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08-31-2008, 06:22 AM
For the best source of DBZ Unreleased music go to CoyCoy88's youtube page! (06/21/2019)

(This pertains to the Bruce Faulconer DBZ Music)


Well I've been asking and asking for help on DVD Channel Recordings and no one seemed to be able to help me until I ran into some one who showed me what media player to use and then had me figure the rest out myself.

I've done the best I could with these. But here is an entire collection of unreleased Dragonball Z music I got from DVD Channel Recordings. Right now I'm only uploading the tracks that have no sound effects or voices. Unfortunately, I wasn't lucky enough to get everything, because to my dismay, when the DBZ characters would think to themselfs, it was put on the same channel as the music.

The music was put in the left rear and left right channels by itself for the most part. But some of the tracks have a small watery affect to them (nothing to ruin any of the tracks) because in order for my Audacity and Adobe to record them (recorded only the sounds that came from my CPU) I had the make the rear left and rear right channel play it two more channels.

Not everything is in the best quality, some stuff sounds like it's from a CD. some stuff is distorted, others are ok. So I don't want any complaints as this is the best we're going to get until and that's only IF Bruce Faulconer decides to release the rest of the unreleased stuff.

Now I can upload the tracks with minimal voices and sound effects if people desire. Where it has the stuff here and there and then you could edit the stuff yourself. I also left all audio volumes as is. Sometimes the music volume lowers suddenly due to it lowering for the show so people can talk. I wanted people to be able to mess with the music themselfs so they can get it to there perfect liking. The music volume changing isn't major and it's barely noticeable for most stuff. So enjoy guys and please leave feed back.But like said, all the tracks here are just the music.

I used the new remastered DVD sets to do this. So more music will come as more DVD sets of DBZ are released.

Shout Outs

EanetDude - Thanks to EanetDude for the idea of the current page layout

Colonel Silver - I would like to thank ColonelSilver for the track "Vegeta's Full Theme Complete" He did this himself a while back and he was kind enough to send it to me. He did a much better job with the Vegeta theme than I did. But he didn't use DVD Channel Recording. He took pieces from the show where it only played the music and combined them and it turned out perfect. So props to him

Rafael Agent 00 - I would like to give a big shout out to Rafael Agent 00 for guiding me on how to do DVD Channel Recordings

Aakaido - Credit Aakaido for uploading all the released CDs

4125 - thanks to 4125 for the Trunks Movie Theme

DBZ TV Series Music
Faulconer Released CDs

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol1.rar

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol 2

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol 3

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol4.rar

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol5.part1.rar

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol5.part2.rar



Bruce Faulconer - DBZ Trunks Compendium.rar

Bruce Faulconer - Buu - The Majin Sagas.rar

Bruce Faulconer - Android #18 - The Android Sagas.rar


Unreleased Tracks

Original Upload Pack

Password: PjakDBZ (The password must be entered exactly like that as it is Case Sensitive)

Now on to the track listing

Track 1 - Android 16 saves Android 17 (This is the track that has been wanted by a whole bunch. It's the music that plays when Android 16 announces he will kill Cell. It's also used when 16 saves 17 whose about to be absorbed by cell. This is the version where he saves 17. only difference is the intro.)

Track 2 - Android 18 Makes Road (Used When 18 destroys the forest so 17 can drive through it)

Track 3 - Body Change with Piccolo part 1 (Used at the ending of one of the episodes. It's when they realize Ginyu has taken Bulma's body, and Ginyu gets ready to steal Piccolo's body)

Track 4 - Body Change with Piccolo part 2 - Goku Vs Frezia Continues (This is basically the first half of the next episode. Where Ginyu attempts to steal Piccolo's Body, Frieza Vs Goku)

Track 5 - Body Change with Vegeta (Used at the ending of the episode when Ginyu was preparing to take Vegeta's body as Goku)

Track 6 - Cell's First Appearance (Used when Piccolo first meets Cell)

Track 7 - Cell's Multiple Powers (The music that plays as they are feelings all different power levels from Cell)

Track 8 - Cell's True Power (Used when Krillian explains to Trunks the extent of Perfect Cell's true power)

Track 9 - End of the Road for Jiece (Used when Vegeta is going to kill Jiece

Track 10 - Frieza Toppling Goku - Gohan's Worry (Goku begins losing the battle against Frieza and is soon going to come up with the idea to use the spirit bomb)

Track 11 - Ginyu and Jiece Approach (the full 6 minute track, used when Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillian plan things out as Jiece and Ginyu approach the battle field)

Track 12 - Ginyu Charges up As Goku part 2 (used at the beginning of the episode. Where Ginyu is in Goku's body and ask Jiece to give him a read out of his power level)

Track 13 - Ginyu Force and Goku, Vegeta Stand Off (Used at the beginning of the episode, as it shows the dead bodies of Reccome and Burta. Then it shows Goku, Vegeta, and Jiece, Ginyu getting ready to fight

Track 14 - Gohan's Sorrow for Piccolo (Used when Piccolo takes a shot for Goku that nearly kills him and Gohan thinks he's dead)

Track 15 - Gohan at Frieza's Spaceship (Used after they defeat the Ginyu Force completely. Goku is in the regeneration chamber, Vegeta is resting, while Gohan is outside of the ship trainning and day dreaming about defeating Frieza)

Track 16 - Gohan Fuels His Anger (Used when Gohan is in the hyperbolic time chamber trying to turn Super Saiyan as he remembers back to Frieza killing his friends. It's both versions of Ginyu Transformation)

Track 17 - Goku Vs Volcano (Frieza throws Goku into a whole in Namek planet they created while fighting. Goku races up to get out of the way of the lava before he gets burned to death)

Track 18 - Neo Tri-Beam to Cell (This is basically the Cell Powers Up theme, but the versiion used as Tien is hitting Imperfect Cell 2nd form with multiple Tri-Beams in order to give Android 18 and 16 time to escape

Track 19 - Super Saiyan Vegeta Theme Complete (This has the full intro in it. I will be re-doing this eventually)

Track 20 - Vegeta's Death (Used as Vegeta is dying after being shot by Frieza. He's explainning to Goku why he must defeat Frieza

Track 21 - Vegeta's Full Complete Theme (Includes the original version of his theme and the second version. Credit to ColonelSilver)

Track 22 - Vegeta Deflects Shot (Used when Frieza first forms goes to shoot Gohan with a deadly blast, but Vegeta knocks it out of the way)

Ginyu Force/Frieza Saga

Vegeta Angry - This is one of the MOST REQUESTED TRACKS I have seen, by me and by many others. I finally was able to get it with no voices or sound effects. It was used when Vegeta arrived at the while Krillian, Dende, and Gohan had brought out Parunga the Namiekan Dragon (it's first use) Then it was also used when Piccolo reveals to Garlic Jr. that he was never under Garlic Jr's spell.

password - PjakDBZ (password is case sensitive, must be put in exactly like that)

Guru Dies - - (Used when Parunga vanishes, Dende alerts them Guru has died, Dende starts crying)

Krillian and Dende Arrive - (Used when Krillian meets up with Dende and heads back to Frieza's ship with him to meet Gohan and use the Dragonballs)

Frieza's Theme - (Nothing more to be said, except, the request has been fullfilled. This track came out alright, I still say it probably can sound better, but still pretty good)

Gohan attacks Frieza Second Form - (Used when Gohan believes Frieza has killed Krillian. Gohan snaps and kicks the crap out of Frieza. This is the 1st part of it, where they play the cool instrumental version of the DBZ Theme.)

Frieza-Ginyu Beat - (This is the long awaited track. It's the same as Android 16 saves 17, except it's modified a bit. Whole different intro, and certain beats loop. This is basically the version used in the Frieza saga)

Frieza's Theme V2 - (wasn't sure what to call this. This was the track Xzero mistakened for Frieza's theme. So I just decided to upload the request anyway. It was used when Frieza began ranting on about how he will make them pay for making it impossible for him to use the dragonballs)

Namiekan Theme - (As requested, the Namiekan theme. This is the full version and I will say it turned out PERFECT. I do)

Goku Arrives on the Scene - (Used when Goku appears on the battlefield right before Frieza kills Vegeta. Also used a bunch of times of parts where Goku has the upper hand on Frieza.)

Goku Vs Valcono - (just enhanced it, sounds much better than the original)

Ginyu's Mighty Blast - (Used in Ginyu Vs Goku battle as it's showing the huge smoke cloud after Ginyu's blast I believe. Or it was as he was getting ready to fire the shot. Can't remember)

Ginyu's Mighty Shot - (Used in in Ginyu Vs Goku scene)

Ginyu Arrives as Goku - (Basically the first portion of the music that plays when Ginyu is approaching and arrives at Frieza's spaceship with Goku's body and fools Krillin)

Jiece's Hair Move and Goku Arrival - (Used righter it had just been revealed Ginyu had stolen Goku's body. Ginyu had just hit Krillin away and Jiece begins throwing around his hair. Also when Goku arrives on the scene in Ginyu's body.

Goku Vs Jiece and Burta - (2nd song used when Goku is facing Jiece and Burta. Also an extension of the track I uploaded called Goku Vs Burta)

Parunga Hasn't Been Summoned - (Used when Krillian is explainning to Vegeta why he believes the Namek dragon hasn't been summoned)

Jiece Reports to Ginyu - (Used when Jiece is reporting the deaths of Guldo, Recomme, and Burta to Captain Ginyu)

Burta Vs Goku - (Remastered and more full, used just as that. When Goku faces Burta alone)

Bulma's Theme - (Used just as said. It's Bulma's theme)

Ginyu Assault on Goku - (Used when Goku is charging up to max and Ginyu attempts to hit him with blast. Another variation of the Ginyu Force theme)

Ginyu Punches Himself - (Used when Ginyu punches himself before he changes bodies with Goku. This is a major track because it is the 1st minute to the track Ginyu Transformation that is unreleased. I can't believe I missed this)

Sayian Theme - (The fullest version I could find of Sayian formation, give your opinion on what you think.)

Nail Vs Frieza - (Used when Nail is facing Frieza)

Piccolo's Flashback - (Music played as Piccolo is rushing to save Gohan from Frieza after Piccolo fuses with Nail)

Sorrow Music - (Music used usually when some one dies or it is a sad moment, this is the full version. Most noteably for me when Frieza shoots and almost kills Piccolo and Gohan freaks out)

Super Sayian Goku - (Used when Frieza and SSJ Goku have a star off, used many times for Goku when he first arrives on the scene or knocks down his opponent)

Super Sayian Goku Theme V2 - (Has different intro and ending, but almost the same as the other one. I like this one better)

Basic Trainning at King Kai's PT 1 - (Has voices/sfx) (Music played when the Ginyu Force faces Yamcha, Tien, and Chiatzu at King Kai's)

Basic Trainning at King Kai's PT 2 - (Has voices/sfx) (same as top, would be one big track, but is sperated by the gay DBZ Commerical on the DVDs where Goku is playing with Gohan as a little child)

Piccolo on Namek - (Has voices/sfx) (used when Piccolo first arrives on Namek)

Gohan Attacks Frieza Complete - (Has voices/sfx) (Used when Gohan thinks Frieza has killed Krillian, I know I have this post, but it's incomplete, it only plays up to the DBZ theme, this one runs about a minute longer, but has voices in the last minute.

Sayian Formation - (the long awaited track...that I could only get 14 seconds of. i apologize. I tried to get more, but so far no luck. It's better than nothing, maybe a good loop can be done?)

Piccolo On Namek - (Used when they wish Piccolo to planet Namek)

Fortune Telling - (Used when Bulma shows the Nameks her leaf fortune telling trick)

Sayian Theme Extended - (I basically looped the main part that plays in the first 16 seconds or so. So it plays 3 times in row, then it plays the slower drums. It's basically an extension of the Sayian Theme I posted earlier. This was just to try and make the track sound more complete. Leave feed back on how the loop sounds. I think I could do better, but that's me.)

Ginyu Transformation Full - (I basically added the unreleased track Ginyu Punches himself to the Ginyu Transformation track released on the CDs to make it full. So to those who wanted to have them combined, here it is for your listening pleasure. I think it sounds pretty B.A.)

The Dragon Theme Full - (This is the full version. Now the version on the CD would be full, but they left out the drum roll that plays as the dragon leaves. I mixed that part in. On the CD version it just skips that part and goes to "Summon the Dragon" or whatever the track is called. Let me know what you guys think)

Frieza Chasing Krillian - (This was used when Krillian was fleeing from Freeza 2nd form an at the end escaped using the Solar Flair technique.) *

Sayian Theme Full V3 - (Used for the Sayian Race. Same as Sayian Theme Full V2, but it extended with more parts. Finally added the intro.) *

Goku and Frieza Stand off - /Goku_and_Frieza_Stand_Off.mp3 (Used in the middle of Goku Vs Frieza battle, Frieza tells Goku he could have joined forces)

Goku's Nightmare Vision - (Used as Goku is drowning underwater and visions the future if he loses to Frieza)

Sayian Theme (Complete) - (used for the Sayian Race) *******

Piccolo Vs Frieza Original - (Used directly after Frieza smashes Vegeta into the ground and fights Piccolo before he charges up to max)

Goku Arrives on the Scene PT 2 - (2nd part to Goku arriving to the battlefield right before Frieza kills Vegeta, strange, but cool music plays)

Z-Fighters Celebrate - (used primarily when one of the Z-Fighters would get a very good hit on a villian and send them flying or when King Kai was celebrating thinking Goku beat Frieza)

Dende Heals Gohan - (Used when Dende heals Gohan after Frieza beats him up and Vegeta stares shocked.)

Garlic Jr Saga

Garlic Jr's Henchmen (made the upload pack) - (used exactly as the title stated. It was there theme in a sense.)

