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Lord Brimstone
10-29-2010, 02:29 AM
BTW just for laughs,

10-29-2010, 03:29 AM
Alternate comment: I would do anything for love (AND I WILL do that).

10-29-2010, 03:53 AM
i will love you if you give me the 39 books that compromise TIME life world war 2 books.
that or a neo geo.

10-29-2010, 04:10 AM
Don't wanna fall in love (

Lord Brimstone
11-02-2010, 11:10 AM

Not going to tell them what kind of box it was in?

Cute man. real cute. I don't know what's worse, the barbie valentine box or the perfume smell that the game had for being in said box.

11-02-2010, 11:20 AM
I have plenty of boxes handy, but not nearly small enough. I had to improvise~

11-05-2010, 02:11 AM
Rumor: New Silent Hill movie based on Silent Hill 3, will be in 3D | Joystiq (

Might have already been posted.

Tom Toonami Tunes
11-09-2010, 07:22 AM
Heading for the road to the upper part of the map with the dame in tow. That guard stance don't do anything, I still got hit. Found a lead pipe. Slower but but longer than 2x4 and instead of sideways strikes when I walk around and hit stuff I poke and jab so I switch 2x4 out. Found bowling ally. Why the hell does she think I'm going to play now? Eddy and little girl there, name's Laura apparently. She runs off and now I guess we're concerned about her for some reason. At least cut scene gave some half info, by the sound of things Laura and Eddy think they're there because they did "something wrong". The popo want Eddy but not for anything real bad and Laura "runs away a lot of the time".

Got beaten up pretty badly before bowling ally but luckily the pipe isn't the only thing I found; maybe 4-5 packs of bullets, enough energy drinks to bring me back to full health with 2 to spare, & 2 1st aid kits. What this isn't scary or even deadly, they're just getting thrown out of the bushes like muppets! It even makes them easier to kill. Dead guy with map telling me to go back. I guess I was meant to go here first. Damn got turned around, headed back when I wanted to keep going up the road. Damn the road is out I was meant to go back. Back tracking, & back tracking, & backtracking.... well fuck! I don't think Laura went back into the apartments. Let's check out the bowling ally again.
Oh a fence that you can go into the alleyway. A girly bar! I guess she works there in some fashion. God I'm ready for any perversions this place holds. Oh that was disappointing. We're in the hospital now. I hope there is a save soon my head is starting to hurt and I really wanted to read tonight. Save. Quit.

11-09-2010, 06:47 PM
Rumor: New Silent Hill movie based on Silent Hill 3, will be in 3D | Joystiq (

Might have already been posted.

That's LAME!! I think they skipped him because they realized PH in the first movie was a bad move because they NEED him for SH2's story. Weird how they're going straight to SH3s story when the events of SH1 (the game) kinda needed to happen which obviously didn't in the movie. So they're going to have to do something about that if you ask me. Unfortunately my gut tells me that they would just throw them in there anyways.

12-14-2010, 06:18 AM
YouTube - Russian Silent Hill Musical (

01-25-2011, 10:55 PM
Some Silent Hill Downpour links!

First Foggy Screenshots Of Silent Hill: Downpour // Siliconera (

New Silent Hill: Downpour information (

Some of the shots really remind me of something but I can't think of what. :(

01-26-2011, 10:14 PM
I'm hoping this definitely brings the old feeling of the games back. Judging from the screenshots and what I've read so far, it just might. Pretty excited to play the final product :D!

02-03-2011, 11:20 AM
Some of the shots really remind me of something but I can't think of what. :(
Alan Wake perhaps?)

03-08-2011, 03:42 PM

For all my Silent Hill Shriner brothers and sisters, it appears a compilation soundtrack set is being released later this month.

Apparently, a coveted "full version" of Lost Carol from SH3 is being released as well. This should be interesting.

03-08-2011, 06:36 PM
Wow, that's about $200.

03-08-2011, 09:01 PM
I thought about it. Then spent the money on....ya know.

Someone here will get the new stuff ripped and distributed. No worries.

03-09-2011, 03:03 PM
I thought about it. Then spent the money on....ya know.

Someone here will get the new stuff ripped and distributed. No worries.

Ha. I thought the same exact thing. ;)

03-23-2011, 04:09 AM
Wait.....people were waiting for......that :erm:

There aren't even any lyrics.....

Maybe that's why the long version was never released before.....

Some things happen for a reason.

03-23-2011, 01:36 PM
Wait.....people were waiting for......that :erm:

There aren't even any lyrics.....

Maybe that's why the long version was never released before.....

Some things happen for a reason.

Yeah, but a song of that capacity that was originally only a minute long kind of sucks... especially when you know a longer version exists. ;)

03-23-2011, 03:24 PM
Angels singing Lalalalalalala are pushing their luck enough as it is. I expect much better from Silent Hill.

03-23-2011, 03:34 PM
Angels singing Lalalalalalala are pushing their luck enough as it is. I expect much better from Silent Hill.

<3 @ Neg

03-23-2011, 03:35 PM
I guess I should listen to the rest of the disc.

03-23-2011, 03:44 PM
I guess I should listen to the rest of the disc.

You know, I love the Silent Hill games, but I've hardly found any of the soundtracks memorable for me. It's mostly just a bunch of "clanking" and "suspenseful" noise tracks which really didn't nab my attention like other games do. I would say the only exceptions for this were Homecoming, Silent Hill 0, and a handful of tracks from Silent Hill 3.

03-23-2011, 03:46 PM
I'll listen to the vocal tracks, but yeah, I'm fine with hearing everything else in-game.

The tracks on Shattered Memories are so short, it's much better to hear looped while playing.

03-25-2011, 09:17 PM
I think Silent Hill 2 OST was the best closely followed by Silent Hill 3's. I do agree with what Ari said about it being noise and stuff, but those two soundtracks (to me) had more "complete" songs.

03-25-2011, 09:24 PM
4 had the better theme of them all.

SM is very close.

03-25-2011, 11:53 PM
Silent Shriner #4 likes SH4's score the best. Shocking.

I don't think that was spoiler worthy information XD


03-26-2011, 08:38 PM
Actually, 4 had a pretty good soundtrack as well, now that I'm thinking about it.

Chocolate Misu
04-08-2011, 04:38 AM
If anyone cares I posted the SH2 guide :) I also scanned the poster inside ~<3 It would be wonderful on the wall...

06-12-2011, 06:58 AM
Okay, so it occurred to me that I'm not sure what the trophy support would be for 2 and 3 in the HD collection. Then I thought (FUCKING DUH) they'd probably break the requirements for 10 stars into individual achievements and maybe keep getting the 10 star as another.

Would be interesting if you could just 10 star it and that'd give you the platinum automatically.

Still, they might come up with other ones. Can anyone think of weird little things you can do in game they could use? I'll try to think of some.

Also does anyone have a copy of the comic that has the post man dude from Downpour in it?

06-12-2011, 05:31 PM
My guess is they would have a trophy for each ending possible. Not entirely sure, but it does make the replay value pretty high if you're looking to unlock all trophies.

06-12-2011, 10:42 PM
Getting each ending is part of getting 10 stars, you'll recall.

I was trying to think of goofy little stuff (akin to deflecting an arrow with your knife in RE5), but I just got up after staying up til like 7 or sth.

06-19-2011, 05:28 PM
Man, Silent Hill 4 is by far the creepiest, followed by 2, dunno why SH fans give it such a hard time :O
Anyone played Forbidden Siren? Freakin loved it!
Sorry for the off-topic!

06-19-2011, 08:02 PM
Allen'll love you to pieces~

No, no. Be as off-topic as you'd like.

Still haven't come up with any goofy achievements XD Oh well. Is the HD collection even going to get out before Downpour? Hope that release date is correct.

06-20-2011, 01:01 AM
Allen'll love you to pieces~

No, no. Be as off-topic as you'd like.

Still haven't come up with any goofy achievements XD Oh well. Is the HD collection even going to get out before Downpour? Hope that release date is correct.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they were both released on the same date or at least within the same month.

06-20-2011, 08:42 AM
I really have no idea. No idea where they are in the development schedule, in the slightest.

I came up with some achievements!

2: Reaching in the toilet, since it's completely optional.
3: Finding the 4 references to 2.

