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08-25-2011, 05:18 AM
Ive looked at the games files and while yes the orchestrations are good it seems someone fucked up with the mastering of the music because all the files are just very muffled sounding and not clear.

Also who composed the music?

08-25-2011, 07:30 AM
Well, so far, I got two video game soundtracks that I wanted:

Mad Maestro! (Playstation 2)
Donkey Konga 3 (Nintendo Gamecube)

All that remains is Looney Tunes Cartoon Conductor (Nintendo DS).

And since Infernus suggests a D.Y.I to me, is there anyone else who'd be willing to take this one last request from me?

08-25-2011, 10:41 AM
Are you willing to see that peoples requests are closed ATM. Really getting tired of you spamming the thread.

08-26-2011, 03:21 PM
Neo Chip remember to put your rips into folders. Like: ["platform"] - Game titleWill fix.

08-26-2011, 05:58 PM
christopher lennertz Medal of Honor European Assault gamerip download please

08-26-2011, 06:00 PM
Okay well since apparently your too much of a dumbass to listen i will take back the request.

08-26-2011, 06:28 PM
Kevin Manthei kill.switch gamereap download please

08-26-2011, 06:31 PM
Solid-Ares gamerip download please. :P

08-26-2011, 07:22 PM

08-26-2011, 07:59 PM
Red Dead Redemption gamerip download please

08-26-2011, 10:49 PM
My sanity download please ftw wtf

08-27-2011, 06:51 AM
Sometimes humor is the best way to deal with spammers, yes.

08-28-2011, 12:44 AM
Okay, this is getting a bit irritating, O.J. I know you're not my bitch and I know requests are closed...BUT I put in a request almost 2 years ago, which you accepted and put out in lossless goodness but 1/4 of the tracks were messed up due to the converting process on a external hard drive, at least that is what I was told and 13arnaby assured me you were gonna upload a fixed version, and here I am still waiting...

08-28-2011, 01:26 AM
Two years ago? The man probably forgot all about it! You didn't even mention in this post what it was he ripped for you in the first place.

08-29-2011, 01:18 AM
Still can't download Shadows of the Damned gamerip. I click, and every time, on every browser, there is absolutely nothing clickable on the page but "upload" and FAQS and things. No download link. This blows.

Joshua Fireseed
08-29-2011, 03:05 AM
Still can't download Shadows of the Damned gamerip. I click, and every time, on every browser, there is absolutely nothing clickable on the page but "upload" and FAQS and things. No download link. This blows.
Seems like you haven't paid any attention to OJ's posts.

Flameupload or whatever they used before changed their domain name and everything everyone uploaded into their servers is gone, zip, nada.

08-29-2011, 03:08 AM
Shadows of the damned link not showing in flameupload, does that signify removed?

edit:damn i got late, any alternative links nywhere...nooooooooooooooooooo.

08-29-2011, 08:48 PM
It's not that I haven't been paying attention, I'm sorry. It's that I RARELY post on, or visit this forum, maybe like, once a week if that. So the last time I posted, I've forgotten to check up on posts. And that was when there were only like, 30-something pages. Now there's almost 42. I don't have the time nowadays to go read everything, so that's my fault, I'm sorry.

08-30-2011, 02:25 AM
Hey OJ did your call of juarez rip had that guitar music in Ben's ending?

08-30-2011, 02:46 AM
Hey guys, don't know if you saw it since it got buried beneath a flood of topics, but I arranged the Prince Caspian rip into a soundtrack. Thread 94796

08-30-2011, 03:49 AM
Two years ago? The man probably forgot all about it! You didn't even mention in this post what it was he ripped for you in the first place.

heheheh look at his join date....... liar!!! lol just kidding.... not!!!! ;D

08-31-2011, 12:49 PM
Hey guys,since i got a few of your great Gamerips saved, i tough i put it in here.
So you dont need to re-rip them or waste time on re-upload them.
On some rips i am not sure who did them (Barnaby or OranceC or Infernus.


Download via (




Download via (



OGG by OranceC,coverukVK8JZ.jpg








Download via (









Download via (



OGG by OranceC

















Download via (



AAC by OranceC

Download via (



08-31-2011, 12:53 PM
Thanks but fsc sucks.

08-31-2011, 01:09 PM
Thanks but fsc sucks.

You are a kind of a dumb ass ?

Who used a shitty Filehoster like flameupload and now lost everything ?
And then you wanna call Filesonic shit ?

Some people are really unthankful.

08-31-2011, 01:44 PM
It's not our fault Flameupload went down? Yes we do thank you greatly, OJ was just pointing out the Filesonic may not be the best service for free-users thats all.

08-31-2011, 02:08 PM
1)It's not our fault Flameupload went down?
Yes we do thank you greatly, 2)OJ was just pointing out the Filesonic may not be the best service for free-users thats all.

1)I never said its your/his fault what happened with flameupload,but bitching about FileSonic and then haveing used a crap Filehoster by himself,
who is gone from a minute to another without a notification to backup the files ?

2)Why not ? You can download as free user 1 GB, if the Uploader set it from 400 MB to 1 GB in his settings.
What else do you want ? Speed ? This is always a factor of what connection the Downloader has.

3)His answer to me was like "Thanks, but you doing it wrong"

08-31-2011, 02:32 PM
First off I get real shit speeds from fsc and I have a great Internet connection. I found mediafire to be very reliable now so while I appreciate the reupload I don't think fsc is very good. I should of said this more detailed in my other post but I was in a hurry so I apologize for that.

08-31-2011, 04:13 PM
FileSonic has so much limitations that the download limit (1 file every 15 minutes) alone just kills it.

Mediafire, in the other hand, has absolutely no limits (aside from the 200mb upload for free users). If memory serves me right, its the only popular hoster that lets free users 'parallel download' at the same time and pretty much everyone with a shitty internet connection can download quite fast.

The 'two' reasons I can possibly think of one using FileSonic is:
-Your indifferent and just like the hoster
-Or you want some 'cash' for stuff you upload, hopefully not in a desperate level

08-31-2011, 07:02 PM
I should of said this more detailed in my other post but I was in a hurry so I apologize for that.

I think all has been said here.
Everyone has his favorite FileHoster amongst the big Selection.
There the good one and the very bad one.

@OranceC It should have,yes,apologize accepted. :)


The 'two' reasons I can possibly think of one using FileSonic is:
-Your indifferent and just like the hoster
-Or you want some 'cash' for stuff you upload, hopefully not in a desperate level

Well the amount is fine for me,i pay my Internet bill with it, and share my passionate,the Music with others. :)

08-31-2011, 10:51 PM
Well the amount is fine for me,i pay my Internet bill with it, and share my passionate,the Music with others. :)I don't blame you :p

09-01-2011, 12:04 AM
You are a kind of a dumb ass ?

Who used a shitty Filehoster like flameupload and now lost everything ?
And then you wanna call Filesonic shit ?

Some people are really unthankful.

Wait what? OJ didn't have backup on his PC lol?

09-01-2011, 01:08 AM
Is the Killzone 3 rip lost or any chance of a re up?
The official felt a little incomplete.

09-01-2011, 04:46 PM
I would love to mate but my internet is a bitch right now, but when I get it sorted I will start re-upping all my stuff and start uploading the very long awaited update that I've been working on :P.

09-01-2011, 05:25 PM
Thanks man much appreciated.
Is there much stuff in the rip that wasn't in the official release? (Or K2, I think I heard some reprises.)

09-01-2011, 06:26 PM
Good to see you back on track guys (well sort of). Thanks a lot for the Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance and Deus Ex: Human Revolution rip.

09-02-2011, 05:46 AM
Hello Everyone, sorry i need a little help... How do i download the shadows of the damned game rip? It goes at 10b6c That's new to me ^^'

09-02-2011, 07:36 AM
Looking forward to your update, I3arnaby.

09-02-2011, 09:31 AM
christopher lennertz Medal of Honor European Assault gamerip download please please

09-02-2011, 06:01 PM
christopher lennertz Medal of Honor European Assault gamerip download please please

Dude FO!

09-02-2011, 06:06 PM
Wow, the ignorance spreads like a disease, I see.

09-02-2011, 07:20 PM
christopher lennertz Medal of Honor European Assault gamerip download please please
rip it by yourself

Wow, the ignorance spreads like a disease, I see.
unfortunately you're right.

09-02-2011, 07:20 PM
bump for awesomness ^_^

09-02-2011, 07:25 PM
christopher lennertz Medal of Honor European Assault gamerip download please please

Use google... you might never know what you find ;)

09-02-2011, 08:21 PM
Is your Update that with the Halo Stuff, Barnaby? :)

09-02-2011, 10:48 PM
I passed Halo ODST and Reach onto OJ seeing as he ripped Halo 3 so we could keep the rips consistent through the series. I've got inFamous 2 and Resistance 2 and more coming. ;)

But I can't do shit unless my internet sort its itself out :(

09-03-2011, 12:59 AM
I just wanna say that the work you guys do on this stuff is awesome.

That is all. :)

09-03-2011, 09:59 PM
Woohoo! So looking forward to inFamous 2 vgm, it's going to be "The Beast!"

09-04-2011, 07:02 AM
FileSonic has so much limitations that the download limit (1 file every 15 minutes) alone just kills it.

Mediafire, in the other hand, has absolutely no limits (aside from the 200mb upload for free users). If memory serves me right, its the only popular hoster that lets free users 'parallel download' at the same time and pretty much everyone with a shitty internet connection can download quite fast.

The 'two' reasons I can possibly think of one using FileSonic is:
-Your indifferent and just like the hoster
-Or you want some 'cash' for stuff you upload, hopefully not in a desperate level

i do strongly agree that filesonic does suck. some other ones are just as bad, such as fileserve. free users have to type in a code, which i understand, wait 60 seconds, then wait another 15 minutes just to download another file after the initial one starts. i personally use megaupload for my stuff just cause i started with that and i have no real complaints with it. plus if im logged in and i download somethin off of that, the wait time is only 25 seconds instead of 45 and theres no waitin time between files. plus upload speeds are rather good for my wireless connection.

09-04-2011, 08:05 AM
i personally use megaupload for my stuff just cause i started with that and i have no real complaints with it.

And MU sucks too,cause they delete Stuff very quickly.
As i said above,everyone has there favorite Filehoster.So whats the point ?

09-04-2011, 12:00 PM
and more coming. ;)Any chance one of the Ratchet & Clank rips are in this "more coming"? :)

09-04-2011, 06:47 PM
I may not get my requests fufilled in VGM Legacy, but I always have a plan B.

I can go here, where most requests get accepted: Video Game Music Requests (

09-04-2011, 07:28 PM
bawhaw, good luck.

Joshua Fireseed
09-04-2011, 11:42 PM
I may not get my requests fufilled in VGM Legacy, but I always have a plan B.

I can go here, where most requests get accepted: Video Game Music Requests (

I always wanted to use that image but never found a post worthy of it.

09-04-2011, 11:52 PM
I can't see it.

Joshua Fireseed
09-05-2011, 12:45 AM
I can't see it.
Now you should.

09-05-2011, 01:03 AM
epic post gerbur.

09-05-2011, 01:31 AM
Let me remind a couple people here that keep on requesting even though requests are currently closed that we also have a life as well and that even if you granted your request there is never a set time that it can get done. So for people like looneytunes and the medal of honor guy your not helping any because begging and pestering is not gonna get you the score. The only sure fire solution is to be patient or to "Rip it yourself"

09-05-2011, 02:11 AM
And MU sucks too,cause they delete Stuff very quickly.
As i said above,everyone has there favorite Filehoster.So whats the point ?

its not that quickly for me cause i only had to reupload somethin once over the past year. i understand when other people come across that problem, but it hasnt been nearly as bad at all for me.

09-05-2011, 06:44 AM
its not that quickly for me cause i only had to reupload somethin once over the past year. i understand when other people come across that problem, but it hasnt been nearly as bad at all for me.

Well it happens a lot in the lossless Thread for example.
But this could also be,cause they are big files.And more suspicous...who know.

Since i use Filesonic only 2 Files got deleted by DMCA.

Infernus Animositas
09-05-2011, 06:49 AM
Try using Safelinking with the option to have them stored in a DLC container file for JDownloader.

09-05-2011, 07:11 AM
Try using Safelinking with the option to have them stored in a DLC container file for JDownloader.

Well since 2 Months i use for my Links Linkprotection.
But i think it wouldnt help on MU, MU was good when Rapidshare was good.
Its just time to realise it.

09-06-2011, 04:37 PM
Not really a request, more of a question.

Is there a preexisting MOH: Airborne gamerip?

If not I will get on the cheap at Best Buy and rip it myself. If I rip it can it be posted here?

09-06-2011, 07:18 PM
No rip exists on here. If you plan to rip this it will be very difficult or near impossible without very specific knowledge as it uses crap stuff all across the board. Xbox 360 uses surround EA Packed XMA. PC uses Ea Xa not sure about PS3, have fun nonetheless.

09-06-2011, 07:20 PM
Ill rip the PC version, Its definatly going to be a while. Wont pick it up till the weekend and then Ill rip it and see from there.

09-07-2011, 05:35 PM
im looking for Call of Juarez Bound in Blood Gamerip, any chance you have it my friend?

No im not "requesting" only asking it if you have it uploaded somewere and could share the link.


09-07-2011, 11:31 PM
This rip was done by my good friend Bart and I wanted it to get out to people as this is the best availible rip of this game that he has worked long and hard on :P

Composed by Eric Chevalier, 1999

This is my most recent Rayman 2 gamerip. It's probably the most complete one you can get. It has every little track from Rayman 2 for PC, Dreamcast, Playstation, 3DS and iOS. I even included even all of the Playstation 2-exclusive tracks from Rayman Revolution (which is Rayman 2 with a few additions).

Here's the tracklist.

001 - Prologue ~ Anguish and Pain
002 - Prologue ~ A Ray of Hope
003 - The Woods of Light ~ First Dawn
004 - The Woods of Light
005 - The Woods of Light ~ Reprise
006 - King of the Teensies
007 - The Hall of Doors
008 - The Teensie Circle
009 - The Teensie Circle ~ Reprise 1
010 - The Teensie Circle ~ Reprise 2
011 - The Minisaurus Plains
012 - The Minisaurus Plains ~ Reprise
013 - The Fairy Glade
014 - The Fairy Glade ~ Reprise
015 - Pirates ~ Part 1
016 - Pirates ~ Part 1 ~ Reprise
017 - Infiltrating the Fortress
018 - Infiltrating the Fortress ~ Reprise
019 - Pirate Machinery
020 - Pirate Machinery ~ Reprise
021 - Ly the Fairy
022 - Paratroopers
023 - Paratroopers ~ Reprise
024 - The Marshlands
025 - The Marshlands ~ Reprise 1
026 - The Marshlands ~ Reprise 2
027 - The Marshes of Awakening
028 - Skiing across the Marshes
029 - The Walk of Life
030 - The Walk of Life ~ Reprise
031 - Meanwhile, in the Prison Ship
032 - The Bayou ~ The Warship
033 - The Bayou ~ Dark Swamp
034 - The Bayou ~ The Pirate Base
035 - The Bayou ~ The Pirate Base ~ Reprise
036 - The Sanctuary of Water and Ice
037 - The Sanctuary of Water and Ice ~ Reprise 1
038 - The Sanctuary of Water and Ice ~ Reprise 2
039 - Pirates ~ Part 2
040 - Pirates ~ Part 2 ~ Reprise
041 - The Celestial Slide
042 - The Celestial Slide ~ Reprise
043 - Guardian of the Mask
044 - Guardian of the Mask ~ Reprise
045 - The Four Masks
046 - Polokus ~ Spirit of the World
047 - Saved by Clark
048 - Pirates on Patrol
049 - Pirates on Patrol ~ Reprise
050 - Breaking the Wall
051 - Globox's House
052 - Globox's House ~ Reprise
053 - Riding the Shell
054 - Riding the Shell ~ Reprise
055 - Pirates ~ Part 3
056 - Clark the Giant
057 - The Cave of Bad Dreams
058 - The Cave of Bad Dreams ~ Reprise 1
059 - The Cave of Bad Dreams ~ Reprise 2
060 - In Jano's Jaws
061 - In Jano's Jaws ~ Reprise 1
062 - In Jano's Jaws ~ Reprise 2
063 - I Want the Treasure!
064 - Psycho Spider
065 - The Canopy ~ Prelude
066 - The Canopy
067 - The Canopy ~ Reprise 1
068 - The Canopy ~ Reprise 2
069 - Pirates ~ Part 4
070 - The Whale Bay ~ Shallow Harbour
071 - The Whale Bay ~ Bubble Trail
072 - Into the Sanctuary of Stone and Fire
073 - Extreme Heat
074 - Extreme Heat ~ Reprise 1
075 - Extreme Heat ~ Reprise 2
076 - Extreme Heat ~ Reprise 3
077 - Extreme Heat ~ Reprise 4
078 - Extreme Heat ~ Reprise 5
079 - The Lava Stream
080 - The Lava Stream ~ Reprise 1
081 - The Lava Stream ~ Reprise 2
082 - The Ancient Lava Temple
083 - The Ancient Lava Temple ~ Reprise
084 - Umber's Sacrifice
085 - The Robo-Pirate Army
086 - The Robo-Pirate Army ~ Reprise 1
087 - The Robo-Pirate Army ~ Reprise 2
088 - The Flying Barrel ~ Part 1
089 - The Flying Barrel ~ Part 1 ~ Reprise
090 - The Flying Barrel ~ Part 2
091 - The Flying Barrel ~ Part 2 ~ Reprise
092 - The Precipice ~ The Great Escape
093 - The Precipice ~ Insane Warship
094 - The Precipice ~ Falling
095 - The Top of the World
096 - The Top of the World ~ Dance Mix
097 - Zombie Pirates
098 - The Pirate Factory
099 - The Pirate Factory ~ Reprise 1
100 - The Pirate Factory ~ Reprise 2
101 - Boss Biditank ~ Prelude
102 - Boss Biditank
103 - Boss Biditank ~ The Gun is Activated
104 - The Walk of Power
105 - The Walk of Power ~ Reprise
106 - Into the Sanctuary of Rock and Lava
107 - Flower Ride
108 - The Lava Tower
109 - Hot Air Flight
110 - Hot Air Flight ~ Reprise
111 - The Tomb of the Ancients
112 - The Pirate Mines
113 - Guardian in the Sky ~ Prelude
114 - Guardian in the Sky ~ Grolem 13
115 - The Prison Ship
116 - Freeing the Slaves
117 - The Grolgoth
118 - Ending ~ Part 1 ~ All is lost
119 - Ending ~ Part 2 ~ He's alive!
120 - Main Theme ~ The Great Escape
121 - Minigame ~ Globox Disc ~ Intro
122 - Minigame ~ Globox Disc
123 - Minigame ~ Ly's Challenges
124 - Minigame ~ Waterski Challenge
125 - Minigame ~ Missile Dogfight
126 - Jingle ~ You Lose
127 - Jingle ~ Try Again
128 - Jingle ~ Switch Activated
129 - Jingle ~ The Door is Open
130 - Jingle ~ Boss Defeated
131 - Jingle ~ Obtaining the Mask
132 - Jingle ~ Obtaining the Mask (PC)
133 - Jingle ~ Bonus Level ~ You Win
134 - Jingle ~ Bonus Level ~ You Lose
135 - Jingle ~ Opening the Sanctuary (Unused)
136 - Jingle ~ Rayman (Unused)
137 - Jingle ~ Outro (Unused)
138 - Extra ~ Rayman's Russian Dance
139 - Extra ~ The Rain Dance
140 - Extra ~ The Rain Dance ~ Globox
141 - Extra ~ The Rain Dance ~ Rayman
142 - Extra ~ The Rain Dance ~ Rayman (English)
143 - Extra ~ 2D Prototype (The Walk of Life)
144 - Extra ~ Teaser Music
145 - Ambient ~ The Woods of Light
146 - Ambient ~ The Fairy Glade
147 - Ambient ~ Birds in the Woods
148 - Ambient ~ The Swamp
149 - Ambient ~ Nighttime
150 - Ambient ~ Pirate Constructions
151 - Ambient ~ Caves and Machinery
152 - Ambient ~ The Sewers
153 - Ambient ~ Air Currents
154 - Ambient ~ Dark Caves
155 - Ambient ~ The Lost Island
156 - Ambient ~ Underwater
157 - Ambient ~ Ancient Temples
158 - Ambient ~ Bubbling Lava
159 - Ambient ~ Ancient Puzzles
160 - Ambient ~ The Tomb of the Ancients
161 - Ambient ~ Pirate Electronics