Dead Zone (complete theme, runs over 3 mins) - (Has voices) (used in various parts of the Garlic Jr Returns Saga)

Android/Cell Saga
Kame Worried - (This was used mostly when Kame would be speaking about a problem or watching a battle from his look out simply when all the Z Fighters would be at his look out formulating a plan)

Kame Worried V2 - (Basically used the same way as the first one. I'm not sure this one is any different, except that extra intro cut off, but the quality is not as great)

Android 19's Demise - (Used when Vegeta Kills Android 19)

Peace - (Used mainly when there would be relaxation time. Notable when Gohan is waiting for the Cell games after his time in the hyperbolic time chamber, he is sitting down in the peaceful village with the new girl he meet)

Goku to New Namek - (Used when Goku went to go recruit Dende as Earth's new guardian.)

Goku Vs Perfect Cell - (Some of the music used while Goku fought Perfect Cell)

16 Saves Hercule - (Used when 16 protects Hercule and his friends from the enormous blast caused by Goku and Perfect Cell)

Aftermath - (some of the music played after Cell was defeated)

Cell Defeated - (music played right after Cell was defeated)

Krillians Tale - (This was used when Krillian is explainning to Tien and Trunks that Piccolo is going to fuse with Kami

Cell Defeated - (used when Cell is defeated by Gohan and the Z-Fighters)

Gohan Charges Up - (Has voices/sfx) (Used when Cell is tampering with Gohan's temper and Gohan gets closer to SSJ2 as he gets angerier)

Vegeta Attacks Cell - (Has voices/sfx) (Used when Cell Kills Future Trunks and Vegeta rampages Cell)

Z-Fighters Help Gohan - (Has voices/sfx) (Used when Z-Fighters try to help take out Cell as Gohan is battling him with a huge Kamamaha.)

Dr. Gero's Demise - (Has voices/sfx) (Used when Androids turn on Dr. Gero and murder him)

Imperfect Cell to NickyTown - (used when Cell stops at the sign that says Nickytown is Near and decides to eat all of Nickytown up for there energy)

Android 19's Theme - (This was used when Android 19 would attack his enemies, I HAVE WANTED THIS TRACK FOREVER. I got it from the episode where Chi Chi is dancing.)

Cell's Kamamaha Wave - (This was used when Cell was fighting Piccolo and revealing all the moves he knew of his friends.)

These next 3 tracks (Vegeta Vs Imperfect Cell) are all separated because each part is separated by either the stupid DBZ advertisement on the DVDs or a new episode, plus didn't want too large of a file size. Some unreleased stuff, but I just thought the tracks themself sounded cool.

Vegeta Vs Imperfect Cell PT1 - (Used for Super Vegeta Vs Imperfect Cell.)

Vegeta Vs Imperfect Cell PT2 - (Used for Super Vegeta Vs Imperfect Cell)

Vegeta Vs Imperfect Cell PT 3 - (Used for Super Vegeta Vs Imperfect Cell)

SSJ Underscore/Gohan Charges up - (Used when Cell is observing Gohan charge up and realizes there is more to Gohans power than he thought) *

Aerial Battle Theme - (Used when Goku first fights Cell)

Goku Vs Cell Afterimage Fight - (used when Goku and Cell are fighting very fast an are leaving afterimages of themselfs)

Cell and Piccolo Face Off (TV Version) - (Not much different. Just the same track with parts from Z-Fighters Sense Cell mixed in overlapping the track)

Cell and Piccolo Face Off - Post Fight - (Track that plays as Cell tells Piccolo who he is while Piccolo stands there with a hurt arm.)

Cell Kills Coach - (Track that plays as Cell kills the football Coach after sucking up all the football players)

Cell Kills Cop - (Track played when Cell is in the office building hunting down the Cop or Military man..Idk what or who he is really)

Cell Takes Out Piccolo (Cell Absorbs Town Theme) - (Used many times during DBZ. This was released HOWEVER on the CD the intro is overlapped by another track. So I figured I'd post this since it's the uninterrupted intro and a extended version)

Kami's Theme 2 - (Another version of Kami's Theme that I posted a bit earlier. It runs a little different at the end I think)

Goku Recovers (TV Version) - (This is the entire track that plays from the time Chi Chi and Roshi are in the Kitchen feeling Goku doing the kamamaha wave all the way till Goku leaves Roshi's)

Trunks Saves Bulma - (Used as Trunk saves Bulma from Android 20's attack)

Vegeta Chases Android 20 - (The track played just before an after goes to fly after Android 20)

Bulma and Baby Trunks - (Used as Bulma plays with Baby Trunks while the others search for Android 20)

Calm Music - (Used during calm moments in DBZ. Usually when they're showing nature or they're peacefully flying)

Gohan-Piccolo-Goku Train - (Used as all 3 train in preparation for the androids)

Gohan-Piccolo-Goku Train 2 - (Another version of all 3 training in preparation for the androids)

Goku Lands on Earth - (Used as Goku's spaceship lands on earth)

Goku Remembering the RR Army - (Used as Trunks and Goku talk about the red ribbon army)

Krillian Training at Roshi's - (Used as Krillian trains at Roshi's in preparation for the androids)

Kami's Theme - (Often used when Kami is talking)

Piccolo Ask For 1 More Hour - (Used as Piccolo is asking Buu for one more hour at the look out)

Skateboarders - (Used as the man is skateboarding through the city until Krillain lands in front of him freaking him out)

Trunks and Goku Talking - (Used as Goku and Trunks talk to each other when they first meet)

Z-Fighters Talk - (Used at the beginning of the episode right after Trunks leaves. All the Z-Fighters are trying to plan on what to do next.)

Majin Buu Saga

Gohan and Super Buu Stand Off - (Used as Ultimate Gohan Approaches Super Buu for the first time and taunts at him, telling Buu he doesn't stand a chance. This is specially requested by Zero, this is for you bro)

Super Buu Anger - (Used when Super Buu realizes he is no match for Ultimate Gohan and tries to destroy everyone around him by erupting an explosion)

Gotenks Vs Fat Buu - (Used when Gotenks fights Fat Buu)

Super Buu Arrives at Lookout Pt 1 - (Used when Super Buu arrives at Kami's look out and sends the Z Fighters in shock)

Super Buu Arrives at Lookout Pt 2 - (Same description as the first one, except this is the 2nd part. The song was divided into 2 episodes.)

Kid Buu is Born - (Used when Super Buu is morphing into Kid Buu

Kid Buu Destroys Earth - (Used when Buu is forming and shooting the blast to blow up earth)

Training-Kid Buu's Arrival in other World - (this is used when Pikkon, Krillian, and Yamcha are all trainning in other world

Kid Buu's Arrival In Other World - (Used when Buu arrives in other world and begins to attack)

Kid Buu at Supreme Ki's - (Used when Kid Buu arrives at Supreme Ki's)

Party Rock - (Music Bulma plays at the DBZ Fighters re-union, everyone dances to it. a Pretty cool rock theme)

Kid Buu Defeated - (Used when Spirit Bomb blows up and kills Buu) (This track is complete and unreleased I missed it. It had some unreleased parts, like the full version of Goku Recovers.)

Other World Tournament Ending - (just as the title states, it's the music played as the other world tournament ends and Goku and Pikkon are talking to Grand Kai about training with him some day)

Videl's Super Kick - (alternate version of SSJ Vegeta theme. Used when she kicks the guys head and it spins all the way around and breaks, but he doesn't die)

Great Saiyaman saves Building - (used when Gohan is on a date with the girl that is blackmailing him, and he has to save people from the burning building while putting out the fire. He sneaks off to change into the Saiyaman suit.)

Gohan's Worry for Videl - (used when Videl is getting her ass kicked in the world tournament and Gohan begins to get worried and angry)

Stronger Fighters - (Used when Goku announces to Fat Buu, that fighters stronger than him will arrive in 2 days)

Piccolo Kills Babidi - (Used when Piccolo attempts to kill Babidi. The 1st part of this track is unreleased, I mixed it in with the super namek theme. I basically made it play how it does on TV. Very awesome track)

Piccolo Kills Babidi V2 - (Same as other one, just sounds different. The other one I tried to enhance the unreleased part, although had I been smart, I probably should have just raised the volume, anyway. This is the uneditied version. They are in WAV format, so the file sizes are a bit larger.)

Piccolo Arrives at Look Out - (Used when Piccolo and Krillian arrive at look out with an unconcious Trunks and Goten. Extended version of the last parts of "Piccolo on Namek")

Gohan and the Z-Sword - (Used as Gohan is training with the Z-sword becoming greatly skilled as Goku and the Kai's watch. A remix of Gohan's Anger)

Ultimate Gohan - (Used when Kabito Kai and Gohan first arrive back on earth with Kabito's instant transmission and Kabito gives Gohan new clothes)

Goku Meets Other World Fighters - (Used as King Kai introduces the other world warriors to Goku)

Pikkon's Weighted Hat - (Used as Pikkon throws off his hat and gets ready to fight Goku at full power in the other world tournament)

Circus Theme/Choby Scared - (This was used when Gohan went to the circus to find Choby the little dinosour and free him)

Goku and Pikkon Speak After there Fight - (Used right after Goku and Pikkon get done fighting and Goku helps Pikkon up)

Goku Arrives in Other World - (Used right after King Kai and Goku arrive in other world and they're walking to the Grand Kai's)

Goku Vs The Rhino - (Used when Goku faces Miraco in the Other world tournament)

Goku's Underwater Fight - (Used when the ring is turned to water in the other world tournament and Goku is fighting his fish opponent)

Kai's Argue - (Used as King Kai and West Kai are arguing.)

Other World Tournament Round 1 - (Used during the 1st round montage of the tournament)

Sayiaman and Goten - (Used when Gohan is in his room training infront of Goten.)

Sayiaman Saves Bus - (Used when Sayiaman helps Videl save the bus being held hostage)

The Giant Frog Vs The Rhino - (Used in the otherworld tournament when Miraco fights the giant frog.)

The Otherworld Tournament Theme - (The complete theme. Idk if it's been released or not)

Videl Saves The Day - (Used after Videl takes out the villains holding her dad hostage)

Fat Buu Tries to Kiss Girl - (Used when Buu turns into the guy from the magazine to try and get with the last surviving girl of a city he destroyed)

Gohan Returns Home - (Used as Gohan returns home after dropping Bulma and Yahijirboi during the android saga)

Gohan Training with the Z-Sword - (Another version of Gohan Angers.)

Gohan Training with the Z-Sword - (Yet another version of Goh

Bee and Hercule Save Buu - (Used when Kid Buu has Fat Buu locked up. Bee and Hercule are yelling at Kid Buu to let go.)

Buu Heals Eyes - (The music played as Buu heals the Blind kids eyes. Contains different parts than CoyCoy's "Buu and The Blind Kid")

Buu's Mass Destruction - (Used at the beginning of the one of the episodes. Where they show Fat Buu turning entire cities to candy. Narrator also describes it)

ChiChi-Videl-Bulma and Dabura In Otherworld - (Used when they all meet up in heaven)

Dabura Gazes into the Sky - (Used around the ending of DBZ when Dabura is celebrating the return of human life in the other world.Gazing at the sun.)

Goku Calls Out to Earth - (Used as Goku asks Earth to give energy to his spirit Bomb)

Hercule Ask if Kid Buu is Dead - (Used right after Goku defeats Kid Buu and Hercule slowly walks up wondering if it's over)

Human's Back to Life - (Used in the Kid Buu saga. Right after they bring everyone back to life and humans begin to celebrate being alive again)

Kai's Vs Buu - (Used during the flashback of the past Kai's fighting Buu and Bibidi)

Kamamaha to Kid Buu - (Used during the battle of Kid Buu and SSJ3 Goku. Goku is knocked down and then hits Kid Buu with a powerful Kamamaha wave.)

Kid Buu and Fat Buu Stand Off - (Used as Kid Buu and Fat Buu stand off during there battle)

Kid Buu Takes Vegeta Down - (Used during the first fight of Vegeta and Kid Buu in other world and Kid Buu annihilates Vegeta)

Krillian and King Kai - (Used right after Krillian is killedl. King Kai is helping Krillian sense the fight between SSJ3 Goku and Kid Buu)

Old Kai Gives Life - (Another version of Goku Meets Otherworld fighters. Used as Old Kai grants his life to Goku.)

Old Kai's Earing Story - (Used as Old Kai explains his story of accidentally fusing with a witch)

Old Kai-Kabito Kai watch Vegito - (Used as they watch Vegito through the crystal ball. Speculating he's wasting time)

Spirit Bomb - (Used during the Kid Buu saga and Goku is forming the Spirit Bomb)

Super Buu Loses Fusion - Absorbs Gohan - (The entire track of Super Buu losing his fusion and then Absorbing Gohan. It's mixed with released and unreleased parts)

Super Buu's Golden Energy Cuffs - (Used as Super Buu traps Gohan in the golden energy beams)

Vegeta Back on Earth - (Used as Vegeta is brought back to Earth by Baba and Goku senses him)

Vegeta Calls Out to Earth - (Used when Vegeta asks Earth to give there energy to Goku's Spirit Bomb)

Vegeta Gets Back Up - (Used as Vegeta gets back up some where in the Buu Saga..I forgot Haha. Sorry guys)

Vegeta Lands at Capsule Corp - (Used all the way back in season 4. When Vegeta first returns to earth after training space)

Vegeta Refuses Kai Earrings - (Used as Goku tries to convince Vegeta to fuse when Vegeta first returns to earth)

Vegeta's Final Atonement V2 - (This is the second version to what CoyCoy88 posted. This was used shortly after the 1st part. The beginning is the only real difference. It's used as Vegeta senses Fat Buu get back up)

Vegito Absorbed - (Used as Vegito gets absorbed by Super Buu)

Vegito Restored to Normal - (Used right after Vegito returns to normal from being a piece of candy)

Buu's Tired of Waiting - (Used when Super Buu is at the look out and loses his patience. Refuses to wait the 1 hour)

Dende's Alive - (Used when Gohan, Piccolo, Trunks, and Goten search for Survivors on earth and find that Dende is alive.