06-22-2011, 05:25 AM
Konami has announced that it would be recasting the voice actors for Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3 on the HD collection. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the decision, but James Sunderland's original actor, Guy Chihi, has already formed an opinion -- and accused Konami of trying to duck out of paying him.

"Konami knows that they owe me residuals for all previous unauthorized re-uses of my mocap and vocal performances," he alleged. "It would appear Konami is seeking to avoid further liability by changing the voice in their latest re-use of the SH2 materials. However, if any of my mocap appears in the new release, Konami will be liable for unauthorized reuse of my performance. Like Gump’s Momma said, 'Stupid is as stupid does.' It would have been much better for everyone had Konami simply made me a reasonable offer ...

"I’ll get around to seeking compensation through the courts one of these days. I simply don’t have the time for it right now. I hope this doesn’t bum out any fans ... It’s just business as usual on the production side of games."

This news is pretty crazy and has certainly dampened my excitement for the collection. Whatever one thinks of the voice actors, they were part of the original charm and I can't say I'm fond of having them cut out. I just don't know what Konami's damage is when it comes to Silent Hill lately.

Silent Hill HD Collection changes voice actors -Destructoid (

Well, at least we have a reason, now.

06-22-2011, 09:15 PM
Silent Hill HD Collection changes voice actors -Destructoid (

Well, at least we have a reason, now.

That made me laugh.

07-17-2011, 07:39 AM jpg jpg jpg

The crime scene tape that you can find at the overpass if you trek back over there later in the game could mean two things.

1.) It's for the dead body that you can see in this picture (that I've never seen before because I had to bump the brightness all the way up to even see it this time).
2.) Even if the patient demon really is a human being that James killed, all he did was kill a murderer.

That's 1 murder absolved :p
I know this is old but I'm playing SH2 again and that body is there since the beginning. When you fight the first monster, he's hunched over it like he's eating it or something. If you press X on it, James will say in text "Dead... Could it have been that monster?" or something like that. I'd take a picture if my phone wasn't suspended so I can show it to you. I never saw it before either until I played it on my HDTV where it's easily visible and I thought of this. Although it is pretty interesting as to why they decided to wrap "caution" tape over the whole fence when you try and go back instead of, oh I dunno, just closing and locking the gate. But it might not mean anything except to make it more visible that you can't go there anymore since the only time you can see it is at night.

07-17-2011, 01:33 PM
Yep, never meant to imply the body wasn't there from the beginning. The tape comes later.

I finished Soundless Mountain II. It's really only a demo, but it's a fun distraction. Free large file hosting. Send big files the easy way! (

Don't need an emulator from what I can tell. It launches on its own, for me.

07-17-2011, 04:55 PM
i saw the body the first time i played the game. been a hardcore RE veteran even back then, i was honestly expecting the body to turn into a zombie or something and attack me.

also, an achievement for sh3

"plumbers dont wear boobs": muster courage and check the toilet. (though it does require you to have beaten sh2 before)

07-17-2011, 05:19 PM
That's one of the 4 SH2 references, I mentioned, yep.

07-17-2011, 10:22 PM
Yep, never meant to imply the body wasn't there from the beginning. The tape comes later.

I finished Soundless Mountain II. It's really only a demo, but it's a fun distraction. Free large file hosting. Send big files the easy way! (

Don't need an emulator from what I can tell. It launches on its own, for me.

Gotcha. As for that link, it's telling me the file has been deleted :(.

07-18-2011, 03:15 AM
Well aren't they a bunch of fucking douches...

07-18-2011, 03:26 AM
That's one of the 4 SH2 references, I mentioned, yep.

didnt read that post. but then again you didnt add the "explanation"

07-18-2011, 03:32 AM
Sweet! That one works. Now to give this baby a go...

07-18-2011, 03:39 AM
Other 3 are

Letterboxes in Daisy Villa: Something like "There's no mail, not even a letter from a dead wife."
Heaven's Night: Poster of Maria on the stage
Grating on the roof of Brookhaven: "It doesn't look like it's about to fall"

If you don't know, but I'm willing to bet you do.

07-18-2011, 04:17 AM
were you writing to me? becuase if so, yes, i did know the 4. but i only got the idea for the toilet because i was viewing (again) avgns review of plumbers. and got the idea from there.

07-18-2011, 04:19 AM
Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is one crazy game, and one of his best eps, even if the majority of the lols come just from staring in awe at the "game" itself.

07-24-2011, 04:25 PM
Learn something new, everyday

Lakeview Hotel's Fire

The source of the hotel's fire is subtly hidden in the employee lounge. At one point, a fire had occurred which either partially burned or completely burned the hotel down to the ground. A mysterious painting, found in Toluca Prison, depicts the Lakeview Hotel; red paint shows fire consuming the entire building. Translated Memories says "Before the second game took place, the hotel was completely destroyed by a fire." Later, when traveling through the Nightmare hotel, crime scene lines can be found with 'Warning! Fire!' on them. In the room where Angela Orosco is found, the staircase is actually on fire, although whether this is related to Lakeview's fire is unknown.

When first visiting the employee lounge, James does not have his flashlight with him. After exiting the Venus Tears bar, the player is able to retrieve their items from the shelf on the second floor, including the flashlight. At this point, the player is able to complete the music box puzzle and head to Room 312. However, the player can also head back into Venus Tears and to the employee lounge (now with the flashlight).

When the heater in the corner of the room is examined, James will say, "There's a heater here. On the back, in small letters, it says: 'I'm Johnny, one hot guy.'" A closer look reveals that the heater is located inches under a curtain. It can be assumed that the intense heat from the heater caused the curtain to ignite which ignited the Lakeview Hotel fire.

08-01-2011, 07:49 PM
Finally bought the Past Life mini-series. I can't scan them, but I can probably tell you guys that they aren't worth reading XD

I'll fill you in.

08-02-2011, 03:13 AM
Finally bought the Past Life mini-series. I can't scan them, but I can probably tell you guys that they aren't worth reading XD

LOL. For some reason, this statement made me laugh. Not sure why... but coming from you... it did. :D

08-02-2011, 03:22 AM
I read one of the series, a long time ago. Sinner's Reward, I think. It was okay. Linkara has shown me since that some of them are utter shit.

08-09-2011, 06:41 AM
Just curious, do you guys think that Downpour will correspond a lot with the Past Life comics? I know the postman is a common link between the two. But when Downpour is released, how much do you think the game will relate to the Past Life comics?

I'm asking because I have been tempted to buy the comics. It'll be interesting to find out when the game comes out. But I'm wondering what you all think. Either way, I am really, really excited about Downpour. ^^

08-09-2011, 06:46 AM
I'll post about everything the postman does in the comics, as soon as I get around to reading Past Life.

Given SH's track record with comics, I'm not expecting much. But, they weren't expensive and I like having SH things to buy.

08-12-2011, 08:01 AM
Read the first issue of Past Life.

Postmaster is named Howard Blackwood. He meets up with the protagonist of the series and his woman. Wants to travel with them because he thinks they're going to Shepherd's Glen. They're headed to Silent Hill and are amazed that the postmaster is a negro. This is set in 1867, btw.

He says Silent Hill isn't much concerned with what's on the outside of people

That's it, for him. It's fine for an introduction to this story. Some nice stuff hidden in the art. I like the art. Linkara might turn his nose up for some reason but I think it works for the aesthetic. Remains to be seen if this'll be worthwhile on the whole, but it is what it is.

Yeah, I'll do this for all the rest. I ain't got shit else better to do~

Issue #2:

Blackwood runs into the protagonist (Jeb) as he's coming to visit the sheriff. He informs Jeb that Sheriff Creviston is down at Toluca. At this point, Toluca is what the actual prison currently being created on the grounds of the prison camp is called. He then sends Jeb over to Leek's Tavern to wait for Creviston.

That's it.

08-12-2011, 06:26 PM know, this has potential! I'm digging the time period~

And I couldn't help but laugh when reading about how "Silent Hill isn't much concerned with what's on the outside of people" because that is SO true.

08-12-2011, 06:39 PM
So, does anyone have any news on Downpour? Other than the original Game Informer cover story for it, I have heard nothing about it. Was it even at E3?

