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04-28-2011, 06:51 PM
That stuff is actually pretty solid. The mixes are really large, which does justice to the tracks. Thanks for the find.

04-28-2011, 11:05 PM
Hope you can tag them better, nice share!

04-29-2011, 03:14 AM
Thanks for the upload, Yeshaih. These tracks are great... it's a shame they're not encoded at a higher bit rate though. Gotta take what you can get though.

Sorry man, they're the original (and presumably only) mp3s from their sites. I could only find these in one place :(

I have some other nice arranges that I haven't seen posted previously. I'll consider uploading those shortly

04-29-2011, 04:46 AM
That was really unnecessary man... I left the track names alone for a reason. And these aren't albums, just random mp3s :/

Sorry man, they're the original (and presumably only) mp3s from their sites. I could only find these in one place :(

I have some other nice arranges that I haven't seen posted previously. I'll consider uploading those shortly

Ah, well, if these are original encoded bitrates, that's cool. Nice to know that I don't have to worry about a potentially better sounding version of these tracks. :)

04-29-2011, 11:50 AM
Since someone hijacked my share, I edited my upload (improved order, added info to tags, and included covers that aren't terrible), while still preserving the original file names in the metadata, in case they are useful for anyone out there trying to dig up more tracks by these artists (I know of several that exist but I haven't been able to find). Your edit is obsolete now :D

Arranges by BREIS (v2).rar (

Arranges by Refuge (v2).rar (

I'll upload a group of arranges by many different artists tomorrow night (not sure if they've been posted here, some are really good so I wouldn't be surprised if they were)

04-29-2011, 06:16 PM
thanks for share good sharing

04-29-2011, 06:47 PM
Since someone hijacked my share -- Your edit is obsolete now

Well I wouldn't say 'hijacked', exactly. He was just trying to be helpful. No reason to get defensive/offensive. Thanks for the upload, though.

04-29-2011, 08:00 PM
lol @ hijacked. i have never seen someone so defensive, as said above, i was just trying to be helpful, but ok i will edit my post and delete my links.
Thanks for sharing.

PD: Cover wasnt tagged inside the tracks.
If you listen to them on an ipod, Winamp, Media player, the cover wont be displayed.

PD2: Prototype Weapons Factory (Burnin Noumander Stage) from BREIS doesnt have Artist tagged, so as Track #3 from BREIS album artist isnt tagged, your name should be there, you are the album artist after all, the one who did the cover.

PD3: Im not a fan of naming multiple albums in a single folder, you should keep with an Album Name for every track, and the Titlenames of the track be self explanatory of whichgame they are from, "Metalman Stage (RM2)" that is good enought.
Because when you listen on your ipod, if you search by album, it is going to be 10 different folders for this soundtrack, a total mess.

use this

04-30-2011, 02:34 AM
I heard that "r�sonnant vie" already released for week . Anyone got it,Pls share :)

04-30-2011, 02:49 AM
I heard that "r�sonnant vie" already released for week . Anyone got it,Pls share :)

Milo and a couple others here had it pre-ordered. They said they'll rip and upload it as soon as it arrives for them.

04-30-2011, 04:47 AM
Milo and a couple others here had it pre-ordered. They said they'll rip and upload it as soon as it arrives for them.

I'm looking for all your kindness here and also for the natural sound from this soundtrack : ) Advance thank you to you all : )

05-03-2011, 04:25 AM
Ok, it's finally arrived, here's a fresh rip: Thread 89582

05-03-2011, 03:23 PM
Thank you so much. I deeply thank you to your kind sharing of this wonderful rythm !! :)

Rinnegan Tobi
05-05-2011, 12:34 AM
Thanks Milo,

You Rock!

The only thing left to find for Resonnant Vie is a High Quality Scan of the Album Cover

05-06-2011, 06:15 AM
Sorry for not posting in a while, guys. As I said in my Compilation Album thread, work has been very tiresome. MiLO, many thanks for picking up the new Rockman Zero album and ripping it for us. The Links for FLAC and MP3 will be added to the first post.

05-06-2011, 07:18 AM
Sorry for not posting in a while, guys. As I said in my Compilation Album thread, work has been very tiresome. MiLO, many thanks for picking up the new Rockman Zero album and ripping it for us. The Links for FLAC and MP3 will be added to the first post.