Fusion Earrings - (Used as Old Kai shows Goku the fusion earrings)

Gohan and Gotenks Absorbed Buu Standoff - (Used as they stand off and first fight)

Gohan Vs Gotenks Absorbed Buu - (Used as they fight)

Gohan's Closer to Full Power - (Used when Gohan gets impatient about Old Kai's power unleashing and powers up. Realizing Old Kai's technique is working)

Old Kai's Earring Story - (Used as Old Kai explains to Goku how he fused with an old witch)

Otherworld Search for Gohan - (Used as Chichi, Bulma, Videl, and Dabura search for Gohan in other world)

Supreme Kai and Goku Talk - (Used as they talk while Old Kai works on Gohan's powers)

CoyCoy88's Bruce Faulconer Rips -

DBZ Movie Music

Fusion Reborn

Here is 90 percent of the american music from the Fusion Reborn DBZ Movie

Track Listing -

Dragon Balls
Earth Check in Station
Ending Credits
Evil Defeated
Evil Overflow
Fusion Reborn Theme
Fusion Reborn
Fusion Technique
Goku and Vegeta Flee
Goten and Trunks Vs Nazi's
Hercule Vs Zombies
Jamming at Work
Janemba Vs SSJ3 Goku
Janemba's Evil Laugh
Janemba's Transformation
Living Vs Dead
Mountain of Needles
Pikkon Vs Janemba
Pikkon's Insults
Rising of the Dead
SSJ 3 Goku
the Ultimate Fusion
Vegeta Saves Goku
Vegeta Vs Janemba
Veku Splits
Veku Vs Janemba
Washing Dishes-Videl's Call

History of Trunks

History of Trunks Theme - (All credit to 4125 for obtainning this)

08-31-2008, 05:59 PM
Or I could just upload the released volumes from the show. There's like six or seven volumes from each saga. I'll do it when I get chance today or tomorrow.

indigo fire
08-31-2008, 06:40 PM
Wow. This is excellent! I dunno how you do it! Can we make requests? Like, for instance, Freiza's theme song was never released, as well as the song that played just before Goku teleported Cell away from earth when he exploded.

08-31-2008, 10:11 PM
Man thanks alot i will like to ask something could you some how get the music it was playing when gohan was training with the z srowd its like the gohan anger song but it was remix it sound better if you can thanks.

08-31-2008, 10:16 PM
Or I could just upload the released volumes from the show. There's like six or seven volumes from each saga. I'll do it when I get chance today or tomorrow.

U could. But you would not find any of the tracks I just uploaded seeing as these are the Unreleased tracks of Bruce Faulconer.

But uploading all the released ones from CDs Vol 1-6, The Majin Sagas, Android Compendium, Trunks Compendium would be a nice add on to this post. So go for it man.

08-31-2008, 10:16 PM
Man thanks alot i will like to ask something could you some how get the music it was playing when gohan was training with the z srowd its like the gohan anger song but it was remix it sound better if you can thanks.

I'll have to wait till the Buu Saga DVD. But I believe that version was released on one of the CDs. It's called "Gohan's Anger 2"

08-31-2008, 10:17 PM
Wow. This is excellent! I dunno how you do it! Can we make requests? Like, for instance, Freiza's theme song was never released, as well as the song that played just before Goku teleported Cell away from earth when he exploded.

For the Cell one, will need to wait till Cell Games DVD set. and yes you can make request, but I cannot promise I can get them with no voices or soundeffects or in best of quality. It's a 50/50 shot. But request away my friend. Just not too much at once.

indigo fire
08-31-2008, 10:21 PM
Ok! Definitely the freiza theme song. I dunno how you release dbz albums without including somethin as important as a villain's theme. lol.

I couldn't find any youtube videos of the show in english with his theme, but a good episode I think it was on was ep 77 when he appears in front of Gohan, Vegeta, Dende, and Krillen.

08-31-2008, 10:49 PM
I'll check it out. Thanks, YoYoBoy.

08-31-2008, 10:58 PM
I'll check it out. Thanks, YoYoBoy.

Thanks. Tell me what you think once you've checked it out.

08-31-2008, 11:36 PM
U could. But you would not find any of the tracks I just uploaded seeing as these are the Unreleased tracks of Bruce Faulconer.

But uploading all the released ones from CDs Vol 1-6, The Majin Sagas, Android Compendium, Trunks Compendium would be a nice add on to this post. So go for it man.

Will do. First up: Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol1.rar

I'll have to wait till the Buu Saga DVD. But I believe that version was released on one of the CDs. It's called "Gohan's Anger 2"

That one's in Vol. 3, coming to you soon.

09-01-2008, 12:04 AM
More is on the way

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol 2

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol 3

Vols 4-6 will be up tomorrow.

09-01-2008, 01:31 AM
YoYoBoy19, thank you so much for these. A number of tracks I have wanted and was never able to acquire are included in this set. Some are a little distorted, as you already noted, but this is so much better than I could ever have done.

Excellent work. If you are taking any requests, I'd like to second (or third?) the request for Frieza's Theme, as well as put in a request for the Namekian theme.

Thanks again!

09-01-2008, 05:19 AM
awesome job thanxs to all that worked on this most of the tracks are cd quality, im glad your doing this keep up the excellent work

09-01-2008, 06:47 AM
YoYoBoy19, thank you so much for these. A number of tracks I have wanted and was never able to acquire are included in this set. Some are a little distorted, as you already noted, but this is so much better than I could ever have done.

Excellent work. If you are taking any requests, I'd like to second (or third?) the request for Frieza's Theme, as well as put in a request for the Namekian theme.

Thanks again!

Can I have more of a description of when this stuff was used? It makes it so much easier to find it in the episodes.

09-01-2008, 06:50 AM
More is on the way

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol 2

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol 3

Vols 4-6 will be up tomorrow.

Cheersm an. Keep 'em coming.

I already have all the sound tracks on my CPU myself. But I don't have them separated by CDs so it would take me forever to sort out what goes on which CD.

09-01-2008, 06:52 AM
awesome job thanxs to all that worked on this most of the tracks are cd quality, im glad your doing this keep up the excellent work

and yea man. I emailed Bruce asking if he would ever do one more CD and he never responded and that was the last straw for me. I wanted these themes so I took some action. Once Patrick an I were finally was able to get a good grip on how DVD Channel Recordings work since Rafeal Agent 00 basically guided me to it. I was able to get a bunch of tracks.

Had to share it with the public = ). I remember what it was like to have people obtain rare stuff like this, but then never post it or share it. lol

09-01-2008, 05:49 PM
Faulconer's copyright holding on the DBZ music is actually expired, and it is all in the hands of Funimation, which will probably never release any additional CDs. Faulconer doesn't respond to fan requests anymore, though I give him credit for having been so generous in the past. At any rate, ripping from the DVDs is the only way to get the missing songs.

As for clarification of my requests, I think that someone already indicated that ep. 77 was a good place to find it; here's a youtube version:

The Namek theme can be found in the beginning of "Mighty Blast of Rage" I think; whichever episode has Guru dying is the episode I'm referrring to.

I actually have a 30 second version of the Namekian Theme which I can upload if you give me a few minutes.


09-01-2008, 09:17 PM
Thank you XZero, I will begin my work now.

09-01-2008, 09:26 PM
Btw what do you mean being so generious in the past? You mean he use to give people unreleased tracks? Or took request for things to be on the next CD release?

09-01-2008, 09:43 PM
Does anyone have the original trailer music from DBZ Funimation? Here is the trailer =>

09-01-2008, 09:50 PM
After Best of DBZ V. 2, almost all of the music he released was actually by request. I personally requested about 10 tracks between the time he released Best of DBZ V. 3 and V. 4, and they all appeared on V. 4 (this includes tracks like "Energy Disc Music," "New Earth Music," "SSJ3 Powerup," and "Buu is Fighting," among others. Now I'm sure other people requested these songs as well (it's doubtful that he would release a track based on a single request), but all the same, yeah, he took requests when he owned the music.

To back this up, here's a quote from V.5's 'linear notes':

"Your favorite characters and missed scenes are mastered here for maximum energy. This is your Spirit Bomb — its the power of all your emails, telephone calls, and letters asking me to release these DBZ tunes."

BTW, for anyone interested, Scott Morgan, who arranged many of these songs, has just released a CD in the style of the Faulconer-era DBZ music. Google him to check it out; many of his songs are on YouTube, including a kickass Vegeta Theme remix that works in the Imperial Theme of Star Wars.

indigo fire
09-01-2008, 11:37 PM
Faulconer's copyright holding on the DBZ music is actually expired, and it is all in the hands of Funimation, which will probably never release any additional CDs. Faulconer doesn't respond to fan requests anymore, though I give him credit for having been so generous in the past. At any rate, ripping from the DVDs is the only way to get the missing songs.

As for clarification of my requests, I think that someone already indicated that ep. 77 was a good place to find it; here's a youtube version:

Wait! That might be part of Freiza's theme, but that wasn't the part I meant. I was talking about... Yes! I found it!

I dunno if it's the same as the one Zero's givin out, but this one that's playin at the very beginnin of my video. While the part when the music speeds up around 47 seconds (which could be its own separate song) the slow version was what i really wanted. Sorry if that sounds complicated. lol.

09-02-2008, 03:34 AM

Frieza and Namekian theme are still being worked on.

09-02-2008, 04:25 AM
Yeah, I knew the Frieza theme wasn't quite right, indigo fire. Good call.

Also, downloaded the Vegeta angry music, YoYoBoy. Excellent upload!

09-02-2008, 06:57 AM
Yeah, I knew the Frieza theme wasn't quite right, indigo fire. Good call.

Also, downloaded the Vegeta angry music, YoYoBoy. Excellent upload!

Thank you

btw would you guys like me to upload the tracks that have voices and sfx in them? but the voices and sound effects are minmium and only at certain parts?

09-02-2008, 07:49 AM
Well, updated. I was able to fill out both request. added a bunch of new tracks. Take a look.

09-02-2008, 12:22 PM
Thanks for getting the requested tracks; awesome job on the Namekian Theme in particular (though they all sound great).

I had one more request if you'd be kind enough to oblige. It can be found in this link:
from 5:37 - 6:50. The song's from dub episode 54, which on the first Ginyu DVD and was the 30 minute version of Ginyu Assault. It actually starts just before this section in a scene with Dende and Guru.

09-02-2008, 12:35 PM

can someone reupload all these tracks?
please T_T

indigo fire
09-02-2008, 12:37 PM
thanks for uploading the frieza theme, yoyoboy! ^_^

morrigan666, i think the tracks is still there, megaupload is just screwin up right now, as i refreshed the frieza theme a few times before i could download it.

09-02-2008, 12:45 PM
Argh! I hate megaupload so much!
later i'll try. thnaks for the tip.

09-02-2008, 03:06 PM
just got the added tracks sounds acceptable and a few are phenomenally done, thanxs

09-02-2008, 07:35 PM
Thanks for getting the requested tracks; awesome job on the Namekian Theme in particular (though they all sound great).

I had one more request if you'd be kind enough to oblige. It can be found in this link:
from 5:37 - 6:50. The song's from dub episode 54, which on the first Ginyu DVD and was the 30 minute version of Ginyu Assault. It actually starts just before this section in a scene with Dende and Guru.

Unfortunately, I cannot. Because in the newly remastered DVD sets. For that episode, they only have the original japanese music

and on the original American DVD released, everything was just thrown into 2 channels, so there would be no way to get it from there.

09-02-2008, 08:15 PM
just got the added tracks sounds acceptable and a few are phenomenally done, thanxs

Which ones were acceptable and which ones were phenomenally?

09-02-2008, 08:30 PM
Argh! I hate megaupload so much!
later i'll try. thnaks for the tip.

If you give me sometime. I will upload it all on mediafire in big zip packs.

09-03-2008, 02:59 PM
Which ones were acceptable and which ones were phenomenally?

the freiza theme was acceptable and the rest were phenomenal

09-06-2008, 05:16 AM
Ok what are some more tracks you people would like to get?

Start the full fledged request now.

09-06-2008, 07:28 PM
Since you're working off the season DVDs, there is a song that I'd really like from the upcoming Season 6 set if possible.

Faulconer's track labeled "Gohan Angers" contains the kickass piano music starting at :33 and running through the rest of the song. The problem is that this version is incomplete based on the original appearance of the track. Here's most of what I'm looking for: (starting at 6:01, though the actual ending is cut out here). At any rate, I don't know if it's possible, even using the 5-channel sound editing, to rip that music because of the screaming and sfx, but if you can, that would be awesome.

09-07-2008, 08:28 AM
Haha XZero, that was one of the tracks I planned to rip when Season 6 came out. When does Season 6 come out? I will most definitely make this one of my first tracks I work on. And seeing as how the yelling doesn't seem to be too loud, there might be a chance I can get it.

It's a 50/50. Because the part where Goku goes super sayian for the first time, one of the loudest yells I've heard, but that part had nothing. (I know that track was released) See the only time a yell gets into the music is if they echo the yell.

The yell didn't sound echo'd, but then again. It may be because youtube turns everything into mono so you couldn't tell it was echoed.

09-07-2008, 03:26 PM
Season 6 comes out next week, on the 16th, though many Wal-Mart locations put it out early and charge less ($30, usually). As a note for you or anyone else looking for Season 6, check out the Sunday ads next week; Best Buy ran a deal to get Movie 1-2 for $5 with the purchase of Season 5, so the same might apply to season 6 & Movies 3-4. Either way, I'm definitely looking forward to that track!

Also, for anyone looking forward to it at this point, Season 7 is tentatively scheduled for November, and should include the Afterlife Tournament, Great Saiyaman, and World Tournament Sagas (22 eps, I think).

One more thing, YoYoBoy19. If you're able to rip the Faulconer music because of the multi-channel thing, would the same rules apply to the dub w/Japanese audio? Most of the DBZ stuff has been released, but the upcoming GT Season 1 releasing the same day as Z Season 7 includes tons of unreleased Japanese music that is very good, and I'm wondering if you or anyone else with your abilities would be able to rip a GT soundtrack.