08-12-2011, 07:39 PM
Yeah: Silent Hill: Downpour - E3 2011 Trailer - YouTube (

I haven't watched it. Least amount of knowledge possible, tyvm ;)

They also showed one for the HD Collection. It's just regular old footage in "hd," though. I was hoping for HD upscaling more in the vein of remaking them from the ground up for this gen, but I was probably expecting too damn much, in that regard.

Regardless, I've paid for both, cuz I'm a dumbass fanboy.

08-12-2011, 07:45 PM
Yeah: Silent Hill: Downpour - E3 2011 Trailer - YouTube (

I haven't watched it. Least amount of knowledge possible, tyvm ;)

They also showed one for the HD Collection. It's just regular old footage in "hd," though. I was hoping for HD upscaling more in the vein of remaking them from the ground up for this gen, but I was probably expecting too damn much, in that regard.

Regardless, I've paid for both, cuz I'm a dumbass fanboy.

Looks petty good and creepy. This sounds odd but I have never played a silent hill game other than 4 but I love the story of Silent Hill. I think this will be the first game I buy, and Ill give the HD collection a rental.

08-12-2011, 07:50 PM
4 is great, but seriously, you need all of the rest.

I should use the HD collection to cheat my Top 10, now. I won't, though.

08-12-2011, 07:59 PM
I was looking at the comments on the E3 vid and saw people complaining about autosave. Wouldnt auto save mean more immersion in stead of tracking down a save point? Also one question about Homecoming, why does the main character's army jacket look like a ww2 era jacket?

08-12-2011, 08:01 PM
He's a soldier. Let's just say it was handed down.

I'm fine with almost anything they'll do. Some people are so butthurt over Origins and Homecoming and 4 and Shattered Memories, but I love all of them.

Can't get stuck on the original 3 being the standard. Not that two of them aren't my favorites..... :erm:

08-12-2011, 08:09 PM
He's a soldier. Let's just say it was handed down.

I'm fine with almost anything they'll do. Some people are so butthurt over Origins and Homecoming and 4 and Shattered Memories, but I love all of them.

Can't get stuck on the original 3 being the standard. Not that two of them aren't my favorites..... :erm:

I know it, it seems that if any changes in a series fans jump on the game. Just look at the flame war with BF3. I might rent Homecoming but I will preorder Downpour when I can.

08-12-2011, 08:13 PM
One thing I don't like about the comics is that they are too intent on saying things that the games just let you realize on your own.

Stop telling me how Jeb has a dark past. Just show me (which they have). Stop waxing philosophical about it. The entire series deals with that concept, but it doesn't say it outright.

Stop clubfisting me with it, comics :mad:

08-12-2011, 08:16 PM
One thing I don't like about the comics is that they are too intent on saying things that the games just let you realize on your own.

Stop telling me how Jeb has a dark past. Just show me (which they have). Stop waxing philosophical about it. The entire series deals with that concept, but it doesn't say it outright.

Stop clubfisting me with it, comics :mad:

So the comics basically ruin the whole point of the games :laugh:

08-12-2011, 08:18 PM
They don't seem like a quality endeavor, on the whole, no :(

I really like the art in Past Life, and there's some good lines here and there, but overall I don't feel hard pressed to get around to the other series I already have on here.

08-13-2011, 09:12 AM
Issue #3

Blackwood swings by Jeb's farm since he hasn't seen him in town for a while. He speaks of how perhaps the spirits of the indians originally inhabiting Silent Hill may be whispering to people, constantly reminding them of their pasts. He says all men have shadows, some good, some bad.

A father and son went to war and only the son returned. The father had a memorial erected next to Toluca Lake.

Does one of the tombstones down there in 4 say Chester, by any chance?

Blackwood killed his owner. Which is probably the coolest revelation about him, yet. Up til now he's just been waxing poetic. When Jeb says some of the murders he committed were contract killings (and hence didn't really count), Blackwood says in time you learn that in Silent Hill, it ALL counts.

08-13-2011, 09:20 AM
i read a series of SH comics once.
what a fucking joke.

08-13-2011, 06:05 PM
Issue #4

We find out Blackwood's horse is named Hermes. That's about it, for him.

It'd probably benefit you to know about the main bulk of the story. Jeb killed indians as part of a contract, as I've already alluded to. He also shacked up with a married woman (Helene Leek of Leek's Tavern) and used her as a meat shield when her husband caught them and tried to stab Jeb with his own knife. Creviston (the sheriff) gave him and his boys shit when they stole a sheep so he sliced out one of his eyes.

Jeb is supposedly reformed by his wife, but finds whiskey in the barn when they arrive in Silent Hill. An indian woman shows up and returns his knife. Later, she shows up to take the baby his wife is carrying in retribution for him killing her daughter's baby as it was being born.

Jeb symbolically fights off Helene, Leeks, and Creviston since he was boozing it up in the barn while his wife was going into labor. The indian probably killed his wife, as we see her sagging in his arms, but the artwork makes it look like Jeb axed her by overlapping "panels." That works pretty nice and I like that quite a bit.

The squaw runs into Blackwood and he asks why Leek's Tavern and Jeb's house burst into flames. He also asks about the baby she has. She says it's because the spirits aren't silent anymore. Blood for blood, life for life, fire for fire.

Whether you want to see this as a specific incident or you want to believe Jeb always was a Silent Hill resident and him massacring the indians there is the fictional, canonical reasoning for the fires, is up to you. Believe both. Silent Hill is magical that way~

On the whole, I really like the art and there are some good lines sprinkled throughout, even if they hamfist the whole HERE'S YOUR PAST, FLASHING FORWARD, OUT TO WHIP YOUR ASS, by stating it. It doesn't need to be stated, guys, we know how this franchise works.

So yeah, I think it was worth the price of admission. If you can find a torrent, I say it's worth flipping through. Don't pay for it. Blackwood has his troll face on a lot, even if he talks sincerely. Can't wait to see him in Downpour.

08-16-2011, 01:38 AM
This might be random but this is Silent Hill related. Im all alone in my dorm and all the bad memories of 4 are coming to mind.

08-16-2011, 02:41 AM
Light some candles.

Don't put the doll your weird neighbor gave you in your footlocker.

08-16-2011, 03:04 AM
Find the Swords. And dont let the dude complete all the sacrements xD

08-16-2011, 03:09 AM
You ever see Walter's complete victim's list? I can provide you with that.

08-16-2011, 04:23 AM
Yeah I have seen it multiple times, its a rather long list spanning many years.

08-19-2011, 07:45 AM
Silent Hill Gamescom Video - Silent Hill HD Collection - YouTube (!)

I am not touching this. Oh my god the new voices are HORRIBLE!!!

08-19-2011, 07:51 AM
Not too bad! :D

08-20-2011, 12:22 AM
Thanks for posting info about the comics, Neg. So Blackwood killed his owner and Jeb was paid for his kills. Very interesting...
Were there any more details about Jonas Leeks by chance? Someone in a different forum commented how he looked similar to Murphy. I'm wondering if this might have any relevance to the new game.

Source: Jonas Leek and Murphy Pendleton (

About the new voiceovers... I think I'm going to have to stick with the originals.

08-20-2011, 12:28 AM
Silent Hill Gamescom Video - Silent Hill HD Collection - YouTube (!)

I am not touching this. Oh my god the new voices are HORRIBLE!!!

They never paid some of the original voice actors, but seeings how I have never played 2 or 3 IDK what the voices are. I just dub in a know voice like Blum or someone when reading plot stuff.

08-20-2011, 01:58 AM
Nothing much about Leek other than what I said. Here's the original art for the picture in that thread:

Here's some more:

Definitely think they're trying to make a connection by explicitly re-doing the art for the trade paperback.

As far as the voices go, I realize I get butthurt over things, plenty. Silent Hill just isn't one of those things. The flavor of fanboyism I have for Silent Hill has clearly allowed me to appreciate and love all of the changes in the series that have gotten others worked up. Real world practicalities have seemingly resulted in the change of voices and I'm kind of excited to play the games with the change of pace and the better looking graphics.

Will I still play my original copies? Yeah. I rather adore the original James, Heather, Douglas, and Vincent.

Do I blame you guys for not wanting to pay for (debatably) prettier graphics when you don't want the change and right now there is no promise of extra content (besides trophies)? No. Do your thing.