Don't worry about it, Reg, we love you! [And you're motivating me to make a Street Fighter Thread.]

05-06-2011, 08:38 AM
Don't worry about it, Reg, we love you! [And you're motivating me to make a Street Fighter Thread.]

I would sck ur dick if you do that

05-06-2011, 09:49 AM
I would sck ur dick if you do that

I'll be on it in Summer-Fall, because right now, College is on his "ass moments before vacations", and I need to reorganize all my SF music.

05-07-2011, 06:18 PM
thank you very much

05-12-2011, 03:22 AM
I don't think these are posted here, there is an artist that goes by the name of E-tank, I just ran into his webpage today, and he arranges video game music, he has a project that has arranged all of Mega Man 10 for the most part and then a few other mega man songs are dotted around in his arrangements section. Check him out everyone.

klustr | a web showcase (

05-15-2011, 12:14 AM
Reg, if you would, replace my links on the first page with these:

Rockman 1~6 (GAME RIP)

PART 1 (
PART 2 (
PART 3 (

MM16V0.rar (

Rockman Complete Works 3~6 (GAME RIP)

PART 1 (
PART 2 (
PART 3 (
PART 4 (

MMCW36V0.rar (

Rockman EXE Transmission (GAME RIP)

PART 1 (
PART 2 (
PART 3 (

MMBNTV0.rar (

05-15-2011, 12:33 AM
what are the diffences with your first links? even more quality?

05-15-2011, 01:10 AM
Well I think a few of the old ones are down.

But the only difference is I moved some of the fade outs around. What I use to do is start to fade right after the second loop ends, but sometimes that puts it in an awkward place. It's not a big deal. There's still one EXE Transmission track in there that I want to change, and about six tracks in MMCW. But it just didn't feel like a big enough deal to bother with that right now. It's just a matter of adding 5~10 seconds before the fade starts.

Also, the first set of complete works and transmission I uploaded had especially abrupt fade outs. They were only four seconds instead of my usual five. :P Oh, and I removed the Complete Works tracks for 1~3 (except two original tracks for 3), since those are just tracks from Power Battle and Power Fighters, and were taking up space.

Again, it's probably not a huge deal to most people. I'm mostly just refreshing the links. And I noticed there wasn't any listing for Rockman EXE Transmission on the front page.

EDIT: I decided to get it over with and "fixed" those MMCW tracks I was talking about (FLAC):

There's six tracks from MMCW4, three from MMCW5, and one from MMCW6. Again, it's just moving the fade ahead 5~10 seconds to a less awkward spot. Except for the Title theme for MMCW4. I added a third loop to it because it's too bad ass to be under a minute. :)

05-15-2011, 02:05 AM
alright! thanks man!
going to delete the ones i have and download these again ;)

Hosok PI
05-15-2011, 09:42 AM
Rockman Complete Works 3~6 (GAME RIP)

PART 1 (
PART 2 (
PART 3 (
PART 4 (

Thanks for the links, KGN-004, but the PART 2 link here is giving me troubles (not starting etc). I hate to be a pain, but is it possible for a replacement?

I'll edit this post if the problem rights itself. Sorry for this, and I'm looking forward to listening to these rips.

05-15-2011, 06:09 PM
Thanks for the links, KGN-004, but the PART 2 link here is giving me troubles (not starting etc). I hate to be a pain, but is it possible for a replacement?

I'll edit this post if the problem rights itself. Sorry for this, and I'm looking forward to listening to these rips.

I just tried downloading and extracting them. They work for me.

And in case anyone cares, I decided to get it over with and "fixed" those MMCW tracks I was talking about (FLAC):

There's six tracks from MMCW4, three from MMCW5, and one from MMCW6. Again, it's just moving the fade ahead 5~10 seconds to a less awkward spot. Except for the Title theme for MMCW4. I added a third loop to it because it's too bad ass to be under a minute. :)

Hosok PI
05-16-2011, 02:20 AM
I just tried downloading and extracting them. They work for me.

Thanks for checking, man. However, I think that may be a cache side effect on your end, because since my last post, I tried downloading the same file part on an entirely different computer, with the same problem recurring (the file outright refusing to start downloading).