09-07-2008, 09:18 PM
One more thing, YoYoBoy19. If you're able to rip the Faulconer music because of the multi-channel thing, would the same rules apply to the dub w/Japanese audio? Most of the DBZ stuff has been released, but the upcoming GT Season 1 releasing the same day as Z Season 7 includes tons of unreleased Japanese music that is very good, and I'm wondering if you or anyone else with your abilities would be able to rip a GT soundtrack.

I wouldn't know untill the GT DVD comes out. If they master them the same as they did this. Then sure.

But, onto the japanese audio of DVD. I'll check again for these DBZ DVDs, but last time I checked the Japanese music comes out better than the america. the japanese music purely got it's own channels lol. With no distortion, unless I'm remembering wrong.

Any japanese DBZ music you would like? Just give episode title, when it was used, and recording of it if possible.

09-09-2008, 09:44 PM
Sorry that I haven't put anymore of the soundtracks. There's beem some sharing problems.

09-10-2008, 06:05 AM
Sorry that I haven't put anymore of the soundtracks. There's beem some sharing problems.

It's no biggie man. Upload what you can when you can.

09-10-2008, 09:16 AM
so, when ever u get the buu DVD. There is this one track i wanted forever. in the end of EP 240 When super buu first apear on the lookout and the group watches in fear. it was the buu theme but remixed. its very short but i still want it. and thanks a millions for your hard work. if thats possiable plz upload it! thanks

BTW the Vid:

09-10-2008, 02:17 PM
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Oh! and did I say Thank you!

I have been looking for some of these for it would seem a millennium

09-14-2008, 12:36 AM
FINALLY!!!! I've been trying to log on for the past 3 days and nothing. But I come bearing gifts:

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol4.rar

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol5.part1.rar

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol5.part2.rar



Bruce Faulconer - DBZ Trunks Compendium.rar

Bruce Faulconer - Buu - The Majin Sagas.rar

Bruce Faulconer - Android #18 - The Android Sagas.rar

09-14-2008, 05:16 AM
Thanks Aakaido, I'll add these to the main page and credit you for the upload. Nice add on! and Necro, not a problem at all. Glad I could help and I'm also glad you showed appreciation. Makes me want to get as many tracks released to the public as possible.

Also 4125, when the Buu DVD comes out. It will be on my priority list.

09-14-2008, 08:25 AM
Really! Thanks on that one man! Your the best! One more thing, you know ehere I can find the music for Dragon Ball GT? I've been looking fro a while and still can't find anything but the main theme music?

09-15-2008, 08:52 PM
No problem, glad to help. By the way, who's Valcono? Never heard of him.

09-15-2008, 09:46 PM
No problem, glad to help. By the way, who's Valcono? Never heard of him.

Not a person, but it is a Valcono lol. Freiza slams Goku into it and the thing begins to erupt and Goku hits it with a huge Kamamaha to bring the flames back down.

09-15-2008, 09:47 PM
Really! Thanks on that one man! Your the best! One more thing, you know ehere I can find the music for Dragon Ball GT? I've been looking fro a while and still can't find anything but the main theme music?

To be quite honest. I'm not sure they ever released any CDs for GT. I have the entire last DBGT Saga. I'll see if I can get anything from there for you.

09-15-2008, 09:47 PM
hah, dumb thing double posted on me.

09-16-2008, 02:12 PM
As for GT CDs, the short answer is that there never were any. The GT main theme for America was made available via a free download from Funimation to promote the show (I really, really hated that song, though I love Faulconer, and Faulconer it was not). Mark Menza, the American GT composer, has not personally released any of the music of his own volition like Faulconer did either, so it is basically unavailable. I would assume that many of the tracks can be ripped from the two upcoming Season sets in the same manner the unreleased DBZ stuff was by our good friend YoYoBoy19.

The Japanese music saw pseudo-release. Everyone knows that the 5 vocal songs (Dan Dan and the 4 endings) are easily obtainable out there. The other Japanese music that was released was actually in the Dragonball: Path to Power CD release. That movie was made by the GT team, and it used some music from the show in the process. Very little of the GT soundtrack has been released in Japan, though compared to the non-release of the GT soundtrack in America, I guess it's an improvement.

Logan XI
09-17-2008, 01:40 PM
Does anyone know if the guitar intro track from the English releases of the DBZ movies of The return of cooler,Super Android 13,Broly The Second Coming. has been realeased?

09-17-2008, 07:15 PM
[QUOTE=XZero;1144633]I would assume that many of the tracks can be ripped from the two upcoming Season sets in the same manner the unreleased DBZ stuff was by our good friend YoYoBoy19.

That would depend on how they master them on the DVD. They would need to throw the music into its own channels. BUT I'm going to be honest with you. Idk how fast I'm buying the DBGT DVDs. Money's tight right now so I can't really buy both DBZ and DBGT sets as much as I would love to lol.

But I do want DBGT as well for collection purposes. So we'll have to wait and see. For now just keep your hopes up about DBZ stuff and yes I just got DBZ Season 6 and I've already got some unreleased music from it. Posting it soon. But I'll be honest with you guys, nothing to great here. in All actuality there wasn't much to get.

The extended version of Gohan Anger was unobtainable, the extended version of SSJ Vegeta and SSJ Goku Transformation were some what obtainable. I'm sure with a good copy and paste job. The part with the words can be taken out.

But there was a real problem with this season. Once it got to the Cell Games. They put some of the sound effects in the same channels as the music to make the fight seem more epic in sound. So that's what made this one hard to work with.

Only ones I got that I see as great are both versions of Kame's Theme or Kame's Worry whatever you want to call it. It plays when the Z Fighters just got done facing Cell. They visit Korrin's for senzu beans and he has none. The moment they start flying up to Kame's look-out (now Dende's look out) Kame Worry starts playing. They use it a bunch of times when Kame is talking to Mr. Popo. Wish I could find a youtube vid of it. But it's been a well wanted track that's gone unreleased.

09-17-2008, 09:29 PM
Not a person, but it is a Valcono lol. Freiza slams Goku into it and the thing begins to erupt and Goku hits it with a huge Kamamaha to bring the flames back down.

Oh, you mean Volcano!!!

Does anyone know if the guitar intro track from the English releases of the DBZ movies of The return of cooler,Super Android 13,Broly The Second Coming. has been realeased?

I second that!!! I love that song. I hope it's really long.

09-17-2008, 09:57 PM
The English opening by Mark Menza, as used in movies 6, 7, 9-13, etc. has never been released per se. The track is roughly 1:40 long, making it longer than the normal series theme by Faulconer (which is approximately 1 minute long). The only way to obtain the track is to rip it yourself or find someone who has ripped it. Honestly, there's tons of free software that would allow you to pop in the DVD, rip the opening, and encode it in .mp3 format in about 10 minutes time. I had done that, but don't currently have access to the song.

As for duration, as noted above, it is the TV-size version only; no longer version exists.

09-18-2008, 01:13 PM
That sucks. But anything's good.

09-19-2008, 03:20 AM
this is awesome....

09-19-2008, 09:15 AM
Here are the movie versions of the theme:

Mark Menza DBZ Theme

Mark Menza DBZ Theme (Credits Version, slightly different) -

Tendril - Dragonaut (Movie 8 Theme)

Tendril - Eternal Sacrifice (Movie 8 Theme w/ Vocals)

There you go guys. I recorded these myself. All 192kbps. All at normal level, meaning not LOUD.

Also I have a request. I have always wanted the song at 5:12 in this episode clip It's the real industrial Cell theme. I think it also played longer in the episode with Super Vegeta vs. Cell Stage 2. Ah, here we are, it's a better mix, from the Industrial version right into Imperfect Cell's theme. 20 seconds in.

Logan XI
09-19-2008, 11:55 AM
Here are the movie versions of the theme:

Mark Menza DBZ Theme

Mark Menza DBZ Theme (Credits Version, slightly different) -

Tendril - Dragonaut (Movie 8 Theme)

Tendril - Eternal Sacrifice (Movie 8 Theme w/ Vocals)

There you go guys. I recorded these myself. All 192kbps. All at normal level, meaning not LOUD.

Also I have a request. I have always wanted the song at 5:12 in this episode clip It's the real industrial Cell theme. I think it also played longer in the episode with Super Vegeta vs. Cell Stage 2. Ah, here we are, it's a better mix, from the Industrial version right into Imperfect Cell's theme. 20 seconds in.

Thank you very much! :)

09-20-2008, 07:05 PM
DUDE!!! SWEEEEEEEEEET!!!! I'm gonna listen to this all day long. Still wish it was longer, not copy and pasted but more improvs in the guitar parts.

09-21-2008, 01:29 AM
Yeah, a full version of at least Eternal Sacrifice would have been friggin' awesome.

09-21-2008, 04:43 AM
Also I have a request. I have always wanted the song at 5:12 in this episode clip It's the real industrial Cell theme. I think it also played longer in the episode with Super Vegeta vs. Cell Stage 2. Ah, here we are, it's a better mix, from the Industrial version right into Imperfect Cell's theme. 20 seconds in.

there is no need.

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol 6. - 06 - Cell Kills Gunman

If u got the Vol.6 Somewhere at the end of that track it what your lookin for.

@YoYoBoy19: It seems u missed one for the cell sega. In EP 173.

17:00 Into the vid.

Galaxy Of Fire
09-22-2008, 02:38 AM
Here's the music that plays in Free The Future when 17 points his gun at the old mans head. It also plays just before Yamu and Spopovich steal Gohans energy. I know it's not the best quality but it was the best I could do.

09-22-2008, 09:32 AM
Cool, thanks 4125. I actually own all the normal soundtracks. (Meaning no Buu Saga or Android 18). I never even really bothered with volume 6 because volume 5 just didn't cut it for me. Nice to know it's there. Thanks again.

09-23-2008, 12:41 AM
Good work overall. Some of the tracks in the initial folder are a bit overly loud (they become scratchy in a few places), but it's not a big deal. Excellent work, keep it up.

(Side note: Listening to Frieza-Ginyu Beat now)

09-25-2008, 01:52 AM
I finally downloaded all of this! *a bit tired*
I can listen these new stuff :D
*tendril - theme is so cool*

Thanks everyone for this

09-25-2008, 12:44 PM
Good work overall. Some of the tracks in the initial folder are a bit overly loud (they become scratchy in a few places), but it's not a big deal. Excellent work, keep it up.

(Side note: Listening to Frieza-Ginyu Beat now)

Frieza-Ginyu Beat was done poorly but it's the best I could do. The way they mastered it onto the DVDs is the same way they did with a couple of other great tracks, one inparticular is Super Sayian Vegeta Theme.

It's impossible to get Frieza-Ginyu Beat perfect. I apologize for this as I know it was well wanted by many.

09-29-2008, 04:21 AM
You should defiantly get some music from remastered seasons 4-6 like the piccolo vs. 17 variation durinf the Cell Goku fight and also this sweet version of super saiyan vegeta that plays when vegeta avenges trunks

10-02-2008, 06:05 AM
You should defiantly get some music from remastered seasons 4-6 like the piccolo vs. 17 variation durinf the Cell Goku fight and also this sweet version of super saiyan vegeta that plays when vegeta avenges trunks

Great minds think alike my friend.

I've already tried both. But the way they mastered the episodes with the Cell Games, it's not possible to get it clear. Because they added in the echo of all the punches and blast in the same channel as the music to give it that more epic effect. Same with the charging up and the energy sound. All of there echo was thrown into the rear channels.

10-04-2008, 01:34 AM
Damn that really sucks cause the cell games has the sweetest music of all i think

10-16-2008, 05:01 PM
Updated, finally

10-16-2008, 05:55 PM
Please leave feedback on new updates

10-16-2008, 06:30 PM
Great updates! I love "Goku Goes to New Namek" in particular, and overall, the quality on these is really good. Nicely done!

10-16-2008, 10:29 PM
i have a music request if you dont mind. the song is in this video
the song starts at 1:18 and goes to about 1:50.this episode is called bow to the prince and is on the season 5 box set. thank you!

10-16-2008, 11:08 PM
BTW your still missing 1 Important track in the cell sega. The Track when Gohan Kicks Cell in The Stomach and cell spits out 18. Nice new additions there.

10-17-2008, 01:33 AM
Just so we're clear, the complete track heard in episode 170 as gohan goes SSJ2 for the first time is unobtainable, correct? (It starts a little before and around 2:30 into the episode)

I'm asking because, I'm not sure if this is the gohan anger theme being referenced to earlier.

10-17-2008, 05:07 AM
Just to add up the fun here. I got the theme from the history of trunks and heres the link :

Just so we're clear, the complete track heard in episode 170 as gohan goes SSJ2 for the first time is unobtainable, correct? (It starts a little before and around 2:30 into the episode)

I'm asking because, I'm not sure if this is the gohan anger theme being referenced to earlier.

Never say never. Maybe it'll appear in YoYoBoy19 next update. but the ones in vol.3 is best for me anyway.

10-17-2008, 07:15 AM
[QUOTE=4125;1158716]Just to add up the fun here. I got the theme from the history of trunks and heres the link :

awesome thanks man. I'll add this to the post right now.

10-17-2008, 07:19 AM
Never say never. Maybe it'll appear in YoYoBoy19 next update. but the ones in vol.3 is best for me anyway.

Thanks for the reply. I guess I'll be checking back periodically.

10-17-2008, 07:21 AM
Thanks for the reply. I guess I'll be checking back periodically.

Yea you never know. I did say I may be able to get some of it through copy and pasting parts. We'll see how it goes.

10-17-2008, 07:24 AM
i have a music request if you dont mind. the song is in this video
the song starts at 1:18 and goes to about 1:50.this episode is called bow to the prince and is on the season 5 box set. thank you!

I was able to partially get the track you wanted. Problem is, because of the way they mastered it onto the DVD. More than 80 percent of the instruments are missing from the song and all you really hear are the bells. Do you still want me to post it up or what?