MP3 @256kbps:

Individual 256kbps mp3s and more info:

Remember, if you like Rayman music, *shameless advertising* visit RayTunes for more! ( I'm currently re-ripping a lot of soundtracks in FLAC, making them more complete in the process. So, stay tuned for more! :)

09-08-2011, 01:10 AM

Composed by Eric Chevalier, 1999

wow thx for this bud!

Infernus Animositas
09-08-2011, 03:00 AM
In other news: I'd like to mention that anything that I've previously uploaded, will be re-uploaded in FLAC only. But new rips will have their OGG releases as well.

What's coming up from me soon:

Demon's Souls - I decided to do this before the release of its sequel 'Dark Souls'
Catherine (PS3)
Ju-On: The Grudge - Haunted House Simulator (Wii)

09-08-2011, 03:08 AM
i should mention that Catherine is also for the 360.

Everan Shepard
09-08-2011, 03:20 AM
Question: The Transformers 3 game rip is in another server? Flameupload or whatever still won't let me. No rush, just wondering if it'll get uploaded later on.
Meanwhile, I'll wait for Catherine's rip :D

09-08-2011, 03:31 AM
no rips with flameupload work anymore.

Infernus Animositas
09-08-2011, 04:14 AM
i should mention that Catherine is also for the 360.
I know, but the PS3 version has more tracks and both systems would be using CRI ADX so there's going to be no quality difference I'd say.

09-08-2011, 04:40 AM
i see.

Infernus Animositas
09-09-2011, 10:40 AM
I'm also posting Driver: San Francisco (Xbox 360) and Monsters, Inc. - Scream Team for the PSX :)

09-09-2011, 11:57 AM
I'm also posting Driver: San Francisco (Xbox 360) and Monsters, Inc. - Scream Team for the PSX :)
Nice, didn't manage to extract the 'wwisedefault.pck' from the PS3 version of Driver: San Francisco. The format seems to be similar to the Assassins Creed files, but the extractor doesn't work. Has your file from the XBOX360 version the same size than mine (1.16GB)?
I might check out the Wii version nin addition - for more/alternate music.

09-09-2011, 12:09 PM
any news on Dead Island? they had a nice creepy score that i would like to get my hands on.

I wouldn't find a good enough extractor, the sound was all messed up.

09-09-2011, 04:28 PM
I just used unxwb to unpack music_stream.xwb. VLC media player can play unpacked wav's (while foobar and wmp can't).

09-09-2011, 09:04 PM
The PS3 versions uses a Wwise ADPCM format that hasn't been cracked yet. It is higher quality than the xbox version though. But the xbox version is the only version rippable at the moment. The wii version contains less tracks.

09-09-2011, 09:07 PM
Barnaby are you talking about dead island? because Driver is the one that uses the WWise ADPCM on ps3.

09-09-2011, 11:30 PM
I was talking about Driver, I'm no fool :P

09-10-2011, 05:13 AM

Mario vs. Donkey Kong Mini-Land Mayhem! | DS

Composer: Lawrence Schwedler

Quality: 44khz
Tracks: 138

Making this rip was some serious work. First off I literally had to play the game from start to end as the time I was ripping this game there were no cheats available. Those who've played the game know it takes some serious thinking to beat the game 2 times to unlock everything! Moving to the point, Some 2sf were multi-layered, some did not sound accurate to the original songs; thus DeSmuME recording was the only way to get the songs. Within the settings I set the audio to Cosine instead of Linear to record the wav in a near 1:1 accuracy to an original 2sf.

My laptop alone is already slow so you can imagine trying to run DeSmuME and recording at the same time. It took a hell of a long time just to get everything right with proper loops and fades; again very time consuming work. Overall I'm happy with the rip, its complete so rest assure everything is here. Enjoy!

001.Lawrence Schwedler - Opening (00:07)
002.Lawrence Schwedler - Menu (01:36)
003.Lawrence Schwedler - Options (01:37)
004.Lawrence Schwedler - Cutscene ~ Mini-Land Grand Opening (00:37)
005.Lawrence Schwedler - Attraction 1 - Coaster Hills (01:25)
006.Lawrence Schwedler - Cutscene ~ Coaster Hills (00:26)
007.Lawrence Schwedler - Coaster Hills - Stage View (00:53)
008.Lawrence Schwedler - Coaster Hills 1 (01:26)
009.Lawrence Schwedler - Coaster Hills 2 (01:26)
010.Lawrence Schwedler - Coaster Hills 3 (01:26)
011.Lawrence Schwedler - Coaster Hills - Clear (00:05)
012.Lawrence Schwedler - Coaster Hills - Failure (00:03)
013.Lawrence Schwedler - Results (02:07)
014.Lawrence Schwedler - Coaster Hills - DK Intro (00:08)
015.Lawrence Schwedler - Coaster Hills - Boss Intro (00:09)
016.Lawrence Schwedler - Coaster Hills - Boss (03:18)
017.Lawrence Schwedler - Coaster Hills - Boss Clear (00:11)
018.Lawrence Schwedler - Coaster Hills - Boss Failure (00:06)
019.Lawrence Schwedler - Minigame - Intro (00:05)
020.Lawrence Schwedler - Minigame (01:05)
021.Lawrence Schwedler - Minigame - Clear (00:03)
022.Lawrence Schwedler - Minigame - Failure (00:02)
023.Lawrence Schwedler - Cutscene ~ Jumpy Jungle (00:22)
024.Lawrence Schwedler - Attraction 2 - Jumpy Jungle (01:31)
025.Lawrence Schwedler - Jumpy Jungle - Stage Intro (00:19)
026.Lawrence Schwedler - Jumpy Jungle 1 (02:53)
027.Lawrence Schwedler - Jumpy Jungle 2 (03:20)
028.Lawrence Schwedler - Jumpy Jungle 3 (03:48)
029.Lawrence Schwedler - Jumpy Jungle - Stage Clear (00:05)
030.Lawrence Schwedler - Jumpy Jungle - Failure (00:04)
031.Lawrence Schwedler - Jumpy Jungle - DK Intro (00:08)
032.Lawrence Schwedler - Jumpy Jungle - Boss Intro (00:09)
033.Lawrence Schwedler - Jumpy Jungle - Boss (03:42)
034.Lawrence Schwedler - Jumpy Jungle - Boss Clear (00:13)
035.Lawrence Schwedler - Jumpy Jungle - Boss Failure (00:05)
036.Lawrence Schwedler - Cutscene ~ Teatime Twirl (00:24)
037.Lawrence Schwedler - Attraction 3 - Teatime Twirl (01:30)
038.Lawrence Schwedler - Teatime Twirl - Stage View (00:23)
039.Lawrence Schwedler - Teatime Twirl 1 (02:11)
040.Lawrence Schwedler - Teatime Twirl 2 (02:11)
041.Lawrence Schwedler - Teatime Twirl 3 (02:11)
042.Lawrence Schwedler - Teatime Twirl - Stage Clear (00:04)
043.Lawrence Schwedler - Teatime Twirl - Failure (00:03)
044.Lawrence Schwedler - Teatime Twirl - DK Intro (00:08)
045.Lawrence Schwedler - Teatime Twirl - Boss Intro (00:09)
046.Lawrence Schwedler - Teatime Twirl - Boss (03:06)
047.Lawrence Schwedler - Teatime Twirl - Boss Clear (00:11)
048.Lawrence Schwedler - Teatime Twirl - Boss Failure (00:07)
049.Lawrence Schwedler - Cutscene ~ Warped Mansion (00:23)
050.Lawrence Schwedler - Attraction 4 - Warped Mansion (01:33)
051.Lawrence Schwedler - Warped Mansion - Stage View (01:16)
052.Lawrence Schwedler - Warped Mansion 1 (03:06)
053.Lawrence Schwedler - Warped Mansion 2 (03:06)
054.Lawrence Schwedler - Warped Mansion 3 (02:34)
055.Lawrence Schwedler - Warped Mansion - Stage Clear (00:07)
056.Lawrence Schwedler - Warped Mansion - Failure (00:04)
057.Lawrence Schwedler - Warped Mansion - DK Intro (00:07)
058.Lawrence Schwedler - Warped Mansion - Boss Intro (00:10)
059.Lawrence Schwedler - Warped Mansion - Boss (03:31)
060.Lawrence Schwedler - Warped Mansion - Boss Clear (00:14)
061.Lawrence Schwedler - Warped Mansion - Boss Failure (00:08)
062.Lawrence Schwedler - Cutscene ~ Sandstorm Steps (00:27)
063.Lawrence Schwedler - Attraction 5 - Sandstorm Steps (01:28)
064.Lawrence Schwedler - Sandstorm Steps - Stage View (01:16)
065.Lawrence Schwedler - Sandstorm Steps 1 (03:05)
066.Lawrence Schwedler - Sandstorm Steps 2 (02:56)
067.Lawrence Schwedler - Sandstorm Steps 3 (02:26)
068.Lawrence Schwedler - Sandstorm Steps - Stage Clear (00:06)
069.Lawrence Schwedler - Sandstorm Steps - Failure (00:04)
070.Lawrence Schwedler - Sandstorm Steps - DK Intro (00:08)
071.Lawrence Schwedler - Sandstorm Steps - Boss Intro (00:09)
072.Lawrence Schwedler - Sandstorm Steps - Boss (03:07)
073.Lawrence Schwedler - Sandstorm Steps - Boss Clear (00:10)
074.Lawrence Schwedler - Sandstorm Steps - Boss Failure (00:03)
075.Lawrence Schwedler - Cutscene ~ Cosmic Adventure (00:27)
076.Lawrence Schwedler - Attraction 6 - Cosmic Adventure (01:41)
077.Lawrence Schwedler - Cosmic Adventure - Stage View (00:25)
078.Lawrence Schwedler - Cosmic Adventure 1 (03:54)
079.Lawrence Schwedler - Cosmic Adventure 2 (03:58)
080.Lawrence Schwedler - Cosmic Adventure 3 (02:37)
081.Lawrence Schwedler - Cosmic Adventure - Stage Clear (00:07)
082.Lawrence Schwedler - Cosmic Adventure - Failure (00:04)
083.Lawrence Schwedler - Cosmic Adventure - DK Intro (00:10)
084.Lawrence Schwedler - Cosmic Adventure - Boss Intro (00:11)
085.Lawrence Schwedler - Cosmic Adventure - Boss (04:20)
086.Lawrence Schwedler - Cosmic Adventure - Boss Clear (00:13)
087.Lawrence Schwedler - Cosmic Adventure - Boss Failure (00:04)
088.Lawrence Schwedler - Cutscene ~ Cannon Cove (00:25)
089.Lawrence Schwedler - Attraction 7 - Cannon Cove (01:31)
090.Lawrence Schwedler - Cannon Cove - Stage View (01:12)
091.Lawrence Schwedler - Cannon Cove 1 (02:37)
092.Lawrence Schwedler - Cannon Cove 2 (02:13)
093.Lawrence Schwedler - Cannon Cove 3 (02:42)
094.Lawrence Schwedler - Cannon Cove - Stage Clear (00:05)
095.Lawrence Schwedler - Cannon Cove - Failure (00:04)
096.Lawrence Schwedler - Cannon Cove - DK Intro (00:07)
097.Lawrence Schwedler - Cannon Cove - Boss Intro (00:08)
098.Lawrence Schwedler - Cannon Cove - Boss (04:32)
099.Lawrence Schwedler - Cannon Cove - Boss Clear (00:12)
100.Lawrence Schwedler - Cannon Cove - Boss Failure (00:06)
101.Lawrence Schwedler - Cutscene ~ Super Skywheel (00:27)
102.Lawrence Schwedler - Attraction 8 - Super Skywheel (01:25)
103.Lawrence Schwedler - Super Skywheel - Stage View (00:45)
104.Lawrence Schwedler - Super Skywheel 1 (04:25)
105.Lawrence Schwedler - Super Skywheel 2 (04:25)
106.Lawrence Schwedler - Super Skywheel 3 (04:25)
107.Lawrence Schwedler - Super Skywheel - Stage Clear (00:04)
108.Lawrence Schwedler - Super Skywheel - Failure (00:02)
109.Lawrence Schwedler - Super Skywheel - DK Intro (00:07)
110.Lawrence Schwedler - Super Skywheel - Boss Intro (00:09)
111.Lawrence Schwedler - Super Skywheel - Boss (04:22)
112.Lawrence Schwedler - Super Skywheel - Boss Clear (00:21)
113.Lawrence Schwedler - Super Skywheel - Boss Failure (00:06)
114.Lawrence Schwedler - Final Battle - Final Ferris Wheel (01:25)
115.Lawrence Schwedler - Final Ferris Wheel - DK Intro (00:09)
116.Lawrence Schwedler - Final Ferris Wheel - Boss Intro (00:05)
117.Lawrence Schwedler - Final Ferris Wheel - Boss (03:17)
118.Lawrence Schwedler - Final Ferris Wheel - Boss (Last Mini) (01:02)
119.Lawrence Schwedler - Final Ferris Wheel - Boss Clear (00:14)
120.Lawrence Schwedler - Final Ferris Wheel - Boss Failure (00:06)
121.Lawrence Schwedler - Cutscene ~ DK Snags Pauline, Again!? (Ending 1) (00:24)
122.Lawrence Schwedler - Cutscene ~ Pauline Saved, Finally! (00:35)
123.Lawrence Schwedler - Staff Credits (02:37)
124.Lawrence Schwedler - Congratulations! (00:36)
125.Lawrence Schwedler - Attraction - Special Levels (01:25)
126.Lawrence Schwedler - Attraction - Secret Storage (01:25)
127.Lawrence Schwedler - Secret Storage - Stage View (00:52)
128.Lawrence Schwedler - Secret Storage 1 (03:02)
129.Lawrence Schwedler - Secret Storage 2 (02:53)
130.Lawrence Schwedler - Secret Storage - Stage Clear (00:04)
131.Lawrence Schwedler - Secret Storage - Failure (00:03)
132.Lawrence Schwedler - Game Over (03:44)
133.Lawrence Schwedler - Mario Bros. Medley (01:30)
134.Lawrence Schwedler - Construction Zone 1 (02:08)
135.Lawrence Schwedler - Construction Zone 2 (01:20)
136.Lawrence Schwedler - Construction Zone 3 (03:04)
137.Lawrence Schwedler - Jingle - Hammer (00:15)
138.Lawrence Schwedler - Final Ferris Wheel - Boss (Last Mini 2) (00:56)

FLAC - 5% Recovery
Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Part 4 (
Part 5 (