Could someone else confirm that it's not working generally? And if it IS just me, could someone please be kind enough to reupload PART 2 to a different spot on Mediafire?

EDIT: Okay, never mind, Mediafire righted itself. Thanks for all your help though, guys. Very resourceful (!).

06-01-2011, 06:08 PM
if you like mega man 2 soundtrack + metal/rock music i say try this one... and if you want that soundtrack in lossless is cost you a few $
Mega Beardo: A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - VGMdb (

06-01-2011, 06:24 PM
if you like mega man 2 soundtrack + metal/rock music i say try this one... and if you want that soundtrack in lossless is cost you a few $
Mega Beardo: A Mega Man 2 Guitar Tribute - VGMdb (

The album cover is horrendous.

06-01-2011, 06:47 PM
yeah it is ^^ but soundtrack rocks damn nice

06-20-2011, 06:50 AM
Could someone please reupload Rockbuster? I had a hard drive crash recently.

*Edit* The 'Rockman Kai: Arrange Shitemita' album is gone too. :(

07-05-2011, 08:49 AM
Thanks for Rockman 7!

07-09-2011, 06:34 AM
Can someone rip the music from the current version of Rockman 4: Minus Infinity?

07-13-2011, 11:47 PM
Does anyone have or know where to find RockLove 2 by Colis Postal?

CPCD-0012 | RockLove 2 - VGMdb (

07-15-2011, 01:15 AM
ROCKMAN Arrange Version ~ Rockman Special CD (MP3 VBR~V0) (Thread 92301)
ROCKMAN Arrange Version ~ Rockman Special CD Vol.2 (MP3 VBR~V0) (Thread 92302)
Rockman The Power Battle Arcade Gametrack (MP3 VBR~V0) (Thread 92303)
Capcom Game Soundtrack ~ Rockman 2 The Power Fighters (MP3 VBR~V0) (Thread 92304)

07-15-2011, 02:42 AM
Sorry for being out for so long, but my computer was inaccessible to me for a couple of months and had to have it fixed by my brother during the summer. Anyway, I'm curious to hear the music from the Rockbuster album, but the link is dead and the only other download I found was password protected and it is lost to me. Can anyone please re-upload it once more, since I can't be the only one who wants to hear it.

07-19-2011, 01:54 PM
Anyone have RGMix by DDBY? The Napalmman remix is just awesome, and I'd love it if someone could upload it for us.
I also second the notion of ROCKLOVE 2, there once was a limited link of 5 tracks but it got taken down. Only the Tornadoman remix is on Youtube.

Also, for the guys that were looking for Rockbuster:
rockbuster.rar ( (sorry, filefactory was the only one I could find, I'll reupload for you guys if I can)
And for Rockman KAI:
Rockman KAI.rar (

07-19-2011, 07:52 PM
So... Megaman Legends 3 canceled.
im pissed as fuck, and i almost never curse.

07-22-2011, 06:26 PM
Mega Man fans around the world! Join us at facebook "100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3" Save the Blue Bomber! Dont let Capcom take away our precious dreams and hopes! Mega Man is counting on you!

07-22-2011, 07:29 PM

Thanks for those! You're my hero!


I know! I'm totally disappointed of Capcom. I don't think I'll be able to buy DmC, Asura's Wrath and Dragons Dogma.


Already joined, it may not work, but we don't lose anything at trying. We want Legends 3, and a bit of hope is always welcome.

07-22-2011, 07:46 PM
So, it would seem MegaMan is done by what I'm hearing on the interbutts. Is that true?

07-22-2011, 08:38 PM
So, it would seem MegaMan is done by what I'm hearing on the interbutts. Is that true?

Not true, there's no official word yet, and it's too soon to say that. If we don't get a new MM game in the 25th anniversary, I think then we should start to worry.

07-22-2011, 10:12 PM
So, it would seem MegaMan is done by what I'm hearing on the interbutts. Is that true?

Well, I really don't care about ML3 being cancelled, but I did hate that Universe was cancelled. And now Ultimate MvC3 has no Megaman or X, even tho Capcom claims to be basing their choices on fan polling.
Well, there's always Rockman Online, right. And isn't there supposed to be (yet another) rerelease of MM2 for 3DS?