10-17-2008, 08:08 AM
THanks for the history of trunks theme i've been looking forever for it! now if only there were a soundtrack for the movie itself

10-17-2008, 08:22 AM
If I can find a youtube vid of the DVD Menu i can Get you that too. And your welcome to all for that. I think it was the best one.

@YoYoBoy19: Thanks for the credit below. You think your able to rip music off the histroy of trunks DVD if you can find it? and hows the buu saga DVD coming along?

10-17-2008, 09:03 PM
yea could u please upload it?ill take anything i can get.thanks so much i would rip it myself but im a noob when it comes to music ripping and voice cancelling.

10-18-2008, 01:35 AM
nice update sucks all the good songs on the cell saga are hard to filter

10-18-2008, 02:52 AM
If I can find a youtube vid of the DVD Menu i can Get you that too. And your welcome to all for that. I think it was the best one.

@YoYoBoy19: Thanks for the credit below. You think your able to rip music off the histroy of trunks DVD if you can find it? and hows the buu saga DVD coming along?

I would need the actual Trunks DVD.

And Buu Saga set is not out yet I don't believe. Unless it is and I've just missed it.

10-22-2008, 12:05 AM
So no chance of Piccolo vs. 17 from goku vs cell or the extended super saiyan vegeta theme when he avenges trunks in the cell saga? id take anything even if they sound like sh*T

10-22-2008, 02:13 AM
Buu Saga isn't out yet, just as YoYoBoy19 said (Season 7 releases on November 11, and the next two seasons will probably release in February and May, though they could take a bit longer to come out).

As for the Trunks TV special, I think there's an actual soundtrack out there for it. I remember this three disc thing on the ZStore page years ago that I believe served as a soundtrack for it. I never ordered it because I found Faulconer's CDs shortly thereafter and went with those instead. I've never conclusively found out what was on those CDs, but perhaps someone here knows.

Edit: Here's what I was talking about, actually

Does anyone have these?

10-23-2008, 02:15 AM

10-23-2008, 09:53 AM
Updated again.

10-24-2008, 04:59 AM
Well what's your guys thoughts on the new updates?

10-24-2008, 09:25 AM
they are some nice additions man! Thnkas! Keep it the good work here and I hope you get that Buu DVD sooner or later.

10-24-2008, 02:01 PM
Nice updates! Since you're back on the Ginyu episodes, would it be possible to get the track heard at 3:27-4:00 in this video (Goku, Gohan, & Krillin Face Off Against Ginyu)?

10-26-2008, 07:38 PM
I'll try, but if I remember right, I tried getting this and it didn't turn out right.

10-26-2008, 07:53 PM
I tried and I'm sorry, but it's unobtainable. The song was put into multiple channels, not just the two rear ones.

10-26-2008, 08:44 PM
That's cool. Thanks anyway!

10-27-2008, 12:21 AM

11-02-2008, 01:01 AM
Hey i was wondering, if you cant edit out the voice etc. in the extended version of Gohan Angers when he goes SS2 would it be possible to upload the unedited anyway cos im not really fussed if theres background voices or not. I just want that song lol. I reckon itll add to the drama of it.

Great job uploading these too Ive been looking for some of these for ages

11-02-2008, 07:09 PM
Does anyone know if the theme for gohan's ssj2 transformation (extended version) has been released? THANKS

11-02-2008, 08:11 PM
It hasnt. If you scan over the last few pages, it was indicated that it is pretty much impossible to rip that track without sound effects or voices. I wish someone with a synthesizer similar to Faulconer's could replicate the track for us. Oh well.

Once Season 9 comes out, there's a variation on that theme which probably won't have much interference in the music channels for the sound ('Mystic' Gohan confronts Super Buu), so hopefully we'll at least be able to get that one.

11-04-2008, 02:15 PM
Hey XZero thanks for the info. Quite surprising it wasnt released, thats one of the best tracks composed in dbz, (damn, faulconer's holding out on us!)
Has anyone uploaded the track with sound effects?

11-04-2008, 10:15 PM
I don't think it's been uploaded with sound effects yet. When Best of DBZ V. 3 came out, I was personally very surprised that the track was taken from the wrong episode (either that or the wrong place in the right episode). I recently re-watched the Cell Games arc and I remember hearing the version of the song from the CD and thinking "why couldn't you just use the longer one?" while viewing it.

The other problem is that Faulconer is not holding out on us. As far as I know, he literally can't release any more CDs, and he lost the legal right to do so sometime after April of 2005 (which was when Best of DBZ VI came out). A guy named Scott Morgan, who worked with Faulconer during the run of the series, is making some new music using a style similar to Faulconer's. You can check it out on YouTube. One track in particular that is very good is a combination of Vegeta's Theme and the Imperial Theme (Star Wars).

11-05-2008, 02:51 AM
im looking for a track from the "History of Trunks"

its the part where gohan is training trunks? and then trunks gets kicked into the sea and begs gohan to save him from drowning? theres a pretty cool rock tune going on in the background... i was wondering if it was possible to get this, or if its been released on any of faulconer's cd's...

thanks for your help


11-19-2008, 01:35 AM
Hey ! do u guyz have the track where Goku had finally killed Kid Buu! Part of it is in the soundtrack but it is not complete like they have it on the show.

This video shows which im talking about..

THANKZ I'd appreciate it a lot.!! :)

11-22-2008, 06:39 AM
I apologize for my abscence. I've been working over 40 hours a week and it's been rough. I'm going to pick up DBZ Season 7 sometime within this week so expect new updates within the next 2 weeks.

I'm hoping to get some good tracks, although I'm not sure how much unreleased stuff will be on here. So I was wondering if you guys could maybe help me locate some? If you guys know of any. Just give me an episode name and around the period it plays in the episode.

I'm hoping I can get the extended version of Pikkon's theme used when Kid Trunks was facing Goten in the kids martial arts tournament.

11-22-2008, 06:42 AM
Also yes, the extended gohanssj2 is nearly impossible to get. I will try tomorrow and see if I could work out a good copy and paste job with it. I'm hoping maybe a glimpse of the extended version of Vegeta's super sayian theme might be obtainable in this new season set. We'll have to wait and see.

and rikan, I doubt anyone has your Kid Buu request yet. I promise you though. When the season set with the Kid Buu saga gets release. I will try my best to get the track. It might be a bit of a wait, but it's better than never getting it at all.

btw, Happy Thanks giving to all.

11-22-2008, 07:09 AM
Thats cool .i appreciate it, Happy Thanks to u as well!

11-22-2008, 08:39 PM
Ok, I just got back from the store, I now have DBZ season 7. I am beginning to get as many unreleased tracks as possible from here. But like I've said before. It may be a bit longer since I don't remember the music as much from these sagas.

11-23-2008, 12:16 AM
I don't remember much of the music from these episodes (always disliked the young Trunks and Goten music from around this period in the series), but there is one song that is pretty good. In "Videl is Crushed," it's the music from when Gohan transforms into a Super Saiyan before he rushes out to save her.

It's at 3:31 in this link: and is basically a variation on "Frieza Begs" from Best of DBZ V. 4. If you'd be able to get this track, that would be awesome.

11-23-2008, 04:49 AM
Will do XZero and it's funny. I also, never cared for much of the music for Trunks and Goten.

11-23-2008, 04:59 AM
hey does anyone have the track when Android 16's head talks to Gohan(before Gohan turns Super Saiyan 2)

it appears in this video

starts at :46 and ends at 2:46

sorry if this was asked before..

11-23-2008, 03:35 PM
Go to the first page of this thread and download the Best of DBZ V. 1 CD. It's track 10, "Android 16."

11-23-2008, 10:55 PM
Alright guys, I've been through each one. All together I've only been able to get 3-4 unreleased tracks.

Yes, you heard me right. Not because many tracks were impossible to get, but because the rocket scienctist who put the CDs together, decided to release more of the childish Goten and Trunks music and leave out some of the more well wanted music from the older sagas.

Oh well, the ones I've been able to recieve are pretty good ones. I'm going to do one more search through the episodes to see if there is anything I missed. Then I'll upload the 3-4 I got.

11-24-2008, 01:48 AM
I figured most of the music from this season had already been released considering how many tracks I skip through when listening to the CDs. Looking forward to hearing what you were able to get!

because the rocket scienctist who put the CDs together, decided to release more of the childish Goten and Trunks music and leave out some of the more well wanted music from the older sagas.

Couldn't. Agree. More. For every awesome, kickass track that people seemed to really want to have released, there was always some Trunks & Goten stuff wasting space on the CDs. But look at the bright side: instead of getting the full version of Gohan Angers or a clean version of Frieza- Ginyu Beat, we were treated to classics like "Trunks and Goten" and "Group Watches." [/sarcasm].

Can't wait for your update! I arranged all of the DBZ music I have so far into a playlist so that I can listen to the music from the series in roughly the order that the tracks play while you're watching it on TV. A lot of your rips are indistinguishable from the official stuff, and that makes them amazing in my book.

11-24-2008, 04:56 AM
Couldn't. Agree. More. For every awesome, kickass track that people seemed to really want to have released, there was always some Trunks & Goten stuff wasting space on the CDs. But look at the bright side: instead of getting the full version of Gohan Angers or a clean version of Frieza- Ginyu Beat, we were treated to classics like "Trunks and Goten" and "Group Watches." [/sarcasm].

Can't wait for your update! I arranged all of the DBZ music I have so far into a playlist so that I can listen to the music from the series in roughly the order that the tracks play while you're watching it on TV. A lot of your rips are indistinguishable from the official stuff, and that makes them amazing in my book.

LOL at the first paragraph

Yep, agreed. I always found my self skipping over the dull tracks like that as those childish tracks is not what made Faulconer famous.

Also, the fact that you were able to put every track in order from how they played on TV is badass.

If possible, could you copy and paste a list for me? I wouldn't mind constructing something like that myself? I'm not asking you to type anything out, but if you could copy and paste your playlist in a text format some how? If not it's all good.

11-24-2008, 04:57 AM
A lot of your rips are indistinguishable from the official stuff, and that makes them amazing in my book.

Thank you for that btw. It means a lot.

Just wish I could get Frieza-Ginyu beat in it's entirety. Instead of having half the music missing from the song due to them putting the song in multiple tracks for the DVD.

11-24-2008, 11:17 AM
Go to the first page of this thread and download the Best of DBZ V. 1 CD. It's track 10, "Android 16."

thanks.. I just downloaded it yesterday!


here's my little treat..

I'm not sure how many of you know this but.

Akira Toriyama just recently released a brand new

A TV special of Dragon Ball Z (takes place after Majin Buu Saga), called Yo! Son Goku And His Friends Return!! was released by Jumpland a while ago.

You can watch it via Jumpland (you have to download a browser though I believe..)

or via youtube @

I'm not exactly sure what Akira plans to do with the DBZ series now.. Its possible he might bring it back now (after 12+ years)..

NOTE: Its in Japanese (w/ original Japanese voice overs)--but it has English subtitles!

11-24-2008, 05:45 PM
I watched that special yesterday. The animation was solid, though the story really felt like it was lacking (not that DBZ's ever had a strong story as a selling point). It also tried to be too funny, foregoing the seriousness of the series proper. Still, it was enjoyable, and there are some great bits between Goku and Vegeta.

Also, YoYoBoy, I have my playlist typed out somewhere. As soon as I find it, I'll post it. Maybe over Christmas break I'll put all of the tracks in order and post a collection for download or something.

11-24-2008, 06:32 PM
I watched that special yesterday. The animation was solid, though the story really felt like it was lacking (not that DBZ's ever had a strong story as a selling point). It also tried to be too funny, foregoing the seriousness of the series proper. Still, it was enjoyable, and there are some great bits between Goku and Vegeta.

Also, YoYoBoy, I have my playlist typed out somewhere. As soon as I find it, I'll post it. Maybe over Christmas break I'll put all of the tracks in order and post a collection for download or something.

yeah.. I hope DBZ comes back though.. (:

11-24-2008, 06:45 PM
yeah.. I hope DBZ comes back though.. (:

That'd be nice if it was handled with care.

Here's the DB special as a .avi file. Credit goes to someone on the DaizenshuuEX forum, though I'm not sure if he ripped it himself or just found the link somewhere. Download now before MegaUpload takes it down!

Edit: Here's the list I have of the DBZ songs in order.
A few things to note:
1: The order is approximate. I did this all from memory without going back and re-watching the series. Most of it is right, but a few things may be inaccurately placed
2: While most of the tracks appear where they were first used, certain ones fit better in different locations. For instance, "Goku vs. Kid Buu" (originally, "Buu is Fighting") fit better for the sake of a vg-like soundtrack as a final battle sort of song rather than its original appearance during the Fusion Saga
3: Some of the tracks have been re-named for a variety of reasons. The best example is "Gohan Fights Frieza," which became "Gohan's Power Unleashed." The first time this song was used was during the Garlic Junior saga, but it is most memorable from the Cell Games saga, so I put it there (plus the name was wrong on the original CD anyway; the DragonBall Z theme, plus some variation, is played during that sequence, which YoYoBoy ripped for us)
4: Last thing - certain tracks are variations on released tracks for the sake of soundtrack consistency. A good example is "Goku Destroys Frieza," which is no more than an edit of "Ginyu Transformation," but it helps the progression of the music.

Hopefully, when I actually have time (law school's a bitch), I'll upload the files.

11-24-2008, 11:56 PM
That'd be nice if it was handled with care.

Here's the DB special as a .avi file. Credit goes to someone on the DaizenshuuEX forum, though I'm not sure if he ripped it himself or just found the link somewhere. Download now before MegaUpload takes it down!

Why would Megaupload take it down?..

Anyway I'm downloading the high definition quality videos via youtube consisted of 4 parts in MP4 format.. I can put it up on media fire if you guys want. (;

11-25-2008, 12:27 AM
Why would Megaupload take it down?..

They have a history of that. If you can get something of higher quality than the above link, that would be great. I posted it as I was downloading the file, but upon watching it, I wasn't too impressed with the video quality.