08-20-2011, 02:27 AM
Your Silent Hill fanboyism is very similar to my Battlefield fanboyism, I just roll with changes as long as its all good.

08-20-2011, 02:45 AM
Thank you again for the pics and info. I'm liking the art style a lot. I have to buy the Past Life comics now (plus the paperback), lol. This only makes me want Downpour so much more. <3

I'm looking forward to whatever else that's being done to SH2 and SH3 for the PS3 collection. It sounded like the soundtracks are being tweaked to support surround sound. NOW THAT I AM EXCITED ABOUT. I adore Mary Elizabeth McGlynn. But I just wasn't impressed with the new voices. They'll likely grow on me, though. I hope.

08-20-2011, 03:23 AM
Not a problem, in the slightest. Glad to share these, and discuss anything Silent Hill, always.

In response to Aden, I want to say they'd have to change something very radically about James or Heather (or any other protagonist) for me to get upset with a decision they make. However, I felt that way about Shattered Memories initially and the outcome was very different once I decided to just go along for the ride.

It's not a Fallout or Oblivion level title in terms of freedom and story influence, the algorithms are very fixed and prescribed, BUT there is enough play in them to get interesting and appropriate results in terms of the two parts of the ending and the written analysis at the end. Shattered memories functions as a simple but worthwhile.........experiment and self-study of a game.

It also added a humanity to Harry while still keeping one ending "pure." It's called Hero Forever. The game both fleshes out and makes Harry "worthy" of being what has been the norm for all subsequent SH protagonists without destroying what made him unique (which is even more strange and fun, considering he was the first).

So, even when the series has broken apart a character and restructured them almost completely, they've been able to make it worthwhile.

In that way, I can't really think of anything that'd make me disappointed in the series. I'm sure something will eventually. Until then, I'll be a very happy camper.

08-20-2011, 06:38 AM
I've not played a single Silent Hill game ever except for some bits and pieces of Homecoming when my dad needed help but I'mma just say I think the new voices in the HD collection are better than the original voices.

Significantly better. So much better they make the original voices sound very campy.

08-20-2011, 08:44 AM
I think you would disagree if you had played them. I think 2 in particular is going to lose a lot of its atmosphere because of these new voices. I'm not deluded enough to think the old ones were good at all, but they had this unique feel to them that only made Silent Hill creepier as a location since it made every single person you met look even crazier. Here on the other hand, I don't get that feeling and Eddy's voice actor in particular is trying WAY too hard to sound crazy. Perhaps they chose better actors for 3, I'm sure we'll hear them too eventually. I'm sure I'm going to stop feeling butthurt eventually and play it. A rental, at least, can't hurt, right?

08-21-2011, 02:36 PM

But in terms of the VA, the only one that seems similar to the original is Mary/Maria. James sounds so weird to me after just recently beating the original SH2 a good 4 times (and his tone makes him sound more aggressive). As for Eddie, I'm not sure just yet. From that scene they showed of him probably wasn't the best to use for a sample of the new actors (and he did kinda sound like he was trying a little to hard) but that's the only scene where he's supposed to sound "crazy".

All in all, I'm not thoroughly convinced that I like these new VAs better than the originals, especially since the original VAs were also used for motion capture of their respective characters to add more "depth", but it feels like they all have been victim to...IDENTITY THEFT SO BAD THAT EVEN THEIR VOICES WERE STOLEN! But I can only hope they do a good job and even if not, I'm buying it anyways :D.

I wouldn't really be a fan if I didn't, right?

08-21-2011, 03:09 PM
Mary/Maria being voiced by 'The Major' from GitS?

08-21-2011, 03:57 PM
Im looking at the Silent Hill wiki and Im seeing that other than Mary/Maria no other voice actors identities had been confirmed. Imo I think I would like to see Troy Baker (BIA,RFGuerilla,Various Anime) play James. Wouldnt be the first time he voiced a very troubled person.

Nostalgia gamer
08-23-2011, 04:06 PM
I got a question about silent hill:Can any of you help me with advice for getting the katana?

I beat silent hill 1 and got the bad ending which i was pretty sure i was supposed to get and i got the chainsaw instead of the katana.
Is it completely random?

08-23-2011, 05:07 PM
I got a question about silent hill:Can any of you help me with advice for getting the katana?

I beat silent hill 1 and got the bad ending which i was pretty sure i was supposed to get and i got the chainsaw instead of the katana.
Is it completely random?

This is from the Silent Hill wiki

"The game must be completed twice - once with a Good/Good+ Ending, then with a Bad/Bad+ Ending. It is found inside the Levin St. House with the bloody dog house where Harry Mason uses the three "Keys for Eclipse". The sword itself is kept in a hidden, Asian-themed room."

Good Hunting.

08-23-2011, 05:49 PM
LOL. I never once was able to get the Katana. Never knew until now... but probably still won't go back and play it to get it though.

08-23-2011, 05:54 PM
LOL. I never once was able to get the Katana. Never knew until now... but probably still won't go back and play it to get it though.

Thats what I said about the Thompson in RE4, but I still money farmed to get it lol

08-23-2011, 07:00 PM
LOL. I never once was able to get the Katana. Never knew until now... but probably still won't go back and play it to get it though.

I remember getting it without even trying. But because of the way I am when it comes to the SH games, I will keep playing it until I have all the endings and weapons so I probably got the katana during a final playthrough or when getting the UFO ending after getting the rest.

Nostalgia gamer
08-23-2011, 08:30 PM
I remember getting it without even trying. But because of the way I am when it comes to the SH games, I will keep playing it until I have all the endings and weapons so I probably got the katana during a final playthrough or when getting the UFO ending after getting the rest.

Did you get the ufo ending? HEEH

i saw the ending of i think its silent hill 2? can't remember which one has it but its the dog ending.

Oh man that ending is so ridiculous

08-24-2011, 05:15 AM
Did you get the ufo ending? HEEH

i saw the ending of i think its silent hill 2? can't remember which one has it but its the dog ending.

Oh man that ending is so ridiculous
Yeah it's SH2. I actually never got that ending myself. I never knew where the doghouse was. I can probably get it this time around.

08-28-2011, 03:46 PM


08-28-2011, 03:52 PM
Looks great

Nostalgia gamer
08-28-2011, 04:40 PM
Nice graphics,looks quite well done.

08-28-2011, 05:43 PM
Where's 0/1/4?

08-28-2011, 05:53 PM
1 is already on ps store, 0 was on PSP only (?) so maybe they dont really want to take time to convert, and 4 is really outside of silent hill's mythos save for the refrences to the Order's involvement in the area.

08-28-2011, 05:56 PM
0 was released on the PS2 as well.

SH1 needs a proper HD release - not the remake/revision thing.

I just wish the collection was a REAL collection - not just 2/3.

08-28-2011, 09:48 PM
its easier to enchance those 2, than completely rebuild sh1 (not counting SM, that was a reimagining)

08-28-2011, 09:49 PM
I am debating on getting this or waiting for downpour.

08-28-2011, 11:12 PM
i say wait for downpour if you have played them already.

08-28-2011, 11:26 PM
I'm getting it. Both of them.

08-29-2011, 12:50 AM
its easier to enchance those 2, than completely rebuild sh1 (not counting SM, that was a reimagining)

I know, but I was REALLY hoping SM was a remake, and it wasn't.

08-31-2011, 02:10 PM
Shattered Memories was a huge disappointment. That is one Silent Hill game I still haven't completed and don't feel inclined to go back and play.

As a Silent Shriner, I know that's blasphemy, but I'm just being honest in my opinion on it.

08-31-2011, 06:48 PM
When I come up with a suitable punishment, it will be enacted.

You have no idea when it's coming.

Enjoy living the rest of your life in fear.

08-31-2011, 07:07 PM
Shattered Memories was a huge disappointment. That is one Silent Hill game I still haven't completed and don't feel inclined to go back and play.

As a Silent Shriner, I know that's blasphemy, but I'm just being honest in my opinion on it.
I was the same as well...until I beat it.

When I come up with a suitable punishment, it will be enacted.

You have no idea when it's coming.

Enjoy living the rest of your life in fear.