07-27-2011, 09:17 AM
Holy crap I had an eargasm! O_O

07-27-2011, 04:43 PM
yeah that's new rockman remix cd is MUST buy 100% =)

07-27-2011, 05:17 PM
They're are tons of remixes for the original Rockman series. I wish they would do more for the X series.

07-29-2011, 05:51 PM
@GenoDragon: Like kamurotetsu said. You deserve my thanks for finding this. Now I can finally enjoy hearing this album. Hopefully, I can keep this with me for a long while.
Edit: While I'm here, I might as well say that I've been keeping quiet after Capcom's message for Legends 3. The first night, I dreamed I woke up the next day to hear it was not cancelled and a dirty trick pulled by Capcom. The only time I spoke up was to dispel rumors of Legends cosplayers being booted from Capcom's booth at Comic-Con, The Proto-men's Cease & Desist letter from Capcom, and Archie's Megaman Series being canned. In fact, as the "10,000 strong to revive Legends 3" campaign continues on, I've verbally fought back those who wanted to derail it because it would end in failure (like those who wanted Universe instead of Legends 3) with my hometown's baseball quote "THERE IS NO FAILURE 'EXCEPT' IN NO LONGER TRYING." Adding to it, I also told them "This is why WE call ourselves Fans & YOU don't: Even though this might end in failure, AT LEAST WE"RE WILLING TO TRY!."

P.S.: Since there's still a fervor for Legends hanging around, I'd like to ask Splashman of TMMN if its possible to upload "The Lost Tracks" from Legends 1: I think it'd be a tremendous morale booster for the Legends fans out there.

08-04-2011, 06:17 PM
Hey guys,

Just wanted to throw in a request for two songs from Rockman X6.

Looking for the in-game version of "Moonlight / The Answer". I know the original artist has longer version of these songs on their albums, but looking for the one that is specifically played in the game itself.

Also looking for the "Opening Stage" song from the Overseas version of the game with the guitar riff. FLAC would be preferable in these tracks, but if high quality mp3s are available, those'll work as well. :)

08-09-2011, 01:17 AM
Hey guys,

Just wanted to throw in a request for two songs from Rockman X6.

Looking for the in-game version of "Moonlight / The Answer". I know the original artist has longer version of these songs on their albums, but looking for the one that is specifically played in the game itself.

Also looking for the "Opening Stage" song from the Overseas version of the game with the guitar riff. FLAC would be preferable in these tracks, but if high quality mp3s are available, those'll work as well. :)

Download 00 - Showtaro - Moonlight ~ The Answer (
Download 01 - Opening stage (

08-11-2011, 05:41 AM
wow..... very nice arrange!!! WE ARE ROCK-MEN in 9-21-2011!!!!!!

08-11-2011, 02:10 PM
Download 00 - Showtaro - Moonlight ~ The Answer (
Download 01 - Opening stage (


08-13-2011, 09:20 AM
Thank you!

09-07-2011, 07:06 PM
Mega Man 9: Back in Blue is out now and it's free..
Album: Mega Man 9: Back in Blue (OCRA-0027) - OverClocked ReMix (

09-07-2011, 09:51 PM
wow!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah!!!

09-13-2011, 07:54 PM
two mega man guitar remix song from Thunderclash Nostalgic Pleasure album

09-13-2011, 10:28 PM
Nice! Thanks for the heads up, Snkhero.

09-14-2011, 09:24 PM
Download 00 - Showtaro - Moonlight ~ The Answer (
Download 01 - Opening stage (

The links are already down. Could you, or anyone who could get their hands on it, reupload them again?

Thanks in advance.

09-17-2011, 02:17 AM
Mega Man X4 (Saturn Version)
Ripped by Splashman

Rockman X4 Saturn (

NOTE: Unlike the Saturn version of Mega Man 8, the music sounds the same in nearly all cases. The only differences are:

-Eregion: Added introduction
-Frost Walrus Stage 2: Added introduction
-Stage Select 2: Slightly different instrumentation (ex. The bass comes in much earlier in this version)

09-19-2011, 08:10 PM
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (

Some metal remixes of the Rockman World series if anyone's interested.