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story | DS

Composer: Yoko Shimomura

Quality: 44khz
Tracks: 45

01.Yoko Shimomura - Title Screen (01:25)
02.Yoko Shimomura - Save Select (01:06)
03.Yoko Shimomura - Peach's Castle (03:32)
04.Yoko Shimomura - Bowser's Theme (01:27)
05.Yoko Shimomura - Tutorial (01:43)
06.Yoko Shimomura - Oki Doki!! - Mario & Luigi Battle Theme (02:40)
07.Yoko Shimomura - Battle Victory (00:35)
08.Yoko Shimomura - Fawful's Theme (01:23)
09.Yoko Shimomura - Theme of Danger (00:55)
10.Yoko Shimomura - Theme of Unexpected Event (00:55)
11.Yoko Shimomura - Cavi Cape (02:36)
12.Yoko Shimomura - Cavi Cape - Inside Bowser (02:36)
13.Yoko Shimomura - Mountain Cliff (02:28)
14.Yoko Shimomura - Mountain Cliff - Inside Bowser (02:28)
15.Yoko Shimomura - Plaque Beach (02:21)
16.Yoko Shimomura - Plaque Beach - Inside Bowser (02:21)
17.Yoko Shimomura - Having A Nice Talk (01:00)
18.Yoko Shimomura - Dimble Wood (01:57)
19.Yoko Shimomura - Dimble Wood - Inside Bowser (01:57)
20.Yoko Shimomura - Showtime! - Bowser Battle Theme (02:55)
21.Yoko Shimomura - Grasslands (03:06)
22.Yoko Shimomura - Grasslands - Inside Bowser (03:04)
23.Yoko Shimomura - Boss Battle (02:26)
24.Yoko Shimomura - Bowser's Castle (02:42)
25.Yoko Shimomura - Bowser's Castle - Inside Bowser (02:42)
26.Yoko Shimomura - Minigame 1 (01:19)
27.Yoko Shimomura - Giant Boss Battle (02:29)
28.Yoko Shimomura - Blubble Lake (01:25)
29.Yoko Shimomura - Blubble Lake - Inside Bowser (01:24)
30.Yoko Shimomura - Toad Town (02:20)
31.Yoko Shimomura - Toad Town - Inside Bowser (02:20)
32.Yoko Shimomura - Dr. Toadley's Clinic (01:15)
33.Yoko Shimomura - Fawful's Evil Plan (02:45)
34.Yoko Shimomura - Fawful's Castle (02:56)
35.Yoko Shimomura - Fawful's Castle - Inside Bowser (02:56)
36.Yoko Shimomura - Minigame 2 (01:19)
37.Yoko Shimomura - Having A Sweet Talk (01:25)
38.Yoko Shimomura - Final Castle (02:05)
39.Yoko Shimomura - Final Castle - Inside Bowser (02:05)
40.Yoko Shimomura - Dark Bowser (01:27)
41.Yoko Shimomura - Final Boss (03:05)
42.Yoko Shimomura - Traveling About On A Journey of Memories (03:34)
43.Yoko Shimomura - The End (03:03)
44.Yoko Shimomura - Item Aquired - Miracle Cure! (00:12)
45.Yoko Shimomura - Item Aquired - Attack Piece (00:03)

FLAC - 5% Recovery
Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (

Mario Party DS | DS

Composers: Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge

Quality: 44khz
Tracks: 88

01.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Grand Opening - Title Screen (01:04)
02.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Play Which Mode? - Menu (00:37)
03.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Let's Choose Settings (00:29)
04.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Options (00:39)
05.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - The Story Begins (00:24)
06.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - One Dark Night (00:20)
07.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - What's That Light? (00:37)
08.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Here's Bowser! (00:36)
09.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Back to Bowser (01:17)
10.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Go for It, Superstar (00:09)
11.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - The Adventure Begins (00:39)
12.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Where's That Star? (00:24)
13.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - How to Play (01:26)
14.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Wiggler's Garden Pest (01:03)
15.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Wiggler's Garden (01:33)
16.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Tips for Success (00:23)
17.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Into the Fairy Tale (00:53)
18.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Play Nicely, Everyone (01:01)
19.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Easy Victory! (00:05)
20.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Good Job, Everyone (00:50)
21.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Toadette's Request (01:12)
22.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Toadette's Music Room (01:31)
23.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Fresh as Mint (00:59)
24.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - The Pressure's On (00:58)
25.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Who Came Out on Top? (00:40)
26.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Diddy Needs Help (01:23)
27.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - DK's Stone Statue (01:23)
28.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Get Into It (00:51)
29.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Bounce Around (01:06)
30.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - You Got a Star (00:05)
31.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Who's the Superstar? (00:56)
32.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Down with Kamek (01:01)
33.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Kamek's Library (01:36)
34.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - They're Neck and Neck (00:54)
35.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Contemplation (01:14)
36.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Boss Battle (02:03)
37.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Congrats, Superstar! (01:03)
38.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Showdown with Bowser (01:00)
39.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Bowser's Pinball Machine (01:33)
40.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Another Crazy Match (01:05)
41.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - What's This Song? (00:03)
42.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Strike a Pose (00:06)
43.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Bowser Time! (00:39)
44.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Final 5 Frenzy (00:51)
45.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Take Down the Boss - Bowser's Megamorph Belt (02:02)
46.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - You Beat Bowser (00:10)
47.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - You Got a Minigame (00:09)
48.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Until Next Time (00:51)
49.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Thanks a Lot - End Credits (02:58)
50.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Present from the Staff (00:46)
51.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Think It Out - Puzzle Mode (01:13)
52.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Minigame Battle Time (00:43)
53.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Boss Hunting (01:04)
54.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Decathlon Time - Rocket Rascals (00:55)
55.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Out-of-Reach Rocket (00:28)
56.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - The Rocket Is Mine (00:26)
57.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Exciting Collection (00:41)
58.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Illusory Rhythm (00:43)
59.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Duel? OK, It's On! (00:06)
60.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - First or Last? (00:27)
61.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - The Duel Is On! (01:18)
62.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Desert Duel (00:05)
63.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Who Goes When? (00:23)
64.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Teamwork Is Key! (01:16)
65.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Caught (00:05)
66.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Who's the Victor? (00:33)
67.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Who's the Champ? (00:40)
68.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - How Could I Lose? (00:05)
69.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - A Draw? (00:06)
70.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - No Way! New Record? (00:03)
71.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Who Needs a Star?! (00:05)
72.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - An Item For You (00:02)
73.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Finally, You Got One (00:03)
74.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Lucky Seven (00:03)
75.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - The Numbers Match (00:03)
76.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Beat Him Down (00:03)
77.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Ahhhhh! (00:02)
78.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Unknown Song 1 (00:52)
79.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Unknown Song 2 (00:48)
80.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Unknown Song 3 (00:52)
81.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Unknown Jingle 1 (00:03)
82.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Strike a Pose - A (00:04)
83.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Strike a Pose - B (00:04)
84.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Strike a Pose - C (00:05)
85.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Strike a Pose - D (00:05)
86.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Strike a Pose - F (00:02)
87.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Strike a Pose - G (00:02)
88.Hironobu Yahata, Shinya Outouge - Strike a Pose - H (00:02)

FLAC - 5% Recovery
Part 1 (
Part 2 (

Infernus Animositas
09-10-2011, 05:19 AM
Awesome work Neo_Chip :)

09-10-2011, 05:23 AM
I love what I do :p, thanks brendan.

09-10-2011, 10:01 AM
Great stuff man. Awesome work :D

09-10-2011, 12:33 PM
The PS3 versions uses a Wwise ADPCM format that hasn't been cracked yet. It is higher quality than the xbox version though. But the xbox version is the only version rippable at the moment. The wii version contains less tracks.
Thank you for clearing that up. Well, the PC version is coming around soon, so let's hope better quality is there.

09-10-2011, 02:05 PM
Yes the pc version should have a proper RIFF header so we can probably handle that easier. RIFX is tough to manage when not in ogg or xma format.

09-10-2011, 07:35 PM
Well i know that this may sound awful but i asked once to no effect, somebody has Call of Juarez Bound in Blood Gamerip Soundtrack and is willing to share? this look like the right place to look for it, since is all about gamerips.

It doesnt need to be flac. mp3 will suffice

09-10-2011, 08:22 PM
Will reupload it when i have time to reupload all my rips.

09-10-2011, 11:46 PM
thanks my friend. i will wait

Infernus Animositas
09-11-2011, 03:01 AM

Platform: Playstation 3
Tracks: 111
Composers: Shoji Meguro, Kenichi Tsuchiya & Atsushi Kitajoh

5% recovery record added to the archives.

Part #1 (
Part #2 (
Part #3 (
Part #4 (
Part #5 (
Part #6 (

Part #1 (
Part #2 (

Platform: Playstation 3
Tracks: 48
Composer: Shunsuke Kida

5% recovery record added to the archives.

Part #1 (
Part #2 (
Part #3 (

Part #1 (
Part #2 (

Platform: Xbox 360
Tracks: 125
Composers: Marc Canham / Various Artists

5% recovery record added to the archives.

Part 01 (
Part 02 (
Part 03 (
Part 04 (
Part 05 (
Part 06 (
Part 07 (
Part 08 (
Part 09 (
Part 10 (
Part 11 (
Part 12 (
Part 13 (
Part 14 (

Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Part 4 (
Part 5 (
Part 6 (
Part 7 (

Platform: Nintendo Wii
Tracks: 84
Composer: Feelplus Inc.

5% recovery record added to the archives.

Ju-On: The Grudge - Haunted House Simulator (

Ju-On: The Grudge - Haunted House Simulator (

Platform: Playstation
Tracks: 40
Composers: P. Roger & T. Sohet

5% recovery record added to the archives.

Part #1 (
Part #2 (

Monsters, Inc. - Scream Team (

09-11-2011, 03:03 AM
Thanks brendan! :)

09-11-2011, 06:00 AM
Nice! :)

09-11-2011, 04:20 PM
Nice update!

09-11-2011, 04:39 PM
very nice update indeed! thanks man

09-16-2011, 01:20 PM
Driver: San Francisco
Platform: Xbox 360
Tracks: 125
Composers: Marc Canham / Various Artists
I take this one. Thanks a lot, Infernus!

09-16-2011, 05:05 PM
thanks for mario & luigi: bowser's inside story, Neo_Chip.

09-18-2011, 03:58 AM
Great work on all of these releases! Snagged Demon's Souls, Catherine, Deus Ex HR, and Bastion. All wonderful stuff and superbly presented. Finally got around to listening to Shadows of the Damned, and yes, it's different, but Yamaoka never does anything too normal. Thanks yet again.

Looking forward to Zack & Wiki!

09-19-2011, 06:25 AM
Rise of Nightmares please

Infernus Animositas
09-19-2011, 01:39 PM
Rise of Nightmares please

I've looked into it. It uses CRI ADX but there's ~2500 files of audio including dialogue.

The problem is that the audio goes into static after a while.

09-20-2011, 01:01 AM
Great work on all of these releases! Snagged Demon's Souls, Catherine, Deus Ex HR, and Bastion. All wonderful stuff and superbly presented. Finally got around to listening to Shadows of the Damned, and yes, it's different, but Yamaoka never does anything too normal. Thanks yet again.

Looking forward to Zack & Wiki!Its coming

09-23-2011, 10:53 PM
Are requests opened now?

09-23-2011, 11:36 PM

09-25-2011, 02:25 AM
Well, someone PM me when they're opened.

09-25-2011, 02:16 PM
Is possible Gamerip game God Of War Chains Of Olympus???

09-25-2011, 05:04 PM
Already been ripped.

09-25-2011, 09:30 PM
by Barnaby himself and OrangeC :)

09-26-2011, 02:35 AM
I don't know if any of you guys know how to rip SEGA CD games.

But I was wondering if one of you could do a music rip, along the cinematic intro music with it.

09-26-2011, 04:04 AM
Are we not being clear enough? Non of the legacy members have open requests, please be patient. View the 'wait' as an assurance that our work is top quality instead of releasing 'messy' rips.

Infernus Animositas
09-26-2011, 04:09 AM
I had a look into it IM24CTU. Wasn't sure how to convert it though.

09-26-2011, 05:11 AM
Thanks for IA for looking into it. Actually, it was never a request yet I was wondering if ripping SEGA CD games like Lawnmower Man was possible.

09-26-2011, 08:07 PM
Gears of War 3 when the requests will be reopened.

I can help to convert if help is needed.

09-26-2011, 08:45 PM
It's already ripped. OJ is just ripping a few more games for the next update.

09-26-2011, 08:51 PM
Oh ah never mind...

09-26-2011, 11:47 PM
It's already ripped. OJ is just ripping a few more games for the next update.
I just don't know what he can actually rip. hasn't VGM Legacy already ripped every single game? well this next batch's gonna be a big surprise for me I guess. :D

09-27-2011, 01:24 AM
It's already ripped. OJ is just ripping a few more games for the next update.

Awesome, hopefully Reach is there too :)

09-27-2011, 11:11 AM
The L.A Noire gamerip link doesnt work anymore,can we get a re-up?

09-27-2011, 05:03 PM
Yes the pc version should have a proper RIFF header so we can probably handle that easier. RIFX is tough to manage when not in ogg or xma format.
Have you checked the PC version of Driver: SF yet?

09-27-2011, 05:36 PM
The PC version uses the same format as PS3 ~ Unrippable.

Infernus Animositas
09-28-2011, 02:10 AM
Hence why I ripped it from the Xbox 360 version :)

09-29-2011, 04:59 AM
finally got around to download mario & luigi: bowser's inside story. thanks again, neo_chip.

Infernus Animositas
09-29-2011, 07:00 AM

Platform: Xbox 360 Live Arcade
Tracks: 56
Composers: Yasuhiro Ichihashi, Tomoaki Hirono, Konami Kukeiha Club, Akiropito, Michiru Yamane, Masahiko Kimura, Soshiro Hokkai & Yuzo Koshiro

5% recovery record added to the archives.

Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Part 4 (
Part 5 (
Part 6 (

Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (

09-29-2011, 12:43 PM
finally got around to download mario & luigi: bowser's inside story. thanks again, neo_chip.No prob
there's a whole lot of 'Mario' and 'Sonic' coming real soon :)

09-29-2011, 02:38 PM

Platform: Xbox 360 Live Arcade
Tracks: 56
Composers: Yasuhiro Ichihashi, Tomoaki Hirono, Konami Kukeiha Club, Akiropito, Michiru Yamane, Masahiko Kimura, Soshiro Hokkai & Yuzo Koshiro

5% recovery record added to the archives.

Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Part 4 (
Part 5 (
Part 6 (

Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (

Many thanks

09-29-2011, 03:55 PM

09-29-2011, 04:07 PM
No prob
there's a whole lot of 'Mario' and 'Sonic' coming real soon :)

i have to wonder if its those that r comin i already have. :laugh:

09-29-2011, 06:49 PM
i also requested a re-up for Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, but they say that will do only when they have time for all of them..
well i cant complain too much.

09-29-2011, 10:45 PM
i have to wonder if its those that r comin i already have. :laugh:Lol we'll see when I release them :p

10-01-2011, 08:26 AM
Just something I've been working on...
Thread 96306

10-02-2011, 03:54 AM
Grabbing Catherine! Thanks for all the work everyone!!!

10-02-2011, 07:11 AM
Still no word on the Gears of War 3 Complete Game Rip yet...?

10-02-2011, 11:34 PM
Here's what to come soon, all of these are ripped and are currently uploading:

-Sonic Heroes (Xbox)
-Sonic Colors (Wii) with extras
-New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)
-New Super Mario Bros. (NDS)
-Mario Sports Mix (Wii)
-Mario Hoops 3 on 3 (NDS)
-Ivy the Kiwi (NDS)
-Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with Banjo-Kazooie + DLC (Xbox 360) ☆
-Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing (NDS)
-Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (Wii) ◇
-Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360)

Most of these have been previously ripped but they needed fixes and will be provided in lossless quality hence the long wait.

☆Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with Banjo-Kazooie (Xbox) had a bit of a delay because of the commentaries included; which later I found were sampled to 47999hz or 481000hz. This produced a problem for iPods and other music players as they only support industry standard sample rates (48khz, 44.1khz, 32khz etc.) for portable players. PC media players such as WMP or VLC have no issues with this of course as they support any sample rates.

◇The rip consists on 169 tracks more or less. Unfortunately at the moment I will not be able to tag them due to time.

10-03-2011, 06:36 AM
hey! I see there are some troubles with the original uploads, so here are some mirrors for VGM Legacy b6W_sVoGZcxvkhsA-vFuzSvBJOh] ( Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters[/B]
password: VGM LegacyThanks!

10-03-2011, 07:54 AM
Neo, im impressed by the number of soundtracks i dont have (mario & sonic wise). however, i have a question about the sonic colors extra tracks. can u tell me how many of them there are? im extremely curious.

10-03-2011, 02:17 PM
F-Zero GX in Lossless? Yes (! The other ones sound great too. I thank you for everything in advance.

10-03-2011, 03:12 PM
Neo, im impressed by the number of soundtracks i dont have (mario & sonic wise). however, i have a question about the sonic colors extra tracks. can u tell me how many of them there are? im extremely curious.The 'extras' are the cutscenes from the game. As well as the Disc Channel jingle that was missing. I haven't checked recently but this adds possibly 20 extra track to the rip. Oh and the (fx) level songs when sonic gets a burst of speed.

The only thing I did not find was the underwater variations of Aquarium Park. I've checked to see if the streams were multi-layered but didn't find anything. Guess I'm going to have live with that :(

10-03-2011, 04:32 PM
i see. interesting.

10-03-2011, 05:17 PM
Any ideas when request will be open.

I just need something to quiet down some of those people who kept hounding the thread.

I dont think yall want them coming back :laugh:

BTW Keep up the great work.

10-04-2011, 01:35 AM

Sonic Heroes | Xbox

Composer: Jun Senoue

Quality: 48khz
Tracks: 87

This rip includes cutscenes from the game, both stereo and 5.1 Surround Sound.