11-25-2008, 12:42 AM
They have a history of that. If you can get something of higher quality than the above link, that would be great. I posted it as I was downloading the file, but upon watching it, I wasn't too impressed with the video quality.


you know what.. You probably don't even have to wait for me to upload it on mediafire (I'm uploading part 1.. and its taking hella days to verify)

pt 1:

pt 2:

pt 3:


and download all 4 videosby copying and pasting each of their urls one at a time in this site

1.Make sure you click on the "Agree to the terms and Service box" and on filter movies.

3.then click on the "Get Files" button,

finally once you do that.. it will give you 2 links to copy and save.

4.right click and save the one that ends in the "highquality.mp4" extension

tra GNIK
12-01-2008, 06:43 AM
I have a request... could you please upload the song where Goku and Cell start to fight and teleport in the air in the Cell Games? Here is a video that the song is in It starts at 2:40... Hope this helps...

12-01-2008, 11:55 PM
That track can also be found during one of the Frieza episodes after he attacks planet Namek. If for whatever reason it can't be ripped from either of those sources, I know a short version of it (like 10 seconds or so) is used in the original DVD release of Lord Slug as menu music.

12-05-2008, 09:05 PM
I wanted to contribute something to this thread, so I made a little gift for everyone. From the upcoming DragonBall Z Season 8, this is Vegeta's Pride. It's a combination of a few themes. I edited them together using Audacity, and it came out pretty well. There was a small part at the end that I couldn't get because the sound effects would get in the way (so I had a fadeout instead). For the record, the boxset isn't available; I just used a variety of tracks at my disposal. A huge thanks to Colonel Silver for the Vegeta Theme with the bells, without which this project would not have been possible.

And so, I present to you Vegeta's Pride:

12-10-2008, 09:00 PM

Its been dead for a while so i guess i'll up this to bring some life here.

DBZ - History of Trunks - Gohan's death theme

I Wonder How Long People waited for this one. I found it not ripped it...

Yall welcome...

12-11-2008, 09:09 PM
Cool! Thanks!

12-12-2008, 02:34 AM
Your Welcome! I will be uploadin some things i got from the broly 1st movie.

01-04-2009, 11:31 PM
Thank you for that btw. It means a lot.

Just wish I could get Frieza-Ginyu beat in it's entirety. Instead of having half the music missing from the song due to them putting the song in multiple tracks for the DVD.

Thank YOU for these tracks. And I agree with you about the frieza ginyu beat. That song should have been one of the first songs included in the soundtrack cd's it's a shame that it wasn't. Same with the 16 saves 17 song.

01-04-2009, 11:42 PM
Just a quick question. I know that in the song "Cell Kills Gunman" you get a theme like this. but in this clip, it seems to be merged with "Imperfect Cell's Theme" This is the scene where we see cell absorbing someone for the first time. Does anyone have this version? I have it with the voices and sound effects. Anyone have it without? Here's a link of what I mean.

01-11-2009, 01:03 AM
Just a quick question. I know that in the song "Cell Kills Gunman" you get a theme like this. but in this clip, it seems to be merged with "Imperfect Cell's Theme" This is the scene where we see cell absorbing someone for the first time. Does anyone have this version? I have it with the voices and sound effects. Anyone have it without? Here's a link of what I mean.

Yeah, I've been looking forever for that same theme, too. However I'm looking for the unaltered variant(the one where it doesn't seem to be merged with the "Imperfect Cell's Theme" track). The Unaltered version can be found in the link below starting at exactly 1:31, and ending at 1:55.

01-11-2009, 03:11 AM
Master_of_Shadows: What Your Looking For Is At The End of This Track:

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol 6. - 06 - Cell Kills Gunman


I've Made The Track Myself. Its Not Perfect But It's Something:

Is Something Like What Your Looking For? If You Wanted it Without The Cell Theme:

Bruce Faulconer - Best of DBZ Vol 6. - 03 - Cell Kills Man

01-12-2009, 01:37 AM
To 4125: Yeah, I know. But I've always wanted to hear the entire theme, not just the first 10 or so seconds of it, which is what was put at the end of the track "Cell Kills Gunman." Sorry if I sound demanding or anything like that.

The reason I'm asking for the entire theme is because I know the theme is longer on the TV show than it is on Bruce Faulconer's CD; because I've watched a lot of DBZ before, and, as such, I've heard that theme a lot, too.

01-12-2009, 03:03 AM
O0o0o Ok So Hows This??

Its The Theme Alone Looping For 2 minutes long. Is That What You Want???

01-12-2009, 03:13 AM
o shit! sorry i havent checked back in a while! Thanks a lot for doing this man!! The download hasn't finished yet but im sure its gonna be great! Thanks a lot for doing this man!!

haha i just listened to it and it's great!! thanks a lot for doing this man!!

01-12-2009, 11:21 PM
Is it possible to do this with Mark Menza's movie scores for DBZ 6, 7...etc... The new DVDs for the films also have the same audio options as the remastered seasons and while Menza's DBGT left something to be desired, there was a lot of stuff in the movies he did well. (His Super Saiyan theme comes to mind.)

01-14-2009, 06:24 AM
neone got music from fusion reborn

01-14-2009, 05:55 PM
O0o0o Ok So Hows This??

Its The Theme Alone Looping For 2 minutes long. Is That What You Want???

I'm sorry, 4125, but that's still not it. It's just looping the first 8 or so seconds of the theme. I'm not trying to sound mean or anything. However I do have what should be a simpler request for that theme: If you can please find a way to edit out the voices(Cell) and the sound effects(Cell's feet touching the ground when he walks) in the Youtube link below starting at 1:31, and ending at 1:55. It's during the part where Cell stops at a cliffside road and sees the sign for Nickytown, and decides to absorb everyone living there, just before a bus full of football players shows up. If you can somehow do this, I'll be extremely happy.

Here's the link:

01-15-2009, 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by 4125
O0o0o Ok So Hows This??

Its The Theme Alone Looping For 2 minutes long. Is That What You Want???

I'm sorry, 4125, but that's still not it. It's just looping the first 8 or so seconds of the theme. I'm not trying to sound mean or anything. However I do have what should be a simpler request for that theme: If you can please find a way to edit out the voices(Cell) and the sound effects(Cell's feet touching the ground when he walks) in the Youtube link below starting at 1:31, and ending at 1:55. It's during the part where Cell stops at a cliffside road and sees the sign for Nickytown, and decides to absorb everyone living there, just before a bus full of football players shows up. If you can somehow do this, I'll be extremely happy.

Here's the link:

Now i see. But I can't Edit out Those Sounds as I don't Own The DVD of anykind for DBZ Plus I wouldn't know of a way how...

Perhaps YoYoBoy19 can do this as he has the cell sega DVD and soon to come Majni Buu Saga. Haven't Heard From Him in a While tho...

01-15-2009, 07:58 PM
I actually sent a PM to YoYoBoy19 about that theme 3 days ago. but that was before I saw that his last activity here was December 7th of last year.

01-16-2009, 02:54 AM
Dec 7th? Wow I wondered What Happened!?

01-18-2009, 01:34 AM
Dec 7th? Wow I wondered What Happened!?

Nothing bad, I hope.

01-19-2009, 03:04 AM
Is it possible to do this with Mark Menza's movie scores for DBZ 6, 7...etc... The new DVDs for the films also have the same audio options as the remastered seasons and while Menza's DBGT left something to be desired, there was a lot of stuff in the movies he did well. (His Super Saiyan theme comes to mind.)

I've been looking for that theme for an eternity. It's probably my favourite piece of Dragonball Z music. Is it possible for someone to somehow get it? It would be like finding the holy grail!

01-19-2009, 07:28 AM
I've been looking for that theme for an eternity. It's probably my favourite piece of Dragonball Z music. Is it possible for someone to somehow get it? It would be like finding the holy grail!

I'd do it myself if I had the right resources/instructions. Alas, I'm rip-channel illiterate. Menza's main DBZ theme and Super Saiyan themes are indeed some the best work I've heard in DBZ. As simple as his Super Saiyan theme is, it's quite memorable and certainly engrossing.

01-21-2009, 07:07 PM
Does anyone have the theme music when Android 18 is being absorbed by Cell?

Also does anyone have the music when Goku goes to see Perfect Cell when Cell has the flashbacks in black and white of when he was after the androids?

Thanks in Advance

01-21-2009, 11:43 PM
Does anyone have the theme music when Android 18 is being absorbed by Cell?

Also does anyone have the music when Goku goes to see Perfect Cell when Cell has the flashbacks in black and white of when he was after the androids?

Thanks in Advance

Can you post a link to these points in the series from YouTube? Then I'll be able to hear exactly what you're asking for so I can see if I can help.

01-22-2009, 12:25 AM
The Cell Flashback one. The music starts around the 5 minute mark.

I don't need the other track for now. So this flashback one I really want.

I forgot to mention I also wanted the music where Android 18 is about to finish off Vegeta with a kick to his arm. The music starts at 7min and 57 seconds on this video.

01-22-2009, 03:45 AM
I looked through most of my music (except for the 20+ minute Android Compendium track and the tracks from episode 120 from the Trunks CD) and came up short. The Vegeta and 18 track was sort of released in the form of a song called "16 and the Squirrels," and the other one is a remix of the Frieza Begs track. Actually, YoYoBoy indicated that he was going to rip and post a song that I think was identical to or very similar to the first request, but sadly we haven't heard from him for a while.

If I come across either, I'll let you know!

01-22-2009, 04:11 AM

03-02-2009, 03:29 AM
Could you please upload this song?

It starts at 3:36 and ends at 3:45

I would appreciate it if you uploaded this Unreleased DBZ Song... Thank You in Advance...

03-18-2009, 09:29 PM

At around :34 seconds is the one I want, I dont think its on the CD's

03-19-2009, 12:36 AM
I can't prove it, but I'm pretty confident that a shorter version of that track was released. I did a quick check, but couldn't find the track. Nonetheless, I'm pretty sure it was released. I remember it fading into another track immediately thereafter as part of the same song on a CD. I could, of course, be wrong, but I'm still pretty sure that it was released.

03-19-2009, 02:23 AM
I can't prove it, but I'm pretty confident that a shorter version of that track was released. I did a quick check, but couldn't find the track. Nonetheless, I'm pretty sure it was released. I remember it fading into another track immediately thereafter as part of the same song on a CD. I could, of course, be wrong, but I'm still pretty sure that it was released.

Well if you ever find out which one it is, I'd appreciate if you'd let me know. Thanks in advance.

03-22-2009, 02:44 AM
Hey I'd like to request the MIRROR'S EDGE OST, the In-Game music that was made by Solarfields and not "Still Alive"


A ripped In-Game Music of Theresia Dear Emile from the DS.

Thanks So Much In Advance.

03-22-2009, 09:49 AM
Hey I'd like to request the MIRROR'S EDGE OST, the In-Game music that was made by Solarfields and not "Still Alive"


A ripped In-Game Music of Theresia Dear Emile from the DS.

Thanks So Much In Advance.

Your Asking This At The Wrong Thread. Please Look For This At a "Mirrors Edge" Thread Not Here. This Is For The The Unreleased Dragonball Z Music. Am sorry For Being Rude But That Cannot Be Done Here For You And Must Be Posted In The Request Threads....

04-03-2009, 06:38 AM
Ok, I'm finally back. After my absence. I couldn't get online for so long and my login history can attest to that. But, here's the deal. I got the DBGT DVDs, the new sets, not mastered the same as DBZ. Most of it has sound effects and I can't do anything about it. Now, as for the DBZ sets. The newer ones aren't mastered as good and my CPU has had a problem has it's gotten older. It will change settings on its own when it glitches.

Now, it won't let me record the music off the DVDs anymore. It's glitched and change it's settings on what it can do. I am working on fixing this damn problem that has me PISSED OFF. But I know I can start recording again. I just got to play with it a bit. But to be honest, I couldn't get anything magnicifent out of Season 8. There was actually NOTHING to get as far as I remember. Kinda dissapointing, but not surprising since Buu had his own CD then had his themes spread across the Volume CDs as well.

04-03-2009, 06:59 AM
Updated 3/4/09

04-03-2009, 07:03 AM
Also, I'm gonna have a lot of spare time tomorrow since i'm off work early. So I'm gonna take out the DBZ DVDs and play with the damn recorder and see if I get it to work again. I just gotta mess with the channel volumes so Audacity will read it.

I didn't forget about you guys. Trust me Lol. I've just been busy with work, then the damn programs won't record off the DVDs. it's annoying me really bad. I feel bad because I love uploading stuff for this forum because people actually apperciate hard work here and it doesn't go unnoticed like at other forums .There is no higher power group at this forum that runs the show.

So it's probably the best forum i've ever been on. But yea I'll stop kissing ass Lol.

I will try to fix this problem though.

04-03-2009, 12:45 PM
I knew that you didn't forget about us here waiting. Welcome back. I would help you out but I absolutely know nothing about ripping music from DVDs

04-03-2009, 02:42 PM
YoYoBoy! Good to see you back, and thanks for another nice batch of uploads.

Also, frballz, this weekend I'm going to try and find that track for you. I'll let you know on my success or failure.

EDIT: Found it. It's in the track called Vegeta Snoozes, which is track 8 on Best of DragonBall Z Volume VI. It starts at about 0:24 into the song and goes until 0:52, so based on duration, I'd say it has to be the same track you were looking for. If you don't have that song, let me know and I'll post a link to it.

Here's the YouTube link:

04-04-2009, 05:42 AM
Were those new tracks anything you guys were looking for?

04-04-2009, 03:52 PM
Gohan Worries for Videl was exactly what I was looking for! Thanks!

04-04-2009, 07:13 PM
Welcome back, YoYoBoy! Did you by any chance get the PM I sent yesterday? It should have reached your Inbox here on the forums by now.

04-05-2009, 06:06 AM
I hope this isn't considered some sort of double post, but I'm desperately searching for the music from the English Dragonball Z movies. Specifically the theme where Goku goes Super Saiyan in his fight against Meta Cooler in movie 6.

