11-19-2006, 07:10 AM
Alright lately I have noticed a couple of the rumbles have been beggining to lack in votes.

We used to get loads to lets try and boost them back up again.

Below is a list of every Rumble currently running.

The General Final Fantasy Rumble (Thread 27567) Run by Agent0042

The Final Fantasy Classics (Thread 33619) Has been restarted by Lightning_Burn. So check it out and lets get it on its feet.

The Final Fantasy VII Rumble (Thread 23386) Run by Bryan

The Final Fantasy VIII Rumble (Thread 24971) Run by Rapture

The Final Fantasy IX Rumble (Thread 25027) Run by myself (Xander)

The Final Fantasy X Rumble (Thread 28058) Run by Starscream

and finally

The Final Fantasy X-2 Rumble (Thread 28612) Also being run by Bryan

So while you are posting in these sections be sure to check out the rumbles and vote for your choice.

Just Make sure you check what is currently running and dont vote in an older Battle. Each link leads to the first page of the rumbles (Bar the Classics link) So go to the last page and see whats running.

11-19-2006, 07:37 AM


11-19-2006, 07:42 AM

11-19-2006, 07:43 AM

11-19-2006, 08:04 AM
Well if they're still existing then it would be 'run' instead of 'ran'.

11-19-2006, 08:13 AM
You picky Bastard Irvine:P

11-19-2006, 11:51 AM
The Final Fantasy Classics Rumble (Thread 30466) Which currently has no manager so anyone who fancys a shot say something.

If no-one has any objections I'll take it.

11-19-2006, 02:47 PM
You able to run a rumble properly?

Tidus 66
11-19-2006, 03:19 PM
The main reason i don't post that much on the rumbles are that the rumbles are i n the midle of a lot of annoying threads, and i usually just give up posting or searching for the trheads (note: i use the new posts section of the board always)

But, yeah i'll try to post on the rumbles again

11-22-2006, 04:14 AM
You able to run a rumble properly?

No, not really but I'm willing to learn=)

11-22-2006, 05:00 AM
Has anyone considered a XII Rumble yet? Probably a bit premature, I would suppose...

Swedish Fish
11-22-2006, 05:04 AM
I'd give it a little while. Mabye after the new year. I'm pretty sure a lot of people still don't have the game yet.

11-22-2006, 05:55 AM
XII Rumble would be most definately fun.
I can see it now.
Rumble on locations, music, weapons, bosses, characters.

But like Kailas said, I would wait.

But Agent if you ever started that, I would participate for sure.

11-22-2006, 06:01 AM
I don't know if I'd have time, but I would be interested in seeing one sometime. And yeah, probably after the new year.

11-22-2006, 06:06 AM
Well, if it gets to be that time and no one has done it yet.
Then I would probably attempt to run it.

But I don't know much on running rumbles so I may not be the best canidate.

11-23-2006, 02:53 AM
No, not really but I'm willing to learn=)

Well I have no objections and there are plenty of people here who can help ya out.

If no one else minds I'd say go for it.

Also if anyone has any other Rumble Ideas stick em in here and we can discuss them.

11-23-2006, 04:42 AM
IMO, we need a reminder for the anime rumble, it's getting pretty beat.

11-23-2006, 05:32 AM
Prak runs the anime rumble, right? I've never voted there because I don't dabble in anime generally. I've watched Spirited Away and was a fan of Hamtaro (yeah, yeah yeah) and that's about it.

11-23-2006, 06:01 AM
how many days do the FF rumbles go before you tally up the votes?

11-23-2006, 06:21 AM
I usually update once every two nights, generally around the same time. Some of the others often run a battle as long as a week.

11-23-2006, 06:25 AM
Prak runs the anime rumble, right? I've never voted there because I don't dabble in anime generally. I've watched Spirited Away and was a fan of Hamtaro (yeah, yeah yeah) and that's about it.
Hamtaro is ace. <3

I sang the theme song for Slicey, Holkeye, and Roph once.

11-23-2006, 06:32 AM
What I do not understand is how you figure in a rumble, what goes up against what.
Or is it totally random?

11-23-2006, 06:39 AM
I sang the theme song for Slicey, Holkeye, and Roph once.
Heh. That's awesome, Twilight. Japanese or English version (I so wish I read Japanese and had access to Japanese eps, since the North American version isn't produced anymore.) And are you aware that there are actually two themes from the show (they created a new one for the second season, but Cartoon Network in the U.S. didn't start using it until late in the season.) Oh, you might be interested in this (http://www.tv.com/hamtaro/show/11314/summary.html).

Joey --- good question. Has this become a sort of "Ask the Rumble Managers" topic? I like it!

Well, I generally determine everything that's going to participate in a particular edition of the rumble before it starts. Match-ups? They're determined on the spot. If I think a particular entrant is going to get creamed --- then I may pair it up against what I think is a strong entrant in an effort to keep things moving. Sometimes I might be surprised. But I'll create a good battle if I can. If I know two entrants are really strong, then I might put them up against each other for a good battle. But it also depends on the round. I don't want to see a lot of really strong stuff being knocked out in round one, so generally if an entrant seems like a likely contender to survive in later rounds, then I won't pair it up against the strongest contender right away.

BTW --- Xander posted a list of all currently running rumbles. Anyone interested in a list of all past editions that are no longer running as well?

11-23-2006, 06:46 AM
Thanks Agent, I thought that was how it worked but I wasn't sure if there was something technical behind it.

In the future I might try myself at running a rumble if no one really cares, but who knows.

