Let's see...

-Great music
-Zodiac Spear
-A million little secrets
-Most fun/creative Esper sidequest (actually tied with Ultima)
-Baknamy merchant

Old Arch's got nothing on it. If the creators decided to put the other half of "Theme of the Empire" there along with Draklor (which would have fit), then it'd have me hands down.

03-29-2008, 03:27 AM
The Necrolhol of Nabudis

03-29-2008, 03:45 AM
Necrohol of Nabudis. Old Arcadies is neat in that you can buy Embroidered Tippets though.

03-29-2008, 03:58 AM
old Arcadies is cool ( i like the dancing/singing moogles lol ) but im voting for Necrohol of Nabudis because its more funner

Erebus Wraith
03-29-2008, 06:13 AM
Necrohol of Nabudis

03-29-2008, 07:34 AM
Wow. Well, this may be the shortest rumble battle ever, at approximately 8 hours old. I'm stopping it now at 8-0 to prevent the Necrohol gaining an unrepresentative tcs for later rounds. In fact from now on, I think I'll introduce Agent's knockout rule whereby at a certain score without reply the battle ends automatically. I'll call 8-0 that scoreline for now and get on with it.

Next battle coming up shortly; this is just a notice that the battle has ended.

03-29-2008, 07:48 AM
OK! Next up, it's the 'battle of the woods'.


The forested area in between the Mosphoran Highwaste and the Phon Coast, which also links to the Necrohol of Nabudis and the Nabreus Deadlands. You can fight the Bomb King and the Braegh here, the former being necessary if you wish to advance to Nabudis.



Located in the depths of the Golmore Jungle. The Mist here helps you recover MP a lot quicker, but also spawns some particularly un-friendly beasts, notably the boss Rafflesia, who is a walking, talking, breathing, living status ailment.

03-29-2008, 07:51 AM
Two fairly similar locations, both with interesting bosses and marks, but I'm going to have to vote for the Salikawood. For a few reasons. First, I prefer the music. Secondly, I find it more aesthetically pleasing. And thirdly, the forest bungalow-dwelling moogles.

03-29-2008, 08:05 AM
Wow, that was less than half a day...

I'm gonna vote for the Feywood because I happened to prefer it's music, plus, the battle with Behemoth King was EPIC in a good way and not in a bad way like Fafnir. Also I enjoyed doing the puzzle to unlock Giruvegan it was pretty fun.

Not to mention all the other great secrets in the Feywood. And I feel like there's another reason I liked it I'm forgetting.

Salikawood was nice, but... meh, Feywood wins.

03-29-2008, 10:59 AM
Feywood is more interesting.

03-29-2008, 11:41 AM
The Feywood for me.

03-29-2008, 12:50 PM
Tough one for me this, becuase i liked the feywood alot. The part where you are searching for the oasis, and the general look of it was great. But then the Salikawood gave you access to Nabudis, and you got to fight that kingbomb. Plus, If i remember correctly, there was lots of moogle workers you could interact with. Which i liked for some reason..

For those reasons, my choice is going to be Salikawood

Erebus Wraith
03-29-2008, 04:06 PM
This is a really tough choice. I loved both zones. But I am going to have to go with Salikawood because the music is amazing. Plus like people said above, "forest bungalow-dwelling moogles".... how can you go wrong?

03-29-2008, 04:32 PM
The Salikawood. Ya'ay moogles, plus, it's just a more comfortable / pleasing wood for me.

Trance Moogle
03-29-2008, 06:58 PM

I liked how the mist was so strong in that place that you could sometimes see your reflection in it.

03-29-2008, 08:11 PM
Neither stood out for me, but I liked the environment in the Salikawood better.

03-29-2008, 11:20 PM

Better music, and the moogles were cool.

03-30-2008, 01:07 AM
The Feywood

There was just so many fun sidequests and hunts to do there, and the atmosphere of that place was really great.

The Salikawood was pretty ordinary to me.

03-30-2008, 01:12 AM
The Salikawood GO MOOGLES!!!!!!!