04-05-2009, 06:10 AM
I hope this isn't considered some sort of double post, but I'm desperately searching for the music from the English Dragonball Z movies. Specifically the theme where Goku goes Super Saiyan in his fight against Meta Cooler in movie 6.

Those DVDs are not done in surround sound, even when they say they are. When I go to edit the channel, sound only comes out from 2 channels Lol. So as much as I would love to fulfill that request, It seems to be impossible

04-05-2009, 11:09 PM
There is this piece of DBZ music that I've been seeking for a long time. It's the theme used for Imperfect Cell - Form 1.

Now, the thing is, I already know that part of this theme(the first eight or so seconds of it) can be found on Bruce Faulconer's Best of DBZ Vol.6 CD, on the track called "Cell kills Gunman," at the very end of the track; however, I've always wanted to hear the entire theme with no sound effects, and no voices. The closest I could get to this would be in DBZ Episode 129 - Piccolo's Folly. Its during the part where Cell stops at a cliffside road and sees the sign for Nickytown, and decides to absorb everyone there, just before a bus full of football players shows up. You can find what I'm talking about in the Youtube link below. The theme I want starts at 1:31 and ends at 1:55.

Here is the link:

My request is this: If you can please find a way to edit out the voices(Cell) and the sound effects(Cell's feet touching the ground when he walks) from that small section of that episode when the theme is playing, and put it on this thread, I'll be extremely happy.

04-09-2009, 06:08 PM
Cool List! Now the soundtracks are real complete!

04-22-2009, 03:36 PM
How come you're ignoring my DBZ music request for Imperfect Cell - Form 1's
true theme, YoYoBoy19? I've tried 4 times to reach you, and you haven't responded at all. I don't understand; what gives?:confused:

05-01-2009, 01:15 AM
This is pissing me off, NOTHING is working. But i'm not giving up hope yet. I believe may 19th is when the next and final season comes out. I'll play around then. But oh well, like said before, there is nothing cool I could think of to get from season 8 anyway. and I uploaded all I could get from season 7.

05-01-2009, 01:17 AM
How come you're ignoring my DBZ music request for Imperfect Cell - Form 1's
true theme, YoYoBoy19? I've tried 4 times to reach you, and you haven't responded at all. I don't understand; what gives?:confused:

I haven't been ignoring you, i've been trying to fulfill it. But like said, I'm having trouble recording from DVDs at the moment and check the track I uploaded "Cell's Kamamaha" I believe that may have the music you're looking for.

05-01-2009, 01:59 AM
I haven't been ignoring you, i've been trying to fulfill it. But like said, I'm having trouble recording from DVDs at the moment and check the track I uploaded "Cell's Kamamaha" I believe that may have the music you're looking for.

I don't seem to recall you uploading a track by that name. Also, the reason I asked for it(Imperfect Cell - Form 1's true theme) to be recorded from the episode "Piccolo's Folly" during the cliffside scene just before the football players arrive, is because that appears to have the least amount of stuff to edit out.

05-05-2009, 01:27 AM
Updated 5/4/09.

Check the new upload, it may be the exact one you're looking for. The first minute anyway. So take a look Masters of Shadows

and for reference. I usually don't edit anything per say. if you mean edit as in take out the voices and loop. I never really have to. That's the great part about the DBZ DVDs. all the tracks that are obtainable are obtainable due to the music being by themself in the two rear channels if that makes sense.

Basically, like i've explained before. The new DBZ DVDs are in 5.1 surround sound. So the voices and sound effects are in the two front channels and the middle most of the time. And the music is all by itself in the two rear channels, Most of the time. So I just mute all the other channels besides the two rear ones.

Now sometimes the sound effects are in the rear channels or voices are. For example, whenever they did a flashback or had some one thinking in their head, it was always mixed into the rear channels to give it an echo affect, which is why I could never get the full Sayian Formation track, (WHICH I WANT VERY BADLY)

Make sense bro?

05-05-2009, 01:41 AM
You know if you guys wanted. I could upload some tracks like the complete Dead Zone theme (Although it has some voices)

I mean, there is a couple of tracks I still recorded although it still had some voices in it (usually not too major), but it still sounds so cool to listen to. I kept it on my CPU and put it on the CDs of my unreleased DBZ music as well. Here are some of the tracks I would be uploading.

Basic Trainning at King Kai's Pt 1 (used when Tien, Chaitzu, and Yamcha are facing the Ginyu Force as trainning at King Kai's)

Basic Trainning at King Kai's Pt 2 (Same as pt 1)

Dead Zone (Used when Garlic Jr has the Deadzone open, Piccolo is flying up to go fight him, along with Krillian, allowing Gohan to shoot the Makyo Star. This is the full track, but at two parts has major voices in it, although the first voice is Garlic Jr yelling and laughing evily and mixes in kinda cool)

Gohan Charges Up (Played while Cell is examining Gohan's strength as his anger grows. It's not too bad and with a proper copy and paste job, the track can be made complete and Cell's voice can be taken out)

Piccolo on Namek (The theme used when Piccolo first arrives On Namek)

and I also recorded the whole fight with Vegeta Vs Perfect Cell and separated it into 5 fights parts if you guys wanted me to upload that as well.

05-05-2009, 05:31 AM
Is it the one you were looking for Masters of Shadows?

05-06-2009, 01:15 AM
Is it the one you were looking for Masters of Shadows?

Thanks, but I'm afraid that wasn't it. As a matter of fact, I think the first part of the "Cell's Kamamaha" track was included in Bruce Faulconer's Best of DBZ Vol. 6 CD, on the track called "Cell's Slow Theme."

The theme I want is the one that sounds like it's made up of nothing but percussion instruments.

This time, I have included a Rapidshare link to an audio file that does have the music I want(it still has voices and sound effects, since this audio was taken from a Youtube video).
It was recorded from the episode(Piccolo's Folly) and spot(cliffside road scene) that I wanted you to use.

Here it is:

Elok Quintly
05-06-2009, 03:39 AM
What is the name of the software you use to rip the audio channels from the Remastered DVD sets? I'd like to record some of the pre-Faulconer FUNI music used in Seasons 1 and 2.

05-07-2009, 08:44 PM
What is the name of the software you use to rip the audio channels from the Remastered DVD sets? I'd like to record some of the pre-Faulconer FUNI music used in Seasons 1 and 2.
That's something I would like to know, as well.=)

05-07-2009, 09:44 PM
Hey YoYoBoy, it's a few weeks off, but if possible when Season 9 comes out, I had two tracks I was hoping you could try and rip.

First is this one Mystic Gohan Confronts Super Buu, right at the beginning of the video for the first 20 seconds or so.

That one seems like it might be fairly easy to get since the voices should all be centered. The other might be a bit more difficult. It's here from 0:53 - 1:41 - Gotenks v. Fat Buu. I think another variation plays during the Pikkon v. Kid Buu fight later on. If you are able to get either of these, that would be great. Nice upload on the Cell Kamehameha, by the way!

05-07-2009, 09:45 PM
Sorry But...It's About Time Something Been Uploaded Here. I Thought You Was Not Going To Conutine It. I Haven't Been Here Myself. Welcome Back. I Hope You Can Get To The Buu Sega Soon And Get That Super Buu Theme I Asked For...

Elok Quintly
05-08-2009, 04:24 AM
How can you even isolate the American music when the entire thing is in stereo?

05-08-2009, 03:25 PM
How can you even isolate the American music when the entire thing is in stereo?

If I'm not mistaken, the Season sets are not in stereo - they are in 5-channel, and two of those channels are pretty much music-only with some mild voices and sfx for panning purposes. YoYoBoy can answer better than I, but I think that's the explanation.

05-08-2009, 04:36 PM
Hey, YoYoBoy? It's me again. I just wanted to let you know that I still want you to try and fulfill my music request, even though it looks as if I said 3 days ago that you don't have to try anymore. I'm telling you this just in case you got confused.

Elok Quintly
05-08-2009, 06:58 PM
If I'm not mistaken, the Season sets are not in stereo - they are in 5-channel, and two of those channels are pretty much music-only with some mild voices and sfx for panning purposes. YoYoBoy can answer better than I, but I think that's the explanation.
I own the remastered season sets, and the English soundtrack is only on stereo.

Anyway, I don't know how you all feel about the Remastered FUNimation score for seasons 1-2 by Nathan Johnson, but his music for Vegeta's first battle with Zarbon was excellent. It sounded like intense boss music. I'd kill for an isolated version of that, but no luck so far.

05-10-2009, 06:35 AM
wow just wow this is badass thank you alot for this project and the time you spend doing it really appreciate it and great job!!

Elok Quintly
05-14-2009, 08:11 AM
Well, I decided to take my own crack at Nathan Johnson's greatest contribution to the series. My work may not be all the great, but it's all that's out there for this.

Nathan Johnson - Vegeta vs. Zarbon

05-14-2009, 01:16 PM
Great job, Elok Quintly! A bit of mastering using something like Audacity and this can probably sound really good!

05-14-2009, 02:39 PM
I definitely have to say thank you for this. Tnaks and I will enjoy many happy hours litening to themes.

Elok Quintly
05-14-2009, 07:31 PM
Great job, Elok Quintly! A bit of mastering using something like Audacity and this can probably sound really good!

Hmm, don't know where to begin with the mastering. If you could help that would be greatly appreciated.

05-15-2009, 03:25 PM
I'll give it a shot over the weekend and see what I come up with.

05-17-2009, 01:45 AM
You know if you guys wanted. I could upload some tracks like the complete Dead Zone theme (Although it has some voices)

I mean, there is a couple of tracks I still recorded although it still had some voices in it (usually not too major), but it still sounds so cool to listen to. I kept it on my CPU and put it on the CDs of my unreleased DBZ music as well. Here are some of the tracks I would be uploading.

Basic Trainning at King Kai's Pt 1 (used when Tien, Chaitzu, and Yamcha are facing the Ginyu Force as trainning at King Kai's)

Basic Trainning at King Kai's Pt 2 (Same as pt 1)

Dead Zone (Used when Garlic Jr has the Deadzone open, Piccolo is flying up to go fight him, along with Krillian, allowing Gohan to shoot the Makyo Star. This is the full track, but at two parts has major voices in it, although the first voice is Garlic Jr yelling and laughing evily and mixes in kinda cool)

Gohan Charges Up (Played while Cell is examining Gohan's strength as his anger grows. It's not too bad and with a proper copy and paste job, the track can be made complete and Cell's voice can be taken out)

Piccolo on Namek (The theme used when Piccolo first arrives On Namek)

and I also recorded the whole fight with Vegeta Vs Perfect Cell and separated it into 5 fights parts if you guys wanted me to upload that as well.

Hey that would be great if you could, the voices wouldnt really bother me at all lol

05-24-2009, 12:49 AM
How can you even isolate the American music when the entire thing is in stereo?

Exactly what XZero said, it's in 5.1 Surround Sound, that's how. I iscolate all the channels besides the 2 rear ones. But you gotta f around with the volume of the channels or audacity won't read them, but it has to be JUST RIGHT. One mis step in the volume and you'll hear voices or sound effects. It gets complicated.

05-24-2009, 12:50 AM
I still gotta buy Season 9 (Embarrased look) Lol I haven't had the time to go out and get it. But let the request start. I'm sure I'll figure out a way to get the music to work right again. Just gotta mess with the volume. Anyway, I'm gonna start uploading some of the incomplete, but cool tracks now.

05-24-2009, 12:51 AM
and what I use to record the stuff is Media Player Classic, it has an option to edit the way your CPU intakes the DVD audio, and I use Audacity to record.

05-24-2009, 12:59 AM
Great news...I GOT IT TO WORK! Idk how, but I did. It just started working. Now lets hope it STAYS that way. Master of Shadows I'll work on your request now.

05-24-2009, 03:06 AM
Updated 5/23/09 and XZero, your first request has been filled. And no I didn't put him first master of shadows, it was just really easy to get since I was working on that DVD

05-24-2009, 03:25 AM
Gotenks Vs Fat Buu added

05-24-2009, 03:39 AM
Imperfect Cell to Nickytown has been uploaded, your request is granted Master of Shadows.

05-24-2009, 03:40 AM
Give feed back on the updates guys.

05-24-2009, 03:58 AM
4125 after your months of waiting, your request is fulfilled, both parts of Super Buu Arrives At Lookout have been uploaded

05-24-2009, 04:04 AM
So no chance of Piccolo vs. 17 from goku vs cell or the extended super saiyan vegeta theme when he avenges trunks in the cell saga? id take anything even if they sound like sh*T

Still no hope on any of them really my friend. I may be able to get something, but give me sometime.

05-24-2009, 08:55 PM
Imperfect Cell to Nickytown has been uploaded, your request is granted Master of Shadows.

=) x 1,000! Yes! This is what I was looking for! Thanks a million!

05-24-2009, 09:02 PM
YoYoBoy19, I love you in a completely non-homosexual way (not that there's anything wrong with that). First, you did a great rip of the Gohan confronts Super Buu track I asked for, and then you got what I consider to be an excellent recording of Gotenks vs. Fat Buu, which I remember asking Faulconer for, but he never put out another CD at the time I asked. Not to mention your other tracks are fantastic! THANK YOU!!!

05-24-2009, 10:04 PM
On the ova of tapion! which I only saw with the japanese original version...

Is there some rip of it :D?

05-24-2009, 11:31 PM
YoYoBoy19, I love you in a completely non-homosexual way (not that there's anything wrong with that). First, you did a great rip of the Gohan confronts Super Buu track I asked for, and then you got what I consider to be an excellent recording of Gotenks vs. Fat Buu, which I remember asking Faulconer for, but he never put out another CD at the time I asked. Not to mention your other tracks are fantastic! THANK YOU!!!

Oh I know, I was shocked when Gotenks Vs Fat Buu came out like it did. A track like that is usually distorted really bad. But nope, pretty B.A. track I might add. Another one to brag about having in the collection Lol.

and Masters of Shadows, once again I apologize for taking so long. I just had to get the damn thing to start working. Do you know if the song plays longer in any other episode? Maybe I can get you a longer version?