01.Jun Senoue - Title Screen (00:20)
02.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Sonic Heroes (01:30)
03.Jun Senoue - Main Menu (01:50)
04.Jun Senoue - Mission Select (01:42)
05.Jun Senoue - Vs. Menu (00:37)
06.Jun Senoue - Extras: CG Theater - Audio Room (00:17)
07.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Eggman's Invitation (00:58)
08.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Abandoned Projects (01:24)
09.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Missing Friends (00:54)
10.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Job Request (00:51)
11.Jun Senoue - Stage 00: Sea Gate (03:31)
12.Jun Senoue - Stage 01: Seaside Hill (02:58)
13.Jun Senoue - Stage 02: Ocean Palace (03:41)
14.Jun Senoue - Boss: Egg Hawk (00:55)
15.Jun Senoue - Stage 03: Grand Metropolis (03:40)
16.Jun Senoue - Stage 04: Power Plant (02:10)
17.Jun Senoue - Special Stage - Bonus Challenge (02:15)
18.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Amy Confrontation (00:10)
19.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Strange Guys (00:23)
20.Jun Senoue - Boss: Vs. Team Battle (01:31)
21.Jun Senoue - Stage 05: Casino Park (02:15)
22.Jun Senoue - Stage 06: Bingo Highway (02:10)
23.Jun Senoue - Boss: Robot Carnival (02:25)
24.Jun Senoue - Stage 07: Rail Canyon (02:42)
25.Jun Senoue - Stage 08: Bullet Station (02:08)
26.Jun Senoue - Boss: Egg Albatross (01:40)
27.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Its Not a Robot (00:32)
28.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Shadow's Deception (00:29)
29.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Stupid Copy (00:36)
30.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ New Orders (00:33)
31.Jun Senoue - Stage 09: Frog Forest (02:05)
32.Jun Senoue - Stage 10: Lost Jungle (04:08)
33.Jun Senoue - Special Stage - Emerald Challenge (03:27)
34.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Unexpected Encounter (00:38)
35.Jun Senoue - Boss: Vs. Team Dark (00:50)
36.Jun Senoue - Boss: Vs. Team Sonic (00:46)
37.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Excuse Me Miss (00:26)
38.Jun Senoue - Boss: Vs. Team Chaotix (00:41)
39.Jun Senoue - Boss: Vs. Team Amy (00:51)
40.Jun Senoue - Stage 11: Hang Castle - Normal (02:07)
41.Jun Senoue - Stage 11: Hang Castle - Upside Down (02:07)
42.Jun Senoue - Stage 12: Mystic Mansion (02:02)
43.Jun Senoue - Stage 13: Egg Fleet (02:36)
44.Jun Senoue - Stage 14: Final Fortress (01:40)
45.Jun Senoue - Boss: Egg Emperor (01:32)
46.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Emperor To Pieces (00:38)
47.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Which Is the Real Shadow? (01:03)
48.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Froggy & Chocola Chao Return (00:37)
49.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Dr. Eggman, I Presume (00:54)
50.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ The Real Villain (00:13)
51.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Metal Sonic... The Ultimate Overlord (01:25)
52.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ All Heroes Gather (01:03)
53.Jun Senoue - Final Boss Pt.1 - Metal Madness (02:46)
54.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Super Team Sonic (00:40)
55.Jun Senoue - What I'm Made Of... - Final Boss Pt.2 - Metal Overlord (03:40)
56.Jun Senoue - Cutscene ~ Adventure Must Go On (01:09)
57.Jun Senoue - Sonic Heroes - Main Theme (03:21)
58.Jun Senoue - We Can - Theme of Team Sonic (03:18)
59.Jun Senoue - This Machine - Theme of Team Dark (04:23)
60.Jun Senoue - Follow Me - Theme of Team Rose (03:33)
61.Jun Senoue - Team Chaotix - Theme of Team Chaotix (03:42)
62.Jun Senoue - Battle: Casino Area (01:59)
63.Jun Senoue - Battle: City Area (02:07)
64.Jun Senoue - Battle: Sea Area (00:33)
65.Jun Senoue - Battle: Quick Race (00:37)
66.Jun Senoue - Battle: Ring Race (00:26)
67.Jun Senoue - Event: Monkey Business (00:31)
68.Jun Senoue - Event: My World (00:42)
69.Jun Senoue - Event: No Past To Remember (00:59)
70.Jun Senoue - Event: My Ambition (00:50)
71.Jun Senoue - Team Blast - Team Sonic (00:11)
72.Jun Senoue - Team Blast - Team Dark (00:08)
73.Jun Senoue - Team Blast - Team Rose (00:08)
74.Jun Senoue - Team Blast - Team Chaotix (00:16)
75.Jun Senoue - Team Blast - Team Sonic (Final Boss) (00:14)
76.Jun Senoue - Invincibility (00:22)
77.Jun Senoue - Speed Up (00:16)
78.Jun Senoue - Round Clear (00:07)
79.Jun Senoue - Title Screen - Return (00:19)
80.Jun Senoue - Sonic Heroes - Opening Ver. (01:31)
81.Jun Senoue - Mystic Mansion - A (00:15)
82.Jun Senoue - Mystic Mansion - B (00:15)
83.Jun Senoue - Mystic Mansion - C (00:15)
84.Jun Senoue - Mystic Mansion - D (00:15)
85.Jun Senoue - Mystic Mansion - E (00:15)
86.Jun Senoue - Mystic Mansion - F (00:15)
87.Jun Senoue - Egg Hawk - A (00:12)

FLAC - 5% Recovery
Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Part 4 (
Part 5 (
Part 6 (
Part 7 (

Ivy the Kiwi? | DS

Composer: Prope Studios

Quality: 44khz
Tracks: 9

1.Prope - Menu (00:55)
2.Prope - Ranking (00:43)
3.Prope - Quiet Forest (02:04)
4.Prope - Lively Town (01:50)
5.Prope - Rat Woods (02:44)
6.Prope - Rainy Plains (01:55)
7.Prope - The Forgotten Castle (02:17)
8.Prope - The Story of the Phoenix (01:45)
9.Prope - Invincibility (00:29)

FLAC - 5% Recovery

10-04-2011, 07:12 PM
Until I get further notice from barnaby his folder rip is set to private. Not by me but maybe by Barnaby himself. Looks like he is having internet problems atm. So until we get further information on the matter I'm going to leave it set to private.

Also those of you wondering about requests and all that, Mines are still closed because i am going to finish up my remaining batch which is taking quite a slow time and i do apologize but i have life as well to take care of. So bear with me. :)

10-04-2011, 07:26 PM
I understand what your saying. I have been wanting to do some rips myself but college is eating my time and money whole.

10-05-2011, 05:32 AM
I have a feeling that requests may be opened sometime in October.

My chance will come.

10-05-2011, 05:38 AM
I have a feeling that requests may be opened sometime in October.

My chance will come.
Not trying to advertise here for somebody else, but have you considered asking in Thread 70282, I believe his "gate is open" atm and his rips are stellar.
Just don't be a douche, read the rules first and ask for a rip politely.

10-06-2011, 10:40 PM
Thanks! But rip of Driver SF has some speed problem. It sounds faster than it should. Maybe sample rate should be 44100, not 48000 Hz? Can it be manually fixed?

10-07-2011, 11:49 AM
Is there any possible to rip RAGE?

Infernus Animositas
10-07-2011, 01:09 PM
OJ is working on ripping RAGE atm :)

Infernus Animositas
10-07-2011, 03:39 PM
Thanks! But rip of Driver SF has some speed problem. It sounds faster than it should. Maybe sample rate should be 44100, not 48000 Hz? Can it be manually fixed?

Yes it can be manually fixed although if it's the lossless FLAC rip then you might as well wait for me to put up a v2 of this game rip. OJ gave me the streams but I think he added a proper XMA header without checking the Hz rate and hence, the sped up files :(

10-07-2011, 05:24 PM
RAGE is rather complicated atm. New ID tech 5 is more complex.

10-08-2011, 06:08 AM
RAGE is rather complicated atm. New ID tech 5 is more complex.
Is it lossy-sourced?

10-08-2011, 07:59 AM
PC RAGE have mp3 128kbps quality and can be easily extracted with Dragon Unpacker.

10-08-2011, 11:55 AM
TMNT Re-Shelled possible gamerip��?�?

10-10-2011, 03:11 AM
Not trying to advertise here for somebody else, but have you considered asking in Thread 70282, I believe his "gate is open" atm and his rips are stellar.
Just don't be a douche, read the rules first and ask for a rip politely.

Thank you.

10-12-2011, 02:35 AM
OrangeC, I don't know if you're still working on Scott Pilgrim: the Game anymore or not, but I have some input for it. First off, the end credits sequence in the game has a nice medley over it, and I'd love it to be included. Secondly, there are at least two tracks which sound like staticky noise garbage (Subspace), so be careful to not disregard them. Lastly, the Knives DLC adds one new song for its new Boss Rush mode, and it's unlikely we'll get a line-in rip of it since other musics are playing as well.

Thanks for reading.

10-12-2011, 10:32 AM
TMNT Re-Shelled possible gamerip��?�?
possible, yes.

Infernus Animositas
10-13-2011, 02:14 PM
My requests are now open :)

3 are now available

Also - this is what I'll be uploading soon:

# A Game Of Thrones: Genesis (PC)
# Bit.Trip Complete (Wii)
Dragon Ball Z - Budokai (PS2)
Dragon Ball Z - Budokai 2 (PS2)
Dragon Ball Z - Budokai 3 (PS2)
Dragon Ball Z - Budokai Tenkaichi (PS2)
Dragon Ball Z - Sparking! (PS2)
Dragon Ball Z - Sagas (PS2)
Dragon Ball Z - Budokai Tenkaichi 2 (PS2)
Dragon Ball Z - Sparking! Neo (PS2)
Dragon Ball Z - Infinite World (PS2)
Dragon Ball Z - Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (PS2)
Dragon Ball Z - Sparking! Meteor (PS2)
Dragon Ball Z - Burst Limit (Xbox 360)
Dragon Ball - Raging Blast (Xbox 360)
Dragon Ball - Raging Blast 2 (Xbox 360)
# Driver: San Francisco [v2] (Xbox 360)
# Hard Reset (PC)
# Toy Story (PC)
# Xotic (PC)

# = VGM Legacy rips

10-13-2011, 02:52 PM
Super Robot Wars Z2 Hakai-hen on the PSP, please?

Infernus Animositas
10-13-2011, 02:55 PM

Super Robot Wars Z2 Hakai-Hen (PSP)

2 more requests remaining.

10-13-2011, 03:04 PM
I in quest of the rip of R.U.S.E. ( and The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest (,can I?Thanks in advance!

10-13-2011, 03:05 PM
Can you rip Mortal Kombat: Special Forces from PS, please? :)

Infernus Animositas
10-13-2011, 03:07 PM

R.U.S.E. (Xbox 360)
The Lord Of The Rings: Aragorn's Quest (PS3)

Requests are now closed.

---------- Post added at 01:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:06 AM ----------

Can you rip Mortal Kombat: Special Forces from PS, please? :)

I might look into it if I have the time.

10-13-2011, 03:09 PM
I might look into it if I have the time.
Thanks! I was late for 1 minute)

10-13-2011, 03:11 PM

Infernus Animositas
10-14-2011, 10:20 AM
Since I don't have a PSP, I can't rip Super Robot Wars Z2 Hakai-Hen as the files are encrypted. So I guess that means I'll take the Mortal Kombat: Special Forces instead.

10-14-2011, 10:27 AM
Since I don't have a PSP, I can't rip Super Robot Wars Z2 Hakai-Hen as the files are encrypted.
I'm a little confused by this statement. Why is PSP needed to rip, can't it be done directly from the Iso using BMS script?

EDIT: Nvm, I just ran both at3 and wav scanner BMS scripts on the Iso of the game and it detected nothing, which is unusual.
So it must be really is encrypted.

Infernus Animositas
10-14-2011, 02:05 PM
I checked for RIFF headers in all the BIN files and got nothing so yeah it's encrypted. The only way is if someone with a PSP and the homebrew Game Decrypter (v4) from Yoshihiro could give me the decrypted files.

10-14-2011, 05:27 PM
I have a PSP, so I'll get right on that.

Also, if you don't mind me asking what is most likely an obvious question, how do you loop the songs? Do you do it manually?\

Edit: Game Decrypter doesn't quite want to work with me, so nevermind. Thanks for trying.

Infernus Animositas
10-15-2011, 01:48 AM
I extract the AT3 music files which also have the sample loop data and convert them into AA3 files and the loop data is put into a .smpl file. Then when I convert the AA3 files to uncompressed WAV, I then add the data from the smpl file which contains the looping data to the WAV and it gives me an approximate area of where the song loops.

10-15-2011, 12:25 PM
Infernus Animositas, is it possible for you to re-upload the Xbox soundtrack of "The Sims", please?

Been searching everywhere for it for ages, and no luck (except your link, but it's gone). :(

Infernus Animositas
10-15-2011, 01:53 PM
Aye, I'll add it to the priority list of uploads :)

10-15-2011, 02:16 PM
Aye, I'll add it to the priority list of uploads :)

Awesome, thank you very much. :D

10-15-2011, 04:58 PM
Anyone knows if those games became rippable?
- Resistance 2
- Condemned 2: Bloodshoot
- Heavenly Sword
The format they use was unrippable, but maybe something changed those few years, as ppl forgot about those games these days.

The Jedi Guardian
10-15-2011, 05:28 PM
Earlier thissummer i requested infamous 2. Is anyone still working on it? Thanks for any help

10-15-2011, 06:59 PM
you can rip Dragon Ball - Raging Blast (Xbox 360) and Dragon Ball - Raging Blast 2 (Xbox 360) ? please jeje . thanks

10-15-2011, 07:24 PM
you can rip Dragon Ball - Raging Blast (Xbox 360) and Dragon Ball - Raging Blast 2 (Xbox 360) ? please jeje . thanks

I don�t get it!
Infernus just said that just a few posts ago.
Why always ask when you can read?

10-15-2011, 08:20 PM
where's oj?

10-16-2011, 01:24 AM
I don�t get it!
Infernus just said that just a few posts ago.
Why always ask when you can read?

I ask because I want to make the attempt, any problem?

Infernus Animositas
10-16-2011, 02:58 AM
Yes I will be uploading Dragon Ball: Raging Blast and Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2.

10-16-2011, 03:12 AM
Well i know most of you are anxious for my next update so let me give you a list of whats to come. :)

Gears Of War 3
X-Men Destiny
Spider Man - Edge Of Time
Batman - Arkham City

Infernus Animositas
10-16-2011, 04:04 AM
Barnaby is working on Infamous 2 I believe and he's finished ripping Resistance 2 but still needs to upload it.

OJ didn't rip Heavenly Sword apparently, so I might take a look into it :)

10-16-2011, 05:35 AM
Well i know most of you are anxious for my next update so let me give you a list of whats to come. :)

Gears Of War 3



10-16-2011, 03:56 PM
I am indeed working on inFamous 2 and Resistance 2 but have no internet at all. It's horrid I know. If you so wish OJ you can set my folder to public. I'm not sure when my broadband will get fixed I just hope its soon, it's beyond a joke now. Sorry for the inconvenience guys :/

10-16-2011, 06:30 PM
Barnaby is working on Infamous 2 I believe and he's finished ripping Resistance 2 but still needs to upload it.

OJ didn't rip Heavenly Sword apparently, so I might take a look into it :)
heavenly sword uses layered music (like dead space) and all tracks are in at3 32khz =(

10-16-2011, 06:33 PM
I've been waiting for the Gears 3 one for the longest. And Halo ODST is also another I wanna hear! So, uhmm...O.J. May I, can I, should I ask?...Can we expect these to come out...soon, maybe? :D

Infernus Animositas
10-16-2011, 06:52 PM
heavenly sword uses layered music (like dead space) and all tracks are in at3 32khz =(

I was told it used RAW PCM from OJ.

Joshua Fireseed
10-16-2011, 06:53 PM
Well i know most of you are anxious for my next update so let me give you a list of whats to come. :)

Gears Of War 3

10-16-2011, 06:59 PM
Heavenly Sword uses IMA ADPCM 32khz

10-16-2011, 07:05 PM

10-17-2011, 04:33 AM
OrangeC, I don't know if you're still working on Scott Pilgrim: the Game anymore or not, but I have some input for it. First off, the end credits sequence in the game has a nice medley over it, and I'd love it to be included. Secondly, there are at least two tracks which sound like staticky noise garbage (Subspace), so be careful to not disregard them. Lastly, the Knives DLC adds one new song for its new Boss Rush mode, and it's unlikely we'll get a line-in rip of it since other musics are playing as well.

Thanks for reading.

Just re-posting this for posterity. See you in a month or so!

10-18-2011, 04:01 AM
Just re-posting this for posterity. See you in a month or so!

ummm.... not to sound rude but im pretty sure this will just cause orange to not rip this game with your impatience. we've all had to wait for something we like in here, so just have patience.

Infernus Animositas
10-18-2011, 01:26 PM
Sadly R.U.S.E. - The Art Of Deception is unrippable as far as I know. I tried both the 360 and PC versions but to no avail.

10-18-2011, 06:27 PM
Sadly R.U.S.E. - The Art Of Deception is unrippable as far as I know. I tried both the 360 and PC versions but to no avail.

did u try the PS3 version?

10-18-2011, 06:35 PM
All versions use the same the same bigfiles which are unfortunately not rippable.

10-19-2011, 01:59 AM
I see.

10-19-2011, 02:21 AM
Oh,what a pity!

10-20-2011, 02:49 AM
Can I request a gamerip for Batman: Arkham City from the PS3/Xbox360?

10-20-2011, 02:52 AM
Working on that one but its very complex. I hate the WWise audio system.

10-20-2011, 02:52 AM
Batman - Arkham City

The Jedi Guardian
10-20-2011, 05:30 AM
Thanks firebolt.

Thabks barnaby, i just didnt know whats going on.

Infernus Animositas
10-20-2011, 06:11 AM

Platform: PC
Tracks: 199
Composer/s: Game Audio Factory

5% recovery record added to the archives.

Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Part 4 (
Part 5 (

Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (

Platform: Wii
Tracks: 235
Composer/s: Gaijin Games

5% recovery record added to the archives.

Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Part 4 (

Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (

Platform: PC
Tracks: 114
Composer: Wojciech Blazejczyk

5% recovery record added to the archives.

Part 01 (
Part 02 (
Part 03 (
Part 04 (
Part 05 (
Part 06 (
Part 07 (
Part 08 (
Part 09 (
Part 10 (
Part 11 (
Part 12 (
Part 13 (
Part 14 (

Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Part 4 (

Platform: PC
Tracks: 22
Composer/s: Andy Blythe, Marten Joustra, Patrick Collins & Randy Newman

5% recovery record added to the archives.

Part 1 (
Part 2 (

Toy Story (

Platform: PC
Tracks: 21
Composer: Carl Sagan's Ghost

5% recovery record added to the archives.

This game does have an official soundtrack (, please support the official release :)

Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (

Part 1 (
Part 2 (

10-20-2011, 06:34 AM
thanks man!

10-20-2011, 07:04 PM
Nice, Infernus!