03-30-2008, 03:40 PM
Salikawood 7-5 Feywood

A close battle, so maybe this is ending it a touch early. But we're getting such a glut of votes at the moment that I'm finding myself keeping battles going no longer than about 28-30 hours. In any case, the Salikawood pulls clear after the two contestants were evenly matched for much of that one.

Next up:


Aerodromes are found in many towns around Ivalice. From them you can take a public airship (fig. 1) or board the Strahl (fig. 2). On board public airships or 'skyferries' there are shops, plus a sidequest to complete and a mark to hunt.


Paramina Rift

Located just past the Golmore Jungle in a surprisingly swift change of climate, the Paramina Rift is a snowy mountain that leads to Mt. Bur-Omisace, where you travel with Larsa to find the Gran Kiltias Anastasis.

03-30-2008, 03:41 PM
Aerodrome/Skyferry. I loved the music on the public ships, plus if I remember correctly it's the only place you can get Syphon, and there's the sidequest invlolving Ann's Letter to do. Paramina Rift was aesthetically pleasing and had nice music, but there was little to actually do there.

03-30-2008, 03:51 PM
There are some pretty cool hunts in the Paramina Rift.

Erebus Wraith
03-30-2008, 04:10 PM
Paramina Rift

I enjoyed the Rift a lot more than the public ships

03-30-2008, 04:11 PM
Aerodrome/Skyferry You could get exclusive stuff that wasn't available anywhere else. And that side quest, "ann and her sisters" was there. Which was rewarded with a good prize. Ring of renewal i think. Plus it looked great when you were out on deck.

jewess crabcake
03-30-2008, 04:12 PM
Paramina Rift, loved the arctic scene. Also sidebar: it looks like the second pic says "The Strahl" You really are a sex pirate.

Erebus Wraith
03-30-2008, 04:16 PM
"The Strahl" You really are a sex pirate.

I was thinking the exact same thing

EDIT: Ceidwad, sorry for the off-topic post (mentioned in the post below). If someone wants to delete this post, that's cool with me. Won't happen again.

03-30-2008, 04:21 PM
Alright, there's a touch too much off-topic stuff being posted up at the moment. That sort of thing is generally un-necessary and disrupts the voting, making it more awkward to count them. I don't mind a bit of it from time to time, but there's been quite a lot recently.

Can we keep it to just voting and reasons for now, bearing in mind I usually allow a bit of off-topic time in between rounds?

03-30-2008, 05:43 PM
You guys have dirty minds, some of you.


03-30-2008, 06:48 PM
Paramina Rift. Seeking Power FTW.

03-30-2008, 06:54 PM
Paramina Rift. Seeking Power FTW.

I never thought I'd quote that guy.

03-30-2008, 09:21 PM

glass phantom
03-30-2008, 09:53 PM
Aerodrome/Sky Ferry Paramina Rift gets a bit monotonous

03-30-2008, 10:08 PM
Aerodrome/Sky Ferry

There wasn't really all that much to do in Paramina Rift...

03-31-2008, 05:12 AM
Paramina Rift

Zemener Azon
03-31-2008, 03:07 PM
Paramina Rift.

03-31-2008, 08:12 PM
Paramina Rift

04-01-2008, 11:46 AM
For me, its the Paramina Rift

04-01-2008, 04:19 PM
Aerodrome/Skyferry 6-9 Paramina Rift

I thought the airships were cool, but ah well, Paramina Rift wins the popular vote.

Next battle:

Stilshrine of Miriam

You go there as part of Ashe's main plot, to retrieve the Sword of Kings. You'll face tough enemies such as the Dragon Aevis, as well as the boss Vinuskar (fig. 2) and the Esper Mateus (fig. 3).


Nalbina Town

Located a short distance from Rabanastre, also under Imperial occupation. Nalbina is a major centre of trade, and you can buy some good weapons and armour there if you visit early in the game.

04-01-2008, 04:20 PM
Voting for Nalbina Town, as the Stilshrine of Miriam was often the height of tedium exacerbated by its uninspired music.