08-31-2011, 09:31 PM
Im renting Homecoming due to Deus Ex being in no supply. I might rent shattered memories or 2 while Im at it, but I have had Space Marine on my list since late july.

08-31-2011, 09:35 PM
SM on the Wii was superior, for my money.

Seemed like the PS2 version used the door animations as an excuse to load a ton more than the Wii version. Visuals seemed muddier. Plus the Wiimote to the ear for cell phone stuff was nice, and as the flashlight.....*swoon*

If you have a Wii, rent it for that, is all I'm saying.

08-31-2011, 09:38 PM
SM on the Wii was superior, for my money.

Seemed like the PS2 version used the door animations as an excuse to load a ton more than the Wii version. Visuals seemed muddier. Plus the Wiimote to the ear for cell phone stuff was nice, and as the flashlight.....*swoon*

If you have a Wii, rent it for that, is all I'm saying.

Do you have to have that wii motion addon thingy. Never have used my wii much since 09 :laugh:

08-31-2011, 09:39 PM
Not at all. Perfectly responsive as a flashlight without that thing. I definitely don't have one XD

08-31-2011, 09:42 PM
Good to hear. :)

09-09-2011, 05:19 PM
When I come up with a suitable punishment, it will be enacted.

You have no idea when it's coming.

Enjoy living the rest of your life in fear.

Oh Neg. <3

09-10-2011, 07:58 PM
Im off to play Homecoming whilst listening to Starship Troopers score. Ill post what I have to say about it later.

09-12-2011, 02:19 AM
Maybe you could, I dunno, listen to the actual in-game audio.

Considering this is your first time playing it, and all :erm:

09-12-2011, 02:50 AM
Thats what I ended up doing :laugh:, I changed my mind when I found out a lot of enemies off sound clues when they are near.

09-12-2011, 02:53 AM
Also the whole most-of-the-ambiance-is-created-by-the-music-and-the-noises thing~

09-12-2011, 02:57 AM
Sometimes what ever Im listeing to bleeds into what I remember in the game, like I cant listen to Klendathu Drop without thinking of RE5. Im just werid like that.

09-12-2011, 03:03 AM
The soundtrack for Homecoming was pretty good. I thought it actually offered more musical variations than its predecessors (as opposed to random clanking and thumping). I would say Origins comes second.

Again, this is only my personal preference.

09-12-2011, 03:54 AM
I got to the police station when those schisms assualt it. Unfortunatly the call of Human Revolution pulled me away.

09-12-2011, 06:52 AM
I love Schisms <3

09-12-2011, 10:47 AM
When I come up with a suitable punishment, it will be enacted.

You have no idea when it's coming.

Enjoy living the rest of your life in fear.

are you miranda cosgrove? if so..

cant you tell jeanette i love her?

09-13-2011, 03:26 AM
I love Schisms <3

They are the first thing in the game that managed to kill me. :sad:

I could never figure out which weapon to use on them, nearly got murdered by nurses when using the pipe or fire ax, but dominated them with the quick knife combos.

09-13-2011, 03:52 AM
2 hand gun bullets for Smogs
2 (3?) shotgun bullets for Siam Siams
Axe for Schisms
Knife for pretty much everything else non-boss.

Yes, even Needlers. BE A MAN.

09-13-2011, 03:56 AM
TBH, Needlers never phased me. I used the pipe on them on the elevator, but used the knife when it was in regular combat.

09-13-2011, 03:59 AM
Some people try to shoot them in the head. Yeah, good luck with that.

I trust my dodging skills far more than my aim.

09-13-2011, 04:07 AM
2 hand gun bullets for Smogs
2 (3?) shotgun bullets for Siam Siams
Axe for Schisms
Knife for pretty much everything else non-boss.

Yes, even Needlers. BE A MAN.

I like using the pipe on Needlers. So much easier to block their hits with it as well as being able to attack when an opening is available.

They are the first thing in the game that managed to kill me. :sad:

Schisms are probably the most unpredictable monster in the entire game. They're attacks are never sequenced in order, so it's tough to kill them unless you use shotgun ammo. I use the Axe, but getting distance from them after attacking them is kind of tough.

09-13-2011, 04:23 AM
I know this is most definatly blasphemey, but I have an odd idea for a Silent Hill game. Make it first-person, choose your characters backstory and unknowingly choose your poison, dictate your character skills based on said backstory, make guns found locally rusty and malfunctioning, keep puzzles, keep multiple endings with every fine detail determining it, keep weapons that degrade and break but instead make multiple versions of each with damage and durability being the variable along with looks, and finally a more in deph damage system for the player (like MGS3).

Sorry that was my bumbling rant for the night.

09-13-2011, 04:24 AM
I use the Axe, but getting distance from them after attacking them is kind of tough.

Roll away.

09-13-2011, 01:59 PM
Roll away.

I try, but they still manage to hit me for some reason.

09-13-2011, 05:09 PM
It takes about 2 "full" combos to kill them. 2 light hits and then a heavy one.

You can't always finish them, though. Sometimes you'll only get 2 hits in, or maybe even one before you have to roll out.

Can't press an advantage with them, because they can fidgit out of your animations and change their movement or attack, like you've said. Have to constantly watch them for the slightest twitches.

09-18-2011, 05:26 AM

What the fuck is this shit?

Right now there is no release date set, Konami speculates a 1st Quarter 2012 release, for all speculated releases amazon and other retailers (like gamestop) always use the last month of the speculated quarter as a placeholder, march being the last month in the first quarter of a year.

Well that's a stupid policy.

09-18-2011, 04:10 PM
along with that release date, I have never heard of the composer.

09-19-2011, 10:12 PM
I don't even pay attention to stuff like that.

Some of these guys will get up in arms that it isn't Yamaoka, anymore, but if it works, it works.

09-20-2011, 12:13 AM
Silent Hill's actual music never really caught my ear, hope there is some good tracks in there.

09-20-2011, 12:23 AM
I've got most of the vocal tracks in iTunes. For the most part I only hear the instrumentals when I'm playing.

09-20-2011, 12:28 AM
I know this may sound horrible but I wish the next game they make really tries to deceive you a bit in the music area. Bring back the shock value of Silent Hill (the town) by starting you off with a huge presumption of safety. Impossible due to the over 7 games in Silent Hill, unfortunatly. :sad:

Homecoming hasnt had too much tension, It seemed like a goddamned bad situation from the onset and doesnt have those times that lull you into to that false sense of security.

I better stop rambling :sad:

09-20-2011, 12:29 AM

Say whatever you want. No one is going to stop you ;)

09-20-2011, 12:36 AM
In my mind, a SH reboot should start with just nothing perceivably wrong with the situation. Musically Im thinking like the earlier part of Kingdom of Heaven. Instead of just fog and ash, add in realistic light sources and extreme darkness. You have to either stay indoors at night or brave the streets with some sort of light. I mean dark, like Fellout level dark(Fallout 3 mod). On the first monster appearence have a whole horde appear and you either fight and die or run and maybe die. I would make a horrid dev :laugh:

09-20-2011, 12:42 AM
My mind put Kingdom and H together and I read that as a proposal for a KH reboot.

I'd be behind that.

09-20-2011, 12:44 AM
Oh, I have thought long and hard about a KH reboot.


09-20-2011, 03:56 AM
For those who have seen the new Downpour trailer featuring a song by KoRn, does that video have any spoilers in it?

09-20-2011, 03:58 AM

Good lord.

09-20-2011, 04:02 AM
That seems unfitting, I like the music they had in the Metro Last Light teaser trailer and was hoping they (Downpour) would do a similar thing.

09-20-2011, 04:03 AM
It might be fine.

People didn't like My Hands being in XIII. And, that's awesome.

09-20-2011, 04:05 AM
Im sure thats not the devs descision.

I like the way the game is looking meself.

09-20-2011, 04:09 AM
Was Zero Percent in Assassin's Creed? I don't remember if it was 2 or the brotherhood one.

For that matter, was Planetary in GT5?

09-20-2011, 04:12 AM
A fan made a trailer with Zero Percent for AC Brotherhood, and Planetary was in GT5 according to google.

09-20-2011, 04:13 AM
I wonder what Korn even sounds like these days.