10-22-2011, 05:04 AM

F-ZERO GX / エフゼロ ジーエックス | Gamecube

Composers: Hidenori Shoji, Daiki Kasho, Alan Brey

Quality: 44.1khz | Cutscenes - 24khz
Genre: Rock, Techno, Electronic

Tracks: 136
Size: 1.77 GB

Nice music all though I know most of you probably have a rip of the game. This rip offers audio cutscenes from the game. Sadly there's some good music in the cutscenes which never came to the game's soundtrack. Please note that I've tried my best to output the songs with their last laps accordingly to the soundtrack so it should sound identical. I only looped final lap in the Race Track songs with the exception of the Story Tracks which have no final lap songs.

Its worth noticing that track "003 - Garage" sounds a bit different from the official soundtrack "Disc 2 track 17 Feather (customize)". I'd assume because of compression it may have have altered the song a bit.

001.Hidenori Shoji - Title Screen (02:52)
002.Hidenori Shoji - Main Menu (01:44)
003.Hidenori Shoji - Garage (02:33)
004.Hidenori Shoji - F-ZERO Shop (01:22)
005.Hidenori Shoji - Options (01:31)
006.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Prologue - Black Shadow's Disgrace (01:09)
007.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Captain Falcon Trains (00:49)
008.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Simulation Mode Complete (00:24)
009.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Goroh The Vengeful Samurai (01:02)
010.Hidenori Shoji - Course View - Story (00:07)
011.Hidenori Shoji - Red Canyon (02:41)
012.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Goroh's Cry (00:14)
013.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ High Stakes In Mute City (01:15)
014.Hidenori Shoji - Casino Palace (02:51)
015.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Havoc Alert (00:16)
016.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Challenge of the Bloody Chain (00:29)
017.Hidenori Shoji - Night of Big Blue (03:34)
018.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Thugged Out (00:18)
019.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Save Jody! (00:44)
020.Hidenori Shoji - Lightning (02:35)
021.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ New Threat (00:25)
022.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Black Shadow's Trap (01:06)
023.Hidenori Shoji - Time for Kill (03:19)
024.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Chapter 6 End - Black Shadow's Trap (00:13)
025.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ F-ZERO Grand Prix (01:02)
026.Hidenori Shoji - Mute City (02:17)
027.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Grand Prix Ceremony (01:00)
028.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Secrets of the Champion Belt (01:12)
029.Hidenori Shoji - Underworld (03:26)
030.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Underworld Champion (00:33)
031.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Enter the Creators (01:09)
032.Hidenori Shoji - Phantom Road (02:59)
033.Hidenori Shoji - Cutscene ~ Epilogue (03:05)
034.Hidenori Shoji - Staff Roll (04:38)
035.Hidenori Shoji - Course View - Grand Prix (00:15)
036.Hidenori Shoji - Sand Ocean (03:15)
037.Hidenori Shoji - Aeropolis (03:57)
038.Hidenori Shoji - Big Blue (03:32)
039.Hidenori Shoji - Green Plant (02:24)
040.Hidenori Shoji - Port Town (03:42)
041.Hidenori Shoji - Fire Field (03:20)
042.Hidenori Shoji - Cosmo Terminal (03:13)
043.Hidenori Shoji - Outer Space (03:34)
044.Hidenori Shoji - Secret Big Blue (02:17)
045.Hidenori Shoji - Secret Mute City (01:46)
046.Hidenori Shoji - Race Results (01:45)
047.Hidenori Shoji - Replay (03:21)
048.Hidenori Shoji - Victory Lap (03:42)
049.Hidenori Shoji - F-ZERO T.V. Interview (00:50)
050.Hidenori Shoji - F-ZERO T.V. End Broadcast (00:10)
051.Hidenori Shoji - Mission Clear (00:02)
052.Hidenori Shoji - Retired (00:07)
053.Hidenori Shoji - Game Over (00:07)
054.Hidenori Shoji - Racer Profile (01:36)
055.Daiki Kasho - Captain Falcon (03:20)
056.Daiki Kasho - Dr. Stewart (03:26)
057.Daiki Kasho - Pico (03:32)
058.Daiki Kasho - Samurai Goroh (01:42)
059.Daiki Kasho - Jody Summer (02:22)
060.Daiki Kasho - Mighty Gazelle (02:32)
061.Daiki Kasho - Baba (03:21)
062.Daiki Kasho - Octoman (02:28)
063.Daiki Kasho - Dr. Clash (02:27)
064.Daiki Kasho - Mr. EAD (04:08)
065.Daiki Kasho - Bio Rex (03:06)
066.Daiki Kasho - Billy (02:11)
067.Daiki Kasho - Silver Neelsen (02:18)
068.Daiki Kasho - Gomar & Shioh (03:10)
069.Daiki Kasho - John Tanaka (04:31)
070.Daiki Kasho, Alan Brey - Mrs. Arrow (03:31)
071.Daiki Kasho - Blood Falcon (04:08)
072.Daiki Kasho, Alan Brey - Jack Levin (03:20)
073.Daiki Kasho - James McCloud (02:05)
074.Daiki Kasho - Zoda (02:26)
075.Daiki Kasho - Michael Chain (01:46)
076.Daiki Kasho - Super Arrow (03:02)
077.Daiki Kasho - Kate Allen (02:28)
078.Daiki Kasho - Roger Buster (04:13)
079.Daiki Kasho - Leon (02:17)
080.Daiki Kasho - Draq (01:40)
081.Daiki Kasho - Beastman (03:42)
082.Daiki Kasho - Antonio Guster (02:50)
083.Daiki Kasho - Black Shadow (03:28)
084.Daiki Kasho - The Skull (03:13)
085.Daiki Kasho - DeathBorn (03:08)
086.Daiki Kasho - Phoenix (04:41)
087.Daiki Kasho - Digi-Boy (04:25)
088.Daiki Kasho - Dai San Gen (02:34)
089.Daiki Kasho - Spade (02:28)
090.Daiki Kasho - Daigoroh (03:39)
091.Daiki Kasho, Alan Brey - Princia Ramode (02:38)
092.Daiki Kasho - Llly Flyer (01:51)
093.Daiki Kasho - PJ (02:06)
094.Daiki Kasho - QQQ (01:50)
095.Daiki Kasho - Don Genie (02:17)
096.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Captain Falcon (00:36)
097.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Dr. Stewart (00:36)
098.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Pico (00:36)
099.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Samurai Goroh (00:36)
100.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Jody Summer (00:36)
101.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Mighty Gazelle (00:36)
102.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Baba (00:36)
103.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Octoman (00:36)
104.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Dr. Clash (00:36)
105.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Mr. EAD (00:36)
106.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Bio Rex (00:36)
107.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Billy (00:36)
108.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Gomar & Shioh (00:36)
109.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Silver Neelsen (00:36)
110.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ John Tanaka (00:36)
111.Daiki Kasho, Alan Brey - Cutscene ~ Mrs. Arrow (00:34)
112.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Blood Falcon (00:30)
113.Daiki Kasho, Alan Brey - Cutscene ~ Jack Levin (00:36)
114.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ James McCloud (00:36)
115.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Zoda (00:36)
116.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Michael Chain (00:36)
117.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Super Arrow (00:36)
118.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Kate Alen (00:36)
119.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Roger Buster (00:36)
120.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Leon (00:36)
121.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Draq (00:36)
122.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Beastman (00:36)
123.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Antonio Guster (00:32)
124.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Black Shadow (00:36)
125.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ The Skull (00:36)
126.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ DeathBorn (00:36)
127.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Phoenix (00:36)
128.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Digi-Boy (00:36)
129.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Dai San Gen (00:36)
130.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Spade (00:36)
131.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Daigoroh (00:36)
132.Daiki Kasho, Alan Brey - Cutscene ~ Princia Ramode (00:36)
133.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Lily Flyer (00:32)
134.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ PJ (00:36)
135.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ QQQ (00:36)
136.Daiki Kasho - Cutscene ~ Don Genie (00:36)

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Walt Disney World Quest Magical Racing Tour | PSX

Composer: Jim Hedges

Quality: 37.8khz
Genre: Orchestra, Tribal, Rock, Techno, Electronic

Tracks: 15
Size: 216 MB

01.Jim Hedges - Story of Disney's Firework Machine (01:37)
02.Jim Hedges - Big Thunder Railroad Mountain (02:44)
03.Jim Hedges - Jungle Cruise (01:47)
04.Jim Hedges - Dinosaur (03:19)
05.Jim Hedges - Pirates of the Caribbean (01:58)
06.Jim Hedges - Haunted Mansion (03:01)
07.Jim Hedges - Blizzard Beach (04:10)
08.Jim Hedges - Rock 'n' Rollercoaster (02:12)
09.Jim Hedges - Test Track (01:29)
10.Jim Hedges - Space Mountain (02:40)
11.Jim Hedges - Typhoon Lagoon (02:30)
12.Jim Hedges - MGM-Studios (01:47)
13.Jim Hedges - Splash Mountain (01:59)
14.Jim Hedges - Tomorrow Land Speedway (02:46)
15.Jim Hedges - Credits (01:36)

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New Super Mario Bros. / New スーパーマリオブラザーズ | DS

Composer: Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai

Quality: 44.1khz
Genre: Chiptune

Tracks: 81
Size: 393 MB

This was ripped using the unofficial vio2sf 0.23. So it provides some insrumentation fixes.

01.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Title Screen (00:43)
02.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Cutscene ~ Stroll Around the Castle (00:26)
03.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - The Mushroom Plains - World 1 (00:41)
04.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Walking the Plains (02:55)
05.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - In the Underground (02:05)
06.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - The Mushroom Waltz (02:42)
07.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Item House (01:40)
08.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Tower (01:39)
09.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Boss: Bowser Jr. (Tower) (01:05)
10.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Tiny Mushroom (01:03)
11.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Mega Mushroom (00:29)
12.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Underwater (01:25)
13.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Castle (01:37)
14.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Boss: Bowser Jr. (Castle) (01:22)
15.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - The Desert - World 2 (00:48)
16.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Walking the Hot Desert (01:35)
17.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - The Beach - World 3 (01:24)
18.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Fun at the Beach (01:20)
19.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Haunted Mansion (01:47)
20.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - The Woods - World 4 (00:49)
21.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - The Snow Plains - World 5 (00:43)
22.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - The Canyon - World 6 (00:57)
23.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - The Clouds - World 7 (01:17)
24.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - The Bowser Badlands - World 8 (00:51)
25.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Flowing Lava (01:18)
26.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Final Boss: Reborn Bowser (01:24)
27.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Bowser Defeated (00:08)
28.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - After the Battle (00:13)
29.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Credits (05:04)
30.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Starman (00:52)
31.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Hurry! (00:22)
32.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - All Items Obtained (00:03)
33.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Boss Defeated (00:04)
34.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Level Complete (00:04)
35.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Level Complete (NES/Famicom ver.) (00:07)
36.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Failure (00:04)
37.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Game Over (00:05)
38.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Minigame & Vs. Menu (01:27)
39.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - The Plains - Vs. Mode (01:29)
40.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - The Snow Plains - Vs. Mode (02:21)
41.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Vs. Match Lose (00:04)
42.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Vs. Lose (00:05)
43.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Vs. Win (00:05)
44.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Vs. Results Screen (00:45)
45.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Minigame Select (01:54)
46.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Minigame Rules (01:38)
47.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Ballon Racing - Minigame (00:52)
48.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Danger! Bom-omb! Danger! - Minigame (01:22)
49.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Lakitu Launch - Minigame (01:09)
50.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Puzzle Panel - Minigame (02:35)
51.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Loves Me... - Minigame (01:30)
52.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Whack-a-Monty - Minigame (01:19)
53.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Bomb-omb Squad - Minigame (01:35)
54.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Mario Slide's - Minigame (00:29)
55.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Table Minigames (02:03)
56.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Card Game Win (00:04)
57.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Trampoline Time - Minigame (03:01)
58.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Bomb-omb Reverse - Minigame (01:51)
59.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Which Wiggler? - Minigame (02:24)
60.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Snowball Slalom - Minigame (03:08)
61.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Perfect (00:04)
62.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Minigame Clear (00:03)
63.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Minigame Draw (00:03)
64.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Minigame Game Over (00:03)
65.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Minigame High Score (00:04)
66.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Minigame Tie (00:03)
67.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Minigame Lose (00:04)
68.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Vs. Decision - A (00:04)
69.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Vs. Decision - B (00:03)
70.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Vs. Shuffle - A (00:05)
71.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Vs. Shuffle - B (00:04)
72.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Minigame Results (01:17)
73.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Minigame Vs. Final Results - Draw (00:04)
74.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Minigame Vs. Final Results - Lose (00:06)
75.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Minigame Vs. Final Results - Win (00:06)
76.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Credits 2 (02:12)
77.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Cave Ambience (00:11)
78.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - River Ambience (00:11)
79.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Castle Ambience (00:11)
80.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Castle Ambience (00:11)
81.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Water Ambience (00:11)
82.Asuka Ota, Hajime Wakai - Wind Ambience (00:11)

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New Super Mario Bros. Wii / New スーパーマリオブラザーズ Wii | Wii

Composer: Shiho Fujii, Ryo Nagamatsu, Kenta Nagata

Quality: 32khz
Genre: Orchestra, Tribal, Synthesizer

Tracks: 105
Size: 835 MB

001.Shiho Fujii - Disc Channel (00:08)
002.Shiho Fujii - Title Screen (01:29)
003.Shiho Fujii - Menu (00:52)
004.Shiho Fujii - Opening - Peach's Birthday (00:56)
005.Shiho Fujii - World 1: Grasslands (01:06)
006.Shiho Fujii - Overworld (02:58)
007.Shiho Fujii - Course Clear (00:04)
008.Shiho Fujii - Underground (02:10)
009.Shiho Fujii - Course Clear (NES ver.) (00:07)
010.Shiho Fujii - Tower (01:50)
011.Shiho Fujii - Tower Boss (01:37)
012.Shiho Fujii - Boss: Tower - Clear (00:05)
013.Shiho Fujii - Castle (02:43)
014.Shiho Fujii - Boss: Koopaling (02:33)
015.Shiho Fujii - Boss: Koopaling - Clear (00:05)
016.Shiho Fujii - Peach is In Another Castle (00:08)
017.Shiho Fujii - Victory (00:05)
018.Shiho Fujii - Peach's Castle (02:15)
019.Shiho Fujii - World 2: Desert (02:25)
020.Shiho Fujii - Sand Dunes (02:07)
021.Shiho Fujii - World 3: Tundra Fields (00:59)
022.Shiho Fujii - Snow Peaks (02:58)
023.Shiho Fujii - Bonus Area (01:11)
024.Shiho Fujii - World 4: Ocean (01:52)
025.Shiho Fujii - Beach (01:46)
026.Shiho Fujii - Underwater (01:38)
027.Shiho Fujii - World 5: Jungle (01:27)
028.Shiho Fujii - Grove (02:10)
029.Shiho Fujii - Haunted House (02:36)
030.Shiho Fujii - World 6: Canyon (01:30)
031.Shiho Fujii - Athletic (02:44)
032.Shiho Fujii - World 7: Sky Clouds (02:11)
033.Shiho Fujii - Airship Armada (02:47)
034.Shiho Fujii - Airship Passage (02:45)
035.Shiho Fujii - Boss: Bowser Jr. (01:28)
036.Shiho Fujii - Airship Clear (00:07)
037.Shiho Fujii - World 8: Bowser's Domain (02:05)
038.Shiho Fujii - Volcano (03:02)
039.Shiho Fujii - Magma Pit (01:39)
040.Shiho Fujii - Last Castle Appears (00:14)
041.Shiho Fujii - Bowser's Lair (00:36)
042.Shiho Fujii - Boss: King Bowser (02:07)
043.Shiho Fujii - Final Boss: MEGA Bowser (01:31)
044.Shiho Fujii - Final Boss Clear (00:13)
045.Shiho Fujii - Thank You Mario! (01:03)
046.Shiho Fujii - Ending - Ordinary Plumber's Day (01:06)
047.Shiho Fujii - Staff Credits (03:33)
048.Shiho Fujii - World 9: Rainbow World (01:30)
049.Shiho Fujii - Star Power (00:27)
050.Shiho Fujii - Battle (01:35)
051.Shiho Fujii - Battle - Fanfare (00:03)
052.Shiho Fujii - Minigame (01:42)
053.Shiho Fujii - Minigame - Bad (00:02)
054.Shiho Fujii - Minigame - Good (00:02)
055.Shiho Fujii - Multiplayer Failure (00:04)
056.Shiho Fujii - Multiplayer Results (00:46)
057.Shiho Fujii - Lose (00:02)
058.Shiho Fujii - Lose - Multiplayer (00:02)
059.Shiho Fujii - Lose - All Bubbles (00:02)
060.Shiho Fujii - Game Over (00:07)
061.Shiho Fujii - Switch (00:40)
062.Shiho Fujii - Cheep Fanfare (00:02)
063.Shiho Fujii - Star Coin Collected (00:02)
064.Shiho Fujii - All-Star Coins Collected (00:03)
065.Shiho Fujii - 5 Stars Completed (00:03)
066.Shiho Fujii - Overworld (Fast Ver.) (02:29)
067.Shiho Fujii - Underground (Fast Ver.) (01:50)
068.Shiho Fujii - Tower (Fast Ver.) (01:33)
069.Shiho Fujii - Boss: Tower (Fast Ver.) (01:23)
070.Shiho Fujii - Castle (Fast Ver.) (02:29)
071.Shiho Fujii - Boss: Koopaling (Fast Ver.) (02:11)
072.Shiho Fujii - Sand Dunes (Fast Ver.) (01:53)
073.Shiho Fujii - Snow Peaks (Fast Ver.) (02:29)
074.Shiho Fujii - Beach (Fast Ver.) (01:38)
075.Shiho Fujii - Underwater (Fast Ver.) (01:27)
076.Shiho Fujii - Grove (Fast Ver.) (01:49)
077.Shiho Fujii - Haunted House (Fast Ver.) (01:52)
078.Shiho Fujii - Athletic (Fast Ver.) (02:18)
079.Shiho Fujii - Airship Armada (Fast Ver.) (02:24)
080.Shiho Fujii - Airship Passage (Fast Ver.) (02:22)
081.Shiho Fujii - Boss: Bowser Jr. (Fast Ver.) (01:24)
082.Shiho Fujii - Magma Pit (Fast Ver.) (01:13)
083.Shiho Fujii - Volcano (Fast Ver.) (02:33)
084.Shiho Fujii - Bowser's Lair (Fast Ver.) (00:30)
085.Shiho Fujii - Boss: King Bowser (Fast Ver.) (01:51)
086.Shiho Fujii - Final Boss: MEGA Bowser (Fast Ver.) (01:13)
087.Shiho Fujii - Star Power (Fast Ver.) (00:24)
088.Shiho Fujii - Bonus Area (Fast Ver.) (01:03)
089.Shiho Fujii - Menu 2 (00:52)
090.Shiho Fujii - Menu 3 (00:52)
091.Shiho Fujii - Menu (Original) (00:52)
092.Shiho Fujii - Overworld - Yoshi (02:58)
093.Shiho Fujii - Underground - Yoshi (02:10)
094.Shiho Fujii - Sand Dunes - Yoshi (02:07)
095.Shiho Fujii - Snow Peaks - Yoshi (02:58)
096.Shiho Fujii - Bonus Area - Yoshi (01:11)
097.Shiho Fujii - Beach - Yoshi (01:46)
098.Shiho Fujii - Star Power - Yoshi (00:27)
099.Shiho Fujii - Overworld - Yoshi (Fast Ver.) (02:29)
100.Shiho Fujii - Underground - Yoshi (Fast Ver.) (01:50)
101.Shiho Fujii - Sand Dunes - Yoshi (Fast Ver.) (01:53)
102.Shiho Fujii - Snow Peaks - Yoshi (Fast Ver.) (02:29)
103.Shiho Fujii - Beach - Yoshi (Fast Ver.) (01:38)
104.Shiho Fujii - Star Power - Yoshi (Fast Ver.) (00:24)
105.Shiho Fujii - Bonus Area - Yoshi (Fast Ver.) (01:03)