04-01-2008, 04:24 PM
Nalbina town

Erebus Wraith
04-01-2008, 04:37 PM
Stilshrine of Miriam

Nalbina Town is great for trade and whatnot but I would choose a dungeon over a town almost always. I find towns boring where as dungeons usually look great, have better music, and generally holds my interest more than a town/city.

04-01-2008, 04:45 PM
Stilshrine of Miriam

04-01-2008, 04:57 PM
Stilshrine of Miriam. FFXII has such wonderful dungeons.

04-01-2008, 05:16 PM
Nalbina Town. There really wasn't a lot of main plot stuff going on there, but it was all right.

04-01-2008, 06:21 PM
I never thought I'd quote that guy.

I don't know what I ever did to you, but you always seemed like a decent poster to me.

Anyway Nalbina Town for the music.

04-01-2008, 08:11 PM
Nalbina Town. There really wasn't a lot of main plot stuff going on there, but it was all right.

04-01-2008, 08:27 PM
Nalbina Town

glass phantom
04-01-2008, 08:59 PM
Nalbina Town

I always prefer a a bright town/city compared to a the music was better.

Trance Moogle
04-01-2008, 09:12 PM
Stilshrine of Miriam

that and the tomb of raithwall both really impressed me with their size and scenery

04-01-2008, 09:23 PM
Stillshrine Of Miriam

Nalbina Town didn't really play enough of a part in the story to earn my vote.

04-01-2008, 10:46 PM
Nalbina Town I wish they let you explore it a little more, I was dying to go into the fortress.

04-02-2008, 04:12 AM
Nalbina Town. There really wasn't a lot of main plot stuff going on there, but it was all right.

04-02-2008, 07:01 AM
Stillshrine. Except when you're trying to find the "secret area" for the 1st time. That blows. And I can't even remember the other "special slim-to-nil-chance-of-containing-treasure" chest I was battling bombs over, but it evidently was worth it. ::rolls eyes::

04-03-2008, 01:07 AM
Stilshrine of Miriam 6-9 Nalbina Town

Nalbina Town sees of the challenge of the Stilshrine.

Next up:

Mt. Bur-Omisace

The holy site of the Kiltias, where the Gran Kiltias Anastasis resides. Home to 'ten thousand souls' according to one devotee, referring to the refugees which find sanctuary there.


Nalbina Dungeons

Not quite so holy, this place. Most of the prisoners are malnourished or starving. It's claimed no-one gets out alive, but of course, your party proves to be the exception. You'll have to fight three very ugly Seeqs (fig.2) and several Imperials to escape, however.

04-03-2008, 01:08 AM
Voting for Nalbina Dungeons, as there isn't really much to do on Bur-Omisace, and it's where you lose the services of Larsa.

It's more of a vote against Bur-Omisace than one in favour of Nalbina Dungeons.

04-03-2008, 01:27 AM
Mt. Bur-Omisace

I loved the way all the refugees were scattered around. And that rock where there are some under it. For some strange reason, i kept wishing i could go under and talk to them...:)

04-03-2008, 01:44 AM
Mt. Bur-Omisace. Nalbina Dungeons = barely memorable / snorrrrre.

04-03-2008, 02:35 AM
Voting for Nalbina Dungeons, as there isn't really much to do on Bur-Omisace, and it's where you lose the services of Larsa.

It's more of a vote against Bur-Omisace than one in favour of Nalbina Dungeons.

And to add to that, the annoying Fafnir hunt... there's a difference between fights that are epic and fights that are plain hateable and Fafnir falls on the latter for me.

Plus there is a scene in Nalbina Dungeons where the imperial theme plays, so... :)

Erebus Wraith
04-03-2008, 03:49 AM
Nalbina Dungeons

glass phantom
04-03-2008, 08:25 AM
Mt. Bur Omisace

I liked the music there after the imperials invaded and it rained all the time...also nice scenery. Plus I barely remember Nalbina Dungeons.

04-03-2008, 11:47 AM
Mt. Bur-Omisace. I hate the mini game that you have to play there but I hate those bullshit "NO ZODIAC SPEAR FOR YOU LOL" chests more.

04-03-2008, 12:19 PM
Mt. Bur-Omisace

04-03-2008, 01:41 PM
Mt Bur-Omisace, but only by a little.