And a list of every rumble would be pretty cool.

11-23-2006, 06:48 AM
Right, I'll get on that then. Not tonight though. It should be up sometime later today (it's after midnight where I am.)

11-23-2006, 07:26 AM
I'll be willing to learn.

11-23-2006, 07:32 AM
What I do not understand is how you figure in a rumble, what goes up against what.
Or is it totally random?

Usually I do it Randomly. But I also pair them up myself from time to time to keep things interesting or shuffle the pairs about a bit if they are really unfairly stacked or it would be a boring battle no one really cares about. But there are many ways or doing it. Just consider the ways to do it and do the one you feel like doing at the time. Its your rumble so you run it as you like. Without Biasing of course. :)

In the future I might try myself at running a rumble if no one really cares, but who knows.

If you wanna give one a shot just let us know what you are thinking of and we can see if its being done/Been done recently or ties in much with another rumble currently running.

IMO, we need a reminder for the anime rumble, it's getting pretty beat.

Just for you

The Anime Rumble (Thread 31011) This is over in the Anime and Manga Forums and is ran by Prak. So if like Anime and wanna make a difference check it out and stick in your vote:)

how many days do the FF rumbles go before you tally up the votes?

For me its usually between 48-72 hours but lately its been whenever I get chance. Most of the regular voters vote as soon as they have seen its been updated anyways.

11-23-2006, 07:41 AM
Yeah Xander I wanted to do a FFXII rumble but of course out if respect and the goodness of my heart (lol), I wanted to wait a while.

11-23-2006, 07:45 AM
I am not sure if enough people who post here regularly have played ffXII. I know for one that I have not played it as of yet.

But we can always hold that rumble for you if you are interested in doing it.

11-23-2006, 07:50 AM
Yeah that is what I was hoping for.

Like said earlier, I wanted to wait a few months before actually starting it, but I guess it would be a nice thing to plan out.

Plus, there is not an area for strictly FFXII threads yet, so that was a good indicator that it is too early.

11-23-2006, 07:55 AM
Well as ya said. Give it a few months maybe look at starting it in the new year. Post a suggestion in the area that ffXII is in then and see how much support ya get. But its been noted you wanna try and run this rumble so we will let others know:)

11-23-2006, 08:02 AM
Plus, there is not an area for strictly FFXII threads yet
Sarah's been busy.

11-23-2006, 08:03 AM
Yeah I understand, plus the game has not been out for that long.

11-23-2006, 08:04 AM
Sarah's been busy.

Sarah lover to teh rescue.

Just kidding~

11-23-2006, 08:07 AM

I'm just relaying the message. Is it a big deal we talk about FFS after sex?

11-23-2006, 08:11 AM
Well you could make it less obvious that you have had sex :-*

11-23-2006, 08:14 AM
Pfft, I could never hide my undying love for Sarah, except maybe when Joey comes over.


11-23-2006, 09:47 AM
So the plot thickens... hmmmmm interesting.

11-23-2006, 05:10 PM
All right, here's that record of previous editions...

Original Final Fantasy VIII Rumble (Thread 8360) (First-Ever Rumble) - Managed by Agent0042
Original Final Fantasy VII Rumble (Thread 8703) - Managed by Agent0042
General Final Fantasy Rumble (Thread 12615) (Original Thread) - Managed by Agent0042
Original Final Fantasy X-2 Rumble (Thread 13553) - Managed by Agent0042
Original Final Fantasy X Rumble (Thread 10157) - Managed by Riana, Vivi FF, Smokey / Professor Nintendohead
Official Anime Rumble (Thread 24424) - Managed by Prak
Final Fantasy IV & VI Rumble (Thread 14088) - Managed by Smokey / Professor Nintendo Head, Toastie!
The FFShrine Rumble! (Thread 16711) - Managed by Smokey / Professor Nintendohead
The General Gaming Rumble (Thread 16117) - Managed by Rapture
The Original Final Fantasy IX Rumble (Thread 8698) - Managed by Kie
The FFShrine Potential-Couples Rumble (Thread 17430) - Managed by Smokey / Professor Nintendohead
FF1 Monster Rumble (Thread 20781) - Managed by FF1WithAllThieves
The Official FF6 Rumble (Thread 28585) - Managed by barretboy14
The Ultimate Rumble (Thread 32267) - Managed by squishfruit the second (Died)
FF Game Rumble (Thread 15005) - Managed by Rapture
The Official James Bond Rumble (Thread 24431) - "Managed" by blank101 (Never 00got off the 00ground.)
Blitzball Rumble (Thread 28851) - Managed by MissMurder (Never got off the ground.)
Somewhat Like a Rumble But VERY Different (Thread 27130) - "Managed" by Slim (Got mocked till it was locked --- only mentioning it for kicks.)

There are a whole bunch other closed or few-post rumbles that aren't worth mentioning.

Boy, it's a trip, rooting around through all those old threads. Especially some of those that I've never even seen before...


<font color="red">L</font><font color="orange">U</font><font color="yellow">C</font><font color="green">K</font><font color="blue">Y</font><font color="purple"> P</font><font color="red">O</font><font color="orange">S</font><font color="yellow">T</font> <font color="green">7</font><font color="blue">7</font><font color="purple">7</font><font color="red">7</font>

11-24-2006, 01:07 AM
Haha I have never even seen half of these before. They make for some fun reading.

11-27-2006, 06:44 PM
I'd give it a little while. Mabye after the new year. I'm pretty sure a lot of people still don't have the game yet.

Yeah I would wait I haven't even opened mine yet :p