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Mario Hoops 3 on 3 / マリオバスケ 3on3 | DS

Composer: Masayoshi Soken

Quality: 22khz - 44.1khz
Genre: Orchestra, Jazz, Rock, Techno, Industrial, Electronic, Pop

Tracks: 32
Size: 272 MB

Excellent music! One of my favorite Mario Soundtracks. Bowser's Castle, in this game, sounds to me one of the best versions yet to date. The rock somehow just works with Bowser :)

01.Masayoshi Soken - Menu (01:46)
02.Masayoshi Soken - Options (00:37)
03.Masayoshi Soken - Ranking (00:36)
04.Masayoshi Soken - Character Select (01:38)
05.Masayoshi Soken - How to Play (01:06)
06.Masayoshi Soken - Let's Try! (00:39)
07.Masayoshi Soken - Mario Stadium (01:42)
08.Masayoshi Soken - Koopa Troopa Beach (02:10)
09.Masayoshi Soken - Peach Country (02:10)
10.Masayoshi Soken - Donkey Cruise (03:02)
11.Masayoshi Soken - Luigi's Mansion (01:33)
12.Masayoshi Soken - Wario Factory (03:02)
13.Masayoshi Soken - Jr. Street (02:20)
14.Masayoshi Soken - Daisy Garden (01:52)
15.Masayoshi Soken - Bowser Castle (02:16)
16.Masayoshi Soken - Sherbet Land (02:41)
17.Masayoshi Soken - Bloocheep Ocean (01:51)
18.Masayoshi Soken - Marlboro Garden (02:08)
19.Masayoshi Soken - Pirate Ship (01:58)
20.Masayoshi Soken - Theme of Airship (00:51)
21.Masayoshi Soken - Rainbow Ship (01:51)
22.Masayoshi Soken - Congratulations! (00:34)
23.Masayoshi Soken - Ending Theme (Credits) (03:19)
24.Masayoshi Soken - Match Win (00:08)
25.Masayoshi Soken - Match Lose (00:06)
26.Masayoshi Soken - Menu - Download & Play (00:23)
27.Masayoshi Soken - Waiting - Download & Play (00:36)
28.Masayoshi Soken - Coin Hunter (02:22)
29.Masayoshi Soken - Coin Hunter - Win (00:06)
30.Masayoshi Soken - Coin Hunter - Lose (00:05)
31.Masayoshi Soken - Tournament (00:41)
32.Masayoshi Soken - Trophy Awarded (00:21)

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Mario Sports Mix / マリオスポーツミックス | Wii

Composer: Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka

Quality: 32khz - 44.1khz
Genre: Orchestra, Jazz, Rock, Island

Tracks: 137
Size: 1.33 GB

For the Harmony Hustle Songs the songs are multi-layered into 3 streams. So I combined all three accordingly to get the complete song output. However its still missing some intruments which you will notice from the samples. As I've mentioned before, the only thing I could find in the iso were this small kilobyte files called mus that are labeled according to all 12 songs. My guess is that these are sequenced and are therefore not playable.

But that does not mean that they sound terrible, the songs are great but some of them, such as the chocobo and rock ones, sound a bit out-of-sync. Other than that, very nice orchestrated songs and there is a lot.

001.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Disc Channel (00:05)
002.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Title Screen (00:19)
003.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Main Menu (01:38)
004.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Record Book (01:56)
005.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Settings (01:33)
006.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - How to Play (02:25)
007.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Tournament Intro (00:23)
008.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Mushroom Cup - Tournament (01:18)
009.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Match Intro (00:08)
010.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Mario Stadium (04:29)
011.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Koopa Troopa Beach (02:59)
012.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Peach's Castle (03:22)
013.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Luigi's Mansion (02:07)
014.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Western Junction (02:33)
015.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Flower Cup - Tournament (02:40)
016.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Toad Park (03:39)
017.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - DK Dock (03:58)
018.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Daisy Garden (02:53)
019.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Bowser Jr. Boulevard (02:40)
020.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Waluigi Pinball (03:14)
021.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Star Cup - Tournament (02:00)
022.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Wario Factory (03:32)
023.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Ghoulish Galleon (02:59)
024.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Bowser's Castle (02:26)
025.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Star Ship (03:43)
026.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Behemoth Battle (03:37)
027.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Match Lose (00:06)
028.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Match Won (00:08)
029.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Match Results (00:42)
030.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Congratulations! - Trophy Award (00:58)
031.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Party Mode (01:49)
032.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Feed Petey 1 - Party Game (04:01)
033.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Feed Petey (Bonus Time) - Party Game (00:34)
034.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Feed Petey 2 - Party Game (03:18)
035.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Harmony Hustle (03:57)
036.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Classic Ocean (02:05)
037.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Rhythm (01:21)
038.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Mario Athletic (02:07)
039.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Bloop Cheep Ocean (01:40)
040.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Pop (01:52)
041.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Punk Athletic (02:05)
042.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Punk Ocean (01:57)
043.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Beat (02:09)
044.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Island Athletic (01:55)
045.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Mushroom Mix Medley (01:58)
046.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Flower Mix Medley (01:56)
047.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Star Mix Medley (01:58)
048.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Bomb-omb Dodge 1 - Party Game (04:22)
049.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Bomb-omb Dodge 2 - Party Game (04:05)
050.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Smash Skate 1 - Party Game (03:51)
051.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Smash Skate 2 - Party Game (03:33)
052.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Starman (01:56)
053.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Starman 2 (01:04)
054.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Match Lose 2 (00:03)
055.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Match Won 2 (00:06)
056.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Matching (00:04)
057.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Event 01 (01:12)
058.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Event 02 (00:34)
059.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Event 03 (00:31)
060.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Event 04 (00:40)
061.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Event 05 (00:46)
062.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Event 08 (01:07)
063.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Event 09 (01:07)
064.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Event 10 (00:27)
065.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Event 11 (00:55)
066.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Event 12 (00:32)
067.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Event 13 (00:31)
068.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Classic Ocean - Preview (00:29)
069.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Classic Ocean - A (02:07)0
070.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Classic Ocean - B (02:07)
071.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Classic Ocean - C (02:07)
072.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Rhythm - Preview (00:29)
073.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Rhythm - A (01:21)
074.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Rhythm - B (01:21)
075.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Rhythm - C (01:21)
076.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Mario Athletic - Preview (00:29)
077.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Mario Athletic - A (02:10)
078.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Mario Athletic - B (02:10)
079.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Mario Athletic - C (02:10)
080.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Bloop Cheap Ocean - Preview (00:29)
081.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Bloop Cheap Ocean - A (01:40)
082.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Bloop Cheap Ocean - B (01:40)
083.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Bloop Cheap Ocean - C (01:40)
084.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Pop - Preview (00:29)
085.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Pop - A (01:54)
086.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Pop - B (01:54)
087.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Pop - C (01:54)
088.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Punk Athletic - Preview (00:29)
089.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Punk Athletic - A (02:08)
090.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Punk Athletic - B (02:08)
091.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Punk Athletic - C (02:08)
092.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Punk Ocean - Preview (00:29)
093.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Punk Ocean - A (02:00)
094.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Punk Ocean - B (02:00)
095.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Punk Ocean - C (02:00)
096.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Beat - Preview (00:29)
097.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Beat - A (02:09)
098.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Beat - B (02:09)
099.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Chocobo Beat - C (02:09)
100.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Island Athletic - (00:29)
101.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Island Athletic - A (02:00)
102.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Island Athletic - B (02:00)
103.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Island Athletic - C (02:00)
104.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Mushroom Mix Medley - Preview (00:29)
105.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Mushroom Mix Medley - A (02:01)
106.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Mushroom Mix Medley - B (02:01)
107.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Mushroom Mix Medley - C (02:01)
108.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Flower Mix Medley - Preview (00:29)
109.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Flower Mix Medley - A (02:00)
110.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Flower Mix Medley - B (02:00)
111.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Flower Mix Medley - C (02:00)
112.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Star Mix Medley - Preview (00:29)
113.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Star Mix Medley - A (02:01)
114.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Star Mix Medley - B (02:01)
115.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Star Mix Medley - C (02:01)
116.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Mario Stadium (Fast Ver.) (03:30)
117.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Koopa Troopa Beach (Fast Ver.) (02:09)
118.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Peach's Castle (Fast Ver.) (02:27)
119.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Luigi's Mansion (Fast Ver.) (01:32)
120.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Western Junction (Fast Ver.) (01:55)
121.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Toad Park (Fast Ver.) (02:30)
122.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - DK Dock (Fast Ver.) (02:13)
123.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Daisy Garden (Fast Ver.) (01:53)
124.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Bowser Jr. Boulevard (Fast Ver.) (01:56)
125.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Waluigi Pinball (Fast Ver.) (02:18)
126.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Wario Factory (Fast Ver.) (02:17)
127.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Ghoulish Galleon (Fast Ver.) (02:11)
128.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Bowser's Castle (Fast Ver.) (01:55)
129.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Star Ship (Fast Ver.) (02:48)
130.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Behemoth Battle (Fast Ver.) (02:43)
131.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Feed Petey 1 (Fast Ver.) - Party Game (02:52)
132.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Feed Petey 2 (Fast Ver.) - Party Game (03:05)
133.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Harmony Hustle (Fast Ver.) - Party Game (02:44)
134.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Bomb-omb Dodge 1 (Fast Ver.) - Party Game (03:21)
135.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Bomb-omb Dodge 2 (Fast Ver.) - Party Game (02:58)
136.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Smash Skate 1 (Fast Ver.) - Party Game (02:27)
137.Masayoshi Soken, Kumi Tanioka - Smash Skate 2 (Fast Ver.) - Party Game (02:43)

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Sonic Colors / ソニック カラーズ | Wii

Composer: Tomoya Ohtani, Fumie Kumatani, Kenichi Tokoi, Naofumi Hataya, Hideaki Kobayashi, Mariko Nanba, Yukifumi Makino

Quality: 48khz | Cutscenes: 32khz - 48khz
Genre: Orchestra, Techno, Synthesizer, Rock, Chiptune

Tracks: 142
Size: 1.54 GB

Includes Cutscenes from the game.

001.Tomoya Ohtani - Disc Channel (00:07)
002.Tomoya Ohtani - SEGA (00:02)
003.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Opening - Reach for the Stars (Short ver.) (01:33)
004.Tomoya Ohtani - Title Screen (02:28)
005.Tomoya Ohtani - Save Screen (01:00)
006.Tomoya Ohtani - Option Screen (01:19)
007.Tomoya Ohtani - World Map (01:00)
008.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Welcome to Eggman's... Amusement Park (02:37)
009.Tomoya Ohtani - Tropical Resort - Act 1 (02:26)
010.Tomoya Ohtani - Area - Tropical Resort (01:57)
011.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Tail's Translator (01:03)
012.Tomoya Ohtani - Tropical Resort - Act 2 (02:15)
013.Tomoya Ohtani - Tropical Resort - Act 3 (01:31)
014.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Dr. Eggman Appears (01:44)
015.Tomoya Ohtani - Boss: Rotatron (01:50)
016.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Yacker's Plea (01:44)
017.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Robot's Lost & Found (00:43)
018.Tomoya Ohtani - Area - Sweet Mountain (02:17)
019.Tomoya Ohtani - Sweet Mountain - Act 1 (02:04)
020.Tomoya Ohtani - Sweet Mountain - Act 2 (01:40)
021.Tomoya Ohtani - Sweet Mountain - Act 3 (03:16)
022.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Sugar Armada Appears (00:54)
023.Tomoya Ohtani - Boss: Captain Jelly (02:49)
024.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Any More Limmericks? (01:38)
025.Tomoya Ohtani - Area - Starlight Carnival (02:59)
026.Tomoya Ohtani - Starlight Carnival - Act 1 (02:10)
027.Tomoya Ohtani - Starlight Carnival - Act 2 (01:43)
028.Tomoya Ohtani - Starlight Carnival - Act 3 (01:48)
029.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Mind-Controlled (02:25)
030.Tomoya Ohtani - Boss: Orcan (01:48)
031.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ More Info From Yacker (01:28)
032.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Eggman's Ambition (01:33)
033.Tomoya Ohtani - Area - Planet Wisp (02:40)
034.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Wisps Homeworld (01:37)
035.Tomoya Ohtani - Planet Wisp - Act 1 (02:48)
036.Tomoya Ohtani - Planet Wisp - Act 2 (02:40)
037.Tomoya Ohtani - Planet Wisp - Act 3 (02:08)
038.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Refreshinator Appears (01:05)
039.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Inanimate Talker (00:43)
040.Tomoya Ohtani - Area - Aquarium Park (02:22)
041.Tomoya Ohtani - Aquarium Park - Act 1 (02:21)
042.Tomoya Ohtani - Aquarium Park - Act 2 (02:22)0
043.Tomoya Ohtani - Aquarium Park - Act 3 (01:59)
044.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Admiral Jelly Appears (00:51)
045.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ The Bucket O' Sushi Verdict (00:24)
046.Tomoya Ohtani - Area - Asteroid Coaster (02:33)
047.Tomoya Ohtani - Asteroid Coaster - Act 1 (02:11)
048.Tomoya Ohtani - Asteroid Coaster - Act 2 (02:18)
049.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Nega-Wisp Factory (00:55)
050.Tomoya Ohtani - Asteroid Coaster - Act 3 (02:45)
051.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Skullian Appears (00:44)
052.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Free From the Nega-Wisp Factory (00:48)
053.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Let's Go Home (01:27)
054.Tomoya Ohtani - Area - Terminal Velocity (01:31)
055.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Eggman's Last Plan (03:07)
056.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ I've Got A Bad Feeling (00:39)
057.Tomoya Ohtani - Terminal Velocity - Act 1 (02:21)
058.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ The Nega-Wisp Armor (01:23)
059.Tomoya Ohtani - Final Boss: Nega-Wisp Armor (Pt.1) (04:11)
060.Tomoya Ohtani - Reach for the Stars (Orchestra) - Final Boss: Nega-Wisp Armor (Pt.2) (03:28)
061.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Your Safety Is Our #1 Priority (00:24)
062.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ The Core (00:36)
063.Tomoya Ohtani - Terminal Velocity - Act 2 (00:32)
064.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Yacker's Goodbye (02:39)
065.Tomoya Ohtani - Speak With Your Heart - Ending Theme (04:52)
066.Tomoya Ohtani - Reach for the Stars - Opening Theme (04:03)
067.Tomoya Ohtani - Theme of Sonic Colors (04:40)
068.Tomoya Ohtani - Cutscene ~ Idiots In Space (00:58)
069.Tomoya Ohtani - Stage Clear (00:09)
070.Tomoya Ohtani - Boss Stage Clear (00:10)
071.Tomoya Ohtani - Result Screen (00:56)
072.Tomoya Ohtani - Super Sonic (00:28)
073.Tomoya Ohtani - Out of Breath (00:14)
074.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Over (00:29)
075.Tomoya Ohtani - Color Power - Cyan Laser (00:18)
076.Tomoya Ohtani - Color Power - Yellow Drill (00:15)
077.Tomoya Ohtani - Color Power - Green Hover (00:24)
078.Tomoya Ohtani - Color Power - Blue Cube (00:27)
079.Tomoya Ohtani - Color Power - Orange Rocket (00:07)
080.Tomoya Ohtani - Color Power - Pink Spikes (00:22)
081.Tomoya Ohtani - Color Power - Yellow Drill (00:23)
082.Tomoya Ohtani - Color Power - Purple Frenzy (00:14)
083.Tomoya Ohtani - Dr. Eggman's Sonic Simulator: Game Land - Title Screen (00:49)
084.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Tropical Resort (02:13)
085.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Sweet Mountain (02:00)
086.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Starlight Carnival (02:10)
087.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Planet Wisp (02:48)
088.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Aquarium Park (02:21)
089.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Asteroid Coaster (02:11)
090.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Terminal Velocity (02:27)
091.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Stage Clear (00:12)
092.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Result Screen (00:46)
093.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Out of Breath (00:23)
094.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Color Power (00:25)
095.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Color Power (United) (00:25)
096.Tomoya Ohtani - Challenge Mode (00:55)
097.Tomoya Ohtani - Challenge Mode - Results (00:44)
098.Tomoya Ohtani - United - Cyan Laser (00:17)
099.Tomoya Ohtani - United - Yellow Drill (00:15)
100.Tomoya Ohtani - United - Blue Cube (00:17)
101.Tomoya Ohtani - United - Green Hover (00:24)
102.Tomoya Ohtani - United - Orange Rocket (00:08)
103.Tomoya Ohtani - United - Pink Spikes (00:22)
104.Tomoya Ohtani - United - Yellow Drill (Underwater) (00:22)
105.Tomoya Ohtani - Starlight Carnival - Act 2 (Alt.) (01:42)
106.Tomoya Ohtani - Aquarium Park - Act 2 (Alt.) (02:15)
107.Tomoya Ohtani - Tropical Resort - Act 1 (fx) (02:26)
108.Tomoya Ohtani - Tropical Resort - Act 2 (fx) (02:15)
109.Tomoya Ohtani - Tropical Resort - Act 3 (fx) (01:31)
110.Tomoya Ohtani - Boss: Rotatron (fx) (01:50)
111.Tomoya Ohtani - Sweet Mountain - Act 1 (fx) (02:04)
112.Tomoya Ohtani - Sweet Mountain - Act 2 (fx) (01:40)
113.Tomoya Ohtani - Sweet Mountain - Act 3 (fx) (03:16)
114.Tomoya Ohtani - Boss: Captain Jelly (fx) (02:49)
115.Tomoya Ohtani - Starlight Carnival - Act 1 (fx) (02:10)
116.Tomoya Ohtani - Starlight Carnival - Act 2 (fx) (01:43)
117.Tomoya Ohtani - Starlight Carnival - Act 3 (fx) (01:48)
118.Tomoya Ohtani - Starlight Carnival - Act 2 (Alt. fx) (01:42)
119.Tomoya Ohtani - Boss: Orcan (fx) (01:48)
120.Tomoya Ohtani - Planet Wisp - Act 1 (fx) (02:48)
121.Tomoya Ohtani - Planet Wisp - Act 2 (fx) (02:40)
122.Tomoya Ohtani - Planet Wisp - Act 3 (fx) (02:08)
123.Tomoya Ohtani - Aquarium Park - Act 1 (fx) (02:21)
124.Tomoya Ohtani - Aquarium Park - Act 2 (fx) (02:22)
125.Tomoya Ohtani - Aquarium Park - Act 3 (fx) (01:59)
126.Tomoya Ohtani - Aquarium Park - Act 2 (Alt. fx) (02:15)
127.Tomoya Ohtani - Asteroid Coaster - Act 1 (fx) (02:11)
128.Tomoya Ohtani - Asteroid Coaster - Act 2 (fx) (02:18)
129.Tomoya Ohtani - Asteroid Coaster - Act 3 (fx) (02:45)
130.Tomoya Ohtani - Terminal Velocity - Act 1 (fx) (02:21)
131.Tomoya Ohtani - Final Boss: Nega-Wisp Armor (Part 1 fx) (04:11)
132.Tomoya Ohtani - Reach for the Stars (Orchestra) - Final Boss: Nega-Wisp Armor (Part 2 fx) (03:28)
133.Tomoya Ohtani - Teminal Velocity - Act 2 (fx) (00:32)
134.Tomoya Ohtani - Teminal Velocity - Act 1 (Alt. fx) (02:24)
135.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Tropical Resort (fx) (02:13)
136.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Sweet Mountain (fx) (02:00)
137.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Starlight Carnival (fx) (02:10)
138.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Planet Wisp (fx) (02:48)
139.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Aquarium Park (fx) (02:21)
140.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Asteroid Coaster (fx) (02:11)
141.Tomoya Ohtani - Game Land - Terminal Velocity (fx) (02:27)
142.Tomoya Ohtani - Unknown Song (00:15)