04-03-2008, 01:55 PM
Is Nalbina Dungeons where you fight the undead across that bridge like thing with larza as a guest? If so I hate that place and my vote goes to Mt. Bur omisace

04-03-2008, 07:48 PM
Mt. Bur-Omisace 7-3 Nalbina Dungeons

Much to my surprise, Bur-Omisace goes through.

Next up:

Zertinan Caverns

An underground network of tunnels that stretches across the Dalmasca Sands, into Kerwon and the Jagd Yensa. You'll find the optional Esper, Adrammelech, here. (fig.1)



Located on the sky continent of Dorstonis, the skycity of Bhujerba is officially neutral and pretends to support the Empire, but its leader Marquis Ondore is actually secretly supporting the Dalmascan Resistance. It's where you meet Larsa for the first time, though he assumes the name 'Lamont' for now.

04-03-2008, 07:51 PM
I'm voting for Bhujerba because the FMV of the Strahl flying you there during the story bit is sweet. Plus, it's just a great city all round with great scenery. Zertinan Caverns didn't really thrill me much, especially as by the time I got to fighting Adrammelech he went down like a little kitten to Fran's Blizzaga spells.

Erebus Wraith
04-03-2008, 07:52 PM
Zertinan Caverns

I think I am going to be picking the unpopular one but I really liked these caves. Now granted Bhujerba has more story (seeing as the Caverns dont have any :-P) but that esper battle was a good solid fight(I was underleveled at the time and was missing some important spells, so he was a toughie for me) .

04-03-2008, 07:54 PM
Is Nalbina Dungeons where you fight the undead across that bridge like thing with larza as a guest? If so I hate that place and my vote goes to Mt. Bur omisace

Actually it isn't, I think you're thinking of the Lhusu Mines.

Anyway once again I'm gonna vote for the Zertinan Caverns because I preferred the music there and it's one of the few places I enjoyed filling my Bestiary. Bhujerba could have been better... but it'll probably win anyway.

04-03-2008, 07:56 PM

04-03-2008, 08:13 PM
Zertinan Caverns

04-03-2008, 09:20 PM
Zertinan Caverns

Enjoyed exploring it.

04-03-2008, 09:29 PM
Oh come on. Bhujerba.

04-03-2008, 09:56 PM
Bhujerba. Damn scenic, and if people wanna talk about Larsa, this is where you first meet him. And Marquis Halim-Ondore is stationed here too.

Trance Moogle
04-03-2008, 09:57 PM
Bhujerba, I like cities that can fly!

04-03-2008, 10:06 PM

The Esper in Zertinan was hardly worth getting, and Bhujerba was a beautiful city. And it had a cute moogle sidequest.

04-04-2008, 12:06 AM
I just realized that I confused Bhujerba for Mt. Bur-Omisace in my last post. Whoops. It wouldn't have changed my vote anyway though, since I love the battle with Judge Bergan there.

Anyway, Zertinan Caverns. Adrammelech is the coolest looking summon in the game.

04-04-2008, 12:10 AM
Bhujerba The bhujeran madhu mini-quest was full of lol's. Plus it looks awesome.

glass phantom
04-04-2008, 12:19 AM

Looks great in the opening movie and probably one of the most scenic shots in the game. Plus it can fly so...yeh

04-04-2008, 04:57 AM
Bhujerba , reali beautiful and interesting city

04-04-2008, 04:26 PM
Zertinan Caverns 5-9 Bhujerba

A comfortable win for Ondore's boys.

Next battle:


The Garif live here; you intially visit it to enquire about Nethicite, but if you're a mark hunter, you'll probably come back here for several hunts.



The place where the game really begins, after the prologue with Reks. Rabanastre is Dalmasca's capital and hometown to Vaan, Penelo, Ashe, Basch, and Vossler.

04-04-2008, 04:28 PM
This is a tough decision, but I'll have to vote for Rabanastre. I prefer the scenery and it has more relevance to the story, although there are many things I like about Jahara, such as its music.

04-04-2008, 04:28 PM
Rabanastre. It's not really much of a competition.