Reuploaded the Rocklove 2 sample. Contains Tornado Man, Hard Man, Splash Woman, Plant Man, and Galaxy Man remixes.
Tornado Man's was really the only track here that I didn't like, and oh thank god for LV4.

09-21-2011, 07:24 AM
Hey, all. Sorry I haven't made in posts in a while. I was unable to access my account because I forgot my password but that's been taken care of. I'm also working a lot so I update when I can. I've adding the Saturn rip of Rockman X4 to the third post and the OCR Mega Man 9: Back in Blue to the first post.

Rinnegan Tobi
09-21-2011, 05:35 PM
Anybody going to order "WE Are ROCK-MEN!" ?

i know that Splashman will most likely be ordering the album.

09-21-2011, 05:53 PM
Anybody going to order "WE Are ROCK-MEN!" ?

i know that Splashman will most likely be ordering the album.
Isn't it what some of you guys were crying about - the lack of arrangements for older Mega Man titles? :P

Well, looks like here it is! Though these arrangements are not done by the same folks (III) who did the latest - r�sonnant vie -, so I dunno about this...

As of right now I have no plans of purchasing this album, but will keep an eye on it, and definitely would like to hear some samples first.

09-21-2011, 06:35 PM
I heard some samples from the We Are ROCK MEN album and they sound great!

Rinnegan Tobi
09-21-2011, 07:59 PM
The Mega Man Network � “We are ROCK-MEN!!” Track List and Delicious Samples ( - here is 4 samples of the album

or you can listen to samples to all of the tracks on itunes by going to the japanese itunes store

09-21-2011, 08:13 PM
Anybody going to order "WE Are ROCK-MEN!" ?

i know that Splashman will most likely be ordering the album.

Too bad he never does any lossless rips...

09-21-2011, 09:00 PM
The Mega Man Network � “We are ROCK-MEN!!” Track List and Delicious Samples ( - here is 4 samples of the album

or you can listen to samples to all of the tracks on itunes by going to the japanese itunes store
Thank you. I just previewed them all at iTunes - Music - We are ROCK-MEN! by ROCK-MEN (!/id462627689?l=en)

Must say I'm really digging track 13. DARKMAN STAGE (SIDE-D) (Rockman 5)

and 7. ZERO (Rockman X3) is also good, but the rest of the album is just not doing it for me, so will have to pass on this one.

Maybe someone else with a different opinion will buy and rip the CD.

09-24-2011, 10:20 PM
Alright so I got bored today and decided to try something new... as a result this album has been purchased from Japanese iTunes store.

There you have it:

Rinnegan Tobi
09-24-2011, 11:10 PM
Milo, how exactly did you get to buy We Are ROCK-MEN! from the japanese itunes store?

09-24-2011, 11:27 PM
Step 1. Create a jap iTunes account.

Step 2. Get iTunes Japan Gift Cards which is your credits to buy music.

There's a website that sells these cards. You buy them with Paypal and they send you a coupon code via e-mail. It's an instant online transection and nobody has to wait for a package to arrive. And then when actually purchasing music in iTunes JP, as a payment option choose redeem coupon.

Here are the websites that explain everything you need to know to do it yourself:

� Setting up a Japanese iTunes account Warll's blog of everything (

Want to use iTunes JAPAN? Meet WWW.JAPAN-CODES.COM (! Thank me NOW. in JPOP Central Forum

09-25-2011, 01:54 AM
Thanks a lot! i have been waiting for this soundtrack for since it was announced :P

i hope i dont hijack your post, i just uploaded a mp3 version of your rip, is it ok if i post the link?

09-25-2011, 03:05 AM
Thanks a lot! i have been waiting for this soundtrack for since it was announced :P

i hope i dont hijack your post, i just uploaded a mp3 version of your rip, is it ok if i post the link?

I would wait for someone to post a lossless rip of the CD version to make MP3s. Or wait for someone else to post MP3s derived from the CD.

Don't transcode these itunes AAC tracks to MP3. :(

09-25-2011, 03:28 AM
I would wait for someone to post a lossless rip of the CD version to make MP3s. Or wait for someone else to post MP3s derived from the CD.