All I can think of is Munky getting Jesus tattooed on his hand so he wouldn't masturbate


bunch of idiots in this world, I swear~

09-20-2011, 04:15 AM
I would have a hard stare directed at Konami.

09-20-2011, 06:01 AM
Yeah, heard KoRn is doing the theme song for the game. Also I guess that March release date is actually real... Well I don't mind last time they did that with Shattered Memories the game ended up being beyond awesome...

Now to SH Collection HD or whatever is called... Sad they didn't include the great SH4. Would have actually considered for release date buy, but I guess I'll wait till a sale goes on or something

09-20-2011, 06:03 AM
If it's real I'm importing. I don't have any faith that I'll live that long XD

09-20-2011, 06:12 AM
Amazon has it for a March 31st release date. Not really saying it's correct but you know...

09-20-2011, 06:15 AM
Let us hope that it's what the thing I posted said it was. Since, you apparently don't know if it's true, after all.

09-20-2011, 08:20 PM

What the fuck is this shit?

Well that's a stupid policy.

I don't understand. Just last week, Amazon mentioned October. Why the sudden release date change?

09-20-2011, 09:17 PM
The release date is going to be moved more than Duke Nukem Forever

:erm: I think I just jinxed the game's release. :sad:

09-20-2011, 09:27 PM
It'll be fine, either way. There are measures to be taken.

I sort of read what you originally said wrong, Allen. I was a dick. My apologies.

09-20-2011, 09:35 PM
Gamefly has release date as 3/31/2012 but I dont know how reliable they are.

09-20-2011, 09:42 PM
Shattered Memories was delayed across systems, not regions. We'll see.

Which is ironic, considering the version that was delayed was inferior, imo.

09-20-2011, 10:20 PM
I hope the Morita Rifle (Starship Troopers) is a secret weapon :laugh:

I know its not going to happen, but it could have unlimited ammo, but you cant hit a barn door from 3 paces :laugh:

In seriousness, I wonder what if any secret stuff they have planned. There best be a UFO ending :p

09-21-2011, 02:33 AM
UFO ending would be pretty great. Wheeler is the greatest in Homecoming. You'll see.

09-21-2011, 02:37 AM
UFO ending would be pretty great. Wheeler is the greatest in Homecoming. You'll see.

If I ever have time to finish it lol, too many games coming in my mail to finish it in 2 days and an afternoon.

Works for that copy and paste COD shit; Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Silent Hill: Homecoming, and WH40K Space Marine at the same time= not going to fucking happen.

10-23-2011, 02:52 AM
Question about the guide book for Downpour... The release date for the guide book says it's still going to be released on the 25th of this month. Since the game's release date has been pushed back, wouldn't the guide book's release date be changed, too— so that the book won't have any missing or outdated information?

10-23-2011, 10:42 PM
I'm sure that's not going to be a factor. I'm sure the reason why it's being pushed back has nothing to do with anything story-wise. Most likely technical stuff and glitches at this point.

10-23-2011, 10:55 PM
It's a pain in the ass is what it is.

Get your shit together Konami. Hard release dates NOAW :p

10-31-2011, 01:31 AM
Currently playing through the series for the first time, even though I've had the first game for about a decade. At the moment I'm up to the 'alternate' version of the hospital in Silent Hill 2, I love this game!

12-11-2011, 02:38 AM
For those who are like me, this is for you:

Part 1:
Horrorcast – Ep. 04: Interview with Guy Cihi, Part 1 � TRE Productions (

Part 2:
Special: Interview with Guy Cihi - Part 2 (

Only reason why I logged in was to share this. Enjoy~

12-13-2011, 11:58 AM
And here's the final part of the interview:

HorrorCast Special: Interview with Guy Cihi - Part 3 | Still Gaming on (

01-08-2012, 01:51 AM
This delay shit is now officially a joke.


01-08-2012, 03:25 AM
This delay shit is now officially a joke.


01-12-2012, 10:49 AM
Can't wait for Downpour. I actually like the theme song that Korn did for it. I like how it's more dark instead of the previous themes like 2 to Shattered Memories. Not that they were bad though, I just think it's more fitting.

01-12-2012, 11:15 AM
"'Get Up' is about the recession. I wish everyone would shut the fuck up and have some fun. Every day I've got to hear about unemployment and people starving."

What an asshat, eh?

Dubstep. lbum.html

01-12-2012, 11:29 AM
Well, that was a rather heartless thing he said.

01-15-2012, 05:15 AM
He's pissed because people of the metal genre make fun of his band all the time and throw them in the same pit as Disturbed and Avenged Seven Fold haha. But I've always thought Korn sucked anyways.

01-16-2012, 05:26 AM
Can't say I've ever heard a positive comment about Korn EVER.

01-16-2012, 05:54 AM
I think I've heard of Korn probably back then, but forgotten about them and just now heard of them. I do like the theme song they did for Downpour though, like I said. Probably be the only thing I'll like from them since I don't really care about them.

01-24-2012, 11:18 PM

01-25-2012, 12:53 AM
Lol, never knew there was a site you can make funny receipts.

01-25-2012, 07:11 AM
One of the prices should have been $3.12.

I'm too nerdy about this shit ;;

01-25-2012, 03:33 PM

I'm not crazy, this is North, not SW, right?

02-06-2012, 08:47 AM
a funny fact: back in the days when SH4 The Room was released... i was playing through normally... then i got to a point where you had to dial a certain number on the phone, well at that point I was stuck in the game, so i was derping around and i decided to dial my house number, i was alone at the moment, so after I did it, a phone next to me rang, and i screamed like a maniac XD an elderly lady who lived by our house heard me and she called the police, and it got pretty crazy. :) only Team Silent Hill could cause something like that.

Oh well... i hope Downpour at least offers something better than Homecoming.

02-06-2012, 04:17 PM
a funny fact: back in the days when SH4 The Room was released... i was playing through normally... then i got to a point where you had to dial a certain number on the phone, well at that point I was stuck in the game, so i was derping around and i decided to dial my house number, i was alone at the moment, so after I did it, a phone next to me rang, and i screamed like a maniac XD an elderly lady who lived by our house heard me and she called the police, and it got pretty crazy. only Team Silent Hill could cause something like that.

Hahahaha, nice.

02-27-2012, 06:12 PM
So apparently, SH: Downpour has three pre-order offers...

Silent Hill: Downpour pre-order bonuses revealed : Survival Horror Online (

Silent Hill Historical Society � Best Buy Silent Hill Downpour Pre-Order Bonus Revealed (

Not sure if I'll pre-order from anywhere to be honest. But I do hope they make these weapons as DLC for a reasonable price.

02-27-2012, 06:37 PM
In-game pre-order bonuses are bullshit.

I'll believe the game is out when I see it with my own two eyes.

02-27-2012, 07:15 PM
There was a look at Downpour in Game Informer. Looked pretty good, and the description of combat was pretty cool. Weapons degrade and it seems not as linear as Homecoming.

02-27-2012, 07:54 PM
Weapons degraded for Travis, too.

I don't like linear being thrown around as a negative thing. I'm not saying you're doing that Aden, and freedom isn't a bad thing, at all. You guys know what I'm saying.

02-27-2012, 10:14 PM
A good balance of freedom and linear is good, IMO.

And yes, Neg, pre-order bonuses are shit, especially when it's broken down by retailers. At least with Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, if you pre-ordered the Collector's Edition, you got ALL of the weapons and not just some of them.

02-27-2012, 10:25 PM
Aren't you playing Umbrella grunts in that? Not even worth your time.

02-27-2012, 10:57 PM
Weapons degraded for Travis, too.

I don't like linear being thrown around as a negative thing. I'm not saying you're doing that Aden, and freedom isn't a bad thing, at all. You guys know what I'm saying.

Of course. Linear doesn't equal bad, but its nice to be able to look around Silent Hill on your own and face the danger of a simple thing like going into a house. At least that's what happened in the article.

Oh and maybe the HD collection getting new voice actors wasn't that bad. Apparently its optional in 2, but I like the idea of Troy Baker playing James.

---------- Post added at 03:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 PM ----------

Aren't you playing Umbrella grunts in that? Not even worth your time.

It would be interesting if it was realistic and wasn't SOCOM with zombies, but this isnt the place for that.

And besides, I'm willing to give it a shot.