04-04-2008, 04:36 PM
Rabanastre, no question. So much to do there, so many cool things too -- like Moogling.

04-04-2008, 05:32 PM

04-04-2008, 05:35 PM
You might think I like to look for a reason to vote for the underdog with 0 votes just to drive everyone crazy, but too many reasons for that not to happen this time.


04-04-2008, 05:41 PM

04-04-2008, 07:49 PM

I always thought Jahara was a boring place.

04-04-2008, 08:12 PM
Jahara to be the first contradicting vote.

04-04-2008, 08:16 PM
Damn. I was hoping for an 8th vote for Rabanastre, so I could end this by KO and get on with the next one. Ah well, never mind.

04-04-2008, 08:29 PM
Rabanastre, for the same reasons Ceidwad gave.

04-04-2008, 08:30 PM

Superb soundtrack

04-04-2008, 10:16 PM

Rabanastre's music got on my nerves.

glass phantom
04-05-2008, 09:58 AM
This was hard as I'm very fond of both these places but Rabanastre plays a bigger role in the story.

04-05-2008, 05:16 PM
Jahara 3-9 Rabanastre

Almost ended by KO, but Jahara fought back to make the scoreline semi-respectable.

Next battle:

Ozmone Plain

A large plain in between the Giza Nomad village/Giza Plains and Jahara, also leading to Golmore Jungle and the Zertinan Caverns. Generally not much to do here, aside from a couple of marks and rare game to hunt.


Raithwall's Tomb

The tomb of the Dynast-king, Raithwall, where you find (and must fight) the Esper Belias, as well as a couple of encounters with Demon Walls.

04-05-2008, 05:19 PM
Voting for Ozmone Plain, as I did not like the constant intrusion of the optional Demon Wall. If you didn't beat it, you'd have to flee from it every time you tried to enter the tomb, which could be really annoying if you were trying to loot and trade with Dyce outside.

04-05-2008, 05:20 PM
This is a tough one for me. I thought that ozmone plain looked great. But so did raithwalls tomb. Hmm, i dunno really. Well, raithwalls tomb had your first Esper. And demonsbane's. So Il go with

Raithwalls Tomb

04-05-2008, 05:34 PM
I usually vote based on music in which Raithwall's Tomb blew hard, but Ozmone Plain defined boring and a waste of space and was that bad. Raithwall.

04-05-2008, 06:22 PM
Raithwall's Tomb.

04-05-2008, 07:54 PM
Ozmone Plain, it was a reasonably fun plain.

04-05-2008, 08:46 PM
Raithwells Tomb

glass phantom
04-05-2008, 10:31 PM
Ozmone Plain

Prefer the freedom and more lively music to the claustrophobic feel of the tomb.

04-05-2008, 10:57 PM
Raithwall's Tomb

Trance Moogle
04-05-2008, 11:05 PM
Raithwall's Tomb

04-06-2008, 07:13 PM
Ozmone Plain 3-6 Raithwall's Tomb

Low turnout that time. A relatively easy win for Raithwall's Tomb.

Next battle:

Nam-Yensa Sandsea

The second part of the Yensan Sandsea. You'll face the Urutan Eater here.


Nalbina Fortress

Part of the prologue with Reks; you'll fight Imperials and the Air Cutter Remora here.

04-06-2008, 07:16 PM
Not much to say about these two locations, both were fairly nondescript in themselves. I'm going for Nalbina Fortress because it was the opening of the game and therefore by default was more exciting, at least the first time I played it.

04-06-2008, 07:51 PM
Nam-Yensa Sandsea

Trance Moogle
04-06-2008, 08:50 PM
Nam-Yensa Sandsea

glass phantom
04-06-2008, 09:07 PM
Nalbina Fortress

Only level with Reks.

04-06-2008, 09:13 PM
Hrm, I'll go for Nalbina Fortress, mainly because it also houses an aerodrome.

04-06-2008, 09:53 PM
Nalbina Fortress

The Sandseas were really dull - just screen after screen of sand and Urutan-Yensa.