05-25-2009, 12:07 AM
I don't think it does play longer in any other episode. But don't worry, I'm content with what I've got right now.

05-25-2009, 01:26 AM
I don't think it does play longer in any other episode. But don't worry, I'm content with what I've got right now.

I'm not, it's a badass track. I want a longer version Lol.

05-25-2009, 03:27 AM
Million Thanks YoYoBoy19...Sent you A PM...

sounds Perfect.....You Should Get The Theme Where Perfect Cell Spits Out A.18
I forgot The Video and Ep....

05-25-2009, 03:28 AM
Million Thanks YoYoBoy19...Sent you A PM...

sounds Perfect.....You Should Get The Theme Where Perfect Cell Spits Out A.18
I forgot The Video and Ep....

Already tried a while back. Has sound effects.

05-25-2009, 04:31 AM
I see. nice try tho
Thanks Anywayz

05-25-2009, 08:59 AM
Thank you very much for doing this. These tracks are awesome.

05-25-2009, 09:08 PM
Updated 5/25/09 - Track - Kid Buu is Born

05-26-2009, 01:39 AM
I apologize, I just realized the track Kid Buu is Born already has been released on the Majin Sagas CD. it's labeled "Kid Buu"

05-26-2009, 10:11 PM
Ok, this is my cry for help. I honestly don't know what's been released and what hasn't for the Buu shit because it got its own CD. I listen to the CD A lot, but it's hard to remember everything.

So this is your chance, if you have any request from these sagas, shout them out. Let me know what hasn't been released and what not. What is needed and what isn't. It would help, TREMENDOUSLY. (sorry if I spelt that wrong) Thank you guys.

05-27-2009, 01:47 AM
Updated 5/26/09 - A lot of updates, let me know what you guys think.

05-27-2009, 12:04 PM
Nice update yet again! I can't think of anything that's missing at the moment. I'm sure there is some smaller stuff, but I think between your rips and the OSTs, we have all of the major tracks and most of the minor ones.

05-27-2009, 06:37 PM
Just curious i dont know what your tastes are but have you ever thought about ripping the Japanese audio? I know on the remastered sets its remastered and the origional mono is there to. Also have you thought about ripping other unreleased music off animes such as Yu Yu Hakusho?

Elok Quintly
05-27-2009, 07:43 PM
I don't want to be harsh, but personally I feel the Japanese music sucks.

05-27-2009, 10:29 PM
I don't want to be harsh, but personally I feel the Japanese music sucks.

Two points:

(1) I think they both have their high points and low points, but overall I'd say, and I think many people would, that the Faulconer dub fits the show better.

(2) There is a theory out there that about 5-10 years ago when the internet was replete with criticisms of Faulconer's score, those were criticisms of fans who saw the sub before the dub. Now, the *internet majority* seems to support Faulconer because it is made up of those who were too young at the time to really post meaningful stuff supporting it online.

That said, did you see the dub first, Elok?

05-27-2009, 11:31 PM
Just curious i dont know what your tastes are but have you ever thought about ripping the Japanese audio? I know on the remastered sets its remastered and the origional mono is there to. Also have you thought about ripping other unreleased music off animes such as Yu Yu Hakusho?

I personally don't like the Japanese Music and most of that was released I thought on a huge 5 CD Set.

05-28-2009, 03:49 AM
In all honesty out of the like 200 faulconer recordings i only dig about 10-15 and those are ones played during the really epic scences. The japanese audio is better for the times in DBZ when there isnt fighting goining on. IMO the first season is my favorite for a number of reasons but one of the main ones is that i think the Jap BGM flows so much better. But yet i just realized faulconer didnt score the very first season so whatever haha

05-28-2009, 05:05 AM
Hey YoYoBoy, I'd like to request a rip of a specific cue that I have not been able to find. It is during the fight between Goku and Vegeta in the Buu saga. It starts at 3:33 in the following YouTube link:

If this cue has been ripped already, I'm sorry. Thank you, and you've done excellent work!

Elok Quintly
05-28-2009, 09:46 PM
Two points:

(1) I think they both have their high points and low points, but overall I'd say, and I think many people would, that the Faulconer dub fits the show better.

(2) There is a theory out there that about 5-10 years ago when the internet was replete with criticisms of Faulconer's score, those were criticisms of fans who saw the sub before the dub. Now, the *internet majority* seems to support Faulconer because it is made up of those who were too young at the time to really post meaningful stuff supporting it online.

That said, did you see the dub first, Elok?
I did see the dub first. However, it wouldn't really matter what I saw first; if music fits a scene better, it fits a scene better. The Japanese score is far too whimsical to be taken seriously.

05-28-2009, 11:20 PM
Hey YoYoBoy, I'd like to request a rip of a specific cue that I have not been able to find. It is during the fight between Goku and Vegeta in the Buu saga. It starts at 3:33 in the following YouTube link:

If this cue has been ripped already, I'm sorry. Thank you, and you've done excellent work!

Check the track called Kame's Tale on the CDs

05-29-2009, 04:40 AM
Updated 5/28/09 with cool tracks that sound decent and have little sound effects in them. Let me know what you think.

05-29-2009, 05:33 AM
Hey YoYoBoy! Thanks for the heads up on my request, the Kame's Tale was the right one!

Another request: Mark Menza has not made his work available to us. That includes the scores for DBZ Movies 6-13 and DBGT. (I don't personally like the DBGT score at all.) But is it possible to rip the scores from his work on the DBZ movies? I LOVE the music from Return of Cooler (It's so dark and erie) It would be fantastic if you could start on the movies!

I just found some earlier posts concerning Menza's music from Movie 6 and how it's impossible to rip. Are there any other DBZ movies with Menza's work that is in 5.1 surround that you can rip??? Or are they all stereo?

05-29-2009, 12:37 PM
The yell in Vegeta attacks Cell makes it better imo

05-29-2009, 10:59 PM
Hey YoYoBoy19, Can you get this track for me?

the music where Android 18 is about to finish off Vegeta with a kick to his arm. The music starts at 7min and 57 seconds on this video.

Thanks in Advance

05-30-2009, 01:40 AM
Video is down, but I may still be able to get it based on your description. Give me a bit.

05-30-2009, 01:40 AM
Hey YoYoBoy! Thanks for the heads up on my request, the Kame's Tale was the right one!

Another request: Mark Menza has not made his work available to us. That includes the scores for DBZ Movies 6-13 and DBGT. (I don't personally like the DBGT score at all.) But is it possible to rip the scores from his work on the DBZ movies? I LOVE the music from Return of Cooler (It's so dark and erie) It would be fantastic if you could start on the movies!

I just found some earlier posts concerning Menza's music from Movie 6 and how it's impossible to rip. Are there any other DBZ movies with Menza's work that is in 5.1 surround that you can rip??? Or are they all stereo?

None are in 5.1 Surround sound unfortunately, or at least none that I own.

06-05-2009, 04:58 AM
Ok, Idk if I've done this or not, can't remember, but here is something fun to add. Make a list of all your favorite unreleased DBZ tracks I have posted up here. (Can be incomplete or complete) I'll do my list and this is in order. You can descriptions of why you like it if you want, or you don't need to. Up to you. Hope some people participant.

1 - Ginyu Charges Up as Goku Part 2 - I love the fast paced part of it. It's my favorite mix of the Ginyu Force themes. I myself have extended it and made my own cool edits with it.

2 - All of the unreleased Ginyu Force music I obtained (There's so many of them, I don't feel like drawing this out by listing them all) I just love how they sound, how they can be used for so many different moods and scenerios.

3 -Super Buu Arrives at Look Out Part 1 - I LOVE The way this mixes into the DBZ ending episode music (Intro to Finale and Closing Music the track is called). It's so badass. One of Faulconers best cues in DBZ.

4 - Gohan at Frieza's Spaceship - Just love how it's composed, guess this should just go with the ginyu mixes.

5 - Vegeta Angry - This would be my last and final one. I have desired this track FOR AGES. I spent so long trying to find it before I learned how to do the DVD Channel Iscolating (thank you Agent 007, great user/poster here) This track has been used in a lot of different ways, but to me it still stands out as one of the best DBZ tracks.

Well that's my 5, you can list as many as you like.

06-05-2009, 01:55 PM
5. Frieza - Ginyu Beat (always loved that track)

4. Gohan at Frieza's Spaceship (just think it's cool)

3. Ginyu and Jeice Approach (I bought the Ginyu: Assault DVD years ago to try and rip this very track, specifically the part where Ginyu checks Goku's power level on his scouter. It's so awesome to have the track now.)

2. Super Buu Arrives at Lookout (agreed, very badass)

1. Gotenks vs. Fat Buu (just an amazing, heavy track that really shows off kickass DBZ battle music)

06-05-2009, 07:44 PM
5. Frieza - Ginyu Beat (always loved that track)

4. Gohan at Frieza's Spaceship (just think it's cool)

3. Ginyu and Jeice Approach (I bought the Ginyu: Assault DVD years ago to try and rip this very track, specifically the part where Ginyu checks Goku's power level on his scouter. It's so awesome to have the track now.)

2. Super Buu Arrives at Lookout (agreed, very badass)

1. Gotenks vs. Fat Buu (just an amazing, heavy track that really shows off kickass DBZ battle music)

Badass picks, badass picks my man and Ginyu and Jeice approach was the VERY FIRST track I ripped when I learned how to do this and that was on purpose. It was number 1 to get on my list. My favorite of Faucloner's work is his Ginyu Theme compositions, so for years I wanted that one as well.

06-06-2009, 11:30 PM
I wanted to conribute a lot to this thread but i nver saw dragon ball with these soundtracks. I got the Bruce faulconer soundtracks.... and I do like it a lot. My favorite cd is th MAJIN SAGAS, and the theme of CELL is my favorite composition of him. that theme is something special. I really dont know how to explain it. :)
But i have downloading a lot of stuff from here "YoYoBoy19", congratulations for the hard work. :)
I'm collecting every track from here and try to make a unrealeased-tracks project cd, for my own private collection. I even want to make some covers for it. :D

06-08-2009, 05:03 AM
Updated - 6/7/09

Kid Buu Defeated. This has big unreleased parts, I'm not sure if the first part with the eletric guitar is unreleased or not, but the 2nd part with the full version of Goku Recovery is unreleased. So it's very cool to finally have that, has a few unreleased cues. Check it out. I'm re-doing the series one last time to see if I've missed anything. Expect more updates if I can find them.

06-08-2009, 05:04 AM
Also to Morrgian, Good luck fitting it all on one CD. I've already tried lol. Gotta have to make a 2 CD set or take out the ones you don't care for.

06-08-2009, 01:15 PM
Cool upload! I didn't even think of that track.

06-08-2009, 11:01 PM
Also to Morrgian, Good luck fitting it all on one CD. I've already tried lol. Gotta have to make a 2 CD set or take out the ones you don't care for.

We can make like some guys did on ripping music from games, and make it double cd. :)

06-10-2009, 02:24 AM
Is Kami's theme released?

06-10-2009, 02:36 AM
Updated 6/9/09!!

Around 13 new tracks!

i gotta be honest. I can't believe I missed this much. I'm very embarrased. I wasn't very thorough. Oh well, leave feedback. A couple of really cool ones here!

06-10-2009, 02:45 AM
and btw guys. When you leave feedback, if something sounds like crap, let me know. Don't be afraid to express your true opinions on the tracks. Now be nice about it obviously, but heck, I wanna know what other peoples opinions are on some of these tracks. Because there are some I listen to that I know and wish could sound 1 MILLION times better. For instance Frieza-Ginyu Beat/Android 16 Theme.

06-10-2009, 11:30 PM
I have being liking the tracks with voices :D
makes me want see dragon ball z again :P

I take th emain post on a notepad son i can see the descriptions of each songs.
I'll give my opinion later about the songs.

06-11-2009, 01:37 AM
I don't know what you did to make "Saiyan Theme," but it sounds great (as do the others). I've always loved the Frieza Saga music.

I don't know if I asked you already about this one, but are you unable to rip Goku vs. Ginyu from Incredible Force? It starts about 30 seconds into the episode. I tried recording it from the three or so times it plays in the series in order to edit it together, but I was really unsuccessful.

06-11-2009, 03:25 AM
Also, anyone know of a program for Mac that can extract audio like YoYo has been doing? I've been searching google but have been unable to find anything.

EDIT: I was just thinking, back in 2007 some guys set up a petition for Steve Jablonsky to release his score to the Transformers film. Could we set up our own petition for Mark Menza and perhaps Nathan Johnson to release some of their scores? Would that even be successful?

06-11-2009, 12:19 PM
I was just thinking, back in 2007 some guys set up a petition for Steve Jablonsky to release his score to the Transformers film. Could we set up our own petition for Mark Menza and perhaps Nathan Johnson to release some of their scores? Would that even be successful?

It probably wouldn't be. I've spoken to one of the guys who used to work with Faulconer, and from what I recall, he indicated that after releasing Best of DBZ V. 6, Faulconer lost the rights to release any more CDs. This is relevant because it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to suggest that Funimation took steps to ensure that they alone hold the rights (as opposed to Menza and Johnson) to the movie and redub scores.

That said, you never really know. Joel Douek, the guy responsible for the Yu-Gi-Oh! dub score, released about 4 hours of unreleased music from that score online a couple of months ago for free, so theoretically, it can happen. I just doubt it because that was 4Kids and this is Funimation.

06-11-2009, 02:25 PM
Yea I tried Goku Vs Ginyu, it's so distorted, you can't even tell what the track is. I apologize.

06-11-2009, 02:26 PM
and to make Sayian Theme, I just did the same as the others. It was the only version of it that plays that I was able to record without having voices or sound effects. It's still not the full version, which is why I'm still dissapointed, because with the full version, the music that plays in the first 14 seconds runs longer, it loops and modifies a bit. It gets stronger and harder.

06-11-2009, 08:10 PM
First off:
Very great work on this!
You spend many time on this,or? ;)
Can you make a complete package of all the music, please?