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Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing | DS

Composer: Allister Brimble

Quality: 44.1khz
Genre: Chiptune

Tracks: 136

01.Allister Brimble - Menu (02:51)
02.Allister Brimble - Wi-Fi Menu (02:28)
03.Allister Brimble - Mission Mode (02:15)
04.Allister Brimble - Track Intro (01:09)
05.Allister Brimble - Seaside Hill (04:46)
06.Allister Brimble - Can You Feel the Sunshine (06:18)
07.Allister Brimble - Windy and Ripply (06:12)
08.Allister Brimble - Tumbling Xylophone (02:22)
09.Allister Brimble - A Jack-in-the-Box! (05:00)
10.Allister Brimble - Volcanic Orchestra (03:43)
11.Allister Brimble - Casino Park (03:17)
12.Allister Brimble - Super Sonic Racing (05:59)
13.Allister Brimble - Be Cool, Be Wild and Be Groovy (04:05)
14.Allister Brimble - Vamos a Carnaval (04:04)
15.Allister Brimble - Party Time (03:09)
16.Allister Brimble - Super Samba (02:55)
17.Allister Brimble - The Concept of Love (03:40)
18.Allister Brimble - Funky Dealer (03:32)
19.Allister Brimble - Fly Like a Butterfly (04:53)
20.Allister Brimble - Hope With Doubt (06:18)
21.Allister Brimble - Theme of the Magician (02:41)
22.Allister Brimble - Restoration of Terror (03:33)
23.Allister Brimble - Monkey Island (02:52)
24.Allister Brimble - Ultra Heaven (04:08)
25.Allister Brimble - Monkey Race (03:35)
26.Allister Brimble - Final Fortress (04:48)
27.Allister Brimble - Crank the Heat Up!! (05:37)
28.Allister Brimble - E.G.G.M.A.N (05:44)
29.Allister Brimble - Track Ending (01:25)
30.Allister Brimble - Failure (00:40)
31.Allister Brimble - Grand Prix Champion (01:13)
32.Allister Brimble - Credits (02:06)
33.Allister Brimble - So Much More... - Main Theme (08:30)
34.Allister Brimble - Wi-Fi Intermission (00:39)
35.Allister Brimble - Super Sonic - Sonic the Hedgehog All-Star (00:15)
36.Allister Brimble - Tails Tornado - Miles 'Tails' Prower All-Star (00:15)
37.Allister Brimble - Piko Hammer - Amy Rose All-Sta (00:20)
38.Allister Brimble - Missile Madness - Dr. Eggman All-Star (00:15)
39.Allister Brimble - Super Shadow - Shadow the Hedgehog All-Star (00:15)
40.Allister Brimble - Super Monkey Roll - AiAi All-Star (00:15)
41.Allister Brimble - Egg Rodeo - Billy Hatcher All-Star (00:15)
42.Allister Brimble - Samba de Party - Amigo All-Star (00:15)
43.Allister Brimble - Giant Froggy - Big the Cat All-Star (00:15)
44.Allister Brimble - Emerald Power - Knuckles the Echidna All-Star (00:15)
45.Allister Brimble - Tension Blast - Ulala All-Star (00:15)
46.Allister Brimble - Tag Jamming - Beat All-Star (00:14)
47.Allister Brimble - Run-a-way Love - Zobio All-Star (00:15)
48.Allister Brimble - Crazy Dash - B.D. Joe All-Star (00:15)
49.Allister Brimble - Virtua Fight - Jacky Bryant All-Star (00:15)
50.Allister Brimble - Working Man - Ryo All-Star (00:15)
51.Allister Brimble - Cat Walker - Chuih All-Star (00:15)
52.Allister Brimble - Blimp Strike - Mobo All-Star (00:15)
53.Allister Brimble - Fantasy Thorn - Opa-Opa All-Star (00:15)
54.Allister Brimble - Peticopter - Alex Kidd All-Star (00:20)
55.Allister Brimble - Tokyo-to - Track Intro (Unused) (00:41)
56.Allister Brimble - Tokyo-to - Track Ending (Unused) (00:29)

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Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with Banjo Kazooie + DLC | Xbox 360

Composers: Richard Jacques, Bentley Jones, Jun Senoue, Yukifumi Makino, Mariko Nanba, Tomoya Ohtani, Hideki Naganuma, Fumitaka Shibata, Tetsuya Kawauchi, Susumu Tsukagoshi, Hidenori Shoji, Maki Morrow, Takenobu Mitsuyoshi

Quality: 48khz | DLC 44.1khz
Genre: Electronic, Techno, Bass, Rock, Samba, Salsa, Funk, Hip-Hop, Pop, Ambient

Tracks: 137
Size: 1.36 GB

Excellent compilation of music, especially the originals from Richard Jacques. I wish I can remember how much time I put into this but I forgot. I've been talking to I3arbaby about ripping this since last year, I believe. I'm happy to finally share this with you guys.

As my previous Wii rip I've included English Commentaries from the game. I tried to keep it identical to the Wii version but some comments were missing from the iso which had me baffled so I made a few minor changes to some of the All-Stars. Theres an extra folder within the rip which contains the songs without the commentaries if you feel they sound disturbing :)

Special thanks to snakemeat over at HCS for helping me with the DLC .xpac extraction and the mono commentaries.

001.Richard Jacques - SEGA | Sumo Digital (00:08)
002.Richard Jacques - Cutscene ~ Race to the Finish Line (01:36)
003.Bentley Jones - So Much More (04:55)
004.Richard Jacques - Menu (03:04)
005.Richard Jacques - Xbox Live Lobby (02:22)
006.Richard Jacques - Mission Mode (02:10)
007.Richard Jacques - SEGA Shop (02:06)
008.Richard Jacques - Race Results (03:14)
009.Richard Jacques - Seaside Hill - Track Intro (00:20)
010.Jun Senoue - Seaside Hill (02:47)
011.Yukifumi Makino - Palmtree Panic (01:55)
012.Richard Jacques - Can You Feel the Sunshine (02:27)
013.Hideki Naganuma - A New Day (02:19)
014.Jun Senoue - Windy and Ripply (03:13)
015.Jun Senoue - Seaside Hill - Track Ending (00:07)
016.Mariko Nanba, Tomoya Ohtani - Blizzard Castle - Track Intro (00:18)
017.Mariko Nanba, Tomoya Ohtani - Tumbling Xylophone (02:08)
018.Mariko Nanba, Tomoya Ohtani - Bossa Nova of Briny Air (01:59)
019.Mariko Nanba, Tomoya Ohtani - A Jack-In-The-Box! (02:32)
020.Mariko Nanba, Tomoya Ohtani - Volcanic Orchestra (01:55)
021.Mariko Nanba, Tomoya Ohtani - Billy's Courage (03:21)
022.Mariko Nanba, Tomoya Ohtani - Blizzard Castle - Track Ending (00:14)
023.Jun Senoue - Casino Park - Track Intro (00:15)
024.Jun Senoue - Casino Park (01:54)
025.Hideki Naganuma - Back 2 Back (02:51)
026.Jun Senoue - Bingo Highway (02:35)
027.Richard Jacques - Super Sonic Racing (01:56)
028.Jun Senoue - Be Cool, Be Wild, Be Groovy (02:28)
029.Hideki Naganuma - Casino Park - Track Ending (00:11)
030.Fumitaka Shibata - Carinval Town - Track Intro (00:17)
031.Fumitaka Shibata - Samba de Janeiro (02:46)
032.Fumitaka Shibata - Carnaval (03:29)
033.Fumitaka Shibata - Bum Bum (03:26)
034.Fumitaka Shibata - Vamos A Carnaval (01:58)
035.Fumitaka Shibata - Mambo de Verano (02:00)
036.Fumitaka Shibata - Carnival Town - Track Ending (00:12)
037.Hideki Naganuma - Tokyo-to - Track Intro (00:18)
038.Hideki Naganuma - Concept of Love (03:15)
039.Hideki Naganuma - Sneakman (Toronto Mix) (02:35)
040.Hideki Naganuma - Funky Dealer (03:10)
041.Hideki Naganuma - Let Mom Sleep (No Sleep Remix) (02:59)
042.Hideki Naganuma - Fly Like A Butterfly (03:11)
043.Hideki Naganuma - Tokyo-to - Track Ending (00:11)
044.Tetsuya Kawauchi - Curien Mansion - Track Intro (00:18)
045.Susumu Tsukagoshi - Hope Without A Doubt (02:54)
046.Tetsuya Kawauchi - Into the Dark (02:30)
047.Tetsuya Kawauchi - Aura of Dread (01:58)
048.Tetsuya Kawauchi - Theme of the Magician (01:29)
049.Susumu Tsukagoshi - Restoration of Terror (01:540)
050.Tetsuya Kawauchi - Curien Mansion - Track Ending (00:06)
051.Hidenori Shoji - Jumble Jungle - Track Intro (00:16)
052.Hideki Naganuma - Monkey Island (02:51)
053.Hideki Naganuma - Party Game 1 (02:28)
054.Hideki Naganuma - Party Game 2 (02:34)
055.Hideki Naganuma - Ultra Heaven (02:12)
056.Hidenori Shoji - Monkey Race (01:55)
057.Hideki Naganuma - Jumble Jungle - Track Ending (00:07)
058.Jun Senoue - Final Fortress - Track Intro (00:16)
059.Jun Senoue - Final Fortress (01:41)
060.Hideki Naganuma - Metal Scratchin' (01:46)
061.Hideki Naganuma - What U Need (02:12)
062.Jun Senoue - Crank the Heat Up!! (01:49)
063.Jun Senoue - E.G.G.M.A.N (Instrumental) (02:05)
064.Jun Senoue - Final Fortress - Track Ending (00:07)
065.Maki Morrow, Takenobu Mitsuyoshi - Death Egg - Track Intro (00:17)
066.Maki Morrow, Takenobu Mitsuyoshi - Never Let It Go (02:09)
067.Jun Senoue - Egg Fleet (02:34)
068.Jun Senoue - Space Gadget (01:12)
069.Jun Senoue - Cosmic Fall (02:45)
070.Jun Senoue - General Offensive (01:29)
071.Maki Morrow, Takenobu Mitsuyoshi - Death Egg - Track Ending (00:06)
072.Richard Jacques - Grand Prix Ceremony (00:36)
073.Jun Senoue - Super Sonic - Sonic the Hedgehog All-Star (00:20)
074.Jun Senoue - Tails Tornado - Miles 'Tails' Prower All-Star (00:22)
075.Jun Senoue - Piko Hammer - Amy Rose All-Star (00:24)
076.Jun Senoue - Missile Madness - Dr. Eggman All-Star (00:23)
077.Jun Senoue - Super Shadow - Shadow the Hedgehog All-Star (00:22)
078.Hideki Naganuma - Super Monkey Roll - AiAi All-Star (00:23)
079.Mariko Nanba, Tomoya Ohtani - Egg Rodeo - Billy Hatcher All-Star (00:22)
080.Fumitaka Shibata - Samba de Party - Amigo All-Star (00:20)
081.Jun Senoue - Giant Froggy - Big the Cat All-Star (00:22)
082.Jun Senoue - Emerald Power - Knuckles the Echidna All-Star (00:22)
083.Hideki Naganuma - Tension Blast - Ulala All-Star (00:19)
084.Hideki Naganuma - Tag Jamming - Beat All-Star (00:21)
085.Richard Jacques - Run-a-Way-Love - Zobio & Zobiko All-Star (00:19)
086.Richard Jacques - Crazy Dash - B.D. Joe All-Star (00:21)
087.Richard Jacques - Virtua Fight - Jacky Bryant & Akira Yuki All-Star (00:22)
088.Richard Jacques - Working Man - Ryo Hazuki All-Star (00:23)
089.Richard Jacques - Cat Walker - ChuChu's All-Star (00:23)
090.Richard Jacques - Blimp Strike - Mobo & Robo All-Star (00:21)
091.Richard Jacques - Peticopter - Alex Kidd All-Star (00:23)
092.Richard Jacques - Fantasy Thorn - Opa-Opa All-Star (00:24)
093.Richard Jacques - Jiggy Rain - Banjo-Kazooie All-Star (00:21)
094.Yukifumi Makino - Maximum Overdrive - Metal Sonic All-Star (00:29)
095.Richard Jacques - Party Power - Xbox 360 Avatar All-Star (00:21)
096.Richard Jacques - Parade Power - Nintendo Mii All-Star (00:20)
097.Richard Jacques - Ceremony (00:07)
098.Richard Jacques - Grand Prix Champion (00:10)
099.Richard Jacques - Item Aquired (00:03)
100.Richard Jacques - Loading (00:10)
101.Richard Jacques - SEGA Miles - Loop (00:05)
102.Richard Jacques - SEGA Miles - End (00:03)
103.Richard Jacques - New Area Revealed (00:04)
104.Richard Jacques - New Item (00:05)
105.Richard Jacques - New Record (00:07)
106.Richard Jacques - Rank Fail - C below (00:05)
107.Richard Jacques - Rank B (00:05)
108.Richard Jacques - Rank A (00:05)
109.Richard Jacques - Rank AA (00:05)
110.Richard Jacques - Rank AAA (00:05)
111.Richard Jacques - Sandy Shores - Ambience (03:00)
112.Richard Jacques - Pier - Ambience (01:59)
113.Richard Jacques - Ocean Front - Ambience (02:00)
114.Richard Jacques - Sandy Shores 2 - Ambience (02:10)
115.Richard Jacques - Underwater Tunnel - Ambience (00:51)
116.Richard Jacques - Forest - Ambience (02:13)
117.Richard Jacques - Wildlife - Ambience (00:52)
118.Richard Jacques - Mountain Cliffs - Ambience (01:17)
119.Richard Jacques - Inside the Volcano - Ambience (01:41)
120.Richard Jacques - Fireworks - Ambience (01:23)
121.Richard Jacques - Celebration - Ambience (01:17)
122.Richard Jacques - Slots - Ambience (01:28)
123.Richard Jacques - Festival - Ambience (01:34)
124.Richard Jacques - City Commute - Ambience (01:33)
125.Richard Jacques - Suburbs - Ambience (01:51)
126.Richard Jacques - City Commute - Ambience (01:33)
127.Richard Jacques - Subway Station - Ambience (01:33)
128.Richard Jacques - Mist of Horror - Ambience (01:39)
129.Richard Jacques - Inside the Mansion - Ambience (01:12)
130.Richard Jacques - Spooky Howl - Ambience (01:17)
131.Richard Jacques - Dense Forest - Ambience (02:20)
132.Richard Jacques - Rainforest - Ambience (01:11)
133.Richard Jacques - River Stream - Ambience (02:11)
134.Richard Jacques - Pneumatic Gears - Ambience (01:29)
135.Richard Jacques - Thunderstorm - Ambience (01:26)
136.Richard Jacques - Assembly Line - Ambience (01:53)
137.Richard Jacques - Outer Space - Ambience (01:45)

FLAC - 5% Recovery
Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Part 4 (
Part 5 (
Part 6 (
Part 7 (
Part 8 (

Good Night, Everyone :p

10-22-2011, 06:24 AM
Nice one! :)

10-22-2011, 08:24 AM
Working on that one but its very complex. I hate the WWise audio system.