04-07-2008, 12:58 PM
Hrm, I'll go for Nalbina Fortress, mainly because it also houses an aerodrome.

That's Nalbina Town, which has already competed in this rumble. I don't know if this changes your vote, but Nalbina Fortress refers only to the area which you visit with Reks at the very start of the game.

04-07-2008, 03:58 PM
Thanks for clearing that up Ceidwad, I would have thought otherwise had you not said so and my vote would have been different.

Nam Yensa Sandsea

04-07-2008, 04:07 PM
As far as I'm concerned, it's not Nalbina Town. If it's part of the town, then how come when you want to go there, the soldier tells you, "I'll escort you. Much of the fortress is off-limits to civilians"?

Aw, whatever, my vote stands. The Sandsea is damn boring.

04-07-2008, 04:09 PM
Nalbina Fortress. It's way better that the sandsea especially since I got lost.

04-07-2008, 04:12 PM
You misunderstand me Agent. I'm not saying that Nalbina Fortress doesn't exist as part of the town when you visit later with Vaan and co., but rather that the fortress you visit as Reks is entirely different from the one being rebuilt two years later. Nalbina Town is treated as a seperate area for rumble purposes, and has already competed in the round, anyway, winning 9-6 against the Stilshrine of Miriam.

Erebus Wraith
04-07-2008, 04:13 PM
Nalbina Fortress

I was not a fan of either Sandsea

04-07-2008, 04:28 PM
Anyway, with that vote from Erebus Wraith, I think we can end this battle.

Nam-Yensa Sandsea 3-6 Nalbina Fortress

Another low turnout, but a relatively comfortable passage through for Nalbina Fortress.

Next battle:

The Leviathan

Imperial war cruiser on which your party is temporarily held captive; as you escape you'll get Ashe and Penelo as permanent members of your party and fight Judge Ghis.


The Great Crystal

Located deep inside Giruvegan, you'll find the Occuria here, who give you the treaty Blade. Also home to the optional Esper, Ultima.

04-07-2008, 04:29 PM
The Great Crystal

04-07-2008, 04:29 PM
I'm going for the Great Crystal, as the Leviathan could often be pretty frustrating with its security checkpoints, and I just liked the Great Crystal in terms of music and scenery.

04-07-2008, 04:51 PM
I really love them both. Leviathan it will be this time because 1. It has slightly superior music "Challenging the Empire" and 2. It's got less votes...

BTW Ceidwad, how do you change your username?

04-07-2008, 05:04 PM
The Great Crystal

04-07-2008, 06:39 PM
The Great Crystal, easily.

04-07-2008, 06:54 PM

04-07-2008, 08:13 PM
Both places piss me the fuck off but I'm going with the Great Crystal because there's good stuff there.

Erebus Wraith
04-07-2008, 09:27 PM
The Great Crystal

They both were frustrating but at least the Great Crystal had good music and was pleasing to look at.

Trance Moogle
04-07-2008, 10:28 PM
The Leviathan

The Great Crystal was just a bunch of shiny circular platforms to go form one to the other. kinda bored me.

04-07-2008, 10:31 PM
Zak, if you want to change your username, you just have to PM one of the admins saying what you want it changed to. That means Sarah (aryan jellyfish) or Mandi (Ndi).

04-08-2008, 12:09 AM
My vote goes with the Leviathan
I didn't like either of those locations really, but the Great Crystal bored me more than the Leviathan

04-08-2008, 01:47 AM
Leviathan. Ashe and Penelo, c'mon!

04-08-2008, 02:23 AM
Leviathan. Obviously :)

04-08-2008, 06:24 AM
The Great Crystal

They both were frustrating but at least the Great Crystal had good music and was pleasing to look at.

04-08-2008, 10:07 AM
The Great Crystal. The lack of a real map sucks but there are are a few nice weapons and optional bosses to be found there.

04-08-2008, 11:43 AM
The Leviathan 6-8 The Great Crystal

TGC pips Leviathan in a surprisingly close battle.

Next up:

Lhusu Mines

The source of Bhujerba's wealth, Lhusu is a magicite-rich mine. You go there initially to rescue Penelo from Ba'Gamnan and his cronies, but you'll probably come back for several hunts later.