Don't transcode these itunes AAC tracks to MP3. :(
yeah i just did it to have the soundtrack on my mp3 player.
I suppose the flac will have more quality than this AAC.

09-25-2011, 05:45 AM
Thanks a lot! i have been waiting for this soundtrack for since it was announced :P

i hope i dont hijack your post, i just uploaded a mp3 version of your rip, is it ok if i post the link?
That's fine, you can post mp3 mirror if you'd like.

FLAC of course will beat AAC is quality, but I figured this would do until someone else posts lossless.

09-26-2011, 02:58 PM
A couple rips for you to enjoy:

We are ROCK-MEN! (CPCA-10248) - LAME VBR Encode (!_(album)) - Finally got my copy of the album today.

Rockman DASH: The Great 5 Islands Adventure! (Direct cell phone rip) - LAME VBR Encode ( Adventure_(music_rip)) - I am apparently the first American to ever play this game?

I hope linking to TMMN is okay. I rarely post here, it's late in Japan, and I'm too tired to look up the rules right now. Please edit if it's an issue.

Also, I have a couple of doujin albums that just arrived today too, Rocklove 2 and R-cycle. Not sure if they're anything new or special, R-cycle definitely isn't since it's a greatest hits type release. But I may just rip those anyway when I have time.

I know at least KGN-004 has been asking for lossless rips. I tried messing with FLAC but I couldn't make it work. You might have to help me out unless you just want raw waves. You lossless guys are kind of nuts.

09-26-2011, 06:11 PM
Fliggamarole. Thanks. I Love you!

09-27-2011, 12:24 AM
thanks very much.

09-27-2011, 01:57 AM
I know at least KGN-004 has been asking for lossless rips. I tried messing with FLAC but I couldn't make it work. You might have to help me out unless you just want raw waves. You lossless guys are kind of nuts.

Thanks for taking time to do this. :)

1. Download and install Foobar2000 (
2. Download and unzip
3. Open up WAVs in foobar, highlight, right click, converter, FLAC, it'll ask you to point to the flac.exe you just unzipped.

09-27-2011, 01:59 AM
A couple rips for you to enjoy:

We are ROCK-MEN! (CPCA-10248) - LAME VBR Encode (!_(album)) - Finally got my copy of the album today.

Rockman DASH: The Great 5 Islands Adventure! (Direct cell phone rip) - LAME VBR Encode ( Adventure_(music_rip)) - I am apparently the first American to ever play this game?

I hope linking to TMMN is okay. I rarely post here, it's late in Japan, and I'm too tired to look up the rules right now. Please edit if it's an issue.

Also, I have a couple of doujin albums that just arrived today too, Rocklove 2 and R-cycle. Not sure if they're anything new or special, R-cycle definitely isn't since it's a greatest hits type release. But I may just rip those anyway when I have time.

I know at least KGN-004 has been asking for lossless rips. I tried messing with FLAC but I couldn't make it work. You might have to help me out unless you just want raw waves. You lossless guys are kind of nuts.

Thanks Heat Man! You're the man!

09-27-2011, 09:40 AM
Thanks for taking time to do this. :)

1. Download and install Foobar2000 (
2. Download and unzip
3. Open up WAVs in foobar, highlight, right click, converter, FLAC, it'll ask you to point to the flac.exe you just unzipped.

I SWEAR that is the exact thing I tried to do, and Foobar told me it wasn't a valid loader or something. But I will attempt again later tonight.

09-27-2011, 09:57 AM
Fliggamarole, it's nice of you to share lossless with us and it's fine if you follow KGN-004's suggestion on ripping it to FLAC, but would it be too much to ask for an EAC + log + cue rip?

I would gladly guide you through the step by step process, and honestly it's not really all that difficult.

09-27-2011, 01:11 PM
Tonight is Rocklove 2 (CPCD-2011) - LAME VBR encode ( A pretty nice doujin soundtrack if you're into club/electronic. Also some good representation with games, new and old, and only one Rockman 2 track. Rockman 4 is still hugely underrepresented though.

Fliggamarole, it's nice of you to share lossless with us and it's fine if you follow KGN-004's suggestion on ripping it to FLAC, but would it be too much to ask for an EAC + log + cue rip?