Thanks firebolt.

No problem, Doublehex/JediGuardian. :)
OJ, if you please don't mind, can you do the rip in FLAC? OGG is extremely lossy and I found it hard to work with last time, even though you pulled through for me on Asylum...
Also, are ripping the audio from the movie (.bik) files? I know they are bound to have SFX, but if there's layers like the files in Asylum I'm sure I'll be able to fix it even its a little bit...
So the WWise is not an Unreal engine system like Asylum?

10-22-2011, 07:29 PM
WWise is intergrated into the unreal engine and it has no filenames like asylum which makes it very hard to mix layers. I can't do a flac rip because the files are in original ogg codec.

10-22-2011, 09:14 PM
WWise is intergrated into the unreal engine and it has no filenames like asylum which makes it very hard to mix layers. I can't do a flac rip because the files are in original ogg codec.

OK, I asked for FLAC initially because I thought the files from the XBOX360 were in WAV. No problem. That'll have to do. :)

10-23-2011, 03:39 AM
Nice update, Neo. however, there arent any loops for Sonic Colors like the one i found on a different thread. i like the new tracklists for the new super mario bros. games, though. nicely done in that department.

10-23-2011, 06:59 PM
Hey Guys,
I would like to ask were can i get the Gears of of war 1 and 3 soundtrack in flac format
I have 2 but i cant seem to find 1 nor 3 (all links i found are dead on ffshrine forums)

Actually i would also like to ask how big is a Gears of war 2 flac soundtrack because the one i have is 319 MB
(Thread 65223)
So is that a Real Flac rip

Also could please direct me to a working link or rip them, please.

Finally, do you guys have a website, and could you please make an index of your rips on the front page

Thank you in advance!

Infernus Animositas
10-24-2011, 01:02 AM
1. You can find the request section here ( :)
2. Yes it is a real FLAC rip. FLAC rips are lossless and are a lot larger compared to lossy format rips like MP3, MP4, OGG.
3. Gears Of War Original Soundtrack (FLAC) ( - Thanks goes out to Naigoto.
4. Gears Of War 2 Original Soundtrack (FLAC) ( - Thanks goes out to Naigoto.
5. Gears Of War 3 Original Soundtrack (FLAC) ( - Part 1
6. Gears Of War 3 Original Soundtrack (FLAC) ( - Part 2
7. Gears Of War 3 Original Soundtrack (FLAC) ( - Part 3 (Thanks goes out to doppel)
8. No we don't have a website, and when we have reuploaded all our rips, our MF folders will will be our index.

10-24-2011, 01:17 AM

A google times, thanks for these. Especially NSMB; the copy I have has obvious sounds of someone playing the game while recording.

10-24-2011, 09:15 AM
Hey, infernus animositas
MANY Thanks for the above links,
I would also like to ask how do i acsess you MF folder (PS:I am new to MP folders, i only download the links :P)

Infernus Animositas
10-24-2011, 09:20 AM
Well, on the first post, click on my name which leads to my MF folder.

Once there, scroll through the list of folders that you can see. If you see one you're interested in, click on that folder and it will show the .rar files for the rip. Download each .rar part (FLAC) or (OGG) respectively.

10-24-2011, 09:25 AM
Hey, infernus animositas
MANY Thanks for the above links,
I would also like to ask how do i acsess you MF folder (PS:I am new to MP folders, i only download the links :P)

here ( you can find links to the VGM Legacy members' gamerip folders. just "point and click" on them. and browse there in a FTPalike mode :)

10-24-2011, 03:40 PM
Thanks a lot for all the help Guys!!!

But i have one more question, well a confession really, See I dont use Flac (anymore) i used to use it a lot but quite frankly i like to use WMP (and that is all what i will ever use :P (i like it)) and no matter how much i tried i could never get flack to Seemingly integrate with the windows property handler and WMP so i started using WMA 9.2 lossless.

Currently i ask for .flac's because this is the most popular form of lossless music i dont go and request WMA 9.2 lossless music because not many people like it, so i use dbpoweramp LEGIT! converter to convert the the FLACs to WMA 9.2 lossless Music

My question is, will the WMA quality defer from that of the Flac and what separates the 2 from each other e.g. which sounds better (if any), Please note that i like the music at FULL pure quality

Second if there is no difference between them do you recommend dbpoweramp or another converter, I use it because it just works, no messing with settings setting bitrate e.t.c it will select the best for you, but if there is disadvantage please tell me (i am a massive nooooooob when it comes to audio settings e.t.c) :P

Update: I finished downloading the GOW3 soundtrack and it is one massive flac and a .cue file what am i supposed to do)

And finally To VGM legacy if you want me to relocate the question to another section i will happily do so if this is the wrong place :)

Infernus Animositas
10-24-2011, 04:05 PM
Yes dbPoweramp is a great converter. Windows Media Audio Lossless (WMAL) is exactly that, lossless. So there's no quality difference when converting from FLAC to WMAL at all.

Also, I suggest you get Winamp or foobar2000 instead of using Windows Media Player. They can play FLAC files already.

With that GOW3 soundtrack, open up the FLAC file with an audio editor like audacity and you can manually split the file into its separate tracks.

10-24-2011, 04:36 PM
Is there really any difference between a game rip of Sonic Colours and the official soundtrack besides the cutscenes?

10-24-2011, 06:41 PM
Is there really any difference between a game rip of Sonic Colours and the official soundtrack besides the cutscenes?

no, i dont think so. the cutscenes were just extra tracks.

10-24-2011, 07:56 PM
Ok its official the GOW 3 soundtrack beat me, for the life of me i cannot find a way to use the software "properly" and get a result from TRYING to split the big file!!!!!!
Any help guys I used wavepad and audacity
Do you guys have any links to pre-split versions

10-24-2011, 09:22 PM
no, i dont think so. the cutscenes were just extra tracks.

Saves me a download, thanks.

10-25-2011, 05:59 AM
Guys any help with the GOW 3 soundtrack

Infernus Animositas
10-25-2011, 03:07 PM
I can't work out the audio format used for Mortal Kombat: Special Forces. I don't have the experience for ripping PSF soundtracks either.

10-25-2011, 03:44 PM
I can't work out the audio format used for Mortal Kombat: Special Forces. I don't have the experience for ripping PSF soundtracks either.
Sad. We'll find another way)
Thanks for your time.

10-25-2011, 04:36 PM
Hey guys may i please get a little help on splitting a massive with the cue sheet (as i understand they are called), what program do i use (google is useless) i know foobar can read the cue but i want to use WMP (with shark 007) so how do i split them using the pre made cue sheet

Thanks in advance

10-25-2011, 04:38 PM
Sad. We'll find another way)
Thanks for your time.

There are a few tracks here: ..:::* Kombative Addiktion | MK:SF :: Original Soundtrack *:::.. (

10-25-2011, 05:18 PM
Since Battlefield 3 alpha and beta weren't ripped at all, not that I know anyway.

I am assuming that the files require tool to extract, which people do not have.


So the PC version of Battlefield 3 is a no go as long as someone will code some tool(s)?

How about console versions then?

Peace. :)

10-25-2011, 06:37 PM
Hey Guys one final Question of the Gears of war 3 soundtrack, honest:
So i did some research and i found that EAC can split Wave using .cue
So i converted the .flac to .wav using dbpoweramp (same as source settings), and tried to split, it kept giving me an error with the cue file so i opened the .cue with notepad (based on some research) and copped its contents (text)over to a new notepad where i saved It to a new cue file ( i changed the Line: (File "XXXXX.flac" WAVE ) to (File"XXXXX.wav" WAVE) naturally, and it did work, it split them up into smaller tracks and i converted them to WMA lossless
But what i would like to ask is:
Is that a correct approach or did i make an audio expert cry somewhere in the world
Can anyone else verify that the .cue provided with the above GOW 3 soundtrack are indeed damaged?

Gears Of War 2 Original Soundtrack (FLAC) - Thanks goes out to Naigoto.
Gears Of War 3 Original Soundtrack (FLAC) - Part 1
Gears Of War 3 Original Soundtrack (FLAC) - Part 2
Gears Of War 3 Original Soundtrack (FLAC) - Part 3 (Thanks goes out to doppel)

And Through the process above i only converted to and from lossless formats (FLAC->WAVE->WMA) so there shouldest be any quality loss right?

Finally I would like to know is there any way to compare two audio file quality side by side e.g. comparing the quality of a song that has been encoded with ogg and that of the same song that has been encoded with mp3

Infernus Animositas
10-26-2011, 01:44 AM
No, that's fine as far as I can tell. As long as it's WMA Lossless, there shouldn't be any quality loss.

You can compare quality by looking at the Spectral Frequency display an audio editor if you want to be completely sure.

10-26-2011, 05:33 AM
can someone please rip arkham city?

10-26-2011, 05:59 AM
No, that's fine as far as I can tell. As long as it's WMA Lossless, there shouldn't be any quality loss.

You can compare quality by looking at the Spectral Frequency display an audio editor if you want to be completely sure.

Could you please send me the .cue file you have.

10-26-2011, 07:16 AM
also I know the .cue file provided works with foobar but it will give an error with EAC
unless you open it with notepad, and copy the contents to a new .cue file!!

10-26-2011, 09:13 AM
can someone please rip arkham city?

OJ is working on it, I asked him a few posts back :)

Infernus Animositas
10-26-2011, 04:04 PM
I'm disappearing for a couple of weeks. So I won't be uploading anything whilst I'm gone.

Note: The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest is finished being ripped. I just need to upload it.

10-30-2011, 08:46 AM
Hmm,is there any possible to reupload the gamerip of Uncharted 1 and Uncharted 2 and Haze?Thanks in advance!

10-30-2011, 11:04 AM
Here's what's coming soon from me aside from the request which is getting a "polished" finish:

-Aliens Infestation (DS)
-Kirby Mass Attack (DS)
-Fossil Fighters (DS)
-Dance Dance Revolution II (Wii)

10-31-2011, 08:31 AM
Has anybody here already in the plan or process of ripping "Captain America: Super Soldier" VGM?... would be happy to have this game score too, please?...

11-03-2011, 10:20 PM

Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros Treasure / 宝島Z バルバロスの秘宝 | Wii

Composer: Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino

Quality: 44.1khz
Genre: Orchestra, Chiptune

Tracks: 89
Size: 919 MB

01.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Disc Channel (00:21)
02.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Opening (01:26)
03.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Red Alert! (04:38)
04.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - The Spirit of Adventure (00:24)
05.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Plane in Peril (02:30)
06.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Theme of Team Rose (02:30)
07.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Watch Out! (00:15)
08.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Stage Results (01:40)
09.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Theme of Captain Barbaros (01:12)
10.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Sea Rabbits Hideout - Menu (04:09)
11.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Map Select - Treasure Hunt (02:20)
12.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Intro: Jungle Ruins (01:55)
13.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Pit of Tragedy - Jungle Ruins (04:07)
14.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Rolling to Victory 1 (00:25)
15.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Wrong Move (00:18)
16.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Flute of the Growling Goblins - Jungle Ruins (01:05)
17.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Ceremony - Festive (01:10)
18.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Ceremony - Ritual (00:47)
19.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Skull Phonograph - Jungle Ruins (00:37)
20.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Captured (00:10)
21.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - The Fountain Garden - Jungle Ruins (04:18)
22.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Danger (02:30)
23.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Jungle Ruins - Failure (00:06)
24.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - King of the Jungle - Boss: King Growl (04:04)
25.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Jungle Ruins - Boss Failure (00:15)
26.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Success (00:13)
27.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Comical Theme - Jungle Ruins (00:59)
28.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Intro: Frozen Temple (00:09)
29.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - The Crystal Key - Frozen Temple (04:18)
30.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Keeper of the Ice - Frozen Temple (01:51)
31.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Skull Phonograph - Frozen Temple (00:34)
32.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Johnny Style's Hints (00:53)
33.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Sinking Jeeves the Guard (00:23)
34.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Frozen Temple - Fail A (00:12)
35.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Frozen Temple - Fail B (00:26)
36.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Frost Breath - Boss: Chillion (02:57)
37.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Frozen Temple - Boss Fail (00:10)
38.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Game Over (00:04)
39.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Descent of the Oracle (03:13)
40.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Volcano Cavern (04:37)
41.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Orion Walker Activated! (00:51)
42.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Skull Phonograph - Volcano Cavern (00:37)
43.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Rolling to Victory 2 (00:27)
44.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Volcano Cavern - Fail (00:11)
45.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Stage Clear (00:09)
46.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Ancient Wyrm - Boss: Swellosaurus (04:20)
47.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Volcano Cavern - Boss Fail (00:20)
48.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Run Away! (00:34)
49.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Comical Theme - Volcano Cavern (01:09)
50.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Intro: Airship (02:07)
51.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Operation: Take Back - Airship (03:38)
52.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Skull Phonograph - Airship (00:42)
53.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Airship - Fail A (00:07)
54.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Airship - Fail B (00:15)
55.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Escape (03:12)
56.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Bi-Plane Getaway (00:15)
57.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Intro: Barbaros' Castle (01:58)
58.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Barbaros' Castle (05:33)
59.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Skull Phonograph - Barbaros' Castle (00:42)
60.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Barbaros' Castle - Fail (00:07)
61.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Return of the Legend - Boss: S.D. III-A-B-C (03:19)
62.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Barbaros' Castle - Boss Fail (00:13)
63.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Rank Up (00:07)
64.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Intro: Pirate Ship (01:37)
65.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - The Great Chase! - Pirate Ship (04:43)
66.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Squid Ahoy! (03:05)
67.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Item Aquired (00:03)
68.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Kraken (04:08)
69.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Barbaros Land - Treasure Island (06:27)
70.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Skull Phonograph - Treasure Island (00:42)
71.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Treasure Island - Fail (00:18)
72.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Face Off! (01:43)
73.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - The Legendary Ship (01:50)
74.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Barbaros Returns (03:35)
75.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Final Showdown! - Final Boss: Barbaros (07:23)
76.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Reunited! (02:26)
77.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Staff Roll (07:55)
78.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Main Theme of Zack & Wiki (03:01)
79.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Opening Theme of Zack & Wiki (02:16)
80.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Theme of Victory (01:43)
81.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - On the Right Track (00:02)
82.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Puzzled (00:02)
83.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Success (00:02)
84.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Coinpod (00:02)
85.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Hidden (00:05)
86.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Mumu (00:02)
87.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Tanken (00:04)
88.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Tekish (00:03)
89.Shinya Okada, Tadayoshi Makino - Termin (00:05)

FLAC - 5% Recovery
Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Part 3 (
Part 4 (
Part 5 (

11-04-2011, 12:33 AM
Open for Requests: only 3 this round.

The Jedi Guardian
11-04-2011, 12:40 AM
Spider-man 2 - ps2/xbox and a series of unfortunate events for pc please.

11-04-2011, 12:51 AM
I'll take Spiderman 2 (Xbox). I'll look into A Series of Unfortunate Events but I haven't dealt with PC rips yet. Of course though I can always learn right :). PM me the links for the game as I have no idea were to download pc games.

Still 2 remaining...

The Jedi Guardian
11-04-2011, 12:53 AM
Sorry i asked for pc becuase i know its slightly diffent than the console versions.

11-04-2011, 01:12 AM
I would like to request Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy by Josh Mancell & Mark Mothersbaugh. Unlikely, I know, since the music is streamed and a line-in rip is not the best. But, I thought I'd try.

If not that, then perhaps SpongeBob SquarePants: Lights, Camera, Pants by Charlie Brissette and Hamilton Altstatt?

11-04-2011, 02:06 AM
Hi guys batman arkham city uses the wwise audio systemn with no names. If i provide the streams in mp3 for those who have played the game can you identify each music piece and layer? More info here.
Thread 97871

11-04-2011, 02:24 AM
Neo_Chip, hate to ask for another game so soon, but could you look into PocketBike Racer ( ? It's a silly little Xbox game prettied-up to be an X360 game. It won't have more than 10 music tracks, I promise.

And in case you missed it in the Zack & Wiki thread, thank you!

11-04-2011, 03:05 AM
I in quest of Snoopy Flying Ace(XBLA) (,can i,dear Neo Chip?

Infernus Animositas
11-04-2011, 03:54 AM
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

That game uses sequenced music. In fact I think most of the Jak & Daxter games use sequenced music.

11-04-2011, 04:44 AM
That game uses sequenced music. In fact I think most of the Jak & Daxter games use sequenced music.

i think most early Naughty Dog games did. the 3 Crash Bandicoot games for the psx has sequenced music.

11-04-2011, 05:47 AM
Hi guys batman arkham city uses the wwise audio systemn with no names. If i provide the streams in mp3 for those who have played the game can you identify each music piece and layer? More info here.
Thread 97871

I would love to help OJ, but Arkham City's PC release is delayed to 23rd November here in Australia. :( So I'll probably have to get the raw OGG's from you, play the game, and do comparisons... if someone can do what I did for Asylum then all good.

11-04-2011, 07:41 AM
Hi Neo_Chip, do you think you can take a look at Mario Party 4 & 5 from gamecube as requests ? :D


11-04-2011, 12:25 PM
I would love to help OJ, but Arkham City's PC release is delayed to 23rd November here in Australia. :( So I'll probably have to get the raw OGG's from you, play the game, and do comparisons... if someone can do what I did for Asylum then all good.

Thanks will have them up later today.

11-04-2011, 02:03 PM
Taking Jak & Daxter and Pocket Racers.

Requests closed.

11-04-2011, 03:28 PM
oh,no ,my Snoopy Flying Ace.......