Dalmasca Estersand

The Estersand is the less harsh and more aesthetically pleasing of the two Dalmasca Sands. You'll find a village there around which a sidequest is built, as well as hunting a couple of marks, including the Rogue Tomato (fig. 2)

This is the last battle in this round; we'll probably have the usual break of a day or so when it's finished.

04-08-2008, 11:43 AM
My vote goes to the Dalmasca Estersand in this one.

04-08-2008, 01:27 PM
The Lhusu Mines

The Dalmasca Estersand is rather empty in events, and the Lhusu Mines is the home of Gilgamesh... So it's a no-brainer.

04-08-2008, 02:52 PM
Estersand. 20 hours of training right off the bat tends to connect you to a place :p

Erebus Wraith
04-08-2008, 04:01 PM
Dalmasca Estersand

The music and the view was better here than in the Mines. Plus I like the Rogue Tomato

04-08-2008, 04:14 PM
I say the Lhusu mines. Mostly because the fight with Gilgamesh is totally awesome!

04-08-2008, 04:47 PM
Dalmasca Estersand .

04-08-2008, 04:48 PM
Well, I like the Estersand, everything from the various areas to the villages.

04-08-2008, 06:18 PM
Estersand. I like open places more than dungeons. Mines count as dungeons, jftr.

04-08-2008, 06:39 PM
The Lhusu Mines

The Dalmasca Estersand is rather empty in events, and the Lhusu Mines is the home of Gilgamesh... So it's a no-brainer.

Never thought I'd quote that guy. ;)

04-08-2008, 08:38 PM
Estersand. 20 hours of training right off the bat tends to connect you to a place :p

I personally went with farmng Dustia in the Westersand... a lot faster. But my vote is The Estersand.

04-08-2008, 09:56 PM
Dalmascan Estersand

The Rogue Tomato was cute :-P

04-08-2008, 11:11 PM
Lhusu Mines coz jolly good fun

glass phantom
04-08-2008, 11:37 PM
Estersand. I like open places more than dungeons. Mines count as dungeons, jftr.

Dalmasca Estersand

04-09-2008, 10:03 PM

04-10-2008, 07:06 PM
Lhusu Mines 4-10 Dalmasca Estersand

I'm just stepping in to end this. Free thread for the moment, so get your reaction/comments/suggestions in. I'll probably be at least a couple of days with the update for the next round, as I've got some work to do.

04-10-2008, 07:48 PM
Estersand was alot better. And i felt like a pussy, when i had to run from Ba'Gamnam in Lhusu mines near the beggining :p

04-10-2008, 07:50 PM
On my second playthrough I beat Ba'Gamnan. You can take his whole crew out if you nail a quickening/Inferno.

04-10-2008, 08:00 PM
Thats what I do now because I don't run away from a fight... unless its a place like the Henne Mines where I get slaughtered if I don't.

04-11-2008, 12:55 AM
I hate this game's undead, and the Mines feature a lot of undead.

04-11-2008, 12:58 AM
I hate this game's undead, and the Mines feature a lot of undead.

Yep, status effects fest (try to say that sentence out loud 3 times in a row...).

04-11-2008, 02:30 AM
Not just status effects, but the usual tricks to defeat undead don't seem to work nearly as well in this game as they did in past FFs.

04-11-2008, 02:40 PM
Well, healing spells still work exactly the same as before. It's just that Phoenix Downs no longer equal automatic KO for an undead, which frankly I think is a good thing.

You can, for example, cast reflectga and then Curaja with a character in Faith and wearing Magick Gloves/with the Spellbreaker (?) License. That will do around 20,000 to 25,000 damage to an undead, depending on whether you have guests, how good your Magick Power is, etc.

04-11-2008, 08:46 PM
Certain undead, like the two raregame in the Westersand, you can still hit with a Phoenix Down. But I think game designers caught on and made the tougher ones, like the Et�m, immune to that. Though I'm not too sure on this, I think you can still use the Nihopalaoa+Phoenix Down Trick on it. Maybe casting Renew on an undead will kill it instanly...