02-27-2012, 11:08 PM
It's not on his imdb. You sure he's voicing him?

Optional? Did they magically pay the original voice actor? Last I heard, that's why they re-did the voices at all. They didn't want to pay him.

02-27-2012, 11:18 PM
It's not on his imdb. You sure he's voicing him?

Optional? Did they magically pay the original voice actor? Last I heard, that's why they re-did the voices at all. They didn't want to pay him.

Silent Hill HD Collection has original Silent Hill 2 voices &bull; News &bull; (

Apparently it was settled.

---------- Post added at 04:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 PM ----------

Perhaps they just cut him out entirely, but the article doesn't state anything about that so with the orginal guy also doing mocap, I assume they paid him off.

02-27-2012, 11:19 PM
Kinda wish he was in it now. Snow as James.....oh my.....

02-27-2012, 11:27 PM
Kinda wish he was in it now. Snow as James.....oh my.....

I have no idea what Snow sounds like if he ever talks seriously, but Im sure this will be how James will sound more or less

Skip to 23 seconds.

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (Part 1) - Brothers in Arms - YouTube (

02-27-2012, 11:36 PM
That's Snow :laugh:

He sounds like that in Catherine, too. I guess he can only do Snow XD

02-27-2012, 11:40 PM
I'm alright with it.

Besides, if its optional it wont really matter.

On that topic, who the hell is voicing the guy in Downpour? Or does it have any notable voice actors. Wiki has nothing.

02-27-2012, 11:45 PM
Durno. Been avoiding spoilers.

02-27-2012, 11:52 PM
Durno. Been avoiding spoilers.

Haven't watched any of the video tbh.

And I was just thinking about Homecoming. I know it came out in 08 but im still tagging it.

Why does Alex have such an old jacket? Not trying to be an ass, but that Jacket style is so old that it would have to be from WWII. There would be no reason for his father to have one like that, he couldn't be that old ingame.

If Downpour implements any firearms, they best not do what they did with Homecoming. That was some of the worst gun mechanics ever (that and the weapon models were so fucking ugly and bastardized from what they looked like IRL). Make your character shake or something, the more scared you are the more clumsy you should handle the weapon (kinda like MGS4 but on a bigger scale due to all the protagonists having no firearm training). Jerky, broken targeting and tank controls doesn't equal a simulation of fear.

02-27-2012, 11:54 PM

02-28-2012, 12:06 AM
Aye that would make sense.

But the Dog Tags that he believes is his is actually his fathers. Plus the fact that Adam's wardrobe throughout the game matches up to that style jacket, sans perhaps his shoes.

I think it was just an error on Konami's part. They may have just assumed that old uniform would be right for the time period. Also Adam would have to been serving in the 60's at the beginning of his career. He was born in 1954. And seeings how he was a Colonel, he would have been in the army up to the late 80's perhaps. About that time was when they switched to BDUs (and even before that, they switched to Olive Drab in the 50s)

02-29-2012, 11:47 PM
Listened to the original video with the new voices, again. It is Troy ^____^

Also, pushed back til the 20th. Fucking hell. This shit's insane.

02-29-2012, 11:59 PM
Who did they get to do it?

I know it wasn't Bluepoint, because I don't think they could do several games at one time.

03-01-2012, 12:04 AM
Book of Memories is this month, too?!?!?

What the flying fuck are they doing? WHAT THE FUCK.

I'm not seeing who worked on the HD collection on the wiki.

03-01-2012, 12:11 AM
Book of Memories is this month, too?!?!?

What the flying fuck are they doing? WHAT THE FUCK.

I'm not seeing who worked on the HD collection on the wiki.

TBH, I am skipping Book of Memories. Sounds like shit, and the devs are shit. All they have done is shovelware.

According to series producer Tomm Hulett, Book of Memories' gameplay will be largely different from the one established in previous installments in the series, "focusing on cooperative multiplayer action rather than traditional psychological horror."

03-01-2012, 12:15 AM
Also says it isn't canon. Well fucking duh :laugh:

03-01-2012, 12:20 AM
Also says it isn't canon. Well fucking duh :laugh:

Even its not cannon its still a shitstain on the franchise as a whole.

03-01-2012, 12:22 AM

03-01-2012, 12:24 AM
Konami Logic:

Guy 1: "Well how are we going to revive the Silent Hill franchise?"
Guy 2: "We are going to hand a major project to a developer of dubious quality and we are going to make an abysmal handheld game that wont take advantage of any of the advances made by said new handheld."
Guy 1: "Sounds like a damned fine idea."

03-01-2012, 12:25 AM
It looks alright, but it doesn't interest me in particular. I'm sticking with Downpour when it comes out.

03-01-2012, 12:26 AM
And delay our new game, as well as the re-release of our two best games, 5+ times.


03-01-2012, 12:35 AM
Maybe they should ask Kojima to make the next Silent Hill. Probably would be scarier and more fun than the shit that Vatra will push out. Not trying to be overly negative, but come the fuck on. You would have thought they would have learned with Homecoming that hiring some shit company to handle your games is not a good idea.

03-01-2012, 12:39 AM
We'll see what Downpour brings.

I'll defend Homecoming, to the death.

It's sort of like watching everything rapidly unravel. That's alright. That's how the world is. 6 amazing games is more than anyone has a right to expect out of a series.

03-01-2012, 12:40 AM
I'd actually like to see Hideo Kojima make a Silent Hill game(or whatever horror game he can make), that's a pretty cool idea, Aden.

03-01-2012, 12:54 AM
We'll see what Downpour brings.

I'll defend Homecoming, to the death.

It's sort of like watching everything rapidly unravel. That's alright. That's how the world is. 6 amazing games is more than anyone has a right to expect out of a series.

Not saying that Homecoming was bad, but the quality could have been better. It was good imo.

However, you just can't whore out one of your flagship titles to that many devs. I would have been fine with Double Helix doing Downpour if they just fixed what needed to be fixed. Vatra however is an extremely unproven team. Their only other game is an alright PSN-XBL game. I just don't have a good feeling about their choice of devs. Could be good thing, Rocksteady was unkown before Arkham Asylum. I'll play Downpour for certain. Book of Memories Im not touching with a 20 foot pole.

03-01-2012, 01:37 AM
Like I text Neg: "They're doing the first PS Vita game wrong. If Konami was smart they'd cancel the Vita version, put it on iOS and give the Vita an HD collection while working on a whole new game."

03-01-2012, 06:44 AM
Like I texted Mark: "Why aren't you working for Konami? Get on that."

03-01-2012, 02:36 PM
Even its not cannon its still a shitstain on the franchise as a whole.

Everyone is assuming that Downpour will be a shit stain too... although I find the game to be quite compelling.

I agree with Neg about "Homecoming". The game has some great merits of its own.

03-12-2012, 06:27 PM
Hey guys, how much stock do you have in an IGN review?

Silent Hill Downpour Review - PlayStation 3 Review at IGN (

Gamespot's is a little higher

Silent Hill: Downpour Review - (

03-12-2012, 06:46 PM
Seems rather typical of IGN.

But who cares, I can't wait for this one :D

03-12-2012, 06:50 PM
GI gave it a 7, iirc. They gave Homecoming a 6.5, I think.

This gives me reason to be TEH EXCITES, considering how much I love Homecoming.

03-12-2012, 06:50 PM
I don't care for IGN, it was just one of the only reviews available.

03-12-2012, 06:51 PM
They gave the HD Collection an 8.

But, they're the same games, with optional new voices. Plus, Snow <3 So, I know that'll be absolutely fine.

03-12-2012, 08:12 PM
I usually take game reviews with a grain a salt. When it comes down to it, it's all about whether you enjoy the game personally or not.

Neg, what is "Snow <3"?

So excited to pick up Downpour tomorrow at Best Buy. But I might put it on the back burner until after I've finished Uncharted 3 and RE: Operation Raccoon City.

03-12-2012, 08:15 PM
Troy Baker is voicing James. He played Snow. I loves him~

03-12-2012, 08:28 PM
Ah, okay. I'm not familiar with his "Snow" role. :)

Just checked out pricing for HD collection... it's a little over priced, IMO. I may consider buying it if they bump it down to $29.99 or even $19.99. I know this is blasphemous in the Silent Shriner's Circle, but damn, if I'm going to pay $49.99, there better be LOTS of new content added.