I would gladly guide you through the step by step process, and honestly it's not really all that difficult.

You're definitely gonna have to guide me 'cause I don't even know what that is you're asking for.

Rinnegan Tobi
09-27-2011, 06:36 PM
RGMIX -Rockman 5 Arrange Album- - VGMdb (

09-27-2011, 07:19 PM

Rockman Famicom Series Arrange Album ROCKMAN Kai Arrange shitemita!!
CPCA-10221 | Rockman Famicom Series Arrange Album ROCKMAN Kai Arrange... - VGMdb (





09-27-2011, 08:04 PM

09-28-2011, 06:45 AM
You're definitely gonna have to guide me 'cause I don't even know what that is you're asking for.
To avoid this thread getting flooded with a bit of irrelevant information, I sent you a complete tutorial via PM.
If there's anything needs that needs to be clarified just let me know.

And thank you Snkhero for shitemita album.

09-28-2011, 09:01 AM
Rockman Famicom Series Arrange Album ROCKMAN Kai Arrange shitemita!! (

Finally! Thank you for that, snkhero!

And thank you, Milo, for helping Heat with ripping losslessly. I hope he can put up lossless rips of ROCK-MEN (and the Legends cell phone game, too).

09-29-2011, 03:03 AM
wow i didn't know there are so many mega man covers and OST, nice...

10-01-2011, 08:03 PM


So, what's the word on the lossless "We Are Rock-Men" rip?

10-02-2011, 02:12 AM
Looks like it's been ripped: Thread 96387

10-02-2011, 02:21 AM
Looks like it's been ripped: Thread 96387


And here's a re-up of that kai arrange shitemita rip snkhero posted:

(FLAC) Rockman Kai Arrange shitemita!! [CPCA-10221] (

PART 1 (
PART 2 (
PART 3 (

10-02-2011, 05:20 AM
Rocklove 2 (CPCD-2011) - LAME VBR encode (

Thanks. I love the first RockLove CD.

10-04-2011, 05:48 PM










10-04-2011, 08:23 PM

10-14-2011, 02:18 PM
i make some mega man collection basic fan made cd there is 7 different albums but i only takes mega man "rockman" remix songs there enjoy

Download Link (

and password is same as almost always: snkhero

10-14-2011, 09:33 PM
Thanks for sharing the links to those DOEP albums, Snkhero. Too bad 'Flesh And Iron' isn't a free download, tho (or am I missing something?).

10-15-2011, 04:30 PM
Thanks for sharing the links to those DOEP albums, Snkhero. Too bad 'Flesh And Iron' isn't a free download, tho (or am I missing something?).

eh... yeah it's free just type 0 "zero" to prise and you can download it free offcourse you can pay it if you want =)

10-15-2011, 08:23 PM
Oh. Ok. Thanks. lol

10-18-2011, 04:10 AM
i make some mega man collection basic fan made cd there is 7 different albums but i only takes mega man "rockman" remix songs there enjoy

<a rel="nofollow" href="">Download Link</a>

and password is same as almost always: snkhero

First of all, thanks for all this, Snkhero!

But I tried extracting with different programs and they all tell the same story: Some of the files are corrupted. Is it just me?

10-19-2011, 02:50 PM
First of all, thanks for all this, Snkhero!

But I tried extracting with different programs and they all tell the same story: Some of the files are corrupted. Is it just me?

damn ... i upload new version

Download (
and password is same as almost always: snkhero

10-23-2011, 12:08 AM
damn ... i upload new version

<a rel="nofollow" href="">Download</a>
and password is same as almost always: snkhero

Sorry for the inconvenience. It works now, many, many thanks!

Magma Dragoon
11-04-2011, 01:45 PM

I have downloaded the ZXA tunes from the first page, but the music "Destiny" in part 2 is corrupted.

11-04-2011, 06:24 PM







Shadow Vahki II
11-07-2011, 01:37 AM

The links you posted are down.

Reg, the Megaman And Bass GBA link is down.


11-07-2011, 02:20 AM
We are ROCK-MEN!

CPCA-10248 | We are ROCK-MEN! - VGMdb (
We are ROCK-MEN!.zip (

11-28-2011, 09:29 AM
Rockman no Kusuri's 7th track is corrupted.