03-12-2012, 08:31 PM
If you're not dumb enough to pay for some graphical tweeks and new voice-overs, that doesn't exactly make you blasphemous.

Pretty sure since the beginning I've said I was only getting it because I'm a fanboy. Troy is a great bonus, though. Really wouldn't expect anyone but IDX, DJ, and me to buy it.

03-12-2012, 09:14 PM
If you're not dumb enough to pay for some graphical tweeks and new voice-overs, that doesn't exactly make you blasphemous.

Pretty sure since the beginning I've said I was only getting it because I'm a fanboy. Troy is a great bonus, though. Really wouldn't expect anyone but IDX, DJ, and me to buy it.

That's just the thing... I DO want to buy it... I just think it's over-priced, especially for only two game remakes. Perhaps if they had thrown in Silent Hill 1 or 4 into it, I would have been more convinced to get it.

03-12-2012, 09:21 PM
Troy Baker is voicing James. He played Snow. I loves him~

I know, Troy Baker has one of the coolest voices.

03-12-2012, 09:24 PM
The original is on PSN, that's good enough. Origins and 4 should have been on it.

03-12-2012, 09:29 PM
The original is on PSN, that's good enough. Origins and 4 should have been on it.

Agreed. 100%.

03-12-2012, 09:47 PM
Its kind of like the MGS HD collection not containing MGS1 (or maybe throwing in Twin Snakes if they wanted to touch it up). It doesn't make sense to have an incomplete set..

And they are both published by Konami. Suspicious.

03-12-2012, 11:03 PM
Squeenix is just as guilty. Video game companies can't seem to get this shit right, even if they aren't even remastering them in anyway, whatsoever.

TV Shows get complete box sets, way WAY more often.

03-17-2012, 06:58 AM
This is mainly spoilered for size. If you don't want to know about game-play mechanics, though, consider it a legitimate spoiler.

The chase sequences from Shattered Memories are in Downpour

Plus they added a new mechanic to compliment it. Not sure if either will happen again, but they are 100% welcome.

I ended up in a creepy place with a Bioshock vibe

Closest I could get for a fist-shaking squee. Also :awsm: face.

Also, one of the loading screen tips is just: YOU CAN'T IGNORE IT FOREVER

Love this franchise way too damn much ;_;;

03-18-2012, 01:30 AM
Ari, I don't know where you're from but in the US (or just the store I reserved my copy at) the HD collection is $39.99. I don't mind paying pretty much $20 for two games with the third being great because I've only beaten that game once. Although it was pretty scary, I ended up just going back to SH2 for some reason lol.

03-19-2012, 01:50 AM
So any opinions Downpour?

03-19-2012, 06:09 AM
Liking it so far. Camera got a bit stuttery in one area.

Kinda stuck, atm.

Likes to hard-stop when it gives trophies. That isn't any different than a lot of other games I love. Shit will only happen once, thankfully.

03-21-2012, 01:49 PM
Just started Downpour myself... I got to say that it's very different. I'm not very far into it yet to determine whether this difference is a good or bad thing.

The first five minutes was a bit of mind-blowing experience...

I did not expect to practice my weapon using skills and punching on a human being rather than a monster. I felt quite dirty after that scene.

Ari, I don't know where you're from but in the US (or just the store I reserved my copy at) the HD collection is $39.99. I don't mind paying pretty much $20 for two games with the third being great because I've only beaten that game once. Although it was pretty scary, I ended up just going back to SH2 for some reason lol.

Yeah, that's pretty much what they're offering it for in my area as well, but I still think I may hold out to see if it drops in price more down the road.

03-21-2012, 02:22 PM
Been wigging out

Issues with the combat, camera, the weapons, set-pieces.

Going from open-minded about the new voices to throwing a THESE ARE NOT APPROPRIATE hissyfit. First world problems of a fanboy.

03-21-2012, 02:59 PM
Been wigging out

Issues with the combat, camera, the weapons, set-pieces.

Going from open-minded about the new voices to throwing a THESE ARE NOT APPROPRIATE hissyfit. First world problems of a fanboy.
I totally know that feeling. I want to play through SH2 (just got done with the hospital so on my way to get that letter and wrench) at least once using the new voices and the thing that first came to mind when playing the main game (didn't feel it during Born From A Wish) is how UNNATURAL the game feels with the new voices. They do take some getting used to but the new girl voicing Maria should definitely take notes from the original VA. She doesn't sound convincing enough for me.

But I don't think I'll ever get used to the octave changes in James's voice. Luckily I'm not that acquainted with SH3 so hearing the new voices probably won't be as bad as it is for me atm

03-21-2012, 03:27 PM
It's not a bad performance, I really like Troy, but he feels too strong, too confident, in it. The same goes for the person voicing Mary/Maria.

They're both weak, awkward people and the original voices suit them insanely well. It's crazy how easy that was to see, instantaneously. Heather feels like a similar problem. She seemed....too........catty? Heather can definitely hold her own, but there's also a vulnerability and brokenness, to her. New person doesn't seem to have that.

Douglas sounds similar, but it seems to be lacking that lived-in quality the original actor has. World worn, and such.

People who have played farther than I have are free to disagree with me and obviously have much more authority on the matter. It was just really weird how quickly it hit me. Want to be rational and open-minded, like I was :sad:

---------- Post added at 10:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 AM ----------

I really don't see why they didn't throw in the original voices for 3, after they settled with Cihi. You can't tell me Heather Morris had gripes with them, too.

Besides the financial hiccup, there was absolutely no need for new voices. We would have bought it, anyway. We really shouldn't. We lap up what bones they throw at us, like dumbshits.

Put all 7 games together and sell the shit, you fucking jackasses. This half-ass collection bullshit has to stop and it's not going to, if we keep buying them. We want all the games on the current-gen consoles because of how they are strewn across 3 generations and 4 consoles. They got it done with God of War, even if it took two collections (one for the PSP games, one for the console ones) and then 3 itself. There is no reason they can't get it done for SH and MGS. I think Aden said their HD collection was missing shit, too.

03-21-2012, 05:02 PM
It might be Konami just being fucking stupid. The publish both Silent Hill and MGS. Thats why I only buy like maybe a game every 3 months and rent the rest. And coincidentally, I haven't bought a Konami game since MGS4.

03-21-2012, 05:20 PM
Yep, I'm aware. Like I said, though, Squeenix did the same shit with FF.

Chronicles = IV, Chrono Trigger
Anthology = V, VI

I seem to recall Anthology having more games on it for the Japanese, though.

03-21-2012, 05:33 PM
Been wigging out

Issues with the combat, camera, the weapons, set-pieces.

Going from open-minded about the new voices to throwing a THESE ARE NOT APPROPRIATE hissyfit. First world problems of a fanboy.

Are these criticisms of the HD Collection or Downpour?

Edit: Seems based on the later posts that it's the HD Collection. :)

03-21-2012, 06:06 PM
First sentence is about Downpour.

03-21-2012, 08:19 PM
First sentence is about Downpour.

Yeah, it's def interesting to see how different Downpour is from previous games.

03-25-2012, 11:43 PM
Played a little more SH Downpour... the game seems to lock up at certain points which is awkward.

Made it a puzzle that involves a safe and it's terrible frustrating. Made me stop playing the game after only playing for about 20 minutes.

03-26-2012, 01:35 AM
Same happened to me. The memo from the peeping Tom has nothing to do with the safe. Look in the rooms near the safe. It's not nearly as hard as it first appears.

And yes, the game stutters like a bitch in Devil's Pit Stop. Hard stops when you get the first achievement. That shit happens in other games, though. Butting up a hands-free/FMV segment with the awarding of a trophy is usually trouble.

03-27-2012, 07:49 PM
Thank JJ here for saving you money on the HD collection, Ari:

This was interesting with all of Neg's talk of Silent Hill in my mind.
The Escapist : Video Galleries : Jimquisition : Konami (

04-25-2012, 01:36 PM
Apart from the glitches I loved Downpour.

For personal reasons Silent Hill games are cathartic for me. I just can't help but love them all. They have been my therapy for a while.

Oh and Murphy is hawt!!!!