Thanks for all the music! It's rather amazing there's so much Mega Man/Rockman goodness out there.

12-05-2011, 09:13 AM
Sorry for the late response to this thread.


Rockman World 1~5 Unofficial Soundtrack
Rockman World 1~5 Unofficial Soundtrack.part1.rar (
Rockman World 1~5 Unofficial Soundtrack.part2.rar (

Rockman ZX Advent Soundtrack: ZXA Tunes
Rockman ZX Advent Soundtrack - ZXA TUNES.part1.rar (
Rockman ZX Advent Soundtrack - ZXA TUNES.part2.rar (
Tested it and it extracted all the songs.

Rockman no Kusuri
Rockman no Kusuri.rar (
Tested it and it extracted all the songs.

Mega Man & Bass [GBA]
Mega Man & Bass [GBA].rar (


We are ROCK-MEN!
We are ROCK-MEN!.rar (
Scans included.

12-07-2011, 02:50 PM





Magma Dragoon
12-09-2011, 06:02 PM
Sorry for the late response to this thread.


Rockman World 1~5 Unofficial Soundtrack
Rockman World 1~5 Unofficial Soundtrack.part1.rar (
Rockman World 1~5 Unofficial Soundtrack.part2.rar (

Rockman ZX Advent Soundtrack: ZXA Tunes
Rockman ZX Advent Soundtrack - ZXA TUNES.part1.rar (
Rockman ZX Advent Soundtrack - ZXA TUNES.part2.rar (
Tested it and it extracted all the songs.

Rockman no Kusuri
Rockman no Kusuri.rar (
Tested it and it extracted all the songs.

Mega Man & Bass [GBA]
Mega Man & Bass [GBA].rar (


We are ROCK-MEN!
We are ROCK-MEN!.rar (
Scans included.

Thanks, yo!

12-10-2011, 10:02 PM
This is to me the series that defines the particular awesomeness of video game music, great thread.

12-16-2011, 05:33 AM
Can you please upload the soundtrack to the 8-bit version of Mega Man 7?

12-22-2011, 12:59 AM
Does anyone have the new X Hunters The Rise of Sigma disc???

12-27-2011, 10:20 AM
Can someone please re-upload the following?

Rockman 3 Complete Works
Rockman 3 Complete Works.rar (

Rockman 4 Complete Works
Rockman 4 Complete Works.rar (

Rockman 5 Complete Works
Rockman 5 Complete Works.rar (

Rockman 6 Complete Works
Rockman 6 Complete Works.rar (

01-21-2012, 01:30 PM
thanx for this megapost !!! :P

02-07-2012, 10:10 PM
is there eny news for new megaman "all series" soundtrack comings??.... remix or officials

02-14-2012, 02:45 PM







02-29-2012, 01:55 PM











03-06-2012, 08:44 PM
In case you guys haven't heard yet, this is releasing soon over at OCR.

Mega Man X: Maverick Rising, An OC ReMix Album (Trailer) - YouTube (!

03-15-2012, 04:20 PM
The "Mega Man X: Maverick Rising" OCR fan album has been released.

Maverick Rising | An OverClocked ReMix Album Project | Track List (

03-20-2012, 01:23 AM
Sorry for not posting in a long while but my MF account is dead and with it, my spirit for posting music. It's been a fun ride but from here on out, you'll have to search elsewhere for you Mega Man VGM fix. Mods, you can lock this thread.

Simon B
03-20-2012, 01:49 AM

03-20-2012, 02:02 AM
Aw, that sucks Reg. Thanks for everything and sharing some extremely rare albums. Much appreciated.

Thanks for the notification on the OCRemix, KGN.

03-20-2012, 05:16 AM
thank you, it was a nice ride
thank you o>

03-20-2012, 05:57 AM
Thank you for all your efforts here, Reg. :)

03-20-2012, 08:47 PM
always good to come to an end

03-20-2012, 10:17 PM
Capcom pretty much killed megaman.

03-20-2012, 10:42 PM
Maybe some of us could preserve this thread, don't you think? We could use it as a guide on sountracks and keep sharing on it as the 'main' Megaman music thread.